#vil schoenheight
takuyakistall · 2 years
Dear Vil Schoenheit,
You have always served as an inspiration to me, I hoped to be able to achieve the same things as you. Of course, your beauty is incomparable and no one can compete with that. I do think that your hard work and discipline makes you attractive, but I don’t think you’d really care about that...
Your dorm mate and secret admirer <3
Vil stared at the letter in his hands. Reading each and every word carefully after he found out that the mysterious letter that flew over to him was surprisingly written for him. He wasn't a stranger to letters, especially when he receives hundreds of fan letters from eager people who long for a reply or to express their utmost admiration for the man.
Though, perhaps, the strange way it was delivered to him piqued his interest. Even moreso when he read the words, "your dorm mate". How strange. The edges of his lips curled up as he tucked the letter into one of his drawers. He couldn't help but relish in the feeling of being admired by someone who stood so close to him yet at the same time he was beyond curious, who could it be?
"... I'll find you one day. And when I do, I'll thank you myself — so be a little obvious about it, okay? I'll be waiting."
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leonas-herbivore · 2 months
Impressing Vil: A Masquerade Mission
Summary: You have the BIGGEST crush on Vil Schoenheight but you don't know how to tell him. How exactly do you tell the most beautiful guy in school that you like him? Luckily for you, the perfect opportunity arrives: the masquerade ball being hosted by Night Raven College! You decide to work hard to win over the guy of your dreams. But, do dreams... really come true?
Word count: 6,714
Thanks in advance for reading :) I love you all *kisses*
Damn! Only 20 minutes until the store closes! Maybe if I run, I can make it. The setting sun cast a long shadow on your zig-zagging form as you sprinted down the sidewalk. You shouted apologies over your shoulder as people complained about your reckless running. But time was of the essence! The situation at hand was a matter of life or death. 
That was a lie. But it was still crucial. Night Raven College had planned a masquerade ball for Saturday night, creating an exciting atmosphere at school. What was even more intriguing was that it was going to be an interschool event. Supposedly, Royal Sword Academy was one of the invited schools, and judging by the groaning and muttering of the NRC students, nobody was thrilled. The posters decorated the walls all over campus about a month ago, and everyone had been talking about it since.  
According to the posters, it would be a glamorous event: dressing up in elaborate costumes and masks and engaging in ballroom dancing—a prestigious event for a prestigious college. And to add to the level of prestige, it was going to be held at the castle, Chateau De Chambord. Rumors said that it used to belong to an ugly beast. 
You needed one specific herb to complete the vision for your costume. Your legs burned as you stopped to catch your breath. As determined as you were, the realization that you wouldn’t make it to the herbal store started to sink in. A knot formed in your stomach. For a moment, you thought about giving up.  
But would he give up? You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. No. He wouldn’t. You took another deep breath and prepared yourself. You had to keep going! Go big or go home! Before you could take a step, a honking stopped you in your tracks. A sleek black car pulled up to the curb. Your heart nearly stopped. Whenever this happened in the movies, somebody got kidnapped and murdered. You steeled yourself for the worst. The window to the back seat rolled down. You gasped as a familiar face appeared. 
“Vil?! What are you doing here?” you asked him. His brow furrowed. 
“I could very well ask you the same thing. What were you thinking sprinting down the sidewalk like that? You could have injured someone.”  
“You saw that? There’s somewhere I need to be. So, I gotta go, but-” a thought popped into your head. “Hey, um. Beautiful Vil, the fairest one of all, heh.” You gave Vil the best smile you could muster. His face was the definition of unimpressed. 
“Would you mind… giving me a ride? I’m going to the herbal store, Kingdom of the Sun. Maybe you’ve heard of it. It’s not far from here. Pretty, pretty, please?” 
“Why, what a coincidence. I’m also heading there. The shopkeeper is an acquaintance of mine and was gracious enough to keep it open for me. Get in. I’ll bring you.” Vil said. He opened the door and scooted across the seat to make room for you. You pumped your fist in the air and climbed into the car. 
“Villy, you’re the best!”  
“How kind of you,” he mused.  
As the car pulled away from the curb, you settled into your seat and plopped your bag next to you. You caught the eye of the driver in the rearview mirror and gave him a small wave. Vil had a chauffeur? After thinking about it, it made sense. He was a celebrity AND a supermodel. He totally deserved it. 
You couldn’t believe what a lucky coincidence it was to bump into Vil. A few days ago, he told you that he was working on a big project and wouldn’t be able to hang out for a few days. Seeing him on campus became a rare occasion. You made sure to drop off extra fruits for him for his morning smoothies. Anonymously, of course. He couldn’t know it was you.  
Vil’s clear voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You met his gaze. His perfectly shaped eyebrow was raised. You gulped. 
“Huh? What is it?” 
“Are you going to get up?  We have a bit of a ways to walk to reach the shop. It won’t take long though.” he said.  
“Oops! Sorry, I was just spacing out.” You gave an apologetic smile and hopped out of the car. The chauffeur rolled down the passenger window. 
“I will wait for you here, Mr. Vil. Please give me a call if you need help,” he spoke. Vil thanked him and gestured to you.  
“Walk with me?” 
Your footsteps clicked on the sidewalk. You glanced at Vil. Looking at him was like looking at the sun; worth the risk of giving in to tickling temptation, to catch a glance of its heavenly beauty even when it blinds you. His eyelashes were long and perfectly curled. His side profile was truly a sight to behold.
But it was a shame you couldn’t see his eyes. He had such beautiful eyes. They always looked so clear and every time you gazed into them, a wave of calm would wash over you. Maybe in his past life, Vil was an angel. I could stare at him forever. A sigh escaped your lips. Vil’s hair swished around his face as he turned to look at you. Like a princess. You hoped he couldn’t see your flushed cheeks. 
“How have you been, my dear?” he asked you. He called me “my dear”! You wished your heart would calm down. “I haven’t seen you in a few days. Working hard, I hope?” 
You nodded and answered, “Yes! I’ve been studying really hard, and I’ve even incorporated a skin care routine into my schedule. I took your advice. My face feels like a baby’s butt. And by that, I mean, it feels soft.” Vil chuckled. 
“A baby’s butt you say? Let’s see.” Vil stopped walking and turned to you. His thumb caressed your cheek. You stared at him, wide-eyed. “Hmm, yes. Very soft and smooth. I am so glad that you found my advice useful.” He smiled at you, and it was like looking at a sparkling pearl. You did your best not to pout as he lowered his hand from your cheek.  
“Please make sure to come to me in the future if you ever need anything. I’ll be there to help you.” 
“Aww Villy!” You grinned at him. You playfully bumped his shoulder. “I’ll always be there for you too! Although, I’m not sure how good my advice is. But I’ll do my best to help you.” Vil smiled again and bumped your shoulder back. The rest of your walk was in silence, though not uncomfortable. You were walking so close together, occasionally your fingers would brush his and your heart would sing. Eventually, the shop came into view. “The Kingdom of the Sun” sign glowed as its fluorescent light flooded the sidewalk. 
You took a deep breath. Ok, this is it. The final piece! Buying supplies for your costume and mask weren’t cheap. For four weeks, you’d been working your ass off, trying to make enough money to get what you needed. You worked as much as possible after class, before class, and on the weekends. Your friends kept wondering why you were working so hard.  
“Hey, what’s this all about anyway?” Grim asked you one evening after you’d returned to the dorm after a night shift. “Just for one party? Sure, it’s gonna be the biggest event of the year, but you never cared about parties. What gives?” You kicked off your shoes and plopped onto the dusty couch. You closed your eyes. A picture-perfect face filled your mind. Your heart skipped a beat. Those violet eyes and silky blonde hair. You thought you were over your blond boy phase. Guess not. 
After the events of the SDC, you’d been spending more time with him. He was truly an amazing person. Beautiful inside and out. You don’t remember when your crush on Vil started. But one day, stupid Cupid shot you in the heart and you became a lovesick fool. You weren’t brave enough to approach him, so you started doing little secret things. You left little presents and love letters at his dorm. This went on for some time. Courage was elusive to you and after a while, you thought you’d never get the chance to tell Vil how you felt. But then, the masquerade was announced. It was the perfect opportunity to make your move. Of course, you couldn’t tell Grim that. You shrugged. 
“What’s wrong with trying hard every once in a while?” Grim wasn’t satisfied with your answer and kept bugging you until you gave him a can of tuna. 
