#unfollow me if the truth hurts your feelings
deadweight-at7am · 1 year
The chronically online are at it again.
Now SOME trans women are trying to convince naturally born women that they also experience periods and PMS as if that was even biologically possible. Before anyone asks where are these discussions happening, all over Tiktok and Twitter.
Just because a man transitions to be feminine presenting doesn't meant they unlearn the pretentiousness of the male experience. You can live your life as a woman but biologically you aren't one. That's just the long and short of it.
Before anyone tries it with me, there is a man, literally as we speak, trying to tell me that he knows what he's talking about because of the women in his life - even though he keeps calling a period PMS... and then telling me that "research shows" men can spawn endometrial cells when they lack the capacity to have an endometrium at all, since they do not have a uterus.
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If you think it is impossible for dan and phil to be in a queerplatonic relationship, please take some time to learn about what a qpr actually is (or just unfollow me).
Things to know:
you don't need to be aro or ace (or on either spectrum) to be in a qpr
anyone can be in a qpr regardless of gender, sexuality, or orientation
a qpr is defined by whoever is in it
Liking/enjoying sex or romance is not the same thing as feeling that type of attraction (ace people can have sex, aro people can be in romantic relationships)
Actions are not inherently romantic. They can be interpreted as such depending on the relationship between people, but ultimately, the romantic aspect of an action is due to a person's interpretation or intentions
Amatonormativity is the assumption that everybody prospers in an exclusive romantic relationship.
To undo amatonormativity, you've got to understand that no type of relationship is superior to another. Romance is not "more" than friendship, unless defined as such by an individual.
Queerplatonic is whatever the fuck you want it to be. Sex, marriage, kids, living together, none of those, some of those, all of those, whatever. Depends on the people. It is the "do whatever you want forever" option. Romantic relationships can be like this, but the idea is that they come with societal norms that we are expected to follow — qprs, until amatonormativity is uncommon, are an escape from that.
The fact that you might not want a queerplatonic relationship does not mean no one else does. That's like saying you don't want to be in a heterosexual relationship, so how could anyone else want one?
On the topic of Dan and Phil specifically:
I am not claiming to know if they are or aren't in xyz kind of relationship. That's the whole point
One of the main messages of "We are in a relationship" is that you don't know everything, even if you do truly know a lot.
You cannot know something about someone's relationship until they tell you, just as you cannot know someone's sexuality or gender until they come out to you.
Again, I am not suggesting that they are in either a qpr or a romantic relationship. I am clarifying that we do not know for sure. We can be 99% sure (I personally would not have that kind of confidence in my knowledge of strangers' relationships lol), but you can never know til they tell you.
Even then, they could be lying or leaving out parts of the truth (rightfully so). You don't have the right to that information, which I'm sure most of us agree on
Them respectively liking sex does not mean they fuck. Honestly, it's none of our business what they do, but there are other ways to have sex than with the person you're living with. Arrangements can be made. Again, they very well could. Not really our business though
The "hints" that DnP may be dropping could be real. They could be exactly what a lot of people think they are. It could also be DnP fucking with you, they could also just... not be hints. They're just people. They aren't characters being written for your consumption. The thing about hints is that they aren't explicit and therefore could be misleading, especially when so many people want hints (confirmation bias)
The whole point is!!!!!! we don't know!!!!!! it's fine to think they're cute and ship them but to pretend to know them well enough is crossing a line. Write your fanfic, make your fanart, but please stop pushing the idea onto other people that you either Know they're fucking + in a romantic relationship or you're just an idiot. 'Cause the world is not that simple, there are not just two answers. You're hurting aspec people with some of the rhetoric you use, so let's try to unlearn some stuff
Final disclaimer: if DnP ever come out and clarify that they are in a romantic relationship, spill all the beans, etc then that's cool, whatever! But I won't claim to have "known" that information before they gave it to me, just like I never claimed to have "known" someone was gay before they came out. It's disrespectful
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thegodthief · 28 days
I am not in a good way. I can't swallow the pain and I can't show you a clean mask. Not today. Not right now.
I guess this just me facing the truth of my situation. I don't know if I'll feel better. I don't know if I'll stop feeling.
Right now, I'm still here and I'm tired of being quiet about it.
I hurt. And if seeing that makes me cringe or lame or unfunny or no longer worth your attention, block/unfollow me now and fuck off.
