#will she ever get that dance with kal?
dlartistanon · 1 year
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If I could steal you away for one moment
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coconut530 · 2 months
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solar-wing · 10 months
⚣ The Bet: M'Gann's Romantic Evening 🌹
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⚣🌹 A/N → I didn't include the prompts here since this will be a series, but they'll be included. Personally, I love a good enemies-to-lovers trope, but as I said, I love an oblivious reader. I also get very frustrated with them but it balances out. This will be a series with different parts describing everyone's scenario! I'll put up a vote of who you want to see next, and if you think the adults should get in on it! WARNINGS: Fluff&Comfort. Very Mild Angst&Emotions. Minor Manipulation and scheming.
⚣🌹 Summary → Alright, it was official. Your friends were getting sick and tired of waiting for you and Conner to confess your obvious feelings for each other. When discussing when they figured you both would fess up, Wally got the genius idea to make a bet on when and how everyone figured it would happen. M'Gann lost on the time-frame part, but the dance wasn't over yet.
⚣🌹 Words → 2.5k
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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“I give it a week.”
“Nah, I’d say more like a month.”
“Have you seen those two? I’m betting Wednesday LATEST!”
The Team, minus you and Conner, were sitting in the lounge room discussing a very interesting topic; you and Conner.
“Okay, but we all know how stubborn Conner is. He will legitimately refuse to make the first move until the very last second. And, no offense to Y/N, but the dude has fallen for the ‘something on your shirt’ gag one too many times to be able to pick up on the obvious feelings from the one person who hides his emotions through grunting, shouting, and ripping off his shirt.” Wally replied, munching on his pretzel sticks.
“True, but Conner has gotten really better with properly expressing feelings.” M’Gann pointed out, placing the cookie dough, she finished mixing onto the baking sheets.
“Okay, just because you go to five therapy sessions with Canary does not suddenly make you emotionally secure,” Wally countered.
“True, but again, have we all seen those two?! I swear it’s like watching a Christmas rom-com in live action.” Artemis said.
Everyone nodded their head in agreement before Dick eventually spoke up.
“So, what do we do? Sit and watch this movie play out, or be those characters who butt in and inadvertently mess everything up but help to bring them together?”
“Are we sure getting involved is the right thing to do, though? If this is between Conner and Y/N, shouldn’t we just, in a sense, ‘mind our business?’” Kal brought up.
“I mean, yes, in a sense, that would be the right thing to do. But, isn’t it like our job to get involved in stuff that’s none of our business?” Zatanna responded.
Everyone agreed with each other while Kal just sighed, “I have a strong feeling this is going to end in disaster.”
Artemis leaned over, patting him on his knee, “Oh buddy, when has it not ever ended in disaster.”
She had a point.
“I say we make a bet!” Wally suggested. Eyebrows raised, and interest peaked as everyone leaned in to hear the speedster’s idea.
Yeah, this was definitely going to end in disaster.
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So, the bet was each person would give a time-frame of how long it would take for you and Conner to confess to each other. Everyone had to put in $25 to get in on the bet. There were two ways to win the earnings, which could end with one winning half the money or all of it.
Whoever's time prediction ended up being the right one got half the winnings, while everyone else whose predictions were wrong had to put in another $25 making their total bet $50 from each loser. The other way to win was if you predicted how the two would get together. No money was put in on that since those could be very specific scenarios.
Some paired into teams, so they had a better chance of winning both the earnings.
Artemis and M’Gann bet two weeks to a month tops before you and Conner ended up together.
Dick and Zatanna predicted at least a month, a maximum of three.
Kal and Wally were solo on this one. The Atlantean claimed five to six months, while Wally said a year.
It was December, meaning Wally was proclaiming you and Conner wouldn’t confess or realize your feelings for each other until the next holiday season.
“Wally, don’t you think that’s a little excessive?” Zatanna asked.
“Not at all. Like I said, Conner’s stubborn, and Y/N couldn’t be more oblivious if he wanted to be. This is going to take some time.” The speedster explained.
“I’m so gonna enjoy your $50 bucks,” Artemis smirked.
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To be honest, it was no surprise to anyone other than Artemis and M’Gann when they ended up paying their extra $25 when the middle of January passed. Though M’Gann was still hopeful she’d win half when almost into February, her predicted scenario almost played out.
Your school’s winter formal was coming up, and you couldn’t be more excited because you’d finally had a date that year! It’d be your first school dance where you wouldn’t be flying solo or going in a group.
When you told Conner the news, you’d been more than surprised by his reaction.
“I don’t get why you're so excited about some stupid dance.” He said with his usual deadpan face, though you missed the sour expression that appeared when he turned away from you.
“It’s not just a dance!” You angrily retorted.
“Isn’t the whole point of the event to dance?”
“No! Well, yes- I mean, that’s a significant part of it, but it’s not the whole thing! It’s about making memories and sharing those special moments with some of your closest friends.”
“Well, that sounds stupid,” He muttered standing back on his legs after finishing the adjustments he was making to his bike.
“It is not stupid,” You gritted through your teeth, “How would you feel if I said fixing your bike was stupid, or having heat vision is stupid, or better yet, you were stupid!”
Now, you managed to hit the Kryptonian’s nerves more than you already did before. He didn’t do well with hostile tones.
“What’s your problem?! All I said was I didn’t see why you were so excited about some stupid dance!”
“There you go again with that stupid word. But, hey, I shouldn’t expect more from someone with the emotional intelligence of a 4-year-old who only knows how to throw tantrums when something upsets them!” You yelled back at him.
This wasn’t going well for M’Gann’s plan, who sat and watched from around the corner as you and the half-Kryptonian continued your screaming match with each other. She predicted Conner would be the first to confess and he would do so by taking you out for a special evening, and so far, it wasn’t looking good. But, there was still hope, because what more special of an evening could there be than your school’s winter formal?!
“I can think of one,” Wally said.
“I can think of several,” Dick added.
“I have a list of them, actually,” Zatanna remarked.
“A dinner date at McDonald’s could be more special,” Artemis laughed.
Okay, so they weren’t going to be any help.
M’Gann hadn’t given up, though. The night before your dance, she‘d convinced Kal to find and give her the address of the boy who asked you and ended up making a special trip to your city.
The next day, out of the blue, you received a text from him calling off your date. Your dads tried to console you, but nothing worked. You spent the day on your living room couch, not even wanting to go to school. 
Your friends had texted you all day to see where you were, but you turned your phone off, not wanting to be bothered by anyone.
When it came time for you to get ready, instead, you were on the couch, watching another episode of whatever random cartoon you picked off the streaming service. Your dads once again tried to cheer you up and convince you to still go to the dance (especially since they had paid for the suit already), but when you stretched your arm all the way from the couch to the kitchen to grab another can of soda from the fridge, they’d given up.
Hopefully, they could get their deposit back.
Just then, your doorbell rang. Your dads went to answer it while you hit ‘Next Episode’ on the TV screen. The stupid timer was just wasting precious seconds that could’ve been used to already get you through the first part of the theme song.
“Hello, sirs, is Y/N home?” A familiar voice spoke from the other side of the door.
Before your parents could even call your name, you were off the couch and already at the door causing them both to smirk seeing as how that was the fastest you got up all day.
You found Conner standing on the other side of your front door dressed up in a tux that was the perfect matching accent color to your own, holding a box that contained a boutonniere with his hair looking neater than his usual style. Now, you could see what Artemis was talking about when she complimented him on that one mission when you and the Team were protecting that scientist.
‘Mmm, that boy.’ 
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt your papa nudging you.
Why your parents were both holding cheeky smiles, you’d find out later. You shooed them away before stepping outside and closing the door, pretending to not see them watching you from behind the living room curtains.
“Conner, what are you doing here?” You asked.
“Um, well- I-um, I heard your date bailed on you, and I know this stupid dance was important to you. So, I figured maybe, if it was cool with you, that- um … Well, I could take you?” He stuttered, his fingers twitching and his shoulders tensing. Something you knew he only did when he was either very uncomfortable or highly nervous.
