#wanted so share some happyheidi
happyheidi · 2 years
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Look how happy i look! It’s from the Grosvenor hotel in London, there to celebrate my dads birthday, years ago. Good times. I miss them!
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emberfrostlovesloki · 7 months
Miss Haley Hotchner [Hotch x Reader]
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Photo credits: Left (@happyheidi) Center (@ssamorganhotchner) Right (Press Coffee via their website)
Prompt: How the reader comes to have a friendship with Haley because of their shared interest in house plants.  
Pairing: Hotch x gender-neutral reader. The reader uses they/them pronouns. 
Category: Fluff and domesticity. 
Word Count: 7.2K
Content Warnings: Brief mention of a case and unsub (kidnapping), mention of Aaron's abuse (beatings).
A/N: Good evening, loves! Today I give you a soft little domestic piece. I can imagine supporting you in your hobbies and passions, and this is just indulging in that fantasy. Full transparency the plant person in my family is my sister, not me, so if I get some stuff wrong about the plants, sorry. Here is another odd tie-in to Aaron. My sister was also in a production of Pirates of Penzance in the summer, so I’m familiar with the musical now. The song “Major General “ is very impressive. Even being in the chorus would be hard. I’ll link a video of it below the story. That’s what I’ve got. If you like the story, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! I hope you have a great rest of your week! Love Levi - ❤️ 
P.S. The gang wanted some domestic Hotch yesterday, so I'm tagging y'all. I hope this helps: @hotchs-big-hands @sleeperwillow
List with all stories
_y/n_ = your name 
_y/f/c_ = your favorite color 
_s/o/c_’s = strands or curls 
_y/f/c/d_ = your favorite coffee drink
_y/n_moved down the bustling street toward the upscale coffee shop. _y/n_ had half begged Aaron that morning to have him come with them in a voice that was laced more with sleep than wakefulness. _y/n_ had sleepily shifted their weight on top of his hips, straddling his body, hand pressing close to his chest. _y/n_ kissed his cheek and neck sloppily with half-closed eyes. Aaron had hummed gently, the sound rumbled in his chest and reverberated through _y/n_’s body. Hotch moved his head to the side and up a little to give her better access to his skin. While _y/n_ kissed him, his hands made their way to _y/n_'s lower back and the other to their left shoulder blade. Hotch put some pressure on these areas, warming them, as he stroked over the warm skin covered by the thin layer of their _y/f/c_ sleeping shirt. After a moment of his soft intimacy, Aaron spoke, saying, “It’s not going to work, _y/n_. I can’t go with you.” _y/n_ pulled back and pouted. They leaned down and kissed his warm lips before pulling back, now more awake after having spent some time against their lover. _y/n_ smiled and asked, “Why can’t you come with me? Just because you have a black thumb doesn’t mean you’ll kill anyone else’s plant.” Aaron chuckled; he knew that wasn’t fully true, but that wasn’t the reason why he couldn’t accompany _y/n_, and Aaron replied, “No it’s not my inability to keep a plant alive, it’s that Jack is coming over and we have soccer in…” Aaron turned his head to look at the clock on the nearby nightstand, he turned back to looking at _y/n_ and finished his sentence with, “two hours.” At hearing this, _y/n_ smiled and placed their head on his chest. Brushing their cheek against the dark hairs growing there. When their head came to rest on his breastbone, Aaron moved his left hand up the nape of _y/n_’s neck and into the base of _y/n_’s hair. He combed through the _s/o/c_’s in a repetitive motion. Sometimes Hotch thought of _y/n_ like a very affectionate cat. The way _y/n_ loved physical intimacy. Not just sexual intimacy, which they also enjoyed very much together, but there was a desire to just be close to Aaron that he hadn’t experienced in years. The last time he had been this open with his body with someone had been in high school with Haley. Back then, he had been seeking comfort for slightly different reasons.
Given the physical abuse he endured during his childhood, the near-daily beatings had left him vulnerable. Weary of touch. Any type of touch, not just intimate touch. When he had seen Haley for the first time, and they had shook hands, it was the first time he had welcomed someone to interact with his body in years. He had come to crave that feeling for her, and the fact that Aaron was so able to give and receive physical touch and intimacy with _y/n_ now was a testament to the healing and growth he had done over the years. _y/n_ never overdid it. They knew he had his limits, and that he could become a bit overwhelmed. It was their mutual understanding of the other that had made their relationship work. That and the fact that they were very open in their communication. If Hotch or _y/n_ did something that upset the other, they took the time to talk it out. Sometimes they had to take a break if the argument was bigger and more personal, but those tiffs were rare, and they managed to compromise. Sometimes, they even found those arguments had strengthened their relationship. Aaron was pulled back to the present as _y/n_ said, “I’m sorry I forgot Jack was coming. Maybe I can go next month, I haven’t seen Jack in what feels like a while.” Aaron moved up and kissed the tip of _y/n_’s nose and replied, “You don’t have to darling. I know you’ve been looking forward to this plant swap for a long time. And, you saw Jack last week, remember? We picked him up and dropped him off at Haley’s.” _y/n_ made a small, disappointed sound. Aaron wrapped his arms around them and said, “Plus, I don’t blame you for not remembering. Haley called me late last night asking if I could watch him. You were already half asleep. Like you are now.” He said the last point in a joking manner. At this point, _y/n_ was fully awake. One of Aaron’s favorite things to do was tease them that they were always tired. They were often yawning at home, but never in the office or field. Also in a teasing manner, _y/n_ picked up one of the pillows near the head of the bed. They gently hit Hotch on the chest, while he used his hands to block the blow. As _y/n_ raised their hands again, Aaron captured their wrists and used his legs and knees to strongly hold _y/n_’s waist. He rolled to his side then so that he was now on top of _y/n_ straddling their body.
