#why does everyone have the same riff
muirneach · 2 years
why does tapioca tundra have the needles and pins jackie deshannon/i’ll feel a whole lot better byrds riff after every verse
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neoplatinum · 3 months
keep it up - chase atlantic | ning 'ningning' yizhou
summary: i care for you, like you care for me
pairing: gf!ningning x reader
themes: fluff, angst, implied substance abuse, professional help, rest of aespa!
wc: 1.0k
pt2 of: VTMNTSCOAT - destroy lonely
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you can hear the sound of yizhou learning how to play different riffs on her guitar. it's endearing and warm how hard she's trying to nail this one piece to play it for you.
you think that yizhou would make such a hot rockstar girlfriend, not that you would say it to her face. it would probably inflate her ego too much.
"baby! come eat lunch." yizhou's too into her playing, barely processing that you've said something to her. so you tap her shoulder and her head whips up to look at you. she smiles and takes the guitar off of herself, setting it on the stand.
you both walk to the kitchen, you grab both bowls and place them on the table, as yizhou grabs utensils. and when she sits downs she smiles at you.
"i think i'm going to be able to finish that song by tomorrow." she speaks with pride. you're proud of her, for trying so hard to play the guitar. you grab her hand, squeezing it for encouragement.
yizhou smiles and digs into her bowl of noodles, happily slurping it. you watch and adore how cute she looks, eyes intently watching her noodles, a frustrated expression when the noodles slip through her chopsticks.
you think about that night all those months ago, at aeri's party. how heartbroken you both were, feeling a tear in your relationship, wanting so badly to mend it with your own hands. so you tried, getting yizhou professional help. yizhou's been seeing a specialist, getting help with her dependency on drugs. understanding why her mood swings are so dire.
you try and sit in with her most sessions, sometimes yizhou would rather you just sit outside in the waiting room. when you sit outside of the room, you wonder if she'll ever confide in you with what she isn't willing to share. most of all you are just proud she takes each session in stride even if she doesn't want to attend.
it's been a lot of up and downs with her mood swings, but at the end of the day she always tells you how much she loves you. she thanks you for sticking by her. some days she throws things around when she's unstable, when her mood is so off that she can't contain the emotions she's feeling.
other days she completely shuts you out, staying in her room for hours on end with no sound. you get worried at times that she'll completely shut you out but it never lasts for longer than a day.
usually she'll crawl into your room when its so late you're already asleep and cuddle into your side. there have been a few times you wake up when she does it, other times you sleep through the night and wake up with yizhou next to you, probably playing with your hair.
it doesn't matter if she shuts you out or is attached to your hip the whole day, you will always be there as a space for her when she needs it.
you like to take long walks on days where yizhou is out. long walks to really think about your own wellbeing, how being with yizhou impacts you. how her actions can fill you up or let you down.
you talk to yizhou about it sometimes and she listens to you. letting you have the space to speak about your own struggles. you talk about how hurt you were that night when you caught her dancing up on some guy, but thinking it was you the whole time.
you cry into her shoulder as she cries into you. she still loves you, the same way she was when you two started dating. she tries to be more present with you, asking how you are doing as well. taking the time to care for you and pamper you as well.
aeri, minjeong, and jimin also visit often, getting little gifts for yizhou that always makes her smile. minjeong sometimes comes over with her guitar and everyone sits to watch them play songs together. you feel a deep warmth in your chest when they smile at each other while they're playing. you're eternally grateful for these girls, that they take the time to care for yizhou just as much as you do.
you talk about it with aeri, minjeong and jimin one day, how much you appreciate them. they all cry at the sight of you breaking down, comforting you when you explain how hard all this has been on you.
you've decided to take yizhou to a festival, letting her enjoy her favorite artists. the whole time you've spent enjoying the vibe of the festival and swaying with yizhou while you hug her.
she's lovely at singing, you discover through the festival. that night when you drive home you request that she sings more often. she gets bashful at the comments, but sings to you nonetheless. you think you can hear the sound of love through her voice, it brings you to tears.
some nights when you two are too tired to go out for dates, you enjoy drawing with yizhou, letting her creativity run free. she draws these beautifully intricate pieces depicting her thoughts and feelings about herself, or how frustrated she is with the world. you always take the time to listen to her explain each piece, so she awards you with a kiss after each one.
you can feel yizhou getting better over time, how she's more confident in expressing how she feels to you. there's less of a hesitation to explain to you how she's struggling or even to the other three girls.
yizhou's even convinced you to pick up the drums to accompany her playing, she claims you look extra hot with sweaty hair on your face and especially when you look so into it. you laugh at that because it honestly feels like you look like you're drenched in the rain.
she kisses you senseless when you say that, and she comments. "i can't wait to marry you one day. i hope our kids have your perseverance."
you blush at the compliment, thinking about marrying yizhou one day, and honestly yeah, you think you'll have to do it soon.
a/n: this was requested by the lovely @torri77, hope it's enjoyable! friendly reminder that addiction is a very real situation, and this is fiction. as always, stay safe and stay healthy, everyone!
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oodlesofweird · 4 months
Shuro thoughts (1201 words)
If i had to assign a term to Shuro that describes his character, it’d probably be ‘a lack of connection with others’, many of shuro’s relationships in dungeon meshi follow a similar pattern, in that they're all very neutral. He feels like he’ll constantly be in his dad’s shadow no matter what he does, leading to him not trying much, along with some resentment towards him. There’s also his relationship with Maizuru,who was one of the more positive figures in his life who he ends up blocking out as he grows older. Even his relationship with Hien is kinda. Nonexistent. They used to be quite close when they were kids, but their friendship eventually deteriorated when they grew older. 
It makes sense since the difference in status is more prevalent, but this made me think about how he reflects Laois. Even though they both have similar upbringings, with fathers who are in a leadership role which they would benefit from. Laios is still ostracized from the rest of his village, and pretty early on ends up leaving to become a soldier, where he ends up even more ostracized. It’s only when he leaves the army and goes to the island, that he becomes an adventurer and meets his party, where he finds companions who he’s on mostly friendly terms with. Despite everything he’s able to create his own life outside of his family. 
Meanwhile Shuro has presumably lived with his family up until he gets sent off on his adventure. He’s constantly in his fathers shadow, and everyone that he’s surrounded with is in some way related to his father. The retainers are all employed under his father and are more or less lended to him. Even when he leaves for the island, he’s still connected to him by the quest that he’s sent on, and his retainers that follow him. He doesn’t come to the island for himself, it’s for a competition arranged by his dad.
Another way that they’re foils is through their siblings. Laios’s relationship to Falin is incredibly important to the story. They both clearly love each other and left home to find their own path side by side. But Shuro and his siblings have a large distance between them. It’s never stated why, but I don’t think it’s made better by the whole, competition for inheritance thing. I think it’s also interesting how Laios’s adventure brings him closer to Falin. While Shuro’s takes him away from his brothers, furthering the gap between them.
Even in laios’s party, where he’s able to make connections with people not from his home, he still can’t really connect with others. Namari and Chilchuck both drink after work, Falin and Marcille are besties and all get along pretty well. They’re all comfortable enough with each other to speak their mind and jokingly riff on each other, all except for Shuro, whose relationship with them is much more like co workers. 
It’s the same in his old party. Hien and Benichidori are able to form a friendship with each other, and Tade forms a friendship with Izutsumi. But Shuro is distant from them all, to the point where him going “you guys did a good job, I’m sorry I dragged you guys down here” is enough to bring Maizuru to tears and confuse the hell out of them all. While Laios’s party criticizes him pretty openly, Shuro’s party instead just goes with what he does.
One similarity between him and Laios that I didn't really notice until now is that they both lack real friends, just for different reasons. Laios can’t find real friends because he can't read social cues or socialize well with other people, but he still tries to reach out to people even if things end up sour. Meanwhile Shuro doesn't have friends because he doesn't try to connect with other people, he's passive and only makes connections if they come to him first, ending in friendships that he’s not even happy with.
I also think it's interesting how he has a special relationship with both Touden siblings, just that one is out of love and one is out of hate 💀 Both of these relationships lead to him breaking out of his passive personality and making his own decisions instead of just moving through the motions. By falling in love with Falin, he makes the decision of finally leaving the party in order to form his own rescue team. Due to his hatred of Laios, he ends up getting into a fist fight and finally showing his true emotions and feelings. Both Touden siblings influence Shuro to make active decisions throughout the story (Proposing to Falin, leaving the party, deciding to turn marcille in, fighting Laios, etc). Even though these are bad decisions, (proposing to someone without any kind of romantic relationship first, fist fighting someone while half your party is dead), they are still him finding a voice. Both Laios and Falin make Shuro break away from what's expected and make his own path, even if it's very brief, and even if those decisions were very stupid.
