#washing my hair takes alot outta me
amazingmsme · 5 months
Curtwen hc time! Bc we always need some more of these. (And strap in theres a few—)
First things first, i ADORE your last hc with Curt finding out about Owen first. I love the lines of dialogue beforehand between the two of them so SO much. I like that Owen would be like "stop tickling!" rather than "stop tickling ME", makes him sound more british.
Alr here are my thoughts:
Curt obviously spends a lot of time on his hair to keep it ✨️perfect✨️, but actually so does Owen. Owen uses a lot of product to keep his longer hair silky and soft, while Curt uses product specifically for looks. SO Owen loves that when theyre making out his hair ends up all up in Curt's face. Curts squinting and squirming and like "Owehehen- use a hair tie!" and Owens like "I literally just washed my hair, I'm not going to ruin it now-" so Curt has to suffer through giggles.
I will always and forever adore Barb being unwillingly involved in the boys' lil games, SO— Curt keeps asking and asking Barb to buildnhim somrthing that'll help him get revenge on Owen, but he never specifies what he wants the invention to do. So Barb's like "Mega, if you cant tell me what you want the invention to DO, i cant make one for you!!" and Curt tries to explain it in the vaguest way possible so that 1) she doesnt think he only wants it for himself and 2) itll still do what he wants it to do. And wventually when she connects the dots she teases the hell outta him. Curt makes excuses about the 'bad guys' bring thrown offguard or itd be helpful in interrogations, but Barb says "no one would ever use tickling in an interrogation, Mega" and Curt doesnt have the willpower or pride to correct her.
Owen has ticklish arms. There i said it. He wore a tak top while he and Curt were cuddling, and Curt just traced lines up and down the soft skin of his inner/outer arm. He tries SO FREAKING HARD not to tense his muscles because he knows as soon as he does Curt will notice. So hes just like "Curt could you cut it out? You're nails are itching me." and tries to move out of the way. But Curt senses somethings up and prods him (figuratively and literally) about it until he spills. Owen's laughter from soft tickles is so much different from when he's "getting wreckt". Its very breathy and soft, and he covers his face with the back of his hand to hide himself, but doesnt actively lean away from the feeling. Curt gets heart-eyes and immediately wants to hear more. Owen's throwing insults at him to stop, but he just lays there giggling into the side of the couch.
Finally, LETS👏TALK👏ABOUT👏CURT'S👏TICKLISH👏EARS👏. Our canon. Our bread and butter. Curt originally hates wearing earpieces because Barb hadn't perfected the technology yet and it always buzzed. He got yelled at because one time on a very important mission in Budapest Curt was losing his gd mind with how tingly his ear was feeling and he had to take it off. When Barb couldn't get ahold of him, she knew she'd give him an earfull later. Curt also has issues with Owen. Now, Owen loves Curt's ears. He thinks theyre a cute shape and he loves that theyre so sensitive. Owen adores tracing them and pecking them. Depending on the day, Curt wil either get major goosebumps from Owen, or lose his shiy immediately as he did in the famous interrogation scene. Owen always keeps an ostrich feather in his coat pocket. He rarely uses it, but he likes that Curt knows its always there. Its like its watching him 👀
THAT is all i have, i know it is alot but i am obsessed w these two and i just aAA-
AAAAAAAAA THESE ARE SO FUCKING CUTE I’M DYING I NEED CPR STAT!!! These two are gonna kill me, they’re such fucking dorks I love them I love them I love them! & I love that it makes him sound more British, I didn’t even think of that but now that you pointed it out I can’t stop seeing it!
I absolutely LOVE the difference in hair care between the 2 because they both obsess over their hair in different ways. Curt will style & gel his hair before he even thinks about stepping out the door because he’s always gotta look his best. Meanwhile Owen takes fucking forever after his shower brushing it & putting products in it to help it grow, heal split ends, make it soft, literally the works. Curt’s always like what the hell takes you so long??? & Owen’s just like “you have your hair routine, I have mine”
But it makes his hair so silky smooth & soft & it’s the perfect length to brush against Curt’s neck & ears when they cuddle or make out & it makes him so blushy & giggly because wtf hair shouldn’t tickle! But Owen absolutely loves the fact that he doesn’t even have to use his hands to get him laughing
On a related note, his stubble is the bane of Curt’s existence, it should be illegal
& omg Barb is constantly flipping between extremely amused & very annoyed, these boys never give her a fucking break! She’s so patient with Curt trying to find out what the fuck he actually wants from her, but he won’t stop beating around the bush & is being vague af. So she’s just like “damn if you can’t even say it you can’t be trusted with it” & then he tries to make more of an effort to actually describe what it is he’s looking for & she just gets more amused by the second. & when she says no one would use that in an interrogation he like mumbles under his breath something like “well Owen did” or “must be an MI6 thing” & he’s just being classic sassy Curt but she hears what he said & is like wait a fucking second. “Curt you can’t be serious. Agent Carvour is a professional” & he’s getting flustered & huffy & just goes “yeah, a professional pain in my ass. So can you make it or what?” She has it ready for him by lunch the next day & demands a “full report” on the device’s performance. She even had a sticky note with it that just says “give him hell ;)”
FMVRMAGELW I AM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH RN! TICKLISH ARMS ARE SO UNDERRATED! Sorry for yelling but this really has me in a chokehold. Owen is pretty averagely ticklish in all the normal spots, but I like to imagine he’s a lot more sensitive in harder to reach or more unconventional spots like his arms. Light touches here drive him up the fucking wall ok, he cannot take it whatsoever. Immediately breaks down in a fit of giggles. He tries to hold out, but breathy snickers always force their way out as he squirms around trying to suppress his wide dopey ass grin. Curt thinks it’s the cutest fucking thing he’s ever seen in his life, & he’s right. His forearms are pretty bad & he can’t help but twitch away with a huff of laughter when Curt brushes over the skin there. But his biceps? That’s a good way to kill him. Light tickles there will have him in shrill hysterics & squeezing the muscle will draw out full on belly laughs. Owen didn’t even know he was ticklish there until Curt, & so he was really trying to hide the spot from the both of them. Because what a stupid fucking spot to be ticklish, he did not need to know how sensitive that spot was & he really didn’t need Curt to find out either. But he can’t lie to him, so they went in a little journey of discovery together
Bro we’re so damn lucky that we got canon ticklish!Curt I literally couldn’t believe it! & on his ears no less, like that is legit one of my favorite spots! It’s just so sweet & cute & the way people giggle & scrunch their neck for protection is so kxganssmabfi & that’s his literal introduction to the show!!! Like he legit goes from suave spy who never cracks under pressure to cutest giggly dork in the world in seconds flat! Like wtf they can’t do that to me! But I fucking LOVE how he can’t handle the ear piece because he’s too sensitive there & he just straight up ditches it! & when they ask him about it he’s all dodgy & embarrassed & not giving a straight answer until Cynthia threatens not to pay him for the assignment if he can’t answer her & he just blurts it out, blushing so much & Cynthia just scoffs like “Jesus Mega, that’s it? Why didn’t you just say so, no need to make such a big fucking deal out of it” & he’s so shocked because he honestly expected a lecture about how a spy shouldn’t be ticklish, but she was cool with it??? & she can kinda sense what he’s thinking so she says “look, we’re all human, I get it. I’ll get Barb to make some adjustments” & he thinks that’s the end of it but now she just uses it to tease the shit out of him when he’s least expecting it
His ears are Owen’s absolute favorite spot because Curt is soooo cute & giggly when he tickles him there & it’s one of his worst spots, & he’s a bit of a masochist & likes to bully his boyfriend. & I’m fucking dying thinking about him carrying around that feather all the time “just in case” like just imagine the first time Curt stumbles upon it! Maybe he’s looking for something in his pocket or grabbing his jacket for him & he just freezes & turns completely red. & he pulls it out & looks at Owen like “what the fuck is this???” & Owen looks up & smirks like “well you should know what that is” all smug & shit & he fucking has the audacity to wink at him. He knows exactly what he’s doing, & Curt really can’t handle it
Also worth noting: this is one of the top pics that comes up when you google Owen Carvour
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I love them so very much, if you couldn’t tell
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lunarecord · 6 years
I saw you added your commentary that misogyny and patriarchy are to blame for male rape. Can we also kill feminism and misandry while we're at it to combat female on male rape? That's how ridiculous it sounds. I'm not attacking you so don't bother crying, just telling you how it is. Very shortsighted to victim blame male rape on males.
you have to understand though, im not blaming it on the individuals. im blaming it on the entire system that is clearly also hurting the group people who perpetuate it. misogyny/toxic masculinity is not the sole cause of rape on guys, but it definitely is what gave people the idea that men are always up for sex, the idea that men who are abused by women are weak or lesser, the idea that men must always be strong and never show weakness, the idea that a woman cant abuse a man/that a man cant be abused at all, ect. which makes things harder for many victims. please understand that im not saying “its men’s fault that they got raped!!”, that not an ideology id ever ever ever support. i am saying that this system of patriarchy and misogyny does not only harm women, its hurts men too and this is a huge way that it does. itd be in literally everyone’s best interest to continue to dismantle this system of oppression bc it aint REALLY good for anyone involved. this is why the issue of male rape is a feminist issue.
also just sayin as a side note, the equivalency between misogyny/patriarchy and misandry is a false one; one is an actual system currently in place that has resulted in the abuse, mistreatment, rapes, and deaths of millions upon millions of people, and one is a vague idea that some shitty people who sometimes attempt to call themselves feminists or trolls try to perpetuate but is really never going to actually come into fruition. mostly people jsut tote that word around to excuse themselves being assholes, its not an actual societal structure in place.
lastly why would i cry over u sharing a different opinion than me? u literally have 0 effect over my life i dont really give a single shit about a random strangers opinion abt me/my opinions on the internet lmao. i really answered this to get my ideas out clearly bc i struggle with that sometimes and its useful to have a bank of my thoughts written out clearly on my blog that i can refer back to later. this ask is a good excuse to do that tbh. i would assume youd say that bc u assume that i am a sjw? i wouldnt call myself a sjw but even if i were sjws arent just a hivemind entity of crybabies yknow. they are a loosely categorized group of people with usually much more cool people than there are shitty ones, the shitty ones is just what opposing groups like to focus on the most. its like that with like, most communities.
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Birthday Girl - Chris Evans
The reader (me ) is dating chris evans, and its the readers birtday, and chris evans is spoiling her, taking to the hair salon and to the nail salon , and the trows a party for her, and he asks her to marry him, and a couple months later the reader is asked to been on say yes to the dress and alot of fluff please
A/N: It took way too long but here we go. Definitely not very well edited. Hope you like.
WARNINGS- pure fluff, tiny tiny illusion to smut, marriage.
Hope you enjoy :)
“Babe, wake up.” You groaned as you rolled over, waving your hand in the direction of the voice. You heard a husky chuckle, before a pair of soft lips pressed to the top of your hand. “Get up, baby. I made breakfast, well brunch.” Your eyes shot open at the mention of food and you turned to see you handsome boyfriend of 4 years towering over the bed with a tray in his hands.
You sat up rubbing the sleep from your eyes as the tray was placed over your lap. You looked at the food before gazing up at Chris.
“Happy Birthday, baby.” You smiled as he leaned down and pressed his soft lips against yours.
“Thank you, honey.”
“No problem, pretty girl.Now eat up and after you finish that, we’re taking a shower and i’m taking you out, ok?” He said as he put his hands on his hips. You nodded before tilting your head up to receive one last kiss which he happily obliged and then you begun your meal.
Less than 15 minutes later you were up and out of your bed standing in your morning glory of a bra and short shorts. Chris’ large hands wrapped around your hips lightly pushing you towards the adjacent bathroom.
“Make sure you just don’t wash your hair, ok.” He smiled as you turned you around. Cocking an eyebrow you smirked.
“What’s up your sleeve?” You eyed him up as he moved closer. He ran his hand up and down your arm lovingly while staring into your eyes.