You stood there for a minute, wondering if you were being punked for some reason. Because while this was sweet and all, how did he even know your date canceled on you? Even though you wanted to text him the moment it happened since you always went to him when something upset you, but you guys were fighting this time so you chose not to.
Ah, it didn’t matter. Those were all things that could wait till tomorrow!
You told him to wait in the living room with your parents while you ran upstairs to get dressed. While you were gone, your pops gave Conner the ‘protective dad’ talk while your papa just watched with amusement. In no more than twenty minutes, you managed to shower, fix your hair, and get your suit on without tripping and falling once over an arm or leg.
People would be surprised at how clumsier a person can be when their limbs can stretch long enough to pat a giraffe on the head from the ground.
When you got back downstairs, you figured the look on Conner’s face Conner was from how fast you’d gotten dressed. In your hands, you held your own boutonniere that was meant for your ex-date but was now going on your current one, holding back a laugh when the Kryptonian admitted he didn’t know what in the world they were for or how to put them on.
Your papa huddled you together for pictures, taking as many as he could to where your pops had to drag him away so you both could leave. When you got outside, you looked around expecting to see Sphere or his motorcycle around somewhere. You were pleasantly surprised to find a limo sitting at the end of your driveway.
“Yeah, I had to ask Dick for a favor. M’Gann wouldn’t let me bring my bike.”
That caught your attention.
“Wait, M’Gann set this up?” You asked while Conner opened the door for you, letting you get in first.
“Sort of. She was the one who told me your date had bailed on you. Which, by the way, do him a favor and don’t point him out to me tonight,” Conner said with a slightly irate look, “Luckily though, she had a suit and showed me how to prepare and get ready.”
When you arrived at the dance, your friends were surprised to see you, some slightly mad that you didn’t show up to school that day and ignored them. It was all quickly forgotten about though when they saw who you walked in with. Everybody at your school and their dates were more than surprised to see who you had on your arm. Some made flirtatious looks while their dates were standing right there, and some looked at you in complete envy and jealousy. You secretly enjoyed the attention but no one had to know about that.
On more than one occasion, guys and girls who never gave you the time of day in school tried to come and talk to you, well, more so your date, but they acknowledged you. If you took personal joy in how Conner brushed them off with little to no care, you had no shame in showing it.
The Kryptonian made the night all the more special for you in ways you couldn’t even imagine. Introducing him to your friends and all the new inside jokes you would have with each other, laying your head on his shoulder while slow-dancing together, and seeing the jealous look on your ex-date’s face the entire night. But most of all, it was great for you to see Conner genuinely having fun.
It wasn’t any secret that the reality of him being a genetic clone and not a naturally-born human weighed on him a few times. Never mind that half of his DNA was from someone who didn’t want anything to do with him, and the other half was from an egotistical billionaire who tried to use him as a weapon and replacement for the first one.
You knew things were hard on him, and you tried to be there for him as much as possible, and you could see him doing the same for you with the way he showed up for you tonight.
He did ask you why this dance was so important at some point and you admitted it wasn’t really the dance that had you excited, but instead, the fact you had a date for the first time. Since coming out, you were used to getting overlooked and ignored by your different crushes for a cheerleader or one of your female friends.
So, when you ended up getting asked out, you couldn’t help the joy that you could finally partake in all the cutesy stuff you got to see your friends do with their dates at other dances, feeling like you finally had someone for yourself.
Conner’s hands tighten a little around your waist at your admittance, and though you didn’t think anything of it, you couldn’t help the fluttering feeling in your chest when the Kryptonian said you’d always have him.
It was a great night.
After that, other kids at your school would try to hang with you, inviting you out to parties and events and mentioning how you should bring your boyfriend along.
These people must be mistaken. Conner wasn’t your boyfriend. He was one of your closest friends since you’d joined the Team around the same time Artemis did. But you guys weren’t dating. You just had a special bond and always looked out for each other.
He was your best friend and nothing more.
At least, you thought.
Obviously, this created much disappointment with M’Gann, who eagerly awaited to hear how it went. The pictures were adorable, though, but now, she had to deal with an angry boy who she’d promised that you wouldn't show up to the dance with another date.
You hadn’t forgotten your suspicions though with how Conner suddenly showed up at your door. Choosing to ignore it for now, you’d be keeping a closer eye on Miss Martian, not even realizing your other friends were cooking up similar plans themselves.
Oh boy…
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☀️ | Conner Kent/Superboy | ☀️
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thxrnking · 5 months
Question about Pat!
There's a lot of other dancers in Physical, was there any possibility of them being friends/related to Pat in any way? I know you said Brezz and Pat were friendly but does he have any closer friends in that crowd?
Also I love Pat sm like you don't even know how much you made love this precious bean
So I love this question. It's a little rough to answer since if you actually pay attention to the background of Physical, they use like the same 5/6 dancers going back and forth carrying bags or not carrying bags and so I'm going to focus on the main 5 backup dancers during the chorus (there's 6 including Pat)
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So let's start with these two you see on either side of Pat.
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Orange shirt, orange shoes, blue crop jacket - who else could this be but Pat's younger sister Talin (she/her). Just a year or two younger, they have quite a close sibling relationship. As adults they don't live together, actually in different districts of Dancity though they often meet up and check in with each other. That was happening the day of Physical, both of them catching up with each other but the second Pat saw Brezziana had her boombox, Talin knew he would be dancing. He's always been that way and she's not embarassed in the slightest, more than happy to join in.
Half-grey half-orange shirt, blue shoes - This is Milo (he/they), Talin's boyfriend. They've been dating a couple of years now, and live together in one of the nicer areas of Dancity. They're older than Pat by a year and a bit. While he gets along well with Pat, they don't hang out without Talin. Milo sees Pat as kind of naïve and while they commend Pat for his optimistic outlook, he doesn't think it's good for him. More than once they've told Talin that one day reality is going to hit Pat like a freight train and he hopes they're not there when it happens.
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This is Kate (she/her) and she was in some of Pats classes when they were still in High School. They didn't know each other, hanging out with very different groups of people and didn't really hang out though they both knew of each other at least. Since graduation they've run into each other semi-frequently and exchange mini-updates and pleasantries but that's about it. She's impressed that Pat's still quite upbeat and not actually turned sour like most of their old classmates.
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This is Kal (they/them) and shares a lot of mutual friends with Pat but does not consider him a friend themself. They will often end up at group hangouts/activities together and keeps to themself but does their best to avoid direct interaction. Frankly, they don't trust Pat. To quote Kal, "No one is that upbeat all the time and not hiding something."
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This person doesn't know Pat at all, this is they first time they ever encountered each other.
Thanks for the inspiration :3
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gergthecat · 5 months
Reunion - Dual POV Saedii/Tyler
Tyler Jones is the opposite of everything I’ve ever stood for. Tyler Jones is stubborn and competitive. Tyler Jones is all of my thoughts. Tyler Jones is beautiful. I saw him last during our call four days ago. He gazed at me with that prideful look on his face. The look that shows me he knew I would join him in his fight; he knew I would come around. 
He seems injured, and unfortunately, I seem to care. We have won our battle, and my fleet’s course is now set to Aurora Academy to meet him. 
In a daze, I wander my ship in the night, and as I pass the MEDbay, I remember our time together. The press of his body against mine, his soft lips leaving warm trails along my neck. We are folding, yet the stained grays only barely dull the glowing ache for him to once again be by my side. I revolve back around to my quarters, remembering the urge to call and to hear the smooth warmth of his voice. Reaching into my wardrobe, I grab nightclothes that I have worn the past week. They are stiff and rough against my skin, nearly suffocating. In stark contrast, my bed is cool and velvety, although, perhaps I am just tired.
Of all the things I’ve come to expect being awoken by, my bleeding sister is not one of them. Even in the thick of the war, Scar was never much of a bruiser. This is why, when I open my eyes to find her sitting across from me in the MEDbay holding a wet cloth up to her bleeding, purple nose, my first thought is that something serious is going down. 
