#uhhhhh protective Pearl
seldomscilence16 · 8 months
Whumptober day 17:
"You're the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest."
Collar | touch aversion | "Leave me alone."
Fandom: Steven Universe (UA)
Prompts used: vaguely all
So, yes White Diamond and the others were redeemed and stuff yada yada. She was still terrifying, and white diamond Pearl just makes sense to me. So I tried a new take on my usual headcanons.
The collar in this is based on what they use in Wheel of Time (the show I haven't read it, but know they are slightly different). It's honestly pretty similar to White's powers if you dumb it down to what I did.
So TW for torturous devices/Abuse
Not a lot of detail on this one but be safe.
"Whoa, there's a lot of junk in here." Amethyst sidesteps a small avalanche of said junk with a raised brow.
"Don't touch anything, we don't know if any of this stuff is dangerous." Garnet adjusts her visor, eyeing the space with caution.
"What is this place anyway?" Steven examines a pile, careful not to touch but curious nonetheless, it was gem stuff after all.
"The warp malfunctioned, this could be anything from forgotten storage to a waste facility." Pearl does her best not to linger on any one item too long, ignoring the swirling feeling in her gut at the familiar objects.
"Oo! I found some jewelry! Garnet can I keep em??" The three gems turn, Steven always managing to find something fun.
Amethyst joins Steven in marveling at the small pile of shiny things, Garnet feels a niggling in her mind, a small recognition but no memory to go with it yet, she turns to Pearl to ask the once Homeworld Gem only to find her frozen. Her stare has yet to leave the pile, posture stiff and eyes wide. Garnet turns back to the pile, trying to figure out what could garner such a reaction, When Steven reaches out for something near the top, Pearl is across the room before Garnet can say anything, tackling the two smaller members of their party as the object in question rolls off the pile.
A circlet of golden material spins and totters to a stop, and Garnet still doesn't quite get it, not until a cuff bracelet at the bottom of the pile catches her notice. She'd seen that before for sure, on Diamonds and high ranking gems as well, the ones who… owned Pearls….
"Are you both alright?" Pearl examines Steven and Amethyst with frazzled movements, moving their heads this way and that.
"We're fine Pearl, what gives?"
"Are you alright Pearl?"
Garnet reaches for the circlet, wondering what about it spooked Pearl,
"Garnet, don't!" She both hears and feels the plea, a part of her warning her just as Pearl does.
Everyone is frozen for a moment, before Pearl inches closer, she pulls her spear from her gem and pokes the circlet until it's buried beneath the pile. Even with it out of sight though, Pearl remains tense, Garnet moves forward slowly,
"Maybe we should try and head back." She suggests, gesturing towards the warp pad.
Pearl seems to be on autopilot now, as she slips under Garnet's hand and towards their transportation, she's removed from the group, quiet as her eyes speak of troubles beyond their understanding. The ride back is tense.
Garnet and Amethyst find Pearl later that night, after Stevens went out with his dad, and hours after their surprise trip. She's sitting in the middle of one of her water levels, staring blankly ahead, she doesn't react to their arrival as they sit behind her on either side.
"It's alright Garnet. I… don't want to keep secrets from you guys… but so many years as a pearl… I yell at myself so often you know, those little voices in my head that make it near impossible to speak sometimes, they're the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest, and they look so familiar it hurts."
She closes her eyes, her gem glowing before a projection begins.
"That was no simple piece of jewelry." The circlet and forearm cuff spin above them, "These were tools used to… keep Pearls in line." The image shifts, a basic shape of a pearl is shown, the circlet- no a collar- wraps around the pearls neck, the figure writhes in agony, cries ringing out in the room, Pearl swallows thickly, the collar becoming a chest piece of sorts- and that's why Garnet couldn't recognize it before, she'd only ever seen the activated version, "The Pearl wears the," she clears her throat, word too hard to force past her lips, "while whoever they belong to wears the cuff."
The image shows a glowing chain of light connecting the two pieces, and how the Pearl is seemingly controlled by it.
"But we've seen what you can do Pearl, why don't pearls just kick gem butt?" Amethyst looks physically ill at the images before her.
"It'll be easier to show you I suppose." Her gem shines again and Garnet and Amethyst brace themselves as they are absorbed into the gem.
A giant holographic oyster floats before a single being. It opens in a burst of light, the pearl within projecting its form in a brilliant light show. As the light fades, the Pearl stands with her head bowed, draped in veils of white, the being she stands before bends, showing the great distance between the two, a hand- larger than pearl- reaches forward,
"Who do you serve?" A voice asks, echoing about the room with a fake sort of pleasantry.
