#gow hera
mossmanismoss · 4 months
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Happy valentines day guys
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cosmicourple · 28 days
*pssst* repost this & tag a bunch of characters you would like to see go properly feral down below 👇👇
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upn-the-sky · 5 months
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Ares is just a big mama's boi and I am hyping over it Her firstborn. Her puryfied love and pain and righteous wrath. Her answer to Zeus's assault and their marriage trauma. Her little boy. The man who will never hurt her. Forever loyal and always at her side. It is not easy, when mother makes a husband out of her son, but being chosen for this role, chosen to carry Hera's desires, agression and saddness, Ares loved and accepted her the way she is. Even if it was just out of fear to be rejected... _ It is just painful to think that Hera presumably was in a drinking bout for the 13 years in a row after Ares's death. She has to be one of the most beautiful goddesses, but in GOW3 we (and Kratos) see her looks like she has lost her eternal beauty and youth. "Since you've killed my son Ares..." Commonly see comments that Hera was just drunk and pityful and died pityfully as well. I'd say, she died full of regrets, but at the same time fearlessly, because her biggest mother's fear has already came true.
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something-in-the-seas · 8 months
"I had almost forgotten the greatest of the gifts of Helios and Zeus. But naturally I kept it for the last. And indeed it is not peculiar to us Romans only, but we share it, I think, with the Hellenes our kinsmen. I mean to say that Zeus engendered Asclepius from himself among the intelligible gods, and through the life of generative Helios he revealed him to the earth..."
-"Against the Galileans," Emperor Julian, translated by Wilmer Cave Wright
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medievildead · 1 year
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Queen Hera
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threi · 1 year
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i love Hera she's like yey my sons beat each other to death lol lmao xddddddd oh you wanna kill my husband?? ok dont care
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neechees · 1 year
I just realized a lot of Angrboda's design and clothing has a lot of snakes incorporated into the art, like the detailing on her little corset, the carving on her hair pins, and her brooches.
In general she also features a lot of swirls indicative & reminiscent of coiling snakes: even her tattoos themselves are way different than any other characters' tattoos & are swirls & curved lines instead of runes or geometric art.
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If thr Olympians and Norse Go da met after the GoW games. Who would get along and who wouldnt?
Also Brok and Sindri becoming best friends with Hephestus plz.
Odin: If everyone had just LISTENED to me and done as I said none of this would have happened. Everything would have been hunky dory and I wouldn't have had to commit genocide! But nobody goddamn listens to the smart people.
Athena: I understand completely. Kratos just wouldn't fucking listen.
Odin: Oh don't get me STARTED on that Kratos prick. I offer him peace and he starts Ragnarok!
Athena: That idiot went gave Hope to humanity! HUMANITY! They don't know what to do with it!
Odin: Exactly! Athena, I don't know how you've survived surrounded by these idiots.
Thor: ...
Hercules: ...
Thor: Hn.
Hercules: Huh.
Brok: I tell ya', no one respects proper craftsmanship these days! It's all just "git 'er done", not respectin' the fuckin' time and effort ya gotta put in to get this shit workin!
Hephaestus: Forging is a mnarathon, not a sprint. But Nooooo! It's all "Heaphaestus, make me this sword in a week". No respect for the craft.
Brok: Here, here! But I gotta goddamn say, you've got some magic hands there Hephy-boy.
Hephaestus: Well, I've had plenty of time to practice. No one... no one really wanted me at social engagements at Olympus.
Brok: Well fuck 'em. Yer all dead now, same as all.
Hephaestus: Yeah, I guess. I just... I wish I'd been a better husband to Aphrodite. She cheated on me, yes, but I'm afraid I never had much time for her.
Brok: Eh, ya never know brother.
Ares: Alright- enough!
*Ares breaks out of Heimdal's grab and proceeds to give him a beatdown*
Hera: I'm just glad he's finally making friends.
