#we all hate Hisashi
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
“But he was my boyfriend!” Sobbed the pretty blonde girl. Marcus Smith, the lawyer for the late Hisashi Midoriya, felt like coughing as he took in the sobbing form of Martha Simpson. A young girl, barely twenty-five, who’d been dating the fifteen year older Hisashi for the past four years.
That was a blaring sign if he ever saw one, yet no one else had apparently batted an eye. Ever.
“And you were not named in his will,” Marcus told her as gently as he could.
“He said I was!” Martha borderline screamed. The customers of the diner they were in gave her sympathetic looks, launching dirty looks at Marcus. The woman next to Martha, a tall and buff darker skinned woman dressed in a sherif uniform looked pained and a little disturbed.
“Martha, please tone it down,” Sheriff Mackenzie Hunt said as she covered an ear. “Look, I know you thought he was a good guy-“
“He was!” Martha instantly yelled. “He was here to care for his dying mother and he had a great job as a Quirk analyst!!” She glared at the sheriff.
Perhaps one person had seen the red flags then.
“Martha, I along with several others have enhanced hearing.” Hunt said, scolding the girl. She pouted at that, tears still rolling down her face. “Now, Mr. Smith here says that you’re not in the will. I’m inclined to believe him. If you were you’d have been contacted-“
“Unless he’s LYING-“ Martha began, though slightly quieter. Marcus was pretty sure that Hunt was known to have one of those mythological based Quirks, Werewolf or something like the town doctor basically was a vampire. Given how the man was wincing in his booth where he’d been drinking coffee, her yelling couldn’t be pleasent.
The door opened then, and a green haired Japanese woman stepped in holding a little curly haired boy’s hand.
“Ah, Mrs. Midoriya!” Marcus said upon seeing her. Martha froze, turning slowly as the customers almost froze in the diner. The owner, a grump named Luce had her mouth almost dropped open. “Good to see you. Sorry for the… public meeting.”
“I don’t mind,” Inko Midoriya replied as she walked in, leading her son.
“You can use ther sherrif office next door,” Hunt instantly said. Marcus only felt relief hearing that. He didn’t want to deal with any huge fall out.
Of course Martha spoke up.
“Are you Hisashi’s sister?!” She demanded. Inko looked her right in the eyes, before sighing.
“No I was his wife.” She looked at Martha with sympathy. “You must be his latest girlfriend.”
“I… what?” Martha said. “No, no he wasn’t MARRIED! He was…” Inko pulled out her phone to flicked to a picture, showing it to Martha and Marcus. It was her and Hisashi in wedding attire. “No, no, no…”
“I’m sorry kid,” Inko said very gently. “But it’s true.” Martha simply burst into tears and ran out, followed by a couple of the customers. Friends probably. Inko shook her head. “Damn it Hisashi.”
“Not the first time?” Hunt asked sympathetically.
“No, he was… well I was his first target. The charming twenty-nine year old man had no reason to date me at twenty-one.” Inko shrugged. “We got married and then when I turned 29 I got pregnant. He stopped even pretending not to be seeing others after that, and for the past six years-“
“So he wasn’t thirty?” Interrupted Luce, obviously listening in. Inko scoffed, shaking her head as Hunt groaned. Marcus himself made a face.
What an asshole.
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ravelights · 2 years
You know the one thing that annoys me about the whole Hisashi Midoriya situation? is that I could have believed that the dude was just never meant to be in the story, and you know for a while I did think that was possibly the case. Then Horikoshi dropped these and nothing else and now we have expectation.
It torments me.
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mishy-mashy · 3 months
This was on a separate post but I think it should have its own (also because I went off-track when I first wrote this)
Remember when Midoriya was trying to wake up a Quirk as a child, trying to pull the couch toward him or breathe fire?
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This was him trying to use his parents' Quirks, in the hope he inherited one of theirs.
Inko could pull small objects. Hisashi could breathe fire.
Anyway this is a [Midoriya has AFO] post and [DFO is real]-
Anyway please listen? If his dad was AFO, and passed on that Quirk to little Midoriya, it makes sense that they all considered him Quirkless.
All For One starts as a blank slate. It has no Quirks available, because none were taken yet. And if no Quirks were stolen, nevermind passing through the user to be bestowed to others, then AFO at the base level is the equivalent of being Quirkless.
Midoriya having AFO would leave him as Quirkless. And he never would've known if he had AFO, because he thinks his dad just breathes fire. AFO's existence is just an urban legend to people back then.
Midoriya wouldn't be able to breathe fire if AFO was his dad, because that was never his Quirk.
Even if he did have a fire-breathing Quirk, AFO holds onto random ones like Naval Laser. It could just be one of those gags.
All For One is a quirk that takes. One For All decides to be given.
Midoriya, rather than take, was instead given Quirks, and sees people's goodness. He isn't selfish at his core. He's too optimistic. This is the opposite of AFO, which takes and gives—Midoriya was on the receiving end of being given, by OFA.
If Midoriya had a natural AFO, it makes sense that he's Quirkless. It also makes sense that he can handle multiple Quirks from OFA; because the nature of AFO is being able to wield multiple Quirks in one body.
AFO looks for Quirks that are easy to use, and straightforward. Midoriya ended up with Quirks that he has to strategize and think with, and even Bruce mentions his brain couldn't do all the processing, which is why he froze up.
Midoriya is past the point of Singularity. Yoichi says this when he first tells Ninth "You are not alone". But Midoriya is completely fine.
He only breaks his bones. He doesn't deform and become something the human body warps to be able to contain the Quirks. He got a good deal, when considering what Shigaraki became once.
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He has OFA's Quirk Factor, but that Quirk Factor stores up Quirk Factors within itself. We can deduce that from Bruce saying only Danger Sense's Factor was stolen. It's naturally a stockpiling power similar to AFO that Yoichi had forced on him, and at its very base, Bruce called an "unformed dud".
Now, it's more grown from all the strength and Quirks stockpiled. Even if OFA counts as one Quirk, it still holds multiple Factors inside itself, so it might as well be the same as multiple Factors to the body. When Shinomori explained his life shortened because of multiple Quirks, he shows all the users before him, rather than the more-common "One For All is glowing in my hand" or "One For All is a flame" image to show the crystallization of power. Though it could just be to show the individuals adding to the short-life..
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In the void, we see OFA vestiges are inside the vault, according to the door's face. On the other side, like when Yoichi was alive, could be AFO.
Midoriya sees the goodness of people. He said Eri's power was gentle, and always affirms that she saved him when she tries putting herself down. He says Shinso's Quirk is amazing, and he'd make a great hero. When seeing Chisaki while fighting Nagant, he just said he'd talk to him later, and promised to fulfill her promise if he was willing to direct his regret toward Eri. Kudo says he should hate Bakugo, but Midoriya looks at the heart, and believes in that.
AFO only sees the Quirk first. He looked at Ragdoll, decided to take the Quirk and didn't care for what happened to her body afterwards. When he looked at Best Jeanist, he applauded his use of his Quirk to save everyone, but then knocked Jeanist down anyway, saying it required too much work, so he didn't need the Quirk.
Midoriya having AFO and OFA would make him an intersection. He's born with AFO, but because he believed he was Quirkless, had grown up being put down, and knows what it's like to be weak. Born with AFO, but seeing the unequal world, and being given OFA because he wanted to save people and be a hero.
Y'know, this sounds a lot like Yoichi. Believed to be Quirkless because his Quirk required someone else, and therefore was unfinished and "non-existent". Even AFO didn't realize it existed because it was so weak.
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Midoriya wanted to save people. He has AFO. He's living what AFO could've done [saving others] and embodying Yoichi's belief ["the power to give and take could have been the kindest in the whole world"].
All For One is blank. AFO only had an Ability he could use because he stole his mother's at birth.
Midoriya didn't. His Quirk should've come when he turned five. And he didn't know about AFO. He doesn't even have holes in his palms
If there's no holes in his palms, either his Quirk Factor is elsewhere, or manifests differently in said hands. In which we consider Inko: she can pull small objects toward her
It's possible for Midoriya to have a combination of AFO and Inko's Abilities. He tried pulling objects, but he never tried pulling people or Quirks.