The pillow fight was suddenly forgotten as he leaned down and captured _y/n_’s mouth with his own. Aaron intensified the kiss and when they moved apart for air, _y/n_ let out a small gasp. They said, “No fair using your strength against me like that, A.” Aaron smiled, eyes twinkling with a playful desire. Hotch shifted his weight back so his upper thighs were resting against his calves and ankles. _y/n_ moved their arms up to support them. One hand held their weight and the other moved to stroke down their love’s sharp jaw. Hotch said, “I think you should go to your thing. You should have your own hobbies and interests. It’s good for you. And you can always see Jack after practice. Haley asked for us to watch him until 2:00 p.m.” _y/n_ smiled and said, “Okay. I’ll go. But if I have a good time then I am dragging you to it next month. I think you’ll like this coffee shop no matter if plants are involved or not.” Aaron gave _y/n_ one more quick kiss and said, “Of course, love. That’s a promise.”  
         _y/n_ wiggled out from Aaron’s body and he looked at them with affection as they put on pants and moved to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Hotch also got out of bed and moved to the kitchen to get some kind of breakfast and coffee started. After they had eaten, _y/n_ moved to get dressed and grab their bag. They and Aaron had had the “‘Let’s move in together talk together,’ but they were waiting for _y/n_’s lease to end and for Aaron to figure out one legally technical thing on his lease, so even though they spent most nights together at either’s space, they still technically lived separately. One of the things that _y/n_ hadn’t moved over to his place yet was their small house plant collection. It was small now, consisting of only five easy-to-care-for plants. Thus, they were going to need to make a pit stop at their place about a half hour away to pick up their propagation and the Pothos they were hoping to trade with the other plant enthusiasts at the swap. When _y/n_ had everything gathered, they moved and kissed Aaron and asked, “Should I meet you and Jack back here, or did you have plans after practice?” Aaron thought for a moment and said, “Jack’s been asking to go out to pizza recently, so I’ll ask him if he wants to do that today. I’ll text you what he decides.” _y/n_ smiled, nodded, and replied, “Alright, well I look forward to it.” Aaron nodded and stepped forward. He pushed the strap of their shoulder bag back up onto their shoulder, as it had started moving down their arm. He leaned down and kissed the top of _y/n_’s forehead, saying, “Drive safe please.” _y/n_ nodded and as Aaron opened the door for them _y/n_ said “I will. I always do.” 
And that was why _y/n_ was walking to the coffee shop that was hosting its monthly plant swap. _y/n_ had parked down the street given it was a busy part of the city. Ss _y/n_ stepped inside the shop, the interior was perfect for plant people as it looked like a mini greenhouse or even smaller arboretum. The walls and ceilings of glass allowed the soft light of the sun in. _y/n_ set their small plant offerings on one of the shared tables next to a man who had much more impressive plants on show. _y/n_ hoped that there was someone as novice as them at growing plants. _y/n_ wasn’t ready for misters or grow light yet. Right now growing and maintaining the little indoor garden that they didn’t want to think about much more commitment than watering and opening the blinds for an hour or so in the morning. _y/n_ moved to the counter and ordered a _y/f/c/d_. _y/n_ moved back to wait for their order. They took the time to look over the room and see the rest of those holding plants, many of the people here for the swap were already chatting, clearly knowing each other already. _y/n_ didn’t mind this. They were new to the community, only having joined one Facebook group for plant owners in Virginia,  and a Discord server about the care and maintenance of house plants in the North where the sun was less intense and the winters made it hard to keep certain plants alive. When _y/n_’s name was called, they moved to the counter. Just as they got their drink, the doorbell rang and _y/n_ looked over and their eyes went wide. Haley was walking through the door with a bag that appeared to have three plants inside. From the small tips of the growing material that could be seen from the lip of the bag, Haley’s plants were far more impressive than theirs. Haley looked over to the place where you ordered your drinks. As she did this, her eyes met _y/n_’s and Mrs. Hotchner’s eyes similarly went wide. Slightly awkwardly, _y/n_ raised their hand and gave a tentative smile. Haley mimicked their hand movement but didn’t smile per se. Even if Aaron’s ex-wife didn’t smile, there was a soft kindness in Haley’s eyes, and that set _y/n_ at ease. _y/n_ moved back to her spot at the table. It was a few minutes before someone more their speed entered the coffee shop. The woman had bright auburn hair. She wore a long skirt, a gold star belt, and a sleeveless top. The young free spirit was so magnetic that _y/n_ was intrigued. The woman was so different from the stiff shirts that _y/n_ experienced at the bureau that they wanted to just say hello to this person, even if she didn’t have any plants they wanted. 