"Do… Do I have to serve?" The small gem holds a look of innocence, freshly made and naive of the world.
The hand glows, a golden circlet appears and before the Pearl can react, it snaps around her throat. Her scream is immediate, body convulsing as waves of pain wrack her frame, it spreads to encompass her torso in ornamental gold, a thread of light reaching out for the cuff on the beings forearm.
"Who do you serve?" It's asked in the same tone.
The Pearl gasps out an answer,
"The one and only, iridescent White Diamond."
"Oh! It's a pearl!"
"You idiot, that's White Diamonds Pearl!"
"So? She's not here right now is she?"
Pearl can't stop them from grabbing the cuff, so long as she wears the collar she's unable to even think of touching it. And as she attempts to fight back, well, just the thought of that has agony ripping through her.
"Starlight. I have something for you."
Pearl walks forward, her head is bowed, arms crossed in the Diamond salute, her eyes are devoid of emotion.
"I… I already have a Pearl."
"An inexperienced one I'm afraid. Defective even. I mean really, its been what? A few hundred years? And it still can't complete its duties to you? I've trained this one personally Pink, it'll be perfect for you."
The cuff is held out for Pink to take, and after a moment, she does. White takes her leave and Pearl remains still as she awaits her first commands.
"Well… I'll have to come up with a nickname, so we don't get confused then." Pink Diamond motions to the pink Pearl who had been hidden behind the wall, her eye has a crack through it.
"Pink enjoys her times in the garden, what do you want to do until she gets back?"
"Leave me alone. You'll get in trouble." Pearl remains where Pink left her, half an eye on where the cuff resides inside her vanity, the rest of her attention on the warp.
"Get in trouble? Why?"
Pearl doesn't answer, and when the younger reaches out, Pearl flinches back, waiting for painpainpain.
"I'm… sorry." Pearl doesn't answer.
They're on the battlefield, one of their first, and Pearl is fighting with everything she has. It's strange, that a simple order from Pink allows her this freedom, but she's tense as she waits for the pain to wrack her form again.
Pearl sees Rae, outnumbers and losing, and rushes to the younger pearls side, the fight, gems poofing left and right, when she sees one coming up behind Rae. She doesn't even think, her body moves on its own- but not against her will, this is not an order or an implied one, but her own thought- the ax slices through her form with ease, and she can only hope Rae will be okay.
The gem floats, glowing light showing a formless body, shifts into a silhouette of the Pearl they remember, a few over so slight changes appear, before Pearl herself reforms. She sways, dizzy in a way she can't explain, and lighter too.
"Pearl! Are you alright?" Rae and Pink- Rose- watch her with worried eyes, and she frowns before nodding. She may not feel 100% but she can't let that affect her.
"Pearl," P- Rose, holds out a mirror, Pearl is cautious to take it, but as she finally looks at herself, she begins to understand.
Her throat is free of the collar. It's such a strange sight, in fact, one she'd never actually seen. And her once white attire has taken on COLOR, she… made her own decision. She… didn't hurt because of it.
"You're free." Rae smiles at her, throat never once adorned in gold, and Pearl couldn't tell you what she felt. She didn't think free was quite right, but she wouldn't correct the young gem either.
She looks directly at the two gems that had watched silently, everything else frozen,
"They were created by white. For wayward Pearls, and their masters. I was an example to keep them in line, I only ever saw a few others forced to bear the burden. And it is not one I wished upon anyone…"
The two gasp as they once again look at their Pearl, she looks exhausted, in a way they can't say they'd seen before. Garnet only knew Rebel Pearl, the one who was put together and fierce and loyal. And Amethyst only knew Earth Pearl.
But now… now they know Homeworld Pearl too. What she'd been through, what she'd lost. They understood her on another level, she trusted them enough to share, and they would not betray that.
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bombbusiness · 10 days
beach day love
(Unfinished not all of it is canon but some of it is and it might be re used)
Marge wakes up and heads to the dining room to see Kat making a little smiley pancake.
M:(tirely) ”good morning”
K: “Magandang araw mahal.”
M: “Magandang what?”
K: “Good morning Love.”
M: “Haha cute”
K: “I’m not! I’m adorable! Look at me!”
Kat lifts up her hair for the first time in front of Marge showing her eyes. Her eyes were strangely multicolored, one brown and one green.
M: First time seeing your eyes. Still cute, but why are your eyes different? you seem confident, I like it”
K: “O//O well uhh I-I don't know! My mom told me I have monochromia or sumn. *Shrugs*”
M: “Oh ok, your pancakes are burnt.”
K: “SHIT!”
Kat runs to the pan and flips. The smiley face is ruined. :(.
