#winter scenarios
herrscherofinsanity · 1 month
Bound by Darkness
Minjeong's journey to insanity with her loyal companion Venom.
Fluff and angst? Maybe.
Kim Minjeong (Winter) x fem!reader
Word count: 5.3k
Of course I had to bring Spider!Jimin into this.
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The night hung heavy over the city of Seoul, casting long shadows that seemed to dance in the flickering light of the streetlamps. In the heart of the bustling metropolis, Kim Minjeong walked alone, her thoughts a tangled web of worries and fears.
Lost in her own world, Minjeong barely noticed the eerie silence that had fallen over the streets, the usual cacophony of sound replaced by an oppressive stillness that sent shivers down her spine. It was then that she saw it—a strange, pulsating light emanating from a darkened alleyway, beckoning her closer with an otherworldly allure.
Curiosity piqued, Minjeong approached cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest as she stepped into the shadows. And there, amidst the darkness, she found it—a creature unlike anything she had ever seen before.
It was black as night, its form shifting and undulating like liquid darkness given shape. And as Minjeong gazed into its glowing crimson eyes, she felt a chill run down her spine—a primal fear that threatened to consume her from within.
But as the creature drew closer, something inside Minjeong stirred—a flicker of defiance that refused to be extinguished. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the tremor in her hands.
The creature regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and amusement, its voice echoing in her mind like a whisper on the wind. "I am Venom," it replied, its tone dripping with malice and mischief. "And you, Kim Minjeong, are the one I have been searching for."
As the weight of its words settled over her, Minjeong felt a surge of power coursing through her veins—a power unlike anything she had ever known. And in that moment, she knew that her life would never be the same again.
As Minjeong stumbled through the door of her apartment, her heart pounding in her chest, she knew that nothing would ever be the same again. The encounter with Venom had left her shaken and disoriented, her mind reeling with a thousand questions and fears.
But as she tried to catch her breath and steady her trembling hands, Minjeong felt a strange sensation coursing through her veins—a sensation unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It was as if something was stirring inside her, something dark and primal, waiting to be unleashed.
With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Minjeong realized that she was not alone. The symbiote that had bonded with her in the alleyway was still with her, its presence looming over her like a shadow in the darkness.
"Venom, what have you done to me?" Minjeong whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. But there was no reply, only the eerie silence of the empty apartment.
As Minjeong stumbled towards the bathroom, her reflection in the mirror seemed to blur and distort before her eyes. With a gasp of horror, she watched as tendrils of blackness snaked their way across her skin, wrapping her in a suffocating embrace.
"No, this can't be happening," Minjeong cried, her voice tinged with panic. But the symbiote's hold on her was relentless, its dark influence seeping into every corner of her mind.
With a desperate surge of strength, Minjeong fought against the symbiote's control, struggling to regain her sense of self. But the more she resisted, the stronger the symbiote's grip became, threatening to consume her from within.
In that moment of desperation, Minjeong realized that she was facing a battle unlike anything she had ever known—a battle for control of her own body and soul.
Alone in her apartment, Minjeong sat huddled on the floor, her back pressed against the cold concrete wall. Every breath felt like a struggle, the weight of Venom's presence pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. She shivered, not from the chill in the air, but from the fear that gripped her heart like a vice.
Her hands trembled as she reached out to touch the symbiote, its inky black tendrils writhing and pulsating in response to her touch. "Please, Venom," she whispered, her voice barely a whisper in the darkness. "I can't... I can't do this alone."
But there was no response, no comforting words of reassurance or solace. Only silence, broken only by the sound of Minjeong's ragged breathing and the pounding of her own heart. She felt like she was drowning, suffocating beneath the weight of Venom's influence, the darkness threatening to consume her from within.
Desperation clawed at her chest as she struggled to maintain her grip on reality, to hold onto the fragments of herself that threatened to slip away like grains of sand through her fingers. But no matter how hard she fought, she could feel herself slipping further and further into the abyss, the darkness closing in around her like a living, breathing entity.
Maybe if I just close my eyes for a second, I’ll feel better…
As Minjeong drifted into a fitful slumber, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and doubt, she was suddenly jolted awake by the cacophony of the city—the blaring horns of passing cars, the distant hum of traffic, the rush of wind against her skin.
Blinking blearily, Minjeong found herself sprawled atop a towering skyscraper, the cold steel beneath her fingers sending a shiver down her spine. As she struggled to make sense of her surroundings, her eyes fell upon her reflection in the shimmering glass of the building's facade.
And there, staring back at her, was a sight that took her breath away—a sleek, black suit that clung to her form like a second skin, its surface pulsating with an otherworldly energy that seemed to hum with life.
"What... what is this?" Minjeong murmured aloud, her voice barely above a whisper as she reached out to touch the inky black material, her fingers trembling with a mixture of fear and awe.
But before she could ponder the question further, Venom's voice echoed in her mind, his presence a comforting presence in the darkness. "This is who you are now, Minjeong," the symbiote assured her, its tone laced with a mixture of pride and anticipation. "Embrace it."
Minjeong's brow furrowed in confusion, her skepticism warring with her curiosity as she struggled to come to terms with her newfound identity. But as she felt the power coursing through her veins, the exhilaration of possibility coursing through her like wildfire, she knew that she couldn't resist the call of destiny.
With a newfound sense of determination, Minjeong rose to her feet, her eyes alight with a fierce determination as she prepared to test the limits of her newfound powers; so she leaped from the rooftop into the darkness below.
With a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, Minjeong embraced the exhilarating rush of freedom that came with her newfound abilities. As she soared through the night sky, her senses heightened and her movements fluid and effortless, she felt a sense of liberation unlike anything she had ever experienced before.
With each leap and bound, she pushed herself to the limit, testing the boundaries of her newfound strength and agility. She scaled buildings with ease, her fingers finding purchase on even the most precarious ledges. She swung effortlessly from one rooftop to the next, the wind whipping through her hair as she danced through the darkness with grace and precision.
But it wasn't just her physical abilities that had been enhanced—it was her senses, too. She could hear the faintest whispers of conversation from blocks away, could see with crystal clarity even in the darkest corners of the city. And with each passing moment, she felt herself growing more attuned to the ebb and flow of the world around her, as if she were a part of something greater than herself.
As she landed gracefully on the edge of a towering skyscraper, Minjeong couldn't help but marvel at the vast expanse of the city spread out before her—a sprawling metropolis teeming with life and possibility.
It was all exciting, almost too exciting. Minjeong wanted—needed to see what else she was capable of, she needed to test her limits, use her powers to the fullest; and so, when she heard screaming from across the city, she knew exactly what to do.
With a smirk on her face, Minjeong made her way to her target.
So hungry…
What her new partner failed to mention was just how hungry she would be now, all thanks to him. Minjeong cursed Venom internally as she made her way to the kitchen.
As Minjeong rummaged through the cabinets in search of something to satisfy her newfound appetite, she couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance at Venom's silence. "You could at least give me a heads up about this hunger thing," she muttered under her breath, her frustration mounting with each passing moment.
But to her surprise, Venom's response was swift—and unexpected. "I'm sorry, Minjeong," the symbiote chimed in, his voice echoing in her mind with a hint of contrition. "I didn't realize you would be affected like this. I'm still getting used to this whole... human thing."
Minjeong couldn't help but chuckle at Venom's admission, a sense of camaraderie blossoming between them despite the strangeness of their bond. "Well, you better get used to it fast," she teased, her lips quirking into a playful smile. "Otherwise, I might have to find myself a new partner."
Venom's response was immediate—a playful growl that reverberated through Minjeong's mind like a distant thunderstorm. "Don't even think about it, Minjeong," the symbiote warned, his tone teasing and light-hearted. "You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not."
And as Minjeong chuckled softly to herself, the tension that had hung between them dissipating like mist in the morning sun, she knew that despite the challenges that lay ahead, she wouldn't have it any other way.
For in Venom, she had found not just a partner, but a friend—a companion to share in the trials and triumphs of her newfound life.
As Minjeong's bond with Venom deepened, so too did her descent into darkness. No longer content to tread the line between hero and villain, she embraced her newfound power with reckless abandon, heedless of the consequences of her actions.
One night, as she prowled the streets of Seoul in search of justice, she encountered a group of criminals preying on innocent civilians. Without hesitation, she unleashed the full force of Venom's power, striking fear into the hearts of the criminals and leaving them in a state of shock.
But as Minjeong stood victorious amidst the chaos, a sense of unease settled over her—a nagging doubt that gnawed at her conscience like a relentless beast. Was this truly the path she wanted to walk? To be feared rather than admired, to embrace the darkness rather than the light?
With a heavy heart, Minjeong turned and made her way back to her apartment, the weight of her actions bearing down on her like a crushing burden. But even as she struggled to reconcile the darkness within her, she clung to the hope that with Venom by her side, she could find a way to harness its power for good.
One day, Minjeong's solitary existence was interrupted by an unexpected visitor—y/n, her ex-girlfriend, accompanied by their beloved dog, Lennon. As y/n entered the apartment, a sense of unease settled over her, a gut feeling that something was amiss.
"Minjeong," y/n greeted her, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I... I brought Lennon. I thought you might want to see him."
Minjeong's gaze flickered to the dog, a pang of longing tugging at her heartstrings. Despite everything, the sight of their furry companion brought a flicker of warmth to her cold, hardened heart.
But before Minjeong could respond, Jimin, who had accompanied y/n, spoke up, her voice filled with concern. "There's something different about you, Minjeong," she observed, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Something’s... off."
Minjeong's blood ran cold at Jimin's words, a sense of dread settling over her like a suffocating blanket. She knew she had to tread carefully—after all, she couldn't afford to let anyone discover the truth about her symbiotic bond with Venom.
With a forced smile, Minjeong brushed off Jimin's concerns, masking her inner turmoil with false bravado. "You worry too much, Jimin," she replied, her voice tinged with false cheer. "I'm fine, really."
But even as she spoke the words, Minjeong couldn't shake the feeling that her carefully constructed facade was beginning to crumble, revealing the darkness that lurked beneath.
(“There’s something seriously wrong with that girl, y/n…”
“Trust me, Jimin, I’m well aware”)
As y/n and Jimin departed, leaving Minjeong alone with Venom and their faithful canine companion, Lennon, a heavy silence settled over the apartment. Minjeong could feel Venom's inquisitive gaze boring into her, the symbiote's curiosity piqued by the unexpected visitors.
"So, who were those girls?" Venom's voice echoed in Minjeong's mind, its tone laced with curiosity and intrigue.
Minjeong sighed, a pang of regret tugging at her heart as she thought of y/n and the life they had once shared together. "y/n is my ex-girlfriend," she admitted, her voice tinged with sorrow. "And Jimin is her best friend." At least I’m hoping they’re just friends…
Venom's response was unexpected—a low, rumbling chuckle that reverberated through Minjeong's mind like distant thunder. "Ah, I see," the symbiote mused, its tone lighthearted despite the dark mood that hung over the apartment. "A tale as old as time, perhaps? Love lost, regrets abound…"
Minjeong couldn't help but smile at Venom's attempt at humor, a flicker of warmth spreading through her despite the darkness that threatened to consume her. "Something like that," she conceded, her voice tinged with wistful nostalgia. "I… I regret breaking up with her, you know? She was… she is special."
Venom's response was surprisingly tender—a gentle caress of darkness that enveloped Minjeong in a comforting embrace. "You are special too, Minjeong," the symbiote assured her, its voice filled with warmth and compassion. "And you are not alone. We will find a way through this, together."
As the night wore on and the apartment grew quiet, Minjeong found herself drawn to a familiar sight—a framed photograph of her and y/n, captured in a moment of happiness and love. With a heavy heart, she reached out to trace the contours of their smiling faces, her mind flooded with memories of the time they had spent together.
Beside her, Venom stirred, his curiosity piqued by the sight of the photograph. "Tell me more about her, Minjeong," the symbiote urged, his voice a low whisper in the darkness. "About y/n. What was she like?"
Minjeong sighed, her gaze lingering on the photograph as she struggled to find the words to describe the girl who still held her heart. "y/n... she was kind, and caring," she began, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "She had this way of making me feel... alive, you know? Like I could be myself around her."
Venom listened intently, his presence a comforting presence in the darkness as Minjeong poured out her heart. And then, unexpectedly, he spoke again—a suggestion that caught Minjeong off guard.
"You should try to win her back, Minjeong," Venom urged, his tone surprisingly earnest. "Life is too short for regrets. You deserve to be happy."
Minjeong considered Venom's words, a flicker of hope stirring within her chest. Could it be possible? Could she find a way to mend the broken pieces of her heart and reclaim the love she had lost?
Before she could ponder the question further, a soft whimper broke the silence, drawing Minjeong's attention to the door where Lennon stood, his eyes filled with longing. With a heavy heart, Minjeong opened the door, allowing the dog to enter the room and curl up at her feet.