You walked a few steps before a hand landed on your shoulder. You turned to see Vil looking at you. Even in the washed-out fluorescent lights, his beauty still sparkled like a flawless diamond. It was enough to take your breath away. You wondered if you would ever get used to how gorgeous he was. His hands reached up to your hair. Your scalp tingled as Vil ran his fingers through your hair. 
“Hey, what are you doing?” you asked. 
“Your hair and clothes are an absolute disaster. I assume it’s from all that running you were doing. I can’t in good conscience let you walk around like a disheveled vegetable. Now hush.”  
Vil straightened your shirt. His fingertips brushed your neck as he adjusted your collar. It took every ounce of your willpower not to shiver in pleasure. Vil took a step back and gave a satisfied smile. 
“There. All better,” he said and gestured towards the shop. “Shall we?” 
The bell dinged as the two of you stepped into the shop. A pleasant aroma filled your nose as your eyes scanned the shelves of herbs and flowers. Vil waved to the shop owner and exchanged pleasantries. You followed suit. You left them to their conversation and set on your mission. Primrose, no; Briar Thistle, no. …Chimera breath? Yikes, that thing stinks. There it is! You grinned.  
The last thing you needed was the blue star-shaped herb, Starflower. And it was sitting right before you, the very last one. The talisman instructions that you read said that this herb had the effect of courage. Just the thing you needed for the big night. As you reached out to grab it, another hand bumped into yours. There was only one person it could be. Your eyes met Vil’s.  
“Oh! Sorry, Villy. Um, did you also need this?” you asked.  
“Yes, I need it for one of my potions. I am quite curious as to why you need such an herb. I’m almost certain it’s not for class. What do you need it for?” 
You bit your lip under his cool gaze. I need it to win you over on the night of the masquerade! And maybe we’ll kiss at midnight! I’ll leave with a lipstick mark on my cheek, hee hee. Oof, shouldn’t get ahead of myself. You couldn’t tell him the truth. Dying of embarrassment wasn’t on your to-do list. But if you lied to him, he would see right through it.  
“It doesn’t really matter, ha ha,” you said. “Why don’t you just take it? I’m sure the things you need it for are more important.” 
“You were running down the sidewalk earlier as if you had a lot to lose by not getting here on time. I have also heard some rather interesting rumors.” Vil crossed his arms. Sweat started forming on your forehead. 
“According to what I’ve heard, you’ve been working a considerable amount for the past month. Strangely enough, it sounds like this all started when the masquerade was announced.” Vil wasn’t accusing you of anything, but you felt like a deer in the headlights. Who even told him that? Who started the rumors? What was happening? You swallowed down the lump in your throat. 
“Listen. I don’t know anything about those rumors. And what’s wrong with working hard?” you retorted. “You’re the one who’s saying how important it is to work on your inner self or whatever. That’s what I’m doing. Nothing wrong with that, right? Anyway, take the stupid herb. I don’t need it.” You turned on your heels and stormed out.  
It took thirty minutes for you to walk back to your dorm. Your cheeks burned the whole walk back, and they still burned as you sat on the couch in the common room. Grim tried to ask you what was going on when you walked in, but your evil eye silenced him. You were impressed with yourself. Grim was not easily silenced. You stared at the ceiling as you munched on your dinner. You shouldn’t have snapped at Vil. Your anger and embarrassment got the better of you. 
Didn’t people have anything better to do than talk about you? Since when did people take notice of what you were doing?  A million questions ran through your head. You pushed your food away from you, picked the pillow off the couch, and screamed into it. Today was probably the worst day ever. You worked so hard to be able to buy that herb, and it was all for nothing. Not only that, but Vil probably hated you now.  
“Hey, henchman!” Grim called out to you. It sounded like his voice was coming from the front of the dorm. You groaned as you lifted yourself off the couch. Your legs ached and burned with every step you took. Skipping leg day was a bad idea.  
“What is it, Griiii-” your voice trailed off. Grim was standing in front of the open door, and on the other side of the threshold was the Queen himself. The brightest star took a break from the sky just to visit little old you at your little dorm. We are not worthy!!  
“Villy! Um,wha-what are you doing here? Isn’t it late? Like, you should be in bed, getting your beauty sleep. Uh, not that you need it.” You stammered. 
“It’s 7pm,” Vil said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Grim, could you give us a minute? I need to speak with your prefect in private.” You gulped. He was going to verbally mince you into a pie. It was the end. Grim’s eyes darted between the two of you. You screamed internally as he nodded to Vil and scampered back into the common room. You glanced at Vil. 
“Listen, about what happened earlier-” you began to explain. Your words caught in your throat when Vil held out his hand. He was holding a small bag. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the “Kingdom of the Sun” logo. Did he buy the herb and bring it to you? He is SO sweet!  
“Take it,” he said. You shook your head.  
“I can’t take it. You bought it! And you said you needed it for a potion.” You pushed the bag away. “Really, it’s not that important,” you added. Vil sighed and grabbed your hands. He put the bag into your palms and closed your fingers around it. His hands were warm and soft; his fingernails were perfectly shaped. You melted under such a simple touch. 
“Just take it. Please?” Vil pleaded. Arg! I can’t say no to him. 
“W-well ok. But only because you said please.” you stammered. Vil smiled and patted your head. 
“I don’t understand what’s going on with you. But this herb seems to be of great importance. I expect great things to come of it.” Vil said. You said good night to each other. You stayed in the doorway until you saw his figure disappear into the night. You looked down at the bag in your hand. Your stomach fluttered with butterflies. He said he had high expectations of you. You grinned. Not bad for a spudling. I can’t let him down! You closed the door and rushed to your room. With renewed vigor, you added the finishing touch to your costume. It had to be perfect. It just had to be! 
The morning fog lingered on the ground as you snuck over to the Pomefiore dorm. It was the day of the final boss: the masquerade ball. You decided to leave an extra special gift for Vil on the doorstep. It was a perfume that you made yourself. Even though anyone could see that an amateur had made it, you were still quite proud of yourself. You wrapped it in brightly colored paper with a big bow so it could easily be seen.  
A little card in perfect cursive handwriting that took you a painstakingly long time to do were the words: To the Fairest One of All, Vil Schoenheight. I look forward to your radiant beauty at the masquerade ball tonight. Yours truly, your secret admirer. You would normally leave such a gift outside his bedroom door, but today was different. From afar, you could tell that the dorm was buzzing. People were hanging around the courtyard. Someone would see you and start asking questions. Sneaking into the building was going to be nearly impossible. Your best bet was to leave it by the front door so that when Vil came back from his morning jog, he would see it. You grinned.  
Hopefully, Vil would love the present and be so moved by it, that the night of the masquerade, he would give you a kiss. You really wanted a kiss. You imagined looking in the mirror at a red lipstick mark, staining your lips. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you thought about it. 
That was your plan. Completely foolproof. At least it would be if Vil wasn’t standing right there at the front gates. And… who were all those people? And more importantly, who was the guy with the balloons? Among the large group of people surrounding Vil, was a guy with balloons in his hands. You hid your gift behind your back as you got closer. The atmosphere was heavy.  
The guy got down on one knee and released the balloons into the sky. Bang! Bang! Bang! The balloons erupted into fireworks of purple, blue, and red. With a wave of his magical pen, a bouquet of flowers appeared in his hand and a sparkling rainbow shone above his head. He held the flowers out to Vil, whose eyes were wide. 
“Vil! I-I really admire you!” the guy’s voice boomed across the courtyard. “Will you please grant me the great privilege to be your date to the masquerade?” Gasps and low murmurs escaped the crowd's mouths. You could only watch in horror. You couldn't compete with that. The magical spectacle. The drama. The confidence! That guy knew what he wanted and went after it with no fear. You clenched your fists. I hate him. Vil blinked at hummingbird speed. 
“My, what a bold proclamation. Well, I-" Vil looked up from where the guy was kneeling. Through the horde of murmuring people, like a magnet, his eyes met yours. A warmth decorated his face that you'd never seen before. Under normal circumstances, this moment would have meant the world to you. But a cold feeling washed over you.  
The sound of breaking glass tickled your ears as your gift slipped from your fingers. A tightness gripped your chest. You couldn't stay here. Tears stung your eyes as you slipped away from the crowd. I was too late. How stupid am I? How could I think that Vil would choose me? Your steps felt heavy with every stride you took. I’m just a magic-less nobody. A stupid potato. You didn't spare Vil a second glance, even though you could hear him calling you. 
