#universe charm au
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I really enjoyed this page. I’ll probably add more eventually
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hellomayu · 1 month
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kiss kiss fall in love 💕
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alex-the-anxious-2 · 2 months
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Fanart I made for @disruptivevoib's swap au. He's really really silly and this drawing ended up going rlly hard,, pls enjoy
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annie-also-draws · 13 days
Hades Charmes brain rot dump
Domestic Charmes Modern Au for my needs bc there’s not enough art of them HNNNNG (bless you AO3 writers)
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Some designs for Hermes. (Charon’s still in the backlog in my head rn). Hermes with glasses anyone??? 😭
I’m in the deep trenches of making my own Au where Hermes and Charon are finance bros (god of commerce and the god who collects gold, duh, ain’t no way they’re dirt poor).
There’s plenty of fics that display Hermes as the black sheep of the family who’s running his own life away from his family doing odd jobs and barely hangs on (no hate I love them!!!) but there’s not enough Rich! Hermes out there so I just gotta insert my own brain rot. Charon and Hermes working for rival finance companies (one deal with future investment and one deal with settlement money/clauses after one’s death (idk if it’s a real thing but meh)
Check the tags for the synopsis lol AO3 style
Bless Jen Zee for long hair Hermes bc all the hairstyle I can conjure from this 😩🙏
The glasses started as a goofy accessory and ended up staying. Longsighted-Hermes who can’t see things that are close to him and uses contact lenses at work 👁️👁️. Only wears glasses at home (with Charon). Grows very little beard and is perpetually tired bc overworked! Hermes is so canon.
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s-aint-elmo · 1 year
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digging out the eah content i created in a frenzy during last year’s summer of obsession part 1: my personal sapphic multishipping guide (created to explain to my friends which of these dolls i think should hold hands)
(more in-depth discussion of the ships below the cut)
the polycule that will take over ever after
kitty/lizzie; kitty/maddie; maddie/lizzie
self-explanatory. frequently purchased together do not separate. bonus shoutout to maddie canonically giving kitty a little kissie on the cheek and getting off scot-free in the books though. a wonderlandiful world was a banquet to me
cedar protection squad
once again a wonderlandiful world and once upon a time i owe you my life. kitty ESP being so adamant abt not giving a shit then turning around and fucking up those boys who were mean to cedar...... i love friendship
also self-explanatory. she was a catgirl she was a wolfgirl can i make it anymore obvious. also doribuki’s phenomenal fake dating fanfic....... transformative foundational transcendental
YOU MUST UNDERSTAND. i entered eah a rapple shipper and exited the book series ready to burn at the stake for cerise/raven. book two was SO MUCH. it had everything. raven befriending cerise despite her attempts to isolate herself. texting in class. winking at each other. raven meeting the parents and hearing embarrassing baby cerise stories. cerise putting it all on the line to save raven. i’m ambivalent about shadow high but cerise gets literally one (1) mention and it’s in raven’s internal monologue wherein she equates cerise’s hood w feelings of warmth and safety. like how was that in any way necessary. i rest my case 
raven & maddie
self-explanatory as well. dabesties. the ride or dies. it means so much to me that raven always has a friend in maddie no matter how many clowns and jokers (derogatory) treat her like the antichrist. maddie the character ever
WHAT IT SAYS ON THE TIN. the gelphie dynamic is a classic and i am EXTREMELY vulnerable to it. they are THE ship and i will pay my respects to the end of time. i am a big fan of how they trade their roles throughout the franchise and how rich the drama and history are between them. it’s pure fucking poetry.
