#undead heartbreaker
shopwitchvamp · 1 month
Rare joggers alert!!
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I'll be listing this one singular pair of Undead Heartbreaker Joggers (Size SM-MD) as a sample sale item alongside tomorrow's restock (5/9 at 5pm CT)!!
This was a design that I made back in 2022 that received zero preorders at the time so it ended up scrapped besides the one sample I'd already ordered. I hope it'll finally find a good home after all this time 😊
(PS if it turns out people are ready for this design now in 2024 & you'd want me to give it another shot, pls let me know! I can add it to May Preorders that'll start next week if there's any interest)
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Okay but hear me out: An Undead Nightmare DLC in which you play as Dutch, set between the events of RDR and RDR2, having to fight off the deceased members of the gang.
His former family, the one he betrayed, pursues him relentlessly in revenge for dooming the gang. Is any of it real? Or the guilt and paranoia ate him away and he finally lost his mind? That's up to your interpretation.
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12am-motivation · 1 year
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scribesynnox · 1 year
“What is this warm feeling that Juiz gives me?”
Like, we’re ALL thinking it’s love. And it is! It’s definitely love! But.. is that an accurate word to describe it? Surely there has to be a better word, something more than just “love”.
Because how do you describe a love that keeps a man sane for 455.4 billion years? That keeps a man witnessing the death and creation of a planet over and over again just because he won’t leave his partner alone?
How do you describe a love that can fuel a weapon capable of killing god? That gives a woman enough anger and vengeance to halt the sun itself?
How do you describe a love that never wavers or falters and remains steadfast over billions of years?
Where do you even begin?
“Love” is a powerful word but holy shit, I’m not sure it’s enough to describe what they have.
“What is this warm feeling Juiz gives me?” Good fucking question, man. It’s definitely love. But maybe it’s more too. God damn.
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minnesotamedic186 · 5 months
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How does one confuse these two with each other-?/lh
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bean-cookies · 1 year
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Y'all seemed to like my other Godfrey drawing - so here is another one, this one is from September 2022. Inspired by a touching bit of a roleplay on the part of our wonderful DM 🥲
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Anyone else think that Ashley/Fearne might’ve fudged that coin flip to save Orym? I mean, she keeps the coin out of sight of everyone at the table, and it makes absolute sense that she would choose Orym over Laudna given that they have a longer and deeper connection…
Or maybe I’m just wearing my tinfoil hat today, I dunno 🤷‍♀️
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aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads
The Undead Truth of Us
YA contemporary magical realism
a girl grieving her mother after she seemingly turned into a zombie - that only she could see
she meets a boy who lives into her building who seems to be half zombie, befriends him to see if she can figure out why she’s seeing zombies, and starts to fall for him
poetic writing, explores grief
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talltoontales · 4 months
~ REST ~
"I've got you, you're okay." || Prompt by @celestialwrites (Tumblr)
[WARNING: Bad Words]
Ian lies on his back, resting alone in a black void.
God, my head...
Ian tries to move. His arms rise about an inch before dropping back down, and his legs can only manage a slight twitch.
So heavy. Why am I so heavy?
Ian opens his eyes, finding himself in slightly less dark ruins. Using what little strength he has, Ian turns his head to look around, finding that he is completely surrounded by debris.
"Great," says Ian before coughing hard as dust flies down his throat. Slowly, Ian sits himself up until a sharp pain shoots down his lower spine. "Ah! Damn it!" Ian lies back down as the pain fades. "Ok, ok, walking it off might not be an option this time." Ian drags his body to a nearby wall while still on his back to not hurt himself further.
The muffled explosions shake the ruins, the area filling with a giant dust cloud. Ian covers his mouth with his shirt as he starts coughing again. Once the shaking stops and the dust settles, Ian unmasks himself. Ian feels something damp on his hands as he lets go of his shirt, but he is unable to see it due to the darkness. Ian groans, as he already has an idea of what it might be.
Another explosion, this one farther from Ian, but still enough to shake the ruins. This time, wooden supports fall around Ian, one almost crushing him, but he rolls out of the way just in time. "Hey!" Ian yells. "Do you mi- *cough* *cough* -mind, I'm tryin' to rest here!"
"Ian?" asks a muffled female voice from behind the wall.
"Jewl?" asks Ian.
"Great gods, I'm coming, Ian!" says Jewl. "Just keep talking! Are you ok?"
