#we didn't go to a dentist for years and in that time we were fine until one tooth (that already had a filling in it) broke
thethingything · 5 months
I think we have a cavity forming on yet another tooth but unfortunately it's been nearly a year and even just thinking about dentist appointments is enough to make us dissociate heavily and start getting painfully tense so I do not fucking know what to do.
I want to get this stuff fixed but we may have to go private for it which would be expensive as hell if we can even make it through an appointment and I'm terrified that whatever treatment we get might just cause more issues because that's what's happened every time we've had dental treatment in the last 5 years
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kookslastbutton · 10 months
Too Late to Dream ༓ jjk (m) I ch. VII
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✑ Summary: You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
Pairing: economics professor!jungkook x fem!artist!reader
AU/Genre: angst, smut, fluff, marriage au, age gap, series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 6,656
Warnings: 8-year age gap, mentions of professor-student relationship (oc was a Masters student), cute date on the back of jk's car trunk, jk nervous, jk gives lots of gifts & flowers to oc, oc is obsessed with clearance chocolate, auntie oc and uncle kook take care of yoongi's twins, jk & oc become guinea pigs for yoongi's kids lmao, mention of dentist!yoongi, jk's mommy issues get mentioned, jk has personal daddy issues but he working through them, jk being good hubby to oc, just a rollercoaster of emotions ngl
Now Playing: Make It Right, Tryna Be, Infinity, It Will Rain, Heaven+
A/N: Hello! thanks for being patient with me guys!! Important: the flashback for this chapter follows events of chapter V and will refer to it. And yes it's thier first date! Kind of 👀👀 that will be for you to decide. Then we have present day jk and oc being guinea pigs for Yoongi's crazy twins hehehe. Ok pls, enjoy 💞
<< ch. VI ༓ ch. VIII >> ┃series masterlist
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You know how some couples have multiple weddings that lead to disagreements over their real anniversary date? Or maybe it’ll be when the relationship was made official or what the first sign of attraction was? Yeah, that’s you and Jungkook when it comes to pinpointing exactly when your first date was.
If you ask your husband, he’ll tell you it was weeks after you were discharged from the hospital during your postgrad studies. But in your opinion, it was far before his timeframe.
You see due to a group of overly eager college freshmen, you had sprained your ankle and cracked a rib. Jungkook stayed with you the entire first two weeks of the recovery period. He'd bring study notes to you, your favorite food, hell even art supplies he bummed off Taehyung to help break up your mundane days in the hospital.
When the time finally came that you were well enough to finish the healing process at home, he suggested a dinner out would be an excellent way to celebrate.
"...do you wanna go out to dinner?" Jungkook pops the question more causal than expected.
"Are you asking me on a date…?"
His reply is barely audible but you hear it and for the first time, your professor sounds truly timid. "Uh, well…let's go with hang out like friends do."
You’re convinced that this was the first time he asked you out, thus leading to your first date. Your husband, however, thinks it was too vague to tell. He prefers to see it as more a pre-date instead.
So, was it a date?
Was it an unspoken pre-date?
The jury’s still out about this one.
4 years ago
It’s a gorgeous day with the way the sun beams on the hood of his car. A few scattered clouds, fluffy and white, float across the sky as well, offering shelter from the heat. You were discharged from the hospital only yesterday and Jungkook was already insistent on going out today, saying that a little fresh air and a change of scenery would be good for you.
“Where are we going?” You turn your head from the passenger window to look at the man inquisitively. It’s a simple question but the tension of the unknown nibbles at you from inside.
“One of my favorite spots,” Jungkook replies with his eyes set on the road. “Hope you don’t mind the drive. It’ll be another fifteen minutes.”
“It's fine. Why can’t I know where we’re going though?”
He hesitates to answer. “Do you not like surprises?”
You shrug. “Sure I do, as long as I know about them ahead of time.”
A hearty laugh follows your words and it sends one of the warmest feelings through your whole body. You didn't think you were being funny, but after being stuck in the hospital for two weeks, it's nice to feel something other than dismal. Jungkook is good at lifting your spirits at the most unexpected of times, you hum to yourself.
He looks handsome today too.
You can’t stop yourself from thinking about it as you watch a few strands of his dark hair blow over. He has his window cracked to let in a gentle breeze and though it causes him trouble here and there, he remains mostly unbothered.
The oversized white T-shirt he chose to wear is something you're still taking time to adjust to. Much more casual compared to what he wears during his lectures. But you like it with the loose-fitting pants he's paired it with.
"If it's necessary for you to know where we're going then I guess I have no choice." Jungkook looks in your direction but your gaze lingers down his torso. "__."
"Yes?" You immediately blink up at him, hoping you don’t look too flushed. Once he directs his attention back to the road you'll make sure to check yourself in the side-view mirror. Using your phone camera might look a little too obvious.
"I was saying if you need to know where we're going I'll tell you," he repeats. "But if it's possible I'd really like for it to be a secret until we get there."
"Alright," you concede. "I guess I could stand the wait this one time. This is your only freebie though. No more surprises after this."
"No more checking me out," he mutters.
"Can I open my eyes yet?"
"No." Jungkook opens his door and hops out of the car. "I'll be right back."
"Wait where are you going?" You know he wants whatever this is to be a surprise but you've been told to keep your eyes shut for the last five minutes. You're a little nervous to say the least, especially if he's about to disappear somewhere. "Jungkook?"
No response.
"Hello? Jungkook?" You're tempted to open your eyes when you hear the trunk of his car suddenly pop open. Several rustling noises follow as he digs around. "What are you doing back there?"
"You'll see soon. I'm almost done so just sit tight for a moment." He unzips a bag and then pushes said bag around the floorboard. The sound of something crashing on the ground perks up your ears in the moments following, earning a tiny 'shit' from Jungkook.
"Everything alright?" You're seriously getting antsy now.
When Jungkook swings your door open, a cool breeze hits your legs. "All good __. But now, I'm going to need you to trust me because I'm going to help you out of the car."
"Um, I do have crutches I can use you know. You don't have to carry me anywhere like before. Dr. Kim said I should–"
"You won't need them this time. We're not going far okay?" He ducks his head inside and guides your arms around his neck. "Can you scoot forward a little?"
You do as he says until he tells you to stop. And with one arm supporting your lower back and the other firm under your legs, you're lifted out of your seat.
"Okay." The ground underneath his feet crunches as he straightens himself back up and out of the vehicle. "Now you can open your eyes."
As soon as you do your jaw drops.
Jungkook watches your stunned face as you take in all of Seoul from your perched position.
"I hope you don't mind that I didn't take us to a traditional restaurant. This is an overlook I happened to stumble on years ago when I first moved here. Not many people know about it because it's kind of off the beaten track but I get a bit adventurous sometimes."
He carries you around to the back of the car.
"Since you're still recovering I won't make us sit on the ground but I brought food that we can eat in the back of my trunk. There's a pillow there you can lean against too. And I made sure to park at an angle so we can watch the sunset."
"Wow...Jungkook I don't know what to say."
"It's cheesy isn't it?" His previously eager tone drops and you can't help but feel a pulling at your heartstrings. "I'm sorry if this isn't your thing. I probably should have asked."
"I love cheesy." You crack a small smile and Jungkook breaks out into a grin again, causing both of you have butterflies in your stomachs. "You're very thoughtful for doing this. I'm sorry about my initial reaction. I'm just shocked."
"Well, we're friends now, aren't we? You should get used to this kind of stuff from now on." He walks up to the trunk and carefully sets you down. "Here, lean back." He fluffs the pillow and then gestures for you to lay back.
Once you're comfortable, he hops in next to you and grabs the baby blue gift bag from the corner of the trunk. You don't know how you missed it before given its size and very decorative packaging.
"Before I give you this to you please know that I don't expect anything back okay?" His hands are shaky as he holds the bag on his lap. "This is just something I wanted to give you after your injury and having to be in the hospital for so long."
You nod your head in understanding but are not fully convinced. "And you're giving this to me as a friend, yes?" You take the bag from him and slowly open it.
You narrow your eyes at him before reaching into the bag. You take out a very large, sturdy box. "God, Jungkook. This is so heavy. What's in here?" You tear apart the wrapping paper and open the smooth lid. "Oh my god, you didn't?!"
They're chocolates from the dessert shop you told him about last Sunday night. You had mentioned it in passing because you were craving sweets but not in the slightest did you think he'd take it to heart. The shop was at least an hour's drive away.
"Don't worry." He sees the pressure creeping on your face. "I was going that direction anyway. But I saw it on my way back and was reminded that you were craving it the other night. Uhm, there's also a coupon in there too. They included that in the purchase."
"Jungkook....you really didn't need to do any of this for me." You grab the small card laying at the bottom of the bag that reads 20% off. "Thank you so much."
"Oh, I almost forgot!" You're taken aback when he jumps off the trunk to scurry to the backseat. He returns in mere seconds with a generous bouquet of pink and purple hydrangeas. "These are for you too."
You shriek and grab them out of his hand, feeling a little giddy. Hydrangeas are your absolute favorites. "Sorry, that was really rude of me. These are so beautiful, though. Thank you. I don't know what to say."
Jungkook sits back down and pulls forward a freezer bag. "Seeing you this excited is enough. I brought us a lot of food too so, we should probably eat it before it starts going bad. This bag can only do so much preserving." He digs out box after box of yummy food from fresh strawberries to sushi. There are drinks too; banana milk and soju.
Your stomach growls as you watch him set the food between you both.
"Well, don't be shy." He hands you a plate with chopsticks. "Dig in."
"You look very pretty in that blouse..." He stabs his straw into his milk and takes a large sip. "The color really suits you."
"Oh, thank you." You manage the words once you swallow the strawberry you're eating. "Yours too."
Jungkook combs through his hair with his fingers. "Thanks, this t-shirt really brings out my eyes don't you think?" You laugh and shove his shoulder lightly.
"Stop, I'm being serious. I don't see you in this type of style often. It looks good."
He gives a playful shake of his head. "Where did you get that shirt anyway?" He gestures at your top again.
"At a store," you reply dumbly. "It was on sale. Gotta love a good deal right?"
"Yeah, absolutely. Never pay full price."
"That's exactly what I try telling my roommate. She only buys the best of the best but I think she could get the same thing 50% off if she waited long enough."
"You know Taehyung's the same way. Nothing but luxury from head to toe. I'm surprised he paints in a basic t-shirt and jeans some days."
You chuckle, feeling the air light and fresh. "Painting gets messy so it's better you not wear your best and brightest clothes. Sometimes I'll just wear a giant t-shirt that already has paint stains and nothing el–"
You cringe at how quickly you can run your mouth. Jungkook doesn't need to know your painting attire evident from his sudden frozen up form.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it."
"I'm embarrassed."
"Don't be. I've heard worse." Jungkook clears his throat and looks out to the view in front of you. "This really is a beautiful spot is it not?"
Thank you for the deflection, you silently say to him.
"Yes, it's the best view I've seen in my life. I can't believe you found this place. It's like seeing everything for the first time again."
"Is it weird that I–" He stops mid-sentence, hands rubbing his thigh. "Is it weird that I brought you here?"
"Of c–"
"No wait, wait that's not what I wanted to ask." He runs his fingers through his hair again, doing his best to keep eye contact. "What would you say if someone were to ask you out?"
You relax into a tight-lipped smile and quirk your head to a slight angle. "I'd probably say no because I'm on a date with you right now."
At this Jungkook's milk slips from his hand, spilling on his pants. You grab some napkins next to you and help him wipe the spillage off.
"We're on a date?" He stands the milk upright. "This is a date?"
"Yes, it very obviously is. I don't wear this top for just anyone you know." You close your mouth instantly and sit up straight. "You weren't meant to hear the last part."
"Wait, go back. I thought this was us hanging out. Remember? At the hospital, I said–"
"C'mon the flowers, the specialty chocolates, taking me to one of your secret hideouts. Not to mention packing all this food to share. It is most definitely a date. Do you not want it to be?"
"No! I mean of course, yes. But I would have dressed a lot better." He looks down at himself, embarrassed. "I just threw these on before I left the house."
"And what else would you have worn? I see you in dress shirts and slacks twice a week at the school, if not more."
"Oh, I guess you have a point." He lets out a sigh. "To be honest __. We don't have the most proper relationship for that kind of thing, do we? It's annoying that I keep saying it but I am still your professor until the end of this semester at least. Us dating would be kind of a breach of contract."
"So you won't call this a date because you think it's forbidden?" You cross your arms.
"Well not entirely. It's just...I'm scared. There it is. And if we plan to do any sneaking around business I need to know you...shit, this is going to sound so middle school of me...I need to know you're interested in me __."
"For fucksake Jungkook, I wouldn't have agreed to come if I wasn't interested." You move closer to his side so you're inches from his face. "You're the kindest person I've ever known and I'd like to know you more like you've been doing for me the past two weeks. You've gone out of your way so many times for me that I seriously can't keep up. And while I can't say that I'm in love with you since it's much too soon, I've become very attracted to you. It just sucks we're in a bit of an odd position with school and all. But we can make this work. I'm also in post-grad so I don't think we're doing anything that risky."
"What about Taehyung?"
"That's all you got out of what I just said?"
"Sorry, I'm just asking because you seemed into him at the art exhibit. You're both artistic after all." He fiddles with his fingers. "I'm just the guy who you got stuck with this year because you couldn't major in art."
You feel compelled to take one of his restless hands in your own, so you do–holding it loosely.
"Kim Taehyung was simply a visual interest," you say. "I never thought about anything serious with him. He's also faculty so unless he saves my life or something, I'm not really considering anything beyond a friendly report."
A moment of silence is exchanged as Jungkook lets your response sink in. And as long as your eyes aren't fooling you, you'd say he's more than pleased with it.
"So...you really wanna do this?" Jungkook asks with more anticipation than nervousness this time.
"Yes." You nod.
"Wow, okay um, well when do you want to go out?" He kicks his feet back and forth. And when he reflexively squeezes your hand you can't help but grin at his eagerness. "I'm free every weekend if that works for you."
"We should probably get to the end of this date first Dr. Jeon."
"Nooo, I like Jungkook. Can we stay with Jungkook when it's just you and me? Also, this isn't a date. We need a do-over."
You laugh, seeing a new side of him. He's more, hm, whiny than you thought–it's cute.
"Jungkook, we don't need a do-over. This can be a date if we want it to be. It's got all the elements already. Look." You lift his hand in yours. "We're already holding hands.
"Nope. When are you free?"
"How about this coming Friday after 4pm? Is that too far out?"
He shakes his head fervently. "It works perfectly for me. Let's do 4:01pm." Your baffled expression causes his own eyebrows to knit together. "What? You can't do 4:01?"
"I–yeah sure I can but I didn't expect you to suggest a time so soon."
"Well, you said you'd be free after 4pm right?"
You nod.
"Then it's a date!"
He smiles wide and you do the same.
