#which turned out to be 98% accurate
mossmanismoss · 3 months
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Happy valentines day guys
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mysticstronomy · 5 months
Saturday, December 23rd, 2023
Welcome back,
Our solar system has been orbiting the Milky Way's black hole heart for 4.6 billion years. But it is hard to pin down exactly how many trips around the galaxy our sun has made during that time.
It can be hard to get your head around the fact that Earth is moving through space. But it is even stranger to realize that you are making two simultaneous journeys — around the sun and through the Milky Way.
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Just like the moon orbits Earth and our planet orbits the sun, our home star is also circling the Milky Way — or, more accurately, orbiting the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. The entire Milky Way is actually constantly spinning around our galaxy's black hole heart.
So exactly how many times has our solar system spun around the Milky Way's gigantic black hole heart? The answer isn't as simple to work out as it may first seem.
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Compared with the orbits of the planets around the sun, our home star's pathway through the Milky Way is inconceivably longer and much less stable, which makes it hard to calculate how many times we have rotated around the galaxy's center.
Using simple math can reveal how long it currently takes for the solar system to traverse our galaxy, which, in turn, can provide a good estimate of how many times our cosmic neighborhood has made the trip. But providing a more accurate answer is tricky.
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The sun and the rest of the solar system is currently traveling through our galaxy at around 448,000 mph (720,000 km/h), according to Live Science's sister site Space.com. This seems incredibly fast, but some stars in the Milky Way, known as hypervelocity stars, traverse the galaxy at up to 5.1 million mph (8.2 million km/h).
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At the sun's current speed, it takes around 230 million years for our home star to complete one trip around the Milky Way. That is longer than dinosaurs walked the Earth and more than 750 times longer than humans (Homo sapiens) have existed.
The sun is around 4.6 billion years old and Earth was born around 100 million years later, according to The Planetary Society.
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This means that if the sun's orbital pathway remained constant for all this time, it would have completed around 20 trips through our galaxy, and Earth would have been dragged along for around 98% of those trips.
However, the sun's orbit has not remained constant over its lifetime. Instead, our home star has likely moved around quite a bit since it first formed.
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"The sun was probably not born where we find it now," Victor Debattista, an astrophysicist at the University of Central Lancashire in the U.K. who specializes in galactic evolution, told Live Science. Instead, our home star was probably born much closer to the Milky Way's center, he added.
Originally published on Space.com
(Wednesday, December 27th, 2023)
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cupidjyu · 11 months
Hii!! Can you do a reaction for the 98 line where their s/o interacts with deobis and takes care of them/fangirls with them👉👈
your biggest fan
(98 line) when they catch you interacting with his own fans (request, so sorry for the late response!)
genre: fluff, you're very awkward, accurate depiction of a tbz concert from own experience, kisses, just good feelings? notes: totally unrealistic, but this is the type of delulu a fan feels everyday so i get it~ word count: 1.3k
“Has anyone seen Y/n?” He poked his head into their waiting room. Everyone looked up and simply shrugged.
He sighed, shaking his head as he walked back out into the hallway. He and the other members were preparing to perform their new song and you were nowhere to be seen.
He always loved to give you a sweet kiss before going on stage, claiming it was his “good luck charm.”
As he walked the hallways, he suddenly heard your voice. He followed it until he stopped right outside of one of the dressing rooms. It wasn’t a dressing room for his own group, in fact, it was for a whole other group. He raised an eyebrow.
When he peeked in, he noticed there were no other idols. It was just you and two stylists.
“Juyeon? Oh, yeah…” You sighed dreamily, looking off into space.
“He’s my favorite!” One of them spoke up. The other stylist practically screamed at his name being mentioned. Juyeon jumped. He always forgot that he was famous.
“Mine too,” She babbled while jumping up and down. “He’s so handsome.”
“Isn’t he?” He watched as you smiled, your eyes doing that thing where it would twinkle admiringly. “He’s really handsome. Especially… up close.” 
They gasped immediately at your words. “You met him?”
That was when you noticed your mistake and your eyes immediately widened. You had completely forgotten that your relationship was supposed to be private. You stuttered and quickly flailed your hands around in denial. 
“Uh– yes!” You exclaimed. “I was a… backup dancer once?”
“A stylist’s assistant and a backup dancer and met Juyeon up close?” The stylist gazed in awe. “That’s amazing.”
You laughed nervously and looked away. That was when your eyes met his when he was peeking through the door. You instantly stifled a laugh when you noticed that he was blushing.
“Really?” He complained after the stylists had left. “In front of other people? ‘Oh, he’s so, so, so, so handsome…’”
You shoved him with a pout. “I did not sound like that.”
“To me, you definitely sounded like you were in love,” He laughed, pulling you into a tight hug before kissing the top of your head.
You shrugged. “Maybe I am.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay backstage?” He frowned when you mentioned the idea of watching their performance in the audience. “It’s a little loud in the crowd.”
You shook your head stubbornly.
“I want to. I want to experience it, Kev.”
“Okay, okay,” He smiled, not being able to resist your sulkiness. He quickly pulled you into a kiss before waving and winking at you. “See you in the crowd then.”
“See you on stage!” You laughed back, blowing a kiss in which he shook his head at.
Luckily, you were placed in the crowd right next to the barricade. You had severely overestimated just how overwhelming it can be. Some fans were pushing you, some were screaming right in your ear, and one person had even fallen down for some reason. But, you stayed there, in hopes of seeing your boyfriend on stage, doing his job very, very attractively.
All of a sudden, you were startled by the people around you cheering and screaming extra loud, even waving their signs around. You looked around confused for a second but when you turned your attention back to the stage, you were surprised to see that it was Kevin.
He was crouching down, looking down at the crowd. He must have asked which section you were going to be in. Your eyes immediately lit up at the sight. He searched for a while before he finally caught sight of you.
He waved and he made half of a heart with his hands and mouthed the words, “I love you.”
You smiled dearly and completed it with yours. When you noticed that he was glaring at you with impatience, you snorted and finally mouthed “I love you” back.
The fans beside you looked at you with excitement and also a bit of jealousy. One of them nudged you.
“Oh my god,” She smiled. “He noticed you! You’re so lucky.”
“Of course he did.” You grinned cheekily with flushed cheeks.
You had ignored the weird look she gave you after.
One time, you had overheard another member mumbling to himself as he looked out the window.
“It’s so hot outside and they’re still waiting in line…” He frowned. All the fans were in fact, lined up to meet them, some fanning their faces and on the verge of fainting. You hummed when an idea popped up in your head.
Quickly, you grabbed the nearby pack of water bottles and headed outside. With a smile on your face, you began to give them out. Since you were wearing all black with a cap over your face, you almost looked like a staff member.
They all praised you with thank yous and grins.
“It’s so hot!” One of them exclaimed. “Take care of yourse–” It was then that she noticed that you had a necklace that Chanhee once gave you with his initials on it. Their eyes widened with astonishment. “You’re a fan of Chanhee?”
You gulped, slightly nervous.
“Uh– yes.” Definitely not. Dating him.
“Me too!” She suddenly screamed, holding up her sign.
