#peer into those clinical eyes and find an innate drive
dlartistanon · 1 year
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If I could steal you away for one moment
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Lilies of the Valley X
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A/B/O!BTS x Reader
Flowers can have different meanings depending on the flower shape, color, and method in which they are presented. Lilies are my favorite for such a simple flower can have so many distinct meanings.
 “Flower essences encourage gentleness and nurturing. And can also calm an overly aggressive person. However, some have the opposite effects.”
Release Date: 06/19/20 @  7 pm
previously ~ next
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           YN couldn’t remember the last time she had a check-up. It must’ve been right before she presented when her physician had explained to her, that everything pointed to her sub-gender being an Omega and not a beta. Granted there had been little time for her to dwell on it with her parents outside the door, but it didn’t make for a favorable experience. Her suppressants hadn’t been handled by a doctor, but rather a nurse in a quick drive-thru clinic for which she had to pay $15 every month. Considering how reckless YN had been she went through the suppressants a lot quicker than she should, but no one ever asked any questions.
           The place she was at now was a lot nicer and even had some omegas as nurses which YN hadn’t seen much of. The nurse had asked Hoseok and Namjoon to stay outside for privacy reasons and the alphas had encouraged YN to contact them if she needed anything. Now all YN could do was wait. For what she wasn’t too sure, but a health check-up couldn’t hurt. Her phone served as a distractor, as did Rosé:
           Rosé: Long time no see…
           YN: Sorry I’ve been mia lately. I’ve missed you.
           Rosé: I’ve missed you too. Also, you’ve missed so much
           Rosé: I met someone!
           YN: Who??
           Rosé: He’s a beta. A nice beta. I just kinda ran into him one day and we started talking. Isn’t it amazing?!
           YN: Yeah, that’s great.
           YN locked her phone screen and glanced around the room. On the door, there were the typical pamphlets one would expect all ranging from various topics: sub-genders, presenting, mating, and starting a family. Maybe she should’ve felt something when she looked at them, but YN didn’t feel anything. Not anger or disgust. Not happiness or excitement. It was still far too early in their relationship to consider any of those things. Can it even be considered a relationship? The men were much more invested in it than she was, but then again that was to be expected. They shared a pack bond and YN had only recently started warming herself up to the idea of being with them. It wasn’t like she had much of a choice in the matter, but at least she was thankful the seven of them weren’t pressuring her into anything. Even if they were rushing a bit.
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           The door opened to a nice-looking woman wearing a lab coat, on the pocket was embroidered: Dr. Jun. “Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Dr. Hyoseong Jun.” YN felt herself relax at the warm aura that seemed to surround the woman. “I’m YN. It’s nice to meet you too.” The doctor outstretched her hand and YN shook it. Jun motioned for YN to lay on the exam table and went through the procedural check-up before motioning YN to sit back up. Once YN was comfortable, the doctor took a seat in her chair, attention fully on YN.
           “So, what’s the reason for today’s visit?”
           Oh. YN didn’t exactly know, but she took her best guess. “I had a bad heat and wanted to see if I could change my suppressants.”
           Dr. Jun nodded, focusing her attention on the computer. “Have you ever had a bad heat before this?”
           YN swallowed, unsure of how to proceed. Rosé had warned her not to hide these things anymore, but YN was afraid of how people would react. Then, again this was a doctor and confidentiality did exist. “I haven’t had a heat since I presented.”
           “Oh?” This caught the doctor’s attention. “Is it something biological? Are you irregular in your heats?”
           “Um, no.” YN shook her head, taking a deep breath before speaking again. “I just took my suppressants so I wouldn’t have a heat.”
           If anything, the doctor seemed even more perplexed at YN’s explanation. “Does your mate know about this?”
           “No, I wasn’t with them. My mates have a pack bond and one of the alphas bit me during our first heat so-”
           “The lead alpha, correct?”
           YN felt time stop, her words dying on her tongue. “No. It was the youngest. We both presented at the same time and he accidentally bit me.”
           Dr. Jun nodded, “Yes, but did you share the heat with the other members?”
           YN scratched her head, the memories of her first heat were kind of muddled. YN did remember the other’s being there, but not participating in it. “They were there, but Jungkook is the one that bit me.” Seeing the doctor’s confused expression caused panic to swirl in the pit of YN’s stomach. “I was told that the bite of an alpha doesn’t heal.” Dr. Jun shook her head. “That’s only true if the mating bond is completed. Did you complete yours?” Dr. Jun had stood up at this point and was walking towards YN. Noticing her panicked expression and the slight shaking of her hands. “N-no.” A million thoughts were bouncing around in YN’s head as she tried to comprehend what exactly the doctor was implying.
           “Only a lead alpha’s bite can’t be healed. If that applied to regular alphas there would be a bunch of mated teenagers running around. I’m sorry, YN but I have no reason to lie to you.”
