#who at the time was like 2000 years old!
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A little redraw for @apollosgiftofprophecy she's been deprived for too long
Here's the Original
Which do you prefer? I think Commodus looks wayyy more sinister in this version and Lester looks more... Scared :(
The song I imagine playing in the background of this scene is "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift 😄 it just fits
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crazydaymycrazyway · 2 months
The crown prince if Xianle Xie Lian, the first time he ascended: I'm learning, I'm young and I have amazing friends
Jun Wu, externally: *smiles*
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mwagneto · 6 months
"don't hurt the gay one" is easily top 5 best torchwood quotes and it plays in my head every time 14 is going through the horrors so like. near constantly
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hiis-theme · 4 months
somewhere out there is an alternate timeline where toby was correct and people actually did hate spamton. could you imagine that. i have to imagine we wouldn't have gotten the spamton sweepstakes in that case which is crazy to think about given how much lore that gave us-
#puppy rambles#deltarune#spamton#my favorite part of the spamton sweepstakes is the part of the q&a where spamton implied he and jevil are divorced#are all the secret bosses in a polycule you think. we need to add to this deranged relationship#diversity win! all the people who were driven insane by being told their world is just a game are in a polyamorous relationship <3#i like to think gaster made a discord for all of them. just like ''hey. sorry for telling you your world's fake. here's a discord. good by'#i don't even care about the secret bosses super much but they still amuse me greatly. even if there's only two of them rn-#spamton is so hilarious. idk why everyone is so obsessed with him but it makes him even funnier to me#also his text in brackets is fun to write. it's also hard to write but you can do so much with it#since it's taken from various places on the internet you can just reference memes#... i mean the one problem is that it'd probably have to be memes from the time period deltarune's in#so like. early 2000's or 2010's#but the valentines don't regard that and reference more recent memes so who knows really#maybe deltarune's actually meant to be in modern times. i mean you could fully convince me#that noelle just likes old internet-style websites and stuff dfskljfdsdfjksfkjlsfkj-#(i mean some of the meme references are up to interpretation)#(but the two definite ones are the war thunder forums leaking military documents and also the hotel mario intro)#(and at the very least the former is a newer thing)#(there's also seemingly references to the ''let me in'' meme and the foam shower images from the april fool's newsletter last year)#(idk where the fuck else ''insulating foam'' would be taken from-)#i hope spamton just randomly contributes to conversations sometimes if you have the dealmaker equipped#i logically doubt it but it'd be extremely hilarious#i'm now imagining equipping the dealmaker to noelle. who was not there for either spamton encounter#''um. kris why's there a voice in my head telling me to be a big shot?'' ''don't worry about it''#alternatively if you just get the dealmaker from the hole in castle town cuz you have another file with it#... can you do that in chapter 2 files. if so then can you technically have the dealmaker while not having met spamton-#''player why is there a voice in my head telling me to be a big shot'' ''don't worry about it''#''i'm sparing you from having an existential crisis later-''
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badoccultadvice · 1 year
So like, I have been having this weird experience analyzing the Harry Potter books lately, and please indulge me while I talk about J.K. Rowling's weird writing.
My goal was simple: read the Harry Potter books to find which parts were influenced/inspired by actual magic that people do in real life. My theory was that there was a lot more magic in the earlier drafts of the books, and that she took a lot out due to fear of backlash from America's ongoing reenactment of the Satanic Panic. For instance it's quite obvious some of their magic lessons got dumbed down so that very little of what's in the books could actually be tried in real life, and I think she took out a lot of astrology.
I also wanted to do a couple errands along the way, one of which was to check and see if it's explicitly written in the books that Harry is a cis man. I'm a trans man, SO I'D KNOW. (I'm a slow reader so all I can say for now is: the FIRST book does not explicitly state Harry is cis, but if he's trans, there's some implied worldbuilding with items like the Sorting Hat that comes into play. Also I'm fairly sure the Dursleys would have gone along with him being trans because that meant Petunia could reuse Dudley's old clothes instead of having to get girl stuff. I'mma save any other explanations on the topic for a video on it.) The reason I'm doing this read-through is because I think J.K. doesn't know anything about trans people and didn't think to make sure her wizard world was trans exclusionary. AND IT TURNS OUT THAT WE TRANS MAGIC USERS HAVE A WAY OF WIGGLING INTO MOST PLACES UNDETECTED BY NORMAL MEANS.