If Midoriya can take Quirks from a distance, and AFO, like OFA, stores Quirks within a single Factor, then Kudo could be saying to let go of One For All so he can make room for All For One's Factor. Midoriya would have the capacity for it.
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bibibbon · 1 month
MHA 418 rant
Oh my where do I start with this chapter?
So after all that they're somehow still in an imaginary place thing whatever? So like after all that barrier breaking thing last chapter they're still in the same imaginary place and it hasn't came as actual time travel type plot. I guess Iam ok with that but like dam what was the barrier breaking supposed to represent another way of izuku getting to shigaraki and getting through his bs power of hate and rejection?!?!
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Why is it that all of izukus memories have to directly relate to Tenko? Ok like why is it throughout this whole fight and encounter Izuku only shared like one to two memories about himself but they still weren't directly about him like we got the todoroki fighting him at the sports festival and I think that's it. Also why is it that these Memoires specifically are highlighted like they don't impact izuku directly for him to remember them. Also shouldn't at that time izuku be like a 2 year old or something so how can he remember that. Why does he remember it? Was he in that conversation like did his dad take him and he saw kotaro and all that gist or was it not Izuku's memory at all but just vestige AFO's
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Dfo basically confirmed. So the mysterious guy who kotaro met with that's apparently AFO does actually tick off a lot of the checkpoints for who hisashi midoriya really is. My theory is that the man kotaro met with was either afo aka dfo canon or it was hisashi but he works for AFO. Also how does this impact izuku like he never got to fight AFO or interact with him properly (even though they share a lot of parallels) that role was given to bakugo. How will izuku react? I doubt horikoshi will give him the autonomy to do something.
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Hori had to humanise shigaraki so we got the other memories. All of this interaction is basically a huge spotlight on shigaraki and there to humanise him. All we see is the league standing next to him all together and people are thinking that this is some found family type of thing when Iam thinking that they look like soldiers taking or waiting for orders from shigaraki. There's also the baby Tenko memories to show Tenko playing around with his two friends that don't even contribute much to plot. We then see him freak out about Mon chans death and all that to humanise him
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After everything and Mon chan still had to die. Iam just salty about it like why does the dog always gotta die for some reason?!?! Mon chan deserves better
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How did Izuku go from middle schooler to child. Yeah that was some drastic change personally I dont get how izuku went from highschool to middle school to child is it just supposed to be some abstract imagery if it is I wish it was executed better.
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Shigaraki is dying? Crumbling apart? And AFO is back??!?!?? So we see shigaraki basically decaying from the inside out somehow is this supposed to represent Tenko coming to light while the evil and irredeemable shigaraki dies which dam hori really has it out for shigaraki. I vestige afo was dead or he was just dead I get that he was gonna come back but at this point he is like a parasite in the show I just want him gone for good at this point. Maybe shigaraki will kill him and we will get another variation of the dog biting their owner or some stuff like that
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@doodlegirl1998 just brought up the fact that kurogiri was done injustice again as he is legit the only major lov member that isn't shown directly to us in shigs memories.
In conclusion MHA is going down hill
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kitsunefyuu · 4 days
Did you notice how some AFO fans who used to like DFO Theory started to hate it and suddenly attack the same fans? Maybe this is due to generalizing DFO as OOC? I once saw someone saying that "to respect someone else's opinion, just remember that you have also changed your opinion several times" but these people only seem to attack what they once liked for no apparent reason, other than "nooooo my beautiful AFO is not like this 😭😭"
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Yes, it is a trend that I did notice when I first came into the fandom that a lot of people would say they are former DFO. Then say how they realize how 'stupid' the theory was and unrealistic. As if suddenly now they are the pinnacle of rational and totally know everything about a fictional character.
I never claim my interpretation is the canon, because I know I could end up wrong. That just how it is and I'm always willing to adjust my headcanons with the source material. But honestly I think the AFO fans that liked DFO and now hate it only changed because other people started being hostile to the theory.
Like popular writers, artist, and all kinds of people begun to sneer at that interpretation beside those in the little community. Seeing it as just trying to 'soften' AFO or as something gross to do to the MC. Or worse some people like DFO but hate AFO so when the former DFO see that they change their mind to double down on disliking DFO as they LIKE AFO. As they see it as like you said 'softening' him to make him palatable. The theory itself, however, is only parentage.
Like it still be valid to assume AFO had Izuku with Inko from a One Night stand, and Hisashi Midoriya is just the guy that stepped up for single mom Inko. We have evidence of there possibly being more aware but if don't like it then that an option too.
DFO theory is simply the theory that Izuku Midoriya is RELATED to All for One. That is the bare bones minimum, I don't care if you are OH HE LOVES HIM or HE AN EXPERIMENT or whatever you want to believe. None of that really registers much to me nor should matter, like DFO can be used in many manner of ways.
The ones that seem to hate is most... Well they tend to either want Virgin All for One (for sexual reasons) or want him to be purely asshole(for sexual or just because love assholes that can go either way) or maybe fear of being the outsider. There also many who claim that every time he does a more evil act that it PROOF he never father a child.
Like tell me you never had a mentally unstable parent that does outrageous things. Anyone can have a kid, it sure doesn't take much for a guy to one and done for various reasons. We also literally been confirmed now he can change his face, DNA, and has actually done so. Also we've seen how he is with Yoichi, literal proof of his ability to love it just dark and twisted.
It why DFO is so interesting since if is the child of AFO it an avenue to explore his character. How WOULD AFO raise a child now that we knows what happened with Yoichi? Is he aware of Izuku? Does he care? We've seen him vault family and say how precious family is.
But then, none of that matters to the former DFO fans who now are DFO hates. They just don't want to be the weirdo outsiders believing in something that isn't even 'canon' and as I've said many times. I'm not exactly going to stop writing or enjoying it even if it NOT canon.
No one can dictate what I like and enjoy. And those people projecting hatred once they loved it?
I hope they know it ok to just like different things and change your mind. They should be happy with what they like instead of just wanting to be 'right'.
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donkeys-waffles · 7 months
One of my favorite head canons about All for One (Dad for One specifically,) is that AFO HATES Endeavor. Not as much as he hates All Might, (I mean that's the man that stole his son away from him and turned him into his enemy with One for All,) but close, very close.
More in an envious way compared to his hatred for All Might.
Endeavor forced Rei into a quirk marriage with him so that they'd produce children potentially rivaling All Might. His whole goal was to surpass another in strength, neglecting and abusing his wife and children in pursuit of his own pride. He neglected his other children because they didn't have the 'right quirk'. Endeavor DECIDED to not praise his other children's accomplishments. He DECIDED to pit the children against each other by separating Shoto from his siblings because he was 'stronger' than the others, (even though he was a little kid.) We can easily assume that Endeavor didn't help his kids with their homework, comforted them when they were sick or scared, had breakfast with them, etc... He was a man, known for putting his own selfish desires and work above the needs of those relying on him.
Now we have AFO, Hisashi Midoriya, who sent Gigantomachia away after deciding to mention retiring for the first time in 200 years (why would you want to suddenly leave your work of being a massive dickwad so suddenly, unless you had a little family that became more important?) Hisashi who HATES All Might so much because he took this 'very important thing' away from him. Hisashi, who's main criticism of All Might is how he teaches heroics to children (Izuku,) which leads to them hurting themselves. Hisashi, who locked his brother in a bank vault, in this crazy attempt to protect him. He's a man who's obsessed with his family. And I like to picture him leaving zero traces of himself in the Midoriya's lives to protect them from his enemies. I like to believe he yearns for a peaceful, domestic life with his family. Afterall, this man has been through such a turbulent life thus far (being born into the dawn of quirks and being viewed as a freak, a demon, and then living life as a supervillain.)
I can see him wanting to analyze quirks with Izuku, reading to him, helping him with homework (especially history homework,) and comforting him when he's sick or scared. So, to him, Endeavor (while he also might have to had to deal with his family being targeted, we haven't heard of any occurrences when they were children instead of adults,) who DECIDED to not put his family first, and threw all of the experiences away for his own stupid obsession with a coworker. To All for One, Hisashi, Endeavor had everything he ever wanted and still DECIDED to reject it.