           No, that can’t be true. It couldn’t possibly be. If it were true then that would mean Namjoon bit her. It would mean Jungkook was innocent. It would mean…
           “It wasn’t an accident.”
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           Kim Namjoon was an anomaly. Born to two alphas his birth had been a challenging one: his mother barely surviving it and Namjoon being born two weeks premature. It was a miracle his mother had even conceived, but with the help of hormonal treatments, they had just barely managed. Still, he was a strong child and exceptionally bright. The pros of having two parents of the dominant sub-gender or so he’d been told growing up. None of those things mattered to him though because Namjoon always felt incomplete. Like a part of him was missing and it haunted him. Nothing ever satisfied him because he had no one to share it with.
           His parents encouraged him to make friends and even develop crushes, but it was useless. No one was ever up to par with his expectations - no one felt genuine. Eventually, Namjoon learned the hard way that self-isolation at a young age could have devastating consequences and made him an easy target. Not just among his peers but family members as well. Many found Namjoon to be unnatural - alphas should not be together, much like omegas shouldn’t - his family looked for every reason to pick him apart and by extension his parents. Namjoon felt that was a ridiculous stance in general: sub-genders shouldn’t determine who you’re allowed to be with. However, these were unpopular opinions and not ones he could voice as a child without extreme repercussions.
           Namjoon kept his head down and avoided people, having few friends, and closing himself off until his eleventh birthday. That was the day Namjoon presented. Alphas didn’t typically present at such a young age, but he’d always been peculiar that day. It wasn’t until he was taken to the doctor and given suppressants that Namjoon finally understood why he was the way he was.
           "He must be a lead alpha. Only lead alphas present at such a young age." The doctor had spoken to his parents outside, unaware that Namjoon had his ear pressed to the door. "It means your son likely carries the pack bond. He'll have multiple mates and will be able to sense them." Namjoon had been so shocked at that statement, he merely fell when the door opened. The second he got home he researched everything he could on pack bonds and how they worked. It might not be the case, as it was extremely rare, but it didn't hurt to hope. That was the one prevalent emotion that filled Namjoon: hope. He didn't know why, but it just made sense to him. He wouldn't simply find a mate like everyone else - no they were destined.
          Being so rare there was limited information about it. Most of it is pure speculation as most individuals with a pack bond weren't open to sharing their experiences online or those that did claim provided little proof. It didn't really matter as it would be just two weeks later on the first day of school that Namjoon would feel it: the smell, pull, tug that innate feeling that drove him away from his parents and towards the center of the large crowd. Standing there with an old grey hoodie and scruffed converse was Min Yoongi. Namjoon's nose immediately picked up on the light scent of myrrh coming from him and a thought popped into his head. Beta? Though that was impossible as it looked like Yoongi hadn't presented yet, still, something inside Namjoon knew.
           It seemed Yoongi was on edge, but the second their eyes met the elder rushed towards Namjoon embracing him in a hug. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” It left both their lips simultaneously and both seemed shocked until Yoongi laughed it off. “I’m Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you, mate.” Namjoon had never felt happier.
           There was still an ache there, a craving, but Namjoon ignored it for the most part. Then, he felt it again. The pull. The need. Namjoon had stayed late after school working on a project when the soft thumps coming from the dance room caught his attention. Now had he been thinking logically, he might have noticed Namjoon was too far away from the dance room to possibly be able to hear music. But he did and so Namjoon followed the sound towards the room and towards Jung Hoseok. Who froze mid-step the second Namjoon threw the door open, there meeting was a bit different: instead of rushing to meet him Hoseok simply stood shocked. As seconds turned into minutes, the only words that escaped Hoseok where “the fuck.” Before rushing to meet Namjoon and nearly causing him to fall.
           The second they embraced Namjoon’s nose rubbed against Hoseok’s neck and he felt a strong citrus scent. Alpha. Was his immediate thought, but he didn’t share it with Hoseok too caught up in the moment.
            Slowly Namjoon began to meet his mates: Seokjin, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. All of them experiencing the same reaction upon meeting him and once they meet each other the connection only strengthened. The group stayed together for seven years and it was easy too considering the school they attended housed an elementary, middle, and high. Despite them knowing what they were to each other they simply remained close friends. Best friends. At least until Jungkook entered High school. By then most of them had presented and Namjoon's hunches had been correct. Still, something unnerved him and the others, though they would never directly mention it, they weren't complete.
           It was as if they had all spent years building an elaborate puzzle only for the final piece to be missing. It became increasingly frustrating and Namjoon felt the most guilty as no matter how hard he searched, nothing provided him with answers. It was two years of searching by him and the others, yet there had been nothing. No instantaneous connection. No pull or need. They were beyond content with each other but never satisfied. By then news had already spread that the group were mates and shared a pack bond, which didn't make their search any easier. It's a bit ironic how fate strikes. Or maybe it's cruel. Namjoon would argue it's both. For when the group stopped searching is when they found their missing piece.
