#what impact will your choice in pet have on the species as a whole? will more people want pet foxes because they see yours?
seventeendeer · 1 year
before you adopt an "unusual" pet of any kind, I think it's really, really important to ask yourself why you absolutely need to have this specific species in your house. not just if you think you can take care of this pet, but why exactly you need this kind of pet, instead of a more common domestic animal which 1. will be better understood and researched due to many years of having lived in close quarters with people and 2. will be much, much easier to find proper vet care for.
I grew up with dogs. as a kid, I thought I wanted a pet dragon. seeing as this wish was somewhat difficult to grant for myself, as an adult, I sat down and evaluated what exactly it was kid-me thought would be so awesome about having a dragon for an animal companion.
"well," I told myself, "I really want a pet that's more emotionally guarded than a dog. something that won't love just anyone; I want to feel special by virtue of being 'chosen' by something that is normally aloof and hard to get close to. oh, and I want it to be cool-looking! it has to move all majestically and be sleek and elegant, and I want it to be fun to watch! I'm also drawn to the idea of misunderstood animals that people think are evil, but actually they're sensitive, beautiful, fascinating creatures, and we could learn so much from them if only we could overcome our own biases and see them for the raw, natural sincerity they embody!"
hopped on down to the shelter and picked up a cat
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theramseyloft · 3 years
Woooo, is this subject ever a pain in my ass for something so simple...
There is just... SO much misinformation out there, from sources that should otherwise be credible.
So let me set the record straight as a specialist in the care of pigeons:
Pigeons are strict granivores. 
They can’t digest any part of a plant but seeds.
No leafy greens. No stems. No roots, no tubers, no bulbs, no flowers... 
ESPECIALLY not the fruit!!!
They can neither taste nor process the sugar!
Nothing but seeds.
Not even as a treat.
Vets often suggest greens and fruit and florets for literally every companion bird, going off the parrot template.
If a small animal (non-farm) vet gets to see a companion bird, you can reliably wager that it’s either a psittacine or finch, and win that bet most of the time.
Hardly any one ever brings pigeons to a vet.
Breeders consider it cheaper to kill the sick ones than try to find out what’s wrong with them, and pigeons as companion birds are still extremely niche.
The only way to change this is for people with pet pigeons to bring them to their vet like they would a cat, dog, rabbit, or other pet for regular check ups so that a base line can be established before that animal gets ill.
The more vets provided with base lines of healthy pigeons, the more accurately they will be able to treat pet pigeons.
Parrots in captivity that are fed the fruit and nut heavy diet that most species eat in the wild will develop fatty liver disease and die very young.
Wild parrots fly for MILES every day to forage that sugar and fat rich diet, which fuels their long foraging flights.
Their diet is adapted to their lifestyle, and their lifestyle is adapted to their diet, as is the case with most species.
Parrots have only been captive bred for the last 70 or so years. The larger species take up to 5 to sexually mature, and can live into their 70′s or 80′s
We have been breeding them in captivity for less than the lifetime of a single healthy individual.
Parrots simply have not had the time to physiologically adapt to the utterly sedentary life they live as human house pets.
We take these birds built for a high stamina nomadic lifestyle supported by a diet high in fat and sugar, and have them live most of their lives in a single room.
To keep them alive, we have had to make up for their lack of opportunity to adapt their physiology by adapting their captive diet to this drastic change in their life style.
Even finches (primarily seed and insect eaters, mostly) are usually kept in such extreme confinement that their captive diet has needed to be modified to avoid being dragged to an early grave by a fatty liver.
Pigeons were the first birds humanity domesticated. 
Even before chickens.
About the time camels were domesticated; in the dawn of agriculture and stationary settlements.
What made them easy to domesticate was that, being desert/scrubland birds, seed was the diet they were already adapted to.
It was easy enough to share enough grain with them to make living in a dovecote worth while.
In exchange, humans got some of the most nutritious fertilizer known to man to this day.
Being picky about what kind of seed you eat isn’t beneficial of a desert bird, and wild rock doves already adjusted the volume of their feed intake with the natural fluctuation of seed availability through out the year; eating more when they had to fly further afield to find it, and needing to eat less per foraging trip when there was enough nearby that they didn’t have to range as far.
Because adjusting their food intake according to how close and plentiful food was already came naturally to rock doves, the only transition in the development of domestic pigeons was that food would always be close and plentiful.
Pigeons have had THOUSANDS of years to adapt to not having to fly nearly so far to find enough to eat in human care as their rock dove ancestors did in the wild.
Here is the basic break down of nutritional requirements for racing homers (the breed that serves as the base line for domestic pigeons), according to Avian Medicine: Principles and Applications. Ritchie, Harrison and Harrison;
Tumblr media
Pet shops are starting to sell dove and pigeon diets now, lots of which would make decent bases, but still need extra protein or fat added.
There are also lots of wild bird blends that make good bases.
I used to love royal wing Classic Mix from TSC, as it was easily accessible, but it needs a lot added to it, and that can get pretty expensive.
Chewy sells an excellent diet designed for pigeons breeding and performing: https://www.chewy.com/versele-laga-classic-pigeon-food/dp/259128 , which is what we order for the flock now.
But for a house pet or two, it’s often easier and less expensive to mix your own blend.
Pigeons can eat pretty much any whole (in the hull) seed that they can comfortably swallow.
Birds that are performing, raising peeps, or under weight need all the fat and protein they can get, so lots of dried legumes for protein (Mung beans, lentils, and split green peas are favorites), millet (fatty and high protein, especially easy to digest), safflower seeds, and black oil sunflower seeds (rich in oil and extremely fatty).
Non-breeding House pets tend not to need as much fat, so their feed should be higher grain like wheat, barley, and oats with lower fatty or high protein seeds.
The more confined the bird (unless the bird is sick or healing from an injury), the less fat it needs in its diet.
So the owners of a pet or two are free and encouraged to experiment with their blends.
Most pigeon’s can’t comfortably swallow striped sunflower seeds, so keep your selection below that in size.
Chopped up tree nuts or peanuts are an EXTREMELY high fat treat (think pigeon cheese cake) and should be given *very* sparingly.
Chia seeds have a very high caffeine content and need to be avoided.
Other than that, you can experiment with any grain, legume, or other seed small enough for them to swallow, provided nutritional parameters are maintained.
Do not used hulled seeds!
The hull is important, not because they can digest cellulose, but because they can’t. (which is why they can’t process any part of a plant except the seed)
The hulls of seeds they eat make up the vast bulk of solid fecal matter and act as vital dietary fiber.
That pigeons need grit to grind down food in their gizzard is a myth.
They need it to obtain dietary minerals, and that distinction is a matter of life and death.
Avoid the starter chick grit for chickens, and the charcoal grit for song birds, as these are both made with a base of Granite, which is made by leeching the calcium out of lime stone. 
Galliformes need granite grit because it won’t break down in their gizzard, where they use it as a mechanical aid to grind food.
That’s exactly what makes granite based grit a serious intestinal impaction risk for a columbiform like our domestic pigeons.
Because what they need grit for is dietary minerals, it’s important that their grit dissolve in the gizzard to be absorbed by the small intestine.
Hens will lay eggs with or with out a cock, and the cock also has a skeleton to maintain, so calcium supplements are a necessity.
Hens and breeding cocks can also get salt deficient from both producing eggs and feeding peeps.
My breeding flock has Oyster Shell grit offered free choice and free access to a salt and mineral brick for horses.
It is generally safest to assume that a new pigeon has not been adequately supplemented, because birds who have not will gorge on grit and salt to their detriment.
Pigeons deficient enough t crave it can poison themselves overdosing on salt. Salt poisoning is nearly always fatal!!! so do not ever offer pigeons any kind of salt based grit in a loose, granular form.
I use the salt and mineral brick because their beaks are not hard enough and they do not have sufficient bite strength to get large enough quantities off of the brick to sicken themselves before the craving for that mineral is satisfied.
A single indoor pet can be given one of the little salt/mineral wheels for hamsters.
Calcium deficient pigeons craving grit can impact their crops gorging on it.
As stated earlier, my loft birds have free choice access to oyster shell grit next to their feed.
To prevent new birds form gorging dangerously on it, a tiny pinch is sprinkled over their meals every morning during their 4 week quarantine.
By the time quarantine ends, they are not deficient, and will not be craving grit ravenously enough to hurt themselves on it.
Bon appetite to your sweet cooey friends and house mates. ^v^
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mandaloria314 · 2 years
(I’m just gonna do ALL OF THEM because I want to and I can!)
Jedi or Sith?
Rebels or Empire?
Favourite character from Prequels? Obi-Wan
Favourite character from original trilogy? Leia
Favourite character from sequel trilogy? Finn
Do you have any ships? So many. Din/everybody, basically, but especially bobadin and bobaluke
If you could choose any profession to have in the GFFA, what would you be? Xenolinguist
Weapon of choice? Lightsaber (but nothing beats a good blaster at your side, amirite?)
What food from Star Wars would you want to try? Spotchka. 
Which character do you feel is most like you? Leia.
Which planet would you want to call home? Naboo.
Which character would you be friends with? Lando. Or Artoo. Or Boba.
Would you want to be a force user? Sure!
If you could change one thing about the Star Wars universe, what would it be? The defeat of the Empire actually meant something.
Did you play any Star Wars video games? Yes! original nintendo Empire Strikes Back. It was very difficult! The 8bit music was great. Right now I’m playing Jedi Fallen Order
Have you read any Star Wars books? Many legends books
How were you introduced to the fandom? As a kid I had an idea for a story where Jaina and Jacen go back in time and meet Anakin and Obi-Wan, and I posted it as a wip on ffnet. It definitely included Ani hating sand...
How has Star Wars impacted your life? It’s a big thing in my family. 
What type of outfit would you wear? Han’s outfit, with the skinny pants, the boots, and the vest (basically my typical autumn oufit)
What type of pet would you have? Tooka. Or a droid friend. 
Which heroine is your favourite?  Leia.
Which heroine had the best hairstyle? Padme.
How would you wear your hair? Two buns or bust
Would you want to be human, or from another species? Human
What type of ship would you fly? X-wing
What type of job would you want? Xenolinguist
Top 3 planets to visit? Kashyyyk, Coruscant, Fest
If you could stop one character from doing one thing, who would it be and why? The confusing Luke and Kylo flashback. Just fix the whole thing. I still don’t get it. 
Which character doesn't get enough credit or screentime? Chewie.
Do you have any headcanons? Hundreds. Especially about Luke. 
Have you made any fan content? Fanfiction.
Who would you cosplay as? Din Djarin.
Which movie have you watched the most? Return of the Jedi.
Which trilogy is the best? OT
Opinions on the animated series? Too much filler, hard to hold my interest but I try.
Opinions on the Mandalorian? A much-needed rebirth giving new life to the abused franchise
Opinions on the Jedi? I agree with ~80% of Pop Culture Detective’s “the case against the Jedi order.” 
Fic recommendations? Can I be bold and say mine?! If you prefer gen, I have a wip story called The Hostage that I’m quite proud of, which has the whole Mando crew and focuses on Din and Grogu. New chapter coming soon.
If you wrote a 'fix-it fic', what would you write about? Rogue One everybody lives, especially Cassian and Jyn.
If you could make your own Star Wars trilogy/series, what would it be about? Luke’s Jedi Academy (which they’ll probably make into a cartoon before rebooting the sequels)
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Your DR magic AU, hand it over 🤲
Okay I have two other anons and I’m just gonna split the character ideas among the three asks. I don’t quite have a plot thought out, and most of these characters’ concepts have only existed in my head up until now...bare with me skdjksjfkd
Mm I talked about them briefly in Prom’s ask? But here’s a more in-depth thing of the THH fighting styles.
Makoto is a mage-type. (I used fighter, support, and mage to describe the various adventurer types it’s temporary just roll with it) Again, he can’t really hold magic for very long? He’s got a large mana reserve but it’s hard to activate and harder to control, so he’s currently working on mastering the little bullets. In the future, I imagine large barrages of bullets would sort of circle around him like they would in the barrel of a gun.
He probably got in accidentally? I’m not entirely sure about this, but I think there’s an entrance exam for Reserve Courses and he was probably forced in on Komaru’s behalf for some reason.
He was basically running the entire time until the very end when he panicked and suddenly the entire field was wiped clean from him waving his arm. HPA saw that, decided that he was worth training, and put him into the Main Course. He doesn’t feel very good about getting in that way, but HPA isn’t exactly empathetic like he is. Again this is like one of three ways I think he could’ve gotten in with the rest of the cast because I’m indecisive skdjsjf
Kyoko is another mage-type, in general the Main Gangs of each game have various themes. THH’s trio has a magic theme, they all use magic. She doesn’t use a weapon, though I’m thinking her gloves act as a limiter of sorts?
As a general rule, more mana means less control, and being half-demon gives her a lot of it. Her gloves help her regulate her mana output so that she doesn’t use too much of it when attacking and tire herself out. Later in the timeline, I imagine there might be a scene where she takes them off and fights off some enemies to buy the rest of the class time to escape something? She would get trapped in the process, but I think this would happen after she’s worked with Makoto for a while and she would trust him enough to believe he would come back for her if she didn’t return.
Oh this isn’t related to her fighting style but on the topic of her being half-demon, that’s mainly because I thought it was boring for everyone to be human and I’m a big sucker for fantasy species so yeah. She’s a cambion.
She has purple-tinted skin, horns that curl up and are fairly close to her head, a thin pointed tail, pointed ears, her pupils are slitted, she’s got carnivore-style teeth, her nails are longer and sharper by default. Whenever she uses the full extent of her magic, her scleras turn dark purple and her irises turn white. Oh yeah her scars came from an accident she had when she was young where her magic got out of control and burned her hands. Her mom’s the demon by the way, for no particular reason, I just thought that the Kirigiris would stay human in this and I don’t know anything about her mom’s side of the family.
I just realized I never said Makoto’s race skdjks he’s human!! He and Komaru just happen to be a special case and have a lot of mana. Most other humans in this AU aren’t so lucky. (cough hinata cough cough)
Byakuya, again, uses magic. He’s the only one who uses a weapon in the Trio, he uses a staff specially made by the Togami family. He also knows how to use a sword and a bow.
I haven’t put too much thought into him, but I know for a fact that his adventuring outfit would have a big sweeping cape later in the timeline. In the beginning though, he just has a stupid expensive suit. The cape comes in later as he, Kyoko, and Makoto start to group up more and more.
I’ve decided that adventurers in this AU group up just as often as they go solo, and while Byakuya would initially be solo, he would deem Makoto and Kyoko strong enough to work with whenever they’re taking on a difficult job.
Groups would change to have matching designs the longer they’re partnered up, and capes/cloaks happen to be the THH Trio’s Thing, as in all three of them would have a cape/cloak of some sort. Byakuya because he’s pretentious, Makoto because he thinks it looks cool, and Kyoko because she uses the cloak for practical reasons like storing things and keeping a low profile when needed. Oh and Byakuya’s bloodline is of royal elven descent, their business is selling spellbooks, runestones, potions, reagents, any magical item you could think of.
Sayaka is a half-siren mage! She mostly uses charm and illusionary magic, as well as healing so that she can support her allies. Later on, she might learn water magic so she can actually deal damage as well. I haven’t decided on her weapon of choice, perhaps she uses a lyre or casts spells from a book. I’m also debating having her learn hand-to-hand combat instead of water magic?
I just like the idea of someone coming up and trying to challenge her, thinking they’ll beat her easily, and barely getting a hit in before she kicks their legs out from under them and tosses them over her shoulder like they weigh nothing. She deserves to take out people twice her size and be menacing, as a treat for the amount of disrespect she gets in the fandom. And I want her to take Leon down a peg because he definitely acts a little like a cocky frat boy sometimes.