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"Kook, grab us a cart. You won't believe what's on sale!" You stuff about five gold-foiled boxes under your arm. The yellow tag next to the price says 75% off which means you are for sure buying at least ten of these.
It's times like these that your husband enjoys watching you most. You can barely reach the self where the clearance chocolate is, nevertheless, you're on your tip-toes with arms fully extended above your head to grab at every box of sweets you can.
His inner hero wants to help but he's learned early on not to get in the middle of you and your favorite snack. It's better he listens to your request to get a cart instead.
"Don't hurt yourself in the five minutes I'm gone okay honey?"
"Mhm," you mumble, not really paying attention. "Kook this chocolate has caramel and orange inside. Oh my god, look." You show him a box of chocolates with cherry filling. "These are to die for. I need like six of these."
"Here give me some of those." Jungkook takes the boxes of chocolates from your arm when he sees them slipping from your hold. "I'll put these in a cart while you keep digging. But if someone else comes along, let them have at least one this time."
He knows how much of a little hog you can get with your candy.
"Are you kidding? Finders keepers." You reach for another box, the ones in the back are always the best.
"What? I'm doing all the hard work here which means I get to keep all the chocolate."
"Fine, fine. Be sure to check the expiration date too." Jungkook turns around to stalk toward the front of the store. If he doesn't get his butt to a cart soon, his wife is going to turn into a grizzly bear.
A very cute grizzly bear.
But a grizzly bear nonetheless.
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"Did we really need thirty boxes of these?" Jungkook dumps the grocery bags on your kitchen counter. "I love you but this is insane. Who's going to eat all of this chocolate?"
"Well, I was planning on sending the twins home with some." You rummage through the bag then move to stack them in the pantry. "They'll be here in an hour so it can be a surprise from us."
"Yoongi's twins? You're going to send the two children whose father is a dentist a whopping bag of chocolate?" Jungkook hands you another box to put in the pantry. The little assembly line works well when putting groceries away.
"I'm only giving them one box okay? So Yoongi can shove it."
You hear a snickering behind you.
"Honey don't push the man who could likely yank all your teeth out of your head and end with, 'will that be all?'"
You roll your eyes. "Yoongi doesn't scare me like he scares you. But if you're so worried I will get his permission ahead of time."
Jungkook's mouth opens in response until he feels a slight vibration in his pant pocket. When he takes it out to check his initial good mood drops about ten degrees.
"Kook?" You watch as he reads whatever it is on his phone.
"Nothing." He switches off the device and places it face-down on the counter. "It's just dad."
"Something about your mom I'm presuming?"
Being Saturday, it's been a few days since Jungkook had his fallout with his mother. They were originally planning to stay in town until Friday but left Thursday morning instead due to Mrs. Jeon feeling "unwanted".
Your husband's been in close contact with his father ever since.
"Yeah," Jungkook lets out an exasperated sigh. "She's journaling again apparently. It's what she does to cope with frustrations like me."
"I'm sorry Kook." You rub his arm soothingly. "Maybe she needs some time to think about everything that's happened. I know you want her to talk to you but maybe it's not all bad that she's jotting things down first."
"Yeah, maybe." He takes your hand and presses a light kiss against the back of your knuckles. "It's whatever though, Mom can have her fit. I'm not going to let her ruin one of the only free days I get with my wife."
You smile and quickly peck his soft lips–something Jungkook wishes would be longer.
"Love you," you say and return to your original task of putting groceries away.
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 "Listen to me you two gremlins," Yoongi says on a bent knee. "Eomma and I will be back by 8pm. Until then your uncle Jungkook and Aunt __ are in charge. You know the rules, no jumping around on the sofas, don't into Aunt __'s paints, stay out of Uncle Jungkook's office, and under no condition are you to get into sweets."
He flicks his eyes to you for a brief moment then sets them back on the two seven-year-old girls in front of him. They look adorable with their matching space buns.
"But Appa–"
"No Eun-ji."
"Can't I just have one? Pleaseee?" She stares up at Yoongi with large eyes, hands clasped together. His second daughter Ari quickly does the same.
"We promise we'll brush our teeth right after."
Yoongi's face remains unmoved at his twin's relentless need for chocolate. Sure, he may be the one more likely to cave to requests when it comes between him and his wife but sweets were definitely off the table. His girls just got their teeth cleaned a couple days ago too, cavity-free, and he intends to keep it that way.
"Did you even bring your toothbrushes?" He knows for a fact they did not being that they weren't staying the night.
The twins exchange looks before breaking into a goofy grin. Mrs. Min leans down next to her husband at the moment and draws her girls into a hug.
"Appa and I will bring you back something better than chocolate tonight, okay?" She kisses her daughter's cheeks and then stands up. "Be good."
"K..." The twins let out a small huff then turn to set their backpacks on the living room couch.
"Hey," Yoongi calls after them. "Where's my hug?"
You let out a snort when you see Eun-ji face her dad again, tongue sticking out. Her sister gives a similar attitude with her hands on her hips and scrunched-up face. These girls might be in elementary school now but boy, those teenage years are sure to be rocking.
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"Turn." You hear Ari from across the living room. She's standing on the sofa with her small hands holding a chunk of your husband's hair.
"Like this?"
"No the other side."
With his legs crossed on the floor, Jungkook shifts his head toward your direction with widened eyes. At this point, most of his hair has been pulled back into tight braids and finished off with yellow and pink hair clips. The only section left to do now was the underside.
"How do I look?" he asks you.
"Oh, you look breathtaking honey." You feel a soft makeup brush swipe across your cheek, courtesy of Eun-ji who's decided you needed a 'makeover'. You're not sure if that means a seven year old cramped on your style or what, but either way, you're getting bronze cheeks and glittery eyeshadow.
It's only been half an hour and the twins were already making you and your husband do their utmost bidding.
"Ari honey," you coo. "You should become a hairstylist when you grow up. You're doing such a good job with Uncle Jungkook's hair."
"I know," she sasses. "I'm good at this stuff Auntie. Everyone says that I am the queen of doing hair."
You and Jungkook giggle from the small child's gumption. It's good she's confident, you mouth to your husband.
He nods back. "Eun-ji's doing a great job too. You should see the glitter she's chosen for you."
"Not yet Uncle Jungkook," Eun-ji pipes up. "She can't look yet. It's a surprise!"
"Ah okay." He throws you playful eyes, eyebrows bouncing up and down suggestively. "A surprise huh?"
You flutter your eyes closed when you see Eun-ji dab her palette and reach forward to paint the eyeshadow over your lids. "Yup." she nods her head. "I'm giving Auntie the best color ever."
"Wow I can't wait to see honey," you say. "This wouldn't happen to be your favorite color would it?"
The tease in your tone makes Eun-ji grin. Of course, you can't see it but Jungkook can and it causes him to break out into a boisterous chuckle.
"You're so cute Eun-ji," he says, clapping his hands together.
"What about me?" It's Ari's sassiness making a comeback as she pushes the final yellow clip into Jungkook's hair.
"You're cute too Ari." You reassure the child and open your lids once Eun-ji gives you the okay. Not a second following that you're thrusted forward a hand-held mirror.
"What do you think?"
You glance at yourself in the reflection, blush blue eyeshadow that covers up to your eyebrows and bronze blush. You have ruby red lipstick on as well, Eun-ji's personal favorite.
"I love it, sweetheart. Thank you so much."
"You're welcome." She gathers all the makeup containers and tools she can fit in her hands before making her way to your husband. "You're turn Jungkook."
"Okay, but can I pick what color this time?" Your husband smiles at the child with mirthful eyes.
"No." She sets the make-up in front of him and pops open a bright, Barbie pink lipstick.
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"Anti-ti-ti-ti fragile, fragile!"
You watch from the kitchen as the twins jump around in the living room. After your makeover, the girls felt like a karaoke session was in order. They convinced Jungkook to join them so there he is with a microphone in his hand, belting the lyric of 'Antifragile' by LE SSERAFIM.
"Come on __!" Ari calls to you, breath heavy from all the rambunctious dancing. "Sing with us!"
You laugh and whisk the bowl of flour and sugar in front of you. "No you guys keep going. I'm a little busy at the moment."
"Doing what?" She runs up to the kitchen island where you stand, trying to peek inside the bowl.
"I'm making cookies."
"Really?" She rushes to the other side of the island to pull out the stool from underneath. Once she settles herself in the chair she looks at you with eagerness. "Can we eat them?"
"Hmm..." You pretend to think. "Didn't your dad tell you no?"
"Yeah, but you always give us sweets. Even if he says we can't have them."
The child has a point.
"How about this, if you help me make these you can eat them. But you can't tell your dad okay?" Ari nods. "Good, you can stir this for me while I crack some eggs."
"Just what are you doing?" You jump when Jungkook walks up behind you. "You wouldn't be giving these sweet girls something their parents told them they could have, would you?"
"Dad will be really mad if he finds out," Eun-ji joins in on the scolding. She turns down the music from the tv and folds her arms.
"Well I–"
"If you're going behind Yoongi hyung's back you're going to need some help, honey." Jungkook slides one of the kitchen draws open and reaches to take out a small plastic bag. He throws out two brand new kid-size toothbrushes, orange and blue. "Had a feeling we'd need these tonight after seeing you stock up on all that chocolate today."
"Now girls..." He turns to look at Ari and Eun-ji who seem to be busy mixing the bowl of flour and sugar together. "Hey girls."
They lift their heads.
"Make sure to brush twice before your dad gets back. This stays our little secret, understand?"
"Okay," they say in unison.
"Thank you Kook." You lean your head against your husband's firm chest, resting for a moment. This whole situation is kind of funny if you think about it. But you really hope you don't get beef from Yoongi later.
"Anything for you," Jungkook quips and kisses your head gently.
"Ew..." You hear Ari say.
"No it's not," Eun-ji bites back. "It's romantic, like the movies."
Ari scrunches her face at her sister. "No it's not."
"Yes it is."
You and Jungkook wait for the two of them to simmer down but they keep going at it. Yes, no, yes, no...back and forth until one of them scoops up a handful of the flour in the bowl and tosses it at the other.
"Uh okay, no more! No more." You and Jungkook lunge forward to sweep the bowl out of their reach.
"How about you let Auntie and Uncle finish making the cookies and you two go back to karaoke?" Jungkook successfully persuades the twins and they run back into the living room in search of the next biggest hit to jam to.
You lock eyes with Jungkook now, wordless.
"Hm?" He hums at you.
"Mm." You shrug your shoulders and move towards the fridge but not before you're flicked with some of the flour yourself–your husband's hand powdery from the mixture. "Kook!"
You wipe your face, and light laughs fall from both your lips.
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"Okay girls, get brushing!" Jungkook guides the twins to the bathroom. "Your parents are going to be home in fifteen minutes and that means these teeth need to smell like nothing my fresh mint." He squeezes the toothpaste on each girl's brush.
"Bursh, brush, brush," he chants and you shake your head as you wash the cookie sheet in the kitchen sink.
The twins have eaten about three cookies each and with chocolate stains all over their faces, they're going to need more than a 2-minute teeth brushing.
"Honey, I'm cracking the windows open and lighting my candles." Jungkook rushes around the house in search of his vanilla bean scents.
"I don't think that's going to take away the smell in such a short time. We should probably just take the beating Kook," you holler back.
"Oh, we're definitely getting dragged out tonight." He yanks the candle jars open and lights them. "The smell of freshly baked cookies is still too strong to hide but I'm hoping these candles will act as a distraction."
You hit your husband with the kitchen towel, the snap of it making him throw you a startled look. "Shit–do you not see the lighter in my hand?"
You roll your eyes. "Relax drama queen, you didn't have it ignited yet. Anyway, the candles aren't necessary if we're opening all the windows."
"It'll help though."
"Not really."
"Well, I think they will."
Jungkook goes back to lighting his candles and once he has the twentieth one lit, he's thoroughly pleased with himself.
As soon as the twins finish cleaning themselves up, they help scatters them throughout the house, leaving them in as many corners with surfaces as possible.
"Okay, that's it! That's the last one." Jungkook high-fives the twins and you toss the last dish in the drying rack.
"Good job team." You laugh and join them in the living room.
Eun-ji plops herself on the sofa with her backpack in her lap. "I had a lot of fun tonight."
Ari joins her on the couch with her own backpack in hand. "Me too." She pauses and then says something that you and Jungkook were very much underprepared for.
"You would make good mom and dads."
"You think so?" Jungkook shocks you by responding first.
Ari nods. "If you had kids, we could all play together. And we can have all the cookies we want because we'll be best friends. And best friends share everything!"
"So you want Auntie and I to have kids so you can keep hiding cookies from your dad?" Jungkook lunges forward to tickle the child mercilessly. "You little cookie monster!"
Ari rolls around on the couch, giggling repeatedly. You can't help but feel the thumping of your heart as you watch the scene unfold. And for the slightest moment, you imagine what it would be like with your own child.
All those thoughts are put to an abrupt end however when the doorbell rings.
Jungkook flies to the door to let Yoongi and his wife in. He flashes you a little smile before opening it, ensuring you that whatever happens he's got your back.
"Were you guys baking in here?" Are Yoongi's first words as he and the Mrs step inside the entryway of your house.
"Um, no? No, I don't think so." Jungkook feigns ignorance. "It must be coming from our neighbor's house."
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With the twins home with their parents, you and Jungkook curl up together in your bed. You nuzzle your head in his inner shoulder and his arm holds around your waist.
"Those girls are a lot," Jungkook says. "But you know, I have to agree with them this time–it was kinda fun."
"Yeah?" You aimlessly trace circles on his chest.
"Still crazy, but yeah. I felt like I had a lot of good energy inside me tonight. And you know something else?" He looks down at you.
"We'd make pretty damn good parents."
You bolt up from your reclined position the second the words drop.
"You can't keep doing this to me Jungkook," you say, your hands gripping the soft comforter. This isn't the first time he's teased you with having a baby and every time he does, you don't know what to take it as.
Is it a joke, is he serious, or just talking?
"You know how I feel and–"
"Hey." Your husband leans up to stroke your back with warm hands. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry honey. I don't mean to confuse you. I really am thinking about it you know? With everything that's been going on with my parents lately, I know I've been hard to pin down but I really am serious when I say we'd make good parents. Or when I say we might have a possible baby to make one day."
"Might. Could make. Maybe." You stare straight at your husband. "I know you're warming up the idea but you're still talking in such vague terms. I'm not at all trying to rush us to decide on a baby or not. But I just don't want to get a false sense of hope...that you'll say yes."
"Come here." He draws you into an embrace and kisses your cheeks, both of them. "I'm sorry for being an idiot. I admit the first few times I was more loose with what I was saying than I should have been. But I swear I, it was never my intention to be leaving you guessing. I'm so sorry."
"I just want to know what you really think Kook. So I can be sure where you're at through this whole thing. The last few days have thrown a wrench at us with all the stuff your mom's been doing. But I'd still like to be in the loop of things."