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          Namjoon was in his senior year, Seokjin and Yoongi had already graduated but since they all lived together it impacted their relationship very little.
          “Don’t overexert yourself.” Jimin stood in front of Jungkook, scolding him after the latter had practically collapsed once the relay was over.
          “But hyung we won. That’s what’s important.” The youngest pouted adorably and Namjoon had to resist every urge to tease him about it. It didn’t really matter because someone would always do it for him.
         “Aw. Jungkookie you’re so cute.” Taehyung spoke, ruffling Jungkooks hair. Soon enough the three of them began bickering between themselves.
         Namjoon looked over the crowd trying to find Hoseok, who had left to bring them all snacks before their next game. It was sports day and in Yeong-gwang that meant another way to prove their superiority among other schools. Namjoon, despite his build, was never the athletic type but most of his mates were so they were drafted by the school to compete. He wasn’t going to complain since it meant he got to skip the dreaded clean up since Namjoon was technically a volunteer. By technically, it meant he got special perks because 4/6 of his mates competed and their families were the school’s biggest beneficiaries.
        “Namjoon.” Taehyung stood in front of him, brows scrunched up. “I’ve been calling you for like ten minutes.”
        Namjoon shrugged apologetically. “Sorry, I was distracted.” He ignored the fact that Taehyung hadn’t used honorifics figuring he’d punish him for it later.
       “Please go find Hobi-hyung. We’re about to start soon.”
           Hoseok was likely in the refreshments section were there currently stood a large crowd of people from his school and those visiting. However, Namjoon didn't head over there preferring instead to take a long way and pass through the lily garden. It was the school's pride and joy, one of the largest privately-owned collections in the country. Most of the students didn't really care for it, but all of them respected it. Sometimes kids from other schools tried to sneak in and vandalize it, but it was only accessible through a key card or a code: one every student had. Namjoon didn't know what led him to the garden only that he had a strong urge to see it.  
           It was when he saw the gate unlocked and the door opened that he panicked a bit. Rushing inside to make sure no one had sneaked in - then he saw her. She wore the school’s uniform with a denim jacket on top. A red sash with the words ‘volunteer’ draped across her body. Namjoon’s heart began to race as his eyes began to water. Finally, he’d found her. The missing piece. His last mate. Slowly, she turned around facing Namjoon with a confused expression. There was a hint of recognition in her eyes and Namjoon expected that any moment now she would run and embrace him. Tell him how she had longed for him and the others the way they had for her.
           “Excuse me. Why did you lock the gate?”
           Namjoon was taken aback, struggling to get any words out. “What?” She marched towards him, but instead of running into his arms she sidestepped and went around him. Opening the gates back up and leaving. Namjoon stood still for a moment or two before he gave chase. He tried to be inconspicuous but knew it likely didn’t seem that way from an outside perspective.
           “YN! There you are.” A group of girls reached her before Namjoon could, embracing her and pulling her away. The slight action caused a hint of her scent to reach him, lilies consuming his senses as another thought prevailed. Omega.
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           “Are you certain?”
           “I saw her, hyung.”
           “And she didn’t react?!”
           “No. She just walked past me.”
           “Did you at least get her name, hyungie.”
           “YN. She must be around Jungkook’s age.”
           Silence surrounded all of them back in their small apartment. Namjoon ran his hands through his hair, feeling frustrated. Seokjin felt conflicted at everything that was happening. Namjoon had never been wrong, but YN’s lack of reaction would imply that he was. Maybe she simply knew their mate or spent a long time around them and that is why Namjoon picked up the scent. Then again that seemed like too much of a stretch. Yoongi thought about everything, what were the odds that their mate would be right there in front of them the entire time. Then again, they had all been in the same place and it hadn’t been until Namjoon presented that they’d felt it. Still, Yoongi had felt the bond long before he presented.
           “What is she?”
           Namjoon turned to face Yoongi, “What do you mean?” He knew exactly what Yoongi meant, but wasn’t sure if he should share that kind of information.
           “What is her sub-gender?” Yoongi persisted, trying to grasp if that played a role in it. Maybe she was an alpha and just didn’t pick up Namjoon’s scent. Perhaps she’d recently presented -
           “She’s an omega,” Namjoon muttered seeing the way their expression shifted. No one they knew was an omega or at the very least no one in the school had yet to present as one. Given the difficulties, omegas often faced it would be difficult for someone from an omega family to be able to enter their school. Not to mention how difficult pure omegas were to come by. “She hasn’t presented yet.”