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undercoverpena · 11 months
I have to ask (only if you're willing to talk about it), how do you cope with hate...? I got the feeling from your last answer and tags that this was not the first time. Do you have any tips on how to self-regulate? How do you stay so kind-hearted & compassionate?
The reason why i'm asking is that I'm relatively new here and dread the day I receive hate mail.
Much love to you, I adore the way you write and lift others❣️
- Fellow cancerian who doesn't want to grow too hard a shell
hello fellow 🦀 thank you for the compliment on my writing and lifting others (honestly, I just feel too much and I have to thrust it on people haha)
and honestly I don’t mind answering, I don’t really have like a hard and fast answer so I apologise for the ramble under the cut:
it depends on what is said. which I know is wildly unhelpful, but it’s the truth. the one today was like…. silly? to me anyway. it wasn’t necessary, it was just—oh let’s kick someone. and like, I’m not just saying this, but I laughed and I honestly was like, jesus you feeling okay anon, like damn.
but, I’m nothing but honest (where I can be) and there have been some that have fucking hurt. like I’ve cried my eyes out—which is a lot for saying this is fun, and a hobby.
in my corner though, I have great people. one of my friends is like my rock, and she allows me to send her the more crazy ones. and we sorta have this process of talking about it first before I make a decision about deleting/responding. for me, it helps drafting my feelings or talking them out, just so I can get rid of that ‘initial’ reaction. because sometimes I just wanna shout and tear someone a new one, but that means letting them get a rise outta me? y’know.
so once I’ve done that, we normally fall on the deleting side, because it’s important to me to create a space that I feel safe in, that I’m proud of, and that others know they can come into and also feel okay. you having a bad day and seeing that I’ve been kicked down isn’t going to do anything except us both feel poopy. so unless I can be sassy, let it roll off my back, I try now not to respond.
to return back to chirpy, annoyingly nice Jo 😏 I spend time with people i love: fandom, irl and who I live with. I may go on a walk with my dog. I may put my headphones on and blast music (celine dion power ballads hit different), and lastly, I’ll churn it into something writing wise.
writing is what helps me regulate all of my emotions. I feel so much, always have done, always will. but writing helps.
unfortunately, there’s always a chance I’ll get hate. because like irl, we don’t gel with everyone. which is why I wish people would just unfollow, block and move on, but i can't control that nor can i guarantee the former will happen. so I just try to create a space I’m happy to be in, like this overtly pink blog with all you lovely lot who follow me as I throw you in fandom after fandom.
lastly, my friend said this earlier and I’m going to quote her (she’s going to love this) “you literally get what you see with you” and she’s right. it’s not me staying so kind and compassionate, that’s just who I am (which sounds big headed, like omg I’m amazing) but I just care. and on the days where being “me” feels hard, that’s when I stay off here. because it means I need some me time to get back to a good place.
I am not sure if this was helpful, 🦀 anon (this is what I’m calling you, hope that’s okay). but my dm is always open, and so is my inbox.
pls try not to let fear stop you from sharing with the world, don’t give the prospective haters any chance to steal your shine 🩷
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I've spent a few days thinking about what to do moving forward. It's not the breakup of a celebrity couple that's affected me the most, it's the feeling of losing my safe space in the Tumblr Swiftie fandom. Every time I've logged onto this app in the last few days I've flinched and quickly exited the dash to get away from yet another take mocking and ridiculing Joe. Or minimizing his very valid fears. "Unbothered 3.0". Rewriting history to make the last 6 years seem insignificant. Comparing him to CH as if petty jealousy is the issue here and not years of harassment. Celebrating the return of Taylor Swift, The Brand, no matter what that means for her future happiness. And circulating pressers that make it sound like Joe was a therapy dog who's no longer needed. All of which is making me feel physically ill. For both of them. And even when this stuff isn't coming from the people I follow (who for the most part have nuanced and fair takes), it's coming from their anons. And no matter what I do I can't get away from the outright cruelty and shocking lack of empathy for the person Taylor has credited with saving her life. Even though swifties know better than anyone what Joe has had to put up with for over half a decade. Given that treatment, I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that this is how he's being discarded. But fuck it hurts. So where does this leave me? This blog was never supposed to be an update account or an ask blog. I just wanted a space to fangirl over my favorite actor. But in the last few months this has become a space for Joe fans to be excited for his upcoming projects and clown over castings (remember a few weeks ago when we were giddily figuring