#when i told him he was tumblr famous his response was 'oh dear :/'
branmer · 2 years
thinking about how long ive been on this hellsite and all the weird shit i’ve seen but i reckon for sure the wildest thing ive seen on here was the time i saw a post that started things my impossibly young looking Roman history lecturer has said and as i read through the quotes i realised that the lecturer in question was almost definitely my brother. literally sitting there going ‘haha p would love this, this guy loves rome total war as much as he-wait a minute’
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH21
We’ve done it! We’re caught up to AO3! As such, I will be taking the next month off from posting to get AO3 updated and take a short break. I will resume posting on AO3 first, then tumblr right after starting on July 2, 2021! Can’t wait for you all to see the rest of this story! I have a lot of changes coming.
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Chapter 21: Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince
The next morning, Adrien’s stomach churned on the way to school. Chloe sat beside him adjusting her makeup while Gorilla was stopped at a red light. Everyone would know about their interview now. He expected backlash, but not like this. Pulling out his phone, he opened the article again.
Ladybug’s #1 Fan Deletes Blog After Scathing Final Video
“It’s like I don’t even know who she is anymore. I thought she was this amazing, genuine person, but in reality, she doesn’t care about any of us,” Alya said in the clip.
“Sources speculate this video was posted in response to the interview Ladybug did prior yesterday afternoon with the daughter of Paris’s own Mayor Bourgeois and the son of famous fashion mogul, Gabriel Agreste. In the interview, Ladybug denounced clout-chasers using her name to get attention, stating that such actions are “dangerous” and “need to stop.” The blogger behind the popular Ladyblog seemed to find fault with these comments and was akumatized shortly after the interview. It seems that bad blood has brewed between the blogger and the heroine even after the day was saved. The Ladyblogger posted one final video lashing out at the superheroine before deleting her blog altogether.”
“Ugh, stop reading that. Who cares?” Chloe groaned, swiping Adrien’s phone from his hands. “That brat doesn’t have brain cells if she believes a nobody like Lila over a superhero.”
“Alya devoted a lot of time to that blog, and she really looked up to Ladybug. She’s probably crushed right now,” Adrien said.
Chloe rolled her eyes and pulled out her lip gloss. “So let her be. She did this to herself by siding with that wannabe. If any of these losers have a brain, then Lila’s going to be finished today. I’ll be shocked if she’s even here.”
“Uh, I think we have other things to worry about.” Adrien pointed to the crowd waiting at the bottom of the stairs as their car rolled up to the curb. Their classmates had formed a wall between them and the inside of the school like a group of knights defending their queen. Lila was waiting safely inside, no doubt. She never liked getting her hands dirty unless she had to.
“You don’t think she’ll get away with this and make everyone hate us, do you?” Adrien asked.
“Everyone already hates me, Adrikins. I have nothing to lose.” Chloe snapped her compact shut and dropped it into her purse. “But it looks like we’ll have to finish the job ourselves. I’m going to need a spa day after working so hard.”
A pit tangled in Adrien’s stomach as they climbed from the car, the angry expressions of their classmates sending a chill up his spine. When they’d done the interview, Adrien expected everyone to be mad at Lila, not him. How did she weasel her way out of this one?
“Oh, look who decided to show up,” Alya said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Where’s your bff Ladybug?”
“She’s got better things to do than worry about you losers,” Chloe said without missing a beat, completely undeterred by the mob in front of them. “Now, move, you’re blocking the stairs.”
“Ya know, I’ve always known you were evil, but this is really low, even for you.” Alya shook her head.
“Yeah! Tricking Ladybug is way uncool, Chloe,” Nino said.
“Yeah!” Several classmates echoed their agreement.
“Ladybug spoke the honest truth. All I did was ask the questions.” Chloe examined her nails.
“Stop pretending to be innocent. I overheard you and Adrien plotting to trick Ladybug into saying incriminating things about Lila, so don’t even lie to us.” Alya shot Adrien a glare that cut through his chest like a knife. “And what do you have to say for yourself? Teaming up with the wicked witch. We all thought you denounced Chloe’s actions, but I guess the silver spoon doesn’t fall far from the table.”
“Ugh, she’s delusional. Come on, Adrikins.” Chloe tugged his arm, but he remained rooted in place.
“No, she’s right. Chloe and I did conspire to trick Ladybug into admitting she and Lila were never friends,” Adrien said, and Chloe shot him a warning glare. “But that’s not actually what happened.”
“Really? So you two didn’t do a live interview where Ladybug said she doesn’t have any non-superhero friends?” Alya quirked a brow.
“Chloe and I originally planned to trick Ladybug, yes, but I didn’t feel right about it, so before the interview, I told Ladybug the truth. She went into that interviewing knowing what we were going to ask her, and she agreed,” Adrien said.
“What?” Chloe gasped.
“What Ladybug said was her choice. Lila’s lies have gotten out of hand, and she knows that better than anyone,” Adrien said.
“Why should we believe you?” Nathaniel grunted. “You teamed up with Chloe, so obviously you’re not the innocent sunshine boy everyone thinks you are.”
“Yeah, Chloe’s the worst!” Sabrina shouted, and Chloe’s gaze locked on her.
“How dare you! You’re not allowed to side with those losers. Get over here!” Chloe demanded, but Alya draped an arm around Sabrina’s shoulders.
“She’s done putting up with your crud, Chloe. We all are,” Alya said. “Lila hasn’t done anything to deserve all the hate from you or Marinette or Ladybug or anybody!”
“So, you losers are really going to believe some random girl who walked in off the street and started telling all of these amazing stories without evidence to back them up over a superhero?” Chloe cocked a hip. “You’re all more pathetic than I thought.”
“You’re the pathetic one! You two and Marinette have been plotting against Lila for weeks, haven’t you?” Alya shot back.
“Whoa, Marinette has nothing to do with any of this,” Adrien said. “This was all me and Chloe.”
“I heard you two talking. You said you were doing it for Marinette, or did I hear you incorrectly?” Alya challenged.
Adrien sighed. “No, we did say that, and I did do it for Marinette.”
“But not because she told me to.” Adrien took a deep breath and turned to his classmates. “All of you, don’t you miss Marinette? Rose, don’t you miss when she would bring you extra fabric for your scrapbook projects? And Nathaniel, don’t you miss when she’d offer suggestions for your comic books?”
When they remained quiet, he continued, “Marinette left this school feeling hurt and empty. She felt like all of her friends turned their backs on her for a new girl. She poured her heart and soul into everything she did here, and Lila drove her away. Marinette knew the truth, so Lila threatened to take everything away from her. And she did which is why I teamed up with Chloe to stop her. Marinette doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. Not after everything she’s done.”
Everyone was quiet. Even Alya’s resolve seemed shaken, but she squared her shoulders.
“I can’t believe you when you’re standing next to her.” She nodded at Chloe.
Kim pursed his lips, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I dunno, it doesn’t make sense. Marinette would never do something like that. Adrien can be protective of people he cares about, but that doesn’t make him a bad guy.”
“Yeah, Marinette is like the nicest person in the world. She’d never go against someone without a reason, especially if it involves teaming up with Chloe,” Alix agreed.
“And Marinette was always looking out for everyone before Lila showed up,” Ivan said.
They moved to stand beside Adrien, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Well, I’m not siding with Chloe, even if Marinette was nice to me sometimes.” Nathaniel crossed his arms over his chest.
“Yeah, I’m done being your bff. You’ll have to get someone else to do your homework from now on,” Sabrina said with a humph.
Myléne flicked her gaze between the forming groups, curling her shoulders. “Sorry, but they’re right. Chloe is always being mean. I don’t really think Marinette is involved, but this seems very typical for Chloe.”
Max tapped his chin with one finger. “It’s true that this type of behavior is very typical of Chloe, but senseless cruelty is atypical of Adrien. However, acting in defense of a dear friend is a trait Adrien and Marinette have demonstrated on numerous occasions, and Lila’s stories can be outlandish at times. Then there’s the issue of the interview with Ladybu-”
“Oh, just pick a side!” Chloe groaned.
“I-” Max glanced between his friends. “I am choosing to abstain from taking sides until I have further evidence. Both Lila and Marinette are my friends.”
“Ugh, whatever. What about you two?” Chloe turned to Juleka and Rose.
Juleka mumbled something no one understood but moved to stand by Alix. Rose cupped a hand over her mouth, shifting between Alya and Adrien.
“Rose?” Adrien prompted.
Her shoulders curled, and she squeezed her eyes shut. “I don’t want to pick! I don’t want anyone to fight anymore.” She covered her face with a whimper, and Nino placed a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s gonna be alright,” he said.
“Nino?” Adrien asked hopefully, but his best bud lowered his head, red cap covering his eyes.
“Sorry, bro. I know you and Chloe have always been tight, but that doesn’t mean she and I have to be,” Nino said, taking a purposeful step toward Alya.
“Well, looks like more people are on my side than yours.” Chloe gloated.
“Hold up,” Alix said. “No one on this side picked you. We just believe Marinette is innocent, and Adrien was acting to protect her.”
“Yeah, you’re still the worst. We’re on Marinette’s team,” Ivan added. Chloe scowled but didn’t argue further.
A cold anger burned behind Alya’s eyes, the hurt she was feeling bubbling just beneath the surface. Adrien shivered. This wasn’t what he wanted when they did the interview. He wanted everyone to be free from Lila’s influence, especially Alya, but Lila’s hooks were in too deep. He never should have let things get this bad. If he’d acted sooner, then Marinette never would have left. Their classmates would be free, and no one would have to feel torn.
When the bell rang, their classmates dispersed, filing into the school one-by-one. Chloe fell into step beside Adrien.
“Now what?” he asked.
“I don’t know. I need time to forget about the fact that I’m Team Marinette.” Chloe shuddered.
“We’ve got enough people who at least believe Marinette is innocent, but we can’t get too cocky. That’s not the same thing as believing Lila is guilty,” Adrien said.
“We’ll figure something out. We just need time and a little precision,” Chloe said.
Adrien gulped, gripping the strap on his bag tighter. For their sake, he hoped they thought of something soon.
♪♫♪ Learn to Let Go ♪♫♪
“Take a deep breath in,” Macy said.
Marinette sat cross-legged on a bright blue yoga mat. Sunlight streaming in from the skylights warmed Marinette’s bare shoulders while soothing music played softly in the background. After the past few days, Marinette’s anxiety was at an all-time high, so a meditation session was in order. She followed Macy’s instructions, but it did little to relax her.
“Now, breathe out all of that negative energy. Let it all leave your body,” Macy continued. “Think of all the things in your life that make you happy and push out the things that don’t.”
Marinette took another breath, but the events of the last two days flashed vividly in her mind. The interview, Ladyblogger, the hurt look in Alya’s eyes when Ladybug captured her akuma, the video… Marinette breathed out.
Alya deleted the Ladyblog. Lila had done the impossible and turned Ladybug’s biggest fan into one of her biggest detractors. Granted, Ladybug might have helped by replacing Rena Rouge, but what was Marinette supposed to do? Working with Alya wasn’t an option after everything—it would have been too painful. Even still, Marinette would be lying if she said watching Alya lose faith in Ladybug didn’t rip another hole in her chest. Despite ending their friendship, Marinette still wished Alya the best, even if she was running with Lila.
“You’re not letting go of the negative energy,” Macy said.
Marinette blinked her eyes open and sighed, letting her posture fall. “Sorry, it’s been a rough few days.”
Macy turned to face Marinette with a smile. “Why don’t we talk about it instead? Maybe it will help if you get it all off your chest.”
“Maybe…” Marinette picked at a loose thread on her pants. She shifted to face Macy, chest tight. “It’s just…my old school. When I left, I didn’t want to look back, but it feels like no matter what I do, I can’t leave it behind.”
