#we were watching in class
fagidarity · 6 months
honestly that anon reminds me of my teacher from highschool, she was always rlly cool and supportive of my interests and i still think of her very fondly
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humming-fly · 8 months
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given how gluttony is shown being "born" in the anime I can only imagine the horror show that must've gone down with envy
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peteypiessuperfamily · 5 months
Today my english teacher was explaining the plot of the movie Brooklyn (which ive never seen) to me by saying, "Basically an Irish immigrant moves to brooklyn and falls in love with an Italian guy."
And I sat there thinking... is this not literally a movie about stevetony
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cheezy-str33t · 8 days
dook n dingo from the past few weeks
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floydsteeth · 1 month
Yves <3
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Just a few doodles I did Friday in class :P
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simcardiac-arrested · 9 months
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ability to draw and its consequences
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dramatic-dolphin · 7 months
writing essays got me saying shit like "azonban" and "példának okáért"
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jay-wasstuff · 1 year
Bo-Katan: *blames din's 'cult' and asks where he was during the purge*
Din and everyone:
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ihopeucomehomesoon · 5 months
i won’t hold people to the same standards i have on myself in terms of friendship bc everyone shows they care in different ways
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benetnvsch · 8 months
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oh wow kite's drawing furries again,,,,
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punkymonkeehat · 8 months
I shit you not, guys...
My 7th graders, after putting things away and working really hard today, asked why we haven't watched The Monkees in a long time. I said that I thought they didn't like them anymore (cause middle schoolers always change their opinions all the time lol) and a out the entire class were appalled that I thought that and kept saying "We wanna watch the Monkees!! Can we have Monkees Friday? Can you bring in more episodes? I wanna see Davy and Micky again" (this class' favorite). Like, it almost turned into a riot!
I showed them the show last year as a reward for having a great concert and I guess they've been hooked ever since without me even knowing lol
So I put on an episode and all of them gathered around our TV and I was going to skip the theme song to get to the episode (it was the last 5 minutes of class) and they all got so upset and said "No don't, I wanna see the theme song!" So we only saw like, maybe 3 minutes of the actual episode and when the bell ring they wanted to stay and watch more 😆
Band to Monkees pipeline lol
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nintendont2502 · 26 days
like genuinely i know im being overdramatic but also. do you know how fucking exhausting it is having to essentially learn an entirely new culture. i dont even have a choice its just constantly forced down my throat because the internet is obsessed with talking about nothing but america at all times. and then they try to act like america is all unique and special like no it isnt and even if it was its literally all i hear about im desensitised at this point
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itspileofgoodthings · 30 days
Well, I actually have the most mundane of questions, but it’s been so long since I’ve been in an English class that I feel like I’ve completely forgotten (and I’m curious how you do it): how do you go about reading a book as a class? Do you assign them the chapters to read at home and most of them actually do it? Or do you give them class time to read? Do you have the kids who try to spoil the rest of the book for the class? Basically, how does one teach a book in the year 2024?  😀
And do you have your students annotate inside their books? (I know the English teachers in my school require the students to do that, and I get why, but I inwardly shudder every time I see a student marking up a page.) 
Haha I love this question because I too am always asking myself how DOES one each a book in 2024?
It’s sort of a combination. I absolutely assign reading every night (almost) unless it’s Shakespeare or any play in which case we read it all in class. But for a novel there’s a couple chapters a night. I read aloud to them a lot too. Sometjmes I make them read aloud to the whole class, rotating kids who read. Sometimes I assign a chapter to be read in class silently with questions or quotes due at the end of the reading. Sometimes I put them in groups and make them read aloud to each other. There’s no one way that works for sure and of course ultimately I have no control over how much they read and I’m not naive enough to think that most of the reading assigned for homework doesn’t get skipped most of the time buuuuuut.
My bottom line is that I believe it’s my job to get excited about the actual text itself (easier for me in some cases than others but overall pretty easy because it does fill me with excitement) and then commit to taking them on the journey of the story with me. And my goal—that I’m sure I often don’t reach—is to make that experience so much more fun if you have actually read. And the way that I teach is pretty text heavy which is why I always make sure I’ve read the chapters for the day and am not just relying on my memory because the way I do it is just sort of absorbing it all up like a vacuum-cleaner, schwooooop, and then either pulling stuff out of the reading to look at directly or directing them to do the same thing. So the big thing that I have going for me, if any, is buy-in. Is getting kids excited about actually reading the actual text. I also speak often and passionately about the evils of sparknotes etc. not because they help kids get better grades or whatever but because they present you with the husk and shell of a story, stripped of all that makes it interesting, and that by reading that alone they’re reading something so dry and dull and are not achieving what I always want them to achieve —which is, have an Experience with the Literature.
Again, it never works perfectly by any stretch and there are so many ways I want to explore in my quest to get better at it but overall I think, at my very best, I can create this wave of energy and excitement in the story itself which is the most organic and ultimately most helpful way to get them to want to read.
Also no haha. I don’t let them annotate! Though occasionally kids DO of course. But sometimes they bring in their own copies in order to do that. The spoilers absolutely happen and are annoying but I sort of get by it by moving on very quickly and/or talking about how it’s often not the ending but how you get there that makes it interesting. Because that’s just true!
#gosh does this answer make sense#I am so passionate about doing it well and there are huge gaps in my teaching in terms of concrete stuff#but I am doing ….. Something in terms of bringing literature closer to them#and that’s what I want to do!#also love love love the bonus of getting to reread great works over and over until they start sinking into my brain#and I think (well I usually don’t think about it) but I think that the experience for them of watching me read it again#(and sometimes literally I won’t have time to read I need 10 minutes to finish this chapter and tell them to shut up)#(while I sit there and read it)#reminds them that I AM committed to doing the work with them. that I am actually doing it and that I want to!#and idk I think that is both a rarer experience and one that’s kind of underrated in terms of how much warmth it can create#because I have nothing in common with 16 year olds we couldn’t be friends in real life without it being very weird/possibly inappropriate#but in class we have a Thing to be friends about#we have a shared goal! and not just an arbitrary one but a deeply beautiful one#idk. there’s still a lot of boredom a lot of pushback a lot of disinterest#but I’m always amazed at how often kids do want to …. idk sink their teeth into something real#it’s REAL food for their minds. and the hunger for it is there even if they decide they’re too lazy to join the group#my goal is to —merely by the situation itself—make you feel left out of the fun if you refuse to do the work#so you can CHOOSE that but it’s less fun. it’s cold. it’s boring and it’s isolating#because refusing to do the work and insisting on being a little toad SHOULD come with natural social punishments in the form of exclusion#from the best kind of fun. it often does NOT. but yeah. I think I’m also getting better at shutting down toad behavior from adolescent male#this is where teaching co-Ed helps because there are some girls who are like ‘if you stop my learning I will kill you’#not ENOUGH girls but some#ooooof this is a long answer but literally always on my mind#thank you for asking!!! also haha I assumed you were an English teacher yourself!
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def-not-kaz-brekker · 5 months
So uh I might have a crush on my best friend?? And I think he might like me back???
(Read tags for more details)
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gizkalord · 8 months
watching filoni try to imitate kurosawa kinda gives me the same vibes as when my friends and i filmed a parody of "please don't destroy" snl skits and we watched our first cut and we were like fuck this is so unfunny this videomaking shit is hard
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fridayyy-13th · 2 months
y’all i’m sad
it’s supposed to be cloudy all day today
i’m not gonna be able to see the eclipse :(
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