out his next movie because of insta follows? yeah, take me back to that please). And I know some of you rely on this blog as a space to both appreciate Joe and vent your frustrations with his unfair treatment. I have 70+ asks in my inbox right now, the vast majority of which are well written, thoughtful takes on what's been happening. And I agree with pretty much all of it. Thank you for taking the time to send me your thoughts. But the truth is, I simply don't have the emotional capacity to reply to them right now. I can't do it. I can't talk and think and dwell on this. To quote a song that's too painful to listen to right now: "I'm just too soft for all of it." So I feel like I have two options if I ever want to be able to be active on Tumblr again: 1. Unfollow all swifties. Because just seeing pictures of Taylor (especially from the pap walk) makes me feel ill. And it's affecting my opinion of her even though I'm mad at her fans, and not her. And I don't want that to happen or the music to be tarnished. But I also don't want to break mutuals and hurt someone's feelings. And I want to know what's going on with Taylor. I'm a huge fan of her too, and I want to be excited for tour and the re-recordings. So that's why I'm going with option 2: Take a proper break. A real one, this time. Hopefully this all won't feel so hard with some time and distance. I don't know if it will solve anything, because swifties will get back to talking about Joe in the future (whenever she makes art about this) and then I'll probably have to flinch every time I open this app again. Because he will have been reduced to yet another ex swifties can make fun of. So maybe I have to go with both options in the end. If I do, I hope any mutuals out there know not to take it personally. I wish more than anything that I could return to the days of being a casual fan who wouldn't have thought twice about any of this. And maybe that's what I need to try to get back to. For my own sanity's sake. I'm sorry to any Joe fans out there who need a place to vent. I feel like I'm letting you down, but I just can't do this right now. Maybe I'll be able to in the future. Maybe I'll leave this blog and go back to my main instead where the subjects will be more varied. I don't know. I'll always be a Joe fan though, and no shitty presser or swiftie narrative is going to change that.
Please just be kind to each other, and to Taylor and Joe. Let's hope the best for both of them, and please please please don't tarnish all the good that this relationship gave them. And all the beautiful music it gave us.
All my love
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topguncortez · 1 year
The whole Glen Gigi Sydney thing is kinda hilarious with people jumping to conclusions and acting like they know everything. If it’s true that’s on him and Sydney. People in the comments on Glen posts on Instagram saying “you had a 10 and cheated with a 4.5” people do realise when men cheat they don’t go with better they go with easier? Right? I personally think it’s a whole pr stunt to get people to watch the new film, apparently Glen and Gigi broke up because she couldn’t do long distance relationships anymore - it’s sad if that’s true and it’s a PR stunt because he’s being branded a cheater (going on like no one in hollywoods ever cheated, Arnold Schwarzenegger had an affair and a child with the the housekeeper) I don’t think he did because he honestly doesn’t seem to be that type of person but I guess that’s just me not wanting to believe the rumours. But then it doesn’t help that Gigi is kind of hinting that the rumour is true.. But in the same breath it does not and will not ever have anything to do with me it’s not my life, I don’t know them, I’ve got my own shit to worry about.
People do need to calm down tho, telling bloggers who write FAN FICTION of an actors character that they are “supporting cheating” I mean come off it!! I don’t like reading cheating fics that’s just because im an emotional wreck and take things way to heart, but it doesn’t stop me from reading fiction about that character.
Nobody knows the truth and it’s Hollywood so that means no one will ever know the truth even if all three came out and said it was a PR stunt, nobody will believe them anyway.
Now, I hope you have an amazing day - I’m currently in hospital waiting to get a cast put on my leg after I fell down the stairs and broke it. I’m more upset that I dropped my pizza more than anything.
I agree with you that this is a whole PR nightmare/mess that could have easily been avoided. There are so many things that we don't know, and that we will never know, and we don't deserve to know. Celebrities lives are already blasted enough as it is everywhere, that the last thing they need is to have something as personal as a breakup running rampant.
As far as the cheating thing goes, I agree with you in the fact that I don't think Glen cheated. I think if he did, we'd be hearing more from Sydney's side of things (I'm thinking about Olivia and harry for this one. . .). I will also agree that I do not like the way that Gigi handled things. I understand being petty and being hurt, however, you need to have a solid reason for that. She really didn't help the situation one bit, and it's not only making herself look bad, but it is hurting Glen and Sydney, and I don't believe that Gigi would want something like that to happen.