TBH. a serve. the only thing juicier than evil queen/damsel in distress is evil queen/princess charming. big big fan of darling giving raven the five star princess treatment after a lifetime of being feared and shunned and vilified. equally big fan of raven’s momentous act of rebellion giving darling the courage to be true to herself. ALSO. the absolute archetype-subversion slay of the Pure-Hearted Hero(TM) confronting the Mistress of Evil(TM) and dropping their sword. looking through the smoke and mirrors and the will of Fate itself to see the girl who has wanted nothing but to be kind beneath. swearing their heart and soul and sword to the one true good they have found. picture it. i can almost see the 100-word drabble
now THIS is just THE fairytale couple. the evil queen, the damsel in distress and the princess charming ALL holding hands and riding off into the sunset together. dappling on its own doesn’t do it for me but raven in the mix just makes everything gel perfectly. she’s the tomato in the ratatouille the cornstarch in the spring roll water, etc etc
this is one of those ships where i read a really convincing fic and the more i thought of it the more it just made sense. like they'd read swashbucklers and tales of courtly love together. holly would 100% write a darling placeholder in her self-insert romance fanfic pre-relationship as a way to express her feelings. darling would 100% find out and gently pull her out of the pit of sheer mortification she drilled into the ground to escape. also the height difference is a thing of beauty
safe from the polycule
they have one singular episode to their name and it was enough. it was Everything. the dynamic you can extrapolate from that one single interaction is so incredibly appealing to me. duchess’s bitchiness belied by her palpable air of vulnerability coming up against poppy’s spine of steel tempered by her skill in gaining perspective. poppy can challenge duchess into being a better person and duchess can be poppy’s character flaw like idk she just has shit taste in women that was the price she had to pay to be moisturized and unbothered by destiny. i just think they have the potential to be the unexpected, inexplicable power couple of eah
do i even need to say anything they had a whole movie to make their case. they’re rapple if rapple got their shit together before armageddon, with the bonus of a potential curse-breaking true love’s kiss for the fanfic authors to thrash between their teeth. truly unlimited. also unlike rapple where raven is 100% against being a villain and therefore it’s apple who has to do the mental gymnastics to open herself to the possibility of a relationship w raven, faybelle is just chomping at the bit to make her momma proud and presents a compelling perspective for the whole “falling in love w your fated nemesis” thing
they are icons, they are legends, and they ARE the moment. these two are so chaotic individually, what with blondie’s criminal skillset and habit of menacing innocent woodland creatures and cupid’s matchmaking powers combined w her shitty aim, that putting them together can only mean good things. there’s this whole element of their shared passion as public figures who at their best seek the truth and guide others through matters of the heart respectively that’s always interesting as a point of irony/obstacle when they start catching feelings and have to decide what to do with them. their joint youtuber/podcaster slay can level nations
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a-little-unsteddie · 9 months
strawberries & lemonade
i have wanted to write something for this month’s @steddiemicrofic challenge, but i have been unable to get my brain to do anything with it for some reason. however! that ended tonight and i was able to write this and now i’m gonna think about witch!steve for the rest of forever. thank you @sailing-through-hawkins and @hammity-hammer for enabling me. alternative title: how much world building can rowan fit into this ficlet? answer: tbd
prompt: charm || word count: 548 || rated: t
If you needed something magic related, there was only one place in Hawkins to find it.
Okay, well, maybe that was a lie, but there was only one place that anyone with any self respect would go to. Which is why Eddie found himself approaching the Harrington cottage at the barrier between town and the wilds.
Eying the edge of the wilds warily, Eddie carefully made his way up the stone path to the front door. When he looked up at the front door, he was surprised to see the witch leaning against the railing of his porch. He wasn’t exactly what Eddie had been expecting; he was wearing a worn yellow shirt with brown leggings, and some brown leather boots. Atop his head wasn’t a stereotypical witch hat, but his hair was tucked into what appeared to be a crocheted hair bandana. All of that is to say, he didn’t look like who Eddie had expected to find when he left the small place he called home that afternoon.
“Well met,” Eddie breathed, eyes wide as he met Steve’s gaze head on.
“Well met,” Steve returned, smiling slightly. He gestured towards a small set up where he had put out lemonade and fresh fruit, “Come sit. We can talk.” Eddie’s stomach immediately growled as he walked up the steps to sit where Steve had motioned.
“Are the stories true?” Eddie asked, looking at the food and beverage with apprehension. Steve sat across from him, sitting with his legs folded under him.
“What stories?” Steve asked, before noticing his apprehensive demeanor and snorted. “No.”