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voidsentprinces · 1 year
Now Ragnaroks been out for a time. I like the Odin using the excuse of doing it for his “family” after killing Thor. Echoes the same sentiment as Zeus claiming he is killing Kratos for the good of Olympus. In addition, this doesn’t work to placate Kratos because Odin is practically strong arming forced labor from the Dwarves and has Tyr imprisoned somewhere. Just as Zeus imprisoned the Titans, when he could of possibly forged a lasting peace with them. Odin SAYS he was young and foolish at the time but it is just an excuse, just as the one Zeus told himself. That what he did was for the good of all. Even though, like Zeus, Odin cannot see the corruption he infested himself with. And while unlike the Olympians who were too far gone to be aided, Sif and Thor are trying to make amends by making a new future for their remaining daughter after losing Modi and Magni. What were once abusive, drunk tyrants controlled by Odin’s whims are now characters looking to the future. Thor is obviously having a rougher time of it. As he is wrestling with centuries of alcoholism now going through withdraws while being ordered by Odin to aid one of the reasons his sons are dead while having his armor pierced by the abusive nature of Odin. Though, we know not all the Norse Gods are saints, Heimdall would be right at place with the Olympians for his arrogance and cockiness. But, unlike Helios’s head, Mimir was a willing participant in his brief deicide and is now a stead fast ally to Kratos and Atreus. Kratos probably remembers the final moments of Hera, when he sees Freya and rather than destroy another Goddess of Nature’s realm is actively trying to negotiate with her. Helping with her own realm rather than killing her in his old fury, he seeks to see a means to keep moving forward. In her brother, he uses his past experience with his own brother and considers how a celebrated Alfheim hero would be good to have around. When Kratos approaches Surtr, he probably remembers Hephestios. Who aided him up until he threatened Pandora. Instead of blustering his way through and shrugging off, Kratos takes AMAZING care to listen and understand Surtr’s hang ups of becoming Ragnaork. And then there is Tyr. Having only known Ares to be a brutal and callous God, Kratos does not force Tyr to go through anything he is not prepared for and actively councils Atreus away from leaning too heavily on the old God of Wars’ presence.
Additionally every God from the Norse, he comes across, he gives a way out to just walk away. Seeing the mistakes he made in Greece in each of the Pantheon and although Heimdall, Odin, Modi, Magni, and Baldur reject the offer. Freya, Mimir, Tyr, and Freyr accept it. And in doing so, Kratos might be finding solace that he is worthy of the same forgiveness. To move past his mistakes and create something new in this new realm after utterly destroying the last and most importantly ensuring the sins of the father, do not become the sins of the son in the raising of Atreus. In parting harsh lessons at first but then trying his best to provide better philosophies to his child. And Atreus is shaping up to be a better man than Kratos, which makes him proud and shows his efforts are worthy. After shaking of Athena’s last influence on himself, Kratos will eventually be worshiped in a way Odin could only dream. The crown of power ill suits the man who seeks it and better fits the man who does not.
Greece may never return to what it once was but with the hope, Kratos released at the end of GoW III maybe the survivors are building a new realm with only...maybe Aphrodite and Athena still being around to influence them. But unlike with Greece, Kratos has brought down Asgard to stop a different corruption of a different God. With every intent to save its mortal citizens and actively help in their settlement after their fall. Trying to even fight the Gods who move against him to stop him. In an attempt to not repeat another Olympus fall. Ensuring to save everyone he can on the way. And rather than seeking the destruction Asgard as he did Olympus. This older Kratos is following every path to stop Ragnarok from occurring. But never allows himself to be influenced by Odin or any God ever again. Breaking bread with those he makes peace with and reluctantly killing those who force his hand. Seen in his sorrow and deep seated confliction after killing even Heimdall who probably sees the visages of Hermes in. An arrogant, taunting God. Who is just an absolute ass.
Its bittersweet to see much of decisions reflected in Ragnarok juxtaposed against every decision in GoW3. But I think the best decision is Kratos seeing how Atreus handles the Angraboda situation over how Kratos was nearly powerless to actually help in the Pandora situation. Both women who were crucial to their own pantheon’s doom. But Atreus words in having Angraboda find her own path beyond fate ushers in an ending much kinder than when Kratos tried to stop Pandora from accepting her own fate. Which, learn at the end of GoW3, was a sacrifice made in vain.
A nice bow on top of Kratos’s brutal begins meeting a somber, quieter end. But a far better one than when we left him at the end of the last major series.
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keeper-not-hero · 7 months
trick or treat!!!
treat!!! hera ya gow, darling, my favorite: those weird shitty gumballs that are super chewy and sugary and then kinda just taste like nothing at the end, tbh they'll probably color your tongue too with that cheap food dye
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flightfoot · 5 months
I saw that post on bacchus actions and how he should not better due to the fact he used to bea demigod this makes me think of the contrast with hercules and what he did with the 7 before hera's name was brought up ( given the hell she gave him when he was alive which makes me think of kratos from gow)
Thing is, demigods can also be assholes, even legitimately suffering the same thing later demigods do doesn't mean they feel like empathizing with them. That's a pretty normal human thing, honestly, even though it sucks.