           Hoseok who had remained quiet thus far spoke out, fully aware that his words might only worsen the situation. “I’ve never heard of an omega in a pack bond.” At this Namjoon became frustrated, “Do you think I’m lying?!” Jimin rushed to comfort him. “No. That’s not it. We’re all just confused, maybe there’s someone who could provide us with answers.” Namjoon had someone in mind but wasn’t sure if they would help at all. Seokjin cleared his throat drawing all their attention, “That’s all fine and well but we should meet her first, no?”
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           “Excuse me, YN!” YN turned around to see a much taller boy running to her at full speed. Once he reached her, he stopped and smiled. “Sorry. You’re YN, right? Kevin sent me to get you because you forgot to put your student id in the volunteer form so they can’t give you the hours.” YN’s weight shifted on her feet, “Oh. Um, how did you find me then?” The boy kept smiling, but there was a bit of an edge to it now. “You wrote down your fifth period and Kevin described you to me.” YN was still hesitant to give a random stranger her student id, even if he did look harmless enough and had an office pass.
           “Look, I know this looks sketchy and normally we’d just contact the teacher but Professor Wei isn’t answering his phone and their inputting the hours today.” YN sighed, that did sound like something Wei would do. “Alright, do you have somewhere for me to write it down?” The boy grinned and for a brief moment, YN thought about how adorable the smile was. Almost bunny-like.
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           “It’s her.”
           “I told you so.”
           “I can’t believe we actually found her.”
           “We can finally be complete now.”
           “...but why didn’t she react with Kookie either?”
           “Maybe it has something to do with her being an omega? Maybe she’ll feel the bond once she presents.”
           “So we wait, then? That doesn’t feel right.”
           “No, we can still get close to her we just don’t announce our intentions outright.”
           Namjoon agreed, “Eventually she’ll feel the bond. She’ll come to us and everything will be made right.”
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           Dr. Kang looked down at the seven men who had all crowded into his study. Kang had become a sort of confidant for Namjoon ever since he presented. Being a professor in sub-gender studies and specializing in mythology caused Namjoon’s parents to seek him out in an effort to aid their son. Though the nature of their relationship was meant to be purely transactional, Kang did eventually develop a soft spot for the boy. One not born out of mere scientific interest. Kang had been there when Namjoon had met all the others and though never directly meeting them, he knew of them. Knew enough. Enough to know that the pack bond couldn’t be completed as they had yet to find their last mate. Unfortunately, it seems it would never be completed.
           “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but omegas can’t have a pack bond.” The look in all seven of their eyes, made Kang feel as if he had just plunged a spear through their heart. “But I felt it. We all did.” Namjoon insisted and Kang had to agree. “That may very well be true, but it is impossible for an omega to feel the bond. It isn’t biologically possible, at least not in any text that I’ve seen.” They all remained silent, letting the information sink in. Kang felt pity for them all, he truly did. Pack bonds were a rarity and beauty. To be left without a mate all the while knowing who they are must damage one’s soul. Not to mention psyche.
           “What do you mean it’s not biologically possible,” Jungkook questioned, his hands fisting the dark material of his jeans.
           “Well,” Kang cast a look around his office searching for the specific book he had in mind. “All omegas are pack omegas. Legends tell us this is from a time before alphas could breed with each other and beta pregnancies were risky. Male omegas were also high in abundance, so all omegas were forced to mate in order to ensure the survival of the pack.” In Kang’s opinion, it was little more than a glorified abuse tale, but it did help to explain the situation. “Due to this omegas didn’t typically mate. So, the pack bond didn’t truly apply to them.” Kang sighed, “Obviously, omegas can mate. It affects them the way it would any other sub-gender, but since there is no historical evidence of omegas experiencing the pack bond it’s best to assume it is impossible.”
           “So what then?” Taehyung asked, clearly agitated. “She won’t recognize us?! She won’t want to be with us?!”
           Dr. Kang shook his head, “Not unless it’s of her own merit. If you can convince her to be with you, then you all can mate and the pack bond will be complete.”
           “And if not?” Namjoon raised his head out of his hands. His voice deep and eyes hollowed. Kang was aware it wasn’t directed at him, but it was terrifying nonetheless.
           “Then she will present, meet, and mate with someone else. There’s nothing you can do about it. The law will only allow the breaking of a mating bond if it is consensual.”
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           Dr. Jun reached over hesitantly and touched YN’s shaking hands. “Are you alright?” YN was unable to answer. Instead, she shook her head hoping the doctor would understand. “I see. Do you want me to go get your mates?” No! YN’s hands latched onto Jun’s not letting her go any farther. “I’m sorry if anything I said scared you, YN. That was not my intent. There are a few questions, I would like to ask you, however.” There was a knock on the door, an urgent one, and YN froze in fear. Tentatively June excused herself, heading towards the door. It was the omega nurse looking visibly anxious.