"Eh, back hurts a bit," answers Ian, "and I think I *long cough* spilled something on my shirt. Safe to say I've been better."
"Can you walk?" asks Jewl.
"Like a sea turtle," says Ian. Jewl doesn't answer immediately.
"On a scale of one to ten, "Jewl continues, "how bad does your back hurt?"
"Hold on, let me check," says Ian. Before Jewl can object, Ian sits up again and once again, a sharp pain rips down his spine. However, he also feels pressure building up under his chest. Ian screams as he starts to drop back to the ground. Until he feels a hand on the back of his head.
Dust whips around Ian as the hand gently lowers him onto something soft. Ian looks up to see his favorite pair of glowing teal eyes staring back at him. "You know, for someone made of dust and bandages, you have really...really soft thighs." Jewl snickers.
"Glad to see your priorities are still in check," says Jewl.
"Speaking of seeing," says Ian, "* cough* how bad is it?" Ian watches Jewl's glowing eyes look over his body before closing as she sighs. "Give it to me straight, Doc, I'm never tap dancing again, am I?" All Jewl can do is look at Ian, her hands holding him tight.
Ian fights his body so that he can hold Jewl's hand that rests on his chest. "Did your...family make it out...ok?"
"Yeah," says Jewl, "no dirty old bandage left behind, like you said. Although, my father's still pretty pissed that you made him leave the treasure."
"Don't worry," says Ian, "I'll *cough* *cough* *cough* make sure it's...all still there, save a few gold coins." Jewl's hand squeezes Ian's. "Sorry, I didn't...I didn't mean..." Ian erupts into a coughing fit. Jewl starts brushing his hair.
"I've got you. You're okay," says Jewl, "I'm sure he'd be very thankful." The two sit in silence as Jewl continues to brush Ian's hair.
"I'm sorry, Jewl," says Ian. "I'm...I'm so sorry."
"It's ok, Ian," says Jewl. The two repeat those phrases several times as Ian's hand slides out from on top of Jewl's, and falls to the floor, limp.
Thanks for reading "REST," I hope you enjoyed the story! If you have any comments, critiques, or criticisms, please don't be afraid to let me hear 'em (as long as they're constructive (or funny)). Stay safe, keep warm, and be kind to yourself and others. ToonMan, AWAY!
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shopwitchvamp · 1 month
Listing's up for these as well! Only one pair will be available, in Size SM-MD.
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Dropping tomorrow, 5/9 at 5pm CT.
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
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@bravevolunteer asked: ❝ see, this is why i have trust issues. (💀) ❞ ( expressing doubt )
"Yes, because I'm. . . certain you believed me when I said. . . I wouldn't move." Instead, he had waited, and then made his way through the darkness in the direction of the office. A chance to catch Michael off guard—one that didn't surprise him when it had failed. After all, they were staring at each other through the glass.
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A low, mechanic growl escaped him, although he didn't move down the hall just yet. He tilted his head, one intact ear twitching as some wire was caught and pulled by the movement. "'Trust issues.' Just a ridiculous term for knowing better. . . than to let your guard down." Finally his head snapped to the side, a hiss passing the mouth of the mask. "Now, let me in. Haven't you missed. . . your father?"
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diejager · 6 months
Hi! In your Only Human AU what would happen if TF 141 + König and Horangi go into a something like a “rut”? Or is that possible in this universe? If it is would they ask Y/N for help? If possible can it be in the form of a Drabble🥺?
Rut Cw: rut/heat cycles, mention of sex, possessive behaviour, obsessiveness, mention of knotting, implied smut, tell me if I missed any.
Ruts were odd phenomenons, it reduced hybrids and monsters to desperate and horny men, clinging onto the person they considered their mate for relief and pleasure. Some hybrids had ruts, like canid and felid shifters or shifters in general, a monthly cycle that incapacitated them. Others were luckier, having a few ruts per year, sometimes once every few month or once a year; these could range from a dragon to a harpie or from a percht to a gorgon. There, however, were some exceptions, spectral beings and the undead were without ruts, their body long dead and able to function without it, yet they could impregnate and be impregnated as any other hybrid and monster could. They suffered from bouts of occasional arousal, little flares of pleasure when faced with a situation that turned them on or by strong emotions towards someone or something.