“Well, you had a lot of friends at your old school, right? It’s not easy to walk away from people you care about,” Macy said. “Especially when you know someone is using them.”
“I guess.” Marinette hugged her knees to her chest. “I thought I’d been gone long enough to not care anymore, but when Alya got akumatized, I just felt so sad.”
“Of course, you did! She was your best friend.” Macy pulled the tea table closer and prepared a cup. “It’s not easy to see someone you love in that much pain. You’re not a robot, Marinette. It’s okay to care.”
Macy pushed a cup toward her, but when she made no move to accept it, Macy changed the subject. “What about Adrien? Have you heard from him?”
Marinette flicked her gaze to her phone and shook her head. “No. Not since yesterday. I think he’s avoiding me.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I dunno.” Marinette shrugged. “He’s been texting me all the time lately, but now all of a sudden, he just stopped.”
“Boys are flaky like that sometimes. Give him time. I’m sure he’ll come around,” Macy assured her.
“I know, and I know it’s probably because of the interview he did with Ladybug.” Marinette sighed. “He probably thinks I’m mad at him.”
“How do you know?” Macy asked.
Marinette shifted to tuck her legs under the table and pulled her cup closer. She stared at her reflection in the tea and shrugged. “Because I thought the same thing when I changed schools behind his back. I thought he’d be disappointed.”
“Was he?” Macy asked.
“No, but I didn’t know that until he talked to me.” Marinette took a long sip. “I just feel bad that he did all of that for me. He shouldn’t have to deal with my problems.”
Macy surveyed her with a frown. “That’s something I’ve noticed about you, ya know,” she said thoughtfully. “You’re quick to shoulder everyone’s burdens when you think they need help, but you never expect anyone to do it for you.”
“I just want to be there for my friends, that’s all.” Marinette deflected as if it were no big deal, but Macy shot her a chiding look.
“Marinette, that’s very noble and sweet, but the same is true for you, ya know,” Macy said. “Everyone else’s burdens aren’t yours to bear. You’re going to break your back carrying so much weight around.” When Marinette remained quiet, Macy sighed. “Well, then I guess I have no choice.”
“What do you mean?” Marinette blinked up at her.
“If you’re running head-first into everyone’s problems, then I’m coming too,” Macy said. “I’m not going to let you do it all alone, and I don’t think Martin and Eliott will either. Adrien certainly isn’t.”
“Marinette!” Macy threw her head back with a groan. “What I’m trying to say is… Your friends have your back, okay? So don’t worry about anything. We’re right behind you all the way.”
Macy’s smile was soft and genuine, and Marinette shivered, the fear and uncertainty floating to the surface. She leaned against Macy’s chest as fresh tears streamed down her cheeks, and her friend patted her hair, whispering encouragement while Marinette sobbed. The dull ache that had plagued her all month lightened as each tear carried away her pain.
Macy didn’t let go until her whimpers quieted, and when Marinette sat up, the weight on her shoulders felt lighter. She took a deep breath and exhaled all of her worry just like Macy said. Even if she didn’t have her old friends anymore, she had new ones, and she had to admit—they were pretty hard to beat.
♪♫♪ Daylight ♪♫♪
Adrien faced his mother’s statue in the garden with a sigh. Things were messier now than they had been a few days ago, and he didn’t know what to do anymore. No matter what they threw at Lila, she always managed to wiggle out of it. Would they ever be rid of Lila Rossi? At least some of their classmates still believed in Marinette. She’d be happy to hear that she didn’t lose everyone at Francoise-Dupont.
He flicked his gaze down to his phone with a sigh. They hadn’t spoken since before the interview. Adrien couldn’t bring himself to after everything that happened with Alya. She was bound to know the truth now—that he’d teamed up with Chloe to stop Lila, despite how she’d refused. How much more pain had he caused her by trying to fix her problems? He was afraid to know. He’d betrayed her wishes, but hopefully she’d understand that his heart was in the right place. She was all his heart ever talked about these days. Avoiding her was agony, and his heart ached every time he looked at his phone.
“I don’t know what to do, Mom,” he murmured. He shifted to press his back to the statue, resting his cheek against her lap. “No matter how hard I try, it’s never enough. Sometimes I wish you were still here to tell me everything will be alright.”
He closed his eyes, listening to the birds chirping and the hum of the city beyond the walls. When had life gotten so complicated? He longed for freedom for so long, but he never imagined what it would cost. The pain he would endure. But he’d take this pain over isolation. He never wanted to be locked up again. One day he’d be free from his father’s control, then he and Marinette could be together whenever they wanted. One day…
He sat up, cheek sore from resting against the stone. When had he fallen asleep? Red and black spots filled his vision, awakening his heart with a jolt.
“Ladybug?” He blinked, rubbing his eyes as if expecting her to be a dream.
“Sorry, I was just passing overhead, and I saw you sitting down here. I didn’t mean to intrude,” she said.
“No, no, it’s fine,” he insisted. “Stay. I could use the company.”
“That makes two of us,” she said, taking a seat beside him with a sigh. “We really made a mess of things.”
“Yeah…” Adrien rested his chin on his fist. “I don’t know how she gets away with it every time.”
Ladybug leaned her head back with a sigh. “Lila is crafty. She targeted Alya specifically because she knew she’d be her most powerful ally.”
“I just feel so bad. I was hoping we could finally make everyone see the truth, but it looks like we just made things worse. Marinette was right, I shouldn’t have gotten involved,” he said, “but I couldn’t help it. Not after everything Lila has done to her.”
“You really care about this girl, don’t you?” Ladybug smiled.
His cheeks warmed, and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, more than anything. But I feel like all I ever do is cause her trouble. She’s probably furious with me.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Ladybug said. “From what I know of her, a gesture like that would mean the world to her, and I’ll bet she’s not as angry as you think.”
“How can you be sure?”
“Because you wouldn’t go out of your way to help her if you didn’t share a special bond. You’re probably just as important to her as she is to you,” Ladybug said. “Talk to her. I think it will make you both feel better.”
Adrien pulled up his messages, thumb hovering over her name. Ladybug was right. The longer he avoided her, the longer they’d both feel this pain. Marinette would understand. He loved her, and he believed that she loved him too. Everything would be alright in the end so long as they had each other.
“Thanks, Ladybug,” he murmured.
“I’ll leave you alone now.” She palmed her yoyo but hesitated, turning over her shoulder. “That girl is really lucky to have someone like you watching over her.”
With a flick of her wrist, she tossed her yoyo and shot off into the rooftops. Adrien drummed his fingers on his thigh, then stood up and headed into the house. Gorilla was playing a game on his tablet in the foyer when Adrien found him.
“There’s somewhere I need to go.”
♪♫♪ Death of a Bachelor ♪♫♪
Marinette hummed to herself while waiting for the kettle to boil. She stole glances at her phone, but it stayed quiet. Maybe he was just trying to figure out what to say. He was bound to call sooner or later.
When the doorbell rang, her heart jumped up to her throat. She raced to the front door, hoping her clumsy footsteps didn’t betray her eagerness. Taking a composing breath, she opened the door.
His head was low, one hand shoved in his pocket, and he looked up at her through timid eyelashes. He opened his mouth, but no words came out, his fear written all over his face. Marinette smiled, gesturing him inside, but he remained rooted in place.
“Marinette, I-”
“I know,” she said.
“You’re not mad?” he asked.
“Adrien,” Marinette sighed, giving him a gentle, scolding look. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You are the sweetest boy I know. How could I ever be mad at you?”
Adrien stood stiffly in silence before his shoulders began to shake. He gripped fistfuls of her shirt, wetting her shoulder and nuzzling into her neck. Marinette held him, letting all of his worry wash between them like rain flowing down a roof. When clouds grew too heavy, they unloaded their burdens on everyone below, so Marinette stood under Adrien and let him rain.
“I’m sorry!” he cried. “I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay. I forgive you,” Marinette whispered, trailing her fingers through his soft hair. “I forgive you, Adrien.”
His sobs quieted, and he sat up, rubbing a hand across his red nose. The kettle on the stove screeched, and Marinette gestured him in again.
“Come on. I’ll make us some tea,” she said.
Adrien sat at the table, combing his fingers through his hair. She passed him a cup with a smile and took a seat beside him.
“I take it things didn’t go as planned with the interview?” Marinette asked.
“Not exactly,” Adrien grunted as if that were an understatement and took a sip. “Alya and some others still believe Lila is innocent, but there are a lot of us who think you are too.”
“I know. I shouldn’t have gotten involved.” He swirled his finger around the rim of the cup. “But I couldn’t just sit by and do nothing. You mean the world to me, Marinette.”
Marinette’s heart fluttered, and she took a sip to hide her blush. The chamomile wasn’t strong enough to calm her nerves when he said things like that to her. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to pass out.
Setting her cup down, she cupped his cheek, tilting his chin to face her. “Thank you for looking out for me. It’s really sweet, but you don’t have to solve all of my problems. Sometimes it’s okay to just let things go.”
“Yeah…” Adrien sighed.
“Promise me you won’t get involved anymore. Lila will dig her own grave eventually. It’s better if we just let it go and move on,” Marinette said.
Adrien leaned into her touch, pressing a soft kiss to her palm.
“I promise,” he murmured.
Her pulse quickened when those gorgeous green eyes softened on her. The air hung heavy around them, warming her skin from her cheeks to the very fingertips touching his skin. Goosebumps tickled the tiny hairs of her arms, Adrien’s magnetic pull drawing her in.
Marinette slipped her fingers behind his neck and tugged ever-so-gently. Adrien leaned forward, eyelids hooding. His lips parted, warm breath swirling against her own. Marinette closed her eyes, tilting her head to finally give respite to the tension that had been building between them for weeks.
But relief never came.
Her father threw open the front door, and the sparks between them crackled. They jolted away from each other, clumsily grasping for their cups as her dad waltzed in with a fresh loaf of bread. He read the tension between them, and undoubtedly, noticed their rosy cheeks.
“Am I interrupting something?” His eyes narrowed.
“No, Papa!”
“No, sir. No way.” Adrien took a long sip and cleared his throat.
“Are you sure? I was just bringing up some fresh bread to go with dinner. I can leave if you two are-”
“Papa!” Marinette growled.
“Actually, I should get going. My father will want me home soon.” Adrien stood up. “Thanks for the tea.”
“Yeah, no biggie,” Marinette insisted.
Adrien hesitated, flicking a quick glance at her dad, then lifting her hand to his lips. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
He pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles before fleeing out the front door. Marinette sat back, letting out a ragged breath.
“I ruined a moment, didn’t I?” Her dad winced.
Marinette offered him a smile, jumping up to place a kiss on his cheek. “It’s not the first time.”
“Is everything alright?” Marinette’s mother came through the door. “I passed Adrien on the stairs, he was redder than the strawberries on the cake we baked for Manon’s birthday.”
“I interrupted a moment,” her dad confessed.
“They were having a moment?” her mom gasped excitedly.
“Maman!” Marinette groaned.
“My little girl’s growing up so fast. She’s already got her first boyfriend. Before we know it, they’ll be bringing their kids over for Sunday brunch.” Her dad rubbed the tears forming in his eyes.
Marinette covered her face, willing this all to be a dream, but alas, she couldn’t fly away.
“Do you think Adrien would ever take an interest in baking?” her dad asked, and Marinette let out a moan.
“I’m going to my room. Call me when dinner’s ready,” she said.
“Next time Adrien comes over, we promise not to interrupt!” her mom called as she made her way up the stairs.
“That’s enough!”
“Should we invite him to dinner?” her dad asked.
“Good night!”
