#we must protect these two at all costs
ladysw01 · 3 months
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geewintg · 7 months
Hydro archon, hydro archon, don't cry
Fandom: Genshin impact Characters: Neuvillette, furina Theme: Angst, relief, 4.2 spoilers
Hydro archon, hydro archon, don’t cry
There was a children’s story in Fontaine that when it starts to rain, the hydro dragon is weeping. Therefore, people would say, “hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don’t cry!” Yet none consoles their dear archon that sheds a tear.
Perhaps it was fate that her suffering was her own, despite her sacrifice, she bleeds where she bore the weight of sins not her own, of lives she is not held accountable… but partly, she knows she is. All according to plan by her divine self. Thus, she feels half as responsible for people’s suffering.
But what o’ can a little mortal do? Powerless against divinity and fate having only but a mere human case?
And so she weeps, and she weeps, until tears roll to rivers. Her sorrows and madness trapped chasing each other’s tails in an empty room echoing around her.
Who is she now if she is not the hydro archon?
Who is she now if she no longer has a role to play?
Who is she now if she no longer needed?
Please tell me… who am I?
A mask that sews itself to her face, if unsewn, would leave its mark of holes that will never be undone having to bury its needles and threads for centuries on the skin. The mask—the role has become her, and she is it. It gave her purpose—to be as fit and perfect the mask sits on her face, but at the same, hide every flaw of her underneath it.
No holes, no cracks, no breaks.
A lone tear rippled the girl on the water. A distorted image of her reflection, a visage of superficial anatomy yet she thinks it fits her all the same.
“Is that the hydro archon?” A child voice gushed. She flinched, instantly pulling the mask on seamlessly like she had honed for centuries. No holes, no cracks, no breaks— no. It wasn’t like she was any other else. She is Focalor, the hydro archon.
Pfft, who else could she have been?
“Wait, Hydro Archon, are you crying?”
She burst out to haughty laughter. “Crying? Me, crying?” She cried out ridiculously, a hand over her stomach.  “What a wild imagination! Oh I even shed a tear! No mundane things can ever make an archon worry. Hmph, what such a bold allegation, child! You should know that it’s a crime to assume things about an archon! Are you ready to face the consequences in court?”
“Uhm…” The child tilted his head in confusion. “What’s making you sad, hydro archon?”
Furina made an offended face. “As I’ve told you, I am not sad!” But her features softened once she saw him frightened. “I just…” Her unspoken thoughts hung in the air as her gaze drifted. Every ounce of strength left in her drained as everything all seems to be for naught.
In a small soft voice, the child mustered, “Hydro archon, hydro archon, don’t cry…”
How could she cry? She’s not the hydro archon anymore…
“If there’s anything troubling you, feel free to come and visit. All of your needs will be taken care of and though I lack understanding of emotions, I will do my utmost best to see what there is to be done.” She remembered him say. Such a concise reply, she expects nothing more from their renowned chief justice.
Yet she gave out only an exasperated sigh. “No need to trouble yourself.  I can handle my own. I wouldn’t come to you for any of those anyway, don’t worry. We both know those aren’t your strong suit.” He may look unfazed but she knew his silence wasn’t. She had known him for centuries after all.
Although she already had her back turn on him, he still insisted. “I will be here if you need anything…” But she never looked back.
Yet after all those reassuring resolves, she finds herself yet again in front of the damned building that brought her so many bad memories. With her own two feet. What it is that she wanted? What is it that she wants to speak of him?
She had no clue. She doesn’t even know what to tell him when she sees him.
She found her steps faltering as clouds dimmed the sky. It seems that it’s about to rain… What could have made him feel as such? She wonders.
“Furina…?” The disbelief in his voice.
Did he go out? How was she not informed?! What now? Out of all the timings… it just had to be this. How unfortunate she is.
“Oh, uhm! I didn’t know you were out, ha-ha…” She didn’t expect her voice to come out so meekly but she detests it.
“What is it that’s troubling you?” He took steps closer that made Furina panic.
“N-nothing! Nothing’s troubling me! How on teyvat did you even come to such conclusion?” she faked a laugh but she knew there wouldn’t be fooling this person no matter much of a professional she may be. It worked for five-hundred years before but not now—not this.
“I can sense the water’s woes.”
Never in Furina’s life had she ever felt this small next to someone, always sitting up in the high chairs—she is the one who looks down on everyone—yet now, she does. Neuvillette waited for her to speak but her throat tightened around the words until only silence hangs in the air while the rain drowns everything around them.
And it was just the two of them.
She tore her gaze away. “Nothing’s wrong…”
“Furina…” She turned. “Furina, you can cry…”
Because the rain will hide it away, and only he will know.
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echos-girlfriend · 1 year
(I’m not worried about echo dying as of now because we here on tumblr have insider knowledge of that mysterious hug between echo and omega) 👀
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trapperskeeper · 1 year
Throwback to last year when Mike McDaniel did the Tongan Warrior Chant at Tua's Charity Luau 😂
According to Tua this was the moment Mike really started to earn his trust and respect. And according to Mike, when he saw Tua dancing so freely on stage later, that was when he started to see who Tua really was and love and admire the kind of spirit he has at heart. He said he wanted to see Tua be that free and happy and confident on the football field again, and that he would do everything possible to make that happen. I think he succeeded.
Beneath that nerdy accountant persona is not only the heart of a warrior, but the heart of a truly caring and empathetic man. Mike knows people. He knows what they need. He's a healer, and to me, that is his greatest quality.
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stellarcollison · 2 years
Day 19 of posting Owl House characters until season 3:
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inkskinned · 9 months
it is totally okay to be hurt and tired and fed up with the american schooling system but i need you to understand that we need to be better about loudly and routinely defending public education.
yes, many teachers suck, many schools utterly suck. i also got bullied and was absolutely not given the right support for my needs. i am not defending public education because it was kind to me. i am defending it because it needs to exist.
right-wing republicans do not want an educated population. they want kids to be homeschooled or in private school. there is a huge religious undertone to this.
the most common argument is that despite high costs, the "result" is not "good" enough. they point to failing schools as proof that public education is just never going to work out. there will be arguments made here that you actually agree with: that teachers can be bullies, that we taught online for 2 years and still charged the same amount of tuition, that we have no recourse for students to actually have agency or a voice, and that schools are now unsafe for kids due to risk of illness and gun violence.
these are all placing the blame in a fraudulent way, one intended to get your parents to homeschool you. the less kids in a school, the less federally-awarded funding for that school, the less any school succeeds. they will not mention the fact it is their legislation that takes away important funding opportunities, that teachers are living at or below the poverty line, that buildings are not kept up to code, that administration is overpaid and forces specific curriculums, that corporations like (my personal enemy) Pearson Education control certain classroom goals because teachers can't afford other options. they pretend to be ignorant of the gun violence and say "oh just get a gun" - but these are the same people who will be sending their child to a private school with a bulletproof backpack. they don't care if your kid dies, though. they "don't believe" in covid, but they did get their kid vaccinated, because of course they did.
it is a closed loop. conservative parents hear the fearmongering and remove children from the system. frequently these parents are also deeply religious. the kids are raised without access to other media & learn to parrot their parents. you have now created a new generation of conservatives. additionally, one of the parents/caregivers must stay home and homeschool the children, usually for free. i will give you 1 guess which parent tends to stay home to homeschool the children. these parents are encouraged to have many, many children. those children are most likely not getting access to safe sex ed.
we might laugh at fox news suggesting teachers are forcing children to use kitty litter but: first of all, there is kitty litter in the classroom. it's part of an emergency kit in case children are locked in due to a shooter. so that's fucking dystopian, and the fact they've completely reimagined the scenario to somehow make the teachers look bad when it's instead a fucking huge symbol of our failure as a country to protect our children.... it feels a little intentional.
secondly: don't just dismiss the situation. because, yeah, obviously, no teacher is encouraging kids to be a catboy. but the actual undertone that fox news is trying to sew is an outright distrust of teachers and of public education. they rely on the dehumanization of trans people as a common touchstone to hide the fact they're pushing two agendas at once. (which is ironic. because the thing they accuse teachers of. is pushing. an agenda.)
whenever someone tells you they want you to read less, you should be suspicious of that. when someone tries to separate you and your education, you should be suspicious of that. i don't even like incel rhetoric nor would i want my kids exposed to it - but i would not take away my child's (age-appropriate) access to the internet. i would just provide more educational materials, not less. the difference here is that i believe we can resolve ignorance with knowledge; whereas conservatives believe that ignorance is bliss.
they misappropriate funding and demonize teachers. they pull the same trick each time - the same thing we are seeing with anti-trans rhetoric. they do not want you to have access to safe sex ed, so they act horrified, claim sex ed teaches you how to thrust deep, claim that we have no idea what "age-appropriate" means. since the mid-nineties, the united states has spent at least 2 billion dollars on abstinence-only education, even though to quote the above link: "a preponderance of studies has found no effect of abstinence education at reducing adolescent pregnancy". conservatives want you to think less of any person struggling with addiction so they can continue their racist "war on drugs", so they spend up to $750 million dollars a year on the DARE program which has absolutely no effect. acting like teachers "must" be "grooming" children is just the same thing - so they can demand that funding either goes to their causes or the funding doesn't "exist" ("i'm not paying for our kids to learn that thing!")
and they want you to feel uncaring about this. they are aware that you will hate some parts of your school experience. pretty much everyone does. they want to lean into the parts that you hate so that you don't put up a fight about it when they take it away for not being "good enough."
i know i maybe sound like a conspiracy theorist. but truly. truly. it is beneficial for conservatives to reduce your faith in the american public schooling system.
one of the explicitly stated campaign promises of the conservative party: to axe the Department of Education in 2024.
i know we are all tired and burnt out and there is so much else wrong with their entire platform. but maybe just - pay attention to this one.
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UK publishers suing Google for $17.4b over rigged ad markets
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THIS WEEKEND (June 7–9), I'm in AMHERST, NEW YORK to keynote the 25th Annual Media Ecology Association Convention and accept the Neil Postman Award for Career Achievement in Public Intellectual Activity.
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Look, no one wants to kick Big Tech to the curb more than I do, but, also: it's good that Google indexes the news so people can find it, and it's good that Facebook provides forums where people can talk about the news.
It's not news if you can't find it. It's not news if you can't talk about it. We don't call information you can't find or discuss "news" – we call it "secrets."
And yet, the most popular – and widely deployed – anti-Big Tech tactic promulgated by the news industry and supported by many of my fellow trustbusters is premised on making Big Tech pay to index the news and/or provide a forum to discuss news articles. These "news bargaining codes" (or, less charitably, "link taxes") have been mooted or introduced in the EU, France, Spain, Australia, and Canada. There are proposals to introduce these in the US (through the JCPA) and in California (the CJPA).
These US bills are probably dead on arrival, for reasons that can be easily understood by the Canadian experience with them. After Canada introduced Bill C-18 – its own news bargaining code – Meta did exactly what it had done in many other places where this had been tried: blocked all news from Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and other Meta properties.
This has been a disaster for the news industry and a disaster for Canadians' ability to discuss the news. Oh, it makes Meta look like assholes, too, but Meta is the poster child for "too big to care" and is palpably indifferent to the PR costs of this boycott.
Frustrated lawmakers are now trying to figure out what to do next. The most common proposal is to order Meta to carry the news. Canadians should be worried about this, because the next government will almost certainly be helmed by the far-right conspiratorialist culture warrior Pierre Poilievre, who will doubtless use this power to order Facebook to platform "news sites" to give prominence to Canada's rotten bushel of crypto-fascist (and openly fascist) "news" sites.
Americans should worry about this too. A Donald Trump 2028 presidency combined with a must-carry rule for news would see Trump's cabinet appointees deciding what is (and is not) news, and ordering large social media platforms to cram the Daily Caller (or, you know, the Daily Stormer) into our eyeballs.
But there's another, more fundamental reason that must-carry is incompatible with the American system: the First Amendment. The government simply can't issue a blanket legal order to platforms requiring them to carry certain speech. They can strongly encourage it. A court can order limited compelled speech (say, a retraction following a finding of libel). Under emergency conditions, the government might be able to compel the transmission of urgent messages. But there's just no way the First Amendment can be squared with a blanket, ongoing order issued by the government to communications platforms requiring them to reproduce, and make available, everything published by some collection of their favorite news outlets.
This might also be illegal in Canada, but it's harder to be definitive. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was enshrined in 1982, and Canada's Supreme Court is still figuring out what it means. Section Two of the Charter enshrines a free expression right, but it's worded in less absolute terms than the First Amendment, and that's deliberate. During the debate over the wording of the Charter, Canadian scholars and policymakers specifically invoked problems with First Amendment absolutism and tried to chart a middle course between strong protections for free expression and problems with the First Amendment's brook-no-exceptions language.
So maybe Canada's Supreme Court would find a must-carry order to Meta to be a violation of the Charter, but it's hard to say for sure. The Charter is both young and ambiguous, so it's harder to be definitive about what it would say about this hypothetical. But when it comes to the US and the First Amendment, that's categorically untrue. The US Constitution is centuries older than the Canadian Charter, and the First Amendment is extremely definitive, and there are reams of precedent interpreting it. The JPCA and CJPA are totally incompatible with the US Constitution. Passing them isn't as silly as passing a law declaring that Pi equals three or that water isn't wet, but it's in the neighborhood.
But all that isn't to say that the news industry shouldn't be attacking Big Tech. Far from it. Big Tech compulsively steals from the news!
But what Big Tech steals from the news isn't content.
It's money.
Big Tech steals money from the news. Take social media: when a news outlet invests in building a subscriber base on a social media platform, they're giving that platform a stick to beat them with. The more subscribers you have on social media, the more you'll be willing to pay to reach those subscribers, and the more incentive there is for the platform to suppress the reach of your articles unless you pay to "boost" your content.
