#war and leisure
bmwkmx1 · 10 months
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“Nighthawks” - by Edward Hooper + inspired various media 2
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normalbrothers · 2 months
tommy loves horses of course, and there's a lot going on there (re trauma), but he has a pretty utilitarian view on them most of the time; it's not as much of an affectionate relationship to the animals as i think fandom seems to believe. there's also rather a greater symbolic meaning in general to him than bonding himself emotionally to a single horse, the way it tends to be with most horsey narratives
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Ki-Adi: Are the training halls clean? Tomorrow's garbage day
Cin, not looking up from his book: Oh really?
Cin: I'm surprised they have an entire day dedicated towards you
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I fucking love audiobooks so much thank you audiobooks for allowing me to get back into reading
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sad-endings-suck · 1 year
the fact that there is so much beef between jon and dany stans and then also arya and sansa stans is so sad and hilarious to me because… have we learned nothing from the text?? arya and sansa fighting each other and criticizing one another is not meant to be agreed with and replicated by the fandom. jon and dany both being set up as “chosen ones” is not an indicator to pit them against one another; it’s meant to show their similarities.
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lillywillow · 2 years
War on Leisure
Summary: All Bucky wants to do is to relax and spend some alone time with you but for some reason, all the bad guys of New York attack within very short times of each other
 Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
 Words: 1081
 Square Filled: B1- Interrupted by Supervillains
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Gender Neutral Reader  
 Warnings: Mild adult suggestions, mentions of mental breakdown, annoying villains
 You woke that morning to soft kisses being pressed up and down your neck. Smiling, you rolled over and wrapped your arms around your loving boyfriend.
 “Morning, handsome,” you purred, nuzzling him.
 “Morning, doll. How’d you sleep?” he softly asked, his voice a low, deep rumbled.
 “Very well with you by my side,” you gently sighed, feeling safe and warm in his arms. “What about you?”
 “I always sleep best when I’m close to you,” he replied, kissing the top of your head.
 The two of you laid there for a while just content with being in each other’s arms.
 “Can we stay here all day?” you asked, sleepily looking up at him.
 “I don’t see why not…”
 Then, the alarm rang out alerting everyone in the Avenger Tower that villains were attacking reminded you exactly why you couldn’t spend the day in bed. Groaning, you both got up and prepared for the upcoming battle.
 That was just the beginning of your week.
 The next time you were interrupted, you were once again in bed, just having a quiet moment to unwind. Bucky had his head on your chest, listening to you read one of his favourites while you idly ran your fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes, ready to drop off to sleep when the alarm went off again. You both felt annoyed, still stiff from the last attack but got prepared to fight, nonetheless.
 It was late by the time the fight was over. You were both so exhausted, you were ready to just flop into bed. Bucky held you close and breathed in your scent to calm himself down.
 “I’m here, baby. I’m here,” you assured him.
 Bucky kissed you deeply, pressing you close to his body to remind himself you were truly there and that you loved him. You kissed back, holding him just as close. These were the type of kisses that you loved. The kind that could go further but didn’t have to. They were loving and intimate. Just feeling close to each other, feeling the heat of one another’s skin… only for that damn alarm to go off again. Didn’t these stupid villains ever sleep?! Since you were already dressed, you got up to fight once more.
 The next day, you had drawn Bucky a bath. The hot water and Epsom salts would help to relieve his aching muscles, calm his mind and get him to relax. You washed his hair while you hummed to him. Bucky closed his eyes and surrendered to your touch. Just as you rinsed out the shampoo, that infernal alarm so rudely rang out. A small whine came from the back of Bucky’s throat as he got out of the tub to fight again.
 The day after that, you were giving Bucky a nice massage. Bucky laid on your bed as you rubbed lavender oil into his skin. He was just about to fall asleep as you worked out all the knots from his tender back muscles… that tensed up and undid all your work as the cursed alarm chimed out and you wanted to rip that stupid thing right out its circuitry. Bucky’s jaw clenched as he prepared for yet another fight.
 When you returned from the fight, you were gently tending to Bucky’s injuries. He had barely spoken a word, not even flinching as you applied antiseptic to his scrapes.
 “Bucky? Look at me hon…”
 As he made eye contact with you, your heart broke.
 “I can’t… I can’t keep doing this, Y/N! I’m not The Winter Soldier anymore! They can’t just expect me to keep fighting and be okay! I’m not… I’m not…”
 His voice sounded so broken. As you wrapped your arms around him and held him close, Bucky started sobbing, hugging you tight. It hurt you to see your boyfriend so utterly shattered. You were definitely going to have to talk to Fury about this.