Even though Shuro’s whole reason for coming to this island is the quest he’s sent on by his father, we don't really get much of that in the main manga, instead more focus is put on his relationship with Laios and Falin, (something something even narratively he finds his own path by having an arc based on his relationships instead of his quest). If he had an arc in the manga, I presume it would be around him finally understanding Laios? And eventually repairing the relationship between them and forming a real relationship (Though honestly i'm not sure about this). But nonetheless i think Shuro’s relationship with Laios does improve, even though he says he hates Laios, he also admits that he's envious of him. 
The two of them have personalities that fundamentally clash with each other while reflecting the other. Shuros passiveness and Laios' lack of observation skills basically guarantee their relationship would go south, but they do manage to pick up the pieces, after beating the shit out of each other. 
Laios and Shuro have a genuine talk where Shuro admits his envy, and even offers Laios a way to escape to the east, despite not being asked to. And in the final chapters, Shuro ends up hugging Laios with a genuine smile, despite not being comfortable with physical contact. Even though the two had a rough fight, their relationship manages to recover and become somewhat positive. 
By the end of the story, even though it's implied that Falin rejected Shuro (good for her), he's still on good terms with the Toudens. He finally makes his own decisions and speaks, and even though things got kinda ugly, he's still able to have a positive relationship with Laios and Falin, not as besties or as a married couple, but just as fellow people. He finally finds his voice and speaks up, end creates connections by the end of it. 
If anyone would like to add more to this or has points they wanna bring up please do ^^, these are just my disorganized thoughts that i finally wrote down.
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bleedingoptimism · 1 year
part three: Frank
There’s no backstage in The Hideout, just a small bathroom and an old beat-up couch, but there are always a few bottles of water and Frank is incredibly thankful for that as he chugs one after the show.
The rest of the band is already up the front saying hi to everyone but Frank needed a moment, couldn’t really keep looking at Eddie sucking face with some random girl.
He can’t stop thinking about the look on Steve’s face as he walked away before the last song. And of course, he has no right to be mad at Eddie, technically he didn’t do anything wrong… Technically.
But he’s a little mad, he actually quite likes Steve. He always shows up at rehearsals with homemade food and constantly praises and encourages them about the band. He’s just a nice dude, so excuse him for being excited when he realized something might be going on between him and Eddie. He wanted them to be happy together, he thought they could be, that they deserved it.
But apparently, Eddie needs to get his head out of his ass for that to happen.
He goes back to his friends and thankfully Eddie is alone now, “What happened with whatsherface?” He asks.
“Pricilla? Told her I wanted to spend time with my friends, but she didn’t take it very well” Eddie smiles at him amused, “Told me to go fuck myself”
“Good for her” he murmurs and Eddie frowns but doesn’t comment on it, instead he looks around and groans, “Man I can’t believe Steve left without saying hi, what an asshole. Next time he shows up for rehearsal I’m not going to let him in.” He jokes.
Iit doesn’t land well.
Jeff snorts and Gareth cringes, “I don’t think he’ll show up for rehearsal dude.”
“What? Why?” Eddie asks him confused and Frank can’t help it, he laughs.
“There’s no way you are this dense man, seriously?”
“Excuse me?” Eddie growls but Frank doesn’t back down,
“Eddie, you flirted with him for months, asked him out to see you, and then stuck your tongue down someone else's throat in front of him! Of course, he’s not going to show up again!”
Eddie bleaches and his frown deepens “What are you talking about?! That’s not wha- Steve doesn’t care abo- And since when are you so close to him, uh?! What, he’s your friend now and I'm not?”
They are screaming at each other now and people around them are staring, and Frank actually fucking hates fighting, so he takes a deep breath and puts a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, smiles wearily at him,
“Eddie of course you are my friend but, you introduced us to this beautiful person, who is funny and nice, who brings us delicious homemade cookies and makes sure we stay hydrated… Who congratulates us when we get a riff right no matter how many times we got it wrong before and you expected us not to befriend him too?”
Eddie visibly slackens, all fight going out of him. He looks at Gareth and Jeff who just kind of nod at him but then Eddie’s eyes go huge and he looks at Frank scared, “Shit, Frank do you have a crush on Steve?”
“No, you dumb fuck! You do!” Great, now he’s back at screaming.
Gareth laughs and holds his hands up trying to apace them, “He knows he does Franky” he says.
“Well, then why the fuck did he kiss that girl then?” It’s Jeff who asks, who has been very quiet until now.
“Stop talking like I'm not her-” Eddie starts but Gareth interrupts him,
“Because he didn’t know Steve liked him back” he answers looking at Jeff but grabbing Eddie’s shoulder and squeezing it just a little too hard.
Eddie flinches and looks at all of them, trying to confirm what they all seem to know for sure, “I… fucked up didn’t I?” 
“Oh yeah,” They all answer at the same time.
part one
part two
part three (you are here!)
part four
part five
☕🥐💕 cafecito?
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
rockstar!dad!bucky x f!momreader
summary: last show of Buckys tour where he gets a special surprise
part of the same universe as Love from afar but can be read as standalone
a/n: so I'm kinda soft for rockstar dad bucky you might see more of him in the future I already have 2 more fic ideas sushdbbd
main masterlist
bucky masterlist
-more rockstardad!bucky
hope you enjoy! if you have any questions or feedback my asks are open!
Tonight was the last stop of tour, and Bucky was feeling all kinds of things. Nervous, sad that the tour was done, but also incredibly happy to finally get home to his pregnant wife and two boys.
"Good evening everybody!" Bucky yells into the mic and does a riff on his guitar.
"Tonight is the last show-" before he finishes he's cut off by screams of "noo" of their fans.
"I know, I know. This tour has been a real dream come true. I wanna thank everyone who's here tonight and everyone who saw our show in the last six months. And of course, to those who support us from afar."
Bucky stops talking and looks at the huge stadium screaming his name and almost tears up.
"Let's have fun tonight!"
Bucky starts singing the first song, and the crowd goes wild. He loves this so much the adrenaline the energy it makes him feel high.
It's getting close to the end of the show. Only the last song is left, and it's a surprise song for the last show. This song Bucky wrote for you when he was leaving for tour the first time after having a kid. Its not a song they usually play as it is a slow farewell song, but why not.
"Thank you for such an amazing show. You are such an incredible crowd. But can I ask for a little more of your time and energy?!"
The crowd yells out a yes. Bucky and other members of his band smile, him and Steve share a look that says "we made it".
They start singing, and the crowd starts singing the lyrics with them, some people start crying and the stadium is lit up with phone flashlights
When they finish the last song the crowd chants their name.
"Thank you!" Bucky bows lowly.
and then the crowd screams louder and Bucky turns around.
"I know the show is over. But I thought I could ask for one last song?"
Bucky is speechless when he hears your voice, and when he sees his 7 month pregnant wife on stage, he almost collapses. The crowds screaming dies out, and the only thing Bucky sees is you in a pretty purple dress standing a few feet away microphone in your hands.
"So? Just my favourite I'm sure no one would mind? Right Steve?"
Steve smiles at you softly, he knew you were coming and helped you pull this thing off without Bucky knowing.
"What's one more song?" Steve says and starts singing.
Bucky takes the microphone and starts singing to you. He slowly walks over, scared that you'll disappear any second. You wouldn't call this song particularly sweet and romantic since Bucky wrote it about your wild hookups in unconventional places when you were like 18. But still, it remains your favourite song.
By the end of the song, Bucky is close to sobbing he started crying at some point.
"My beautiful wife, everybody!" He says through tears. The crowd has been screaming since you came out on stage.
"Thank you! Sorry to keep you a bit longer I'm sure everybody is very tired. Get home safe." you say and leave the stage waving, but not before kissing Bucky softly and telling him you'll see him in a bit.
While you wait for the show to finish, you log into Buckys Instagram since you don't have your own. Already, there are thousands and thousands of posts about you coming on stage.
Bucky didn't publicly announce the pregnancy, and neither have you. This time, you somehow managed to hide it for so long since the attention was mostly pointed at the tour.
You're sure that by tomorrow, every tabloid will have your picture splattered everywhere but you couldn't care less. What Bucky doesn't know yet is that the boys are here with you and you can't wait to see his face.
"DADDY!" Theo screams and jumps into his fathers arms, and Bucky catches him.
Bucky holds onto his son like he's going to disappear any second.
"What are you doing here? How? When?" Bucky asks in between kisses that he's giving your son.
Leo crawls and hugs Bucky's legs, with Theo still in his arms, Bucky picks up his other son and starts kissing each of their cheeks in turns.
"We wanted to surprise you. I guess it worked, no?" you tease him a little and snap a picture of the sweet scene in front of you.
Somehow, Theo ends up clinging onto his dad's back, which gives Bucky enough space to pull you into a group hug.
"Ew you're sweaty and smell. Theo get down you'll get stinky too."
Bucky doesn't let either of you leave his embrace, and the menace he is, he snuggles Leo even closer to him. You smile into his neck, you missed him so much.
"Alright, I'll go shower, then we can go. Don't go anywhere."