The comments on Glen's photos are heartbreaking. It really hurts to even read through them and to even really think about. How are you not only going to say harsh things to someone you don't even know, but how are you going to drag another person into this?? We don't know all the facts so people are making nameless claims off of fucking cryptic posts and unfollows.
There's two sides to every story, it's just that simple. I'm not picking a side. I feel bad for every person involved because break-ups are never easy. And honestly, the ones that hurt the most are the ones that are caused by distance or not seeing each other enough. Because the love that you have for one another is still so fucking strong, but they are just not there enough to make it fair to spend all that time and energy. (Speaking from a personal experience, I was more gutted and heartbroken after a break-up with an ex who moved from Kauai to Maui than my ex-husband cheating on me). As for the fanfic stuff, if you can't separate your feelings. . . then you need to go take a walk. There is no need to send mean shit to people who are writing about a fictional character. And there is no need to send mean to shit to people who are writing RPF. it's fiction for a reason. let us live in our happy shiny bubble.
I really, really, truly hope that this isn't a PR stunt because there is no need for this. Like I said, it gives DWD PR stunt, and because of all that mess, it made me and so many others not want to watch the movie. Which is honestly a shame, cause there are so many other actors besides the leads that get affected from shit like this.
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sidewayspeace444 · 5 months
I'm not standing up for Chris or Alba, I'm just stating facts, since he married her you're being nasty and very aggressive, your blog used to be fun and now it's filled with hatred... it seems you are the one who's butt hurt because I told you the truth, happy new year and BTW English is not my first language so go on and attack me for that too, I guess you are not TIRED of being rude. ///
Anon, BYE!!!
Let me state some FACTS!!!
The only one bringing hatred here is YOU with your rude and snide comments. Ain’t no one butt hurt over either of them.
The only butthurt people are you and anyone else sending these pathetic asks.
If you don’t like something…..ignore it, block it.
Why the fuck are you here anon, hit unfollow, block, go away.
I’m fucking tired of the passive aggressive shit….”I’m not standing up for them” “he don’t want to fuck you” “Ever since they got married”
You know how majority people here feel about this shitshow.
Sounds like YOU’RE mad or else why would you give a fuck what’s being said about two idiots you don’t know?!
Hi Alba?! 🖕 pathetic bitch!
Like begone bitches!!!
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perdvivly · 4 months
I’ve been really disappointed with the state of a lot of the discourse on my dashboard recently.
One example among many:
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It feels like the world this person wants is, if not entirely antithetical to the world I want to live in, at least in sharp contrast to that world. And honestly, seeing that makes me feel awful. It’s deeply isolating.
Weaponising shame isn’t something I can think of a use-case for when making a serious effort at finding the truth. It’s not a tool in the toolbox of anyone engaged in the project of trying to understand a different point of view *or* of trying to critique a different point of view. It’s useful if your goal is to hurt someone, or if your goal is for people to harbour deep down beliefs that they never profess or move past.
Another example (from the same post (absolute cesspool of a post tbh) no less):
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I’ve never seen someone criticising someone else for being stupid and thought that the thing they’d said was particularly penetrating or insightful. I don’t think that being stupid is either a very meaningful thing to be or a thing someone should be particularly ashamed of.
This sort of label-assignment has a meaningfully different cadence depending on the label. “Op is cruel/ hurtful/ malicious” <- these are actual faults, and addressing them may be important. “Op is acting/ talking in bad faith” <- this is a relevant thing to say, and if you have proof to back it up a worthwhile thing to bring up. “Op is stupid” <- so what? Is that the part of their argument you disagree with? That they’re in the demographic of people it’s Okay(tm) to be cruel to?
The world I want to live in is a world where people can be wrong, realise and admit that they are wrong, and then change their opinion. We’re not going to get to that world through shame and punishment of any deviant belief.
I think it’s an unreasonable standard to expect that whenever there’s discourse something novel and productive will come from it. (I did once believe that something like that was possible). But I’m still not sold on the idea that it’s unreasonable to not be a total shitheel to the person you’re talking to. Dialog norms such as “criticise the thing you are criticising, not something tangential” are important.
In the immediate-term, I guess I’m just going to have to be more liberal with the unfollow button if I want to improve my experience of this site. But in the medium term I do want to find and explore communities with norms that foster the types of thing I value wrt communication.
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kiingsroar · 5 months
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          Before we get comfy, let's get down to business. Which as the kids say nowadays we are standing on. I ask that you please read my rules as there has been an update. I return, but I know this fandom and many people in this fandom I am not actually chill with and have such been quiet on it for a while. I refuse to do that any longer, as I realize it only makes me suffer.