Only when I turn my head to the right do I see the presumable cause for my sister’s disorderly state: Saedii Gilwraeth. Just as I’m about to question what exactly happened here, First Paladin Erien McStabbyface walks in looking even worse for wear than Scar. He’s got a huge, deep purple bruise on his right cheekbone, and his lip and chin are split and slowly oozing violet down his throat. He looks at Scarlett, then me, and finally, Saedii, not quite meeting her eyes. There’s an awkward silence until, finally, I ask, “Can someone please tell me the hells is going on?” 
Erien’s head snaps towards me and Saedii’s eyes narrow in his direction. In my entire ( albeit short ) adult life, I have never been this confused. I cannot help but wonder:
If somehow, my sister beat Erien up and
Why Saedii is here
“Tyler Jones,” Seadii says, nodding to the door.
I start the little wiggle-dance that I do whenever I have to leave my bed and fall into my wheelchair. I can walk, but using my chair is so much easier, and I can’t say I don’t feel a tickle of excitement when Saedii looks concerned. She watches as I struggle past her through the door.
Finally escaping the MEDbay, she sits, crossing her legs, on a bench in the hallway, now just below eye level. 
“They got into… a disagreement, of sorts,” she starts.
“Yeah, I figured. But Erien seems more injured than Scar is. I don’t believe MY sister could come out on top in a fight with him.”
“She didn’t. They were arguing in the docking bay; she insulted him, and he retaliated via a strike in the nose.”
“And I slashed him,” she says, looking away.
I’m almost too shocked to ask, but I do anyway, “Why?”
“Why not? It would’ve caused an uprising. Kaliis was ready to go up against him, and I prefer my subordinates living.”
“Kal wouldn’t do that, he’s not like you,” I mumble, immediately realizing my mistake. She narrows her eyes at me, and I hurry to devise a sufficient apology.
“Like me? What exactly does that mean, Tyler Jones?”
“Nothing, I-I didn’t mean it like that, Saedii. I just- Maker- I just meant that he’s not as hot-headed as you,” her eyebrows raise dauntingly high, “err, he’s more, I don’t know, calm, I guess.”
I expect her to insult me or walk away; instead, she softly smirks, and before I know it, I’m laughing, and she’s quietly chuckling, too. I barely get to enjoy the pleasant moment before she abruptly stands, and when I think she’s about to storm away, she leans down and kisses me. I’m shocked only for a moment before the hunger takes over. My left hand tangles into her braids and my right presses on the small of her back to awkwardly pull her down into my lap. Hers cup my cheeks and lightly stroke below my closed eyes. The kiss isn’t like anything we’ve had before; it’s soft and sweet and bright and warm. It feels like The Maker Themself crafted us to fit perfectly together. My hand slowly rubs up and down her back, hugging our chests tightly together.
At last, she pulls away, and I see that her ears are bright purple, although I’m guessing my cheeks aren’t much better. She looks freaking adorable. We’re both breathing heavily, and as my forehead finds hers, I feel her mind leaking into mine. Her beautiful violets and reds and golds shimmering against my yellow and orange. She lets me see her mind candidly, without her iron armor. The moment is absolutely perfect—that is, until Scarlett marches out of the MEDbay and audibly gasps at what she’s interrupted. Saedii instantly separates, jumping to her feet. This would all be fine if I weren’t in my chair because the momentum of her standing sends me rearing backward and threatening to fall. They both reach out to stop me, Saedii just barely catching my outstretched arm before I hit the floor. Scar snickers, and Saedii gives her a glare that could pierce a star.
“I just wanted to tell you not to yell at her; it wasn’t her fault,” Scar clarifies, which I might have been able to laugh at had I not just taunted death.
“I know better than to yell at her; last time I did that, Erien stabbed me.” 
Scar looks at me, and then at Saedii, who just shrugs.
“Okay then, I’ll leave you two sweethearts alone,” she turns back to Saedii, “Go easy on him.”
And she does leave us alone. We just barely make it back to my quarters before we’re stumbling onto my bed and she’s ripping my shirt off. I definitely prefer alone.
Check me out on AO3 :)
Masterlist :)
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serenanymph · 1 year
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wip intro - beast
A single feather drifts from within the boy's bloodied cloak to the ground, floating, dancing on the wind. Pitch black, stained red, exactly like the ones Crys had seen earlier on the trail. Silence. The world holds its breath, both of them staring at that feather on the ground, a single second stretching out into eternity. “Oh,” the boy says weakly. “Shit.”
GENRE: YA high fantasy
POV: third person, multiple, present tense
STATUS: book 1 on hold (final draft), book 2 ongoing (first draft)
found family and large casts
queer characters of various flavors + background romance
sarcastic one + ray of sunshine one
chill lesbian + disaster lesbian
undead creatures!!! cool magic!!! shapeshifting!!!
a Journey
discrimination, eventual rebellion, lots of blowing stuff up
telling each other to practice self-care while not practicing self-care
and a protagonist who doesn't really fit the 'hero' or 'chosen one' role
There are monsters in the woods.
Beasts have been at war with humans for centuries. The children of Katas himself, they are shapeshifters, magic wielders, and the source of the Witchrisen that has been plaguing Kosei since time immemorial.
For Crys Averwell, a human boy from a backwater village, there has never been any reason to doubt the old legends. However, when he stumbles across a wounded crow-boy in the woods whose wings have been brutally hacked off, everything he knows is thrown into question.
On the flip side, Icarus Kal-Nira is wingless, weaponless, and stranded miles and miles away from home, with no way to get back. If he wants to survive, he's going to have to trust Crys.
Quite unfortunately, that's the easy part - because when the entire world hates Beasts, a single ally won't be enough to grant an edge. And as time goes on and threats increase, it's only going to get harder for Crys to hide Icarus's existence from his village...
Crys Averwell - 16, human, archer. sharp tongue and even sharper wit. walking personification of "I'm fine", needs sleep and therapy but is getting neither because I keep putting him in Situations
Icarus "Ink" Kal-Nira - 17, Beast (Crow), dual-wielder. ray of sunshine and genuinely the nicest person to ever exist. giant golden retriever energy. Trying His Best
Dahlia Reistveil - 17, human, daughter of a tavern-owner. Crys's childhood friend. often seen as the Mature One, but underneath all that she has a boatload of her own Issues
Beatriz Das-Reille - 16, Beast (Crow), Icarus's sort-of-but-not-really-little-sister. fast flier, wields a rapier, and is made up of only anxiety and more anxiety.
taglist (lmk if you want to be +/-): @sapphos-scientist
feel free to browse through the gen tag in which I reblog everything from inspiration to resources, and occasionally actually post something! I'll probably make a proper long page later on and sort out the tagging system, but until then you just get this.
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hiso03 · 5 days
id love to see gym bros, knights and wizards, and halbarry tango!
Gym bros
The idea is a bit simple and was mostly inspired by conversations I had with my friends about eating disorders or problems with their weight.
How hard it can be for someone to lose weight and get used to that new weight or how hard it can be for someone to gain weight and get used to it.
The story is alternate universe without powers where Barry has problems with his weight and has had it for a long time since he tends to eat out of anxiety and stress, which has led him to gain a lot of weight and receive a lot of comments for this.
Encouraged by his friend, Iris decides to go to a gym, feeling self-conscious when he sees all the bodies, muscles and attractiveness around him.
He feels like a failure and thinks about leaving after his first bad day until a brunette guy comes over to talk to him.
Barry thinks maybe the boy is flirting with him, but rejects the idea immediately.
Barry observes the boy's bright smile as he stands in front of him with his hand outstretched. Out of politeness she stretches out her hand and takes the hand of the other man who squeezes it sympathetically.
"Well, Barry, it'll be nice to see you here, I hope you'll come back often." "Thank you." "If you need anything, you can come to me," he says casually. "I usually come at least three times a week, but I try to do it daily; I'm usually around this time." Barry again asserts shyly, unable to understand why a man as handsome and attractive as Hal would specifically come forward to talk to someone like him. Were they playing a prank on him? Was he being recorded? His thoughts begin to choke him and make him a little anxious, but he manages to control himself when he realizes that Hal is still next to him, mumbling a bunch of nonsensical complaints that Barry doesn't really understand."