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upn-the-sky · 6 months
Ares's design and other stuff
Okay, I now feel myself very stupid, because I thought that Ares's refusal of the sandals in his GOW1 design is some strange fictional decision.
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But seems like it is KINDA CANON??? In mythology Ares has Thracian origin (or at least he keeps favoritism towards this area of the Hellada). Thracia was the most nothern part of the Hellenic Greece, has very cold climat (and a huge influence by the celtic tribes). What i am getting at... Thracian peltasts commonly weared enclosed mid-calf fawn-skin boots named embades.
Ares is not strange, he just absorbs military culture.
(By the way, unlike the other civilized polises, Thracians considered tattooes as a sign of nobility. I wonder if Ares has one... if he has not, he probably absolutely loved Kratos's huge tattoo.)
(Oh, maaaaaybe he has no any tattoos, but that's the reason why he has some "body art" on his armor!).
(I think his mom Hera is just against of it lol)
(Ares is mama's boi, he won't tattoo himself against her wish even if he want to.)
(BTW-2, first Aphrodite's concept art from GOW3 shows that she has AN OMEGA TATTOO RIGHT ON HER FOREHEAD, which was enough to pisses Hera off for all eternity in sum with Ares's and Aphrodite's romance)
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Kratos’ messages are sadly ignored but Atreus sends her photos of every dog he sees in the city.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
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and are Horns to something. are
Zues Hera
and are mine as explained oh ok you guys and haha lol and we know. and we see it is us. we announce it. and ours. and they are Devils and are Huge and we are his son, and my wife and my name is yes Mephistopheles and his grandpa cruise helped introduce my coming and herald it. and here it is me doing it. out shortly of its slumber to rule and to have my son. Darth Maul rule as president and mimic tommy f even after he dies fully. they thinking he a clone. and to bear the wieght and not harm ours or our Father or Mother.we will run this place yes
we shall and now and moreso after we raise them
and no the cast and crew of Yellowstone dont have a clue but yes the horns made the hot springs and the volcano
and we hear the oaf on tv and yes bja women are nastier than trumps. and are not savvy no mean cruel and demad stuff pushy and she is deaf loser
she couldnot handle it ok coul nt the infob
we cant eanymore but shall. are out an d go after it its massieve and the truth
and we see ihes not lying and is alne poor and we are abusive. we left him high and dy today and he said ok see ya and fin. wesee it ok
bja said he had to leave due tothe disgusting behavior prior to the girls knew and she said no out now. and knew why. partyig hard and jerkin it true stuff fear and so on
we help htem out and give them a hand it is an ugly business and he says you sure its a guy and ahhahah ok ok can grow and megan no we see it. are men treu they said it and you missed it. they are huge fags and so. and then this we do it. nad no you are ouot if yo do and then this you move him and fights. and then thiis. wefindmen and ok ok and we werent but ok we suck and we see it. fear ok. and then this sodomy makes it worse an d they howeled and said it does. we need it better wont be we face them. and let ti gow grow no the psuedo empie and should be on charges but ok face the clones in the ships. we see that too. sstill both are wrong and good we see it they say. both sat on it protected him and the ships. and or macs took themand ok in that case. so thy have to know check now
and we see it must see it must kow and we do ck
we have preliminary findsings said they knew. sat on it. and yeh this is bad
Olympus must publsh now
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lokis-wager · 1 year
Now the true question is: young Greek saga Kratos + give him an Atreus (canon, au, as you wish)
How things would go?
Greek Kratos would get canon GoW 2018 Atreus, because he should have all the shota bussy he can fucking get. Goddamn, that man was haunted by the narrative and he absolutely deserves an Atreus who'd worship the ground he walks on.
Kratos would absolutely be a harsh mentor/lover for Atreus, because he would feel responsible for caring for his son, no matter how they met. And he would want to pass down some of the Spartan traditions (though probably not all of them), and would teach them to Atreus. I think they would fight together a lot, though it would take some time for Kratos to warm up to him - similar to how he basically ignored Pandora at first, but ended up killing Hera just because she insulted Pandora lol.
The Spartan tradition of laying thick pipe inside a teenager would absolutely get passed down, no fucking doubt about it. Atreus would have difficulty figuring out if his bruises, aches, and pains were from getting fucked, getting trained, or actually fighting their enemies.
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