#winter solstice tarot
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New Moon in Capricorn & Winter Solstice Ritual✨
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runesandbone · 1 year
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I updated my Yule tarot spread from last year. Feel free to tag me if you use this spread!
1. What needs my attention the most in the coming year?
2. What has pushed you forward this year?
3. What has held you back this year?
4. What gifts do you carry?
5. How can you best use those gifts?
6. A message of guidance from your deities/ancestors.
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heartnosekid · 5 months
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spirits of past, present, & future divination spread for the winter solstice 🎄 by mariathearcane on ig
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moonkissedmeli · 5 months
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motherlymagick · 5 months
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nothanks98765 · 5 months
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Hello my angels, are you having a happy winter?
One of my favorite times of the year. It has the potential for deep learning if we can navigate ourselves through the cold and the dark.
I’m offering free tarot readings until the winter solstice. DM me your question or topic of concern. My only ask is to take this winter season into deep consideration. ❄️🛷🌨️⛸️
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houndofchivalry · 5 months
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Hi friends! It's that time of year. If you're interested in a tarot reading for the upcoming season or upcoming 2024, shoot me a message here or hit me up on discord! I did these little mockups of the types of readings I like to offer, aren't they cute?!
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queengwenevere · 5 months
Happy solstice!
A little flaming art for the occasion! (Five of wands from the Chromatic Fates tarot, and Knight of Wands from the 78 Tarot Animal Deck)
Psst, there’s details and process sketches and stuff for the Five of Wands on my Patreon, for those who may be interested in that sort of thing: https://www.patreon.com/QueenGwenevere
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Winter Solstice Tarot Spread
Happy solstice, everyone! Both for the winter and summer, for those of you in the southern hemisphere. I hope y'all have a great time celebrating today & I wanted to thank everyone that has followed me recently. It means a lot!
Here's the winter solstice spread for 2022. It's based off of a spread I created many moons ago, revamped and updated.
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As always, feel free to share your cards pulled with me! I love seeing 'em. If you don't want a message from your ancestors, you can replace it with a deity, daemon, your guides, etc. I like to do a rune with each card placement, as well as utilize some of my oracle decks for the hell of it.
That being said, what's everyone doing for the solstice? I'll be doing a ritual later, but this morning I'm brewing up some tea for a potion I've done for several years. If I have everything I need, I may have the time to get crafty with what I'm thinking could be a winter solstice witches ladder to take out annually...but I'm not too sure how it will turn out yet or what the plan is. We shall see.
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queerofthewoods · 1 year
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yule supplies and later, an altar
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Blessed yule
Ig: alexandraadavies1996
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manifestdestinytarot · 5 months
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winter solstice ritual ✨
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groundedgreenwitch · 5 months
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i decided that i wanted to envision what my ideal 2024 looked like, then use that list to compile my wishes for the twelve magical nights ritual.
i felt drawn to pull a card to get some insight into the task ahead of me, and i was so shocked by what i saw…
good luck charm (a.k.a. wheel of fortune)
deck: cozy witch tarot
this year has been so wonderful and taught me so much. i hope i can put those lessons to good use in 2024 🤍
if you want to share what you’re wishing for or manifesting in the new year, i’d love to hear! if you want to keep it close to your heart, i understand all the same. regardless, i wish you the best in all your endeavors~
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worm-dark · 5 months
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A cozy FIRST OF WINTER to you all ⛄️
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eye-of-the-cyclops · 1 year
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PAC: Surviving the Dark Half of the Year
It seems like everyone is exhausted and struggling to get by. If you miss the sun and dread the cold this PAC is for you. This reading will give you an idea of what life will look like for you until the winter solstice. (December 21) The winter solstice is one of my favourite days of the year because it means the days are finally going to start getting longer and spring is on its way. This time of year can be very gloomy and difficult so my hope is that this PAC will help you make the most of it.   
These readings deal with some heavy topics and they came out very specific again. 
Take a couple of breaths and choose whichever picture you feel most drawn to. Maybe not all of the reading will resonate with you and that’s fine just take what does and leave the rest. 
Pile 1- Ugh Feelings
What is draining your energy?
So, there’s an old relationship and you just cannot seem to shake the feelings that you have for this person. Its someone who you want to let go of, someone you want to move on from. You don’t enjoy these lingering feelings. This person was not good to you and this relationship has caused you a lot of pain and grief. You’re trying to move on by meeting other people but these people who are interested in you... nope they ain’t it. You just aren’t feeling them. I think this is partly to do with the fact that they are most likely sleezebags but its more than that. You’re trying to be interested in them but you can’t commit yourself to it because its all an act. Your flirting has got no heart! You can’t get this old lover off your mind! This balancing act that you’re trying to maintain, this façade you put up to seem interested is tiring you out. You can’t keep lying to yourself about your lingering feelings. So stop lying to yourself!! It’s okay to find it difficult to move on, give yourself permission to feel your feelings. And stop wasting your time and energy hanging out with these shitheads that you don’t even like and who definitely don’t give a damn about you.      