This is plainly fraudulent. When I sign up to follow a news outlet on a social media site, I'm telling the platform to show me the things the news outlet publishes. When the platform uses that subscription as the basis for a blackmail plot, holding my desire to read the news to ransom, they are breaking their implied promise to me to show me the things I asked to see:
This is stealing money from the news. It's the definition of an "unfair method of competition." Article 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act gives the FTC the power to step in and ban this practice, and they should:
Big Tech also steals money from the news via the App Tax: the 30% rake that the mobile OS duopoly (Apple/Google) requires for every in-app purchase (Apple/Google also have policies that punish app vendors who take you to the web to make payments without paying the App Tax). 30% out of every subscriber dollar sent via an app is highway robbery! By contrast, the hyperconcentrated, price-gouging payment processing cartel charges 2-5% – about a tenth of the Big Tech tax. This is Big Tech stealing money from the news:
Finally, Big Tech steals money by monopolizing the ad market. The Google-Meta ad duopoly takes 51% out of every ad-dollar spent. The historic share going to advertising "intermediaries" is 10-15%. In other words, Google/Meta cornered the market on ads and then tripled the bite they were taking out of publishers' advertising revenue. They even have an illegal, collusive arrangement to rig this market, codenamed "Jedi Blue":
There's two ways to unrig the ad market, and we should do both of them.
First, we should trustbust both Google and Meta and force them to sell off parts of their advertising businesses. Currently, both Google and Meta operate a "full stack" of ad services. They have an arm that represents advertisers buying space for ads. Another arm represents publishers selling space to advertisers. A third arm operates the marketplace where these sales take place. All three arms collect fees. On top of that: Google/Meta are both publishers and advertisers, competing with their own customers!
This is as if you were in court for a divorce and you discovered that the same lawyer representing your soon-to-be ex was also representing you…while serving as the judge…and trying to match with you both on Tinder. It shouldn't surprise you if at the end of that divorce, the court ruled that the family home should go to the lawyer.
So yeah, we should break up ad-tech:
Also: we should ban surveillance advertising. Surveillance advertising gives ad-tech companies a permanent advantage over publishers. Ad-tech will always know more about readers' behavior than publishers do, because Big Tech engages in continuous, highly invasive surveillance of every internet user in the world. Surveillance ads perform a little better than "content-based ads" (ads sold based on the content of a web-page, not the behavior of the person looking at the page), but publishers will always know more about their content than ad-tech does. That means that even if content-based ads command a slightly lower price than surveillance ads, a much larger share of that payment will go to publishers:
Banning surveillance advertising isn't just good business, it's good politics. The potential coalition for banning surveillance ads is everyone who is harmed by commercial surveillance. That's a coalition that's orders of magnitude larger than the pool of people who merely care about fairness in the ad/news industries. It's everyone who's worried about their grandparents being brainwashed on Facebook, or their teens becoming anorexic because of Instagram. It includes people angry about deepfake porn, and people angry about Black Lives Matter protesters' identities being handed to the cops by Google (see also: Jan 6 insurrectionists).
It also includes everyone who discovers that they're paying higher prices because a vendor is using surveillance data to determine how much they'll pay – like when McDonald's raises the price of your "meal deal" on your payday, based on the assumption that you will spend more when your bank account is at its highest monthly level:
Attacking Big Tech for stealing money is much smarter than pretending that the problem is Big Tech stealing content. We want Big Tech to make the news easy to find and discuss. We just want them to stop pocketing 30 cents out of every subscriber dollar and 51 cents out of ever ad dollar, and ransoming subscribers' social media subscriptions to extort publishers.
And there's amazing news on this front: a consortium of UK web-publishers called Ad Tech Collective Action has just triumphed in a high-stakes proceeding, and can now go ahead with a suit against Google, seeking damages of GBP13.6b ($17.4b) for the rigged ad-tech market:
The ruling, from the Competition Appeal Tribunal, paves the way for a frontal assault on the thing Big Tech actually steals from publishers: money, not content.
This is exactly what publishing should be doing. Targeting the method by which tech steals from the news is a benefit to all kinds of news organizations, including the independent, journalist-owned publishers that are doing the best news work today. These independents do not have the same interests as corporate news, which is dominated by hedge funds and private equity raiders, who have spent decades buying up and hollowing out news outlets, and blaming the resulting decline in readership and profits on Craiglist.
You can read more about Big Finance's raid on the news in Margot Susca's Hedged: How Private Investment Funds Helped Destroy American Newspapers and Undermine Democracy:
You can also watch/listen to Adam Conover's excellent interview with Susca:
Frankly, the looters and billionaires who bought and gutted our great papers are no more interested in the health of the news industry or democracy than Big Tech is. We should care about the news and the workers who produce the news, not the profits of the hedge-funds that own the news. An assault on Big Tech's monetary theft levels the playing field, making it easier for news workers and indies to compete directly with financialized news outlets and billionaire playthings, by letting indies keep more of every ad-dollar and more of every subscriber-dollar – and to reach their subscribers without paying ransom to social media.
Ending monetary theft – rather than licensing news search and discussion – is something that workers are far more interested in than their bosses. Any time you see workers and their bosses on the same side as a fight against Big Tech, you should look more closely. Bosses are not on their workers' side. If bosses get more money out of Big Tech, they will not share those gains with workers unless someone forces them to.
That's where antitrust comes in. Antitrust is designed to strike at power, and enforcers have broad authority to blunt the power of corporate juggernauts. Remember Article 5 of the FTC Act, the one that lets the FTC block "unfair methods of competition?" FTC Chair Lina Khan has proposed using it to regulate training AI, specifically to craft rules that address the labor and privacy issues with AI:
This is an approach that can put creative workers where they belong, in a coalition with other workers, rather than with their bosses. The copyright approach to curbing AI training is beloved of the same media companies that are eagerly screwing their workers. If we manage to make copyright – a transferrable right that a worker can be forced to turn over their employer – into the system that regulates AI training, it won't stop training. It'll just trigger every entertainment company changing their boilerplate contract so that creative workers have to sign over their AI rights or be shown the door:
Then those same entertainment and news companies will train AI models and try to fire most of their workers and slash the pay of the remainder using those models' output. Using copyright to regulate AI training makes changes to who gets to benefit from workers' misery, shifting some of our stolen wages from AI companies to entertainment companies. But it won't stop them from ruining our lives.
By contrast, focusing on actual labor rights – say, through an FTCA 5 rulemaking – has the potential to protect those rights from all parties, and puts us on the same side as call-center workers, train drivers, radiologists and anyone else whose wages are being targeted by AI companies and their customers.
Policy fights are a recurring monkey's paw nightmare in which we try to do something to fight corruption and bullying, only to be outmaneuvered by corrupt bullies. Making good policy is no guarantee of a good outcome, but it sure helps – and good policy starts with targeting the thing you want to fix. If we're worried that news is being financially starved by Big Tech, then we should go after the money, not the links.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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books-and-omens · 10 months
Rather a big thing, by the way, that many of us are probably re-evaluating right now is Crowley consistently not wanting to be called kind or nice. Especially not by Aziraphale.
In S1, that was what triggered the wall slam. ‘Bit of an overreaction, if you ask me’—but in S2 we see more about how strong Crowley’s feelings are on the topic.
In the Job minisode, Crowley vehemently insists that he is a demon. He is so angry at God. When Aziraphale tells him that he is certain Crowley does not want to destroy Job’s children, Crowley takes his glasses off to expose full-demon irises and looks Aziraphale in the eye as requested and says, “I want to”.
Aziraphale is heartbroken over that. His shoulders slump, he exhales shakily, his faith in Crowley has indeed cracked. Look at him:
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And then, of course, he figures out the trick, and it turns out that he is exactly right about Crowley. “Well,” he says, and looks vindicated, triumphant, amused.
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He was right. He knew Crowley would resist atrocity with everything he has. He knew Crowley would understand it’s an atrocity in a way Gabriel and Michael did not seem to (and neither did those two care). What Aziraphale sees is that, for all of Crowley’s demonic posturing, Crowley came through.
(He remembers the angel that Crowley used to be. So joyful. So happy. So unlike Gabriel and Michael, too: the angel Crowley would never have gone along with killing Job’s children.)
At the end of this minisode, Aziraphale is ready to go to Hell. He thinks he must: he lied, he thwarted the will of God. Crowley, of course, tells him that he is simply an angel who goes along with Heaven as far as he can.
Aziraphale will process this in some way later, but… he won’t process it in the same way as Crowley. Aziraphale won’t reject the idea of Heavenly goodness—Heaven is supposed to be good, that’s the whole point—but he will take note of how, time and time again, Crowley exemplifies this idea when the actual Heavenly angels do not.
Across history, Aziraphale sees Crowley do things that are good. And then disclaim them, reject them, call them something else. A demon could get into a lot of trouble for doing the right thing, Crowley had warned him a long time ago.
Aziraphale will remember this.
Don’t say thank you, Crowley hisses in the Bastille. My lot do not send rude notes.
And the Victorian minisode?
Off my head on laudanum, not responsible for my actions, Crowley tells Aziraphale vehemently after saving Elspeth from suicide. (In Christianity, certainly in the 19th century, suicide condemns a soul; one who died by suicide does not even get a Christian burial. So Crowley has actively diverted a soul from Hell by drinking the laudanum.)
And—look at how indulgently Aziraphale is looking at Crowley as Crowley insists he is not responsible for his actions.
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Of course you aren’t, my dear, he seems to think. We both know you did it on purpose, to have a plausible excuse for Hell. But of course we both know that you are in fact responsible for your actions, and that, at great personal risk and cost, you have once again chosen to do good.
So by the end, from Aziraphale’s point of view, Crowley has a much better idea of Good than Heaven itself. And—oh joy!—in the finale, Metatron, the voice of God, finally acknowledges that fact and validates it. Your demon recognized me when nobody else did, Metatron essentially says.
(I just cannot with the ominous dramatic music that plays as Metatron leads Aziraphale out of the shop. Get the FUCK OUT David Arnold, this is so pointed and disturbing. In this season and in the last, the music is narration, it tells us so much without a single word.)
Anyway! Yes! In the finale, Aziraphale is being manipulated, and part of why it works is that he still does not understand Crowley’s motives in insisting he is not nice or good. He has been interpreting Crowley’s insistence solely as protective, which makes a lot of sense from what he has seen. A demon doing good deeds must hide to avoid punishment and pain. Crowley has hid for six thousand years, has gotten used to hiding. Sure, the last four years were different, but even in these years the danger hasn’t gone away, and six thousand years is a long time to set a pattern.
Aziraphale wants to see Crowley happy. He wants to see him—both of them—safe. And here, finally, is an official Metatron-offered way. Heaven is finally admitting and working on its mistakes. Surely Crowley will forgive them? Surely Crowley and Aziraphale can make Heaven better, together? Make into what it should be? (And they would be safe, they would be safe, they would be safe.)
They still haven’t talked. Aziraphale still does not understand Crowley’s choices. In the past, it might have been too dangerous for Aziraphale to know exactly why Crowley Fell, while for Crowley, it might have been too vulnerable a thing to discuss. So they haven’t talked, and Aziraphale does not know the exact questions Crowley had asked, does not know the exact reasons. He assumes.
And his assumptions, oh so well-meant, are going to be catastrophic.
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blackopals-world · 3 months
Noble!Yuu: (mixing poison while peacefully humming)
Silver: Your highness, may I speak with you?
Noble!Yuu:(not turning around) Speak your mind?
Silver: I heard from his highness that you know a way to extend a human life. One comparable to a fae.
Noble!Yuu: hmm...that is a very dangerous thought to have Vanrouge. Many humans have chased immortality and have been cursed for it. No one can live forever.
Silver: I don't want to live forever. I want to live long enough to be with my friends and family for as long as possible. I don't want to die long before them.
Noble!Yuu: I understand...more than anything how that feels. To be surrounded by people who are doomed to outlive you. To know your parents would have to bury their child.
Silver: Then can you help me?
Noble!Yuu: A human life can't be extended. However, if you were no longer human-at least not entirely, you could have a longer life.
Silver: You were a human taken into a demon tribe right? Is that what would happen to me?
Noble!Yuu:(grits teeth).....No. What I can do is make a blood bond. I however will have some difficulties binding you to demon bloodline since you share no familiarity to demon kind. Fae blood would be easier since you share a strong connection but it's so much thinner than demon blood. Unless...hold on!
(Yuu begins rummaging through a stack of books.)
Silver: (startled) Um, is everything okay?
Noble!Yuu:(flipping through pages)Yes, just give me a minute. Here! Right here! I have a plan. I can use fae blood as a binding agent. If I use a bit of blood from my father's bloodline or from the divine branch that could work. Granted I would have to find some distant relatives from higher up but that could work.
Silver: ( a little scared now) Is that good?
Noble!Yuu: Good? It's great Silver. You shall benefit not just yourself but our two kingdoms! We can create a link from Vanrouge line to mine. If I do this right it will be as if Lilia was my uncle and you my cousin, if I mix this right. That means that once I marry Malleus it will link all three families. However, this comes with costs like all things. You will go through a few changes, naturally. Regardless you would would inherit more of Lilia's features but those features will be linked with...other things....
Silver: What other things?
Noble!Yuu: Well...like I said, I will need to go up my family tree and I have two distinct branches. One is a pure demonic bloodline with animalistic behaviors, they were the protectors of the land. The other is more divine blessed by the old gods, with power over nature, they protect the people. There is a whole history there and my parents are the ones who know it best. I don't have power over either since I wasn't born their child. I can only take one bloodline due to how potent they are. So neither can you. You have to choose what blood you want for the bond.
Silver: So I must chose to become a Demon or a Saint? This sounds like one of Idia's video games.
Noble!Yuu: I don't make the rules. This has never been done like this before. Either way you still are going to be part bat.