"Yes, of course. I'm going to tell you everything right now okay?" Jungkook takes a breath. "I want to give you a baby so bad and I think I'm 70 percent there. But I'm also 60% not there because I'm terribly scared that once it happens, once we have a baby...that I'll revert back to my original mindset of not wanting one."
"Hold on a second."
You close your mouth and allow him to continue.
"I've already started seeing and feeling being around kids differently than before. So much so that I think we could be happy if we started a family together because I'm so happy when I'm with you. And if there's anyone I could do that with, it'd be you and only you. So yes, I want us to have a baby, as many as you want, but I want to be 100% there first."
"Okay, that's fair. I'm not going to lie that I don't feel a little out of body from what you just said. Just to clarify, you're saying yes to how many babies?" You shine your eyes at him. "You said you want to give me as many babies as I want right? How many would that be?"
"My limit is yet to be determined." He grins at you. "It seems I might need to repeat some things if all you got out of what I just said is that I'll give you as many babies as you want."
"No, actually." You grip his hand. "I heard what you said and thank you. I feel a lot better knowing your thought process through this whole thing. We both need to be 100 % in before deciding on this next step in our lives. And about you being worried that you'll revert back to not wanting children. I'm no expert but I don't think that'll be true given your recent exposure with kids has made you feel better than worse. You said it yourself–you had a lot of good energy inside you tonight."
"True. You make an excellent point there. I think I still need some more time though. I was even thinking that maybe I'll....talk to Hoseok about this."
"I'm glad to hear that Kook. Hoseok is an amazing man and I know talking to him about all this will be nothing but beneficial for you."
"Thank you for being patient with me." Jungkook pulls you both down on the mattress, closing his eyes when his head hits the pillow.
"Same to you." You snuggle back into his chest. "I really hope we can have a family together."
"Me too," you hear him mumble before you close your own eyes.
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A/N: Yup I told you this would be a long one. Ty for sticking with me! Also, what do you think? Was it a first date or not? LMK your thoughts 🥰
@frieschan @oldermenluverrr @tatamicc @kookswifesblog @llallaaa @sunnybyeol @namtaeh @exactlygreatcoffee @whipwhoops @yoongisducky @ktnj91 @junecat18 @thvlover7 @yoongiworshiper @ellesalazar @monbebe234-blog @parkinglot-nights @borahaexoxo @hobiswhore @kimseokjinbangtan @jjk97091 @mk-id @blueberry711 @givemethemaknaes16 @iammartian07 @jjkluver7 @itsdingdong @jiminshi20 @sweet-sourhotcoco @lubtou @lovingkoalaface @starsinsky1999 @rockstarrgyu @chaconnelatte @kaithezaftig @skzthinker @babystarcandylvr @glossyyyymin @siudema @justanotherkpopstanlol @jksjx
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
545 notes · View notes
Visiting the dentist
Rodrigo was really not looking forward to this day. He had a dentist appointment today and really didn't want to go - but his tooth ache was getting worse every day.
He hated going to the dentist with a passion. Everything about it was just painful or disturbing. No one should be allowed to operate a fricking drill inside his mouth! Even imagining the noise, it would produce made the hairs on his neck stand up in terror.
Standing in the cold winter air in front of the dentist's office made the pain in his mouth even worse, but he struggled whether to enter or just screw it and drive home immediately.
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It was no use - on a rational level he knew the pain would only get worse. He sighed and entered the dental office. It was warmer in there, which was good. After hanging up his coat, he didn't actually have to wait long. There were no other patients in the waiting area, which was probably because of the time of day. Rodrigo was an author, so he had the luxury of being able to make appointments like this when other people were at work.
He was a little surprised though, as the person who entered the room after him was not the old woman who was torturing his teeth the last time, but a young and reasonably attractive man, who immediately shook his hand. Rodrigo could very much imagine that man not in a doctors coat but on a beach somewhere, just standing and looking good.
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"Hi! I'm Garret, how are you feeling today?"
"Fine", Rodrigo lied, and added: "What happened to Dr. Shaffer?"
"Oh, she retired - actually two years ago! You haven't been here for a while?" Garret answered with a warm smile.
Rodrigo shook his head. "No. To be quite honest I don't like the dentist very much. Not you in particular Dr..."
"Just Garret is fine", Garret said.
"Dr. Garret.", Rodrigo continued, "But the whole place just gives me the creeps."
"No worries!" Garret laughed. "I don't know too many people who actually enjoy visiting the dentist. So, Rodrigo, what brings you to us today?"
Rodrigo didn't know if he was comfortable with the doctor being so first-name-basis with him but went along with it anyway. "Right, so, my teeth are aching, and it's really painful by now. I probably should have come sooner, but,..."
Garret interrupted him. "No worries. Let's just have a look and fix you up. Please get on the chair and open your mouth."
Rodrigo gulped and sat on the clean black faux leather dentist chair. This is where the hell began.
Garret carefully probed around in Rodrigos mouth, using his gloved hand to do so. After a while, he sighed and said:
"Well, there's a whole lot of caries in there I'm afraid. I can start to remove it right away, but it won't be pleasant."
"Ugh." Was all that Rodrigo was able to get out.
"There is another alternative, though. It's a bit more costly but it comes with additional perks. We can fix your teeth entirely painlessly by a new procedure. You will be better than new!"
"Painless sounds good. Okay, I'll take it. What do I have to do?"
"Great choice, Rodrigo. This procedure is really quick. Please take off your shirt."
That struck Rodrigo as a strange request, but everything was better than the drill. So, he exposed his unimpressive white chest, while Garret entered a few commands into his computer.
"Alright, this will only take a few moments. Have fun!" Garret smiled. Rodrigo couldn't help but notice the tent in the doctors trousers. Did he get a boner for some reason?
Suddenly, Rodrigo felt warm. The pulsating pain in his mouth ebbed almost instantly, but the changes did not stop there! His skin cleared up and his face grew a tiny bit squarer than before. Then, the changes continued from his face downward. Suddenly, his arms inflated with muscles, as well as his chest. His shoulders widened and his frame became way more masculine. It didn't expand to bodybuilder-like proportions, but he became way beefier than before. His abs became more defined as well. On his chest, a slight coating of hair grew in, and his skin tone became a healthy shade of tanned pink. Inside his pants, he could feel his pelvis growing wider and packing on meat, as well as his legs, which became stronger and fitter as well. Even his feet expanded a good one or two shoe sizes!
Last, but finally not least, Rodrigo felt his cock increase in size as well. It felt like getting hard, and he probably also was - but the final size of his stiff cock was considerably larger than what he measured before.
In just a few minutes, Rodrigo had been improved all over - including, but certainly not limited to, a whole new set of teeth, which were new and healthy as they could be. Full of wonder, he looked up to Garret, only to find that the other man had gotten rid of his own shirt as well and bent down to him, smiling and asking:
"Care to try out the full package before you leave?"
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riordanness · 8 months
change - [r.heffley]
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1.6K wordcount
warnings: none
requested: no
I never would have guessed that the same day I lost my only friends would be the day I met my new one.
Heather Hills and I had been best friends since second grade. In fifth, Gracie Miller had made our duo a trio, and ever since then we'd been right as anything. Doing everything together, constantly hanging out and sleeping over at each others houses, planning birthday parties together and giggling over boys together.
But this year? Something was different. Heather and Gracie were acting strange. Like, I'd walk up to them while they were talking and they'd get all quiet, real fast. I'd catch them hanging out without me, finding out via social media.
I was trying to ignore the signs, acting as if everything was as it had always been. But I couldn't anymore.
At lunch earlier today, I'd suggested a visit to the mall after school. We hadn't hung out in a while, and I was missing my girls. Sure, we hung out at school everyday, but all the desks were two seater only. I'll leave it to your imagination who was the odd one out.
Besides, I was in desperate need for clothes. My mother had died when I was just a baby, and my dad was always struggling to make ends meet. I had recently grown out of basically all my clothing, so I'd been saving up every scrap of money I could, working odd jobs for all our neighbours, and finally had enough to go on a little shopping trip.
Heather wrinkled her nose. "I have a dentist appointment, and I'm too tired for the mall today."
I nodded. "That's fair. Get a good night's sleep, tonight, yeah?"
She gave me a tight-lipped smile. "Mhm."
I looked at Gracie. "What about you, Cee?"
She hesitated, glanced at Heather, then shook her head. "I- I have a lot of homework I need to catch up on. Sorry."
I smiled. "No worries. We'll find a time to go."
School had finished twenty minutes ago. I'd said goodbye to the girls at the gate, waved as they climbed into Heather's mum's car (Gracie always got a ride home with them as they lived basically next door to each other) and started the fifteen minute walk to the local mall.
Inside, however, I was met with a nasty surprise. Standing together at the smoothie bar, Heather and Gracie were giggling about something, drinks in hand.
I suddenly felt like I had no air. A lump grew in my throat, and I had to fight to not cry. I turn, and storm back outside. I collapse on a park bench a few hundred meters away, in a little sidewalk park.
Hot, angry, betrayed tears fill my eyes, and I don't stop them this time. I feel so stupid, so angry, so hurt. I should've known. I should have seen the signs, not ignored them like I'd tried to. They didn't want me around anymore. They didn't need me.
I don't know how long I stay there, crying, and silently screaming at myself.
Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I glance up, startled, and hastily brush at my tears. My glasses have fogged up, a few tears staring the lenses. I pull a tissue from my backpack, and quickly wipe them clean.
"Are you alright?"
I glance again at the person. It's a boy, probably my age, with messy brown hair and pretty eyes. He wears a black tshirt with the words 'fuck the patriarchy' on it, with a blue and black flannel over the top. He has black converse, like me, and denim jeans, also like me.
"H-hi," I manage, my voice scratchy from crying. "Can I help you?"
The boy frowns in concern. "You were crying." He says it like a statement, not a question. Not like he's asking why I was crying, but rather just wondering if I was okay.
"I'm fine." I blink away the fresh tears threatening to rise. I won't cry in front of this cute guy again. Once is embarrassing enough. Twice would be unbearable.
"Okay," the boy says, in a voice that implies he doesn't even kind of believe me. "Want some company? You planning on going shopping?"
I frown slightly. "Uh, yeah. I need new clothes. I've been saving up."
The boy tilts his head. "What size are you?"
My eyes widen in surprise, but before I can speak he yelps a little, holding his hands up in surrender.
"I mean- No! I didn't mean it like that. It's just- I just- I have a lot of spare things I don't wear anymore and well, you look like you might fit them. No use using your savings if you don't have to."
I consider this. Usually I don't like charity much, it makes me feel like a desperately poor person, when I'm not poor, just short on cash. But this boy seems really genuine, and I like his style, so maybe the offer of old clothes is a good one to accept.
"Sure, I'd love that," I say. "I'm Y/n." I stand, holding out my hand to shake.
He smiles, and my day gets just a little brighter. "It's lovely to meet you, Y/n. Now c'mon. I'll drive you to my place."
I follow him to the carpark, and he opens the shotgun door of a white van, marked with "Löded Diper" on the side.
"Should I be worried about getting into a white van belonging to a total stranger?" I ask teasingly.
The boy laughs. "Nah, you're good. The only people I'm kidnapping with this van are my little dork brother and his friend."
I laugh, climb into the van, and let him shut the door. When he slides into the drivers seat, I look over at him.
"You know, I still don't know your name."
He looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Would you believe me if I told you my name was Sir Lancelot Broccoli Vladimir the First?"
I pretend to consider it. "Hmmm, no, not really."
I look at him, and for a whole second we hold the serious act. Then we explode to a fit of laughter.
"No, but really," I manage, striving for composure. "What is your name?"
"Rodrick," he says. "Rodrick Heffley."
"Well it's lovely to meet you, Rodrick Heffley."
He grins. "Okay, Y/n Whatever-Your-Last-Name-Is, ready for a dangerous drive back to my place?"
I raise an eyebrow. "Why not?"
In hindsight, I would've preferred walking there, but Rodrick, and his eyes and his smile and his laugh, they made the almost terrifying experience of his driving kinda worth it.
His house was simple and white, the yard pretty but plain. It looked like a totally normal home.
Rodrick opens the front door for me, holding it open as he smiles down at me. I return it as I duck under his arm, and step into the hallway.
A women steps into the hall, a small boy in her arms. She's pretty, with glasses and shiny brown hair. she sees me and smiles in pleasant surprise.
"Oh, hello there." She steps over and hold her hand out. "I'm Susan. It's lovely to meet you."
As I shake her hand, she glances at Rodrick, a thousand questions in her eyes.
"She's a friend," Rodrick says. "Don't make it weird, Mum."
She smiles. "Oh no no, I won't, honey, I promise."
"Come on, Y/n," Rodrick says, and grabs my hand, steering me away from his mother.
We climb the stairs, passing an adorable dog (who wanted pats that I'd gladly given) and a younger brother, who doesn't give us a second glance.
Upstairs, we enter Rodrick's room. It's surprisingly tidy for a teenage boy's. He has a drum kit, a lot of rock band posters and magazines, and a few piles of clothes and school supplies.
"You play?" I ask, gesturing at the drums.
Rodrick smiles shyly, his gaze sliding to meet mine. "Uh, yeah. I'm in a band."
I raise an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? That's sick, man. I wish I could play the drums. But I've never had the money to get my own kit or anything."
"I could... teach you if you'd like?"
At his suggestion, I hesitate. "I couldn't pay you..."
Rodrick gives me a look. "As if I'd charge you, love."
I flush, and look away.
"Okay..." Rodrick gets all embarrassed, turns in a circle, then digs through his closet for a moment. He pulls out a small tub of neatly folded clothes (I suspect his mother folded them for him), and places it on his bed.
"Here ya are, Y/n/n."
"Y/n/n?" I ask with a small laugh. "That's a new one."
"Is it?" he asks curiously. "So I'm the only one to ever call you that?"
I nod. "Yep, pretty sure."
"Good." He smiles. It's contagious, so I smile right back at him.
"Now," he says, pushing the box towards me. "Take whatever you like."
It's filled with mostly tshirts and hoodies and sweaters, which is perfect, as I have basically no need for new jeans at the moment.
I pull one of the hoodies on, a maroon one with the words "you and i got lost in it" in small, simple writing down one sleeve. It's almost a perfect fit, just a little bit big in all the right place.
"Are all the clothes in this box the same size?" I ask, and Rodrick nods, but he can't tear his eyes away from me.
"What is it?" I laugh.
"N-nothing," he stammers, his cheeks tinting pick and his voice going higher. I bite back an amused smile, and just give him a little meaningful look.
"It's just..." he sighs. "You just look really damn pretty in my clothes."
I instantly get flustered, but can't help my smile. This afternoon might have started pretty awfully, but I could tell it was going to be an amazing night.
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
“please never stop smiling.” 133 with little ol Eddie
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"How do they feel?" Gareth asked, leaning in a little closer to you from where he sat at the campaign table.