Eddie flushed, ducking his head as he muttered a quiet, but sincere apology. He reached out and grabbed a strawberry, humming happily as he bit into it.
“My uncle is sick,” Eddie said, as he sipped the lemonade. The witch hummed, eating one of the strawberries himself. “I heard you’re the best.”
“You heard correctly,” Steve said, nodding. “What ails him?”
“We..we think it’s a curse.”
“I,” Eddie amended, looking sheepish. “I think it’s a curse.”
Steve hummed and looked at Eddie expectantly, which the man took as a sign to continue. He explained the little he did know about his uncle’s condition, a persistent fever that refused to go down, with fever dreams of black dogs plaguing his fitful sleep. All the while, Steve listened carefully, looking more and more angry as he continued.
“I agree with your assessment,” Steve said, standing abruptly. “Stay here.” He said before disappearing into the cottage, leaving Eddie sitting on his porch alone. When he returned, Steve held out a small charm. Eddie hesitated briefly before grabbing it.
“Put this beneath his pillow for three nights, and the fever will break and the dreams will cease,” Steve explained, eyebrows furrowed, betraying his concern. “Nights only,” He reiterated. Eddie nodded slowly, peering at the small charm curiously.
After a moment, Eddie looked up at the witch. “I don’t have a lot to offer in return,” he admitted guiltily.
Steve smiled softly, “I only ask for a boon.”
“A boon?”
“You will know,” Steve said, reaching out for Eddie’s hand, covering it completely with his own. Eddie hissed, shaking it out before realizing Steve had seared his sigil onto the back of his hand. “And you will come.”
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artist-issues · 4 months
I do think, while I'm on the subject of Snow White and that deleted scene with the imprisoned Prince, that if I could talk to the people making a live-action Snow White, I'd say, "put that back in there."
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You know. In addition to keeping the Prince in the movie in the first place.
Because I think having Snow White's faith that he'll come for her magnified by how much he's willing to go through to find her can only be a good thing. Besides, "modern" audiences, already wanting more human interactions and less animal-antics scenes, would probably do that frustrating nitpicking thing and go "hey why did it take him so long to find her anyway?" If he's captured or delayed in coming by the Queen, so much the better.
But I wouldn't have the Dwarfs set him free. Because I think the Dwarfs need to never come in contact with this Prince they've been hearing so much about--until the moment he comes, and proves Snow White right. That moment was impactful in the original, and it should stay the way it is.
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So instead I'd actually bring back the Huntsman. His whole thing as a minor character is that he obeys the Queen, then can't go through with it, but instead of standing up to her, he tries to trick her. Kind of cowardly. But maybe if he lets the Prince go free and makes a more direct stand against her, that can wrap up his small character arc and kill two birds with one stone at the same time.
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These have been random thoughts, thanks for reading
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briaryoung · 11 months
Here's something I've been workin' on for a while
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Some silly designs for some silly AU...
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I'm probably gonna write something about it, too
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Enjoy, I s'pose!