You were unfortunately enough to be thrown into a group of rutting hybrids - with the sole exception of Ghost - unprepared and without a forewarning on how to deal with them. You had to deal with a clingy werewolf, howling at the moon and whining in utter heartbreak because you told him off for humping your leg in the rec room, huffing and gasping down your neck. A hissing and possessive tiger, stalking you down the halls and jumping you whenever you were alone to ravage you against the wall, mouthing and nipping at your neck, making sure his scent would stick over the wolf and nagual musk. And a protective nagual, looming over you like a shadow, arm slung around your shoulder and ready to start a fight with the other shifters if they tried masking his scent.
Luckily, their ruts never overlapped, it might’ve been a fortunate coincidence, but one that you wouldn’t take for granted. You had a schedule drawn up in the first year after they accepted you into their pack, Soap’s was always after the full moon, the silver disk being the catalyst to his urge; Horangi had his in the later days of each month, oftentimes beginning on the last day of the werewolf’s rut; and Alejandro took the first week of the month, starting slowly on the third or fourth day and ramping up on the following day.
Unfortunately, you hadn’t put in consideration for the others. Price, Gaz and König also had their moments in the yearly cycle, falling victim to the throes of instinctual need. You thanked your lucky star that Gaz rutted once or twice a year - thrice on rare accounts - with little to no change in his character. He might’ve been more hands, wanting to keep a hand around your waist, to give you soft and loving kisses on your lips as much as he did on your cheek, nose and forehead.
Price and König were a handful, one hoarded you to his office and had you follow him wherever he went, and the other was deathly possessive and deep into his instincts. König was on the extreme side of his type, breaking out nearly six to seven times a year, stuck mid shift with broader shoulders, red eyes and a monstrous appearance, and he had half the mind to stay considerate to other. A danger stumbling on two feet. Price was the medium, a perfect balance with three or four ruts yearly and a the self control to let you go if the situation demanded it. Despite his self-control, he was still a dragon, controlling and possessive, ordering you to come straight back to him whether or not you were knotted to Soap or Rudy was balls deep inside of you.
Despite Rudolfo being considered a monster, he was simply a human with the ability to control cadejos, as vulnerable and as resilient as one. And being human meant that he got aroused, coaxing you into his room for the night and taking care of the heat brewing between your legs. Much like Rudy, Ghost retained his bodily function - human wise - and came back as a monster, but he was a stranger to ruts, scoffing at the neediness and vulnerability of one. That, however, never stopped him from indulging in his sexual kinks and dark fetishes, having you as the subject of his exploration if no one else hit their cycles.
They were a handful, from Soap’s mutt-like character to Rudy’s calm demeanour, they had you exhausted, wringing you dry and panting, always ending up face down or backed against the wall. You were grateful - truly - that the others would willingly jump in and take over for you, helping whoever it was spend his rut. Now, you’d have to redraw your calendar, tired and clinging to your bed to stand up.
Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @yeetusspagheetus @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @havoc973 @angelcakes-22 @cassiecasluciluce @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @ki-cant-spel @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @mul-pi @danielle143 @virginalsacrifice @beau-min @makayla-666 @urfavsunkissedleo
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gremlingottoosilly · 5 months
Am I missing something with monster!ghost? Why can't he impregnate us? I feel bad I want to carry his kids just like I carry everyone else’s. How would he react if I'm like scraping out the rest of 141s sperm out of me to make more room for his just cause I want to see if I can give birth to his babies? I feel like a lackluster breeder...
Ghost is more like an undead shadow than an actual alive monster, unfortunately, so he can't breed us no matter how hard he tries. This is a source of heartbreak for him - as much as he wants to pretend he doesn't care about you being his pet and as much as he hates being all lovey-dovey and adorable with you, it's still stings that he could never mate you properly. He can have sex, yes - but the dead instincts of needing to breed you just keep telling him that this isn't enough, that he wants and needs more. Poor guy, honestly( He almost refuses to fuck you at all in these first few nights - even though it's his time to finally mate you, he would switch his position for Soap or Price, until he wouldn't be able to contain himself anymore. Captain would have to drag him to your leaking pussy by his collar. saying that since they're a pack, they have to mate their little pet properly - all of them. You soon find out that Ghost is somewhat softer than any of his teammates. It's weird, since he is just so big and hulking all the time, but he is much, much kinder to you than you'd think. Especially in the Summer times, when it's so hot you would willingly go to him and be by his side all the time, even when other people from the pack want to fuck you. it's just too warm for that(
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deconstructthesoup · 6 months
I think the reason that Dimension 20 really scratches all those itches in my brain is that it really shows what you can do with D&D---and TTRPGs as a whole.