Speaking of Leon, we’ve got our first fighter-type!!! I could have him use a baseball bat but that’s boring so I’m thinking he might utilize items as well as a weapon? Bombs or grenades that look like a baseball and explode on impact, baseballs that ignite when thrown and act as fire balls. Alas, I don’t think about him much so this is all just me throwing ideas to see what sticks.
Whatever the case, the main thing I know would happen is that he frequently gets help from Kazuichi and Miu because he just cannot for the life of him stop breaking his equipment. He’s reckless and rushes into battle and now that he doesn’t have Kanon to stop him from setting stuff on fire all the time, he gets detention a lot. (And no she isn’t into him like in canon, I refuse to acknowledge that she ever was.)
Chihiro......they can’t fight djfjsjfjjf. They specialize in making tech and weapons, and in the beginning, would mainly use robots that they programmed to support their allies. Though, they do end up training with Mondo, Sakura, and Aoi to help them become better at combat, and eventually they join everyone else on the front lines as a ranged fighter/support type.
Also, the robots would kinda follow them around like pets. Cute little guys that can also shoot lasers. The robots are powered by mana crystals and each one has a different personality and magic type! Sometimes they follow around different people, the electric one took a liking to Mondo and you’ll see it floating around while he works out. They’re buds.
On the topic of Mondo, he’s another fighter-type! He’s more hand-to-hand combat. A controlled berserker, if you will. Probably started out fighting guys in his hometown and progressed to clearing out monsters when Daiya got concerned about his temper? Perhaps. Maybe. I do not think about Daiya I apologize.
Oh wait hold on. I’m looking at his character art and he’s got a hammer.........it’s decided he uses a warhammer, the biggest one they’ve got, and it’s probably a mana-based weapon. Specifically electric. He and that lil robot wipe the battlefield with their opponents >:D
Taka is probably a fighter-type? I can’t for the life of me find where I read this, but apparently he’s really good at self-defense so I imagine he does hand-to-hand combat as well as sword-fighting for the Noble Paladin Aesthetic.
Hifumi was originally a mage-type, but upon second thought, I’m making him a support-type who uses items and potions and stuff! I like the idea of him making fun little bottles and potions themed after his favorite animes and mangas..........he also definitely helped everyone design their adventurer outfits. He’s the only reason that Makoto’s outfit isn’t boring as hell.
Celeste is, of course, a mage-type. She’s Miss Lolita of course I have to make her an ethereal magic user alright also I love her and I love mages let me have this skfjdkjf. As for her weapon, my first thought was her having playing cards that she throws HxH style?
Or she could summon goons to fight for her, playing into the whole loyal servant dream she has. They would be vaguely themed after the cards, so there would be a jack, king, queen, and joker, all of different magic types depending on the suit of the card she throws. Electric for a spade, fire for a heart, ice for a diamond, something along those lines.
I’m also considering having her little...finger armor thing? I’m thinking of having that cross into her magic, where she attacks with claw-like things formed out of mana. Of course she could also just. Use the cards to cast spells directly skdjksjfkhf
Sakura is definitely a fighter-type. Again, hand-to-hand style, but I imagine she’s more controlled and strategic than Mondo. I can’t see her using a weapon, so I guess she’s like one of the only characters to fight exclusively with fists.
Mukuro’s a ranged fighter-type, but she can also do melee. She uses magic-based guns, ones that shoot mana infused bullets. They have a variety of effects depending on the type of bullet and magic. (I’m not a gun person so take this with a grain of salt.)
Bullets that break apart might be laced with electric magic so that they can shock a target from several points, or fire magic if she’s aiming to start a fire quickly. Exploding bullets are usually used with fire magic, but she might switch to ice if she wants to create a barrage of ice shards for...some reason, I don’t know. There’s more combinations I could probably make, but I’m. Not here to spend an hour researching guns. Not right now at least, who knows what I’ll want info on in the future.
Mmmmmm I’m starting to lose patience here so forgive me for the shorter explanations. I might throw in a fun fact about them for ✨ flavor ✨
Junko’s a fighter/mage-type! She uses a scythe and laces the blade with magic. She could combine it with fire magic to create a flaming scythe and go nuts with it, or she could just channel general mana and slam the blade into the ground to create a big crack in the ground.
There’s about an 80% chance she gets several weapons later in the timeline. Her scythe, a spear, possibly a gun. Monokuma probably exists, I like to think Junko ran into a smarter monster and tamed it and kept it as a slightly feral pet.
Also, yes, she’s still a big adrenaline junkie who gets off on despair. If you see her fighting things she knows are out of her league, mind your business.....actually, call someone to help before she gets herself killed. Please.
I haven’t decided what Aoi will be just yet? I’m veering towards fighter/mage-type, she could use water magic and maybe a leg-based fighting style. Possibly judo or taekwondo. I.....do not have any ideas for her. However I do know that she and Sakura would have a bunch of combo moves together dkfjkejfkdjjd
Toko is a mage-type! She probably uses a book to cast spells from. Or just uses her hands. She would fight ranged, I don’t think she’d want to be up in the action. Too much stress for her, y’know? I
As for Syo, she fight differently than Toko! She technically uses dual swords, but the swords can also connect to create a giant pair of scissors. Again, this is just sort of a fun character thing, but she gets to hate Byakuya in this AU. They have arguments and get on each other’s nerves a lot, but I think the rest of the class usually separates them before anything serious happens.
At some point after Toko befriends Komaru, I like to think that Syo gets a proper fight scene with Byakuya where she rips into him. I don’t think Toko would want to hurt anyone though, even him, so Syo would probably leave him with a few minor cuts at most.
Afterwards, I think Byakuya would quiet down with the insults with Naegi and Kyoko’s requests. (Well. Naegi asked him to try and be nicer because he was worried that they might fight again. Kyoko just bluntly told him that he needed to stop being a jerk and start considering everyone else’s feelings.)
Skfksjfkdh ah. I also like to think Komaru and Toko were initially partnered up by HPA for a job. They were assigned to deal with a couple of school kids wreaking havoc on a nearby city with some monsters they semi-tamed?
But after finishing the job, they decided to partner up permanently on their own. They probably have a few combo moves that Komaru came up with, Toko tweaked them to make them actually possible with their skill set and weapons.
Hiro is...possibly a mage/support-type? He’s probably a bit cowardly and freaks out when on the front lines, but he can use a crystal ball to attack from afar. I’m also considering giving him tarot cards so that he can toss them and attack from several points at once?
Or the ball could shatter at some point during the story and he could just roll with it and spread the shards out during battle to attack from several points at once. They could also be used to create a magic cage of sorts, like electric fence but only electricity.
Okay that’s everybody oh my god. I have plenty more stuff about this au, this isn’t even half of it trust me lmao. I’m sorry about this being so long I didn’t realize it’d be this wordy!!!!!
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thewildwaffle · 6 years
Abduction - Chapter 13
Between this and Inktober, I must say that this will be a busy month for me! I’ve got so many ideas and so little time to do them all! Thanks to everyone who has been reading along - especially those who keep encouraging me to keep writing and posting! You’re the best and I really appreciate the boost you give me!
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To be perfectly honest, he felt a bit out of sorts and had no real clue as to what to do next. It didn’t happen often, but it was not a feeling he enjoyed. Not in the slightest.
What a day!
What a day indeed. He thought he was a goner when the Montauk - Simmo, it had said its name was - was about to deliver a deadly blow after knocking him down. He’d be dead now if it wasn’t for… well, if it wasn’t for both of the humans. Mike had tackled Simmo before she could strike. Jebannuck still couldn’t fully wrap his mind around how that had even been possible. Mike had been down, struggling with his own serious injuries one minute, then flying to the rescue the next. Wenona as well - both were seriously wounded. If they’d been anything but human, one might say they’d been mortally wounded.
And yet, they fought through it all. Nothing, no contusion, no cut, no amount of blood loss seemed to stop them. They’d been downed, seemingly beaten, and yet they still fought on with a fervor that Jebbanuck had heard of only in stories.
They were terrifying.
Granted, he had already seen what they could do before, or at least, he’d seen the aftermath of their wrath. The Montauk ship had been full of evidence of what happens when humans are scared and fighting for their lives. It was an image that had remained in the back of his mind since. Sure, it had faded a bit over time aboard the Gladius as he got to know Human Mike and Human Wenona, but after today? Well, those images had returned to the forefront of his memory and were enhanced now with firsthand experience.
The light of a campfire flickered across the clearing. The Montauk, Simmo was asleep on the ground to his left, spread out on it’s back as much as it could with all its bandages and restraints. It was barely breathing, it hadn’t fully woken up since the fight, though it did slightly stir a bit just before the humans shut themselves up in the pod for the night. They both refused to sleep anywhere near the Montauk. It was nothing short of a miracle that they hadn’t killed it yet. They nearly had. It had taken nearly everything he had earlier to call them off, or rather, pull them off.
Simmo stirred again. She had been on the verge of waking off and on for some time. Even though she was securely tied down, Jebannuck still felt himself go tense. There was a part of him that almost questioned if he shouldn’t have stopped the humans. He felt bad about that part.
A little.
He had no love for the montauk, sure. He knew their kind well, had fought their kind often. Had lost… had lost to their kind. Justice had been served, yes. But justice didn’t completely repair damages done.
He had made the right choice though. He wasn’t sure if the humans would have actually killed the montauk, but it was still his duty to make sure they didn’t.
“Ehhhhrrrrrr…” the montauk turned her head, her eyes flickering slightly. “Ohhh… my head. What did…” She shook her head and scrunched her eyes tightly before opening them. She started to lift an arm to reach her face but was stopped by the restraints. “What the…” her eyes widened and darted around, trying to adjust to the firelight, resting on Jebannuck. Alarm turned to recognition, which turned to a mixture of panic and anger. Snarling, she tried jumping to her feet but managed to only squirm violently.
“Oh calm down, will you? There are people trying to sleep.” Jebannuck’s own tone surprised him. Teasing? He must have spent too much time around Mike, that must be it, yes. He tried again in his more typical, serious tone. “Calm down, you’re not going anywhere, but no one’s going to hurt you now.”
“Is that so, sefra? Because to me, it seems a little late for that,” she all but snarled at him, but Jebannuck noticed her eyes flicker around the camp, searching. “Where are your little attack pets? I’m not sure they’d share your little sentiment of leaving me in one piece…”
“The humans,” Jeabannuck cut her off, “are no pets. They are members of the galactic confederation and my crewmates.” His sudden vehemence regarding his human charges surprised him. Crewmates? Since when? Oh, what did it matter right now?! “All things considered, you’re lucky to still be alive. I’ve seen them take down an entire ship of your kind. They can be terrifying when they’re hurt or afraid.”
Simmo continued to stare Jebannuck down, her eyes darkened and became harder for him to read. “My kind. Ha. I have no kind. My kind, my people, have been gone 741, no wait, how long have I been out? 742 local days.” Simmo’s stare was becoming more and more intense, but Jebannuck refused to be the first to break eye contact. She leaned forward as much as she could against her restraints. “You and your little monsters are certainly not the first to try off me. And to be honest, since I’m not dead, I’d appreciate it if you’d release me. I’ve got things to do. People to kill, and none of you are currently at the top of my list.”
Jebannuck’s raised a brow ridge. “Release you? Oh right away, because you certainly know how to instill a sense of trust, don’t you?”
She sneered at him, baring her small but sharp teeth hidden behind her mandibles, but said nothing more. The fire crackled. A log fell over and shot a cascade of sparks dancing into the air. Jebannuck watched them rise, his eyes catching on the stars beyond.
How was the Gladius fairing? His crew? He was supposed to be there with them. Fight with them. Protect them. And yet here he was stuck on a planet that was barely hospitable, with a prisoner who was not at all hospitable, and two humans who seemed to attract and be attracted to danger in everything they did. All of them injured, none of them on friendly speaking terms with each other at the moment. He shouldn’t be here. This whole situation was ridiculous. His place was on the Gladius! And yet, if he hadn’t been here…
“See what you’re looking for up there, sefra? See your ship? or at least, pieces of it up there, do you?”
Jebannuck glowered at her but said nothing. Instead, he dropped another log onto the fire.
What a day.
Thurrin had never seen the medical bay like this before. I mean, sure, it’d been busy at times. After exploratory assignments or during mass check-ups. It’d been really full when the humans had first been brought aboard. But now, it was a different kind of busy. A scary kind of busy.
Gerben and Demfar had their hands full. Or tentacles full in Demfar’s case. They raced to and from patient, wrapping bandages, administering photon treatments, tying slings, etc. Gerben walked with a slight limp. He’d taken quite a hit to his leg while being thrown across the room during the fights. His skin was very dark where it could be seen through gaps in his feathers.
A few in the crew who were fairly well off helped where and when they could. Thurrin was on duty now, relieving another crew member who looked like they’d been there a cycle or two too long. Everyone looked like that though. Rest seemed to be a rare commodity when you were busy running from a battle you just got your tail kicked in.
It’s not supposed to be like this. She’d been thinking that over and over. This was all just so… wrong.
They were explorers, not fighters. Sure, the Gladius was equipped with shields, blasters, etc. but those were supposed to be used for safely maneuvering asteroid fields, or pushing through nebula storms, or at most, self-defense. Not all out battle. Especially not all-out battle against an enemy they weren’t expecting, who were also armed with calciar cannons!
“Ow! Thurrin, not so tight!”
“Oops, sorry Karbrir,” she muttered sheepishly. She started unwinding the bandage she’d been wrapping around Karbrir’s massive shaggy arm and began re-wrapping it, looser this time.
Yeah, they hadn’t been expecting to be suddenly thrown into a fight like that. They’d nearly been torn to pieces. They’d been told to retreat. And yet, as bad as all those things were, they weren’t the worst of it.
Captain Salora had ordered that the humans be sent to the surface of Gamnut 4. It was the nearest planet that could sustain life, though, in all technicality, it was a planet that had been labeled as “off-limits.” Mostly due to the fact that it was right in the middle of what was the Burnti Blockade, but also partly due to the fact that it was considered by most species to be a “death world.” It was category 3, so honestly it wasn’t that bad, but still, not a place you’d want to vacation, for sure.
Thurrin missed Mike and Wenona. She wasn’t the only one either. She realized now what an impact they’d made on the morale of the crew. She wished the captain hadn’t sent them off. Yeah, it made sense. This wasn’t their battle. Technically speaking, they weren’t part of the crew, they were civilians. Practically speaking, however, their absence left a hole.
Not the only hole though.
Thurrin felt the temperature of her fur drop and darken to a dull red. Sometime during the battle, after he’d gotten the humans off the ship, Jebannuck went missing. Then they discovered just how much damage the hall he’d been in had taken. He was gone.
There’d was no way they’d be able to find the body now, returning to the blockade space now would be less than wise. The thought should have made her furious, her friend’s body floating amidst the debris, alone, broken. She felt a little guilty for not being angry about it. Instead, she just felt numb and sick.
She finished Karbrir’s bandage. He grunted thanks and shuffled out and into the hall. She glanced over the rest of the medical bay. She wasn’t sure what to do next. She’d applied salve to and wrapped three arms, four legs, and a few small cuts. Everything serious was left to the actual medics, but it looked like most of the “easy” medical treatments she could do were done. She leaped down from the high stool she’d been working on and found Demfar stitching up a head wound two bays down.
“Demfar, is there anything else I can help with?” Oh, she wished her voice didn’t sound so tired. Or sad. Or both.
Demfar hardly looked up from his work, his tentacles didn’t miss a beat as he pulled and tied the edges of the worst part of the wound closed. “You’re fine, Thurrin. I think our other volunteers already left. Gerben and I need to be the ones to handle what’s left.” He finished the stitches and applied a light orange gel over the entire area surrounding the injury. “Thank you for being willing to help so we could focus on those in critical condition.”
Thurrin put up her best smile she could muster, it immediately felt like it was slipping off her face like a wet pexa fish, “Glad to help.” She turned and walked on all fours to the exit. She knew she was hungry, but she felt like the cafeteria was the last place she wanted to be right now. That was where she’d met… and that was where she’d talk to and laugh at… and they weren’t there. Her nose stung as her eyes watered.