While I was doing the re-read I encountered two sort of broad revelations:
There's a lot of old stuff in there like Latin and Greek and tradcraft stuff, but also modern magic of the more recent era... but the incorporation of modern magic cuts off somewhere before the 80s. These books read like they were written by a early 70s magician. Like they honestly read like J.K. is a magical practicioner who just didn't read any magic books written after 1972 and never discovered what Chaos Magic is, (and also, never heard of most of what happened in the Cold War). I have never found a writer, in fiction or non-fiction, more dedicated to referencing magical stuff that most magicians alive today just don't care about anymore.
J.K. Rowling's knowledge of child abuse laws and general social mores regarding treatment of children also ceased to update itself by about the 80s. I keep getting distracted by this and having to make more side-notes about corporal punishment and researching stuff like when caning was banned in England. (HInt: it was banned before Harry went to school, so in Book 1 it's fuckin weird that he assumes that Wood is the name of a cane he's about to be whipped with.) Like, this woman raised children in the modern era, she should know when canes stopped being used.
So like, when I mention that I'm doing some research in this area, this is the sort of stuff I'm reading for and the sort of stuff I'm encountering. I haven't been talking much about this journey because it seems like any time anyone brings up anything Harry Potter up whatsoever, we've got to talk about how J.K. is a terf in every other sentence. But like, y'all: I hope you slow down and re-read the books, because J.K. Rowling is a terf who is also a child abuse apologist and normalizer. She is a terf who is also a horrible fat-shamer. She is a terf who is also an ableist with a huge problem writing about mental illness. And she's a terf who's also a sexist who undermines feminism with her actual writing of female characters.
And I honestly think she double and triples down on the terf stuff so that people will only talk about that. I think it's worth talking about the fact that not only is she an awful person in the terf way, but like, every other way imaginable too. I think it's worth talking about the fact that with all the obvious biases she has, the group she CHOOSES to publicly marginaiize is trans women, and I think she makes that choice because she thinks that she'll get more allies that way. That if she wore all of her issues on her sleeve like she wears the terfness, that she'd lose a lot of allies, that a lot of prestigious charities would stop having anything to do with her. That she uses the identity of "terf" as a shield because she knows that certain people will protect a terf, and she does this specifically so people won't notice how much of a sexist, abuse apologist, ableist, fatphobe etc she ALSO is. Opinions that could lose her a lot of money and clout if people remember them enough.
She's trying to pick on who she thinks is the most unpopular kid in the class out of the hopes that the bullies in class will be her friends instead of pile up on her, but if the bullies knew what she really thought of them, THEY wouldn't even be her friends.
Also like... I just want someone else to read the actual words in these books and see what fucked-up choices she made as a writer. I think a LOT of people remembering these books are actually remembering the movies, which are way more different from the books than you might expect.
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thedreadvampy · 9 months
like clockwork someone who's been openly a sex pest for decades gets named as a rapist and sexual predator and we all get to play the hit parade with such classics as:
oh my god oh my god did you know this industry full of rich people who are rewarded for exploitative and abusive behaviour...has an issue with rape and abuse??? CAN YOU BELIEVE THERE'S ABUSE IN THIS INDUSTRY???? (yeah man we know. we've known for quite a while actually. for longer than I've been alive for sure.)
oh my god I can't believe there are rapists among us (1 in 3 women have experienced rape, who do you think is doing it?)
but he seemed so nice! (not really tbh)
well I met him and he never raped me and like, I'm really hot so if he was really a rapist he would have (Jesus fuck get help)
is it really rape to fuck 16 year old girls when you're in your 30s? (yeah it is if you fucking rape them mate)
can't believe everyone knew but never said!!! (they literally did say and also hey imagine if you will what reasons there might be too not say anything, such as, say, it's not your story to tell and the victim had expressed a wish to not be at the centre of a whole shitstorm)
Real Victims wouldn't go to journalists they'd go to the cops!!! (hey guys I have some upsetting news about the experience of reporting rape to the cops)
This is a conspiracy to make this irrelevant celebrity look bad! (please touch grass)
it's all just a bit of fun innit (no)
and every time we all over again have to go to this place where rape is simultaneously a significant threat and common experience (agreed) but also everyone who's ever talked about being raped is lying, and nobody's ever done a rape even if there's 20 years of documented evidence and on camera confessions and also their whole public persona is 'cheeky sex pest' (fucking. what?)