But as she watched Lennon settle in for the night, a sudden chill ran down Minjeong's spine—a sense of unease settling over her like a suffocating shroud. For as much as she had grown to care for the loyal creature, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.
And then, to her horror, Venom spoke again.
"Can I eat the dog, Minjeong?"
Minjeong's eyes widened in disbelief, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to comprehend what she had just heard. "What?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "No, Venom. Absolutely not."
As the city slept, Minjeong found herself drawn once again to the call of the night—the irresistible urge to don the mantle of the vigilante, to seek out justice in the shadows where darkness lurked. With Venom by her side, she prowled the streets of Seoul, her senses heightened and her instincts sharpened by the symbiote's presence.
But as the night wore on and the hour grew late, Minjeong's solitary vigil was interrupted by an unexpected encounter—a figure clad in red and blue, swinging through the darkness with an agility and grace that seemed almost otherworldly.
For a moment, Minjeong hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest as she faced off against the legendary hero. But as Spiderwoman drew nearer, her eyes narrowed with suspicion, Minjeong knew that she had no choice but to stand her ground.
"Who... or what are you?" Spiderwoman demanded, her voice echoing in the stillness of the night.
Minjeong's gaze hardened, her companion remained silent, his presence a reassuring presence in the darkness. "My name is Venom," she replied, her voice steady despite the tremor of uncertainty that raced through her veins. "And I'm here to protect this city."
Spiderwoman's expression darkened at Minjeong's words, her senses tingling with a sense of foreboding. "Venom," she repeated, her voice laced with skepticism. "I've heard stories about you. You're not exactly... friendly."
Minjeong bristled at Spiderwoman's accusation, her pride wounded by the hero's insinuation. "I'm not the enemy here," she insisted, her voice tinged with defiance. "I'm just trying to make a difference, in my own way."
But even as she spoke the words, Minjeong couldn't shake the feeling that Spiderwoman was right—that perhaps, in her quest for justice, she had become the very thing she had sworn to fight against.
And as the two adversaries stood locked in a tense standoff, the darkness of the night closing in around them, Minjeong knew that their paths were destined to cross again—and that when they did, the stakes would be higher than ever before.
As the time came for Minjeong to return the faithful canine companion, Lennon, to y/n, she couldn't help but feel a nervous flutter in her stomach. Dressed in the tightest dress she could find, she made her way to y/n's apartment, her mind racing with a thousand thoughts and emotions.
Knocking on the door, Minjeong waited anxiously, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to face the girl she had once loved with all her heart; when the door finally swung open, revealing y/n's familiar face, Minjeong's breath caught in her throat.
"Hey," y/n greeted her, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she glanced down at the dog at Minjeong's side. "You brought Lennon back?"
Minjeong nodded, her gaze meeting y/n's as she summoned the courage to speak. "Yeah, I thought it was about time," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper as she fought to keep her emotions in check.
But as she looked into y/n's eyes, Minjeong couldn't help but feel a surge of longing wash over her—a longing to reach out and take y/n in her arms, to hold her close and never let her go.
And so, emboldened by the warmth of y/n's presence, Minjeong took a step forward, her heart racing as she prepared to lay her feelings bare. "y/n, I... I've missed you," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion. "I know things haven't been easy between us, but... but I still care about you, more than anything."
y/n's expression softened at Minjeong's words, a flicker of warmth sparking in her eyes as she met Minjeong's gaze. "I've missed you too," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But... but things are different now, Minjeong. We can't just pick up where we left off."
Minjeong felt a pang of sadness at y/n's words, a sense of loss threatening to overwhelm her as she struggled to come to terms with the reality of their situation. But even as her heart ached with longing, she knew that she couldn't give up—not without a fight.
And so, with a determined glint in her eye, Minjeong leaned in closer, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to make one last desperate attempt to win y/n back.
But just as she was about to speak, the door swung open behind y/n, revealing Jimin standing in the doorway, her eyes wide with surprise as she took in the scene before her.
Ugh, Jimin…
"Uh, am I interrupting something?" Jimin asked, her voice tinged with confusion as she glanced between Minjeong and y/n.
Minjeong felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment at being caught in such a vulnerable moment, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to find the words to explain herself.
But before she could speak, y/n stepped forward, a gentle smile playing on her lips as she addressed Jimin. "No, not at all," she assured the newcomer, her voice warm. "Minjeong was just returning Lennon."
And as Minjeong watched y/n and Jimin exchange a knowing glance, a sense of unease blossomed in her heart. There really was no way that there was more to Jimin and y/n’s relationship. Right?
(“Oooh you were cock-blocked by none other than your love rival”
“Shut up, Venom”)
The inevitable happened, sooner than it was expected.
High above the bustling streets of Seoul, two figures stood locked in a fierce battle—one cloaked in shadows, the other adorned in red and blue.
Spiderwoman, her eyes narrowed with determination, leapt into action, her web-shooters firing with precision as she swung through the darkness with the grace and agility of a seasoned warrior. And standing before her, a dark silhouette against the backdrop of the night sky, was Venom—a fearsome presence, her every movement fueled by a hunger for power and dominance.
With a roar of fury, Venom lunged forward, her claws extended and her teeth bared in a primal snarl as she sought to overwhelm her adversary with sheer brute force. But Spiderwoman was no stranger to combat, her reflexes honed through years of training and experience, and she met Venom's onslaught with a ferocity of her own.
Blows were exchanged with lightning speed, the sound of fists meeting flesh echoing through the night as the two combatants danced a deadly dance of death and destruction. Venom's symbiote writhed and twisted, its tendrils lashing out with deadly precision, while Spiderwoman's webbing ensnared her opponent with unyielding strength and tenacity.
For what felt like an eternity, the battle raged on—a symphony of violence and chaos that threatened to tear the very fabric of reality asunder. And as the dust settled and the echoes of their clash faded into the night, both Venom and Spiderwoman found themselves battered and bruised, their bodies battered but their spirits unbroken.
With a weary sigh, Venom retreated into the darkness, her wounds a painful reminder of the price of victory. And as Spiderwoman watched her vanishing form with a mixture of exhaustion and relief, she knew that their conflict was far from over—that their destinies were intertwined in ways that neither of them could fully comprehend.
Minjeong’s head was spinning. The unexpected encounter she had with Spiderwoman left her seeing stars, her mind felt like a whirlwind, the only thing she could fully focus on happened to be her ex girlfriend.
“y/n…” Minjeong growled, “I need y/n”.
Minjeong's pulse raced as she navigated the labyrinthine streets of Seoul, her thoughts consumed by the singular desire burning within her—to be reunited with y/n, the one person who had ever truly mattered to her.
With each step, the distance between them grew smaller, until at last, Minjeong found herself standing outside y/n's apartment building, her heart pounding in her chest as she hesitated at the threshold.
Summoning every ounce of courage she possessed, Minjeong pushed open the door and stepped into the dimly lit hallway, the scent of y/n's perfume lingering in the air like a tantalizing promise.
"y/n..." Minjeong whispered, her voice barely above a murmur as she made her way up the stairs, her footsteps echoing in the silence of the night. "I need y/n."
And as she reached the familiar door at the end of the hall, Minjeong's resolve solidified, her determination unshakable as she raised her hand to knock.
But before she could make contact, the door swung open, revealing y/n standing before her—a vision of beauty and grace, her eyes alight with an intensity that matched Minjeong's own.
"Minjeong..." y/n breathed, her voice barely above a whisper as she took in the sight of her former lover standing before her. "What are you doing here?"
Minjeong's heart soared at the sound of y/n's voice, her resolve strengthened by the warmth of y/n's presence. "I needed to see you," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion. "I couldn't stay away any longer."
And as she reached out to touch y/n's face, her fingers trembling with longing, she felt a surge of electricity pass between them—a connection that transcended time and space, binding them together in a love that was as powerful as it was undeniable.
Lucky for Minjeong, y/n's eyes sparkled with the same desire, her lips curling into a knowing smile as she closed the distance between them, her arms wrapping around Minjeong in a tender embrace.
"I've missed you," y/n whispered, her voice filled with longing as she pressed her lips to Minjeong's, sealing their reunion with a kiss that spoke of promises yet to be fulfilled.
Their lips met in a fervent embrace, their kiss a symphony of longing and desire—a testament to the unspoken yearning that had lingered between them for far too long. Their bodies pressed together in a fervent embrace, the heat of their passion igniting like wildfire, Minjeong felt herself consumed by a hunger unlike anything she had ever known.
With a primal growl, Minjeong's hands roamed over y/n's body, her touch possessive and demanding as she sought to claim her lover as her own; y/n responded in kind, her own hands tracing patterns of fire across Minjeong's skin, their connection deepened—a bond forged in the crucible of desire and longing.
Their movements were rough, urgent, fueled by a need that transcended mere physicality. And as they surrendered to the intoxicating rhythm of their desire, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace, they lost themselves in the ecstasy of the moment—a moment that seemed to stretch on for eternity, yet was over all too soon.
As they lay tangled together in the aftermath, their breaths ragged and their hearts pounding in unison, Minjeong felt a sense of peace wash over her—a sense of completeness that she had never known before. And as she looked into y/n's eyes, she knew that she had finally found her place in the world—a place by y/n's side, where she belonged.
As the soft glow of dawn filtered through the curtains, Minjeong and y/n lay tangled together in the aftermath of their passionate reunion, their bodies entwined in a tender embrace as they basked in the afterglow.
But as the tranquility of the moment enveloped them, y/n's phone suddenly rang, shattering the silence with its shrill tone. With a reluctant sigh, y/n reached for her phone, her heart sinking as she saw the caller ID—Jimin.
"Hey, Jimin," y/n answered, her voice tinged with concern as she listened to the urgency in her friend's voice. "What's wrong?"
And as Jimin explained that she had been injured and needed help, y/n's heart went out to her friend, her mind racing with worry and fear. "Of course, Jimin," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. "Come over to my place, I'll take care of you."
But as she hung up the phone and turned to Minjeong, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her heart, a feeling that only grew stronger as the minutes ticked by, each one stretching on for an eternity as they awaited Jimin's arrival.
And then, with a soft knock on the door, Jimin appeared, a vision of vulnerability and strength as she stood before them, her eyes clouded with pain yet filled with determination.
"Hey, y/n," Jimin greeted her, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced between y/n and Minjeong. "I hope I'm not intruding."
But as she stepped further into the room, her gaze fell upon Minjeong—and in that instant, the world seemed to stand still as their eyes locked in a silent exchange of recognition and understanding.
For in that moment, Jimin realized the truth—that Minjeong was Venom, the dark presence that had haunted the streets of Seoul in recent weeks. And as the weight of that realization settled upon her, she felt a surge of fear and uncertainty wash over her—a fear of the unknown, and of the darkness that lurked within Minjeong's soul.
But even as Jimin struggled to come to terms with the truth, Minjeong's own revelation dawned upon her—a realization that sent a shiver of fear down her spine, and left her trembling with uncertainty.
For in that moment, Minjeong knew the truth���that Jimin was Spiderwoman, the heroic figure who had dedicated her life to protecting the innocent and upholding justice. And as the implications of that revelation sank in, she felt a sense of dread and foreboding settle upon her—a fear of what the future might hold, and of the inevitable clash that lay ahead.
As y/n's concerned gaze flickered between Minjeong and Jimin, she couldn't help but sense the palpable tension that hung heavy in the air—a tension born of secrets and revelations, of hidden truths and unspoken desires.
"What's wrong?" y/n asked, her voice filled with genuine concern as she searched their faces for answers.
But both Minjeong and Jimin quickly schooled their expressions into masks of indifference, their eyes betraying the storm of emotions that raged within.
"Nothing," Minjeong replied smoothly, her voice laced with an undercurrent of defiance as she reached out to caress y/n's cheek, her touch gentle yet possessive. "Just a little misunderstanding, that's all."
And as she pressed a tender kiss to y/n's forehead, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over her at the sight of Jimin's simmering rage—a satisfaction born of knowing that she had succeeded in getting under her rival's skin.
"Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of each other from now on," Minjeong remarked, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she glanced at Jimin, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Now that y/n and I are back together."
Jimin's gaze darkened at the taunt, her jaw clenched with barely suppressed anger as she met Minjeong's mocking stare with a steely glare of her own. But despite the fury that burned within her, she remained silent—a silent promise to herself, and to the world, that she would stop at nothing to bring an end to Minjeong's reign of terror.
And as the tension in the room thickened, the air crackling with the promise of conflict yet to come, Minjeong and Jimin locked eyes in a silent battle of wills—a battle that would shape the destiny of Seoul, and of all who called it home.
A/N: And it's finally here! I rewrote this like a million times, but oh well. I hope it was worth the wait, I hope you guys enjoy it. I start a new class this week and it seems it will take much more of my free time than the past one. Feel free to request something but keep in mind that I will take my time with it.
