#who design their own armor and wear it and shit
moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
Yay you're online!! Can you tell me what a mandalorian is
Oh I would be delighted! I just didn't want to take out my 20 slides presentation without any prompting but if you're asking...
Canon vs Legends is a huge mess but overall Mandalorians are a traditionally warrior culture, who dress almost exclusively in their (very cool and almost indestructible) armor, are very good at fighting, and have their own language (a badly put together conlang). In certain series of books that aren't considered canon but still loved by a part of the fandom, they have a code they follow on how to live their lives and there's lot of lore, in the canon animated TV show The Clone Wars their leader exiled all of the warriors who didn't want to stop their endless infighting to a moon and then some of them founded a terrorist group and fucked shit up. And after that they got kind of genocided by the Empire (because the Empire are the bad guys) Note that even if on screen I think all the Mandalorians we've seen are humans (because that's easier for the helmets and Lucasfilm are cowards) anyone could be a Mandalorian, they're not a specific species but a culture who puts adoption on the same level as blood relations.
You'll be familiar on some level with the clones, at least from the "200 000 are ready with a million well on the way" meme I think, well those guys are all clones of that one same dude who depending on who you ask and when you asked is a Mandalorian too. The OG was that guy's exact-clone-but-he-raised-him-like-his-son, Boba Fett, who appears in the original trilogy and was originally a guy in some cool bounty hunter armor. Din (the Mandalorian from the title) is probably the one most people think of nowadays, which is fair and he's cool. Because of the whole canon vs legends thing most Mandalorians wear traditional armor but Satine (Obi-Wan's love interest who gets fridged, they deny it's a Moulin Rouge joke but.... yeah sure) is also a Mandalorian, the leader who exiled the warriors actually, and she always dresses with like, extravagant dresses, so not all of them. My personal little favourite hypocrite criminal Mandalorian is Bo-Katan (Satine's sister, fun family relations yeah?) who has done nothing wrong in her life ever looks super cool and has the best theme song in The Mandalorian <3 (and also my own OC, Karaad)
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tobiasdrake · 22 days
Which version of Broly do you think has the better character design?
This is a funny question to get right after shit-talking Toei in that last one because DBS: Broly is both the best Dragon Ball movie ever made and one of the best characters in Dragon Ball.
I love New Broly so fucking much. And his character design slaps.
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I know the point was to differentiate him from the Planet Trade characters since Broly's never served in the PTO; He was banished before he ever became a Saiyan warrior proper. So he doesn't wear the standard Frieza armor that all the Saiyan and other PTO crew are dressed in.
But this design makes him look like he's here to dance for your entertainment. It gets better when he transforms; Half of the jewelry he's dressed decorated in are restraining bolts meant to control and contain him. So it's a little less gaudy once he breaks free.
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That's better. He's still decorated in an awful lot of gold and jewels which is like.
Like. There's a reason I'm saying "decorated in" and not "dressed in", because Broly's whole deal is that he's a slave. There are two kinds of people who dress in this much gold and jewelry: Royalty and servants. Royalty chooses to wear it; Servants are decorated in it. Broly is explicitly decorated in it, as half of his jewelry is a control mechanism forced on him by his father.
But Broly is also supposed to be the main villain. His father is restraining and controlling him, but Broly himself is an unstoppable Saiyan beast who serves as the main nemesis and threat of the film. This character design speaks to a more sympathetic character than the Z film presents.
This look doesn't hit "Monster? No. I am THE DEVIL!!!" vibes for me.
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This lands way better for me.
He's got the PTO armor because in this continuity, Broly was recruited by Frieza early in the film. He still has a restraining bolt but it's around his neck, looking (and acting) as a shock collar, as if he were dog. This is a much easier concept for conveying Broly's abuse than the psychic manipulation and emotional influence crown/armbands.
And. There's. The ear that he has tied around his waist. What a fantastic piece of character design.
Ba's ear, which Broly shares a heartbreaking anecdote about in the film, is a critical piece of his backstory and it directs the tone of the conversation the film wants to have about this character. Where the Z film treated Broly as a sort of an abused and sympathetic victim but ALSO AND MORE IMPORTANTLY a vile monster who we should hate and want destroyed, DBS picks the other lane.
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As the fight wears on, Broly breaks free of the restraining bolt. He also sheds the PTO armor that Frieza put on him. He breaks free from the identity that's been imposed on him by others.
But the ear remains. The one piece of his character design that is truly his own, the heart of his character, he never sheds. Even as he loses control, even as the berserk rage of the Super Saiyan seizes his senses, he carries Ba and his desire to be loved and accepted by others with him always.
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tryin2writehere · 1 month
Gentlemen Fanfic (Eddie x Susie)
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Susie Glass’s layers rivaled an onion, but with hardened surfaces like the earth’s own fucking mantle. A polished design of layered wools, tweed, velvets and silks, as though they could literally armor her against a consistent onslaught of fatuity-prone workmates. Eddie spent long moments dealing devilish ideas of unfurling her from these layers. He often soothed himself with the notion that a personal union could be possible without imploding their professional partnership.
He found himself seeking signs like a meteorologist to predict her temperature, (cooly aloof with a sixty percent chance of snark.) When she warmed, and her eyes revealed a playful gleam, it could set him on the edge of reason.
Like he called her forth with desire alone, the outline of her body emanated on the decorative glass frame of his study. Before she was even fully in the room, he smiled, “Hello Susan.”
“Evening Edward,” she returned and sashayed across the room in a perfectly tailored blue plaid suit he’d never seen. She planted herself in a chair across from Eddie. 
The low light glinted off the amber bourbon Eddie poured into baccarat tumblers, “did you hear back from Brussels?”
“Our Belgian friends have a different timeline in mind and no sense of urgency. I reckon we’ll hear sometime next week.”
“Do you speak any Flemish?” The most successful way, he found, to get to know Susie Glass, was micro-information obtained in seemingly innocuous questions.  That and surviving nazi twat machine-gun fire.  
“Very little.  Mostly vulgarities, really.  I get by with French.  You?”
“Not a word,” he rounded his desk, sat on the edge, and handed her the drink, eyeing her on-business demeanor. 
She sipped, looking up at him through thick eyelashes and fringe, and his chest tightened slightly.
“Jack is doing well?”
Her countenance visibly lightened with her brother’s name, her azure eyes suddenly balmy, “he is indeed. Fortuitous you mentioning him.”
“How so?”
“I’ve a meeting tomorrow afternoon with an unpleasant but necessary gym owner. Thought you might like to join me.”
“I would like to join you, yes.  A gym owner?”
“I’m looking to acquire a few more locations.”
“For Jack?”
“He isn’t ready to train, and I need to keep him busy, keep his mind occupied while he’s recovering.  GlassKnuckle is a fine place, but his pride…he needs a bit of a fresh start. He’d be a good coach really,” she paused and smirked. “He’d be a shit awful manager, but I can outsource that to a degree. It’s the only environment I reckon will keep him contented until he can train again.”
Eddie nearly asked if fighting again was even a realistic possibility, but thought better of it.  He didn’t want to squash the hopeful glimmer in her eyes or again draw attention to his own culpability in Jack’s condition.
Instead he asked, “who is this unpleasant Gym Owner?”
“Sugar Walsh.  He owns three locations, and rumours abound he’s looking to unload them and retire.”
“What time tomorrow?”
“Two o’clock. You available then?”
“I’m not, unfortunately. I’m taking Chuckles and Junior to the doctor.”
“The doctor?” she leaned forward in concern.
“Just a scheduled check-up for the baby, but she asked me -“
“Of course,” she nodded, “you’re a good brother.”
“Mm. Yes, I try. Can we reschedule?”
“Had better not. As I said, he’s unpleasant as it is.”