           “I’m sorry to bother, but your next patient is here and it’s an emergency. Something wrong with the baby.”
           Dr. Jun gasped, “Oh dear. Alright, I will be there soon.” The door closed and Jun turned to face YN. “I’m so sorry dear. I’m afraid I have to cut this a bit short.”
           “I understand. Thank you for your time.” The response just slipped out, YN not having put too much thought into it.
           “I’ll get you off suppressants and ask for your alphas to be put on rutters. Be sure to schedule an appointment if your heat is off again.”
           YN nodded, slipping off the exam table and walking towards the door. Her phone in her back pocket vibrated and YN slipped it out typing the message fast without thinking of the possible consequences. Then as she neared the exit, she deleted the message and turned her phone off. YN pushed open the door to see both Namjoon and Hoseok still sitting in the waiting room, smiles on both their faces.
           “Ready to go?”
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           YN: Come to my place tomorrow at noon. Say it’s an emergency don’t give up until they let you in. If they refuse, call the cops and show them this message but don’t show the guys.
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Hope you enjoyed ~~~
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korpuskat · 4 years
Kinktober Day 3 - Overhaul/Reader
[Ao3 Mirror]
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,134 Summary: Overhaul’s curiosity drives him to explore your other holes. Contains: Previous Noncon, dubcon, kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome; Sounding, lowkey edging, all kinds of mental health issues Reader is super not doing okay. =====
Time oozes past, runs backwards and slides forwards in an endless haze. There are no clocks in your room, no window to judge the days. Even your meals, which are usually brought by whichever unfortunate underling has met his ire lately, come at what feels like random intervals. All you have is the right now the exact moment you exist in, timed by the beating of your heart, the next inhale in your chest-- but then again, there are the times when even those lose count. When his hand touches you, unwrites you- until your heart beats again, some unknown time later, and the pattern resumes.
Day has lost meaning entirely when you measure time in when he'll come next. With knife or- more recently- with the occasional meal, that's all the interaction that even registers in the ever-slowing cogs of your mind. It's the lack of stimulation, you tell yourself- the absolute isolation with nothing to separate one moment from another except for his presence, his voice, his touch.
And just when you think you'll lose the last scraps of your sanity to the monotonous nothingness (he's been busy, he said last time, in the lab, wouldn't need fresh samples from you for a while. you had told him okay in a flat voice that made one sharp eyebrow quirk up) he appears again. The door to your room, your cell, cracking open until a rectangle of white light washes over you.
You get up too fast, walk with him. To have something to do, is what you tell yourself. He'll force you there anyway, might as well keep it painless for now. But that's not why and you know it.
He doesn't have to guide you to the table, which earns you another strange look. You sit there, fidget, feel slightly cold against the vinyl and wait as he swaps his full beak-like mask for a simple black cloth one. He doesn't bother if he's just getting blood, the beak mask won't get in the way of that. You stomach twists, knows it's something more again.
You wait for Chrono to come in, to fit you into the restraints and take notes, play nurse to Overhaul's mad doctor. But Chrono does not arrive and white gloved-hands tap the arm rest. Ah. It's one of those days.
You comply, let him strap your arms down one by one, the leather belt tied down too tight, makes your fingertips tingle.
It used to be a distraction- these days. A reason to remember why you hate him, a vile act that kept you sane until- until it just became another set of sensations, another chance for you to leave your gray, meaningless cell. The ache in your head sharpens as he pulls the next strap around your other wrist.
"I missed you." You don't know why you say it. Maybe it's just because there's no one else you can say it to. He's all you have left, after all. You meet his eyes in some vain hope he'll stabilize you, stop your mind from capsizing in the ocean of trauma he's created. "Does that... mean there's something wrong with me?"
"You're sick." is all he says, resumes his task.
"Oh." When he moves on to the strap for your torso, one that cuts into your skin just below your rib cage, it again makes your stomach flip. He usually leaves that one free; he must really need you to be still today. You flex your fingers, push blood back into them. "You'll fix me, won't you?"
His hands don't pause this time, keeps right on working. "Of course. I'm going to fix everyone."
He starts with your ankles then, adjusting your legs until they're in the right position before tying them down too. The brush of his gloves against your thigh makes you jump, but you force yourself to relax before he can chide you. The thin material of your shift pushes up past your waist with no resistance- and like so many times before, you are bare to him. He takes something black from the tray table- and you can't stop yourself.
"Would you..." Your voice trails off. You expect him to just ignore you, but find his golden eyes have slid from the warm place between your legs to your face. Tears fall without warning and shame makes you turn your face into your shoulder (even though you know well enough he's never minded your crying before). You continue before you annoy him, voice tiny and foreign, "talk to me?"
His hand smooths across your thigh; if you were not tied down, it would be as though he were keeping you from closing your legs. "Why?"