"Knights and Wizards"
It's really two stories in the same document.
The first is a short story where Hal is the captain of the green lantern task force that is in the service of King Kal-El, who has recently had a political marriage to the prince of Gotham, Bruce Wayne.
Hal meets Bruce's sorcerer and falls in love with him, the same could be said for the wizard, but Barry doesn't plan to be so easily convinced.
"Hal knew that these last few days were especially difficult since His Majesty had married the Prince of Gotham to frame a political settlement. Since then, the number of problems they had had to face, including plots and some internal conflicts, had been stopped by the Lantern army. Hal had been exhausted ever since and especially down, as because of the stupid traitors trying to dethrone Kal-El, he had been unable to see the healer, Barry Allen, anymore."
And the second story is inspired a bit by Oscar Wilde's tale of the rose and the nightingale.
Hal is in love with a maiden from his hometown, she agrees to marry him on the condition that he gives her a unique rose that blooms only once a year, Hal accepts and joins his best friend Barry, a student of sorcery embarks on a mission where they end up making other friends.
(I don't have anything from the second story because I'm thinking about whether to do it or not because it may be too long.)
Halbarry tango.
It doesn't have a fixed plot, it's just a little piece of writing that sometimes I don't want plots to work on.
I just know it's about Hal taking Barry out to tango.
"He knows Hal well enough to know that if he refuses the first time, he's capable of kneeling in front of him and begging him to dance together. So fearful, he ends up accepting. Hal jumps to his feet, makes a bow that catches the attention of more people than he should, and extends his hand in invitation.  Barry laughs nervously, gets up from his chair and takes the hand of the brunette who in the blink of an eye had already dragged them to the center of the court.  The blonde's heart flutters as Hal gently hugs him and pulls him closer to him. He knows that the song deserves closeness, but that doesn't stop his heart from being moved by the simple gesture that means more to him than perhaps Hal is aware of."
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kendrene · 2 years
Getting close to girls is dangerous for her, Kara decides.
Girls love softly. They love with their whole heart, and deeply from the start. Everything about loving girls is pure euphoria, a marching battalion of butterflies in the pit of Kara’s stomach. 
It is the kind of love found inside books or seen in movies, star-crossed and meant to be. The sort that makes her want to dance and sing and stop strangers on the street to tell them how truly in love she is. More than once Kara catches herself thinking that immortality is not so big an obstacle for such a love as this. 
With boys it’s not the same, because Kara makes sure to seek out those who are only interested in sex. She gets a reputation. She’s easy. She sleeps around. She brings boy after boy after boy to her dorm room, sleeps with them in her cramped bed. She’s aware, although remotely, that they say nasty things behind her back, but doesn’t care.
The crippling loneliness gets worse, and eventually she stops sleeping with others altogether. 
Getting close to people is dangerous for her, Kara amends.
She takes this new rule in stride, something she doesn’t necessarily understand but that can’t be disputed. It simply is, and Kara stores it with the other things about herself she can’t really explain. Files it next to the fact that it icks her if the veggies in her plate touch her other food, or that she can’t wear anything made out of wool since it feels like a million and one ants are walking on her skin. 
Kara has found out her life is better if she doesn’t question things like these much. It’s best not to think too hard and simply follow.
It even works, for a while.
She graduates, moves to the big city, gets a job at CatCo. Kara is alone, yes, and that can be unbearable, but she is also happy.
Until, one day, Lena Luthor enters the picture.
It’s Kal-El’s fault again, because of course it is.
“Clark,” he corrects her as they ride the elevator up to the top floor of Luthor Corp. “I’m Clark Kent. And you’re—”
“And I’m your very annoyed cousin.” Kara jabs at the 20th floor button again, as if that’s going to make the elevator climb any faster. “I don’t get why you wanted me to come. Lex Luthor is in prison. Surely, you can handle an interview with his sister alone? You know—” Her voice dips to a whisper. “Considering who you are.”
“Keep your voice down.” His eyes dart around the closed space, scanning for some hidden recording device. Tough luck. The elevator is lined with lead. Funny that of all the things Lex Luthor and her cousin could have had in common, what stands out is paranoia. “It’s not about the interview and you know it. It’s about—”
“Figuring out whether murder runs in the family?” The elevator stops, the doors slide open. “Aren’t you being, I don’t know, a little judgemental?”
“And you are being naive.” At the end of the hallway a woman behind a massive desk points at a row of chairs and signals they should wait. Clark grabs Kara by the elbow, hard. “Remember it’s a Luthor we’re talking about, Kara. You can’t trust any of them. Ever.”
Yeah. Kara shrugs.
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scjacka · 2 years
This will probably just end up being a draft because no one wants to hear me ramble. But tumblr is the only place where I can go full hyperfixation on the SC franchise specifically and I really need to get this crap out of my head because I’m an idiot.
It took me like 90 minutes to get through the first two episodes because I kept pausing to scream at thing. Bless my husband for dealing with me
My first pause/scream happened at the Sara scene because I called it from the trailer which I yelled several times. Also Sara’s deal, relatable.
Actually that’s a lie, I paused after the friggin 20 minute pointless donut scene.
Why when there are flashbacks does the aspect ratio change?
Noel confused me and I don’t get his deal. Idk the try hard thing felt like an even more annoying Curtis to me.
Also, I’m confused on the hierarchy of the Pole now. Like I’m under the assumption Betty is the head elf. But then there’s also that other elf that’s there to greet Scott when he arrives (I think her name is Edie but idk cause we didn’t stay with anyone long enough to understand their roles and names) and idk who she is except another hyper exuberant werido, lol
I like that there is an elf named Crouton. Idk why but I like it
Speaking of Crouton, the scenes in the comm center felt very Prep and Landing to me. Like even down to the revised machines and the way Betty feels like Magee.
The elves danced... there was a cake... that is not every what I pictured the end of the season at the pole like but you do you
All the stuff with Carol not remembering her name really freaked me out. Like, literally between 2 and 3 they said that they weren’t going to make Carol the traditional Mrs Claus because they wanted her to be herself and the old makeup and stuff looked weird.
IDK something about all the elves and the way they portrayed the Claus family really weirded me out. the part where they were all like “MUST MAKE TOYS NOW” felt like a cult and just like a little too far. Give them a sec to breathe. The kids are a mess, especially Buddy (which again, why you callin him Cal especially Cal Calvin). But I think the daughter bugs me most cause I can’t get over the nepotism of it all. Also just like the  “there hasn’t been a human kid here in 84 years” warning was also ominous and weird.
Obviously there was the “you can’t even say Merry Christmas” line which like, ok boomer. I’m real scared for how the Christ in Christmas shit he was spouting is gonna factor in.
So is Cider actually alcoholic in this universe now, cause they were acting much more like it was booze than they ever did with cocoa.
Shocked they mentioned Jack at all. Assume that will be it and we won’t see any of the Council at all
Also in one of the those dumb Allen interviews he said one version had lots of other mythical creatures but he thought that was weird and not in the spirit of the movies which like, ok fine if you’re only acting like 1 happened, but clearly you picked and chose what you wanted from 2 & 3 and then everyone is screaming about Gnomes! like what?
Jumping back I guess cause none of this is in order but when he went to the doctor I was like “where is Dr. Histmas” because idgaf about that character but that name is always funny to say. I like the new doctor elf though. Her name is Doc Martin though which is dumb
Except that she basically was referring to his magic going like it was ED and I was like, nope, no thanks!
idk how I feel about all the Kal Penn stuff. Like you’re sorta setting his story as a parallel to Scott’s but he seems to actually care about his kid and when you get to the Charlie scene (I’ll get there next) the line is that the pole is a bad place to raise kids so what does that do to his daughter if he becomes Santa
Charlie... oh Charlie Charlie Charlie. I like in theory what they did with him. Like he’s a good dad now and doesn’t need to learn the lesson his dad did so he’s like, no thanks. But the way they made his wife seem overbearing and crazy felt like it was more of that boomer crap and just kind of ruined the whole scene.