She stared into her drink, her posture stiffening slightly, her body weighted again with some unknown problem-to-be-solved.
She glanced up at him.
“Is there something -”
“- nothing I can’t handle,” she blinked softly.
“Of course,” he nodded again. “We should return around four pm tomorrow; would you like to have dinner with me, and we can discuss some overdue security upgrades?” 
“Dinner with the Duke of Halstead.  What shall I wear?”
“Something blue.  Compliments your eyes.”
“Hm. Blue it is.” She swallowed the last of her drink and was gone before he could conjure a chaste enough reason for her to stay.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 7 months
TADC Playing D&D
Caine is the DM obviously
Pomni plays a Firbolg Warlock (but her Firbolg’s design is the one that looks like a cow. y’all know the one. it’s the only valid design for a Firbolg)
Jax plays a Tiefling Rogue (obviously)
Ragatha plays an Aasimar Cleric (also obviously)
Zooble plays a Changeling Barbarian
Gangle plays a Gnome Druid
Kinger plays a Warforged Artificer
And then Caine reveals the plot twist: it’s gonna be irl dnd, and they ACTUALLY PLAY their characters
They’ve got costumes and their character traits and everything! Like, Ragatha gets angel wings, Jax has horns, Pomni gets a tail (because, again, cow-like Firbolgs are the only right way to design Firbolgs, and you can pry that from my cold, dead hands)
The terrain also changes into the same terrain as wherever they adventure to
Antics ensue!
Zooble is the tank
And they can instill the fear of god upon man
But you know who else can be scary as fuck?
Have you ever fought a Forge Cleric before? Did you know those bitches can wear Heavy Armor?
Combat is WILD when they’re actually acting it out
Though, it can barely be considered “acting” because Caine has somehow made magic possible????
Kinger asks to make the most wild shit because he thinks it’s fun
Gangle once got downed, got to two (2) failed Death Saves, was brought back up, and then was IMMEDIATELY downed again
Pomni gets anxiety over even the most mundane of rolls
She was asked to roll Perception, and she was sweating buckets, afraid to fail and screw everything up, and it was literally just to find a nice bakery in the city they were at
Jax asks to pickpocket orphans
Ragatha: Pomni, why is your Strength a seven???
Pomni: i don’t want to talk about it
Her Unarmed Strike literally does zero (0) damage
She never uses her weapon ever
Only Eldritch Blast
She also uses other spells ofc, but Eldritch Blast is her go-to
“Doll Face, i’m down” “Pomni’s having a panic attack” “okay, and? i’m downed”
Jax and Ragatha have beef the Whole Time
“why did you think you could hide in an empty arena??” “because i’m a Rogue, and they have Advantage on hiding!” “IT IS AN EMPTY ARENA WITH NOTHING BUT SAND.” “I AM A ROGUE WITH ADVANTAGE TO HIDING.” “THE ARENA IS EMPTY. THERE IS NOWHERE TO HIDE.”
Despite being a Firbolg, which is considered a race of Giant, Pomni is STILL considered as a Small creature (due to her own height)
Because of this, she can ride every single other person in the party, as the Ride rules in dnd state that a willing creature at least one size larger than you and has appropriate anatomy can serve as a mount
This has started a “technique” the group has named “War Horsing”
In which Pomni sits on someone’s shoulders and spams Eldritch Blast non-stop while the other person wrecks house
(She usually sits on Zooble’s shoulders and Cure Wounds them whenever they take too much damage)
She’s also called the “cannon” of the group because she’ll sit on Zooble’s shoulders and use Fireball
Speaking of Fireball!
The gang once found Beads of Fireball, and Jax, wanting to be a boss bitch and show how much better than everyone he is by single-handedly killing this super hard boss they were fighting, thought that because he’s a Tiefling and Tieflings have Resistance to Fire Damage, he could easily survive a blast.
Anyway, he ended up taking 80d6 Fire Damage after he threw all ten (10) beads at once.
Even when the damage was halved, he still died instantly.
Ragatha considered if it was worth it to Revivify him.
Pomni uses Speech of Beast and Leaf to speak with plants, and the plants just cuss her out.
Zooble: can i roll to pick up Pomni by the ankles and swing her around as an improvised weapon?
Pomni: ?!?!?!
(Caine said yes)
(Zooble ended up doing five whole damage with Pomni’s body)
Caine once rolled 200d8 Bludgeoning damage because Kinger fell off a mountain (he was Revivified by Ragatha after)
“COUNTERSPELL THIS, B[@&$%]” -Zooble, right before decking an NPC straight through a wall
When fights get too hairy, Jax will Disengage and leave the party to fend for themselves
There was once this HORRIFIC chase scene the party had to try to survive
Zooble: *polymorphed into a mountain goat by Pomni, sprinting as fast as they can*
Gangle: *Wild Shaped into a mouse, desperately hanging onto Zooble’s fur*
Ragatha: *flying away while holding Pomni*
Pomni: *clinging to Ragatha like how a baby sloth would cling to its mother, shooting Eldritch Blast at the monster every turn in a desperate attempt to slow it down, screaming*
Jax: *already 200ft in front of the others because he ran off way before them*
Kinger: *wondering if it’s a good time to tell the others he has Longstrider prepared*
Jax got maimed by a Mimic because he couldn’t help but not loot a chest he found
He then proceeded to get maimed by ANOTHER MIMIC in the VERY NEXT ROOM because he also tried to loot that, too
Zooble: does a 22 hit? 😏
Caine: no
the entire party: 😟
Pomni got bitten by a werewolf and failed the Constitution saving throw, so she ended up becoming a werewolf. During her first transformation, she lost control after failing the saving throw and immediately started mauling Jax.
Everyone just kinda stopped and watched in awe for a moment before they realized they should probably help him.
“He needed the humbling” -Zooble
Kinger crafts Pomni a gun and gives it to her
Caine: so you all see the werewolf pull out a Tommy gun
The party had to fight this giant frog, and they all thought it would be a walk in the park, but then it swallowed Pomni, and the simple encounter turned into a fight for Pomni’s fucking life because Pomni was actively suffocating inside of it, and Jax wanted to blow up the frog with a magic grenade he had, despite Pomni being in there (he was well aware that she would also take damage), and Ragatha was trying to see if she could heal Pomni from inside the frog, and Gangle ended up Wild Shaping into another frog and begging it to let Pomni go.
Pomni was traumatized.
Caine: who’s done a good job at roleplaying recently?
Kinger: well, Pomni did have a panic attack
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(in which Riven and Estinien have done a thing)
Augustine frowned. He walked over, extending a hand so that he could pinch the leather in-between his fingers.
“You’re sure you want to go with this?” He asked. “I’m not doubting that the Bozjans make good armor, just that we never really field-tested what they had to offer. It was whatever they could loot from the Garleans and what parts of their home weren’t destroyed.” 
“It’s not finished yet.” Riven replied. “I’m getting the armor-spelled reinforced leather. What I’ve got on is just for fitting.”
“I’d feel better if you had something covering your arms.” Augustine continued his inspection of the gear, rubbing the surface of the leather cuirass with his fingertips. “Unless you’re going to aetherically shield those?”
“I’m getting new gauntlets crafted that’ll have the array.” Riven held up her arms as the paladin tugged at the cuirass, then knelt to inspect the boots she was wearing.
“This needs to be secured better.” Augustine tugged at the knife-sheath that was on the outside of Riven’s left thigh. “Steel or spell-silver?” 
“Steel. I figured spell-silver might be a bad idea.”  Riven watched as Augustine withdrew the small blade, testing it against his thumb. Satisfied with the sharpness, he slipped it back into the sheath.
“How are you feeling with the new tattoos?”