"Please..." His thumb, still covered in the cloth of his glove, prods between your labia, draws outward, opens you up before him. Cool air graces your pussy and you shiver, bite your lip. What could you say, really? That he's the only person you've spoken with in you don't know how long, that even as you've bled out on this very table you strain to listen to him speak with Chrono just to find some twinge of normalcy? You meet his gaze again and beg. "Overhaul..."
Two fingers prod at your entrance, soak in the slickness there and draw it up over your slit. You tremble with shame, rejection the worst thing he's done to you since the last time he unmade your body. And then, as he rubs your clit in clinical circles, he starts. "I found something online." Relief washes over you. He eyes your thigh as it relaxes under his palm. "A while ago, actually, but I had no need to explore it."
He presses one finger into you. The cloth chafes in its typical way. except... not. It's easier, slicker than it normally is when he starts. "Curiosity has a way of sticking around, even when you'd prefer it not to." A second finger joins in. "Is that why you want me to talk? You're curious about me or what I'm doing?"
"N-No, but," You force out. He doesn't look up as you speak this time, continues on with his movements. Usually he'd stop by now, as soon as you were wet enough to make it comfortable for him. "What are you- ah," He curls his fingers, makes your thighs strain against the straps. "curious about?"
Overhaul hums, withdraws the fingers inside you, but still strokes over your clit as he takes something from the black case he'd grabbed before. "Your Gräfenberg spot is particularly sensitive." And with the same hand he holds up a thin metal rod. "I read it can also be stimulated through urethral penetration." With his thumb on your clit you struggle to make sense of what's going on past the weak rocking of your hips.
He stops then, leaves your pussy pulsing and warm, as he retrieves a tube of lubricant from the tray. You're wet enough, aren't you? You certainly feel like you are, had practically been grinding against his fingers. But he doesn't pour it onto you; he squeezes out a thick glob onto the metal rod, holds it up so you can see as he smears the clear gel over its length. Only when he's satisfied that it is covered does he wipe the excess off onto your pussy. The cold makes you tense- as does its location. Too low to be on your clit, but too high to be for your entrance.
It didn't seem like him to miss on something so obvious- and his hands come back between your legs. One keeps your labia spread wide, while the other- you tense, peer down your body as best you can. The angle doesn't help, gives you no clue except- except that his other hand is held away from your body, the rod between his fingertips as something prods against you.
"Tell me how it feels." It presses in. Stinging- that's the only way you can describe it. Different than when Overhaul didn't stretch you enough. At least your pussy had been stretched before, was built to accommodate that at all. This tiny hole was not.
"Hurts," You huff.
He stops. "How badly?" Your pussy clenches on instinct, a feeble attempt to force the intruder out of your body. Between your legs, the rod bobs midair.
"Uncomfortable. Bearable." Perhaps your pain scale has been knocked loose from one too many uses of his Quirk. As strange as it feels, it's doesn't even register compared to the moment between the touch of his fingers and actual death. Overhaul begins to slide it in further and you whine, "Feels weird."
"Give it a moment." He, however, does not- he pushes the rod deeper, that stinging feeling crawling further inside your body. It doesn't hurt, it just feels... wrong. That innate sense of knowing it's not meant to be used that way, your body trying too hard to reject it. He goes on, on until he stops- apparently deciding it is in deep enough. "Now?"
"Still stings." You mutter, clench around it again. "Feels like... like I need to, uh." Your cheeks heat and you bite your lip. You shouldn't be embarrassed about it, considering what he's doing to you, but you still can't bring yourself to finish the sentence.
"Perhaps, you just need some additional stimulation." For a moment you fear what that means exactly- and then his thumb is settling over your clit again. He strokes you with slow circles, draws pleasure with his touch until the discomfort in your urethra fades in favor of the soft tingling in your clit. It's different, somehow. With the space just below those sensitive nerves stuffed full, it makes the sensation that much more acute.
"Feels weird," You murmur, twist against the restraints. "Full."
"Do you enjoy it?" His thumb never breaks pace, never speeds up despite the growing agitation in your hips.
"I don't..." His fingernail catches on the hood of your clit through his glove and your voice falters. "Don't know... I..." You pinch your eyes closed, pull against the binds of your wrists as the pleasure in your clit spreads, warms you from the inside out- "I'm close."
His touch leaves you and the whimper that escapes you makes you duck your head in shame. "Not yet," He says, no trace of judgement in his voice. "Need to test your internal sensitivity with the sound inserted."
There's no time to come down, just his fingers pushing into you. At first it hurts, makes that stinging sensation come back, but as they slide in you again, he spreads them to rest on either side of the rod.
"It's..." You start, but can't find the right word for it. Different, strange, weird, not right- but that's not quite it. His fingers move, reignite that spark in your belly, still suspended and waiting to pop-
"Tell me." He says again.
