#urgent even
rileyclaw · 2 years
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tumblr doesnt usually get the dumb scrappy doodles but this one.. is important
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whoisspence · 3 months
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fuck you spencer reid and your perfect side profile
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gallusrostromegalus · 5 months
Hope everyone had a good Christmas I got... Shingles.
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ky-landfill · 8 months
Absolutely love your art!! if you’re feeling it, could we get some Jason & Bruce reconciliation please?
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gilmores-glorious-blog · 10 months
why is “you would die before your stroke fell” so intensely romantic to me
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lpbear · 4 months
One of my best friends got married at the weekend and his closing words of his speech were “Free Palestine”, and I’ve been thinking about that a lot. Even on his wedding day, one of the happiest days of his life, a day that should be all about him and his bride, that isn’t the only thing on his mind. It can’t be. We’re all thinking about Palestine and the genocide of its people all the time.
All day I’m checking in on the journalists I follow in Gaza, my stomach in a knot until I see they’ve posted again today and they’re at least still alive, but then my heart broken to see what cruel injustice they’re showing us today. All of us with any scrap of humanity are behind Palestine, and passionately, even if the people meant to represent us are reticent or even adamantly refusing to actually represent our wishes. My friends and I are Irish, so we’ve grown up surrounded by pro-Palestine support: it’s huge here and always has been and our government is one of the ~better~ ones in this regard, but this isn’t unique to countries who are politically pro-Palestine. World-wide, I see rallies, protests, demonstrations, from huge crowds of regular people, even in countries whose policies and governments are deeply on the wrong side of history. Those regular people are what I think we should pay attention to.
Don’t lose heart. Don’t give up on Palestinians. Keep following them, keep listening to them, keep supporting them. Keep up the rallies, keep fighting, keep talking. It can be discouraging to see so few governments doing anything about this and news stories misrepresenting the facts, but don’t fall into thinking that nobody cares or give up. I believe people care. Regular people care. It may not be everyone, and it may not be the majority of the people in power, but I believe there are enough of us to help; we can pressure the people in power to listen if we’re loud enough and determined enough, and every single person saved from these atrocities would be worth the world. This is a dire situation. This is urgent. But it’s not over.
There is evil being done in the world but there is decency in humanity and hope is not lost. From the river to the sea, Palestine MUST be free.
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azaracyy · 4 months
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a lesson on good karma digimon survive week 2024 day 4: supporting characters
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toxicxsugarxart · 30 days
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Another autistic queen voiced by a real autistic actor let’s go!!
Commissions open!
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sleepyshrooms · 8 months
hi everyone , my name is shroom and i’m a disabled queer person who needs some financial help . i recently started working again for the first time since being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and diabetes . finding work that will make proper accommodations for me is extremely rare , so when i got my most recent job and they were willing to make those accommodations , i was thrilled . 
obviously because i’m making this post , you can assume that things did not go well . it took them a week after hiring me to even start the paperwork process , and then they failed to submit it in time to meet the deadline for that week’s pay period . so i waited . one night i was working up front and a customer got pissed and threw a pizza at me . i took the rest of the night off and they texted me later on telling me to take a few days to myself . at first i thought they were being kind , but now that i’m texting and asking about getting paid and getting put back on the schedule , they’re not responding . and i’m realizing that they’re going to try and not pay me for the work i’ve done . 
i’m going to report everything to the department of labor and try to get this resolved , but in the meantime i could definitely use some support . i’m going to need to restock on insulin and needles very soon , which will run me about $85-90– $35 for three pens of both levemir and humalog , and anywhere from $10-15 for the needles . i don’t want to ask for too much but it would also be very cool to have some healthier food options to choose from so that i can try to get my blood sugar back to a normal level . 
if anyone can spare even a few dollars , it would mean the world to me . my commissions are also open if you’re interested !!
commissions post p-yp-l - paypal.me/ovmasai c-sh-pp - $soppdronning
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biracy · 9 months
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This really IS queer tv
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fushigurro · 9 months
if there’s one thing about me it’s that i will be horny over fictional characters even on my death bed
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malohkeh-artblog · 17 days
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I made this illustration for the chapter 17 of Whickber Street the fanfiction currently written by Caedmon on AO3 😄
You can read it here (if you like Human AUs and an explicit rating is okay with you, you will probably like Caedmon's works! I know I do 😁)
I'm sooo happy by how it turned out.