I think I have other things to say but they’re not coming to me now. I will say that my current prediction is, much like Daredevil in She-Hulk, Bernard won’t show up until the second to last or the last episode despite being in all of the ads. Like they’re teasing us cause they know we want to see him so they’ll save him for the very end. I’ve also joked that much like Daredevil in She-Hulk, Jenn’s gonna “smash” him 
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waterfire1848 · 4 months
How’s it going @waterfire1848 ?
So I’ve got two things for you today, a question and a prompt/idea
I saw your post before about the new archer Azula in the recent trailer. A (potential) Yu-yan archer Azula is an interesting concept. And I’m all for her being a prodigy in not only Firebending, warfare, and intellect, but also in archery.
The only issue I have come s from a post I saw from someone else. Who stated that their sibling suggested that the new show may make Azula a non-bender. Taking away her blue fire and lightning, and giving Azula archery to replace it. I very much hope that is not the case. Do you think there is a chance Netflix may do so?
Follow up question: Have you ever seen the movie Narnia, or read of the books? Well in the first Film the Faun Tumnus is able to crate shapes and creatures from the flames of a campfire. He could make animals and peopleand have them dance just by playing his reed pipe.
What if then, Firebenders of extraordinary caliber (Ozai, Iroh, comics level or pre mental turmoil Azula, and maybe Jeong-Jeong) could develop a “Fire creation” bending ability.
The bending technique could be the ability to crate something out of Fire. Like animals to fight one’s enemies for example. Non these creations would have a will of their own. Since they are merely the firefly manifestations of a benders will.
And now I just got a scene in my head, where in the crystal catacombs when Azula if fighting Aang and Katara, she just someone some fire and makes a massive blue Fire dragon. Which aids her in the fight against two master benders. And let’s be honest against Katara and Aang, a created Fire creation would help keep them at bay. Till either Aang and Katara are defeated. Or Katara seduces Azula into joking the good guys. Whichever happens first really.
To bring this back to archery. Could you imagine rather than carrying a bow herself, Azula could just form one out of fire on the go. Along with the arrows.
As for the prompt/idea, From your blog I think you’re a fan of DC right? I had a thought of a potential Avatar idea regarding it.
See when Jor-El found that Krypton was was going to be destroyed he quickly devised a plan that could get both of his children Kal-El and his twin sister Zulria Vaz-El. Accompanied by their older cousin Kara Zoe-El.
Both newborns were given ships to take them to earth. Joe-El conciouness was copied onto Karl’s ship, while Lara-El the children’s mothers consciousness was copied onto Zulria’s ship.
However, when the children of House El leave the dying planet, Zulria’s ship is hit by flouting debris. Which messes with the navigation controls. Kal-El and Kara Zor-El continue to Eath unimpeded (for the most part). But Zulria Vaz-El went to different planet altogether. Far and away from the remnants of her birth family.
Zulria Vaz-El’s ship crash lands on Ember island. Near the vacationing home of the Royal family. The princess Ursa was at the home. Along with her two year old son, and house servants. Ursa hears a crash sound and went to investigate. She held baby Zuko in her arms as she did.
Ursa found the oldest Metal contraption that she had ever seen before. What’s stranger, a baby was crawling around next to it. Ursa went over to the babe and laid Zuko down into the sand. “How did this child get here” she wondered.
Yet she wasn’t paying attention to Zuko, who crawled on his own the mysterious child and ship. It was calling out to him. Compelling the child to do something… child Zuko reached out his hands and touched the base of the ship. A part that glowing with an odd fluorescent light.
Zuko touched the light with one hand, and Azula’s forehead with the other. Suddenly, a bright flash of light blianded everyone in the near facility. Sending Ursa, Zuko, and Zulria unconscious.
The light began to concentrate on the baby Zulria. Taking in Zuko’s genetic make up. Assimilating and accepting Ozai and Ursa’s (Zuko’s parents) genes. Effectively giving little Zulria IV biological parents split among genetic makeup (due to crazy Kryptonian science). Those of course being Joe-El, Lara-El, Ozai, and Ursa.
An intermixing of Kryptonian and (Firebender) human DNA.
Lara-El had theorized about this exact situation (of her daughter being lost in a hostile land away from family) and developed a genetic device that would allow her daughter to take in some of the genetic material of individuals the ship considers to be worthy. While also retaining her Kryptonian genetic structure.
Zuko was considered to be one of those worthy individuals by the Lana conciouness copy in the ship. However, due to his young age they took the genetic structure of his parents rather than just him. Effectively making little Zulria his younger sister.
As for Zulria, the ship began to change the outward appearance of the girl. She assimilates the appearance of her new human pair of parents (Ursa and Ozai). Later becoming that Azula we all know and love Later on. Azula/Zulria would later (re)gain the ability to “shift” between her human and Kryptonian appearances.
The ship also changed the memories of Ursa and all of the servants in the incident. Ursa was led to believe that her new child was a miracle birth that the doctors belived to be miscarried. Instead here was Azula alive and well. The ship created forged memories of a a child and a fake miscarriage.
The powers of the ship, would even alter the mindof Ozai into always believing he had a second child. Azulon wouldn’t care about this hidden child, and Iroh would be to preoccupied with war.
So Azula grows up as both a Fire bender and a Princess of the Fire Nation. Her Kryptonian powers (invulnerability, flight, super strength, etc,) would manifest later in her childhood. Though Azulawould do her best to keep those abilities secret. Preventing even her “father” Ozai from learning.
So Azula has her (rather extraordinary) bending abilities from canon, combined with those of supergirl.
Which makes the latter months of the Hundred Years’ War… interesting to say the least.
Of course the war is put on hold when general Zod and his Cohorts arrive at the world of Avatar (rather than Earth) and so the dangerous ladies and the Gaang of forced to join together to combat this extraterrestrial threat. This temporary alliance also allows Azula and Katara to give into their attraction for one another and start a relationship. You know me, I’ve got to add in Azutara somewhere!
So what do you think about the scenario?
@745voiceofthepeople Two things. One, it's going well. Thank you. Two, I am so sorry this took so long to answer.
For part one of the ask, I don't think they'll make Azula a non bender. I very much doubt that they'll go down this route because firebending is such a big part of Azula's character. If she's suddenly made into a non bender then a lot of vital parts of her and Zuko's story will be altered greatly. Neither do I think they're using a bow and arrow because the lightning effect is expensive. I genuinely think that they show her with a bow and arrow for two reasons. One, they don't want to give a lot away because she has been confirmed to have a bigger role in the first season. That big role is new, even to original fans, so they're trying to keep it under wraps. Two, it's Azula. The girl probably knows how to use weapons in the show but we never see because she prefers her fire and lightning. Also I wouldn't be surprised if Azula was trained in weapons so that she wouldn't be so reliant on her bending.
I did see Narnia but like years and years ago. Though I do think that having firebenders have the ability to semi create objects out of fire would be so cool and if they could, Azula is definitely making fire dragons.
I'm putting the second part down here so it doesn't get too long
I am a big DC fan. Though mainly Batfamily stuff but I like a good Superman AU as much as the next person.
Honestly I never thought of Alien!Azula before but now I love it so much! Kryptonians, as we see, have human appearances so I can see Azula passing as a human, especially if she has Ursa and Ozai's DNA and people seem to remember her as Princess Azula.
"Later becoming that Azula we all know and love Later on. Azula/Zulria would later (re)gain the ability to “shift” between her human and Kryptonian appearances." As previously said, Kryptonians look human. That being said, I think the idea of Azula having a more alien like form would be so cool and fits in so well to her whole "I'm a monster" mentality. Not only does she know she's not totally human by appearance, but she can also fly, shoot lasers, is invulnerable, has super strength, etc.
I wouldn't be surprised if, for a good part of her life, Azula thought she was half spirit and not an alien. Still, if Azula is keeping these abilities secret that means she has to train herself all alone. No one is around to teach her how to not activate her laser eyes when she gets mad, accidentally hurt her brother, friends or parents with her strength when she gets too excited, or what any of this even means. She's completely alone.