"It's, I don't-" You shake your head, writhe against the straps because it's all you can do- that or watch his covered face as he undoes you in a new way.
"How does it-" He curls his fingers.
"Oh!" He pushes up against the rod. No longer moving parallel, he squishes that sensitive front wall between his fingers and the metal sound. You place the feeling now. "It's good! It's good!"
"Don't interrupt me." He chides, but doesn't stop the motion, keeps milking that spot for all it has while you try and fail to be quiet. "How does it feel?"
"It's-" You break off into a keen.
"Tell me and I'll make you cum."
"Feels full." You gasp, throw your head back. "Makes everything feel shah!- sharper!" His fingers curl again, stroke along the length of the rod until you're shivering, "Makes it tighter and I-" Your nails bite into the vinyl, legs kicking uselessly and you can't breathe, "Please, please, Overhaul, I-"
His thumb strokes your clit, falls in perfect rhythm with his fingers. "Good, now cum." Your whole lower body seizes, clenches around the metal, each pulse of your cunt making the end of it jump between his hands. Every throb of your clit, every time he curls his fingers, it's like a lightning rod, draws the pleasure out until you're choking for air. He keeps going, lets you ride out your high as he counts under his breath, measures out how long it takes for your thighs to stop quaking. Counts again after he withdraws his hands, watches and waits as your body shifts, twitches in the aftershocks.
He does not, however, wait before unbuckling his belt and pressing the head of his cock- hot and hard and swollen against your sensitive, still-fluttering entrance. "Should check if it's any different with this, shouldn't we?"
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sleepyfan-blog · 7 years
first bit of the nano fic below. please tell me if it’s dumb or not
When Connor was a kid, he hadn't really understood why his mom had been so insistent that he keep most of his magical abilities a secret from the other kids. Many of his fellow students enjoyed showing off their abilities, and everyone had several magical courses, along with such things as math, geography and language classes. But she had insisted that he be very careful while using his magic, and not reveal the full nature of what he was... Which was also confusing, as far as the young man had known at the time, that most magical beings didn't bother to hide what they were - even dark or previously thought evil beings, such as Vampires and Wendigos.
But he promised her every day before classes - or when he was invited over to a friend's house to play or for a sleepover, that he would be careful using his magic, and to not reveal the type of magical being that he was. Once every other week, his mom would take him on a road trip, to one of the nearby National Parks, where there wasn't anyone around, so that he could practice his magic in full - and when he had finally been able to get rid of the last of his fledgling down as a teenager - practice to learn how to fly. By then he had figured out why it was necessary to hide his abilities, as Connor had no wish whatsoever to be taken away from his human mother.
Connor hadn't realized that certain kinds of magical beings were thought of as myth - such as Angels... Or rather, those who had wings, such as he did. In addition to having bird-like wings, he had healing magic... And he had figured out as a teenager, that he seemed to be a great deal more powerful than most if not all of his classmates.
Connor was aware that, as per the laws, he probably should have reported himself when he was fifteen, and after finding a dead mother cat - whose kittens were mewling and pawing anxiously at, had broken down into tears and pushed as much of his magic into her as much as possible... And finding out that the mother cat - who had been very clearly dead - was alive and she seemed to be well. Connor had taken the mama cat and her kittens to a local vet clinic, just to double check, and when telling them the truth - that he'd found them out in the street, the little family of felines had been sent to a local animal shelter, and all of them had been adopted. He should have gone to the local authorities and reported that he might be of an arch-mage class and tested, to see if he needed to be sent away for more intensive training... But Connor hadn't wanted to leave his mom.
Besides, he would have also been pressured into revealing his magical heritage and Connor was distinctly nervous about anyone finding out that he had wings. Connor was grateful that they drove out to the middle of nowhere every other week, so that he could fly as much as he wanted, as the young man always got incredibly restless towards the end of the two weeks. It didn't matter if it was a beautiful, cloudless sunny day with blue skies as wide as the horizon... Or pelting down rain that froze once it hit the ground. Connor wondered if he needed to fly a certain extent - if that was an instinct that those like him possessed, or if it was simply that he had the ability to fly without needing to use a spell or a spelled object to fly.
His eighteenth birthday had been in March, and he had just graduated high school. Connor wanted to become either a veterinarian or a doctor - and not simply because he had healing magic. He genuinely wanted to make a difference, and had been hard at work at school, taking all of the Advanced Placement classes that he could manage to get into, so that he had some college credits under his belt as he searched for colleges to apply to. He'd done very well in his classes - magical and mundane, and had graduated as the valedictorian of his year. A deep, uncertain sigh left his lips and the  young man rubbed his face a little, still uncertain as to what to do.