How annoying. Despite your grumbling and protests, Grim dragged you out to the masquerade. You didn't want to go. What was the point? But Grim was insistent. “C'mon! I heard there was gonna be free food! And I need my henchman to assist me. Better than sittin' here and moping. Get your costume, and let's go!” 
So, there you were. In the castle, Chateau De Chambord. The magnitude of the castle was enough to take your breath away. Everywhere you looked, there were the fanciest decorations you'd ever seen in your life. You would never be able to afford such things. Grim trotted beside you as you made your way to the ballroom. Guests in fine costumes were all around you.
Someone was a leopard, and another person was dressed up as a chameleon. You marveled at the intricacy of their outfit. Their costume changed colors to match the surroundings. You figured they used magic. Man, magic is SO cool! Your grouchiness slowly disappeared with every new marvel and outfit that you laid your eyes on. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a full-length mirror in a small alcove. You pulled a grumbling Grim over to the mirror to get a look at yourself. You held out your arms and did a twirl. A cultivation of a month's worth of work on full display. You chose your costume to resemble a rosy maple moth. Pink and yellow striped the long jacket of your dress suit, which was a body of yellow. You used fleece to give yourself the fuzzy look of a moth. Your mask covered your whole face, the same color as your suit.  
Large antennae crowned your head and fluffy tufts decorated your face. It wasn't the most elaborate costume, but your chest still swelled with pride as you admired yourself. The talisman you put together hung around your neck in clear view. You picked out a large silver pendant with a hollow glass container, so you could put your starflower herb concoction into the container. The glass looked like a sapphire stone. So far, you hadn’t noticed much change in your sense of confidence, but you hoped it would work soon. 
Lively music was playing as you and Grim entered the ballroom. The dance floor was littered with people who were drinking and dancing. You wondered if you would recognize any of your friends. You wondered if Vil had arrived yet. Your heart squeezed at the thought of him. Maybe he had a date, maybe it was the guy who asked him to the dance earlier. They could be dancing together right now, holding each other close and gazing into each other's eyes. At midnight, they would share the best kiss of all time. You felt sick to your stomach. Suddenly, the party seemed dull. 
Grim pulled on your sleeves and pointed to one of the buffet tables. Food was no longer enticing but nonetheless, your furry companion tugged on your sleeve with the eagerness of a small child. You sighed. The two of you waded through the crowd. Once you reached the buffet table, your eyes grew wide. You’d never seen so much food in your life. Everything looked and smelled so delicious. Grim was practically drooling looking over everything.  
“Henchman!” he exclaimed. “Give me one of everything! It all looks so amazing!” He hopped up and down with excitement. You sighed heavily. Despite the delicious aromas invading your nose, your stomach was in knots. The whole reason you wanted to go to the masquerade was because of Vil. It was your one big chance to finally make your move.
But it was all for nothing. You should’ve seen it coming. Of course, someone was going to ask Vil to the ball. He was a popular guy. It was stupid of you to think that no one would ask him out or even worse, that he would wait for you. He didn’t even know how you felt, why would he wait for you? You weren’t even sure if he felt the same way. In hindsight, it all seemed so foolish. But you wanted to follow your heart. 
“Hey! What are you sulkin’ for? Is this about Vil?” Grim’s question made your stomach flip. I think I’m going to puke. 
“What are you talking about?” You demanded. 
“You like him, don’t you?” 
“WHAAT?! How did you- I mean I don’t- It’s just that- Ugh!” You nearly shouted. If Grim figured it out, then everyone else must have too. That is so embarrassing. Grim huffed. 
“It was kind of obvious. You look at him like he’s the best thing since canned tuna. Your eyes get all sparkly and your face lights up like a Christmas tree whenever someone mentions his name.” Heat rose to your cheeks. Luckily, the mask covering your face hid your embarrassment. 
“This is... bad. REALLY bad. I thought I was being subtle!” You exclaimed. 
“You’re about as subtle as a brick to the face,” Grim said. “Well, did you ask him to the dance? Is he meeting you here?” 
“Uh...no. Someone else asked him earlier. I-I missed my chance.”  
“So that’s why you were all droopy earlier.” Grim paused for a moment. “Do you... want to talk about it?” You shook your head. 
“No thanks. But I appreciate your offer. For now, I’ll get your food for you, and we can just chill out for the rest of the night. Ok? So, go find us a table. I’ll find you after I make your plate.” Grim hesitated for a moment before nodding and scurrying off. You sighed again. It was going to be a rough night. You reached out your hand to grab a plate and bumped into someone else’s hand. 
“Oh, I'm so sorry!” You exclaimed. The hand belonged to a peacock. Or rather, a person dressed as a peacock. The iridescent blues and greens complimented each other so beautifully. A long train of plume trailed behind them by their waist. A blue mask covered their whole face with bejeweled stones. Your jaw dropped. “Wow! Your costume is so gorgeous. You look like royalty. Really. You should totally have a crown.” A thought suddenly crossed your mind. How long have they been standing there? Did they hear me and Grim talk about Vil? 
“Thank you.” The person behind the mask chuckled and you could've sworn you recognized it from somewhere. “Your costume looks wonderful too. Is it handmade?” 
“I can't tell if it's a compliment or a curse that you could see that. But yeah. I made this myself. I worked really hard on it! It took like a month to get it together.” You answered and puffed out your chest. 
“Of course it's a compliment. I can tell how hard you worked on it. You should be proud of yourself.” The peacock's voice was so kind. You blushed at their compliments. 
“Ah, please pardon me from before. For bumping your hand.” The peacock handed you a plate. “For you.” You thanked them and began to pile Grim’s plate with everything on the table. One of everything, as requested. After filling the plate to the brim, you waddled over to where Grim was sitting. He was easy to find with his flaming ears. It made him look like a glow stick in the dim light. 
“Thanks.” Grim chirped cheerfully as you placed his plate in front of him. Nothing made Grim happier than a big plate of food. 
“Yeah, sure. You’re welcome.” You said. You huffed and slumped into your chair. Beside you, you heard the scraping of a chair. The person from earlier, in the peacock costume, sat beside you. A meager meal sat on their plate as opposed to Grim's tower of food.  
“Would you mind if I sat next to you?” The person asked. 
“I don't see why not. Uh, I didn't catch your name before?” 
“My name is Vi-Vincent. A pleasure to meet you.” Vincent extended his hand to you, and you shook it. 
“Nice to meet you too! The ravenous raccoon over there-" You jabbed a finger in Grim's direction. 
“I am NOT a raccoon!” He complained. You were surprised you could understand him with all that food in his mouth. 
“Ha ha, right. My bad. That's Grim. Maybe he's a cat?” You shrugged. Vincent inclined his head to Grim before turning back to you. 
“I was wondering if you would tell me more about your costume. I'm so intrigued. How long did it take to you to finish it?” Vincent asked.  
“Oh, it took about a month. I've been working at several part-time jobs to buy all the pieces I needed. It's supposed to look like a... look like a...” You trailed. A nagging feeling was tugging at your mind. There was something about Vincent that felt so familiar. His posture, how he talked. His presence comforted you which was odd considering you’d never met him before. Or had you? 
“Like a what?” Vincent asked. 
“Oh, um. Like a moth. It was my inspiration.” You answered. You squinted your eyes trying to get a better look at the eye holes in Vincent’s mask. The shadows across his face and the dim atmosphere made it impossible to see his eyes. Still, that sense of familiarity didn’t leave you. 
“Well, your hard work most certainly paid off. And I must say,” Vincent pointed at your talisman. “That is such a lovely blue color. Is that sapphire?” You shook your head. 
“It does look like one but no. It's a little potion I mixed together. I used an herb called Starflower. That's what's making it look so blue. It's supposed to increase confidence.” 
“How impressive. But, if you don't mind me asking, why would you need such a thing? Was it for the masquerade?” Vincent asked. That’s a weird question, right? Why would he need to know? 
“Uh, well…I guess. Actually, I was hoping to ask out my crush tonight. I chose this herb to help give me the courage to do so.” You shook your head. “But I don't think I'll be able to ask him. He came here with someone else.” Tears stung your eyes. You still couldn’t believe that you missed your chance. Vincent tilted his head. 
“How can you be so sure?” 