"I... I don't know, it's hard to describe," you mumbled, running your tongue over the brackets on your teeth for the millionth time in the last twenty-four hours. "I mean, they're kinda... sharp? But it doesn't hurt. I mean, I'm still a little sore from getting them put on..."
"How long do you need them for?" Jeff continued the line of questioning.
"Uh-- the dentist said just a year," you recalled. "But then I have the retainer for another, like, decade after that."
"Come on, can we stop interrogating the woman about her braces?" Eddie scolded the other guys. "She's still getting used to them, and she probably doesn't want you all up in her grill... literally."
You smiled a little, appreciating Eddie's sensitivity, but were careful to keep your lips held tightly together. Ever since finding out you were going to get them, you'd be worried about how the braces would make you look. You'd heard fellow students at Hawkins High be called 'brace face' or 'railroad tracks', and you were already anxious about going back to school for the first time tomorrow... thankfully, you'd gotten out early yesterday to get them put on in the first place, and your parents let you skip today when you explained that your mouth was still incredibly sensitive. However, that excuse was less believable when you insisted you could still go to D&D with the Hellfire Club tonight; and here you were, finding yourself even more nervous at how your friends would react.
Of course, you were especially concerned of what Eddie would think. He must've noticed right away that you were insecure about them, because he was the only one who hadn't asked you to show them off or thrown random questions at you yet. Eddie was very perceptive, after all, and he knew you better than anyone else.
With the attention finally off you, the campaign for the night began. It was the first time since they'd been put on that you stopped thinking about the braces. Eddie was such a fun DM, giving every minor character some ridiculous backstory and a silly voice or accent to match. A half-hour into the campaign, when he made you laugh particularly hard with his impression of a half-Orc pub owner, you noticed Eddie glancing at you proudly as you threw your head back in a cackle. Suddenly, with his eyes on you, you remembered the metal in your mouth-- and instantly, you reached up to cover your smile so he wouldn't stare at the braces. You caught him knitting his eyebrows together for just a second before he returned his attention to the table at large again, continuing with the story as the players decided their next move.
Halfway in, it was customary to take a snack and/or bathroom break, and you the rest of the club was mulling about while you leaned against the corner, just stretching your legs a bit. Eddie had this habit of magically appearing when you were alone for too long, or being too 'mopey' as he called it-- he didn't like seeing you by yourself, even when you wanted to be. "Hey," he greeted, "what's so interesting about your shoes?"
"Huh?" you mumbled, looking up at him. He was propping himself up with one arm on the wall beside you, leaning in just a little too close-- Eddie also wasn't one for personal space, really.
"You've been staring at your shoes this whole time," he chuckled, "what's with the long face?"
"Oh," you sighed, "well, I guess I'm just not super peppy tonight, sorry."
"No, no, I'm not asking you to apologize," he explained. "You were acting fine earlier, you were playing the game with us-- but then you kinda... froze up. Went back in your shell."
You chewed the inside of your lip for a second, awkwardly crossing your arms over your chest.
"You okay?" he checked.
"Yeah..." you sighed.
"Wow," he said flatly, "I knew you weren't much of an actress, but that was insanely unconvincing."
"Eddie," you whined playfully, shoving him a bit, and he laughed. You smiled, too, but stopped yourself quickly, reaching up to cover your mouth with your hand.
"See, that!" he pointed, sounding determined. "You keep doing that!"
"Doing what?" you shrugged.
"You're trying not to smile!" he insisted.
"I-- no I'm not," you denied. "I'm just... I'm not sure how it looks..."
He reached up, gently pulling your hand away from your face; you shut your lips, looking away, but he leaned in closer again. "Smile," he requested.
"Eddie, I don't want to," you protested weakly.
"I'll tickle you if I have to," he warned, reaching for your ribs with his free hand, and you violently jerked away to keep him from grabbing your side-- you both knew how sensitive you were to that.
"Fine, fine!" you grumbled, giving him a forced, sarcastic smile.
"Aw, see, they look great," he promised.
"You're just saying that," you rolled your eyes.
"No way! They're cute," he insisted.
"Yeah, well, you might be the only person that thinks that-- everyone says that nobody wants to kiss someone with braces," you reminded him.
"Doesn't bother me," he shrugged.
"That's nice, but it's not very helpful," you frowned, "and besides, have you ever even kissed someone with braces before?"
"No," he admitted.
"So, you don't even know what it's like," you pointed out, "you might hate it after all, even if just the idea isn't a turn-off like it is for 99.9% of the population."
"That's an exaggeration," he scolded, "and you shouldn't talk bad about yourself. Lots of people wanna kiss you, I bet-- braces or not."
"Eddie, come on, that's ridiculous! You know I'm just a nobody," you breathed, "and it's not like being kissed is the most important thing in life, but you know, it's high school and everything, and I'd like to imagine that I'm not going to spend my senior year completely chaste-- and before, I never really wondered how many people would want to kiss me, but now that I've got my teeth in prison bars, I know nobody wants to and it just--"
He grabbed your face and smashed his lips onto yours; you hummed out a little shocked noise, eyes going wide. With your eyes open, you could see him closer than you'd ever seen him before... his own eyes were shut tight, like he was focusing completely on this, and even though part of your mind was freaking out because this was your best friend kissing you right now, in front of everyone, your body went limp and you relaxed against him. He let go of your face, holding your hips instead and pulling you closer. Gently, his tongue traced your lips, and you let your mouth fall open slightly so he could taste inside of it.
He, meanwhile, tasted a little bit like cigarettes and orange soda, but in a good way... maybe it was only good because you could taste him, and he was so wonderful. Gaining just a bit of confidence, you reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck; you felt him smile a bit against you, tilting his head to kiss you deeper.
You had to be careful not to moan out loud into it. Nobody had ever kissed you like this-- this was like one of those movie kisses, sudden and crazy but just undeniably perfect and, frankly, long overdue.
He pulled back quickly, leaving you stunned and craving more, as you looked up at him and waited for some kind of explanation of what the hell just happened.
"Yeah, I think that was pretty great," he announced. "Now I can speak from experience: the braces are fine."
"Really?" you mumbled nervously.
"Uh huh! Actually," he began, suddenly looking uncharacteristically shy for a brief moment, "they're kinda sexy."
A flood of emotions hit your brain when you heard that, and you were totally speechless, but you couldn't fight back the wide grin that covered your face.
Tenderly, he reached up to your face again, running his thumb over where your cheeks were raised from your beaming expression. "Please never stop smiling," he requested. "It's a waste of a pretty face to try to cover it up."
"Okay," you agreed. "I won't stop smiling if you don't stop kissing me. It's a waste of a great kiss to just do it once and then go back to being just friends."
He chuckled lightly, the sound warming your heart. "Yeah, alright-- you've got a deal."
"Uh, so... are we gonna get back to the campaign now?" Gareth asked nervously, and you and Eddie looked over at where the entire club had re-assembled at the table and were staring at the two of you.
"Shut up, they're having a moment!" Jeff scolded.
"Don't worry, guys, we'll get back to playing," you promised, stepping back from Eddie and letting go of his shoulders.
"Hey, how about you sit on my lap for the rest of the game?" Eddie suggested with a tilted grin and a devious sparkle in his eyes.
"Absolutely not," you laughed, but he never expected you to agree to that-- he just wanted to see your smile one more time.
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wonwussy · 4 months
Route 14
pairing; seungkwan x reader
genre; fluff
notes/warnings; teeth achingly sweet and fluffy. maybe slight angst of that mutual pining, but not true angst. um... nothing too crazy though. unless you don't like road trips. then you probably shouldn't read. this is part of the cupid for you collab with svthub. this is for my valentine, @seokgyuu! mitchie, i'm sorry i didn't leave many messages... i was afraid i was going to give something away! i hope you enjoy reading this as much i enjoyed writing it. i hope you don't need to see a dentist for cavities after all the sucrose shoved into this tiny package. <3 i hope you have a wonderful valentine's day!
word count; 2178
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You glance at Seungkwan out of the corner of your eyes, struggling to hold back a smile as he sings along to the radio at full volume. You always love listening to him sing, and how it never fails that the sound of his voice brings a smile to your face. It was one of the many things that you love about him.
And he had no clue.
Of course, why would he? You never shared how you feel about him, too scared it would ruin your friendship. You had been best friends for as long as you can remember, which was a middle school drama class that had caused you to shrink back and him to flourish. He was vibrant and funny and all the things you thought you weren’t then. He realized you were laughing at his antics, and he was drawn to you. He hadn’t left your side ever since, and you had been grateful every day.
There were times where he needed you, just as much as you needed him. This is one of those times. A short road trip. Seungkwan never liked driving alone, especially on long distances, and you always ended up in the passenger seat when he decided to get some space and air from the city. Today is no different.
“Did you know today was Valentine’s Day?” he asks suddenly, pulling you from your thoughts of days gone by.
“Hm? Is it?” You pause as you check the date on your phone, scrunching your nose when you realize he is right. “I forgot. Then again, I think my brain is still stuck in January, the month that lasted five years,” you joke with a laugh, leaning your head back against the seat.
Seungkwan scoffs and shakes his head, readjusting his hands on the steering wheel. “It didn’t last five years. You’re just being dramatic.”
You stick your tongue out at him, before letting out a laugh. “And if I wasn’t, I don’t think you’d like me as much.”
He mutters something under his breath, though you can’t quite make out the words. He clears his throat and chances a quick glance at you. Even though he couldn’t look too long, eyes have to be kept on the road, it’s enough for him to appreciate how pretty you look. The sun shining on your skin, hair styled perfectly messy (even if that wasn’t your aim when you were getting ready), eyes fixed on your phone. Just… perfect. Comfortable. Beautiful.
“Where are we going anyway? You didn’t say,” you ask after a moment, not looking up from your phone in your hands.
He shrugs one shoulder and taps the steering wheel with his thumb lightly. “I don’t know. Didn’t have a plan on the destination. Maybe I’ll just drive until I decide to stop, turn around, and go back home,” he replies. It’s only a half lie. He knows where he’s going to stop, but he’ll turn around there and go back home. “Did you have anywhere specific you wanted to go?”
You shake your head and peer out the window, watching the scenery fly by. You aren’t sure where you are, nothing seems familiar, but you trust Seungkwan to not get too lost. And if he did, you have apps to get you back. “No. Wherever is fine.” Just as long as you are with him.
He nods once and reaches over to turn the radio back up as you settle back in the seat, your attention turning back to your phone. Your thoughts drift back to Seungkwan, and your friendship, and you have to fight the urge to sigh over the whole situation. How you fell for your best friend, and now you are struggling with whether or not to tell him. Did you want to take that chance and possibly ruin your friendship?
Sure, there had been flirting between you two over the years, but nothing ever serious and always innocent. The feelings crept in slowly at first, then hit you all at once. You know what it feels like to hold his hand, but to know how it REALLY feels to hold it was another story. You want to know. You want his touch to stir the butterflies, to make you giddy, to make you feel like that middle schooler who was laughing at those silly little jokes the classmate was making. You wonder what it’s like to kiss him, to have him hold you at night, to feel him touching you everywhere with those pretty hands of his.
You inhale sharply at the thought, and you can feel the heat creep into your cheeks. You reach for the bottle of water in the cup holder and take a long swig, hoping it will help you cool down back to normal.
Seungkwan furrows his brow and glances at you as you grab the water, and he can tell there’s a shift in the air in the car. “Are you okay?” he asks. Why did it feel more charged between you two? Could you sense how he felt about you? What was on his mind?
You nod a little too quickly, recapping the bottle and letting it settle between your legs. “Yeah. I’m fine. Great. Never better,” you answer, knowing you sound unconvincing. You clear your throat and shift in your seat a little, turning your head to look outside. ‘Change the subject, change the subject, change the subject,’ you tell yourself silently. You need to get your mind into different thoughts, before you get too weird. Then he’ll know for sure something is up. Lucky for you, Seungkwan speaks up before you can say anything.
“Hey, there’s like a roadside lookout up here. Let’s stop,” he says as he checks his blindspots. Of course he knew it was coming up. He scouted this route a couple days ago, and had Hoshi and Chan go with him to make sure it was a good spot. He, of course, didn’t tell them what it was all about. They wouldn’t have been able to keep it a secret from anyone, and he needed it kept a secret. If everyone knew, if you knew, he’d chicken out and claim it was false.
He switches lanes to pull off at the exit, letting the music fill the space between you. You sit up a little as you set the water bottle aside, your eyes fixed out of the window as the car takes a beat up road through some trees. “Um, are you sure we aren’t heading straight into a Hills Have Eyes situation?” you question as he swerves around a large branch in the road. It certainly didn’t seem like it was a path anyone ever took. At least not often.
“I mean, the sign said it was this way, so it’s gotta be this way,” he assures you. He knows for sure, since he had been already, but you couldn’t know that. “You trust me, right?”
You lick your lips as you look over at him, studying his profile. It is an innocent enough question, but for you, in that moment, it holds so much. “With my life,” you reply softly, a small smile pulling at the corners of your mouth. Your smile only grows when he smiles at your words, shifting your gaze out the windshield.
It isn’t too much longer before the car reaches the end of the path, which opens to a large leaf and dirt covered patch. It must be where people park so they can walk to the lookout. The spots are all empty, so it seems like you two are the only visitors right now. Which makes sense, given the road out there was debris covered and uneven. Must not be a popular spot.
Seungkwan parks the car up by a run down wooden post, marked by animals and automotive paint scrapes from those who didn’t stop in time. He doesn’t say anything as he turns the car off and climbs out, stretching his arms above his head. He reaches back in for his sweatshirt, motioning for you to join him. “Grab your sweater. It’s a little chilly because of the shade,” he informs you, before shutting the door.
You nod as you follow his advice, before exiting the car as well. You follow suit and stretch your limbs out, glancing at him as you pull your sweater on. “It’s quiet out here. Peaceful,” you comment as you meet him up at the beginning of the path.
He smiles as he looks around, shoving his hands into his sweatshirt pockets. “It is. I like it. Seems like a good spot to just… get away. Clear your mind, y’know?”
You two fall silent as you make your way down the dirt path, and you can’t help but scan your surroundings. Tall trees, moss covered logs, squirrels watching you warily from their perches. It is almost straight from a storybook, though usually in those stories there is some big bad wolf waiting to ruin everything. You just hope a big bad wolf doesn’t ruin things for you.
The path isn’t very long, and when you reach the end, you’re greeted with a spectacular view of the landscape. The green rolling hills covered in shadows from the clouds drifting by, a lake brilliantly reflecting the sun off in the distance, the blacktop of the road winding off into the horizon. You let out a breath of amazement and smile, just taking it all in. It is gorgeous, peaceful, and you want to make it yours and yours alone. Well, yours and Seungkwan’s.
Seungkwan has already seen the view, appreciated it, so his eyes are on you. Taking in your smile, the wonder in your eyes, how your chest rises and falls as you breathe in the clean air. To him, you’re more beautiful than the clouds, the hills, the trees. To him, you’re perfect. He licks his lips as he digs his toe into the ground, silently urging himself to say something. Before the moment is gone. Before he loses his chance, possibly forever. “I really like you,” he blurts out, his brows furrowing as you speak at the same time.
