#voltron plush
frostyblustar · 10 days
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Based on this @keithkog post - Lance likes sharks and that’s cool :D
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tricodekus · 2 months
I'm selling these sheith plushies 👀
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botan-momoiro · 1 year
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#lotor #lotorvoltron #voltron #voltronlegendarydefender #plush #plushie #peluche #anime #manga #videogame #handmade #handcraft #crafts #kawaii #toys #dolls https://www.instagram.com/p/CpiqmreIYPS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nightengaleneedles · 9 months
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This WIP Wednesday we come to you live from Trey's sewing desk! We have two shoulder pets in process: a commissions of Kova from Voltron: Legendary Defender, and our own Gale's fursona!
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miraculousbumbble · 4 months
Voltron but the Castle automatically connects to its visitors minds. But like room wise.
First night in the castle, none of the paladins noticed anything spectacular about their rooms. They were exhausted and had no reason to go looking around. But gradually, they noticed changes. Lance and Keith were probably the most drastic of said changes.
On the paladin's second day aboard the castle of lions, Lance woke up... feeling like everything was a dream. And for a moment, he almost thought the past year had been a dream. His bed felt soft and plush, his entire body was quite literally melting into the mattress, and the blanket he was using (which he swore was paper thin last night) was now heavy and soft and resembled the quilt his abuela had given him only three years prior.
His walls were the same walls he fell asleep surrounded by the night before except, one of them was no longer a wall but it wasn't a window either. It was a video of the Varadero beach from back home. The waves, God he could hear them, almost smell them. (Think the hotel Katniss was staying in from the first hunger games. It's literally that window but it's a wall.) When he sat up from the bed and his feet hit the floor it was weird how it was no longer the cold metal it had been last night, but was now the same wooden flooring that was used on his own bedroom from back home. And for a small moment, lance wanted to cry. Because he knew this wasn't real, his rug wasn't here and that wasn't a window to the beach (even if it was the beach was a 37 minute drive from his house.) His bed wasn't an uncomfortable twin XL bunk bed and even though there was a desk and closet, none of his things were in either of them. It was a fucked up illusion and lance almost wanted to be mad.
Keith on the other hand, it took his room time and effort to change around him. It was as if the longer it took for him to connect with Red and the other paladins, the longer his room took to understand what he wanted and needed. The Galra genes were easy, the Castle detected it when he first walked in and got scanned. Changing the shape of his bed and the general atmosphere of the room was easy, it was genetics. But when it came to wants, the castle had to learn alongside everyone else what Keith wanted.
The first really major thing was the blankets and pillows that seemingly came out of nowhere. Sometimes pillows would even change overnight if the castle felt that his sleep patterns were irregular. The next thing that changed was the flooring that resembled Shiro's apartment. It was weird, a miniscule thing Keith didn't think would ever bring up emotions, but that stupid flooring from Adam and Shiro's apartment nearly brought Keith to his knees. But Keith's favorite addition to the room? The ceiling. Somehow the castle was able to detect day night cycles of Texas and perfectly replicate it. During the day he could see clouds and sometimes if it rained the floor would create these fake puddles, a hologram almost, and at night he could see the constellations. (The other Paladins secretly loved Keith's room. His bed was large and nest-like, taking up the majority of the room, and you could move the ceiling around to look and point out the different constellations)
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bluemantics · 10 months
Post-Battle Hurt/Comfort Klance
“Where’s Lance?” Keith heard Hunk whisper behind his back to Pidge. Even though he knew Hunk was worried, Keith didn’t turn back. For some reason, despite knowing where Lance was, and despite the fact that Hunk was literally way more equipped to handle Lance, Keith chose not to tell Hunk anything.
Instead, he pulled his helmet off his head and shoved it under his arm. 
Inhale. Exhale. 
The black paladin left the lions’ hangar, head held high, retreating into the quieter lights of the castle hallway. As he walked, his footsteps echoed, the empty hum of the castle louder than it’d ever been before. Keith knew, though, that today was different, that the battle they’d just finished was a defining moment Lance wouldn’t ever forget.
Maybe he prevented Hunk from knowing Lance’s location because he knew these situations better than Hunk. Every member of Team Voltron had made sacrifices before, but few one quite like this, so personal and close. Keith had, though; he’d suffered through loss after loss and been the cause of suffering. Hunk, soft and warm as a teddy bear, wasn’t exactly the right messenger for what needed to be said.
Keith slowed in front of a door. He pressed the button to slide it open and stepped into the room. Awkwardly, he pushed his bangs up on his forehead, looking into the room that Coran had engineered for Kaltenecker. 