Now, in no way am I trying to make All for One the victim, he's a rotten potato that deserves worse than what he got from All Might. All of the villains in MHA have been humanized, we've seen their backstories, what they love, what they lost, what their goals are and where they originated from. All of the villains have had a backstory, aside from All for One. We know very little about him aside from what we've seen in Vigilantes and MHA, and the idea that all this man wants to do is be a father warms my heart. Like it's an obsession as you can see.
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deadbydad · 7 months
What if Mortal Kombat...Was Turned Into A Show?
Look, I know that they already did something like this, but let's be honest it sucked.
The lore in Mortal Kombat is so interesting yet confusing, and I feel like that's what makes that game so special. And I think that, if done right, it could be made into a show and do well!
But I don't mean that the show needs to like show the whole plot or storyline because we've already seen that. Instead I want to see episodes about different characters and/or their relationship with other characters.
Here's a list of the characters I would like to see get an episode about them:
Kung Jin - He's one of the most underrated characters and it doesn't help with the fact that he was literally in only one game, and even in that one he didn't have that much of a chance to develop his character a lot. He's one of the first confirmed gay characters in the game series, and that's great we love to see great LGBT representation in games. In an episode I want to see more about his past, his parents and who they were and what happened to them, and especially his relationship with Kung Lao. I also want to see his relationship grow stronger with the other Kombat Kids Cassie Cage, Takahashi Takeda, and Jacqui Briggs. We hear about this character yet I feel like he has so much more potential and they could prove that with an episode just about him and how he develops.
Takahashi Takeda & Takahashi Kenshi - One of the father and son duo's, I feel like Kenshi gets way too much hate for doing something to protect Takeda from getting hurt or even killed like his mother did. Any father would do that for their family and their child. At first when Kenshi comes back to see his son after Hanzo Hisashi trained him as a Shirai Ryu warrior, Takeda hates him and says that Kenshi had no right to walk back into his life just to be a proud dad, but after Hanzo explains why Kenshi did it, Takeda tries to forgive him and give his father a second chance. And he does, later on in the game we see that they have a great father and son relationship. I want to see how that happened and how that developed in an episode. It definatly wasn't talked about enough in the game and I feel like in a show it would be better explained.
Hanzo Hisashi & Takahashi Takeda - Hanzo Hisashi had taken in Takeda when Kenshi asked him to take care of his son and train him until he was strong enough to fight. Hanzo did, and it seemed that Hanzo and Takeda had developed a father son relationship in some shape or form. Again, this wasn't really shown how it happened, and I feel like it would be greatly explained better in an episode instead of in a game.
Cassie Cage & Jacqui Briggs - Cassie and Jacqui are best friend that grew up together due to their parents, Sonya Blade and Jax Briggs, being close friends for many years. Not a whole lot of how their friendship began and formed was shown on MKX or MKXI, which is a shame. I feel like it would be interesting to see how these two grew up together and became friends over the many years they've known each other.
The Kombat Kids - Cassie Cage, Kung Jin, Takahashi Takeda, and Jacqui Briggs are the next generation of fighters and defenders against Shinnok. And basically the whole MKX game we see these four get to know each other and become closer. But that's it, we really don't know what happened between the four of them except that Jacqui and Takeda are married or engaged, but other than that we don't know exactly what happened to this group. It seems like they're all still friends which is a good thing but I feel like that an episode could be a great way to explain what happened and give us more details.
Kung Lao & Kung Jin - Okay NetherRealm make up your damn minds because in MKX it says that Kung Jin is Kung Lao's cousin but in MK11 it says that he is Kung Lao's nephew. Why make that change I have no clue, but that's besides the point on why I think these two deserve in episode of their own. The episode could show stuff that we haven't seen clearly in the games and stuff that we've heard through dialogue intros. The episode could show us them training or sparring, getting to know one another as family and hell maybe they'll fucking help each other with their damn egos, but that's what I love about these two to be honest. Not much is said about these two's relationship with one another and that is a damn shame if you ask me.
Kotal Khan & Jade - This couple really came out of nowhere, and the game did give us like a small hint about these two and how their relationship started, but it still just came out of nowhere. NetherRealm Studios could explain this and how these two got together and the whole back story of these two with an episode and it would be better explained than in a video game.
Johnny Cage & Cassie Cage - I love this father and daughter duo so much, but I want to see an episode about these two. Maybe how they're both dealing with Sonya's death and how they're navigating that together as a family, maybe Johnny helping Cassie with how to handle and use the green magic that they have, or maybe even just how Johnny is feeling about seeing his daughter growing up and how he deals with that too.
Kuai Liang and Bi-Han - I want to see an episode about these two growing up together, so badly. I want to really see how these two brothers interacted with each other before everything went to shit. I just want to see that. No like sad shit, I've seen enough of that, I want happy memories.
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trashexplorer · 2 months
BLCD Review: Zanzou Slow Motion
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Title: Zanzou Slow Motion (残像スローモーション)
Author/Artist: Janome
Shop: CD + Manga
Release Date: 2021/05/28
Furukawa Makoto x Nakazawa Masatomo
Eguchi Takuya
Satou Gen
Tadokoro Hinata
Yasuaki Takumi
Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
Ichikawa Aoi
Yanagi Kouhei
Karino Sho
What happens when two rival directors who hate each other's guts are forced to share one roof? And what if one of them has a secret he's been harboring for years? Throw in a shared love of movies, BL manga, and an accidental kiss, and you've got the next heart-pumping love story in Midorigaoka High and the sequel to Twilight Out of Focus 1. Jin Kikuchihara, third-year director, main actor, and president of the film club, and second-year director Giichi Ichikawa see eye-to-eye on very little. Jin is flashy, flirty, and focused on keeping everyone happy, while Giichi expects the best from himself and others, and will compromise nothing to see his vision through. Constantly at each other's necks, the two can hardly stand to be in the same club. But what will happen when family trouble forces them to live in the same room? Will their shared interests bring them closer as friends, push them further apart as rivals, or something else entirely?
Review Proper
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I love Tasogare Outfocus, but this is actually my favorite Janome.
The second installment curse strikes again!
UGHHHHHHH THIS WAS SO WHOLESOME. Don't get me wrong, Tasogare Outfocus is written pretty decently, but I really don't like how Janome just glossed over Hisashi's SA and grooming like that. It reminds me a lot of Etude vol. 1. I can still get over Etude vol. 1 'cause it's not that uncommon to see in sports and Ichi-san's deal with Futami was given some closure in 2, but given how short Tasogare Outfocus was, Hisashi felt like he just lmao byed his teacher. 😔Doesn't help that it kinda doesn't matter anymore in overlap even though it hasn't been long since it ended. Is my son Hisashi really okay now? 🥹
I'm old, so DK BL doesn't appeal to me that much anymore. It's also hard to find good DK rivalries nowadays that aren't just about fucking or delinquents. Zanzou Slow Motion, however, just checked all the right boxes for the category: simple, no drama, and no loose ends. That coupled with Janome's element of touch?
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And can we talk about this monologue?
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I will say Jin's suspenders, Ichikawa's snatched waist, and the ABO shout-out greatly influenced my decision too. Y'all should get suspended in high school, not wear suspenders!
Onto the technicalities...
I don't think I've heard these two co-star before (or I just don't remember), so I was a bit skeptical especially 'cause last I heard Makonyan in a DK was in, well... Given as BLCD!Ritsu. And where else did we hear Yuuma star in a DK too? Yuuma as Anime!Ritsu. We just had Given Anime!Ritsu in Tasogare Outfocus being somewhat friends with Ichikawa and now we have BLCD!Ritsu (thanks to ecargmura for catching this!) trying to romance him. They used very different tones for Ritsu, but the vibe was the same overall. THEY'RE THE SAME PERSON. Makonyan and Nakamo also played tops in the last works I heard of them (Makonyan as Takaba in Kurui Naku and Nakamo as Yakumo in Nu:carnival), so I was concerned about a lot of things. Thankfully, however, instead of Makonyan going for his Ritsu tone or his lighter Kimitte Yatsu for a more youthful vibe, he went all shounen in here lmaooo.
His bwakame was so funny it reminded me of this:
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I love roasting Makonyan more than any other seiyuu out of fondness, but I'm really proud of how far he's gone. He's gotten so much better in his delivery, and it's obvious in his budding anime career, too.
I didn't expect there would be improvements in his bedding techniques too...