"Daddy wait I'm still here!" Theo screams into Buckys ear trying to get down but Bucky is still holding him.
"Oh right, I guess you're not showering with me." Theo giggles happily and walks over to you.
"The other one too Buck." He rolls his eyes and let's his 3 year old down from his arms.
He doesn't take long, and the four of you are on your way to the hotel.
In the car, boys talk to their father, and Bucky listens very carefully, not to miss a single word.
When you get to the hotel suite, Bucky gets the boys ready for bed and reads them a bedtime story. They fall sleep almost instantly, Theo on his right shoulder and Leo on his left.
Bucky manages to wiggle out without waking them up and makes his way over to you.
"God I love you. You're incredible. How did you even do this we talked this morning and I-" you cut him off with a kiss.
"I love you too. And I can't belive that we've been married for so long and I still get to surprise you." Bucky smiles and put his hand on you belly, feeling the little movement.
"My pretty baby, I'm sorry daddy hasn't talked you I promise I'll make it up to you, I'm gonna be the only thing you hear for forever!" Bucky talks to the baby in your belly.
"I love you more than anything, Bucky I love our family and I missed you so fucking much." you start to tear up, holding onto Buckys hands. It hit you all at once that you're having another baby and that he wasn't there and that you can't believe you found a soulmate.
"Doll, you're my forever. I love you more than there are stars in the universe. I can not thank you enough for being there and supporting me and being the mother of my children. The last 6 months have both been the best and worst of my life. I want you to know that you and the boys were all I could think about. I can not wait to get home, our messy, lively home. Soon, I know we'll be getting zero sleep, and we'll be exhausted, but I will be doing it with you. That makes me extremely happy. You were my dream then, my dream now and my dream forever."
You sob into his chest, holding him tightly, as if he's going to disappear into thin air. The hug is a bit weird as your bump is in the way but it's the thing that you needed the most right now.
"If I could I would fuck you right now you look incredibly sexy." you say through tears and Buckys chest vibrate from the laugh.
"I'll make it up to you my love. I will have you in bed for a week straight, you'll be all mine. My pretty doll." He plants a sweet kiss on top of your head.
"Let's get you in bed. I'm sure you're tired." you only nod and let Bucky take care of you.
When you fall asleep, Bucky is wide awake looking at his beautiful family. He can't wait to get home and take care of you.
<breaking news famous singer and guitarist Bucky Barnes is expecting a third child with his wife.>
<we can't get help but feel single when we see this couple! Bucky Barnes and his wife on stage last night! Buckys wife surprised him and requested her favorite song!!>
<after almost a year we see Bucky Barnes' wife and she is very much pregnant! we wish them the best!>
omg such goals!
want someone to look at me the way bucky and his wife look at each other!
how does one looks so gorgeous while that pregnant she's literally glowing! Bucky is so lucky!
family goals
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kisscara · 1 year
O5. madam faruzan who? [fanboy!scaramouche x drummer!reader] ⎯⎯ heartbeat rhythm series
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you nervously fidget with your drumsticks, a coy smile on your lips as scaramouche talks to kaeya. yanfei taps your shoulder and whispers, "whenever you're ready." you rapidly nod and attempt to ease your nerves by relaxing your tense shoulders. but what if you're never ready?
you've performed in front of countless people, why can't you do the same for one guy? well, technically a group of three but you don't mind what kaeya and yanfei think. just him and him alone. you turn to yanfei, "um-" you recoil when the mic by your mouth suddenly makes a deafening squeal.
scaramouche pinches his temple, "kaeya, did you or did you not test the equipment?" kaeya puts his hands up in defense, "hey, i thought that was yanfei's job." scaramouche argues as kaeya makes his way up the stage, "her job is to set it up and yours is to test it! immature dickhead..."
kaeya sighs while wiping a hand over his face, "he can be such a pain in the ass, how could you even play along with this, (name)?" you look up at him and frown. does everyone really see scaramouche in this bad light? maybe they just need to get to know him more to take a liking to him.
kaeya gives the mic a few taps and speaks into it. "this good enough for you, mister moody?" kaeya chuckles when scaramouche gives him a deathly glare. "alright, you should be all good to go. oh and," kaeya looks at you while heading back down the steps. "try not to screw up, scaramouche can get real mad at that."
you felt yourself shatter like a clay statue hitting the floor. "oh, shut it, kaeya!" yanfei growls, knitting her brows together in frustration. she shakes her head, "don't listen to him, (name)... (name)?" your hands are shaking, causing your drumsticks to waver.
"i'm going to die today-"
"no, you won't," yanfei rolls her eyes at your dramatic act and firmly says, "you got this." you take a deep breath in and another one out. "yeah, i do. i'm ready now." you adjust your posture and sit more upright on your drum throne. scaramouche's eyes carefully scan you.
his lips form an anxious squiggle, 'they look so cool... i've always watched them on my phone or from afar but this is the real deal.' scaramouche places a hand on his chest, hoping to calm his rapid heartbeat.
as the song starts through the speakers, you begin the intro's drum riff only to be stopped by scaramouche's voice. yanfei stops the music and you tighten your grip. did you mess up already?
"is it possible if," he looks away, covering the pink tint on his face. "you could cover the vocals too?"
you gasp and beam, "yeah! i mean, yes, i could totally do that!" scaramouche clears his throat and nods, "my apologies for interrupting. you can play now." yanfei gives you a playful smirk and you smile back at her.
the music starts up again and you start drumming without a disruption unlike before. you never sang while performing, except for little background lines yun jin made you and the other members do as she led the performance per usual. but singing and drumming at the same time made you feel content.
だって本当は crazy, 白鳥たちはそう
it's like your voice was made for this specific song. everything was going well and fitting into place. scaramouche couldn't take his eyes off of you the entire time. he swore he couldn't even blink, feeling as if he would miss something groundbreaking should he look away.
kaeya examines scaramouche's dazed state. "he's out of it," he mutters in amusement. yanfei proudly hugs her tablet to her torso, smiling as you finally gather the courage you desperately needed for this moment.
本能に従順忠実 翻弄も重々承知 前途洋々だし⋯ だからたまに休憩しちゃうんです
sweat covers your forehead in a glistening sweat as you have the chance to rest your voice, since this part of the song is just silence filled with the instruments. your eyes avert towards the clear blue sky and then scaramouche. the two of you lock gazes.
like you do with your usual crowd when performing, you give him your signature wink along with a grin out of habit. oh, dear... he nearly passed out on the spot. with the final crash of your cymbals and banging of your drums, you finish off without a single flaw in your performance.
you're reminded of the first time you performed like this, in front of a small audience of three. those three being ayaka, her big brother who was always like your own, ayato, and their mother. they always supported your passion for drums and ayato was the one who gifted you your drum set.
you'd never forget him. he's living the high life in university at the moment, bound to graduate with a doctorate degree... more on him later. your current situation at hand is much more important!
a deafening silence is booming through the outdoors, accompanied by the peaceful songs the birds share along with the calm gusts of wind. you slowly pant, chest bobbing up and down as you exhale, "how was it?" yanfei and kaeya look over to scaramouche.
scaramouche lifts his head, his indigo hair framing his beautiful features. the way he looks at you with such confidence, a striking and powerful glare; it's no wonder you have no idea how much he so admires you. he opens his mouth and three words fall from his lips.
"it wasn't bad."
those words alone were enough to make your heart jump all over the place, your cheeks to heaten and your eyes to brighten. you exclaim, "really!?" from the surge of excitement, you instantly stand up, causing your snare drum to fall over. you quickly prop it back up and rush down the stage.
'oh, they're approaching me, they're approaching, they're approaching-' scaramouche's mind is in a jumble as you hold both of his hands in yours. his head explodes. not literally, i sure hope not. but explode... like the way a train releases puffs of smoke and steam from their cylinders going, 'choo, choo!'
yeah, that perfectly describes how he feels as you sweetly say, "i look forward to working with you on the school festival, president!"
yanfei and kaeya stifle their laughs. they saw scaramouche's, 'it wasn't bad,' as a complete disappointment for you, but you, you saw all of the good in it. that's all you needed to confirm that scaramouche indeed, has his unseen sweet side. yanfei sighs, "i'm glad it all worked out."
kaeya smugly adds, "i think president has a lil' crush, don't you think?" the two are lucky their conversation is out of scaramouche's earshot. yanfei pauses and watches as scaramouche stammers out words to you with a red complexion. you, being as dense as you are, mistaken it for him being startled by your sudden arrival.
yanfei squints her eyes and her jaw nearly drops in realization. only a fool wouldn't notice the obvious admiration you and scaramouche mutually hold for each other. how come she didn't see it before? the obvious mood change of scaramouche's and his somewhat kinder demeanor surely have a part in this.