Designed just like an Earth meadow, the room looked almost expansive, with grass and flowers dotting the ground in a plush carpet. Outside the room, it was metallic, gray, and icy, a relic from a past that the humans on the Castle-ship often felt disconnected from. Inside the meadow, though, the starry blanket followed the light-rhythms of the ship, and were currently mimicking a North American view of the stars. 
Offhandedly, Keith picked out Pegasus and Ursa Major, before his eyes finally came to rest on Lance’s form. 
Only Coran and Keith knew where Lance came when he wanted to be alone. Coran, because Lance had entrusted him with the information. Keith, because he’d accidentally walked in on Lance at 0100 hours, when Keith (who was known to be lactose intolerant) tried to sneak past Hunk’s defenses to get milk for a milkshake. 
Desperate times, in his defense.
Now, though, Lance was much less responsive to Keith entering. He lay flat on his back in the meadow, hands pillowed behind his head as he stared up at the starry expanse. As if he was underwater, the blue hues danced across his skin, hiding his expression from view. He was as still as stone.
Keith walked in. Careful not to disturb Lance, Keith laid down next to him, staring the same way Lance was. They were less than a foot apart. Keith could see the rise and fall of Lance’s chest through his armor, which he hadn’t even bothered to take off. It wasn’t comfortable– Keith hadn’t bothered either– but Lance didn’t seem to notice.
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lost-at-534 · 10 days
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🌛🌞Welcome traveler. Come and sit, won't you stay a while?🌞🌜
My name is Lost, and I'm a digital (sometimes traditional) artist! Most of what I draw circulates around whatever interest (usually game) is currently gripping my brain, but I do love a good Creature or two as well.
✨Games I'm interested in✨
in no particular order
Hollow Knight
Sky: Children of the Light
Five Nights at Freddy's
Ori: tBF & Ori: WotW
Zelda: BotW & TotK
Rainworld (though I haven't tried it yet, I'd do like what little I've seen of it and plan on playing it!)
☄️Book/Media Series I Enjoy☄️
Wings of Fire
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Shera and the Princesses of Power
How to Train Your Dragon (film and tv adaptation)
Howl's Moving Castle
Spirited Away
The Mitchells vs The Machines
Avatar: the Last Airbender
The Owl House
🛸Miscellaneous Hobbies/Interests🛸
I love space 🌌 and the deep sea🪼
My favorite colour is purple💜
My favourite real animal is the Orca(sharks are close behind!), and Mythical is Dragons (specifically Japanese!🐉)
Sun and Moon are pretty much as close as it gets to what you'd call "comfort characters" for me🌞🌛
I'm learning plush sewing🧸
It is probably becoming increasing clear I use exclamation marks a lot :)
I love the notion of cryptids, and seeing both solid evidence of what lead to the beliefs of certain ones and how unexplainable and spine chilling others are 🛸
Fantasy is my favourite genre, and I hope to write a book of that genre one day!🔮(I also love to write!)
This is partially an art post partially a reblog post, so if trying to find my art specifically it should all be tagged as #my art
Finally, here is my current Sona, Lost ✨🌌
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Wishing everyone a Happy Day!!
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puhpandas · 6 months
new fnaf releases are always insane. ok hw2 just dropped. amazing levels omg new voice acting GLITCHTRAP????? okay I can wait to what's going on there let's watch some more levels BONNIE HINTS???? uh okay that was cool and the plush baby was funny HELPY SHREIKING WITH RABIES???? okay wow that was funny now what next FNAF VOLTRON???????? what is going on. mystic hippo just talked to us okay. let's see what the fazwrench does PRINCESS QUEST 4 AND THE VANNY MASK POSTER???!!!!!!
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Hello! :D I know it’s a silly question..but i was playing sims(as one does) and I wondered if you had any hcs of the paladins interior style? Like what colors (not only their signature I guess)and type of furniture? What type of home/apartment?I’d appreciate the help! Have a nice day!
okay absolutely have not had mental capability for like anything creative but I’ve also started a job in real estate so interior design make me go brrrrrrrr lately-
Shiro I feel like is either really plain and like necessities only or really homely. Like he either has the most basic cheap couches and tables and chairs and like, the plain white plates you can by at Walmart for like 10 bucks (you know the ones) and all the walls are just whatever color the previous owners/renters had them as so he has a random light pink room, a green room, etc. OR OR OR you walk in and get smacked in the face by comfort, like he has knick knacks and pictures and random antiques littering every surface, he has a china cabinet with the fancy dishes, he has a cabinet dedicated to coffee mugs and like only two of them match cause the rest of that set broke ages ago, all the other Paladins have their own designated mug, like it’s never specified but like, you KNOW the teal one with the cow that god knows where came from is Kieths, and that’s just how it works. I don’t think he has a specific color pallet bc it’d depend on like what the house looks like, and it’s either minimalistic or the vibe of the house.