K: “Hope you like burnt pancakes cause i made it for you”
M:” how can i eat oh wait i got an idea!”
Marge runs to his staff grabbing it then takes a deep breath holding the staff tight, as a space black figure appears before slowly fading into Marge.
M:”i-I don't believe it! MY BODY!”
As he possesses the copy he shivers with joy looking at his blocky hands.
M: “To be honest i don't know how i did it i don't think i can but i can try.”
K: “Hmm.. If you make my body, you can play with it however you’d like”
M: “im sorry what”
K: “You heard me~”
Marge looks very confused but also a bit red.
M:”I’ll try it, don't expect much.”
Marge Grabs his staff and takes a deep breath, the cube glows white and shines a light at Kat’s core. The light turns off as The cube turns a shade of Pink. A black figure with Kat's Body appears. The figure turns to Kat, suddenly Ram horns start to grow on top. The skin renders in as a pastel pink body before changing to Kat’s real skin.
M: “Told you not to expect much, look there’s horns.”
K: “Hun it's perfect.”
Kat possesses her clone
M:”Wait, did you just call me hun?”
K: “Did you forget the reason you did this baby~”
M: “uhhhhh*”
K: “Imma go get myself a big brew. We're still doing it! I'm keeping my promise!.”
M:”uh no i'm good. hey spezz do you want your body?”
S: “Nah i’m good!”
Marge goes ahead and takes the burnt pancake sitting at the table.
M:”sitting down feels amazing. My ass hasn't felt this good since-”
S: “Since when!”
M: “Since your mom, no i'm kidding, since the last time i sat on a sandy beach, looking at the sun.!”
K: “You like sand in your ass?”
M: “NO! . . . well-”
K: “Well?”
M: “Well uhh wanna go to the beach!!”
K: ‘Sure i can collect some for you weirdo”
M:"Well is it as weird as Whatever you do!”
K: “Yeah, I have nothing to protect. Nothing here, not a single cell of pride and dignity.”
M: “yea fair but still wanna be teleported to the beach? I mean I have Power now and Zandra and Dazed aren't here so we don't have anyone to wait for.”
K: “You cant even see the beach to use your pearls”
M:” well looks like we're driving then”
K: “We’re flying there. The beach is 6 countries from here. Imma buy the tickets.”
M: “We have wings though why are you making tickets?”
K: “Ok why not glide”
M: “??”
K: “Flying like other birds will make us too exhausted we glide and then flap”
M:”I got an idea, what if I just teleport us there?”
K: “I already told you you can't use Pearls-”
M: “No! I can just TP us to it using commands. Does that sound good?”
K:”oh well we can do that”
M: “I need some coords”
K: “OOh i know one! ⁦14°32'36"N⁩ ⁦120°58'08"E⁩”
M: “What, how, that's impressive!. Just give me a second, oh and grab onto me.”
Marge takes a deep breath as Kat hugs him.
K: “How are you so blocky yet so ripped”
M: “Thank you (inhales) ℸ ̣ ᒷꖎᒷ!¡𝙹∷ℸ ̣ ᒲᒷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ∷𝙹 ̇/ᔑᓭ ʖꖎ⍊↸, ᒲᔑꖎᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ, ᒲᔑリ╎ꖎᔑ, ᒲᒷℸ ̣ ∷𝙹 ᒲᔑリ╎ꖎ”
They suddenly pop out and into existence and now they're on a beach.
M: “Ok you got your phone on you for pics right?”
K: “What phone”
M: “Let's take a selfie later ok… why are people staring?”
K: *Whispering* ”They think we’re gay dude”
M:*whispering” “I’m pansexual”
K: “Yeah me too..”
M: “I thought you were trans.”
K: “No.. i just like she/her pronouns im Pan”
M: “Kat wanna let go?”
K: “No I have a boner I can't let go or it would be weirder.. Please carry me to one of the cabins.”
M: “Fine”
Marge walks around looking for a good cabin to take,finally seeing one he walks into the cabin, setting Kat on the couch. Kat pulls out a bag full of sand and grins.
K: “Alright weirdo, I got the sand.”
M: “Seriously? I don't like sand in my ass dude.”
K: “I am 200% more on board without the sand.”
M:”wha? I'm not doing the deed with you.”
K: “Oh thank fuck. Go on have fun with the beach while this settles down.”
M: “Ok I’ll be on the west side.”
Marge leaves to go to the beach. Kat gets bored so she turns on the tv.
K: “Why do they have 20 shows on the hurricanes and one spongebob channel? I’ll just watch the spongebob one.”