“He’s cute isn’t he?” You winked, waving at her as you toyed with your necklace.
When you walked back into the building you were tackled with a warm hug, making you sweat more in the hot weather.
“I was wondering where you went,” He whined, peppering kisses all over your cheeks.
“I… I was handing out–” 
He giggled, shushing you with a press to your lips. “I know. Aren’t you so caring? He cooed, pinching your cheeks and making you whine. “And guess what?”
“I got you a matching bracelet.”
You gasped. And then you laughed anxiously. “Ha, oh wow.”
“Do you not like it?” He pouted.
You quickly shook your head. “I love it. But it very obviously shows that I’m yours…”
“Is that such a bad thing when I love you?” He smiled cheekily. You huffed but put it on anyway.
There was a cafe event themed just for him. Usually, you walked past these types of events, but for the sake of boredom, you decided to walk in and see what actually happens in these.
Firstly, you got a drink with his face on it. You giggled and took a picture to show him later. After, you decided to sit and admire the bright decorations when you noticed that you had sat next to a group of fans.
“You’re a fan of Changminie?” The young girl asked with a bright smile.
“No–” You were actually dating him but you paused, trying not to get attacked so you just nodded.
“Want to make a banner?” One of them asked. You were surprised at the kind invitation but you said yes anyway. You tried not to waste too much time on it, but it was no use. With the thought of him, you wanted to make it extra cute so you did. In fact, you put a lot of effort. A bit too much.
When you were finished, you admired your masterpiece. Large letters that said “I Love You!” and hand-drawn hearts all around decorated it. You then texted him to meet you outside, about a block away so you wouldn’t get caught.
When you met him, he immediately broke out into a bright smile.
“Hi!” He pressed a kiss to your cheek. “What’s this?” 
“I made a banner.” You smiled proudly, holding it up. He stared at it for a while, processing all the details and that you had made it specifically for him.
And then he burst out into adorable laughter and picked you up, spinning you around with a fond smile.
“You’re so adorable. I’m going to hang this up.”
Your cheeks flushed red.
“Please don’t.”
“Too late!” And he snatched it away.
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portsandstars · 2 months
Vere cosplay description/tutorial continued part two (belt edition).
If you made it this far, GREAT!!! You're doing fantastic.
My interpretation of his waist/below
I chose to make the belt into a skirt, rather than the whole thing as a dress. This seemed a lot easier to me than trying to combine things further, and honestly I'd definitely recommend this. I made the belt pattern by covering my torso in Saran wrap, tape (masking or duct tape) drawing the belt shape on my torso, and then cutting it out. Note that your front and back of your torso may differ in shape, so I'd reccomend drawing where your belly button is.
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I then cleaned up the lines and made it into a pattern piece. Make sure it's symmetrical.. and ADD SEAM ALLOWANCE! If you're not impatient AF then I'd reccomend tracing your tape pattern onto paper so it's actually flat.
It's important for this belt to be SO STRONG because it's going to be under a LOT of strain during the day due to how it's tight and where it is on the body. Maybe it's overkill but I cut out a front and back piece(so my pattern x2), interlining, and added cotton underlining for strength to both the front and the back pieces.
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1. make ur pattern with Saran wrap and tape
2. Clean up your pattern
3. Iron all your fabric and cut out your pattern (2 x of pattern, 2x of underlining cotton, 1x of interlining)
4. Staystitch and zigag fabric (except not the pleather bc we don't care Abt it as it doesn't fray)
5. Attach your interfacing to the cotton (front side cotton) and then baste the cotton to the pleather (front and back). So now you have 2 pieces of the belt, inside and outside piece.
6. Make the pattern for the strips of leather on the front. You should trace your belt pattern and then draw on the strips onto this tracing. They can't be straight lines bc this belt is a C shape tbh, and so they are almost like mini belt patterns. Don't forget seam allowance for their hems!
7. Sew these straps to the outside piece. If you have an idea for the metalic front belt details it would be great to attach them here in this step but I didn't bc I didn't have a good idea (might get them 3d printed though).
8. Freestyle some pockets bc ur gonna rly want some on the inside. I made one the size of my phone as well as credit cards.
9. Sew the pockets to the inside of the belt piece.
10. Put right sides together and sew the top seam of the belt together (seam by your belly button). Belt is like )( now. clip this inner seam.
11. One option you have is to now hem the bottom of the outside and the inside. In this case, you would put the pleated hanging fabric between these two layers and then topstitch it down. This isn't what I did but it'd look better imo than having it hand stitched to the inside. If you don't want to finish it this way, keep the right sides facing each other , sew the bottom hem, and then turn inside out. This will not be possible if you've added stiff belt details btw.
12. Figure out your pleating. I did this by pinning my fabric to my waist while was wearing shorts and seeing what density of pleats looked like and how it compared to what I wanted. It'll depend on how translucent your mesh/tulle is. You can do a small section, and then extrapolate. For me, I did a test of 17.5 cm of freehand pleating which I discovered was 98 cm of fabric (unpleated). As I needed the top pleated edge to be 44.5 cm long, that was-250 cm of fabric for EACH SIDE. These side skirt things are REALLY awkward bc you need all this pleating at the top to get the look but at the bottom, it's supposed to be little wider than a foot or so. Below I demonstrated my end shape with paper. You start with the wide top for the pleating, and the bottom the ending width you want it to be. Then, place weights at the corners and bring up the edges. Cut off the excess. Pleat the top edge as you would normally ignoring the odd shape and it should work out. The proportions in the bottom image is NOT ACCURATE Bc the top edge should be 250 cm and the bottom edge like.. 40 cm.
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13. personally I just sewed the pleats to some small strips to keep everything together and then handsewed them to the inside of the belt (with my arm insidethe belt, like a pillowcase). But like I said, you could easily add them into the seam of the belt for a neater look.
14. Add your black gauze in here. Tbh it doesn't need a weird shape it can just be a rectangle that you pleat
15. I placed an unpleated mesh pannel behind the pleating and sewed small tacks throughout so the fabric stayed pulled back to the side. It felt too skirt like (?) Without this and more puffy, too. You don't have to do this but it was my solution and was pretty unobtrusive.
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16. Hand fix your chains in. The cotton is also important for supporting these bc they're heavy af. I used chandelier chains, and I'd reccomend getting some where the links are NOT welded shut or it will be difficult to adjust the length of the chains without heavier duty metal working equipment.
17. Add in some structure! If the belt is an open pillowcase, this goes where the pillow would. I used a stiff plastic folders (below) cut into shape (smaller than the pattern by a bit so it doesn't mess with seam allowances). This gives your belt SO MUCH HEFT and is great!! You could also use foam too! Highly reccomend!
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18. Add a closure. Personally I used a zipper, but a corset back would work great too especially if you fluctuate size. We don't see his back yet so you can do what you want lol.
19. Personally I added some wire to the bottom hem of the tulle to help it be straight and hang better with the weight but I didn't really like how this turned out.
Just for posterity, here's the pattern I made for the legbands. They're prettttty close but not SUPER close. I'd recommend covering your leg in ductape and having yourself or someone else try to draw the shapes in a mirror. It's wack AF though so I thought seeing what mine looks like laid flat might help you.