Ngl I know very little about Zod beyond the fact that he was trapped in the Phantom Zone and is an enemy of Superman, but I would be curious about what an interaction between that world and ATLA would look like.
Also, Azula is definitely catching Katara at some point in this encounter and flying around with her. Azutara needs to survive in this AU!
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acatslifeif · 2 years
Fanna /// pretty much a draft hehe :D
It’s cold.
So so cold.
What happened?
All she can remember was the cold, dark blade, making its way toward her eyes, she wanted to avoid it, but she couldn't. You were behind them, picking up stray flowers. She can’t. She doesn’t want you to get hurt. The blade coming closer and closer,
then all black.
Silence. Then someone shouts her name, once, twice, it doesn’t stop. A soft ‘thump’ could be heard, the bouquet of flowers you were making earlier now on the ground, the flowers scattered everywhere. She can hear your hurried footsteps, but her attacker is nowhere to be seen, her senses failing her already.
Everything just seems in slow motion, she can sense you on your knees close to her, you struggling to rip apart a part of your shirt to stop her bleeding coming from the long deep cut on her eyes. “Stop, MC.” You halt instantly, lifting your eyes to meet hers, the ones that always shined so bright even in the hardest moment, the one which you always sought comfort. But you can’t see that emerald green. Not anymore. You grit your teeth, your hands gripping her shirt as if, believing if you did, she wouldn’t leave.
A petal falls from the flower on your ear.
She smiles, raising her arm with her last remaining strength, her soft palm on your cheeks, removing your tears that looked like small waves in the ocean.
“I’m sorry,” she coughs. “Don’t—don’t talk, it’s going to be fine—help is coming just hang in there!” You say between sobs, your hand now holding hers, not wanting to let go.
The petal slowly dances in the air.
She chuckle but regret as soon as she did, coughing. Changing the subject, “promise me something?” You nod rapidly, letting out an ‘mhm’, tears threatening to fall once again. “Be happy for both of us, yeah?” She stops for a mere second, “just—just know that I’ll always be there for you, a part of me is with you,” her hands lower where your heart is. “and a part of you will always be there with me.”
The petal lands on the ground, done with its peaceful dance, and her breathing stops in synchronization. Her smile still present, yet the warmth of it disappears.
You don't remember how much time has passed, Fanna in your arm. The moons reflect the ground, now revealing the garden of flowers that was merely visible a couple of seconds ago, blue, purple, and pink can be seen. How nostalgic.
The silence doesn’t last long, multiple footsteps can be heard, stopping just behind you, not close enough to touch you, but enough to see. To see her. You.
You didn’t need to turn to know who it was.
Everyone is silent, feeling the weight of a hand on your shoulder. You lift your eyes. Kal, looking at you, wanting to comfort you. Wanting to tell you that everything will be okay. But you can’t help but notice that they too are close to the verge of crying, as if they too, feel like it is all a dream. They would wake up. Fanna would be there, smiling at them, lighting the room each time.
The thought alone was able to break down, tears now flowing down your cheeks. They don’t stop falling, the bottle opening up, an ocean that just doesn’t seem to have an end.
The planet just lost its light, one that shined so bright that nobody, could ever replace.
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Rowan hadn't thought anything of it, at first. Kalmar's requests were a refreshing blip in his days; they got him money, got him out of the house, and they were, generally speaking, things he already enjoyed doing. Kalmar got tequila; Rowan got whiskey. Kalmar got weedkiller and a lighter; Rowan got cigarettes and the knowledge Red was making bad decisions. They both enjoyed blowing up some cars. So Kalmar would get a fresh dye job, and Rowan would get Kal to pay for his.
But when Rowan found himself standing before the dye display, a strange feeling wormed in his chest. He glanced at the purples and the pinks. A brief, flittering idea--no. He still hadn't even talked to Nat yet, and at this point, he suspected they were avoiding him as much as he were them. They had been asleep when he--during Red's brief overnight visit--came down to check their room for stray plants.
He'd shaken off the feeling by the time he got back--opening the door with a slam and a grin, "Ready bitch?"--and was plenty spirited shooting jabs at Kal while they got him moved into the bathroom and made him wait while they applied bleach to their own roots.
But the time had finally come. They sat perched on the bathroom counter as they pulled his wheelchair as close as it could get, but the handles meant he was still a solid six inches away--not ideal with a bastard this tall. "Brakes on?" They didn't wait for an answer as they hooked a leg over his shoulder. There, that would give them the maneuverability they needed. "Stay still."
With that, he set to work, but he had scarcely begun when that uncomfortable, worming feeling returned. This time, he could pinpoint its origin far faster. It was the familiarity of it all. The crinkle of the cheap plastic gloves, the tingling of the bleach on his scalp, the scent of the dye, the meticulous search for virgin roots, the warmth of the body beneath him--all of it. He remembered the last time he had done this.
Golden afternoon light danced across the pavement. All they'd been able to find was the public pool--outdoor showers--after hours. It was enough. She sat on a bench with her legs wrapped around them--the only thing keeping them from wiggling--and they looked up at her and said something. (Their lips moved silently. Why couldn't he remember?) She answered (what was it?) and they laughed, a bright sound like sparkles on the water.
But, no. As much as they wanted to believe it, that wasn't the last time. A bathroom, dark and dirty. Dripping water. Cold hands. Silence. Silence. Silence.
Rowan had stopped applying dye and hadn't noticed. He began again, silently hoping Kal would keep any comments about the pause to himself. What were they even doing here, anyway? Why hadn't Kalmar asked Nil to do this, or that boyfriend of his? Surely, there was nothing about hair dye in his health plans. Evidently, he was starting to trust them, but Rowan knew better than to believe that being a reliable errand boy ever meant anything more than that.
"Hey. Turn on some music. It's too quiet in here."
@needleandstory <3
In retrospect, if there needed to be anyone, then he's glad it was someone like Rowan who got blackmailed into (gag) taking care of him.
He's an infuriating little bastard, of course. That's just the thing.
Even his person-who-definitely-doesn't-date, for all his self-proclaimed 'asshole' status, has an unfortunate tendency to care about Kal's feelings. Rowan? Rowan doesn't know a lot about Kal's little episode, but they know he was being stupid as hell, and they're perfectly happy to say as much. Rowan will do shit for him if and only if they get something out of it. They don't leave him feeling like a charity case, or like he's made of finer porcelain than he already was.
He doesn't wriggle or try to get in his way (this time), because this is a favour and he needs it done. It is also, like far too many of their jobs, weirdly intimate, and he stares at the tiled wall in staunch silence as their gloved fingers sort carefully through his hair.
(He hasn't let anybody else help him with this since he dropped out.)
Rowan's hands pause for a moment, start again, stop again. Kal squints, craning his neck (ow) to catch a glimpse of the dickwad over his shoulder. He's about to ask if they have a problem when he finds his head casually pushed back into place.
Turn on some music.
He scoffs, huffs a laugh. He still doesn't own a CD player or anything of the sort, and his phone isn't up to much more than 30-second ringtones. Maybe once he's feeling up to shoplifting. "Using what?"
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kal-selfships · 1 year
𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞
Authors note: This fanfic is intended to be a self insert (myself) x canon (Eben.ezer) so this is NOT a reader x canon! Also I don’t write much stories so my apologizes if this isn’t great by all means, but you may reblog this fic if you want to! Update - I finished this late but eh that’s alright (You may share this if you like!) Gif isn’t mine
Word Count: 1,014 words
Includes: Age gap | Fluff | Redeemed Scrooge + mentions of this past self | 3rd person POV | Songfic
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December 25th was a special day for most who celebrate the Christmas holiday, this particular holiday was in full swing in London at a certain house that was home to the older man, named Ebenezer Scrooge.  He was the host of the Christmas party, in which surprised everyone in town. Since in previous years Scrooge hated the holiday and despised it, but ever since the ghosts of Christmas past, present, future and a particular girl named Kal changed his ideologies about the holiday. 