“Nothing. Just wanna spoil my special girl. Now go, we gotta be outta here in 20 minutes. Go.” He kissed your cheek and spun you around, giving your ass a slap before gently pushing you forward.
-time skip-
20 minutes later you were in the car with Chris, your favourite songs echoed through the car loudly and you both yelled the lyrics.
Eventually you pulled up out the front of a hair dressers, a very expensive some mind you. Chris turned to you and winked before making his way out of the car and to your side to let you out.
“Baby, what are we doing here?” You looked into his ocean blue eyes as they gleamed with happiness,
“I Told you i wanna spoil you. Now come on.” He grabbed you hand and pulled you into the salon. The receptionist smiled and ushered you through a doorway to a chair. Chris smiled at you before waving goodbye.
“I’ll be back when your done, love.” He blew you a kiss and made his way out to the car. You sat in the chair as a platinum blonde lady walked through stopping at your chair.
“Hey there darlin, my names Christy and I’ll be doing your hair today.”
You smiled as she directed you to another room with cushy chairs and sinks.
-and another time skip-
Two relaxing hours later you looked at yourself in the mirror in front of you, the stylist beaming ear to ear as she rested her hands on the back of your chair.
Not only had she magnificently done your hair but also your make up leaving you with a gorgeous natural glam look.
“Do you like it?” She asked as she continued to smooth out your hair.
“I love it, thankyou so much. How much do i owe you?” You asked as she led you to the reception area.
“I’m afraid, that’s already been taken care of.” You turned around just to meet that handsome hunk of a man, you called your boyfriend leaning against the desk.
He moves over to you leaning in for a kiss but You quickly turn your head away so his lips meet your cheek. He looks at you confused before you smile before pointing to your lips.
“Lipstick.” He chuckles, kissing just beside your mouth and moving away and saying goodbye to the hair dresser and the receptionist.
You made you way back to the car hoping in and seeing a dry cleaners bag in the back.
“What’s that?” You turn to grab it before chris grabs your hand pulling it back to him.
“Gotta wait for that baby.” You playfully scowled at him before settling into your seat.
You drove about 5 minutes up the road to another cute, -expensive- salon, only this one being a nail salon.
“Second last stop, babyyyy.” He smiled pulling you out of the car once again.
You walked up to the receptionist, again the girl immediately recognising Chris.
“Ahhh, Christopher! Your here, come on through.” The lady exclaimed as she hurried you both through the doorway into a small, private room, with a nail technician getting her tools ready.
“Ah! Hi guys! I’ll be going your nails today, Mrs Evans, if you’d like to take a seat just here and Mr Evans there’s chair there if you’d like to sit.” You looked back at Chris as you moved to sit down stunned by the names. You felt like telling her you weren’t Mrs Evans but secretly you loved the ring it had and the butterflies it sent up your stomach.
“I would love to sit, but i’ve got a few more things to take care of.” Chris spoke running his hand along your shoulders and leaning down to kiss you.
“I’ll be back baby.” With that he walked out the door. You smiled as the lady started on your nails.
Little did you know Chris was going back and forth between the house during your appointments getting things ready for tonight.
After this past year all Chris wanted to do was spoil you. Covid and quarantine did not treat you well and it took a toll on both of you, but now he could doing something so he’d secretly sent out invites to some of your closest friends and your family including his inviting them to celebrate you and if everything goes right, your engagement. Chris had had the ring from about the 6 month mark and You’re now four years in and he couldn’t be more sure.
He walked through the house and into the back yard to see he mum, Scott, his sisters and a few of his friends all assisting in putting up lights and setting tables. Before he walked outside he made his way to your shared bedroom grabbing the roses and rose petals. Before he laid them down he placed a black silk dress with some black crystal strap heels on the bed before sprinkling some pink and red roses over the bed and the floor leading to the bedroom and your bed.
Smiling at his work he made his way back towards his back yard where he was immediately ambushed by his niece and nephews. He walked over to the group with one of them in his arms, leaning over and placing a kiss on his mums cheek.
“Ma, this looks great. Really great.” He smiled as the child in his arms was taken.
“No problem. Anything for that gorgeous girl of yours. Now where is she. Is it almost time?” Lisa was definitely very very excited. Almost more excited than Chris.
“Yes, Yes, ma i gotta get her in about... 10 minutes.” Checking his watch, he ran back up the stairs muttering a quick ‘i’ll be back’ and changing into some plaid pants, a white shirt and a brown jacket.
“Okayyy, i’m going to get the birthday girl. Remember be real quiet when we get back.” He smiled as everyone waved good bye.
10 minutes later you smiled admiring your freshly done nails. You looked over as the bell of the door rang seeing Chris walk in sunnies on all dressed up.
You got up and met him half way, holding your hand out and wiggling your fingers.
“Damn, babyyy.” He smiled lifting your hand closer to his face before pressing a kiss to it. He smiled up at you looking over his glasses, blue eyes gleaming. “So pretty, honey.” He smiled once more before quickly paying the bill and waving to the ladies.
The whole way home you watched as his leg bounced and his hand wrapped and unwrapped itself from yours.
You pulled up to the house and got out of the car, Chris quickly led you toward your bedroom. He rest his hand on the knob giving you a smirk before swinging the door open.
You let jaw dropped as you saw the flowers and black dress resting on the bed.
“Oh, Chris.” You moved to the dress smiling as you lifted it. Turning you smiled as you watched chris rock back and forth a shy smile.
“Wanted to spoil you baby. Now put it on. Got one last surprise.” He smiled leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
Smiling you slipped from your jeans and shirt into the dress. You smiled as you checked your -frankly- gorgeous figure out in the mirror before a loud knock interrupted your admiring. You called out to come in and in walked Scott all nice in a button up and jeans.
“Scott! What are you doing here!?” You smiled as he enveloped you in a hug.
“I came to see my favourite girl!! and Chris made me come get you and bring you down stairs.” Stepping back he gave you a quick once over before grabbing your hand making your twirl.
“You look gorgeous babyyy. I love it!” You smiled and giggles before you were lead out the room and towards the back yard. Before you got to the door you were instructed to close your eyes.
“Good god, what are you doing to me.” Scott laughed and lead to carefully to the back step.
Silently he stepped away from you to stand in front of you along with the rest of your friends and family.
“Umm, Scott can i take my hands away now??” You chuckled and before long two strong hands were lifting your own off your face.
As your eyes adjusted to the light Chris stepped in front of you with everyone else as everyone yelled “Surprise!” and “Happy Birthday!”’s
You jumped and laughed as you looked at the sea of people.
Chris slowly walked towards you before whispering “happy birthday” and placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“Did you do this?” You asked. He grabbed your hands smiling and turned to everyone else.
“Yes i did. Do you like it?” For the first time since you stepped outside you looked around seeing the fairly lights everywhere small tables, and the couches, blankets and cushions for everyone.
“Baby i love it. Thankyou so much.” You smiled leaving a long, lingering kiss on his plump pink lips.
Soon as your moment was over you moved over to say hi and thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes and for turning up.
About an hour and a half later you were standing around talking to some old friends when a glass clinking echoed around the yard. You turned to see Chris standing on a chair.
“‘Scuse me! Can i have your attention!” Everyone turned as he cleared his throat one last time.
“Just wanted to make a quick speech. Y/N, Baby, if you could come here please.” You quickly made you way over to where he stood now on the ground. He took your hand before turning to everyone.
“This woman is one of the kindest, most loving, most beautiful women i’ve ever met and had the pleasure of being with. She is forever teaching me new things and i’m so deeply in love her for everything she does for me and my family,” he looked you in the eyes smiling, “I want to keep this woman in my life for the rest of my life so i guess what i’m trying to say is..” he let go of your hand, his sliding into his pocket and pulling out a little velvet box. You eyes widened and your hand flew to your face. He smiled nervously as he slowly lowered himself to one knee.
“Y/N, baby, will you stay by my side forever. Will you put up with me and my bullshit for the rest of our lives. But most of all, will you please make me the luckiest and happiest man on this earth, and marry me?” Tears pooled in both your eyes as your voice got caught in your throat. Not trusting your voice you nodded, your head almost detaching from your neck.
You bent down slightly cupping the side of his face and pressing your lips to his in a feverish kiss, his free hand coming up to cup your face in return. You pulled back whispering a yes as he stood and pressed your foreheads together. Looking down he slipped the diamond onto your finger. You smiled down at it before locking eyes with your now-fiancé.
“I love you so much, Chris. I can’t think of anything better, than spending the rest of my life with you.” You smiled kissing him one last time.
Neither of you had noticed Scott with his phone out filming everything. Turning to everyone he grabbed your hand swinging it in the air and shouting “She said yes!!!” You laughed and everyone cheered quickly moving to congratulate you two.
The rest of the night went past in a blur Chris barely leaving your side and you barely leaving his as everyone drank and celebrated both your and your engagement.
Eventually the night ended about 12.30 am, everyone heading to bed, you with your fiancé. Man you’d never get sick of saying that.
-9 Months later-
you walked into the boutique, Randy meeting you, your best friends and mum at the entrance, camera crews lurking behind.
“Hello, hello!!!! Y/N! How are you!?” You smiled giving him a hug.
“I’m good! How are you?” Answer with a “fantastic” and you introduced Randy to your mum and best friend before be less through the lobby to the rooms with all the dresses.
“Okay, so, what were we thinking?” Randy clapped his hands together.
“Umm so i was thinking something princess-y like a ball gown, but a strapless, you know??” You said as you avoided the cameras.
Being Chris’ girlfriend turned fiancé you were used to cameras but it still made you nervous sometimes.
“Okay, we’ve got a perfect range for you, if you come with me we’ll chose two or three and go back to the change rooms and try them on.” he placed a hand on your lower back leading you away from your family.
About 10 minutes later you walked out in a plain white ball gown -https://pin.it/5cuCPCq- with a slit for your leg. Standing on the podium you looked at yourself in the mirror. It was a gorgeous dress but, just didn’t feel right.
You turned to your guests and splayed out your hands beside you. You mother clasped her hands over her mouth murmuring how beautiful you look. While your best friend looked at you with a proud smile.
“So what do you think?” Your mum smiled as you turned back to look at yourself.
“I like it. It’s gorgeous, but it just doesn’t quite feel right.” Your cocked your head to the side as you surveyed yourself.
Chris would love this but this was for you.
Randy smiled. “Well it looks gorgeous but we still have more to try.” Once again he help out his hand helping you down before walking you back to the room.
You tried on one more that wasn’t right before trying on the last one. As soon as you put it on, you felt your body light up. You looks down and smoothed the skirt.
Holy Shit
You walked out, back to the stand immediately turning to your mum. Her hands flew to her mouth covering it as tears sprung to her eyes. Before you teared up yourself you looked to your best friend who was nodding furiously.
“My Goodness! It’s gorgeous!!!” Your best friend gushed as you smiled widely, so wide it felt as if your cheeks would split.
You turned to the mirror getting proper view of yourself.
“Sooooo,” Randy’s voice broke you from your thoughts. Your turned to see his equally bright and smiling figure. “Might this be a yes?” His hands clasped together and pressed to his lips. Turning back for one last once over you nodded.
“Yeah. It’s a big yes!” You smiled as everyone rushed up to you hugging what they could.
Randy and the assistant’s clapped as you twirled in celebration.
-3 months later.-
The dress was perfect, the ceremony was perfect, everything was perfect.
The wedding was everything you could have dreamed of from the forest ceremony and the reception.
Lights lined the trees and the under cover canopies. Tables littered these canopies flowers and napkins with the writing Mr&Mrs Evans embroidered on them.
Everyone spent the night dancing and laughing and celebrating you. The place was filled with close friends and family and a couple of A-listers including good ole Sebastian and Anthony, Scarlett and Robert and more.
Once the night was over Chris carried you bridal style (lol) through the threshold of your already shared home, before walking you to the room and placing you down.
Chris continued to worship you all night from small light kisses to consummating the marriage (wink wink) all night.