“My back and arms still hurt a bit, but my chest and shoulders seem to be healed up now.”  Riven replied. “It still feels strange only having part of my body glamoured, though.” Augustine stood up, moving away as Riven turned around to face the mirrors, tugging at the leather chestpiece and pants.
“Your special tattoo isn’t giving you any problems?” He asked, crossing his arms and making sure to put a teasing emphasis on ‘special’. A shit-eating grin flashed across his features as Riven glared at him in the mirror, sticking out her tongue.
“It’s just fine, thank you!”
“I’m not the one who decided to put Nidhogg-infused blood into the spell-ink.”
“It was one drop!” Riven countered. “And he got the same. A drop of my blood in his ink.”  With a blush, she lifted her left arm—looking at the modified summon-binding arcanima that had been inscribed on the inside. On the design’s edges lurked a stylized dragon in azure ink. Estinien had a matching one on the inside of his left arm—only the dragon that he had was sun-orange. The tattoos themselves had been his idea…
I want to make a promise to you. And I want…something tangible to serve as proof of my word. Something that marks me as yours. Something that one day…that will become permanent.
Both arrays had a path that the dragon could enter and leave of their own free will.
“Do not hesitate to call me upon your enemies.” Estinien had whispered, his fingers interlocking with her own. Riven lifted her free hand to his cheek, gazing deep into his storm-grey eyes.
“Do not hesitate to call me upon your own.”  She whispered back in return.
“Riven?!” Augustine’s voice broke into Riven’s thoughts. She started, lifting a hand to her cheek, feeling moisture there. It had been a month and a half since that night in Limsa. Estinien had left for parts unknown shortly after. Riven swallowed, feeling emotion swell up inside her.
“Sorry.”  She got out, lifting her right hand to dash at her eyes. “Sorry. I still—I miss him. Which is stupid. We talked, he told me what he was up to..." Augustine came over, reaching into his pocket for a handkerchief, offering the cloth square.
"Right..." Riven murmured. Inhaling, she squared her shoulders and looked at herself in the mirror again. Then a faint smile crossed her lips as Augustine reached out to hug her from the side, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Hey." He said, his voice soft. "It's okay. That's normal." Riven sniffled, accepting the fabric. She lifted it to her face, wiping her eyes. "This is something new for the both of you."
"Are you going to leave him a message telling him where we are if he shows up?"
"I figured I'd leave one in three places. One here in Sunward, one with Vrtra, and one with Orn Khai." Riven answered. "Anything else would depend on when we get to Tural." Exhaling, she lifted her hands to her chest, fiddling with the chestpiece's fit.
"Perhaps you could speak to Wuk Lamat about extending him an invite?" Augustine offered. He moved behind Riven, reaching out to make his own adjustments to the armor.
"I don't know." Riven admitted. "With us, the twins and Krile, there's going to be enough outsiders participating in this contest as is." She sighed, fiddling with the waistband of her pants.
"Adding one more might...possibly be a problem." Her eyes lifted, meeting Augustine's mismatched own in the mirror. The paladin nodded, understanding.
"Speak with Wuk." He said. "I know the politics are a problem, but we have to consider our safety." Riven didn't reply, turning her arm to look at the tattoo again as Augustine continued adjusting the armor's backing. Her fingers gently grazed the surface, tracing the azure dragon.
a big thank you to @saesama for the idea of the matching tattoos! <3
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greenlantern94to04 · 2 months
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Green Lantern #51 (May 1994)
At last, after months of hype, we've finally reached the official debut of DC's sensational character find of 1994: Ohm! You know, Ohm? The guy who fights (and almost beats) Kyle Rayner in this issue?
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Oh yeah, and as of this issue, Kyle Rayner is officially named "Kyle Rayner" and not "the rando who got Hal Jordan's ring."
But, before getting his ass kicked by Ohm, the first thing Kyle does with the ring he got in Green Lantern #50 is visit his ex-girlfriend, Alex, who at first assumes this is some practical joke. I guess she's used to Kyle showing up at her door in the middle of the night wearing tight-fitting costumes? Kyle insists that this is real and explains that he got the power ring from a blue little person in a red dress who materialized in an alley, only he doesn't say "little person."
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Apparently, Kyle is a bit immature and irresponsible (hence the "ex-" in "ex-girlfriend"), and his job as a freelance artist doesn't seem to be going anywhere, but he thinks the ring represents a chance to get his shit together and make something of himself. He tells Alex he could become a big shot superhero in New York (they're currently in a small town called "Los Angeles," by the way) while she, a photojournalist, could take photos of him and sell them to the newspapers for big bucks. The ol' Peter Parker gamble.
Alex is eventually persuaded by the idea, though I get the impression she's just humoring him because she wants to go back sleep (without him; he's on the couch). The next morning, Alex wakes Kyle up because some nutjob stole one of those experimental armors S.T.A.R. Labs likes to leave laying around and is trying to use it to siphon all the electrical power in LA. Alex tells Kyle to stay in the car while she takes photos and he assures her he won't do anything stupid like, say, try to fight a supervillain with a power ring he's only used to change his clothes and levitate slightly. We already know how that went. Guess we can add "impulsive" to "immature and irresponsible."
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That takes us back to the start of the comic, with the ALL-NEW Green Lantern getting pummeled by the mighty Ohm -- that is, until Alex reminds Kyle that he can create stuff with the ring, like a shield to protect himself from Ohm's attacks or a big... stick thing to knock him down. Thirty years later, I still have no idea what this is:
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So, Kyle successfully avoids being murdered on his first mission and saves the day as the crowd cheers for "Green Lantern," with only one guy commenting that his hair looks different now. Perhaps inspired by that, Alex later tells Kyle he should put that Graphic Design degree to use and make himself a new costume that will give him his own identity, resulting in the iconic new look that we'd already seen in the cover, and in the ads for this issue, and at the end of GLCQ #8.
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(Note that they're at the beach, which means it's possible Kyle couldn't think of anything for the new mask, looked down, saw a crab in the sand, and said "I've got it!")
Meanwhile, at a maximum security supervillain prison known as "the Slab," some poor guards try and fail to contain the breakout of one of the inmates, who turns out to be... our pal Mongul! As in, the one who broke Hal Jordan's arm (GL #46) and helped break his brain by destroying Coast City. And he wants a rematch with "Green Lantern."
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Whelp, hope he's better at remembering hair color than the average LA pedestrian...
According to the DC wiki, this is Ohm's one and only appearance, which I find really surprising. I'm shocked (pun intended) that he survived that period in the mid-'00s when Geoff Johns and James Robinson were going around murdering obscure DC characters for shock (pun intended again) value.
On the other hand, New Jersey's very own Slabside Penitentiary, which also debuted in this issue, went on to become a recurrent location in various DC stories, most notably the Joker: Last Laugh crossover and the Arrow TV show.
Speaking of the Slab, there are a few villain cameos in that scene: a devil guy I don't recognize (is that Nightcrawler's dad?), Shrapnel from Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad comics, and Captain Atom nemesis Major Force. As a fan of the Captain Atom run where MF was introduced, I was thrilled to see him here and wished DC put him to use more often. (Somewhere, a monkey's paw curled.)
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I will echo Neil's comment on the post for GL #48 that the timeline for Kyle and Alex's breakup doesn't make sense. In this issue, Alex says they broke up "last week" and doesn't even wanna let him in, yet they seemed pretty chummy in #48, which seemed to take place only a few hours ago. The only way I can make sense of it is that it took longer than implied for Ganthet to crawl out of that pile of bodies and travel to Earth. Future issues do reveal that he made some other stops before settling for Kyle, so it's possible he spent several days offering the ring to random people in alleys before someone finally said yes.