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dameronalone · 7 days
The post you just reblogged about infantilizing autistic characters and specifically Steven Grant is actually one of my favorite things ever and I wished people talked about it more. I remember watching MK when it first came out and seeing Steven and being like omg he’s just like me!! because a lot of the times I don’t really connect with autistic characters for one reason or another but seeing Steven and seeing him have the same mannerisms and characteristics as me was so so wonderful and the fandom was great at first and it seems like the more time passes and the farther we get from when the show stopped having new episodes, he gets characterized so differently than how he was in the show. Like yeah he was awkward and unsure around Layla but also look at the circumstances!! Everyone’s turned him into an uwu baby child and forget that he got angry and he was smart and he was brave and he was an adult man and not a child regardless of him being autistic. Idk, I just really liked that post and I was so glad to see someone on the same page as me and I wanted to share my thoughts lmao
dearest anon you are more than welcome to come in my inbox and talk abt Steven, autism, and how irritating fandom ableism is, because I'm always ready to talk about any of it. I'm glad that you felt seen by my frustration! a lot of times I'll mention it or even post about it and it's like yelling into the void
I think the wonderful thing about Steven is that he feels so authentically autistic, him and Marc both (and im assuming Jake as well, but it's just too soon to tell in which ways he will experience/be visibly autistic) and I think that's both the uprising and the downfall of it because in not using the word "autistic" in the show it paves the way both for genuine connection AND the surface level ableist "aw steven" mentality we see a lot now
i was watching the first two episodes the other day, mostly because I'm rewatching for Steven- an aside, but fandom had honestly put me off Steven. ofc I loved him so much but I couldn't truly connect because the (imho) accurate Steven that I liked to think about and analyze is NOT the Steven we see in 98% of fanfiction or tumblr posts. but anyway I was watching the first two episodes and I gotta say, for as much nervous stuttering as he does in fanfiction, he really- listen I think he does a reasonable amount of nervous stuttering when he is IN truly stressful situations that have him completely off kilter.
you can't really script your way out of a conversation with a creepy guy trying to tell you abt his lord and savior ammit the croc
anyway. all this to say, I completely understand where you're coming from and I'm really glad you felt seen in my own frustration. it's always validating to see someone else verbalizing a deep rooted but glossed over issue that bothers you
just!! reiterating your point!! he's knowledgeable!!! he's angry!!! he's incredibly brave!!!! he's not afraid to stand up to Marc or khonshu or harrow or anybody!!!! he's an adult man with a job and a place to live!!! that doesn't make him any better or worse than someone who may not have a job BUT people just love to turn autistic ppl into helpless little uwu babies and its SO obnoxious and irritating and insulting. he IS capable!! Steven is SASSY he is a BITCH he fantasizes about killing his boss!!!!! he bargined the world for marc (and his) freedom!!!! hello?????
steven would not like the majority of the people who claim to like him..
at any rate lmao. my inbox is always open!! happy to talk 🫶
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Finding SV Character Heights Part 1
Procrastination leads to wonderful places, and for me that's "hey what if I could get rough estimates for canon heights using the ingame models?" So I did! Unfortunately, this post got long so I only included the heights of a few major characters for now. Teachers, Gym Leaders + League, and Team Star will be in separate posts!
Protagonist: 5'0" Nemona: 5'8" Penny: 5'1" Arven: 5'7" Clavell: 5'7" Sada: 5'9" Turo: 6'1"
I used imageJ / Fiji for analysis and some screenshots from MunchingOrange's playthrough of the game on youtube. I explain the process and attached all the screenshots under the cut so you can judge the legitimacy of my "math" yourself!
A quick overview of how I did this: there's a (free to use) software called Fiji made for processing images (google Fiji ImageJ and it'll be the first link). It's used in a lot of data analysis, which is mostly what I use it for, but it has some fun features to play around with too. (if people want a tutorial lmk I'd be happy to write one up). The most important part for our purposes is the measure function-- if you draw a line on an image, it will tell you how long that line is in pixels. This line can be straight, curved, angled in any direction, or even multi-segmented, making it pretty good for comparing things. Then all I had to do was get images of characters standing next to each other-- from there I could transitive property my way to the height of every character in the game!
First step was getting a good basis for comparison-- I can easily get ratios of character heights but without at least one confirmed height I can't translate it into real world metrics. Since the characters themselves don't have canon heights, it had to be a pokemon. This introduced another problem, which is that in SV, pokemon are varying sizes within a species, so I can't count on the overworld models to work. Plus, some of them aren't even accurate!
However, there was one pokemon I could compare to the protagonist pretty easily whose height was a little less skeptical: the main legendary (koraidon in my case). A few cursory comparisons led me to guess that Koraidon's 8'2" "height" is measured from head to toe while standing in apex form. Anything else gives heights of characters that make zero real world sense so this is what I went with in the end. Thus we get the screenshot that starts it all!
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Koraidon's head is bowed, but this was the closest I could get so I guesstimated that the top of the blue ridges was about where Koraidon's head would be. Knowing that Koraidon is 8'2", we get the following heights:
Koraidon: 536 pixels - 98 inches - 8'2" Protagonist: 328 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Nemona: 372 pixels - 68 inches - 5'8"
Thus far it looks like we're on the right track! Assuming the protagonist is 14 and Nemona is 16/17, these heights seem pretty normal. Knowing the protagonist's height gives us the ability to find out most other characters, so we're off to a good start!
(side note: the calculation I used to turn pixels into inches was pixels1 / inch1 = pixels2 / inch2. The pixels we can get from the lines on the images, and the inches we know from Koraidon's pokedex entry, so we just solve for inch2)
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Next up is Clavell (mostly because he showed up first). Something interesting is that he's actually slightly shorter than Nemona, you can see it in the first cutscene in front of Nemona's house (i can add a screenshot in the reblogs / replies but didn't want to clog the post with another image). From this image, we can find:
Protagonist: 685 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Clavell: 769 pixels - 67 inches - 5'7"
You heard it here first, the director is a short king
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Next up is Arven!
Protagonist: 782 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Arven: 880 pixels - 67 inches - 5'7"
(The math actually says Arven is 5'7.5", but I'm not bothering with decimals. This makes him sliiiiiiightly taller than Clavell)
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Penny is seen angled from the protagonist in her intro scenes, so I skipped all the way to her boss battle to find a good screenshot. To my surprise, she's actually slightly taller than the protagonist!
Protagonist: 368 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Penny: 376 pixels - 61 inches - 5'1"
(Side note 2: Characters are measured from their heels to the crown of their head-- if they have really big hair it doesn't count as part of their height)
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Last one in this round is the professor (Sada in my case, as I'm using a Scarlet playthrough for screenshots). I'm gonna assume that the AI and Professor are the same height for this
Protagonist: 507 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Sada: 584 pixels - 69 inches (nice) - 5'9"
Turo forced me to use a different playthrough to grab a screenshot, which used a female protagonist. I'm fairly positive that the male and female protagonist models are the exact same height (if not the exact same model) so I don't think there's any snags with this, but if anyone knows otherwise lmk. Btw, I used the playthrough by Rubhen925 for this screenshot!