Marinette slammed her trap door shut and flopped against it with a sigh. She’d almost kissed Adrien—again! And after confessing how important they were to each other. Did this mean they were dating? Neither of them said the l-word, but maybe sometime soon…
She covered her face and giggled. Her boyfriend Adrien. She could get used to that.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
The Christmas Elf (pt.3/5)
Read the rest on AO3 and tumblr - Geraskier fic featuring Christmas Elf!Jaskier.
“Where on the holy star have you been, Jaskier?” Poinsettia snapped, her face was redder than the trimmings on her hat. “And with the Christmas Spirit, no less! What were you thinking?!” She squeaked indignantly.
Poinsettia was unusually tiny for an elf. She came up to Jaskier’s shoulder, even with her hat and her bell. Her hair was bubblegum pink and she had eyes like a chocolate reindeer, but Jaskier was well acquainted with her short fuse. She was a lot of anger bundled up in bells and sugarplums. Jaskier had still been a young elf when Poinsettia was appointed head elf by Santa. She’d been lighter back then. Spirit was still used freely back then and the elves had been the joyous singing delights that the humans thought they were. More recently the North Pole had been rather dour, and Poinsettia was the perfect example of that.
Jaskier rolled his eyes and pulled the snow globe out from behind his back.
“Just saving the North Pole Realm, you know, business as usual. Wow, thanks Jaskier.” He mimicked her squeaky voice, seriously how had she ever become head elf? “Oh, no. No problem at all. Just doing my duty, boss!” He bowed dramatically and presented her with the globe. “My lady.” He winked and licked his lips.
She gasped and snatched the globe from his hand. He smirked and stood up to watch her as she gazed into the snowy landscape trapped inside the globe. He tilted his head and brushed his fringe from his eyes and he saw a shimmer of Spirit glow under her fingers.
“But how?” She whispered as if speaking loudly would drain the Spirit from the globe. She gripped the globe in one hand and with the other she created a small flurry of snow flakes that danced between her fingers.
Jaskier shrugged. “A happy accident and a little bit of love.”
Poinsettia scoffed. “Love? Jaskier, we’re Christmas elves. We don’t fall in love.”
Jaskier put his hands on his hips and snorted indignantly. “Oh yeah, and who told you that?”
“Well everyone knows that.” Poinsettia insisted.
“I don’t.” Jaskier grumbled and tossed his fringe. “In fact I know the opposite to be true, dear sister. We can and do fall in love.”
“I have to tell Santa.” She muttered to herself, holding the globe to her chest, and scurrying off towards Santa’s Grotto.  
“Oh hey now, hang on!” Jaskier yelled and ran after her. Filavandrel’s lute slipped off his arm as he ran and he stumbled as he tried to stop the precious instrument from clattering to the ground. “Oh no you don’t!”
He cradled his beloved instrument in his arms and then looked up. Poinsettia was gone.
He frowned and stuck his tongue out, picturing Santa’s Grotto in his mind. When he was certain he had it, he let the Spirit loose and he was lost in a flurry of snow. When it cleared Santa was peering down at him.
He was not the jolly old man that kids thought he was, not at that moment.
“Hello Santa, old friend.” He mumbled and gave him a wave. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“You just frost hopped.” Santa pointed out. “Care to explain?”
“I, well, it was an accident.” He spluttered. “I may have, sort of, stolen the snow globe.”
Santa nodded as if he’d expected this answer. “You travelled to the realm known only as the Continent.”
Jaskier gaped at the old man, nay the legend, before him. “How?”
“The snow globe is ancient magic, Jaskier. It is linked to me no matter what form I take.” Santa said gravely. “From the old gods, to St. Nicholas to Santa Claus. I know where the snow globe is throughout time and space.”
Jaskier let out a stream of syllables that should have been words.
“You have done well, little buttercup, but there is sadness in your heart?” Santa’s voice was all warmth and cinnamon sugar.
Jaskier couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t actually angry!
“I, umm, well, yeah.” He admitted. “I’m afraid I think I left part of my heart behind, sir.”
“Then what are you still doing here, elf?” Santa laughed his famous hearty ‘Ho ho ho’ and shoved Jaskier fondly.
Jaskier stumbled a little and squeak. “Wait what?”
“You returned the snow globe full of Spirit. Now off with you! Take a reindeer and go!” Santa chortled.
Jaskier was still staring. “A reindeer?” He repeated.
“Your heart is waiting. Come back in Winter. I have no doubt you’ll have plenty of new winter tales to share with humanity.” Santa pushed him gently from the Grotto. “I trust you have enough Spirit stored to enchant a reindeer, but be a good fellow and leave Rudolph. I won’t admit to playing favourites but he’s my favourite.”
“Yes Santa.” Jaskier mumbled.
“Oh and Jaskier!” Santa called before he could leave. “Take this.”
Jaskier watched in awe as a large snowflake formed in Santa’s hand. With the other hand, the old man gently tapped the top point of the snow flake and it burst into a flurry of snow. When the snow flurry cleared there was a second snow globe. It was barely a quarter of the size of the original but it was definitely a snow globe.
Jaskier whistled a low drawn out note and carefully took the tiny globe in the palm of his hand. “How did you do that?” He asked.
Santa just winked and tapped his nose. “Away with you, young elf.”
Jaskier grinned and turned on his heels. He conserved his Spirit and ran off towards the stables, waving to Poinsettia as they crossed paths. She was still gripping onto the original snow globe for dear life as she ran to the Grotto and seemed quite surprised to see him running in the other direction.
“I’ll see you in December!” He called. “I have to go!”
He didn’t wait for a response.
By the time he reached the stables he was panting heavily, and his lungs and legs were burning. “Oh fuck.” He grumbled and leant against the nearest stall. Rudolph’s red nose butted him in the head. “Oi!”
Rudolph’s nose didn’t glow like it once had but maybe this year with the return of Spirit, it would shine again.
The reindeer snorted and Jaskier scratched him behind the ears. “I’m not allowed to take you, dearest Rudolph, but I’ll be back in time to pack the sleigh. I promise!”
In the end he chose one of the younger reindeers, one that hadn’t yet been donned with golden bells and one of the special reindeer names.
“I suppose you need a name.” He said fondly as he stroked the reindeers feet, the Spirit pouring from his fingers over the hooves.
The young reindeer huffed.
“I shall name you… Greg!” He announced with glee. “A far better name than Roach. Who calls their horse Roach?”
Greg whacked him over the head with his small antlers.
“No?” Jaskier pouted. “Oh fine. How about Pegasus? You will be flying after all.”
Pegasus seemed to quite like that and nuzzled against Jaskier’s shoulder.
“Ok then.” Jaskier sang. “Are you ready, sweetheart?”
Pegasus snorted again and Jaskier hopped on his back.
“Ho ho ho!” Jaskier laughed in his lower register, trying to impersonate Santa. “Merry Christmas!!”
Pegasus shook his antlers but kicked off the ground and they were off. Jaskier wasn’t sure how Santa or the reindeer knew the way between realms, Jaskier normally got distracted by the stars whizzing past his head when he was on the sleigh, but Pegasus seemed to understand exactly where Jaskier wanted to go and soon enough the now familiar stars of the Continent faded into view.
He grinned and stroked the reindeers neck. “Good boy, Pegasus. We’re home.”
Geralt had barely made it out of town before there was a surge of magic and blinding lights. He drew his sword without thinking and pointed it at the twinkling lights on the path in front of him. The only thing that stopped him from attacking was the strange jingle of bells.
Jaskier’s bells.
But it couldn’t be Jaskier. The elf had only just left him to go back home. The empty feeling in his chest was proof of that, a dull ache that wouldn’t go way no matter how many healing potions he took.
He scoffed. How had the bastard managed to get under his skin so easily? It had only been a few months, but he was so unlike anyone Geralt had ever met. So open with his love and affection that Geralt had let his guards down before he’d even noticed.
The lights in the sky grew brighter and Geralt snarled, holding his sword steady towards the crackle of magic.
To his great surprise a reindeer came barrelling into him. He dropped his sword and leapt to the side of the path, rolling to break his fall.
“Fuck!” He cursed and he scrambled back to his feet, only to be knocked down again by a jingly bundle of green and red.
“Geralt!!” Jaskier cried happily.
He scowled but wrapped his arms around Jaskier almost instinctively as he lay on the hard ground.
“You’re back.” He hummed not quite believing that Jaskier was there in his arms.
The way the elf had been talking, Geralt had assumed Jaskier would have been away for months, at least until after winter. Apparently winter was a crazy season for the Christmas elves, but here he was, back on the Continent.
“I’m back!” Jaskier agreed and pulled back from the hug just enough to stare down at Geralt with light shining in his eyes.
Geralt furrowed his brow. “Thought it would be longer.”
Jaskier pouted. “And I thought you’d be pleased to see me.”
Geralt scoffed. He was about to pull the elf down into a kiss when they were interrupted by a long set of antlers forcing their way between them.
“Oi!” Jaskier grumbled and pushed the reindeer’s snout away. “Pegasus no!”
The reindeer stamped its hoof and Geralt heard Roach’s answering huff.
“You have a reindeer?” He asked incredulously.
“I’m a Christmas elf, Geralt! How many times do we have to go through that? What else what I have, a motorbike?”
Geralt frowned.
“Oh never mind, you won’t understand.” Jaskier answered Geralt’s unasked question with a jingling wave of his hand and then helped pull them both to their feet.
“I am glad you’re back.” Geralt admitted and smiled faintly at the way Jaskier seemed to light up with his whole body. “Just wasn’t expecting it so soon. I almost ran you through with my sword.”
“Nonsense!” Jaskier rolled his eyes and swatted Geralt’s arm. “You wouldn’t hurt me.”
“Hmm.” Geralt agreed, not on purpose at any rate.
“And Santa was proud of the work I’d done here. He sent me back to keep up the good work. Ooh look!” Jaskier pulled a miniature snow globe from his pocket. “I even have my own personal snow globe now.”
Geralt peered at the tiny globe. The scene in this snow globe was different. The original globe had had a small village of tiny snow covered cottages and even smaller figurines of people running in the streets. If Geralt didn’t know better, he would have said that this one was a miniature Kaer Morhen, but that was impossible. Jaskier had never seen Kaer Morhen. Geralt was certain he hadn’t even mentioned his home or the other witchers.
“What’s that?” He asked as he poke the glass.
Jaskier shrugged. “Some old castle. Something Santa picked out I guess.”
Geralt frowned. “Hmm.”
“So where to, witcher?” Jaskier grinned as he hopped astride his reindeer. “What adventures do we have in store? What ballads will I be writing next?”
Geralt grunted and mounted Roach. He didn’t answer Jaskier’s question. Truth be told he didn’t know where they would be heading next. He would follow the path until he found a town with a noticeboard or Destiny intervened.
“Come on, Roach.” He kicked his horse into a trot, knowing Jaskier would follow.
What he wasn’t expecting was for Jaskier to fly, literally fly, past him in a blur of sparkling glittery light, laughing melodically?
“I’ll race you!” He trilled from a couple of feet above Geralt’s head.
Geralt had no hope in winning against a magical reindeer but it was a race. He loved races. Roach loved races. He groaned and spurred his mare on. “You’re on.” He growled and they both sped off towards the horizon where the sun was just beginning to rise. 
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
toxic - chapter 10
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hi guys sorry it’s been a minute. things have been a little crazy lately and my mental health kinda shut down for a little while and lost focus and motivation so i had to get that back up. i hope you enjoy this chapter :) (may contain spoilers to Knives Out)
“Oh the hell he did not!”
Claire had her arms wrapped around you as you laid your head on her shoulder and cried. You came home from the airport yesterday and were spending the day at your best friend’s house, catching her up on everything she missed. The two of you sat on Claire’s bed in sweatpants and t-shirts, binging on ice cream and Netflix.