and then that guy hopefully gets cancelled and people feel a bit more guilty about watching him. and then they'll go HOORAY THE EVIL IS DEFEATED WE HAVE GOT RID OF THAT GUY THAT DID THE RAPES. OUR WORK HERE IS DONE. COMEDY/FILM/MUSIC/TV IS FREE OF PREDATORS NOW
and then 6.5 seconds later allegations will come out about someone else and we will start the whole thing again from scratch OH MY GOD CAN YOU BELIEVE THERE'S ABUSE IN THIS INDUSTRY???
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phantomspren · 2 months
I've been reading Sandman and these bios were in the back of Season of Mists and I thought y'all would enjoy them.
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bittersweetblasphemy · 3 months
the problem with writing a fantasy loosely based on a historical culture is you need to decide how "loose" you're willing to go. like yeah i know they didn't have silk but fuck you there's a literal god sitting right the fuck there and of course he would want that shit. but also would the protagonist know what the fuck a book is?
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juneviews · 6 months
bruh the more time I spend in this fandom, the more I realize how much of a dinosaur I am lmao. I was recommended joong's tiktok of trying a filter called "thai babe" with a bunch of actors and. tell me why off wasn't there. gun wasn't there. tay-everyone's-favorite-fucking-tawan wasn't there. new wasn't there. singto. even fluke natouch. not even my baby gawin??? likeeeeeeee... not only was I upset bc I would've NEVER been happy with any of the results, but it made me feel SOOOOOO old like bruh, the kiddos & me truly stan different people 😂
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kdsburneraccount · 11 months
What's something about your work that you're dying to talk about?
Ooh this is a very good question! Thought a lot abt it, sorry if the response is very delayed.
I think because I haven't posted fic in like... half a year my desire to overshare on my progress has kind of dried up. But I was recently reminded of this one WIP I had about Odell/Jarvis with the added element about the red string of fate so I'll talk about that (the closest I will get to working on it).
Basically it follows their lives from high school when they first met at some interstate tournament. I'm pretty sure it's all from Odell's POV, not sure why I chose to do that but it was probably because his experiences were more interesting to me at the time to narrate through. They meet and exchange phone numbers, thus establishing a friendship, and a kind of rapport over similar experiences.
(The way I set up red strings of fate is that people are able to see their own strings and who they're tied to, which is usually their soulmate. But they're not perfect and sometimes the strings can break because whoever they were linked to ended up forming a stronger emotional connection to someone else.)
So Odell's string breaks at some point and he's not really sure if it's his own fault, despite having never met whoever it was supposed to be. There's also the fact that his parents are separated and he's being aware of the fact that he might also be into guys, which factors into Odell feeling generally very hesitant about love. Especially because he's going to go to a D1 school on a scholarship, and something like that would be pretty heavily frowned upon. Something something the expectation of male athletes to be masculine and not be burdened by feelings. But Jarvis does make him feel better whenever they hang out, even if they live like 50 miles apart.
But anyways they both end up going to LSU and here is where I basically stopped outlining but it's good. It's just easy to hang out with Jarvis, and Odell may or may not develop feelings? But at the same time it seems like Jarvis has already found his soulmate, so yeah. Unrequited feelings. And they're roommates. I feel like I would've just inserted some moment where they're on the verge of acting on those feelings but. I didn't write that far. Also include the part where Odell practices how to one-hand catch bc that's important of course.
I feel like I would've explored a good amount about how the sudden fame in the NFL gets to Odell, and how Jarvis is there to ground him. But long story short is that a lot of things happen and eventually feelings are discovered and they get together but it takes a very long time. (Unfortunately everything besides the relationship is "canon compliant" in the sense that all the timeline events align so yeah) Uhh I think that their strings somehow become linked bc I was one of those people who didn't know how to subvert expectations. But that happens! Yeah. Nice to ramble abt something I haven't looked at in a while.