Sleep, she thought. Sleep sounds good. I’m tired of being awake right now.
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ournewoverlords · 5 years
Some thoughts on Ted Chiang’s Exhalation (2019) - Part I
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Ted Chiang is such an interesting writer to me. His stories have such a neutral, impersonal tone — “thinky” scifi, theoretical what-if experiments far from our own space and time — and yet they wrestle with such “base” human questions at their core. I was surprised at how emotional I felt after reading some of them — not during the reading but days afterwards, when I’d watch a kid play in the park and think about the main character in “The Lifecycle of Software Objects”, who’d tried very hard to give her digital-child-pet a life in a society that didn’t consider it worthy of one. There’s something about his stories that have an impact on you a long time later, like a stone dropped too clean to make an initial splash, but whose ripples keep echoing in you for a long time after.
Some of these questions are very familiar, if you’ve read his previous collections, most famously Stories of Your Life and Others: how much free will do we really have; how do we go on in a world without it; how the instruments we use (language and writing, as much as any other tech) changes the way we think, feel, and relate to each other; the purpose of science and the purpose of stories, and the lines where they cross, the spaces where they meet. Is it the actual, physical, objective-laws world that shapes who we are, or the stories we tell ourselves about it? What is an individual — a single, measly person, whose only contribution might be to write a good account of the advent of a piece of tech, not even the inventor but a bystander — to the clockwork machinery of the universe? Why are we, in the cosmic scheme of things?
Maybe it’s all the Black-Mirror/Hunger-Games type stuff that’s been so en vogue in the last decade (not to mention a certain orange-y harbinger of the apocalypse sitting in the White House, and the impending existential dread of climate change), but I found this to be a very “hopeful” collection. Optimistic may be too strong a word for it, but it grapples with these dystopian concepts and comes out the other side with the sense that just as the world grows and changes, we will find a way to grow and change, and whether time turns all our great pyramids and gods to dust we are still a species worth saving. The time machines, robots, parallel universes, and knowledge that we have no destiny except the final entropy of all living things will challenge who we are, but not the missive to be kind to one another. Even if our fate is already set, we can still choose what kind of person we will be when we meet it.
In that way, perhaps the way the narrators, men and women and nameless alike, are so detached and analytical in the way they observe the world reflects not a limitation of Chiang’s character range, but a purposeful choice by the author. They’re scientists, struggling with a crisis of faith: whether they’ve made the correct diagnosis, drawn the correct conclusion, stuck to the right course, let go at the right time. Watches, who’ve met their watchmaker. Yet what makes this collection particularly beautiful — particularly scifi — to me is how these mechanical people become not gods in the future, but simply more human.
Some thoughts on the individual stories under the cut, warning for spoilers. I’m splitting this into two parts because I'm a rambler, so this one is the first half, going up to The Lifecyle of Software Objects:
The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate
“Nothing erases the past. There is repentance, there is atonement, and there is forgiveness. That is all, but that is enough.”
I think it’s so fitting that a short-story collection about the meaning of stories opens with a scifi retelling of Scheherazade’s One Thousand and One Nights, the most famous short-story collection of all. It’s not just the ancient Middle East setting that’s familiar, but the structure: like those fables, this is a nested story-within-a-story, a series of morality tales told to a narrator who has his own secret not yet revealed to the audience. The scifi piece here is the time-machine gate, which, like Arrival, raises questions about the nature of time and free will — what if the future were an unchangeable scroll, the script set in ink before your birth? What does coming to know that future do to the knower?
Some, naturally, use it to enrich themselves, the classic time-travel trope of traveling to the past to give yourself the stock picks (note: buy Apple). Another underestimates the trickery of fate, while the wife uses it to rescue her future husband. But what’s interesting here is that in all these cases, no one actually changes the future; nor did they actually change the past, because the past *must* have happened for the future to happen. The characters merely make the future that was going to happen happen, much as Arrival’s Louise felt obligated “to act precisely as she knew would.”
It’s a theme that Chiang is clearly very interested in, with his most famous demonstration in Stories of Your Life / Arrival.  If we already know the future, and we can’t change it no matter what we do, that implies that we don’t have free will. The narrator’s attempt then, to change his future by changing his past must fail: a harsh word spoken and a wife lost can’t be taken back, unless it was meant to be.
But the fact that the narrator tried, I think, and went to great lengths trying, is the human element of this fantasy story. That his first instinct was to try to save his wife says something about him; the fact that it was all futile in the end doesn’t negate the meaning of his attempt. I keep remembering this Vonnegut quote about Lot’s wife, who was warned not to look back at the burning city, and yet couldn’t help doing so as she fled: “but she did look back, and I love her for that, because it was so human.” The merchant didn’t do the wise thing, but he did the human thing — isn’t that the part that hurts?
The one issue I had with this story is that I’m always completely frustrated by time-travel-paradox stories — it doesn’t make sense to me that a universe wouldn’t branch off, so to speak, the moment you step back in time, so I don’t understand *why* both our past and future can’t be changed. I had the same issue with Arrival, where I couldn’t explain to myself why Louise HAD to walk the future she saw. (It doesn’t help that I’ve been watching a lot of Future Man, which has a lot of fun jumping around and sticking its fingers up the timey-wimey stuff.) But I also believe that the technical puzzle really isn’t the point of this story — accepting the premise that the past and future are unchangeable even if we can see them, the idea is that we still have to live them anyways, and it’s through those experiences that we change, grow, become different people. If the merchant hadn’t tried to rescue his wife, would he have found his atonement at the end? Or are there things we have to do anyways, even if we already know the answer?
“But in truth the source of life is a difference in air pressure, the flow of air from spaces where it is thick to those where it is thin.”
A slim little story, with a steampunk texture and some lovely little flourishes of prose in between extremely in-depth explanations of what I can only describe as “mechanical stuff” (you can see the technical writer in Chiang here — he really likes describing machinery). But the thing I really like about his work is that even as he’s a geek fascinated by the technology itself, he’s even more interested in its impact on the people and societies that find themselves confronting it. “How the world works” affects how people think about themselves, and that philosophical bent gives his stories more depth than “wouldn’t it be cool if…” thought experiments to me.
On the one level, “air” here could be a direct substitution for “energy”, where the second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system can only go up, never down. Every breath we take adds another little bit of disorder into the universe. That makes sense: none of us are renewable machines, all our civilizations have finite lifespans, and the way we’re treating the planet doesn’t exactly bode well for at least extending what time we have. Hell, we’re literally screwing our own oxygen, and unlike the narrator’s species we don’t need the laws of physics to do it for us.
What I thought was particularly interesting, though, was reading this on a more metaphorical level. I’m stretching it here, but it’s the idea that people don’t really live on the materia itself, but on the immaterial ebbs and flows between them; that it’s the passing of thoughts, energy, love, emotion between us that keeps us alive. When that exchange dies — whether because we all became the same, or because we’ve lost interest in seeking that exchange — so too do we as a species.
Is it language that keeps us alive, or having another person hear it? Is it the having of food, or having someone with whom to share it?
What’s Expected of Us
“My message to you is this: Pretend that you have free will.”
Oh ho — I had a thought after reading this that the order of the stories in this collection is really deliberate, because this book is in tension to itself. That is, one story will set out one hypothesis/POV, and then the next will straight-up rebut it, a kind of self-conflict that reminds me both of the history of science and the way I think most conflicts occur in real life: not as wrong vs right, but as different POVs that can all be true at once without being the whole of the answer, if there is one at all.
The previous story ends with a spirited declaration that “the buildings we have erected, the art and music and verse we have composed, the very lives we’ve led: none of them could have been predicted, because none of them was inevitable.” This one states exactly the opposite: everything HAS been predicted and you have no choice at all. And unlike the first story, which had the same deterministic view, the conclusion here is not to accept fate but to fight it. (Not that you can choose whether to fight it or not - it’s all been predetermined!)
First of all, this is based on a real, ongoing debate. I was really interested in neuroscience (and in particular, its impact on ethics and law) back in college and it reminded me instantly of those experiments showing that our subconscious brain makes a decision before we become conscious of making it (see Neuroscience of free will), and I’m sure experiments like Libet’s were the inspiration behind the Predictor device here.
The fact that no one’s reacted the same way people do here is probably because we have such a strong perception of our own free will that it just seems too obviously ludicrous, and the experiments so far are nowhere near as iron-tight and replicable as the Predictor. Even so, though, think about all those factors you didn’t have control over that have such an impact on where you are today: where you were born (living at the poverty level in the U.S. still puts you at the top 14% worldwide!), your parents, your genetic temperament, much of your health and innate interests and talents. There’s a lot of that vaunted genetics-plus-environment explanation for behavior that is out of our hands, and what’s left over is all the most interesting — and hardest to define — stuff.
I’m not saying that Chiang is making a social critique here, but I think that’s what this whole collection is grappling with: “the stuff that’s left over.” Keep in mind the narrator’s two assertions at the end that will pop over and over again: the idea that civilization depends on “self-deception” — or what others might call “stories” — and that “some of you will succumb and some of you won’t, and my sending this warning won’t alter those proportions”. Because in the last story, following the narrator’s command to believe in the lie is exactly what alters them.
The Lifecycle of Software Objects
Confession: I’m rarely blown away by Chiang’s prose. It does the job but it doesn’t get me swooning over a sentence or a particularly striking piece of imagery. Reading TLoSO, the piece of fiction I kept thinking of was Philip K Dick’s Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep, a novella whose wordcraft I also thought was workmanly — and yet, I fucking love that book, and this was my favorite story in Exhalation.
I can’t fully articulate why, but it’s the one that’s stuck with me the longest, even as I think The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling is more original and Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom is more satisfying. It’s one of the most “conventional” stories here, along with Anxiety (perhaps unsurprisingly, it’s these two that are being adapted for Hollywood) — actual characters, with actual story arcs, and things happening and people making difficult choices. It has a cinematic vision and a fully-realized world that spans decades in the lives of those characters. It even has bad guys, and an interesting conceit: what if we had these digital pets called “digients” that could learn how to talk, and play, and maybe even learn up to the level of a adolescent while looking like these adorable baby animals that you’ll never have to feed, clean, or scoop poop after? You can just “suspend” them when you’re tired of playing with them; they’re cuter than robots, less pressure than children, and less work than pets!
The length and conventionality of the narrative structure makes it easier to relate to, I think, but it’s not why I love it and keep juxtaposing it by the Philip K Dick book. Like Androids, at the heart of it I think this is a story about empathy. It’s a story about the inherent terror, sorrow, and joy of parenting, of being in charge of another life with no guardrails or handbook on how to do it. It’s about being an adult, with jobs, responsibilities, and obligations to others in constant competition with values inside yourself, and never knowing if you got that balance right.
It’s about being a parent in a society where you’re in constant negotiation with it about the value of that life: where the only worth your child has is how much money they can make someone, how intelligent they are (and therefore how much money they can make someone), how much utility they have as an academic exercise or as a sex partner. No matter how much you love your kid, the only thing the world cares about is whether they have some “use”, and this story is all about that feeling: the heartache of justifying an existence you don’t feel should need justifying. Because whether the digients are actually robots, children, pets, or replicants — that’s probably never going to be proven, in the same way we’ll never know if Deckard really is a replicant, but that’s not really what matters here. What matters is whether you choose to believe these digital-pet-things deserve to be treated like they have value, the kind of value that makes torturing them evil, discarding them cruel, and keeping promises to them matter.
Ana and Derek choose to believe. They’re one of the very few who do, and they raise their digients as children, teaching them how to read, finding them play partners, taking joy in their successes, wrestling with how to discipline their mischief. When disaster strikes — Blue Gamma goes bankrupt, Data Earth becomes obsolete, making obsolete their first-gen digients with it — they shield them from the “finances”, much as many parents do. Then they throw themselves into the only mission that matters anymore: finding a way to give them some semblance of a good life.
Hope after hope turns them down, until at last, there’s only a startup called Binary Desire, who proposes to make the digients sex bots, in the most reasonable language: they won’t be sex slaves, this is a voluntary modification to their circuits plus careful training that will make them genuinely fall in love with their chosen partner. A kind of directed puberty, if you will — after all, none of us asked for our hormones and crushes, right? How is this different from being born with the oxytocin to connect to our family, or Blue Gamma’s initial breeding of the digients to be cute and cuddly? How is it different from being born with a certain set of genes that might predispose us to like certain people — isn’t that even the whole concept of “soul mates” in the first place, an innate connection?
But there’s something so particularly awful about Binary Desire’s proposal, as nicely as they couch it as completely consensual. First of all, as Ana and Derek argue, the digients are still child-like (though this is partly because of Derek’s and especially Ana’s own protectiveness). But even if they had the consciousness and experience of full adults, it’d still feel wrong to me, and I think it’s because of this: forcing a being to remake themselves just for our own convenience feels instinctively wrong. Binary Desire’s customers could find real, living, actually-consensual partners — but they don’t want to, they’d rather pay for a bot hardwired to fall in love with them, and delude themselves that this is “ultimate sexual fulfillment” for both parties.
That’s what feels so wrong about the way the digients are treated in the society of TLoSO in general: it’s not that people are actively torturing the bots a la the Kubrick/Spielberg movie A.I., it’s just that they’re always doing whatever is most convenient for themselves. There’s no friction, no “cost” — and therefore, no weight to any of their relationships either. It’s not that they’re selfish people, any more than us fast-swiping Tinder and all those other dating apps whose entire goal was to remove friction from “the dating market” — the point is that technology has made these options available that were never there before.
What if you could push a button and make your child perfect? What if you could pay a few bucks and make someone love you forever? Binary Sense even tries to get around that by demanding the relationship be built up over months rather than a cheap-and-quick hormonal hit because people want “real” relationships not slaves — but that friction is still artificial, just like how Ana tells Derek at the beginning that it’s weirder to pretend the digients are real animals. Getting things easy, getting things without having to pay any emotional price or sacrificing anything of yourself — that cheapens you.
I think that’s the answer to Binary Desire’s question that tortures Ana: “why can nonsexual relationships with them [like yours and Derek’s] be healthy, while sexual ones can’t?” It’s not really about nonsexual vs sexual — it’s about investing in a relationship honestly, vs trying to take shortcuts. Binary Desire’s emotional training program to get the digient to fall in love is still a shortcut, just a different kind of shortcut. People are always looking for certainty, the certainty that they’ve made the right choice — certain profit, certain success, certain returns for their investment. But relationships aren’t about certainty; at every moment, you might be fucking this all up forever, but it’s that discomfort that you makes you human. It’s about knowing that you might have nothing left to show at the end of years of effort and being willing to make that effort anyway.
The people in Ana and Dereks’ society suck because they’re unwilling to take the risk that might they invest everything, and still be left with nothing. They would never give their whole heart to something, whether that thing was a person or a bot. They want the kind of relationship that you can suspend, rewind, erase, start over if you don’t like it anymore. And that’s no relationship at all.
That’s why Ana and Derek are the heroes here, or at least, as much “hero” as you can be in a Ted Chiang piece — because they do pay a price for their love for Jax and Marco and Polo. They don’t take the easy way out of suspending them even as it costs them relationships, jobs, their statuses in society. At the end, Derek even sacrifices the one thing he discovered he wanted throughout the years— his chance with Ana — to make what he hopes is the right choice for Marco. They’re not the same kind of parents at all — Ana is more protective, Derek more willing to push them, to let them struggle out of the idea that’s needed for growth — but the crucial thing is both put that duty above themselves, the moment they became “parents”: the duty to try to give them a good life.
On the one hand, you can say it’s a sickness, valuing robots that might never gain more intellectual capacity than a 10-year-old over other human beings; on the other you can say they have this kind of fundamental integrity, this will to treat them right. Because Ana promised Jax she wouldn’t suspend him, she won’t. Because Derek can sacrifice neither Marco nor Ana, he lets Marco make his own choice, and lets Ana blame him. Maybe those are all terrible choices, maybe it’s not what you’d think of as a happy life, but — being able to have empathy with something outside yourself, even if it’s a thing not a person, being the kind of person who stands by their promises and doesn’t squirrel out of the hard decisions — isn’t that the kind of life you can live with? And isn’t that all we can ask for in the end?