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Protagonist: 501 pixels - 60 inches - 5'0" Turo: 611 pixels - 73 inches - 6'1"
Turo is pretty damn tall :0 !
This post is getting absurdly long, so I'm going to make separate posts for the League / Gym Leaders, Team Star, and the teachers! Hope you've enjoyed, and if there's any specific trainer class or other character you wanna know the height of just lmk :) I also plan on making a post of some more silly measurements (like the exact dimensions of Penny's backpack, the proportion of Geeta's height that's just her legs, the size of Arven's camping bag and whether or not his friends could reasonably curl up inside, etc)
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ramshacklefey · 1 year
When you want to dispel disinformation, focus on positives and shared values.
Part of the training for my new job (teaching sex ed to middle and high school students) included a short class on how to deal with disinformation. The class was taught by a woman who has spent her entire career doing PR work for political campaigns at high levels of government, and one of the things she had to say really stuck with me, because it's relevant to so many parts of my life:
If you're trying to correct a narrative or fight disinformation, you have to focus on positive information and the values you share with other people.
Why is this so important? Well, it turns out that human brains do a funny thing when you present them with a negative statement: they remember all the words except the "not." This means that if you show up and tell someone, "Trans women are not predators," the things their brain is going to hang onto from that is the association between the words "trans woman" and "predators." The "not" just gets tossed out. If you say, "Sex ed is not grooming," the association between "sex ed" and "grooming" sticks in their brain. The "not" goes away.
The same thing goes for any other disinformation you're trying to combat. You can write an entire essay telling someone why such-and-such is false, but what they're going to come away remembering is all the claims you told them were false, rather than the fact that they're false.
So, what to do instead?
Focus on presenting the right information. "Sex ed helps kids stay safe and gives them the language they need to communicate to trusted adults if something bad is happening," is an effective statement. It gives a person's brain a positive association to put with the concept "sex ed."
Look for opportunities for "Yes, and-" statements. Chances are, there are fundamental values that you and others agree on. You can build from these fundamental values! If someone says they want to protect children, you can say, "Yes, me too! And that's why I want them to have access to accurate information."
Related to this: telling people that they are being disingenuous about their values is never going to help. You may be able to see clearly that there's a contradiction between the values someone expresses and the policies they advocate for or the actions they take. But their beliefs are probably in earnest. By focusing on "Yes, and-" statements, you show them that you agree with their fundamental beliefs. You've just got a different way of acting on them. They may not immediately change their mind, but it opens the door for them to see another way of acting on their convictions.
Remember that most people who believe disinformation campaigns are being misled by a vicious minority with a specific agenda. There are a small number of conservative groups who are desperately trying to hang on to power. Most people disagree with them, but these groups are working hard to make it seem like that's not the case. By dispersing fear and disinformation widely, they create an atmosphere in which their accusations and lies seem to be coming from everywhere.
Spread the truth about what most people believe. 98% of Americans are in favor of sex ed being taught in schools. The majority of Americans support abortion rights, queer rights, etc. Spreading these facts helps make it more obvious that disinformation is coming from a small, but vocal, number of voices, and there isn't a mass consensus about it. Realizing where these lies are coming from helps people start questioning the motives of those who are spreading it.
If you find good infographics about these topics, ones that follow the suggestions above, save them! When you see disinformation being spread on social media, rather than needing to type out an entire reply, just post the infographic. People are more likely to see it and retain that information than they are to read a long essay anyway.
Post and share positive information. People need to see positive information being shared actively! You don't even need to connect that information to the lies you've seen. Just say the truth.
I hope that this helps any of you who are out there struggling with how to handle all of this shit going on. I love you all.
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gamebunny-advance · 4 months
Kun3h0 Accessories DLC + Patch Notes v.1.0.1
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GAB accessory
Karrot-98 accessory
Updated top.
Fixed hair bug. (Hair would easily slip off model.)
Minor improvements.
(More pics and notes under the cut.)
So I finally finished up Kun3h0's accessories and fixed up her top.
So, we've got her GAB and her drill, the Karrot-98.
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GAB started out as this little dino thing that I just cut up and sculpted onto.
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The original plan was to sculpt onto the original arms after I cut off the wings, but they kept bumping into the head, so I opted to completely resculpt them.
Now they can still turn their head, but that's the only point of articulation. I really should have sanded it more, you can really see the texture still in the clay, but such as it is.
The collar isn't the most elegant thing in the world, but at least it's there~ It's also disappointing that I couldn't get the edges of her screen completely straight and even, but it is what it is.
Overall, I think it's a decent recreation of the original design, even if the purples aren't quite right.
I should take a pic of them next to my other GAB recreations so y'all can really see the difference in scale. I believe this is the smallest GAB I've made so far, and also the only one that has the big heart-shaped tail~
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Next is the Karrot-98, Kun3h0's magical drill. I don't have any "before" pictures, but it's made from another accessory that came with the doll, a little clay, and a piping tip that I had lying around + extras.
I don't have a set design for the Karrot yet, so I just kinda painted it with colors I already mixed. When Kun3h0's holding it, it does kinda get lost in the pinks of her outfit, but by itself I think it looks fine. If I come up with a better color scheme for it, then maybe I'll repaint it.
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Next, I completely re-did her top. This time, I doused all the fabric in fray-check first to keep it from pulling apart while I was sewing it together, and I completely redid the sleeves. Originally, I had painted the arm guards onto the sleeves because I didn't think of any other way to do it. This time I tried making them with craft foam to better replicate that they're supposed to be two different materials. I'd say it was mostly successful.
Since it's kind of a pain to slip the sleeve into the guards, I don't have any pics of the top without them on, but the sleeves are more form fitting, so the top looks more like a proper tracksuit without the guards on. It's a slightly better look than the original IMO, but it's still not perfect: the guards are basically like a Miku sleeve, so you can still see into them even though the only opening is supposed to be through the cuff (which are barely visible in this pic, but they can stick out for a more accurate look.)
I would show the new top next to the old one, but I kinda destroyed the old one trying to test ideas for this new one XP (in fact, the collar IS from the old one, I just ripped it off and reapplied it to this one).
Lastly, I fixed her wig a little bit.
I don't have pics of it, but I just stuck some velcro to her scalp and the inside of the wig, so now it should stop slipping off while still being removable.
I'm just against completely gluing it down because I still have a lot of yarn left from this project, so I would eventually like to make her some alternate hairstyle wigs just to use up the yarn.
Now I feel pretty confident in saying that she's actually "done." There are a few places that I could touch up with paint, but as for "making" anything else for this doll, I did everything I really wanted to do.
Admittedly, Kun3h0 is one of my most self-indulgent designs (as though everything I make isn't in some way self-indulgent), so to have a physical object which embodies so much of what I like, truly satisfies me. We'll see if I still feel that way about her a week from now, but at the moment, she is the culmination of almost every creative skill I have, and I'm very pleased with the results of that effort, more so than possibly anything else I've ever made~ <3
I may post more pics of her when I can actually dedicate some time to making a proper scene and/or backdrop. There's a lot of little details that I like that I haven't really taken pics of. I dunno if I have the courage to do it, but it'd be cool to take some pics in an actual arcade with her~
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walleeli · 8 months
Want to discuss something about Stampede that’s been plaguing me. SPOILERS for both Trigun Stampede and Trigun Maximum incoming…
I’ve seen a couple posts recently where people have said that Vash’s characterization in Stampede as having always been a goody-two shoes worsens his character (or like, makes it flat or boring or whatever.) and tbh I totally agree. HOWEVER COMMA. I don’t think it will end up having been accurate of him in the adaptation as we continue. And I think its possible it isn’t true now if you happen to know exactly what to look for… this is about to get long.