You blink as his words sort themselves out in your head, your heart nearly stopping. You know what you said, what you couldn’t stop yourself from saying, but did he really say the same thing? And did you both confess your feelings to each other at the same time? Suddenly, laughter spills from your lips, and Seungkwan can’t help but join in when he realizes what’s happened. “Are you serious?” you ask through your laughter, turning to face him.
He can’t help but laugh even more at your question and nods. It’s not how he pictured this going, he’d never in a million years think you felt the same way, but it was perfect. It was you and him, and it honestly made sense that it happened like this. His laughter finally subsides and he nods again, studying you carefully. “Yeah, I’m serious. I’ve liked you for a long time, and things weren’t making complete sense until recently. I was so scared to tell you, because I didn’t want to ruin anything or make things awkward. That’s why I planned this whole thing,” he confesses with a sheepish smile.
You let out another bark of laughter and shake your head at the ridiculousness of it all. “You idiot! You knew this was here the whole time? The view? You had this trip planned here to do this?” You let yourself fall against him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you hug him, while he catches you and holds you close to him. “You idiot,” you repeat much softer. “I’ve had feelings for you for a while too. I didn’t want you to find out, because I thought you’d be weirded out.”
You can feel his breath against your neck as he scoffs, and you pull back a little to look at him. “I thought you were going to figure out this whole thing earlier. I asked about the day, asked to take a drive… I thought you caught on when I pulled off the road,” he tells you with a grin.
You shake your head and lean up to press your lips to his in a soft kiss. And there they were. The butterflies. The giddiness. The pure joy. It was a quick kiss, lingering just long enough for you two to revel in the first kiss bliss. “No, I didn’t. I thought you knew what I was thinking earlier,” you shoot back breathlessly.
He lifts his head and quirks an eyebrow as he looks down at you. “When you grabbed the water? What were you thinking?”
“Nothing. I’ll tell you later,” you reply quickly, before kissing him again. “So, where are you taking me for Valentine’s Day?”
He scoffs again and rolls his eyes, gesturing to the landscape in front of you. “Isn’t this enough?” he replies, your laugh echoing against the hills.
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saw444kowo · 7 months
on the verge of dying falling
🦕miguel x reader
author's note 2: i pet a dog today. life? completed.
author's note 3: does that mean my mental health is better? probably not. but we up 🗣‼️
author's note 4: i physically hurt myself while writing this. also dedicated to @unabashedcroissanttreefan (ly pookie wifey)
synopsis: he's on the verge of dying. you're the hq nurse who healed him. you saved him,but it seems he wants something more from you.
content: miguel x gender neutral reader (though fem reader was in mind), reader is hq's nurse, mention of dying, hospital talk, ooc miguel? injury and angst
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“Lyla, do you have any tips for migraines?” asked Miguel,
- I don’t, she replies with a smile, but I have to remind you you have to go to the nursery for your weekly check-up.
-Do I really have to go? Asked Miguel with a pout. You know they scare me and -
-Seriously? You’re fighting anomalies all year long and you’re scared of a little check-up? (she laughs) you’re really strange.
- I know but-
-No buts! I booked you an appointment at 2:30pm!
-It’s no fair (he does the same pout as he did before) why don’t you have to go?
- That’s the perk of having no physical body! (she winks) plus I heard they’re super nice!”
While Lyla and Miguel waited for their appointment, you were doing some stuff in your office. Once 2:30pm arrived, you head a gentle knock on your door.
“-Hello! Is this your first time there? You ask with a smile. I don’t remember seeing you there. Lyla told me you’d come but she didn’t tell me your name. You are?
- I’m hum, I’m Miguel O'Hara. He stutters, uncertain.
-Nice to meet you then! (you smile as you wave his hand, check your files and notice he never came to the supposedly mandatory weekly check-ups.) No wonder why I never saw you there! You exclaim on a light-hearted tone. So-
-No need to worry about that! He hurries. I just came there because of my migraines, they’re pretty frequent and-
-Oh! You cut him off. It’s simple, you just have to take this! (you hand him a little box of painkillers.) But if I were you, I’d be careful as frequent migraines can be a sign of early stage brain cancer. So I’d recommend you to do a full body check up, so that we could notice (déceler) some tumors. But if you want to go, I’m not forcing you to stay!
The desperate look Miguel gave you made you understand he was willing to stay.
-Do we really have to do this? He uncertainly asked as you got him laying down on a dentist chair.
-Yes! You say as you put on a surgeon mask. A full body check-up isn’t a full body one if I don’t check your teeth too! Now open wide!
A few moments go by as you inspect his teeth, when all of a sudden you feel a sharp jolt of pain go through your hand.
-I’m sorry! Miguel hurried, I didn’t mean to do that!
- It’s fine don’t worry! You reassure him as you put a bandage on your hand where he bit you. At least I found the issue! If your head hurt so much it was simply because your teeth are moving.
- So the whole brain cancer thing was a lie?
-Partly, but I told you this because weekly check-ups are important! You say as you pout lightly. I was starting to think you never came because you hated me… Anyway, can you please fill in this? It’s a medical about me sheet! The more honest and accurate you will be, the better I will be able to heal you! I know I may look scary, but I mean no harm really! Just see me as a friend, okay?
“A friend?” Miguel thought to himself, and a strange warmth invaded his heart. He has been a loner most of his life, but it sure felt nice to know he could reach out to someone whenever he needed to.
- You WHAT? Lyla exclaimed as you were away to get some medicine.
-I bit them. Miguel admitted shamefully.
- Now they’re the one who’s going to be scared of you! Lyla chuckled between laughter.
- I like you a whole bunch but if you don’t shut up right now I’ll turn the WiFi off.
- Say what you want, I saw how hard you blushed when they got you sitting down!
- Aight that’s it I’m turning you off-
- You better not-
A few moments later, you came back in the room with some syringes and a plaster mold.
-Uhh, what is all that for? Miguel asked, unsure.
- It’s because you need braces! You say as you hand him the plaster mold. Instead of biting my hand, bite this instead please!
-I need… braces?
- Mhm! It’s because of your fangs! For some reason, when they grew they pushed back your other teeth and that’s where all your migraines came from! If you came more often, you would’ve not needed these!
///…A few moments later…///
-There we go! Don’t hesitate to come again if they’re too tight, but normally the painkillers should be enough!
Once Miguel was gone, you treated your other patients until the end of your day, and decided to check Miguel’s file.
- Yes?
- Can you tell me more about Miguel’s past? I noticed a weird mark on his shoulder and he didn’t mention anything similar in his file.
-I love you a whole bunch sunshine, but you know I can’t do this.
-Please? I need to know if I want to heal him more efficiently!
-Fine, Lyla sighed. Before the whole spiderverse protection thing, he worked at Alchemax and found out some bad stuff happened, his boss found out he knew so he forced him to take some shitty drugs which turned him into an addict.
-But why didn’t he tell me?
Lyla raised an eyebrow and smiled.
- Well sunshine, you know how he is! She chuckled, Always grumpy and never wanting to admit his weaknesses! And probably because he wanted you to have a good first impression of him!
-Ohhh. You think out loud. That makes much more sense now.
-One last thing sunshine! (you turn your head towards her) You didn’t hear this from me,
okay? Don’t mention any of this unless he speaks about it first!
-Mkay! Thanks, you’re the best Lyla!
A few weeks later, you kept on meeting and healing random patients, but you had no sign of Miguel.
-Is there anything new today? You ask Lyla, feeling like boredom getting the best of you.
-Nope, still nothing sunshine. Are you okay? She asked with a hint of worry in her voice.
-I’m fine, you sigh as you laid back on your chair, it’s just… Not being a spiderperson is boring.
- You know, by healing all those heroes, it’s as if you save people as well!
- I mean, if you put it that way… You chuckled. Thank you Lyla, you truly know how to cheer up people! (someone knocked on the door) Miguel? What are you doing here?
- I came here uh… Because I ran out of medicine.
-Oh! Of course! There you go!
-Thank you, he mumbles. I also got you this by the way, he stutters, handing you a wildflowers bouquet. As an apology for uh… Your hand.
-Oh! Thank you, but you really didn’t need to! You thank him with a genuine smile. Did you need anything else from me?
-I’ll be fine thank you!
-You’re the one who gave him the idea right?
- You wouldn’t believe me if I told you I didn’t, right?
-Not in the slightest, you chuckled, but it’s still cute though!
A few weeks pass as you find yourself daydreaming again while Miguel and the others were on a mission.
- What do you think of Miguel? Lyla asked you on a soft innocent tone.
-What do you mean by that? You ask her back, intrigued.
- Well, he got you your favorites flowers, and ever since that day he seems like to get injured pretty often, even if it’s just small cuts…
- I see the point you’re trying to make and – don’t you give me that look, you say as you notice Lyla smirking, he’s my boss, OK? He’s probably acting like this because I’m the only person bringing him some comfort and-
-That’s the exact reason he would fall in love with someone! Think about it! I see how he is with you, it’s as if he’d trust you enough to talk to you about his daughter!
- Really? You ask in disbelief.
-Yes! Even though he sucks at showing so, I can assure you he cares about you! I’ve known him for years now, and he acts with you like he acts with nobody and-
At this exact moment, Miguel abruptly came in the room, badly injured? He had a lot of cuts all over his body and was losing so much blood he was on the verge of passing out.
- Please… Need… Healing… he murmured.
- Lyla, scan his vital lifeline and tell me which ones need healing first! You hurried, trying your best to keep your calm.
- There’s a serious wound near his heart! Be quick, he’s losing a lot of blood!
- Lyla… Miguel said, barely whispering. Am I going to die?
- Of course! But not today! You say as you kept on pressing on his wounds, making a fortune bandage out of random fabric you found. Lyla, call Pablo and tell her to come here and put Miguel in intensive care.
-Lyla… Miguel whispered, his eyes closed, tell y/n I love them, OK? Thank you… For every… thing… Think I’m going… to sleep … a little now…
He then put his head on your lap, waiting for the robot to arrive, while you cupped his face, crying silently.
- It’s not your fault, sunshine, you did your best, Lyla tried to reassure you as you both waited in front of Miguel’s hospital room.
- Apparently, it wasn’t enough… you sigh, defeated. Be honest, do you think he’ll survive?
- I don’t know sunshine, I don’t know…
A few hours passed as you both nervously waited for any doctor to give you news of Miguel, but every person you asked didn’t know or simply ignored you. You then started to fall asleep on your chair, the exhaustion getting the best of you, when a doctor gently patted your shoulder to wake you up.
-Y/N? I have news for you. You brought Miguel… (he checks his files) Miguel O'Hara, right? (you nod as you feel your heart miss a beat). He got seriously injured and he lost a lot of blood, so we had to put him in an artificial coma. We don’t know if he’ll make it, but I’m sure he would appreciate some company. Would you mind following me please?
The doctor then led you to Miguel’s room before softly closing the door behind you.
- Hi, uh, I hope you’re doing OK wherever you are. The doctors said you would like some company, so I’m staying here for a while. I don’t know if you can hear me, but if you can, well, I’m sorry. I really did try my best to save you. And… if I failed… (a knot starts forming in your throat) if you joined your daughter, well, I hope you’re happy with her. And I hope what you told Lyla earlier, the ‘tell Y/N I love them, was true. Because, even though bringing a smile to your face is the hardest thing to do – you know I always like a challenge! You chuckle with a faint smile, I still want to see that grumpy, but lovely, face of yours. Anyway, I’ll stop talking for a while, but I’ll stay here until I have news from the doctors. Please don’t leave us. The multiverse needs you. I need you.
You then kept on telling him random details of your day, as a way to convince yourself he was still alive. You kept on doing so for so much time you ended up falling asleep with your head on his chest, listening to his slow and steady heartbeat.
- Y/N? Softly murmured Miguel after what seemed to you an eternity. He looked a bit taken aback seeing you like this, slowly waking up from your head on his chest.
- Miguel!! you happily exclaimed as you hugged him, wiping away your tears. I thought you were – you know- I thought you didn’t make it and it would be all my fault and-
- Hey hey, he reassured you, softly patting your back, secretly surprised someone cared about him enough to visit him in his hospital room. I’m alive see? I’m a big boy! (he coughs) can you please go ask the doctors for more painkillers please?
A few moments passed as the doctors gave Miguel more medicine. You and Lyla were now talking with the doctors to see when Miguel could go out of the hospital. By a shared agreement, it has been decided that Miguel could leave the hospital only if he lived with a near caregiver.
- There is my apartment! You say as both reached your doorstep. It’s not that big but it’ll -
-Thank you. You truly saved my life.
- That’s my job, silly! You replied with a bright and relieved smile. At least, by living with me, I’ll be able to heal you right away! However, I have a bad news: now, check-ups won’t be weekly anymore but daily!
- But -
- No but! Now get your ass on the couch and relax before I force you to, and r e l a x! You've been through hell today and you need some rest!
You then headed to the kitchen to make something to eat for the both of you, but to your surprise, when you came back, you found him asleep on your couch, it was truly an endearing view.
///…The next morning… ///
-Time to change those bandages, you say to yourself, as a way to give yourself courage.
You then got on top of him, putting your legs on both sides of his hips. You started to take off the bandages on his face, taking endless precautions to not hurt him.
You didn’t notice Miguel was awake until you felt his hands on your waist.
-You’re cute when you’re on top of me, he chuckled with a sly smirk, we should do this more often.
You firmly push him back on the couch before adding:
- Not now big boy, making me flustered won’t make this faster for both of us, now stay still, will you?
You then lightly push his hair back to not hurt him while taking off his bandages. You tried your best to stay focused, but the thing is he still had his hands around your waist, and you would be lying if you told yourself he didn’t look cute underneath you…
After a few moments, Miguel finally broke the silence:
- I didn’t tell you, but you look very cute, carinõ
You rolled your eyes, but your blushing cheeks betrayed you.
Once you were done healing him, you headed to the kitchen to make breakfast for both of you.
Your thoughts were racing like crazy. What if Lyla was right? What if Miguel did see you as more than a friend? Even worse, what if you reciprocated these hypothetical feelings?
A few more days passed as Miguel could now take care of himself on his own.
- Well, there you go… you sigh, your heart aching a bit from seeing him leave. I’m glad you’ve fully recovered now, don’t hesitate to come agai-
He interrupted you by kissing you, having you slightly pinned against the wall of your apartment’s doorstep. It felt like a relief to both of you, as if none of you dared to do it, yet it was like the physical contact was a life threatening need for the both of you.
The kiss was fierce and passionate, yet there was something – you couldn’t quite put your finger on it – you couldn’t help but find cute.
You both stayed in this position for what seemed eternity, but what is an eternity when you are in love?