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What the fuck was that? HAHAHAHAHAHA. WAIT. No, y'all don't understand. I have most of this man's r-18 otome CDs and BLCDs, and I have never heard him this... this hot before???? Jin is such a smooth flirt, so I had some expectations on the delivery, but FURUKAWA MAKOTO HISSES. HE HISSES!!! SIR IS THIS APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR FOR A HIGH SCHOOL BOY??? THEY DON'T EVEN SHOW THEM DO THE DO FOR MORE THAN A MINUTE??? WHERE WAS THE NEED?!
First it was Ono Yuuki, now it's Makonyan. Is Nakamo's ass really that good that his tops go all in???
I admittedly don't have a lot to say about Nakamo because that man always slays. I was afraid that Makonyan would overpower him during their Netflix and chill, but as soon as I had that thought, Nakamo pushed back like??? THEM SHAKIRA HIPS DON'T LIE!
I didn't read the scan or the official English release 'cause I actually had the raws, so I can't vouch for the translation. As for faithfulness to the manga, however, I need to stress that there were a lot of rearranged events and cut dialogue. One notable instance was Ichikawa's message for Jin. It was placed after their kiss in the last chapter, so I believe that these changes are quite significant. It is still possible to read the manga while listening to the BLCD, but I suggest reading the manga once first so you're aware of which pages you need to jump to.
Chil-chil Awards 2022 was a scam 'cause this wasn't nominated for ANYTHING! This might actually just be my favorite BLCD of 2021... and Makonyan was my favorite actor in this series so far. OKITSU AND MAKONYAN REALLY SWITCHED IN THIS LOG HAHAHAHA. Makonyan and Nakamo at least won in my heart. 😌 Definitely listen to this if you're a Makonyan fan or if you're a fan of the series in general. It's also perfect if you're looking for something light and sweet but immersive at the same time. Chesk gives this a 9/10! Only the third 9 after Sonna ni and KD!
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doodlegirl1998 · 9 months
I feel really bad for Shoto and for how the narrative treats him.
He started off so strong in the Sports Festival only for it to steadily go downhill.
I can see him putting aside his hatred for his father so he can learn how to control his fire side, alright fair, it's not like there're any other heroes with fire control and it seems like most of them work for Endeavor.
But to have him wanting to be friends with Bakugou even though he's a mini version of his dad, any other writer would have Shoto hate his guts and steer clear of him no matter what.
And then that whole dinner scene in general and Izuku saying the whole forgiving him because you're kind... (Like I know that wasn't what Izuku meant to say but it could REALLY come across to Shoto that if he doesn't forgive his father, than he isn't kind) I just wish it could've been worded better.
And then from the War arc and forward he's just been made into a plot device in his OWN FUCKING ARC just to forward Endeavor's redemption.
Shoto was one of the more developed characters of 1-A, but he just been slowly fading away as time went on to where he only has the family drama and is only a plot device.
And that's not even going into the bullshit twist of Dabi having an ice quirk and therefore ruining Shoto's purpose in the story in the process!
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
Agreed I feel horrible for poor Shoto but also for Dabi in light of how this plot has turned out.
I'll start with Shoto since I feel like you have completely hit the nail on the head with how things went wrong with how his character and plot were handled.
I'll be honest, I still blame Hori for Shoto not completely diverging from his father's influence post sports festival. Fire quirks seem to be common (I.e Midoriya Hisashi and his fire breath) so why couldn't Hori have made another high ranking hero wield fire - I.e Made Burnin a fellow hero instead of an Endeav sidekick and had him learn off her? It's all to lock Shoto with his abuser under the guise of the "logic" of the setting and I hate it.
Ah the TodoBaku friendship. How I hate it. I agree with your points entirely. Logically, Shoto should loathe Bakugou for all the similarities he shows to Endeavour, for how openly Bakugou hates and mistreats Izuku and if not for any of that - for how he yelled at Fuyumi and frightened her. That should have had Bakugou evicted from the Todofam house, I mean just look at how she is drawn here.
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Fuyumi looks so so upset and frightened, like she's flashing back to all the other times she faced Endeavour being aggressive and angry like that. It's upsetting to see. Yet Hori doesn't allow Shoto to be justifiably angry about this, to kick Bakugou out or even just to say "Don't talk to my sister like that." Hori has him gloss right over it in a very OOC manner. This 'friendship' Hori forces does nothing for Shoto and is only there to repair Bakugou's image.
As for the next point, Izuku's speech to Todoroki. Honestly I was upset that this seemingly sweet domestic scene where we could have learnt more about Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shoto's characters was instead forcibly being made to be, yet again, all about Endeavour. You gave a very charitable interpretation of Izuku's meaning there, one I saw a lot of Tododeku shippers believe or solely focus on the fact that "Awww Izuku said Shoto was kind!! How sweet!!😍" whereas I hated this moment for Izuku. If that was the meaning Hori intended he should have worded it better because looking at this:
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I read the meaning as "because you are caring you're waiting to forgive him," the subtext that Natsuo (and I) took from what the narrative was saying that he was not caring because he can't forgive Endeavour. This is unacceptable. That could be coming from what was taught to Izuku as a child regarding Bakugou (it would have been interesting to have Izu go through an arc where he realises he was wrong about this - but I digress.) Due to the fact that the narrative treats this as the right and correct opinion so it comes across - icky at best.
In the war arc, Shoto was made into a device for Endeavor's "redemption", he lost his uniqueness in being the masterpiece because now Dabi is too and way more powerful than Shoto - seemingly! (Shoto's line "I may not have been able to stop the (Dabi's) attack by myself" while Dabi created all that immense firepower himself, while generating his own ice to save himself and Endeav, suggests this.) I hate it.
As for Dabi, I feel bad for him too. His bond with Natsuo was cast to the side in favour of his one with Endeavour. I feel like Dabi could have benefited from a flashback of Fuyumi and Natsuo playing with him while he's burning alive fighting Endeavor - and one of Natsuo and him bonding separately. Then having Dabi be like "Natsuuu! Natsuu come play with me."
Focusing on Dabi's POV while he is burning alive fighting Endeavour instead what we got would have worked better too. It would have highlighted the positive memories he had with his other family members and his mental state before having him double down on his Endeav hatred. It would have been more impactful.
I would have liked instead of Dabi being K.O'd by his families ice, them (and Shoto) helping cool him down. Then after Shoto employs some 'talk no jutsu' Dabi's fire changing back from blue to red as he finally calms down, maybe after killing Endeav, which Shoto would feel mixed about. No Ice B.S to 'justify' Endeav or his quirk marriage. The message should have been that Dabi never needed to be "perfect" to be worth anything as a human - giving him ice ruins that message entirely.
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Fic Snip - How To Ruin Your Father's Wedding
Enji said, “The Todoroki family is under a curse to always be second best.”
“Another joke?” Natsuo asked.
“No, I’m serious.” Enji stepped out of the room, then wheeled in a conspiracy theorist corkboard covered in notes and red string. “Just look at all the evidence! Even after All Might retired, I’m still number two hero. Shouto won second place at U.A.’s Sports Festival. Natsuo took second place in his college exams. Most recently, Fuyumi got second place in the neighborhood pie-baking contest.”
Leaning over, Natsuo whispered to his sister, “Dad has cracked.” In a louder voice, he said, “We can all agree that Fuyumi got robbed by the judge’s personal bias against apples. But Dad, it’s just bad luck that you lost the number one hero slot. The HPSC accidentally failed to put you on the popularity poll ballot and the write-in votes weren’t enough. They were accused of rigging it to favor Hawks but found innocent. I know you came up with a million conspiracy theories at the time, but it was all just a mistake.”
Enji continued, “Not only that, but Hisashi married Inko at almost the precise time I married Rei, as if the universe refused to even give me the title of most dysfunctional marriage!”
Shouto sat up straighter. “What do Midoriya’s parents have to do with anything?”
Enji brandished an envelope. “I found proof. Our ancestor from the dawn of the age of quirks wrote a confession letter to his descendants, admitting that he won in an elementary school spelling bee against little girl with a reality-bending quirk. She cursed our entire family to never be first place at anything ever again.”
Shouto’s nose twitched. He did not want to be interested, but he could not resist the siren lure of a conspiracy theory. “Hmm, let me see that letter.” He snatched it up and read rapidly. “It says here that if we can ever become first place at anything, then we can break the curse. The letter writer spent his whole life trying to break obscure Guinness World Records but never succeeded.”