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(I have no idea what I'm doing. We are winging this)
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gangplanksorenji · 5 months
Kinknuary Day 3: Blowjob
Pairing: LE SSERAFIM Yunjin x Male Reader
Word Count: 4,524
[Kinknuary Masterlist]
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There are days that something is prominent in your university life and must not be left behind, but think about it again—is it really that important?
What was it, anyway? Well, apart from the plethora of asynchronous to reflection-type activities and assignments, it would be the usual attachments with Huh Yunjin and your own endeavors with her. It’s crazy to say that a perfect girl like her became your best-friend in just a snap of a finger yet you wouldn’t complain—a girl like her should be treasured; you can’t afford to lose her and should be protected at all costs. Well, after all, you’re Yunjin’s knight and shining armor while she’s your foundation and your emotional support and it all just balances when the two of you are together.
Friends. Yes, there’s maybe nothing more than that—oh, wait, she’s your best friend and probably the one that’s there for everything, even if it’s more than beneficial.
“Come on man, we gotta go! You can’t just sit there and do nothing!”
“Yunjin, can you just wait and I am doing something, by the way. Just leave me in peace while I finish this, please—”
“Arghh, why would you just do it now??” Yunjin’s tone masks annoyance and disappointment as she’s not having it whenever you’re doing such assignments with little to no time left and all in a rush. “We’re going to be late for class and I don’t wanna miss out on anything because of this dumb stupidity by you!”
You’re now getting annoyed with her antics and soon, you’re going to explode out of anger but you know that this is just Yunjin herself. An impatient bugbear that will literally scold you for minutes—yes, that’s her. She has a great point too, in all fairness—the point of your pointless procrastination in so-little time when there’s plenty of it yesterday. She knows how hard you can procrastinate over something but for her, this is just too far and she’s not having it.
“Come on! I’m blaming you whenever we get called out for being late! You’re such a—”
“Then go without me then! Can’t you see I’m finishing this as fast as I can?”
The room permeates silence; the earlier ebullient sounds of so-called quarrel is now replaced with just breaths, Yunjin shutting herself up as fear runs down her veins, scared with your serious tone and your intimidatingly stern look. Of course, she won’t leave you hanging like this and won’t go without you so, she just sat down beside you and tapped your shoulder, wanting your attention to be averted towards hers.
“Hey, I’m sorry—we’re just going to be late in class and I’m just worried about it…”
“Yeah, yeah, Yunjin. It’ll be done, okay? Just sit and wait there on the couch, please.”
She immediately followed what you’ve commanded her and it was an awkward situation to be in, let alone the uncanny silence following it. She knows how much of a tsundere you are, really ignoring the fact of apologizing for something she shouldn’t be apologizing for and your ignorance of it. It’s not the fact that you don’t appreciate something for her but rather, your focus was just on finishing this madness as soon as possible as you didn’t care what could stop you. After a few more minutes of more stress and peak procrastination, you’ve finally reached the endpoint and you could have never been happier than this.
“God, finally—I’m done with this shit! Yunjin, have you closed everything? Checked everything?” you ask her but just a hitch of her breath is the response, and then such deafening silence follows (deafening as you can’t stand playing games with her right now, getting too irritated with her childish antics). “Hey, Yunjin! I’m asking you and just answer the question good god—stop playing with me!”
Another faint silence ensues until she breaks the tow—
“Yes, I did! Gosh, you’re always so serious!”
“Yunjin, not this time, okay? We’re running late and you’re making me look like I’m the one who’s more concerned when you can’t shut your mouth earlier about being late.”
She knows you have a point and she didn’t bother debating her side—there’s no need for that, since it’s just a small thing that shouldn’t be escalated further.
“Okay, okay, calm down, jeez—let’s just go now, everything’s all good too.”
You packed your things in a rush as the both of your eyes wandered on the unchecked sides of the apartment as everything is fine, the two of your rushing yourselves right after in order not to get late onto the the class of your strict professor—you just don’t want to get called out again, and neither does Yunjin.
Thank god the both of you got there in time and gladly, the lecture ended in just an hour as everything went smoothly and with no repercussions. After that, the both of you then coursed your way onto the university’s quadrangle, finding a table and a bench to invest into some studies and engage in some interesting talks with her since it’s mostly your free time until it’s near sunset. Even with the peaceful atmosphere nature gives, you can’t help but be bothered with Yunjin’s sporadic mannerisms as something feels off about her yet you didn’t really mind it.
“Hey, you idiot.”
“What, Yunjin?” You looked at her, slightly annoyed as it’s evident on your face yet you anticipate. 
“Do you think he will like this?” She sighs heavily with a pessimistic look on her face, looking a little defeated knowing what may come next will not be in her own favor. She fidgets the small, folded paper between her fingers as she blows some air heavily, feeling a hint of defeat.
“What is that—” You swiftly grabbed the piece of paper that she’s staring at as it caught her off-guard, also letting out an irritated growl because of your irksome advances. 
“Hey! Give it to me!”
“Dear Cheol-san, I wish—”
“Hey, give it back—arghh!” Yunjin then got the chance to grab the paper away from your hands as she glares at you, definitely infuriated from your childish actions. “You’re so stupid! I hate you…”
The earlier bright atmosphere suddenly became clouded with awkwardness and vex, your actions really getting into the path of consequence as you felt bad for her, regretting what you’ve done and apologizing to her right after.
“Hey, I was just kidding with you—I’m sorry…”
She slowly averted her eyes towards you, then faintly smiling yet annoyance is still evident on her face. 
“Just don’t do that again, prick. Can you just like—be serious with me, please?”
“Yeah, yeah, what is it?” You furrowed your eyebrows and your orbs then glistened with anticipation and willingness—the willingness of listening and discerning whatever she may share.
“I’m scared to confess to him so… I don't know if he'll like the traditional way of confessing secretly, like with a letter…”
“Maybe, yeah—I don’t know? Maybe unless you try—it’s up to you… I don’t care whatever you wanna do but that’s just my advice” You advised her yet she felt that yours weren’t so sincere as you feel guilty after saying that. She knew something was off so she needed to address it to you so it won’t bother her anymore.
“Is it though? You felt like you didn’t care about me after saying that…”
“What do you mean I don’t care? I care about you of course, even though you’re a nuisance sometimes and I hate it…”
You’re not even trying and Yunjin already connected the dots, finding the culprit of your resentful mood. 
“Ah—you’re jealous, hm? Yo, you’re so childish!”
“How the fuck am I even jealous about that? Gosh, see? That’s why I hate you so much!”
Of course, the last retaliation against her as a defense is total hypocrisy and it’s putting alcohol on  the wounds—it’s just going to get worse once you put more and it’s the involuntary culprit that exposes your hidden desire.
“Stop the cap—you’re jealous because I’m confessing to someone—”
“Okay, okay!! Maybe I am a little jealous but it doesn’t mean anything really serious…” You mutter an excuse again in hopes for Yunjin to believe it but you know she won’t.
You’re jealous about it and you know it yourself. You wanted her eyes to be on yours as always but people are a victim of change and you hate it. Being in the zone of just friendship is a hard pill to swallow yet a blessing in disguise—it’s painful and bitter yet it rewards you, the reward of complete assurance whenever she’s down as you have her all by yourself, in so many ways.
She felt your pain but it’s still not too late for your heart to go on a slumber—you capture her lips in a swift motion as she eagerly reciprocates, her eyes open as it catched her off-guard.
It was torrid as it escalated further, resulting in lustful exchanges of pecks and bites onto each others’ lips. You felt her need and thirst as in every second that passes, the experience just becomes enchanting and fruitful. The kiss was surely “platonic” but you can’t deny the plethora of romantic feelings you felt for her for years as you hope that feels it too. The kiss was untangled after a short while, exchanging breaths and small giggles as you can see her face blush from your sudden advances.
“I missed this.”
“I missed it too, Yunjin.”
Your noses meet as the atmosphere permeates hunger now, and not so long after, she captured your lips once again, getting addicted to your taste and giving in to her primal desires. It was just a total déjà vu from earlier—her eager reciprocation earlier was now replaced by you doing it as something adds to the spiciness; and it was dancing of both tongues craving on each other’s affection as it didn’t last that long too, Yunjin feeling uneasy because you were still in a public place.
“Feeling really hungry, hm?”
“You should have known better, Yunjin.” You whisper as she smiles as a response. She knows you well and knows what you could do to her yet something’s bothering her and it’s not you…
“We should actually take this somewhere privately.”
“You don’t want people watching us? Let them be envious?”
“Yah!” Yunjin lightly punches your shoulder then throws out a playful glare, feeling opposed to your proposition as she wanted all things just between the both of you only and no one else.
“Then lead the way, Yunjin…”
“If you weren’t so hard on me last night, you could have tasted or felt a load from me, Yunjin.”
“Well, I wasn’t really feeling the mood to get fucked yesterday because I wanted it now—”
“Where everybody could possibly see?”
“No—” Yunjin inches her face dangerously close to you as she squinted her eyes, proposing you onto something you always wanted. “—where everybody will be secluded to see your desired treasure, which is me.”
Yunjin ran down her fingers onto your chest, spiraling it as she emanated the heat of her palm onto your heart, making it rapidly beat faster. 
“So, Yunjin, is this where everything will end up?”
“Maybe—we’ve been friends for a long, long while now so you know where this will end.”
“All inside your mouth.”
“About time.”
It’s going near—going to start another filthy mess, you assume. Another wild thought bewildered you as your carnal desires are slowly taking over you and you’re fully embracing it. Once she knelt down on her knees and tugged your pants and started unbuckling your belt, you knew instantly what she’s craving and it’s within you. She was swift with her movements and in each clothing that was being undressed from you is the pervading heat of her hands and Yunjin herself. You relax yourself onto the tile wall on the restroom as you run your finger towards her hair, playing with it and encouraging her to get her deserved prize that she’s been longing for. Now with just your boxers on the way, she deftly tugged it as she was amazed with the growing erection that has been hiding under your clothed prison.
“Oooh, it’s not getting big~”
“Now do something about it, Yunjin.”
“Of course, I will.”
Within a single action, she has the last defense off as it springs to life, almost hitting her on the face. Your amassed precum ran down your slit as your length twitches in front of her, Yunjin herself getting excited and aroused just by seeing the perfection your cock has.
“God, look at it—” Yunjin’s eyes convey amazement and awe, worshiping your cock with just the words escaping her mouth. Her pupils dilate and you can see it as it scans every inch of your throbbing length. You moaned fervently once she palmed her hand onto the base of your shaft as the coldness of the wall you’re lying in contradicts to the heat of the moment she’s doing between your lengths. Your mouth is slightly ajar, your eyes closing from time to time because of the leisurely pleasurable handjob she’s been giving you and it’s only just the beginning.
“God, Yunjin—”
“Don’t worry, we’re still going to fuck like animals anytime we want, okay?”
“Yeah, but—oh fuck!” You exclaimed as the pillowy flesh envelops your entire length, the pleasure you’re experiencing is something nigh-close to an overdrive. Her lips are so plump, so soft that it feels heavenly whenever she embraces it around your mushroom tip. She lightly sucks the tip, and a playful run of her tongue onto your slit, causing your thighs to shiver in delight and to let out a series of moans that bless her ears. She delightfully collects the sudden precum that was leaking out of your slit as you moaned  because of her own work of art. The suction was too good to be true as it felt surreal and the way that she hollows her cheek everytime she goes deeper—taking in half of you—you just can’t help but moan and compliment her ways of pleasuring you.
“S-such a good girl—fuck, I w-won’t get tired of you sucking m-my dick all day…”
“Gahh—if it means a lot for you and a reward after it, then I don’t mind sucking you off any time you want.”
And goes back in and it’s getting sloppier the second she has her mouth around your throbbing length. She places both of her hands onto your thighs for leverage as your hands go onto the back of her head, forming a makeshift ponytail to hold yourself a leverage—to fight the omnipotent pleasure that’s taking over you. Her pace wildens, her head bobbing up and down furiously as it shows how deprived she is to taste you and to give you what you want. Saliva then seeps out of her mouth, messing up the base of your shaft onto your musky-scented balls that soon averted her attention afterwards, fondling them gently as the pace is still wild and fast, eager onto achieving your promised land. She was too focused about getting you all bricked-up and stunned to the point that she forget about intimacy and affection, so, capturing your eyes for a moment with her, she stared at you deeply while still maintaining the ferocious pace of her bobs and it was just an arousing yet an endearing experience.  
Her beautiful eyes really set your brain in a haywire as it’s the cherry on top within the service she’s doing between your legs. As much as her hair is disheveled, faint makeup getting ruined and her drooling messing up her pristine features, those orbs really send you under her spell and you love falling into it.
Such a pure face sullied with her own lustful actions as the beauty of it gets ruined yet it makes her go beyond it—she’s even more gorgeous with her messy countenance, moreso painting that beautiful face with your seed—
“God, slow down, Yujin—fuck—gahh, no one’s stealing me away from you—”
Yunjin ignores your plea as after a few bobs, she pulls herself out of your length and lets out ragged breaths, saliva strings and a pop as the cherry on top. “Scared because you can’t hold it in anymore? Also, y-you can’t blame me…”
“Hey! I can still hold it—fuck, shit, your mouth—too good—gah!”
Once she took your whole length in one, swift motion, you almost lost it there as the instant deepthroat made you weak. She started with a moderate pace yet it grew more frantic and sloppier as she’s now taking your whole length and it was a sight to behold. Within her wild pace is the endearing look of her, glistening, round black orbs and it just doesn’t help you—it’s just a scene to be cherished as you moan inevitably, forming a cacophony of music to her ears. 
“You’re damn lucky with the genetics you had—having such a big dick but can’t last that long? Bit ironic, in my opinion.”
“Hey! You freaking liar—I can last longer than what you expect.”