         I personally, do not care what you think or what opinions you have. I have my truth, I know what I stand for and I plan to make my presence here very unapologetic. If its not for you, you can unfollow. I'm not here to cater to anyone but myself and make myself comfortable in my own space. I've come and gone from this place several times, and every time its because I lack the proper boundaries and put others comfort before my own and after some time away and deep self care and reflection I have realized that I have been unkind and unfair to myself by being the one who steps away when its been others who honestly don't deserve to chase me away from things I love. So, you can make your own decisions, unfollow me now if you need to. I promise it won't hurt my feelings, I am a big girl. I only want to be around people who actually want to be good people and genuinely want friends not just writing partners.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
I have been scouring tumblr for an active advice blog, thank goodness I found yours! I recently had some huge drama with my friends, one of them cheated on their partner and I was the only one who took a stand against it. Now I’m left feeling really alienated from all of them, which I didn’t think bothered me as much as I originally thought. My current partner (they/them) and I have been together for nearly 7 months now on top of an 8 year friendship. They were/are best friends with one of their exes, which I had accepted and been able to build the proper trust with them about up until everything blew up with my own friends. Last month we went to visit their friend/ex and I was incredibly anxiety ridden the entire time and had a hard time enjoying myself. Instead of them being comforting and loving like they had been they reacted angrily and refused to talk, show affection, and blamed it all on my behavior. When we returned home we finally got to talk and they profusely apologized and admitted their friend/ex didn’t seem to have their best interests at heart. The friend never once encouraged them to discuss things with me or try to see it from my point of view, she just fed into the anger and helped to push us apart even more. They admitted they felt they still had some trauma from that relationship and friendship, being scared of her and seeking her approval. After meeting this friend myself, I saw a hugely skewed power dynamic between them and thought she was incredibly mean and controlling. I voiced this to my partner and they agreed and began to distance themselves from her, but didn’t want to discuss it or make any big decisions yet. It’s been nearly 3 weeks since we talked about it and even though the friend knows something is up and has asked multiple times to talk about it, my partner still hasn’t had the discussion with her. The friend/ex has been apologizing to them for coming between us and even me when I unfollowed her, to me it’s felt very manipulative but my partner is still trying to avoid conflict. The friend/ex has been very active on social media, commenting on my partners posts. I’m starting to lose patience. I don’t want this person in my life and it genuinely hurts me to see her all the time on social media; but my partner has asked for time and when I push them on the matter they get upset because they say they aren’t ready and have asked me to stop pushing. I’m not sure what to do, especially because this is quickly becoming a dealbreaker for me in the relationship. I feel like neither of them took the time apart they needed after their incredibly toxic relationship and break up, my partner needs time to heal and their ex is still the same toxic person she was. My partner not taking action is starting to make me very distrustful and it’s hurting our relationship, but they think I’m being to cut and dry about the situation. My opinion is that if you find a friendship is toxic, you should remove yourself from it fully. It hurts me that they’re so keen on holding onto this toxic relationship and even though I don’t think there are feelings between them, it makes me question things I never had to question. Does it make me a bad person to wish they would just end it for our sake? That I feel like our relationship is more important? We have worked hard to build trust with each other but it’s quickly slipping between us both because of this.
Hi love! I'm sorry that you're dealing with this toxic situation. People who triangulate others – especially romantic partners – can be quite emotionally draining to deal with.
I believe that you're very perceptive and have a clear, objective read on the situation. I commend you for this! It's a painful process to look at a situation like this with self-awareness and the emotional strength to confront the truth when you're in an intimate relationship with the person you need to evaluate for your own sake.
Personally, I believe that it's a red flag for someone to say friends with their ex (the only exception I could see is if someone decided to come out and express a difference in sexual orientation during the course of the relationship – but, honestly, even this situation is murky). Honestly, it seems like they're keeping her on the back burner and will never confront her because they knows that she will cut ties with them for showing loyalty to another partner. It might not be a romantic connection, but, at least from experience, there's a level of possessiveness that's innate to any ongoing sexual relationship (even if it's an FWB situation where neither person catches romantic feelings).