Enji said, “I came to realize that the only way to overcome the curse would be to marry into All for One’s family, thus creating a combined family so dysfunctional that the universe cannot create anything worse and gives up. Then we will finally be number one, even if it’s number one most dramatic family.” He smiled and sighed, his gaze becoming dreamy. “I met with All for One planning to arrange a marriage between our children. I never expected to find him so…charming. We have so much in common. Like competitiveness, wanting to protect our families, relatives who inexplicably hate us, and unpopular opinions about a certain public figure. Mostly that last one. We really bonded over how much we both hate All Might.”
Natsuo laughed out loud. “Okay, you win, you got me to laugh. That was funny! Your delivery is amazing. You really sold your silly prank. Haha, is trash-talking All Might like dirty talk to you? I can hear it now: ‘Ooooo, pound me like you’re drilling into your red-yellow-and-blue archnemesis!’”
This took a fucking TURN
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deusvervewrites · 6 months
It gets even worst when you mix in Dadzawa into the stories, which you know full too well by the tag that the author intentional will make OCs out of Inko and All Might and not use them correctly unless they have actual long term validation, good build up and good writing onto why they’re the way they are. It’s to the point that I won’t read Izuku(angst, feel-good or otherwise) with Dadzawa stories, even if they lack abusive/dead Inko and All Might bashing, simply because they woobify and regress Izuku. Not to mention how the rest of 1-A can also be negatively affected by adding Dadzawa without cause.
Dadzawa, even if they is no bashing of the other characters, is frequently overused and improperly used to the point that the intended individuals for a Dadzawa to exist suffer. I understand why the authors want to have a feel-good and father like teacher for 1-A, especially for Izuku since in all scenes, Hisashi is still a deadbeat unless you subscribe to DFO, but don’t believe that All Might can change simply because of his first scene telling Izuku can’t be a hero(All Might had a bad day, it happens to everyone). A randomly inserted Dadzawa with or without the common OCs committing identity theft, has a chance to influence and develop the story and characters in the wrong way.
The impression that canon Aizawa gives off, especially if you know what it’s like to have a great father and good teacher, is that Aizawa would not be a great person to emulate due to his hygiene issues and what he does in the daily basis, which is what we see in canon. There’s a number of Dadzawa fans who haven’t even read the manga nor watched the anime, thus they believe that Dadzawa exists in canon, it’s an entirely fanon creation, especially after Eri joins the story. I know that some of them may have father issues themselves but we already have a greater father figure in All Might. I guess they are more horny and attractive to the slim figure(who doesn’t do Batman right at all) that is Aizawa and implants all of Inkos, All Mights and everyone else’s good traits onto Aizawa.
Aizawa does seem to do a good job with Eri, but for his class? I think it's telling that when Bakugou was kidnapped, several members of 1-A decided that saving him themselves was the best course of action.
But it's infuriating that so many characters have to be turned into flat OCs so they can be assholes solely to make Aizawa look better.
(That being said, the Prince of Heroes series setting up All-Might-Bashind-But-Dadzawa only for Aizawa to drop the ball so hard the kids think he hates them for several months was absolutely hilarious)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 6 months
Asshole Pony Tsunotori
Not going to lie I dislike her enough I can’t think of a creative way to make her an asshole. Mostly cause I dislike her as she’s just there. There’s nothing interesting about her.
She’s Quirkist. Like anti-mutant, anti-mental Quirk, you name it. She went to Japan cause she felt that all the hero schools around her were letting to many freaks in but she hates being at UA with a non-human principal. She despises being in Vlad’s class and pretends not to know Japanese so she doesn’t have to talk.
She also thinks America is better in one of those Donald Trump Make American Great, we are the biggest super power we are amazing sort of ways. She’s obnoxious about it and routinely messes with her classmates by ‘misunderstanding’ their directions. She enjoys seeing those she deems as less being put ‘in their place’.
It does in fact get revealed since Izuku has his dad in America, and is talking about the other class where Hisashi is: oh I know her dad. They all speak Japanese they’re just nasty as fuck, explaining how. Izuku gives this information to Monoma who confronts her.
Basically: Pony being the worst type of transfer student and being a pest.
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20001541 · 7 months
so I'm going to answer this with the long answer I had typed for this since some wanted to hear it, putting it under read more
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oh haha um well it's complicated to say the least
there was a point in time (2021-early 2023) where I was a super hardcore believer, I wrote and read tons of fanfic about it, bought a zine about it, made meta about it, argued with anti dfo who got angry at me in the replies and even joined discord servers about dfo because I was really in love with this theory
but as of late I find myself just not want wanting it at all and actually dislike the thought of it being canon. for numerous reasons I'll get into
first off I feel at this point it'll just be super rushed. maybe if it was done earlier I would've been more warmer towards it as there would actually be time to digest this info. it would be a huge deal with a hero being the son of the number one villain, if it were to be canon I would want a full self reflection from Izuku, more about his mom and her thoughts and feelings about this, flashbacks to inko and afo's first encounter and marriage in its early days, maybe afo trying to isolate Izuku further by releasing this information publicly and turning civilians and some heroes against him. having him and his mom shunned by a lot of people (people calling izuku devils spawn), getting to see his classmates reactions, all mights reaction (!!!). maybe a talk with the vestiges about it and just stuff like that.
but there's no hope of ever getting any of that if it's revealed now. it's the middle of battle and at most I could see Izuku probably being shocked, afo taking advantage of his shock for a brief moment then we move on. which is very :/, feels like it would just be cheap shock value at that point so why even include it when it feels more detrimental than something interesting. maybe he could make it canon and have it not be rushed, but considering how he's treated the other plot points like the ua traitor plot and machia's kind of out of nowhere betrayal in this arc, I'm inclined to believe it would be rushed and messy as well.
I think I'm far more interested in seeing how afo and tomura's struggle plays out and afo's final encounter with yoichi and an exploration of his past and the person that afo is, rather than some last minute revelation that ends up not adding much to the story.
also the fact that izuku never thinks about hisashi once also plays into me being very "what's the point of having this" here. I know him having his memories tampered with is a popular theory but to me sounds like an awkward way to bypass the fact your main character didn't reflect once on something that ended up being extremely important later. I don't see any evidence of that either, at least with tomura he had some hazy recall about his past before everything came back to him with izuku we get nothing at all about hisashi. at least do where he vaguely remembers a tall man with an eerie presence and gentle smile that didn't reach his eyes whose face is obscured in shadow saying he's going on a short business trip and then he never came back after.
the next reason is I don't really like the more popular fanon characterizations of afo in dfo's settings (and the way people try integrating it with canon) not getting into this as I don't want to step on any toes, but this thing particularly has really turned me off from the theory as a whole.
also I hate the way some dfo fans treat afo, I remember it being common at one point for people to be like "lol afo is only interesting if dfo is true without it he's just some dumb one dimensional villain". when that's not the case, he has a lot of interesting things going on for him. I just hate how some only see his worth in whether he is izuku's dad or not. not all dfo fans think like this though, I'm not generalizing all of them it's just some do this and it irks me so bad. (and to be honest I used to be like this too, but I've changed)
and I also feel like a lot get too caught up in dfo stuff that they end up neglecting afo's character as a whole and it leads to some poor interpretations of his character and certain scenes because I feel some are trying too hard to find evidence/justification that they miss out on some of the more interesting dimensions of his character. not saying all of them do this, but I've seen enough of this along with other stuff I've said that's made me more :/ towards the theory as of late
another thing is that I guess I've also just grew tired of waiting? some people can only wait for so long before they change their minds on things they've used to love. and as I've said before in my first point too I just don't see the point anymore. I don't think even if it does happen we'll get some super in depth look at it and how it affects izuku and other characters. I was more passionate about it during the time where it seemed like we could get a good look into it, but not I'm more meh as it seems like we won't.
that said I do not have anything against dfo theorists. some of my favorite writers are big dfo proponents, one of my favorite fanfics of all time happens to be a dfo fanfic. I have some au's of my own about it and I enjoy reading others au's and I do enjoy the occasional dfo art piece. a lot of dfo theorists in my experience are really nice too.