"what? scaramouche, like me?" you ask, a brow raised as you look at yanfei. she nods, completely serious. you sputter and resort to laughing. "yeah, you almost got me there, 'fei! but i believe with a little more time and effort," you ball your fists up in determination, "i'll be his and he'll be mine in no time!"
you and the rest of the student council are at a family restaurant, under kaeya's suggestion after all the hard work they did and surprisingly, scaramouche agreed. yanfei waves her finger and closes her eyes, "no, no, (name), listen closely. i think he likes you-"
her eyelids lift as she sees scaramouche boasting about how hard it is to keep everyone in line as a president and you repeatedly comment him on his dedication to his role. yanfei deadpans, "such lovesick idiots..."
your phone vibrates in your pocket and you take it out, however you froze up the second you saw the text.
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tags: @mariusvonhangme @scaramoo @mikismusings @rizakari @akagism2 @sakiimeo @ohmyfinggod @aethersluvrr @scarafrisbee @kaoyamamegami @liliumaraneae @dreamsofminnie @starfart19 @kunisbeloved @luhvashh @makiswrld @kyouzki @mimissubway @loucaroarz @theblueblub @angelunatic @shinjuuz @thenightsflower @coquettemaiden @thefandomcrow @cotton-eee @lovely028 @hrtswinter @duckyyyx @kissingkzuha @dazaisboner @adeptusx @tomotofu @yukiipc @loverhole @star583 @soobasaur @aeongiies @dr8amy @scaraapologist @raideneiari @rvoulte @aaeng121 @pyrrhicgaze @tjjjrsj @enviouspeanut @d4y-dr3am3r @aromaticism @undecidingfate @kur44pika
taglist is now closed as i've reached the max tags in a single post. (50/50 tags occupied + officially removed users whose names aren't linked)
what happens when you, a talented and well-known drummer across the web, grow an intense crush for the student council president, who's also your number one fan? from annoying sisters to nosy bandmates, the next event that happens is always more chaotic than the last!
© kisscara
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Ok but imagine yan! Injustice batfamily broke apart after the death of there universes batsis. Imagine there surprise when a mystery portal opens up and hero’s from another reality comes through including another universe batsis.
There would be such a varying degree of emotion upon meeting the alternate version of their very alive family member. As much as Bruce would want to indulge in the idea he knows that this Reader isn’t theirs. No matter how much he wants to lie to himself and embrace them, he knows he can’t. But the same can’t be said for the rest of the family. Everyone has been dealing in their own way with the loss and to have a second chance fall into their lap like this has to mean something, right?
Damian would be the first one to desperately latch onto the alternate!darling. He doesn’t care if it’s not the original or his version, anything to fill the void he’d happily accept. When Bruce tries to keep him from getting too attached doesn’t end too well. If anything it’ll cause even more of a riff between the two. Damian can’t understand why his father won’t just accept the gift that’s been handed to them. Why does his father have to ruin everything?
Dick would be torn between sharing Bruce’s and Damian’s reactions. He would love for more than anything to just open his arms to this alternate version and embrace them like he hasn’t been able to since his version died, but he understands where Bruce is coming from. It would be a lie, a beautiful but bittersweet lie. A part of him wouldn’t mind giving into it but what about the Batfamily that they would be stealing their darling from? He couldn’t really do that to another version of themselves, could he? Maybe if he was desperate enough, he could.
Jason wouldn’t think twice about it. He’s missed his sibling so fucking much and to have them very much alive right in front of him would be too good to pass up. He feels for the alternate version of himself that he’s stealing from by not giving the darling up but if another him was in his position he knows he would do the same thing without hesitation. And he knows he’ll probably have to fight to the death to keep this alternate!darling but he’ll do whatever he has to.
Barbara and Tim would be more of the ones to share Bruce’s thoughts. As much as they’d rather just indulge in this alternate!darling they can’t. The want to would be extremely overwhelming but they’ll fight it tooth and nail. The place that their universe has become is no longer a home for their darling, or any other version of there darling for that matter. They would give anything to have their darling back but not like this.
Then again, it would depend on how their previous darling died. Depending on that there may be some different reactions and more accepting of a lie.
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lilac-hecox · 4 months
Comedy Club AU:
Ian and Anthony are co-owners of The Giggle Hut and have a regular stable of stand up comics that come to perform. The au centers around the group of comedians.
Shayne: Has been in the scene for a long time, struggling for his big break. He lets himself get anxious about performing and it at times affects his ability to pull off a joke in his set, but he's charismatic enough that he's popular and people like when he does costumed character impressions such as The Chosen.
Trevor: A new comedian on the scene and instantly a lot of comparisons to Shayne for no real reason except they are both blonde men. Trevor is a hit right away and it sets up a rivalry of sorts between them. Shayne feels insecure because Trevor is younger and popular and isn't having to work as hard to gain an audience. Trevor really looks up to and admires Shayne but feels intimidated to say anything because he feels frostiness from Shayne.
Amanda: Always doing sets as different characters, very popular because you never know exactly what character you're getting. She also does a lot of audience interactions and friendly heckling while in character. She is best friends with Shayne and the two often work together and pair well on nights at the club. Amanda is extremely fond of the absurdist comedian Angela.
Angela: Very off the wall absurdist comedy. She's extremely relatable and audiences eat her up. She makes jokes that appeal to almost everyone and always references fellow comedians in her jokes which often kills because she riffs on what the audience is familiar with. She has a big honking crush on Amanda but feels she is out of her league both comedy wise and romantically.
Chanse: MC at the club and often performs mini-sets as musical improv is more his thing, but he does often do some musical comedy at the club, but is also happy to be hosting. Besties with Angela. He also heckles the crowd in a fond but real way. He also uses his sets to throw mini flirtatious jokes at Shayne and Trevor. He has a crush on both of them.
Spencer: Is not at the Hut as much as the other comics, but he performs and kills on the regular. He does a lot of character work and he references the other comedians. Makes an absurd amount of jokes about being gay when he doesn't say one way or another and gives Chanse a shit ton of material to work with in a set devoted to the reasons why Spencer is probably gay.
Tommy: Bartender at the Giggle Hut. He is insanely funny but doesn't think he could perform on stage and Spencer is begging him to try it out. It gets the point where Spencer gets them to set up a mic for Tommy and they banter during one of Spencer's performances and Tommy has the audience crying in laughter.
Shayne/Trevor?? Rivals to lovers type deal?
Shayne/Chanse? Exploration on Shayne's side, maybe happened before he got with Trevor? After? Same time?
Amangela! Two fools who are certain the other doesn't feel the same even though they are obviously crushing on one another.
Spommy: Supportive Spencer and nervous Tommy and mutual respect and flirtation that turns into an actual relationship
Ianthony: BACKGROUND MARRIED CO-OWNER BOSSES OF THE GIGGLE HUT!!!! "our comedian kids are idiots but i love them."
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themightymoose · 3 months
trolls au you say?
well.... let's do this... *large inhale*
okay so it'd be a basic swap au where the pop trolls are the villains and the rock trolls are good
"But Moose, isn't that the whole point of the second movie? That the Pop Trolls were the ones who started the whole thing?" Shhhhhhhhh shut up shut up shut up
The plot would basically start from World Tour. But the first movie is a little bit different, but the main character is Barb so we don't really ""see"" any of it.
First movie context: first of all I would want the snack pack to do more and be their own characters, especially DJ (girlie just disappeared off the face of the earth in the other movies) Branch is more like Creek while Creek is Poppy's childhood, gay BFF. Branch also has all of his colors for reasons. So Poppy throws an obnoxiously loud party and Bergens find them blah blah blah (side note: Poppy acts like a mixture between Adam and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel) Branch and Poppy go on their super fun road trip, they still think the other is annoying because they are massive hypocrites. They're kinda in a rivalry, always trying to one up each other with songs, parties, ect. The movie is basically the same. Creek doesn't sell them out and everyone is happy
World Tour: Barb and Riff are siblings for starters. Riff is older and king of the Rock Trolls, also an older protective big bro. Barb kinda has Poppy's personality, making her the odd one out. Branch is the one going out and stealing all the strings while Poppy stays in Pop Village to look after it's citizens. More Pop Trolls are with him, including Creek. Who does not like this at all. Between the first and second movie, Poppy and Branch grew much closer to each other, with rumors going around that Branch is going to be the king of the Pop Trolls. Which everyone is pretty fond of the idea, since he's very popular among the Pop Trolls. And Branch has grown very loyal to Poppy during this time. Then the same thing with the road trip happens, but with some minor changes. Poppy not only wants to take the strings but leave nothing left standing, so Branch also goes to Vacay Island where Bruce and Floyd are and take over that place as well taking over where the Putt Putt Trolls are staying. So on they're road trip they come across Branch's brothers + Viva. Then yeah when Branch takes the Rock string, Creek finally stands up to Branch (Creek probably had a bonding moment with some of the people on the road trip at some point) either way Branch ends up leaving Creek in the rock place while the Pop Trolls go to bring all the strings to Poppy. Branch probably tells Poppy that Creek is traitor and she probably doesn't even question it. Anyway they also kidnap Barb when she lies and says that she's the Queen of the Rock Trolls, while Riff is like "you fucking idiot"
things happen and now the leaders of each tribe are Pop zombies. The ones who aren't hypnotized notice that Branch looks kind of similar to the Pop zombies. Something that Poppy also notices. So apparently Branch would sometimes use the pop string on himself to make him happy and have color so he'd fit in, which Poppy had no idea about at all. Also Poppy has an existential crisis when she learns that Pop Trolls were the reason why they were divided. And things kind of play out the same until the third movie
also Branch gets taken in the third movie instead of Floyd but that's a different post
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warningsine · 2 months
The funniest show on television is Girls5Eva, which transplanted from the backwoods of Peacock to the mires of Netflix for its third season. While a lot of shows have taken off after landing on Netflix — You, for instance — Girls5Eva, from the data available publicly, didn’t get many viewers on the platform. I’m no expert on the mechanics of streaming, but I have one radical explanation for why this is happening: There are simply not enough episodes of Girls5Eva available to watch. On Peacock, the show had two eight-episode seasons. Netflix has given it an additional six. That means that Girls5Eva has aired, in total, only 22 episodes, about the same number as a full-season order of an old-fashioned network sitcom like 30 Rock, to which Meredith Scardino’s series is deeply indebted (Scardino wrote on 30 Rock; Tina Fey is a Girls5Eva executive producer). Over a three-year period? This is simply not enough!