I like that not only does the crowd mistake Kyle for Hal, but Kyle himself doesn't even remember the Green Lanterns were a thing until Alex reminds him, and he was already wearing the costume. This acknowledges Green Lantern's status for casual comics fans as a guy you kinda sorta know but don't really care enough to fully remember. That was definitely the case for me, until this run changed it.
No Guy-Watch this time... because he's getting his very own post! Coming soon.
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yumedoca · 2 months
Are your opinions on UY characters that dont get the spotlight often, like nurse sakura, cherry, kotasu cat, benten or oyuki, ifntheres one i missed pls tell me i love hearing your analysis
Hai there, hope you're doing great!!
Sorry this is a bit late, I had some events to attend the past few days..! And thanks!! It makes me happy to hear that you like my rambling :)
As for my thoughts on the other characters, I love most of them actually!! I love love love Sakura!!! I especially love how well her character is structured: through design, through her backstory, through daily life and relations and even how well her name suits her lmao. I really like how she has a background where she was really sick as a child (till we meet her), and how her being a miko, nurse and counsellor (she has three fucking jobs and I love it) has her help others since she knows how it's like to have problems (physically or psychologically). Sakura counselling might be my favorite bit though, just seeing how she helps guide mostly the students is really nice and I wish it was appreciated more. And don't get me started on how she is the perfect straight man to the craziness of the others. She was part of the craziness at first (from her intro to her earliest nurse days, Ataru straight manned instead), but it seemed like RT thought Sakura straight manning was much better while Ataru was cemented as the funny man in their dynamic and it suits them so well. The sane Sakura having to deal with everyone's BS (esp Ataru's) is my favourite thing lol. I also really like her relationship with Tsubame, him being the dumb to her smarts.(The remake plays down Tsubame's idiocy btw and it disappoints me so so much) They're that one couple we all ship without knowing it lmao. The chapters which focus on them are really nice, esp that one with the ghost girl who interfered with them and Sakura got super jealous lmao, it we interesting side to see from her and it was really fun :)
Oh shit, I rambled so much about Sakura, I forgor this ask wasn't just about her, I'm so sorry lmao, she is in my top three UY gals for a reason XD
I think up next in UY blorboism to me (who aren't main characters) would be Asuka. Idk, I just love her, she is so cute and so silly. I think what put her in the blorbo category specifically were these panels: one where Asuka made her own armor from a military tank or something idk and she looked so cute while wearing it!!!! And the second is from the arc where Asuka goes to school and she wears a pair of broken glasses in the final panel of the arc which looks super funny and silly XD
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Asides from that, I love her voices, both of them!! They sound so soft and sweet!! And her shtick is very entertaining and chaotic, I love all her chapters!!
I think up next in terms underrated characters I love would be Benten and Oyuki. They both have personalities which bounce off well on other characters and especially each other. They're like my #1 Yuri ship in the series, but even in a platonic sense, they're dynamic is really good!! I need to draw them more, lol.
That's it for characters who I feel are widely underrated.. this post would be even longer if I talk about everyone in detail so I'll just speedrun my thoughts on the ones you mentioned plus a few others...
Ran and Ryu are two characters who I feel are really popular which is why I didn't mention them above. Ran's bipolar nature is so good and funny while her growing understanding and reconciling with Lum slowly is really sweet. Ryu is one of those characters who I wish was treated better because I feel like she deserves everything she wanted but her stupid father comes in the way. Ryunosuke's character is one of those things I wished was done better. Give her all the sailor suits, bras, swimsuits, skirts, etc. she wants!!
Cherry is really funny, like in a way he's basically Ryunosuke's dad but done so much better. The amount of moments where I've wheezed laughing cause of him is way too many too count. I like Kotatsu neko, he's cute and it's funny how he's one of the strongest characters!! Ryoko is another one I like because of how insane she is lmao and Inaba is so so sweet!! Meanwhile, Rei is hilarious and his cow form is so silly XD
I also really like Rupa and Carla too, Idk, the way they're supposed to mirror AtaLum and their crazy dynamic captivates me.
And I guess I'll stop here! There are others, but this is already super long so I'll end it here!!
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emperorbubblegum · 8 months
This is gonna be another long-ish spoiler post for F/SR, so don't click if you haven't learned Rider's True Name yet
Also slight spoilers for Fate/Extra CCC Foxtail and maybe Shimousa but those are old enough that I doubt people care
I really need to hear the opinion of someone who doesn't know much about Fate play Samurai Remnant. I feel like most of us where able to guess a lot of the new Servants based off connections they had to pre-established ones. Rider's probably one of two exceptions because her reveal is supposed to be this huge "what the fuck" moment - and it is, but I feel like that mostly hinges on the player knowing Fate's version of Minomoto-no-Raikou.
Ushi Gozen has been teased for years. Raikou's always been one of the many Servants that mentions how her Berserker Saint Graph isn't the only one we might aee of her (edit 1: I didn't play FGO when it first released so I didn't know this, but apparently Ushi actually shows up in the same event Raikou's introduced in). In Foxtail, we see her used as a prarallel to Suzuka, since both have connections to Oni. The most prominent tease is in Shimousa, where we actually see Ushi Gozen appear, but with the same design as Raikou for budget reasons I guess (edit 2: No we don't, that's just Raikou, but she has the Rider class so I misremembered her there as Ushi Gozen). And now she's actually here! She gets her own game! And she looks...
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Girl what the fuck happened to you
I really like both of her designs to be honest. She's one of the few Servants to be wearing actual samurai armor, and she's the first to wear the helmet too I'm pretty sure. Then after Saber kicks the shit out of her, the armor falls apart and we see that she's in a much worse state than any of us expected. Her hair's cut short, her eyes are dead with noticeable bags, her skin's paler than it was before, and she barely looks like she's eaten anything. Those last two could also be said about Raikou (Raita for the love of god learn to draw human women properly) but on Rider they're noticeably worse. Also she seems crazier than her Berserker form, albeit a different kind of crazy.
When we fight her the second time in Chapter 5, she shows up with these awesome robot-like spider legs reminiscent of what Ushi-oni are usually described with. She doesn't look human because her humanity was seemingly beaten out of her. Raikou tends to suffer from what I like to call "the Altera Problem", where if used right she can be a really genuine and badass character, but 90% of the time she's used for jokes and to get people's dicks hard. However in things like Foxtail, or Shimousa (which is even more apparent in the manga), or Heian-Kyo we get to see her for how she really is, which is A) terrifying and B) a hero worthy of going down as one of humanity's best. Rider is only that first one. No jokes, no big tits, just pure unadulturated "you're gonna die" energy.
Rider's the first Servant we ever see in Samurai Remnant. She's the first one Iori encounters, leveling his house in the prologue and acting as the tutorial boss to show the player "hey you can't fucking take these guys on", and in the teaser trailer (which shows that scene) she's one of three Servants who are actually shown to us - the other two being SR's Saber and everyone's favorite bisexual dimension hopper, Musashi. I could write a whole other post about Shousetsu and Iori (maybe I will who knows) but Rider follows their dynamic. She's a strong parallel to Saber. Fuck she basically is Saber if they didn't have people like Ototachibana-Hime and Iori to keep them grounded.
All of the new Servants are super cool (with the exception of Caster that bitch ass nerd), but I think Rider's possibly the coolest. I mean, I've been wanting Samson since I got into Fate and you haven't seen me make any real posts about him because Minamoto-no-Raikou, one of my least favorite Servants, has got me in a vicegrip. I don't know if she's my favorite, but I'll definitely be saving for if she ever comes into FGO
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zelda-photography · 1 year
TOTK Trailer 3 Analysis
Alright, let's do this. There was a whole lot in this trailer, and just so you know i'm not going to be dissecting every second or everything that made me go 'oh cool!' Like, the rocket is way cool but I won't be providing a picture. Anyway, without further ado, here we go!