Fantasy High, by itself, is an incredibly compelling concept. What would D&D look like in a semi-modern setting? What would a high school that's all about teaching teens how to be adventurers look like? And the way it's done is beyond inventive, especially if you look at all the encounters in the first season---we've got a literal food fight, a high-speed road chase with tiefling greasers, a nightclub brawl with zombies, vampires, and werewolves, a skating match with a bunch of dwarven middle schoolers and a concrete golem, a high-stakes game of football (ish) with undead jocks that give off major teen slasher vibes, a fight done in an arcade where characters can get trapped in the consoles, and the final battle is done at prom. PROM! How cool is that?
And then we get to the Unsleeping City, which takes the urban fantasy elements that Fantasy High already had and elevates it. The way the D&D lore and magic is interpreted in a modern New York setting is excellent, as is the whole take on the "American Dream," magic literally coming from dreams, ideas, and the imagination. I know that I need to actually finish the UC saga, but from what I've seen and experienced, it is truly fantastic.
And the same energy carries through to the other seasons---my personal favorite outside of Fantasy High being A Court of Fey and Flowers, just because I'm a sucker for any Fey Realm content and I've been raised on Jane Austen---where the genre mashups shine through in the best way possible. I'll admit, I haven't seen A Crown of Candy, purely because I know how heartbreaking and devastating it is and I don't think I can physically handle it, but the concept of Candyland Game of Thrones is so beautifully bizarre that I totally get why people love it so much. Escape from the Bloodkeep hitting that workplace comedy vibe that we love to see in villains. Misfits & Magic being a love letter to the "magical boarding school" genre while also calling out all the weird contradictions inherent in it. A Starstruck Odyssey literally being an homage to Brennan's mom and exactly the kind of madcap and unhinged energy I need from my sci-fi. Neverafter perfectly encapsulating the true horror of fairy tales. Mentopolis hitting my noir-loving heart and personifying hyperfixation in the best way possible.
I'm not even kidding when I say that, if it weren't for Dimension 20... I probably wouldn't have even started my own campaign. I'd had snippets and ideas ever since officially getting into D&D and joining a game with some old friends (and getting back in touch with them in the process), but after I saw the Mentopolis trailer, I realized just how much variety TTRGPs had to offer. I could do a time-blending, history-meets-future campaign. I could go out-of-the-box. I could have endless amounts of options available to my friends and still tell the story that I wanted to tell. And when I sat down and watched Fantasy High---and when I got that Dropout subscription so I could consume whatever I wanted---it felt like the show was actually giving me advice. It's fantastic.
Also it helps that the episodes are usually only roughly a couple hours instead of being, like, an entire afternoon long. And that each season is 20 episodes, tops. No offense to Critical Role, but the sheer amount of content literally makes it impossible for me to get into it.
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saigethearies · 9 months
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enter, if you dare, to
hi, guys! so this is my first attempt at an event :)
i absolutely love halloween and have always enjoyed kinktober pieces so i wanted to take a stab at it (ha get it)
just a heads up, all of these pieces will contain smut and some of them will have dark content as well. since i’m still in the process of writing the fics, appropriate warnings will be placed at the top of all the finished works once they’re posted
for the reasons stated above, and this should already go without saying, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT with any of the works that will be linked to this post
pieces will be posted at approximately 9 pm est on each date specified below and each contain an afab!reader
now, without further ado
october 1st: vampire!kei tsukishima
after revealing his long-kept secret, kei finally allows himself an indulgence he’s craved for ages.
october 4th: alien!osamu miya
while on an expedition into space, your budding romance with osamu came as a pleasant surprise- the murderer hiding amongst your crew, not so much.
october 7th: boyfriend!megumi fushiguro
when one of the actors at a haunted house attraction gets a little too handsy, megumi doesn’t hesitate to come to your aid.
october 10th: serial killer!keiji akaashi
a heartbreaking betrayal leads you to seek comfort from the very person that plunged you into this nightmare.
october 13th: cultist!eren jaeger
unbeknownst to you, zeke has chosen you to be his cult’s next virgin sacrifice. a pining eren knows exactly what he needs to do to save you.
october 16th: demon hunter!tobio kageyama
your unlikely partnership with tobio was just that- a partnership. that is, until the vacant room at the motel had only one bed.