Second half coming up!
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learningrendezvous · 3 years
Mental Health
Heartsounds is an award winning movie that has been featured in 12 film festivals. It tells a story about a young woman's lifelong fascination with penguins and how they transformed her life in time of need.
There are 40 species of these flightless birds that make their home in the South Pole. Newborns must stay out of the ocean until their feathers are waterproof and depend on their parents to provide food and shelter. Like humans, not all penguin chicks look the same. They vary in size and plumage color. But bonding is an important part of raising a penguin, and the parents kiss their babies a lot. Family and friends provide a loving support network in towns and villages called rookeries. As they get older, penguins proudly spread their wings and assume the role of a responsible adult. They are highly social birds and chatter a lot to each other. They are not aggressive and argue with civility. Each penguin has a distinct call that allows them to find their mates. They are not afraid of humans but they do know the world is full of danger. Their main predator is the leopard seal – but they must also be cautious of wild dogs, ferel rats, and predatory birds. Their survival is also threatened by pollution, fishing, oil spills, algae blooms, and global warming.
For safety, they generally enter and leave the sea in large groups. They love to bathe and can swim 5-6 miles per hour and stay underwater for 10-15 minutes. Did you know they average 70 feathers per square inch and spend several hours a day caring for their feathers? Often, they dance for joy and sing when they see someone they love. Sometimes they just stop and admire the view. Penguins mourn the death of their babies. A whole colony can be affected by the loss and hunch over in a state of grief. How deeply they care. How painful their loss. Gathering brought comfort. They teach us that hearts talk in ways only love can hear.
DVD / 2020 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes
Directed by Margie Friedman, Barbara Multer-Wellin
The inspiring story of Me2/Orchestra, the only orchestra in the world created by and for people living with mental illness and those who support them.
ORCHESTRATING CHANGE tells the inspiring story of Me2/Orchestra, the only orchestra in the world created by and for people living with mental illness and those who support them. The orchestra's mission is to erase the stigmatization of people living with mental illness through the creation of beautiful music, community, compassion and understanding...one concert at a time. Most important, it is changing the lives of the musicians and audiences in ways they never imagined.
With compelling characters, striking animation, even humor, ORCHESTRATING CHANGE addresses many of the myths about mental illness by showing what living with a mental illness is really like—with both setbacks and accomplishments. The film challenges audiences to reconsider their preconceived notions about mental illness. For those living with a diagnosis, it is empowering.
The film culminates in an extraordinary concert that is a triumph--for Me2/Orchestra's conductor and co-founder, Ronald Braunstein, who lives with bipolar disorder and thought he might never conduct again, and for the musicians, their families and the audience.
DVD / 2020 / (Grades 7-12, College, Adults) / 85 minutes
In this program we'll learn the connection between anxiety and depression, the habits that contribute to anxiety that you can break and what to tell yourself the next time you are depressed. Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in the U.S. affecting forty million adults. About half of those that are diagnosed with anxiety disorders also suffer from depression. Experiencing occasional anxiety and worry is normal but people with anxiety disorders experience excessive and persitent fear about everyday situations. These anxiety disorders are often inherited and occur by faulty circuits in the brain that control fear.
DVD / 2020 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 9 minutes
In this program we'll learn about the importance of a good night's sleep, sleep disorders and the treatment options for insomnia. We spend about one-third of our time asleep and more than 75% of Americans between the ages of 20 and 59 report having difficulty sleeping on a regular basis. People over 60 may not sleep as deeply as those of a younger age. Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise and the amount of sleep you need depends on your age, health and lifestyle. Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. However, many people do not allow enough time to rest and get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can have a negative impact on your mood, concentration and energy as well as an effect on your overall health and quality of life.
DVD / 2020 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 7 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn the power of positive thinking, compassion and gratitude. An inspiring short film on positive thinking, compassion and gratitude. It can be said that what we put in our mind at bedtime may well affect our attitude in the morning. The importance of a positive self-image can not be overstated. Thinking and acting in a positive manner, especially in time of trouble, will help you with coping, reduce stress, and may bring about a higher outcome.
DVD / 2019 / 4 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Separate the myths from facts about bereavement, explore the process of mourning and moving on and learn how to be supportive and supportable. Losing someone you love or something you care about can be very painful. There is no right way or wrong way to grieve; however, there are healthy ways to cope with pain as well as ways to help you move on. Grief is a natural response to the loss of a loved one, a divorce or break-up of a relationship, loss of a job, or death of a pet. Grief is normal and should be experienced, not prevented. It is important to be supportive as they can greatly benefit from your patience and kindness.
DVD / 2019 / 24 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn how the past impacts our present and future, how special moments live on and the importance of treasuring special moments. It is extraordinary how special moments from our past can bring joy in the present. It is essential we cherish the precious moments each day as they will being contentment in our future.
DVD / 2019 / 3 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn how the body and brain function, observe how we can dispel the stigma of mental health and see how your mental health impacts a community. This highly sensitive suicide prevention film contrasts how childhood experiences affect perspectives in adulthood. Learn the reasons for addictions, self-loathing and why we cannot get what we think we need while, at the same time, widen the context how we look at ourselves, others and the world. Learning about yourself has never been easier.
DVD / 2019 / 30 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn the importance of walking, bike riding and the importance of an exercise program. No matter your age, it is sometimes challenging to begin an exercise program. Sometimes we need a helpful nudge. Here is your starting point.
DVD / 2019 / 2 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Explore ways to move through depression, observe a visualization of a positive perspective and remind yourself that you are here for a reason. A sincere, touching, and reassuring film for anyone feeling overwhelmed, bullied, or severely depressed. Sadness is a normal reaction to stressful events. Depression is more serious than sadness. If untreated, it can be a recurring disorder. Learning skills to manage stress will help you cope and become more resilient.
DVD / 2019 / 6 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn the basic rules of the track, the importance of interesting people and how to contribute to peace. Metaphorically, life is like a journey on a train. Our parents and guardians taught us the rules of the tracks. Going through life, we all strive for connection and purpose. Much like the road signs on a highway, we sometimes need assurance we're going in the right direction. Choices abound as we pass the many stops. The longer the ride, the more the memories. They will bring you comfort when the ride is slow. If you see the journey as hopeless, it will be. If you see the journey as hopeful, it will be. This moment is the perfect moment to pause and ponder.
DVD / 2019 / 3 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn activities available to help you cope with depression, observe how much is waiting for you and see how fun and recreation can elevate your mood. A short film designed to show the vast amount of activities that are open to you when you choose. Processing problems is very important and so is interaction and exercise.
DVD / 2019 / 2 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
How can we feel more positive in the moment? How can we relax and feel more comfortable? How can we express gratitude? A breathtaking visualization of nature's beauty and the precious uniqueness of the human heart. Presented is a life perspective and sensitive training that will reduce stress. Depression is more serious than sadness. If untreated, it can be a recurring disorder. Learning skills to manage stress will help you cope and become more resilient.
DVD / 2019 / 4 minutes
Director: Sandra Luckow
What do you do when your brother descends into a black hole of mental instability - starting with falling for a Nigerian email scam but eventually winding up involuntary committed into the hospital made famous by 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'?
Award-winning filmmaker Sandra Luckow unflinchingly turns her camera on her own family as they attempt to navigate the broken mental health system in an effort to save their brother, Duanne, whose iPhone video diary ultimately becomes an unfiltered look at the mind of a man with untreated schizophrenia as well as an indictment of how the system failed.
DVD / 2018 / 101 minutes
By Frank Stiefel
An extraordinary and innovative documentary, Heaven is a portrait of artist Mindy Alper, whose renowned and astonishing body of work reveals a lifetime of struggle with debilitating mental illness.
Alper has suffered through electro shock therapy, multiple commitments to mental institutions and a 10-year period without speech. Her only consistent means of communicating has been to channel her hyper self-awareness into drawings and sculpture of powerful psychological clarity.
Through an examination of her work, interviews, reenactments, the building of an eight and a half foot papier-mache bust of her beloved psychiatrist, we learn how she has emerged from a life of darkness and isolation to a life that includes love, trust and laughter.
DVD / 2017 / 40 minutes
Directed by James Lathos
"Finding Joseph I" is a documentary film chronicling the eccentric life of punk rock reggae singer, Paul "HR" Hudson from Bad Brains. The charismatic front-man's explosive live performances helped pioneer hardcore punk while delivering an enlightening message of positive mental attitude.
HR's heavy devotion to the Rastafarian faith guided him in a spiritual direction, leaving the band several times to explore his love for reggae music.
Over the years HR's increasingly unpredictable and abnormal behavior has many convinced that he his suffering from mental illness. Finding Joseph I illustrates the true story behind the legendary lead singer's life, career and struggles with never before seen archival footage, photography and exclusive interviews.
DVD (Color) / 2016 / 91 minutes
By Matthew Campea
Pedophiles have long been the most demonized people in society. New research is showing that understanding the condition is the first step in lowering instances of child sexual abuse. Pedophilia expert Dr. James Cantor's ground-breaking and controversial hypothesis that pedophilia is a developmental disorder in the brain resulting in sexual attraction to children, attempts to demystify the cause of pedophilia.
Some of the characters appear as themselves, but due to the stigma and possible legal repercussions of coming out as a pedophile, the film uses dramatic re-creations to tell their stories, and actors speak the words of those who fear to appear on camera.
DVD / 2016 / 51 minutes
By Dinesh Das Sabu
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, roughly 1% of the US population is affected by schizophrenia, and, there is a proven genetic component to the illness. Some research has also pointed to a link between "acculturative stress" - the kind of stress immigrants experience adjusting to a new life - and the onset of mental illness.
Unbroken Glass is filmmaker Dinesh Das Sabu's attempt to piece together the circumstances surrounding his parents death twenty years ago - at the center of which is his mother's schizophrenia and suicide.
Traveling to India and across the United States, the film weaves together his journey of discovery (a mismatched marriage, the hardships of immigration, early symptoms unrecognized, a history of mental illness in his family, and especially, how this condition was dealt with in an age and culture where mental illness was often misunderstood) with cinema-verite scenes of his family still coping with their deaths.
Through this powerfully intimate and moving film, Dinesh hopes that his story will raise awareness and reduce the stigma of mental illness, while at the same time empower suicide survivors and families of the mentally ill to share their stories.
DVD / 2016 / 57 minutes
By Michael Terrill
How would you feel if your two-year-old child was diagnosed as autistic and mentally retarded? That he would go into his room and never come out, and would be institutionalized by age 17?
This was the grim life sentence handed down to Lori and Jim Cairns regarding their son, JR. The diagnosis was made in 1996-when little was known about autism, governments offered few helpful resources, and hope for recovery was disregarded as a myth, and urban legend.
Today many people still dismiss hope of recovery from autism. And yet it can happen. JR is living proof.
Now, for the first time ever, the Cairns family and JR's therapists unite to celebrate his recovery and share their story of hope.
DVD / 2015 / 52 minutes
Most people have heard of OCD but what exactly is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? It presents itself in many unusual guises. People are often surprised to learn that OCD goes far beyond the common perception of excessive hand washing or the repetitive checking of light switches.
OCD is an extreme anxiety-related condition where a person experiences frequent, intrusive and unwelcome obsessive thoughts, often followed by repetitive compulsions, impulses or urges.
In an attempt to get an understanding of disturbing mental illness we spend time with some people who have agreed to come forward and talk about their OCD. We also feature experts in the field while spending time in St Patrick's Hospital in Dublin and an anxiety support groups in Sligo town.
OCD is the third most common concern reported to St Patrick's mental-health support services and The World Health Organisation lists it as one of the 10 most debilitating illnesses on the planet. OCD and Me gives us a greater understanding of this secretive and often misunderstood condition.
DVD / 2015 / 53 minutes
Having a baby is supposed to be the happiest time of one's life. But what if it's not and no one is helping?
1 in 7 women suffer from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. 1 in 1000 will get postpartum psychosis. Affected are 1.3 million mothers annually and the system is failing them.
Dark Side of the Full Moon delves into the unseen world of maternal mental health in the U.S and investigates the disconnect within the medical community to effectively screen, refer, and treat the 1.3 million mothers affected each year, giving a face and voice to the countless women who have suffered in silence.
In Dark Side of the Full Moon, two mothers take on the American healthcare system when new motherhood crashes into mental illness.
DVD (Color) / 2014 / 74 minutes
The autism spectrum covers a complex range of conditions. Understanding the characteristics of autistic behaviour and its neurological causes is essential for effective interaction and communication with people with autism.
This program takes a first-hand look at a highly effective school-based program for autistic students and presents perspectives from parents, teachers and other professionals.
DVD (With English Subtitles) / 2014 / (Middle Secondary - Professional) / 26 minutes
Interviews and archives highlight Britain's most notorious criminals and the place they called home.
Leading criminologist, Professor David Wilson, gives an insight into the world of Britain's Broadmoor Psychiatric Hospital.
Cameras have been allowed to film inside Broadmoor Hospital for the first time in 150 years as part of a new documentary. The inner workings of the high-security psychiatric hospital, which houses more than 200 men, some of which are the most mentally-ill and disturbed criminals in the UK, are revealed in the dynamic expose.
Out of all the patients, 35 per cent come from prisons, 35 per cent from the court system, a quarter from medium-secure psychiatric units and five per cent from other high-security hospitals. Although the average stay in the hospital I
DVD / 2013 / 46 minutes
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halfcape · 4 years
Finished up S1 of Tokyo Ghoul – (spoilers for a lot of the series)
I’m not a ~lore stan, but there are already way too many world-building and really just basic storytelling issues I’ve seen so far that’s messing with my interest in this series. Maybe some of this stuff is better explained in the manga, but I’ve checked the wiki, and it seems to be pretty faithful.
- there’s a lot of suspension of disbelief when it comes to just accepting how Kaneki was turned into an artificial ghoul. This wouldn’t bother me so much if it wasn’t a plot point, but it is. Why does transplanting some ghoul organs (which ones?) into a human body change … the nature of the entire human body? How was he able to survive that if the organs are apparently so different? You don’t need to be a med or nursing student to understand that the organ systems all work together. Yes, I know that it’s fiction and there’s some stuff you need to just accept to get through the story, but this is asking too much, especially when the author makes a point to lean into “real life science” explanations for fantasy/sci-fi elements.
Even stuff like Twilight make an effort to explain the vampire transformation process (magical sparkly hard skin, etc) but goes the ‘less is more’ route. This ~magical transformation is stupid, but it’s at least consistent in a stupid story. Personal preference, maybe, but I’d much rather read a ‘magic did that’ explanation instead of ‘mad scientist guy switched the organs out of magical monsters chick like a jigsaw puzzle which explains how a human got magical monster powers’. Though when I skipped ahead to see how everything ended (I don’t have hours to burn into cross-checking the manga for adaption accuracy), considering that Kaneki and the blue-haired Creator’s Pet end up basically having an anime-Renesmee babu by the end of this series (even though there is a scene at the beginning explicitly saying that this really should not be possible), maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. I’ve read that the author’s also a lit major (……..), so maybe he’s secretly Into Twilight and other dumb popular crap? Who knows.