Sitcoms are built for mass production and consumption, with dynamics between characters designed to generate an endless stream of story lines, and it can take a season or two to fully gel. Girls5Eva is lucky enough to have a distinct sensibility and a strong cast from the start, but it hasn’t had the space to work through all the possible material. There’s so much to mine in flashbacks to the girl group’s checkered early-aughts past, in Wickie’s failed solo career, in Summer’s wackadoo Christian upbringing, in Gloria’s fraught lesbian drama, and in Dawn’s attempts to find her own way as a songwriter (plus the larger meta arc of Sara Bareilles coming into her own as a comedic actor). Season three, in which the crew goes on tour around the country, tries to cover so much ground it’s like a distance runner sprinting at her vO2 max. The overarching plot — they want to perform at Radio City Music Hall — encroaches on all the fun along the way, rushing past a guest appearance from Cat Cohen, the reveal of Wickie’s real backstory, and an intricate Harry Styles parody. Sitcoms should be about all the fun everyone is having along the way, and we’ve lost that.
But there is another and perhaps more important reason that we need longer seasons of Girls5Eva: holidays. Network sitcoms, airing on a traditional schedule, have the opportunity to set episodes around the holidays near which they would air; think of the Thanksgiving episodes of Friends, The Office’s Christmas episodes, 30 Rock’s impeccable use of Leap Day. In my ideal universe where Girls5Eva has 22-episode seasons, Netflix would also abandon the binge strategy and air those episodes weekly, but that’s not a necessity. You could still drop them all at once, which gives me the opportunity to revisit the holiday episodes as those holidays occur throughout the year. If you need convincing, here are my suggestions for some holidays the Girls5Eva might celebrate:
Christmas (duh): Dawn tries to write a Christmas song; Wickie reveals a longstanding feud with Mariah Carey (she claims one of the items from her riff rolodex appears in “All I Want for Christmas Is You”; Mariah does not know her).
Thanksgiving: The girls try to book a gig at the Macy’s Parade (as Peacock actually had the stars do, to the confusion of my parents watching at home) while also atoning for their past sins at the event (revealed in flashback).
Valentine’s Day: Gloria revisits a past relationship with Taylor Lautner (she was his dentist).
Tax season: Summer reveals she hasn’t been paying taxes for years (thought you were covered if you already paid your church).
Presidents’ Day: Dawn tries to write a song about Lincoln being sexy, inadvertently offends a gay activist group.
Pride month: Return of Bowen Yang’s lip-sync influencer.
Cuffing season: Big for Gloria.
The Feast of San Gennaro: Big for Dawn (why is the show so all-in on Sara Bareilles being Italian??).
V-E Day: Wickie and Dawn’s husband, Scott, discover their mutual fascination with the Eastern Front: “I spent a lot of time touring post-Soviet states, okay!”
Casimir Pulaski Day: Gloria has beef with Sufjan Stevens.
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rocksibblingsau · 3 months
Hey! I wanted to ask if you had any ideas on currency for rock and pop trolls. (I think pop trolls would be the type to exchange services on goods while rock trolls have some form of money)
Also sorry you’re going through writers block :(, hope you get through it soon!
Currency is the bane of my existence because trolls apparently must have some sort of currency because Rosiepuff 'plays for the money'. I do enjoy them having a barter system for some things, though their market seems to have reached a level of industrialization in The Beat Goes On/Trollstopia (Having factories and fast fashion) that would likely be a little difficult to manage. One example is Smidge's stoutberry juice business. It pops up and the crowd moves so fast on it that I imagine having to barter for a single glass of juice for every person would be a bit more difficult than bartering for weekly groceries. We don't see her exchanging it for anything in the episode but she does explicitly refer to it as a 'business' that would be jeopardized by competition, so she is gaining something from it.
I also think 'favors' would make things a bit difficult especially during their time at the troll tree. Imagine making a huge deal only for them to get eaten before you can collect.
A friend of mine has them using jellybeans as currency, which I find on brand and hilarious.
Honestly I could see Pop Trolls having 'money' but it works a bit differently. Money is paper based and anyone can make it at any point they wish. On it, rather than numbers or pictures of troll-ified presidents is nice words. Everyone has different takes on it and the more heartfelt the words written on it increases its value. This would mean you couldn't just mass produce it, because it wouldn't be heartfelt and so it wouldn't be worth much.
Since they're personalized, unlike our money you can't take the money you were just given and use it to pay someone else. As you can imagine you'd be buried in 'money' fast so that's what the bank would be for. Holding on to all your lovely money so you could read it any time.
I also imagine that this would be why canon Branch would want to harvest his own supplies so much! He never made his own 'money' and at the time there likely wouldn't have been anyone who would have accepted it because it wouldn't have seemed sincere. After his colors came back I imagine he made some and was a bit worried if it would be worth anything, but every time he used it everyone could tell it was worth a lot because he put a lot of effort into trying it, so most places gave him extras of whatever he was trying to buy.
These would have definitely been popular during their time under Trollstice. A perfect pick me up to sit and read over all the kind notes!
Rock Trolls I could see having a money system closer to ours, as they're a LOT more industrialized than TBGO Pop Trolls and we know they have some sort of 'pay' concept since Barb tells Riff "I don't pay you to hear."
Since Riff replies that he's not being paid, he's doing it for college credits, it would also imply that they don't have a barter system, as doing it for college credits would be virtually the same as receiving a 'favor' so there would be no reason to clarify that.
The only difference is I imagine their economy isn't in shambles. Riff isn't buried in student loans.
Of all the tribes to most likely exchange favors, I could see it being Country.
The intermingling of tribes would probably create the need for a standard currency or exchange rate, as I can imagine Rock Trolls don't want glittery notes as payment. Honestly I could see the Funk Trolls coming up with some sort of conversion system so that among your own tribe you could keep your standard money or go to a Funk bank and swap in so you can visit Symphonyville and not have to do any extra math.
TY for the well wishes and the fun question! I had a lot of fun turning this over in my head.
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artist-issues · 8 months
For Valentino, in the Wish trailer, I think the problem with him is that he feels so... marketable. The first time I looked at him, my brain automatically spat out, "This is the tie-in plush for this movie they'll sell at Build-a-Bear, $35 for the goat, $5 for a soundchip with five to six of his phrases from the movie, $15-20 for the little romper suit he's wearing." (Saying this as a former employee of that store.)
Flounder, Cinderella's birds and mice, and Abu are all characters their movies could have done without, but they also act as friends, companions, and confidants to the main characters, give them someone to talk to so they can share their inner thoughts with the audience in a way that doesn't feel forced, and lend aid in times of distress (Flounder helps Ariel make it to shore once she's turned human so she doesn't drown in the middle of the ocean and helps her get to Erik's ship to stop Ursula, the mice and Abu both arrive with keys to help free Aladdin and Cinderella when they're imprisoned).
Valentino gives the vibe that he's both meant to riff on this and sell as many toys as possible.
Yeah I keep getting the same feeling from Wish. “Ugh, another [insert Disney formula element here.]” But I can’t figure out why. I remember when Tangled and Frozen and Princess and the Frog hit theaters. I never felt that way looking at the trailers. I never felt that exasperation. I like the formula. I think the formula is good. I really don’t mind it when a character is cute, appealing to watch, and therefore merchandisable because that’s part of all character design principals. I don’t get exasperated by the formula… But I do for Wish’s trailers.
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I don’t know if that’s because my opinion on Disney has changed, or because some subtle lazy thing is present in the trailers that I can’t put into words yet.