_y/n_ waited for the woman to get her drink and get settled on one of the communal tables. _y/n_ was very excited to see the woman pull out a healthy-looking snake plant. Internally _y/n_ punched the air, ‘Perfect,’ they thought! This was exactly their speed. _y/n_ grabbed their plant offerings and moved to sit across from the woman. The auburn-haired individual smiled, as _y/n_ sat down and said, “Hi!” The woman’s face was radiant. _y/n_ genuinely smiled back and said, “Hello. I’m so glad to see someone with plants that aren’t over a hundred dollars.” The woman nodded and said, “Tell me about it. You’re the first person to come here who has something I feel comfortable trading with. Are you new to the area? I’m Willow by the way.” _y/n_ extended their hand and said, “_y/n_, _y/l/n_, and to answer your question, I’ve lived here for a few years. I’m just new to the plant world per se.” Willow nodded and replied, “Well welcome. You’ll find most people here are unproblematic. Would you like to swap either a plant or a propagation I’d trade my Chinese Money plant for your Pothos. I don’t have one with those colors yet. It’s very pretty.” _y/n_ thought about it and then agreed to trade their plant for the Chinese Money plant. Willow asked, “So how did you hear about this meet-up? I’m in public relations and I’m always interested in how people come together around a shared hobby.” _y/n_ replied, “Well I got into plants when a friend gave me a pencil cactus as a gift. I really wanted to keep it alive because they were moving across the country for a new job. I had to do research and I found the community. Once my Google search results found out I was into plants now, things started popping up on all my social media, including this plant swap. I was a lurker for a long time, to be honest. It was my partner that encouraged me to finally come today.” Willow smiled at her and said, “We love a supportive partner. Go them. My poor girlfriend keeps half begging me to stop coming here given our house is now overrun with her cats and my plants. Space is at a premium.” _y/n_ giggled at Willow's statement and said, “Thankfully I’m not that deep into the hobby yet, but I know what you mean.” The pair talked for a while longer. Once Willow had finished her matcha latte, she stood and shook _y/n_’s hand saying, I hope to see you again next month! It was a pleasure meeting you.” They smiled back and replied, “Same here, Willow. Thanks for being so nice to me?” The woman flushed just a bit and then moved out of the shop. 
Once Willow was out of the room, _y/n_ felt the hairs on the back of her neck prickled. Like someone was looking at them. _y/n_ had felt this on and off during the twenty-minute conversation they had with Willow. _y/n_ turned her gaze to where they knew Haley was sitting. Haley couldn’t turn her gaze away fast enough for _y/n_ not to catch her staring. Haley blushed a bit, embarrassed for being caught. _y/n_ looked at her phone. It was still only 9:30 p.m. Jack’s practice would have just started fifteen minutes ago. It would go for another two hours. _y/n_ decided to sit and have another drink. She could do that and still catch the last hour or so of the team’s drills and practice game. _y/n_ remembered Aaron’s comments in the morning that they deserved rest and hobbies, even if that was just enjoying a high-quality latte and people-watching. Also, something about Haley being here made them want to stay. Not that _y/n_ was trying to snoop or pry into Aaron’s ex-wife’s life. It was more like a desire to share this space with her. _y/n_ and Haley’s relationship was little. _y/n_ felt that they knew more about Haley than Haley did about them. Given that Aaron was an open communicator, he had detailed their relationship; its rise and eventual fall. What Haley knew about them was unknown. Of course, she knew that they were a part of the BAU. Perhaps because they and Aaron had gotten into a relationship it had felt like rubbing salt in a wound. _y/n_ hoped it wasn’t that way. They and Aaron had both waited a respectful time before they had admitted their feelings for each other. It had all been very proper, per Hotch’s standards as a boss and a gentleman. Being here with Haley felt like a good first step. Even if they didn’t speak at all.
         As _y/n_ sat and watched the ebb and flow of traffic into the coffee shop, they watched as deals and trades were made with some normal and some exotic plants alike. It was a peaceful environment. However, now and then _y/n_ would look over to Haley. Haley was continually looking at her phone and the door. There was a slight look of concern on her face. After another few minutes, _y/n_ couldn’t take it anymore. _y/n_ stood and moved to sit next to Haley, no matter how uncomfortable or awkward the conversation was going to be. _y/n_ couldn’t let this person whom they were close to through Aaron be in distress, even if it seemed minor. Haley looked up at _y/n_ as they sat. She let out a small exhale. _y/n_ looked over Haley once more, the strained look was still there, and they said, “Mrs… Hotchner…” As soon as the title came out, they mentally face-palmed, thinking they should have thought about what to call Aaron’s ex before coming over. However, the words were out there, and they couldn’t take them back. So _y/n_ swallowed and continued, “I couldn’t help but notice you seem upset. Is everything okay? I know you asked Aaron to have Jack last night. Are you alright?” Given the nature of the job, _y/n_’s mind could go to bad places quickly. Partners and even ex-partners of FBI agents could become targets for bad people easily. At their comment, Haley gave a small, almost sad smile as she said, “You profilers man. Nothing escapes you, does it?” _y/n_ didn’t know how to respond to the rhetorical question. Thankfully, Haley filled in the silence, saying, “It’s nothing serious really. I’m waiting for this guy, Richard. He’s kind of a big deal in the plant world. I’ve been courting him on and off for months to come down and swap a small false bird of paradise propagation with me. He finally relented last night, thus the need for Aaron to look after Jack.” There was more to Haley’s words than she was letting on. Her use of the word, “court,” plus the need for her son to be absent at this meeting felt a bit clandestine. If there were romantic intentions, _y/n_ wasn’t going to bring it up. They had no right to comment. After all, they were romantically involved with her ex-husband. After another second, the door clinked open and Haley looked up anticipatorily. Her face lightened. It was clear that ‘Richard’ was with them now. In a moment of almost teenage girlhood insecurity, Haley asked _y/n_, “How do I look?” _y/n_ smiled and replied, “Stunning.” They weren’t lying. _y/n_ could see why Aaron had been attracted to Ms. Haley Hotchner nee Brooks. There was a small smudge of lipgloss just out of the lines of her mouth. _y/n_ pointed it out to her, and Haley said, “Thanks, _y/n_. You’re a lifesaver.” _y/n_ just smiled and moved out of their seat to give the two space. They didn’t stick around after that. It was one thing to be in the same room with Haley, it was another to crash a potential date of hers. It would be like Haley sitting on one of _y/n_’s and Aaron’s date night. The thought made them cringe.