To say you were the happiest you’ve ever been was an understatement, and this was going to be the rest of your life.
Nothing could be better that this. Now Mrs Evans. Damn.
Ta-da!! Finished
Thanks for ready, go check out my other stuff :)
(master list is in the works lol)
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grimessbitch · 3 years
Devil’s sister- Introductions - Rick Grimes x Reader
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Finally I’ve posted the first chapter! I’ve been working really hard on this for awhile with brain storming and trying to make my writing as great as the idea, so please remember feedback is key 💕 and the tag list is open :)
“So you know what you’re gonna do now, right?” Negan asked you not giving you any attention at all as he cleaned Lucille “Yea, Negan, I understand. Now can I please go now? You’ve told me like a thousand times!” You groaned loudly stomping your foot a bit, your older brother took advantage of you being about thirty years younger than him. Negan’s mother had him fresh out of high school, and your mother had you around the time she was in her late thirties, early forties. Your mother ended up marrying his dad for his money which resulted in you two having the same father but different mothers and Negan being in his early fifties and you being in your early to mid twenties. “Yea. Yea. And Y/N?..don’t fall in love with the prick” He grumbled, You walked out and out of the sanctuary towards the tree-line. Croutching down lown you grabbed your knife, you could hear the loud groans coming from the undead up on the street, your target being way ahead of them, Rick Grimes, the man you had to force to fall in love with you. You dove deeper into the woods taking down a stray walker, Gulping and holding back a gag you cut open the walking corpse smearing the blood on you bit along with some mud, anything to make it look like you had been out here for months.
It had be at least three or four days of walking and killing walkers, and if Negan would’ve explained that this was part of you mission you never would’ve done it. You stunk, your hair was a complete mess, the mud had dried on your face giving it a disgusting feeling. Walking closer to a noise you heard you saw a giant field, and in the center was a beaten down red car, with a boy sitting on top of it, using a knife to peel the bark off of a stick. As you walked closer you recognized the face, you had seen him once at the Sanctuary, but he wasn’t wearing a hat or a bandage over his eye at the Sanctuary. “Hello?” You asked walking into the field “please don’t shoot I’m..I’m not bit” you yelled a bit louder as the boy jumped down walking towards you “who are you?” The boy asked standing in front of you glaring a bit, obviously not happy that you disturbed his peace “I’m lost..I’m looking for somebody named..Daryl?” You asked looking at Carl, putting a confused and dumbfounded look on your face “how do you know him?” He asked sitting on the hood of the car “I met him once..he told me if I was ever in trouble to go west...and I’ll find a town...w-why do you know him?” You asked quickly. “Yea. Go...that way about a mile or two and you’ll be there” The boy said pointing the left calmly grabbing his knife again “I’m Y/n...thank you...for helping” You smiled nervously reaching out your hand to shake his. “Carl” he nodded towards you not turning away from his stick. “I’ll be on my way..thank you” you smiled walking forward on your trip to Alexandria.
You crept through the dead leaves, trying to walk through the large patch of mud that was blocking your path. Hearing a metallic clank your heart dropped, and about the same time your heart dropped sharp metal teeth clamped onto your leg, a fucking bear trap. Falling to your knees you bit your arm, if you screamed now it’d attract however many walkers, and then bam. You’re dead. “Fuck” you growled reaching down to your leg prying the bear trap open and off of you. You crawled back out of the mud patch starting to rip your pant leg in half, wrapping the ripped cloth around your now blood covered leg you forced yourself up. You walked forward, using a large stick to help you as you limped.
Stumbling up to Alexandria you collasped, the wound on your calf was the cause of your collapse which you didn't plan. A walker slowly walking up falling forward, you gagged at it's foul breath, reaching into your holster you forced the knife into the walker's head, the body going limp "You bit!?" A southern accent yelled from the open gate, his long hair basically covering his face "no! I-I stepped in a bear trap!" You yelled your voice cracking lightly, truth was you were in alot of pain, your calf was throbbing and the ripped shirt you used to stop the bleeding was now soaked with blood. The Southern man rushed out helping you up and helping you inside "M Daryl" He grunted leading you towards one of the houses, you looked around, gulping whenever you saw Rick, he was alot more attractive up and close, and way more attractive than Negan described. By the time your leg was stitched and patched up Rick stood in front of you, his hands holding onto his belt in an almost cocky way, you could see every muscle flex under the shirt he was wearing. "I'm Rick Grimes. Nice to meet you"
“I-I’m Y/n” You said calmly, you could hear your heartbeat in your ears, if you couldn’t get into Alexandria now then you never would, you had to play it calm and cool. “How many walkers you kill?” He asked sitting down on the bed directly across from you “A few Dozon?..” you questioned fixing her shirt to look more presentable “and how many people have you killed?..” he asked looking at you a little more stern, you had to make it believable..and what’s more believable then the somewhat truth? “One.” You gulped looking at him trying to keep eye contact, but your big brother was right, his stink eye is intimidating. “Why?” He asked resting a hand on the handle of his knife now ready to attack you if you tried anything “got to handsy.” You said messing with your jeans “Let’s go and get you some new clothes. Those are all ripped them you can get cleaned up” Rick said wrapping your arm around his shoulder and helping you up, letting out a small whimper you limped forward going to wherever Rick took you. “Carl, she’s gonna wash up upstairs okay?” He asked looking towards the boy you had seen in the woods before “it’s you! I brought you that food that one time” Carl smiled softly waving a bit at you, a small baby cooing and smiling at you from in front of the teenager. “What’re you talkin about, Carl?” Rick asked holding your wrist to keep you from falling onto the ground in pain. “I went on a run...with Enid...and I scared off her deer so I gave her a can or two of food” Carl explaining smiling softly towards you “make yourself at home..I think you’ll fit in my clothes better” he pointed out before Rick lead you upstairs and into the bathroom “there’s a towel, here’s clothes..there is hot water along with soap and conditioner...when you’re done...go to Carl and we’ll talk” he explained to you slowly, you nodded softly holding the clothes and towel like it was your lifeline. Would Negan be mad if you stayed? Because right now running hot water everyday would be amazing.
The hot water hitting your back felt great, although it burnt your stitches a bit, you ignored it, just happy to be hit with hot water instead of ice cold water. You let out a deep breath, so far you were in, the long talks with Negan refreshing in your mind.
“Listen to me Y/n! Stop fucking around! Once you get Rick to trust you and love you you’ll report back to me. You’ll let us in through the back while everybody is asleep and we’ll attack and I’ll finally get to fucking kill Rick Grimes. It’ll take a long time..but I trust you.”
Whenever you opened the door Carl was right outside of it about to knock “S-sorry! You were taking awhile after the water shut off and I just wanted to che-“ you cut Carl off by laughing a bit “It’s okay, seriously little man, I just need your help finding your dad” You smiled looking at him, wearing a pair of skinny jeans that were held on by a belt and folded at the ends to fit your legs, obviously Rick’s jeans. You also wore a Marvel comics shirt which you had a feeling was Carl’s “O-oh! Of course” Carl rushed out grabbing your arm leading you down the stairs, making sure to help the best he could.
Carl lead you into a large building, like a library of some sort that was transformed into a meeting hall “dad?..” Carl called standing in the doorway next to you. “Yea?” Rick asked turning around smiling softly at you and the teenager “oh hey Y/n, let’s get you sat down and I’ll go through the rules and things with ya for you to stay here” he explained sitting at a small desk “so..you’re already ready to stay here..but I just have to get a few things outta the way” Rick explained to you resting his hands on the desk “Every week we split what we find with somebody called the saviors” he said looking at you closely “ya know of em?” You gulped, was this Rick telling you he already saw through your lies, what was next? Was he gonna kill you? “Yea..i used to know em...Leader is a fucking dick” You said looking at Rick, taking a deep breath to stay calm.
“How do you know them?” He asked crossing his arms “they cornered me one day in the place I was staying..forced me with them..I-I only just escaped now” you explained, you weren’t exactly lying to Grimes, it’s just whenever you were cornered and forced to leave your home it wasn’t ‘The Saviors’ it was only Negan, back before he changed into the jealous, cocky, asshole he is today. “Can you prove your story?..” he asked, slowly you turned around showing your back, a large scar presenting itself down next to your spine. “Negan’s right hand man Simon..” she whispered sitting back down “he caught me trying to run...tackled me and tried to kill me” you lied looking at him sadly.
“Alright...we ain’t got any open houses so you’ll either have to pair with Daryl or pair with Eugene” Rick said looking at you in almost an awe “there’s two jobs open..Either go on runs with Daryl and I or stay here with the garden” What he said shocked you into a still, you could either get to know Rick more and try to further your plan that way or you could take a different approach and get his kids to like you first. “I’ve always been better with gardening...I don’t wanna slow you boys down” you explained smiling a bit, your stomach turning with how you said it, You knew you could probably be a better fighter than both of them combined but what if Rick didn’t want that? And he wanted someone to stay home with the kids. “Okay...we may pull you a few times to train to fight just Incase the savior’s try anything or walkers get behind the walls somehow” Rick mumbled under his breath writing things down.
“Alright, so..Daryl or Eugene?..” Rick asked looking at you “Eugene...I’ve met him before and feel safe there” you explained, fiddling with your thumbs “great! I’ll take ya over” Rick smiled standing up helping you up and off the chair “you won’t have to work until yer leg is healed..unless ya can work with kids” he asked looking at you as he walked down the street, helping you stay upright while walking. “Yea- yea I’m good with kids, I-I used to be a pre-school assistant before..all of this” You whispered looking at Rick, both of you standing on Eugene’s porch. “Alright that’s great, I’ll come show you were the daycare is tomorrow morning, rest up though” Rick whispered as the front door opened and Eugene grabbed your arm slowly but tightly.
Once the door shut Eugene jerked you into the living room “What in the world are you doing here? Did Negan put you up to this?” He growled holding your arm tightly “N-no. I-I ran from Negan..” You whimpered tearing up giving Eugene the most upsetting face you could muster. “O-okay...I do suppose that makes sense...you did despise your brother quite a lot” he explained leading you upstairs “this will be your living quarters” He explained before leaving you alone in the half empty room.
Laying down on your mattress you sighed, this was your new life, trying to calm your mind down was a job within itself and was tiring all together. Taking a few deep breaths you closed your eyes and started counting down from one hundred, figuring that counting down would help calm your mind down enough for you to fall asleep.
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
hi! can i request a hxh headcannon with kurapika maybe like what it's like being a relationship with him? sorry if you can't do this or i requested this the wrong way-
- anon
a/n: it’s alright anon! i’ll try my best to write about the loml and the bad bitch himself kurapika! love hims i may have went CRAZY for this. also i write on my phone so sorry if this is so long!
lets get it!
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How yall started dating
okay so yall first met at the hunter exams elevator
the main four first walked in there and were surprised to see another person there
and gon being his friendly self started to chat it up with you
“hi im gon!!”
“hi gon. i’m y/n.”
kurapika there respectfully looking at you
like you’re attractive.
lookin at how those elevator lights shine on your beautiful melaninated skin
whew baby he went 😳 inside but greeted you
“im kurapika”
“well hello kurapika”
and that was the BEGINNING
timeskip up in this bitch rq
the arcs are pretty hazy to me so like.... lets say yall were feeling e/o during the york new city arc
yall both were trying to become bounty hunters and were alr pretty close to e/o
you suggested working with him and he liked that idea
yall alr fought really well tgt and he actually liked having you around him
so you both became neon’s bodyguards
yall were slowly becoming closer to each other each day yall worked together
like lingering touches, yearnful gazes
allat cute mushy shit
kurapika is one touch starved and closed off bitch so he’s struggling here
you on the other hand you KNOW you want kurapika like who wouldn’t want him???
he’s a whole package in that tuxedo 🥵🥵
n e ways
soon neon notices this shit and it goes downhill
this lil shit starts PURPOSELY locking yall in rooms together
like baby no we are supposed to protect you what are you doing???