I think it's so stupid how angry people get at dfo theorists, how you can't mention it outside your circle without risk of being insulted or jumped on. which I have experienced before in my dfo days (not on here though). at the end of the day it's just a little theory people have come up with, if it comes true then whatever if it doesn't then whatever right? just leave people alone and even if you disagree with them at least be respectful. it would be neat if fans with differing opinions on stuff in the story could come together and have an actual conversation once in a while so both sides could better understand each other, but sadly this is the Internet and disagreements like that usually result in a angry back and forth exchanges filled with insults.
as a whole I'm not interested in the dfo theory anymore to me it's something I would prefer to just remain a fanon thing rather than something that becomes canon. but yeah these days it's just very rare for me to read it, it's not something I seek out and I usually only read it from authors I already trust. but if someone wanted me to read their dfo fic and they were nice about it well I wouldn't be opposed to reading it. I don't mind if someone wants to talk about it with me either. I like talking about afo as a whole even if it's in the realms of a theory I'm not crazy about.
I guess I am grateful to dfo in a way as its what made me really take notice of afo in the first place. It made me look more into scenes that he was in and over time I ended up liking him more than the theory itself and ended up just abandoning the theory as a whole. I don't think I would be as in love with him as I am now if it weren't for dfo making me a take closer look at him. also believe it when they say the dfo theorist to afo simping pipeline is real because it happened to me. if you're keeping this man constantly in your thoughts theres a chance it could happen to you.
overall I don't feel like it's going to be canon anymore? I don't really care for it being canon either. there's too much stuff going on that still needs to be wrapped up and I think dfo wouldn't be able to fit in all of it. the only things I would say make me hesitate about it being true is the fact he said hisashi will be revealed back in 2018 and some of the meanings behind hisashi's name. but generally feeling like there's a 20% chance of it happening seeing where we are as of now. I think past me would've been horrified to hear me say this now because I used to be extremely confident it would happen but things change
anyways you wanted my opinion and there it is, this is just how I feel and you're free to disagree with me as long as you're not rude about it.
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9r7g5h · 5 months
To the Chapel (Even Though We Want to Run)
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia 
Rating: T
Genre: Gen
Summary: Of all the ways Izuku had imagined his wedding day to go, he never thought it would feel like a funeral procession.
Words: 3,742
Of all the ways Izuku had imagined his wedding day to go, he never thought it would feel like a funeral procession.
It was beautiful, of course. The horse he rode upon was magnificent, a gentle but strong mare that had been decked out in ribbons and gold, her mane twisted into elegant knots, nothing like his own unruly hair that refused everything his attendants had tried. Everyone that followed behind him dressed in new clothes that shimmered in the light, crystals and sometimes even real gems sewn into the cloth to give the illusion of wealth. Banners had been hung from every building that lined the way he and his own would travel down, letting their people see their prince as he rode to his wedding; a parade that, in other circumstances, would have been joyful.
He remembered, vaguely, the cheers that came from the citizens when he’d gone to witness Prince Touya and his knight Hawks wed many years ago. How happy the people had been that their wayward prince had found love and decided to come home, to take his father’s throne and turn their kingdom back from ruin. None of that greeted him now, only pitiful stares as he tried to hold back his tears and forced a smile on his face, waving at the people he knew. The people who had become his friends, the family that had taken the place of his mother when she had passed, when his father had turned his back at his presentation, who had held him together when this union had been announced. At least they had been given a decent sum, like all the citizens of the capital had, to do what needed to be done to keep up appearances.
King Hisashi Midoriya might hate his omega son, might have married him off the first moment he could, but he at least cared enough about appearances for this.
The castle itself was glorious to behold - money, Izuku knew, they did not have. Or, rather, would have soon enough; his soon to be husband (he couldn’t help but shudder at the word, his stomach turning at the thought he quickly pushed aside so he didn’t spoil his clothes) was wealthy, and the ‘bride’ price that he’d paid as part of this alliance agreement would shore up the kingdom for years to come. Would stave off another famine, give the diviners time to find another vein of gold, would keep his people safe. All the reasons why he was going through with this, why he hadn’t fled the moment the opportunity was presented to him.
Izuku was more willing to do what needed to be done for his people. He just wished the cost to himself wasn’t so high, and didn’t leave him feeling so sick.
It hurt to bring his mare to a halt before the castle doors. Not because he was one step closer to everything, to facing his father and the man he was being married off to, but because before he could dismount himself he heard the clanking of armor, felt the large hands wrap around his waist and lift, was forced to look into the pained red eyes of the man who stood before him. The man who, just last night, had done what he had sworn to never do before and begged - begged him to run away with him, to leave all of this behind; fuck the royalty and the kingdom that would sell him, please, let’s just go.
Izuku raised his head and forced a smile, ignoring the wetness under his eyes as he squeezed the forearms supporting him. “Thank you, Kacchan. I’m ok. You can let go now.”
For a long moment, Katsuki stood there, his head bowed, hands still around Izuku’s waist. He knew what he was thinking, had heard the thoughts before: was thinking, at that moment, it wouldn’t be hard to swing them both up onto one of the horses, to ride out of there before anyone else could be mobilized to chase them. That they could find refuge somewhere and get the happy ending they craved. That his sword was sharp, he was the best knight in the entire kingdom, that he was an alpha, that he could win.
Instead, Katsuki let go, his eyes defeated even as he schooled the rest of his face into something close to neutral. He took a step back, putting a respectable distance between them, his head lowering into a bow. “Of course, my Prince.”
Not childhood friends. Not pained lovers being forced to part. Just a prince and his knight, the guardian assigned to keep him alive. A job. Nothing more. That was all anyone would see.
Izuku was glad, now, for the perfumes and layers of cloth that covered his neck, that blocked his natural scent and gave off a lie of pleasure. Without it, someone could have noticed how much that pained him, how hard it broke his heart to not hear the possession within his voice that normally existed whenever Katsuki called him ‘My Prince.’ It was only proper that these ties be severed before they could bind, but that didn’t make cutting them any less painful.
The halls of the castle, at least, were loud enough to drown out the ringing in his ears and the fuzz in his head, people laughing and talking and yelling to be heard over the music that Izuku’s father had hired to ensure there wasn’t a moment of silence. It made it easier, not having to speak, just nodding in acknowledgment when spoken to, waving his hand towards the musicians if anyone tried to start a conversation. Most of them were attendants of his future husband, soon to be his own, and while they seemed like lovely people, the idea of interacting with them at this time was terrifying.
Only a few of his people would be allowed to come with him. Ochako, Iida and Tsu. Not even Kacchan was allowed to come with him to his new castle, his new home, though perhaps that was more of a blessing that King Hisashi had granted than a curse. It would hurt to see him after having to lay in another man’s bed, see him interact with another alpha’s children, both of them wanting but unable to have.
So perhaps this was right. Izuku had meant it when he said Katsuki could let go. Their final interaction to bring them some semblance of peace, of closure, even if the wound itself would never heal. Childhood promises broken and left behind, no matter how much they wanted to keep them.
Before he could sit and consider and let his mind spiral down into the darkness that often awaited him, the people were moving into the chapel, the music was changing, his attendants standing behind him. As much escorting him as making sure he didn’t mess up, his father’s biggest concern of the day, so sure his worthless omega son would do something to ruin this treaty. Which he wouldn’t. Izuku refused to be the failure he was believed to be; he would do this for his father, his country, for his people. Would complete the treaty and get the money and alliance that would keep them safe for so many years, if not generations, to come. He would keep his head high and stomach in check, and he would do what needed to be done.
Even if it meant marrying the man he once saw as an uncle, who had been there since he was a child, had been the one to tell him tales of love and happy endings, cruelly knowing he was never going to get his own. Even if it meant being mated to King Yagi Toshinori, the thought of which made his very skin crawl as he began to walk down the aisle, he would do it.
For his kingdom, and for his people.
The ceremony was quick - or perhaps he never really paid attention, his mind blank as the man Toshinori had brought with him read from the book, the two of them repeating after him almost mechanically. Hands tied together, wine drunk from the same cup, messages and symbolism he knew but didn’t, couldn’t remember. Because this was a fake, a falsehood, not a marriage but an exchange between his father and someone he thought cared about him, and all he could do for the rest of his life was accept it.