Before Vincent could continue, the music changed to a slow song. Couples gathered on the dance floor, swaying and holding each other close. Your shoulders slumped. One of those couples out there could've been me and Vil but… 
Vincent stood up and extended a gloved hand towards you. 
“May I have this dance?”  
You gazed at his outstretched hand. You weren’t sure what was going on, but your heart was pounding in your chest as the wheels in your mind were turning at lightning speed. A normal person would take that as a sign that something was wrong, and it would be best to go home. But only one person made your heart soar the way it was soaring now.
Vil? You had to know. And you would only know if you took his hand. You reached out. Your palm slid into his and his fingers curled around your hand as he helped you rise to your feet. Through gloved hands, warmth seeped from his to yours like sunlight pouring through the blinds in the early morning. And it was then that you knew. 
Together you made your way to the dance floor, walking hand in hand, maneuvering between swaying couples. Under the light of a beautiful chandelier, Vincent turned to you. You gasped as his hand held your waist and he pulled you closer. The music couldn’t be heard over the desperate drumming in your chest but luckily, Vincent was taking the lead. You only had to worry about was following his movements and trying not to stare at him too much. 
“Are you alright?” Vincent’s voice murmured over the pounding in your ears. 
“Y-yes. I’m ok.” You paused for a moment. “What did you mean before?” 
“When I told you my crush came here with someone else. You asked me if I was sure about that. What did you mean?” 
“Ah, well. What I meant was-” Vincent went silent for a moment. “Well, did you see him say yes? To the other person who asked him.” 
“Well, not exactly but, it was a really impressive proposal. There were balloons, flowers, and fireworks! I can’t compete with that. I’m just a potato...” 
“A potato, you say?” Vincent mused.  
Hmm, he didn’t take the bait. Let’s try something else. You wracked your brain. Something about Vil. There were so many things that ran through your mind about him. His eyes, his lips, his hair, and his beautiful smile. How hardworking and smart he was; he was so gifted and talented. It still shocked you that he wanted to be friends with someone like you. He was a swan, and you were a crow.
But honestly, Vil wasn’t the kind of guy who cared about status. He cared about people for who they were and who they could be through hard work and dedication. Maybe that’s why he wanted to be your friend. Because he saw something beautiful within you just like you saw the beauty in him. And that the beautiful thing inside you, maybe, just maybe, it would be enough for him to feel the same way you did about him. 
“Your talisman!” Vincent gasped. You looked down. A bright blue light shone from your talisman, illuminating the two of you. Calmness washed over you like spring rain and a warmth radiated in your chest. Your morning slump was no longer important. It didn't matter that someone else asked Vil to the dance. The only thing that mattered was right here, right now. You could do anything. You could take on the world. You could get the guy. You had an idea. It was time to show off what you were made of. 
“Check this out!” You proclaimed. 
You pulled Vincent (aka Vil) even closer to you and took over the lead. You weaved your way across the dancefloor, twirling and stepping. The other dancers, the room, everything faded away as you danced with the most beautiful person in the world. This was it, now or never. You had to win him over! You gazed into Vil's eyes. The mask made it difficult to see him but you thought you caught a glimmer in his eye. As the song came to a resounding close, you did one last elegant spin before delicately dipping Vil. You heard him gasp as your hand held his back. Your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath.  
Between heavy breaths, you spoke. “I know it’s you under there.” You smiled with triumph. “Beautiful Vil.” You felt him tense under your touch. You helped him stand upright and clasped his hands. 
“Heh. Did I give myself away?” he asked tentatively. You smiled even wider. 
“Vil, you are the sun. I would recognize you anywhere.” You squeezed Vil’s hands. “There’s something I want to tell you.” 
“Please tell me.” 
“Villy,” You took a deep breath. You’ve been waiting for this. “You're an amazing person. I've never met someone as dedicated and hardworking as you are. Every time I look at you, you take my breath away. I’m crazy about you and I want to be with you. I know I may not be worthy of you but I promise to become someone who is! I'll work really hard and-" Vil cut you off. 
“Darling... Take the mask off.”  
Without hesitation, you took your mask off. Vil did the same. Under the dim lights, there he was. His smile lit up your heart. He cupped your cheek with his hand and looked deep into your eyes. Finally. You could see his beautiful violet eyes, sparkling like stars. 
“You're an idiot.” 
“Huh?! Hey! What's that supposed to-"  
“How could you possibly think you aren't worthy of me?” Vil smiled. “You want to know what my favorite thing about you is? How you remain so kind and unapologetically yourself. So many things have happened to you since you ended up in Twisted Wonderland. Don't you remember when I overblotted? You were my greatest supporter, offering your shoulder to cry on and a listening ear when I needed one. You are so, so wonderful. And I am so thankful to have you in my life.” Heat rushed to your cheeks. Vil had never complimented you like that before. You almost didn't know what to say. 
“So… even though I'm a potato, you feel the same way? You like me too?” You asked. Vil smiled again and you sighed. 
“Well, they say actions speak louder than words. May I kiss you?” 
You nodded so fast, you thought your head was going to fall off. As your faces moved closer and closer, you closed your eyes. His lips met yours. Warmth spread from your lips all the way to your toes like a flower blooming in spring. You wrapped your arms around Vil's waist as his fingers tangled in your hair. Your mind went blank as the kiss deepened, the feeling of his soft lips moving against yours was enough to make you see stars behind your eyes. 
All too soon, Vil pulled away. He chuckled as he saw your pouting face. He planted a kiss on your nose but there was no way that was enough for you. You wanted more. Vil slipped your mask onto your face before putting his back on. He took your hand and led you away from the dancefloor. The music was nothing but a muffled booming in your ears as the warmth from Vil's hand enveloped yours. You followed him to the door leading to the gardens. The fairy lights decorating the tables and walkways hardly held a candle to the billions of burning stars that twinkled in the sky.  
Vil made his way down winding paths until he found a secluded area with a bench and topiaries. He turned to face you and took off his mask. The stars paled in comparison to this beautiful man standing in front of you. You took off your mask and threw your arms around him and kissed his sweet lips. Euphoria overcame you as he wrapped his arms around your waist and returned your kiss. A thought struck your mind and you pulled away. 
“A mirror! I need a mirror!” You exclaimed. You whipped your head around looking for one but there were none to be found. Vil cleared his throat. You squealed in glee as he handed you a compact mirror. Leave it to Vil to always be prepared! You flipped it open and gazed at your lips. You grinned. Blue stained your mouth from Vil's lipstick, proof that he was yours and you were his. It was perfect. 
“Wow! Dreams really do come true.” You said. Vil raised an eyebrow at you but you only smiled at him in response. “So... what now, Villy?” He tapped his chin deep in thought. 
“Well, there is one thing I was curious about. I wonder if you wouldn't mind humoring me?” 
“Of course! What is it?” You asked. 
“Was it you who left all those gifts outside of my bedroom door? And the broken perfume bottle and the written note were also from you, right?” 
“Uhhh...” Your voice trailed off. “What if I did?” 
“You are such a silly thing.” Vil laughed. “Did you really do all of that for me?”  
“I wanted to make you happy and I’m glad it worked.” You sighed. “I love your laugh.”
“You know, there are other ways to make me happy,” Vil said and winked at you. You closed the space between you and kissed him. You pulled away and cupped his face in your hands. Your heart soared as Vil's face softened and his lips curved into a small smile. He took your hands in his and twirled you around. Together, you danced under the starry sky, the echo of the music in the ballroom, leading your steps. A whole month. You waited for this moment for a whole month. It was worth every single second, and you would gladly do it all over again just to live in this moment once more. 
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Vil Schoenheight - Birthday Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Each passing year is like another rung on a ladder; I move one step closer to achieving my ideal beauty. Don't expect anything less.
Summon Line: I will always continue to cherish these events. It's something that can only been experienced while in school, so you should make certain to enjoy it too.
Groooovy!!: That was a pretty fine celebration. Thank you, I'll never forget this day.
Home: How do I look? I tried to loosen up my appearance slightly.
Home Idle 1: The aroma oil Cater gave me has such a nostalgic scent. It gives me the sensation of a forest view from back in the Shaftlands.
Home Idle 2: In celebration of my birthday, the Pomefiore students spruced up the dorm even more beautifully than usual. I'm pleased at how thoughtful they were.
Home Idle 3: People send me birthday gifts to my agency from all over the world. I'm unable to thank each and every one of them individually, but I appreciate every single gift.