“im not letting you out till you two kiss!!”
“i beg your pardon?” - kurapika
“neon huh???” - you
kurapika is internally like what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck i lwk wanna kiss em but.... feelings.
you can see the internal STRUGGLE thats going on in kura’s eyes
you just say fuck it and pray the gods and any other spiritual holy beings are on your side and kiss him
kurapika’s stomach said 🦋🦋🦋🦋 when you cupped his face
like your lips are SOFT
(no cuz like some of yall rlly be making y/n have crusty ass lips like um no baby i wear lip gloss and chapstick religiously you aint gon catch me w/ brittle ass lips)
and you cant tell me kurapika doesnt wear chapstick
and he’s like ✋🏽😳 hol up this kinda.... this kinda hits why didnt i do this earlier?
(bc you’re a gated ass bitch thats why honey)
my mans just has to kiss back
he kinda just gently holds your wrists and kisses back
now you’re deceased bc damn boy where you learned this???
no cap you kinda felt your knees buckle and he noticed that but yall not gon talk about that
and you two reluctantly pull away bc hello yall still on the job and literally are bodyguards
“the door wasnt even locked.”
“you cheeky lil shi—
cue you chasing neon while she runs away giggling
kurapika can only gently touch his lips and smile with a red face
In the Relationship
now yall are disgustingly cute in private
kurapika is definitely touch starved and he always needs to be touching you in some way
he always looks out for you too
he’ll definitely press tons of kisses to your face or the back of your neck
calls you a bunch of cheesy nicknames
darling, my love, my sun, sweetheart, beloved, honey, babylove (the stanely uris thats played by wyatt oleff makes me lose my sHIT)
my boy loves your hair so much
like the texture? the volume?
he’s all for it
he would probably ask canary about wash day bc she’s black herself
would 100% help you with wash day
want him to detangle your hair? hand him that rat toothed comb he’s on it
wash your hair? let him roll up his sleeves he’s on it
oil massages? pass them oil bottles baby he’s putting you to sleep
like you will be KNOCKED as he washes your hair or oils it bc he’s that skilled
i think he would struggle braiding your hair but after you show him?
this man is taking over and braiding your hair neater than you
like excuse me where did you learn this??
parting god.
them parts are crispy and straighter than a mf
literally doesn’t comb your hair like ya mama do w/ all that tugging and shit
he’ll just gently move your head along or softly apologize whenever he accidentally tugs on your hair and presses a kiss to your scalp
taking. baths. together.
my boy CRAVES that intimacy
no sexual shit
after a long day of work he just LOVES to take a nice bubble bath with you
either you leaning against his chest or you on the opposite end of the bath
he can always unwind around you and let go of that stoic facade he puts on
i would say he’s a lil goofy in private? like he’ll scoop up the bubbles and blow them in your face
if you want jokes you gotta give em
baby had to grow up quicker so he’s more mature for his age
i’d say if you want them giggles out? hold his waist and blow the back of his neck
the way he JERKS from that then starts laughing
heart eyes up in that bitch
his laugh is so 🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰
“darling!” “that was so FUCKING CUTE KURA WTFFF”
another way? blow kisses in his neck
he will giggle like a lil kid
god i love him
when you go to sleep he’s always big spoon
doesn’t matter if you’re taller than him
big. spoon. kurapika.
the only times you can hold him is when he has a breakdown and his scarlet eyes are activated
nightmares haunt him alot and he just needs to hear your heartbeat to know you’re still here
he needs to feel your warmth and you whispering that you’re here
other than those moments you better be fine with him holding you
i would say he doesn’t move alot in his sleep other than the small twitches
but for some reason his grip is strong as FUCK
like you aint getting out of his arms at ALL
if you gotta pee hold it
nah im kidding
just wake him up he’s not a deep sleeper but he isnt a light one either
if he were to wake up in the middle of the night he’d definitely fix your bonnet or durag if it fell off
morning kissies!
one way he loves waking up is kisses all over his face
especially kissing on his eyelids
it makes him wake up with a big ol smile
“morning beloved.”
ahem anyways
“morning pikapika.”
he used to hate that nickname
now? baby LOVES it bc it’s just for him
the lohl giving him a nickname just for him makes butterflies in his stomach go crazy
he can practically feel the love oozing from your eyes
the way he wakes you up?
if he’s feeling a lil goofy or silly he’ll lay ontop of you and blow kisses into your neck
if he’s still tired he’ll cup your face and gently call your name
yall cook together
if you cant cook he will respectfully say take your goofy ass out of the kitchen
if you can? show him how to season your food correctly. rmb how he made that pig look pretty asf but merchi basically said it taste like shit?
not on your watch
he’ll take mental notes as you teach him the ways of goya and sazon
sometimes he’ll just gently take over
not bc he thinks you cant do it right but bc he likes to provide for others
you just gotta lightly slap his hands away like bby i got this its okay
and he’ll understand
kisses with him are very soft but passionate?
like he isnt gonna eat your lips but he will hold you close and make sure you know how much he loves you
he’ll definitely twirl your curls around his finger
you of course gave him your permission when you started dating
he will always have one arm around your waist and one hand behind your neck
doesnt matter if you’re taller
he will 100% get on his tiptoes and do it
or make you sit down
he doesnt CARE if he has to step on a stepladder he’ll do it
he said run me my kisses NEOW
i would definitely say he’s a passionate lover and would throw hands with ANYONE if they make any snarky comments about your skin
“my s/o’s skin is beautiful mind your business and take yourself somewhere else before i do it for you”
you would throw hands for him too
anyone says anything about him being a girl?
its over
there was a time where someone called him a girl who was confused and you went off and got into a fight
you won by a landside
kurapika was like 😟😦😳🥺
bc you really fought for his honor
but he had to pull you away before you damn near put this person in the hospital
“honey thank you but it was okay. it didnt bother me.”
“no but it bothered me! nobody can just talk about someone i love like that.”
he went 🥺🥺🥺
he definitely kissed the FUCK outta you when yall got home
yall hands were rated e for everyone!
a ride or die couple
yall are in love love
maybe he’s looking for a ring and kurta wedding earrings
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colemacgrathtkz · 3 years
Play along?
Previously. Next?
Disclaimer: Another long one and fair warning on this.
"This is much more gushy than your last book"- Piniet
Lilith: "I do not appreciate being bait for you two."
Shortly after Luz's recent visit to the Owl house, two schemers made contact.
Willow: "You're a pretty obvious target. If she's too far gone, you'd be the first to know."
Gus: "Besides, we were watching... from a safe distance. If she tried anything..."
Lilith: "Enough! Just take your ingredient and go."
The Clawthorne sister handed the brown bottle Luz drank from.
Gus(grossed out): "Score one for back wash."
Willow: "Thanks again for your help. We want to believe Luz is back. But just in case..."
Lilith: "I'll inform my sister of tonight. So, if you two don't mind?"
Taking their cue to leave, the young duo set off. Gus would take their "prize" while Willow got Amity ready for the next ruse.
[A few nights later, in the woods]
Tonight, the first official date for Amity and Luz.
Noceda was still insistent on meeting with everyone. But there was one request that kept popping up since day one.
Luz had been pestering her girlfriend about a date for a while. The Blight girl had been putting it off. Until the lass discovered Luz's new masked alter ego. The all powerful witch was still feared around town. But with a disguise, she preformed illusion plays. Most notably, Lumity's biggest hits. Some children would run up to the New Coven leader after seeing one of the shows.
Not wanting to be embarrassed again, Amity agreed to the date, in exchange for canceling Lumity theater shows.
Now, dressed in casual wear, she waited what her date had planned.
Amity: "I can't believe I'm doing this."
A purple haze creeped around her. Knowing full well what this was, she called out to her theatrical partner.
Amity: "A young girl, all alone in woods, with purple smoke floating around. Someone's pretty confident?"
Her date emerged from the clearing.
Luz: "I like to make an impression."
Expecting to see her in a "Good witch Azura" outfit, this was different.
Luz stood in something close to her old grom outfit. But the tutu skirt was replaced by top hat.
Luz: "Now, if you'll just let me take the lead?"
Amity took her escort by the arm. Walking together, she couldn't help but notice Luz's constantly twirling finger.
Amity: "Should I be worried? I was expecting..."
Luz: "The good witch, Luzura? Too obvious. Figured 'Amity in wonderland' was the way to go."
Her date didn't get it.
Luz: "I'll show it to you someday."
Coming to a halt, a vine picked them up and set them on a branch.
Luz: "See down there? That's where I first saw you. Witch drama with a hint of foreshadowing."
Luz created illusions to recreate the memory for them. While the show carried on, she leaned closer to her lady friend.
Luz: " Look at us! Top student and her new favorite abomination, sitting in a tree. The stories people could write about us!"
Amity brought her hand up, blocking Luz's advance. Playfully pushing her off, she knew Luz wouldn't get hurt on the way down.
Luz(overly dramatic): "Ah yes, how tragic. These two wouldn't know how they felt until it was possibly too late."
Summoning a abomination creature (much like the one that beat Grometheus), the two were swept away on to the next stage. The forest appearing to clearly be distorted. The land and trees twisting into a single path.
Luz(smirking): "But what if things were different?"
And just like that, Hexside stood before them.
Luz: "What do you say? A do over?"
Before she could answer, her date ran inside.
Amity( under her breath): "I'm pretty sure they locked this up for the night."
Stepping in, the flares lit the way. She heard Luz's echoes; narrating from somewhere. Just a single door seemed to be around throughout the entire hallway.
Luz's voice: "Just another day at a magic school, nothing out of the ordinary."
The green haired girl cautiously entered. Inside, she saw her date in two corners. One tucked behind a curtain and the other sitting at a desk.
Real Luz: "Pay no attention to the cool fox behind the curtain."
The other sat staring out the window. But her hair was shorter, like it was originally. She also wore a purple and white sailor uniform. Luz was an anime fan, after all.
Amity, once again not getting the reference, stood back and watched.
Another Luz walked onto the scene. This had her hair slicked back and wore a darker uniform.
Bully Luz: "Hey, Luuzer, stopping mucking up the place and get lost already!"
Real Luz: "What's this? This cute as an otter school girl is getting bullied. Will anyone stand by her against this juvenile foe? Preferably before I run out of things outta this thesaurus?"
Taking her cue, it made sense Luz would set this up. A redemption for a former bully.
This was still weird, though. The false punk faced the intervenor.
Bully Luz: "What?! Got something to say, little miss... sorry. I can't do this, even if we are just pretending. You can see where I'm going with this, right?"
Nodding, Amity used an abomination arm to punch the "bully" right in the gut. She poofed on impact, attracting the other one's attention.
Student Luz: "Well, who are you, my sassy savior?"
Amity: "Luz, maybe this isn't such a good idea?"
Bolting from the curtain, her date seemed startled by the question.
Real Luz: "Ok, so maybe I shouldn't have gone anime on you. I thought for sure high school magical girl was a safe bet.
Fear not, I have a back up plan!"
A ball of fire hovered outside the window. Luz picked her date up and tossed her out. Amity slid down what appeared to be a slide made of ice. A little shaken, she almost didn't notice her wardrobe change. Her grudgby uniform, in all its glory.
Luz stood by her, showcasing hers as well.
Luz: "Behold! Powered by nothing but their bond, two partners face off against painful dilemma."
Amity sighed at two abominations who looked suspiciously like her siblings.
Amity: "Why abominations this time?"
Luz(winking and nudging): "We can have more fun this way. Grudgby is about getting down and dirty, right?
Besides, we both know you like this. Just us up against Edric and Emira. Ready to blow off some steam?
Amity(trying to hide a smile): "You need three for grudgby."
Luz: "It's a personal match. Stop sweating the small stuff and take down your brother and sister."
For the next ten minutes, things went pretty well. Amity even called for a rematch.
But things died down after a half hour. True to form, Luz brought them to a new setting. Clearly not wanting the fun to end, new attire came with it.
Both wore what appeared to be a blend of knight armor and witch robes.