         As _y/n_ drove toward the park where Jack practiced soccer at every other weekend, they reflected on how funny it was that both they and Haley had this shared interest. When _y/n_ had revealed to Aaron that they had a small plant collection, he had asked, “Are you being serious?” For a second _y/n_ thought there might be a serious issue with this. They wondered if Hotch had some rare allergy to house plants or something bizarre like that. However, Aaron had clarified that Haley had also kept houseplants as well. This was when he had also revealed his black thumb to them. Similarly, even though _y/n_ wasn’t hardcore into theaters and musicals, they had friends who were, so they were obliged to know at least three musical lyrics at a time depending on the mood of their good old high school friends. So when Aaron had revealed that he met Haley because of a production of Pirates of Penzance, _y/n_ had naturally said, “Oh Gilbert and Sullivan. That’s cool!” Hotch had been dumbfounded. He’d never, in his life heard of the musical before, and here was _y/n_ with an apparent deep knowledge of the old opera. _y/n_ had reassured him quickly that they hadn’t stalked his early years or anything, just perhaps knew more about the musical and opera scene than most. They had teased him anytime he brought up his musical inability. They would say, “Hey, you were pirate number four, and I’m sure the best pirate number four that ever was. That meant you sang in the chorus of “Major General.” That can’t be easy.” Aaron had blushed at his and said, “Well, I mouthed most of the words, to be honest, and I almost dropped Haley twice during rehearsal and one performance night.” His admission had _y/n_ in stitches on the couch. It was a fond memory for them both. As more good memories flashed before _y/n_ as they drove, they were grateful for having such a kind and loving partner as Aaron.
         When they arrived at the field, _y/n_ sat on the small stands watching the team practice. They kept a special eye on Jack. Aaron had inadvertently made his way to the field and was helping the other middle-aged dad correct and help lead the team. _y/n_ had suggested that he should make it a permanent thing. Talk to the other dad, but Hotch had said he wanted to wait. If Jack showed a serious interest, he would pitch the idea to Greg, the man who was the ‘official’ coach. Aaron didn’t want to pressure his son into a passion or sport unless he wanted to play. He wasn’t going to force Jack to do anything, unlike his father had done with him. Hotch was highly considering it. It would be fun and give his life some stability. It would also mean more built-in quality time with Jack, which in his book, was never going to be a bad thing. Ever. Aaron’s eyes caught movement nearby, and he saw _y/n_ move to a seat on the small bleachers paralleling either side of the field. He smiled at them, and _y/n_ beamed back, giving a small wave as a means of “Hello there, mister.” Hotch tore his eyes away from his love to look at Jack who made a goal. Aaron punched the air and said, “Let’s go, Buddy! That was amazing.” The practice finished; the trio moved to get pizza at a nearby spot. The food was greasy and filling, and _y/n_ asked Jack how he was doing at school and home. Aaron watched as they listened intently to what his son was saying. Like Jack’s commentary was the most important thing in the world to them. When all the slices were consumed, Aaron having helped Jack finish off the crusts of his son’s slice, they all piled into the cars. By this point, it was time for Jack to be taken back to Haley’s. Aaron coordinated with _y/n_ and they agreed to meet back at his place. He would drop off his son, and they would put their new plant at their place before heading back to his apartment. They would decide what they wanted to do with the rest of their afternoon from there.
