cherrytraveller · 3 months
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he's gonna fold his obnoxious ass like a lawn chair.
Leon of MNMC by @mutantninjamidlifecrisis
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wolfythewitch · 5 months
My life experience and fucked up relationship with religion has given me a really weird perspective on blasphemy I think
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corrosive-equilibrium · 2 months
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Concept art
Danny making the hardest decision at the end of Forgiveness vs Revenge arc versus Danny making the hardest decision in the beginning of Hope vs Hatred arc.
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cheddar-baby · 9 months
Art history class was a mistake cause all it did was give me personal grudges against certain artists. So whenever they pop up on my dash i leer at the screen like a wild animal stalking prey
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taxinealkaloids · 1 year
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horrible children who are. so so mean to each other
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greelin · 3 months
i think many of y’all are just dramatic as far as reader insert fics go… it’s like. one of THE most harmless things on the internet. it’s just part of the ecosystem.
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thatmooncake · 5 months
Wish when I blocked a random account Tumblr would hide all their posts from me and I could forget about their existence but instead we live in a universe where blocking them essentially only keeps them from interacting with me which I could not care less about
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brawlite · 2 months
i posted about this on twitter with the comment of "lol, lmao, even," but i got this silly comment on ao3 yesterday:
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and i'm sure there's something to be said about hate comments and bait like this, but all i can think of is: the peerless cucumber energy of it all,
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mycherrycola · 3 months
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Who was gonna tell me that drawing those goofy ahh pope hats would be such a pain
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000yul · 4 months
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you’ve never once done what i wanted you to
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wolf-2099 · 4 months
I know a lot of self shippers hate canon x canon with their f/os, but shoutout to the self shippers who DONT. There's this sort of trend in self ship where ppl just assume you hate all canon ships with your f/os and... No? I don't think that's the sort of thing we should normalize when a lot of people like canon x canon.
Sometimes you see a canon/popular fandom ship with your f/o and go "I'm gonna get in between you two move over this is OUR relationship".
Sometimes you see a ship and go "I'm not romantically interested in the other character in this ship, just my f/o, but i still really love their relationship".
There is no wrong way to self ship, and if you like some canon x canon with your f/os then cool! I do too! Live your life and love your faves and the others who love them in canon.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 9 months
In hindsight putting Tubbo, Jaiden and Cellbit in a lobby together was like putting three different kinds of aggressively territorial bees in the same hive and shaking it
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badasscoffeemug · 10 days
tommy is actually the funniest person alive some of y'all are just miserable and don't get him like i do!
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beaft · 3 months
maybe it's just the news about the ban on puberty blockers, or the renewed coverage of brianna ghey's murder, but i can't help feeling like transphobia in the uk is gaining traction every day. it feels genuinely unsafe to be trans here and while i'm not in fear for my life, i cannot escape the sense that i am living in a world that is fundamentally hostile towards me and people like me. and it's not getting better. it's getting worse.
for months i worked at one of london's biggest bookstores, where i was told to display authors like kathleen stock and helen joyce and abigail shrier as face-outs because they were so popular. i had to smile and make small talk while ringing up these books. i didn't complain about this. what would be the point? people want those books, so we sell them. that's what bookshops are for. you can't just not sell books because you don't agree with what's in them. so i didn't complain about it.
the number of trans hate crimes has hit a record high. the tavistock's young adult department has shut down. the wait to be seen at a gender clinic is now ten years and counting. and yet i still have to read articles in mainstream leftist newspapers that talk about how there should be more restrictions placed upon us, or how the mere fact of our existence is endangering children. of course you can't complain about this either. last week i had an appointment with a cis doctor who used the correct pronouns for me and expressed sympathy for my struggles with the NHS, and even that was enough to almost bring me to tears, because i'm so used to doctors treating me with suspicion or discomfort that even the bare minimum feels like a gift.
you can't complain about it. other trans people already know how it is, so there's no point in telling them, and cis people don't care. what good do words do if nobody's listening?
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anyataylorjoys · 1 year
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li-xikan · 20 days
out of all the batfam, bruce's relationship with stephanie is genuinely the most interesting to me, because literally what is going on there? what are they doing? how do they feel about each other, like actually.
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