Spider!Jimin will be back on her own, there's also a wife!Jimin reuqest that I got that I want to get to.
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najaemism · 3 months
peach eyes.
PAIRING. winter x fem!oc
CATEGORY. one shot social media au, fluff, crack/humor, established relationship, celebrity!au, guitarist!winter, actress!oc
WARNINGS. unserious as hell im sawry ???, fake subs for the video!
SYNOPSIS. what it’s like being the girlfriend of lead guitarist, winter kim.
BEFORE YOU READ. so… i’ve decided to write for aespa now 😀 initially intended for this to be x reader but it was hard kinda since i started using kyj as the face claim so i made it x oc 🥹 anw little bg info before u read: winter is in a band called “entropy” and her bandmates are hyuck, jeno, and yunjin! oc is an actress & jaemin is her co-star :D enjoy reading 🫶🏼
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NOTES. i love celeb!aus so much u guys i wanna make more... might make this a mini universe with other one shot sm!aus with the members anw i hope u guys enjoyed this and lmk if any of u want to be added in the taglist for future aespa smaus!
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panda-writes-kpop · 9 days
Hiiii hope your having a wonderful day. I enjoy reading your scenarios especially dreamcatcher and aespa. Which made me wonder if I can request aespa as your pirate GF :o
Pirate! Aespa as Your Girlfriend
a/n: Thank you for the lovely message, anon! I'm so glad you love my aespa and dreamcatcher stuff 🫶 and of course you can, dear! Hopefully, you enjoy this! Obligatory tag of @foolish-sparrow ❤️ can't write about pirates without acknowledging the Pirate AU queen! Please check out all of her stuff because it's all so amazing 🫶🫶 also I tried something new with the banners, so let me know if you like it or not!
tw: it's in order of how the girls are introduced in the Pirate AU fic universe (no, I have not forgotten about Giselle or Ningning I will be getting back to them plz have patience with me 🫠) instead of age order, booze and drunken activities, violence, pirating and other forms of stealing
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Winter ~ The Captain
she's always busy as the Captain of the Red-Haired Pirates, either trying to corral her crew (mostly Karina and Giselle) or find the next place or ship to plunder.
but for you? she has all of the time in the world.
You're very famously known as her soft spot on the crew, and people will use it to their advantage.
Of course she knows this, but if you're going to continue to kiss her and whisper sweet nothings in her ear... she'll let the shenanigans slide, for now.
Winter likes to show you off, whether by letting you commit the finishing blow on an opponent or giving you a chance to show off your own unique set of skills
Most of the time you spend together is at night when you're out at sea.
She'll be busy looking over the a map or checking some coordinates when you wrap your arms around her waist
a rare smile appears on her face as you state out at the open ocean together.
"Where are we going, my lovely Captain?"
"As long as you're by my side, wherever the seas take us, my dear."
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Karina ~ The Marksman
the loser (affectionate) marksman by day, the greasy (slightly drunk) flirt by night finds herself changing her ways as you two enter a serious relationship.
Karina feels much more comfortable being her dorky, usual self when it's just the two of you alone, but as your relationship progresses, more and more people see a different side of her
if you aren't a marksman like her, she takes you to a local shooting range and teaches you everything you need to know
"You need to aim a little higher on the target, otherwise you won't do much more than give them a good scare."
"I'd love to focus my aim, Karina, but you're making my heart pound when you're this close to me."
Karina is well-known on her crew for her drunken antics, especially with the various people she meets during her travels
It all stops with you - either you're watching her to make sure she doesn't get absolutely wasted, or you're the one participating in her antics while you're both drunk.
If it's the first option, you're able to pull her away from the bar with lots of affectionate or promises of stronger booze on the ship (you just send her straight to bed, and she's too tired to argue)
If it's the latter, you two often find yourselves cleaning the decks in order to avoid Winter's wrath due to the shitstorm that you usually cause.
But hey, at least you have someone to cuddle with as you nurse your hangover away.
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Giselle ~ The Arms Specialist/Mapmaker
Pulling double duty on the ship takes a toll on the amount of free time Giselle has, but when she has a free night, you can be sure that she's living it up, especially with you at her side.
You'll literally have her heart forever if you help her with her daily tasks, she's so stressed out with everything on her plate.
Depending on your specialties, you're either marking the map or helping with coordinates, or you're cleaning up gun powder and restocking the gunroom with newly pillaged supplies.
It works in Giselle's favor because she always can find a reason to talk with you when you're working on similar tasks.
"Do you need some help, darling?"
"I think I can handle myself, Giselle, but I don't mind the company."
After the ship has docked and the sun has disappeared from the sky, Giselle is finally free from most of her responsibilities.
She's dragging you to the nearest bar, either to hustle some of the crew at cards or to grab a few drinks.
You tell her that it's unfair to play cards against people you can't even sit straight, but you find that your concerns are silenced when a bottle of your favorite liquor is sitting at your side.
And if you're just grabbing drinks with her, she's sure to tell you how much she loves you (and all of the awesome pirating stories you missed out on before you started dating).
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Ningning ~ The "Rogue" Mercenary
The quiet, withdrawn "misfit" in the crew isn't drawn to having a friendly relationship to many on the crew, except for you, of course.
She hasn't fully adjusted to the pirating life, considering that she joined the crew after being held captive by them, so she often is quietly looking over your shoulder to understand how to be more useful aboard the ship
"You can come closer, it's easier to learn how to tie a knot when you can see what I'm doing."
"I can see fine from where I'm at, but thank you for the offer."
You invite her to many of the crew's nighttime activities, and it's rare for her to accept, but when she does, you see her cracking a smile and occasionally laughing at everyone's antics.
Ningning likes spending time with you one-on-one, and that's when she confesses her feelings for you.
Literally no one knows that the two of you are together, except for a drunk Karina that saw the two of you embrace one night (and no one believes her, to this day).
She doesn't like to teach you her trade, she went through a lot of shit to get her skills, but she will show you how to fight if you aren't the greatest at it.
You'll just have to put your pride to the side because she will beat your ass, every time, without fail.
Plus, she can steal a kiss or two while she has you pinned to the ground. She lectures you about not being distracted with a smirk on her face, as if it isn't her fault.
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foolish-sparrow · 10 months
A/N: Guess who got into Aespa in the space of 2 days 
Warnings: Violence, blood, deaths, threats, injury and cursing
Word Count: 2.1k 
Her eyes pierce through your defenses, everything that you are laid bare for her to view for her own pleasure and amusement. 
The demon sits upon her throne, and somehow you find yourself at her side. 
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Frigid air forces white puffs to exit passed your lips, their existence lasting but a few seconds before they evade your vision.
The scar on your arm itches.
The cathedral was empty upon your arrival - the stone walls doing very little to contain any heat from the carefully placed candles. All in rows of three.
This was by no means new to you, because while the building was used for its intended purpose, it was all a farce. A cover-up.
Sin and debauchery lay just below the surface, away from watchful eyes and curious ears.
The first time you had timidly stepped through the threshold, you had almost expected God himself to smite you down, and force you to repent for any and all sins that you have committed in the short amount of time you had been on this world.
You wore sin like a silk scarf, greeted it like the long-time friend it has always been.
After all, it was the reason you had forced tensed limbs passed the sturdy wooden doors that belonged to this particular place of worship, arms clutching a package with some very questionable words written upon its surface.
You had entered with nothing but a goal and a name.
Kim Winter.
Back then she had been a means to an end; you needed something she could provide, and in turn you would place your life and loyalty in her hands.
A desperate cry, perhaps, but in a city such as this one each sunrise you got to witness was nothing but pure luck.
Gangs ravaged each corner, deals of all kinds conducted with hushed whispers and stacks of green.
Never in your wildest dreams would you have expected things to turn out the way they did.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -  
Your grip on the package tightens once you enter the main space, eyes taking in the rows of pews.
It was cold, uncomfortably so.
A shuffle has your wired muscles bouncing; fight and flight response activated as you turn to whatever made the noise.
Jihyo raises an amused eyebrow at your response, the corner of her lips twitching for the briefest moment before she continues her approach.
“So, you took my advice?”
A strained breath causes a dull ache to shoot up your sides, shoulders very much still tense. “I can’t afford to take my time.”
She nods her head once in understanding, “Winter is in her office. To the left,” she points at a single wooden door hidden away. Your heart seems to pick up with the knowledge.
Jihyo turns back to you, then, and you can feel any blood exit your face at the expression she dominates you with. “If, at any point, you become a threat to her, your death will be slow and torturous. You will be begging me to end you, do you understand?”
Threatened promises cause your tongue to fall limp where it lies in your mouth; a nod is all you can give.
Your relationship with Jihyo had been nothing but friendly banter till now, but even you know that means little if you make one wrong move.
Once at the door, you juggle the package into one hand, shaky fingers raising until timid knuckles can tap against the frame.
With one last breath, you take hold of the handle and twist, wincing with the slight creek once you begin to push.
Before you even have the chance to see the inside of the office, the temperature makes a sudden and heavy drop. Bumps immediately erupt along your arms and invoke a full-body shiver.
You say nothing as you slip your way in, the natural habit of not wanting to get in the way making you appear small as you all but cower once inside.
Your gaze is slow to pull itself from the floor, but once you manage the difficult feat you are left stranded alone and enraptured.
Sitting hunched on a large leather seat, Winter regards you for a tense moment, hands neatly folded for her chin to be placed upon.
Her eyes meet your own, daring you to make a move before they drop for the briefest of moments. So quickly, in fact, that you are pretty certain that it was all in your head, especially as she takes a stand.
Her expression gives away nothing as she makes her way closer, each step calm and calculated. This was her domain, her territory, and she was making that very clear during this moment.
You fail to hold in the stuttered breath when her eyebrow twitches in what you can only assume to be amusement, her eyes continuing to force their way passed your already diminished defenses and look deep into your soul.
“It would seem you need something from me,” she says, nonchalance dripping from her fangs.
“You better not be wasting my time.”
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -  
It was safe to say your first impression of Winter Kim was as memorable as it was terrifying. Something she holds over you even to this day.
She loves holding the power, thrives from it. Authority practically drips from each syllable whenever she speaks.
You had gotten used to it after joining her operation, to the point where you sometimes find it difficult to reach the same level of terror you held after the first day.
Winter was as enigmatic as she was contradictive, and it makes you wonder why you find yourself paying such rapt attention to every little thing she does.
There was a need, deep and primal, to prove your worth for her eyes to feast on. To have you be someone she could rely on for tasks she wouldn’t be able to entrust with just anyone.  
Ryujin says you’re like a lost puppy.
You purposely ignore her.
It doesn’t help that you have already made mistakes, stupid little things that could have very easily been avoided if you had just thought about it.
And then there are those moments, little cracks in time and space where her smile is genuine in nature, her words holding just a tinge of softness.
They leave you weak and obsessed, always craving for more.
She’s become an expert on giving you just enough to catch your attention, to gain your interest before the mask of indifference is placed firmly back on and she’s telling you to get back to work.
You fail to notice Jihyo’s Chesire grin whenever you stumble out of Winter's office, confusion clear on your face, before you straighten out your blazer and head back to your post.
It continues like that, weeks coming and going, before an attack on the cathedral changes everything.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -  
Business has been running slow all day, the yawns forcing open your jaw becoming more and more frequent with each hour that passes.
You would have loved nothing more than to track down Jihyo or Ryujin, to tease and banter, anything to pass the time. But both of them had jobs outside of the cathedral for the night, which meant you were left to suffer the prospect of boredom all alone.
There is a small tug within your chest, working together alongside the scar on your arm, reminding you that Winter was in her office.
You lift up the white sleeve of your dress shirt to look at the discolored skin.
A sign of your loyalty.
Everyone that works for her had one, brought forth due to a burn.
Unconventional perhaps, after all the other gangs had tattoos and the like to discern them from others, but there’s a part of you that prefers this.
Growing up without a home, the scar made you feel like you belonged in some dark, twisted way.
Pushing your sleeve back down, you were just about to go and find something to hold your attention when an explosion rocks the stone walls, some of the stained windows smashing in the process.
Confusion forces your brain to close up shop, but your capacity to work in sync with your instinct means you’ve already begun to move.
Bullets come raining through the doors as you begin passing the rows of pews, and tight muscles propel you behind one before sharp metal can imbed itself into soft flesh.
Reaching into your blazer, you automatically reach for the set of knives, your preferred weapon, before taking out the pistol instead.
You sigh, listening, waiting for a break before you’re once again on the move.
A bullet from you strikes true into one of the assailants, leaving no time for yourself to gloat as you’ve crossed the walkway to the pews on the other side, crouching for cover as you go.
The need for your own life and safety is non-existent during that moment, everything, every desire coursing through your body urges you to get to her, to Winter, and make sure no harm comes her way.
The hinges of the door almost snap with the force you use to open it, the darkened end of your demise greeting you once you turn.