         An hour or so later, they reconvened at his. They sat on his couch as some random Bowie album played in the background. Aaron kissed the top of _y/n_’s head asking, “So what do you want to do before tonight?” That evening, they had agreed to meet up with Rossi, Derek, and Emily at some new spot for cocktails. That wasn’t until 8:30 p.m., so they still had a few hours to themselves. _y/n_ suggested a small walk around the neighborhood. They loved to look at the architecture of the older buildings in his area. The trees that lined the drives. Those trees were slowly changing color from bright greens to burnt oranges. It was a stark contrast to the brutalist concrete architecture of their own apartment. Block of cinder on blocks of cinder. It certainly wasn’t the main reason they wanted to move in with Aaron, but it was a small one. The aesthetics of his part of town had drawn them in. They knew they had romanticized the area, but how couldn’t they, given the inhabitant at the center of their world? The pair moved outside and onto the drive. Hotch pulled them close. He wrapped an arm around their waist, providing a small intimate touch, as they walked down the street. _y/n_ leaned their head against his side and said, “You’d never believe who I saw at the plant swap today.” Hotch thought about it as they continued to walk. He hedged a guess, saying, “Let’s see. How about Rossi?” There was a pause, and he amended his statement, saying, “No Morgan. It was Morag for sure!” _y/n_ laughed. The throaty sound warmed him from the inside. After a beat, they said, “It was Haley, actually.” This had Aaron stop for a second. He looked down at _y/n_ and he said, “Really?” _y/n_ nodded and said, “Yeah.” Hotch composed himself and he guided them forward again. A lot of thoughts ran through his mind. He finally asked, “Did she seem okay?” Aaron kept up with Haley as much as he thought was respectful. Of course, Jack brought her up often in conversation, and he listened with rapt attention, but other than that, he tried to give her space. It only felt right that he let her build her own life again. That was what she had wanted when she had left him, and he respected that. After a moment, _y/n_ replied, “She seems happy. She was waiting for some bigwig plant person. You never told me she was that good with plants. I’m sure she thought my offerings were a bit pathetic after seeing what she had.” Hotch squeezed their side. It didn’t pass him by that they hadn’t mentioned the gender of the “bigwig,” but he wasn’t going to ask for his ex’s privacy. It wasn’t any of his business anymore. He did, however, address _y/n_’s second comment, saying, “Well, Haley is particular, I’ll say that, but not in a bad way. I’m sure she wouldn’t judge you for trying something new. I bet she was happy to see you.” At this, _y/n_ flushed. It made them feel good to still hear Aaron support his ex-partner. If there had been a resentment between them, Aaron at least had let it go. And given how Haley had reacted that morning to seeing them, it seemed that Haley perhaps felt the same. It was refreshing to see people who had separated still be kind to each other. It meant that love that had faded didn’t mean that that love hadn’t existed. It had been real and that was okay to acknowledge and feel. Sometimes it felt like society and media pushed that love had to be this pulsating, living passionate thing. But often, love moved into hibernation, or it slowed and puttered out. Like a candle blown out by a shaky breath. The flame would fight for life for a moment before being snuffed out. That in a way, was a comfort. Not that _y/n_ saw that happening with them, but it ever did, it was nice to know that he would never slander or bad mouth them behind their back. That had happened to them before, and it wasn’t pleasant. Not at all. They continued to walk and enjoyed this small time together.
         Next month _y/n_ returned to the plant swap. As adamant as Aaron had been about joining her next time, Hotch had been called away from a special lawyer consult. It was yet to be seen if the team would need to join him. Because of the possibility of a new case, _y/n_ was going to enjoy their Saturday while they could. _y/n_ moved back to the now-familiar coffee shop. When they entered, they spotted Willow, and someone they assumed was Willow’s girlfriend. _y/n_ moved closer to her new friends. Willow smiled and introduced their girlfriend to them. The trio chatted for a while. Willow asked, “Hey, I thought you said you were bringing your partner this month. Is everything okay with you two? _y/n_ smiled at their friend’s consideration and good memory. They had said that they were bringing Aaron this month. _y/n_ replied, “We’re all good. Thanks for asking. He got pulled out of town for a work thing. It’s tragic really. Next month for I’m bringing him for sure.” After this, _y/n_ and Willow found some other folks at the meet-up to swap their wares with. As _y/n_ finished her exchange with a young college student horticulturist, the door opened, and Haley entered the room with Jack attached to her hip. The young boy noticed _y/n_ and said her name and waved. _y/n_ waved back and Haley moved toward them. The blond-haired woman sat across from _y/n_ and said, “Hey _y/n_. Could you watch Jack while I get our drinks?’ _y/n_ smiled and nodded, saying, “Yeah of course.” Haley leaned down to be on eye level with her son and asked, “Do you still want hot chocolate?” Jack nodded enthusiastically. Haley softly said, “Okay. I’ll be right back. _y/n_ is going to look after you while I get us some drinks.” _y/n_ asked Jack how his week had been, and the child tiptoed over to her from his seat and climbed onto their lap. _y/n_ smiled down at him as he detailed his last week of school, the new cartoons he had watched, and how his mom let him have pizza, twice because he felt sick on Monday. As Haley returned, they hoped Jack's choice to sit on her lap didn’t make the older woman uncomfortable., but Haley had a small hint of warmth on her face as she made her way back to the table and set Jack’s hot chocolate in front of him. Haley said, “I ordered it at a kid's temp, so he’s good to drink it right now.” _y/n_ nodded, thankful for the clarification. In his quiet, pleading voice, Jack asked, “Is there whipped cream?” _y/n_ looked over to Haley again and she nodded yes. They smiled and with one hand opened the lid of the cup so Jack could get to the whipped cream before it melted into the chocolaty drink. As the young boy was focused solely on his drink, _y/n_ looked at Haley and asked, “So, Mrs. Hotchner, how was it with Richard? Did you get the plant you wanted?” Haley smiled and said, “_y/n_ there’s no need to be so polite. Please just call me Haley. Being called Aaron’s last name is awkward and I know you feel it too.” _y/n_ flushed but nodded, saying, “Alright, Haley.” In being able to use her first name without it being awkward. There was a soft relief in that. 