 As soon as you made sure Bucky was sleeping soundly in bed, you went straight to Fury.
 “Sir, I’m requesting time of for Barnes and myself, effective immediately,” you demanded.
 “We can’t do that. In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve had an influx of attacks recently…” Fury began.
 “Precisely my point, sir. Bucky may be a super soldier but he’s human and you forget that too easily. You can only burn a candle at both ends for so long before it burns out…”
 Fury regarded you carefully. It was true, for whatever reason, the villains of New York had decided to all attack at once but if he continued to send his human Avengers to clean up the mess, they would eventually tire out and there would be no one left to protect the city. Maybe he did need to organise some breaks for the team.
 “Fine, but only for a week. When you come back, I fully expect you to resume your duties,” he replied.
 “Yes, sir and thank you.”
 “Now, get out of my office,” he ordered.
 You walked out and headed back to Bucky who was still deep asleep. The poor man was so exhausted that you could only hope this peace would last long enough for him to get a decent enough rest. You’d let him know of your plans first thing in the morning.
 The following day, you had packed your bags and organised the use of one of Tony’s private islands. The others were under strict orders not to contact you unless for some reason your lives were in danger although at this point, you were more dangerous than any enemy. Bucky was a little sceptical but by the second day, he felt more relaxed.
 At the end of the week, Bucky was totally stress-free. A week alone with you was just what he needed. The villains were still there when you got back but by now, they had slowed down their onslaught. By now, Bucky was ready to take them on again and as long as he had you by his side, he knew he could handle anything.
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The hardest thing about school is my brain being in hyper drive. All the time. Even on break. There is always calculations running like: I have to work on this class, I think I can allocate that day, which means my other class I’ll work on tomorrow and I can put off this class’ work. Oh no, I can’t work in the allocated time slot, now I need to mentally rearrange my shit and make sure I don’t forget any of my many plates that I must keel spinning at all times!
This week I’m ahead. I front loaded, I worked a long Monday and hauled ass on game project to produce my share before our milestone. That means no more working on game until Monday. And because of the holiday I don’t have anything cooking for character design. So that leaves coding and my rigging project class. I’m well ahead on rigging because I like to rig. That means my whole weekend is just one small coding assignment and however much I want to rig. But it doesn’t matter. Because the schedule in my head is whispering “If you don’t work you’ll fall behind, there’s no time to rest, are you sure you’re not forgetting anything? Better work ahead just to be extra safe.”
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countess-of-edessa · 2 years
the way people jump to the defense of video games whenever someone is like "what a stupid hobby to spend more than the barest amount of time killing effort on" really just reinforces to me that video games is objectively one of stupidest things to waste your life on
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elsolaer · 1 year
i have many thoughts in general but this tidbit from tingyun's voice lines is one of the things i wanna elaborate some more on at some point...
" Every time I head out, I leave a letter behind and lock it in the drawers of my shop. If I come back, then I'll burn it later. If I don't... then it'll be something for others to remember me by."
#OOC.#this post is more of a reminder to myself before i go try to write some stuff for nat and/or stelle#but idk i like her concept of being pacifistic despite the inherent dangers of her position as... basically a galactic ambassador?#it says that most reps take weapons with them but she refuses to because she believes that you should build relationships from a foundation#of peace instead of threat of violence#which has worked in her favor but idk its kinda sombering knowing that she basically leaves her last words in a letter every time sh#e leaves for another planet to do her job because she knows shes leaving herself vulnerable if somebody wanted to do something to hurt her#and she burns it every time she comes back only to rewrite it again months later when she goes on her next trip#xi.anzhou's lore is ROUGH dont get me wrong but theres a lot of fun concepts in there that im smashing together LMAO#also her traveling the way she does opens up so much room to meet literally anybody#its just jarilo-vi right now but as more worlds open up it just gives her more room to work with#also the fact that it opens up a lot of possiblities for world building for her to come to these planets because she's there ON business an#trade & commerce is one of the BIGGEST things a society needs. one decision could steer the entire direction of their society in a complete#y different direction#like even just introducing more leisurely/hobby focused products can be a huge turning point for a war stricken world#or better materials for their tech and their buildings#new crops in exchange for what they have#literally the exchange we see in her lore is her discussing taking just a few samples of a world's plants and growing it on xianzhou for#commercial sale AND that world would recieve shipments of said crops along with wahtever other deals they struck#and blablabla yes i know capitalism whatever. tis the way of the world and i think its really interesting frmo a worldbuilding standpoint#tingyuns a very interesting character because she can change a lot of things in very little time in the big picture#i feel like she's commonly brushed off as a shallow character who doesnt do much but she's one of the most accomplished characters in xian#zhou EASILY#yes you could argue that jing yuan is more because of his general shit or yukong is the helm master blablabla like Yes they are also very#accomplished but she is the literal only reason that the grand fairs are FAMOUS throughout the galaxy. they werent until she took leadershi#she's completed trade missions to SIXTEEN different panets and is implied to have formed alliances with at least a few of them#and was the one to renew xianzhou's mutual alliance with the IPC#i dunno#also i think people see her as way more of a trickster than she is#like ... i thought she was too but she really isn't particularly mischevious? girls tried to leave MULTIPLE times during the story bc she
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monkeesrainbowroom · 1 year
okay i found an approximately 72 page notebook in my notebook drawer overspilling with notebooks fully finished and half started i think i will take war and peace notes there... on the one hand there's like five times as many chapters as that on the other i do not believe in my ability to actually consistently write things down...