When Toshinori lifted his veil and placed a chaste kiss on his forehead, Izuku couldn’t stop the tears. Didn’t even try. Just stared up at his new husband, at the old friend and mentor that had betrayed him, and, perhaps selfishly, was glad he was a blond as well. If he was to be forced to have his children, at least if they came out blond, perhaps with his own green eyes, he could pretend.
He could barely remember the feast - he knew the food was supposed to be good, had smelt the chefs cooking for days. But even with course after course of delicious food laid out before him (enough to feed most of the capital, he knew, bitterly, enough to keep many of them going for days, and all of this wasted on a lie), he couldn’t eat. Couldn’t open his mouth, couldn’t bring himself to taste what he knew would be sour and ash upon his tongue. All he knew was he sat there, next to his husband, as time passed in leaps and jerks until finally, a hand was at his elbow, gently helping him rise from his seat. Izuku was aware enough to flush at the comments thrown their way as Toshinori led him towards the exit, ignoring the lewd statements and just waving towards his attendants, the group of people Izuku had never met and who would now become his entire life rising and following after them as they made their way towards the wing of the castle set aside just for them.
Just for this. Their wedding night.
He was glad, then, that he’d eaten nothing, because at the sight of the bedroom - the luxurious bed, the blankets already half nested, a steaming cup of tea that he knew would cause a faux heat if he drank it (to aid in conception the woman had told his father so the king can have an heir as soon as possible) - he wanted to be sick. He wanted to reject everything, this marriage, his title as Prince, the life he was now expected to go and live. But he couldn’t, so all he could do was reject the little that was in his stomach, bile stinging his throat and tongue as he struggled not to soil himself and the rug beneath his feet. The rug that kept him bolted to the floor, because right then and there he wanted to run, wanted to flee from the old alpha towering over him, reaching out towards him, he wanted Kacchan-
“Young Midoriya, you’re shaking. Please, come sit.” Gentle hands took his elbow and forearm, leading him away from the bed, towards a pair of chairs that had been pulled out to look at one another. Carefully Toshinori lowered Izuku into one before settling himself into the other, groaning lowly as his bones shifted. When he was settled, though, he gave Izuku a small, sad smile, his sunken eyes still visible enough to show the pity he felt. “You have nothing to fear, my boy.” His voice was soothing, his scent pulled in to keep as calming of an environment as he could. “While we may be husbands on paper, you are nothing more than my nephew, and I am nothing more than your Uncle Toshi. You are safe, my boy.”
“Why?” He was still shaking, still tense in his chair as he looked at the man before him, offering him so much after having taken away everything. Were his words true? Or were they some kind of twisted game, getting his hopes up only to destroy them? Izuku, a year ago, would have said his Uncle Toshi - an uncle in all but blood, the closest family friend his kingdom had - was a kind, honorable man, one who spoke straight and would never do something like that. Now, however, he just wasn’t sure. “Why did this happen?”
“Izuku...” Toshinori ran his hand over his face, up through his hair to push it back and out of his eyes. He was tired; it was clear the day had been long for him as well, though Izuku couldn’t find it within himself at the moment to care. “May I speak freely of your father?”
A nod.
“He’s a horrid man, and the only reason I maintained my friendship with him was because of your mother, and after her passing, you.” That got a chuckle out of Izuku. Not from the words themselves, but from how refreshing it was to hear someone other than Kacchan speak so freely of their hatred towards his father, something they all could agree upon. The chuckle seemed to cheer Toshinori up, allowing him to relax a little bit more into his chair. “You must know that your father was hoping for an alpha son, or at the very least a beta. So when you presented as an omega, he was quite disappointed with the outcome.”
‘You could have at least done me the courtesy of being born a girl, if all you were going to be good for was taking dick and pushing out pups. Wouldn’t have wasted all that sword training on you.’
Izuku knew exactly how his father felt.
“So when your father began talking about an alliance between kingdoms, he made it quite clear that part of the deal would be you. That he no longer wanted you around the castle, and thus whoever was willing to take you would get the alliance.” Toshinori reached out and patted Izuku’s hand, a calming gesture to try and counteract the harsh words. “When he made me the ‘offer,’ I tried to change it so you would become my ward, but he was strangely insistent that it was marriage instead. I believe so, if anything became of me, you wouldn’t be returned to him.”
“My father truly does hate me that much,” Izuku sighed, pulling up one leg to rest his head on his knee. He’d known it, but the reminder still hurt.
“Not just you,” Toshinori said gently, “but all omegas, for some reason. Which is why I finally agreed to marry you. So you’ll be away from your father, and whatever ignorance he has. Some gold that can easily be regained is a small price to pay for the happiness of my favorite nephew.”
He tried, he truly did, but Izuku couldn’t stop the tears that slid down his cheeks. He was so exhausted, mentally and emotionally, that it was just too hard to try and hide anything from the man before him. The man who had gone from being uncle to traitor to husband and back to uncle again in just a few hours, who had taken and given back a little bit of the sense of safety Izuku had lost from this whole ordeal. Who had watched him grow, and knew him so well. Izuku couldn’t hide.
“I’ll be free of my father, Uncle Toshi,” Izuku agreed, wiping angrily at his cheeks, “but he won’t let Kacchan come with us. And I... I’m...”
“I have a plan for that, my boy.” Toshinori left his chair and knelt before Izuku, wiping at his face for him. “What if I told you that a king can offer a knighthood to another knight, and it can be taken without consequence, save for a small fee paid to the other king? That the family of said knight can easily be moved with them, including all of their tailoring machines, and that it’s quite easy for good clothsmithes to get set up where we will be going to live? That I would be happy to appoint him your personal knight, with quarters in your wing of the castle so he can attend to you whenever necessary? What if I told you all of those things?”
Izuku was crying for real now, sobbing helplessly as he let his uncle hug him, making calming sounds as he ran his hand up and down his back, much like his mother once did when he was a child. It truly was too much, this had to be a dream, because it was more than he ever could have hoped for and everything he ever could have wanted.
“Fucking get off me, shitty hair!”
“Ahh, looks like my attendant found your knight.” Toshinori chuckled as he stood, using his shirt hem to wipe at the tears still left on Izuku’s cheeks. “Just in time, this next part will most likely include both of you.”
It took another few moments before the door burst open, a soaking wet Katsuki dragged in by three of the attendants Izuku recognized as belonging to Toshinori. Even clearly drunk they were struggling to keep a hold on him, his strength shown as he thrashed between them.
“Sorry, my lord,” one of them said with a sharp smile, his red hair dripping. “We wanted to sober him up a bit before we brought him to you. Took me in too.”
“Because you tried to push me into the fucking lake, you dipshit, of course I was bringing you too. Just let me go so I can fuck off.” A snap of teeth at one of the hands holding him, the black-haired man barely moving them in time.
“Young Bakugou, if you would please calm down, I believe you’ll enjoy the conversation I’d like to have with you.”
Even drunk Katsuki recognized Toshinori's voice - how could he not, when the man had spent almost as much time with him as Izuku growing up? He stilled in the attendants' grasp, eyes flickering around the room, searching, a sigh of relief leaving him when he found the bed and saw it empty. Though it was clear he was on guard when he was finally allowed to stand on his own, shaking off the hands that tried to keep him upright to do it himself, even if there was a slight sway in the way he stood.
He glanced towards the set of chairs, but his gaze didn't linger. Instead settling on the king's feet, hands twitching before settling into fists. "You need something, your majesty?"
"Please, leave us," to the attendants, waiting until the door was firmly shut before Toshinori shuffled back to his chair. Glancing around the room himself, he gestured towards a stool in the corner, nodding when Katsuki moved to grab it. "Please, young Bakugou, come join us. I was just discussing the possibility of you coming to join us in my kingdom with young Midoriya."
Katsuki froze half-seated, his eyes flickering to Izuku once before dropping to the ground again. But that flicker was enough - he was hurting, and the idea of coming with them, of seeing Izuku in the arms of another man, would kill him. And he thought Izuku cruel for asking him to watch.
"Kacchan," Izuku said softly, the smile he gave unseen as Katsuki refused to look at him, "please, hear him out."
A curt nod, hands clenched into fists on his knees, but at least he stayed.
"It’s well known I never intended to take a mate,” Toshinori said calmly, looking between the two. His smile was small, affection clear in his eyes. “And I still never intend to.”