Haley ended up answering their question saying that Richard had been lovely and that she had gotten the rare propagation she wanted. The woman didn’t go into further detail about the man, but she didn’t need to. _y/n_ could tell from her tone and facial features that there was an attraction between Haley and Richard. _y/n_ was happy for her. They hoped Haley could find someone that would complement her and her life goals. After a moment of silence, Haley asked something she had wondered for a while. She still missed Aaron some nights even though she knew it was for the best for both of them to not be together, but this one small innocuous element of her ex-husband and she asked, “Does Aaron still do that thing where he’s asleep but sleep talking like he’s having a real conversation?” _y/n_’s eyes went wide and they chuckled softly saying, “Yes. Oh my gosh, all the time. He totally thinks he’s having some deep philosophical conversation too. Like, he’s so serious about it.” Hearing this made Haley laugh too and she said, “And he’s just saying random words and phrases. If that. Sometimes it's just those little sounds.” Both adults laughed again, and _y/n_ felt warmed that they could talk like this. That they were forming their own bond. Now that they had opened this channel of conversation, _y/n_ said, “You’ll never believe what he did last week.” Haley easily said, “He killed one of your plants, didn’t he?” _y/n_ not expecting her to guess so quickly and correctly, started to say, “He…” They but themself off as _y/n_ realized that she had answered correctly. _y/n_ said, “Yes actually. How did you know?” Haley smiled and said, “Oh can I tell you about the plants he’s killed of mine? I swear you leave that man alone for a day heck, even a long afternoon, you need to expect a casualty of war. I used to drag him to the plant store and make him buy a replacement plant with his card. Not that our money was separated back then, but it made me feel better. You should have him do that for you too. He’ll pretend that he hates it, but secretly he enjoys it a lot.” There was a short silence after they both chuckled. Jack moved from _y/n_’s lap and back to his mom's. Haley grasped him gently and asked, “Where is he by the way? I guess I thought he might come with you this month.” _y/n_ smiled and said, “He meant to, but a half-case, half-lawyer thing came up in Wyoming. The team’s still waiting to see if we’re going to be called in.” Hearing this, Haley sighed and said, “The job never stops, does it.” _y/n_ nodded in agreement and then the blonde-haired woman said, “You should call him. Let me tell him off for killing your plant.” _y/n_ flushed and stuttered slightly. If Haley wasn’t being so open and friendly they might have thought that she was trying to get Aaron back, but they knew that wasn’t the case. Haley had well and truly moved on from Hotch. _y/n_ thought, ‘What the hell. Why not.” _y/n_ pulled her phone from their back pocket and pulled up speed dial. Aaron answered on the second ring. He didn’t sound tired exactly. Really he just sounded bored. He said, “Hey, honey, what’s up? Is everything okay?” _y/n_ flushed slightly and asked, “Are you busy right? Are you in a meeting? It’s nothing bad, I promise.” There was a pause and Hotch replied, “No, I just got out of one though. This is reminding me of why I left law all over again.” _y/n_ chuckled again and said, “Well I have something to distract you with. Someone wants to talk to you.” _y/n_ handed the phone to Haley. 
Haley took the phone and said, “Hey, Aaron. When you get back from your thing I think you should take _y/n_ to the plant store and get her a replacement. Maybe even a nicer one than the one you managed to kill.” _y/n_ was holding back laughter at Haley’s mock angry tone. In the large corporate law office in Wyoming. Hearing Haley’s voice on the line teasing him was not what he had expected. His brain started trying to pull pieces together, Like where and how _y/n_ and Haley would be together. Why they would be together. His head was still full of legalese it took him a second longer than normal. Finally, he realized it was the weekend of the plant swap, and that _y/n_ had told him Haley had been there last time. He felt warmed from the inside that _y/n_ and Haley had started to bond. It made him feel good. He had rather forgotten that his ex-wife had chastised him. Finally, he came back to his brain and said, “Um…” He stopped himself from saying “Honey,” and continued, “...Haley. I’ll do that. I did apologize, and in my defense, I did everything _y/n_ told me to.” Haley laughed on the other end and was about to say something else but Jack could hear his dad’s voice and asked quietly on the other end, “Is that Daddy?” At hearing Jack, Aaron’s heart pushed in his chest. It felt like honey was being poured over an already sweet orange slice. Aaron had to clear his throat a bit and asked, “Is Jack there? Could you, could you put him on Facetime?” There was a soft shuffling sound and Hotch moved down the hall and moved into an empty meeting room in the law firm. The lights automatically flickered on when he entered the room. The green icon for Facetime flashed and he pressed the allow button. The phone was mostly centered on Jack’s face as Haley held the phone in front of him. Jack was sitting in Haley’s lap and Aaron beamed. He said, “Hey buddy, how are you?” Jack smiled and replied, “Hi Dad. I’m good. Mommy and _y/n_ are here. They got me hot chocolate.” Hotch feigned surprise, like this, was the biggest news in the world, saying, “Really! How was it?” Jack put up five fingers and said, “So good.” Aaron felt incredibly grateful that he hadn’t been in a meeting when _y/n_ had called. Seeing Jack was going to make this whole consult better. He looked at his watch for a second. He was going to need to head back to speak with yet another tax compliance team. Because of this, he said, “Hey, Jack can you have Mom give the phone back to _y/n_? It was so nice seeing you and I’ll call you near bedtime to say goodnight if I’m not busy, okay?” Jack smiled and softly said, “Okay” as Haley handed _y/n_’s phone back to them. _y/n_ gently got up and moved outside to speak with Aaron. They put in headphones in case he needed to say anything about his current job. They spoke for a minute or two and Aaron then said, “I love you so much _y/n_. I’ll keep you updated on the goings on here.” _y/n_ smiled and said, “Love you too, Aaron. Be safe and talk soon.” With that, they ended the call. 