“I-I felt like an absolute piece of c-crap, and spent the last night at H-Harlan’s since he is obviously the n-nicest one in that family,” you sobbed. Claire rubbed your shoulder and shook her head. Anger brewed in her brown eyes.
“(Y/N) you did the right thing, I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you sweetie. This is all my fault,” she muttered. You looked up at her and rubbed your wet eyes.
“No no! Claire n-none of this is your fault. Y-You only wanted the best for me, y-you didn’t know Ransom was going to be s-such an asshole,” you replied earnestly, your eyes not breaking from hers. Claire sighed and nodded.
“I promise we’re gonna find your Prince Charming, alright?” Claire said. You rolled your eyes and smiled.
“Alright slow down there, matchmaker.”
“No but we are! I mean how could I have been so stupid? Obviously you wouldn’t fall in love with a jerk who hasn’t changed!” She exclaimed. You felt a twinge in your stomach when she said that. You shook it off because you had completely convinced yourself you were NOT in love with Ransom Drysdale... Yeah, that’s right.
“Claire I think I’ll stick with being single for a while,” you chuckled. Claire shook her head.
“Nope, will not allow it. I want to be maid of honor at my best friend’s gorgeous wedding, and I’m getting antsy!” She whined. You laughed and the two of you laid back onto the pillows. You glanced out the window. The moon was glowing brightly and the night lights of the city were alive. You could hear cars driving and horns honking.
“It’s getting late...” You muttered. Claire turned and looked at you.
“Let’s have a sleepover. Come on, stay the night,” she suggested excitedly. You scrunched your nose, debating the concept.
“No seriously! It will be fun. How often do we get to do this anymore?” She asked. You glared at her as she flashed you her “(Y/N)-I-want-to-do-it-please” face and wide eyes. You groaned in defeat.
“I don’t have a toothbrush or extra clothes or any other crap.”
“Oh come on girl you know I keep extra for you here.”
You smiled and shook your head.
Ransom was looking through any possible place he could find your information.
He was rich, it shouldn’t be this hard.
Twitter? Nothing. Instagram? Nice apartment pictures, no address. Tumblr? What the hell is that app and what was he reading? He couldn’t even find your Snapchat. He groaned loudly and threw his head back against his pillows. He was laying in that comfortable bed of his, next to the spot where you once were. The pillows and sheets still vaguely smelled of you, which drove Ransom crazy.
He ran a hand through his brown hair angrily, and tried Wikipedia again. You weren’t famous or anything, so that barely did shit. It took him forever to sort through half of the content The New York Times provided, so he gave up there long ago.
What was he going to do? He could only be so creepy about it, right? He shook his head and kicked his sheets off. He stood up and threw on some clothes, deciding maybe he could go interrogate Harlan.
He stormed downstairs and out the door, revving up the BMW and taking off with a roar of the engine.
He drove through the empty highway and made it to his grandfather’s, pulling up and slamming on the breaks. He jumped out of the car and stormed up to the door, walking straight in. He startled Marta, who was just grabbing her coat. Ransom walked up to her and stared at her with angry blue eyes.
“Where the hell is (Y/N)? Do you know where she lives?” He spat. Marta’s brown eyes stared in horror and she shook her head.
“I don’t know,” she responded shakily. He stepped away and exhaled forcefully, clenching his fists and making his way to Harlan’s office. Marta slipped on her coat and quickly ran out the door, making her way to a bush to throw up.
She knew where you lived, you gave her your address. But you were too good of a friend and Marta wasn’t about to betray you for a jerk. She quickly pulled herself back together and drove home, getting ready to call and warn you.
“Grandfather!” Ransom yelled and stomped into Harlan’s office. Harlan looked up at him calmly as his grandson slammed his hands on the desk.
“My my, it sure is late Ransom-“
“Cut the bullshit, where is she?” Ransom said flatly. Harlan raised an eyebrow and looked at him for a moment. Harlan knee Ransom meant business, but he wasn’t going to allow him to take it too far. He needed to know Ransom was going to handle things calmly. He needed to know Ransom could act like an adult.
“I only know so much, my boy.” Harlan leaned back and crossed his arms. Ransom’s eyes narrowed more and he put more pressure onto the desk. He was breathing harshly and Harlan shrugged. “What are your intentions?” He asked simply. Ransom’s expression softened slightly.
“I want to go apologize for screwing up so horribly. I know I was an idiot, I know,” Ransom explained bitterly. He was now pacing slowly, one arm crossed and the other under his chin. “I think she was just about the best thing to ever happen to me, and I messed up big time...”
Harlan watched his grandson pace. He felt bad for him, seeing him truly sorry and attached to you like this. Yet he also knew Ransom would have to take the consequences for this. Ransom glanced at him with sad blue eyes.
“What was it you told me on Thanksgiving? You thought (Y/N) and I reunited for a reason?” Ransom walked back up to Harlan. “What was that reason?”
Harlan stared back at his grandson and sighed. Ransom’s face read pain and Harlan knew he was reluctantly going to have to sell you out.
“What are you willing to do to get her back?”
Ransom bit his lip. “Anything.”
You woke up the next morning on Claire’s bed. You rubbed your groggy eyes and looked over at Claire who was on the wrong end of the bed. Her black hair was a mess and her mouth was slightly parted open.
You chuckled quietly and pushed your hair out of your face. You heaved yourself up and looked on the floor.
Half-eaten bowls of popcorn, reminants of melted ice cream, tissues, and an open box of chocolates laid on the floor. The TV asked if you were “still watching The Office (U.S.)?” and sunlight creeped through the curtains.
“Claire!” You whispered. Claire grunted and shifted onto her stomach. “Claire, time to get up.” You glanced at your phone and the time read 10:15 AM. Your best friend showed no sign of response.
You stood up, grabbed one of her arms, and yanked her off the bed. She fell with a solid thud and looked back up at you.
“Girl, I let you spend the night at my home and this is how you thank me?” She scolded playfully. You giggled and helped her up.
“Well, I’m hungry and we both look like hot messes, so I thought we should get fixed up,” you explained. Claire shrugged.
“Need a shower?”
“Nah, I stole your bathroom after you fell asleep and took one,” you confessed with a smile. Claire slapped your shoulder playfully and you laughed.
“Well I’m taking one.” Claire yawned. She made her way to her bathroom and paused. “And I better not find no positive pregnancy test in the trash can,” she bit sarcastically. Your stomach twinged and you laughed.
How were you supposed to get over Ransom with Claire mentioning him left and right?
Ransom found himself on a plane to New York later that evening.
Harlan finally decided that Ransom wasn’t going to go psycho on you and gave him your information. But, as a punishment, Ransom would have to take public airline instead of the private jet.
Ransom looked around at the boring people around him and bounced in his seat impatiently. Dear god, could this plane go any faster?
He stared out the window and sighed, knowing he was making his way to you. He stared up at the moon and knew it was the same one you were looking at right now.
He was anxious to find you, but knew that it would be over the top to try and find you that night. He booked a hotel relatively close to your apartment complex, just incase something miraculous happened.
He hoped he could make things right with you again. How was he going to pass up his feelings like this? He’d secretly liked you since the two of you were teenagers! He was still surprised at himself for finding “the one” for him.
Anxious and jumpy, Ransom leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He couldn’t stand another minute awake that he wasn’t spending with you.
hiiiii everyone, i’m back! thank you so much for waiting patiently and i hope you enjoyed this chapter! we got to see a softer and more vulnerable side of ransom here, and i think that’ll be happening more often! anyway, thanks for staying supportive and chapter 11 is in the works!🤍
@heyiamthatbitch @mcuclintasha @captainsmallassrogers @fangirlinacoffeeshopweshare @anisiamoisa @awesomelittledemarco03 @aletteredaffair @castellandiangelo @theangrylizard @frencchfries @takemetooneverlanddd @sp2900 @smilexcaptainx @monpetitcoin21 @marymoon18 @mccunted @iamapersonwholikesunicorns @chuuulip @sweetlittlegingy @lookalivefrosty @brookebradford @patzammit @stucky-is-life-thank-you @bval-1 @need-more-time @blowfishevans @polarcrystall @little-dark-empress @rosalynshields @asianbuttcheek @dailythotdotcom @topstory21 @canny1902 @alexxcorona113 @what-inspirational-name @summer-may @abbyalee @littlefiercequeen @stardancerluv @oncemorewithfeelingg @sophiealiice @snowxbarryxendgame @lilwickedred @jesseswartzwelder @princessdancingonthesunshine @irwxnhugsx @donutloverxo
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rushingheadlong · 5 years
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As of December 2020, only Reader-insert fics are being cross-posted to tumblr. Please see my AO3 for additional non-Reader fics or check the #my fic tag for my monthly AO3 round-up posts.
♪ Requests: CLOSED ♫ General tag: #my fic ♪ Short imagines: #my hc ♫ My AO3: RushingHeadlong ♪ Updated: December 22, 2020
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Almost Make Believe
♪ 18+, smut, Brian May/F!Reader, semi-public sex ~2.6k words ♪ When you saw Brian’s performance at the Big Mama Club you thought nothing could ever top being front-and-center to him rocking out in a tight black tank top… and then you run into him a bar after the show, and your night goes from great to amazing.
Together With You
♪ 18+, smut, Brian May/F!Reader, cockwarming, ~1.9k words ♪ You spend an intimate morning keeping Brian company as he works.
Make My Life Worthwhile
♪ Fluff, Female Reader, ~3.1k ♪ You always know to expect a few surprises at any Queen party. You just weren’t expecting a surprise like this. **Halloqueen Event gift**
Prompt: Sex under the stars 
♪ Light Smut, Female Reader, ~500 ♪ No kinks, just soft and gentle sex
Take Me Home Tonight 
♪ Smut, Female Reader, ~4.6k ♪ You’re not expecting Brian May, of all people, to walk into your record shop late one evening, but when he asks you to go home with him you’re certainly not going to pass on the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have all your fantasies fulfilled.  ♪  Dirty talk, oral (m&f receiving), fingering, a bit of size kink
I Love Your Mind (But Give Me Your Body) 
♪ Smut, Female Reader, ~3.4k ♪ The moment you lay eyes on your substitute math tutor you know that you’re in for a world of fun. He just might need a little encouragement to realize it too.  ♪ Height kink, semi-public sex, shy!70s!Brian
Teasin’ Around With Me 
♪ Smut, Female Reader, ~3.7k ♪ Brian’s hands are paying the price after the first rehearsal following some time off. You know a trick or two to help him out, but it turns out that Brian has other plans on his mind.  ♪ Hand kink, fingering, teasing & orgasm denial
Prompt: Angry sex with Bri
♪ Smut, Female Reader, ~1k ♪ Angry sex (consent is explicitly given)
Just Excitation 
♪ Smut, Female Reader, ~3.6k ♪ You’ve always had a thing for Brian’s hands (and his arms, and his fingers, and-). But wanting his hands wrapped around your neck is certainly a new one, even for you.  ♪ Choking, breathplay, semi-public sex, minor D/s and minor facefucking
Wrap Those Arms Around Me 
♪ Smut, Female Reader, ~2.3k ♪ Brian knows that whenever he wears tank tops you want to jump his bones. This time, though, he’s going to make you wait for it. ♪ Arm/hand kink, dirty talk, slight D/s, orgasm denial
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Our Love Will Keep You Warm
♪ Fluff, Unspecified Reader, ~3k ♪ On the day of a Queen music video shoot, you find a few ways to take care of Brian and show him just how much you love him.