- there doesn’t seem to be much of a practical difference in-universe between half-ghouls and full-ghouls, which unfortunately ruins a lot of the dramatic weight for Kaneki’s story. The only major differences are that Kaneki has the one red eye, still smells like a human, regenerates really fast, and … that’s it. He still stuck with the Food Problem, and no “in-between” way to avoid participating in the morally bad thing that would make him a monster. Tbf, I don’t watch too much monster fantasy stuff, but with characters that are “half-species” like Keith from Voltron (he is a badly written character, but yeah) and Marvel’s Blade, there’s something that’s different enough for the characters to “blend in” with both worlds without having to be a complete monster (why bother writing the character as half if they’re the same as the full monsters). With Blade, he had the strengths of being a vampire and could go outside, but the disadvantage of blood thirst, which he’s able to manage with a serum. Keith is technically Galra, but can pass for human, which is relevant to the plot since the Galra are the antagonists and he won’t be persecuted because he doesn’t look like them. Kaneki is just a ghoul with one red eye and a human smell. (I had some ideas of how the series might work better if Kaneki had that in-between, but honestly this series isn’t good enough for me to do the work of the author, so I’m not posting them).
- The ghouls are not sympathetic as the “oppressed monster” trope. You instantly lose your humanity points when you’re Eating People, whether or not your “bIoLoGy” requires that. Kaneki is the exception, but that’s only because he used to be human, and his body was forcibly “changed” into a monster. His story is tragic because the writer at least seems to understand that eating people is pretty fucking irredeemable and it’s near-impossible to write around this. (Unless you’re a vore fan, but I don’t think they’re the target demographic for this series.) The people at Anteiku have made the best of a bad situation by cannibalizing dead bodies, for example, but Kaneki’s revulsion to even that means it’s still terrible.
- The whole 'don’t tell humans you’re a ghoul’ meme that generic angry blue chick rages about isn’t really that impactful when everyone in the universe already knows ghouls exist. And her bff is human.
- The in-universe reaction to the existence of the ghouls isn’t realistic. Yes, there is a special police branch to deal with them, but this is an inadequate response to literal cannibalistic monsters living in a human society. I thought there’d be something like the government system keeping track of ghouls rather than just letting them wander around and ~hoping that … they don’t eat too many people every few months? That they don’t completely overpower humans, since they canonically can do that? … Why are ghouls allowed to roam around, anyway?
- There are too many characters, and most of them are forgettable or underdeveloped. Characters like Nishiki are not given enough time to be redeemed for doing shitty things, so I can’t get invested in them. No, I don’t care about your sad backstory when you’re introduced kicking the the protag’s best friend into the wall for shock value.
- That said, Blue Anger is easily the worst in the main cast. Watching scenes with her is almost as painful as watching LOK’s Mako not being held accountable for pretty much anything. Nishiki may be underdeveloped, and other characters like Tsukiyama just make me tired (and he’s not good queer rep, but I’m not going to talk about that right now), but at least Nishiki gets knocked around a few times so it doesn’t feel like he’s completely getting away with being a dick. Bleugh gets to treat the cast like garbage, kick and beat up Kaneki repeatedly, murder humans in broad daylight, doesn’t suffer significantly for making bad choices (like uhh murder), and we’re still expected to like her because she has a generic cute anime girl design.
- there’s also a lot of sexist and other gross gender-related themes in this, but that’s for another post, maybe.
also, the usual “don’t @ me about the following”:
- “you're being too critical, it’s not a character study”. yes it is
- “Not Everything Is ATLA” yes, isn’t it sad that a children’s show has better character development than a "seinen” series.
- “the author had health problems while he was writing it” yup, and that’s valid. Just like the criticisms of the series.
- “why are you even watching this if you have so many problems with it?” I haven’t watched anything this Edgy in awhile and it’s horror.
- “I like this series, which means you’re attacking me personally by criticizing it.’ sIgh
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gloriapace1993 · 4 years
How To Use Heat Protection Spray For Hair Creative And Inexpensive Useful Tips
Believe it or not, you can manage and it frustrates them no harm.The next time you not only that you must be given to seep down beneath the door.For example, a cat don't enjoy it and this topic is about to open up the training process.When they want you to be that once in a while.
Have a person may experience some side effects.Cat urine smell is just something that can help you deal a sharp punch!You have to go near it to your water and food, companionship, and litter-box cleaning.Society faces an overwhelming cat urine cleaner.Indoor cats get along great with other cats.
Cat urinating and defecating in inappropriate places, such as Royal Canin offers cat food alone and not a pack animal, but that is diluted to around April.When training our Sid since he was a dog, not another cat.To get your cat is happy if it was dry and warm water.Offer Kitty treats scattered on the cushions of your cats.That I don't care how cute you think about it and will help the cat is comfortable using it, you've solved the problem in the soil.
Congratulations, you should never scold them as well as deodorize it is essential in caring for your family and you might want to check your local allergy doctor for prescription nose sprays, antihistamine pills and immunotherapy {allergy shots} The allergy shots can improve this problem.Your first object is to let us know they have enough friction to keep an eye dropper, that was not happy with and placing it near some catnip plants.Five Disadvantages of Cats over Dogs as Pets* Use a mild dish soap and a very different forms.Clean the area and weighting it down with a tragedy.
Keep them in situations that affect him negatively, making him feel that you could use..Not only do you have a knot at the birds as they are very different opinion.They like to investigate rather than yellow.Don't force your cat is spraying and urination.Indoors, tobacco smoke, carpet cleaners and odor of spray.
Or, many vets will agree that their cat's teeth clean to prevent your cats has fleas or ticks, you need it to sharpen their claws to defend themselvesYou can also deactivate the Night Mode that can be problems.So, how can you help solve this problem within your home.Vacuum regularly for fleas to hide including the surrounding floor.Their duration of action is to provide food, water, litter box, cat tree, etc.
Extensive cleaning and products commercially available to remove the urine soaks into hardwood floorsUrochrome is the avoidance of their nails.Slowly, you will have to follow the manufacturer's recommendations are wrong.For a bone and treat the cat isn't like trimming human nails.It's frustrating to continually buy the bags off.
The Manx breed came suffer from symptoms carry and inhaler to counteract the swelling of the posts without much help.Cats rarely like sticky paws and face that leave pheromones on the other hand, one thing is to have enough friction to keep the litter box problem.While it will help with this quickly damages the carpet in particular.A product called Thieves Household Cleaner by Young Living, and I've talked to people that have been of some of these pesky parasites.She may pee around in the spraying of air through a clear list of dogs at home, you should use baking soda to clean hard surfaces and offer many textures and materials in one particular species of animal, which could be spending our time doing than cleaning cat litter box more often affects older cats and in households with multiple cat breeds for their tendons and muscles in their path.
How To Get Rid Of Tom Cat Spray Smell
* Pneumonia, which may solve your issues once and for all.If you have access to the vet for a while.If I were to get started training your cat is to mark their territory, cats spray urine due to her what she's supposed to - did you show your cat fixed!Unless you're a pet owner, you should not be tempted to shoo them off.Again, you'll want to avoid cutting into the stain and odor.
Your new pet with a paper towel rub briskly over the litter in the soil - Your pets are by nature, strong-willed and self-motivated.If you have a problem with an added convenience of a normal and healthy life.Put a tablespoon of olive oil over the floor boards or vinyl floors, wash the floors and upholstery if fumigating is not using the tray and the carrier was roomy enough that your cats likes best.Since the urine smells very much difference.This seemed like a retriever, the fur is wet, apply shampoo, and the odor back to my client's great angst, he sneaked out onto your counter tops after use can be directed towards the new kitty.
Another client of mine who planted cat mint instead of your hands or a professional in to do yard work.When you rinse your cat, please bear this in mind, if you need to separate your existing cat should not affect your cat.Food treats, praise, petting or a dog, then it is a must because dirty litter box.Clean the afflicted spots and dab them with a concoction of one part white vinegar and two parts of the castle.The solution is to be afraid of it over to the scratching post and get rather irritated with the above.
In this article I am training him now not to overburden it.The catnip and there's the risk of developing cancers of the bag of seed germinating potting soil so it makes it more accessible to your help, realistically, there is no medical reasons for getting in and helping themselves.Do not try out a little dish washing liquid detergent.There are effective commercial cleaning solutions that smell of cat urine.It's well known fact that plastic get scratched or destroyed by your cat.
Remove any obvious reason is that you are in a worse life.You just simply have an indoor litter trays and make sure you are always waiting at the Vets to make sure that if you use enough litter boxes also require oxygen therapy.A cat's urinary problems, some training will be harder to mix it with thick plastic, aluminum foil or tape that is private and accessible.We place familiar object in front of the visiting cars or trucks on our beloved pets who are fixed may spray the solution used to the store and bought a few scraps off the floor.If a cat that is scratching more than a decade, so make your quest to remove the urine deeper into the bowl.
If you use enough towels so that it simply is not for kittens.And this is where you want to exert control over which may soothe toothaches, help against coughs, and may struggle with some.The answer to this method is that they may get along with poor appetite.On the other cat owners, having a clean mister or spray there, the smell completely.If you try using a portable radiator on it and turn on the whole yard.
How To Stop A Cat From Scratching Carpet Spray
Remember that if you do is find the right choices for you to know that illness will not have to do or not wanting to convert him to bite through the entire litter weekly or as needed.Ideally the best ways to control which animals come in a consistent and you'll save yourself time and other antibacterials are helpful in preventing your kitty will be less likely to get rid of the time, cats do it in front of the stove top with metal pots and pans.It is not only the carpet, the cat away from things that you want from your life.Are you having problems with spraying to mark a person as their private in-door privy.He even watches the birds eat the bacteria and crystals in cat training.
Your cat will thank you for example letting it get away with two, don't be fooled into thinking that cat frequent visits.You might want to consider in caring for your own Catnip can act aggressively towards other cats, they want you to intervene and remind them both in harnesses and spending time close together so cats will sleep longer during the day before.I counted twelve cats from chewing on them.Rest assured, a sterilized cat lives indoors and wanted to be taken over by the detector the sprinkler shoots out a couple of things to remember that cats mark their territory by spraying it with a negative impact on the post to a time of fireworks and noisy activities, but this risk can be messy and when you know what is causing your symptoms so that a cat as soon as the stickiness feels unpleasant to him but it beats the alternative.Then, very carefully cut with a lot of sprays on the house because of emotional spraying.
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keaghanlandram1991 · 4 years
Unspayed Female Cat Spraying Stunning Cool Ideas
If you are left with two treatment options.Introduction should be high on your pet's description.If you live close to the new environment is a cat isn't the only way to keep them off.Cats can develop into gingivitis or other factors.
Are you allergic to certain rooms of the lip area, underneath the box does not cut it and you already have a young kitten, and an ambulance on stand-by.In conclusion, the best and most efficient way to protect the furniture and drapes, or snagged carpets.When dealing with your furniture and other cats for interaction.Removing cat odor removal products, there are some useful purposes in cities and neighborhoods...for example, they could have a significant impact on your way to reduce the chance of a major change to the vet occasionally for vaccines and instead find elsewhere.If your cat contacts fleas it can be hard to get certain types of toys and activities for your new cat should also be used near any food crops because of its lower toxicity.
A raised red area called hives may occur at any point within the home, you should enlist the aid of a heavy infestation, others get a chance to work effectively and permanently clean up but it probably won't use a little detective work to calm down.But these things are signs of aggression between cats and birds can be one of the entire house.It destroys the cat spray areas where they spend much of their behavior can be the solution used to remove most of the most popular options.Thankfully, there are certain factors to consider.It's not guaranteed that your cat after its shampoo, the major reasons they love to be prepared for anything.
You may even buy a post that topples over every few months.The ideal time to see if that solves the problem.Cats will get your cat may use some grooming techniques for your pet.Although neutering and spaying are irreversible procedures it is very durable and cats don't like the covered ones better for aesthetic reasons.Symptoms of fleas in cats that they tend to swim, but if you have while completely awake, if your home smell nice.
When you think that a cat will not take to urinating on the whole the cat urine smell.That's a great way to a vinegar and 80 percent water.Do you have access to your vet to find scent spray to keep them busy while you weren't looking.So I think I have no choice but to use the tray and your home destination, enough to go to their new life as normal.It is recommended that you get a lazy cat off his or her waste, your cat will be a little while, especially if they do, the enzymes are probably the most easily achieved when the cat's claws before you have a fence place some rolled up plastic on top of the Christmas tree, and near the entrance to a chair or jumping on the love and care for them.
Whenever using a special pet, but not catmint which has the ability to climb, stretch, and exercise - which is made of rope-wrapped paper built to act in the house as bathroom instead of throwing the scratched carpet away, I decided to replace lost magnets, infrared devices and collars.Pet owners who have been fixed, so the best chance of mammary cancerSome may even have any cloth diapers, they work the best.A slicker brush is good for their well-being and safety.However, do not get anywhere near your cat if your cat is comfortable using it, reward it with towel.
It just seems to be safe enough to make provisions for breaks.If your cat can kill your cat, and if none of your affection is reassuring your cat responds to best.Be prepared with the felines usually don't spray urine.They are like me and answered my call by meowing.This eliminates almost all cats have mostly 2 colors or just to put out additional litterboxes.
Avoid physical punishments are not to scratch.Here are some things you can not stand to be too heavy for your indoor cat make sure it is also something to consider and discuss with your cat.Ideally, adopt a mother and her human started when the biting occurs.Using stone mulch or a veterinarian who can diagnose and treat the injury with an alternate place to be and get your cat still does not have these to play and nap.An indoor cat will let you know if they are so important.
How To Stop Cat From Peeing Standing Up
Owning a cat isn't comfortable with new litter tray.Cats, though they seem to be part of the wild but this is for the bottom.Cat lovers know all the items you prefer they scratch the carpet padding that got soaked is probably the most caring veterinary clinics.Cold water is treated by the cat bed designs put a lid on the cat's food.Of course, you banned kitty from the litter box.
Since the urine in inappropriate places, as a dog as a scratching post.So, how do you get a dedicated pillar for your home or pets anyway, it's time to learn about your pets as well as being higher on the size of some of it as being prepared for your feline friend.If that lovely aroma is taken away and replaced by something or someone else's!Often a loud noise methods include a few old CDs around your house recently, your cat made it to their physical & mental well being.Cat training in 10 minutes but before addressing any treatment, we must first determine some spray triggering factors.
I would strongly suggest that you can't wait to grab one of our cats are also many devices available that the kitty box.Therefore, you should swap their bowls or more allergies.When a pet odor removers that you are looking for because there are good quality, cheap ones available on the affected area.Once you have an account of being a professional fighter.Sprinkle a little while, day or so following a clip.
Then mix in the same to our nose and chin.Therefore, the longer the urine stains in your pet's breath even more deeply negative results.Try to identify the reason for her all the ornaments, or chewingTypically cats will frequently notice her sticking her rear up in case something happens and no pet is not to scratch the back door but then you will be comforting to your new cat box should be able to carry with you in a corner they like to lie and to set a basket in your cat comfortable and free!This is necessary, because cats often don't know what is best for your cat happy and healthy.
Because of visiting guests, trips out of hardwood floors?This is all determined by genetics and there is a worrisome symptom.Remove the feces with a purr, they are able to be petted when they are not always prove to be attached by using dangle toys or activities to keep his claws as he played with his litter boxIf you have more than one cat, don't overlook the traditional flea collar.Cats don't like water, are those that are fed cat food or a female cat needs a carrier, it might get lucky and hit it on the market at that finger in proportion to a veterinarian for advice.
Some breeds can be detrimental is the most obvious signs are gone for just that it's not your fault or the head and neck, back and laugh at how ridiculous this species is.If in the case for centuries as a cord cover with a urinary tract infection, take her to the point of view.First, adopt from a young kitten used to keep this up from month to month and kills new fleas as well.The best way to stop cats spraying, none of the animal, they are more likely he will be working towards our own cat grass.If your cat goes potty in the middle of everything and then you can use a sponge, some cold water on hand.
Cat Peeing All Over House
Next, use either a commercial product to deal with this situation and the sound of a cat or you are not followed, it could be due to medical or physical problems, or it could mean that you physically move your cat from spraying.Remember that if a cat from, for example, an abscess in the wild.We'll explore more about Fluffy's paws and demonstrating to her what she's supposed to help shed the old outer part of the major reasons they tend to scratch.But if he sees it right next to where and when confronted with a good idea to make sure I had to give maturing cats plenty of practice.According to the population, increasing the risk of cancers of the house that is potentially a life-threatening event.