Anyway. A word on sidekicks (because you brought them up and maybe analyzing them will help us figure out why Valentino feels the way he does:)
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Flounder is a great character because he not only gives Ariel someone to talk to and interact with, but because he’s a subtle contrast to her. She is brave and never gives up: he is fearful. He even has a tiny bit of character development from standing in Ariel’s shadow. At the beginning of the movie, she has to coax him to stick with her and enjoy their adventures. At the end, he is towing her along and fighting eels bravely.
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Same thing with Abu. He’s what everyone would expect Aladdin the Street Rat to be: a grabby, selfish, greedy little thief who’s only out for himself apart from his friendship with Aladdin. Having Abu to scold and correct and coax brings out the compassion in Aladdin, so that the audience can see: here’s how everyone sees Aladdin, but the monkey proves that he’s the opposite of that.
CINDERELLA is forever my favorite to talk about and one of the best examples of the sidekick formula so excuse me while I geek out for a moment: did you know that in Charles Perrault’s fairy tale story, on which Disney’s Cinderella is based, there are no animal sidekicks? There aren’t any helpful birds or mice in the Perrault version. There are some in the Brothers’ Grimm version, but they’re birds. Not mice.
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Walt Disney added mice, not just because they worked for his “animation’s gotta have gags for the kids” philosophy, but because the fact that they’re mice says something about who Cinderella is. The audience gets to see that this girl, who spends all day working for wicked stepsisters, spends her free time doing what? Working some more, on clothes for mice. Even if she weren’t being bossed around, she would still be a hard worker. She would still be kind to the lowest, most pitiable creatures. She would still be helping unfortunate creatures out of traps. She would still be finding the good points in creatures that are usually thought of as vermin, disgusting, nuisances, and thieves.
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Maybe that’s it. Maybe Valentino feels annoying because he doesn’t bring anything out of the new princess, Asha…yet. We haven’t seen the movie yet! Hang on to hope. He might still be a character with his own flaws and arc to go through; he might still be one-dimensional, but the opposite of one of Asha’s dimensions.
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I do think you can know things about a movie from the trailer, but when you try to analyze Wish’s trailers honestly, you can only get:
Valentino is happy about talking
Valentino apparently has an affinity for wood (or is constantly itchy?)
Valentino is brave (he responds to new things like leaves swirling with wonder-expressions, and he’s chasing the shooting star with interest instead of fear like Asha, and looks confident and sassy on stage when Asha looks a little awkward.)
Valentino has a zest for life. (I think he’s saying “life is to be lived!” to the chickens before Asha opens the door and the chickens do the singing dance number. And then obviously he’s trying to inspire them.)
That’s not much to go on, but then, neither are the things we can learn about Asha, or the King, or anything in those trailers. So I’m trying to stamp down on that sighing thing in my brain that somehow started hating the Disney formula in the trailers, until I watch it.
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herrlindemann · 1 year
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Oor - September 2004, Interview with Richard
Three years after Mutter, Rammstein comes back with Reise, Reise with a more human sound. Guitarist Richard Kruspe explains why open laughter is allowed.
Has Rammstein gone soft with Reise, Reise? Not exactly given the criticism of first singe Mein Teil and the accompanying video clip. But the Berlin group has certainly changed. Look at those pictures. The militaristic and post-apocalyptic poses have given way to a more comical image. They have shot a few more series: at the edge of a swimming pool, on the beach, in the sauna and in a bullfighting arena. And listen to Amerika, and Amore, and Reise Reise’s title track. They are accessible and infectious tracks with a victim (see box). Self-awareness Richard Kruspe calls it. In 2004, Rammstein dares to take a step back from himself.
Los is Kruspe's favorite new song. It is also the clearest thing that Reise, Reise is a different album than Sehnsucht (1997) and Mutter (2001). Kruspe wrote it for Mutter, but it was shelved until they decided to play the riff acoustically. "It's not what you would expect from a German band, especially not from this German band. It is a simple, AC/DC-like riff, which gives a bluesy feeling when played acoustically. It's unlike anything we've done before," says Kruspe. And yet Rammstein, unmistakably.
“We decided that a few things had to be changed when making this album. For me personally, this first and foremost meant that work had to be less tense. Previously, the aggression in the music was paramount and the mutual friction in the band was also an important factor in the recording process. This time we consciously tried to leave the egos outside the door more. Give each other a little more space. And I think that's why this album sounds a bit more human than its predecessors. We used fewer machines, which was also a goal in itself. The live feeling had to be there. No more having to figure out our own songs afterwards, because we've been cutting and pasting too much.
We used to be more on each other's skin because… everyone had their hang-ups and because in a band with six people you just have clashing characters. Rammstein has no leader. All six of us are equal, which means that each of us fights for his place and there are sometimes endless discussions. That causes problems. In fact, it can lead to major crises. At the time of Mutter I had very clear ideas about how the music should and should not sound. I was pretty rigid about that, but luckily at some point I realized I had to let go of that and see the whole picture — a dynamic six-man group. It was a particularly intense period, in which I finally decided to live in New York, I literally had to distance myself.”
Kruspe was not alone in struggling with his place in the democratic whole that is Rammstein. Each band member has opted for a form of self-therapy.
"Of course it's quite a bit. Over the years you get a certain vision of your work and your music, which does not necessarily correspond to that of the five others. Just deal with that. When I once started the project — because Rammstein was a project, I didn't have a permanent band in mind — my starting point was that I wanted to work with similar musicians. Everyone has the same input. It has remained that way and gradually no one has ever allowed himself to be commanded by another. Maareh… There is always a kind of chemistry between people. Men, women, it doesn't matter. With the six of us, that chemistry is quite explosive.”
This means that Rammstein is standing at the mixing desk in the studio. "You! More bass! More guitar! More drums! That's really how it goes. That's why we also need a producer [for Reise, Reise was just like on the three previous studio albums Jacob Hellner]. He gets twenty, thirty percent more out of the songs. And the work would never get done otherwise. What we do notice, now, after ten years, is that some of us have become less fanatical. Not everyone has an opinion on every aspect of music. Can't either. But to admit that you have to turn off your ego. Well, that has now happened. For the new album we wrote more as a band. That is different from before and that is important, because when you write as a band, it is easier to discuss. »
Kruspe does not discuss the lyrics: “Till actually writes poems, not lyrics. Sometimes they fit, sometimes they don't. That is simple. Some of his poems have nothing to do with my feelings, but have such a strong story that I can go along with it completely. It helps that I've known Till for about eighteen years. I know where a text like Stein um Stein comes from. A man who bricks up his wife because he doesn't want to lose her. The biggest problem for a human being is letting go. That even plays a role in Mein Teil. To give things away, to renounce, to distance myself. Very difficult: Such a theme means that I can identify with that text. That's enough.”
A project, then, was Rammstein initially. Kruspe once shared a flat with Oliver Riedel and Christoph Schneider. Together they began to develop musical ideas, without any suspicion of worldwide success. Second guitarist Paul Landers, Till Lindemann and keyboardist Christian 'Flake' Lorenz later joined them; the latter only under the necessary pressure.
Kruspe: “With Mutter, Rammstein has made a big leap, especially in Europe. We have become a stadium band. But we never thought about any success. It started with an idea. We wanted to try everything. Success or no success, grow big or stay small, that did not occur to us. A band has its own dynamics, which you cannot plan. When we got success that was nice, but what do you do with it? A man must follow his intuition. Even if after ten years you are no longer as free as when you started, you should still try to keep working from a certain naivety. Switch back to the time when you were open-minded about your music. It was Picasso who said later in life that it would take him all his life to paint like a child again. That's it: learn everything and forget it again. We try and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Of course you can't take it too literally, because you grow as a person and you are always influenced by new things. But it is a good starting point.”
That said, Rammstein is not enough for any of the members to fully satisfy creativity. Kruspe doesn't want to limit himself, so he puts some of the music he writes aside for other projects. “New York helps me with that. When I'm there, I'm not so overpop Rammstein. And that makes it easier for me to write and play. In a sense, I've already put this album behind me and I'm working on new ideas. I'm working on now… I can't say too much about it. Not a band, but a nice project that will interest people.”
Reise Reise’s second single, is Amerika, with the irresistibly jolly chorus 'We’re all living in Amerika, Amerika ist wunderbar' (later it becomes 'We're all living in Amerika, Coca-Cola, Wonderbra').
“The claim that Germans have no humor is outdated. Germany has become self-aware in the last decade — and humor comes when one develops self-awareness. Amerika comes directly from our band humor. It's not a political statement, we don't do that.
I believe that everything in life should be in balance. You don't eat a whole cake, a piece is enough. A look at America shows us that there is a lot out of balance there. America controls the whole world and that is a bit too much. But it's not a black and white story. It is also the people themselves, in the US and abroad. I remember the first time I drank Coca-Cola. Dude, that was cool. It tasted good, it felt good, the marketing of that brand worked perfectly for me. Isn't that nice? It's just well done. Now I know how much sugar is in it, how bad it is for you. I make a choice. Anyone can do that. Coca-Cola, Hollywood… It doesn't take that much effort to look beyond that.”