On the verge of dying falling
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dearfuturehusbandblog · 2 months
ZMAN CHEIRUSEINU aka "I'M the terrible communicator!?!?!?!!"
Dear Future Husband,
I hope nobody ever quizzes me on this blog because there are so many things that I've started and stopped writing that never got posted that I literally never remember what I've actually put here...
Not that that's really fully relevant to what I was thinking about writing now, but I currently have two unfinished posts in my drafts folder (amidst 25 others that will probably never get posted) that are just a recap of this year so far.
Because I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare.
Explaining what's going on right now is kind of problematic because I haven't provided the lengthy backstory yet (which is one of the drafts I have yet to finish...)
Suffice to say, MotherLivelyHeart is being a nightmare to me again.
I think I've shared before that MLH and I share a vehicle? If not... yeah, we share a car. I'll have to look through my posts to see if I've explained that situation before, because that's one more thing to check off the "my life absolutely f*ing sucks" list.
Usually this isn't the worst thing in the world because we operate on different schedules and there isn't much crossover when it comes to who needs the car when, and when there is I usually drop her off somewhere, do what I need to do, and pick her up after.
For the record, I HATE when she offers the opposite because I have a history of being abandoned in places waiting for her to pick me up and it gives me such severe anxiety.
So last week on Sunday I asked MLH what her plans were for the next day. I asked this because I overheard a phone call she received on Friday from the dentist's office about an appointment she had on Monday at noon that she hadn't told me anything about and I knew if I was going to ever find out she was going to take the car, I would have to be the one to ask her. So I asked. And wouldn't you believe it, she had a dentist appointment on Monday at noon! Shocker.
Now, I'd been out of work since the beginning of January (again, details will hopefully be in another post) so I had a lot to take care of at work last Monday and I told her that.
We agreed she would have the car for her appointment and I would take the car to work when she got home.
Come Monday afternoon, suddenly everything has changed.
You see, her boss called in sick and she had the day off because she has a specific job that requires her to work alongside her boss and if he doesn't work, she doesn't work.
So she had the day off. Joy.
Of course, did she tell this to me directly? No.
Did she message me this information? No.
I'm just supposed to approach her and ask, "hey, did your boss call in sick and give you the day off?" I guess.
So she went to her appointment and ran some errands and called me while she was still out. Apparently some specific water bottles she can only get in like two places were available at one store about 20 minutes away from our house and she placed a pickup order so she could get them before they were sold out. The order had to be picked up between like 2:30-3:30pm and she called me at around 1:30.
She picked a pickup time that was directly during the time I was supposed to be at work.
Which she knew.
Because I told her this literally the day before.
So I told her fine. She should do the pickup order and when she got back I would take the car to work.
"Well, I also wanted to go swimming."
*Deep breath* Ok, what time is swimming?
"From 2-9pm."
At this point I didn't know how long I'd be at work because one of the things I had to take care of could be like 4-6 hours and I didn't know if there would be enough time when I was done to get home and let her get to the pool with enough time to swim before they closed.
"Ok, well why don't you go swimming, do the pickup order, and then I'll take the car to work?"
"Well, I want to come home and eat something first."
Ok. So now, what was supposed to be my time to take the car is going to be "stolen" by her coming home (15 minutes), eating something (15 minutes), going to swim (40 minutes), getting the pickup order (30 minutes), and coming back home (20 minutes).
This is TWO HOURS off of my time.
So she came home, ate something, and changed into her bathing suit. She left around 2pm for the pool.
I assumed at this point I'd hear from her around 3:30pm that she was around the corner.
But 3:30 came and went.
4:00pm came and went.
4:30pm came and went.
5:00pm came and BigSis messaged that she would be done at work in an hour and could either of us give her a ride home?
So it's been three hours without an update from MLH, but then she responds "I should be on my way back from the pickup order then."
EXCUSE ME!?!?!?!
She left for the pool at 2pm. THREE HOURS have gone by and she hasn't even gotten the pickup order that was supposed to be picked up between 2:30-3:30pm!?!?!?!!?!?
But she tells me that I'M a terrible communicator.
I was supposed to get the car by 1:30pm latest. It was now after 5pm and I STILL hadn't gotten to work yet.
As much as I hate when she offers to drop me off at work so she can take care of things that will take a few hours, SHE DIDN'T EVEN ASK ME THAT. She made it seem like I would have the car all afternoon to take care of what I needed to at work. And when her plans shifted, she made it seem like I'd have the car by 3:30pm latest.
But I'M the terrible communicator.
At that point I was so frickin annoyed already. MLH messaged me "should I get her or just come home" and I was so peeved I said "just get her because if you come home and I take the car I'm not picking her up."
She didn't respond to that message.
No thumbs up. No "ok." Just nothing.
Then at 6:12pm I get a message from her "car's downstairs in front."
So no message from BigSis that MLH had picked her up and they were heading home. No "we're around the corner." No nothing except over an hour later "take it."
At that point it was too late for me to do some of the things I needed to take care of for work because, again, I was supposed to have been there FIVE HOURS EARLIER. And a friend messaged and asked if I could go with her to Costco, so I said to hell with it and I went to Costco with her.
While I was at Costco I messaged both MotherLivelyHeart and BigSis about what I was getting so we were all on the same page. Included in that message was eggs because, well, I was getting eggs.
I got home at like 10pm and MotherLivelyHeart and BigSis were already asleep. I made a couple of mini salami kugels with some spinach that oddly floated to the top, waited for them to cool, tried 1/4 of one before sticking them in the fridge.
Next morning I open the fridge and there's a new carton of 1.5 dozen eggs. Because apparently MLH went to the supermarket early in the morning and got eggs because "we were out."
Oh, but it gets better. Because the salami kugel I had tasted the night before was missing.
BigSis was working from home so I asked her about it and she said she had no clue.
So I asked MotherLivelyHeart about it, thinking maybe it slipped out of the fridge, smashed, and she threw it out.
But no.
Guess who ate it.
Yep, the woman who has been suffering from gout and avoiding meat for the better part of a year.
The woman who saw it in the fridge and said to herself "oh, that's one of the broccoli kugels LivelyHeart made for herself for Shabbos that she said wasn't good. I guess I'll eat that for breakfast without asking her if she really doesn't want it because although she's on a weird diet right now, there's no way she's made a meal plan for herself that includes this food item she made for herself."
Because, did she message me to ask if she could have it?
Did she knock on my door to ask if she could have it?
Halfway through eating it she realized it was salami.
And she still finished the whole thing.
And still at NO POINT did she message me AT ALL to even tell me that she ate it.
I had to find out by inquiring OF HER.
I shouldn't be mad.
It's just food, after all, right?
Except that it's not.
It's a frickin pattern of carelessness and disregard for me as a person.
And I'm so frickin sick of it.
I'm so damn tired.
It wouldn't have killed her to ask.
It wouldn't have killed her to apologize.
And what I haven't really explained here (because again, that's in a draft post) is that I've been on an elimination diet since January 1st which has cut most things from my available food selections.
But is she on an elimination diet?
So we have a HOUSEFUL, a PANTRYFUL, and a FRIDGEFUL of food she can eat.
And she chooses the ONE thing I made FOR ME.
Which she KNEW I made for ME.
Instead of the MYRIAD OF THINGS that she can eat that I can't.
Which means that she's not only taken a meal from me, but now I'm at a food deficit from the fridge while she lives in abundance.
So let's leap forward to today.
Today was Shabbos mevorchim. Pesach is in two weeks.
And MotherLivelyHeart decided we are going to change over the kitchen two weeks ahead this year.
So she scheduled her cleaning lady to come tomorrow (Sunday) to help clean the kitchen so it can be turned over.
Did she take into account that this would be motzei Shabbos and that we'd have to make Shabbos and that would involve dirty dishes and use of the stove/oven and pots and pans?
Yeah, no.
Did she take into account that the way she wants to clean the oven requires the oven to be self-cleaned before and after which takes a good several hours and creates so much smoke that we'd have to keep the windows open and also it's like 40F right now and she also wanted to go to sleep early because the cleaning lady is coming at like 8am?
Yeah, no.
BigSis went over the oven cleaning thing with her and she exclaimed "are you kidding me?! Then why am I having the cleaning lady come tomorrow?!"
Oh, but there's more. Because there's always more.
Thursday was another nightmare day for various reasons. One of which was that I ran errands with MotherLivelyHeart.
She scheduled an appointment for smackdab in the middle of the time I told her I'd be working.
And she wanted to drop me off at work and pick me up when I was done.
Well absofrickinlutelynot, thankyouverymuch.
I was supposed to work until 6pm.
I had told customers I would be available until 6pm.
Her appointment was scheduled for 6pm.
So of course "I need the car at 5:30pm."
She wanted to drive me to work earlier so that she could take the car at 5:30pm to her appointment that wouldn't be done until 7pm and then come get me an hour and a half after I was done working.
But I was supposed to trust that she wouldn't run errands or dilly dally around and that she'd actually get me at 7:30pm, which we know is never the case.
So I told her no, I'd be taking the car to work. But I would notify the customers I'd only be there until 5:30pm, at which point I'd get her and drive her to her appointment. Then while she was in her appointment I could do the Shabbos shopping, since it seemed pointless to have to wait for her to come home again before I could go out and shop.
For various reasons, we had three stores we needed to go to, one of which was about 20 minutes in the opposite direction of where her appointment was. I figured I could go there first, then on my way back to get her I could run by the other two stores, get her and then we'd go straight home.
But no.
Because it was raining and people apparently don't know how to drive in the rain. So despite me taking the highway, which should have cut like 10 minutes out of the ride each way, it took me about 30 minutes to get to that first store, which I was in for maybe 10 minutes, and as I was checking out MLH messaged "my appointment is almost over, where are you at?"
So all I had time for was turning around and going straight to get her.
Which, fine, whatever.
One of the stores we went to literally just for chicken.
And it was chicken for her because she wanted a specific type of breaded chicken for Shabbos.
So I figured I'd run into the store and grab it while she stayed in the car.
But no.
Because while I was unbuckling, she was unbuckling. Because she decided to come in.
So she went to look at side salads and I went to the chicken section where I waited but she never showed up.
Then I get a message from her.
"Where are you?"
Excuse me???? WHERE ARE YOU, WOMAN???
I told her I was at the chicken section waiting for her and she said "I already checked out. I'm going back to the car."
But she's checked out already!? WITH WHAT!?
Oh. Apparently something to eat. Because she's hangry.
Fine. Whatever.
So I bought her frickin chicken.
And then on the way home she got mad at me about three driving-related things that were out of my control (like the car started making a weird noise that might be the muffler, and there was a huge pothole I couldn't avoid, and I was coming to a stop at an intersection when some lady rounded the corner quickly and we barely missed colliding...) which resulted in her yelling at me that she hates the way I'm driving.
So, yeah, that was a fun ride home.
Anyway, on the way to her appointment she said "we never worked out a Shabbos menu."
I told her the same thing I've told her almost every week over the last three months: I'm eating differently from you guys, so you just tell me what you want and I'll grab it from the store, because I already have set aside what I'm going to eat.
And she tells me "my boss has off tomorrow, so I can cook."
Which is perfectly fine in my eyes because I'm still recovering from an injury (again, that's one of the drafted posts...) and I also had a horrendous cold for the previous two weeks so I'm still trying to get back to baseline. Any pressure off me is appreciated.
We basically worked out that for shabbos we'd do a big soup for Friday night (which I would make), then she wanted chicken (obvs) and I had bought green beans at Costco I told her she could have, and then Shabbos lunch would be fish and salady stuff.
Well, Friday rolls around.
The day already sucked because I tried adding some vegetables back into my diet during the week that are apparently problematic for my digestion. Fun.
But then MotherLivelyHeart decides to stick to her arbitrary Pesach cleaning schedule which says to clean the milchig dishes she's had piling up all week. So of course she decides to do this at like noon and doesn't finish the job and there are still milchig dishes in the sink at 3pm when I need to go in and make the soup.
Add onto that, one of my "chores" is the pareve dishes, some of which have been piling up too and also need to be done, which she feels the need to remind me of, despite her milchig dishes still filling the sink.
So I go in around 3pm and just start cooking, using the small bit of counter space that's available to me.
She decides that's the perfect time to finish the milchig dishes.
She gets them out of the way and reminds me YET AGAIN about the pareve dishes.
So around 4pm I'm back in the kitchen, doing the pareve dishes, of which I only got about half done because it was causing pain and I still had to cook.
So I pivoted and did the soup.
But nothing else had been cooked yet.
So I made the green beans.
And I had to separate the soups so I could add things to theirs that I can't eat.
At this point I'm still annoyed from her the day before, my insides are so unhappy with the newly tested foods, I'm in pain from the injury, and I'm trying to cook for Shabbos.
Around 6pm I asked BigSis if she could help with the chicken. She was like "I STILL HAVE TO SHOWER!!!" As though she didn't have all day for that and somehow me needing help is my fault. She said "if you had asked me like three hours ago I could have done it."
Except that three hours ago, the milchig dishes were still filling up the sink, so.... what exactly do you expect from me!?
Sometime a little earlier when MotherLivelyHeart had been in the kitchen it was clear I wasn't doing so well and she asked what was wrong and I described the pain and she was like "I'm sorry" and then disappeared.
So then she gets a "20 minutes to candle lighting" alarm on her phone, and she's been trying to light early in zchus of the hostages and chayalim, so she calls out "20 minutes to licht benchen." Which I responded to but she didn't hear, obviously, because she yelled again "LivelyHeart, did you hear me!?"
To which I responded an annoyed "YES!!" and she was like "you don't have to talk to me that way! I clearly didn't hear you. And BigSis and I can make Shabbos on our own, you know."
My responsibility based on our conversation was the soup.
SHE was supposed to do the chicken and the green beans and whatever else they wanted.
So now she's annoyed at me because I'm annoyed at her for not doing the thing she was supposed to do, but I'M the one in the wrong.
FINE. Whatever.
In the end I didn't do the chicken.
I literally didn't have the strength for it, let alone the energy.
Not that it was really missed at the meal, but she was a bit annoyed and gave me that same "BigSis and I can cook for Shabbos on our own, you know." To which I responded "You said you were going to cook." I literally don't even remember what her response was.
Well, fast forward through Shabbos to tonight because I asked her if she wanted the chicken for melava malka or if we should stick it in the freezer for a week since it's KFP.
She wanted it for melava malka.
Which, fine, whatever.
I told her if she could bread it, I would cook it.
She got gloves, she got bowls, she got the chicken, and she got eggs.
She did not get the other ingredients she needed for the breading. Or a plate to put it on. Or a fork.
She sat down at the table and then asked me to get the other ingredients.
Which, fine. Whatever.
I got an interesting piece of mail that I'll discuss in another post when I know more what's going on with it, but it basically called my attention to research something. So I was on my computer off to the side while she was breading the chicken.
The next thing I know, she's frying the chicken.