Winter’s hardened eyes widen when she realizes it’s you, and she quickly lowers the gun she had pointed to your face.
“Hello to you too,” you grin, quickly regretting your choice of words when it looks like she’s going to raise the gun again. “Sorry! I can’t help it. Stress brings out my inner comedian.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” she huffs. “But how about we leave that for when we get out.”
You salute despite yourself, “Aye, aye boss.”
Even when staring death in the face, you could never take things seriously.
With a tighter grip on your own weapon, you instinctively reach out with your free hand, fingers greeted with Winter’s unnaturally cold touch as you bring her hand into your own.
A deep breath in, and on the count of 3, you charge.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -  
“Fuc- ow!”
You flinch away more due to the unimpressed glare Winter shoots you rather than the stinging pain in your abdomen.
Situated in her home, on her couch, you were stripped of your blazer and shirt so she could tend to the only would you had managed to obtain from your escape.
“Shut up before I give you something to whine over,” she threatens, but her words are empty, even you and your lack of social skills could tell.
However, when she leans in once again, you pull back, heat coursing through your veins. This was doing little to calm your already overworked heart.
With the slightest hint of a growl she reaches out, forcing you close with one arm as the other continues to tend to your injury.
While still embarrassed from the proximity, you comply with her orders, watching intently as her furrowed brow seems to deepen as she works. The way the hardened line of her lips seems to be fighting off a… pout?
Perhaps you hit your head without even knowing?
Too enraptured, you don’t even process when she moves, bringing both hands up to your face and daring your gaze to pull away from the fire raging deep within her own.
“You’re an idiot.”
Lips meet your own, and you’re left floundering for even a shred of sanity you know you don’t have.
She pulls back, hands still on your cheeks, “What am I supposed to do if you die?”
You blink once, twice, eyes fluttering in confusion when you see the hint of tears laying just against her eyes.
“I’m… sorry?”
Your mind is a whirlwind, so many things raging havoc at once that you don’t even know where to begin.
She pulls you in again, and this time your body reacts before your mind short circuits once more. Your heart at odds with so many different emotions trying to take control of the strained muscle.
She places her forehead against your own, and with one puff of cold air from her lips, you feel yourself take control for the first time that night.
“You were never subtle about things, you know,” she whispers, and you can feel your face flush with the knowledge that she had been aware of your feelings for the entire time.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
A smirk is slow to spread against her lips, and you attempt to push down the shiver it evokes. “Because I wanted to see if you actually ask me.”
“Well,” you clear your throat when your words come out strained, “would it be weird if I asked now?”
She pulls back, and you watch as the demon before you teases and beckons, “I don’t know.” She says, looking away in an attempt to appear as if she was pondering. Her eyes alight like wildfire when she turns back to you.
“There is only one way to find out.”
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justalonelybitch · 2 years
Love Needs No Reasons
Karina x Winter x F!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Insecurities, Doubts, Jealousy, Implied Depression, Exhaustion
Word Count: 3.4k
Buy me a coffee :)
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A soulless chuckle effortlessly slipped past your lips as you feigned as though you were just as amused by the lead protagonist as your fellow members were. Mirroring their happiness so flawlessly you almost believed it to be true yourself, if only your eyes could hide the tale of your sorrows. Gone were the orbs that once shined with glee, replaced by a hollow gaze swirling with doubt.
The faint feeling of a thumb rubbing circles on your thigh brought you back to the present, but the sensation felt dull, as though you were numb to the world around you. Your eyes flickered to the hand in your lap, familiar messily painted nails gently scraping along your bare skin. Glancing at its owner, you were met with chocolate brown orbs that held nothing but love. Love you didn’t deserve. 
At least that’s what you’d convinced yourself to believe. It was all you ever thought about these days. You couldn't imagine how such a gorgeous, charming individual could hold so much adoration for a person like yourself. No matter how hard you tried, you could never wrap your head around it. Jimin was perfect, a goddess blessed by the heavens with not only ethereal beauty, but a kind nature that made everyone in her presence feel at home, consumed by her warmth.
And yet she loved you. She doted on you each day with nothing but sincerity in her eyes, never forgetting to remind you of how much she cared for you. Every night Jimin would whisper to you in a sleepy daze, confessing how she falls deeper in love with you at each passing moment. All her admissions left you weak in the knees, but not in the way you’d dreamed about how love felt. It felt as though a knife was repeatedly plunged into your fragile heart, twisting it in as she watched you suffer, drowning in her affection.
Each word of adoration only proved to remind you of how little you deserved it. Jimin, a visual queen with a heart of gold, loving you? You shook your head in disapproval, scoffing at how naive you had been. You were trapped by her enchanting eyes that swirled with devotion to you. “Are you okay?” She whispers, concern written on her face from the moment she laid her alluring eyes upon you. You nod lazily, brushing away her worries and shrugging off the hand that now rested on your shoulder. 
Two slim arms slithered around your torso, resting comfortably on your stomach. Turning your head, you glance over your shoulder, meeting Minjeong’s soft gaze. Her large eyes bore holes into your head, bottom lip jutted out as she pouted. You raise an inquisitive brow at her sudden action, receiving a huff in response as she tugs you impossibly closer, your back pressed to her chest. You squirm in her hold, avoiding her gaze for it only serves as a constant reminder of your lingering doubts.
Not only did Jimin share nothing but love for you, but Minjeong too. How did you have both of them wrapped around your finger without even trying? They were always by your side, unable to get enough of you. Yet each time their fingertips grazed your skin it burned, their touch branding you with uncertainty. Maybe they would be better off without you. It was a thought that frequently tainted your thoughts, imprisoning you in misery.
Their love was beautiful, how could something so precious be so destructive? They infected you with a love that was slowly killing you. “I love you,” Minjeong whispered in your ear, the words rolling off her tongue without a second thought, as if trying to coax you from your destructive thoughts. The phrase rang in your ears, effortlessly impaling you with a in one blow. Their love was fatal. You weren’t sure how much more your frail heart could handle, for it would only be so long before it collapsed under the pressure resting upon your chest.
Minjeong observed you from across the room with hawk eyes, brows sewn together in confusion. You hadn’t spared her a glance this morning, not even bothering to greet her with the usual morning kiss she’d grown accustomed to. Instead she woke to cold sheets and faint traces of your lingering perfume. She approached you at breakfast, leaning down to press her coffee stained lips on yours, only for you to turn your head. Her mouth hung open, eyes widened in surprise. Not once had you refused a kiss from her awaiting lips. 
Her initial thought was the possibility that she’d upset you, the idea left a scowl on her face. She’d racked her brain for every interaction you shared the night prior, but to no avail. She concluded it was just exhaustion, you’d never been a morning person, so maybe you’d just woken up on the wrong side of bed. So she tried again. Clumsily rushing up to you, a grin already fighting its way onto her face. You were so focused on perfecting the dance for your latest comeback that you failed to notice the puppy-like girl waiting eagerly by your side.
Glancing at the mirror, you flinched, startled by the presence on your right. Minjeong abruptly jumped into your arms, relying on you to catch her before she plummeted to the hard wooden floor. A melodious giggle escaped her parted lips, a look of mischief reflecting in her eyes. She felt a warmth being held in your arms, one that only so few could provide. But you only felt bittersweet. Sighing, you reluctantly placed her on the ground, gently pushing her away. Keeping her at arm's length always made it easier. “I’ve got to practice,” you said apologetically, turning away from her without another word.
She stared with a tilted head, waiting for you to break out into a fit of laughter and tell her it was a joke. Yet you remained stoic, carefully running through the choreography. Minjeong’s frown deepened at the sight, appalled by your blatant disregard of her presence. “Y/n~” She called, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip upon receiving no response. So she tried again, “Y/n?” Huffing, you met her gaze in the mirror, faltering under her dejected stare. “What is it, Winter?” You questioned, your eyes drained of life, the dark circles under your eyes prominent.
Her heart dropped. You never called her Winter, it was always some stupid nickname you insisted on and she always pretended to hate them. But you both knew better. However, Winter was reserved for teasing or public interactions. Hearing that name slip past you lips so effortlessly made her heart ache. It felt cold and distant, opposed to the usual warm and fuzzy feeling you left her with. Minjeong felt like someone of no significance to you when hearing that name in private, it hurt. Now she knew something was very wrong, but then came the problem of fixing it.
Minjeong’s eye darted around the room in uncertainty, shuffling away from you with a defeated sigh, frown plastered on her face, forehead creased. Her gaze flickered to the door as it swung open, Jimin gracefully sauntering into the studio. Feeling holes boring into the side of her head, the leader turned her head to meet Minjeong’s intense stare. Exchanging wordless conversation through their eyes, Jimin swifty traipsed over to the younger girl, raising an inquisitive brow. “What’s up?” The older woman questioned, tilting her head at the expression of dismay she was greeted with.
“Have you spoken with Y/n this morning?” Minjeong said, getting straight to the point. Jimin hummed thoughtfully, crossing her arms over her chest as she came to a conclusion. “No, she wasn’t in bed when I woke up. I think I saw her on the couch before I left though, she looked tired so I didn’t bother her.” The younger girl nodded along at her words, glancing at you in puzzlement. “Why do you ask?” The leader questioned, eyeing her girlfriend sceptically. “She has been off lately, and I can’t figure out why.” Minjeong whined in annoyance, throwing her head back in exasperation.
“What do you mean by ‘off’?” Jimin raised a brow, gaze flickering to you, watching as you practised tirelessly. Catching your eye in the mirror's reflection, the older girl shot you a warm smile, dimples on full display. Only for it to be wiped off not a second later, as you avoided her gaze, eyes darting around the room nervously. Without a second thought she was sauntering towards you, disregarding Minjeong’s whines of protest as she remained idle on the couch. Within moments she stood behind you, arms snaking around you as she pulled you into her chest.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Jimin whispered in your ear, her breath tickling your skin, leaving goosebumps in her wake. You shivered in her grip, prying her hands off you in an attempt to break free, but to no avail. Tightening her hold on your waist, she squeezed your hips, piercing gaze boring holes into you through the reflective surface. “N-Nothing,” you managed to stutter out under her firm gaze, earning a dissatisfied grunt. “Do I need to ask again?” She raised an impatient brow, fingertips drumming on your bare skin.
You rapidly shook your head in refusal, huffing as you struggled to break free of her grasp. “Can we not?” You whispered, startling Jimin with your weak plea, exhaustion beginning to take a toll on you. She frowned, worry written on her face as she released you wordlessly, hands stalling on your hips before her touch was erased from your skin. The tension was palpable as she lingered by you side, silently watching with a frown as you began to fall into a whirlwind of swirling thoughts. Jimin couldn’t look into your eyes and read you like an open book as she once had. It irked her.
“Alright everyone, let’s get started!” The choreographer shouted, all of those present stumbling over to the older woman. “Y/n..” Jimin called after you, trailing off as you turned on your heel, shuffling over to the choreographer before she could get another word in. Jimin’s eyes followed your every movement, a frown cemented on her face. “I told you she was off,” Minjeong mumbled, rolling her eyes at the confused expression on her girlfriend’s face. “Do you know why?” The older girl questioned, crossing her arms over her chest as she turned to face Minjeong.
The younger girl shrugged her shoulders, “no clue. Though it seems that we’re the only ones having problems,” Minjeong uttered with gritted teeth, tilting her head in your direction. Following the younger girl's gaze, Jimin almost growled at the sight. There you were, laughing away with the backup dancers, head tucked snugly into the crook of Aeri’s neck, her arm slung around your shoulder. All while your girlfriend’s stood stiffly in the corner, eyes burning with fury as they’d been pushed on the sidelines. “Is she sick of us?” Jimin asked, disbelieving of the words that fell from her lips.
“You don’t think she doesn’t want us anymore, do you?” Minjeong questioned incredulously, an underlying hint of uncertainty in her tone. Jimin shook her head in denial, but the ominous mood remained, both unable to fight off the doubt that pestered their thoughts. “She won't leave us.. will she?” The younger was first to break the tense silence, voice laced with wariness. They shared a glance before turning their heads to face you once more, no longer blinded by a jealous rage, but judgement clouded by insecurities that poisoned into their minds.
“I guess we’ll just have to show her what she’s missing.” And thus began their treacherous endeavour to claim your heart.
Another comeback, more interviews, endless days, sleepless nights. There you sat in yet another interview, fighting to mask the fatigue that threatened to seep through the cracks. Ignoring the way your body screamed in protest each time you moved was a mindless procedure, passing off the fact that your girlfriend’s were all over each other, not so much. What hurt more was that they never once spared you a glance, far too absorbed in each other to remember your exsistence. You couldn’t even be mad, it was your fault for pushing them away after all. Maybe it was time to accept your fate and the inevitable end to your relationship.