october 19th: stalker!kento nanami
you think the handsome man you always see at the bakery has zero interest in you, but you couldn’t be further from the truth.
october 22nd: camp counselor!tetsuro kuroo
seeing how good tetsuro is with kids has you wanting him to put one in you.
october 25th: veteran!jean kirstein
jean’s wish for a normal life after returning from overseas gets derailed from the onslaught of an undead virus. he ends up finding solace in the form of you.
october 28th: werewolf!hajime iwaizumi
when hajime starts to experience odd changes in himself, his worst fear threatens to become reality. hopefully you can outrun him.
october 31st: ghostface!kiba inuzuka
your anxiety amidst a string of hometown murders takes a turn for even worse when the face behind the mask ends up being the one you trusted the most.
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circle-with-me · 2 months
heal me when i’m broken
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pairing: ricky olson x fem!reader
content warning/tags: 18+ MDNI!! mentions of nightmares, panic attacks, comfort, fluff, shower sex, fingering (female receiving), unprotected p in v sex.
word count: 1.6k
tag list: @deathblacksmoke @concretenoah @tearfallpixie @meekahy @cookiesupplier @lacktoesandtoddlerants @sitkowski @collective-heartbreak @catharsis-in-darkness @undead-ahead-wh0re @to-be-written @collapsedglasshouses
authors note: i wrote this from an anonymous request i received where reader wakes up from an intense nightmare and ricky comforts her. fluff and smut were requested. i hope i made your request exactly what you wanted, love. please enjoy 🩷
also big thanks to my bestie/beta reader @deathblacksmoke 🫶🏻
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Screams echo around the room as you wake up in a panic. Your body thrashes underneath the sheets, attempting to escape from the horror that had been chasing you in your sleep. A muffled voice repeats your name, but you can’t focus on it. You open your eyes but you’re too blinded by fear, your chest aching from gasping for air.
The voice gets louder and a figure appears in your still cloudy vision. You feel hands grab your wrists and you fight back to break free. The figure pushes your wrists to your stomach with one hand and the other comes to your face. The thumb rubbing at your temple feels familiar. The soft lips that delicately press to your forehead despite your violent movements are not from a stranger or a monster from your nightmares. It’s him.
As his voice breaks through the ringing in your ears, your body stills. Your vision clears and his stormy eyes stare back at you dejectedly. His eyebrows knit together with concern as he pets your sweat soaked hair out of your face. He lets go of your hands, both of them instantly wrapping around him.
“I’m so sorry, Ricky.” You sob into his neck.
He places featherlight kisses to your collarbone, running a finger up and down your arm. You feel your breathing slow down; your heart no longer pounding in your chest.
“Was it the same one as last time?” Ricky whispers.
You nod, whining. He squeezes your arm comfortingly, moving his mouth to your bicep. Ricky watches you as he thoughtfully kisses the tips of each of your fingers until they stop shaking.
“Is that better?” He asks, placing his face in your hand and smiling.
You’re uncertain of how he does it. How naturally he takes the darkness inside of you and chases it away with the lightest touch. You avoided spending nights with him for so long at first — terrified he would witness your nightmares and leave. The memories that haunted you weren’t his burden to bear after all. He finally persuaded you to stay with him, all but getting on his knees to convince you.
You had one of the worst nightmares you’ve ever had that night. He didn’t bat an eye, just held you until the screaming stopped. Every tear was wiped away as they fell. Consistent reassurance was whispered in your ear that you were safe – he was there, and he wasn’t going anywhere. Finally, you fell back asleep some time later, sleeping in until late morning. You found out later that he had stayed up the rest of the night to keep an eye on you, soothing you back to sleep anytime you stirred unpleasantly.
Being loved by Ricky Olson is the easiest thing you’ve ever done.
You gently move him so that you can swing your legs over the edge of the bed. All of your muscles ache and your bones crack as you stretch. You sigh loudly, feeling Ricky’s hand come to the small of your back. He sits beside you, pulling you into him.
“Why don’t I turn the shower on for you?” He asks, propping his chin on your shoulder. “I’ll throw in one of those lavender shower steamers. Maybe that and the hot water will help you relax.”
You lay your head against him, humming in contemplation.
“Will you join me?”
“I will never say no to that question.” Ricky punctuates his statement with a peck to your shoulder, pushing himself off the bed towards the bathroom. He stops at the doorway and looks back at you. Without a word, he holds his hand out for you, gesturing for you to come to him.