Also, thank you for the overwhelming support on my last post?? I wasn't expecting that at all. You guys are. Amazing
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masadd · 9 months
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more art of my simon HMS au . i changed his heart fit bc i felt like it fit better!!! i lvoe my stupid little au combining 2 of my favorite things . Makse me happy
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mothfables · 7 months
Modern Day Chain Work at a Christmas Market
so i work at a seasonal christmas market and had this idea today while we were doing set-up. time to induce my misery (lighthearted) on my favourite characters lmao
under the cut so it doesn’t take up your dash haha
Time is the closest thing they have to a manager. he does not like this. Warriors is a close second
Twilight + Four are in charge of physically setting up the tent/stall
Legend, Wild, and Four are in charge of displays (well, when Four isn’t fed up from setting up the tent)
Wild works in the back/warehouse, Time the register with regular breaks on the floor, Legend on the floor (he refuses to even touch the register), Hyrule the floor, Twilight on the floor and occasionally register, Sky’s the greeter and occasionally works the floor or other things, Warriors is mostly on the register, and Four does a bit of everything. Wind is technically, on paper, on greeter duty (cause, yknow, child labour) but he sticks his nose into everything, much to literally everyone else’s chagrin
Time tends to put Sky on greeter duty because he knows the other man tends to tire easily, but he does surprisingly well at whatever he’s assigned. that being said, whatever he does, he passes out immediately upon getting home
they tried the ‘My Name is Link’ nametag thing exactly once. they lasted two days before everyone was sick of it
Hyrule is still shy + uncomfortable around crowds, despite working there for four years. Time has tried putting him on the floor to try to boost his confidence, but he still escapes to the back at every opportunity
Legend flat-out refuses to work their busiest weekends. he told Time they’d have to drag him kicking and screaming into the store if they absolutely want him there. Time has yet to test this
Time + Twilight are physically intimidating, which tends to be a deterrent for most shoplifters + Karens. when that doesn’t work, though, they have a secret weapon: Hyrule
shy he may be, put him in front of a Karen and you’re in for a show. more than one of them have stopped what they’re doing to watch things go down. Time has berated them for it but they don’t pay him any mind considering he’s guilty of the exact same thing
also, Hyrule has a sixth sense for potential shoplifters, no matter where in the store he is. Four + Legend have been trying to figure it out but after four years they still don’t have an explanation
Time asked Mallon once if she wanted to work at the market with them. she laughed and told him she’d rather stay on the ranch. there are many days where Time regrets not doing the same thing
Wild does not work the floor. he has stated in no uncertain terms that if he’s put out there he will bite someone. to this day Time doesn’t know if he means a customer or one of them
everyone has their own organizational system that directly contradicts everyone else’s. they all hate it
Wind works the least hours out of all of them (considering he’s fourteen). he’s pouted about this many times, but the rest of them agree he should save his back + knees while he still can
Ravio is perfectly happy with his own shop. he does pop in sometimes to say hello, though, and on occasion brings treats for everyone
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randox-talore · 5 months
A chonny jash gem AU would work pretty well
Awesome music. Glitchiness. Fragmentation. Opposing characters making piece and coming together to form something greater than the sun of their parts. And an in universe reason for three not related people to look almost exactly the same with some key differences.
Honestly my first reason was this was one of the only AUs where I could conceivably see Whole being his own character. ‘Cause my interpretation is that he literally is a mask, HMS in a trench coat, or just a role for any of them to play. “A me that’s shown to everyone else”. That or he’s Soul (I can have conflicting Hcs). So making them gems who can literally fuse into Whole works pretty dang well.
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b0vidine · 2 months
I realized having 1000 CCCC AUs with every guy having nicknames is really confusing so here's my simplified list of who everybody is and all my AUs!
(No pictures included this time if you need visuals feel free to ask but I also tag my AUs when I post about them so checking my acc should also work!)
Whole turns his thirds into puppets:
Whole: Snare
Mind: King
Heart: Dove
Soul: Wander
Post Encore:
Puppets turn back into humans and get over their trauma together!
Whole: Snare
Mind: King
Heart: Paladin/Pal
Soul: Piper
Encore Swap:
Since creation there's been the idea that Encore is a secret swap AU. King gets called a Whole often. Help him!
Whole -> Soul: Icarus
Mind -> Whole: Noodle
Heart -> Mind: Artificer
Soul -> Heart: Stasis
Jest [Encore]:
My friend Oswin has a silly guy named Buttercup and he wanted to put that guy in Encore. They are all clown themed and play little games to earn their memories back!
Whole: Salem
Mind: Majesty
Heart: Kea
Soul: Amble
Bad End Encore [Also known as BET] :
Me and Rosy collab to ruin the Encores happiness.
Whole: Ivory
Mind: Cassiopeia/Cassi
Heart: Rouge
Soul: Poet/Piper (He's dead so it doesn't matter)
Miracle AU:
Made before Encore. I wanted a CCCC AU but had no ideas so I slapped them into my Marble Hornets AU.
Whole: Source
Mind: [Doesn't have a name :/]
Heart: Serene
Soul?: Ardor
Hmsw are biblically accurate angels.