How can you ground yourself?
I think you’ve been a bit passive in trying to get over this person. Just kinda hoping that you’ll meet someone else who makes you forget about this old lover. Well I’m here to tell you that’s not happening you’re not going to meet anyone like that so stop daydreaming. Definitely stop looking at every single love-related PAC you see. You need to decide that you are going to move on. I think you’ve had a lot of people telling you that you weren’t treated right and that you deserve better. Well they’re right. But have you actually done any self-reflecting on why you thought this treatment was okay? Why did you think it was okay that this lover demeaned you? Didn’t respect you? Critical thinking is deadly poison to old feelings about a nasty ex. You need to examine your underlying relationship patterns and take a step back from meeting new people. I bet you didn’t like that news right? Well here’s the good news! Take this time to check back in with your own pleasure. Embrace yourself and whatever makes you feel good. I think this could be a good move for you, definitely will lead to you becoming more in tune with your body, could lead to new discoveries. Prioritize yourself and doing things that bring you joy. Maybe devote one of your days off to doing a hobby. Eat some decadent food and then have dessert too. Rearrange a room to bring in new energy. As long as it brings you joy!   
What brings you energy?
You have a really good group of friends and I get the feeling that you’re a very closely knit bunch. Being around these people that you love and who love you in return energizes you. Maybe this old relationship took a lot of your time and you couldn’t spend as much time with them as you had in the past. Good thing that dead weight is gone! Go gossip! Although you love your friends you also spend a lot of time daydreaming. This is good and it’s important for your well being. (Major water sign energy) Make sure you try to keep a balance between these two aspects of yourself. Also don’t try to lose your sadness and feelings by overconsuming substances. It’s fine if your head is in the clouds as long as you have one foot on the ground.   
Pile 2- Is that the Earth rumbling and shaking?? Nope its your life!
What is draining your energy?
You are struggling to connect with your creative energy and this worries you very much because this is not a problem that you have really had before. There is a creative project you may have spearheaded in the recent past whether at school, work or as a hobby, maybe at some kind of non-profit organization you volunteer at. You put a lot of faith and work and love into this project and unfortunately it was a complete bust. This failure is haunting you and you can’t stop thinking about it. You can’t stop looking back and thinking about what you should have done differently. You feel quite defeated and ashamed of yourself. I think you were hoping that this project would do a lot of good and you had some very high hopes riding on it. This is a difficult thing to move past but you need to accept your failure but don’t accept defeat. A mistake is only truly a mistake if you don’t learn from it. There is a lesson here that you need to learn. Once you have figured out what this lesson is you need to come to terms with it and integrate it into your life. This is not a shameful process it is a human process, we all make mistakes as we go through life. Embrace this as an opportunity to learn to make the most out of this transit in your life.   
How can you ground yourself?
There are going to be a lot of changes for you coming up. And trust me I don’t mean little changes like trying oat milk in your coffee for the first time. You need to embrace these changes as they come your way. If you try to cling to your old life you will make things 110% more difficult for yourself. Prepare for old ways of being to leave. People may leave, old goals may become stale, I think you will find that some areas of your life ring hollow when they once made music. I know that this is easier said than done but please try not to overthink things too much. With all that is going on your thinking will be weighed done by all the anxiety and pressure of change. This is a time where you need to have some blind faith that you will pull through alright. Although you are struggling to connect with your creativity and passion right now, rest assured it has not gone anywhere. It hasn’t fled to the farthest corners of the Earth. Its right there with you, as it always has been and always will be. Your connection with your creativity has become strained but that is because you are undergoing a metamorphosis. When the time is right you will reconnect with your creativity and I think you will be amazed at how much stronger and truer is it. This is not something you can rush or force. Have faith.   
What brings you energy?
Given all the changes coming your way you are going to find yourself challenged in ways you haven’t been before. You are such a go-getter and a visionary that you are the type who always has a plan. You always know what your next move will be. During this transit you won’t have that crystal clear vision and plan. With so many things in motion the future is going to be cloudy and uncertain. Self-doubt will be your worst enemy during this time. You are a very resourceful person with great reserves of strength to draw on. Keep on working, keep on building for the future. You won’t see any immediate payoffs but have faith that your efforts are building up. Embrace the changes as they come, let go of what no longer fits, and remember your own inner strength. Your best ally is yourself.   
Pile 3- Time for Honesty and Healing
What is draining your energy?