I went into the kitchen and asked her why she was frying it when I told her I would do it for her since cooking usually exhausts her, and she got all frustrated and exasperated at me and said something like "I DON'T HAVE ALL NIGHT TO WAIT FOR YOU."
And I was like, "what are you talking about!? I was waiting for you to finish breading it! you didn't tell me you were done!"
Which just pissed her off more.
But this is the time of year we celebrate freedom, right?
This is the time of year we thank Hashem for rescuing us from a horrible situation.
Well, where's mine?
We're supposed to celebrate every year as though WE ALL left Mitzrayim.
As though we were ALL saved.
But I am not saved.
I have never been saved.
The stupidity I've just described above is just a piece of the insane patterning of my entire life.
I have no escape from this nonsense.
And I'm just so done with all of it.
I want it all to be over.
I want it all to go away.
Where's my freedom?
Where's my salvation?
I really have to finish those other two drafts, because this isn't even the clearest picture of what I've been dealing with since 2024 started. It's barely April and I just want this secular year to be over.
There are a couple of people who have suggested guys to me over the last several months and, although they're not really what I'm looking for, right now I just don't have the emotional energy for a new relationship. I'm just so burned out from this one that I deal with every frickin day of my stupid life, which of course I can't even tell these people.
So... dear future husband, I hope you can hang in there, because I don't know when I'll be ready for you.
But maybe by then I'll be a good communicator.
And now for the story after the story:
So, after that disaster of a drive back from the store on Thursday night, we got home around 8:30pm and although she got something small to eat from that second supermarket I knew that MotherLivelyHeart hadn't eaten anything since lunch so when I made dinner for myself I made a second bowl for her. I brought it to her and she said "oh... you didn't have to do that." Not a lot of enthusiasm there.
She didn't eat it for about a half an hour, by which time it was probably cold, and the next thing I knew, she was in bed going to sleep without another word about how it was.
Now, I don't demand praise or feedback for anything I cook, but she usually makes a comment about whatever I make, so I found it odd that she was silent on the matter.
On Friday I went to ask her about something else and while I was talking to her I asked how her dinner was the night before and she said something along the lines of, "it was... interesting. ground chicken just doesn't cook well, it's not your fault. you prepared it well, it's just not that good. ground turkey is better."
No "thank you," no "it was sweet of you to think of me," no "I appreciate the effort especially considering that you're working through the pain right now."
Just meh.
I love when I'm appreciated.
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anextrapart · 1 year
how do you think it would have gone if chuck had let jimmy be a lawyer at hhm?? would jimmy and kim be together?
Well firstly, a core tenet of my belief system is that Kim and Jimmy are together and happy in every conceivable version of reality, so everyone jot that right on down.
If things were to go the way of Jimmy at HHM, I think it would be a much kinder universe for our main characters. To my eyes the thing that first really broke Jimmy and set him in the wrong direction was finding out that Chuck didn't believe in him the way Jimmy thought he did. If we're viewing his scamming behavior as an addiction and/or self-harm (which I personally think the show often does) then that is the event that kicks off Jimmy's "relapse"- he loses (his perception of) Chuck's good opinion of him, returns to Cicero, falls back into old habits that are heavily enabled by Marco, and there we have it. He's back on the road.
If Jimmy had been hired as a lawyer at HHM, I honestly think he would have been fine. People there clearly liked him, he works hard, and he spent a long time in the mailroom so he can obviously handle boring work (which to my understanding is a lot of what low-level associates need to do). And he'd have an entire building of senior lawyers looking over him all day long; there's very little he'd be able to get away with. And for that matter I don't know how inclined to game the system Jimmy would even be at that point. He made it ten years in the mailroom toeing the line and not getting into trouble, so being insanely busy, surrounded by people who like him (including Kim), making money, with the approval of his big brother, does not feel like a time he'd suddenly start slipping.
To me, the main thing that Chuck was wrong about was that Jimmy relapsing was an inevitability, rather than just a possibility. (And by trying to control Jimmy's access to the law due to that belief, Chuck inadvertently helped set in motion the path to Saul Goodman. That's a huge oversimplification, but if Jimmy hadn't been trying to scrape up clients and money he wouldn't have needed the Kettlemens, wouldn't have tried to scam them, wouldn't have met Tuco or Nacho, wouldn't have formed a connection with Mike, and so on.) I 100% believe that Chuck loves Jimmy, but he can be dismissive, not to mention judgmental and elitist. So if we create a version of reality where Chuck doesn't have as big a stick up his ass, I think Jimmy could have done well at HHM. And since I believe that one of the contributing stress factors to canon-Chuck's illness was concealing the whole thing and lying to Jimmy, in this world perhaps Chuck doesn't have his breakdown. It's a nicer world for both Chuck and Jimmy (and as a result, Howard).
Interestingly, I think the person who would have started to chafe at the seams at HHM first would be Kim. Not in any major way, but I think some of the things that ultimately got to her in canon and led to her wanting to do pro-bono work would eventually come up and make her realize that HHM and the work they do isn't the right place for her after all. I think she'd figure out that she doesn't want to be doing work for rich people and banks.
I like to think that after some time, Jimmy and Kim make the decision to leave HHM together and start Wexler-McGill. It's not as nice as the former-dentist office they have in canon because they don't have the startup funds, but they scrape together what they can (they're already cohabiting, so that helps) and find a nice little space. It's not much, but they're happy and they do great work for people who appreciate it.
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bixbythemartian · 1 year
Hey! I hope it’s okay to ask you some questions about dentures? If not, feel free to ignore this
So, I have EDS, and my teeth are kinda shit. I brush regularly and all that but I still get new cavities all the time, and it’s expensive paying for them to be fixed. How did you decide that it was the right time for you to get dentures? I’m pretty sure I’m going to need them eventually, and I’m not sure if it’s the kind of thing I should put off as long as I can, or if I can go ahead and do it at a young age (23 rn) and get it over with.
What was the cost like for you?
You mentioned recovery being difficult—how long did it take?
Do you still have to worry about any dental health issues or is it pretty much fine to eat sugary foods and such now?
Unfortunately, my current dentist is committed to “saving” as many of my teeth as possible, so I haven’t been able to discuss this with her.
Thanks much <3
Hey this answer is long af. (Sorry it took me a few days it's been a very full week.)
The decision to get dentures, for me, was a matter of my ability to consume food. I had some medical neglect as a kid and a genetic predisposition towards bad teeth, and it fucking accordioned into a nightmare mouth situation. I spent years in pain from eating most things. Many of the roots in my mouth were exposed, I had constant infections and was sick all the time. I'm incredibly lucky that I didn't die, so many people die from untreated dental infections.
Ideally, it's better to wait as long as you can to get them, because pulling that many teeth does fuck up all the bone around it, and the jaw bone will compact down over time, impacting your mouth shape and bite strength, or something like that? It's better to wait, if possible. I was just about to turn 29, I think, when I got mine? I'm not sure- and that's young for full dentures, but it was (at that point) extremely necessary. If you can stay on top of filling cavities and such, it's really a lot better to hold onto your own teeth for as long as possible.
I'm really sorry, but I don't remember the cost- I know we had to get care credit and a loan from my (now former) in-laws, and I went to a dentist who specialized in low-income no-insurance situations and basically did the operation for me at cost, because they were worried if they didn't do it I was going to die, and I only went under local anesthetic instead of being knocked out. So it was relatively cheap? But this was around ten years ago and I honestly don't remember the numbers.
Full recovery took about six months, that's how long it takes your jaw to heal from being brutalized. I would say I could eat most things okay about 6 weeks in- you have to be careful and cut everything into little bites when your mouth is healing at first. And that means everything. Sandwiches, whatever. You're not supposed to bite into things until the incisions in your mouth heal. Stick to his as rigorously as you can. You also have to relearn how to bite into things. Also, you're going to bite your tongue a lot- your teeth have changed position and shape. It's kind of a lot, but in comparison to 'I can eat three soft things and my mouth hurts all the time forever', t'was a vast improvement.
I don't worry about my dental health issues, if any, because I don't have dental health insurance or teeth- I don't know if I need any per se, I just don't do it. The only stuff I can't eat because of my dentures is stuff that's real tacky- taffy, gum, chewy caramels. (I actually tend to suck on taffy or caramels rather than try to chew them.) I have not found a gum that works with dentures yet, even the ones that claim they will work. But they don't pull the dentures apart or anything, they're just a pain in the ass to chew and stick to the denture in difficult and awkward ways. (Also, I find puffy cheetohs obnoxious to eat with my dentures- they adhere in awkward ways.)
Hope these answers were helpful! Thank you for your patience in me getting back to you.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I feel a little out of sorts. A little frustrated. I am trying not to fall into anger but it's hard. It's mostly about tomorrow. But at least most of today was really nice.
I woke up after an alright sleep. James came and laid with me for a few minutes before we had to get up. They made the bed and I got dressed.
I was excited to wear my valentine's Halloween sweater. But really I should have put another shirt on under it because I was cold!! It was so chilly today!! I ended up wearing socks and leggings and boots. And was still a little chilly. I would be fine but man. It was surprising.
We left here and got me breakfast before heading to the museum. It was drizzling. And would be on and off rain all morning. The wind was pretty strong as well. James and Stanley would come out and put the sides down and that helped a lot. Made the day a lot more pleasant and a lot less blustery.
I was pretty focused on my knitting today. But I would spend a good amount of time talking to Ginny. She apparently loves to travel and we were just talking about that and wedding stuff and she is so nice. I got a pumpkin roll and an apple cider donut. I would jokingly run away and tell her James would come out and pay later. And of course they did come out to get their pastries and we laughed about me running away. And later one Ginny would be one of my 3 sales. She bought my beaded "have a nice day!" totebag. Made me feel good and I gave her a little discount.
I had some nice conversations and got to see cute babies. I did my knitting and had lots of people watch me and compliment me and it is very easy to make me feel all proud of myself and my work when that happens. It's nice to share this type of knitting too.
I would space it out well and would finish my last row right around 12. I had had a nice chat with Helen about possible alternatives to flowers because she is going to be cleared out because of another wedding she's doing. And I talked to Stanley for a bit about my fiber works. And I chatted with Bob the blacksmith for a long time. Got to tell him about my bronze casting background and I think I impressed him with my patina knowledge.
Around 11 Anne decided, based on vender feedback, that we should close early. Didn't have to tell me twice. So at noon we all packed up. My stuff takes like 2 minutes to put away so I waited until I saw someone else putting things away. And then I was off.
I got all my stuff in my box and loaded up the wagon and over to the car. I went in to say goodbye to James and remind them to print our stickers. And then I headed home.
When I got back here I brought my knitting up. Grabbed the mail. And pet Sweetp for a bit. I have a heating pad in the couch for him because I'm worried he will be cold.
And then I changed and got in bed.
I spent a while brushing out my bear. The little windbreaker I got him came and so I wanted him to not look as scrungly. It's not perfect. But using a file card and a cat brush got most of the mats out. And the little windbreaker looks so cute. I did end up ordering a black hoodie off of Etsy since I couldn't find one anywhere else. I will later the two so he can have a hood again. Which I think looks better.
I still stand by the colts being funny because that used to be the football team in Baltimore before they were stolen in the night. James looked at the shirt and said that it was a funny way to spell Baltimore. Which is fair enough.
I worked on some knitting stuff. Experimenting with the yarns I have. A lot of mine are either to thick or to loose. I was able to make a few more tubes I will attempt to make into plushies. It's fun to try stuff.
I would start trying to sleep. I ended up looking at advent calendars and I am excited that this year I actually was able to order the jam Advent calendar!! It is usually sold out by the time I remember it but I used the Amazon gift card the dentist gave me and the Cashback I had on my credit card so it's basically free. I'm really excited.
And then I slept. I slept to long honestly. James was home from work when I woke up and we laid in bed together. Which was very nice. They felt very cold so I hope I warmed them up a little.
Then we had dinner in bed. And watched videos. Eventually I went to work on cutting out the stickers they printed but the ink didn't stick to the paper and just flaked off and I was so upset. At first I thought they just didn't dry and had rub off because of that but if I ran my finger on them it just came right off. Super disappointed. So I ordered a different brand of paper to try out. We'll see what happens I guess.
I was really uspset then. And then got more upset when the street fair tomorrow still hadn't emailed me. The last one I did have me a 72 hour out email and a 24 hour out, and then a day off. This fair started on Friday and they never even confirmed they got my application!! The only reason I know they did is because my name is on the website. But I don't know anything. I had emailed them twice this week but no answer. So I finally set them a Facebook message since they had been posting photos. And whoever runs it did message me back but just said the vender coordinator would take care of it in the morning. What does that mean?? I don't even have an address. Or a spot number. Or anything!! I don't even feel comfortable with going with how the rain is going to be. And I'm going to be alone.
I have basically decided that I will wake up at 8 tomorrow. And if they don't send an email by 9 when load in is supposed to start I won't go. I really don't want to go anyway but I feel bad wasting $60 on the table fee. It basically wipes out my profit from today. But like also. It's a really long market, 9 am load in, goes until 6pm. And it is going to rain literally all day.
So I am just not feeling my best. I feel just this side of angry. It isn't a nice feeling.
I did get to test more yarn tonight. And hang out with James. And I got a shower. But I have a lot of tension in my jaw. And I don't know how to make it stop.
I hope you all feel okay and are taking care of yourself. Stay safe. And be careful. Goodnight everyone.
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translucent-at-best · 2 years
Finally got myself a new laptop. Been without one for a year and was making due with my work laptop, but I wasn't about to log in to Tumblr on that or type out a Scatter-brained post on my phone so... it's been a while. Hey.
Folks need to gon' 'head with that Usher/Chris Brown Verzuz argument. It's nobody on his level and that's just that.
Today was my 3rd therapy appointment. I'm still feeling her out, but I'm liking her so far. We've been talking a lot about my eating habits (because I told her my emotional eating was one of the things I wanted to work on) and today before I logged on, I realized I was kind of annoyed because I knew (like the last session) she'd ask me some things with some uncomfortable answers. Thought about lying. But I didn't. This is what I'm paying for. I'm proud of me.
Finished the 2nd round of interviews for a job I really want yesterday. Although I wouldn't be working for the school district anymore (which unfortunately means losing my pension and the free health insurance), I would be making more than I was last year AND more than I'd be making as a counselor with the school district. Like... significantly more. We gon' see.
I don't have a job right now. I've signed up for some delivery services until I find something and I've saved enough for most of this month's bills, but... even though I don't have a way to pay August's rent right now I'm strangely calm about everything.
I figure something's going to work out because it has to. Because it always does. Let's hope I'm not wrong...
I don't necessarily want sex right now (although that'll probably change soon since I'll be ovulating next week), but what I do want is my pussy eaten from the back and my ass ate. Post-haste.
I can't lie, this time off has been amazing. My old job was incredibly too stressful for all the money I wasn't making and the free time I have now feels so good. I've started seeing a therapist, I finally got around to finding a Black dermatologist, gynecologist, and dentist and scheduling my appointments, I'm cooking more... I love this.