No, of course not. Any partner who deserves you shouldn't make you feel like you have their full attention and no competition – especially from ex-lovers. Try to shift your thinking from "am I a bad person for..?" to "am I getting my needs met?" Allow your expectations to be known to your partner. Use "I" statements to communicate your standards (e.g. I need to feel like my partner is loyal to me to feel comfortable in a relationship. When you speak to her, I feel uncomfortable seeing your ex fighting for your attention without you shutting it down. From my perspective, it feels like a breach of trust.") Then, set a boundary and see their reaction. A boundary around his situation would be: "If you continue speaking with your ex without confronting her, I'll need to end this relationship to protect my peace and emotional energy."
If they get defensive, cut them loose. Immediately.
Hope this helps xx
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
Bambi asker here.
Kind of offended that you labeled our ask as a “red flag” and said our programming and DID are “not adding up”
For all we know you could be working with the handlers and programmers..because that seemed unnecessarily mean and out of character from the rest of your wonderful informative blog.
We’re diagnosed DID & we’re certainly going through programming on a daily basis. They’re involving Bambi S***p, we don’t know why. Maybe it’s a distraction while they do other things.
We support you & what you’re trying to do to help people, but that hurt.
Thank you for telling me how you feel and sharing your thoughts. It’s not personal as I don’t know who is asking the question.
If you think we could be working with your handlers and programmers I encourage you to unfollow and block this tumblr.
Not caring for an answer or how a post is tagged doesn’t make me mean. How you feel and view replies is up to you. How you respond to and manage the answers given is up to you.
The purpose of this tumblr is to provide truthful answers. If the answer upset you I encourage you to step back and explore the reasons it did. Not liking an answer doesn’t lead to a person being mean. Throughout life you will get answers you don’t like or agree with. Two things can be true at once. Not liking the answer and the person giving the answer isn’t being mean.
Again that is up to you to sort out.
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
I am begging you to stop reposting that 666k notes self-care post. It's just another post trying to gain notes by throwing out a number, and they seem more concerned with those notes than actually practicing self-care. If it's a friend/mutual, I feel like words from a friend would be more effective encouragement than tumblr notes.
half tempted to just put "no" and leave it at that but literally just... why?
because like.... what does it hurt? oh no, someone is after notes on tumblr, the worst possible place to get 666K notifications. the horror? am i meant to have a sudden and upsetting realization at the possibility that this person's motivations were not entirely pure?
i'm sorry if the post is annoying to you. you can ignore it, scroll past, or ffs just unfollow me.
here is the thing: the way i see it, the only possible outcome from reblogging it is positive. if this person is just after notes, i cannot fathom why, but like what does it hurt to give them some? now they have notes, and they can feel good about getting that engagement. i spent a whole 3 seconds fast-reblogging it and you spent 5 scrolling passed it.
and if it is genuine, then why...... why wouldn't i share it if it means convincing someone to do self-care? self-care is an extremely hard thing to be motivated to do, especially if you've got mental health issues, and yeah sometimes you need outside encouragement.
words from a friend isn't always more effective actually. hard truth, but it is true. sometimes your brain lies to you and tells you that your friends only feel pity for you, or they feel like they have to say nice things, or whatever, and having people who don't know you tell you that they also are here for you can be huge. it can help.
it's like the "if you're looking for a sign not to kill yourself tonight" post. like. no, i don't know the people on that post. none of that is encouragement coming from a friend. but seeing that post, seeing people who have been long-gone from tumblr and people still here and new people and old people all leaving messages of support on it for whoever happens to scroll by like. yeah. that post has saved my life. and no, it wasn't because a friend said something to me. it was because of the words or simply the effort of sharing it from a stranger.
i do not truly understand what possessed you to send this ask. honestly. reblogging that post doesn't hurt anyone. i'm going to do it again, just out of spite. maybe twice, who knows.
have a wonderful night, anon. i hope that you feel better tomorrow.