They would probably be better off without you, this would be best, all parties could come out of it unscathed. They could go back to living their life in peace without you, that’s how it all began anyway. The young couple were doing just fine before you joined, why did you have to ruin it all? Now you could only do one thing to fix it. You glanced at the two with a fond smile, Jimin wrapped an arm around the younger girl, her hand laced with Minjeong’s, laying atop her blanket-covered lap. Their eyes full of nothing but love and desire as they stole glances at each other in between questions.
A regretful frown threatened to tug at your lips, eyebrows sewn together in thought. For a fleeting moment, you let the pain consume you, tendrils tightening around you heart in a deadly grip. Their thornes piercing you with heartache, squeezing so tightly it numbed you. Left abandoned in an dark empty pit of longing, a feeling you will yourself to not express. Only a few more hours, you promised yourself, returning your gaze to the interviewer who chuckled at one of Yizhuo’s infamous face’s.
The one thing you failed to notice was their familiar eyes boring holes into your head each time you looked away. Jimin and Minjeong began to lose hope as you continuously ignored them, no matter how hard they tried you wouldn’t look their way. And when you finally did, your eyes held no emotion, gone was the love in your eyes they once possessed, replaced by a blank stare. Their hearts burned with disappointment, yearning, desperation but most of all, fear. The fear of losing you now became a frightening reality they couldn’t seem to manipulate in their favour.
You shuffled into your room tiredly, struggling to fight off the sleep as your eyes begged to flutter shut. Upon reaching your bed, your knees gave out as you collapsed onto the mattress, face half buried in a pillow. The world around you began to fade into darkness, eyes fluttering shut, the last thing you saw was the distant blur of a naturally illuminated desk. At the faint sound of a door creaking open, you fought off your sleep, unable to will your eyes open, still heavy with exhaustion.
You jolted up at the muffled sound of hushed voices, blinking rapidly as you adjusted to the blindingly bright ceiling light. “What is it?” You mumbled groggily, rubbing the sleep from your eyes with the sleeve of an oversized hoodie. Minjeong’s oversized hoodie to be exact. Feeling the bed dip, you squinted at the figure that sat perched at the end of your bed. Or was it two people? “Y/n.” The familiar silky soft voice blessed your ears, although it was impossible to deny the certain sternness it carried. “Karina,” you greeted her with a sad smile, hauling your body to a sit up straight.
“Do you still love us?” She asked, never one to edge around things. “I-” You paused for a moment, sinking your teeth into your bottom lips as you glanced at the two girls before you. “You don’t love us anymore!” Minjeong exclaimed, filling your silence, her voice cracking in heartbreak. “That’s not true!” You tried to defend, but the guilty expression plastered on your face told them the wrong story. “Do you want to break up with us?” Jimin asked calmly, though you weren’t blind, the saddened look on her face was clear as day.
Sighing, you ran a hand through your hair, it was far too late and you were far too tired for this. “I think that might be best,” you uttered sorrowfully, the words leaving a bitter taste in your mouth, eyes shining. Jimin blinked back tears of her own, while Minjeong let them cascade down her pale cheeks. “Why?” The younger asked, sniffling as she gazed at you with her large brown eyes full of despair, something you were responsible for. Facing her was too painful, so you forced your gaze to the ground, but her expression of shattered hope would haunt you as long as you lived.
“Did we do something wrong?” Jimin questioned, unable to hide the waver in her voice. “N-No, it’s just-” You inhaled sharply, struggling to find the right words. “Just what, Y/n?” The older girl asked impatiently, frustratedly wiping away the stray tears that rolled down her cheeks. “It’s just that I’m sure you'll both be happier without me!” You declared, unable to stop the broken sob that ripped past your lips, finally letting out what you’d bottled up all this time. “What?” Minjeong practically shrieked, an incredulous look stuck to her tear stained face.
“It’s true! I see the way you look at each other when I’m not around, just like today. Aren’t you better off without me? I don’t even understand why you haven’t already ended things, or why you were even interested in the first place.” You mumbled the last part under your breath, but they heard you clear as day. “None of that’s true-” Minjeong began to protest, eyes bulging out of her head, she couldn't imagine how you could think such thoughts. “It’s okay, Minjeong.” You assured, sending her a broken smile, her heart sinking in her chest.
“I’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry. Just be happy with each other-” you spoke sincerely, voice wavering as another sob threatened to rip past your lips. “Y/n!” Jimin yelled, jumping to her feet as she cut you off. “Happy is the furthest thing from what we’ll be without you. It’s not the same if you’re not there with us, and if you never will be. We need you. We love you Y/n.” Jimin knelt in front of you, grasping your hands in her own as she gazed into you eyes with nothing but honesty.
“I still don’t understand why you love me,” you muttered sadly, eyes glued to the hands in your lap. “Because you’re amazing, Y/n. You’re beautiful, kind, considerate, you put everyone before yourself.” Minjeong jumped in, arm wrapping around your waist as she slid next to you. “None of that matters though, because love needs no reasons. And I love you, Y/n, it’s as simple as that.” She continued, hopeful eyes burning into your soul. “So please don’t leave,” Jimin finished, rubbing your knuckles with the pads of her thumbs.
“Okay,” you whispered, fresh tears spilling from your eyes. Jimin smiled in relief, raising her hand to cup your cheek, gently wiping away your tears. Minjeong tugged you to lay flat on the bed, pulling you impossibly closer as she tucked your head into the crook of her neck. “I promise I’ll never stop loving you,” she whispered, smiling as you nuzzled your nose against her neck, your breath tickling her skin. “As do I,” Jimin proclaimed, lying down behind you, draping a lazy arm over the two of you.
“I love you both so much more than you know and I’m sorry for this mess,” you whispered, beginning to feel drowsy in their warm hold. “Don’t be,” Jimin assured, pressing her face into the back of your neck, planting a gentle kiss on your skin. “Just promise us one thing, love?” She asked, receiving a sleepy hum in response, as Minjeong chuckled, her hand dipping under your shirt to rub soothing circles on your skin. “Promise that if you ever feel like that again you’ll tell us,” Jimin mumbled against your skin, lips grazing your neck.
“I promise,” you said, eyes begging to flutter closed once more. “Sleep well, baby,” Minjeong pressed a kiss atop your head, the faint thump of her heartbeat lulling you into a deep slumber. She grinned at Jimin, lips puckered as she awaited a kiss. The older girl chuckled, leaning forwards to press their lips together in a brief kiss. They both settled on either side of you, hearts content as they began to fall into unconsciousness. They could sleep happily knowing you were trapped between their arms and weren’t intending on leaving anytime soon.
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jigujellee · 1 year
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YOU GOT ME SLIPPIN' -> for someone named winter, you would think she knows how to skate at least. [ request: Winter x reader fluff where it's xmas day and reader teaches Winter how to ice skate (shows off some of readers mad ice skating skills), and then they go back home and open presents by the fire/heater while drinking hot coco ]
winter x reader super fluffy! word count: 1.3k warnings: none
a/n: hello hello! i'm just digging out some old requests that i never got to last year hehe and i think this is appropriate since it's the start of december! i did this really quickly instead of studying for exams, but nonetheless i hope you all enjoy this! (also, this is definitely not proofread so sorry for the errors hehe)
it is indeed the most beautiful time of the year as you watch the tiny white snowflakes fly around the sky and eventually make their way down to the ground. your breath is visible as you deeply exhale somewhat in frustration because your girlfriend was running a bit late. but before you could pull out your phone to message her, you nearly fall to the ground when someone suddenly jumps onto your back while yelling a loud “boo!”
“took you long enough, love”
“aww, missed me that much? i was only late by a few minutes,” she playfully smiles. you couldn’t stay mad at her for too long and leaned in to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. even after months of dating, winter couldn’t hide the soft pink tint that painted her face whenever you did small gestures like that. and as per usual, it always made you giggle to see her reactions.
“i already rented the skates. size 2 right?”
“very funny y/n, we get it okay? everyone in the world knows i’m tiny”
“i know, i just like hearing you admit it,” you gloat as you handed her the other pair of skates in your hand. she rolls her eyes as she takes them from you and starts putting them on, and you begin to tie your own pair of skates as well.
“y/n,” winter softly calls out, and you nearly miss it. you turn your head to look at her sitting on the bench with untied skates, and your heart swells at how cute she looked with a pout on her face.
“can you tie my skates please..” she asks, gaze fixated on her fingers while trying to avoid yours.
“love, it’s exactly like tying a shoe and i know you know how to do that”
“well yeah, but i heard that skates have to be tied tightly so could you please help me tighten them?”
as you finish tying your own skates, you get up and waddle over to your girlfriend who lifted her foot to anchor in between your legs to help you tie them.
“don’t kick me,” you joke. you then take each lace and pull them as hard as you could, making sure you weren’t hurting her at the same time. once you tied both skates, you pulled her up to stand and she nearly topples over but luckily, you catch her and you two get caught in each other’s gazes.
“never do that again, that was like those cringey hallmark movies” winter says as she pushes your chest away. you just laugh it off and finally lead your girlfriend to the rink.
“come on winter, you’ve been standing by the entrance for 5 minutes now. are you gonna skate or what?” you yell from the middle of the rink. to be clear, this was all winter’s idea to go skating so naturally you think she knew how to skate in the first place, but now you were starting to think otherwise.
“i’m coming you big cry baby, gosh you miss me all the time. just give me a sec” she yells back, gripping the side of the rink walls so tight could see her knuckles turn white from where you were. slowly, she places one foot on the ice before very slowly bringing her next one in. winter shuffles her feet as slowly as possible while maintaining her grip on the wall. to make it easier for her, you skate to her side.
“winter, my love that i love and adore so much, you do know how to skate right?” your girlfriend glares at you but it quickly falters once she finds herself slipping and grabbed onto the wall even harder.
“yes i do know how to skate! it’s just been a while, that’s all”
“take my hand, i’ll guide you”
winter playfully scoffs, “i don’t trust you and i can do it myself, watch me!” and you back away with your arms up.
“alright, come skate to me”
just like before, winter slowly moves her hands off the wall and starts to shuffle her feet towards you. when she thought she got the hang of it, she slips and falls right on her bum and you immediately skate towards her.
“hey, you alright? does it hurt?”
“i’m fine, just let me sit here for a bit”
as your girlfriend remains seated on the cold ice, you decide to skate around for a bit. you’ve occasionally skated since you were in elementary school, but you were no figure skater. you simply found joy in gliding around the ice and doing laps around the rink. it was honestly nothing amazing, but winter thought otherwise. while sitting on the ice and letting her butt freeze and get soaked, she watched as you made your way around the rink. she was amazed at how easily you were able to control your movements on the ice, gliding beautifully as though watching an actual figure skater. as you make your way back to her, her heart skips beats and winter finds herself falling in love all over again. something as simple as this moment made her realize how much she adores you.
“hello, earth to winter. you wanna try again now?” you say, waving your hand in front of a dozed off winter.
“teach me how to skate please”
“oh so you trust me now?” you tease, and winter giggles as she nods her head. you smile and grab her hands to pull her up.
“okay, we’ll start very slow. don’t be afraid to fall, i’ll be here to catch you”
“i know, love”
it took almost 45 minutes for you two to finish one lap around the rink, but you did tell her you’d go slow. once she felt that she built the confidence, you slowly let her go but still remain close to her in case she falls.
“you’re doing it love, you’re skating!”
like a parent watching their child walk for the first time, you were so proud of her. you slowly try to increase the distance between you two and winter successfully makes it to you without slipping or falling. you grab her by the waist and pick her up to spin her around in glee and then finally placing her back on the ice.
“i’m proud of you babe”
“what did i say about cheesy hallmark moments?!” you don’t say anything and just give her a kiss on the lips. “sorry, i forgot” you giggle.
winter decided to call it quits for the day when she felt her butt was sore from the first few falls. you helped her remove her skates, and when she asked for a piggyback ride on the way home, you gladly complied.
“as a thank you for today, why don’t i make us some hot chocolate and then we can open our presents by the fire?”
“sounds like a typical hallmark movie to me, you hypocrite” you snort but once she falls silent, you knew she had a pout on her face even if you couldn’t see it.
“but i’d love that, winter. let’s go home, hm?”
winter says nothing and snuggles herself into the crook of your neck.