You do so without protest, following him into the cold bathroom and sitting on the counter as he turns the shower on. He ensures the water is at the perfect temperature before he sets the lavender scented disk on the floor.
Ricky helps you out of your sweat soaked tank top. You hop off the counter and wiggle out of your shorts and underwear. The water burning against your skin is pleasant. You let it run down your back, the smell of lavender permeating your senses. Ricky steps in not long after, wrapping you in his arms and burying his face in your hair.
The warmth from his body heat and the water eases the pain in your body. You slump into Ricky’s arms and he chuckles as he peels you off of him to wash your hair. He lets you wash your body, now having enough strength to do so. You watch his eyes wander, following the soap suds as they fall down the slope of your breasts and descend to your stomach.
It’s obvious that he’s trying his best to keep his hands to himself. You can see the inner workings of his mind as his tongue darts out to swipe at his bottom lip. He’s unsure if this is an appropriate time given this morning’s events.
You place your hand on his chest and he glances up at you. There’s little communication necessary, just a squeeze of your waist and a slight nod from you has him lurching forward. Your lips are consumed by his, nearly knocking the air out of you when you collide together.
He backs you against the shower wall, lips attached to your neck. The hot water beats down on your bodies as you tangle together. You wrap your arms around his neck, pushing your chest upwards. Ricky takes the hint, smirking, and dips his head down, wrapping his lips around your breast. Carding your fingers through his hair, you give a playful tug. He groans, gripping the flesh of your ass. His mouth is back on yours instantly, desperate to taste you more.
Ricky’s hand drifts up the side of your thigh, then between them, his fingers running through your slit. Gasping into his mouth, you grab onto his shoulders; the sensation causing you to lift onto your toes. He swirls your swollen bud with the pads of his fingers, slotting his knee between your legs.
“Open up a little more for me, baby.” He breathes, nudging your leg gently.
You do as you’re told, giving Ricky the room he needs to slip a finger inside of you. His pace is brutally slow, languidly drawing a single digit in and out of you. The pleasure is too much, yet not enough, and has you begging him to go faster – for more, anything he’s willing to give. All he does is softly shush you, his lips firmly against yours, hips thrusting against you in an attempt to sate his own need for the time being.
Ricky curls his finger inside of you and your vision goes white. As you clench around him, he speeds up his rhythm. You cry out his name, your entire body bucking in his arms as your orgasm rushes through you. He moans in your ear telling you how good you’re doing, moving and bending with your body as you do.
“Fuck..” Ricky pants, his hard cock twitching against your leg. “Turn around, baby. I can’t wait any longer.”
Turning around, you press your body against the tile of the shower wall. Ricky grabs you by the hips, pulling you back to meet his own. He bends over you, pressing open-mouthed kisses down your spine as he lines his cock up with your entrance.
His moans are deafening as he rocks into you. He starts out slow with shallow half-thrusts. You would complain about him teasing you, but from the quiver in his breath, he’s just as affected by it as you.
You call out his name, desperate for him. He runs his hand up your stomach and to your chest, pulling you back against his own. Ricky pumps his cock deep inside of you but his pace is still devastatingly slow.
He swallows every whimper that falls from you, one hand resting on your throat while the other returns to your clit. He increases his pace inside of you only a little, but it’s enough for the coil in your belly to start tightening.
“God, I can feel you, baby.” Ricky grunts in your ear. “Let go for me.”
His words make you clench around him. His resolve crumbles a little as he fixes his arm across your chest, driving his hips into you harder. He bites down on your neck as he spills into you, your orgasm following quickly behind his.
Ricky rinses you off with the now cold water and helps you out. He wraps a towel around you and you sit on the counter per his instructions so he can detangle your hair. He combs each strand with care making sure he doesn’t pull too hard. You watch him with heavy eyes, admiring his dedication. He catches you staring, doing a double take when he notices.
“What?” He asks, huffing out a laugh.
“Thank you.” You reply simply.
“For?” His eyes don’t meet yours this time as he’s too focused on a particularly stubborn tangle.
“For being my safe person.”
Ricky stops dead in his tracks, placing the comb down next to you and focusing his entire attention on you. His eyes search yours for a moment, a small smile on his face. He places his hand on the back of your head, bringing your forehead to his lips.
“Thank you for being mine.” He whispers.
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