Home Idle - Login: Oh, have you come to celebrate my birthday too? Thank you. Make sure you enjoy the party.
Home Idle - Groovy: It will be nice to be able to refresh my body during the little free time I have in my busy schedule. I think Trey's gift will absolutely prove to be useful.
Home Tap 1: I received a push-up bar from Silver. Nice of him to notice that I am constantly working on improving my physique.
Home Tap 2: Each of the Dorm Leaders all wished me a happy birthday before our regular meeting. Of course, there's always that one person who just can't help his shyness and instead hides behind his biting cynicism.
Home Tap 3: I received an antique film projector from the film research club. The design itself is quite stylish, so it will most likely make for a nice interior decoration.
Home Tap 4: Malleus shared with me a rare medicinal herb native to Briar Valley. He must have remembered my comment that they were hard for me to come by.
Home Tap 5: You found a magazine that featured me on the cover? Oh, yes, that must be the special birthday edition... Of course, you did purchase it, yes?
Home Tap - Groovy: Is there something wrong with my face? Oh, you're saying that I look beautiful even when covered in cream... Well, naturally. No matter the scene, I will always be captivatingly beautiful.
Duo: [VIL]: Thank you for the well wishes, Trey. [TREY]: Vil, I hope you have the best birthday!
Birthday Login Message: I can’t imagine why you’d call out to me like this… If it isn’t for anything important, I won’t forgive you. Don’t worry, I’m only kidding. Come, I’ll join you for a moment, so hurry and tell me what it is you need. I’m pretty sure I already have an inkling, anyway. Well, of course I figured it out! It’s written all over your face. So? Should I expect a grand celebration?
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Requested by Anonymous.
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
I, Vivian, have forfeited and lost EBG for the sake of my integrity. Moreover, I miss my biases. I will accept my punishment. I shall boil Vil.
Depending on how it goes, I may post my punishment on my shitpost blog @schoenheights 🤡💔
In the meantime, I can resume writing the last two requests for my Lost in the Woods event. I apologize for the delay. I said I would try to get them done before mid October (?) and now it’s November 🗿. School has been hectic and it’s almost exam season so I’m sorry about that.
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poisonepel · 4 years
I, Marzi, got dragged into another game of EBG (Extreme Bias Game). In this game, I must pretend my favorite characters do not exist. I can’t mention or interact with content featuring them in any way, shape, or form. If I do, I will lose and must accept a punishment.
My favorite Twisted Wonderland characters are Cater Diamond and Vil Schoenheit.
I have been given a new bias to simp for during this game, and that is:
Leona Kingscholar
Sabotaging in this game is allowed and encouraged. If you are a loyal follower of mine, please consider contributing to make the following people lose, I would appreciate it JGJKGJHHGHKAJKGHJ’
@cursedtwst​ - Taku †
@skyemak - Skye  †
@scarabbai - Leon
@charatheyandere415 - Chara †
@schoenheights - Vivi
@rebellious-princess-athie - Athie †
Mofu †
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keyenuta · 4 years
TW Prologue: So enters The Wizard
(this is the first part of this fanfic i’m making, I hope y’all like what I write and enjoy the characters, if anyone is OOC I’m sorry, I’ll try and do better next chapter!) Pt2, pt3
     In the Ramshackle dorm there’s only two people sitting in its time worn walls, Grim, the self proclaimed to be greatest Magician, purrs and mumbles in his sleep, muttering of his greatness and power, while his partner, or as he calls them, “minon” is shuffling in their sleep, turning and motioning in their sleep as like many nights before, all that’s on their mind is that mirror that stays perched atop their dusty fire place, Leaning atop its white base as it’s faded gold frame encapsulates its foggy glass. 
      But ever curious, and having a hard time falling back to sleep, after blinking the early dust from their eyes, the prefect lowly mumbles as their feet rake across the groaning wood beneath them, and as they approached the glass, memories popped into their sleep deprived mind. The queen of hearts, riddle, and as well, ghost pains from days ago, the feeling of thorns and magic arcing across their body, as with a deep sigh, the prefect found themselves in front of the glass once more.
“Ugh, wonder what the dream will be this time, if its something with the queen again, hopefully no more queens for month” They droned, peering into the glass once again.
Soon enough, a brilliant light fills their vision, forcing them to squint while the light spirals into a black and white image.
     Four strange looking people were walking-no, rather skipping arm in arm down a brick tiled road, approaching a citadel of towering green spires that glistened while they rakes the sky above. The first of the group seemed normal enough, she was a little girl with long pigtails and a checkered dress, skipping in ruby slippers that also gifted a dash of color to the picture. But to her right, things got stranger. A man made entirely of rusted metal and bolts bounced and hopped alongside the girl, smiling a metallic grin as to her left, things got strange once again. Since there was now a whole lion standing there, hopping and bouncing on his hind legs, lightly shuddering with each step as a worried smile creaked across his face. As on his right, there was a whole scarecrow, filled with hay and everything, skipping along side everyone with the brightest grin out of the bunch, but no matter what, it seemed everyone was singing the same thing as they skipped.
    “We’re off to see The Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!” 
     But as the dream progressed, soon enough the group stood before two giant double doors, each one intricate in its designs, showing off an explosive array of magic and status before they strode through, only to receive  “I AM OZ!” rattling everything around them, vibrating every which way as the wizard continued to bellow in the echoing room.
“The great and powerful! WHO, ARE YOU!” He bellowed, asking over and over “Who, are you!” Yuu listened as the wizard thundered, but all they could think was, If you stopped asking for a second they would tell you, but for Yuu, they couldn’t focus on this for long, as second after second, a low sound increased around them getting louder and louder, until a massive
“Nyaaaaargh” woke them up, groaning awake, the prefect once more blinked the sleep from their yes as they found the culprit of the roar right there on their stomach.  Sleep talking again
Chuckling at their partner, Yuu  petted the flaming cat as he purred on their stomach, “heh, The only thing great and powerful  is that roar of yours” they smirked, running their fingers through Grim’s soft fur.
“prrrr…Nragh! How’s that?!  The great and mighty grim Showed that tyrant Riddle who’s boss!~” Grim purred
“Oh, did you now?” said an off sounding stern voice, only to be instantly followed up by a cracking “OfF wItH yOuR hEad!” jolting grim awake with a large yelp  as he scrambled to his paws, whirling his head from side to side
“Ffnaah?! Get this collar off m-wait, what?” Grim’s surprise lessened as he touched around his neck, there was no collar to be seen, but what was there was a bunch of laughing from the other red head they knew, Ace Trappola
“Pfft, Ace, that was not funny, you scared Grim half to death” Deuce snickered
“Ahahahaha, come on don’t lie Deuce, you laughed too, just look at his face hehehe”  he laughed, clutching his robbed stomach, peering through the blinds of their hair, Yuu began to think, those robes, I saw those before Yuu thought, memories of a dark room, coffins and a lot of blue fire bubbled up to the surface.Raising their hair covered face up at the two suits, Yuu asked
“morning, what’re the robes for?” they yawned, slicking back one of their blinds of hair to at least see them.Now with one working eye, she took in the clothes they wore, a large intricate black and purple robe with gold designs glittered about them, and not to mention Ace had way too much eyeliner on.
Ace paused and lit back up as he answered the prefect
“Oh right, the headmaster didn’t tell you earlier huh?” Yuu shook their head from side to side as Grim grumbled up to his feet growling at the suits
“Hey! Apologize for waking me up like that!” the heart suit ignored the black cat and continued on, earning even more angry sounds from the monster
“Well, there’s an emergency ceremony happening soon, something about late arrivals or something.” Ace droned rubbing his hooded neck, “geez, Dorm head didn’t have to wake us up so early though” he groaned
“I agree, but you know how he is, oh, right, the headmaster also gave us these for you” Deuce said, in his hand he gave the two a large box, peering into the the package, just like the two suits, Yuu found a pair of matching robes for them, and a small cloak for grim.
“Alright, we’ll be on our way, give us a second to change” Yuu said
                                          In the ceremony room~
     A room doused in colors of purple and black stands a group of cloaked in the same colors, as ribbons and beads hang over head while coffins and black gates surround the group within already. Some look at attention, while others look as if they would rather be anywhere else but here. And while they stood, coffins floated around them, hovering in the air as they waited to open. And for the latter, Leona, the dorm leader of Savanaclaw was a prime example, standing upon a circle of runes, arms crossed with a bowed head. Lightly snoring before  breathy yawn rapidly turned into a sharp grunt, “Ngh” as Ruggie, his vice dorm head jerked him awake, sighing at his friend.