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howdoyousleep3 · 10 months
(1/?) hi K - idk why tumblr made me unfollow you, but we move i guess LOL. i just wanted to tell you that i really love your writing! you do such a wonderful job with writing relationships — they're loving and gentle, but also intense, all-consuming. i adore how wrapped up in each other your characters are 🥰 i like how you show not just the nsfw stuff, but the domesticity too. you're sooo good at hurt/comfort!!! you've managed to make the same two characters feel very different due to how you write them — all your pairings feel very distinct and unique. i think you're really creative with your ideas and
(2/?) tbh i aspire to be so good at coming up with different concepts and stories! i thought i'd end this by telling you that my fave character of yours is your bucky, he's sooo sweet i just LOVE him 😭 i feel like your love and care for him as a character really shines through in how you write him. i am forever thinking about how precious he is <3 i am also SUPER excited for the next chapter of YTLYTN and i can't wait to see how their relationship will develop. i want bucky to call him daddy already!! 😭 and steve needs a little bit of gentleness and love in his life. he's got all the money he needs but no one to spoil it with 🥺 (3/3) and when steve told bucky to give him a kiss after his long day at work 🥴 omg. i just died. cannot WAIT for bucky to be his kept boy — I MEAN, for them to fall in love 🥰 anyway, this is the end of a really long rant to say i really appreciate your work :) i find your hurt/comfort fics so comforting and you just are such a great writer. anything you publish i'll be interested in reading because super secret truth, i read a lot of m/m kindle books but none of them are as good as your writing. hope you're doing well! keep doing what you're doing! 🥰❤️🎉
🥺😭 x1,000,000 this is such a sweet ask, Lavender! These are all things that are so important to me and that I'm always thinking of as I write, so it's lovely to hear these are things you are enjoying as a reader. 🥺
I lub Baby Bucky so much too. He'll always be my sweet baby. 🥺
Ugh, I'm so ready for Bucky to call Steve Daddy! I don't think I've written much without a Daddy dynamic and I want want want it. It'll be worth the wait but 😤 I am impatient! I'm a sucker for "gimme a kiss", ughhhhh.
Thank you so much for stopping by and giving me some sweet sweet lovin' in the for of such kindly worded compliments. 😭 I'll be pocketing this one away for when I doubt myself on my journey to self-publishing. 💖💖💖
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persephoneflouwers · 10 months
Angie I'm genuinely so sad... this is going to sound dramatic and maybe it is but it just feels like they took everything away from us... sweet creature, the complimentary tattoos, the blue bandana... all gone, all reduced to insignificant things, to stunts, to pr, to false narratives. And I know that sounds selfish and childish, because at the end of the day, it is his choice as to what story he wants to tell, and we all know the truth either way, but god, this fucking hurts. It feels like a slap in the face. I just can't believe we went from these two boys who did everything to show us who they really are and thier love for each other, to now doing everything to erase that history. "Thought we were going strong, thought we were holding on, aren't we?" no... it's over :( Is it wrong that I feel gaslit and used? What the fuck happened? I mean, this just tells me more and more that he really doesn't give a fuck about larries. I just hope the next time he starts crying about being sexualized by his fans, needs defending from queerbaiting accusations, has a new website he needs us to uncover, or tries to sell bluegreen merch I won't be giving him shit. Did he forget? Did he forget that the people who have been here supporting him for him are larries? The ones who find the clues, who try to understand his music and him on a deeper level, who fight against the false narratives, who were the first people to create safe spaces for him? Like I get that we aren't a big part of his fanbase anymore but god, I guess it was all in my head :/
I missed this, I’m sorry I’m only seeing your message now.
I want to send you a bug strong hug.
I know some people here might say it’s silly to care about these things but your emotions matter. I hope you’re taking care of yourself first and foremost. Curate your dash (yes, block unfollow mute), avoid twitter (this is valid always), find new interests and let them go. They don’t matter, I promise you. Nothing about this is worthy losing your sparkle, angel.
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icedlattelover222 · 11 months
TW: ed talk/venting, criticism on pr0ana, information on the negative side of ed pages on tumblr:
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In order for you to understand my post I’d advise you to read the picture above.
Again, I’m putting a tw above so if these topics make you uncomfortable I’d advise to please keep on scrolling bc I never want to trigger anyone on here.
Thing is, I’m sure there’s young people that follows my blog and therefore I believe it’s really important for me to post this so you will know that you’re not alone and there is a possibility to recover and heal from eating disorders/mental health issues etc.
The picture is taken from a video on YouTube about a lovely and admirable girl on social media. She’s an incredible artist and she’s immensely talented. She’s also really open on her platforms when it comes to mental health and her own struggles. Especially when it comes to eating disorders.
In the video as you can see she talks about tumblr and going on pr0ana accounts which in return would cause harm to her and trigger her ed. I never want you guys to do the same and read the pages on here that encourages you to eat less and work out more. Or believe pages that tell you you’re disgusting and don’t deserve to be looked at in a positive light when it comes to what you look like. Nobody deserves to feel that way, everyone on here dealing with mental health issues and especially ed’s deserves everything and more.