So I got into Trigun as a whole just a few months ago. And my experience was I watched 98, then tristamp, and THEN read trimax. So that’s my frame of reference and the order in which I experienced the different characterizations.
I want to talk about this scene at the beginning of episode 12 of tristamp.
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Because when I first saw it, heard it, I figured it was Vash speaking. And when it panned out to reveal Knives
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I was surprised. And a little confused. It didn’t line up with what I, at the time, thought to be true of their characters. The more clear cut “good” and “evil” being the only version I’d ever really experienced. (Maybe 98 did a better job with Vash’s characterization as a child than I am remembering??? But I feel like it was pretty similar to tristamp??? Could absolutely be wrong but either way the point stands that based on my memory at the time the scene was odd to me.)
The scene is so brief and there’s so much other shit going on in the rest of the episode that it left my mind pretty quickly. Until I was reading through Vash and Knives’s backstories in trimax and texting my brother about how I had no idea how deep Vash’s character was in the source material. It was at that point that I told him I was honestly kind of miffed with the handling of his character in Stampede, as I felt it did a disservice to him. And he actually was the one to remind me that Orange has already demonstrated an enjoyment of unreliable narration in tristamp. Specifically I am thinking of hearing in episode 1 that Vash gave Knives the code he needed to take down the SEEDS ships vs seeing in episode 11 that he didn't give it to him for that purpose AT ALL and also the ending of episode 8 showing young teen Knives as scowling and standing tall vs episode 9 showing him rattled and on his knees (obviously we also still get the scowling later but YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. PROBABLY.)
Anyways my brother and I kept talking about it and I was saying it's still weird that we see all those scenes of Vash being this like. Happy-go-lucky kid when that's not what you get from trimax until after the blank ticket talk. And he suggested what I am currently choosing to believe to be true: the sequence of events has been reordered. And flashbacks we get of like, their first birthday and stuff, actually take place after they find Tesla. (In Stampede’s canon I mean.)
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This is the only other time we see kid Vash seeming more closed off/somber/whatever. Obviously Knives has already taken some sort of turn. He’s certainly not in finger guns mode anymore LMAO.
Obviously this is just wild and maybe ungrounded speculation at this point. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Orange pulls the rug out from under us a bit in season 2. And I sincerely hope they do.
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scalamore · 1 year
Novel Excerpt - Ch 98
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Disclaimer: Translation is my own. Not 100% accurate. Please don't repost to tiktok/IG/Novelupdates etc. ---- Rupert was stunned. As soon as he left the bathroom, his face instantly heated up as if it was on fire. It was burning so much that it contrasted with his pale skin, which surprised him. He looked down at his hand - even the back of his hands had turned red. He looked back at the bathroom door and walked away from it. Something like the Emperor's death had long been blown out of his mind. An awkward cough rang out as he cleared his throat, and he wrapped his hands around his neck and slowly sat down on the sofa. His sitting posture seemed weird. He crossed his legs, but his legs, which normally twisted well, didn't seem to cross properly, so he untangled them and sat up straight. "Ah. hm. "
Since he normally doesn't sit so rigidly, he must've looked strange. He picked up a cushion and placed it on his leg, and even that seem awkward as well and removed it. He crossed his legs to the other side and stood up. He sat down again, and now even sitting normally felt difficult to do properly.
Every time he heard the sound of running water - he couldn't even hear it properly - his mind blanked out.
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It seemed he had completely forgotten how to sit still. Rupert sat straight on the sofa, waiting for Lariette to come out. It seemed like she would finish soon, but she stayed in the bathroom for quite some time, making him go crazy. He knew how disrespectful he was. If he was an ordinary young nobleman and not the crown prince, he might have been summoned by her father and slapped five times or so in the face, and then apologize with a large gift. If he was a conservative Southerner, it wouldn't have been incorrect to propose then and there. But Rupert wasn't concerned about Count Belois. Instead, it was an image like a painting that couldn't be erased even during an earthquake. A pure white, round...something like twinkling lights reflecting off her wet body. He closed his eyes and trembled alone in the gloomy darkness. Her brown hair, dangling and heavy from the water, looked warm, just like a lush summer tree. He thought it was very soft to the touch - when was the last time he touched it?
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Rupert squeezed his eyebrows with his hand and sighed.
She's sixteen.
He already knew that a long time had already passed since she became his lady in waiting at the Imperial Palace, but he felt it again. It was now vaguely clear why the Count had displayed that sort of behavior to him with the marriage talks. He was warning him to not covet her. During his stay at Belois, Rueprt received such warnings a dozen times.
"Don't covet my daughter".
That wasn't an attitude a Count could take towards the Crown Prince. But Rupert endured the Count's arrogance since it didn't have anything to do with him. Of course, he won't let her go easily even if the Count tried to get her to leave with his own hands because she belonged to him. Even Lariette, the person involved, wasn't completely unaware of his possessiveness, but it was something different than what the Count was wary of.
He had thought so, since he never felt any sort of special emotions while he looked at her innocent smile.
It was just annoying, and he wondered why his feelings were wavering with useless emotions right now.
Ah. You'll smile when you see this flower. You'll feel sorry for that child's skinny arms, and sympathize with them, even without knowing about them.
He found out naturally. When she emerges from the bathroom, she'll be red and blue and angry at him. She wouldn't even consider why he ran into the bathroom in the first place. He heard a scream, so he thought an assassin sent by the Empress was lying in wait. Even though he knew the alchemic defense he created was perfect, in that moment, he completely forgot what the room beyond the door was used for because of his worry. The alchemy circle Rueprt engraved on Lariette's body was a powerful spell with meticulous and delicate calculations, but he doubted whether she could properly manifest it during times of danger. It was natural he couldn't take his eyes off her, as he had entrusted her with the equivalent of giving a giant axe to a child to protect herself. He justified his mistake that way and calmed his beating heart. Just as his head cold down and his heart was beating normally, he heard the sound of Lariette opening the bathroom door. Rupert didn't look back, and the thumping sound came back as if he had some kind of unknown disease.
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bright-and-burning · 3 months
9, 29, and 98 for the ask game!
9. favorite smell in the summer?
oh my god when a summer storm’s just passed through and you step outside and you can feel your hair curling up further and the world just smells fresh and new? literally would fix me right now. i also like the way skin smells after a hot day at the beach (which sounds weird) but just like . that sun screen-y smell mixed with the smell of a lake (or the salt of the ocean) mixed with a little bit of sweat from sitting in the sun? yeah..