The giant Otabin mutant was poised before them, in a burning library.
Luz: "Well, what do you say us fearless champions defeat this... monstrosity?! Come, it's the only way to return it to it's original form."
Amity: "Ok, that's enough."
Raising two abomination arms, she handed this date a hiatus.
Both Otabin and Luz were held for a chat.
Amity: "You've been getting pretty good at making illusions."
Luz: "It's important to keep up with shows. You know, for the kids."
Amity: "You know, I get it. The themes and trips down memory lane. You have no idea what you're doing."
Luz blushed after realizing she'd been caught.
Luz: "I didn't date much before I came here. Even after I 'left', experience wasn't happening. So, this is my first ever date."
Amity: "Our first ever date! Now, let me lead!"
Releasing her girlfriend, Amity walked over with a new suggestion. Or rather, an old one.
Amity(reaching out): "Well then, if that's settled, may I have this dance?"
Grinning from the nostalgia, the two joined hands and grabbed shoulders.
Luz set her phone down and started a playlist. And with that, they lost track of time.
However, it became obvious that something had been on their minds.
Amity: "Listen, I know things have been hard for you. We-I haven't exactly made it easy. But I'm just afraid. I wanted you back for so long. When you came back, I didn't see you. I was too scared of the monster you used to be. So afraid... I thought about using these."
The young Blight lady pulled out memory tweezers from her pocket.
Amity: "I just had to know. Where is it? What are you hiding? Who are you really?
Well, now I know. You're still that weird human girl who cares alot. Which is why I can't call you my girlfriend until I ask. Luz Noceda, will you be my... mine?"
Embarrassment caused her to mess up the ending. Luz blinked for a couple of seconds. She couldn't help but let out a short laugh. Amity's face was red enough. She quickly tried to explain herself.
Luz: "Querida, I've been yours for a while now. But yes, just to make it official. And since we're sharing, there's something I want to ask you.
I love being back and having magic at my fingertips. But I want to see my mom again. I meant what I said. I came back to ask for help in that department. Since magic, witches, and demons isn't really a... credible story, where I'm from. I need you guys to come with me.
So, what I'm asking you is... do you want to meet my mama?"
Amity's fearless champion was nervous about a "meet the parents" scenario.
Amity: "After tonight, you might want to teach me a crash course on your life back home?
I mean, yes, I'll do what I can to make that happen."
Filled with joy, once again, Amity became caught in a famous Noceda hug. But this time was different. Just as Luz began to pull away, Amity surprised her with a kiss.
Dumbfounded, Luz just stared at her.
Amity was on the verge from being happy to worried.
Amity: "What?"
Luz: "It's just I'm usually the one who..."
Giggling amongst themselves, they couldn't help but remember the books they used to read.
Amity: "Yeah, well, take a look around."
No longer standing in a library of ash and kindling, they were standing at the center of Hexside's gymnasium. The very spot where they both originally were supposed to face Grom.
Luz's illusions had faded without her even realizing it.
Luz: "I guess, show's over?"
Amity: "Not yet."
Whispering in instructions, Amity finally made Luz blush( on purpose).
Illusion magic changed their appearance to that of their first grom night.
Amity: "One more dance."
This time, Luz's hands went to Amity's waist. Meanwhile, Blight arms rested on her shoulders.
Luz: "I think I want to tell you where the staff is."
Willow and Gus anxiously waited in the manor.
Willow knew, Amity was the only one Luz would give her undivided attention to. They used the date for some much needed time to complete their mission.
Now, they needed to report what they learned to the girl at the dead center of all of this.
The door opened and a certain green haired witch walked in, with delight.
Gus: "Where have you been?!"
Amity: "On my date with Luz. And the real question is, what are you two doing waiting in my house for?"
Willow: "Your family let us in before they stepped out."
Amity: "They left? You two? By yourselves? In a manor?"
Gus: "Your parents warned us not to touch anything. Then your brother and sister told us to take something. Honestly, those are some mixed messages.
Now, can you please just listen to what we've got. You really need to know what Luz's up to."
Willow: "Wait, what's our code word?"
Gus maybe the illusionist of the trio. But Willow was picking up on some suspicious vibes.
Amity: "I can't really remember that, right now."
At that moment, Willow caused every plant in the manor to whip towards Amity.
Willow: "There wasn't one."
Dodging plant creatures and Gus clones, the illusion came apart.
Luz stood before them.
Luz: "Well, I wanted to see you guys, again. How have things been?
What have I been up to, hmm? Just what were you going to tell Amity?"
That familiar glow appeared, causing her dear friends to gulp at the sight.
Luz: "Come on, guys, it's me. I'm not going to hurt you. I want us to be friends, like we used to be. You can trust me on that."
Not buying that, they managed to corner her. She was holding back, not even striking back once.
Luz: "Willow? Gus? Come on, I thought we were still friends?"
Right then, they went for their shots. But as the blows landed, she disappeared in a blue puff.
Luz: "Now I gotta know."
Before they had a second, a sleep spell was cast from behind.
The duo was unconscious before the real empress. Who just so happened to pull out a pair of memory tweezers from her pocket.
Empress Luz: "What have you two been up to?"
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cosmicbash · 4 years
All these skin care headcanons got me itching to post about some of my own.
However contrary to beauty guru Kelly I raise you all my....
Secret skin care maniac Em
Very controversial. I know. But lets be honest. Marshall has the most perfect fucking skin. Like this dude aint EVER slipping and having a bad skin day. Even when he was on drugs.
Also there was a post on one of the old Em forums mentioning how he has peach body soap as a necessity in all of his hotel rooms while touring and that information has crawled up inside my head and never left. Peach scent fanatic Marshall is by far one of my favorite head canons.
So i love the thought of Colson staying overnight for the first time with Marshall at his home and just feeling shellshocked when the guy walks out of the bathroom post hour long shower with a face mask, eye mask and hair cover on, hands working lotion up and down his wrists and arms. All casual like
"What? Nobody looks this good at 47 without putting a LITTLE bit of effort in man-"
And colsons just- "a LITTLE?"
Because Colson is still a baby in regards to skincare. His assistant and Casie are only just now turning him onto the habit. What with preshow facemasks or surprise spa trips, its all still really new and a bit confusing but Colson's happy to give it a shot since he's already getting manicures done and it makes Casie ridiculously happy to go get pampered together. (Though the first few times he forgets and eats the cucumber slices offered to place over his eyes)
So seeing Marshall, the dude who roasted him for pulling his hair up in a bun (for a movie roll, Colson constantly insists) going full luxury spa mode by himself feels super hypocritical.
But in hindsight it does explain alot of the older rapper's habits. Like why at their hotels Marshall refuses to share a shower most times and then takes up the bathroom for what feels like forever and hauls in his duffle bag before he comes out all squeaky clean and soft smelling like peaches. A scent that originally the man had shrugged off as coming from a random hotels soap bar until he finally forgot his special body wash in the shower and was caught.
Colson won't complain though, because he loves snuggling up to Marshall and being surrounded by such a cute sweet scent.
Marshall does end up being the one to drag Colson further into the skincare world though. Helpfully pointing out how his own at home spa days with the girls growing up is actually what turned him onto the whole regimen. Similar to Colson's budding interest thanks to Casie.
It ends up being a very soft way for their relationship to deepen. More and more of Marshall's guard coming down while he explains the products and helps his clueless giant of a partner apply them correctly.
Even if Colson had zero interest in learning about it before all the soft smiles and quiet laughs that the lessons draw out of Marshall would be more than enough to convince him.
A few face masks and under eye serums have taken their shy nervous affection and replaced it with lingering touches, strong hands helping to work lotion into the others, threading their fingers together, their backs, more fingers raking through hair, cupping cheeks. It's provided an outlet for more casual intimacy that neither realized they desperately needed.
Of course, I still headcanon that Colson introduces Marshall to the world of bathbombs. Colson has been and always will be a huge fan of baths.
Marshall isn't thrilled by the prospect of soaking in ones filth, let alone soaking in some pastel colored chemical bubble bath however so it takes alot of ingredient reading and personal research before he even considers climbing into Colson's radioactive like glowing pink pool.
When he finally does convince him though Colson trades out his neat pretty color, only aesthetic, bathbombs for some equally cute colored essential oil infused ones. Making sure he's got the right combination to turn his older partner into absolute jelly the first time they share a bath as a way to seal the deal.
It works of course. Even if Marshall is still suspicious about the milky pink color of the water and the presence of petals. But Colson clambers in first, openly moaning outloud in bliss from the steamy water and brain tickling scents and that is more than enough to convince Marshall to finally dip his toes in and hesitantly settle back against his chest to join him.
And yes, Marshall does quickly get melted down into putty. The heat of the water, the oils, and Colson's overly affectionate massaging lulling him into a drowsy state where he's nothing but relaxed limbs and content hums. Leaving Colson to silently punch the air in success while he enjoys a uncharacterisitcally docile partner for the next hour.
(Wanna also suggest that bath sex is one of those things where Colson is almost guarenteed to be on top. The blonde absolutely constantly takes advantage of Marshall's more submissive state to shower the older man in affection)
And--- I gotta get outta bed to go to work so I'll have to come back to this post eventually with some more stuff but I'll leave it here for now 😊😊
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jon-daddy-dominus · 4 years
Kitten's Collar
Chapter, 21
"Hey, Honey." Alexis smiled, when Clint stepped around the corner into the kitchen.
"Hey." He replied, plainly.
"Everything okay?" She asked.
Sitting on the small bench next to the back door, he grumbled, half laughing. "I don't like being in charge."
"Coulda fooled me." She chuckled.
Leaning over to untie his boots, he cut his eyes at her. "At work, smartass. I don't like being in charge, at work.
Walking over, and bending down to give him a kiss, Alexis cooed, jokingly. "Awe... I'm sorry Honey. Did those bad ole employees, misbehave?"
Returning her kiss, Clint grinned, "All I can tell you, is, I hope Dale gets better soon, or he's not gonna have any employees left, by the time he gets back."
Still joking, she put her hands on her knees, to stay at eye level with him, and giggled in baby talk. "Awe... poor baby, you want me kiss your booboo an make it all better?"
"Are you teasing me, young lady?" He growled, playfully.
Switching to an accent that sounded a little like Scarlett from "Gone with the Wind", she stood up straight, and placed her hand on her chest in fake, disbelief. "Why, no Sir, of coarse not! I would NEVER be so bold, as to tease such a strong, powerful, man's man as you. Frankly, the thought of it, makes me a might, nervous."
Looking at her very seriously, he slowly stood up. "Are you finished?"
Continuing with her playful accent, she smiled her cocky little smile. "Why no Sir, I'm just getting started."
"You better behave yourself, young lady." Clint stated firmly, as his eyes glazed over.
Still using her accent, she stepped in close, and looked up at him deviously. "Well, I declare... Are you blushin, Mr. Clinton? I just can't believe, that a big strong man, like you, is bothered by little ole me.
Biting his lower lip, and slowly nodding his head, he growled. "Think you're cute, teasing me like this, don't ya?"
Smiling her cocky little smile, she continued. "Why, yes Sir. As a matter of fact, I'm enjoying how riled up you're gettin, quite a bit Mr. Clint."
"Is that so?"
"Yes Sir, it certainly is." She smiled.
"Buttons Alexis."
In a sing-song, baby talk, she smiled. "I like to push theeeem!"
"Careful young lady. Don't get yourself in trouble."
Switching back to her southern bell accent, she responded. "Well, I suppose I should stop then. Cause, I'd hate to get in trouble, with Mr. Clinton."
"I asked you to behave yourself, Alexis."
"Yes Sir, but riling you up, is so much fun. I just can't seem to help myself." She grinned.
"You know what happens to little girls that misbehave, don't you?"
"Why, no Mr. Clinton, I surely don't."
A dark intensity filled his eyes, and he growled low. "They get punished."
"You gonna give me a spanking, Mr. Clinton?" She grinned, putting her hands on her hips, and bobbing her head back and forth.