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valstress · 2 years
• Aespa as your girlfriends •
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• She would be extremely comforting and would always take care of you
• Lots of cuddles pecks and jokes
• She would be willing to listen to you at all times when you're sad or having bad days
• Motherly energy
• She would love to go out with you whenever she has a break
• She would give you special gifts
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• She would send you photos of what she does on a daily basis
• Many soft kisses and she would intertwine your hand with hers
• She loves listening to music with you and going shopping together
• Deep and long talks during the night
• You would watch a lot of series and movies together
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• Most dates would be at home
• She would love to spend time with you at home, napping and snuggling
• You would eat chocolate while watching movies in bed
• If you go out, she would love to take you to the amusement park
• Many pouts and you would joke a lot together
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• You would watch animated movies together
• You would enjoy cooking even though it might end up as a disaster
• Very clingy and lots of kissing
• You would play video games and the loser would do the dishes
• Lots of laughter and comforting moments, you would really enjoy each other's company
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I hope you liked it, I apologize if I made a grammatical mistake, English isn't my first language. These scenarios are totally made by my imagination ♡
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kimsohn · 1 year
may i request "leaving small love notes for them to find" with winter please? <3
sticky note love . winter x gn!reader about . 360 words, fluff warnings . none
minjeong had a concerning habit of overworking herself. often, you'd have to pull her away from the countless textbooks laid across her mahogany desk or coax her to bed as the light from her computer screen illuminated the murky night.
however, as finals season rolled around, her lack of compliance was even more profound, and you'd find yourself discouraged in your efforts as you encountered, yet again, another failed attempt. repeatedly, your efforts would be diminished, and you'd return to your previous position dispirited and minjeong-less.
you soon came to accept that her work was crucial to her, especially in this time period. however, that didn't mean you couldn't support her in other ways, just a tad more inconspicuously.
within that realization came the birth of your sticky note love. leaving words of affirmation within the heavily bookmarked pages of her journals, on the refrigerator where she'd frequent a late-night snack, or atop her forehead while she was sleeping left you satisfied, knowing that despite her heavy workload she'd still be able to recieve some form of support from you.
and the sticky notes worked wonders with her too, especially when you watched her gleefully read the words before pocketing the thin sheet of paper along with the multitude of others you'd gifted her days prior. although minimal in preparation, the strength she received from a simple phrase of yours was enough to fuel her through whatever exam, essay, or presentation she had to give. they were a bright start to her days and a comforting end to her nights, and they soon became a permanent fixture between the both of you.
and when her exams dwindled down, along with the frequency of your notes, she'd found you fast asleep on the couch, the soft breathing bringing a smile to her eyes. with a kiss to your cheek, she'd grab your pack of sticky notes and the kuromi bobblehead pen you'd gifted her earlier in the year. and with the strength that your words had given to her prior, she'd mimic your actions, sitting down to write small yet meaningful words and determined to repay your efforts.
i love you.
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www-jungwon · 5 months
in which jake thinks he’s dying, and you think he just slipped on ice and it’s a bruise ୨୧
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tw. jake is injured and has a bruise bc he fell on ice, mentions of being shot, attacked, and being dead/dying (as a joke) wc. 262
“i’m dying!” jake whines, the back of his hand pressed to his forehead dramatically.
“you’re fine.” you push up from the couch, jake clutching at your hand. the blanket falls down his arm, pooling over his shoulder.
“how could you leave me now, when i’m dying? do you not care about me at all?” he pushes out his bottom lip, “i thought you loved me.”
“you’re not dying, i do, and i do.”
he pulls you back down into a hug and you stumble.
“then why’re you leaving me?”
“to get you a glass of water.”
“no.” he buries his head into your arm.
“ok, fine, i’ll stay.” you push him over on the couch and he cries out.
“ow! that’s where i was attacked.”
“you weren’t shot jake, you fell on ice and bruised yourself.”
he looks at you woundedly, but moves farther against the cushions to make space for you, offering you the blanket.
you curl into him, yawning. 
after a while, you hear him quiet down, and looking over you see his eyes closed, head pushed onto the pillow next to him.
you push his hair out of his forehead and he leans into your hand.
“my overdramatic boy,” you coo, and his eyes snap open.
“you’re making fun of me when i’m dying? and you claim to love me?”
you jump slightly. “i thought you were asleep!”
“i was, but the heartbreaking meaning of your words pulled me from my res-”
“oh, shut up,” you pull him into a hug and he sighs, sinking into you.
“i love you.” you whisper.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
part of winters of us, an advent calendar : day 008 prev
comment or send an ask to be added to the taglist !
general tl @bucketofhiros
enhypen tl @cutesiepatootsie @sammm5225 @eupherbia
i’m off sched by a day bc of my injury guys sry ! but i will try to catch up this weekend if i can
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herrscherofinsanity · 2 months
Bound by Darkness [Teaser]
You guys loved Spider!Jimin so here's Venom!Minjeong.
Kim Minjeong (Winter) x fem!reader
Word count: 596
Hi, hello! It's been a while but I've been very busy. I got this request short after I first posted Spider!Jimin and I thought it was very interesting sooo here's the first look to it.
The night hung heavy over the city of Seoul, casting long shadows that seemed to dance in the flickering light of the streetlamps. In the heart of the bustling metropolis, Kim Minjeong walked alone, her thoughts a tangled web of worries and fears.
Lost in her own world, Minjeong barely noticed the eerie silence that had fallen over the streets, the usual cacophony of sound replaced by an oppressive stillness that sent shivers down her spine. It was then that she saw it—a strange, pulsating light emanating from a darkened alleyway, beckoning her closer with an otherworldly allure.
Curiosity piqued, Minjeong approached cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest as she stepped into the shadows. And there, amidst the darkness, she found it—a creature unlike anything she had ever seen before.
It was black as night, its form shifting and undulating like liquid darkness given shape. And as Minjeong gazed into its glowing crimson eyes, she felt a chill run down her spine—a primal fear that threatened to consume her from within.
But as the creature drew closer, something inside Minjeong stirred—a flicker of defiance that refused to be extinguished. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the tremor in her hands.
The creature regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and amusement, its voice echoing in her mind like a whisper on the wind. "I am Venom," it replied, its tone dripping with malice and mischief. "And you, Kim Minjeong, are the one I have been searching for."
As the weight of its words settled over her, Minjeong felt a surge of power coursing through her veins—a power unlike anything she had ever known. And in that moment, she knew that her life would never be the same again.
As Minjeong stumbled through the door of her apartment, her heart pounding in her chest, she knew that nothing would ever be the same again. The encounter with Venom had left her shaken and disoriented, her mind reeling with a thousand questions and fears.
But as she tried to catch her breath and steady her trembling hands, Minjeong felt a strange sensation coursing through her veins—a sensation unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It was as if something was stirring inside her, something dark and primal, waiting to be unleashed.
With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Minjeong realized that she was not alone. The symbiote that had bonded with her in the alleyway was still with her, its presence looming over her like a shadow in the darkness.
"Venom, what have you done to me?" Minjeong whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. But there was no reply, only the eerie silence of the empty apartment.
As Minjeong stumbled towards the bathroom, her reflection in the mirror seemed to blur and distort before her eyes. With a gasp of horror, she watched as tendrils of blackness snaked their way across her skin, wrapping her in a suffocating embrace.
"No, this can't be happening," Minjeong cried, her voice tinged with panic. But the symbiote's hold on her was relentless, its dark influence seeping into every corner of her mind.
With a desperate surge of strength, Minjeong fought against the symbiote's control, struggling to regain her sense of self. But the more she resisted, the stronger the symbiote's grip became, threatening to consume her from within.
In that moment of desperation, Minjeong realized that she was facing a battle unlike anything she had ever known—a battle for control of her own body and soul.
A/N: So, I'll finish working on this during the week, but I wanted to share a little something with you guys.
I have ideas to keep going with Spider!Jimin and some other requests I've gotten once I finish with Venom!Minjeong. I hope you guys look forward to all of it.
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cappycodeart · 5 months
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CONCEPT DOODLES for an AU I dabbled in with a few friends after the winter king episode but kinda forgot about after the Fionna and Cake finale... I decided to revisit it and explore a little more after coming to terms with everything LOL... So, it's another "Winter King doesn't die immediately after his crown gets nuked" AU, but THIS TIME he's just dying really slowly (like Simon in the Betty episode) and ALSO joins Fionna, Cake, and Simon on their search for magic crowns. There's no logic behind this tbh, we just wanted to put him through The Horrors. And make them all friends. But mostly The Horrors. :) (he only gets to live as a treat, because I think he's funny).
Bonus (old screenshot), because this is still funny to me:
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zuhaism · 3 months
⊹ 。˚ 𓂃 ♡ STORMS ?! ┊ kim minjeong ⁺
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synopsis : y/n and minjeong never talks. what happens when they’re forced to?
pairing : aespa5th!member x kim minjeong
genre : fluff
author’s note : this is the same y/n frm the karina one lolsss
y/n and winter had never been that close; they had only exchanged a few sentences while preparing for their debut. being the only pair of introverts in the group didn't help, as they were often left alone in silence when the other three went out.
"y/n!!" a shout echoed from across the hallway as the lights flickered during a blackout. the thunder outside was intense. "minjeong unnie?" y/n called out, venturing toward minjeong's room with her phone's flashlight guiding the way.
the other three had left earlier for their schedules, leaving y/n and minjeong free for the evening. they usually spent most of their time doing their own thing, not communicating much. y/n was fine with it; they had never had a full-length conversation before, so nothing changed.
the flashing phone in y/n's hands illuminated the hallway and minjeong's doorway. the door to her room was open, and y/n found minjeong curled up on her bed, hands covering her eyes as another thunderous sound echoed outside.
minjeong opened her eyes and met y/n in the doorway. she sat up straight and slowly made her way toward y/n. the smaller girl latched onto y/n when another loud bang from the thunder erupted. y/n chuckled under her breath, wrapping her left arm around minjeong's shoulder, eliciting a furrowed brow from minjeong.
"the circuit got cut off. i don't think i can fix it," y/n said, eyeing the power box adjacent to the kitchen where minjeong was seated. minjeong groaned in response. y/n chuckled awkwardly after closing the power box and walking up to the older girl.
minjeong's head dropped onto the kitchen island. y/n stood beside minjeong, unsure of what to say, pondering whether it was an awkward or comfortable silence for minjeong. in the dimly lit kitchen, y/n broke the silence cautiously.
"um, do you wanna sit on the couch? it's more comfortable," y/n suggested, her voice uncertain. minjeong looked up and nodded in agreement. the two awkwardly shuffled to the living room, avoiding eye contact in the flickering glow of y/n's phone, revealing their unease.
y/n took a seat in the middle of the couch, and minjeong hesitated before settling beside her. the distance between them felt awkward. as another clap of thunder reverberated through the apartment, minjeong visibly tensed, instinctively scooting closer to y/n, seeking comfort from the younger girl. y/n, caught off guard, welcomed minjeong's presence with a pang of empathy.
unsure of how to handle the situation, y/n wrapped her arms around minjeong's shoulder, trying to ignore the effect she had on her. minjeong jumped and squealed as another loud bang happened outside, burying her head into y/n's shoulder.
y/n looked down at minjeong, who had buried her head into her shoulder. "so, how do you pass the time during storms?" y/n struck up a conversation to avoid an awkward atmosphere.
minjeong looked up with confusion in her eyes. "huh?" y/n swallowed a lump in her throat, breaking eye contact. "i thought you were scared, so, um—I thought it might help."
"music helps," minjeong remarked, her gaze fixed on the younger girl. she felt a subtle warmth as y/n retrieved her phone from the coffee table, playing 'die 4 you' by dean. minjeong kept her eyes on y/n as she sat back beside her, letting her head rest on the couch with closed eyes, lost in the soothing melody. minjeong instinctively drew closer to y/n, snuggling into the crook of y/n's neck.
the remaining three members arrived home, their laughter filling the apartment as they stumbled upon the usually reserved duo, now entwined in a very intimate cuddle, bathed in the glow of the living room lights. giggles echoed across the apartment as they took pictures of the cuddling duo.
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forwntrx · 9 months
girls like girls (like boys do)
(reader x winter / reader x yunjin) smau series
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you are the fifth member of aespa. one of the aces. loved by the public, the media, and even other idols. you were confident and assured in everything, except...your sexuality. you were so sure you were straight, just like a pin, until you met yunjin.
huh yunjin. a member of le sserafim. when she slips her number in your cookie at music bank, your whole life is thrown off balance. from that point on, she relentlessly tries to steal your heart, not knowing that winter was the one who set her eyes on it first. kim minjeong has loved you ever since she met you, but she was so sure that you could never see her that way. she lets go of her feelings and chooses to be your best friend instead. that is, until yunjin tries to make you hers. the three of you become locked in a triangle no one can escape. not without getting hurt that is.