Kieth has an apartment, his bed is on the floor, the only reason he has a couch is because Lance and Hunk just showed up with it one day and left it there. His cabinets are boxed Mac and cheese and canned beans, he uses paper plates/bowls and plastic cups/silverware, and there’s only like two pictures in the whole place, one of him and the other Paladins (and Allura and Coran) and one of him, his mom, and Kosmo. He’s not much of a stay in one place type so he doesn’t have a lot BUT if he were to decide to settle and make a home it’d have a garage, a huge backyard, and enough space for any and all of the Paladins to visit, and let’s face it, Lance probs did most of the decorating, as long as Keith has a place to sleep he doesn’t really care much what it looks like.
Lance is Aesthetic™️ and you can’t change my mind. He’s full on redecorating his house for every single holiday, his attic is a maze of shit only he knows how to navigate. His kitchen is probs black and white with a pretty accent color and his dishes all match the kitchen color scheme, like the fancy ones with the swooshy designs, ya know? So. Many. Throw pillows. Lol. Has pictures of his family and the paladins everywhere, along with various pieces of art. Walking in is like stepping in a magazine but at the same time feels so comforting.
Hunk plants everywhere. I don’t know how to explain it, but he’s a total plant dad. His kitchen is immaculate, the kind of place you love to hang out in, also has mismatched mugs bc he likes to collect them from places he’s gone and it’s a go to gift for him. I think he has a bunch of books on everything from How To guides to the entire Riordanverse. Tools scattered everywhere and various projects littering almost every surface. Has a blanket his grandmother knitted him draped over his couch. Random Voltron merch everywhere bc he can’t help himself when he sees it.
Pidge is either a clean freak with a perfectly put together house (as long as you don’t open those drawers) or it’s a fuckin mess and a half with a walking trail from one room to the next but otherwise there’s no way in hell. Also has projects literally everywhere, collections of random space tech, we’re not gonna question it. Probs a fairly monotonous place, lots of whites and greys, has an entire bookshelf for family pictures and sentimental things but aside from that, it’s the house of a scientist. Has a plush green lion on her couch. Has two perfectly cleared out mostly untouched guest bedrooms in case her family or any of the paladins visit.
~Admin Rori💜
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ikimaru · 1 year
Hey sunny love your drawings and comics! I think your AMV is the one that got me in the Klance fandom without even having heard of voltron before XD. I really like the last update Of your VR comic and can't help but be like "Keith your best option is to tell the truth, apologies and pray that after some time, and help from his friends, Lance will forgive you and start talking to you again". Also, will we see more of the fate of the lion toy later? I just think this part is soooo cute!
Anon: KEITH HAVING A STRESS ATTACK OVER ASKING OUT LANCE WAS EXECUTED PERFECTLY SUNNY IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT also kosmo being best boy as always (did lance ever get the plush back?? lmao)
heyy thank you so much! <3
we shall see ;) and yes there's gonna be more about that plushie lol
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salty-dracon · 1 year
Hi-Fi Rush reminds me of the era of American TV which was like, hamburger shonen designed to sell toys (like Generator Rex, Sym-Bionic Titan, Ben 10, Voltron 2011/2016, Transformers, Justice League, Hot Wheels Battle Force 5) but it’s a video game...
so now i’m just imagining shitty plastic action figure chai + teammates plus shitty plastic action figure versions of all of the robots (with little clear red plastic fire inserts for the fire robots and rubber tire treads for the ones on wheels)
and a big plush kem-0n0 that makes kem-0n0 noises when you squeeze it
and also hi-fi rush themed bedsheets because why not
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chibi-pix · 3 months
Even a blind person can see just how biased Katie is when it comes to her team and friends, gifting a bigger plush to none other than Regris. But seeing this, Commander Lance gets curious and nosy and tries to figure out the extent of their relationship.