It’s going to sound incredibly cheesy but truth be told all of you guys reading this deserve to be happy. You deserve to be content with your body and what you look like, because literally everyone is so freaking beautiful. Trust me, you’re okay just the way you are regardless of the number on the scale or the size of your clothes.
The reason I’m posting this is to warn you guys ab the pr0ana accounts on here. And no I’m not going to ask you guys to report them on here or bash them with hate, nobody deserves that. I’m well aware that the pages/blogs on here are their safe space and often the only place where they can vent and talk to people online that gets it and is going through similar issues.
All I’m asking is to be gentle with yourself. It takes time to heal and it takes a ton of courage to agree with yourself that you want to recover. And it’s not easy to stop yourself from relapsing, I’m going through it as well and as much as I want to ask you all to love yourself and treat yourself with kindness. I know it’s not an easy step and it’s not right for me to pressure you guys to recover or stop completely from looking at blogs that urges you to develop a worse relationship with food.
All I want to to let you guys know you’re not alone in this. I am 100% here for you if you need someone to talk to loves. Post whatever you want on tumblr and vent as much as you want and need to, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone in the process of doing so. Again, if anyone posts harmful stuff on tumblr, reach out to them and ask them if they’re okay. Or message that person and let them know their content, blogs are really triggering and can cause people a lot of harm. Reporting is often the worst thing to do cause it may hurt that person immensely when their safe space is taken away from them. You can also just simply unfollow them or block them if you don’t want to keep on seeing their posts.
Love you all so much, please take care of yourselves and PLEASE don’t forget to use your skincare routine and drink water people <333
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corruptedsilence · 2 years
Anonymous asked: I am sorry, I followed to rp with you but you seem to not want to follow me and so I have chosen to terminate my follow of you so that we can both go about our separate ways and live our lives to the fullest. May you live in peace and harmony I hope you have cheap gas and have a good job and have a loving family one day or a life alone if that is what you would prefer. I also hope you have health insurance and a nice car and a reason to feel good about living in a world that sometimes only ever seems like it wants to take away from us all. I hope I have not hurt your feelings by unfollowing you, I do not want to hurt your feelings but it is just really awkward for me personally to be following someone who does not follow me for various reasons. I thought long and hard about this decision and I feel it would be best. Again, I mean no disrespect and I hope you are not angry with me. Goodbye.
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Dude............... I don’t even know who you are. Do you know how many followers I have? I have like 172. Some are other RP blogs, some are personal blogs. I do not follow every single person who follows me. I keep my dash clean and clear and as safe as possible for me.
If your blog is a personal blog, I will not RP with you, I don’t RP with personal blogs, so if you don’t make a distinction of your blog then yeah, I’m not going to follow you. I have every right to say no, to following someone. You are not entitled for me to follow you, I owe you literally nothing as a stranger on the internet.
I find it really funny that you phrase this like “we’ll go out separate ways” as if we were ever going the same way? My dude, I don’t know you, I’m not hurt by this and frankly if you had left I probably would never have noticed much of a difference. I’m sorry that it’s the truth, if you never reached out, never spoke to me, or send an ask, I will not know much of a difference if you unfollow me especially if I was never following you.
For 2) I am not mutually exclusive. I understand people who are, and I respect that, but I will RP with non-mutuals. IT might be a lil hard since I dont see you all the time and notifications are weird but I’ll happily RP with people im not mutuals with because my dash I want to keep safe, but sometimes people have a right to post things I don’t want to see, and that doesn’t make them bad, I just dont want it on my dash but that, to me, doesnt mean I want to cut all ties.
I understand it’s awkward for you but you legit are just making everything worse by sending me this ask. You could have just left without a peep and it would be fine, but making this ask, is guilt tripping. You are trying, whether you mean to or not, by your words to make me feel bad because I have boundaries and didn’t want to follow you. You’re phrasing things in such a way that you want me to feel bad and be upset and sad because I have and enforce boundaries. Well I’m not, and TBH I’m laughing at this more than anything to think someone is entitled to my time and will try to make me feel bad when you made little to no effort to even speak to me let alone make yourself known to me.
With all due respect, this is extremely disrespectful. You putting this big goodbye letter *on anon mind you* so I dont even know who you are, cuz I could have kept it private otherwise but ya know, that’s gone, but you put this here like it’s supposed to mean something when; I don’t know you.
Sorry dude, I’m not going to feel bad if that was your goal or whatever this was trying to accomplish because this, if anything, just makes me want to never interact with you ever, period.
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