Rammstein made his breakthrough in America with Sehnsucht. David Lynch used the group in his movie Lost Highway and a Lollapalooza tour did the rest. Kruspe: “I think that the theme and the visualization of Sehnsucht came at just the right time for many American young people. However, in America everything moves very quickly. You can suddenly be successful, but you can also forget it in no time. An American band therefore has to tour endlessly, visit radio shows, make a noise. As a German band that is impossible, because you already put a lot of energy into your own country and Europe. When we toured for Mutter, we found that we simply had no strength left to restart the whole story in America as well. Plus, after September 11, 2001, America took a much more restrained attitude towards foreign groups. Patriotism was rampant, even when it came to pop music. Now it could come again. Rammstein has a certain cult status. Rammstein is cool, you know. And in Germany it helps if you prove yourself in the US. They look at you differently. America remains the largest music market; if you grow up in Europe, you want to go there. Not for the music itself. Interesting trends and developments have long ceased to come from the States.”
At the time of their first album Herzeleid (1995), Rammstein was a band from 'the former East Berlin'. Today those words hardly have any value. Kruspe has seen Berlin change. West Berlin was a different world. The capital of darkness. A dark, depressive atmosphere. “When I ended up there, I didn't feel comfortable at all. [Kruspe fled east to west via Hungary and Austria shortly before the fall of the wall.] Yes, West Berlin was substantially Easier than East Berlin. Now you can also find a lot of merriment in the city. East and West have drawn together and that gloom that David Bowie, Iggy Pop and Nick Cave deliberately sought out is largely a thing of the past. I am someone who quickly feels at home somewhere. Not in the sense of family or friends, but in a general sense. In New York it is easy to get to know people, but it is very difficult to make friends. The city has so much energy, which I don't feel in Berlin. In New York, capital of the world, you want to go out and feel part of something bigger, of a whole. You feel lonely in your apartment. In Berlin, the capital of Germany, the situation is reversed. There you feel lonely when you walk on the street and it is nice to be at home. Now I still fly back and forth. A month here, a month there, so I can't say I feel completely at home in New York yet. I am someone who tries to live intuitively. I went from the countryside to the Berlin suburbs, then to Berlin itself, now to New York… I am a wanderer. After 25 years in and around Berlin, I also feel the call of other places.”
Back to Los for a moment. What sets that song apart from the rest of Rammstein's repertoire is the primal feeling that emanates from that acoustic riff. For once no associations with drinking and sea shanties, but American roots. Still, Kruspe says, "I've never been a fan of American rock culture. I liked English hard rock much more than American hard rock. Only with bands like Faith No More and 24-7 Spyz did I start listening to Americans. Metal itself bored me. The aggression of Metallica, for example, appealed to me, but I went more for the melodies of Judas Priest. What do I find nice Americans now? Queens Of The Stone Age. Dave Grohl. But I listen more to the latest Killing Joke, or the Cure.
My own guitar sound is very metal. Why? Well, why do men prefer to ride a Harley… A metal guitar wall is the best thing there is. I get rid of my inner aggression with it. But you won't see me fiddling for hours on all kinds of guitar loops, I find that boring. I once studied guitar for a year or two to get better, but don't ask me about my guitar heroes. I find Depeche Mode's Martin Gore infinitely more inspiring than any guitarist.”
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Doctor Who: 73 Yards Review. Short Version: WHAT?
So, this review’s late because there’s not a lot to actually say about 73 Yards. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad episode, per se, but it definitely had a certain filler-y quality to it. The Doctor steps on a witchy string thing and vanishes because of supernatural nonsense, leaving Ruby to deal with a creepy woman in black who’s always exactly 73 yards away from her: a sort of manifestation bound to her at a set distance. Other people can approach the woman, but if they speak to her, she tells them something and they run away in terror, after which point they refuse to even speak to Ruby again, meaning she can’t get any useful information on the spectre or entity or whatever-the-fuck-she-is. And, to be honest, it’s all pretty effective and spooky: a good premise for a horror story that works well for as long as its happening. The problem is that there’s very little substance under the hood.
Oh, there’s some chaff about a psychotic Prime Minister planning to start a nuclear war, which Ruby has to fix by positioning herself 73 yards from the fellow so her mysterious stalker will appear besides him and terrify him into resigning from office. I’m not even sure that counts as a spoiler because it just kinda happens and then the episode continues to putter along, following the course of Ruby’s life as she tries to live without the Doctor and with her creepy shadow. Almost as though none of it mattered even slightly.
At the end of the episode, we finally get an explanation for the woman in black. See, it turns out it was Ruby herself all along! That is to say, when Ruby’s an old woman and on her death bed, the entity touches her and she becomes the entity, sent back in time to the moment she first appeared- or rather, just a few seconds earlier- so she can fix the timeline and stop the Doctor stepping on the witchy thing. As explanations go, it’s very Who-ish: a riff on classic sci-fi tropes with a twist. But, er, it doesn’t seem to match with what we know about the Mysterious Woman (fuck it, I’m just going to start using capitals for the sake of clarity, even if they were, in no sense, earned). I mean, why would Ruby’s older self scare away everyone Ruby knows and loves, alienating her and preventing her from living her life with any kind of support network? Also, how? I mean, Ruby’s old as balls by the end of this decade-spanning episode, but she’s not an eldritch, Lovecraftian horror. Sure, she’s probably seen some shit, but she doesn’t know any deep, dark cosmic secrets that would send everyone around her running for the hills. She’s just a nice old lady whose come in stuck in time, Slaughterhouse 5-stylee. The explanation we’re ultimately given therefore feels like it’s for a completely different set of events to the ones we saw. I’d have been fine with the Mysterious Woman being left completely unexplained, like the thing in the David Tennant episode Midnight (in which the best we get is vague theories and reckons from the tormented characters), and I’d have been equally fine with a full, satisfying explanation. This ‘explanation that doesn’t make sense’ thing… yeah, I’m not pleased. It feels like an attempt to resolve the episode while deliberately laying down a mystery at the same time, but it’s a slapdash way of doing it; an ill-fated compromise between true unknowability and a real resolution. I wasn’t a fan.
Another minor complaint: what does this episode have against the Welsh? When Ruby first realises she’s being stalked by the Mysterious Woman, she flees to a little Welsh pub and the locals use it as a chance to mock her relentlessly. They act like their steeped in the supernatural and don’t know about banking apps (for some reason), and then accuse Ruby of racism when she takes them at face value and believes them. They refuse to take the fact she has a potentially dangerous stalker seriously and diminish the validity of her dread at every turn, offering no help whatsoever. Later, the evil Prime Minister is also from Wales. Er, what? Why is every Welsh person in this episode an irredeemable cunt? I’ve been to Wales. Broadly speaking, the people are pretty nice, if a natz more sarcastic than the UK average. I don’t get what 73 Yards’ damage is.
So yeah: that’s the episode. A spooky story undermined by its own explanation and inexplicable anti-Welsh racism. Go figure. On the plus side, the upcoming instalment promises a scathing critique of social media and giant slugs, so that ought to be good for a laugh.
EDIT: someone just replied to point out that Russel T. Davies is, himself, Welsh. For those of you who don't read the comments, I figured I'd add this edit-y bit. I mean, I don't know if it contextualises the show's weirdly hostile portrayal of Wales or just makes it more baffling, but it seems like important information for an unbiased reviewer to provide and an informed reader to have. So there ya go. RTD is Welsh and this episode, written by RTD, portrays the Welsh as unreasonable nutters. Make of that what you will.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I have to said it because is been bothering me for a while, but TOH obsession with "subverting" tropes ("there's no choosen one"/"the Found Family stays together at the end"/"No leaving the new world"), while fine in and on itself, with the way the series presents this subversion it comes across as 'holier than thou' in regards to others stories and it kinds of bothers me.
So what's interesting to me is that as far as subversion goes... It's really dumb, especially the examples you gave. If just straight up not subversive. This is actually an aspect that I'm kind of surprised I haven't discussed yet. Because... TOH isn't subversive mostly. It just acts like it is. Like a big, bold statement like "THERE ARE NO CHOSEN ONES!" has me sitting here, staring at the person before asking, "And?" I mean, especially by the definition that TOH tries to put out there instead of the more general version of chosen ones, how many pieces of media nowadays ACTUALLY have Chosen Ones? I guess one could argue in a way it's a riff on the general isekai genre but Luz is a Chosen One in the same way that most of those protagonists are. They just happened to be the person warped to this world with the ability to save it, or be the person able to gain the ability to save it. Most of them are just a lot more fun with this fact because they don't have a massive stick up their ass about it.