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scaryboocat · 4 months
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tadaaaaa a post
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edit so u can read the music if u want to
starting in the top left corner it says "SCARYBOOCAT" in all caps. below that is a line of flags. the progress pride flag, the gay mlm flag, the aroace flag, the trans flag with blahaj on it, and the american flag. the american flag is on fire. below that is a little sign saying im 5'2". under that, taking up most of the space, is a drawing of me. im leaning forwards slightly, lifting one hand in a wave. my other hand is clutching the strap of my messanger bag. it has gir from invader zim on the front, multicolored pins down the strap, and a red voltron keychain. my hair is shaggy and red, and im smiling. im wearing a button-up, a crop top, cargo pants with cutouts in the thighs and shins, a choker, kandi, and boots. all my clothes are black. at my feet is a plush humanoid rabbit with one eye and horns. theres an arrow pointing at him labeling him "richard". theres an uncolored doodle of my waterbottle, and a handful of stars filling the empty space around me.
to the right is a group of five boxes. above that it says "meet the artist!". the boxes are labeled likes, dislikes, music, pets, and things i have on me.
the likes are on a bullet point list. the bullets are hearts. it reads: monster high, supernatural, the magnus archives, music, art, lps, photography, dolls, my chem, red, black, pink, night at the museum, invader zim, my pets.
the dislikes have broken hearts as bullets. it reads: crowds, loud noises, silence, disk horse, drawing (jk), writing (jk), polypropylene doll hair (lets fight). there is an arrow through the list, pointing towards the likes list, and the bullets switch back to hearts. my friends, glow in the dark, primary colors, glitter, hanahaki, textured art brushes, lining pens.
the music box has a pair of wired headphones draped across it. all the songs inside are screenshots. some of them are starred. they read: take me to war (live), ribs, canary in a coal mine, never love an anchor, little soldiers, hollywood baby, gender is boring, sweet tooth stomp, no children, ill sleep when im dead, crustfall, more about alcoholism (live), lonely machines, hollywood, haunted, desert song, vampire money, sing, save yourself ill hold them back, famous last words, house of wolves, dead!, cemetery drive, i never told you what i do for a living, hang em high.
pets: uncolored doodle of a cat and a dog laying next to each other. the cats labeled flower, and the dogs labeled dexter.
things i have on me: my phone, my wallet, notebook, pens, hat, band aids, hermie. all of them are accompanied by uncolored doodles. hermie is an lps hamster.
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kidge-planet · 1 year
heyo , what are your headcanons for kidge's wedding ?
hello anon !
I have a few so there you go with some KIDGE WEDDING hc ! :
first , Hunk obviously was the one that was ruling the kitchens! he also made the cakes his self ! He did a red and green cake ( he hesitate to do it black and green but thought that black wasn't feeting the wedding's vibe but he also choosed red beceause Keith's armor stayed red. ).
The main cake ( Yea , Hunk was very motivated and did 3 cakes ) was a raspberry and chocolate cake decorated with beautiful red roses surrounded by huge leafs . Next to it , Hunk putted a small plush of the black lion and the green because he thought they were cute. He also added a few junyberries around the cake .
Keith and Pidge letted Hunk do whatever he wanted with the food because they trusted their friend ( I mean , hunk is the greatest chief of the universe!) but also because they thought it was nice to have the surprise of the food ! (especialy for the cake that they LOVED)
Secondly , Shiro was Keith's best man . he made an amazing speech that got many people to cry . Matt did the same , he explain how much his little sister meant to him and how glad he was that she founded someone like Keith. He also joked about how he would kick Keith's ass if he hurted his little sister.
Colleen , Sam and Krolia were sat at the same table . It was a business talk there : "How should they call our grandchildren?"
They said a thousand names that Keith and Pidge will never chose when they'll have kids in the future..
(Matt was also at the table , thinking it was funny of how important this talk seemed to them.) Also , Sam was into the idea of having grandkids BUT , felt uncomfortable about the idea that it implied his daughter to be sexualy active. He still feels bad about it today , poor Sam.
Lance also made a speech ! he talked about how much they grew together :
"Pidge and I were teamates at the Garrison . She used to ran away when Hunk and I wanted to hang out .. I didn't understood why , but when I learned all she had done to get at the Garrison , I understood. and that was soon after I learned that she was actually a girl. After that , our friendship grew and we learned more about each other. She is now an amazing woman , a friend to whom I'll give the world and im just glad that that now , she found happiness! Even with an hot-headed emo , mullet, half galra and texan !
has for keith , I used to hate him ! Not gonna lie ! But in voltron , I learned that this weirdo wasn't that weird . And I learned to appreciate him and to spend time with him. Then we became Great teammates! Great friends. Take care of that Lady mullet , make her happy and feel like she is the most important thing in your universe. Your love was to me unexpected but actually pretty obvious. I wish you to be together until the end ."