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I really liked seeing the little robot guys doing stuff on the island, especially this little one fending off a chuchu :D I think it adds a lot to the understanding of the role of these robots
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Not sure what's up with all the mushroom stuff but I love it! I like seeing that the villages are going to be changed :D
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Yay, settlements! People trying to move into this area! A shame that the castle is gone now. I also really like the birds on the old fountains.
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Big round rock is very interesting. It reminds me of the speed boost things in skyward sword, so that's my theory on what this one does.
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Big thing rising from the Gerudo desert. It's probably going to end up just being Ganondorf's castle, but I really hope it's Arbiter's Grounds because that place horrifies and fascinates me.
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Presumably a back shot of Ganondorf, and I gotta say I love his hair all glowing and crazy like that. He seems to be watching something explode, but I'm not sure what? Baby theory with the only proof of 'idk it'd make a modicum of sense', maybe it's the great plateau he's destroying?
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Putting these two together since they seem to go together - ways to get below ground? Very interesting. Not psyched about having to wear the lame lava armor again, though. (and when I say go together, I realize this is probably an underground cavern in the Eldin area and not in Lanayru)
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Flying ship flying ship let's go!!! Looks way cool and makes me wonder who is manning it. Robots? Monsters? The Zonai???
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Floating balls of water are cool, but more than anything make me wonder if there will be a better swimming mechanic, maybe even diving?
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Mostly took this picture because I like the red bird outfit Link is wearing. Presumably it'll slow his fall more than other clothes, but I also like the reference to the crimson loftwing.
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Finally, the being we've been seeing on the wall carvings and ruins. What's her deal? Is this what all Zonai look like? She looks rad that's for sure. I've heard some people say she looks like a lizard, but personally I think she looks more like the three dragons.
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At first, this is kind of a boring shot, until I remembered that Hyrule castle probably was very much destroyed in the final battle of BotW. Was it repaired? By the little magic sparkles around, I'd guess either Zelda is repairing it with magic, or this is some kind of memory.
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Finally, the girl. Strange dais she's standing in front of, I'm so worried for her.
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The Baby! Teba really said 'I'm too old for this shit' and is having his baby fill in for him! Rip Teba you were, well, a normal guy opposed to all the other champions. Here's to your cool kiddo.
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I think I said this in my analysis of the last trailer, that I thought Link's vehicles would be able to transport Hylians, and I feel soooo vindicated right now! Yes, helping the citizens! I love it!
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This is ridiculous and I love it. Just us with our dumb machine against a bunch of monsters. Reminds me of that woodcutting machine from beauty and the beast, I think because of the little arm making kind of chopping motions
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No idea what the little magatama is still other than 'probably what they mean when they say tears'
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I have mixed opinions on ganondorf's design, but overall I think I like it :) He's green still, which is a little weird, but I guess he is technically a zombie, and damn did he rehydrate well.
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Putting these two together to make a point (may also make it it's own post too) that I think Zelda isn't just wearing the above woman's outfit, I think the above woman is Zelda, the one from 1000 years ago. (I'll also mention now that what if the male voice talking to Zelda is some version of Ganondorf?)
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At one point I was going to make a video about TotK theories, and one involved getting to fight with civilians. It was more of an escort idea in there, but hey, still looks exciting! I love all these people who are stepping up to the plate and aren't just going to let another calamity hit them!
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Riju haircut! Sidon is King! Kind of weird that we say three of the four races, really hoping the gorons are doing okay. I'm really excited to see how the powers and strengths of the allies have evolved. From the footage, you already get the idea that Riju has started to use Urbosa's lightning powers.
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Gleeok! We've all seen him coming, but hey, he's officially here! That's pretty rad!
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Hard to see, but we're getting more of the wall mural thing, this time featuring ganondorf. I hope this thing will be, like, a physical thing in game so we can look at the whole thing.
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And finally Zelda. My bets are that she's a) going to be found sleeping on that thing, very similar to Zelda 2's ending or that b) she's going to end up being sacrificed on it :(
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syn4k · 5 months
my design notes for the mianite s2 cast (put under a cut because Long + mentions of s/h at one point):
in general i think that those who've lived in town the longest (especially Tucker and Sonja) are the ones whose clothing has been most affected by the world and era's fashion. they kind of look like they come from the 1800s and of course the other two champions bully them relentlessly for it but i like to think that tom exchanged the button up under his suit blazer for one of those ruffle front shirts because he liked how it looks, essentially making him look like the world's most genre and time-bending wizard ever, especially with the hat.
after really getting into the various engineering/mechanics/technical mods and getting shocked/burnt/etc enough times, he finally exchanged his basketball shorts for some reinforced knee pants and a plain white t-shirt with one of those pockets on the front, although nobody ever really sees it because he's wearing crazy armor most of the time.
wears steel-toed boots when working on technical stuff and sneakers the rest of the time
3 billion pockets with random shit in it (cool rocks, random trinkets, etc)
looks Absolutely Insane in the best way. none of his outfit actually fits together but somehow he makes it work
so a quick sidenote. i know he has a skin and everything however in my brain all of the wizards look like some variation of this:
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(essentially "little guys who live in assorted hats due to being cursed by the gods after their hubris was revealed.")
however! this does not stop me from adding little details where i want, such as:
in s1, wag was basically confined to a wizard hat due to the restrictions of the world he was in. in s2 this is no longer the case and he has acquired many hats all with their own enchantments (though 90% of the ones he wears regularly are really durable).
this makes it look really fucking funny whenever he's doing Anything because when hes flying around you just see a hat holding a regular sized sword. when hes doing magic you see a hat in the middle of a firestorm or whatever. during the Purge he can sneak up on people really easily due to essentially being a hat. nobody has ever seen what lives under the hat and nobody has ever successfully tried to look inside without being killed
he's applied various odds and ends to his hats as the season goes on! (i.e patches, mends, embroidered runes and sigils). all rings and items are kept on his person, but it's generally accepted amongst the rest of the champions that his inventory space is located within the hat itself
out of all of the champions, she absolutely looks the coolest. everyone looks like losers next to her no matter what the situation is. eyeliner on point, has a fuckin Flying Orb She Balances On, you know the deal
has actual fox ears! this is only visible when the hood of her hoodie is back, though, which she doesn't do often except for when working on magic stuff for better visibility
pink everything if she can manage it <3 she has a theme and she sticks to it
found one of those ruffle front button up shirts and wears it with his usual suit outfit. steve found him a green bow tie to wear with it so it still works!
likes to float around and do flips in the air and go all sorts of angles while flying. it is Very Distracting but he's having fun with it so who cares
engineered his hammer- sorry, wang- to look exactly like an upside down dick and balls while it's being used. he thinks this is the funniest thing ever and honestly it kind of is
(self-harm mention here!)
very pale and with constant eyebags and red eyes/pupils from working with blood magic
arms absolutely covered in cutting scars, also from working with blood magic
wears his ash ketchum cap on top of his crazy strong fantasy ass looking armor which frankly looks fucking stupid but he does not care
tons of old scars, both from being a former fighter and a farmer
still wears farmer's clothing but don't be fooled, he Knows how to use the sword at his side
australian flag patch on his sleeve and as a sticker on his chestplate
very casual practiced movements despite his apparent age, even when doing kickass shit
light purple eyes. makes her look like she's blind. she is not
transfem swag for YEARS
just as much at home in fighting gear as she is in a skirt!
has long hair but keeps it up in a bun under his wooden helmet (that's why he always wears it) (yes hes also transgender)
can i just say that i love the fingerless gloves. that was an awesome design choice. the designers knew what they were doing with that one
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Squealed with excitement when I saw your post saying you were watching zom 100. Are you going to read the manga? Also please make a post sharing your opinions of it. I literally love reading your rants about manga and anime, positive and critical. I frequent the "sloot bitches about things" tag all the time lmao
Holy shit, I only thought ppl came for my smut, I'm glad you like reading me complain about shit and rant lol
The manga is on my list but my backlog of stuff I want to check out is stupidly long, so...I get to it when I get to it ig
Anyway my thoughts on the anime
In a world where zombie apocalypse fiction is largely bleak and depressing, it's so nice to see a series go "Fuck it, in the post apocalypse, do what makes you happy." It frames the zombie outbreak and breakdown of society in an optimistic way, and I think a lot of people need that. In a culture that's so collectivist and so stressed out, that cultural shift in modern Japan to prioritizing your own happiness and mental well-being really makes me happy.