She puts it on and starts to stare at the Tv with a blank face, while on the spongebob channel.
K: “What is wrong with me… why don't I try just doing what he does, YES i'm a genius!”
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pochapal · 2 years
The dppt trauma train is so fun glad to see you reaching it and having your heart broken now join the club
And remember, the worst is yet to come! And you will have little to no warning before you get punched so get excited!
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zombieplaguedoc · 4 years
Should You Fight My F/Os part 1
Based off something I saw @korekiyosbf do. I have a lot of familial f/os so that’s why there’s gonna be two parts. Let’s begin.
Alfred F. Jones/America (familial cousin):
-No. No.
- He’s stronger than he looks. 
-I once saw him lift a Buffalo up like it was nothing when he was a child (yes he actually did this in the show), that should give you an idea of how string he is now as an adult.
-Not to mention he’s a fucking country!
-0/10 would not recommend.
Mathew Williams/Canada (familial cousin):
-Why would you?!?!?!
-Though, to be honest, he’s not really much of a fighter.
-He has the same physical strength as America (I think).
-He’s also had to put up with having America as his brother, so that should give you an idea of how physically strong he is.
-Verbally is where his true strength lies, however.
-Extremely passive aggressive.
-Once made America cry by arguing with him for over three hours and pointing out every single one of his flaws, and will absolutely do the same to you.
-Verbally, he will destroy you.
-His verbal strength can only be beat by Oregon’s and New York’s.
-0/10 Don’t do it.
Jason “Matt” Williams/2p Canada (familial cousin):
-You got a death wish?
-Unlike his 1p, 2p Canada is a physical fighter, not just a verbal one.
-He is VERY strong. (Although they share the same amount of physical strength, 2p Canada is 1% stronger than his 1p.)
-He is also a frickin’ rouge Mountie, so there’s that.
-He also has a hockey stick that’s usually covered in barbed wire and has a retractable blade on the tip. He always carries this around.
-0/10 would not recommend unless you want to die.
Jade Brown/Alaska (familial cousin):
-Okay, so let’s be real. 
-You probably could take her down due to her height if you’re taller than her.
-However, she’s had to survive a lot in the outdoors and knows everything about surviving nature, so she’s very strong for her age.
-She also knows how to create makeshift weapons.
-You could take her down, it would just take a while and I can’t guarantee you’ll still be standing if you win.
-In a gunfight, however, you’re screwed.
-The only ones who are better than her at guns and shooting are Switzerland and Arizona.
-If you do win either, you have her twin, Hawaii, to worry about.
-1/10 wouldn't necessarily recommend.
Kaimama Palakiko/Hawaii (familial cousin):
-It’s almost too easy.
-She’s not much of a fighter, and she’s not very strong, physically, so if you were fighting her, it’d be an easy win.
-She’s very persistent, though, so be prepared.
-If you really want to ensure your win, bring Japan along; she still hasn’t forgotten Pearl Harbor and is TERRIFIED of him. (That’s kind of mean, though, and Japan will hate you).
-America and Alaska are also scarily overprotective of her, so watch out.
-3/10 just be careful
Alexis Brown/Washington (familial cousin):
-Like Hawaii, it’s almost too easy.
-Washington’s not really a fighter, and her physical strength is almost non-existent.
-She doesn’t even like fighting, so there’s that.
-She has some verbal strength and is passive aggressive, just not as much as Canada.
-But she’s a zombie, so watch out.
-If you really want to ensure your win, though, just take her glasses off; she can’t see a thing without them.
-If you’re looking to kill her, that’s gonna be a lot harder due to her being a zombie (why would you though?)
-Just keep in mind that Canada, Oregon, and K1-b0 are extremely protective of her, so be prepared to be hounded.
-4/10 take precautions.
Sally Pines/Oregon (familial cousin):
-I wouldn’t recommend it.
-Unlike Washington, she is very much a fighter.
-She’s not very strong physically, so you can beat her there.
-Verbally, she’s is absolutely aggressive and will rip you a new one.
-She will make you cry. For days.
-Her verbal brutality can only be matched by New York or Canada.
-Like Washington, she can’t see without her glasses, so there’s that.
-Just keep in mind that if you DO manage to beat her, Canada and Washington will be all over you like shingles
-1/10 Don’t. She is very capable of hurting you.
Mary-Ann Martin/Texas (familial cousin):
-She’s like frickin’ Sandy Cheeks from motherfucking Spongebob, are you sure you want to fight her?
-Are you really, really, really sure?
-Okay, be prepared to get your ass kicked to outer space, though.