"Don't play with me young lady." He growled, sternly.
She stood there silently for a moment, nervously deciding how she was going word, what she wanted to say next.
"But what if I think, I might like a spankin?" She grinned.
Laughing, he leaned in, and kissed her, whispering, "Be careful what you wish for, Sweetheart." before stepping around her, and going into the laundry room.
"Oh, yeah. By the way, I kinda had an oopsy earlier, but I think I fixed it." She stammered nervously, worried the clothes were still covered in the strange melted plastic, looking stuff.
"What kind of, "oopsy"?" Clint asked, pausing at the door, and leaning back to look at her, with one eyebrow cocked up.
Sinking her head, between her shoulders, and scrunching up her face, she replied. "I think, I umm... Maybe... Might have accidentally, kinda washed the clothes with a dishwasher pod?"
"You think, you maybe, might have, accidentally, kinda washed the clothes with a dishwasher pod?" He chuckled, shaking his head, and giving her a "seriously?" kind of look.
Covering her face with her hands, she slightly lifted one, and squeaked. "Sorry?"
"Well, don't just stand there. Let's go see how bad you fucked up the clothes." He chuckled, still shaking his head.
"I don't think, I "fucked them up", but there was this weird stuff on some of them, that looked like, melted plastic, or something."
Clint opened the washer, and began pulling the garments out, one at a time, and examining them, before tossing them in the dryer.
When he'd thrown the last one in, he pushed his lips to one side, cut his eyes, and rocked over, bumping his shoulder into hers.
"No harm, no foul." He smiled.
"Soooo.... You're not mad?" She grinned, and shoulder bumped him back.
"No Sweetie, I'm not mad. Why would I be? Everyone makes mistakes, and I appreciate you not trying to bullshit me." He smiled, closing the dryer, and turning the knob to start it.
Feeling proud of herself, after hearing his words, she smiled confidently, and replied, "Thank you, and you're welcome!" as she pivoted on the ball of her foot, and stepped back into the kitchen.
"HOLY FUCK!" Alexis screamed, stumbling backwards, until she bumped into the refrigerator.
Clint spun around, to see Billy-Bob sitting proudly in the middle of the kitchen, holding in his mouth, the wiggling remains of a rattlesnake he had caught, and killed.
"Damn it, Billy-Bob, get that shit outta here!" Clint yelled, pointing at the door.
The cat just sat there, staring at them, like he was waiting for a reward, when Clint stepped toward him, aggressively and yelled, "GET!" before, Billy-Bob turned, and took off through his doggie door, taking his prize with him.
"Does he do that alot? Cause I don't do snakes!" Alexis snapped, excitedly.
"He's done it a few times, but not very often. If it makes you feel any better, he always kills them, before he brings them in?" Clint chuckled.
"No. That don't make me feel better."
"Well, it's gone, so you can calm down now, you're good. What you got against snakes, anyway?" He asked, curiously.
Shaking her head, and leaning back, she grumbled. "No, Uh uh... I ain't messin with nothin, that runs faster than I do, and ain't got no legs! That's the devil's ding-a-ling!"
Bursting into laughter, Clint repeated her phrase. "The devil's ding-a-ling?"
"Don't laugh! That's what my Granny used to tell me. "Snakes is the devil's ding-a-ling, you stay away from them things!"
Still laughing hysterically, Clint managed to say between gasping breaths, "But why'd she call them..." He continued laughing, "the devil's ding-a-ling?"
"Cause! They look like a penis, and they're always sneakin around, tryin to spit their poison into somebody!" She giggled.
"Oh... Is that what a penis does? Sneak around, tryin to spit poison into people?" He chuckled.
With her cocky little smile, she bobbed her head around, and snapped. "Yeah they do!"
"Oh... well if that's the case, I guess I should keep my distance, so my evil snake doesn't try to spit any poison in you." He grinned, feigning concern.
"Maybe you should!" She continued smiling.
"Okay... if that's what you want." He grinned, stepping around her, and walking toward the bedroom.
"Where you goin?" Alexis asked, following close behind.
"Don't follow me! I'm tryin to keep my evil snake away from you, so you don't get poisoned." He laughed, turning the water on in the shower.
"Hush it, Mister." Alexis grumbled, faking irritation, as she placed her hands on his hips. "You go see Dale today?"
"Yeah, I stopped by for a few minutes. They've still got him under. The doctor said he's improving, but he's got a long way to go before they can wake him up, so it may be a while." Clint said, seeming sad.
"Don't worry, he's gonna be okay, Honey." She reassured him.
"I hope so." Clint mumbled, pulling his shirt over his head.
Unbuckling his belt, and drawing it free from the loops in his pants, she smiled. "You mind if I join you?"
"Of coarse not, Kitten." He smiled, kissing her forehead, and helping her pull her shirt off.
Noticing the reflection in the mirror, Clint groaned. "Mmm..."
Looking up at him, she asked, "Whatcha "mmm'n..." about?" before glancing over her shoulder to see what he was staring at.
"You're doin that thing again." She smiled.
Slowly bringing his gaze from the reflection of her back, to meet her eyes, he growled. "What thing?"
"You know exactly what I'm talkin about. That thing where you look at me, like a wolf looks at a baby rabbit." She grinned.
"Oh... Well I can't help it, Kitten. Right now, I feel like I'm starving, and your ass looks, ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS." He growled, licking his lips.
"I know right?" She giggled. "I feakin LOVE these pants!"
"I don't."
"What'd ya mean? You don't like my pants?" She asked, surprised.
"No." He grumbled.
"And why not? I think they look good on me." She defended.
"Because Baby Rabbit, right now, those pants are the only thing standing between this wolf, and his favorite meal." He growled, deeply.
"Is that so?" She grinned, seductively.
His stare grew more intense, as he groaned a second time. "Mmmm..."
"Then maybe we should hurry up, and get in the shower, so you can eat?" She cooed, slipping her fingers between her hips, and the elastic pants, sliding them down her thighs.
Stepping into the shower, she turned toward him, and grinned, devilishly, curling one finger, motioning for him to get in.
Clint stepped into the shower, as Alexis moved closer to the front, to make room for him. Grabbing her by the waist, he stepped in close, and began kissing her passionately, as the warm water, rained down over their heads.
As they kissed the water began to flow heavier across their faces, until Alexis took a breath, sucking water up her nose, causing her to begin coughing.
Ripping her face to the side, and holding her head out of the stream of water, she coughed, and cleared her throat, stuttering. "I'm sorry, give me a second."
Guiding her to the back of the shower by the waist, he moved her out of the water, and began wiping her face, and chuckling. "You okay?"
Cupping her face in both hands, she pressed them tightly to her skin, wiping away the water, and slicking back her hair, all in one motion.
"Yeah." She laughed, wiping her eyes again, and smiling. "I'm sorry, water went up my nose, and I started choking."
"It's okay, as long as you're alright."
"Yeah, I'm fine, but I feel like, I kinda ruined the sexy little moment, we were having." She chuckled.
"It's okay babe, shit happens." He smiled.
Throwing her hands out to the sides, she snapped. "Why does this kinda shit, NEVER work like it does in books, and movies? In the movies it's always so sexy, and everything go's perfectly, but in real life, one person drowns standing up, and the other breaks a hip running to call for help!"
Laughing, Clint stepped over to her, putting his arms around her. "Why I gotta break a hip? Cause I'm OLD?"
"I didn't say it was you!" She laughed.
"Kinda seemed like that's what you were saying." He grinned, jokingly.
"Whatever, "OLD MAN!"" She laughed. "I was just saying, that the people who write books, and movies are a bunch of liars! Cause things like shower sex, never turn out, as hot as they make it sound."
"True, but look at it like this. If everything would have gone exactly like it does in some movie. We would have had some great sex, in the shower, and you probably would have remembered it for while, but now you have a funny story, about "the time that you almost drown, standing up in the shower", and that's the kind of memory, that will probably stick with you for life." He smiled, lovingly.
"You really think you can put up with me for that long?" She laughed.
"What, for life?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, smiling sweetly.
Making his eyes big, and sticking out his tongue, he laughed. "I won't have too! I'm an OLD MAN, remember? I'll definitely die before you!"
"Smartass." She grumbled, cutting her eyes up, in fake irritation.
Smiling proudly, he chuckled, and began turning her around. "You want me to wash your hair?"
Giving him a quick peck on the lips, before she was all the way around, she smiled, and squeaked. "Yes, please."
Running his fingers through her hair, Clint began massaging her scalp, as he bunched her hair on top of her head, rubbing it against itself.
"Do you have any idea, how much I LOVE when you do this?" She smiled, leaning her back against his chest.
"I'm glad you enjoy it, Kitten. That's one of the reasons I do it."
"What's the other reasons?" She asked softly, closing her eyes, and losing herself in the warm water, and his touch.
"Because I like doing it, and because I like seeing you happy. Time to rinse." He said, guiding her around him, and back under the flowing water.
After her hair was done, she moved back to the rear of the shower, so he could have his turn to wash his hair, while she soaped up.
Clint closed his eyes, as he leaned his head back, and lathered shampoo into his scalp.
Alexis was soaping up her legs, when she noticed the small, watered down, red droplet trickling down her inner thigh. "Shit." She thought, "Not now, damn it. He was just talkin about how he was starving, for his favorite meal, and he's SO good at it. Stupid period! Why couldn't you have waited just a few more hours?"
"Hun, I'm gonna go ahead, and hop out, okay?" She said, as she was stepping out if the shower, hoping the bloodtrail was only a razor knick, from the last time she shaved her legs.
Quickly, she dried off, and checked herself. No such luck, she had definitely started, and had to put his plans on hold. Rushing through the house, wrapped in her towel, she snatched up her purse, and began digging for a tampon.
Propping her foot on the edge of one of the kitchen chairs, she inserted the applicator, and drew it back out.
She heard Clint begin singing, as she shoved the evidence, deep into the trashcan, and began trying to think of anything she could tell him, to try and avoid having sex, but especially wanting to avoid him giving her oral.
As she made her way back to his bedroom, she thought to herself. "I could tell him my stomach started hurtin, or I have a headache? No, that's not gonna work, that's, like the lamest excuse ever. I guess, I could start an argument, but that would be kinda shitty. I should just tell him. He's always so understanding about everything, maybe he won't mind?"
Clints voice echoed from the bathroom, as Alexis sat nervously on the edge of his bed, still struggling to decide, what to do.
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sweets-fanfics · 4 years
Acquaintances (Pre/?) [Mando X OC]
Authors note: Hi. It’s been a really long time. A lot of bad things happened and I’m finally getting to a happy place again. I thought I’d come back with some not Marvel. I’ll still try to do Marvel stories if you guys want it. I’ve been reading alot of Mandalorian FF and got inspired.
warnings: None, just an intro story.
word count: 14k
Summary: Canna, a jedi, is hired by an anonymous person to protect the Mandalorian and the Child. But she’s having touble trying to not develope feelings for this man.
I sat up in my bed and stretched. I could feel the sun on my skin but of course, being blind does have some disadvantages. I start focusing on the force as I used it as my eyes to get the bathroom to wash my face. 
I’ve been blind since the war when the village I was born in was caught in the crossfire and an explosion went off in my face. General Leia and her brother took me in after realizing I had lost everything. 
I found out a month later that I was force sensitive. Since then I’ve used it to help me get around as a second pair of eyes. To other people who don’t know me, they would assume nothing was different about me.
I heard a soft knock at the door. “Canna? Are you up?” It was Leia, but I could already tell by the waves she gave off. 
“I’m up. Just still in my nightgown. Is everything ok?”
“Well, I’m not sure you would be interested but I have a bounty. I was going to have Han do it, however, Ben is sick and I need Han to stay and watch him. Could you possibly do it?” She sounded nervous. She knows I’m not really a fan of doing bounty jobs. 
“We really need the money right now, huh?” I could feel her get nervous like she wanted to lie but knew I’d be able, to tell the truth.