The animation and especially the COLORSSSS are so nice. There are a few shots where corners had to be cut, but given how fucked the anime production was in terms of schedule I'm more than willing to put up with it. The zombies and the gore having these saturated paint colors instead of just being red is so nice, and it makes the Zom100 zombies stand out from other series.
I could talk forever about the colors in this series. I've never seen a zombie apocalypse that looked so bright and poppy and FUN. If you haven't seen anything from this show, just watch the opening and ending you won't regret it.
I also love shows that have an optimistic message in a bleak fucked up setting. Like if Berserk is grim optimism and struggling against brutality and hardship, Zom100 is bright optimism in a dead landscape. It's fluorescent paint sprayed and sloshed on grey corpses and cracked concrete, and I love looking at it. Like LOOK at this!
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Beatrix is best girl, I accept no arguments to the contrary. She's a German weeb who wears samurai armor and wants to restore Japan's natural beauty, infodumps about hot springs history, and is just so fun. Everything in this series is just so fucking fun.
Kencho is hot as fuck and if you like himbos, watch this series for him. He wants to be a comedian. He's a superhunk with a heart of gold. He's working on a comedy bit where he butt-chugs udon noodles. I want him so bad I'm shaking.
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Shizuka is a new inspiration for my One Piece OC Minerva, since their color designs are similar and both go from coldly logical to willing to follow their hearts and have fun. Though girl, wear some more protective clothing. You're in a sports bra and leggings and a hoodie, Beatrix at least sometimes wears the samurai armor and Akira had the diving suit for a while.
Obviously I fuck with Kanta on concept alone, and his VA (same as Bakugo and Ghiaccio) understands his assignment. A bitter NEET who wants to fuck things up only to realize he's collapsed under his own loneliness and just needed friendship, and realized too late that he essentially sabotaged his own happiness. Also hearing him cry pathetically in the last few episodes was low-key...activating my almonds a bit 😳
Given how problematic the production and release was, I'm gonna be disappointed but not surprised if there aren't further seasons. Still, they end it on a positive note that makes it a satisfying "ending" if it never gets animated beyond that. Besides, there's always the manga! I'm gonna link the op and Ed because I love them so much.
Also interesting fact, but this anime got recommended to me...by one of my sixth graders??? She's a huge otaku and I love that she's comfortable around me enough to nerd out (in rapid Japanese I don't always understand lol) bc normally she seems like a bit of a loner, but...madam you are 12. Kencho is showing hole on a regular basis, one of the villain dudes is an Ugly Bastard who has the goal of forcing his tongue down a girl's throat. Where are your parents 👀
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palebloodcvrse · 2 months
Heres my fuckin gremlin:
The main event
The creature
His name is Ae, he got turned into a weird demon dragon thing when he was a kid, also some weird shit happened that left him mildly silly shall we say
He isnt part of any particular fandom and is part of his own story :p
Btw his design includes a lot of black and red and lemme just say if youre a black/red hater leave that mentality on deviantart. Fuck that shit
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Every day wear:
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Monster form:
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Armor his adoptive father gave him:
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His dad is a giant dracolich man who adopted him when he was 7 and turned him (dont worry, it wasnt forced on him, ae didnt wanna be human anymore due to some bs that happened to him, ill get in depth in another post)
They have a very addams family esque father son dynamic
This is his dad, kvstrathos (he didnt start wearing metal merch til ae did lol)
Heres Ae when he was a kid, he had ultra long hair lmfao
His dad is a few thousand years older than him btw.
Youd think being adopted by a murderous dracolich warlord would mean they have a tumultous dynamic, but no. Kvstrathos loves and spoils Ae and has dad of the year award behavior, always cookin him stuff teachin him life lessons tutoring him going on hunting trips telling him stories, playing games with him etc
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So, this gremlin is very skittish and really doesnt like interacting with people much having grown outside of human contact for 90% of his life
His disposition often switches from impish/happy to a complete stormcloud the next
He often has intense mood swings and flipflops from being silly goofy to being not so silly goofy and concerningly... unstable.
(other than the fucked up court wizard his dad has, and even then the dudes an insane warlock and ex surgeon who was made immortal by an evil deity, ill upload him later)
Its left ae pretty much ignorant of how the human world worked other than outdated shit (he still thinks humans have widespread villages and farms like in the middle ages, boy was he wrong) since all his dad had in the archives about human history are all outdated historical texts (oh but all the occult crap? That got saved.)
So he grew up learning how humans tried to bind demons but doesnt know what a stanley cup is.
His dad spent his days training ae in various combat arts, sometimes showing him some weaponry or old siege equipment/medieval torture devices, etc and mr insane warlock was there to tutor him on dark magic if his dad was busy, and also to act as some sort of babysitter
Ae grew up in a castle with nobody but his dad and the court wizard for company so he pretty much doesnt know how to socialize with like... normal people.
Ae likes a lot of things:
Morbid crap, gardening, the woods, (he has an obsession with farms and nature.) Medieval weaponry, the occult, FOOD and the baking and cooking/preparing of said food, animals. Especially cats. And metal. Holy shit he went to the human world very few times but he fucking found some metal records in an abandoned shed and couldnt stop listening to it after.
As a result his dad gave him an enchanted guitar that has destructive properties and now hes some fucked up heavy metal bard on top of being taught by a giant dark knight and warlock on various combat arts.
Gory descriptions under the cut
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His body is heavily mutated from the amount of dark magic that seeped into him since the ritual™ and therefore it has weird traits like worsening his vision while increasing his other senses like hearing and smell, regenerating wounds but also randomly forming painful clusters of black nerves, mouths and eyes that sometimes dont go away on their own, sickening him or strengthening him randomly, etc this boy is not normal and doesnt function as such.
As a dracolich (not all undead dragons are azeratean dracoliches, more lore on that later) he consumes the flesh and souls of demons and corrupted humans.
He often needs said blood and flesh to stay and healthy and strong.
He and his father are children of a dark elder god but theyre not wholly evil, its a whole thing that I dont wanna type out in one post for now.
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writerbeemedina · 3 months
Spoiled Rotten
Synopsis: Have you ever asked yourself what the typical morning is like for a supervillain who is also single father? Wonder no more. The morning of another big attempt to conquer the city, Lord Obliterator must first face the second greatest challenge: feeding his four-year-old daughter.
This is a pretty old story. Hopefully is suits your supervillain needs. ^^"
Ah. Nothing more refreshing than the promise of crushing enemies, conquering the city, and sweet, sweet revenge, in the morning.
No sooner had Lord Obliterator opened his eyes had an explosion sounded, rattling the house. Oh, shit, they’ve found us, he thought to himself. In a rush of adrenaline, the supervillain armed himself with an electro-gun and threw himself out of his bedroom into the hallway.
Lord Obliterator aimed his firearm to fry the trespassing superhero to a crisp, only to look down and sigh in relief.