-She’s an EXTREMELY sore loser, so in the event that you DO manage to beat her, she’ll lie and either tell (and convince) everyone that she beat you and that you’re just a liar, or she’ll tell everyone you cheated.
-1/10 I wouldn’t recommend.
Cali Woods/Western California (familial cousin):
-She’s not much of a fighter, to be honest
-But she does have some street smarts due to her end of California being stereotypically rougher than where her twin lives.
Holly Woods/Eastern California (familial cousin):
-Dude, Cali’s almost a better fighter than she is.
-Holly’s strength, be it physical or verbal, is almost non-existent.
-If she does want to fight you, she’ll insist that you do it on Maury or the Jerry Springer show.
-Other than the celebrity-style hair-pulling and name-calling and whatnot, don’t expect much out of her.
Flora Anderson/Florida (familial cousin):
-Just, no.
-Have you seen the headlines that begin with ‘Florida Woman...’
-Have you even heard of Florida Woman?
-This chick’s crazy enough to wrestle an alligator.
-She actually has.
-0/10 Don’t do it.
Riley Kenderson/Utah (familial cousin):
-Just why?!
-I get it if religion’s not your thing, but outside of that he’s a really nice guy. Why would you....?
-I mean, he’s not really a fighter, so you can try.
-But then the other three corners will be after you.
-They are extremely overprotective of him.
-0/10 please don’t.
Pablo Rodriguez/New Mexico (familial cousin):
-He knows how to build makeshift weapons.
-I don’t mean to sound rude but, due to being so close to the Mexican border, and his name, he fights like a Mexican.
-Again, I don’t mean to be rude, but he also fights like a Native American because he’s home to part of the Navajo Nation.
-He also has an alien like America does. Roswell.
-His twin, Arizona, is also overprotective of him.
-And so are the other three corners.
-1/10 don’t.
To be continued.
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smallblueandloud · 3 years
B, F, H, I, J, M, R, S, T- oh my god that is so many!! sorry!
you’re good!! for this ask meme! under a cut because i like to TALK.
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
answered here!
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
i am not gonna put that one conversation between donna and helen santos again but THAT ONE’S STILL MY FAVORITE. another scene though. hmm.
“Right, because you didn’t spend much time with her?” It’s a question, because Miriam is trying to confirm details. Lyra thinks back to her life story. She’s kept it as close to reality as she can, which makes remembering harder - but makes her feel better.
More importantly, it makes Pan feel better. She’s realized that it’s a good idea to compromise with Pan on easy things so that he’ll let her do the difficult things. Not that there’s much of those these days.
“Right,” says Lyra. “Oxford College was taking care of me, mostly. Mrs. Coulter - my mother,” she amends. Pan puts his paw on her bare neck. “My mother couldn’t be too involved, because of- well. The scandal.”
Miriam laughs. “Yes, of course. My friend Lyra, the scandal.”
Lyra grins. “One does one’s best.”
This makes Miriam laugh even harder.
honestly i’m really really proud of bodies fashioned out of dirt and dust in general, but i LOVED talking about lyra and the careful way she lies. when she was a kid, she used to invent stories like nobody’s business, but now that she’s older she has more moral qualms and she’s trying to be more of an adult while also not giving up the vibrant bits that made her lyra? idk how much sense this makes, but this fic was VERY MUCH a reaction to the secret commonwealth.
i loved the way i could imply so much about her feelings about mrs. coulter just by that one hesitation. i loved how easy it was to show her lying, because we KNOW the story and we KNOW lyra lies to people. this was such a fun fic to write and the dialogue was kind of the central way i contrasted her childhood vs early adulthood.
i’m also really proud of that toby/andy scene.
H: How would you describe your style?
uhhhhh i think i try to focus on making things as real as possible? you can feel like you’re the pov character because their emotions are real. vivid is the right word. i’m aiming for vivid.
i also really like describing people’s mannerisms and trying to be as in-character as possible. i haven’t gotten to the point of coming up with NEW mannerisms yet (except with fitz’s stutter in the magnum opus) but i enjoy writing lines that you can hear the characters say.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
angst? definitely MCD angst. i can’t even READ it most of the time because it makes me so SAD but i’m just. yeah. give me the mourning. logan/jean really came for me personally. i’m also a big fan of protectiveness - daisy’s speech to jemma in the magnum opus, about “i will come and get you”, was COMPLETELY self-indulgent and i enjoyed it WAY MORE than it served any character development or plot.