Dear Friend, We’ll Carry On
♪ Light angst and H/C, eventual smut, Trans Male Reader, ~9.5k words ♪  You’ve known Brian since the early days of Queen, but when he comes to New Haven on his solo tour you haven’t seen him in years. You’re both different people now but, as the saying goes, the more things change the more they stay the same…
One Hundred and Thirty-Six
♪ H/C, Unspecified Reader, alcoholism, ~900 words ♪  You are 136 days sober - and there are two bottles of wine on the counter in front of you
Concept: Soft, Cozy Moments With Brian
♪ Fluff, Unspecified Reader, ~400 words
Take My Breath Away
♪ Kink & smut, Unspecified Reader, ~20k ♪ Brian has a thing for drawing sex out for as long as possible, but it’s harder to do that when breathplay is involved… at least until you come up with a bit of an unorthodox solution: corsets. ♪ Sub!Bri, corsets, breathplay, kink exploration & negotiation
Prompt: Brian in a tight corset 
♪ Kink but no smut, Unspecified Reader, ~750 ♪ Breathplay, corsets, sub!Bri
Prompt: Jewelry shopping for Brian 
♪ Fluff, Unspecified Reader, ~800
Prompt: Being friends with Brian 
♪ Fluff, Non-Romantic, Male Reader, ~800
Prompt: Brian taking care of Reader 
♪ Fluff, Unspecified Reader, ~600
Oh, You’re Good For Me 
♪ Kink but no smut, Male or Unspecified Reader, ~1.5k ♪ Brian comes to you to be tied up and to submit.  ♪ D/s (sub!Bri), rope bondage
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Make It Up (As You Go Along)
♪ H/C, Male Reader, ~2.2k ♪  Freddie’s birthday is quickly approaching… and so is yours. The only problem is that Freddie doesn’t know that, and you don’t particularly want to tell him.
Very, Very Frightening
♪ Fluff, Trans Male Reader, ~2.9k ♪ You’re not a fan of power outages, but Freddie is there to remind you that you don’t have to face it alone.
It’s (Not) So Easy 
♪ H/C, Male Reader, ~2.6k ♪ 5 times you and Freddie hid your relationship and 1 time you didn’t
So Much Ado 
♪ H/C and Fluff, Trans Male Reader, ~3.1k ♪ Freddie wants to buy a cat, but some things are more important than that.
One Year of Love 
♪ Fluff, Trans Male Reader, ~5.5k ♪ Your first anniversary with Freddie is quickly approaching, and you know that you don’t have the money to spoil him with the lavish sorts of gifts that he deserves. But with a little help from a friend, you realize that you don’t need to buy his love and you instead set about creating an evening that the two of you will never forget. **ANatF Event gift**
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Concept: Dating Roger in 1974
♪ Fluff, Female Reader, ~700 words **STL Event gift**
Got Me In A Mood
♪ Light smut and h/c, Female Reader, ~5.3k ♪ You and Roger are friends, who just happen to occasionally sleep together. It’s just a bit of fun, nothing serious… until you realize that you’ve gone and fallen in love with him. **TGIC Event gift**
Prompt: Roger confesses his love to his long-term friend 
♪ Fluff, Female Reader, ~1k
You Could Know Me 
♪ H/C, Gen, Non-Binary Reader, ~2.8k ♪ You knew that coming out as non-binary wouldn’t always be smooth sailing, but you weren’t expecting to face rejection at every turn. Luckily your dad, Roger Taylor, is there to support you no matter what.
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Prompt:  Picking out a Christmas tree with John
♪ Fluff, Unspecified Reader, ~600
Still Come Back to You 
♪ Fluff, Male Reader, ~1k ♪ John returns home late after wrapping up the latest Queen tour, and he’s missed you just as much as you’ve missed him.
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Baked With Love
♪ Gen, fluff, vague modern Queen AU, ~1.2k ♪ No matter how famous they get, Queen has one birthday tradition that they refuse to give up.
Lockdown Blues
♪ Gen, H/C, vague modern & early Queen AU, ~2k words ♪ Freddie has made it his mission to keep everyone’s spirits up while they’re stuck at home. He doesn’t think the others have noticed - but they have, and they’re ready to remind him that they have his back too.
Prompt: Brian May & Tony Iommi
♪ Gen, fluff, current era, ~400 words
And I Get Afraid
♪ H/C, Gen, early Queen, ~4.5k ♪ Queen has come to a standstill as they try to get their debut album released, and John seems to be the only one left who isn’t optimistic about their chances for success. Now with his graduation quickly approaching, he finds himself struggling to decide between sticking by the band- and his friends- or leaving this sinking ship while he can still make something of his future.
Losing My Way
♪ H/C, angst, gen, early Queen, ~4.5k ♪ Brian is burning himself out trying to stay on top of all of his responsibilities. He knows it’s only a matter of time until something gives, and he knows that something will probably be his thesis - but that doesn’t make his failure any easier to stomach. **Companion to And I Get Afraid**
The Hazier Days
♪ Fluff, Gen, early Queen, ~1.6k ♪ It’s too hot for embarrassment as Brian finally caves to the summer heat.
Prompt: Freddie loses the week’s earnings from the stall
♪ H/C and Fluff, Gen, slighty Christmas themed, ~1k
Car Song 
♪ H/C and Fluff, Gen, BoRhap references, ~500 ♪ Roger and John tease Brian about his song “Driven By You” while working on Made in Heaven
Haul Away, You Rolling Queens
♪ AU (Nautical & Mermaid), H/C, Angst with a happy ending, Gen, ~40k ♪ It was Freddie who told them stories of the Kingdom of Rhye, an ancient mer kingdom that once ruled the seven seas before disappearing a thousand years ago. According to Brian it was just a myth, but Freddie was always certain that it was real and waiting to be discovered - but he never found proof of it before he fell sick, and vanished suddenly without a trace.
Now, 25 years later, Roger stumbles across a new clue that could lead them to Rhye - one with unexplained ties to their lost friend. But convincing Brian and John to take a leap of faith and join him in one final adventure is only the first hurdle. If they want to weather the rough seas ahead, they’ll have to not only sail into the unknown but finally face the unanswered questions and lingering grief left from Freddie’s disappearance.
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Take a Picture (It’ll Last Longer)
♪ Jimercury, Modern/Everyone Lives AU, fluff, ~800 words ♪ If Jim was still alive and still with Freddie he would absolutely have an instagram account where he mostly posts photos of their cats and the garden.
Wanna Be Beside You Now
♪ Jimercury, fluff and smut, phone sex, ~800 words ♪ Jim receives a call one night when Freddie is away.
Love in the Shape of Things
♪ Maycury, Modern AU & early Queen, H/C and fluff, ~63k ♪  They’re both searching for their place in the world, but it takes a new flat and a housewarming gift gone awry for Freddie and Brian’s friendship to slowly turn into something deeper. And through long evenings of commiseration and camaraderie, their feelings for each other continue to grow - until one misunderstanding threatens to tear everything apart.
♪ Maycury, early Queen, pining, ~700 words ♪ A moment of tenderness before a show leaves Brian yearning.
Take This Message
♪ Two Maycury fics, one AU & H/C, one fluff, ~500 words each ♪ Two short Maycury fics inspired by the Calling All Girls music video. In the first, Freddie with the help of Brian has to propose the video idea to Roger. The second is a short AU based on the video itself.
Love Him From Where You Are
♪ Maylor, H/C, pining, early Queen, some vague allusions to sex, ~7.2k ♪  Five times Roger was sure that Brian didn’t love him, and one time he knew that he did.
The Fire You Ignite
♪ Maylor, 18+, sub!Brian, bondage, gags, temperature play, orgasm denial, ~3k ♪  Roger takes his time playing with Brian.
Trust Issues
♪ H/C, Maylor, ~500 words ♪ Roger borrows the Red Special when Brian isn’t there, and Brian freaks out.
Thrill Me, Chill Me, Fulfill Me
♪ Poly!Queen, 18+, vague modern AU, crossdressing/corset kink, ~1.7k ♪  The boys plan an evening of dressing up and watching Rocky Horror Picture Show, but the effort that Brian puts into his outfit takes the others by surprise.
I’ll Put A Spell On You
♪ Dealor, 18+, crossdressing, slight D/s (sub!John), ~5.9k ♪ John is tired of always getting teased for wearing “boring” costumes, so he decides to spice things up this year - and when Roger makes sure to show his appreciation for John’s costume choice, they both end up having a good time.
Alone Time
♪ 18+, smut, Brian May solo, masturbation & toys, ~1.1k ♪ Brian always tells himself that he’s going to take his time with this... but he never does.
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All For You (Edgar Bright/Reader/Luka Clemence)
Summary: Edgar has ways of making both you and Luka immensely happy. And this is just one of the times he does.
Pairing: Edgar Bright/Reader/Luka Clemence
Count: 1,233 Words
Rating: General
Warning: OT3/Polyamorous Relationship. 
Announcements: This is a commission for @jennacat84​ of her OT3! Thank you for you patience, and congratulations on winning the 1,000 Word Commission!
•  [Here’s where I’d put links… if Tumblr allowed them. Please click on my blog to view more of my work!!] • Requests are Closed, but Commissions are Open! •
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“Ed… you got reservations here?”
You and Luka stare up at the building before you. A crystal-lit sign lights up your awed expressions, spelling out the name of the restaurant -- one that was among the most famous and most coveted in all of Red Territory. Along with its exquisite cuisine, it was also known for its long waiting list. Reservations had to be made months in advance to be one of the six parties to dine that evening. 
And somehow, your boyfriend had gotten a table. You and Luka slowly turn to Edgar, your mouths still open wide. He only offers up a smirk, shrugging his shoulders.  
"Aren't you glad I told the two of you to dress nicely?" There is a teasing lilt to his tone, but before you can sputter out a response, he leans down. A moment later, and your mouth has been freshly kissed by his. Edgar does the same to Luka in a flash, a quick peck causing him to turn red. 
“You can both thank me plenty later. Are you ready to go inside?” 
The two of you nod, and follow him through the door. He presents his name and proof of reservation, at which the attendant nods and accepts your coats. Tucking them over an arm, they open the door for you. 
“The third room on the right, Mr. Bright.” 
“Thank you.” 
The interior of the restaurant is more elegant than the outside -- the walls painted with dark grey and gold trim, catching the light of the chandeliers overhead. The plush carpet eats any sound that your shoes might make, allowing you to move soundlessly through the hallway. As you walk past the double doors that lead to other rooms, you can hear the muted conversations of other patrons.
“Here we are.” Edgar opens the door, allowing you and Luka to step inside. Presumably to not be beat, Luka hurries over and pulls out one of the three chairs for you at the table. You settle into it and lift your feet and skirts to allow him to push you in, only to laugh a moment later as Edgar pulls out the one to your right and asks for Luka to sit down. He does as asked, but not without a frown on his handsome features. 
You take a moment to look about the room. The small table you are seated at is intimate and cozy. The walls are a rich wine red, and glowing crystals line the wall. The cream tablecloth is spotless, and before is a tall bottle of red wine and three glasses. 
When you finally pick up the menu before you, you realize that it is more simple than you believed -- a short list of appetizers, entrees, and desserts for that evening. Beneath each one is a list of ingredients, but there are no prices to be seen. 
Luka seems to have taken note of the same fact, and eyes Edgar across the table. 
“Ed, how expensive was this?”
“Oh? Why do you ask, dear Luka?” Edgar smiles, not lifting his gaze from his own menu.
"There aren’t any prices on the menu. Also, some of these dishes are incredibly hard to make." Luka points to one of the entrees -- a meat dish advertising “demi glace” sauce -- and makes a face. “Do you know how long demi glace takes to make? Seth asked for it for his birthday once, and…” 
You laugh, recalling the memory. “You were in the kitchen for so long, Luka!” You could remember how hard he had worked to make sure that it was as perfect as everything else he had been making. With such a long prep and cook time, practicing beforehand was impossible. 
“I’m afraid I don’t know too much about it, Luka.” Edgar smiles, tucking his chin into his hand. “Would you like to tell me more about it?” 