29. best way to bond with you?
honestly? any way. all of my current friends i made by like. literally being locked in together during covid (which is why we are ride or die for the rest of time. i have been in metaphorical places with these mfs that i would not return to with a gun). i do love a little mutual info dump if we rule out mutual suffering as a bonding activity tho. watching shitty (or not so shitty as long as i’m still allowed to talk thru it if we’re home) tv/movies together. irl i LOVE just like. sharing spaces w people. parallel play… i miss hanging out in the library or my living room at night all working on different things at the same time so bad.
98. favorite historical era?
oh my gooood i actually have sooo many feelings abt this. fun fact i have plotted out and done the research for an insanely historically accurate fic taking place over the course of two decades starting in 1899 that i then lost the hyperfixation for . baby come back to me… me personally i have THE hair texture + color and then also kind of the face for like turn of the century late 1890s/very very early 1900s nyc vibes. and im more than a little obsessed with the art and fashion from that era like i want to get into historical dress making so bad. so probably then for me. but having grown up on like late 40s early 50s mgm musicals that era’s fashion and that kind of technicolor flare also has a DEEP hold on me. big colorful skirts… i also just think that like 50s a-line dress works extremely well w my ⏳ shape lol (modern man from on the town is a deeply problematic number for several reasons but it also has possibly the fit of the century. that green dress captivated me then and it still captivates me now; see photos) this is a really fashion oriented answer rather than politically or historically informed (like . the politics of being a woman in 1899 or 1947 or whatever makes those distinctly Not my favorites) but that’s what i know best in terms of history LOL
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weird asks
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claudiacojo · 1 year
WARNING: SPOILERS FOR THE 12TH EPISODE OF TRIGUN STAMPEDE ✋🏻 so if you haven’t watched it you can skip this
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How are you all feeling about the last episode (for now at least) of Trigun Stampede?? I, to be honest, ABSOLUTELY loved it. Everything was perfect, the animation was amazing and i am really pumped up about what it’s going to happen next. I can’t really come up with accurate theories of some sort because i haven’t watched the ‘98 version and neither did i read the manga (i also am fully aware about the fact that some details in the remake are much different from the manga and the other version) but i know bits and pieces so SOMEHOW i can think of a few things that could most likely happen. not that it matters anyways, you could still basically say that i am clueless about most things.
BUT ANYWAY. I would still like to talk about what happened in this episode and to share my honest opinion on things because why not.
First of all, a moment of appreciation for our beloved Vash for quite literally kicking Nai out of the portal/dimension or whatever that was. Pretty badass if i do say so myself.
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Second of all, let's all thank Meryl for basically saving Vash <3. That was such a beautiful scene, him running towards Rem's voice and then suddenly changing to Meryl's yelling his name and boom, he's back.
Pretty irrelevant, but, as i said earlier, i haven’t read the manga but when Vash returned from that “trance” with his original hair (that, i know) and with his clothes all dark i suddenly remembered how i actually saw a post on here the other day (i think it was headcanons and how protective he would be of you) saying something among the lines “if someone were to hurt you he would turn into Dark Vash” (where the person writing the headcanon actually mentioned the fact that it is basically the same as Hatsuharu from Fruits Basket turning into Dark Haru which i found pretty amusing 🫶🏻😭) and it got me thinking if Dark Vash is a real thing in the manga 😭 I really need to at least watch the other version after exams because i am in desperate need of more information about not only this, but of Trigun in general.
Next, I ADORED the fighting scenes between Vash and Nai. I mean, yeah, it still kind of hurt to see them fighting like that because i knew that Vash usually means no harm, especially to his brother… but nonetheless i still pretty much enjoyed it. Sending much love to the animators because they DEVOURED, literally.
Another thing that i couldn’t help but find adorable was the fact that Nicholas somehow always managed to save Meryl, which i was 100% grateful for. We love a trustworthy boi.
Leaving these aside, (hoping that I hadn’t left out any important details) i just want to know if i am the only one thinking that maybe Nai is not actually dead?? 😭😭 I feel like he somehow is still somewhere, you know?? Just a thought. Aaaand, now that we’re talking about his death, i was IN FULL CRY watching this scene but not because i was pitying that man but because Vash was completely hurting out there and his screams hurt me so much (he deserves the whole world) 😭 Can’t help but think that he blames himself for his brother’ death although if you think about it, it was not his fault at all?? Like, Vash was desperately trying to convince Nai to move away because he could die but Nai was just too stubborn and powerstruck and while he was at it i don’t think he realized he the danger he put himself in, even though his face was kind of saying that he clearly knew what he got himself into (not that i mind that he’s dead tho….🫴🏻) 😭 I don’t know if this makes much sense but let’s continue.
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Another thing is that i don’t think Vash and Nicholas are dead. The ending and that entire explosion caused by that cube, i think?? made people think that they both died, but LISTEN. You saw how Meryl was alive, right?? And at some point when Meryl almost fell off a building Nicholas caught her and i think they both remained where they were?? Or i think they ran off somewhere on a pretty tall building so i’m thinking maybe the explosion didn’t get to them because they were pretty far up 😭😭 i don’t really know for sure because i was teary eyed and everything was blurry lmaoooo. Anyways, my point is that, if Meryl appeared at the end then clearly they both survived, right? Like if they were to die we would’ve gotten a pretty dramatic and emotional scene but we got nothing which leads me to this conclusion.. Now that we got them ‘covered’, let’s talk about how i think Vash is alive as well, even though it is pretty obvious that he’s not dead given the fact that it is only the 12th episode and he’s the main character after all.. (not trying to say that main characters can’t die because i’ve seen it happen on multiple occasions but we’re not going to talk about that 😔) And, at the very end there was this guy named “Eriks” which i am 100% sure it’s Vash (the long hair and the fact that he was next to a piano gave it away) but only with a “code name” so that people don’t know who he is because Vash is known and hated for basically killing off all (or almost all) of JuLai so it’s understandable why he changed his identity 😭😭😭😭 poor guy.
Again, i hope there were no details that i left out because i really want to say how happy I am about the fact that we are getting MILLY FREAKING THOMPSONNNN 🫶🏻 I feel like she's such a nice person and i can't wait to see her in action in the second season. (irrelevant again but please don't tell me that i am the only one thinking that one of the two voices in the background after the outro was Milly 🤨 that woman's voice just gave off major Milly vibes, i don't know man...)
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I think that was all for now folks, this was nice to write. I actually am never the one to write my opinions on stuff but this time i felt like sharing 😭
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This picture is so cute man, i love them so much. <3 hoping to see them very soon 😭🫶🏻🤞🏻
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switch · 8 months
I just want vlad to be good and the way I can seek them doing that is similar to how they do mash where certain ascensions offer different skills. With one for vlad that allows the true power of the vampire with all the lore they’ve built up, because that 30% atk defense boost is bullshit and should be higher, and his bond ce should also be overhauled to be more accurate
a separate Dracula form would be sick and i’d absolutely love it, but like i said, Vlad is already S-tier. he is good, he’s extremely good. the only unit better than him at his job in sheer numbers is Kriem, and that’s because she’s part of the new “trend” of high SE damage mod units. but she’s also storylocked, and the absolute requirement of using georgios’ NP for her does cause difficulty to arise in the scenarios of fights where full command card chains are needed as the result of some gimmick (e.g. cernnunos), which both leaves Vlad with more flexibility and more freedom to get copies of him. his bond CE absolutely needs to be overhauled, yeah. 98% of the other servants’ do as well, unfortunately.