Now that I've gotten my room how I want it for the most part, I don't mind staying in my apartment and not spending money at all.
At times like these, that Zora Neale Hurston quote from Their Eyes Were Watching God always floats to the forefront of my mind: "This freedom feeling was fine." She ain't fucking lie.
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padansk · 4 days
My turn
Several weeks ago, I felt a lump on the roof of my mouth. I didn't think about it much and thought it would disappear after a while. Nicola's PET scan had suggested a problem that needed to be fully investigated. Finally, after more tests, the results were good, and the cancer hadn't returned. We had been planning to go to France, as we now do each year in Spring and early Summer. So we chatted about when to book the Eurotunnel tickets and head down to Provence for some sunshine. I told Nicola the lump in my mouth hadn't gone away, and we agreed that I should get it checked out.
The next day, I saw a specialist dentist who said it didn't look right and that I should see a maxillofacial surgeon. An X-ray was done and it suggested that the lump went further upwards into my sinus space. The maxillofacial surgeon immediately called it a tumour and said we needed to get an MRI and biopsy done. France would have to wait.
The MRI scan was completed, and the next day, we met Leo, my consultant, to perform the biopsy. I was dreading this part, but to be honest, it was pretty straightforward. The local anaesthetic numbed the roof of my mouth, and then Leo stitched up the area. Job done, all good. We just have to wait for the results and hope for the best.
In a chat with Leo just after the biopsy, we discussed what the surgery to remove the tumour would involve. Somewhat casually, Leo suggested that if the tumour was malignant, then my entire soft palette would have to be removed and a new one reconstructed from a graft from another part of my body. In listening to that sentence, the possibility of the reality of the situation dawned on Nicola and me.
Nicola and I chatted about what Leo had said on the drive home. We both felt overwhelmed by what he had said. It was too grim to initially handle, so we fell back on what we had done for years before. Wait until we know what's going on, and then make decisions from there. Don't open the scary box unless we have to look inside it.
Since the first appointment, I have been feeling angry with the world. After all, we had been through with Nicola, one cancer after another, this would be the final irony that I would now get it, and it would play havoc with my life.
Initially, the site of the biopsy felt OK. I could feel the stitches in my mouth, which was a little weird but fine. Then the stitches came out, and it felt really sore after that. The left side of my head, from temple to jaw, hurt, and my mouth was swollen and eating and speaking became difficult. I was taking painkillers and trying to avoid having to take the really strong ones, but some days, they were the only thing that took the pain away.
The results from the scan and biopsy hadn't come back yet. Nicola had taken on the role of dealing with Leo's secretary and trying to give the medical team the hurry up and get the results back. This role reversal was making both of us feel out of sorts. This wasn't how our life had been for the past nine years. I rode my bike a few times to numb my brain and use adrenalin as a painkiller. It helped, mostly.
The MRI results were back, and Nicola had read them late one evening whilst I was asleep. I had taken some painkillers and Piriton to help me sleep, and I slept all night. She hadn't woken me up. The next morning, I read the report. It was grim. The suggestion was that the tumour showed an indication of malignancy, and it was categorised as a stage three disease. A big tumour, right smack in the middle of my head, at least it wasn't in my brain. There were no metastases and no indication of lymph nodes being affected. But this wasn't the report we had wanted to see.
Nicola got up. She had been awake most of the night, having been extremely distressed after reading the report the previous night. One caveat in the report said that its findings would need to be confirmed by biopsy. Nonetheless, that box, the scary box, was now asking to be opened.
All hopes were pinned on the biopsy, but our spirits were down. I started reviewing a list of things I had to do to sort my affairs out. If my ability to speak was going to be removed in the future, I needed to have some chats with people while I could about my business and finances and ensure everything was in place in case something bad happened to me.
Nicola pushed for the biopsy report. We didn't expect it for another several days. Then, an email came in, asking us to attend a meeting at the hospital the next day. This triggered feelings of deja vu in us. In the past, when we had been asked to attend meetings with Nicola's medical team on the spur of the moment, the news invariably had been bad. We tried to get some sleep, but it wasn't a comfortable night.
When we arrived at the hospital, we had not said much on the way there. Pleasantries over, we were in a room with Leo, who said the biopsy result showed that the tumour was benign. The relief was instant. I didn't really hear much of what he said next. My brain was spinning, and I could see a look of relief on Nicola's face. You don't have cancer.
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animegirl2016 · 1 month
Dewa Masaomi X reader
Hello! It's been a minute since I've written on here but I decided that this character needed some love. He is so underrated in K Project but I love him! Anyways, this story is based on my personal experience going to the dentist, enjoy!
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You sat down next to your boyfriend at the bar, dinner being served. Tatara made rice, porkchops, and green beans; you were absolutely starving! You started eating some of the rice, it was delicious and cut a piece of meat. You took one bite, and immediately dropped your fork holding your cheek. The clansmen looked at you in concern, "What's wrong, (y/n)?" Dewa asked, "My tooth shifted when I took a bite, and now my mouth really hurts." "Your wisdom tooth?" Tatara said
you nodded, not wanting to cause more pain. "No problem, I'll take you to the dentist tomorrow." Dewa offered, "No thanks, I'm sure it'll pass, I'm fine!" All the boys fixed you with a stern look, including your boyfriend. See this all started almost two years ago, when you had a pain in your mouth, so you went to the dentist. The dentist said it was a bad tooth and needed to be pulled. Let's just say it was a very traumatic experience, and the tooth didn't come out that day.
You soon found out that it was a wisdom tooth, but because it didn't hurt anymore, you never told Dewa, until the other side of your mouth started hurting, and he practically had to drag you there for this dentist to tell you you had another wisdom tooth that needed to come out, and the jig was up.
Your loving but annoying boyfriend kept telling you to go, but you always found an excuse. Now it looks like you didn't have a choice, so you agreed. The next morning came around and Dewa showed up to your apartment, and as he expected, you were nowhere to be found. "(y/n), come on, I know you're scared, but if we don't go, it'll only be worse for you." He looked in all of the rooms leaving the kitchen last.
You thought of the brilliant idea to hide under the counter cabinet, it was big enough and he'd never find you ha! That is until karma's a bitch and you let out a sneeze. You freeze hearing footsteps getting closer to your hiding spot and nearly scream when Dewa opens the door. He grabs your wrist, pulling you out and over his shoulder.
Once in his car he shuts the door, trying to open it, you realize he put the child lock on so you couldn't escape. "Baby, look at me, I know you're not happy with me right now. But I promise you'll feel so much better, I love you, and I want you to get this taken care of. Besides they're sedating you so you'll be fine."
Arriving at the office, Dewa comes with you to the front desk to ensure you check in and to also show that he'll be the one driving you home afterwards. The receptionist looks at the paperwork before uttering the horrible words, "We ran out of the sedation pills, so you'll have to use novacain." You automatically tense up, you hate needles, and considering you had a low tolerance and a very sensitive mouth, yeah you were passing on that.
"Well would you look at the time, got to go!" You start to get to the door before your boyfriend grabs the back of your shirt. "She'll take it." You glared at him, feeling absolute betrayal towards him. The receptionist looks at you kindly, "Don't you worry sweetheart, he's a trained oral surgeon, he's been doing this for 20 years he'll have you out in ten minutes flat!" Sighing, you agree and wait for your doom.
An assistant calls your name, and Dewa gently pushes you to stand. She brings you into a room, and tells you the doctor will be with you shortly. The man comes in and is very patient with you, and reassuring you. he gives you the shots, and leaves to wait for them to work. By the time he comes in, the whole left side of your mouth is numb, including your tongue.
He places a mouthpiece to help keep your mouth open, and he was done in five minutes! You were in such disbelief he showed you your tooth. After giving you instruction on what and what not to do, he sent you on your way. Dewa was waiting for you and chuckled when you hugged him. "How do you feel, baby?" "Much better, but I want to go home and sleep, come cuddle with me?" "Absolutely, now let's go home."
Phew! Sorry it's so long, but a lot has happened to me on this journey. Sidenote, I waited almost TWO YEARS to have this tooth removed, that's how scared I was. My best friend/roommate brought me to my appointment, had to drag me from her car and had to practically stand by the door so I wouldn't bolt. Looking back on it now, I laugh at my behavior. I'm still recovering from the surgery this past week, but I figured I'd give you a laugh. I will update soon!
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1d1195 · 2 months
SAM MY LOVE PLEASE DONT FEEL LIKE YOUR RESPONSE WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! I honestly don’t care how long they may be, like the fact that you’re even acknowledging my asks is already so special to me! So if you ever don’t have the energy to answer, you really don’t have too! I won’t be hurt because you’re well being is far more important ❤️I’m sorry you were feeling a bit off :( I hope you felt better or are feeling better! Hopefully you don’t get sick right before your break!
Also side note when you mentioned sneakers with a wedding dress TELL ME WHY WHEN I THINK OF MILLENNIALS I THINK OF THIS! Like you mentioned side part and I didn’t even think to associate them with that up until this whole GenZ vs Millennial comparisons started to become a thing lol
ANWAYS now let me express my LOVE for toothpaste part 2! Once again you wrote such a good part! And omg this MC is BOLD bc I would actually EXPLODE from the embarrassment if I said that my dentist😭 but honestly I don’t blame her because if my dentist was Harry I would be so down bad it’s not a joke 😭 I loved how we got to read Harry’s pov from reading her file and seeing her for the first time! Ugh it was so cute like you know I love how obsessed each of your Harry’s are with their pairs! AND I LOVE WHEN HARRY GETS FLUSTERED!! It just does something to me that I love when the MC’s do that to him 🤭 AND THAT LAST LINE SAM I CRACKLED AHAH
So good bestie! Hope you are treating yourself well! -💜
I'm feeling fine! I have semi-chronic stomach issues. I think I (knowingly) ate something that I shouldn't have. It really didn't sit well with me. BUT I feel fine now 😂 BUT REALLY I ALWAYS GET SICK ON OR BEFORE VACATIONS. Ever since I was little. Fortunately I will only get my period during break this year. Lucky me 🙄 Pollen season is upon us though which will be stellar too ☠
I try not to do a whole lot of millennial/gen-z comparisons if I can help it but I will probably be buried in skinny jeans and I would rather be bald than do a middle part 😂 That's so interesting about the wedding dress and sneakers thing! I didn't really think of it as a millennial thing. I meant it as a me thing hahahahaha mainly because I used to DESPISE heels. I had some structural damage to my ankles due to sports and anything with a heel terrified me because I was scared of snapping my ankle again hahahaha but like I said last time, I'm such a wedge girl now so I would probs wear heels at my wedding.
SO glad you liked Toothpaste! I tried to write a version of myself I wish I could be (just slightly bolder than my current self I think--she was still a whiny baby last time about her toothache which was so me). I would never flirt with my dentist either--maybe if he was Harry, that I agree 💕 I have great ammo for my next part after my own trip to the dentist. I know it's part of his job but this man really stuck his whole finger in my mouth and massaged my cheeks and lips around my gum line. It's hard to explain but I either don't remember him doing it the other recent times I've been to the dentist or if I was paying closer attention since I was thinking about Toothpaste the whole time. Honestly it was hilarious when he did it, I was lucky I didn't laugh. Too bad I'll be making it sexual for Toothpaste and probably make it harder on myself when I have my next appointment in six months 😂 I love to make men flustered in general. Always keep them guessing, ya know? 🤭😉
Speaking of men, how is our hot TA?
I am def going to be treating myself to a shopping trip that I cannot afford but I don't care. I am in the mindset (for this weekend) that I am here for a short time and I need to enjoy myself while I can and the money will come back eventually.
Hope you have an amazing weekend and you get to do something fun again! 💕💕
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warishaaa · 1 year
Everything has always been like purple skies, old odes, healing ale, a refrigerator full of chocolates, cinnamon rolls, ginger biscuits, a pocket full of smiles, bedtime stories where the fairy removes all misery with a magic wand, flowery memory lanes, small parks, magical sunsets, high swing sets under grey clouds smelling of fresh tea and snacks, evenly spread butter sandwiches, photo albums smelling of tears and laughter, Hot soups and whimsical lines of your favorite artists, Sunday outings, strawberry ice creams after every dentist visit, wiping the extra food off my mouth, warming my hands before leaving for school, shopping for school uniform every year, and stories of my first word, first walk, first day at school, the first letter I wrote, how it wasn't an A but an O.
How life doesn't come a full circle because the list of firsts ends, at the first time getting touched on a bright sunny afternoon after school with my body going numb, the first pair of familiar eyes staring down at my breasts that hadn't even grown, the first time my heart breaks over a crispy smiled- gorgeous boy, the first time of feeling the world isn't a land of mystery solving which leads to another until you find the palace meant for you because you are born a princess, first time realizing you can't be a princess because your parents are not king and queen and all the dynasties have been turned to dust and that's fine because you don't need a palace, when you grow up home is all that you crave and the first time realizing Santa can not fulfill your wish of not being so scared, and lonely because he isn't fucking real.
Life has always been your way to you, You were trying so hard to stitch a perfect story for yourself, for us, that you made a new family in denial. You abandoned us trying to look after us. Maybe you were trying to escape this hideous hole that has been growing ever since you were a kid which has attached its part to me in your womb. You don't get it, we are born with a black hole on our chins that inertly spreads and that's okay, No amount of love-filled carcass of words can change its identity,and I would do fine without cotton candies disappearing as soon as it touches the inside of my mouth, I won't ask where they went anymore like I didn't ask where those people went from my past. Watching people disappear is the only magic we get in this lifetime.
You say girls like me are made of fire and grit, meant to conquer and sail through storms but Ma, girls like me fall apart at the first sound of hail and search for love like it's the most important document they lost beforean important day, You tell me I have steel for feet that can walk through an apocalypse after making sure I walked on silk carpet as a toddler, and I look down and find neither. "Girls like me don't waste time on boys, girls like me know how to talk, girls like come straight from god's favorite garden," But Ma, girls like me have cried an ocean over soft-spoken boys, girls like me have killed their voice, girls like me are born of war and blood.Girls like me don't aim for stars but starve for a hand to guide us out from the hollow consuming darkness of our minds, Girls like me don't sing because our throat is filled with this liquid that spits sorrow.
You hear birds chirping at dawn and know it's fajr how could you never hear my muffled squeak or you tried to hide it in with a pair of extra dangling earrings, the stones in it shining as bright as the venus in a clear sky? You congratulate my heartache and call my cowardice brave, that sometimes it's brave to be a coward if it saves me and I don't know what you mean by it but more than that you don't know what you mean. When I asked, you you said you don't understand heartbreaks but I have seen your heart ache for seven thousand two hundred fifty-six days of my existence. Your happy stories are saddest to me because in them I find a tiring effort of breathing a delusion. I carried my most painful collection of peoms like if it slips and finds you, you would be devastated but when i let it out you heard like a distracted twelve year old because you didn't want to lift it's weight. You want the pain to be over without the suffering.
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