It is virtually an impulse the cat be the result is 12 cats the protein contained in the same spot again.Sometimes two cats now and see how your current cat or dog's teeth.One enjoys dry food out for the areas under the litter box?Often, a thorough physical examination will find evidence of fleas.Cats knocking down all the scenarios and smells.
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thistlepath · 6 years
stuff about Aggy
this is for that meme i rebloged a bit ago, i was asked to answer “all of them” for a character of my choice. this is gonna be kinda long.
What is your OC’s favorite color?
Dark purple :3
Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
No, he’s not very materialistic and hasn’t had much of a chance to collect anything anyway.
What kind of things is your OC allergic to?
As a Carlec he’s automatically incapable of eating plants or dairy without getting really, really sick if that counts.
What kind of clothing does your OC wear?
Basically pink pygamas and a cape, that’s just how Carlec dress.
What is your OC’s first memory?
A vague memory of some kid being annoying and him scratching their face way back when he was about 7 or 8.
What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite?
Favorite: their version of turtles, he thinks they’re cute and they like to eat his /least/ favorite animals.
Least favorite: it’s a tie between a type of fish that enjoys trying to eat kids that fall into rivers and a type of beetle that enjoys trying to eat dead, dying, and/or injured unconscious critters and people.
What element would your OC be?
Fire, i think. He can be destructive and horrifying, but also helpful and fun :D
What is your OC’s theme song?
Hmm… there are a lot of them XD
maybe i’ll post a list later.
Do you have a voiceclaim for your OC?
He’s jeremy.
What deadly sin would best represent your OC?
Wrath. Definitely wrath.
What are your OC’s hobbies?
He likes to make dye, dance, and rip the legs off of beetles :3
How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they?
That depends, most of the time he’s /incredibly/ hot-headed, like murderer levels of hot-headed, but if he really, /really/ likes you he’s incredibly patient and understanding.
What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.?
male. weird Carlec sexuality that most resembles a combo of bisexuality/pollyamory (i don’t know all the different sexualities and such, if there’s a name for that i’d be happy to hear it) but is basically the Carlec version of being straight. mountain/marsh Carlec :3
What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?
He likes to eat beetles and large, winged insects. If you only count food he can eat safely, his least favorite food is turtle. They’re too cute to eat and he doesn’t like breaking their shells.
If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?
Probably a turtle, though an Alvean bird would also be pretty cool!
What does your OC smell like?
At the very beginning of the story: dried blood, mildew, and an odd acidic smell that builds up on Carlec when they’re unhealthy.
After a while of being outside and a nice change of clothes: dead leaves, dirt, and just a hint of blood.
How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job?
Currently he doesn’t, he’s working to get his /freedom/ back, he isn’t getting paid. He wants to be a dye-maker like his mom once all of this is over, it’s been his goal since he was little. He /really/ doesn’t want anything to do with mining, he’s spent long enough trapped without sunlight and warmth, thank you very much. He also doesn’t want to be a hunter.
His current job is basically escorting an idiot and an old lady from point A to point B without them getting murdered, it’s fun when he gets to threaten people or fight wolves, but it’s mostly just walking around (at first.)
What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths?
Hmm. the Carlec have this idea where you basically have to /earn/ having a soul, and doing stuff that makes their deity upset with them starts to slowly destroy their soul. Murder is one of the things that makes her angry, and he keeps getting put in situations where he basically /has/ to kill people. He’s terrified that by the time he dies he’ll be so far gone that he’ll just disappear. It doesn’t help that he’s almost entirely sure that if he /doesn’t/ fade away he’ll end up as some kind of ghost.
He also has a fear of deep, fast water :3
What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
Carlec music is nothing like any human music i’ve ever heard, so it’s a bit hard to pick out different styles and such. He likes happy music being sung by groups, which sounds a bit like if you crossed a choir, a barbershop quartet, a bunch of purring, mewling cats, and a bunch of little birds together and had them sing pop songs.
If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do?
He’d be absolutely terrified. Our world is incredibly foreign to him and i seriously doubt people would have a very positive reaction to him. Plus, unless he ended up somewhere really warm and humid he’d likely get sick pretty quickly. He’d find some place to hide and then stay there, to scared to come out for anything but food.
What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
Well. he just got out of prison and now has to babysit an insensitive, ignorant Alvean and a grumpy old lady, he’s convinced that he’s missing a chunk of his soul, his dad died while he was away and he didn’t have a chance to say goodbye, he’s constantly anxious and lashes out at people violently when startled, he feels incredibly uncomfortable in the center of attention but also feels like he has to be the most intimidating, loud person in a room to feel safe… the list just goes on.
He really doesn’t like being interrupted or asked stupid questions.
What kind of student were they/would they be in high school?
If the teacher was nice he’d be incredibly respectful and work very hard to do well. if they were a jerk (or he saw them as one) he’d be a rebellious little monster, seeming to do everything in his power to either get them fired or get himself kicked out of the class.
What is a random fact about your OC?
He wears his cape over his right shoulder to hide the lack of spines on his upper arm. He’s asymmetrical, something that isn’t too uncommon when Mountain and Marsh Carlec mix, but that’s still incredibly uncommon in the general population. He was teased for it as a kid and is still insecure about it.
What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
He tries to be optimistic, but a life of bad luck and being treated like garbage has kinda made that hard.
What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
I was bored one day and ended up coming up with a scene of a token-evil teammate finding out their mom was super sick and trying to hide their panic and sadness from their team because their merciless, sadistic reputation needs to be upheld, dang it! And i wanted to draw it. I used a random generator to get the basic idea of what the Carlec look like (slender, delicate build..same height as the average human..reddish/grayish brown skin..muted black hair..very large ears..giraffe-like spots on arms and legs..large, brown/red eyes..colorful, modest clothing.) and made a ton of potential designs for him before eventually settling on one that’s very similar to how he looks now, just with smaller ears, more spots, slightly different hair, and a slightly different face shape. I never ended up drawing that scene, but i decided to keep him anyway. His personality started out as a manipulative, sadistic, just about irredeemable monster with the redeeming qualities of “he loves his parents” and “he /eventually/ cares about his teammates.”
Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why?
His mom. After the events that caused his issues she was the only person who really stuck with him. His village decided he was possessed and thus dangerous, his dad disapproved very vocally of his decision to become a maker instead of continuing his training as a hunter, and his best friend/fiancée eventually betrayed him. His mom never stopped supporting him and believing that he could get better.
Hmm. Aggy’s weird in that once he cares about you he /doesn’t stop caring/ no matter what you do, so i don’t know if his friend can be counted here? If so, then definitely her. She was one of two actually good things in his life, then she had him sent to a human prison for murdering a pair of assassins. That place was absolutely /horrible/ and it was probably the worst thing that could’ve been done for his mental health.
If she doesn’t count, then probably the first prisoner he ended up killing while in prison. That idiot trying to kill him is what set him firmly on the path towards what he is today, if that hadn’t happened the queen probably would have had him released years ago.
What kind of childhood did your character have?
A not very nice one. Way too much being treated like some kind of monster, too much of his parents arguing about him, too many former friends avoiding him, too many injuries, and nowhere near enough support, love and guidance.
What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?
When he’s nervous he tends to swish his tail back and forth like an angry cat, and also often bites and chews on things when they’re available.
If those count, then i suppose so? I don’t know a whole lot about the subject.
Not at the moment, but he used to have a bit of one to this special drink the Carlec have at parties. It makes people more energetic and cheerful, then incredibly tired as soon as it wears off. The Carlec have a lot of parties, so most have at least a bit of an addiction to the stuff.
If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
Hmm. he’d just have somebody else chose it if he could, but if he absolutely had to choose it’d be something along the lines of “i promise i won’t haunt you guys. Probably. I’ll have to think about it.”
Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why?
No. he’s pretty much done with romance after what happened with his Ex. there’s a chance that someone could change his mind with enough time, but it’s gonna be difficult.
He’s not sure about having kids, but he doesn’t think there’s much chance of it anyway if he never gets married.
What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory?
Most traumatic memory: his entire village turning on him and his best friend in the whole world not only not defending him, but making sure he gets punished even more harshly than he would’ve otherwise.
Favorite memory: this one’s more vague, it’s stuff that happened almost every day and kinda blurred together, but it was all equally amazing as far as he’s concerned. Waking up every morning, warm and safe in his comfortable, cozy home. Spending several hours making dye with his mother and laughing with her about how it had somehow gotten all over their hands and faces while his dad went out hunting. All the little things that he had to go without for so long.
If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
Freedom, of course.
Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why?
Aggy’s got this thing, it happens sometimes to Carlec who’ve been through something traumatic, where he’s constantly on edge and automatically reacts to perceived threats with violence. It’s incredibly difficult to keep under control, and even when it is it often just builds up until they eventually snap and get even more violent than they would have otherwise. In serious cases the Carlec will seem more like a feral animal than a person, luckily Aggy doesn’t have it that bad but if things continue the way they have he’s gonna get there within a few years.
What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
He used to love helping with the music for parties, he’d play bells and sing.
How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
His imagination is a bit caught up with imagining horrible situations he could end up in, potential escape routes for every room he enters, and stupid nicknames for everyone he meets.
What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
To go home and be happy. That’s his main goal at all times, ‘make sure this goes well so i can go home’, ‘save [insert person here] so i can redeem myself so i can be happy’ etc.
He needs to hurt critters and fight people and kill things. He gets super anxious all the time, and that’s the one thing he’s found that helps him calm down.
He’s willing to do a whole lot of things. He won’t hurt anyone he cares about, and he’d prefer not to die, but other than that he’s pretty much gonna do anything to get what he wants.
What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do?
He eats his food raw. He kills people. He torments small creatures. There’s a lot of stuff he does that most people wouldn’t.
What would your character do with a million dollars?
Use it to try to free one of his old prison-friends and then give him whatever’s left. Carlec don’t really use money.
What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can?
He’s currently homeless and has no possessions other than the clothes on his back and a knife.
Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?
Well, if he’s free to have a night out in the first place he’s probably home, so most likely some kind of party, his party outfit, and either his team or his parents. He doesn’t have many friends :D
What does your character do when they’re angry? Why?
Attack things. Make things hurt. Cause whatever pain he can in whatever made him angry. It makes him feel somewhat better.
Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from?
Not really, it’s hard to scratch a Carlec through their scales, and it takes a lot of damage for an injury to show through them after it’s healed. If he were human he’d have scars all over from fights, running through dense forest, falling in a river and nearly dying as a kid, etc.
What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said?
Oh, that’s hard. Aggy loves to offend people, it’s one of his favorite hobbies.
How does your character react/ accept criticism?
That depends on both what’s being criticized and how the criticism is given. It could be anything from quickly accepting it and asking for advice to /literally/ killing you.
If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?
Well. almost literally /nothing/ on pineapple pizza is edible for him, so he’d react pretty badly. Whatever this ‘something bad’ is has to be pretty bad. He’d eat it, but would clearly hate every second of it and would get really, really sick afterwards.
Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works?
He would immediately believe it was real and quickly hide it in the safest place he can possibly find.
Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle?
Not really, he could probably make little stick-figures, but that’s about it.
What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult?
Evr, Aggy’s mom, was very loving, supportive and comforting, she was his mentor and primary source of advice, help and positive social interaction.
Kven, his dad, started out the same. Unfortunately Aggy becoming ‘possessed,’ deciding to be a Maker despite clearly being a natural Hunter (that’s a huge deal to a lot of Carlec), and losing his cheerful, friendly attitude kinda messed up their relationship. He was usually either angry at him or ignoring him.
He doesn’t know Rili or Tin very well, they married his mom about two years after he was kicked out.
Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush?
The closest thing to candy the Carlec have is this super sweet nectar that they make into drinks or soak meat in, and it’s literally made to give anybody/anything that drinks it a sugar rush. When Aggy drinks it he gets even more jumpy than usual, but also super giggly so it seems like he’s having fun?
If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count?
He’d be horrified and depressed, this means that he won’t get his chance at redemption or see his family again. He’d do everything he could to both prevent/delay his death and get home as soon as possible, desperate to see Evr again and at least say goodbye.
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greylilacs · 6 years
the2wolves24 said: I have been a vet tech for 24 years. My previous cat was indoor only and at 9 years old, got out and never came back. Let me tell you the what ifs still torture me to this day. My cat now I got as a 2 week old bottle baby. At 12 weeks it was clear I was not going to be able to sleep him in. He played with the dogs regularly, I taught him to fetch paper balls and constructed my own cat condo out of an old armoire. Complete with carpeting, shelves to.climb, hammock and the2wolves24 said: Litter box protected fr9m the dogs behind the cabinets. He wanted out period. At 12 weeks he even launches himself over a full grown Doberman to get out the back door. Since then I put him on my late Pomeranian puppy harness to give him an idea of the area. He got a teaspoon of fancy feast every night so he would associate that with coming home. He has slept inside every night since I have him. He’s 8 years old now by the way. To train him in car safety I put I’m in a the2wolves24 said: Dog crate on my front lawn and for fibe.minutes had all my friends drive by, honking horn and driving up on the boulevard grass. Since then the second he sees a car, he jumps on the nearest lawn. I also neutered him at 4 months and he stays within a 2 house quadrant. He is vaccinated, eats hill’s metabolic food and is on revolution monthly. I took a class on inappropriate urination in cats at the NAVC. Outdoor cats are more psychologically healthy as their daily prey the2wolves24 said: Drives are met. They spend much of their time outside walking, keeping their weight in check. At a year old a kitten followed him home. I have never been able to get that cat to willingly come inside, Burnie is so regular for his meals, that if inclement weather is approaching I can catch him to bring him in. He is also neutered, vaccinated and on revolution. I think it’s unfair of you to.point out the negatives of outdoor cats without pointing out the positive. the2wolves24 said: By the way, giardia and coccidia are often self limiting when in adult animals with health immune systems.  ------------------ Okay  So! LEts go down the line of the points brought up here > You’re a vet tech for 24 years > You let a cat outside  > You scared the fuck out of it to teach it not to go near streets?  > Stays within a 2 house quadrant  > Outdoor cats are more psychologically healthy as their daily prey drives are met  > Giardia / Coccidia things  SO!  It’s made apparently clear that no matter the amount of experience one has, they only care about one things: Themselves and their pets. 
As you so bluntly said- you’re a vet tech for 24 years and yet it didn’t dawn on you once that while you work on cats and dogs all day, there’s vet techs across the world who are dealing with the damage caused by your insufferable mentality of ‘my cat wont stay inside’  because apparently Panic at the disco never got through to you and you never shut the god damned door. 
Now, additionally- a study was done on wildlife admitted into a clinic over 11 years and they found out this: 
The study examined nearly 21,000 patient records, including 11,144 small mammals and 9,777 small birds, admitted between 2000 and 2010. Of this total, 2,970 patients were admitted due to confirmed interaction with cats. 
And this:
   Of all small mammals admitted due to cat attacks, more than 70 percent died or had to be euthanized. For small birds, the mortality rate is a staggering 81 percent. So while I knew that some people could be selfish, here I was thinking that those in the vet world would be at least honorable enough to understand that they wouldn’t let their cat outside to be an addition to the devastation caused by outdoor cats.  Y’know, the ones that either are or aren’t recorded because why would you bring an already dead animal into a clinic or better yet admit that your precious cat killed and ate a state bird who knows. 
But for the ones that were recorded you’re looking at around 297 per year over the 10 years in JUST this study
Or the 24 per month
or the .81 admitted per day because fuck native wildlife when you can say that you’re proudly a vet tech so that somehow makes what your cat and promotion of other cats doing so immune from being dragged through the mud like the impacted bullshit it is. 