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
uhh i think i wrote a long thing about this for like half my fics a few months ago, but in another world i wrote a lot more for keep on keeping on and it had more about blue pearl’s feelings about the terrifying renegade pearl that was helping rose quartz. also, there’s an alternate ending where the crystal gems arrive on homeworld in less pleasant circumstances - basically “the trial” if pearl was there, let’s be honest - and blue recognized pearl and it was. A Lot. it would’ve been a lot. i still kind of want to write that fic, tbh.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
currently the fic i’m most excited about is for a fandom i’ve barely talked about before, where [name redacted] is stuck in a time loop and keeps trying to save [name redacted] and in the last loop, which takes place right after [title redacted], she takes him and [names redacted] on a desperate road trip where, among other things, we find out that her sister actually dated BOTH [name redacted] and [name redacted] in high school. also both her love interest and [name redacted] are autistic, because i make the rules and the rules are that lesbean says they’re autistic.
i’m also TEMPTED to start a giant project of creating my own xmen canon, in the style of unpretty’s sorrowful and immaculate hearts, because i don’t have enough to do in my life apparently. polyamory would abound. if anyone’s interested in this PLEASE ask me about it because i have THOUGHTS.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
my entire sense of humor stems from douglas adams and in an ideal world i would be able to write comedy and it would just be his style. uhh i’m sure i have other influences but it’s hard to think of any at the moment. i know which writers i ADMIRE but i don’t know if they’ve INFLUENCED me, if you know what i mean? dirgewithoutmusic, i would say, and probably also. uh. this fic right here influenced me when i was YOUNG and IMPRESSIONABLE and it still takes me out at the knees.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
protectiveness! reveals in the middle of action! someone’s found family meeting their friends and realizing they (the found family) is REALLY IMPORTANT to their person actually! cool powers! characters being clever! jokes that are very specific references to canon! worldbuilding! longing!
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
changing people so they’re less scary and more “normal” (this is specifically about fic written about natasha romanoff). people being ooc. a couple’s friends seemingly being entirely dedicated to the couple’s wellbeing and relationship and not having lives of their own. shipping a young (usually female) person with their father figure. buying into canon’s infidelity storyline when it’s ooc and could just as easily be polyamory (this is specific but i’m Right). every fanwork focusing on a white minor character instead of the main character of color.
thank you for the ask!!
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gpj999 · 4 years
(Tribute of Steven Universe X JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Chapter 1
Meet Green Pearl
Yo! I’m Jaylen, that guy who lives in empire city, got fired from the pizza place, and got a gem on me.
It’s been 14 months already since I been possessed by gem named Green Diamond, I was scared that day, until something changed me, something way cooler than I ever imagine. Now I got Green Diamond’s powers on me, it feels like I became some kind of...a superhero, like Superman or goku. Green Diamond said that her power was multiplied by two because she’s controlling me, and the weird thing was I was controlling her, so made a idea and we can control each other in the same time as a team. So we became partners, and protecting empire city in the shadows.
“Day by day” I train hard “over and over again” to become a strong man, and I made it through over the past 14 months. The old Jaylen was no more, now the new Jaylen begins.
I am a first Gem User who been possessed by a Diamond!
In the nice spring day, I was on my way to college going to my producing dance for producers, until the girl with a green hoodie walking near behind out of nowhere. I don’t know where she come from and I don’t why, but I have a hunched that it might be a enemy in my mist, so I’m going ninja mode, hit pass to the corner, and jumped in mid air at the top of the building so the unknown enemy will walk through the alley to get it to the old abandoned park-in-lot where no driver or walker park here.
So I make my appearance by jumped down and make a nice soft landing.
Jaylen: excuse me ma’am! Did you know that walking near at people is rude, we got rules in empire city and we don’t break that rules!
Unknown Person: *menacing* oh my....who of thought that I seeing a human who was making a nice landing, how beautiful.
Jaylen: human? Wait...are you?
*Green Diamond hologram appeared on my shoulder*
Green Diamond: hold on the second Jaylen....I know that voice....is that you?
Unknown Person: yes...it’s me....*hoodie take off* Green Pearl! Green Diamond’s assistant!
Jaylen: *Shocked* WOWIE!!! That’s her?
Green Diamond: yes! That’s my pearl!
Jaylen: whoa....she’s kinda hot actually
Green Diamond: Focus Jaylen!
Jaylen: oh...right!
Green Pearl: How dare you takin my diamond as a prisoner, get her back immediately or I had to use force! *Her sword appeared*
Jaylen: whoa! Take in easy! She’s not a prisoner, she’s just a friend.
Green Pearl: Then why is her gem stuck in your back?!
Jaylen: because she want me to put it on so she can live
Green Diamond: that’s right pearl! If it wasn’t for Jaylen, I’ll be lost forever. So please pearl, stand down now! There’s no reason to fight!