“Oi, wake up Leona, you can sleep later. If anyone has an excuse to sleep it’s Rosehearts over there” Ruggie nagged to a now groaning Leona.
“tsk” riddle clicked, “I can assure you I have more than enough energy to attend a ceremony” Riddle stated pointedly, it had only been a few days after his overblot, but still, he wasn’t going to sit in bed while new dorm members could potentially be coming, he had to lead by example.
“Shishishi, well if you say so, but don’t start crying if it gets too hard” the hyena teased.
“tsk, what was that?: Riddle seethed, his silver eyes leered over to the hyena as he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder,
“Riddle, its fine, please calm down” Trey whispered to hear a sigh escape the dorm head’s mouth before his eyes returned to the coffins.
 All the while, Leona muttered holding his head, while his green eyes lazily blinked open, “Do we really have to be here?  It’s just a handful of students after all” the lion groaned
“Ozlandia’s standards for time are very different Mr. Kingscholar, for what is late for us, they view themselves as on time, and their students deserve the full Night raven college experience, for I am gracious” Crowley hummed
.yawn “Then they can come on time then, mmm, save us the trouble”
“Speaking of being on time, has anyone see Mr. Draconia around?” Crowley pondered
Each Dorm leader looked around the room for moment and then realized, once again, they had forgotten the third year, 
“Hmph, it seems we have forgotten Malleus again.” Riddle spoke
“Oh, what a tragedy, it is quite unfortunate I must say” Azul bemoaned to a wave of eye-rolls at his tone.  But soon enough a rush of thumping feet echoed in the room, as Yuu, Grim, Ace, and Deuce had finally arrived.
“Ah Prefect, welcome to the ceremoney, I apologize for not giving you an earlier warning, but, seeing as now we have everyone gathered, It is time to begin” When Crowley said that, the coffins around the students began to fall to the ground, stomping to an echoing thump as clicks and creaks sounded from the boxes.  
    And from the middle coffin, it’s door creaked open as it showed a boy with brown skin resting atop a coffin of grey roses.  His hood’s shadow covered most of his face but soon enough, a pair of brilliant gold eyes peered from the darkness as the future student slowly raised himself from the box, grunting as he pried himself up, cracking his neck, he took down his hood to reveal a nappy black-silver fro, parted on it’s sides by two sharp ears.  Much in resemblance to Malleus and Lillia from Diasomnia. And now standing on solid ground, the only thing most of the dorm leaders thought of was,
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     He’s wearing the robes wrong. By this they mean that the boy didn’t even close the cloak above, like it was just some regular jacket.  And most upset of all was Vil Schoenheight, the dorm leader of Pomefiore glared daggers at the boy. His lavender eyes seemed to look angered and shocked at how he wore his formal robes.  He would definitely have a word with this boy soon.And to his glare, all the dorm head got was a playful grin. The dorm head began thinking if the boy was mocking him, did he wear it like that on purpose, inconceivable. And for the majority of the leaders no one really piped up but Ridddle, always quick to preserve the rules spoke up first.
“You, fix your robes, if you are going to be in this ceremony, you should wear your clothes properly!” he commanded, silently hoping this would not be one of his dorm students. But cutting through that, the boy have his answer, resting his hand on his waist, the boy chuckled 
“Pfft, nah I’m not going to change” he stated, shrugging his shoulders
“Tsk, excuse me?!” riddle edged out.
“Said I wasn’t gonna do it, do I need to crouch for you to hear me or something?” he teased, Riddle’s hands clenched into fists as he could already feel his anger rising, meanwhile, the younger teen still gave him a playful grin, as he motioned the short dorm leader to come at him, his lips pointing into corners as he watched the dorm leader rise in anger.
“did, you just call me short?!” Riddle seethed
Though before the back and forth could continue, each of the other tombs began creaking alongside each other. The first of the 6 remaining to open revealed a baby faced boy with green skin, and curly raven black locks that broke through his hood. He gazed around at everyone and everything in the room with many oohs and aahs while he stood besides the taller boy, offering a wave as the others soon followed behind.
       After him, a boy who’s arms and legs clinked and clanked stiffly walked free of his tomb, as his metallic appendages glistened in the room as he stood besides his fellow students. And next up was a boy with straw coming out of his robes?  And after him, a student with pronounced lion ears and tail soon followed. But when the boy went to step out of his coffin, he shuddered and shook relentlessly, he scampered forward only to instantly move back from the group, holding up his tail as he tried and failed to glare at the students besides him. And for Leona, he looked dumbfounded, groaning in annoyance at the sorry state of the lion in front of him. What kind of lion was that, he looked like a herbivore just by looks, not to mention scent.
And second to last, there was a big hufff as soon, a gruff sounding boy kicked open his coffin door and strides towards to group, his body was barrel chested and even through the sleeves he had massive arms bulging from the darkness as Peach fuzz raked across his jaw.
 Crowley saw each of the teens clump together as he gave a brief ahem to continue the ceremony.
“ahem, welcome to Night raven academy, I am Headmaster Crowley, I am sorry  but it seems you have all came late into the school year, but believe me we will be sure to catch you up as soon as possible. mhm, we are truly grascious, but for now let’s get you all sorted.”
The headmaster walked towards the mirror, whispering into the glass as word after word the mirror filled with green energy, illuminating the area in its hue as a detailed face or mask coalesced from the magic.
“The mirror of darkness guides you, please step forward and give me your name”  The mirror called. The brown boy from earlier stepped forward as said
“My name’s Zoroaster Ozma” he said, resting a hand against his chest, but as he listened to the mirror, in the background Grim groaned under his breath about how boring this was. But one word seemed to change the whole air of the room.
“Your soul’s shape is...Ramshackle”
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takuyakistall · 3 years
Anniversary Special
Note: I didn't know how to format this properly on Tumblr so I'm sorry if it's a bit confusing. Aside from that, this piece was made with the mental image of a Harvest Moon x Twst crossover. But even without knowing what Harvest Moon is, I think you'll be able to enjoy this with no problem at all.
Summary: Vil looked like he needed help, and so you offered to help him—the only thing you didn't expect was for things to go terribly wrong.
Spring had finally come to the small village Vil resided in, the cherry blossoms were blooming beautifully as he strolled around the riverbank. Small petals were scattered on the ground as he stared blankly at the cherry blossom tree above him. With a notebook in hand, he let out an exasperated sigh and crossed his arms.
It hasn't been long after he moved into the remote village—he often had qualms during the entirety of his stay in the boarding house as he felt helpless at first when he found out how the village gave him little to no opportunity to achieve his dream of becoming an actor. But, soon enough, he found himself warming up to the welcoming atmosphere the other villagers had created inside the village and now he had gotten used to life here.
Though his highest priority had always been finding opportunities for him to act more, he couldn't help but get a little flustered when someone specifically came all the way to the village just to ask Vil to take over a leading role for a play that was to be performed in less than a week! Vil was confident that he could memorize the entire script in less than a day and be able to act normally but it was his first time playing a leading role.
You peeked your head out of the corner of the teahouse, glancing towards Vil's direction before deciding to approach him—wondering what caused him to hold such a troubled expression on his face. You tried to stay unnoticed as you approached him but the loud crunch of a stick blew your cover when you unknowingly stepped on it.
Vil wore a low ponytail and a simple purple yukata, his blond locks reaching his mid-back as he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. His lips were moist and tinted with a light hue of pink—his skin was soft and light. He could've easily passed as the fairest person in the village.
"Oh, it's you." Even his voice sounded as pretty as his looks. But before you got distracted by his beauty, you remembered the reason why you approached him in the first place.
"Good morning Vil," You greeted him. "I was just passing by for an errand and saw you here with a troubled expression, is there something bothering you? It isn't like you to sulk..."
"Huh, was I obvious?" The corners of Vil's eyes widened slightly, oblivious of how he looked like to the other residents. You nodded in response.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you…" he started. "I have to practice for a play."
"Isn't that good? You always wanted to act after all!" You chirped, taking a step closer to Vil and he didn't avoid you.
"Of course it is," he furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm just a bit stuck at a certain part."
"Then… can I help?" You offered and Vil's surprise was immeasurable. But he quickly got a hold on himself, handing you the book he held—it was the script for the play.