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bybdolan · 1 year
taylor fan brain rot is reading an article about the sexualization of young female celebs in the 2000s and immediately knowing that the very wise writer shaming that behavior is the woman who wrote Taylor's 2009 Rolling Stone cover story.
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thisgodwontforgiveyou · 10 months
finished da game my thoughts on the unofficial content reintroductions is that they were all good ideas and you can see how much better the game would have been if troika had actually finished it but unfortunately they were being implemented by moronic forum creatures with no ability to understand the concept of artistic intent or basic game design principles
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fceriestcrdst · 11 months
my autistic ass avoided watching the x-files because i knew it would consume me....
& now here i am fully consumed even though I've only watched the first few handful of episodes of s1 (i'm regaining spoons needed for media consumption), but let me tell you w h a t!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was so excited i started crying because it combines unbridled pining, a skeptic & her believer husband partner, true crime, weird mythology, aliens (which i already knew abt obvi), unlikely besties who are prepared to square up at all times (re; scully being cold towards the agents mocking mulder & mulder being ready to fight g o d whenever anything happens to scully).
i just love the show a lot & i expected this but goddamn!!!!!! it's wormed into my spin category & now my alien spin is returning along with my 'unexplained happenings spin!!!!! i'm being consumed i tell you!!!!
#i'm excited to watch the movies as well!!!#i'm a little nervous for s10 & s11 due to the time jump etc etc#so i may not watch those--but i intend on watching 1-9 & the films#tho i'll probably watch s1 - 5 & the watch the first movie. watch s6-9 & watch the last movie#i knew i would be consumed by the autistic coded FBI agents & their ufo sightings but DAMN YALL-----i started going bonkers#on dya fuckin' one & now they're all i can think about#maybe this is to fix the void i have due to w*tcher being a mess (I'm season 3 is good--i ma just petrified dfghkjldfh)#if this end sup in tags no it doesn't <3 but also if it does---don't follow me due to this post#i post a mishmash of stuff!#kylo rambles#kylo's audhd/disability posting#<- putting this there bc it just feels right to do so <3#the reminders im getting of like--the fucked up alien shit i know & ALSO 2 OF MY FAVORITE ALIEN CENTRIC MOVIES-#(those being close encounters of the third kind & starman)#i've gotta rewatch those now & c r y because those movies remind me of watching them in my grandmother's livingroom while my mom played-#-games on her pc. they also remind me of the summer nights i'd watch them back to back for days on end#god--for a 25 year old i talk like someone who gre wup in the 80s when i--alas did not---i grew up in the 200s but my parents#showed me a lot of 80s & 90s media so i feel more at home with those films & early 2000s films then i do most things from the 2010s#i'm talking a lot in tags--if you read all this--i'm so sorry. i don't know the art of shutting the fuck up#anyways; once again--if i end up in tags no i don't & don't follow me solely due to this post because i post a lot of stuff that's unrelate#to this (also please be above 18 if you're gonna follow me <3)
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magnetic-dogz · 2 years
I ngl get very concerned when I see people that were wayyy too young to actually witness 2000s internet back in the 2000s praise it super highly with zero acknowledgement of the very blatant racism, ableism, and homophobia that was prevalent back then.
I was around for the internet in the late 2000s and it was not all just Invader Zim MySpace glitter gifs, Windows XP, DeviantART, Nyan Cat (which I should add was actually created in 2011) and Evanescence Sonic AMVs on Youtube.
As a kid I saw tons of people online throw around the f slur and r slur like they were absolutely nothing, gay men and GNC men were mocked HEAVILY, very often in old fanart and flash animations. There were many memes online back then that mocked black people or featured racist caricatures (Shoop da Whoop/I'm Firin My Lazer literally originated from a blackface edit). And I don't think I need to mention, but I will anyway, that porn was way, WAYYY too accessible online.
Don't get me wrong as someone who grew up during the time I get nostalgic for it too, but it was not the golden age utopian state of the internet I've seen some kids online make it out to be.
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muirneach · 1 year
i got into new musicians mostly so i could actually attend concerts but they never come to my city so whats the point
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squid-bean · 1 year
I'm thinking too much about the fact that Lil' Judd was three months old at the start of Splatoon 2 and how Grizzco had just started conducting business when the game launched (or at least very recently). Coincidence??
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