Luka doesn’t miss a beat before launching into an explanation, his eyes glittering with excitement. You gaze fondly at it, knowing that this is one of the rare times where his whole face will light up with joy. You recognize the look very well --it happens when he masters a new recipe, it happened the first time you kissed, it happens when someone compliments his food, and it happened when the three of you first got to spend a night together--
Your thoughts are distracted when you feel something brush against your thigh. Frowning, you glance over at Edgar. 
His gaze is trained on Luka, but you can feel a prickle on your skin that is a telltale sign that he is looking at you out of the corner of his eye. As you scrutinize him, you feel the brush against your leg again -- higher this time. Only then do you realize he has silently moved his chair closer, and that his fingers are moving higher up your thigh, teasing it through the fabric of your dress. You bite back a gasp, glaring at Edgar. 
His jade eyes suddenly sparkle, still trained on Luka. “And so you have to constantly be skimming the fat from the top every thirty minutes or so? No wonder it takes so much time.” As he talks, you feel hardened fingers press into your skin before moving inward, pushing the fabric between your legs as he descends. 
This man--! You nudge his hand away at that, blushing red, and Luka pauses as he sees what has happened. 
“Ed.” He sets his menu down. “Were you really listening?”
"I was listening to every word, I assure you. Whether or not she was..." Edgar quickly swipes his fingers over your leg, making you jump, "is a different story." 
Luka frowns, then you suddenly hear the sound of a foot swiping across carpet. A moment later, you see his eyes widen. “Hey! Let go!”
"I don't think I want to let go." 
In a moment, you realize that Edgar has trapped Luka’s leg between his own, smiling as he holds it tight between them. Luka grips his chair and attempts to pull loose, freeing his leg only when Edgar allows him to escape. 
“I’m sorry, dear Luka,” he says, blowing a kiss across the table towards Luka. “Should I promise to order dessert? Perhaps some of the chocolate mille-feuille?” 
“... Anything but that, please. Do you even know what you want for your main course, yet?” 
Edgar glances down at the menu, grinning wide. “I had been looking at the duck…” 
“Edgar!” You gasp at him, and he only breaks out into laughter. “That’s not funny! You wouldn’t eat the Creeks, would you?” 
“Would I?” 
“Don’t listen to him,” Luka says with a sigh. “He’s enjoying himself too much.” 
“Maybe I am.” Edgar reaches across the table, uncorking the wine and pouring the two of you a small serving. “I am rather happy that the three of us are out spending time like this.” 
You smile, accepting your glass. "And we're glad we came, Edgar." Luka nods in agreement a moment later. 
"It is,” he says. “There's no place we'd rather be than with you, Ed." 
Edgar smiles softly, it's warmth reaching his eyes. "I love you both." 
"I love you too," you and Luka echo together.
… After that, the remainder of the night is filled with laughter and joy. The three of you enjoy each other's company immensely. There is nowhere else you would rather be in the world. 
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kikiofthevast · 5 years
Or: Four Times Someone Saw Pride Flags in Edgeworth's Office and the One Time He Saw Them In Someone Else's
Now on AO3!
CW: None really, minor fear of homophobia, i guess
Pairings: Implied Wrightworth, implied Klapollo
Summary: Read the lid
(Also, I recently read a fanfic with Edgeworth putting the Chief Prosecutor's office on the second floor and he would absolutely do that)
Miles Edgeworth did not usually decorate his office for the holidays. If you asked any of the other prosecutors who worked at the office, they would all tell you this, often accompanied by seasonally appropriate insults.
However, there was one instance in which he would decorate his office, and it was a decoration that went mostly unnoticed, or at least, it would have, if it wasn't something that the other prosecutors wouldn't have expected.
I. Winston Payne
(Or rather, the unfortunate events that led to the not-as-unfortunate firing of Winston Payne)
Nobody really knew how Payne had figured it out, but somehow he had found Edgeworth's birth information.
The entire office was tense that day, Klavier's smile wasn't as prominent, Simon was stroking Taka a bit more forcefully than usual, and Franziska was unusually quiet.
There was an unspoken agreement to not bring it up to Edgeworth, as that morning, the chief prosecutor had already seemed tense and appearing as if the smallest thing would set him off.
And it did.
None of them really knew what had happened, but Payne was sobbing out crocodile tears as he came back up to his office, and packed up the little things he had before leaving as quickly as he had come.
None of them saw Edgeworth leave, but did, around an hour later. None of them knew why, and none of them asked.
Then the tense atmosphere seemed to lighten slightly and Franziska breathed out a sigh. "I am glad that my fool of a brother finally decided to get rid of that foolish excuse of a prosecutor."
The rest of them sat in silent agreement.
II. Klavier Gavin
Klavier hadn't necessarily avoided going into his boss's office, but he was definitely more hesitant to do so, as it wasn't too hard to connect the dots.
At some point in the near past, Payne had seen something in Edgeworth's office that was enough to get him to dig into his personal life.
Whatever it was, Klavier didn't want to get involved.
It was almost ironic, despite his life being drama, he wanted nothing to do with the drama that was happening in his place of work. Especially if it would result in him ending up in a similar situation to Payne.
He didn't have much of a choice, however, when Edgeworth had personally called Klavier up to his office, or rather down, considering that Klavier was going down two floors to see him.
Klavier never questioned it, after all it's inappropriate to ask about trauma.
He could barely even set foot in his own apartment.
Nevertheless, Klavier held his breath as Edgeworth's secretary acknowledged him and he opened the door to his office.
"-it really doesn't matter, Phoenix....no, I have two on me, there is no need to worry....Phoenix, you believed I would have come to work today completely unprepared? You clearly don't know me..." Miles Edgeworth sat at his desk, papers in front of him, phone in his hand and pen in his other.
Klavier cleared his throat, not wanting to interrupt anything, but knowing this kind of thing could and would go on for hours, he had to do something.
Edgeworth looked up at him and said into the phone. "My next appointment has arrived, I have to go...." Whatever was said on the other end caused Edgeworth to blush furiously and grip the phone tighter.
Klavier simply smiled patiently as Edgeworth hung up and turned his attention to him. "Prosecutor Gavin, thank you for being punctual."
"I know that you like everything to be in order, Herr Edgeworth," Klavier said smoothly.
Edgeworth looked away for a moment. "I would like to discuss the nature of your relationship with Mr. Apollo Justice."
Of course it was about that. "What did you wish to discuss about it?" His smile was so forced by this point that it hurt. Luckily, he had practice.
"Well, specifically the health and consent of both parties. I discussed it with Mr. Justice a few days ago, and he vouched that both of you were happy with the relationship."
"Herr Forehead is correct, he is one of the things that I hold most dear and our relationship is one that I greatly treasure."
Edgeworth nodded, a small smile on his face. "That is all I needed to hear. The way you interact makes your statement very clear to me and I simply wished to know if anything...unsavory was happening."
"How would you know then, if I was lying?"
"One does not live with living lie detectors and not pick up a few tricks," Edgeworth replied with a wry smile.
Klavier's eyes left Edgeworth and caught on an unusual spot of color on his desk that he hadn't noticed before.
Two small flags, one containing stripes that were pink, blue, and white, and the other white, purple, and gray with a small black triangle on one side.
"Pardon me for asking, but..." he trailed off as he pointed at the flags and Edgeworth gave him a small smile.
"Let's just say that this year, I finally felt more comfortable in my own skin."
Those words stuck with Klavier as he left, going back to his desk and working. After a while, he caved, and looked up the flags.
He never knew there was so much more than just being gay.
III. Franziska von Karma
Franziska had a strange habit of kicking in the door to Miles's office and yelling at him for one reason or another. Once because his useless pining was growing to be too much, once because Godot had spilled coffee on her outfit, once because Klavier was being too loud in the lobby, you name it.
Today, it didn't particularly matter the reason, but Franziska was back from her short trip to Europe (only a few days, simply to check on personal affairs, according to her. It was actually just Franziska taking Adrian Andrews to Germany) and the first thing she did after getting back to work was burst into her brother's office.
"Miles Edgeworth!" she yelled, flashing her whip.
Miles didn't look up from the papers on his desk. "Good morning, Franziska. I trust your trip to Europe was pleasant."
"It was," Franziska looked proud of herself. "I simply came to inform you that I have returned."
Miles smirked. "Phoenix informed me. He told me he could hear the crack of your whip over the horizon."
"That fool is one of the most foolish fools I have ever met. I do not know what you see in him, Miles Edgeworth."
Miles didn't reply, simply humming and stacking the papers on his desk and setting them off to the side.
"What are those?" Franziska said suddenly, pointing an accusing finger at the two flags sitting innocently on his desk in a small cup.
"I thought they would be appropriate. Why, is there a problem?" Miles's eyes were suddenly steely and flashing as Franziska took a step back and Miles stood up suddenly.
"I just believed that they were foolish enough to befit a fool such as yourself," Franziska replied after a moment, genuine care showing in her eyes.
Miles smiled a genuine smile. "Thank you, Franziska."
"It is foolish to thank me for such a trivial matter."
"It is not trivial to me, and so I thank you."
Franziska huffed. "I suppose you are welcome, Miles Edgeworth."
IV. Phoenix Wright
"Nice office you have here," came Phoenix's voice from the doorway. Miles looked up to see him leaning against the doorway with a smile on his face.
Miles huffed and rolled his eyes. "You've seen it before, Phoenix." The man in question continued to smile at him.
"Doesn't mean every time I see it, it's less beautiful." Phoenix's words were followed by a blush from Miles.
"Are you flirting with me through compliments on my office?"
"How'd you guess?"
"Maybe years of experience with the way you flirt and fluster me."
Phoenix raised an eyebrow mockingly. "Are you admitting that it actually works?"
"I'm not admitting anything."
"You're terrible, you know."
"Shut your mouth."
"Make me."
Miles shook his head, regretful about the fact that it would probably distract him from his work. He expressed this sentiment to Phoenix, who placed a hand on his chest in mock hurt.
"Of course! How could I be so blind! You're clearly married to your work! I should have known this day would come!"
He flopped back onto the couch resting against the wall, fanning himself.
Miles tried to push down the smile pulling onto his face. "Please take your melodramatics out of my office. You can faint dramatically on Prosecutor von Karma's desk."
Phoenix pouted. "So professional, Miles. Using your fancy titles and names for people. Besides, if I fainted on Franziska's desk, she'd whip me until I couldn't walk anymore. She'd probably tell me 'If you want to faint, then you can just stay like that, fool.'"
"Nonetheless, Phoenix, I do have work to do, unlike a certain attorney."
"Oh ha ha, laugh at the defense attorney who can't get a case."
"You're so famous for your skill, I'm surprised that people aren't queueing up to offer you a case."
Phoenix scoffed. "I'm also known for being picky about my cases. The particularly hopeless ones, especially. I'm such an unpredictable force that I'm usually a last resort."
"You are not a last resort."
"I was your last resort. And that wasn't intended to be self-deprecating."
Miles didn't have a response to that, moving back to his desk instead.
Phoenix's eyes drifted over to his desk, and his eyes caught on the small flags. He smiled again.
"I like the flags," he said.
Miles smiled back at him. "Thank you. It took me a while to find a vendor that sold the ones I required."
"Well, I'm glad you're being a little more open with yourself. Don't ever feel like you have to do more than you already have."
Miles snorted. "You sound like one of those encouraging Tumblr posts."
Phoenix's eyes lit up with the clear sign that he was getting an idea. "You have Tumblr?! What is it?!"
Miles flushed a deep red as if he hadn't meant to say that aloud. "I do not have a Tumblr, Wright."
"Ooh, you aren't calling me Phoenix, this must really be serious," Phoenix joked. "I don't need to have my Magatama on me to know that you're lying, Miles."
"It is irrelevant."
"It is important."
"Please do not tell anyone."