Three days later Aaron came back and the team was whole again. The team went on another case shortly after he got back. It was in Connecticut. It was a kidnapper taking the elderly and holding them for ransom. The unsub had been truly unspectacular. Not that anyone on the team ever wanted a hard case, but in contrast to some of the brain-boggling monsters the team found, the man was just a man. Disturbed and deranged. This kind of case left a different kind of taste in the team's mouths. It reminded them that normal people could be evil as well. It didn’t sit lightly on the shoulders. When the team got back home everyone tried to settle and accept what they had seen. _y/n_ and Aaron had taken a day apart, she needed to water and care for her plants after all. The next day they came over to his place, and they were spending a lazy day together. Aaron had gone on a run while _y/n_ biked beside him in the park and Aaron was taking a shower to rid him of his sweat. While he was washing off, his phone rang. _y/n_ looked at the caller ID and it was Haley. They didn’t answer for him in case it was something private. The call ended and shortly after their own phone rang. It was Haley again. As _y/n_ and Aaron had started dating, Haley had given them her number in case anything came up with Jack and Hotch didn’t answer his phone. After the second plant swap, _y/n_ and Haley had started texting on and off about plants or memes about plants. _y/n_ answered the phone, hoping nothing was wrong with Jack. As _y/n_ answered, they said, “Hey, Haley. What’s up?” The woman let out a breath and said, “I wanted to invite you and Aaron over tomorrow afternoon. My sister Jess is visiting and she hasn’t seen Aaron in a while, and I think you and her will get on well. Also, Jack wants you both here too. We were thinking of getting pizza delivered and watching a movie with Jack?” _y/n_ beamed and said, “That sounds so nice. We don’t have anything planned for tomorrow. I check with Aaron after he gets out of the shower. He or I will call you back once we know.” Haley nodded and said, “Sounds good. I hope you can make it.” A few minutes later Aaron padded out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair still ruggled and dripping. _y/n_ filled him in on the offer and he readily agreed. _y/n_ called Haley back and confirmed and she asked about any allergies that _y/n_ had and they filled her in on their dietary needs. 
The next afternoon Aaron and _y/n_ made it over to Haley’s apartment.  _y/n_ met Jess and they shook hands and started connecting immediately. Aaron gave Haley a hug and picked Jack up into his arms. As _y/n_ and Jess started talking about niche topics Aaron looked over to Haley as if saying, “What have you unleashed here?” And his ex-wife gave a little snort. The pizza arrived and Aaron paid for it. He found Haley alone as everyone grabbed a few slices and moved to the living room to pick a kid's movie to watch. As Aaron got a slice of cheese, he softly said, “Thanks for doing this.” Haley nodded and said, “I’m happy too. It felt right. _y/n_ is good for you.” Hotch blushed and didn’t give a direct reply; he just smiled as they both moved to the couch. Haley was at the far end of the couch, Jess and Jack were in the middle, and _y/n_ and Aaron were on the other end. As the opening credits and happy music of the movie started everyone quieted. Halfway through the film, the paper plates were piled on the coffee table. Jack was asleep, and _y/n_ had their hand on his shoulder. They rested their head on his broad shoulder. They weren’t really paying attention to the film, just enjoying being her like this. Aaron looked over those seated on the couch, he thought about what Haley had said about it feeling right. And in the moment it did. It did feel right. He closed his eyes, rested the top of his head on theirs, and just let things be.
Tag list: @criminalskies @tgskitten @geminitapestry
Want to join the tag list? Please see this post, CM tag list (linked)
"Major General" From the Pirates of Penzance (p.s.) The song gets kinda assault-y at the beginning, but the main song is impressive).
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pinkdogplushie · 2 years
so i saw that you wanted to know if u were sharing things from the wrong people and uh WELL.
you don't have to publish this at all, and i know asks can be intimidating but at the same time like...
i vaguely remembered @/happyheidi being called out on a blocklist by someone..
and when i checked, i had that page blocked? so i did some searching and...
-- according to this post from 2019 (there's more out there from june/may of 2022) she's a crypto-terf, antisemitic, and loves to hide all the shit she believes in behind her "soft cottagecore aesthetic"
unfortunately the post i had originally used to block + report terfs/excl./typical bigotry i couldn't find :(
it's not on you or the people reblogging her posts, because she's filtered her content so much. ive seen this happen quite a bit with @/happyheidi. people will not suspect a thing + hit reblog.
I don't even remember who you're talking about. Could you please direct me to the post i reblogged from them? I'll delete it.
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cozy-possum · 1 year
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I posted 49,508 times in 2022
That's 1,908 more posts than 2021!
258 posts created (1%)
49,250 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 11,152 of my posts in 2022
#hzd - 3,241 posts
#horizon - 3,168 posts
#hfw - 2,298 posts
#sounds - 1,657 posts
#fashion - 1,186 posts
#mh - 932 posts
#food - 775 posts
#kitty - 341 posts
#aloy ref - 326 posts
#marvel - 271 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#both of them reaching for the other’s hand for some sort of comfort; some sort of confirmation that what they’re really seeing is the truth.
My Top Posts in 2022:
Erend: You have every Oseram tripping over themselves
Aloy: Erend you’re an Oseram
Erend: Did I fucking stutter
200 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
When you realize you have to wear pants to in person meetings now
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218 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
Clint seeing Yelena on the roof: Okay so that’s another murder child I have to bring to Christmas, so that’s three extra plates; wait four Wanda might bring Vision, wait he’s a robot so fuck that... uh, five plates? In case Lucky wants a seat,and maybe Kate’s mom, but her stepdad? They can share a plate, that’s normal right?
Kate: Clint are you okay?
Clint: Yeah, just shocked to see Nat’s sister... oh fuck her family, so that’s-
Kate: Ten extra plates.
Clint: What??
Kate: Myself, Yelena, Melina and Alexei, my mom, Jack, Antonia, Wanda and then the larper’s
Clint Sobbing: Oh my god you can do math you’re worthy of the trick arrows
224 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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This has been done right?