Green Pearl: .....*her sword disappeared* really? All this time, you were protecting my diamond?
Jaylen: yes, I trying to make to her live, beside...if I die...she’ll die as well
Green Pearl: ....*silence with sad face* oh my stars....My humble apologies.... I have no idea
Jaylen: apology accepted!
Green Diamond: no wonder my diamond was missing because...I was worried, when I to your planet, I been searching my diamond for a very long time so we can have our time in lives. But until now, I see a human, who risk his life to protecting my diamond. So therefore, I shall return a favor by protecting all of you!
Jaylen: um...sure
Green Diamond: that will be in honor pearl, thank you for finding me
In so GP come live in my apartment, and we was so touching, now I got two partners...and man, who if thought that I met a beautiful girl from outer space who was looking for GD, walked home with me, and of all...grabbed my shoulder. *me blushed*
Green Pearl: Sir Jaylen, your face turn red, is everything all right?
Jaylen: uh...yeah, everything’s fine...but please, call me Jaylen
Green Diamond: wait Jaylen, what about class?
Jaylen: don’t worry, I’ll call in
Green Pearl: what a....class?
Jaylen: uhhhhh
[To be continued]
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alloyent-a · 5 years
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APHRODITE.      laughter loving.  sweet smiles.  dressed in silk and satin.  flower in their hair.  sees the world as a runway.  unapologetically sexual.  the sea washing their ankles.  in love with love.  stirrer of passion.  cunning concealed by painted lips.  secret daggers.  doves.  revolution in their kiss.  delighting in the waves.  flirtatious winks.  strolling along the beach.  staring wistfully from a balcony.  this is how to be a heartbreaker.  wants to be adored.  gets turned on by danger.
APOLLO.       glitz and glamour.  art galleries.  turning the volume up.  being made of gold.  neatly organized music sheets.  notebooks filled with poetry.  bathing in the sunlight.  the powerful urge to create.  collecting vinyl records.  beautiful cover of wonderwall.  playing multiple instruments.  tasting like sunshine.  healing touch.  speaking in prophecies.  smile mingled with wrath.  shunning lies.  sporting shades.  hanging out at music festivals with their friends.  sleeps naked.  arrow to the heart.  paint brushes. p robably has a tinder account.
ARES.       armed for battle.  wants to raise a dog with their significant other.  soft spot for children.  gives piggyback rides.  scarred body.  blood on their hands and face.  willing to fight the world for the ones they love.  fights against injustice.  warm hugs.  well worn combat boots.  boxing gloves.  bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles.  fist raised in protest.  ignites revolutions.  fear is a prison.  more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think. exhausted.  damaged goods.  force to be reckoned with.  red roses.  curses under their breath.
ARTEMIS.       keen sense of a hunter.  freckles like constellations on their skin.  piercing eyes.  disheveled braid.  moonlight peeking through the shadows.  the calm of the forest at night.  lying on the grass and staring at the stars.  mother doe and her fawn.  protecting their kin.  the moon shimmering on a still lake.  quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree.  running with wolves.  bonding while circled around a campfire.  not being much of a people person.  arrow hitting a target.  popping egos.  patience on 3%.  touches heaven and returns howling.
ATHENA.      discerning gaze.  unreadable face.  quiet museums.  owl perched on their finger.  armor that intimidates.  eye for architecture.  plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses.  studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid.  big fan of logic.  loves brain teasers.  ancient buildings.  sweaters in neutrals and cool colors.  hair done up.  can kill you with their brain.  heads to the library often to research.  sharpened pencils.  abs that can cut steel.  stoic statues.  pottery classes.
DEMETER.       soil covered hands.  smile that can bloom flowers.  skin loved by the sun.  being the mom friend.  can lift you and your friends.  flowers kept in the pockets of overalls.  takes pride in their beautiful garden.  speaks to their plants.  leaves rustling in the wind.stalks of wheat.  picking fruit.  greenhouses.  heart as strong as a mountain.  values simplicity.  daisies dotted across a collarbone.  curls crowned with flowers.  folded pile of sweaters in warm hues.  pulling out fresh baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
DIONYSUS.       drunk shitposter.  on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second.  seductive smirks.  untamed curls.  rich fabrics on dark skin.  sleek furred panthers.  theatre masks.  stage productions.  receiving a standing ovation.  rose caught between their teeth.  being the baby of the bunch.  wild parties that last from sundown to sunup.  creeping vines.  inspiring loyalty.  grand opera houses.  masquerade balls.  rolls of film.  shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor.  pouring champagne into flutes.  lives for the applause.