“Now what did we talk about?” The villain stooped down to pluck a magma gun from a child’s small grip and wagged a finger. “No handling firearms without my supervision, Bonnie!”
“Aww!” Bonnie whined. “But I was gonna take it to show-and-tell today!”
It took everything in Lord Obliterator’s power to control his paternal pride as he lowered himself to one knee and placed a massive hand on her head. “Look darling, I understand why you want to take a family invention. We’re incredible. However, it’s just not safe to disclose our weapons to the lesser people of mankind. People would be greedy, manufacture more but slightly tweak its design to pass it as their own. Next thing you know, we’d be stuck in the middle of a multi-million dollar lawsuit! Do you understand, my little imp?”
“Okay,” Bonnie said dejectedly, kicking out her foot. “Then…can I bring my taxidermy collection instead?”
“Wonderful alternative, darling!” Lord Obliterator beamed. Then, he clapped twice before saying, “Now go ready for kindergarten, while Papa gets himself ready to fire the Ultra Death Beam in the city square today!”
“Okay!” the little girl squealed, her thick braids bouncing as she skipped merrily to her room. 
Meanwhile, Lord Obliterator gazed at the sizzling, melted hole in the wall. Yet another repair to add to the bills, he thought mournfully. 
Well, it wasn’t proper to take over the city looking like a hot mess. How embarrassing it would be if he looked like a zombie on the front page of the newspaper, when he took over the city!
Lord Obliterator changed out of his “I’m Secretly a Princess” t-shirt (a birthday present from his darling daughter) into his most malicious-looking suit of armor, and styled his frizzled black hair into a slick ponytail before making his way to torture cham—uh, the kitchen.
“ARGH!” he cried, lifting his foot to find a doll shoe practically embedded underneath. A villain couldn’t even practice his own stride through his own halls without getting assaulted by stray toys lying around like traps! Lord Obliterator made a mental note to talk to his daughter about this later.
Eventually, he arrived, Bonnie—now wearing a black dress with buckles—seated at the counter, banging her spoon-grasping fists and death-metal screeching, “ICE-CREAM! ICE-CREAM!”
Lord Obliterator was careful not to react, for, unknown to Bonnie, breakfast would be different that morning. Today, Lord Obliterator would be a good parent and feed her something truly evil—and nutritious, of course.
The villain hurried about the room, frequenting the refrigerator and the pantry while managing the coffee-maker, toaster, and stove. A symphony of metallic clunking, cracking, sizzling, gurgling, sloshing, and beeping filled the place, while Bonnie continued her scream-chant. With Bonnie, there was no real way of telling whether she was summoning food or demons.
After ten minutes of tackling one of his few attempts at cooking and shoving down his crippling self-doubt, the fruit of Lord Obliterator’s efforts was done. He cackled sinisterly.
“Behold! The most evil breakfast of all!” Lord Obliterator announced.
Bonnie shrieked, writhing with such vigorous glee that her chair almost toppled over.
The villain twirled for an extra flare of drama before setting down the plate of mushy, yellow…
“Eggs!” he said in a sing-song voice.
The little girl scrunched up her face before fixing Lord Obliterator with a hellish glare.
“What’s the meaning of this?” she said dangerously, every trace of excitement gone. 
Lord Obliterator expected something like this to happen; Bonnie was always stubborn when it came to food. Still, he couldn’t help but chuckle with a twinge of unease as he sat down at his side of the table.
“Ah-aha, eggs, darling. This is the cooked substance of unborn fetuses from chickens robbed against their will! Isn’t that sinister?” he said.
“Where’s my peanut-butter ice-cream? Where’s my chocolate pudding?” Bonnie persisted. “Stuff that makes your teeth rot?!”
Of course, sugary sweets did technically count as evil for the consequences they bring; however, Bonnie’s dental bills weren’t getting any cheaper.
“B-But a chicken’s family line has been taken from them, never to be regained! Their unborn offspring taste delicious, and they give you the strength to destroy your enemies! Doesn’t that sound—” 
“I hate eggs! I’ve always hated them my entire life!” Bonnie interrupted, letting out a scream as she flung her spoons so forcefully they pierced the wall—had Lord Obliterator not ducked in time, it would have been his head. 
Lord Obliterator sighed shakily. He didn’t want it to come to this. The villain rose from his seat, cracking his knuckles as he approached his young daughter…
Then threw himself onto the floor.
“Please eat! How terrible of a parent Papa would feel if he took over the city today knowing that he let his only daughter go to school starved! Ple-he-hease!” he begged tearfully, his hands clasped in front of him.
“NEVER! Not until you give me sweets!” Bonnie roared.
“Please?! Just one bite for your old man?!” Lord Obliterator groveled. 
Bonnie’s face contorted and flushed, tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. The room was deadly still, right before a bomb explosion—the villain could practically see the wick burn down to his daughter’s head—then, she let out a wail that could make even the dead cover their ears as she dropped to the floor, kicking, banging and screaming as if she were possessed.
Lord Obliterator doubled over, dramatically clutching his heart as though a bullet had torn straight through it. Superhero. Superhero. The one time I try to make something beneficial for my kid and she compares me to those fiends! Oh, Lenora, how did you ever handle such insanity? 
“Look! You can have ice cream for breakfast, okay?! No, cake! No, ice-cream cake! Doesn’t that sound nice? Please, please stop crying!” the villain pleaded.
“Okay!” Bonnie said, springing back up.
A pause, in which Lord Obliterator sighed in relief. “But this is the last time, got it? No more mister push-over,” he told his daughter, fetching her her promised dessert.
🕱   🕱   🕱 🕱   🕱   🕱 🕱   🕱   🕱 🕱   🕱   🕱 🕱   🕱   🕱 🕱   🕱   🕱 🕱   🕱   🕱 🕱   🕱   🕱
“Are you all packed? Got your lunch? Your collection?” Lord Obliterator asked his child at the door, the bus just arriving. 
“All here!” Bonnie said, bouncing up and down wearing a purple skull-print backpack larger than her.
“Good. Now, remember what to do if any of the other kids mess with you?”
“I clobber them! Teach them the meaning of the word pain! Demolition!” she screeched, bawling her hands into fists and giving her best evil cackle.
“That’s my girl.” Lord Obliterator sniffed, a single tear rolling down his cheek.
“Good luck on the Ultra Death Beam!” Bonnie said before taking off for the school bus.
Lord Obliterator sighed heavily. As difficult as it was to be a villain and a parent, he had to admit that both were worthwhile. 
Another morning, another glorious opportunity to wreak destruction.
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fabuloustrash05 · 9 months
Gonna be honest for a while I thought Newtralizer also cut Sal's tail off. Would have been funny if he did the same thing as Alopex and wore Sal's tail as a trophy of sorts if he actually did that. Then bro just taunts him with that and makes fun of him.
My opinion on this concept is the same as people's headcanons/old theories that Newtrailzer is Mona's uncle or dad: It's repetitive and makes it unoriginal in the TMNT 2012 story.
I wanna note this is no hate to your idea, this is just coming from my perspective as a writer. I'm all for parallels and characters going through similar situations of trauma, but there's a line that should not be crossed when two characters go through THE EXACT SAME THING. Sal's missing tail being cut off by Newt and Newt keeping it as a trophy loses it impact and meaning since we've already had that concept established when we were introduced to Alopex and her dynamic with Tiger Claw in late season 4.
The big difference is, Tiger Claw's tail being missing was acknowledge and mentioned to be a big part of his character and past early on (unlike Sal's tail), with Karai pointing in out in his intro episode Wormquake/The Manhattan Project (Part 1).
Karai: Sensitive subject maybe, but shouldn't tigers have tails?
Tiger Claw: Don't mock me, child. It was a rival who sliced off my tail. One day I will find it, and he will pay the price!