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- " i wanted her first. "
- " didn’t you ever hear second is the best, first is the worst? "
- " that’s not how that goes. "
STATUS - ongoing! not started yet but updates will come soon. my second smau so give me grace
TAGS - GAY GAY, 'unrequited' love (at first), fluff, pining, angsty a little bit i'm sorry, slow burn, slice of life, friends to enemies to friends to best friends to lovers (winter, most of this happens before but there will be flashbacks), strangers to lovers (yunjin), one bed trope hehe, fake dating, tipsy!yunjin, dorks in love, arguments, found family with aespa, !!! CHOOSE YOUR OWN ENDING !!!, think of it like a decision game where it branches out those two branches being either yunjin or winter
TAGS (PT2) - lesbian!winter, lesbian!yunjin, lesbian!reader, reader is clueless & indecisive, winter is bad with emotions and communication, she's trying her best, yunjin is the biggest flirt to ever exist, eventual winter and yunjin friendship (emphasis on the eventual), yunjin is annoying but in the best way possible, overthinker!yunjin, protective!winter, lots of fun guys
IDOLS FT. - yeonjun (txt), sunghoon (enha), jake (enha), aespa, le sserafim, yuqi (g-idle), tzuyu (twice) jihyo (twice), yeji (itzy), jeongin (skz), chaeryeong (itzy), other idol mentions most likely
CONTENT WARNING - sex jokes, alcohol, suggestive jokes, might have suggestive scenes nothing graphic and is sfw, too many pretty girls, swears, angst (sorry but only a little), very unserious sometimes, live a little, will update more later
TAGLIST - open! free! ready for whoever wants to be on it, just send me an ask
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PROFILES ! — y/n's groupies | yunjin's haters | the idol club
music bank cookie
just me ()i-dle
canon event
room 312
20 questions
oh okay
so cute
on mine
is this your love affair?
i hate you
the jealous type
14. talk?
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justalonelybitch · 2 years
hello again! can i please request another winter x soloist!gn!reader where their relationship isn’t revealed yet but they’re at an award show sitting not too far but also not too near each other (dif tables) and kind of glance at each other every now and then, not too obvious, and while winter is performing fans film y/no’s reaction and many fans ship them and create edits, compilations, etc. maybe y/n and winter could read the comments the next morning? thank you in advance! feel free to edit or change or remove whatever you’d like, looking forward to it!
I hope your like it!!
Number One Fan
Winter x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Anxiousness
Word Count: 1.05k
Buy me a coffee :)
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You tapped your foot anxiously on the floor, eyes darting around the room. It was getting closer and closer to your group’s performance and you swore you could feel your stomach flip at the thought. You fiddled with your fingers uneasily, hands shaking as you did. Suddenly your whole body stopped, muscles tensing as you met the familiar kind eyes of your girlfriend.
Minjeong sent you a tight lipped smile, gaze softening as she saw the state you were in. The look in her eyes was enough to calm you immensely, you sent her a nod of gratitude. Both turning away with faint smiles gracing your lips, trying not to catch the attention of the cameras that surrounded you. Looking blankly at the stage, you mentally prepared yourself for the upcoming performance.
From the corner of your eye, you could just make out Aespa rising to their feet. Their manager led them as they made their way backstage, passing by you as they did. The girls bowing and smiling at every table they passed, Minjeong’s stare lingering on you as she neared closer to your group. She bowed politely just as she’d done for every other idol, although she paused before moving on.
“You’ll do great!” She assured, keeping a safe distance from you. “You too,” you mumbled, sending her a shy smile. “I’ll see you tonight,” she winked subtly before taking her leave. Your members laughed amused by the pink tint that coated your cheeks, your gaze following Minjeong until she disappeared out of sight. “Our Y/n’s shy!” Your leader exclaimed playfully, pulling you out of your daze.
They chuckled at your confusion, the maknae smacking your arm lightly. “More like whipped,” your best friend chimed in. “Stop,” you whined, covering your reddened cheeks in embarrassment. “Shh or you’ll miss your girlfriend’s show,” your leader teased. Her words had your mouth snapping shut, eyes set on the stage before you. Another round of giggles erupted around you, but you couldn't care less.
You bopped your head to the familiar beat, eagerly awaiting the appearance of your girlfriend. Cheers echoed around the establishment as four girls began to rise from beneath the stage, your eyes shining with anticipation. Minjeong had told you little to nothing about what they had planned for today's showcase, only that it was going to be grand. 
You’d practically begged her to give you any information in the weeks that led up to the award show. But to no avail, she refused to cave, only kissing your pout away in hopes of distracting you. Now the wait was finally over, and whatever you had imagined, this was superior. You swore your heart skipped a beat inside your chest as Minjeong’s dazzling smile appeared on the big screen.
You wanted to personally thank the stylist for doing such a fine job at accentuating your girlfriend's figure. Everything from the outfits to the props was on par, not a thing out of place. They filled the stage with their presence, your leg moving on its own accord as it bounced in time with the music. Your jaw dropped in surprise on multiple occasions that evening, eyes basically pooping out of their sockets.
You held your breath at every stunt performed, yet everything was executed perfectly. The choreography was outer worldly, like nothing you’d ever seen before. When each member got a chance to shine, you had to fight off your smile during Minjeong’s parts, which became increasingly difficult as the performance continued.
As it all came to an end, you let out a breath you didn’t even realise you’d been holding. Minjeong’s charming face appeared on the big screen one final time as she posed for the camera. Your cheeks heated up as she blew a kiss at the lens, dimple showing as she grinned happily. Sinking your teeth into your lips to conceal your smile, the voice of your leader calling you caught your attention. “We’re up next,” they said, linking their arms with yours as they dragged you backstage.
You hummed sleepily at the feeling of fingers running along your arm, eyes fluttering opened as you searched for warmth. “Hey,” Minjeong whispered, cupping your face in her palms. “Hey,” you rasped, leaning into her touch. She caressed your cheeks with the pads of her thumbs, a smirk slowly etching its way onto her face. “What?” You inquired curiously, raising an inquisitive brow. 
“I heard you enjoyed my performance last night,” Minjeong said smugly. “Whatever do you mean?” You feigned innocence, an uncontrollable whine passing through your lips as she pulled away. She reached for her phone before returning to your embrace, handing you the device wordlessly. Hesitantly, you unlocked it, expression morphing into one of embarrassment in an instant.
The screen displayed several pictures of you during Aespa’s showcase, eyes glowing and mouth hung open. Groaning, you hid your face in Minjeong’s neck, hearing her mirthful laughter echo around the bedroom. “You look so cute jagi,” she cooed, earning a light smack on the shoulder. “All the fans agree with me too!” She exclaimed in a fit of laughter, your eyes widening as you looked at the phone once more.
Sure enough there were thousands of comments about your reactions to their performance. ‘Y/n is Aespa’s number one fan hands down’, ‘This is so adorable, their reactions are such a mood’. A pout was plastered on your face, looking at the photos of yourself in embarrassment. “At least most of them are positive yeobo,” Minjeong grinned. 
Much to your surprise, as you scroll further down, Minjeong was in fact correct. There wasn’t a negative comment in sight, the thought leaving a triumphant smile on your lips. The recommended article at the bottom of the screen brought a satisfied smirk to your face. “It seems like I’m not the only one who enjoyed last night,” you teased.
Minjeong’s eyes widened comically at your words, she practically lunged at you to rip her phone from your grasp. “Stupid camera’s,” your girlfriend complained, looking at her own photos that were almost identical to yours. With a dopey grin you pressed a kiss to her cheek, pulling her back down to your arms. Both mirroring each other’s expressions of amusement at the situation, unable to stop the laughter that floated around the room.
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squintingcats · 9 months
Cold water to a whumpee with a severe fever who’s too dehydrated and weak to stay awake
Hot water to a whumpee after they’ve lost a lot of blood who’s too dehydrated and weak to stay awake and are also very cold
Hot tea to a whumpee with hypothermia who’s too numb or shaky to drink it themselves
Cold water to a whumpee who just woke up after fainting from heatstroke
Hot broth to a whumpee who hasn’t eaten anything substantial in a long time and has trouble keeping most food down
Hot broth, plain oatmeal, or okayu to a whumpee who is extremely nauseous
Medicine to a whumpee who needs it
Tell me more.
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myouicieloz · 6 months
Heads will roll
Kim Minjeong x aespa 5thmember!reader
Synopsis: Your girlfriend promised you it was ok for you to match with your best friend, Yuna, for the upcoming Halloween party. However, with how she’s behaving all night, you simply had to drag her to and empty room and punish her.
Warnings: smut. sub!minjeong x dom!reader
Word count: 4.4k lol sorry
Notes: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! I’ve tried my best but the verbs might still be all wrong… I hope u enjoy, tho!! ^^ i rlly like halloween kisses mwuah
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You spent the whole evening apart from your best friends and bandmates, shooting your solo pictures for the group’s latest comeback. Since you were the last one to do so, you asked them to get back to the dorm and get ready for Ryujin’s party without you. You’d see each other soon enough, anyway, so it wasn’t that big of a deal.
They sent you countless pictures of them getting ready, and your heart ached to be making funny group memories with them, instead of taking a thousand pictures in a cold studio. It was for work, though, so you’d just have to deal with it.
After what it seemed like ages, your photoshoot was finally over, and you quickly made your way to the dorm to shower and get ready. It sucked to do your makeup by yourself, since Giselle always did it for you, and to not curl Ningning’s hair just as she liked it, but it was either that or you’d all be terribly late for the party, and no one would have that.
Ryujin’s Halloween party was one of the most expected events of the year, so, naturally, no one would want to be late. The girl knew how to host a party— it always had sickening decor, lots of creative and delicious drinks and, most important, secrecy. None of what you did ever got leaked, to ensure the guests always had a good time.
Which you always, always did.
“Woah!” You whistled as you entered Ryujin’s living room, getting the attention of your bandmates. They smiled at you, waving and calling you over.
The four girls were impeccable, each one looking just as gorgeous as ever: Giselle was dressed as a sexy jaguar, wearing a tight jumper with little feline ears; Ningning opted to go as a corpse bride, although her bloodied, ripped wedding dress barely reached her knees; Karina, as a pirate, hat carefully placed in her hands; and at last, your sweet girlfriend, looking lavish as Alice in Wonderland.
You smiled at the sight of her beautiful face, promptly reaching out to hug her, but Winter was having none of it. She didn’t push you, naturally, but her face was all flustered, and she looked livid, frowning as she checked you out.
“Is that really why you didn’t match with me?” Winter asked, offended. She was judging your Lara Croft costume with hard eyes, even though they lingered on the leather belt you wore for a tad too long. There were fake guns attached to them, too, and your hair was braided into two elaborate pieces all by yourself, your skillfulness making the hairstyle neat and composed, not a single strand out of place.
“We’ve had this conversation before.” you reminded her, ever so patient— being used were used to her defensiveness. Besides, you knew you looked good; a little harsh look from your girlfriend wasn’t going to smash out your confidence, “I had already promised Yuna I’d match with her. She arranged our costumes and everything months ago, remember?”
Winter rolled her eyes, murmuring something too low for you to hear, but visibly still annoyed, regardless of your explanation.
You did warn your girlfriend that you’d be matching with your best friend for Halloween, just like you always did ever since you could remember. However, Winter hoped you’d notice her subtle signs and realize she wanted you to match with her, as a couple, instead. After all, it was your first Halloween together, and Winter wanted it to be special.
“You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Yeah, whatever.” She brushed past you, scoffing. You could tell she was very much pissed by the way she stomped through your friends, mixing herself a drink with too much alcohol in it, as she completely turned her back to you.
It was quite unusual for her to drink, but you’ve gotten on her nerves enough to make Winter want to relieve some stress. It bothered her to have you choosing Yuna-subaenim over herself, your girlfriend, no matter how hard she tried to shake the venomous feeling off.
Naturally, Winter knows it’s silly to feel this insecure and jealous over a stupid costume, specially since you and Yuna have been friends since your rookie days— and you’ve only been dating for a couple of months.
Nonetheless, Winter can’t help but to be sulky besides Karina, downing her cup in a few, long gulps. She doesn’t even dislike Yuna, even though she wasn’t exactly friends with the girl, either. Winter found her kind and lovable enough, with her long hair and composed, yet bubbly remarks.
It simply unsettled your girlfriend, to see you matching with Yuna when she was so excited about your first Halloween together. You were Winter’s first partner, and the thought of wearing matching outfits had her all month wondering what to pick. There were just so many cool options, and she was so excited… Which was why having you mention Yuna had already bought you identical costumes— just like she did every year, as long as Winter could remember, — was like a bucket of cold water being thrown in her head.
Of course, had your girlfriend told you wearing couple outfits to the party was that important to her, you would’ve simply brushed Yuna off, claiming you’d comply with your girlfriend’s wishes this year. However, she said nothing, so you naturally didn’t think much of it, brushing it off.
However, Winter felt a bitter taste in her mouth as she stared at you and Yuna, looking pretty much like twins if it weren’t for you towering over the girl, hair much longer and darker. It was as though she were fighting her first battle, a silent, passive one with your best friend, and she had just lost.
Winter really wasn’t going to hide her pout for the rest of the night. She’d allow herself that, at least.
Your girlfriend behaves like nothing but a fucking brat the whole afternoon.
She makes sure to be extra touchy with people— much unlike her nature, laughing hard and smiling at whatever it is that Jaehyun was saying. The boy was as boring as they came, and she’d stopped listening to his ramble minutes ago. Now, her eyes were trained on you, with every action calculated to bring you to the edge. From the way her slick fingers traced his skin, to her leaning to listen better, since the music is so loud, isn’t it?