I'll begin again I will build my life I will live to know that I fulfill my life
He invited everyone in town, the children, the adults, the poor, the upper class, anyone whom you can think of was at the occasion. They all conversed, danced, and the kids were playing games with each other. He was filled with love, he was glad he could redeem himself from his past actions. But his heart was danced in his chest when she arrived. 
Kal walked up to his house and took a deep breath, she ran her fingers through her long black hair and knocked on the door rather nervously. The girl wasn’t too fond of formal occasions, in which was why she showed up 30 minutes late.  She wasn’t too fond of wearing dresses either, but she desperately wanted to see Ebenezer so she didn’t mind. 
Right after she knocked on his door, Ebenezer quickly opened the door to see the younger woman standing right in front of him. The older man’s heart swelled in his chest and a tint of blush crept onto his cheeks looking at the girl, she had on a white and pink causal dress. Her body was quite different than the other women in town, but Ebenezer didn’t mind it at all. Kal’s heart swelled in her chest as well, Ebenezer had on a dark blue suit that was quite fitting on his figure. 
I'll begin today Throw away the past And the future I build will be something that will last
“Kal my dear! I’m glad you showed up, I was worried you wouldn’t show up. You look stunning, please come in.” 
“T-thank you Mr. Scrooge you look great yourself, and thank you for the invitation!” She nervously said as she walked in. 
The older man noticed that Kal was quite nervous, she was an open book when it comes to her emotions. Almost everyone can tell exactly what she was feeling. He was about to say something but Kal beat him right to it. 
“Mr. Scrooge...can we speak in private? I’m sorry I get nervous when it comes to get togethers like this.” 
“Why certainly Kal, I hate seeing you uncomfortable like this. Follow me, we can speak outside in the back.” 
The girl followed him and they met in the back where there wasn’t anyone. The sky was beginning to turn a darker shade a blue, which contributed to the mood. Kal looked down sadly and felt her heart palpitate in her chest as her hands trembled. 
“Are you alright Kal? I-I know I was often bitter towards you and the others, I cannot forgive myself from such actions.” 
“Mr. Scrooge it’s fine you don’t need to apologize it’s not your fault. It's just..the reason why I wanted to talk to you in private was because I...deeply care about you, I...I love you, you matter so much to me and the other townspeople. You’re not alone..” 
Kal was a blushing and trembling mess, she felt her throat constrict due to her fearing that he would reject her. Ever since she laid eyes on him, her feelings for the older man grew and grew even though he was cold on the outside. But deep down, she knew that he had a soft and happy side, no one was mean for no apparent reason there was always a reason for someone’s madness. She asked how he was doing, and always listened to him whenever he needed to speak about something. Kal was quite intimated at first glance, but as days pass her love for him sparked and grew. 
I will start anew I will make amends And I'll make quite certain that the story ends
Ebenezer couldn’t believe his ears, the shy girl that he deeply admired admits that she liked him out of all people? If it wasn’t for her, he would never achieve happiness and forgiveness. He softly smiled and took a step closer to Kal, placed one of his hands on her cheek and leaned down to her level. 
“My dear you don't need to look so down. Those words of kindness, mean so much to me and I will forever cherish them in my heart. Without you, I’m afraid I will dwell in the past forever. Thank you sticking with me, thank you for understanding me. Thank you for everything my dear, I really adore you Kal, you can say I love you too my love. You really are a Christmas miracle.” He said blushing. 
Without realizing it, Kal rushed into Ebenezer’s chest and hid her face from blushing so much. He was in shock and his face flushed a bright red, he giggled softly and held her close to his chest. She looked up at his blue crystal eyes and smiled at him with her innocent brown eyes. 
“I shall begin another path, throw away the past forever. I will be a new man, and begin a new future with you my dear.” 
“And I will stay with you as long as you need, I will always listen to you Mr. Scrooge.” 
“My dear, you can call me Ebenezer if you wish.” 
They both giggled, and Ebenezer placed both hands on Kal’s cheek which made her blush even more through her tan colored skin. He knew she was ready for him, they both closed their eyes and shared a kiss which seemed to last the whole evening. 
On a note of hope On a strong amen And I'll thank the world and remember when I was able to begin again
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ordinaryxxgirl · 4 months
@babelmedicus asked: "Just about now might be a good time for a dance." ( Daciana from Kal )
Thus far, it had been just another day of helping Kal'tsit with anything she might require...At least, that's what Daciana thought as her eyes focused on the lynx's beautiful form. They'd been working rather diligently, it felt like...But, all of a sudden, Kal'tsit spoke up, catching the blonde off guard.
A dance...? Here, of all places?
Daciana didn't seem to shy from the idea, of course, but...It was sudden, wasn't it? Though, it wouldn't stop her from approaching Kal'tsit and smiling, gently taking the Feline's hand and caressing the other's skin with her thumb softly...If the object of her affections wanted a dance, then it'd be a dance she'd get. One that, hopefully, would endear the blonde to her.
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"A dance...? My, how sudden of you, Dr. Kal'tsit...Not that I'd ever refuse you, of course. If I'm a suitable dance partner for you, then I'd be honored if you'd allow me this dance...Just hold my hand as tight as you like, and put your free arm around my waist. For this moment...The world is only you and me, isn't it?"
Gently, the blonde Sarkaz would lightly grip Kalt'sit's hand, pulling the other close with a soft smile on her face as she tenderly guided the other's free hand to her waist...And gently, begin to waltz with her superior, humming a tune that she recalled from before her time at Rhodes Island as the moment promised to consume her.
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lilacastar · 9 months
Part 13: Invite
"How about we re introduce ourselves over coffee, like old times but new. How about that?"
Kalrick nodded and couldn't help but laugh. He wanted to cry but instead laughed, unsure of how his body was responding once again.
"Yeah," He agreed. "I think that's good."
Kalrick led his friend back to the door where his shoes were, and put on his own.
"Really?" Randle remarked. "You're still wearing non-slip work shoes?"
"Could've worked better last night, man. But these are the ones I woke up with, these the ones I got."
"That's all it ever made you wear too."
"The demon?"
"One sec, I gotta tell my mom I'm leaving." He turned from Randle, facing towards the hallway where she was probably in her room.
"Mom!" He shouted, throat scratching from the sudden tone change. "I'm going out!"
"What?!" She called back and her footsteps already approached the living room. "Where?" She entered. "You haven't had lunch, and what about dinner later?"
"I said I'm going out, not leaving forever."
He shut the door behind him, hurrying Randle beside him.
"Why'd you do that?" Randle inquired in his typical soft spoken tone.
"Do what?"
"I don't know... Be like that?"
"I don't care what she thinks." He shrugged. And they left for town together.
The two stepped inside the familiar work building and got ready to wait in line.
"Do you know what you want?" Randle asked.
"I do- it's just..."
"Just what?"
"I can't remember some things." He looked down, face flushing from not knowing essential information.
"W- well what do you mean?"
"It's hard to explain exactly"
"You know what you want, but can't remember?"
Kalrick sighed. "Do you remember when I was over for Cinco de Mayo and a bunch of your relatives were over?"
"That happened more than once, Kal."
"I know, but one of the times, you had to ask your great grandma for the beans, but since she can't speak good English, naturaly everyone talks to her in Spanish. But you fluently posed your question until you got to the word 'frijoles' and finished the sentence with English beans?"
"I remember everyone laughed at me for forgetting how to say beans, yes."
"A lot of stuff for me now days is like that. I know it, it's there, it's just. It hasn't been used in a while."
"I think I understand. Is there any way you can describe what order you're thinking of?"
"It's brown."
"Most coffee is brown, Kalrick."
"Not just cause the beans," He shook his head, stumbling over words again. "It's sweet because it's brown."
"When you were possessed, you stopped drinking coffee altogether. Do you think it's what you liked before?"
"Yeah, I want what I used to get, the favorite thing."
"You liked an iced mocha latte. Anything chocolate really."
"That's it! That's what I want." His hands fidgeted, unable to contain the excitement. It'd been so long since doing the things he liked, so long from just enjoying a cup of coffee.