There's little things like the angle of the arms in the main part or Az' hand in the left corner, but it's the best I can do for now and it's such an improvement for me that I'm not really bothered by it. I know I've still a lot to learn and that's okay, that's normal (and having aphantasia is complicating things further for me.)
The only thing bothering me is the way it's obvious that Gleafer's work are one of my main inspirations. I'm learning a lot by studying her drawings in term of movement, expressions, etc. but I don't want to copy her work 🫤 I really need to work on that
And here's the sketch I did for my daily practice, before I decided that I wanted it to be a "real" drawing
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I saw your tags on your Percy Jackson post and I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on the Umbrella Academy 👀👀👀
The tags: #i think both types of stories work#you just have to be CONSISTENT about it [side-eyes umbrella academy]
There's a lot I like about Umbrella Academy, and there's a lot that I forgive in Umbrella Academy because it's a comic book adaptation and most comics have similar problems. BUT.
In S2E9, when the Handler shoots live ammo from a real gun at a child, it's portrayed as sweet and harmless —bullets are just background noise (e.g. James Bond) and this show has slapstick stakes. In S2E10, when the Handler shoots from a real gun at six adults, they have a graphic drawn-out death scene — bullets kill people (e.g. Pulp Fiction) and this is a much darker type of show.
Klaus gets kidnapped and murdered in S1, and his siblings roll their eyes about how he's irresponsible. Klaus gets accidentally killed in S3, and his siblings react with devastation and horror. Violence is funny, when it's Five killing 20 of his coworkers. Violence is horrifying, when it's Viktor killing Pogo. So on.
You can't have it both ways. It creates mood whiplash. It makes the characters feel callous. It can feel like no events ever matter, so there's no point in caring. I can't tell how seriously to take any given scene, because the same sequence of actions is sometimes treated as comedy and sometimes as tragedy.
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the-acid-pear · 1 month
Y'know I really feel like Harry and Dave's relationship goes highly unexplored which is a shame because there IS quite a bit to explore, ESPECIALLY if you care about shipping. But as the game stands I mean, they must be aware of each other. Harry in fact definitely knows about Dave. I don't think he'd tell the fucking weird rotten bunny his terrible boss brought in IS the number one threat against Freddy's since day 1 but even so. Dave I don't think would see Harry as much more than A Phoney™ though, which is always more of an obstacle and way less of a person. Which is usually opposite of how Jack sees his often sole employee. Like, you get what I mean? It's almost similar to 2 with the main opposing routes being Peter and Dave except the stakes are arguably way lower now.
#luly talks#dsaf#dsaf harry#dsaf dave#harry fitzgerald#dave miller#if you DO care about shipping however the meat to chew on becomes greater#i think dave bond w Phoneys in general goes fairly unexplored which is once again A Shame bc i do like the hypocrisy he holds#in more than one way they mirror each other#now im just getting emotional and derailed now im literally just thinking of steven that's NOT da point now 💥💥💥#point is i do think you'd take this to a weird domesticating route or simply a more. goofy love triangle one#i mean dave does say he'll win Jack back which is peak divorced line#so its like. a tug war. except Harry isn't like peter who was like employee for the love of god i need your help#harry is pretty passive like Sir. This is urgent but it is your choice ☹️#sorry my meds are kicking in what am i even saying anymore?#i feel like that NyQuil post im for sure gonna shit the bed tonight#i digress anyway point being i think you'd go many places with this concept#you'd just have them coexist in a way the game doesn't explore. you'd have it just plaguing Jack's mind.#you'd have a one sided rivalry. you'd have a STRAIGHT UP RIVALRY. you'd have tragedy and agony in planet earth#which i saw be touched up on once by that one artist who draws jack like he never left the 80s mullet and all. muppety too.#iykyk there's like 6 harrysport artists overall you'll figure what i mean#and yeah you'd even have a somewhat functional jack having two hands. which is something taps chest i truly think could happen#i believe un love and peace and chsnge and healing and#and copium first and foremost ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️#my body feels so heavy its hard to leep my eyes open
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malacandrax · 4 months
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Doodle for Palestine donations, I'm still offering these!
(here's the post- donate over $20 or equivalent and email me a receipt.)
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goldenliartrash · 2 years
Why is everyone so pissed off at Spock all the time,,,,,,, they hate him for his unbelievable swag and cool eyeshadow,,,,,
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