As an example I can think of off the top of my head: Mar. Fucker gains the most powerful item in the realm, has super human capabilities by coming here when he used to be a nerd and, spoilers, his FUCKING FATHER IS THE VILLAIN. And that show still dedicates multiple episodes to him training, him getting his allies, his allies' weaknesses and strengths, the personality he puts into the different forms of the weapon and even the limitations of what he can do with those forms and the fact that he needs to get stronger if he wants a prayer to use it all properly. I mean, how different is stumbling into a cave while running for your life and finding a super weapon in there than being, literally, GIFTED BY GOD your magical powers? Because to me it sounds like the only difference is that one actually has an action and adventure hook to it while the other is basic and comes out of nowhere and is hardly earned. How about the other two? How subversive is the ending to TOH? Not. Just straight up not. The ending of TOH was effectively done by FUCKING INUYASHA. Kagome still has the well between the worlds. Inuyasha is still with her. The others are happy and happy to see her. She can go between as she desires. How different is that from the portal door being permanently accessible for Luz to go between the two realms? Besides going even harder on the wish fulfillment by making Luz's life be in the other world than in the real world? Hell, I don't watch much modern isekai but how many them don't even bring up going home, in part because the character DIED to get there? The only reason people might think of it as a subversion is because of Amphibia and... I don't think it counts as a subversion when the media you're contrasting had a VERY deliberate point with the decision. At that point it's not just a trope, it's the storytelling device that fits with your story. Tropes don't become tropes when they're used for a good purpose. Most people start pointing them as tropes through endless reuse and lazy reuse where the trope is being used but to no real effect other than "This is what a story like this does." And this sort of interrogation is actually required for a lot of TOH's subversions and why I agree that it REEKS of ego. It's also why, even if the creators actually do really like fantasy, it feels like they really don't like fantasy in how they write it. A contrast between my own work and TOH: In the chapter where the human character who knows very little of the world meets Pythia, an angel, she makes a comment about that meaning there being God or Heaven and everyone just kind of stops to look at her until she realizes how stupid that must sound to the demon, dryad and ice demon that are surrounding her, none of whom came from a tree or Hell. But it's grounded in the character's ignorance, the fact that magic is just a fact of the world and they MOVE ON. It's playing into the fantasy of the world for the comedy, not specifically you needing to know the reference. Compare that to the stupidity of the Quidditch reference. Specifically the Golden Snitch. Not only does Boscha say ALL fantasy sports require this sort of BS which is just frankly not true, the fact that Grudgy is already just Quidditch without broomsticks is real bad for making their lack of creativity here more pointed. And Luz doesn't let it go. She loses it for at least thirty seconds, if not even longer, about how stupid that is. That it is trying to lampshade what it just did by over explaining the joke because AREN'T WE CLEVER FOR POINTING OUT HOW STUPID THIS IS!? When it's really just a Harry Potter thing as far as my memory of fantasy works go. Especially within the past twenty years.
And then there's the final version I hate the most: The one that damages its own story. I've talked about this before with how Bill of the Titan Hunters just MURDERS any and all tension in that episode. You cannot take anything happening seriously after that because you can't question if King is going to stay here, because they're obviously fakes or their leader would be taken seriously and you can't be worried about everyone's safety because their leader is a fucking joke about convoluted fantasy names. Which frankly, once you hear like Norwegian names or the like where Magnus is just a regular ass first name, it kind of comes as mean and very American in the worst ways. But it's not the only time. They use this joke a LOT. It sometimes works like the monster hunter who's dreamed of throwing kids off of cliffs but it's EVERY villain besides Belos effectively. Hell, one could claim it's almost any authority figure besides Belos and MAYBE Bump if you're really kind to the writing of Bump. They're all jokes and they're all the same joke of laughing at the audience for expecting them to be serious. Looking Glass Ruins frankly makes no sense once you meet the librarian. Amity and the animation and the like really sell him as this mysterious figure who may hoard knowledge or be too worried about it being misused to even talk to Luz about letting her borrow the journal. It's classic fantasy storytelling and there's nothing wrong with that. Frankly the biggest issue before the reveal is how boring the forbidden section is because... I mean all Amity and Luz do in that episode is either stand and talk or lay and talk and then a cheek kiss. They aren't bad conversations but it de-emphasizes the magic and outside of fueling fanfiction these aren't the most engaging conversations, especially since Amity isn't questioning that the portal could mean anything but good for the two of them and some sort of portal angst between them might have been nice. *sigh* But again, it all works... Until you find out the librarian is a stoner dude. A well voice acted one that actually got a snort out of me when he was first revealed but has always left a lingering question: Why couldn't they have asked him about the journal? He seems entirely reasonable. He didn't take the journal from them despite them trespassing and while Luz had to perform trials to get Amity her badge back, getting the badge back was still an option. It gives the impression that if they had just been actual human beings and talked to him, because it's not like they have a reason to not trust him or authority in general besides the EC, the whole episode would have been avoided. And yes, nitpick theoretically but they make it a big reveal about the fact that he isn't scary.
And as I've talked before, the more emphasis you put on something as clever, the more it needs to hold up to scrutiny. And when the threat of the librarian is the only thing causing tension in that half of that episode, it murders the ability to rewatch it because you can't enjoy that dread again. Not because you know the outcome but because you can never forget that this is all pointless because the animation is effectively lying to you. There's no explanation for why he looks a Ring Wraith of some sort so... Why? Quick admission though: This trick did get a smile out of me with the Titan. I suspect I'd like it even more if it didn't feel like the dozenth time TOH has presented someone who should be taken seriously as a joke but at least with him, it's also characterization. He's a dad. King was actually indicative of who he wanted to be and never got to be so he's more laid back than you'd expect and acting like a dad. It's EXTREMELY charming for the like... thirty seconds I've seen of him. No idea if I'd felt the same way if I were actually watching the episode especially since The Collector right before then drives me up a fucking wall with his "I'm going to pretend I'm five instead five thousand," routine.
It's almost frankly bizarre how much of TOH's issues all revolve this same concept though: A lack of care with what the statement being said is actually doing to their narrative and an overwhelming amount of ego that is hard to shake. And in a genre like subversive comedy, where you are going to sound like an ass regardless to someone (there's a reason it's to hard to write parodies, many of which have literally made every joke TOH has), you have to be ON POINT for it not to bite you in the ass. And man, there's a hole in TOH's trousers. =======
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twyz · 11 months
I have,, lots of Magenta hcs!! So here's a list of them
She and Riff Raff were hired by the queen as they were the children of a servant that worked for her
She worked as a maid/domestic full time until she was around 19
That's when a war broke out on Transylvania again
Riff Raff was going to fight in the war, but they couldn't due to back problems
Magenta took his role instead and fought for transylvania
She ended up having a very impactful role in the war and is seen as a very important person in Transylvanian history
After the war, she went back to being a maid, but with the new role of being a guard of sorts for frank
Same kinda deal when they went down to earth
Oh!! So because of the war, she got into the habit of working out a bit
She's actually very muscley. You just don't see it a lot of the time
She also has weirdly inhuman strength??? It's crazy
Apart from physical hcs, magenta loves moles
Like the lil dudes you find in your garden
During the summer and spring, she tends to the garden on the castle grounds, and there was something digging up flowers n stuff
So ofc she went searching for it and found a lil mole
Now, magenta doesn't react to much, but this mole set her off, dude
She thought it was the cutest thing
She brought it inside and showed everybody
Frank brushed it off as a pest, Riff didn't particularly like it but also didn't dislike the lil dude, and Columbia thought it was adorable
Of course, she had to let it go, so she took it across the road and let it burrow there instead of the garden
The dogs are also hers
She cares for them dogs more than herself
She got them all when they were puppies, so they used to sleep inside with her
Frank pretended not to like them, but who could resist a lil fluff ball??
Even riff raff liked them
She and Riff built a lil house for them for when they got too big to keep inside
She visits them regularly
She also has a really bad rbf
She looks like she's miserable all the time (which is debatable at best), but she's just resting her face
You will definitely know when she's glaring at you, there's a VERY visible difference
She LOVES the fall
It makes her go absolutely feral
She's very motivated during the fall for some reason, so she ends up cleaning everything in sight
She actually ends up fixing stuff too
She's not qualified to be an electrician any other parts of the year except for fall
God forbid its halloween
Columbia got her hooked on halloween
The castle will be absolutely decked out for halloween
And only halloween, she doesn't care for the rest of the holidays
Well maybe 4th of july
Her and Frank share a love of making things explode, so you bet your ass they're buying all the fireworks they can
Oh speaking of seasons!! Everyone has seasonal uniforms
Frank only implemented this cuz the castle gets cold as SHIT during winter
She has a dress that looks pretty much the same as her regular one but with longer sleeves, and it's made out of wool
Her fishnets are also in the form of tights instead of being thigh highs
She also has leg warmers
Frank may be mean, but he's not mean enough to freeze out the help
I might draw everyone's fall/winter uniforms, actually
Uhhhh this has gotten long enough so I think I'm gonna stop here JDJWJSHS
She has the ability to shock people on command
She does it all the time
It's kinda why her hair is so frizzy
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