#discourse gets very stressful very fast for me and im not into it lmao
lunarecord · 6 years
I saw you added your commentary that misogyny and patriarchy are to blame for male rape. Can we also kill feminism and misandry while we're at it to combat female on male rape? That's how ridiculous it sounds. I'm not attacking you so don't bother crying, just telling you how it is. Very shortsighted to victim blame male rape on males.
you have to understand though, im not blaming it on the individuals. im blaming it on the entire system that is clearly also hurting the group people who perpetuate it. misogyny/toxic masculinity is not the sole cause of rape on guys, but it definitely is what gave people the idea that men are always up for sex, the idea that men who are abused by women are weak or lesser, the idea that men must always be strong and never show weakness, the idea that a woman cant abuse a man/that a man cant be abused at all, ect. which makes things harder for many victims. please understand that im not saying “its men’s fault that they got raped!!”, that not an ideology id ever ever ever support. i am saying that this system of patriarchy and misogyny does not only harm women, its hurts men too and this is a huge way that it does. itd be in literally everyone’s best interest to continue to dismantle this system of oppression bc it aint REALLY good for anyone involved. this is why the issue of male rape is a feminist issue.
also just sayin as a side note, the equivalency between misogyny/patriarchy and misandry is a false one; one is an actual system currently in place that has resulted in the abuse, mistreatment, rapes, and deaths of millions upon millions of people, and one is a vague idea that some shitty people who sometimes attempt to call themselves feminists or trolls try to perpetuate but is really never going to actually come into fruition. mostly people jsut tote that word around to excuse themselves being assholes, its not an actual societal structure in place.
lastly why would i cry over u sharing a different opinion than me? u literally have 0 effect over my life i dont really give a single shit about a random strangers opinion abt me/my opinions on the internet lmao. i really answered this to get my ideas out clearly bc i struggle with that sometimes and its useful to have a bank of my thoughts written out clearly on my blog that i can refer back to later. this ask is a good excuse to do that tbh. i would assume youd say that bc u assume that i am a sjw? i wouldnt call myself a sjw but even if i were sjws arent just a hivemind entity of crybabies yknow. they are a loosely categorized group of people with usually much more cool people than there are shitty ones, the shitty ones is just what opposing groups like to focus on the most. its like that with like, most communities.
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