30% defense mods are the standard for 3 turns, no one’s broken that as far as i’m aware unless they’re a defensive unit who gets two separate defense buffs. the only higher defense mods are on 1 turns, or 3 times, which i don’t think he needs in conjunction with his double guts and heavy castoria (and therefore invuln) usage. now, melusine does have a 40% attack on 3 turns, so you could argue about bumping vlad’s to that as well.
in terms of lore, i do think the main thing vlad needs at this point is pierce invuln/defense. it’s silly that he still doesn’t have it, and none of his primary supports can give it to him. in terms of gameplay synergy, he objectively does not synergize with his own NP’s starbomb due to not having a star absorb, which is sort of a glaring omission and makes the starbomb awkward to use.
now, i’m being kind of pedantic, but i do get what you’re ultimately saying. Vlad is very good, but he’s not Stupid 2020’s Era Levels of Busted like melu, kriemhild, draco, etc etc. he’s S tier, but he’s not S++ tier, and dracula vlad has an excuse to be and it’s fun to think about.
the best way to go about making Vlad modern FGO levels of busted would be giving him SE damage like his lancer form has. i don’t think alignment or attribute-based SE necessarily makes sense for him, but i think you could do two things with that:
1. make his Vampirism skill apply a trait onto the enemy that he deals 50% SE damage to and ignores defense against (referencing how his bite works)
2. give Vlad an on-attack effect that applies a trait on attack, which his NP deals 150% SE damage to and pierces invuln against (referencing the effects of being hit by his spear in apoc)
this is admittedly basically just a minor reskin of Kriem’s two SE mods, but it’s an example. it would admittedly have some difficulty in timing it out because of the hit requirement (and needing to use vampirism instantly might be awkward), but it would synergize with Vlad’s tendency to use BNPxE chains and maybe give this…. some semblance of balance. that would inflate his numbers a lot. otherwise, he could benefit from buff removal resistance, crit absorb up, and crit damage up somewhere, but galatea already took most of those.
you could also give him either an AOE-ST NP switcher or an Arts-Buster NP switcher, because fuck it.
it’s a fun kit to think about, but ultimately gameplay is the one facet of vlad that i think got off overall very well even if some lore pieces are missing. just as long as galatea or some other clone doesn’t powercreep him again. if that happens i will immediately become discontent.
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schizoid-mary · 1 year
First Post
Schizoid Personality Disorder... what is it?
Yeah, what they said. I personally find it to be about 98% accurate in reference to myself. Which is both relieving and disappointing. Up until the point of diagnosis I thought I was just "a different kind of person". I thought I was such an individual. Turns out my entire being- the only person I've ever known as "myself" my entire life- is just one big walking mental illness, and that it has a name, and that almost every facet of me and what I thought made me unique is a symptom- to the point that I would call myself a "classic/textbook case" if there were any for SzPD.
Looking back, the older I became (I'm currently in my mid-30s), the more self-aware I became, the more comfortable I became with and within myself, the more comfortable I became with my role in society and with my relationship to society, the more I was able to say that I truly knew myself… the more boxes I was (unknowingly, of course) checking off of the SzPD symptoms/diagnostic criteria list as I "grew into myself", hitting every rung on the way down (or up, maybe?) until I finally landed on "this is who I am", which I can now say is almost synonymous with "this is what SzPD is"... Am I upset? Not at all. After discovery/realization comes acceptance--> comes relief--> comes redirection--> comes the opportunity to get to know myself anew--> comes the opportunity to reinvent myself if I should so choose.
"It's never too late to begin a life or a book."
-Molly Picon
... Or a blog.
Ok, so now what?… For now, nothing more than this journal. Will I seek treatment in the future? Yes, and I'll get into that later. But for now, this is it.
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photogirl894 · 2 years
Fanfiction asks
11, 21, 83, 98
Hey thanks, Deathy!! 🥰
11. What’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? Also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I haven't had to do as much research for fanfic as much as I have for my Bad Batch one! Like, holy shit 😅 When you're writing for a HUGE galaxy like that, you gotta make sure you get your facts straight about a lot of things! I think the most interesting thing I learned was that there's a connected history between the planets Tatooine and Bestine. A ship of Bestine colonists crashed on Tatooine and those people ended up settling the city of Eisley, which later became Mos Eisley. They ship they crashed on was later transformed into a hotel. Pretty neat, huh? Wookiepedia has been my friend through all of this! 😁😁
I also found a pretty canon accurate galaxy map with most of the planets in Star Wars, so it's been fun and challenging to look through it and locate all the planets we've seen or heard of so far as well as see where they all are. It's fun to see what planets are closer together in some areas. Because of that, I found out that Skako Minor is actually pretty close to Coruscant and I couldn't help think, "Rex must feel so guilty cuz all that time he thought Echo was dead, Echo was so close to him!!"
21. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
You and me, let's write a book on how to adopt our mutuals and co-parent them 😜
83. Less is more or more is more?
Hmm depends. Straight and to the point works sometimes, but if you really wanna sell something in a scene, then you gotta give them more!
98. What don’t you like about your writing style?
I feel like I use more dialogue than descriptive language to keep a scene moving, but no one's ever complained about it, so I assume my readers don't mind. That and I feel sometimes I don't quite know how to describe some things like actions or emotions so it just turned into "he did this" or "she said that and then did this", like just straightforward without any sort of descriptive language. I don't know 🤷‍♀️
Ask game for fanfic writers
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urrone · 1 year
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Writing question! You write for a lot of different fandoms. Do you find yourself adapting your style to the fandom, or are there aspects of writing style that transcend different fandoms? (I imagine it's a mix of both, but I'm really curious about which elements stand out to you as being fandom-specific or universal when it comes to writing style!)
Hey, thank you for asking!
Thinking about this now, I feel like I adapt my writing style to the tone of the story more than the fandom. I think if you read through my fic you'll see how it adapted over time, but the style over the fandoms will feel very similar. Like I think my writer's voice is pretty strong.
That said, I just took a look at my Dragon Age fic vs my Julie and the Phantoms fic, and the prose in the DA fic is a bit more flowery, to fit the writing and the dialogue, than what I have in JATP.
But I always write in tight 3rd person POV and always in present tense. (Except for a few experiments in the early days of fandom.)
So the short answer to your question is you are correct, it's a mix of both. I like to be descriptive and I like to use a lot of metaphors in writing. Dialogue is my jam but I don't like to have a lot of bare bones back and forth and I hardly ever use "[character name] says" because I have a THING about overusing it, so I tend to get really in the moment of describing reactions to dialogue or how a character moves in reaction to dialogue in order to not have to tag the dialogue.
But like, funny/happy fics are gonna have short, bouncier sentences than anything that deals with angst or death, so that's kinda the style change?
This has been interesting, I've really never thought about this before. I'm curious what @swaps55 thinks since she's read everything I've ever written.