Keith felt more in love then ever. It warmed his heart to know that Katie would be by his side for what was supposed to be forever. She was now his wife . Miss Kogane. his. And he was hers. He spended most of the party cuddling her , kissing her or just standing next ; holding her hip or her hand. ( He didn't spent the whole time with her , but most .)
He had pressure beceause of all the guys that would want him dead if he hurted Katie.. But , he Knew that he would NEVER do this to her beceause she meant the world to him.
For Pidge , it all felt so special ! she had all the people she loved by her side and her newly husband that she loved more than anything. She enjoyed the fact that he was oftenly coming to get a hug , a kiss and others stuffs during the party . he was adorable, that's what she thought.
I think that's all , see you :)
Also ! Ask some more questions!! I would love to answer them !!💚❤️🤌
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probablyhuntersmom · 8 months
Hello! For the Halloween ask game, 1, 2 and 15?
1) Do you have a favorite costume you’ve ever worn? Technically nope, as Halloween isn't actually celebrated in my part of the world (instead there are the Asia-related festivals like Lunar New Year, Divali, Eid and some families celebrate Christmas too). Sad af. I only wore a devil horns hairband in 2012 lmao. But I wanna make Luz's cardboard Titan mask this year so that will already be my fave one so far I guess.
2) If you had unlimited money/skills, is there a particular costume you’ve always dreamed about wearing? The full Red Paladin armour from Voltron (Legendary Defender, not old Voltron).
15) Do you decorate for the holiday? Do you have a favorite decoration? A dream decoration? I put up deco in my room yeah. It was on a far smaller scale these past years (changing my coasters and mugs, and fairy lights) but thanks to Owl House's influence I'm going crazier this year with a new pumpkin plush, doormat and table runner. The doormat is probably my fave. A dream decoration would be a Titan skull or palisman staff fixed on one of my walls.
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My Thoughts on the Saban/Toonmakers Moon pilot
banger theme song
some neat designs (the moon gliders, power ups, serenity and beryl’s outfits)
I liked the she-ra-esque approach they went for
the girls are pretty
the cast and crew looked like they had fun working on it 
very off-model animation
Usagi/Victoria isn’t a cry-baby and I liked that about her, it made her relatable, 
Usagi doesn’t have her trademark odango hair (her actress is pretty though)
Sailor Moon needs Tuxedo Mask’s rose to activate Moon Tiara Action, while in the anime she can do that on her own, the pilot implies that she needs her man to activate her power up
The Silver Millennium backstory: it’s not as tragic as it was depicted in the manga/anime 
some of the changes to the other sailor scouts were unnecessary tbh, 
(Sailor Mercury, while I like how her civilian form looks like Kimber from Jem, the other changes just don’t really fit her character, it’s fine if other people like her, but I’ll always see sailor mercury as blue haired Amy).
(Sailor Venus, while Minako is a bit air-headed, she still cares about fighting and saving the galaxy, balancing that with her love for showbiz and performing, her ToonMakers/Saban Moon counterpart sounds like she cares more about partying than fighting)
(Sailor Jupiter, is mostly fine, but that hair, I know in the video her actress said the wigs were badly made, but yeah, if her animated hair was similar to Hotaru’s (who has a similar style) it would’ve worked a bit better)
(Sailor Mars, is mostly fine, but I miss the hot headed and snarky attitude that her manga/anime self had, it’s like ToonMakers/Saban Moon has more Sailor Jupiter traits than Sailor Mars traits)
Luna.... why the colour change and it feels so different in this version, the pgsm version of Luna is more believable and she’s a plush toy!!
and finally while it is interesting that there’s these hidden “american remakes” of anime in the 90s if Saban/ToonMakers Moon had gotten greenlit we wouldn’t have gotten to see the original anime in all it’s glory, anime would’ve taken longer to get more popular in the west and the 90s anime was also a lot more feminist in it’s messages, while Saban/ToonMakers Moon was definitely diverse and experimental with some creative potential, over all I’m happy that we just got the dubbed anime in the end even if it had it’s own changes
that said...I am very happy that it was finally found and that the cast and crew that Raven interviewed sounded like they had a good time producing it, it’s interesting to see all the links that it had with other cartoons and animators at the time  like (Dan Povenmire, creator of Phineas and Ferb) and (Patricia Alice Albrecht, the late voice of Pizzazz from Jem and the holograms).
American Sailor Moon could hypothetically work nowadays with how popular shows like Power Rangers and Voltron have become but they’d need the right cast and crew to make it actually work this time with animation that’s on model and details a bit more accurate to the source material.
links to Ray Mona’s videos on the subject:
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