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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia via various popular online press outlets and venues (such as MSN) have been leaking their plans for a new Mega City on the eastern flank of the kingdom, known as NEOM and also dubbed The Line.
The Kingdom is touting this new milestone in urban design to be on par with modern marvels of engineering and construction, something to behold along the lines of Egypt’s fabled pyramids – and to compete with Singapore’s Marina Bay, Dubai’s Marina, Jumeirah’s Burj Al Arab (the distinctive hotel shaped like a sailboat), and most recently Burj El Khalifa, one of the tallest buildings in the world – all of which are pre-eminent business, visitors and tourist destinations in Asia.
However, it would seem the price tag for this ambitious project originally estimated at One Trillion US dollars is now edging closer, per some sources, to $2.5 Trillion US dollars and many of its grandiose features and plans will have to be trimmed, cut back, or removed entirely from the project destined to open (in phases I would surmise) starting in 2035.
What is believed to the kingdom’s most ambitious undertaking yet, the region’s DISNEYLAND, so to speak, and perhaps a new economic engine for the region and the Kingdom, could also be one step closer to the undoing of the current boom enjoyed throughout the Persian Gulf region, from Kuwait and the Emirates to Saudi.
What exactly are we alluding to? Allow us to explain in an upcoming revue segment to be featured in West Coast Midnight Run’s Lifestyles section of the Kiosk.
West Coast Midnight Run will un
Visit us often as we develop this segment and several others for your curiosity and pleasure, we have additional segments in the works, including an overview of the Paris Olympics, prelude revues to tentpole movies such as the 2025 Superman from new studio creative James Gunn and The Fantastic Four from the new Disney/Marvel and Fox Studios conglomerate, as well as several fashion collections sneak peeks.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 months
The media churned out charming propaganda about the munitions workers, as journalists and later historians enjoyed the idea that women of all classes had come together in essential war work:
They have come from the office and the shop, from domestic service and the dressmaker's room, from the High Schools and the Colleges, and from the quietude of the stately homes of the leisured rich . . . Even in the early days of the advent of women in the munitions shops, I have seen working together, side by side, the daughter of an earl, a shop keeper's widow, a graduate from Girton, a domestic servant, and a young woman from a lonely farm in Rhodesia, whose husband had joined the colours. Social status, so stiff a barrier in this country in pre-war days, was forgotten in the factory, as in the trenches, and they were all working together as the members of a united family.
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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fakeplasticmusic · 7 months
Sky Walker (ft. Travis Scott) - Miguel
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aworsening · 2 months
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On becoming someone else
i. War of the Foxes, Richard Siken / ii., v., viii., xi. Leisure, Hannah, Does Not Agree with You, Hannah Gamble / iii. unknown / iv. Mimmo Paladino / vi. Book 20e, In between here and there, Beata Wehr / vii. unknown / ix. unknown / x. @heartlessqueen
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prettybbychim · 10 months
is it just me and my irritable attitude due to sleep deprivation or was everything drawn out far too long for dramatic effect in ahsoka
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groovetrill · 1 year
Un poco de sabor (a little bit of flavor)
Es todo que yo necesito
(That's all I need babe, that's all I need babe)
Voy a ver profundidades de tu amor
(To the depths of your love, your love)
Si viene conmigo
(Should come my way babe, should come my way babe)
Now and later, hour glass, sour patch
Put that pink starburst on my brain
Running through your candy lane
Caramelo duro, deja que te vuelva loca
Muy limpio, que puro, no te dejaré sola
Regálame un poco de azúcar
Regálame un poco de azúcar
Regálame un poco de azúcar
Regálame un poco de azúcar
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