#im not sorry.
elizakai · 4 months
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horrordust nation where you at (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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omitea · 2 months
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gojo satoru loves placing kisses anywhere his lips could reach. your forehead, your cheeks, your adorable nose. sometimes on your back when he’s trying to crush you or on your neck when he’s feeling all sappy. but the best part, are your lips.
your lips that still has that tingling taste of the mint toothpaste you used in the morning, your lips that form the quiet sentences of “i love you’s” . but most importantly the feeling of home. the very own home that you’ve built over the amazing years you’ve spent together. where all the memories resides. the soft feeling of your lips against his, smiling during the kiss.
you often grazed your fingers on the skin he used to kiss— trying to relive the moments after those were his last.
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©𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐀. please refrain from stealing my works !
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confusedgeckotree · 2 months
.i would just like to point out to mechs fans that they gave this furbot a morality switch. because i think its funny.
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ivipl1 · 1 year
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abignonne · 2 years
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ella sabía que él sabía que algún día pasaría que vendría a buscarla con sus flores amarillas
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httpshujii · 1 year
i have come here today to say. that my type are men that commit crimes and that have dark (long) hair and either have piercings, tattoos, or tired eyes. or all of them. because...they're better than nice guys im sry.
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charomiami · 1 year
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doodles-dearest · 1 year
Vecna was dead.
And of course, everyone was celebrating. Fireworks, alcohol for the older teens and adults, way too much sugar for the younger ones, everybody was content.
Everyone was having a great time apart from the two men standing together, watching exclusively the fireworks.
Eddie was dying. Steve could tell from how fragile he felt, how he was putting all his weight on him. There was nothing they could do this time. Vecna was the only thing keeping Eddie alive, he was nothing more than a reanimated corpse.
They watched the fireworks, the loud bangs and sparks echoing through their brains. At the end of the day that's all they were. Bangs and sparks, doomed to fade out as quickly as they appeared.
They looked into eachothers eyes. Both knew they needed to say goodbye but they couldn't, then it'd be cemented that there was nothing to be done. Goodbye would make it real.
Instead, they got lost in eachothers eyes, one thought on their minds, shared between them; "Dont go."
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Don't mind me but I really wanna pull Con's hair 😇
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neolxzr · 2 years
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god i wish that were me
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his nip be red cus i slurped it too much
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i love milk. 🥛
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tobyfobywoahby · 1 year
I’m still.
i cant bare this.
I love you.
I’ll miss you.
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fukashiin · 1 year
i promise im working on something!!! in fact ive had this idea since december and im super excited to release it im having so much fun writing it 😋
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acatslifeif · 2 years
Fanna /// pretty much a draft hehe :D
It’s cold.
So so cold.
What happened?
All she can remember was the cold, dark blade, making its way toward her eyes, she wanted to avoid it, but she couldn't. You were behind them, picking up stray flowers. She can’t. She doesn’t want you to get hurt. The blade coming closer and closer,
then all black.
Silence. Then someone shouts her name, once, twice, it doesn’t stop. A soft ‘thump’ could be heard, the bouquet of flowers you were making earlier now on the ground, the flowers scattered everywhere. She can hear your hurried footsteps, but her attacker is nowhere to be seen, her senses failing her already.
Everything just seems in slow motion, she can sense you on your knees close to her, you struggling to rip apart a part of your shirt to stop her bleeding coming from the long deep cut on her eyes. “Stop, MC.” You halt instantly, lifting your eyes to meet hers, the ones that always shined so bright even in the hardest moment, the one which you always sought comfort. But you can’t see that emerald green. Not anymore. You grit your teeth, your hands gripping her shirt as if, believing if you did, she wouldn’t leave.
A petal falls from the flower on your ear.
She smiles, raising her arm with her last remaining strength, her soft palm on your cheeks, removing your tears that looked like small waves in the ocean.
“I’m sorry,” she coughs. “Don’t—don’t talk, it’s going to be fine—help is coming just hang in there!” You say between sobs, your hand now holding hers, not wanting to let go.
The petal slowly dances in the air.
She chuckle but regret as soon as she did, coughing. Changing the subject, “promise me something?” You nod rapidly, letting out an ‘mhm’, tears threatening to fall once again. “Be happy for both of us, yeah?” She stops for a mere second, “just—just know that I’ll always be there for you, a part of me is with you,” her hands lower where your heart is. “and a part of you will always be there with me.”
The petal lands on the ground, done with its peaceful dance, and her breathing stops in synchronization. Her smile still present, yet the warmth of it disappears.
You don't remember how much time has passed, Fanna in your arm. The moons reflect the ground, now revealing the garden of flowers that was merely visible a couple of seconds ago, blue, purple, and pink can be seen. How nostalgic.
The silence doesn’t last long, multiple footsteps can be heard, stopping just behind you, not close enough to touch you, but enough to see. To see her. You.
You didn’t need to turn to know who it was.
Everyone is silent, feeling the weight of a hand on your shoulder. You lift your eyes. Kal, looking at you, wanting to comfort you. Wanting to tell you that everything will be okay. But you can’t help but notice that they too are close to the verge of crying, as if they too, feel like it is all a dream. They would wake up. Fanna would be there, smiling at them, lighting the room each time.
The thought alone was able to break down, tears now flowing down your cheeks. They don’t stop falling, the bottle opening up, an ocean that just doesn’t seem to have an end.
The planet just lost its light, one that shined so bright that nobody, could ever replace.
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ububunes · 1 year
Watching all mix ep 2, felt physically sick when noa came on screen. Call that shit serious discomfort and dislike.
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jedimastre-archive · 1 year
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