Support My Edits?
562 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Wynter running headfirst into the bus and denting it: Too much :(
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1,081 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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faeriemlm · 2 years
i love your blog so much! it's the exact aesthetic and vibe i've been looking for for ages. do you have any other blogs like yours you'd recommend?
aaa thank you so much, i’m glad it corresponds to the vibe you’ve been looking for and that you enjoy it, means a lot 💕
i think it’s safe to say that most of the blogs i reblog from are recommendable!! if you want more specific ones i can make a list, but do note that not all of them are mlm (some even happen to be wlw lmao) or 100% naturecore… like, most of them dont share the same aesthetic or themes as this sideblog
in fact that’s sorta the reason i made this blog in the first place, i couldn’t find that many blogs out there that curated mlm with faecore/naturecore content in a way that suited my personal vision? so i wanted to try my hand at it! but anyways here are blogs whose content i really like and usually rb from
for general aesthetics/art/poetry and pretty words/pretty people
@cacaos @fairycosmos @bribes @weltenwellen @sparklebussy @melaninm0nster @polkadotmotmot (<- really nice content, btw these first 7 ones are the ones i rb from the most they’re my faves) @spookyshai @ozkro @lovmails (<- really great blog for love quotes) @hhbm (<- really recommend) @modelsof-color (<- great great blog) @aesthethixie @cmacaulays @prince-arthurs @magicgrotto @julykings (<- fantastic artist) @boyzandflowers (<- really recommend, there’s some nudity but always properly censored) @firstfullmoon @angejpg @givemearmstopraywith @lionfloss @mitskiluvr33
for other mlm/nblm blogs specifically:
@mlm-crossing @cupidnblm @werelobos (<- this one you really might like) @comfy-mlms @artboy-mlm @weaponmlm @princelymlm
for naturecore/faecore/goblincore/cottagecore aesthetics specifically:
@lindagoesmushrooming @geopsych @forest-faerie @roseyboy @happyheidi @matchboxbed @mossy-bog (<- also happen to be gay transmasc even though they’re in this category) @cottagefog (<- also mlm i think?) @walk-in-the-wood
there you go, sorry for tagging everyone but it’s also a way for me to show my appreciation, all these blogs on this list have really great content :D thank you again 💕
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kagubatan · 3 years
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🐢🌳🌿 Hello! Welcome to My Blog!!! 🐢🌳🌿
New Account Introduction Post
blog theme: animal and nature photography, cottagecore, naturecore
name: silva
pronouns: she/her
location: nyc, usa
favorite shows: kingdom of the white wolf, our planet, david attenborough documentaries (movie: shrek)
depressed and neurodivergent so kindness and patience are appreciated ❤︎
why i made this blog:
i love taking pictures of animals/nature and i want to share them with you all
i want to track my progress
bc i love animals (as long as i’m not touching them)
i want to be able to look back to my adventures in a few years
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🌿 reposts are okay as long as you credit and tag/link me!! 🌿
if you’re going to use my pictures on a collage/moodboard/etc with other people’s pictures, or repost in on another app/website, that’s okay with me! ❤︎
if you’re going to take my pictures and repost is as your own, please don’t, i’d appreciate it if you just reblog my post
some of the blogs i like: @thyming , @kinseyscottage , @is-this-cottagecore , @frogfog , @moss-boy , @cottagelf , @cottageaesthetic , @cottaqecore , @happyheidi , @campesine ♥︎
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emberfrostlovesloki · 6 months
Studying with Spencer Reid [a ramble]
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All photo credits after the tag list.
Good evening, Loves! Sorry for the slow content/fic updates on here. I'm still in the thick of the semester. The work is not giving me much time to write or think. However, I did get a good bit written for Our Side of Town during the Thanksgiving break. We are now at 7.2K words with lots more to write for Chapter 1. Given that final exams are coming up, I thought I'd share a mood board of what it would be like to study for finals with our dear Spencer Reid. So here are some headcanons for studying with Spence.
He doesn't let you cram. He knows it's scientifically proven that cramming doesn't help the information stick.
He gets you coffee, but not too much coffee/Red Bull. He wants to make sure you get a good eight hours of sleep before any major exams.
Spencer encourages you to prioritize the most important and challenging subjects first so you don't get overwhelmed. With a plan, at least you have something to work with.
On the day of an exam, Spencer encourages you to have a nice breakfast. Something that will give your brain energy for the day ahead.
Spencer will make flashcards or write major points on a whiteboard for you to look over as you study and memorize information.
While studying, Reid will have you take small breaks every twenty or thirty minutes to give your mind a break.
To all of those heading into high school or college finals, please know that I am proud of the work you are doing. Please remember that your grade or GPA doesn't define you as a person. You are incredible just as you are, and you are doing your best given the circumstances!. I actually failed one half of an exam for my Master's degree and I thought my world was over. But I took it again and I passed the second time, and looking back now, there's no shame in that. Please take care of yourself during this time.
Here are some helpful extra study tips if you are looking (post linked)
I love you all so much, and my messages are always open if you need to talk. Love Levi - ❤️
Tag list: @tgskitten @geminitapestry
Want to be added to my tag list? Please see this post, CM tag list (linked)
Photo credits: Center image (@randomoutsiders)
Bottom row: Left (@slythdiaries) Center (@happyheidi) Right (@selfhelpforstudents)
All other photos are mine
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