There is a new love interest in your life. You like this person and have a good connection with them. They may be your right person wrong time. You have been very badly hurt by past relationships and this has left you with scars. You are scared to let down your defenses around this new love interest. Your unhealed wounds have you constantly wavering between fight and flight whenever they try to get close. You like them but you can’t find it in yourself to trust them. You may become defensive or cold towards them when they are sweet to you, kindness feel foreign when coming from a love interest. This isn’t because they are bad people by any means, I think that they genuinely do care for you. Its just that they bring up past pain. This isn’t a shortcoming on your part and nor is it their fault. Its simply the way it is, there is no blame to assign. You need to admit to yourself that you aren’t in the right place right now to be involved with someone. You subconsciously want to be alone but you are trying to force this relationship to work. There is no shame in taking a step back. Be honest with yourself about what you need at this time. Although you care for this person you are not obligated to be in a relationship with them. Be honest with your love interest about your feelings and why you can’t be with them right now. Give as much or as little detail as you are comfortable with. You aren’t obligated to keep in touch with them or promise that you will get together in the future. Right now you need to decide that you are going to listen to yourself, that you are going to take care of yourself and do what your gut is telling you to do. This isn’t selfish. Its essential.        
How can you ground yourself?
Self-reflection is something that makes you uncomfortable because you are carrying around so much pain. Its okay to be anxious and scared. You also don’t need to work through everything all at once. There is no deadline, no time limit and no mandates for how you should heal. I think alone time will be very beneficial for you at this time. I can also see journaling being a really big tool for your healing. You need to reconnect with yourself. There is so much more to you than just the pain that you have suffered. Take time to rediscover just how powerful you are. You have been belittling yourself for far too long. Give yourself the grace of taking up space with your presence. Meditating can also be a good tool for you to utilize. If you have been considering therapy and have the means to access it, you could look into your options to see if that is something that could help you. These are all just suggestions and everyone has their own healing path to follow. The most important thing is to simply start. Even if you cannot physically bring yourself to do anything yet, simply making the mental note that you want to do something is enough. This isn’t a journey that you can force or rush. Go at your own speed. Try to align your actions and thoughts with what feels right in your heart.    
What brings you energy?
This reading has likely left you a little bit overwhelmed and I don’t blame you, there’s a lot going on here. The idea of confronting your demons can be scary. But also ignoring them won’t make them go away. Keep in mind how light you will feel once you integrate and honor your pain. You devote so much energy to keeping the pain in check. It takes energy to pretend that you aren’t hurt, to always be scared of showing the world your true self. It takes so much out of you, maintaining the walls that you have built to keep yourself from being hurt again. These walls keep you from truly connecting with other people. It is possible to move through this pain and emerge out the other side. Imagine how it will feel. To not have this crushing pain and fear all the time. Imagine how it will feel to breathe deeply and feel space and love in your heart. You deserve this freedom and ease and love. It is time to stop punishing yourself and to stop living for others. This is a big journey to undertake but I have faith that you can do it. You are such a kind person, you don’t hesitate to help others because you don’t want them to ever feel the way you felt. This kindness is admirable but to be quite frank not everyone deserves it. And the person who most deserves your kindness right now is yourself.    
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we are currently in winter 2023, there is a message for you. YOU have the choice between these 2 photos
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choice 1 (top) with the animal oracle, we have the fox immobile in the snow. The theme is winter guidance, I am the fox, I am here to help you make a decision, I help you see several aspects of your problem, I am associated with reflection and introspection, I help you take action. a single card with the oracle of the woman's circles: Accept: learn to accept what is without resigning yourself
With the oracle of energies, we have the 2nd chakra the archangel Ariel, we are talking to you about a new energy, a healing, the beginning of something, but it is the sentimental domain that dominates because we are heartbroken reversed, we stopped crying for someone or something, we accepted and we are ready to leave and open up to transformation during this winter of 2023 with the last card to leave
with the golden tarot cards: we start with the queen of coins, we are in the material, we work on our emotions from the past or from a form of nostalgia, it was better before which can prevent you from working on your present and future with the queen of cups, we put words on our emotions, behaviors, we manage to channel our emotions, to activate changes to achieve changes and objectives.
well done
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choice 2: we start with the oracle of the animals, you fell on the animal ram: where are you in your projects? do you put all your energy to move forward? I am here to put an end to your procrastination, with constancy and perseverance I will help you achieve your projects. I am synonymous with creativity, innovation and spring
with the oracle of the circle of women: intuition: listen to your soul you already have the answer.
with the oracle of energies: we have the thoughtful woman, we have resumed our studies, or do a training, we reflect on several options, we are ready for this transformation, we verbalize our thoughts, the ideas, the thoughts no longer remain in the mind, they are at the level of the throat, we share our ideas, our desires, we communicate it with the 5th chakra, archangel gabriel, we begin to open up to believe in our project, desire, idea, faith is back with the door to love (I feel the professional field more) it's living from passion here maybe?!
we continue with the golden tarot; we are not kidding here on the 6 cards we have 6 major arcana here: we start with the card of the moon, hope, dreams here always the mind in the imagination, we have the pope wisdom but also knowledge, the old practice I hear that are still current because always present always stable, we have the cart, we move forward in our project on our life path, we use our sword to guide us and move forward through our fears and our doubts but also move forward with our perseverance, we have an awareness here with the judgment, something from our past comes back we have to cut out some things to achieve mental balance with justice, and we end with the sun a success, the light, the novelty on the back deck we got 9 deniers (a wish that comes true here with the king of deniers) we put a lot of energy here and we reap well done
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