Whole: Seraph
Mind: Ruler
Heart: Cherub
Soul: Throne
[Creative ik]
Gamer AU:
When a new loop begins and Heart and Mind start fighting Soul tosses them into whatever video game he's into at the moment to try and make them get along.
This is a collab AU now that I share with Oswin, Ledge, and Francey. While the AU was my idea originally the only guy that's technically mine is Heart, who goes by Mono.
Mall AU:
Another collab AU. HMS live in a dying mall and their only customer is Whole.
I again only have the Heart of this AU, whos name is Murid. This AU is shared with Nova and Alex.
Marble Hornets AU:
The last AU for this list and is another collab with Andy and Rosy. It's exactly what is seems like, HMSW but in Marble Hornets.
Surprise! I have the Whole of this AU, who takes Jay's place in the story and also takes his name. I also have Skully who is named Eclectic.
Honorable mention to me and Andy making an inhabited Jash AU together. That one was just made on straight up telepathy.
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
This one may just become a micro-oops...
WC: 361 @jilymicrofics | April No. 9 Flush
He noticed her from afar the first time. It was hard to miss such vibrant red hair. She wore a white shirt that clung tightly to her curved frame and a pair of blue and white striped trousers. He’d taken this shortcut to Peter’s place more times then he could count and could recognise most familiar faces in this area but she was definitely a new one. She was frantically searching her handbag for something outside the butchers store. This beautiful eye candy was definitely worth a mention. James was so busy typing a rapid text about the mystery red to Sirius that he misplaced his footing and nearly ended up face first in the pavement. He looked up from his fall sheepishly, face flushed, to see if she had noticed. She hadn’t. The second time he saw her was electronically. He was lying in bed mindlessly scrolling Facebook as he did every night before sleep, barely paying attention by this point, when a bar photo caught his eye. It was her in a little black dress… he attempted to click into the post to enlarge it, but his damned clumsy thumbs hit the refresh news feed button instead and he was sent skyrocketing back to the top. The post was lost in cyberspace. He cursed himself loudly, Sirius knocked on the wall. It would be a case of third times the charm. He met her face to face this time for the briefest of moments. He was walking back from a lecture with Sirius, Peter and Remus when she came bouncing towards them from the opposite direction, a folder under her arm. This time she wore a green T-shirt and a pair of faded jeans. God forbid - was she waving at him? He turned around and there was no one behind them. It had to be him. He waved back. She raised her eyebrow in confusion and shook her head.  “Hi Remus, history at three yeah?” She asked.  Damn… she’d been waving at Remus not him, Remus nodded as she hurried past them. “Moony, Who was that?” James asked once she was out of ear shot. “Oh that’s Lily.” Lily.
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themidnightwholistic · 5 months
Guys you should totally read my fic oh my god guys my fic go read it right now why was any and everything alive ? (intro to experimentation) read my fic it's so cool guys you're gonna love it please read my fic please I would be so happy please :3
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crimeronan · 5 months
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once again, dunno when i'll finish this fic, so. have a little bit of draft :3
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c-rose2081 · 2 months
In your Dragon AU, how will things pan out for Audrey? Will her dragon curse be lifted? If not, will she at least get some kind of happy ending? Because Dragon Audrey has been through (at least in my opinion) more crap than she deserves, she realized her mistakes and paid her dues, she deserves some happiness after everything
Hi! It kinda depends on which version of the AU is followed :) she does get happily ever after (sorta) in both, but they are different types of happily ever after.
1.) Chaudrey: If the Dragon AU follows the Chad x Audrey route, true loves kiss breaks the spell. They take a bit of time to figure out how their love is meant to work, and the curse is there to help Audrey see that love can be found outside perfection.
2.) Maldrey: If the Dragon AU leans more towards Mal x Audrey, Auds doesn’t ever change back to a full human. This version of the story is about two enemies finding common ground and being pulled together through instinct, learning to live with mistakes and imperfections. Caught between a life of freedom as a dragon, or a life of royalty, but suppressing what comes naturally.
So it kinda depends, there’s no set canon for the AU 😅 whoops lol
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