You let her be, allowing Winter to celebrate her little tantrums alongside her members. Despite her obvious confrontation with you, she genuinely seems to be enjoying herself: laughing, drinking and joking with the girls and other close friends on the dance floor. So you let her have her little victory, observing from afar as you enjoy your night just the same; Even though your eyes narrow once you feel her subtly— almost unnoticeably, ducking from your touch, when you join the girls after hanging out with your other friends for a while.
In fact, Winter’s cold shoulder gave you plenty of time to think about the ways you’d punish her for her foolish behavior. You licked your lips at the thought of having little Alice in Wonderland all spread open just for you, crying as you deny her orgasms over and over until her pretty, abused cunt is all red and sore, drenching and clenching over the slightest brush of your fingers. It’d be such a heavenly sight: the girl on all fours, screaming and pleading for you to touch her anywhere, to do anything to her or else she’d explode.
However, you remain composed, your face giving none of your impurities away as you twist the ice in your whiskey and patiently listen to whatever funny story is being told by Chaeryeoung in the corner you all stand. You could feel the avalanche of thoughts and ideas going over and over through your mind, aching to make your girlfriend wither and destroy her petite body, as you made sure to let her know who possessed her in every way.
Meanwhile, Winter was walking through a dangerous path, she knew it as much. The feeling of your eyes poking wholes on her back was dense enough to send electric shocks through her entire body, and she was well aware of you watching her every move. She smiled to herself, glad to have your full attention despite feeling like such a loser, earlier. The thought of being punished for all of her bratty actions, too, aroused her perhaps a bit too much to keep her from being good. So she closed her eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and smiled again, humming to herself as she knew her night was barely getting started.
“Hey, if you’d like we could, ahn, keep our conversation somewhere quieter…” Winter heard Jaehyun say, lips dangerously close to her ear. She was about to brush him off when he was abruptly shoved backwards, and soon enough she felt a strong grip on her waist.
She couldn’t contain a smile, hearing your harsh voice echoing from above her tiny frame.
“I suggest you keep your _hands_ to yourself, subaenim, if you want them intact.” You growled, turning your girlfriend to you as you pushed her upstairs, opening doors until you found an empty room. You shoved Winter on the bed without delicacy, smiling slightly to see her bounce a little on the mattress, in response to your touch. She was so petite—even now, staring at you behind her lashes.
“Fucking whore.” You cursed, taking your time unbuckling your numerous belts as she stared at you, licking her lips at the sight of your hands putting on work. She needed them on herself, immediately. “Throwing yourself at that fucker like a cheap slut. I guess that is just what you are, right?” You said, gripping her face. “A cheap fucking slut.”
Winter’s pupils were as blown out as yours, and her heart was beating so loud she was sure it echoed loudly through the bedroom. It was so hot for her to have you like this: mad out of your mind, handling her like a doll. It was a deep contrast from your caring, worried nature, one that she loved to experience from time to time. And the best part was that she got to have this feral side of you all to herself. You were hers, and hers alone.
No stupid fucking costume would change that.
She nodded as best as she could, since your touch was strong in order to keep her still.
“Say it.”
“I’m just a cheap slut.” Her reply came immediately, as Winter’s eyes remained locked on your face.
You kissed her deeply in response, exploring all the possible places of her mouth. Your hands went down her neck, blocking her airways just enough to make your girlfriend sigh, lightheaded.
“Perfect, baby.” You praised, sucking on her pulse point. “And who owns you?”
Winter’s hands found their way to yours, even though her touch wasn’t meant to make you stop.
She simply had to feel you, to have your skin on hers. It was a necessity to taste you and to have you taste her, too. It was taking you too long to touch her, already: she was feeling like her whole body was going to explode.
“You, unnie.” She breathed.
You stopped your work on her neck, now sucking at her earlobe as you whispered. “Just that? I’m starting to think you don’t want me to do anything to you at all; you just wanted to fuck that stupid ass guy to piss me off.”
She whined as you distanced yourself, opening her legs so you could place yourself between them. She looked like a painting, with her shoulder-length hair all disheveled and flustered face, trying to gather her breath and her thoughts. You allowed her to do so, squeezing and brushing your hands up and down her thighs while waiting for her next move.
As if Winter could ever concentrate with you touching her like that.
Pulling you by your pants—she couldn’t help but to look for your belt, biting her cheek to keep a smile from adorning her face as she found it in your hands, already—she pleaded. “Please, mommy,” She opened her legs even more, with her hands on your neck to kiss you again, “I’ve been so bad tonight… please, please punish me.”
You smiled, thinking about all the ways you’d ruin her through the night. She was so beautiful, so eager to surrender herself to you completely. It warmed your heart with both desire and lust, to know you had her to yourself.
“You’ll be well punished, Minjeongie. Don’t worry,” You promised, leaving wet kisses against her shoulders. “I’ll ruin you, so you’re reminded to not even look at anyone else, my love. You’re fucking mine.”
As you shared another wet, lustful kiss, Minjeong couldn’t help but to feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
You interlock her wrists with one of your belts, wiggling it to make sure it wasn’t too tight on the girl’s skin; just enough to make it a slightly ache. “Do you know your words?”
“And what will you do if you want me to stop?”
“I’ll use them.” She assured you, nodding.
“Very well, then,” You took her in, looking so pretty messed up like that. You’d have to leave her like that more. “On your fours.”
Winter got half-up, cocking her head to the sides as she sent you a confused look. You were both still all dressed up. Had you forgotten about that detail, perhaps?
“Dress stays on,” You mumbled, groping her body through the fabric. “You look too pretty in that outfit. It nearly made me fuck you in the middle of the room, for everyone to see, when I first saw you.”
She giggled, delighted to have your praises. Her face was met with a pout soon after, though, as she sighed, defiantly. “If only you’d matched with me, instead of that bi—”
Winter lets out a loud grasp once you turn her around, adjusting her body roughly on your thighs.
“Shut the fuck up.” You told her. “Toys don’t talk. Specially ones that behaved so poorly the whole night.” Pushing her tiny dress up, you gave her ass a good squeeze. “Now, count. 10 for each cheek, since I’m feeling patient, for now.”
Winter couldn’t suppress the shiver that went through her body as she heard your words. She bit her lips, not wanting to let you see how much your tone aroused her; so drenched already, and you’ve only made out for a few minutes.
“O-one,” She took a deep breath as you went on, kissing her back and her ass until you’d finished, your hands’ impressions well painted on her milky skin. “T-two…”
You were surprised she didn’t lose count, not even once, even though her face was already glistening with a few tears, and she was shaking her head vigorously. “T-ten!”
You let out a proud smirk once you got her spankings over with, helping her up. “You did good, love.” You assured your girlfriend, kissing her gently to make sure she wasn’t overwhelmed. You let Winter take some time to breathe, nodding as she got her body closer to yours as much as she could, since her hands were still locked up.
Winter was always needy and touchy. You laugh at her exasperate touches, kissing her as you guide her body to lay on the bed completely. You tear down panties with hunger, soon taking out her white stockings, too, until you manage to push up the skirt of her dress and leave her cunt bare, inviting you over.
“You look so pretty, love. All dolled up and ready for me. So fucking hot tonight, baby.”
All she could do was nod, lost in pleasure as you kiss along her thighs. She instantly opens them more, hoping you’d mark them —just as you both liked it. You took your time pinching, sucking and bruising her perfect skin, enjoying the sound of the pornographic moans that left her mouth. You were drenched yourself, too, at the sight of your pretty girlfriend’s face as she lets out incoherent cries and whines.
Your fingers brush her cunt, never more than a light tease over her heated body as you add, “Wearing this little dress like the whore you are. Do you even have any idea of how delicious you look right now? Of how many people ogled you all night, desperate to touch you?” You giggled to yourself at the sound of her frustrated huffs, tracing your fingers to her slit before giving her pussy a long lick, “They can’t, though. You’re all mine. Mine to mark, mine to toy with. My doll.”
She couldn’t even answer as you dive in, sucking her pretty cunt vigorously as Winter wriggles and tries her best to get a hold of your hair, which makes you nibble your teeth though her sex, provoking her.
“M-more, more, mommy. Please! Oh shit—“ She was a mess, feeling even more as if she were going to erupt. Your hands kept touching her everywhere, with your nails leaving long, red lines from her forearms to the ends of her thighs.
As you kept on with an even faster rhythm, you could feel her inner walls clenching and her eyes starting to close in pleasure. So, naturally, you subsided your movements, allowing Winter’s cunt no more than a few kitten licks. She opened her eyes immediately, looking at you so adorably confused and frustrated.
“Do you really think you deserve to cum, my sweet?” Your fingertips entered her hole just enough so you could gather some of her wetness and taste it yourself, giving her sex a light slap. It made her joint, and you smiled at how sensitive she was, all bruised and marked. “With how much of an ungrateful slut you’ve been all night, hiding from my touches and presenting yourself to others…”
Still, she shook her head vigorously, “I’ll make it up to you, mommy, I promise.” Winter pleaded, with her best, sweetest voice. “Let me cum, please! Even though I don’t deserve it.”
Her obvious attempts to get herself off made you scoff, although you positioned yourself between Winter’s small body once again. She was your little doll, after all, so pretty dressed up as Alice in Wonderland.
And you have all the time in the world to edge her until she’s a withering mess, at the dorms, anyway.
Positioning your index and middle finger on her entrance, you brushed her hair off her face. “Work for it then, doll. If you want to get off so bad, do it.”
Winter’s eyes widened at your suggestion, and she let her shoulders down at the thought of having to do all the work. She’d never done such a thing, specially since you were always so eager to be the cause of her moans as she fell into pieces. As she opened her mouth to whine again, though, a simple look from you shut her out: the girl immediatly knew it was either that or nothing. Logically, your girlfriend bit her lip, pressing herself against your fingers as she felt the feeling of them in her tight cunt. She let out a loud moan, fucking herself on your fingers until the knot on her stomach soon presented itself back.
“Stop staring at me like that.” She said, looking the other way to not acknowledge you observing her, since she couldn’t push you herself. You curled your fingers inside of her, giggling at her little screams and surprised huffs.
“But you look so pretty, specially like this. Only for me.” You were making your best to follow through your words, even though Winter’s sounds and movements were making you crazy. You simply needed to grab her pretty little waist and take her until she was really screaming, crying loudly for you to stop.
However, you had to be patient, or else your girlfriend wouldn’t be taught her lesson. One she so desperately needed, so she would communicate to you better.
“Only for you, always.” She promised, her breathing erratic as she twitched under you. “Mommy, I’m gonna—please, please, let me cum.”
“Do it, love. You can cum, now.” You smiled, kissing Winter’s thighs as you bit them gently.
That did it for her; with a loud cry, she came all over your hand, trying to get your fingers off her pussy once she got too sensitive. You retrieved your fingers, sucking them clean as Winter gestured for you to set her hands free, which you promptly did. She immediately went to your lap, wrapping her fingers around your neck as she marked your skin, just as you had done to her, earlier.
“Thank you mommy.” She murmured, still light-headed and needy from her orgasm. You loved how dependent she got afterward, always requiring many cuddles and kisses after you fucked. You loved your girlfriend deeply, and she’d always be the number one in your life. “I wore the dress just for you, you know? I saw your look when we passed by the costume shop.”
You hummed, throwing your head slightly to allow Winter to suck on your neck as she liked to, “You’re such a little evil being, Minjeong.” She giggled, trailing kisses through your face until she captured your mouth, pulling you in for a long, slow kiss.
“I’m only yours.” She moved her bangs out of her face. “Are you only mine, too?”
“Of course, baby.” You frowned, squeezing her tiny waist to assure her of so. “I belong to you, just as you belong to me.”
“Good.” She whispered, feeling relieved to have that envious feeling finally off her shoulders. She didn’t master the courage to look at you, as she added. “I just wish we had matched, tonight.”
You held her even closer, kissing both of her cheeks repeatedly. “We will, next year. Ok?” You winked, managing to get a smile from her at the subtle promise. “You have to tell me when something’s bothering you, baby. I thought you were cool with me matching with Yuna and all.”
“I thought I was cool with it, too.” She shrugged, kicking her feet. “But I guess I wasn’t.”
You kissed her once again, hoping to have her know how much you loved her.
“It’s all good now, though. Come on, the party’s still going. Let’s head back?”
Winter’s head cocked to the side at your words, and soon her hands were toying with the hem of your crop top. She smirked, trying to look as innocent as she could at the thought of keeping you all to herself.
“Not yet… still want to get more of what’s mine, then.” You smiled back at the auburn haired girl, placing your arms up to allow her to get rid of the piece. “Besides, you’ve made me do all the work just now… I think I deserve a compensation.”
You scoffed, but pushed Winter’s body back on the bed just the same. You were her girlfriend, after all. You’d always spoil her rotten and indulge to her wishes.
“Bratty ass.”
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