“Fuck—yeah, can you? I can already feel you throbbing like crazy—mmph!”
“Just shut up and do your job, Yunjin.”
Yunjin was always the kind to tease and degrade you a little between your steamy sessions—whether it’s just a simple handjob up to the nastiest, freakiest sex session known to mankind—she will retain her attitude of being annoying and energetic.
Having enough of her childish remarks, you plunge in your length immediately as she instantly gagged, the sounds resonating around the puny room the both of you are in. She immediately took this as an aggressive retaliation against her own degrading antics and she didn’t mind, but rather put gasoline into the flames—her face further fucking it roughly onto your whole length, only withdrawing with the tip inside and then slamming it back in, balls-deep inside her mouth as her nose gets buried down on your abdomen in every thrust she do.
Yunjin can do it like no other and that’s the beauty of it. She’s in her own class and in another league when it comes to servicing you and her trademark, giving head. There’s something about her blowjobs that makes you weak and as well as getting addicted to it right away—is it the fact about the way she dances her tongue around your length? Or is it about the tight suction of her mouth that keeps you dangling above but not over the limit of your threshold? Is it the way she looks at you endearingly while sucking the living life out of your cock? Maybe all of them are—permuted or combined, it doesn’t matter.
Eager to reach your breaking point, she ends up becoming the whole masterclass of craft—a sight to behold; an action worth rejoicing. It’s rejuvenating and stimulating, and your sensitivity keeps chasing the edges of the roof as everything seems to be a little too much but nothing is never enough. With the constant drive of her lips onto the base of your shaft up to the tip, she slides it down effortlessly before deepthroating you like she wants to prove something—she doesn’t need to because she earned it all too well. 
Between the frantic bobs; spilling of saliva; fondling of your balls and the captivating look of her eyes, you can’t help but feel that familiar tingle on your loins as it signals the near-coming of your orgasm. There wasn’t any talk that was happening as it was all just gags and slurps from Yunjin and just inevitable moans and groans on your side and soon, it will be too much to be contained.
“God, I’m s-so close, Yunjin. W-where do you want it?”
Yunjin didn’t pull out yet she didn’t ignore you—she gestured her hands, pointing it to her mouth as you knew what she wanted and that is to… cum inside her mouth (wasn’t it obvious?). Savoring the last seconds before your reaching your high, you held a vice grip on her hair as she fuck herself onto your cock faster than ever before and soon, it will be unshackled within any second now—
“God, I’m—fucking—cumming, Yunjin!”
You take control of her head, burying it down as her nose hugs your abdomen, forcing herself to smell the musky scent of your skin as you let everything out in her mouth. Your high was too euphoric as her heavenly mouth takes it all, painting her warm cavern—which is her throat—full of your seed. With the copious volume of your load, she’s unable to take it all as her gag reflex kicked in, forcing herself to pull out of your throbbing length as last shots of semen landed on her lips and some messing up her chin.
“Gahh—w-wow… You c-came a lot~ and it’s s-so—gahh—delicious too—mwah!”
She brushed her fingers onto the semen that splattered out of her chin and mouth as tasted it, humming soundly as she was satisfied with the richness and volume of your creamy load. Within two gulps, your seed was all gone, right into her stomach as she stuck out her tongue for further proof and you could only respond with a smile and ragged breaths.
“You’re—you’re a crazy girl, Yunjin… I can’t believe you really b-blew me off here.”
“Neither of us can help it, so fulfilling each other’s needs was just the endgame.” 
She was audacious and needy, it’s all said in her eyes right from the start. She wasn’t really the type that takes risks but with her own judgment, fulfillment comes first and it was destined to be that way—and you’re happy it ended up that way.
Against all odds, she was willing to give you everything you need and so do you, but sometimes, it’s getting all too much.
“God, Yunjin—fuck, I’m still fucking sensitive!!”
“Kinda rude not to deposit another load, look—” Yunjin cupped your balls for a good measure between her dawdling strokes, causing you to groan in pain and pleasure. “—it’s still goddamn full.”
She pecks on your swollen head as her tongue dances around the veins of your throbbing shaft, “I’ll suck you off until these balls are drained enough for me to stop—you won’t stop me, right?”
You didn’t respond as you were getting to the point of being overstimulated, needy moans and small whimpers coming out of your mouth makes it so that Yunjin would even push you further than what you can take.
“Righ—fuck, Yunjin! Your mouth—fuck!”
She’s on her masterclass again—her merciless fucking of her mouth against your cock and the vice grip of your thighs—and it’s just getting out of hand. You let out gasps and needy cries as her pace conducts the definition of sloppy and needy and god, it’s such a beautiful sight seeing her face getting all messed-up again with her own frantic actions. 
It was just the same plethora of moans, resonating gags, messed-up saliva and the harsh grips yet it’s still as hot as ever. You inevitably thrust a little, aiding to help your needs and her wants as she didn’t complain, but rather focused herself onto the actions she’s best at than blabbering out useless words that won’t help any one of you. With the growing libido and rejuvenated pleasure, your sensitivity is starting to come off faster than expected yet it was inevitably there, and you like it. 
Just with the tongue teasing the frenulum is enough for your whole system to break down into pieces, what more if such high-class service was being served by the one and only Huh Yunjin—it’s going to be better than any buffet you’ve been to or anything you could think of.
You’re just into a state of bliss, a connection partaking in the class of a heavenly masterclass—a fervent paramount that you’re always thankful for whenever it’s in your hand’s reach.
The dexterity of her fingers never fails to amaze you as every stroke just makes everything better even though it’s already at the maximum extent. With the way her mouth glides up and down with ease, you can’t help but feel the utmost pleasure as every technique she does was just amazing—maybe even finding her series of serrated enamel fueling your masochistic needs.
“God—you can’t really help y-yourself too, huh?”
Yunjin took seconds to respond as she pulled out of your messy length, with strings of saliva connecting from her mouth to your tip as you were met by her sullied countenance. “You know I can’t resist you, even if it means to just drain your balls with my mouth.”
And she returned to the league of her own profanities and carnal needs as her mouth effortlessly took your whole length, giving you the best blowjob of your whole life. Whenever she withdraws from your cock, she plants torrid kisses onto your slit and your tip as you let out shallow breaths, an offspring from the pleasure you’ve experiencing. With this pace that Yunjin is maintaining, another inevitable approach is soon to be met, you unable to do anything and her embracing everything.
“Yunjin—I’m g-gonna cum again—please let me cum a-again in your mouth—fuck—please!”
With your begs and the profounded proposition, she immediately ejected herself onto your raging member, leaving it throbbing and helpless.
“Why don’t you just add to the mess I’ve made? It’s a bit rude now painting my face before ending this moment—so come on, cum on my face, paint every inch of me white with your hot, creamy load—please! I’m dying to feel your cum on my face—”
Between her dirty talk is the feverish and frantic strokes of her beautiful hands on your shaft and with that, you opted to paint her instead of giving her another throatpie. 
Another pulchritude of a woman’s visage is bound to be sullied, and you can’t wait to add to the disheveled mess she already made herself into.
You can’t hold it anymore as for the last time (not really), shots and shots of thick, warm semen landed onto her beautiful face, nose, her glossy lips and some onto her neck and collarbones. The load was still rich and creamy, but it was not that copious compared to the earlier load you gave her balls-deep down her throat but neither of you complained, but rather, be thankful because of another gift.
“Gahh—ahh, that was amazing… So creamy still—how can you still blow a big load when you already like—blasted everything earlier?”
“You stimulated me too much, idiot, that’s why…”
She traces samples of your cum and goes onto her mouth, moaning delightfully as she was satisfied again with your delicious seed.
“And you loved it, of course~”
“Of course, Yunjin—aren’t those two, thick loads aren’t enough to put on a conclusion?”
“Of course it is, but we’re not done…”
“Yeah, you slut—let’s just go home because I’m fucking tired already thanks to you.”
“No worries, it’s my pleasure, hehe~”
You helped her clean up with your tissues and god, the both of you are probably just starting but it’s such an incredible end to an amazing oral session...
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The sheer development of botw/totk zelink…
Zelda didn’t originally like Link. She outright avoided him at all costs and wasn’t particularly nice to him. And despite her own efforts, Link’s own determination and devotion to his role finally wore her down to the point where she realized how wrong she had judged him.
Link was a prodigy, he had the sword that would seal the darkness already (had since he was a mere preteen) and was known for besting adults in duels as a literal child. She was born with powers she couldn’t unlock despite all the effort she put in. She thought he was simply handed his fortunes in life with no consequences, while she struggled daily to uphold her father’s expectations for her and neglect her own hobbies.
But when Link steadfastly protected her in a place she had specifically gone to in order to escape him, she sees the truth behind it all. Link is determined. He never backs down from a fight. He’s also reckless and she understands this as she chastises him and worries over his well-being. He’s knowledgeable about horses and has good advice, always willing to share it when someone (aka Zelda) needs to hear it. She learns bit by bit about Link until she outright questions why he doesn’t talk much. And he genuinely hesitates but decides that he can share this with her. She’s the only one he ever has. Because she asked.
And he tells her. The sword on his back brings a great responsibility and massive burden to bare. He feels the need to be strong and to be the stoic perfect knight to take on the role everyone expects him to play.
They become much closer after this and there’s multiple times we see Link actually neglect his role as her protector in order to just be there for Zelda as her friend. Once in the spring memory where he turns after Zelda berated her inability to awaken her power and the second when they’re literally running away from murder bots and he doesn’t force her to continue when she slips but rather kneels, listens, and comforts her.
And to find out that Zelda’s love for Link is the reason she awakened her powers and that it’s canonically proven through Kass’ song? Wow. And that doesn’t even BEGIN their story and how it ends in totk.
In botw, the Japanese original logs are written by Link himself and it’s revealed that one of his motivators in saving Zelda was to see her smile once again. Just. Remember that.
Of course the game end and we do see Link and Zelda planning on traveling to investigate Vah Ruta. And we find out in ToTK that the two are inseparable, so much so that without Zelda by his side no one recognizes Link beyond the characters that genuinely know him through the story.
They’ve traveled across Hyrule and helped numerous people, no matter what it was. They live together in Hateno, where they helped to build a school and even teach the kids there. They founded expedition and research teams, reformed a guard, and even found the time to ‘vacation’ at Lurelin where they would go up to Lover’s Pond in the evening.
Zelda and Link create a home out of Hyrule. It’s no longer a desolate, sparingly populated land. It’s being reformed. It’s being cared for. It’s their home. They lost theirs 100years prior but they’ve steadily worked to make it a home once again. They were healing. Together.
So losing Zelda again, being unable to reach her, and also losing his sword. . . It’s a lot. But the thing he knows he must do— Find Princess Zelda. Despite knowing exactly where Zelda is after you finish the Tears of the Dragon Quest, Link does not complete it. Because he hasn’t found his Zelda. The one that rambles on about everything and gets excited about history and new discoveries. The one that tried to make him eat a frog (albeit she was on to something). She isn’t home.
Meanwhile Zelda. . . Zelda goes on about Link, enough for Sonia to know all about him and his tendency to worry over Zelda’s well-being. And then we have memory eight that has Zelda practically gushing about him to her pseudo-parents and promptly being teased for it. Then, as Zelda finally understands why she is in the past, she ensures Link has everything he could need in order to win. Because to her, Link and Hyrule surviving is a must. She sacrifices herself to ensure that.
And yet. . . Link is determined to bring her back. Hyrule won’t be the home they’ve worked so hard to make it so without her. He can’t quit until they find a way to revert her back. So when Rauru and Sonia channel their power through Link, it takes a moment for him to understand by when he does… WHOOH boy does the determination SHINE in his eyes.
And he gets her back. He reaches her. Protects her just as she did for him in the form of restoring the Master Sword. And she immediately rambles.
We don’t get to see Link’s reaction to any of this. But then we end with “Link, I’m home” and a SMILE. Because that’s all Link wants. For Zelda to be safe and smiling.
Ultimately, they just want to be home. And home is with the other.
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little-diable · 1 month
For Valhalla – Spencer Reid (smut)
Trying to pull myself out of my writing slump by writing history inspired stuff. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Reader helps Spencer with understanding the medieval norse warrior mindset, which finally pushes the two friends closer together.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, spanking, dom!Spencer, some mirror action, friends to lovers, some history talk about medieval wars and fighting
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!historian!reader (2.3k words)
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“Careful.” Her whispers filled the dimly lit training room, eyes concentrated on his nimble fingers. She watched Spencer tighten his grip on the hilt of her sword, knuckles almost white. “Widen your stance a bit.”
“Even wider?” Spencer’s eyes were burning holes into her skin, waiting for her next command. He wasn’t one for holding back, and could barely contain his information-dumping urges, but with her it was different. This was (y/n)’s field of expertise, the only one he could blindly trust with a situation this delicate. 
“Can I touch you to show you how?” The two had known one another since their university days, sharing every break, and every meal with one another, until they had eventually shared an apartment for a while. Something had always buzzed between them, something both had been too scared to give in to back then.
Something that was still buzzing now, all these years later.
“Yes.” Their eyes met as Spencer spoke the word, leaving her to swallow heavily. (Y/n) was no stranger to Spencer’s struggles with being touched, and yet his willingness to be touched by her weighed heavier than either one of them liked to admit. 
Slowly, (y/n) placed herself behind Spencer. With one hand placed on his right shoulder and the other on his waist, she gently kicked his feet apart. She felt him sink into the warrior stance, trying to make room for the mindset their current unsub was undoubtedly trapped in. 