Karai: If you can't keep your own tail-
Shredder: Silence, Karai. 
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He refers to Alopex as "he", probably because the writers didn't decide who took his tail around that time of writing this ep, but for fun I HC he didn't want everyone to know he got his ass kicked by a girl
And that wasn't a one time thing mentioned, him missing is tail continues to be acknowledge by other characters later in the episode:
Raph: Just wait, Tiger Claw. Splinter's gonna kick that little stub of a tail so deep in your striped-
Tiger Claw: Silence!
So by season 4, we get the answer to what happened to TC's tail, it makes the tiny side plot of two interesting characters fulfilling. Alopex being the one to take her own brother's tail made her character memorable to fans and adds more to TC's backstory, so having someone else do the same exact thing she did takes away her credit and the big thing that made her stand out as her own character.
Sal's missing tail is never talked about in the show. The creators intention with Sal Commander was that he is covered in scars and having missing body parts, establishing he's an old war veteran who has been through some dark shit in his life wearing outdated armor and baring rusty old looking weaponry, a parallel to Mona's design where she is wearing more advance high tech shiny clean armor and weapons, and has no missing limbs or visible scars.
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They are supposed to symbolize two different generations of Salamandrian warriors. Sal's missing tail can speak a lot for his past, but that is not the intention, it's purpose was symbolism between he and Mona.
His eye missing is a more eye catching (pun intended) figure of his design, so that question being answered with Newtrailzer being the one who took it, leaves a good impact on Sal's past and how gruesome and evil Newt can actually be. When he sees Sal again in When Worlds Collide, he does what you said you wish he did with the tail concept, taunt and mock Sal.
Newtralizer: G'Throkka, my old friend. I think it's time I took your other eye!
Sal Commander: You dirty- Aah!
So in the end, I disagree, I feel Newtralizer being responsible for ALL of Sal's injuries is too much. It takes away Alopex's impact on her relationship/history with Tiger Claw and over does the same for Newtralizer and Sal Commander's characters too.
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theevilthatismokke · 2 years
Why... do the Minamoto have such sharp canines? You know, besides the fact that Aidairo clearly find sharp teeth sexy like to add sharp teeth in their designs?
I mean, sure, I kinda get it, they're... often compared to dogs and puppies and whatnot, so it might be as simple as that...
...buuuuut, the only other characters that have such sharp teeth are Tsuchigomori, Yako and Hakubo, who are all yokai/natural-born supernaturals, and Tsukasa, who... apparently fused with the Red House Entity, and didn't seem to have sharp teeth before the fusion. Granted, he was just four when he fused with the 'God under their house', but Tiara's like, five years old and already has the sharp canines characteristic of her family.
Let's compare the supernaturals:
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Different dentures, but all quite sharp.
Now, let's take a look at the Minamotos:
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Look at these sharp little chompers...
I can't help but think about how Yorimitsu basically referred to himself as… a ‘defect’, when talking to a very young Hakubo in Volume 18’s extra:
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Credits to Drunk Bath Salt Scans for the scans and translation.
I infer from this that Yorimitsu sees himself as genuinely lacking emotions or something of the sort. Basically... he's not like a human is supposed to be, at least, according to his own perception.
Yorimitsu also wears a reddish armor, a huge contrast to his decendents' preference for blues and yellows. In fact, red seems to be more associated with supernaturals than human, as this analysis shows. The only other human who is more associated with red, or more accurately, purple-red/magenta (along with violet) is Sumire, a rather unusual and violent human herself.
So, in a manga with so many supernatural/human romances going on, it makes me wonder... do the Minamotos have a supernatural ancestor? Do they come from a supernatural/human romance?
To be honest, I don't actually think that's the case... rather, their sharp fangs are probably meant to indicate their close relationship with the supernatural, as a clan of exorcists, and how they're not all that different.
But holy shit, would it be funny for them... for Teru, specifically, to be related to a supernatural, by blood.
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maiz-of-light · 2 years
Ugh, I’m in a mood, so…
Here’s some LoZ related things (headcanons, AUs, fan tropes, etc.) that are Banned Here. Read at your own risk.
OOC/humanized Fi.
Fi is an AI-type spirit forged into a weapon for the purpose of guiding her creator’s knight. Her personality is limited to the occasional quip, and she has no feelings. Please keep it that way, and please, don’t ship her with Link. It gives off “lonely man falls in love with Siri” vibes. Gross, and weird.
Ghirahim having any sort of relationship with Fi.
That means romantic GhiraFi, Ghirahim and Fi as siblings, Ghirahim and Fi being two sides to the same sword or any other “forged at the same time” bullshit, Link dual-wielding their swords (master of both at once), and anything else even vaguely resembling any of these things.
Any version of Link being characterized as cruel or sadistic.
It’s one thing to give him a bit of a temper, or even a minuscule or temporary desire for revenge in extreme situations, but chopping off limbs and raping enemies for fun? No.
The Skyward Sword manga.
Just no.
Afab/intersex Ghirahim, especially when y’all knock him up.
Pregnancy and breeding are generally a no-no for me, but this one is especially obnoxious. I have a lot of reasons for it not being my cup of tea, dysphoria being a big one, but I honestly mostly blame the fandom for shoving it in people’s faces and calling us “erasers” when we find it unsettling.
“But, but Maiz! You ship Ghiralink!” Yes, yes I do. I ship Link, the go-with-the-flow, sexually timid twink with the suave, catlike, power-hungry demon lord - not that watered down OOC crap where their canon characterization and power dynamic are completely flipped. Worse than the butchering of the pairing itself tho is probably the fans, again, since y’all are clearly in denial and won’t just admit that the canon compliant depictions are just that. It’s fine if you have preferences, the whole point is that it’s all fiction after all - just don’t fucking lie about it to try and save face.
Linked Universe
While I haven’t experienced it firsthand, I’ve seen and heard horror stories about this fandom. They are positively insufferable. Even if they weren’t, multiple incarnations of Link interacting? It just… the concept isn’t interesting to me. At all.
Nothing against it, just… no. Platonic, friendshippy vibes and that is all.
“Power” bottom Ghirahim.
Please stop grasping at straws. Also, see “afab Ghirahim” and “LinkGhira.”
A quick note, there are exceptions to this rule. Some people legitimately do portray bottom!Ghirahim as a force to be reckoned with, but this is very difficult to achieve. Generally, tops have more power and versatility. Stop telling yourself differently.
Hypersexualized Gerudo.
I can’t exactly talk about racism since I am One Pasty Hoe, but I can sure as fuck talk about misogyny. Badass brown-skinned redheads showing off their abs while dominating the desert? Hell yeah! Wearing completely impractical armor obviously designed for the Male Gaze (forgive me if we’re not still calling it that)? C’mon, Nintendo. I thought we were past this. Urbosa deserves better, and so does Riju, who’s twelve.
“Ganondorf is a victim of Demise!”
Guys. Hylia incarnated as Zelda so she could stop this dude from wreaking havoc and destroying life as they know it. Demise incarnates as Ganon, does not possess him but is him, and fucks shit up unnecessarily. If you wanna complain about his “not having agency” then sorry but you’re wrong.
Sexualized OoT (Ocarina of Time) Link.
Getting hot and heavy after he’s aged naturally? Yes please. But after he’s only jumped ahead in time? Even if he’s developed an adult mentality, he’s still a child in many ways. I’m not saying don’t, I’m saying proceed with care, as this still technically qualifies as underage.
Mute Link.
Selectively mute, uses Sign, generally quiet/reserved - all good and well. Characterizing him as completely incapable of using audible speech? Please stop trying so hard.
To be clear, it’s fine if you disagree with any of these things. Just know that you’re not gonna find any of it here, nor do I take kindly to my work being associated with it.
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