"I won't if you tell me your username."
"Are you blackmailing me, Phoenix Wright?"
"Who can say if I am, Miles Edgeworth?"
They stared at each other for a moment, before Miles caved and put his head on the desk and Phoenix smirked in triumph.
"I would move the world for you," Miles muttered.
"I know," Phoenix replied. "And I'm going to take advantage of it."
I. Miles Edgeworth
Miles was out walking Pess, as he passed the WAA. He had really just been wandering, having a sort of vague idea of where he was. He knew the city rather well, and perhaps walking by the Agency was a subconscious effort by his brain to see Phoenix, as he really hadn't spent time with him in a while.
He opened the door, and was almost hit in the face with a marker.
The Agency was a mess, really. Trucy's magic props had been mostly cleared out, leaving Miles to assume they were probably piled up in Phoenix's office. Athena Cykes and Apollo Justice were sitting at a table with Trucy who was showing them pictures on her phone.
Miles cleared his throat, and three heads shot to him.
"Hiya Mr. Edgeworth!" Trucy exclaimed with a smile. "What are you doing here?"
Miles smiled back at her. "I was passing by, and I decided to drop in." His eyes drifted, gaze caught by the large rainbow flag hanging on the wall. "What is that?"
Athena looked embarrassed. "Um, the boss said it was a good idea and, uh, if you don't like it..." she trailed off, and Miles raised an eyebrow.
"You can shove it!" Widget interjected cheerfully.
Miles smiled to himself. "It's quite alright, I do like it. It adds a bit of needed color to this dull palette."
"Says the man whose entire office is pink," Phoenix interjected, stepping out of his office.
Miles sputtered indignantly. "It's wine red, Wright. And this office is so beige, I'm sure even Larry could see it needs improvement."
"Are you suggesting I paint my walls?"
"I'm suggesting that the flag on the wall should be the start of some interior decorating."
"As fun as it is watching you two argue like a married couple-" ("We are married!" Phoenix exclaimed) "-could you take this somewhere else? We're trying to work here," Apollo said, grabbing a marker and throwing it at Phoenix, who ducked it expertly.
Phoenix smirked. "I technically assigned it to you, so I can distract you all I want."
Miles looked over at what they were "working on" and saw that they were coloring in templates of multi-striped flags with different colors.
Athena seemed to be filling in one that he recognized as the aromantic flag, and she had a completed bisexual flag off to the side. Apollo was working on a demisexual flag and had a genderfluid flag completed.
"Justice," he said, not adding a title, "have I been unintentionally misgendering you?"
Apollo looked a bit taken aback by the question. "Um, no, not really. There might have been a couple times, but you didn't know."
"Please let me know if I do so, then."
Apollo nodded, and Miles gave him a small smile.
"What are the chances none of us are cishet? Well, maybe except Mr. Edgeworth." Trucy exclaimed, and Phoenix laughed.
"Trust me Truce, Miles is probably the least straight of all of us."
Miles smiled a little bit more, taking a deep breath. "I am a transgender panromantic demisexual, or you may refer to me as 'distinguished pan'."
Athena snorted.
"I'm glad you decided to share," Phoenix said, slightly exaggerated. He wiped a fake tear from his eye. "I'm just so proud you're coming out of your shell."
"More like the closet," Apollo joked.
"My closet is indeed rather large. It's no wonder I was able to live in it for so long."
They continued to exchange quips and jokes for a while until Miles remembered that he needed to take his dog back home.
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jessamygriffin · 5 years
The Legend
Dear @youcantdothatpod
Hello, Hockey Coven, it is I, one of the two responsible for the Pierre-Édouard Bellemare DreamBoat Manifesto of old, penning this under my normal Tumblr journal instead of the hockey one for no good reason, and I come to you, with respect, and with full knowledge of certain coven members love of Russian players (though this one is not a Siberian) to ask for either a history lesson or dream boat nomination for my guy - for having an interesting life, to say the least. He is my favorite Russian player. Yes, possibly even over Ovi. 
And yet he never made the NHL.
Oh. My. GOD. some listeners must be thinking at this point. Why even BOTHER with this guy??? he’s not in the fucking NHL!
(And can I just say, in this case, we must never be the Bettmans of the hockey world, who was bloated with hubris thinking to bring hockey like a Messiah to the unenlightened Asian continent a few years back [ha ha fuck off, they’ve had hockey here as long as the NHL has existed? I live in Japan btw] and we must not think that the NHL is the end-all-be-all of hockey aspiration. It wasn’t. It isn’t. Times were different. There wasn’t even a KHL at the time our story begins.)
I bring him to your attention because he is THE BEST.
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His story begins in the Siberian IHL, passing a pretty tough try-out as a kid to start playing for the Red Army team, CSKA Moscow.
I feel like I ought not throw in all his info here? Maybe just a few highlights? And some comments. Ok who am I kidding it will get long.
Here: Vladislav Tretiak.
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Vladislav Aleksandrovich Tretiak, goalie, current president of the IIHFR.
He won a lot of shit. I’ll just link the Wiki here - it’s a list.
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He looks kinda like Spock, but in the best red-blooded ways, not that I would ever judge anyone for wanting to get freaky with a green-blooded half-alien. His goalie training looks a lot like cossack dance.
There’s some other worse quality vids of him doing similar and playing with his son, so. There’s that. Skip ahead to the tennis ball part.
He started hockey kinda late, at age 11.
And Canadian hockeys LOVED him. *See below pic of jersey swap with Wayne Gretzky for proof.
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Really, you gasp. Say it ain’t so! Impossible!!!
How did the so-called hockey world (which of course was based in NA according to old boring hockey men) discover this Dumbo-eared wunderkind? The 1972 Summit Series.
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(Yes, he grew his hair out and covered the mudflaps, and it was MUCH BETTER, sorry Vladdy.)
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‘Ho hum,’ said the Canadians, ‘Russia thinks they are good at hockey, how ‘bout we have the Summit Series and quash their pretensions? That gold medal in Sapporo? a FLUKE. Ha ha, look at their goalie, this will be a cakewalk, he let in EIGHT GOALS in this game we just saw, oh well, let’s go have a beer and light up a dart, eh, boys? Eight games, pfft. We’ll sweep them.’
Joke was on them - Vladdy or Vladik was gettiing married the next day and weirdly? Couldn’t concentrate.
Summit Series ended up with one tie, 3 Russian wins and 4 Canadian, with the Canadians playing their dirty rough style, and the Russians their smooth, machine-cog style. That series was a gongshow of biased refereeing, Russian goal judges not turning on goals lights, and teams leaving the bench to have Canadian or Russian tantrums. Actual ankle-breaking occured.
Canadians had two goalies. Russian had one. He was 20. My boy. He KILLED it. And to say the Canadians were pretty horned about about this alien cheekboned man-child after expected a blow-out? MASSIVE understatement, HUGELY horny. As they should have been. Ken Dryden LOVED him. Jacques Plante himself, maybe feeling sorry for the kid, came and talked to him before the tournament started and let him know how different players would try to score. ‘A big help,’ Vladdy said. ‘I don’t know why he did that.’  LOTS of players were in awe. Canada was turned upside, Toronto became Tijuana and nothing was ever the same. The Interest in Russian Players was, officially, a Thing. (Kharlamov was a big part of the interest but that’s a whole ‘nother story.)
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The horniness was, in fact, so uncontainable that several NHL teams expressed an interest, and one team was bold enough to draft him in 1983, when he was the ripe age of 31, which at the time was not TOTALLY hockey-old for goalies and players like it is now. Yes, the Habs. Consider that 3 years later rookie Patrick Roy backstopped the Canadiens to several Stanley Cups, and imagine what they could have been even earlier, with Tretiak. HOooooO.  Serge Savard hit up Moscow four times during the winter of ‘84 to try and secure his release.
Russian wouldn’t let him go, of course. Tretiak was a only lieutenant-colonel in the Soviet army, and not playing the high level hockey he had previously, and thusly COULD be replaced in the system. Soviet officials ultimately vetoed a transfer. “Oooh his dad was a major, how can we let this son of a distinguished man go and play HOCKEY, it’s a disGRACE!” Or at least that’s what we were told. Okay, Jan.
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He quit playing at age 32. Thirty fucking two!!!  He’d done his 4th Olympics in a row by this point in 1984, and had the honour of carrying the flag for his nation, though he said it was probably because no one else had done 4 Olympics in a row. He wanted to spend more time with his family, and asked Tikhonov, coach of the national team and CSKA to let him have, ya know. Quality family time. (You’ll remember this douche from previous Russia Hockey Stories.) Tikhonov said, no, you live at the compound like everyone else for 11 months of the year. Ah ha ha.
Roll back a few years, for a grudge. Tretiak, if you’ll recall from the Miracle on Ice, was pulled from the game against the Americans by ol’ Tikky after letting in ONE (1) goal in the first period. All the Russians knew, but would never say until much much later, what a massive mistake that was - and you know the Miracle story anyway. Tretiak said himself it was a mistake, and he wouldn’t have lost the game. 
So, all things considered, in spite of having loads of playing life left in those kicky legs, Tretiak noped out and retired, for the reason of  being denied time with his family. And not getting to go abroad to play, which was probably a bitter pill and so quitting while he was still useful was a good Fuck You to the officials who used him up like a tissue playing hockey for his team and country. And of course, he was exhausted. At age 32.  "I'd played fifteen years with the Army Club and the National Team without a break. Backup goalies came and went, as did three generations of forwards and defensemen, but through four Olympic Games, all the important ones with the professionals, all the World Championships, all the Izvestia tournaments, it was I who played in the net."
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Frankly, he should have just defected like others did later. Sent his family to watch him in a tournament and done a Sound-of-Music-esque Von Tretiak escape out the Zamboni exit, over the mountains and far away.
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He would have been the first if he had. One of the most famous players in Russia, leaving for a career in the corrupt West. I’m glad he at least thought about it a little, even if it never happened. God, that would have been great. I’m glad that the NHL were able to pull their xenophobic heads from their asses enough to know greatness, and to want that brilliance shining on their teams.
But really, in the end, the man done him dirty. “In spite of aggressive discussions with Soviet authorities, Canadiens' general manager Serge Savard was unable to secure Tretiak's release for Montreal. "I would have loved to play in the Forum," Tretiak admits. "I was hoping to one day play in the NHL. I would have liked to do it even for just one season. Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. I regret not having the chance." “
Still, the NHL and hockey in NA didn’t forget him. There were laurels left to be given.
He was the first Russian to be inducted into the HHoF, and the first to be entered without ever having played in the NHL.
Was he done with hockey? Heck no. Remember when I said Canadians loved him? It may have been mentioned a time or five.
In 1988, hockey royalty got married - Wayne Gretzky and Janet Jones. Befitting royalty, her dress cost $40,000, and gifts filled three rooms of the hotel. Notably, amongst them was a gold swan from a certain Soviet goalie Vladislav Tretiak. Why??? Swans are good luck, said Vladdy. They mate for life. And lo, the couple is still together.
In 1990, Mike Keenan hired him to be a goalie coach for the Blackhawks, and was (again) so turned on by his mastery that he suggested the 38 year could still play in the NHL? Vladik laughed and said no, but coaching was the next best thing. He worked with the best - Belfour, Hasek, Thibault, and you’ll be shocked that loads of tendies wear his #20 in tribute. He runs - or ran? website not updated in a while - the most challenging goalie school in NA in Toronto in summers.
He worked with the ‘Hawks until 2007, and then went on to be a pillar in Russian hockey leadership. Coach. Etc.