“No, the resistance is actually doing quite well…” I sighed and walked to my door cracking it open so she could see my face. “I just think it’s time for you to try to get back out in the universe. I know the last resistance mission you were on didn’t go well-”
“People died Leia…” I could feel her grow sad as I said that.
“I know… But it’s not your fault. And you are all healed up so I think it’s time to get out there.” I felt a very unconvincing pat on my shoulder from her.
“Are you asking as a mother figure or as my boss?” 
Leia chuckled, “Both. Get dressed.” 
I sighed again and shut my door. I walked to my closet and felt the material of each item. When I felt the material of the outfit I wear to missions I knew I had the right one and pulled it out. Leia and Luke told me that it was a beige color and that Jedi used to wear it before they fell. There was another knock at the door as I finished putting my clothes on. 
“You can come in.” I saw towards the door. 
“You’re taking the bounty?” Luke asked as he opened the door.
“Yeah... Can you grab my dark robe from the closet? I forgot to grab it.” I hear him chuckle as he walks past me and hands me the robe.
“Since you took the job, it’s not a bounty.” I look towards him confused. “I just told Leia that.” 
“Lying isn’t good,” I say slipping the robe on. I stand and he moves forward adjusting something on my tunic for me.
“I know how you feel about lying. But I didn’t think she’d approve the job.”
“What about how she wanted Han to take it?”
“Ben is a good actor and he’s pretending to have a belly ache until you leave.” I could feel him smirk.
“I’m surrounded by liars.” I joke.
“Anyway, it’s a protection job. For a Mandalorian.”
I let out a small breath in amusement, “since when does a Mandalorian need protecting?” I pull my long brown hair over my shoulder and begin to braid it before wrapping a band around it. I walk towards my desk and pick up my saber where I always have it. I put it on my belt and slowly start for the door.
“Technically he doesn’t know. And technically you’ll be watching someone who is with him.”
“Won’t he wonder why a girl is following him everywhere?” 
“That’s why you have to be hidden.”
“Luke, I’m blind.” 
“But I know you can do it. He’s traveling with a child who can use the force.” I stop at my doorway. 
“Who… who hired us?” I ask slightly suspicious.
“I’ll be honest… I have no idea.” Him saying that did not help my nerves. 
“Okay… I’ll go. But I’m going to do this my way. And I need a droid to fly the ship.” I turn and walk out of my room.
“I can get R2 ready to go!” Luke says running after me.
Din lifts up a spoon of soup to the child when he suddenly sneezes. The child looks up at Din confused. “Someone must be talking about me.” He says to make the child not worry. 
The child uses the force making the spoon fly across the ship and out of Din’s hand. Din sighs looking at the spoon. “I take it you’re full.” He stands, grabs the spoon then puts it and the bowl in the sink. Din decides he’ll just rinse out the bowl later and closes the doors that cover the tiny kitchen, mainly so the child doesn’t go through everything.
It had been a few months since the mess Moff Gideon. And so far it had been quiet. 
Din had set up on a small planet that even he didn’t have a name for. He knew he wouldn’t stay long. It was just so the kid didn’t have to be on the ship all the time. He opened the loading bay doors so that he and the kid could go outside. 
But as the door opened he saw a girl in a dark brown robe with the hood over her head but still far enough back that he could see her face, standing on the other side. 
I was shocked when I heard the Mandalorian reach for his pistol. I was honestly just going to put a tracking device on his ship if he ever were to escape. But the door opening suddenly had scared the shit outta me. I tried to look calm so he wouldn’t know he scared me. 
“Who are you?” He asked through a voice modulator telling me he had his mask on. 
“You’re a Mandalorian aren’t you?” I ask slowly stepping onto the ship with my hands raised.
“Yes, but who are you?” 
I lowered my hood and held my hand out slowly to where his voice was coming from. “I’m Canna Bade.” I didn’t feel him even attempt to reach for my hand so I awkwardly put it down. I could feel his heartbeat speed up a little from before he saw me. “I’m... uh, I’ve been hired to protect you.” 
“I don’t need protection and I didn’t hire you.” He sounded suspicious.
“Technically I was hired to protect the kid.” I felt a jolt of surprise from him at the mention of the kid. “I don’t know who hired me.” 
“What are you? An assassin? Or just a gun for hire?” I could feel him try to control his breathing. Maybe I scared him?
“Neither, I’m a Jedi.” 
“Jedi don’t exist anymore.” He said cutting me off.
“I didn’t get the memo apparently,” I said smiling kindly towards him.
Din looked away quickly pretending to be looking for something. 
Damn that smile was adorable
He made a short sound as if coughing down a chuckle. “We don’t need any help,” he said flatly.
“Well, I can’t leave. Besides, I can help him.” I say gesturing the child who I could feel was now at his feet. The force coming from him was so strong. I bent down and held a finger out to him. “Hello,” I said sweetly, “My name is Canna.” I didn’t feel anything touch my finger. Instead, I suddenly felt two tiny hands feel my cheeks. 
I tried to hide my jump since I hadn’t realized how close he was. Something inside told me he knew I couldn’t see. He was giving me an excuse to feel him. I took and softly felt his little face and his big ears.
“Aren’t you adorable,” I say fondly. I hear a baby sound from him as a thank you.
“He likes you.” The Mandalorian says reminding me he’s there.
“I have that effect on kids it seems.” I stand and hold out my hand to the Mandalorian one more time. “So, friends?”
He seems to hesitate a bit before I feel a warm gloved hand take mine.
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eye-raq · 5 years
Who named you?!!!
Erik Stevens x Beulah May Jenkins 😊
Warnings: HUMOR, and I guess fluff.
Summary: (imagine Erik finding out his girl got an old ass name) Erik and his girl get ready to go out to a house warming of her families, but before they go Erik stumbles upon some “new” information.
I hope y’all like this little one shot that me and my friends in the group chat cooked up 😂😂😂 we some goofy bitches. Not really tagging alot of people because this is meant for a little fun to read I guess lol. I hope its good.
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“What the fuck? LAH LAH!!”
Lah Lah was in the middle of laying her baby hairs, putting her faux locs up in a bun, wearing high waisted ligh wash jeans, a crop top in red and a pair of black heels.
“Erik clearly I’m fucking busy babe!”
“Nah this some serious shit here! Don’t make me have to tell yo ass twice.”
She groans loudly, stomping out of the bathroom and down the hall to their master bed room. When she enters, she stumbles backward, her ankle sort of twisting awkwardly now shooting pain up her calve from her heels.
The color drained from her face, she was haunted.
“Who the hell is Beulah May Jenkins?!” Erik was shirtless, only in his Jean joggers and Nike vapor max plus.
She had a pained look on her face as she sped over, snatching up the ID, holding it behind her back.
“None of your got damn business! OOOO!! Damn why you going through my shit?!” She was throwing a minnie tempo tantrum. Erik noticed how jumpy she was, eyes looking anywhere but at him. He had a peering look in his eyes, tongue running over his upper teeth.
“Number one, your shit was near my shit. I found this fucking thing under my side of the bed. Number two-“
“Number TWO sit your big ass DOWN, and shut the fuck UP.” She pressed with irritation, counting off on her fingers dramatically trying to divert his attention away from where he was headed.
“So kindly get dressed so we can be outta here.” She wanted it to be over but surely she knew that Erik wouldn’t let this go. He clapped his hands together so loud it echoed off the walls.
“AYEEE! Let’s turn this shit back around Lah Lah Loopsy!!” He sounded out, holding up two fingers.
“Number two, why the fuck you got Big Mama name on here instead of Lah Lah?!” He gave her a quizzical look.
Lah Lah’s eyes almost left her sockets.
“What the fuck you in Lah Lah land or some shit?!” He glowered, scuffing afterwards.
“It’s-it’s not-I.” She could rip her hair out. She could not believe this was happening right now.
Before she could even think, Erik snatched up the ID again.
“ERIK STOP!!” She could cry hard.
She felt her heart race, her leg jiggled with anxiety. This was a huge secret for her.
Erik scanned the ID with his large muscular back facing her, silence between them. The only sound that could be heard was him tapping the card with his fingers. Lah Lah just stood there hugging herself, eyes burning a hole into his back. After what felt like a minute, she watches as Erik shakes his head, taking in a long obnoxious deep breath, before turning back around, scratching his brow.
“Lah Lah...From What I have gathered, it appears this is, YOUR drivers license and not some practical joke from Spencer’s gift shop.” He spoke with fake professionalism. He gazed, one eyebrow flicked upwards into his dreads.
Lah Lah ass couldn’t even speak.
“The name on this drivers license reads, Beulah May-“ he clears his throat, a fist to his mouth.
“Sorry, I had a tickle in my throat, but the name here reads Beulah May Jenkins.” He pointed to each name, from first to last, confusion written on his face, his own words scrambled.
“So in my head I’m like nah uh uh fuck that shit this can’t be her with this geriatric ass name, but then I look below it and see 10/15/1989.” He laughs as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.
“This is DEFINITELY a real ID and everything too.”
She looked as if she were going to faint. He fixed her with a hard gaze.
“It appears that my girl going to late night bingo with Dolores and Betty.” He stared briefly as if curious and evasive.
Lah Lah let out a long agonizing breath, shaking her head before placing her hands on her hips.
“So basically you wanna play?! Either way you know it’s mines nigga!!!” She could crap her pants right now from the embarrassment.
Erik folds his arms over his bare chest.
“Who did this shit to you? Who named you?!” He tried to convey a sincere tone but Lah Lah... Beulah knew that Erik was working his way up to clowning her more.
“Who was it?! Miss Karen or Mr Rod?” Erik licked at his bottom lip with a smirk slowly rising.
“Ole soul food ass name. You gonna tell me who it was?! Or stay mute?! I’m already flabbergasted.” He was struggling not to unravel with laughter.
“It was my DAD ERIK.” She was hopeless at this point. Trust Beulah always wondered why the fuck her father would do that shit!
“NAH NOT TRIPPLE OG ROD.” Erik shook his head frantically, LITERALLY DISTRAUGHT.
“Yes bitch ass nigga it was my damn daddy! Idk maybe he was drunk or some shit why don’t you ask him yourself.”
“Mannnnnnn” He slid his hand down his face.
“What was your mama doing though? She ain’t have a say?” His voice sort of broke from the laughter that wanted to burst.
“She said my Dad wanted to remember his great grandson through me so..”
“Great Grandson?” Erik scrunches his face, shaking his head slightly while his dreads shifted a little on his forehead.
“You know what the fuck I meant. Grandmom fool.”
“Damn...you remember the Civil Rights Movement?” He sat down then, hand under his chin, his leg crossed animatedly.
She was shamefaced. Beulah wanted to press rewind to stop this shit from happening.
“How about I sing this for you maybe your old ass will remember 🎶 we shall over come/ we shall overcome 🎶 “ you remember that? He had this vacant expression as if to play stupid.
“Erik I sware to fucking God I’m gonna fuck you up.”
“You sure you can do that? That osteoporosis ain’t killing you baby?” He spoke that with a fake elderly voice.
She could literally feel the steam blow from her ears. She just wanted to drink, check out her older cousins new place, stuff her face, and dance. Now things were taking a turn for the worse.
“You know what else makes this shit funny?!” That wide dimpled smile was unstoppable.
“Humor me.”
“You really call yourself Lah Lah in short for Beulah.”
This man was in shambles. He couldn’t hardly breath, the entire situation hard to get over.
“All them times your fingers locked up from stroking this dick, damn baby! You got arthritis, osteoporosis, next thing you know you’ll have kyphosis from me blowing your back out.”
“What the FUCK is Kyphrosis?”
“A hump back.” Erik goofy ass wheezed.
“I ain’t the one using a fake name ERIK STEVENS.” Beulah wasn’t really good with come backs.
“Oh nah uh uh don’t put me in that category I’m not the one with a name that belong to a women who was 30 during the prohibition.”
Lah Lah began to retort but her cellphone rang.