Katsuki's head jerked up, staring wide-eyed between Toshinori and the smiling Izuku. "Deku," he rasped, tongue heavy with emotions and drink, "what..."
"Our marriage is platonic," Toshinori continued. "I have no interest in Izuku, beyond him as a nephew, or a son. This was to protect him from his father, and nothing more. Though, I will still need heirs for my kingdom." He leaned forward, fingers interlacing as he rested his chin on his folded hands. He kept his gaze steady on Katsuki, watching as the gears clicked into place behind his eyes. "Any children Izuku has will officially be listed as my own, but who he chooses as the sire is no concern of mine. Though, interestingly enough, just yesterday afternoon I discovered that my own great-grandmother happened to have red eyes herself. There are no portraits of her, of course, but a description of her was found in a very old journal. A brilliant red, it said."
Izuku reached out, Katsuki quickly taking his hand, squeezing it tight as he looked up at King Toshinori as if he was something more than just a man, just a king offering them everything they could have wanted. Both of their faces were wet, Izuku realized, a new kind of tears slipping unnoticed until that moment down their cheeks as they were given back their future.
Toshinori chuckled as he stood and wiped at Izuku's face once again with the hem of his shirt, a quick kiss on his forehead before doing the same to Katsuki, a gesture the alpha didn't even try to protest. "If those red eyes just happen to appear in the children listed as my own," he said softly, clasping Katsuki's shoulder - approval, an excited wish for the happiness he would soon see grow - "well, it's common knowledge that rare features like those can skip generations. And my people know how to keep their mouths shut."
Izuku was aware of the door closing behind Toshinori as he left but could barely pay it any mind as Katsuki’s hands cupped his face, tilting it up to draw him into a kiss. It was wet, the smell of the lake filling his nose and the taste of drink sour and strong on his lips, but Izuku couldn’t care less as the same hands that had so easily lifted him from his horse earlier that day now lifted him from the chair, stumbling steps letting them collapse on the bed that was now theirs. Theirs and theirs alone, and if this wasn’t a cruel game there would be another waiting for them at their new home, just theirs.
For the first time on his wedding day, Izuku laughed, truly laughed, and pulled his knight Kacchan in for another kiss.
If there are any questions/requests, I have a Curious Cat and a Retrospring! :3
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Okay, headcannon for Izuku's quirk being able to hear animals speaking. Like when he turned, a bird landed on his window and he can hear them wondering if someone could give them something to eat so Izuku gave the bird a bowl of seed.
!!!!!!!! I LOVE THATTTTTTT !!!!!!!!
Koda and izuku are best friends and Disney princesses
My question is, can the animals understand him too? I’m going to say that they can, but if you want a situation where they can’t, that’s totally valid!!!!! Tell me and I’ll do a different set of headcanons for that!!!!
I like to imagine like,,, 4-5 year old izuku hanging out in his room and a bird flies on his window sill talking to themself about food, and little izuku is just in AWE
He’d be completely overjoyed
You cannot tell me that the absolute ray of sunshine that toddler izuku is would not be like, “oh my gosh, animals, I can understand animals, can they understand me? Do they like me? If I talk to them, will I be talking in bird or do they understand Japanese? I’ll get you seeds!!!!! I wonder if it’s all animals or just birds? I wonder-“ and his brain is going a mile a minute while he just runs into the kitchen trying to ask his mom if they have any bird seed
A very confused inko gives him some bird seed and asks if he’s okay, and he’s trying to articulate that he thinks he got his quirk, but he’s an excited 4 year old with adhd, who just heard and understood a bird and is thinking about what this means for his future career as a hero, so give him a moment
He does tell her what happened, and she asks him what the bird is saying and if the bird can understand them, and he says that they can, and he’s just so happyyyyyy
Angst time, because I am a horrible person /j
Hisashi Midoriya is not happy because the quirk is likely a mutation of some kind as it doesn’t have anything to do with fire breath or attracting small objects
So, he does a deadbeat dad thing and dips
Izuku feels so guilty over it, but he can’t bring himself to hate his quirk (good) he gets to talk to animals! He can help them!!
Inko makes sure to tell him that it isn’t his fault and that he shouldn’t blame himself
Family angst is over!
So, our dearest son, izuku feral Midoriya, 10000% sneaks animals into the entrance exam
I like to imagine that he went to the park beforehand and talked to a shit ton of squirrels and chipmunks and asked them to help him with the entrance exam if they could. He brings them food as a peace offering (irl you shouldn’t feed wild animals, I know this, izuku knows this, but he can tell them why they shouldn’t rely on humans for food, we cannot, so just bare with me)
But yes. Just imagine izuku giving a war cry to all the rodents that are, for reasons unknown to anyone but izuku, standing around the gates of the exam area, and suddenly like,,,, 3 dozen rodents just start running in and tearing wires out of robots
Koda and izuku are fast friends who bond over their love and respect for animals
They both have anxiety too and are the only (at the beginning) members of class a who know/use JSL!
Okay, something that just popped into my head because I was thinking of how he’d use this quirk in the sports festival, and all I could think of was like,,, Pokémon trainer izuku
And honestly,,, kinda love that
Like, he’s just in the little ring with shinsou (does shinsou’s quirk work on animals?? Like, if he asked a cat a question and even if they don’t understand him, they still meow at him, would they be under his control?) anyway, I’m assuming shinsou’s quirk doesn’t work on animals. So, izuku just brings in a fucking bear who he bribed with salmon earlier and shinsou is like, “wow. Fuck.”
But anyway. I like to imagine that izuku has a shit ton of bird houses outside his window at home, and this continues when they move into the dorms
Aizawa finds him one night talking to a cat in an alleyway, and he’s worried for his problem child being in an alleyway at night and why is he here???? And then, he sees the cat and understands.
Mic goes to check on the class a dorms the next day because his husband never came back last night and he might’ve run into trouble with his hell class, only to walk in on the green bean and his husband smuggling a cat on campus
Shota, you’re a teacher. What are you doing?
He had to. Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine.
Anyway. Class a has a new dorm cat :)
I hope you like theseeee!!!! They were really fun to write and think about!!!! Izuku and koda being Disney princesses is now something that I hold very dear to my heart 😭😭
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quirkwizard · 4 months
Are you gonna post that crab rave gif when the actual Hisashi Midoriya makes an appearance and *that* fan headcanon is officially dead dead?
Oh, don't you know? Hisashi is going to be a clone of All For One, allowing him to return once again because that's a Star Wars reference... On second thought, knowing my track record, I really shouldn't be tempting fate like that.
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Joking aside, while I do have a lot of thoughts on the death of All For One, one of the things I'm happy for is that this fan theory is seems to be finally petering out. Because All For One is pretty definitively dead, beaten by two characters he's had a fairly strong connection to. What would even be the point of revealing him as Izuku's father now? Who's even left that could give that reveal and have it be satisfying? Even now, there isn't any solid mention or hint that it could be the case. If anything, showing the entire span of All For One's life and getting into his head, both in his flashback and as we see him physically regress, we have even fewer pieces of hard evidence. Young All For One doesn't look at all like Midoriya and unless it was a part of some grander scheme, I can't imagine All For One would ever have any kind of family given his goals and personality. And because of that sociopathy, I can't imagine you can draw that much emotion out of the dynamic or have Izuku be that conflicted about the situation. To paraphrase a wise man, he's crazy and he needs to go down.
Especially now since the story seems pretty dead set on the Tomura being Izuku's final boss and emphasizing their connection. Which is something I never considered before now, but seems so obvious now. I keep hearing people comparing this to Luke and Vader, but it really isn't one to one. The reason why the Darth Vader plot twist works so well is because he was Luke's villain, one he had a close tie to through the movies. What's more is that the matter of Luke's real parents was something important to him and was brought up a few times before the twist. So having Vader, the Luke he hates, the man Luke believes killed his father, the man Luke will need to defeat to bring peace to the galaxy is really his father. And then there's is new dynamic where the two are using their bond to pull one towards their own side, believing their own way to be the right one. None those are the case with Izuku and All For One. The theory made some sense if All For One returned as the big bad, but now it would just like seem like a pointless swerve for all the characters involved. Having All For One be his father is like finding out Palpatine is his dad the whole time. It just doesn't work as well inherently.
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