“Perfect,” (y/n) whispered. “Now I want you to close your eyes. If your unsub is thinking of himself as a Norðmaðr, a man from the North, or a Viking as others called them, he must protect his sword at every cost. Some believe a warrior could only enter Valhalla if they held onto their sword while dying. It’s an old lore we don’t have many sources on, but judging your unsub I’d say he is focused on things he saw in shows or games. Try to imagine yourself on a battlefield. It was loud, you’d hear cries, the sounds of horses, of swords and axes clashing. You’d smell blood, perhaps some rain depending on the month. Sweat would cling to you, and dirt, soil or mud.” 
“That sounds like my nightmare.” Both broke out in chuckles as (y/n) let go of Spencer almost reluctantly. She watched him move, handling the sword like she had demonstrated for the past hour. He wasn’t nearly as graceful as she was, and yet he managed to copy her movements perfectly. 
“What do you think he tries to live out with this?” Asking questions about his cases had always been a struggle, Spencer would either be very vague or simply tell (y/n) that he couldn’t share any information. But today it was different, today she was part of their team, at least for a few hours, as a historian, a consultant to try and help them find their unsub. 
“Pent up anger, frustration, and yet he is trying to be honourable with his killings, he feels like a Viking after all.” A hum left her at his reply. This time (y/n) didn’t ask for permission as she stepped towards Spencer once again. 
“Let’s try something.” She reached for the sword he was gripping. (Y/n) took her stance, making it seem all too effortlessly, “Stand behind me, place your hands on top of mine.”
It took Spencer a moment to snap into motion, he exhaled before he followed the command. Gently, he placed his warm hand on top of (y/n)’s, shooting shudders down her spine with the simple touch. An all too familiar electricity was binding the two closer together, wrapping itself around them as if it were some kind of invisible force managing to guide the two.
“It’s a simple movement, but it takes a lot of strength to make the sword move as effectively and quickly as this.” Spencer tried to focus on (y/n)’s words, but he couldn’t, too taken up by her unfamiliar closeness. His body was taken over by whatever he had tried to suppress these past years, forcing him even closer to her. “Spencer? Are you alright?”
No word left him as he tightened his grip on her hand. Spencer could almost hear her heart racing in her chest, pounding against her ribcage as if it was begging to be freed. And who was he to deny such a strong muscle such a strong wish? 
His lips found the exposed spot where her shoulder met her neck, kissing it as if they had done this numerous times before. Both froze at the unfamiliar touch, giving the inferno starting to stretch itself through the two enough room to grow. She shuddered in his grasp, trying to stop herself from dropping the sword to turn around towards Spencer.
“Spence,” (y/n) choked on his nickname as he pressed another kiss to her soft skin. “What are you doing?”
“What I should have done years ago.” Perhaps it had taken some convincing from his friends, urging him to finally cross that invisible line between him and (y/n). And as much as Spencer had tried to ignore their pestering selves when it came to (y/n) and him, he hadn’t been able to drown them out completely, forced to accept his feelings for his friend. 
(Y/n) pushed herself away from him, forcing Spencer to panic for a second. He watched her place the sword down, only to turn fully towards him. Their eyes held contact, wordlessly communicating with their hearts on their tongues and their adrenaline spiking. 
Neither of them knew who moved first, but while their eyes held contact, their bodies crossed the small distance between them, letting their lips clash together. Their eyes fluttered close, hands holding onto one another while their lips moved in sync. They were eager, desperate to explore their newfound territory as if it was their only chance at doing this.
Their road to Valhalla, the last battle to fight before calmness could swap through them. 
Spencer moved them backwards, pressing (y/n) against the wall as his tongue ran along her lower lip, begging for entrance. The kiss left the two drowning in their longings, forgetting how to breathe as they finally got to experience what they had been dreaming of. It felt surreal almost – if it weren’t for their racing hearts and their excitement flushing through them. 
“Can I?” He mumbled his question against her lips, giving the two a moment to catch their breaths. Spencer’s fingers tugged on the fabric of her loose shirt, waiting for her consent before he got to explore her body. Ever since he had been forced to talk about his feelings to his team members, he had tried to picture this moment, praying that he wouldn’t mess this up, that his nervousness wouldn’t push him away from her. But now he felt awfully calm, set on touching her, on making her feel the same excitement he was held hostage by. 
“Of course, Spence.” Their eyes met as he pulled the shirt over her head, sports bra following seconds later. (Y/n) felt exposed, fighting against the need to cover herself up as his twinkling eyes studied her soft skin, shooting her a gaze that made heat pool between her thighs. 
Spencer was careful with his touches, cupping her breasts with his warm hands as his mouth found her throat. He kissed his way down to her chest as if he was mapping her body with his kisses, remembering every inch, every mark, forever ingrained into his racing mind. She was trembling against him, allowing her hands to move to his button up, needing to uncovering his body to distract herself from her nervousness. 
“You’re so perfect, I should have done this before. I am sorry it took me this long.” His whispers left her gasping, arching against his hold as his mouth found her left breast, sucking on the hardening nipple. 
“I don’t know if I can forgive you for that,” it was nothing but teasing, and yet the words got stuck in her throat as he let go of her, staring down at (y/n) with something dangerous twinkling in his eyes.
Spencer looked at her for a handful of seconds before he turned her around, allowing (y/n) to catch her reflection in the mirror he had pressed her against. Her pupils were dilated, she was heavily breathing, hair slightly tousled. But (y/n) didn’t get any time to speak up, to comment on what she was seeing. 
His eyes found hers in the mirror as he pulled her sweatpants down her legs, letting his hand brush over her panties-clad behind. (Y/n) could only choke on her gasp as he raised his hand, letting it come down on her warm skin a second later. The sound of Spencer spanking her echoed through the room, followed by a soft moan clawing through (y/n). 
“Let me promise you something, sweetheart,” Spencer murmured his words while his hand brushed over the spot he had just spanked. “I’ll fuck that attitude right out of your system.” 
Another spank met her behind, and another, till her eyes fell shut and her sweaty palms struggled to stay pressed against the mirror. Arousal was dripping from her tightness, clinging to her inner thighs, telling Spencer everything he needed to know. She was just as desperate for him, begging to be finally fucked, pushed over the edge by the tall profiler who had always been her closest friend, the one she clung to, the one she dreamt of. 
“I don’t have anything on me.” His words ripped her out of her hazy thoughts, having to blink a few times as she tried to find her words. 
“I’m on the pill, and I’m clean.” (Y/n) watched his tongue dart out, licking along his lower lip as he pondered over her words. She knew Spencer got monthly tests, knew that she could blindly trust him, but knowing that she was about to feel him bare filled her with something raw simmering inside of her, something possessive almost. Only as the sound of Spencer undoing his trousers rang in her ears did she allow herself to close her eyes once again, having to collect herself. This was finally happening, something she had dreamt of, something she had never dared to even speak about. 
“I want you to look at me while I fuck you.” His raspy voice buzzed through (y/n), forcing another moan out of her. They held eye contact as Spencer spat into his palm, lubed himself up, and finally pushed into her. A moan clawed through them in unison, needing a few moments to adjust before he began to fuck her from behind. 
Spencer had a tight grip on her waist, set on leaving marks as he fucked her ruthlessly, hitting the spot that made her toes curl with every thrust. Both were a moaning mess, chasing their needs, the deep urges they finally got to live out, while studying one another through the mirror. 
(Y/n) struggled to form words, struggled to comment on what she was seeing, fully entranced by the sight. She already looked thoroughly fucked out, close to giving in after only a few moments. But something was binding them together, a sensation so strong it felt as if they were fighting for Valhalla, fighting for entry into the afterlife they were oh so close to. 
“Spencer,” (y/n) moaned his name, she tried to push herself further into his touch, needing to be even closer to the man who was about to push her orgasm through her aching body. “You feel so good, fuck, I never want to be fucked by somebody else.”
It was a sincere confession, words that left the profiler smirking in success. He leaned forward to press a kiss to her shoulder, letting his teeth graze her skin to leave another mark to remind (y/n) that she was now his, a part of his body and soul. 
“As if I’d ever let you go again. No other man will ever get to touch you.” His words dripped with possessiveness, words that made her walls clench around his cock. (Y/n) couldn’t stop her eyes from fluttering close as his fingertips found her pulsing bundle, circling it with enough pressure to push her into her high. 
She moaned for him as she came, unable to stop the sounds from leaving her while Spencer kept fucking her. Their bodies kept meeting, even faster than before, forcing (y/n) to realise that she’d struggle with walking for the next days. Only as Spencer pulled out of her to paint her aching behind white did she open her eyes again. 
“That was,” she panted her words, not daring to move as Spencer kept smirking at her through the mirror. “Fuck, that was intense.”
“I love you.” The words clawed through Spencer as if he hadn’t given them much thought, speaking them all too effortlessly. (Y/n) froze for a second or two before she gave room to the soft chuckle desperate to leave her. 
“I love you too, Spence.” Perhaps they were Valhalla-bound after all, set on living together in every life offered to them. 
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10underoot2 · 1 month
Character Study - The chilling warmth of Haein
Haein is a really misunderstood character. She has dark humour. She cares immensely but doesn't show it very openly. She hides her feelings cause she doesn't like to be vulnerable. She's very quick to say things that protect her emotions and she bites with her words just to protect herself. But all of this assertive feistiness comes at a cost. People tend to misunderstand and write Hong Haein off as mean, rude, cold and difficult to live/work with.
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Her personality and tendency to appear uncaring has a lot to do with the lack of warmth she received by her family especially her mother. When she meets Hyunwoo she's no different, she puts on no pretences. Over time she warms up to him and shows him her softer more vulnerable side - all of which I'm sure aided in him falling for her deeply. But then that damned chasm occurs, and Hyunwoo much like the rest of the world forgets Haein's soft heart and soul that live underneath the iron clad armour she wears. It hurts me when I think about the pain she experienced realising she's misunderstood even from the man who once showered her with unyielding love and warmth.
Some incidents of Hyunwoo misunderstanding her are so interesting:
- The scene where Haein requests/orders Hyunwoo to accompany her to the hospital.
I love that it was shot from both perspectives. In her mind she sounds extremely soft and worried. It was a request meant to be delivered that way. I'm sure Haein couldn't register what her tone was because her intention were so soft. Why would he reject my request, He's free I'm just asking him to accompany me? But Hyunwoo had just heard about the will. That paired up with the continuous blows he's received the past two years were too much for him to take a moment and understand that this is how she's always spoken.
-The rain scene after their Yongduri night stay (I hold the belief that Haein did indeed often wait up for him).
Haein says: 'I really wasn't waiting for you.' to which Hyunwoo replies 'I know better than anyone, you're not the kind of person who would wait up for me.' In the scene you can see Haein slightly taken aback and offended by that. Because she is the kind of person who waits up for him. Her offence seems so justified. Because why can't Hyunwoo of all people see the real her. When did he forget to understand her? It must be so hurtful for her to think Hyunwoo's forgotten how warm she was with him. I imagine she used to wait up for him before the miscarriage but here she's listening to her husband say she's not that kind of person. (That little scene where Haein sits on the sofa waiting but Hyunwoo chose not to ask her if she was okay is my evidence! There was a post on this as well a while ago!)
It's also evident in her desire to run a hand over his shoulder to remove the dampness there. Her screaming at him to hold the umbrella properly. But he's so oblivious and deaf to her love that it hurts to witness.
- The bar after their day at the Lavender field in Germany at their honeymoon
Haein smiles and says, she wasn't angry after he told her that he had noticed no one else and that his eyes were only on her. But Hyunwoo remembers her being angry for another two hours. This scene was such a small example of it. What if Haein's anger did immediately dissipate but Hyunwoo just interpreted it as her still being angry. I can't offer any evidence as we don't see this scene but their different accounts make me think what if she was just feeling down but he assumed it was a continuation of her anger.
There are so many other examples sprinkled throughout the show as well. I started off really disliking her character but I've grown to really appreciate it. Because once you see how warm Hong Haein is in love, you'll see just how fierce, loyal and undying her conviction and mind is. She'll show and tell you in the most beautiful ways just how much she cares without ever telling you she loves you. She's not cold, she's just misunderstood.
Unfortunately though, life isn't a drama. So when people like this do exist, they tend to be written off as cold, harsh, unlovable. Humans have the potential to be infinitely complex creatures which is why it's been so interesting to see Haein's multi faceated character these past 8 weeks.
Just an additional thought: I also love the difference between Haein and Hyunwoo's business ideologies. Haein is sharp, to the point, efficiency, money and loyalty oriented. While Hyunwoo is soft, caring, warm and people oriented.
We see Hyunwoo's ideology against his father in law. When the FIL wanted to stab his long serving employee it was unfathomable for Hyunwoo. Hyunwoo's ties with the past employees of Queens got him so much information and support. His logical request to the manager of maintenance to make it snow comes after a long, good relationship - it's pretty evident in that scene. I loved how the show displayed Hyunwoo's ability to make deep and good relationships and how it ended up helping them to get Queens back. It's a hugeee contrast to how things run in the Hong Family. It was very fresh to see him show from his actions 'You can be nice and still get the job done'.
But even Hae-in's contacts, though acquired differently, are just as instrumental. The employee she took a stand for, the juice guy and Secretary Na. None of them would call her warm or soft but they would sing her praises if you ever ask them. It's such an interesting parallel between their characters. It also goes to show Haein is a good person, she just tends to show it very selectively and rarely. I do think the 1 Trillion club made her think of only money and efficiency for a while, but I still do believe she had been doing good away from public eyes, changing people's lives - it's just that no one was there to witness or publicize them.
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tarotwithlove · 10 months
PICK A CARD 🪞ೕ how would your fans describe you if you were famous
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in today’s pac we will be answering the following questions regarding your life as a famous person:
- why are you famous?
- what kind of fans would you have?