They sat, waiting for their order, making stiff, awkward conversation. Randle's words kept dancing around, but never landing on what his eyes were so focused on.
"You mentioned yesterday you wanted to ask about what happened," Kalrick pushed the conversation forward. "Is that what you're thinking about right now?"
"Yeah," He smiled. "Are you ok with that? Or is it still really hard."
He shrugged, "I'm fine." It felt way better than fine just to have a conversation with him again.
"Do you really remember nothing? Like, one day you were you, and the next you're in the hospital?"
He paused, thinking of how to make sense when not a whole lot of it did.
"No," He finally released. "It wasn't like that at all, actually."
"But you said you don't remember."
"Not really, no. But I wasn't completely out of existence. It was more like I was sleepwalking, there but not really. And nothing was clear. I..."
He held himself for a moment, trying not to shake. Why was this so hard when he was fine?
"I was there sometimes," He resumed. 'but not really. Sometimes I was there, but I wasn't the one making decisions or really understood what was going on. I sometimes saw places, but it's all blurry."
"Do you remember speaking to people, conversations?"
He shook his head. "No. I mostly just felt trapped and brain foggy. There wasn't much thinking at all. The time felt like my whole life, but also I can't remember what never happened."
"Then-" Randle froze, his expression a whirl of emotions.
"Then what?"
"I don't want to sound harsh."
"Just say it, I don't care about that, man."
"Then why'd you do it?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean, K. Why'd you, you know."
"I don't, actually."
"Why'd you let it in? Why'd you invite a demon in you?"
Kalrick was so utterly stunned, he stared back with his mouth open. He'd anticipated the ability to reply, but was left with the exact reaction Randle didn't want.
"I'm sorry," Randle responded. "I'm trying to ease into this again and not dive in exactly where things were left. I still need work."
"I didn't want any of this to happen to me," Kalrick felt himself say. His tongue moved slowly to form the words, confused and torn.
"I didn't mean it like that," He winced. "I should have waited longer to collect myself, I'm sorry."
"What did you mean?"
"Kal, you know how it works," He stumbled a bit through filler words and anxious loopholes.
Kalrick blankly stared back, dark eyes waiting for a reason.
Randle squirmed in his small spotlight, loathing the direct road he was being forced to take. Sweating under the sole attention.
"You know, with the demonic. And what they can't do."
"No," he gently shook his head.
He ran his hand through his hair with defeat. "Kalrick," He chuckled nervously. "The demonic can't possess anyone without consent. They can't have you, unless you give permission over yourself."
"I..." He froze. He knew that, anyone with mild knowledge on the subject. How had he not considered that?
The barista behind the counter called for their Oder.
"I- I don't remember."
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stoptellinglieslois · 9 months
Principal of pleasure part 40
The gang start to have a little too much fun as thing get a bit heated up as they loosen up further into the night.
Superman x Nightwing pairing
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I watched Kal and Bruce dance now at a fair distant from each other.
I grabbed Roy and Jason by the arm and pulled them in the middle of the living room.
I put myself in between them as the tempo went from slow to fast moving beat.
I sway my waist with the beat of the song I pulled Jason in front of me and Roy went behind me.
This is how I would distract Bruce.
Jason stared at me unsure but put his hands on my hip as Roy followed suit.
I can't ever imagine doing this type of thing with Jason but, I found a chance to pull this off if Jason brought Roy here for this reason then I needed to use it.
Bruce stood there now watching us dance to the beat of the song.
Kal watched me the whole time as soon I pulled Jason and Roy Kal attention was automatically on us.
I could see Kal enjoying this I never knew he was into this type of stuff, I mean he told me what he liked but this was new.
Jason kissed Roy from behind me and I let them knowing we are doing a show for them.
When they broke off Conner and Tim were standing there. Tim face red as a tomato and Conner had a big smile on his face I looked at him he looked so much like Kal it was unreal.
Conner looked at us and felt content in being here. he didn't feel weird at all dancing like this open and free.
Alfred put something in the bloody Mary's I swear.
Kal went in between me and Jason Kal facing Jason as he held on to him pressing himself onto him. I turned to Roy and dance with him.
The boys stared in amazement as Bruce just watched us.
He leaned by the fireplace cool eyes on me mostly.
I watched Kal discretely in the corner of my eye he was loosened up a whole lot the way he is dancing with Jason.
Jason enjoying every minute of it.
I smiled to myself this was nuts good let be nuts I needed it.
"What are you thinking about." Roy whispered in my ear.
"Oh nothing you dance well."
"They're hot."
"Tim and Conner."
"They're cute I was talking about Jason and Clark."
"Hmm you like to watch." I instantly blushed at that and I am very stunned Roy would say this type of stuff.
"I...no Jason my brother."
"Yeah only by name...So you're into that stuff or what." I laughed I am into my own kink but voyeurism I never tried that and I don't think I would ever get off on that.
But watching Kal and Jason made me feel drawn to them, I shook my head. "I don't know if I can give a real answer to that." Roy hummed at that and spun me around and he was strong and it thrilled me a bit but I didn't know why.
"Did you and Jason ever do that type of stuff."
"Not as much now but back then yes all the time."
"Oh... Well that's something."
"Is it. I applaud you nabbing Superman he's everyone's hot dream." As Roy stroked my face and licked his lips.
I didn't know what to do or say I wanted to leave but he didn't let me break out of his grasp he held on tighter.
"Don't run." He said swinging me a way from Bruce who is watching Kal dance with Jason.
"Roy let go." I started to pull a little.
"Kiss me and I will let go." I didn't want to do that here but in a way it would take the suspicion off of me and Kal.
I leaned in and kissed him on the lips Tim yelp and Conner cat called.
Roy's tongue sneaked in then I pulled back.
Barbara I thought but she didn't call me I was thinking something was wrong but I was being silly.
Bruce I wonder why he broke Jason and Roy a long ago.
I never understood the real reason why.
Jason came and pulled Roy away from me and they grabbed more bloody Mary's.
"I don't think any of you could go home tonight we can't have you drinking and driving, Stay the night all of you I needed to go to the cave for a moment." Bruce left us as he made his way down the hall.
I went outside Kal and Jason Roy followed after me leaving Conner and Tim behind.
I needed some air and to think I was trapped like a rat in a maze wanting to leave.
"I can't stay here we can't stay here I mean I am tipsy but that's it."
"You kissed Dick why ?" Kal replied to Roy arms crossed
"I needed to flirt with him Bruce is watching our interaction and the fact that you two haven't said one word to each other is better that way the tension is not on you and Dick."Roy said apologetically.
"Forgive us Bruce knows something."
"I ended my marriage with Lois to be with Dick." The two of them went quiet as a church mouse.
"Wow you and Lois were together for like a hundred years or something and it took Dick to dismantle it." Roy said as he pulled on the iron gate.
Jason went quiet. "How will you keep it a secret from Bruce and the rest, It will be difficult for the both of you to keep that a secret." Jason said but with no judgement.
"I need to keep this quiet till we could stall for more time for anything really." Kal said.
"You two are so hot together though don't you think babe." Roy turns to Jason who is scrubbing his face. "I think the bloody Mary's are getting to you." Jason quipped.
"No I am serious look at them." Roy insisted and Jason turned and looked at us.
"Huh my older brother with Superman it is what it is."
"Maybe he can go to my club and have some fun." Roy said tugging at Jason sleeve.
"I don't know...... that's for people who are into that shit." Jason frowning at Roy.
"I am gamed."
"No Clark your not."
"Yes I am."
"Clark Roy over-thinks things and he gets carried away with this type of stuff." Jason is trying to make an excuse for us not to be pulled into Roy's ploy.
But they didn't no Kal from what he told me and how he is a total freak when he needs to turn it on.
"I 'm gamed boys."
"Fine but have a feel of the place first." Jason said worried the fact that Jason worries makes me feel humanity hasn't failed on us yet.
"We better get inside before Bruce notice we left."
We all went inside the manor quickly.
End of part 40 next is part 41
Thank you for reading
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