There were a couple of local community colleges that offered courses that would let him take the undergraduate courses he needed in order to qualify to get into a veterinary school... Btu the best veterinary school was on the far side of the state, several hours' drive from home. All of this additional schooling would cost money, and though he could apply to financial aid, the young man was wary of getting into financial debt of any kind - as he had heard... Stories of what happened, if you were far behind on your financial aid. That a government representative would find where you were living and in order to pay back the debt, a Contract would be forged, and you would have to do... Something for years, if not decades, in order to pay off the debt - and it didn't matter how much money you made in the meantime, they wanted magical spells and potions and any items you could craft, once the Contract was forged... Or so he'd heard the rumors. There was another rumor that you might just disappear into a government funded lab, as though there were a significant number of magical beings, there were far more non-magical humans in the world, and though humans tended to live much shorter lives than most kinds of magical beings, they were clever and could be more ruthless and terrifying than any magical being.... Or so Connor had heard.
Connor wasn't sure if he believed those rumors or not, as he lived in a small magical community, at the edge of one of the Fae claimed forests, so they didn't see non-magical humans very often... Apart from the occasional curious tourist, who would be carefully assigned a guide, lest they get snatched up by one of the more... Capricious or old-fashioned Fae who didn't care much for the pretty pieces of paper that the four courts had officially signed, in order to avoid their borders from being cold Iron Bound and salt sealed. There were online classes... But again, it depended on whether or not he would be able to afford classes, on the fast food job that he was working. A deep, unhappy sigh left him as he clocked out, shaking his head a little and frowning.
"Why the long face, young one?" An elderly looking person asked, their finely lined face crinkling further as they peered at him.
Connor smiled politely and nodded at them. He could practically taste the magic around them, besides he'd met this person before - though their face changed every time they came into the burger joint he worked at. It was rude to recognize a Fae, unless they revealed themselves as someone you'd met before - even if you could recognize their magical signature. Apparently that was a difficult task for a lot of people to do, although why, Connor honestly couldn't imagine. Then again, it seemed as though most people didn't have an innate sense of who and what the beings around them were "Oh... It's just I graduated high school a little over a month ago, and I'm trying to decide if I want to go straight into college, or wait a couple of years... I kind of want to go backpacking across the states, to see the sights but... I've never been away from home for that long and... Yeah." It was also unwise to share too much of yourself at once to a Fae, which was why he stopped himself.
They hummed a little, a small smile appearing on their face "You're still so young yet, and despite the hustle and bustle of the humans with their lives that come and go so quickly... I wouldn't worry about such things. You have many years ahead of you, little one. Enjoy life as it comes, and knowledge will come to you as you need it."
"Wise words, I will make sure to keep them in mind." Connor responded, also knowing better than to thank a Fae. There were laws against a Fae taking advantage of a human slip of the tongue... But he was far from human.
They chuckled at that, their eyes shining in amusement - going from a soft brown to an electric purple "You always do have a sweet tongue, cast in silver. You are also the most cautious little one that I've met in some time... Then again, Â you do have reason to be. If you do go wandering, I would suggest that you stay away from the large cities - full of humans and a watchfulness you've never encountered. Some like to see birds captured in gilded cages - but I'd rather you fly freely."
Connor choke, all of the air in his lungs leaving him. His hands were shaking as he sputtered out "I... I have n-no idea... W-what do you..? I..." He took several steps back, a decidedly anxious expression on his face, reaching into one of his pockets for several packets of salt.
"Peace, peace. I mean you no harm, little one, although your caution does you credit. There is more than one way to bind powerful young ones like you, and there are those outside of this small village who will be more than happy to clip your wings and put you on display. Tread lightly if you are to walk in large cities - where there are many humans with little to no magic. Greedy and vicious, while not being bound to the same rules as we are. This advice is freely given, for a young one who has always been kind and warm - and whose food warms and heals these old bones of mine." The Fae murmured, sounding vaguely amused at how wary Connor was, a small smile on their face - though it didn't seem to be a malicious one, only entertained.
"I... I will definitely keep that in mind. Stick to the path, ignore the floating lights in the forest and don't cross without looking both ways." Connor murmured, reciting several common sense safety phrases. They helped him calm down.
"Just so." The Fae responded, a laugh in their voice. "For the entertainment, I will tell you this; when your second set of wings comes in, your magic will double. Once your third set come in, you won't be able to hide your magic, no matter how you try. You will have either needed to have found someone who has the strength to protect you, little healer, or one will be assigned to you. Or you can always come into the forest and stay with us. Healers are celebrated and welcomed always."
"I... Will think about that..." Connor responded, not wanting to turn down such an offer, but not wanting to sound as if he was going to accept it, and thus be whisked off and trapped in Fae service for the next fifty years.
The Fae chuckled softly at that, their eyes a shining amethyst color now "Good luck, and remember, fortune favors the bold but punishes the brash." With that, they vanished from sight, leaving Connor to ponder what they'd just said.
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