- how would your fans describe you?
reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · LINKTREE · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips and feedback are highly appreciated!
cards · high priestess, judgement (reversed), knight of cups, seven of pentacles, nine of wands, four of pentacles, ten of cups, high priestess. 
songs · deserve by lucky daye. levanter by stray kids. slide by øzi. amnesia by kai. amazing by mary j blige. 
my dear group one ♡ you are famous for the character or characters that you create - characters in a video game in particular. you may be credited with creating a character that fans of a franchise quickly latch onto or are especially horny over.
i specificy “horny over” because pyramid head and lady dimitrescu are the two characters that come to mind and i think that most of us are aware of how the fans react to the two of them.
your fans will honestly adore and admire you. you may be far less known than your creation, and so the group of people who interact directly with you may be smaller and more devout than the people who just interact with your creation. the hardcore fans who interact directly with you online will send you art, headcanons, and questions in the hopes that you will acknowledge them - or because you often interact with your fans in that way so they know there is a high chance that you will acknowledge them. your community of fans will be a creative and artistic one. this will be a more practical form of creative and artistic expression, with your fans going out of their way to create cosplay that is as close to the source as possible. 
many of your fans will describe you as the person who inspired them again - inspired them to create again, to get into a hobby or get into a hobby again, to go after a goal again. some may start posting their art or may apply to art institutions/for art related jobs, crediting you as their biggest influence behind this decision. your fans will cling onto you and describe you as someone that “must be protected at all cost” - especially whenever your tweets or posts go viral or your friendly interactions with fans start to get a lot of attention.
they may also describe you as someone who must be wise with their money, because you seem to live a good and well paid for life despite only putting out a small amount of work. they may also realise that you put out a small amount of work because you get paid a good salary for it - especially after this other character or game gained so much attention and renown - and because your main focus is family above all else. even if you do not post or talk about your family often (likely to protect yours and their anonymity as much as possible) your fans will often describe you as a “family man/woman first, game dev second” - or as someone they wish was their parent or close friend or family member. 
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cards · ten of pentacles, four of pentacles, seven of pentacles (reversed), ten of cups (reversed), three of cups (reversed), death, ten of cups, nine of pentacles (reversed), ten of swords. 
songs · better by ama lou. unsteady by x ambassadors. video games by lana del rey. dear dream by nct dream. 
my dear group two ♡ you are more famous for being famous, than for any of your talents. though this, too, is a skill all of its own. you may be famous because of someone you know or date, or because someone shares their platform with you and subsequently rockets you to fame (think, a popular tiktoker collaborating with you, a popular youtuber mentioning you in one of their videos, a popular twitter account retweeting you).
you may experience an emma chamberlain turn of events where you transcend from internet fame into real life fame - similarly, too, where people will look at you and wonder, “how is this person famous again?”. you may garner more fame for being an influencer and sharing your personal life stories publicly. 
honestly, dear, it is quite upsetting to see the kind of fans you would have if you were famous. your fans may have a strong parasocial relationship with you, especially because of the way you became famous and because of your strong online presence. many of them will get a kick out of rooting for an underdog, and so, they may start to turn on you when you start to become more succesful and more well-known. one particular scenario may be common amongst your fans, where a tweet of them calling you mid, boring, mediocre (or anything to that regard) goes viral, only for people to reply and quote with this you’s of this person praising you months prior. you won’t even have done anything wrong, they’ll just start to feel bitter, jealous, and entitled. many of them will just start to randomly hate you. once you notice this shift, you’ll stop caring what other people say about you. you’ll continue being your authentic self and will start to consciously appeal to a different demographic of people. 
your fans will describe you as someone who was able to make a name for yourself despite how oversaturated the influencer market is. they will describe you as someone who rose above and became real world succesful not just internet succesful, despite it all. there will definitely be a split between fans who genuinely support you and “fans” who will find every reason to hate on you. some may say things like “you don’t understand them” or “you’re just jealous and looking for reasons to hate them” - especially when people mask hatred of you behind criticism of meaningless things.
what’s coming to mind is the incident with madison beer that happened a few months ago, where people were “calling out” madison beer for dancing in a bikini on tiktok. people, of course, rightfully came to her defense and rightfully presupposed that the people who were saying negative things about her were likely jealous and insecure. similar things will happen to you. you’re attractive, talented, and lucky - your fans will describe you as such and rub it in the face’s of people who dislike you just for the sake of disliking you.
your fans will also describe you as someone who gets hated on unnecessarily. they would use that “i came into the house and everybody was like, oh, pretty girl, lets hate on her” meme a lot. 
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cards · six of cups, ten of cups, nine of cups, nine of pentacles, ace of swords, death (reversed), the devil, knight of wands, the world. 
songs · cry by chester lockhart. poetic justice by kendrick lamar. coming home - interlude by kali uchis. fulton street i by la dispute. 
my dear group three ♡ you are famous for doing something you enjoy or for doing something you have wanted to do since you were a child - and while that is incredibly broad, this is most true with regard to a field that has a high focus on restoration, the body, and physical performance. some of you are famous for being a part of a sport that asks you to push your body to the extremes - such as ballet or bodybuilding. while others of you are famous for your work as a coach (life coach or online fitness coach, just as two examples) or for using your platform to influence people to live a healthier, more active life. a lot of your fame comes from your ability to make yourself or your content stand out, especially in such saturated markets.
even if you are not the best, you are creative, refreshing, and relatable and know how to not only draw positive attention but keep it on you. 
your fans are people who feel as if they are at the end of the road. they may have tried everything to feel better about themselves and happy in their lives, to little or no avail. that is, until they chance upon you. your story touches them, the way you carry yourself welcomes them, and the way you live your own life motivates them.
a lot of your fans may have bought countless self-help books before, tried countless diets or exercise plans, paid for countless talks, subscribed to countless accounts and channels, but could not fix anything that they see as needing to be fixed. again, until they come across you. in a way, you help your fans break their own toxic cycles. 
your fans would describe you as someone with somewhat of a “no nonsense attitude”. you are honest about your own challenges and failings, and are always open to share the most difficult things you have experienced in life - however, you are also adamant in the fact that you have never let these things keep you down or stop you from achieving whatever you set your mind to achieving. something which is evident to your fans, even just from watching you from afar. your fans will say that this motivates them to work harder, to not give up on their goals, and to go after the life they want to lead. because if you can do it, why can’t they? if you kept persisting and saw your persistence pay off, why can’t it happen for them too? especially if you are a coach or offering one-on-one sessions, your fans will appreciate that you never ask them for more than you are also willing to give or you never expect them to do something that you yourself wouldn’t do or have not in the past down.
there’s an air of transparency here that your fans appreciate. they would recommend you to other people based on this. saying things like, “it’s not always easy, but it’s worth it,” and telling others that you are someone who can be trusted. i feel as if many of your fans will be grateful, above all else describing you as someone who helped them get their life back. 
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cards · the tower, the magician, the world, knight of pentacles, ten of pentacles, ace of swords, six of cups, the tower, six of swords (reversed). 
songs · tokyo drift by teriyaki boyz. advice by taemin. just look up by ariana grande & kid cudi. take me to church by hozier. 
my dear group four ♡ you may be famous on an incredibly small scale - more of a niche celebrity with a cult following than a household name or anything similar. you may dabble in music, acting, writing, and social media and stay somewhat unknown for a long period of time. this level of fame may suit you most, too, because you have both your real life responsibilities and your artistic hobbies - both which give you a stable enough income and allow you to live your life to the fullest. you may just be a private person by nature, keeping a lot of your art for yourself and your loved ones.
however, greater fame may come to you suddenly and unexpectedly, with something you put out there or participate in suddenly blowing up and garnering a lot of attention. it may even be something you shared or were a part of a long time ago - such as a movie or song that suddenly becomes popular on tiktok. 
your fanbase will start off as a chill, laidback one. they are a small to moderately sized group for the majority of your fame and, thus, quickly become familiar with you as well as with fellow fans. they may be people who gave up on their own artistic pursuits for the traditional 9-5 and family, and find solace in your own continued pursuit of art for art’s sake.
i feel like you would attract a lot of people older than you, around middle-aged. regardless of age, your fans would use your music (or whatever art you put out, though it may mostly be music) as a means to relax and unwind. they would also respect you a great deal and make sure to send you direct financial support even though you likely may never ask. 
your fans will describe you as an old soul, and as someone who is humble and down to earth. this may be why you attract a lot of older fans, because the way that you approach art and evoke emotion is of someone far beyond your years. they may share your art with people close to them, such as with their families, and so you may have a reach far beyond your knowledge -  i’m thinking of a pair of young friends hanging out when your song comes on shuffle, one asks the other who it is and the replies, “oh, this is someone my dad likes”.
your fans describe your art more than they describe you, which is something that you may also like. because your art is your art and should exist outside and apart from you as a person. when you become unexpectedly popular, your fans will be proud of you and happy for you (especially because many of them are living vicariously through you and have wanted this to happen for you for years), but will also wonder if you can handle all the pressure that comes with this kind of fame. when talking about you with others, they may say you feel like the kind of person who would just disappear once you became too famous. if they see other people interacting with your art, they may talk about how they knew you before you were so famous - reminiscing about the days when your fanbase was smaller and more intimate.
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
!The BSD Cast With A Reader Who Has A Stalker!
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Scenario:- what the bsd characters would do if their s/o had a stalker
Characters included:- dazai,chuuya,kunikida,atsushi,yosano,ranpo,akutagawa (romantic pairings) kenji,kyouka and the tanizakis(platonic pairings)
Tw:- mentions of bein stalked and well,a stalker,Teeny bit of cussing
A/N:-yes this is inspired by my real life no i will not elaborate~
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↪️Osamu Dazai
If you tell dazai that you have a stalker,he’d probably joke about it at first.
But when you tell him how serious it had gotten and how stressed and scared it makes you,
He takes it way more seriously.
He obviously has a plan,our little manipulator.
And soon enough he’s threatened the stalker with an entire stack of private and compromising information.
They stop after that.and youre finally at peace.
When you thank dazai he first brushes it off as it havin been nothing at all,but ends it with a serious statement of how no one messes with the people he cares about.
As we know,the worst decision dazai’s enemies could make is making themselves his enemies.
And That stalker realized that the hard way.
↪️Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya,unlike dazai is a little less calculated.
He has absolutely no issue with using force to make his point clear when he’s pissed(or not.) and you having to live in a constant state of fear because of this asshole is WAY more than enough to piss him off.
He finds the bastard(being a port mafia exec. Really did have its fair share of perks) and pays them a visit himself~
He comes home later that day looking rather pleased with himself and when you ask what he did,
He just says that he took care of it.
You know chuuya like the back of your hand,so you also know that he definitely has no problem with defending what matters to him,no matter what the cost.
So to protect your subconscious,you don’t question him further.
But he sees that youre a little uneasy so,he clarifies that the person isn’t dead.
Theyre just… permanently out of commission and chuuya’s slight look of annoyance tells you that he really didn’t kill the stalker.
You run into his arms and thank him and he hugs you back while pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.
You unwind with wine and dinner and enjoy your first carefree night in quite a while.
↪️Doppo Kunikida
Kunikida is outraged!
How dare these delinquents disrupt your daily life schedule like this!
He MUST do something about it.
Kunikida obviously doesn’t want it to turn into anything too confrontational(not because he wouldn’t fight for you,but because the clean up would require more energy and time than this bastard deserves)
So he calls up katai and has him dig up anything about this stalker of yours.
Soon kunikida has more than enough information to come up with the perfect plan of action.
Blackmail really isn’t his style so he goes for a little something different.
He calls up the stalker and while the bitch is scared shitless,he drops little bits of the info he’s gathered in conversation.(okay yh I lied.blackmail it is.we stan petty kunikida in this house~)
At this point he’s having a conversation with himself so he knows the stalker is definitely shaking with fear.
So he ends the call with a final statement,
“I suggest you leave y/n alone  if you know whats good for you.you wouldn’t want to ruin your entire life now would you?not that you haven’t already by sinking to the level you are already at, of course.”
And he’s met with a shakey “yes,sir…” before the line goes silent permanently.
He let you know you can stop living in fear and you two go over your next days routine.(mans had only allocated a certain amount of time to solve that entire thing okay :’))
↪️Atsushi Nakajima
Atsushi is a gentle soul,bless him,really.
But he was worried af when you told him about your stalker.
He’s determined to keep his s/o safe!
He asks ranpo for help,and is turned away(‘not botheredddd’ ßRanpo’s reply)
So he goes to dazai next.
Dazai obviously suggests blackmail.
Atsushi doesn’t wanna pull a dazai on this one.
So he just calls the number(dazai has it tapped and is using ranpo{he was bribed with candy} to track it) you’d blocked and when he gets a rude response tauting him;daring him to ‘actually do something about it’ he loses it!
Who does this asshole think he is?!
Atsushi fires back saying that he really will and when the stalker cuts the line laughing and repeating that atsushi wouldn’t do shit, he really is ready to go deal some damage.
He walks out into the main area of the ADA to see dazai sitting at his desk with a shit eating grin oh his face,a piece of paper with an address scrawled across it between his middle and pointer fingers.
“here you gooo atsuuushiiiii~~~” he says
Atsushi thanks him and takes off to take care of it.
He comes back in about 2 hours and when you ask him what he did,he simply says that he taught the asshat a lesson on respect!
You get a letter the next day from your stalker and to your surprise,it’s an apology letter which specifies that they’ll never bother you again.
You thank atsushi with a little peck to the lips and hes a complete blushing mess.
We love this fluffy puddy tat(that’s tweety for pussy cat {wan atsushi in the background :- IM A TIGER!})
↪️Ranpo Edogawa
Absolutely obliterates the stalker.
He was bored anyway and you bein in distress was definitely enough to get him to try something.
He too calls up the stalker,but instead of airing out current or recent dirty laundry , he goes straight for their most sensitive and embarrassing childhood and adolescent memories.
How he knows all of this baffles you
But such is the wonder that is ranpo edogawa.
And finally he ends his call with.