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He wrote a book, which was really what got me into Russian hockey - it was wild to me at the time when I read it in high school some (Cough cough) years ago, so alien. But it’s chock full of the stories you love. His first coach Tarasov, wanted him because he was ‘tall’ (6′ is tall in Russia???) and had ‘huge hands’ and reminded him of Jacques Plante. The book’s pretty frank about hockey history and the role ‘Miracle on Ice’ played into a kind of American propaganda, which is refreshing. He was politely horrified by seeing Canadian players smoking. His training was bonkers, and included tree-climbing at speed. The Russian team was always trying new stuff, and one time decided on sports psychology, which a teammate helpfully volunteered Vladik for, ‘He’s the most important player, he’s the last defence, work with him!’ (since no one else wanted to). The positive thinking mantras seemed to work as at the next practice they were amazed by his clean play and kicks. But lol, no, next game he got blown out, and was probably glad to send the sports shrink on the way.
And he was crushed  when his teammate, Valeri Kharlamov, with whom he played so long, died at the young age of 33 in a car accident. But Kharlamov is a guy for another section of Hockey Histories.
So. This dream boat.
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Ok. I know y’all prefer a defection story, and I think some listeners also? But. Here’s the thing. It’s sexy and romantic but also traumatic as fuck to ditch your country, your life in that political climate, to play the game. And dangerous,  shit man. 1983. U.S.S.R.!!! People still got disappeared! It was fine to treat players like garbage and lock them up for months in a compound and not let them see family! And I sometimes get the feeling that people consider the NHL the pinnacle, like, what a fool is Tretiak? who wouldn’t throw away everything to play NHL hockey? But that’s like, Bettman thinking, that the NHL is the best and perfect when we all know it’s fucking garbage, I know the current KHL has issues, SO MANY it would be a three hour podcast to talk about! So there’s no high ground, really. And in the end, Vladislav Tretiak made a choice that did good by himself, going on to a successful post-hockey career and the upper echelons of Russian hockey, and did well by his family, and of course, being patriotic is sexy, as anyone screeching at their team during the current World Cup of hockey knows. It’s okay that he stayed there. It’s fucking sexy NOT to defect, sometimes. Dude was a champion either way, his life is not a tragedy or lesser for not having played in the NHL and I really want people to know that. 
"For me, it was all, and all of it is with me forever."
Yes, there is life and hockey beyond the NHL. 
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And it’s beautiful.
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boyslaughplus · 5 years
Brassica Valentine's Day Special
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Hello Tumblr! What a day to start this off! <3
Because it's Valentine's Day, we decided to release a little short story set in the Brassica universe. It takes place a few months before the game but aside from some recurring characters it's independent of the main story (though maybe not insignificant...)
If you haven't played the game, don't worry, this story doesn't need any knowledge of its plot. If you have played the game, you might appreciate some of the details and hopefully enjoy this story that is a little more Ode-centric than the currently released acts.
But without further ado, here's the Brassica Valentine's Special:
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Walking into the room, it felt like entering another world. The festive decoration stretching through the entirety of the castle foyer, the exquisite looking food stacked on the tables in the main hall, and of course the colorful crowd of royals, dressed in extravagant suits, robes, and dresses—everything seemed to shimmer and gleam in the light of the chandeliers. Ode certainly wasn’t new to these kinds of events but he still experienced a mild culture shock whenever he attended.
His cousin, Lord Valentine of Barah, had once again invited him to one of his famous birthday parties, or Valentine’s Day as many people called them. It was an event that was famed for the bonds it created, both interpersonal and political, due to the gathering of many young royals and the chance to confess to a crush or to court someone you fancy. Valentine himself chose among about half of his guests a select few who were given a rose. This rose should then be given to someone else who caught your interest and it was looked down on people who left the event not having given away their rose. Similarly, not receiving one marked you as being socially inept, undesirable even as some harsh voices would put it.
Ode did not care much about this custom. Especially this time his mind was set on other matters because more than just attendance, gifts, and well wishes were expected of him: he had been asked to perform for all the guests.
His parents, the king and queen of Barah, liked to boast about Ode’s musical talents since he rarely concerned himself with politics and state affairs. Ode didn’t like to play the role of a musician, less so that of a performer. He liked music and singing, but his audience was usually just the local wildlife and his best friend Friedrich. And that was it. He had never meant to make music a defining part of his public persona.
Even so, Ode didn’t mind the request. If his cousin wanted to hear him sing, he would gladly rise to the occasion. Or so the prince thought before he arrived. Now that he was amidst the cheerful crowd that was basking in the joy and the glory of attending an event as high-class as this one, Ode couldn’t help but nervously eye the stage he would soon be on, under the piercing gazes of everyone in the room.
Searching for his cousin to give his regards and discuss the details of his performance, the young prince of Barah looked around the hall. But with little success. It surely didn’t help that this was a masquerade ball!
In his search for Valentine, Ode passed many eccentric figures. Among them, a dashing royal in a dark suit embroidered with gold and complemented by his long turquoise hair and the rainbow of colors that was his crystal covered mask. A large group of what seemed to be avid admirers, flocked to the man and Ode made sure to steer clear of them as he rarely fared well with such people. He could still hear them laugh as he passed the vegetarian side of the buffet where a lone, lean, golden figure stood. Between most other outfits his wide pants almost seemed exotic though they were still overshadowed by his lack of shoes.
“What a bold choice for a ball in February,” Ode thought to himself.
Taking another look at the dainty royal’s outfit and his mask full of triangular ornaments, Ode wondered where he might have come from to be dressed this way. But there were more pressing matters at hand!
His search continued for a while and subdued the nervousness regarding his performance. When he finally found Valentine, the festivities were already well underway, and it didn’t take long until Ode found himself behind the stage, talking to the string quartet that had already been playing for most of the evening. Now too they would provide the backdrop for his song. A ballad that had resonated deeply with Ode and so he wanted to recite it this evening. Clutching his flute to his chest and with a pounding heart, Ode walked onto the stage to Valentine’s excited announcement.
For a moment he looked at the audience that was quieting down, their expectant gazes locked onto the tall prince who was more than glad to be wearing a mask himself right now.
His nervousness spiked briefly before disappearing completely once the sound of a cello resonated through the hall, indicating the start of the song.
It was the first time they performed it together, but the string quartet was well practiced and it didn’t take long before Ode went along with their rhythm. Unsteady as his flute play was sometimes, Ode had also been told it had character. He stopped to think and just played without worry; A melody a little solemn, if hopeful, he thought, to preface the first verse.
O friends, now I see, the morning draws near The moon looks upon us and all we hold dear
How we will part ways, nobody could say, How long we have left, no one could explain
The end though ’tis sure, is nothing to fear.
We sing and we dance despite illness and death Make most of the time until our last breath
When lost and in pain, we shall not lose hope, Stay resolute still at the end of our rope
’Cause as long as we breathe, there’s still some time left.
The deep voice of Barah’s youngest prince carried well throughout the room and by the time the next verse came around, Ode had nearly forgotten there were other people present, simply getting lost in the song.
But before too long it came to an end and for what felt like forever, the audience stayed quiet. Whispers began to spread among the guests and Ode could feel a wave of tension sweep through the entire hall.
Just then a thought entered the prince’s mind. Had this song really been suitable for such a celebration? What if he just embarrassed himself… his cousin… his kingdom? Lord Valentine initiated a polite if quiet applause as he took the stage.
“My dear cousin, the fledgling prince of Barah, everyone! Now after such a… unique performance, how about we welcome tonight’s main act? I’m sure you have all heard the tales of the bard who single-handedly—”
Ode felt his fears confirmed as he was led off the stage. He really didn’t like gatherings where people valued tact above genuineness. Where a single misstep could mean one’s social death. Had he cared more about the opinions of others, he might have been glum, but seeing Valentine trying intently to salvage the mood of his guests still made him feel like a disappointment.
The prince walked down the room, hearing the whispers and quiet sneers of other Royals behind him as he passed their tables.
Ode needed fresh air.
He left the hall just as the bard began to play and immediately felt relief as he stepped into the cold evening air. This wouldn’t have happened had he sung for the animals. At least they didn’t judge him and appreciated whatever he sang as long as it had heart!
Once he returned home, his parents would surely berate him for tonight’s events. If he could, Ode would just let go of all etiquette and responsibilities and leave the royal world. But whenever he came close to actually doing so, Friedrich told him to reconsider. Told him he was being rash.
Now was another of those moments. Anger rose within Ode that nobody seemed to have cared about his intentions. That nobody seemed to have seen what Ode saw in the song and instead focused only on its melancholic exterior. Without his friend to talk to him, the prince took off his mask, sat down on a bench in the gardens, trying his best to calm down on his own.
Though he would only stay alone for a short moment.
Soon Ode could hear the footsteps of someone else approaching in the distance. They came ever closer before abruptly stopping just behind him.
“Oh… hello. You are Prince Ode, correct?”
The mellow voice enchanted Ode immediately. He turned around and saw a slender, red-haired woman in an elegant dress decorated all over with pearls and flowers.
“Y-yes. That is correct lady, uh—” he hesitantly replied, wondering why she would want to talk to him.
“Sappho. Though you might know me as Seraphina of Radix.”
Indeed, he had heard of her, the crown princess of Barah’s most powerful neighbor land. Although he had never imagined that the heiress of such a mighty kingdom would look so delicate and sweet.
“Don’t you want to listen to the bard, Princess Sappho?”
She snickered and sat down next to Ode.
“Oh no. I needed to go outside for a bit. I have little patience for such mindless racket.”
Ode’s heart jumped at hearing this. Was he maybe not alone in this after all?
“I see. I feel much the same way! Although this wasn’t the main reason I left…”
He stayed silent for a moment, trying his best not to think about the political consequences this conversation could have should he mess up again.
It wasn’t by any means an uncomfortable silence, but to his relief Princess Sappho broke it soon, anyway.
“Well, I have to say I enjoyed your little performance earlier. Genuinely, I mean.” The princess took off her shimmering, cat-like mask before continuing as Ode got lost in the gaze of her bright eyes.
“Few people would have had the courage to perform it here, let alone do so from the bottom of their heart.”
The last thing Ode had expected to be met with this evening was kindness, and he smiled enthusiastically at Sappho, feeling the confidence to openly speak his mind.
“Thank you, Princess Sappho! I was worried that I made a mistake, but your words reaffirm me that the others’ reaction was not my fault! Although… Maybe I am nonetheless unfit for such festivities.”
The princess laughed.
“So what? I have talked with many a royal tonight, but this is the first enjoyable conversation I had. Just because you are not like the rest, you are not any less valid! Contrary so. You should be proud of yourself, Prince Ode!”
Never before had Ode experienced anything like ‘love’. Not in the way it was always sung about. But this very moment he thought he had gotten a glimpse of what it was like. As this realization set in, he took a deep breath to respond to the princess just to be cut short when she continued once more.
“But anyway, I’d happily go on with this conversation but I’m afraid I have to go. There is someone who is waiting for me right now and I cannot spare much more time.”
She stood up, turned to the prince and held out a rose towards him. The one she was supposed to give to someone special. Prince Ode could hardly believe it.
“Farewell Ode. I’m sure we will meet again some day.”
Hastily, Ode straightened his back and gratefully accepted the rose, looking at the princess with a multitude of feelings he could not yet fathom entirely. One of them disappointment that she was already about to leave.
“Farewell Princess Sappho! And thank you!”
A smile flashed on the Princess’s face just long enough that Ode could feel her grasp on his heart tighten. She turned around and walked away further down the path she had come from.
Ode watched her disappear in the shadows of the garden and just now noticed the quickened tempo of his heartbeat.
Long after she had left, Princess Sappho was still ever present in the prince’s mind. For a while he stayed outside, lost in his thoughts and the stars shining brightly above him.
It truly was the most special Valentine’s Day he had ever experienced. Full of determination, Ode made a silent vow. He would see her again.
And he would act upon the feelings that stirred up inside of him that day. For they were far too precious to leave alone.
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