"I don't see why not. You can just recite Orin's lines and I'll do the rest." He replied.
You skimmed through the script. It was an emotional story about two lovers named Orin and Jiro. You skip to the page where Vil told you to start with and much to your surprise, it was a pretty passionate scene! You could feel your face heat up as you quietly panicked.
"Uh, a-are you sure?" You asked him once again as a last attempt to avoid having to read out those lines. Even if it was scripted, there was no way your heart would sit still! Vil could only shoot you a small smirk when he asked you:
"You're backing out?"
"No, I am n-not!" You replied hastily.
"Then let's start. Remember, this is all an act so just let loose." Vil took a deep breath as he started to focus and you could feel the air around him shift drastically as if you were being sucked in along with him. The moment he gazed right into your eyes—he felt like a completely different person from before. You couldn't help but be in awe, Vil really is a talented actor! But before you could think twice, he blurted out the first line as Jiro.
"This might be my last chance," he paused. "So I just wanted to tell you that… I love you. I didn't truly know what love was until I met you."
His gaze softened as he confessed, even the small actions he made felt all too real—as if it wasn't an act. Everything felt natural.
"And I know now that I will never love another. I'll be watching you from afar, praying for your happiness." The slight tinge of desperation in his voice perfectly conveyed the feelings Jiro felt when he was about to be separated from Orin. The pleading look in his eye—begging for you to stay with him.
You almost forgot your lines.
"A-Ah! But, Jiro, I feel the same way. I've always loved you…" You read the line from the script the same way you would for a math textbook. You continued:
"Must we really part ways? I don't want to leave you. Please, take me with you!"
Vil paused. For far longer than he should've.
"(Y/N)... Do you mean that? Will you truly be mine?" He took a step closer to you, grabbing your arm gently as he slowly reduced the distance between the two of you—giving you no chance to process the fact that he said your name instead of Orin! You felt your face heat up intensely as you decided between two things. Will you correct him or go with the flow?
Keep going
Correct him
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takuyakistall · 3 years
OMFG LMAOOO I FORGOT THE CHARACTERS AAAAAAA *ahem* i'm the anon who asked for the prompt lunches. any dorm leader you want😹🥴 this is so embarrassing lololol
I chose Vil for this one, I hope you don't mind!
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"Excuse me, do you know where I can find Mr. Schoenheit?" You tapped a random employee's shoulder, a small bag hanging from your hands as you hoped for a response. You really didn't think this through, you weren't dressed appropriately for a workplace such as this but you paid it little to no mind when they scanned you up and down—you could feel the hesitation and reluctance just by their gaze.
"It's rude to stare, y'know?" They snapped out of their trance when you told them off, hoping that it would at least shake them a little and show you where Vil was shooting. They let out an awkward cough, walking away and you just assumed they were guiding you to the room he was in. If he wasn't, then that would pose as a bit of a problem.
Thankfully, they arrived to the door and knocked. After three knocks, they opened the door and said something, you tried to decipher it, "Mr. Schoenheit, someone is asking to see you." It was surprising how easily you were let into the dressing room, security must really be loose here—you'd have to point that out later, or were they already expecting you somehow? You didn't know.
You peeked inside the room, the smell of perfume and make-up mixed together infiltrated your senses. You spotted Vil, sitting on a chair in front of a huge mirror and before you could even approach him, he saw your reflection and turned around almost immediately. "(Y/N)!?"
"Surprise, it's me!"
"What are you doing here?" He asked you in a hushed tone, trying to keep his voice down just in case.
You stared at him with a deadpanned expression, holding up the bag and placing it on his palms—"You forgot your lunch." His tense smile loosened.
"And here I was thinking that there was some kind of emergency."
"Aww, were you worried about me?"
"No." His face said otherwise. "Now shoo, I have work to do. Thanks for bringing me my lunch."
"No goodbye kiss?" You teased him.
He grumbled a bit under his breath, looking left and right before placing a chaste kiss on your forehead. "There, happy?" You weren't really expecting him to do it.
"...Yeah." You were flustered.
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takuyakistall · 4 years
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I recently re-read his Dorm SSR personal story here! A few questions and thoughts lingered inside my head as I read it and it collectively got worse when @poisonepel​ started questioning things too. Which ultimately led to me writing this down while running on half a brain cell and a spoonful of rice for lunch. This isn’t necessarily an analysis but more of just me questioning a lot of stuff. I already pointed out things that are already obvious so it might get repetitive. Placed under the cut since it’s a bit lengthy! I tried my best to be coherent in the very least.
Rook’s Nickname for Jade - Rook calls Jade “Monsieur Mastermind” and perhaps you’re already telling me right now that I shouldn’t look deeper into this since it doesn’t look like it matters anyway but let me tell you right now that I tend to overanalyze things when it comes to Jade. I find it a bit odd how Rook calls Jade the mastermind, presuming that we’re talking about the Octavinelle trio, when it’s often Azul that’s shown to be as such. Of course, it’s been revealed that Rook analyzes or stalks nearly everything that happens to catch his interest (Jade’s Gym Personal). So it’s safe to presume that his judgement is, if not entirely correct, accurate. “Your staple food, your habits, your walking speed, when you sleep, your heart rate, how many times you blink… those and many others I have recorded perfectly.” Just by reading this line alone I became pretty sure that he observed something deeper than that--which is his personality.
       The question is, why is Jade the mastermind instead of Azul? Why is Azul’s nickname “Roi du Fort” instead of being the mastermind? Well, it might be common knowledge but Jade, in a way, controls Azul despite what it looks like to the public which is Azul controlling Jade since he, as the higher authority, has power over him. I read a popular post explaining why Jade probably undertakes the role of a servant rather than taking the position for himself knowing that he has the full capabilities to do so. This will be explained further later in a different note.
What I’m trying to imply is that behind the scenes, Azul isn’t really the mastermind behind everything despite what it seems. It’s Jade who’s really in control of things, by picking up the act of a servant or butler. 
“If the entire hierarchy collapses just due to the absence of a single person, then that proves that they aren’t all as great as they seem.” - I just had the need to point this particular line out since it just seemed so… Jade. Everything about this line just screams out the same vibes he radiates, cold and severe. I know he’s faking the whole thing about having a falling out with Azul and wanting to join Pomefiore but I think it is true that without him, Octavinelle won’t nearly be as great from when he was still there.
First of all, He’s Octavinelle’s vice-dorm leader. Surely, being in such a high position, he carries a lot of duties that only he can do as the acting vice leader. There’s also the fact that he does it superbly than other people which is why Octavinelle is the way it is right now, it would be hard to replace him. They would have to look for someone who’s on par with Jade, in the very least.
Secondly, he’s somewhat an emotional pillar to Azul. Judging from their childhood and current relationship as of now, I like to think that a big reason why Azul is the way he is right now, is because of Jade and Floyd acting as his emotional support or whatever even though they insist that their relationship is purely just for business and will drop it if it’s no longer beneficiary to them. The main reason why I think that way is because of the Octavinelle CM which has a scene of Azul holding a bubble in between his hands. Inside the bubble were the twins in their eel forms. The next thing that happened--the bubble popped and disappeared, along with the tweels inside it. We could see the horror on Azul’s face when it happened in that scene and slowly led to the overblot scene which says a lot about how Azul views the twins. Have a more detailed explanation regarding their relationship here! Summary, Azul will lose his shit if Jade were to disappear. Now, where is Octavinelle in all of this? Probably a mess in the corner right there with their dorm leader not in his right state of mind. In short, Octavinelle will probably crumble under the absence of Jade. The reason why Octavinelle is still functioning under Azul’s command during this whole stunt Jade is making is precisely because Azul knew that it was all an act.
"Jade’s excellence in everything he does is renowned even among the Dorm Leaders. He might be a super secretary or something to be able to answer Azul's difficult requests." - Vil's words to Rook during their little talk about letting Jade into Pomefiore. This stuck out to me because back then I didn't really give this much thought but now that I'm re-reading this, it makes me wonder how good is Jade at his job as a Vice Dorm Leader? These words coming from Vil hold a certain weight I can't describe, for him to say that his excellence is renowned even among the Dorm Leaders and to be described as a Super Secretary.