19 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
fic: warm hands, soft heart
“You always do this. You always try to warm me up.”
Varric pulls Fallwyn closer to the fire, chafing her hands between his own. “Can I help it if looking at you makes me feel cold?”
Fallwyn inches toward the flames, stopping just short of actually getting into the fire. She’d singed more than one pair of trousers and had once burned the bottom of her boots almost clean off before she realized she’d shoved them too close to the fire. While wearing them.
The coldest night in the Free Marches had not prepared her for life in the mountains of the south.
Varric had been the one to take her back to Harritt for new boots and patches on her leather armor. It hadn’t occurred to her that she wouldn’t just have to make do with what she’d ruined. Harritt hadn’t blinked an eye, just tutted over the soles of her boots as he turned to his workbench.
Even among her clan, she’d learned at a young age to see to her own comforts. Having someone act as a mother hen is strange enough, but that it’s Varric of everyone in the Inquisition seems stranger still. But it’s a nice change to feel like someone’s worried about whether she’s cold or not. All anyone else wants to talk about is the breach or Andraste, as if Fallwyn knows anything about the shemlen gods. Like they forget she’s also a person who eats and shits like they do.
It helps that Varric never seems to leave this spot, so he’s always right there and tugging her in closer to warmth. It’s in the middle of all the camp and out of sight of Threnn, so it makes a sort of sense that he’d stick to this general area. Writers must always be observing or something like that.
“It’s so cold in the south,” she says, eyeing the open collar of his shirt and the coat flung over top of a nearby tent. “You never seem to feel it.” There are so many curls on his chest and she doesn’t mean to, but she starts wondering what they’d feel like under her palms. She wonders if all the extra hair he seems to have almost everywhere keeps him warmer.
Read on ao3
27 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
who you were vs. what you are
Somewhere in your childhood,  someone you once loved betrayed your whole little heart and told you that you were not enough.
And because thoughts become things,  it became ivy inside your mind and body until this was all you believed about yourself and your self-worth became mutiny.
Remember that the stars and planets did not die for you to waste your time wondering  if you are pretty enough or worthy enough to exist.
You are still trying, in this body,  to be all the things that make a person. But the truth is you are bursting at the seams because you are a plethora of universes becoming a human.
your heart is the sea by nikita gill
27 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
new fic for the late night crowd
“When you laugh like that, it's just—you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
“I am not.”
If Varric weren’t the kind of dwarf to pick at the edges of things, he might have taken caution at how quickly the laughter in Cassandra’s eyes sharpened into brittle disdain. But if he’s ever met caution, she’s never bought him a drink.
“You are though. I remember sometime around the . . . what . . . third day of interrogations in Kirkwall, thinking that if you’d just take off even the first layer of armor the whole conversation would have been much more entertaining.”
He can almost hear her teeth crying at the strain as her jaw clenches. “I have only the one layer—”
“Oh I wasn’t talking about the iron, Seeker.”
It’s good they’re in the middle of a very fancy party with drinks and dancing and that the guards have already taken her long and very pointy sword, though Varric is very well aware she doesn’t actually need the sword to kill him. “Are you telling me that you think I am only beautiful when I smile?”
“I mean you do it so rarely, who can say, but no. Did I say only? Words are my living, sort of, and I think I would have remembered making that implication.”
She narrows her eyes as her gaze flicks across the ballroom. Varric has had the very great pleasure of seeing her in all kinds of moods at this point, but it’s her haughty dragon princess he probably loves the most.
Read the rest on ao3.
28 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
in the deep dark
I’m playing DAI again and did the Descent. Then this happened. 
Varric/Lavellan | on ao3
In the dim torchlight, she can just see Varric’s outline where he’s sitting up in his bedroll. He’d drawn first watch but Avriel knows that’s not the only reason he isn’t sleeping. They all look pale and sallow after two weeks underground, but the darkness hangs on Varric in ways it doesn’t touch the others. 
She’s met more dwarves over the last months with the Inquisition than she’s ever known in her entire life and she knows, better than anyone else here, that he doesn’t have much in common with other dwarves. 
“You don’t like being underground, do you?” she whispers into the space between them. There isn’t much, they’ve bedded down into a handy alcove for what Avriel has called the night, even though there’s no difference down here. 
He doesn’t startle but then, he never has with her. Somehow, he always seems to be aware of exactly where she is. “I’m not a very good dwarf,” he whispers back, cognizant of the others sleeping around them. “But no, I never have.” 
She scootches even closer, propping herself up on her elbow and curling around his back to give him something to lean against, if he chooses. He does. “Have you spent a lot of time down here?” 
“In Orzammar?” 
“No. To both questions, actually. I was born on the surface, I like sunlight and a cool breeze as much as the rest of you. The long dark makes my skin crawl.” 
“‘The long dark’ sounds like a story.” 
He’s quiet for a long moment and Avriel wonders if she’s wandered into a tale he doesn’t want to tell. 
“Well,” he finally says, so quietly she has to lean in closer still. “There was the time my brother tried to kill me in the deep roads.” 
“What?” she says, slightly louder than a normal volume in her shock, then cringes as Sera starts to stir. They both hold their breath until she stills again. 
“Geez, Sunshine. These aren’t state secrets. I told you about when we found the red lyrium.” 
“You did, but not the rest of it.” 
“I hate the stuff.” He shudders but takes a deep breath and starts again. “Bartrand and I were never very close. He was born in Orzammar, still remembered life down there and would have given anything to go back.” 
“Wait, your parents weren’t surface dwarves? Why did they ever leave?” 
“That,” he says slowly, “is another story for another time. I will tell you, just, let me get this one out first.” 
She doesn’t say anything, giving him space, but she does reach out her free hand, unsure of its reception. 
Her heart flips over—just a little—when he turns his hand palm up under hers and threads their fingers together. His hand engulfs hers, the calluses from Bianca catching on the calluses from her knives, but it’s real and comforting. For them both, she hopes. 
“It was how I met Hawke, actually. She and her brother signed on for an expedition to loot a thaig. He wasn’t always like this, but by the time my mother died, there were few things Bartrand wouldn’t do for gold.”
Varric spins the tale of deception and betrayal for her, quietly as he can. He sometimes punctuates the story with gestures she can just make out in the dim torchlight (none of them had wanted to sleep in the pitch black). 
He never drops her hand, though he does sometimes take it with his as he sketches out Hawke casting a spell with her staff, or Carver’s slashes with his long sword.
By the time the tale ends with his triumphant return to Kirkwall, richer than Bartrand could have imagined getting on this expedition, Avriel can almost forget the quiet whisper where it began: with Varric watching helplessly as his brother locks him in a room in the deep roads to die. 
She’s quiet for a moment and he laughs softly into the dark. “Have I actually rendered you speechless with my tale?” 
She squeezes his hand. “Hardly,” she says. “I’m sorry I brought you down here.”      
Varric pulls her hand up to his mouth and his lips press a kiss to her palm before he tugs further, pulling her face up to his. She catches her breath but all he does is lean his forehead against hers. In the quiet space between them, he whispers what she’s known for a while. “Come on, Sunshine. You’ve gotta know by now that I’d follow you anywhere.” 
See the full post
35 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
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