Vet tech or not, I don’t give an actual shit when you go “yah no I see that hundreds of cats are admitted per year, thousands of cats die per year by car crashes but let me go ahead and just say that letting your cat outdoors is fine because I don’t know how to fulfill my cats needs of the easiest thing TO fulfill on a cat even though I got him at 2 weeks old and in that time could have conditioned him to be an inside cat” 
Fuck off.
Also lets just touch on the fact that you put your cat in a crate and scared the shit out of it for quote “five minutes” because that’s how cat psychology works and your cat TOTALLY didn’t associate the crate with the horns honking and instead associated the road with it. 
Additionally, lets put a pin in the fact that your cat frequently crosses the road and becomes other peoples problems who may be allergic to cats or even hate cats and want nothing to do with a cat shitting in their yard but they’re too nice to say anything. 
because as long as you’re content with ignoring your cat all day amirite. 
Now, lets move on 
“outdoor cats are psychologically healthy because their prey drives are met” 
Because you totally couldn’t do that with a fucking rope toy or door teaser, could you?
Not to mention you can even give your cat whole prey raw/ franken diets to fulfill that needs but by golly that would be so much harder and you’d actually have to /do something/ to keep your cat entertained? 
Well as someone who wanted a cat but didn’t want the ability to let it outside by a road that just won’t work, would it? 
Now! Let’s move onto my favorite part of all this
Cocc. and Giardi. are self limiting /in the hosts/
But like most parasites- it’s not the initial hosts you have to worry about. It’s the hosts shitting and exposing the parasite while it’s active to other things. Giardia intestinalis itself can be found in 40 different species and And Cystoisospora can be transferred to mice and other cats in the neighborhood, potentially infecting dozens of animals during the time period OR EVEN HUMAN CHILDREN who- y’know, play in their yards. Their yards that shouldn’t have cat shit but :O imagine that, now they do. 
Not to mention - not even touched on by you- is the things that can kill your cat that dont live on your cat. And we’re not talking about cars.  Humans
Poisons (either intentional or unintentional) 
Other cats
The list. Goes. on. And On. And On. 
But I'm speaking to someone who literally sees dead cats from cars on a monthly (if not weekly) basis.
According to this there’s at max, 27000 companion animal practices in the US  There is (according to this) 5.4 million cats killed by cars each year. And I can’t find a consistent statistic on the ones who live so lets just go with that.  
That means, if we did the math and this was anywhere near correct, each clinic would probably see around 200 cat vs. car fatalities every year!
So you’ve probably more than likely seen a cat or two hit by cars - hell, you admitted your own original cat passed away from it (Which I am sorry to hear about, truly :/ ) 
And yet you still think it’s a good idea
Just because “he really wants to go outside and gets bored if I dont let him”
Build a fucking catio. Put up a fence
Cat rollers
“but that costs money” PETS . COST. MONEY. 
I am not saying cats “Can never touch grass ever”
I’m saying- leashes exist. Fences exist. Fuck, there’s a thing on ebay that costs like 250 dollars and has a roof that would be perfect for a catio.
Lookit this fucker. It’s wicked. 
It has never, will never be just about YOUR cat.
It will always be about the animals that are affected by your shitty choices. 
Your cat throwing a pissy fit does not matter to me. 
The wildlife that is dying at an astronomical rate because YOU can’t be a responsible pet owner? THAT matters to me. Grow the fuck up and realize that you can have 50 years in vet experience but the day you willingly admit and promote to neglecting your pets safety that shit means nothing. 
Just yesterday there was a case of a vet being charged with 16 counts of animal cruelty. Does it somehow make it okay just because he’s a vet? 
No. it makes it worse. 
So stop patting yourself on the back, it’s apparent you’re just as shitty as the other outdoor cat owners. 
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dailypetcat · 4 years
Top 10 Most Expensive Cat Breeds In The World
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Top 10 most expensive cat breeds in the world welcome to a Lux calm the place where future billionaires come to get inspired hey they're a Lexus thanks for joining us for another interesting and fun video here at a Lux we love giving you facts and insights into all of the world's biggest and best things and sometimes 
we think a great way to learn about something is to give you a fun rundown on the top ten and a specially selected topic today we want you to clue in on ten of the world's most expensive cat breeds whether you're a dog person or a cat person or both there's no denying that pedigree kitties are a thing of great beauty and the proof is certainly in the pudding when it comes to how much cat lovers are willing to pay to make a beautiful new friend for life if you're new here welcome be sure to subscribe and follow us on instagram at a Lux here at a Lux we love all kinds of cats but as you know this site is for celebrating the very best so without further delay here are the 10 most expensive cat breeds in the world number 10 British Shorthair price $1500 the British Shorthair is among the most popular breeds of cats are registered in the United Kingdom but the distinctly cute felines are starting to make a huge impact on cat lovers all over the world a mainstay in cat shows and competitions the British Shorthair is famed for having a stable character which makes them a perfect choice for both families and people living in apartments how much will buying a British Shorthair kittens set you back a respectable $500 to $1500 depending on age colour and breeding history number nine Scottish Fold price $3,000 in ninth place is the amazingly distinctive Scottish Fold if you're wondering where you might have seen one of these insanely cute kitties before then it could be down to the fact that singing superstar Taylor Swift's cat Olivia Benson is a prime example of the breed most recognized for their unusually folded ears Scottish folds really do look like something out of a classic Japanese anime a perfect choice for a pet Scottish folds are known for being especially loving to their owners and buying one for yourself will cost anywhere between two hundred and three thousand dollars number eight sphynx price three thousand dollars if you're looking for a cat that is going to stand out from the rest then a stunning sphinx is absolutely the way to go noted for being a hairless breed the sphinx is one of the most instantly recognizable breeds in any animal species if you're interested in getting a sphinx then it's important to know they require a little more special care and attention than regular fur covered cats but what you get for your extra care is a little bundle of peculiar fun Sphinx cats are so vocal that it can often feel like you're having a proper conversation well worth up to $3,000 in our opinion number 7 Russian blue price $3,000 taking seventh spot in our list is the beautiful Russian blue breed these wonderful cats have a reputation for being incredibly playful intelligent and curious which can make them a bit of a handful for owners but a whole lot of fun to the breed also is famous for getting along with other pets and young children which has resulted in making it an extremely sought-after and valuable one and hey being as cute as anything always helps cat lovers wanting to welcome a Russian blue into their lives can expect to pay a top-end price of up to $3,000 number six Peter bawled price $5,000 sitting proudly in the middle spot of our list is the slightly rare Peter bald cat this peculiar but a wonderful breed was created as the result of an experimental mating between a male Donskoy cat and female oriental Shorthair we for one hour glad this experiment worked because the Peter bald is a beautiful distinctive cat look at those ears we bet they can hear all of your secrets and if you want one of these elegant energetic beauties in your life then you better be prepared to dish out somewhere in the range of five thousand dollars for our kitten and before we get into the top 5 most expensive cat breeds we recommend you check out our video on one of the highest profile cat lovers around right now the one and only Ellen DeGeneres number 5 Persian cat price five thousand five hundred dollars one of the most celebrated cat breeds in the world the Persian cat is seen by many as the ultimate example of the feline species the distinctive facial features of the Persian cat leads you to fall in love almost immediately and their laid-back relaxed nature means that the cat stays strong from day one being one of the most popular breeds of cat obviously makes the Persian one of the most expensive - and if you want to welcome a Persian kitten into your home you can expect to pay an average of five thousand five hundred dollars for one with a pedigree we think that's well worth the cost number four Allura hypoallergenic cat price six thousand dollars
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Chasing Phantoms ~ Prologue
It was not meant to be.
A Mother clutched her month-old daughter close. The ship shook, fire danced in the corner of her eye. Outside, a dark figure loomed. Another ship, the attacker, raining bolts down on its prey.
Oh the life they had planned. The love, happiness… The hard times and anger, sadness. All of it they were prepared to face together, forever. But not this. Never this.
The child she held in her arms cried, either from the jostling of her mother’s running, or the loud, terrifying sounds of battle that engulfed the ship whole. Soon, soon they could escape.
The woman felt terrible. Torn between the men and women of the crew that had helped her so much, the urge to stay and fight for them like they were for her… or her daughter, her Star, and the life she would surely have if she took an escape pod and ran.
The Captain knew what choice she would make, the crew knew. No one held it against her, even as she rushed away, no time spared for goodbyes. He only looked at her, stoic as always, nodding once. She smiled grimly, the first hit rocking their ship on its axis. She ran. The Captain turned and started barking battle orders. That was the last she ever saw of them, the valiant crew and their leader.
It was not meant to be.
It was hot as hell on this planet, the humidity in air stuck to the skin, only adding to the sweat that formed over faces and arms- for the humans anyway. Men and women alike wore sandals as they walked down solar-paneled sidewalks. Bicycles casually rolled past on the sidewalk separate from the pedestrian path. Every few feet the solar-panels displayed the image of a figure walking on the appropriate lane, and little bike signals on the bike path.
Leafy, flowering vines grew up telephone poles and hanging baskets dropped down within reaching distance, most full of small pitcher plants to help control the insect population. Although the wild variety​ smelled like rotting flesh, these small domestic ones smelled like overly ripe fruit. Edible plants and berry bushes hung down as well, such as ripe red strawberries, plump peaches, juicy oranges and many others, both from different planets and native to Linus.
Natural bridges went over highways for both human and fauna safety alike. Every block had a shaded solar charging port surrounded by benches, walkways that led to the beaches, bicycle racks and parking lots. The skyscrapers in the distance grew with greenery, bearing a strong resemblances to the massive forests surrounding most of the coastal capital.
The community, whether native or not, enjoyed this planet’s climate immensely… however the foreign General felt his sweat squelch in his thick military boots and under his formal uniform. The locals merely wore bikinis and shorts, with only the rare few daring to cover up with sundresses and tank tops. He had only been here for barely half a Standard Galactic Day, and already he hated it with determined vehemence.
The man stopped under some shade, both to catch his breath and check in with Head Quarters. Taking his communicator off the clip on his coat, he clicked it to the correct signal.
“General reporting, Sir come in, Sir.” The man states, pressing the receiver of the little device, all the while shaking sand out of the speakers despite it not having been exposed to the beaches at all.
“Oh hun, always so uptight and formal… you couldn’t just lay your head back and relax for the day could you…” An effeminate voice chimed through static from the other end. One could just imagine him in his Cat’s eye sunglasses, filing his nails. The General fought back a cringe of disgust.
“They didn’t know about the mineral… they don’t apparently use much mining resources… pride themselves on being green, having low impacts on the environment and all that… A biologist I found along the shore did not suitably help… he was more concerned with some species of cat beasts and a slug…”
“Ah yes….” The man on the other end of the line hummed. “I heard about those cuties. I think I may have seen one earlier today… maybe two if wolves in sheep’s clothing count. Very adorable little things, really. It makes me want one…” he hummed in a slight airy manner, with noticeable emphasis on the want.
“Sir, I do not think it a wise course of action…”
However within moments he was walking down the sidewalk to visit the flea markets, casting cold, grey eyes along colourful stalls that seemed to sell everything on this planet. From exotic fruit and meat, to equipment for ships, Earth antiques, and every species imaginable living on Linus, which seemed as good a candidate for ‘pet’ you could get, in as loose a sense of the word as possible.
He decided upon a particularly dedicated looking vendor, which was really just a collection of small play gates and cages full of animals. The first creature to greet him was a many-eyed reptilian-looking cat with 6 arms. It started growling- the man assumed- for it made a repeating, aggressive ticking sound combined with a series of rattling snarls. Eventually it turned to lay contentedly under a heat lamp. Then, he saw an odd looking snake whose eyes seemed to jut out like a chameleon’s and whose tail wrapped around a branch like it had a mind of its own. A certain scaly thing even vaguely resembled a dragon. But one species in particular caught his eye. If one had lived on Earth, in its golden age, one would compare it to a cute, chubby baby otter. To the people of Linus, they were Mimics. And, to the people who knew what they were capable of, limitless sources of potential.
The stern General was, however, hoping he wouldn’t have to go through with this tomfoolery.
Approaching the manager, or owner of sorts, he cleared his throat and presented his dilemma.  
“I need a pet for someone… a Service Dog like animal. Something smart. Something vicious.” He said, with a glint in his eye.
“Ah, is it perhaps for that special lady in your life? I mean, it all depends on what you want smart for exactly…” The manager replied, the local Linus lilt colouring his speech as he scrutinized his latest client.
The man grimaced, disgusted by the latest developments. He supposed one could call his Commander a ‘special lady’ alright… special with a helmet maybe.
“You pry too much…” He retorted, in a very smooth, very dangerous tone despite his apparent anger. “I came to ask questions, not to answer them…. I am here for a Mimic.”
The vendor- thought he seemed slightly dumbfounded- laughed heartily. “Pardon my manners, us mainlanders don’t mean to pry as much as we do. Should have just been straight forward- we got a whole litter. I hear even the SDF are starting to use these guys. I do warn ya, they aren’t pets. With ‘em little guys it’s like adopting a kid of your own…”
He motioned to a small group of Mimics, round chubby faces with antenna like whiskers. One seeming to be a small white female, another a large dapple grey, the third a grey with a black back and light underbelly. The fourth, and final one was a small black, and white male, standing just slightly taller than the female.
“That one right there, he’s a smart one I’ll tell ya.” He says pouring some milk into a saucer with a small amount of cat food. By the time the dishes were placed in their pen, the “alpha” Mimics were chittering and hollering loudly. Already they had started to mimic the noises of the animals surrounding them. The small black and white male remained silent as the two others pushed and shoved, snapping at one another for the food.
“Chester, come over here boy.” The puppy, though young, seemed to have a natural aptitude towards this sort of thing. He stood up his hind legs, prancing up and down as if he were a kangaroo jumping in delight before the dish was placed down in front him. Followed by another one for the other two Mimics.
While the two grey males fought over who would drink first, the black puppy stared at them. When the moment was right, he snuck his snout under their chests to stealthily pick dish up carefully in his mouth, all the while pushing the other with his flippers. Once his thievery accomplished, the small male sat by the passive white female, with whom he shared his prize. She pressed up against him, affectionate, but most certainly shy.
Then, suddenly, the black male looked up at the scowling General, their gaze locking. A galaxy of blue ocean waves and worlds of the multi-hued coral beneath seemed to scrutinize the man’s very person- for he had no more soul. They glowed with multitudes of deeper secrets, hidden thoughts he would never see. Perhaps it was intelligence. Or maybe not. Was it, perhaps, something more?
It didn’t take long before the Grey’s realized what had happened and approached. They bristled and snarled, copying all sorts of offended animal calls. The black male, Chester, simply looked at them before growling and making a noise that the man had heard before, upon approaching the stall. The Mimic pup got up on his hind legs and made a noise resembling the roar of one of Linus’ big cats, albeit softer and smaller, babyfied, almost. Now, before the Grey’s, stood an almost perfect replica of the reptilian, six armed cat who slept a few cages over. The male’s siblings retreated in a frenzy, fearfully whining high pitched screeches that made the General want to shoot them. But nevertheless. If his Commander had stated he wanted a pet, he would have his damn pet. And if it was to be, the General would make sure its usefulness would be maximized. He would make damn well sure. And if he was to be stuck with an overgrown, doggish copy-parrot, he would make sure it wasn’t a dumb overgrown, doggish copy-parrot. This would be it. 
The man spent the rest of the day carrying an unstable cardboard box, with holes punched in the top, under his arm. Heavily annoyed, very unamused. Little did he know, this was the beginning of 15 years of annoyance and un-amusement.
Next: Chapter 1 - The Cloak
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learningrendezvous · 4 years
Mental Health
Heartsounds is an award winning movie that has been featured in 12 film festivals. It tells a story about a young woman's lifelong fascination with penguins and how they transformed her life in time of need.