“oh and say hi to all the people I put in jail! You’ll be goin there in 3….2….1” and sure enough the police were at the stalker’s door.and they were taken away.
Your praise and thanks have ranpo beaming because as we know,he lives for the applause :”)
Serves em right for not knowing who they were messing with tbh.
↪️Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Akutagawa is peeved to say the least.
Why were such vermin even allowed to live on the same earth as him??
he definitely takes care of it.
Swiftly and elegantly might I add~
Rashoumon leaves the stalker permanently disabled once aku pays them a little visit.
What a waste of space.
He totally roasts the stalker on how useless and pathetic they are.
And finally leaves them with a last threat for initiative “leave y/n alone,or else ill come back and finish what I started.i cannot guarantee that you will survive.but it will certainly be painful.am I making myself clear?”
He’s met with a very petrified piece of shit and he finally kicks said piece of shit away from himself before leaving  swaggering away with his hands in his pockets and a bored look in his eyes.
When he arrives back at your apartment he tells you that you’ll be fine. And if they dare inconvenience you again,to let him know.
You really are grateful for your Mafioso boyfriend
↪️Akiko Yosano
Yosano is pissed
But also delighted!
She’s not delighted cos you have a stalker btw!
Shes delighted cos now she can use her ability on someone….or not ;3
Whatever it is,she gets to play mad scientist with someone she has absolutely no remorse for
Comes back home covered in blood and reassures you that she took care of it,with a shit eating(and slightly concerning ) grin on her face.
You know akiko wouldn’t have killed the stalker…but um youre not totally sure.
When you ask her she sadly says that theyre alive,but when she turns to walk away she whispers a muffles “barely” under her breath.
Either way,shes satisfied with herself~
Very slay of her tbh ;3
↪️Michizou Tachihara
Goes after em.
Buddy grabs his pistols and goes to take care of business himself!
He doesnt care abt protocol in that moment,but he also knows that mori wont give a shit cos its a personal matter
So he’s technically in the clear.
Once at the stalkers door,he knocks twice to get their attention and when her hears the sound of a hand landing on the handle,he shoots and gets em right in the hand!
And in the process of doing so,hes shot through the lock,so he kicks the door open{effortlessly} and confronts the stalker who recognises him immediately (i mean obvs)
Tachihara is a part of the port mafias elite kill squad so he’s no stranger to a messy job,but for the sake of your subconscious, he keeps it comparatively clean,shooting through the stalker’s limbs and beating the shit outta them too!
He cleans up into new clothes at gin and ryunosuke’s before comin back home to you(he knows that if you see him all bloodied up the questions will start)
And let me clarify that mans did this without your knowledge so while you’re watchin a movie that night,you do not know what he did but you find out the next day and immediately know it was him
His thank you was a little kiss on the lips that somehow managed to convey your total appreciation for him in only 3 seconds~
↪️Higuchi Ichiyou
With the way she is when it comes to akutagawa,we know that higuchi would be protective of the ones she loves
So when her s/o is bein terrorised by a stalker,you bet your ass shes gonna take action
Step one: identify the stalker
She covertly follows you around and when she sees the person you’d described to her,she begins to tail them.
When they get home she calmly and quietly walks upto their door and knocks
She then winds back her arm and waits until-
BAM the stalker is met with a face full of fist!
She then takes advantage of their confused state and tackles them to the ground
She bends one arm behind their back and when they try harder to resist,a sickening crunch and a howl of pain is let out
And now that she has their attention,she makes her threat: “leave y/n alone or else you’ll have to deal with the entirety of the port mafia next!”
Ofc this threat doesnt mean anything~
like I mentioned earlier,mori doesn’t give a shit about personal matters so theres no way anyone (else) from the pm would be knocking on ur stalkers door.
But they didnt know that~
So they beg and promise not to bother you anymore.they promise to leave you alone forever.
Higuchi knows that they’re being honest,the fear in their voice is a dead giveaway
So she gets up but then shoots two bullets On either side of the stalkers face,barely missing.
“I hope ive made myself clear” are the last words she mutters before disappearing into the night
And just like that,you were never bothered again.
↪️Yukichi Fukuzawa
President fukuzawa isnt really confrontational unless he has to be
So when you tell him that you have a stalker terrorising you,
He knows what to do
He asks ranpo to deduce the location of said stalker and withink seconds,he does
Then,fukuzawa writes a letter.
A very threatening letter
Your stalker knows all about him
Ofc they would he’s your significant other !
So when they see the letter addressed to them from fukuzawa,they are immediately intrigued
And after reading the letter,theyre fuckin FILLED with fear
They know how powerful and skilled the president of the GODDAM armed detective agency is
So they immediately decide to leave you alone
Death by katana wasnt something they wanted to experience.
So when you tell him how the stalker wasn’t bothering you anymore and how you knew he had to have done something about it,he just replied with
“All i did,
Was write a letter.”
↪️Kenji and kyouka(platonic.i aint writin romantic stuff for them yall.)
↪️Kyouka Izumi
Demon snow to the rescue.
One visit from kyouka’s ability and you’re sure to be okay for the remainder of your life.
The threat of being cut up by a katana wielding demon really does deter people from being creeps~
↪️Kenji Miyazawa
Finds them by using his many connections around town and beats em shitless.
They cant even tell which way’s up when he’s done with em.
Remember, his family motto is "If a cow defies you, strike it with something handy."
Suffice to say you were NEVER bothered by that stalker ,or any other stalker, after that!
↪️Tanizaki Naomi and Tanizaki Junichirou
You were best friends with naomi and thereby junichirou,and while their relationship weired out a lot of new people at the agency,you’d really never cared much abt it
So when you told them abt your stalker issue they were both worried.
This wasnt good for you or your mental health
So junichirou took it upon himself to take care of the situation
Naomi had you distracted the entire day with a whole day out of shopping and just FUN
Meanwhile junichirou had found the stalkers address and confronted them himself
As we all know,a pissed off junichirou is a SCARY junichirou
So you can bet the stalker tried to run
But as usual,
After the stalker thinks they’ve gotten away he appears behind them,with a gun pointed straight at their temple.
He threatens to pull the trigger (he wouldn’t)
And when the stalkers begs him not to,promising to leave you alone.
He scoffs and fires a bullet that just manages to graze their cheek.
He then lets the illusion break away as he disappears himself
After that,youre happy and you feel so FREE
You’re back to your old self again and the tanizakis fist bump to their success!
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
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noxturnalpascal · 3 months
Devotion 🖤 II. Predator or Prey? (Ch 4)
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CultLeader!Joel x OFC!Reader
Series Summary: When is it enough? When is it too much? When does Devotion become Obsession?
Visit the Series Masterlist for series warnings, cult info, timeline info, and HCs on ages. Reader has a nickname and some minor physical descriptions - is an OFC from Reader POV.
*This series is 18+ MDNI. I will not be listing individual chapter warnings as I don't want to spoil the plot of each chapter. Please see the series masterlist for entire series warnings to decide if this is for you.*
II. Predator or Prey?
CH 4 (4.8k) The following Sunday everyone in town is gathered at the old church with the big white steeple for the weekly Valley meeting. After a midday interfaith service, the religious leader gives Joel the floor for his usual speech. As he always does, Joel begins by extolling the virtues of the community, speaking on their recent raiding successes, and then reviews the three tenants. 
We are stronger together. It’s important that everyone finds a place within The Valley that caters to their strengths, so we can depend on each other and serve one another. The predator versus the prey. You have to be one or the other and we choose to not be anyone’s prey. This community is held above any other and we must protect it at all costs. Create a path to the future. Everything we do here paves the way for us as a society to beat the fungus, to find a cure, and to return to the top of the food chain. 
The crowd listens, enraptured, nodding along and smiling as Joel holds them in the palm of his hand. He praises the men and women who patrol the perimeter of the community for their diligence and bravery. He thanks the farmers who live outside the town borders for their perseverance. Then he scans the crowd, looking for you, to silently acknowledge how grateful he is for your presence. But all he sees are the same eyes over and over again, looking at him with devotion and reverence. He usually sees you in the second row with the rest of the house, but you’re not there.
As his speech winds to a close and he heads back to his front-row seat, he realizes that you were in the crowd with the rest of his household. You were there in the second row the whole time, staring at him just like the rest of them do, with blind adoration, with expectation, with mindless loyalty. He’d felt a change on Thursday. After the meeting he’d touched you everywhere, gotten down on his knees for you, and worshiped at your altar. He’d felt something shift and now the wild look in your eyes is gone.
You’re completely devoted. You’re under his spell. You’re one of them.
One of us, he corrects himself. You’re one of us, just like he wanted you to be…. Right?
You watch Joel speaking at the meeting and it's as if his words have new meaning – like he’s speaking directly to you. You’ve never felt small or beautiful or feminine, but he makes you feel whole. He makes you feel strong. He makes you feel like a woman. You feel like you were supposed to be his, always. And it was always supposed to go like this, as if your whole life has led you to this moment. All of your failures have led you here, to him. 
The trepidation you felt when you first got here has completely disappeared and you know that you’ll give everything you have to Joel. You’ll give him all of you, your mind, body and soul, gladly. He can fill in all of the broken or missing pieces of you. Every bad thing that ever happened to you Joel can fix. He can heal the parts of you that weren’t good enough, that weren’t pretty enough, that weren’t smart enough. 
He can save you. 
As soon as the crowd begins to move out of the large room and amble towards the dining hall next door for dinner, he grabs your arm and pulls you roughly into a small supply closet. It smells of lemon and vinegar and is far too small for two people to move about comfortably. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care that there is a crowd of people on the other side of the door or that he shouldn’t be asking you to do what he’s about to ask you to do.
The look in your eyes has gone to his head, he needs to see your supplication right now. He needs to witness your devotion, he needs to give you communion. He pushes you down onto your knees, undoes his pants, and offers himself to you. It’s your first time seeing the size of him and you look willing to comply, your eyes still dazed and glowing, still filled with trust in him. He watches as you take hold of him with one hand and begin to lick and kiss the head, slowly dragging your tongue up and down his shaft. 
Once you put him fully in your mouth he loses all patience, needing more immediately. He pushes your hand away and takes your head in a firm grip on either side, pausing as you look up at him. Your eyes are still glassy. He nods his head and you reciprocate, which he takes as permission to begin drawing himself in and out of your mouth, gently pushing your head forwards and backwards. 
Slowly, he passes back and forth over your lips, allowing you to adjust to him. This only lasts for a few thrusts before he begins to move faster, deeper. He matches the movements of his hips with his grip on the sides of your head, coordinating them to fuck your face in earnest. He hears your gurgles and sees tears beginning to run down your cheeks but you don’t push him away, so he doesn’t stop. He tells himself that you want this. You want this as much as he does.
You kneel beneath him, knees stinging on the hard floor, mouth full and struggling to breathe around him. You’re not sure where this is coming from, but it's obvious that he needs this right now, and what you want above all else is to give him what he needs, to be everything for him. You place your hands on his thighs to brace yourself and try your best to breathe through your nose, to be quiet and still and exactly what he needs you to be, even if this is painful and uncomfortable.
You wish the tears would stop streaming down your face. You’re afraid to even look up at him, worried that he’ll take one look at you and think you’re not enjoying it. What if he thinks you’re having a terrible time, what if he thinks you look awful, what if he thinks he’s hurting you? Maybe those things are kind of true, but still…. What if he stops? What would you do with yourself if he stopped? If he didn’t want you to do this anymore?
You finally look up and meet his eyes. You barely recognize him, his eyes black and his face hard. He doesn’t even meet your gaze, it’s like he’s staring right through you. His pace begins to falter and his hips start to stutter, and you hope it means he’s nearly done. You’re trying so hard to bear this, to not choke, to not cry, to ignore the stiffness in your jaw and the stinging in your knees, but you don’t know how much longer you can do it.
“Are you gonna swallow it?” he huffs out, voice strained. He pulls himself out of your throat until only the tip of him rests on your lips.
“I’ve never–” you swallow back a gag, “I’ve never done that before.”
“But you will, right?” he nods his head as he asks.
He nods, so you nod. And you will. You’ll do anything he asks of you. You don’t have time to wipe your face, which you’re sure must look a mess, before he puts his entire length back inside your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. You can’t stop your body from heaving as he pushes in, and part of you wonders how he’s able to ignore it. He’s usually so in-tune with you.
He lasts less than a dozen more thrusts before his hips stutter to a halt as he starts to release his orgasm down your throat. You feel hot spurts hitting the back of your mouth and you’re awash with shame that it instantly makes you want to gag. He needs this, you tell yourself. You have to be good for him, you have to do a good job for him. You have to be everything he needs you to be.
He pulls himself back so his cock rests on your tongue as he continues to come, coating your mouth, and now you taste him for the first time. The salty bitterness covers your tongue and you’re begging yourself not to retch. He holds your head still, encouraging you to swallow him, even placing one hand over your throat and telling you don’t spit, and swallow it all, which you do with difficulty.
When you’ve swallowed every drop, he seems satisfied and lets go of your head, tucking himself back into his pants. Without warning he turns and walks out of the closet, leaving you to lurch forward since you were resting on him for support. You fall forward onto your hands, catching yourself before your face meets the ground, scraping your palms a bit on the dirty linoleum.
You stay there for a moment like that, on all fours, in a cleaning closet, alone. Down here it smells like musty mop heads and mildew. Down here. On your knees. For Joel. Days ago you were alone with him and he was the one on his knees, worshiping your body, treating you like a goddess. Today he used your mouth like a fuck toy. No, you can’t think like that. That’s not what Joel did, he would never do that. 
You run the last ten minutes through your mind a few times as you slowly get up and brush yourself off. He needed you. He could have anyone here but he chose you, out of everyone. No one ever did that before. No one ever chose you over anyone else. But Joel did. Joel needed you today and you were able to be there for him, and that’s what matters. 