“Hello?! Oh...sorry mama. Yeah me and Erik are on our way now.” Lah Lah snapped her fingers at Erik to get dressed, watching him lift from the bed with his eyes dancing with humor, picking up his plain white t shirt and north face windbreaker in red and black. Lah Lah hung up the phone quick, turning to Erik with a scolding look.
“Now I hope you got all your laughs in nigga. Please don’t keep this shit up at the party E.”
Erik shrugged.
“Not making any promises, depends on how my mind feels.” She rolled her eyes, grabbing her things before heading out with Erik.
“Hey! Lah and Erik are here!”
Erik greets her family, his mind taking in the fact that even her own family called her Lah. Erik felt reassured and happy that everyone were thinking the same thing. While here at the party, it became so unbearable to keep quiet once he saw her father talking it up in the kitchen with a glass of gin.
“Erik! What’s happening young blood?” He shook Erik’s hand, while he said hi to the others.
“Nothing much Mr. Rod, just hanging in there.”
Lah Lah enters, giving her love to everyone before grabbing up a punch bowl, leading her cousin towards the dining room.
“She still got you calling her Lah Lah Erik?” The way her drunk uncle asked that could have had him spitting out his drink in laughter.
“I’m still trying to understand why your old tired ass named your daughter Beulah.” One of her Father’s friends shook his head.
“For as long as I know, I would NEVER ever ever ever get with a girl named Beulah, sound like a name you would give a senior citizen.”
Erik couldn’t take it. He snorted a laughter into his cup, juice bubbles forming.
“Man I remember when I held her in my arms, she was so beautiful, still is. I asked this bastard what her name was.” He friend looked up at Erik, giving him complete eye contact.
“Well, you could probably guess what it was right?”
This caused some of the other men to chime in with chuckles.
“Beulah May Jenkins.” Erik actually took his time to sound that out in a sweet old lady voice, causing an uproar from the men, including her Dad.
“Back then man I was down about my great grandmom so I gave her that name.”
“When was your Great Grandmom born?” Erik asked.
“And when was Lah Lah born?”
“So why in the HELL...you know what.” Her Dads friend waved him away.
“Here, I got you a drink.”
Lah Lah reaches out to grab the cup only to find prune juice inside.
“Erik...What the FUCK is this?!”
“Prune Juice, itll help with your chronic constipation.”
Lah Lah just about had it. She kept from Erik because of this and now he wouldn’t stop. She needed to change her name quick and fast.
“Nigga I sware on my life-“
“Don’t say shit like that Beulah baby! You only 80.”
She tossed the cup in the trash angrily.
The one thing he did that had her ready to leave caused some people to laugh.
Erik made her a plate, bringing it outside to one of the picnic tables. She reached out for it but instead Erik sat it down with his, taking a knife and fork to cut it up.
“Since you so damn cripple I gotta chop this meat up for you.” He hummed to himself, cutting her grilled chicken and steak so fine it looked like already chewed food.
“Keep it up, and I’m chopping the meat between your legs with a butcher knife.”
This man even tried to spoon feed her. She didn’t even bother eating, instead grabbing her things, saying her last goodbyes, and leaving.
Home Lah Lah didn’t speak to Erik and she practically ignored him like he wasn’t there. Eventually sleep overtook him and he was a snoring mess. She had enough of his snoring in her ear, taking her foot and kicking him off the bed rough. He landed in a loud thump that caused her to chuckle to herself.
After about a day of no torture from Erik, Lah Lah-Beulah
Started believing Erik was done with his antics. She had plans to get her name permanently changed to Lah Lah or some other shit. Erik could be heard coming home, Lah Lah in the kitchen cooking chili.
“Hey Lah! I got a gift for you c’mere.”
She put the chili on simmer, finally walking into the living room to greet her man.
“Hey how was work?”
“It was good as always.” Erik pulls out a gift bag for her, a handsome smile on his face.
“Here you go baby.”
Lah Lah was beyond happy, she always loved gifts from him. She made herself comfortable on the couch, removing the gift wrap before staring down at a folded piece of fabric with an ugly floral design.
She pulled out the fabric, letting it fall open to reveal a dress that looked like it belonged in the 1940s to some old as cat lady. It was dingy as well, and it smelled like cat piss.
“I figured you would love it. It suits you fine Beulah.”
She truly believed that this man was through.
Erik pointed to the bag.
“One more gift left, and you better open it Miss Jenkins.”
Lah Lah angrily pulls a small box out the bag that had a gold ribbon. A sudden hope for something perfect came to her but that all came crashing down like a thunderstorm. She was staring down at a life alert necklace.
Lah Lah had this blank expression on her face, eyes never leaving that box. Erik could not control his laughter once she pulled the top off, he was on the floor now clutching his stomach.
“You May need to wear that when we fucking cuz I don’t need your ass to have a heart attack.”
Lah Lah through the box at him, groaning.
“ITS OVER E! The jokes over it’s dead now.”
“Not when you kick me off the bed it isn’t. You try that shit again and I’m calling you Beulah from here on out and I don’t give a fuck who hear!”
She side eyed him before lifting from the couch. She was about done with him dragging this shit out.
“If my name is such a damn problem then bounce nigga!” Erik rolled his eyes, lifting from the floor to follow her.
“You can’t take a joke?! I’m only messing with yo uptight ass.”
“You hate my name admit it!” She was being a cry baby now, folding her arms and pouting.
Erik walks up to her, rubbing her arms soothingly.
“Baby no, Beulah is a beautiful name.” She met his eyes, disbelief in them.
“Okay okay its a little cringe.”
She glared.
“A smidge more cringe..” she shoved him.
“BUT I love you. And I will always love you. It was a good laugh and I’m sorry if I offended you aight?”
He pinked her cheek, causing her too look away.
“Aye, cut that shit out Lah.” Erik pulls out another box, Lah Lah staring at it with caution.
“What’s this? A pace maker?!” She didn’t trust it.
“I promise I’m done.”
Lah Lah grabbed the box, taking off the lid to find pink diamond earrings. She shakes her head, a small smile creeping up before giggling to herself.
“Wow...they are actually beautiful asshole.”
She looked up at him and his goofy grin, the laughter uncontrollable now.
“Now cut that shit out and give daddy a kiss.”
She leans up on her tip toes, kissing him softly.
“You still don’t want the life alert though? You may need it in a minute miss Beulah.”
She couldn’t even argue with him, motioning for him to get the box with the life alert so she could wear it.
Erik was amused by this, watching her put it around her neck.
“I want my back blown out, and DONT give me a hump back.”
They both laughed in unison.
@panthergoddessbast @whoramilaje @allhailnjadaka @hearteyes-for-killmonger @vikkidc @ange-sensuel @thehomierobbstark @blackpantherismyish @eriknutinthispoosy @trevantesbrat 
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cocainedepressed · 5 years
i am beyond happy & grateful to my higher power due to the fact that my ex whom i used with who alot of you know as miah or jeremiah AND he left me while we was both in rehab
today was my 8th day. no sleep. no food. stinky. beaten.
he comes over & completely takes care of me 💟 he showers w me and washes my body and he he brushed my hair and forced me to eat
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i think... this is oc stuff?
Unlike many other books and stories these days, I think it's best we start this story at the beginning. Well, the beginning of the end of the…
I guess we should start in present day, when the start of this new "adventure".
So we'll start with our main character, Cecil. He's the sort of guy you'd stay well away from or die trying. Approaching him would be one of the worst ideas ever. Not because he's particularly evil or scary, just because he's grumpy and sort of intimidating and his stare has literally turned someone to stone. Sure, he's retired, and sure, his vision and cardio could be better, but he is scary. Scarier than alot of things, things that don't exactly come into mind at the moment. So, anyeay, let's get the thing going.
It was 3am, and Cecil's alarm rang loud and proud through the crisp silence of the house. Grumbling and flicking three seperate things from his bedside table, he finally reached the alarm, fumbling and slamming his white fist down onto the button. Pulling the aqua blankets over his muddled hair, he groaned and rolled around, pressing his face directly into his pillow. Again, to his dismay, the alarm blared directly into his ears, drawing a gentle whine from Cecil. Dejectedly sittg up and gently pressing the 'off' button, he gently shivered in the morning air.
Taking a deep breath and snatching he s clothes from the floor, Cecil ambled toward the bathroom, gently closing the door. Stripping down and jumping under the warm spray, he cleared the goosebumps from his skin and sleep from his eyes. After effectively drying abd dressing, Cecil spent a good hour bent over the basin drawing his eyeliner on over and over again, before gently swiping a layer of magenta eyeshadow on. He curled his grey lips into a gentle sneer and smiled to himself.
Starting his day as every other day, he started wil calligraphy and enochian. Then, moving on to some gentle composing and spell-casting, Cecil setteled down until midday when it was finally time to eat. Looking into his pretty much empty fridge, Cecil sighed and grabbed his wallet, stuffing it in the back of his pocket and grabbing his keys. After successfully making his way to the market, he let a gentle (yet nervous) sigh escape his lips
<i>Make my way through as fast ad possible, pay and I'm outta here.</i>
But he sadly wasn't getting out as fast as he first thought. After collecting everything, Cecil tramped his way down the breakfast isle, not before tripping and stumbling onto another man. When he stood up, that was reall when you could see all of him. His lean, toned muscles concealed under a simple t-shirt. A perfect ass concealed in way-too-tight jeans. Cecil thought it best he get out of the way before he started to blush. But his body seemed to have other ideas. "Oh God, I am <i>so</i> sorry." The man said, beanding to pick up some of Cecil's fallen produce. "Uh, it-it's really fine. I'm fine. Really." Cecil stuttered. Although he was actually a fair bit thinner than the other man, what Cecil lacked in muscle, he payed up for in height. He almost loomed over the isles, his long legs taking slinking steps. "Ah, that's good." The man said, having recovered all his groceries. "Anyway, I'm Dexter." He said, sticking out his hand. "Cecil Abbergard." Cecil half-mused, considering Dexter's hand and taking it. It wad warm and strong and made the veins in the cheeks creep up and almost sting red. Jesus, he was amazing, with his chocolate skin, strong jaw and tanned muscles. Nodding to himself, Dexter raised a perfect eyebrow. "Abbergard… yeah, I know that name. You- You were on the invoice I got a couple of days ago." He said, smiling. He had perfect, white teeth. "Ah, yes I got it too." Cecil nodded. "The "mages meeting" thing. Were, you ah, thinking of going?" Again, Dextet nodded, more to himself than to Cecil. "Yeah, 'course. I always go." "Then, uh, count me in." Cecil said turning to go. "Morstern." Dexter called after him. "Eh?" "My last name. Morstern." Nodding to himself his time, Cecil brandished and sinple smile and walked off to pay for his goods. Being social, all for this man, who he wasn't even sure was single or whatever yet.
<i> Jesus, his is going to be a bad idea, isn't it?</i>
"Yeah," Cecil whispered to himself. "Yeah, it is."The next day was a complete wreck. Having checked the email three times over, Cecil had memorized the place, date and time.<b> 3rd July, 8:30am, 234 Walstern Prk </b>He washed his hair and picked out a super-special suit. If felt like he was going on a date. Wow. It'd been such a long time since he'd been on a date, Jesus. Aftet applying a rather menacing shadr of eye shadow, Cecil plucked his glasses from the basin and cracked his knuckles. He grabbed his keys and slid behind the weel of his Bentley and started to drive. He didn't usually favour the radio, but today Cecil decided to turn it on. And then REO Speedwagon came on and he decided never to turn it on again Which is why he reluctantly pulled the whole radio system out and threw it ot the window.When he got to the address, it struck him as rather strange. It was a squat, grey building with no windows and one (rather small) door. Slowly and gracefully approaching, he opened the door and walked in. The inside was not dissimilar to the outside save for a large oval-shaped table where quite alot of different looking people. Instantly, he caught sight of Dexter and slid in next to him, showing him a sly smile. Dexter grinned back and Cecil felt he might swoon.
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