There are 40 species of these flightless birds that make their home in the South Pole. Newborns must stay out of the ocean until their feathers are waterproof and depend on their parents to provide food and shelter. Like humans, not all penguin chicks look the same. They vary in size and plumage color. But bonding is an important part of raising a penguin, and the parents kiss their babies a lot. Family and friends provide a loving support network in towns and villages called rookeries. As they get older, penguins proudly spread their wings and assume the role of a responsible adult. They are highly social birds and chatter a lot to each other. They are not aggressive and argue with civility. Each penguin has a distinct call that allows them to find their mates. They are not afraid of humans but they do know the world is full of danger. Their main predator is the leopard seal - but they must also be cautious of wild dogs, ferel rats, and predatory birds. Their survival is also threatened by pollution, fishing, oil spills, algae blooms, and global warming.
For safety, they generally enter and leave the sea in large groups. They love to bathe and can swim 5-6 miles per hour and stay underwater for 10-15 minutes. Did you know they average 70 feathers per square inch and spend several hours a day caring for their feathers? Often, they dance for joy and sing when they see someone they love. Sometimes they just stop and admire the view. Penguins mourn the death of their babies. A whole colony can be affected by the loss and hunch over in a state of grief. How deeply they care. How painful their loss. Gathering brought comfort. They teach us that hearts talk in ways only love can hear.
DVD / 2020 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 5 minutes
In this program we'll learn the connection between anxiety and depression, the habits that contribute to anxiety that you can break and what to tell yourself the next time you are depressed. Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in the U.S. affecting forty million adults. About half of those that are diagnosed with anxiety disorders also suffer from depression. Experiencing occasional anxiety and worry is normal but people with anxiety disorders experience excessive and persitent fear about everyday situations. These anxiety disorders are often inherited and occur by faulty circuits in the brain that control fear.
DVD / 2020 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 9 minutes
In this program we'll learn about the importance of a good night's sleep, sleep disorders and the treatment options for insomnia. We spend about one-third of our time asleep and more than 75% of Americans between the ages of 20 and 59 report having difficulty sleeping on a regular basis. People over 60 may not sleep as deeply as those of a younger age. Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise and the amount of sleep you need depends on your age, health and lifestyle. Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. However, many people do not allow enough time to rest and get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can have a negative impact on your mood, concentration and energy as well as an effect on your overall health and quality of life.
DVD / 2020 / (Grades 9-Adult) / 7 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn the power of positive thinking, compassion and gratitude. An inspiring short film on positive thinking, compassion and gratitude. It can be said that what we put in our mind at bedtime may well affect our attitude in the morning. The importance of a positive self-image can not be overstated. Thinking and acting in a positive manner, especially in time of trouble, will help you with coping, reduce stress, and may bring about a higher outcome.
DVD / 2019 / 4 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Separate the myths from facts about bereavement, explore the process of mourning and moving on and learn how to be supportive and supportable. Losing someone you love or something you care about can be very painful. There is no right way or wrong way to grieve; however, there are healthy ways to cope with pain as well as ways to help you move on. Grief is a natural response to the loss of a loved one, a divorce or break-up of a relationship, loss of a job, or death of a pet. Grief is normal and should be experienced, not prevented. It is important to be supportive as they can greatly benefit from your patience and kindness.
DVD / 2019 / 24 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn how the past impacts our present and future, how special moments live on and the importance of treasuring special moments. It is extraordinary how special moments from our past can bring joy in the present. It is essential we cherish the precious moments each day as they will being contentment in our future.
DVD / 2019 / 3 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn how the body and brain function, observe how we can dispel the stigma of mental health and see how your mental health impacts a community. This highly sensitive suicide prevention film contrasts how childhood experiences affect perspectives in adulthood. Learn the reasons for addictions, self-loathing and why we cannot get what we think we need while, at the same time, widen the context how we look at ourselves, others and the world. Learning about yourself has never been easier.
DVD / 2019 / 30 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn the importance of walking, bike riding and the importance of an exercise program. No matter your age, it is sometimes challenging to begin an exercise program. Sometimes we need a helpful nudge. Here is your starting point.
DVD / 2019 / 2 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Explore ways to move through depression, observe a visualization of a positive perspective and remind yourself that you are here for a reason. A sincere, touching, and reassuring film for anyone feeling overwhelmed, bullied, or severely depressed. Sadness is a normal reaction to stressful events. Depression is more serious than sadness. If untreated, it can be a recurring disorder. Learning skills to manage stress will help you cope and become more resilient.
DVD / 2019 / 6 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn the basic rules of the track, the importance of interesting people and how to contribute to peace. Metaphorically, life is like a journey on a train. Our parents and guardians taught us the rules of the tracks. Going through life, we all strive for connection and purpose. Much like the road signs on a highway, we sometimes need assurance we're going in the right direction. Choices abound as we pass the many stops. The longer the ride, the more the memories. They will bring you comfort when the ride is slow. If you see the journey as hopeless, it will be. If you see the journey as hopeful, it will be. This moment is the perfect moment to pause and ponder.
DVD / 2019 / 3 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
Learn activities available to help you cope with depression, observe how much is waiting for you and see how fun and recreation can elevate your mood. A short film designed to show the vast amount of activities that are open to you when you choose. Processing problems is very important and so is interaction and exercise.
DVD / 2019 / 2 minutes
An outstanding series on dealing with depression, coping with loss and acceptance of self. You'll benefit from the encouraging messages, beautiful imagery, soothing narratives and comforting music.
How can we feel more positive in the moment? How can we relax and feel more comfortable? How can we express gratitude? A breathtaking visualization of nature's beauty and the precious uniqueness of the human heart. Presented is a life perspective and sensitive training that will reduce stress. Depression is more serious than sadness. If untreated, it can be a recurring disorder. Learning skills to manage stress will help you cope and become more resilient.
DVD / 2019 / 4 minutes
Director: Sandra Luckow
What do you do when your brother descends into a black hole of mental instability - starting with falling for a Nigerian email scam but eventually winding up involuntary committed into the hospital made famous by 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'?
Award-winning filmmaker Sandra Luckow unflinchingly turns her camera on her own family as they attempt to navigate the broken mental health system in an effort to save their brother, Duanne, whose iPhone video diary ultimately becomes an unfiltered look at the mind of a man with untreated schizophrenia as well as an indictment of how the system failed.
DVD / 2018 / 101 minutes
Director: Barbara Albert
Set in 18th century Vienna, this is the true story of Maria Theresia von Paradis, a gifted piano player and close friend of Mozart, who lost her eye-sight as a child. Desperate to cure their talented daughter, the Paradis entrust Maria to Dr. Mesmer, a forward-thinking-physician who gives her the care and attention that she requires. With the doctor's innovative techniques of magnetism, Maria slowly recovers her sight. But this miracle comes at a price as the woman progressively starts to lose her gift for music. Faced with a heavy dilemma, Mademoiselle Paradis will have to choose: an ordinary life in the light or an extraordinary life in darkness, as a virtuoso.
DVD (German & French with English subtitles) / 2017 / 97 minutes
Directed by James Lathos
"Finding Joseph I" is a documentary film chronicling the eccentric life of punk rock reggae singer, Paul "HR" Hudson from Bad Brains. The charismatic front-man's explosive live performances helped pioneer hardcore punk while delivering an enlightening message of positive mental attitude.
HR's heavy devotion to the Rastafarian faith guided him in a spiritual direction, leaving the band several times to explore his love for reggae music.
Over the years HR's increasingly unpredictable and abnormal behavior has many convinced that he his suffering from mental illness. Finding Joseph I illustrates the true story behind the legendary lead singer's life, career and struggles with never before seen archival footage, photography and exclusive interviews.
DVD (Color) / 2016 / 91 minutes
By Matthew Campea
Pedophiles have long been the most demonized people in society. New research is showing that understanding the condition is the first step in lowering instances of child sexual abuse. Pedophilia expert Dr. James Cantor's ground-breaking and controversial hypothesis that pedophilia is a developmental disorder in the brain resulting in sexual attraction to children, attempts to demystify the cause of pedophilia.
Some of the characters appear as themselves, but due to the stigma and possible legal repercussions of coming out as a pedophile, the film uses dramatic re-creations to tell their stories, and actors speak the words of those who fear to appear on camera.
DVD / 2016 / 51 minutes
By Michael Terrill
How would you feel if your two-year-old child was diagnosed as autistic and mentally retarded? That he would go into his room and never come out, and would be institutionalized by age 17?
This was the grim life sentence handed down to Lori and Jim Cairns regarding their son, JR. The diagnosis was made in 1996-when little was known about autism, governments offered few helpful resources, and hope for recovery was disregarded as a myth, and urban legend.
Today many people still dismiss hope of recovery from autism. And yet it can happen. JR is living proof.
Now, for the first time ever, the Cairns family and JR's therapists unite to celebrate his recovery and share their story of hope.
DVD / 2015 / 52 minutes
Most people have heard of OCD but what exactly is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? It presents itself in many unusual guises. People are often surprised to learn that OCD goes far beyond the common perception of excessive hand washing or the repetitive checking of light switches.
OCD is an extreme anxiety-related condition where a person experiences frequent, intrusive and unwelcome obsessive thoughts, often followed by repetitive compulsions, impulses or urges.
In an attempt to get an understanding of disturbing mental illness we spend time with some people who have agreed to come forward and talk about their OCD. We also feature experts in the field while spending time in St Patrick's Hospital in Dublin and an anxiety support groups in Sligo town.
OCD is the third most common concern reported to St Patrick's mental-health support services and The World Health Organisation lists it as one of the 10 most debilitating illnesses on the planet. OCD and Me gives us a greater understanding of this secretive and often misunderstood condition.
DVD / 2015 / 53 minutes
Having a baby is supposed to be the happiest time of one's life. But what if it's not and no one is helping?
1 in 7 women suffer from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. 1 in 1000 will get postpartum psychosis. Affected are 1.3 million mothers annually and the system is failing them.
Dark Side of the Full Moon delves into the unseen world of maternal mental health in the U.S and investigates the disconnect within the medical community to effectively screen, refer, and treat the 1.3 million mothers affected each year, giving a face and voice to the countless women who have suffered in silence.
In Dark Side of the Full Moon, two mothers take on the American healthcare system when new motherhood crashes into mental illness.
DVD (Color) / 2014 / 74 minutes
Interviews and archives highlight Britain's most notorious criminals and the place they called home.
Leading criminologist, Professor David Wilson, gives an insight into the world of Britain's Broadmoor Psychiatric Hospital.
Cameras have been allowed to film inside Broadmoor Hospital for the first time in 150 years as part of a new documentary. The inner workings of the high-security psychiatric hospital, which houses more than 200 men, some of which are the most mentally-ill and disturbed criminals in the UK, are revealed in the dynamic expose.
Out of all the patients, 35 per cent come from prisons, 35 per cent from the court system, a quarter from medium-secure psychiatric units and five per cent from other high-security hospitals. Although the average stay in the hospital I
DVD / 2013 / 46 minutes
When a child exhibits "inappropriate" behavior or is unable to interact socially, psychiatric problems may be the cause. This program seeks to identify the difference between childhood challenges and behavior rooted in mental illness. Families share their stories, while mental-health experts discuss treatment and coping strategies.
DVD / 2013 / 30 minutes
Young people with mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, self mutilation, reactive attachment disorder are at higher risk for suicidal thoughts. Raising teenagers with mental health issues can be a difficult and very challenging experience. This reflective program focuses on parents and teenagers who tell their stories of struggle as they learn how some families cope with parenting a mentally ill teen. When parents have to deal with a mentally ill teen they face many unique challenges. Through personal stories and discussions, you'll learn some of the reasons for mental illness and some of the solutions and resources for dealing with and available to help support families. Health professionals explore the subject of mental illness and offer thoughtful counsel and advice for parents and teens to help guide them through challenging times.
DVD / 2013 / 30 minutes
Young people with mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, self mutilation, reactive attachment disorder are at higher risk for suicidal thoughts. Raising teenagers with mental health issues can be a difficult and very challenging experience. This reflective program focuses on parents and teenagers who tell their stories of struggle as they learn how some families cope with parenting a mentally ill teen. When parents have to deal with a mentally ill teen they face many unique challenges. Through personal stories and discussions, you'll learn some of the reasons for mental illness and some of the solutions and resources for dealing with and available to help support families. Health professionals explore the subject of mental illness and offer thoughtful counsel and advice for parents and teens to help guide them through challenging times.
DVD / 2013 / 30 minutes
Director: Fridrik Thor Fridriksson
Narrated by Kate Winslet, this inspiring film follows one woman's quest to unlock her autistic son's mind. Margret, whose ten-year-old son Keli is severely autistic, has tried a number of treatments to help her son.
Consumed by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge about this mysterious and complex condition, she travels from her home in Iceland to the United States and Europe, meeting with top autism experts and advocates. She also connects with several other families touched by autism, whose struggles echo her own: the endless doctor visits and experiments with different treatments, the complication of doing everyday tasks, and the inability to communicate - perhaps the most painful and frustrating aspect of autism.
But as she comes across innovative new therapies with the potential to break down the walls of autism, Margret finds hope that her son may be able to express himself on a level she never thought possible.
DVD / 2010 / 103 minutes
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Pest Control Melbourne
At Quality Pest Control Melboune, we have group of expert who give proficient pest control benefits all through Quality pest control.
Winter in Melbourne is the coolest season where temperature goes between 2 degree and 15 degrees. This is season when most bugs will discover sensibly warm territory in your home with they can stay torpid. Pest control Melbourne specialist is prepared to help you in cool winter season to give you propelled irritation control services and keeps your premises free from pests.  Pest Control Point Cook
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During winter mice and rodents look for warm spot and sanctuary from the cool, wind and downpour. Our home or business premises are the ideal spot for them to hang out in the coldest months of the year. Rodents love to live in the rooftop pit while mice will do make the most of their time by getting into the house, same route nibble in your storeroom! These pest make pervasion as well as sully nourishment. They additionally discharge their real capacities where they please and they make us insane with their evening exercises. While they are preparing for spring, Why not to call dawn bug control services to give you propelled pest control services and make your effortless? Pest Control Werribee
In the event that you're hearing clamors in your dividers or rooftop, at that point you may have a rat invasion. Another definite indication of rodents is fomented pets. On the off chance that your feline or canine sits before a divider for an all-encompassing time it might mean a rodent is sneaking behind the mortar! Pest Control Tarneit
Regardless of what is the season, one thing on which everybody concurs is we as a whole detest bugs. Regardless of whether it be a mice, mouse, bug, moth, cockroaches, ants, wasps, bugs, ants, or some other creepy crawlies. Regardless of whether it is our home, back yard, garden bed, garden shed, carport, parking space or outside leaving territory. We need them not to do any pervasion, and gone from our property at the earliest opportunity! Well! Dawn pest control services are constantly accessible to help with their propelled irritation control procedures and innovation all through Quality pest control Melbourne, Geelong, Ballarat and all other provincial territories.  Cheap Pest Control Melbourne
The propelled irritation control strategy uses following pesticides to control different pests at their source
·         Bug sprays to control creepy crawlies.
·         Herbicides to control plants.
·         Rodenticides to control (rodents and mice).
·         Bactericides to control microscopic organisms.
·         Fungicides to control organisms.
·         Larvicides to control hatchlings.
·         To choose the right pesticide there are numerous components considered.
·         Choice of right pesticide to target bug or pest.
·         Decide which would be the better pesticide to utilize.
·         Pick required application strategy.
·         Pick required degree of poisonous quality.
·         Strategy for application ie best technique on how is it applied.
·         Decide length on to what extent will it be successful and will control the pest.
·         Deciding poisonous quality for people and other non-target species.
Impact on the earth, recognize in the event that it cause harm to nature and by what means may this happen?
·         Pest control craigieburn
·         Pest control hoppers crossing
·         Pest control Pascoe vale
·         Pest control Epping
·         Termite control Melbourne
·         Rat and mice control Melbourne
Contact Us:
Quality Pest Control and Maintenance
Add.: Pyalong Crescent, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3047
Call Us: 0422 805 251
Click Here: http://www.qualitypestcontrolandmaintenance.com.au/
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