Joel pushes his way through the crowd, not an ounce of shame or regret present. He smiles and shakes hands and gives hugs. Everyone in The Valley looks to him for answers, for guidance, for leadership. He’s the reason every single one of them is here and he’s responsible for them all. They are his flock and he is their shepherd. He gives so much of himself to be here, to do this. He deserves the adoration and the appreciation. He deserves you. He deserves your body, your mouth, your reverence.
He knows you’ve changed since you arrived, you’ve become more trusting, less wild. You’ve morphed into what they all wanted you to be, a devoted member of The Valley. He’s changed also. He used to be different, back when you first met. Back then he could give you pieces of himself, his real self. But the more you’re drawn to him and the more you’ve trusted him, the more he's become unworthy of your trust. He doesn’t even remember doing it intentionally, but it’s done.
He’s slowly lured you into his trap and now, you’re caught.
The rest of the week your head is completely filled with thoughts of him. He’s your first thought in the morning and your last thought before you fall asleep. All night your dreams are filled with him, and you cling to the fleeting images of him when you wake. You can’t seem to get enough of him, aching to be near him every moment of the day. You stare at him longingly across the table at every meal and follow him around like a puppy whenever you can, unable to focus on anything else.
Joel himself is so lost in his own delusions of grandeur, he walks around the house with his head held high, cocky and full of himself. He can feel you staring at him all the time and he indulges you once in a while by taking your hand and grazing it across his lips, down his chest, over his burgeoning erection. He’s half-hard all the time now, anticipating. He’s convinced that you’re going to let him fuck you after the next Thursday meeting. He’s going to have you, he’s going to have every piece of you.
The days leading up to it, he thinks about it all day; his dick achingly hard but he refuses to jerk off now, wanting to save it for you. He’s practically vibrating with anticipation when Tess comes up to him Thursday before dinner and gives him the bad news. She tells him you’re sick, started throwing up a couple hours ago, and won’t be able to accompany him to the meeting.
Before he can argue, Tess waves her hand in front of his face, telling him not to worry, that Kerri will be going with him instead. Without a moment for an argument to leave his lips, Tess slips away and Kerri is standing in front of him. She has been living with them for almost a year now, since he found her battered and bruised about a half day’s ride from here. 
Kerri is petite, has chin-length curly hair, a toothy smile, and a faint scar stretching from her left temple down to her jawline. She walks with a barely noticeable limp but always pulls her weight around the house, doing most of the meal prep and impressing everyone with her fine cooking skills. She is nurturing, generous, pretty, and maybe the last person Joel wanted to see tonight. She’s not you. He wanted you.
He’s made so irritable by the last-minute change that he can’t even hide his disappointment. He can barely focus during the meeting, getting easily distracted and having to ask people to repeat themselves. After the meeting, Kerri, sensing his unease, gives him a hug to try and ease some of his tension. He knows she feels his erection, how could she not? It’s been raging for days and he can’t help himself, he pulls her tight and grinds himself into her for a brief moment of satisfaction.
Back at the house he heads into his room but within minutes Kerri is knocking on his door. She asks, is this okay? and he hesitates. She hasn’t come to his room since before he brought you into town, but pushing his dick into her thigh at the meeting tonight for the small relief that friction brought him must have signaled to her that he desired her company. He doesn’t. He only wants your company.
He looks at the closed door to your room and thinks about you inside, sick, probably asleep. What would be the harm in seeking comfort from Kerri? He’s fucked her before, it’s not a big deal. He’s never fucked you, it wouldn’t be like he was cheating. In fact, he thinks you’d probably want this for him. You wouldn’t want him to be suffering, and he’s been painfully hard for days. You’d want him to have relief.
There’s a small voice screaming in the back of his head that he ignores. You’ll never have to know about Kerri. You didn’t know about her before and you won’t know about her tonight, and what you don’t know can’t hurt you.
He opens his door further, silently inviting Kerri inside. She attempts to kiss him but he won’t let his lips meet hers, instead kissing the side of her head, her cheeks, her neck. He tries to breathe through his mouth, unable to get over the scent of her that isn’t at all like yours. He lets her hands grope along his body and he closes his eyes tight, trying to imagine they belong to you instead.
She undoes his belt and pushes his pants down with a practiced hand as she palms his length, working to get his half-hard cock to come to life. Between her curls tickling his chin, her all-wrong scent, and her rough touch, he can’t seem to keep his erection. How is he supposed to fuck away his need for you if he can’t stay hard?
Wordlessly, she sinks down to her knees in front of him. Don’t worry, she says, as she puts him in her mouth, doubling down on her efforts to work his stress right out of his dick. With her not-your scent, not-your hair, and not-your face out of his line of vision, he’s able to let his mind wander and let his thoughts of you return.
He imagines you on your knees in front of him, thinks of you in the closet with your lips wrapped around him. He thinks of your wet mouth, your soft hands, your wild eyes. That does it. He comes immediately and without warning, causing Kerri to cough and sputter around him, spitting his come back onto him. His own release gets splattered onto his thighs, slides down his shaft, and drips from his balls as Kerri wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, rising to her feet. 
“Uhhh, thanks hon,” Joel mutters, as he pets her head and pushes her towards the door.
You know it’s probably close to midnight when you rise in your bed, having spent hours throwing up and then sleeping. Your body is tight with pain, you feel flushed and sweaty, and your head is pounding. You should drink the water Tess left on your nightstand but you worry that it might cause you to throw up again. You were really hoping to see Joel when he got home from the meeting tonight, so when you hear his door open, you heave yourself out of bed and turn your doorknob to greet him.
You see Kerri leaving his room as he stands in the open doorway, pants undone and softening dick still dripping with the evidence of his release. Kerri doesn’t see you as she heads down the hall to her room but Joel’s eyes rise to meet yours for a brief moment before you hastily close the door. You hear the clinking of his belt and then hear his voice directly on the other side of the wood.
“Hey baby, how you doin’?” 
Your head is spinning, you’re sweating profusely now, your pulse throbs behind your eyes. Did you really just see what you think you saw? It was pretty dark in the hallway, maybe your eyes were playing tricks on you. You’re pretty sure you have a fever, maybe you’re hallucinating. Joel lightly knocks on the door and you jump. 
“You alright?” he asks. 
You mutter back a yeah before you stumble towards your bed, wondering if this is all just some bad dream. Joel wouldn’t be fucking around with Kerri, he wouldn’t do that, he isn’t like that. Joel doesn’t use people, right? Joel is yours… right? This must all be a nightmare you’re having. You’re taking short, quick breaths now, fighting to remain conscious. You fall onto the mattress. You’re so fucking sick and as your head hits the pillow you let sleep overtake you.
After a long, fitful night’s sleep, you wake in the late afternoon, feeling slightly less feverish than the day before. You’re immediately hit by a wave of panic, feeling tightness in your stomach and it starts to hurt, causing you to fear you may throw up again. You saw Joel and Kerri last night, and you’re pretty sure she wasn’t helping him with a stuck zipper. You need to talk to Joel, you need to confront him about what you think you saw. You need to hear him tell you it’s not true.
Joel is sitting at his desk, going over the patrols for the upcoming Christmas holiday, when you knock at his door. He’s been waiting for you to come see him since you caught Kerri leaving his room last night. He knew he’d have some questions to answer, he’s just not sure yet how he’s going to answer them. He knows he was well within his rights to have Kerri get him off, he just hopes you don’t come crying to him, jealous and angry.
He opens the door for you and lets you into the office. You enter the room and round the corner away from the door, keeping your gaze at your feet. You fumble with your hands but don’t speak, attempting to gather the courage to ask a question you’re not sure you want the answer to. Joel opens his mouth to start the conversation but before he can speak, there’s another knock at the door. 
He moves to open the door and Rosie, all five feet nine inches of her, is peering at him over her glasses. She throws her arms around him, pushing him back into the room a little, whispering in his ear.
“I heard you were stressed out honey, I can help ya out a little,” as she lowers herself to her knees.
Joel doesn’t even have time to protest as she reaches for his belt, looking up at his face. She stills her hands and follows his gaze behind her, turning back to meet your eyes, which are bulging out of your head.
“Oh PJ, I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t know you were in here.” 
She gets up off her knees and quickly exits, leaving you and Joel alone once more. Joel knows the other shoe has dropped. Some of these women have been here for a long time, some for a short time, they are free to come and go if they desire, but living in his house is considered a privilege. He’s the leader of this community and to be able to help take care of his sexual needs and have him take care of yours is held in high honor. 
The women who live here aren’t petty or jealous, they are sweet and giving people, hard workers, and dedicated members of The Valley who make sacrifices and put others – notably Joel – first. They’ve been keeping their distance out of respect for the obvious affection that you and Joel feel for each other, but they must think that since Joel seems stressed then it’s their time to step in and perform their usual duties.
They don’t know that you aren’t aware of the long-standing arrangement they have in this house. They don’t discuss things over the breakfast table but they also don’t keep things secret, because they don’t know that it should be a secret. They’re all open and honest with each other and have no idea that Joel has kept you in the dark about his relationships with them.
Of course, you have been kept in the dark, and now that the light is shining – too brightly – on the truth, it’s making you sick to your stomach. You stare at the ground where Rosie was just kneeling in front of Joel. You know that what you thought you saw last night was, in fact, Kerri leaving Joel’s room after getting him off somehow. It happened. It was about to happen again. It’s probably happened before.
“It’s all of them?” you ask.
Joel shrugs.
“It’s all of them,” you say again, not a question this time. Your vision is going blurry from the blood pumping through your skull so hard. You’re afraid you’re going to pass out. “You fuck all of them?” 
“I have, yeah,” Joel says, shrugging again.
“And you plan to fuck me too?” You can’t even meet his face, your mind is reeling a mile a minute.
“You’re welcome to come to my room anytime you want, baby,” he answers casually. Goosebumps roll across your whole body and you fight back a dry-heave.
“Like they do?”
“Sometimes,” he fucking shrugs again. “It’s not a big deal, PJ.”
You barely hear him, the sound of your own heartbeat creating a hum in your ears, the sick feeling in your stomach rising up your throat, threatening to spill your insides out at your feet. Not a big deal, he says. It’s not a big deal that he’s been lying to you since the day you got here. It’s not a big deal that he wants to use you just like he’s apparently been using these other women, that he wants to use your body for his pleasure. It’s not a big deal that you thought he was different.
And now you see the cracks in this whole place, see it for what it actually is. This place is upholding a façade of a normal society, but it isn’t even close. Joel is treated like some kind of god or king or both and no one says no to him, he gets whatever and apparently whoever he wants. You can’t believe that he made you feel like you mattered when you clearly don’t matter at all. 
You thought he could fix you. All he did was break you. You’ve never felt so low.
“Just another one,” you start to repeat, “Just another one. Just another one. Just another one.”
You’re just another one of these things that he gets when he wants it, and he gets whatever he wants. 
“Just another one. Just another one. Just another one.”
He’s just another man, in a long line of many, who used you.
“Just another one. Just another one.”
He walks towards you, backing you up against the wall, bringing his face closer to yours. Baby, you hear him say, as he brings his lips towards yours. He tries to kiss you but you shudder away, repulsed by him, and he grabs for your arm to pull you back to him. Overwhelmed by his scent and the clawing tightness gripping your insides, you bend at the waist and throw up all over his shoes.
“What the fuck,” he curses loudly before he takes a deep breath, calming himself. “You okay, PJ?” 
He reaches for you again and you push him away, a loud sob leaving your lips. Oh fuckin’ christ, he mutters. Here come the fuckin’ waterworks. You’re making a big deal out of nothing and he’s getting annoyed at the theatrics. He grabs your arm and yanks you up, ignoring the vomit dripping from your chin and the tears streaming down your face. 
“Quit bein’ dramatic,” he says as he shakes you by the arm.
Tess comes in the door just then, seeing your face and the way Joel is manhandling you. 
“What the fuck, Joel?” she wrenches you out of his grip, touching your forehead and feeling your fever. 
She sees the throw-up all over Joel’s feet and sees him roll his eyes. She has no idea what’s going on right now but Joel has lost all his tenderness with you. She scolds him for letting you out of bed, telling him you’re still really sick. She takes you back up to your room, makes you drink some water, and tucks you back into bed, threatening to call the doctor if you try to get up again before your fever breaks.
Later that night as Joel heads up to bed he goes to your door and knocks several times, but you don’t answer. He knocks again, no answer, and knocks again. Tess comes out of her room and down the hall, having heard the noise he’s making knocking repeatedly at your door.
“Leave her alone Joel, I told you she’s fuckin’ sick.”
“Shut up Tess,” he doesn’t even turn to look at her. “Get back in your room.”
He throws your door open and sees you laying in bed with your back to the door. He says your name several times but you don’t move a muscle. He takes a step forward, his foot crossing the threshold to your room.
“Don’t you dare,” Tess snaps at him. 
His steps halt. He says your name again, louder this time. Aside from the rise and fall of your breathing, you don’t move. He knows you can hear him, the whole house can fucking hear him. Tess is behind him, berating him some more. He repeats your name, yelling now. He hears a door down the hallway open, yells again, hears Tess hissing stop it, goddamnit, and then hears another door open.
How dare you fucking ignore him. Who the fuck do you think you are right now? He lifts his foot to take another step into your room and he hears Tess start to go ballistic behind him, cursing and bellyaching.  Why don’t you fucking look at him? He hears whispers of the other women further down the hallway. Jesus fucking christ, why don’t they leave him alone? Why don’t you roll over? 
He steps back into the hallway and slams your door closed, rattling the walls of the entire house. “Go to bed,” he screams at Tess. “Go the fuck to bed,” he repeats down the corridor as he steps into his room, slamming his own door behind him as well.
Thank you endlessly to @papipascalispunk for helping me with this series and listening to me rant about Cult Leader Joel. 🫂 I appreciate you SO much.
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