For Jade to have earned this kind of reputation despite being in the land for only two years so far is quite a feat! I would've expected less from someone else but this is Jade we're talking about so, ignoring his terrible weakness in flying, I can assume that Jade worked hard for him to have reached this kind of performance level in such a short time. To be recognized by almost all of the Dorm Leaders isn't an easy feat.
Jade as an attendant - During his first day as Vil's attendant, Vil mentioned how off-putting he is from the fact that Jade was almost too good for someone on their first day. "You managed to get on such friendly terms with the stuffy and straight-laced people of the industry in such little time; and you were also perfect when it came to helping out with the shooting. You've worked much harder than I thought you would." His words. I think this is due to the nature of Jade's silver tongue, which is being able to speak in a way that makes other people do or believe what you want them to do or believe. It seems very fitting for a character like Jade.
Because of the recent personals that got released for Jade, namely the Birthday SSR, they talked about family there and it got me thinking quite a bit as to how Jade can speak so eloquently especially now that I've read that he managed to get on the good side of people who are probably way older than he is and straight-laced, no less. He vaguely mentioned their family background when he was telling a story from his childhood and said how different people would come over to their party and offer them presents. I'm assuming that these people are possibly older than he is, judging from the fact that one of them attempted to give the twins liquor despite them being at a young age, and I thought that maybe Jade grew up used to being surrounded by adults to the point where he picks up a lot of speech patterns and habits. Which inevitably leads to what he is right now. Nothing is confirmed yet, this is a mere thought I had.
Jade's past with Azul - It's briefly mentioned here in the story. Jade mentioned how there weren't as many mer-folk as there are humans so they were all basically put in the same class together during elementary school. Azul didn't catch his interest back then, it seems. He mentioned not being able to remember the very reason why the three of them—Jade, Floyd, and Azul—ended up together currently in Night Raven College.
I am genuinely curious as to what actually made the twins interested in someone like Azul. Correct me if I'm wrong but they did mention it in Chapter 3, right? Was it the growing interest when they finally took notice of Azul using his unique magic on basically everyone who fell into his trap? Someone tell me the details if it was ever mentioned, my memory is failing me.
“Tenebres” - The shoe brand Vil wanted to get his hands on but unfortunately did not obtain, particularly, the Mirror Shoe. "Tenebres" apparently only sells their products to people who they deem worthy for designs, even the designer themselves has yet to make a public appearance as they are shrouded in mystery. Vil didn't have enough time to acquire it but, surprise! Jade Leech has somehow managed to get his perfect hands on the pair of red shoes Vil wanted so much. Frankly enough, Vil was impressed he managed to obtain something he could not—alone, no less.
This is just me pondering but this particular line made me wonder, "Heh, they did some at the cost of a bit of trouble. No matter, how about you try these on instead of dwelling on the matter?", to what lengths did he actually have to go through to obtain just a pair of shoes? Or rather, what connections does he have to be able to obtain this so easily and brush it off with a mere, "cost of a bit of trouble" when clearly Vil already expressed the difficulty in obtaining these?
Another note I have to make but not completely sure if it's relevant is his family. As I've said before, they mentioned that they deal with a lot of people due to the nature of their business and that made me wonder if the designer/owner of this certain shoe brand is one of them? Perhaps Jade was able to easily contact them because of connections his family has although Floyd's wish in the event Stars & Wishes contradicts this possibility.
In Floyd's wish, he mentioned wanting a pair of shoes and Idia immediately asked him why he couldn't just buy them. Floyd answered with a simple, "I can't usually get them." Because of the price. Which, again, contradicts my theory about the Leech family being connected to the shoe brand. Although! Vil did mention how the shoe brand only sells it to people they deem worthy. Perhaps, Floyd isn't…? No—it still wouldn't explain how easily Jade got the shoes and had the brand get Vil a job there as an ambassador. Surely, that isn't due to just any normal connections anymore. Definitely shady, I want to know more.
Jade is in control - As I've said earlier, Jade is somewhat in control despite playing the role of a servant. Prime example is when Vil told him his throat was parched, Jade immediately acted upon it fully knowing what his original intentions were. He gave Vil a drink that the Mostro Lounge was apparently serving without having Vil question it further and even went as far as to let Jade take a picture and post it—even he decided the caption for the post! With a simple flow of events just like that, Jade has managed to manipulate Vil without him knowing. He did it all while taking in the role of a servant and that in itself says a lot about how he does things
I think it's worth it to take note of the fact that Jade does not like bringing attention to himself and merely brushes it off as mere shyness of some sorts when really, all he wants to do is lay low and draw as little attention to himself. It makes his job easier that way—perhaps that's the reason why he lets Azul take the spotlight all the damn time.
Another thing to take note of is something I saw from a post in Tumblr which basically sums up the whole reason why Jade is always adopting the butler persona wherever he goes. It's because he likes to be in control that way—you'd let down your guard around him and let him serve you. You want a drink? He'll serve you a drink but-! He is in control over what you will get. That's exactly what happened in this exact scene, Vil waltzed right into the center of Jade's palms.
Vil never noticed - I'm not saying Vil is dumb, because he is most definitely not. Although through the very end, I don't know if it's just because Vil got carried away with the feeling of achievement taking over him due to recent events but he did just brush away the reason why Jade was in Pomefiore in the first place and let him go away peacefully, "So long as he doesn't bare his fangs at us." In other words, Jade managed to outsmart Vil and possibly, Rook.
This is probably one of the reasons why I am confident enough to say that Jade truly is one of the most cunning bitches in the entire game because this whole ordeal just pretty much proved it.
Aftermath - There we go! We got an explanation about how Jade managed to manipulate and use Vil for his own gains err, in this context, probably Azul's. When Jade took a picture of Vil with the drink and posted it, he did it with the intention of taking advantage of Vil's popularity and viewer reach. Jade expressed his thankfulness when he mentioned how Vil saw him as "useful" perhaps his reputation prior helped him reach his goal? 
Azul praised Jade with something along the lines of "As expected of you, Jade. You're the best Night Raven's College has to offer when it comes to sneaking into another's pockets after all." Which really just backs up some of the statements I made earlier about how Jade manipulates people by letting people let their guard down around him while thinking they're the ones who have power over Jade when clearly it's not as simple as it seems. Azul mentioning that only Jade could pull off something like this just puts me off for some reason but I'll leave it be for the time being.
After that, Jade and Azul had a conversation that started with Azul asking him if he had any difficulties during his stay in Pomefiore and if he had any troubles keeping up with Vil. Jade, jokingly(?), responded that it was nothing compared to Azul's demands and orders and his time at Pomefiore was actually a vacation of some sorts for him. Which really makes me wonder what jobs does Azul usually give him if this one was somewhat of a break for Jade? A task that seemed impossible to Floyd, Jade said it was a vacation. It's a bit frightening but I guess that's his charm? Hard-working is one way to put it. 
That's the end of my Dorm SSR mini-analysis, I guess! Thank you for sticking with me till the end even though a lot of these might be repetitive. I'll probably add more depending on future brainrot but for now, this is fine. Feel free to tell me what you think about this!
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takuyakistall · 3 years
♡~An interaction with Vil please!~♡ (Geez, I feel like I needed to say this after watching his backstory, I almost cried) “Vii-senpai? I-I know you’re still recuperating after your OverBlot, and I know you’ve been through so much...but I just want to tell you that- you will always be a hero in my eyes. You’re my hero.” she tells him, a determined look in her e/c orbs. She has to stand on her toes in order to reach him properly, thankfully she was only 5 inches shorter and she kissed him gently.
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Vil's eyes widened slightly, the words that left your lips taking him by surprise. You seemed so sure of yourself too that it was hard to brush it off as if it was nothing. He let out a sigh as a gentle look takes over his face and a grin gracing his lips as he chuckled, "At least tell me if you're gonna kiss me next time, my lips are dry from that whole ordeal."
"Thank you."
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
I, Vivian, would like to proudly announce that I have caved and lost EBG. Of course in the best way possible— a Vil SSR reveal!!! For a Halloween event!!? My favorite character and holiday all in one!!? And he’s a vampire!!?
That’s the only way to lose. 
Now I shall wait and accept my punishment from Marzi (ㆀ˘・з・˘) but in the meantime, I made a shitpost blog to brainrot over Vil’s feet. You should check it out if you’re into questionable things. Deep down, I’m a crackhead and EBG has finally got me out of my shell 🤡
Here it is: @schoenheights
Don’t expect too much from me. Just expect to lose all respect you had in me. 
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