HEPHAESTUS.      the calloused hands of someone who knows labor.  sweaty brow.  flame burning in their eyes.  inventive mind.  broad shoulders.  steampunk goggles.  nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes.  ashes.  striking a match.  blueprints for future projects.  fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades.  wrestles with bitterness.  work boots have seen better years.  wrinkled plaid shirts.  iron melted in blazing fire.  huge jackets.  crafting masterpieces.  greased stained overalls.  fascination with robotics.  pain is fuel.  stack of weaponry.  even their muscles have muscles.
HERA.       resting bitch face.  dressed to the nines.  cows grazing on a pasture.  cool rain.  loving and hating fiercely.  hand clutching a string of pearls.  large chandelier with glittering crystals.  plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims.  romance to realism.  pictures of the sky while flying on a plane.  files that under fuck it.  downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix.  like their selfie or you’re grounded.  knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man.  dark eyes that penetrate your soul.  marble and gold.
HERMES.       devil - may - care smile.  always up - to - date on the latest technology.  will steal your french fries.  does it for the vine.  shitposter.  puts googly eyes on everything.  meme hoarder.  long drives on the highway.  ma and pop diners.  spontaneous road trips.  folded maps.  fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop.  shooting hoops on the basketball court.  chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations.  goes jogging in the morning.  mixes redbull with coffee.  menace on april fool’s.  hoodies and sneakers.  
POSEIDON.      storm with skin.  colorful coral reefs.  waves crashing against the shore.  stroking the soft fur of a cat.  their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop.  tousled locks.  clothes smeared with paint.  owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more.  leather jackets.  fondness for diy projects.  handwriting that flows across the page.  nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin.  velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams.  mood as ever - changing as the sea.  the roar of a motorcycle.  compass with a spinning arrow.
ZEUS.       thunder in their heart.  running on coffee.  flash of lightning.  unnatural charisma.  eloquence.  badass in a nice suit.  aficionado of history.  force of nature.  lenny face.  nightmare- filled nights.  proud arm around their lover’s waist.  high - rise buildings.  planes soaring through a cloudless sky.  technician on the piano.  maintains order.  strong handshake.  juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease.  expensive watch.
TAGGED BY.    i  stole,  TAGGING.   uhhhhh,  literally anyone that reads this is tagged & then say i tagged u so i can read it pls
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grailacademy · 5 years
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Welcome To Grail Academy - Chapter Seventeen: Night Sounds Loud
“Hold you tongue, Clover!” A lanky man yelled and rose out of his chair. His burgundy pinstripe suit bore the insignia of the city of Calicem on his lapel in the form of an enamel pin, and below it hung four ribboned metals. Madehold glared at him from where she sat, her fingers drumming on the table that separated them. Ms.Divine stood behind her with a hand on her shoulder. They were in an office, an unfamiliar one that had a dome-shaped ceiling and windowless walls. It was lit like a hospital, harsh lights illuminating the alarmingly sanitary white floors. It was the office of Calicem’s governor, a portly old man with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses that reclined in his matching gold-plated chair. The tall man who yelled peered at the mayor, waiting for him to stand to his defense. The rest of those sitting at the table were the department heads of the school, Kismet, Pearl, Choi, and other old men in suits and ties who worked in the government.
“We lose more students each year that we don’t address the problem! They’re getting suspicious.”
“They’re children, Clover.” The golden-eyed man chortled, “So a few of them get upset. That’s what teenagers do!”
“They’re not just kids, you old dunce!” Madehold argued, continuing her speech before the man in the suit could yell at her again. “You are aware that the school is training highly skilled hunters, aren’t you?”
The tall man growled and gestured to a line of police officers in armored uniforms waiting by the door. “And we have our own highly skilled workforce. Our men are toiling night and day to uncover their whereabouts. You should mind your manners in front of the governor!”
Kismet murmured from the corner of his mouth to Miss Pearl, “What a twat.”
“Buh-I HEARD THAT!” He cawed out.
“You were supposed to,” Kismet hissed.
Madehold rubbed her knees impatiently with the palms of her hands, directing the conversation to the governor. “Voshkie, I can’t in good conscience sit and wait for you to cover this up while people gather pitchforks and torches against me. We have to go public.”
“In time.” The corpulent politician straightened his cufflinks, motioning for his slender counterpart to sit down. His paunchy hands combed through a thick mane of grey hair. Voshkie appeared much more relaxed than everyone else in the meeting, judging by the lazy posture in which he rested. “While I appreciate your passion for this project, I have to take the state of my voters into consideration. The city is fragile enough as it is, the last thing we want is to cause panic.”
“Sir. With all due respect, diplomacy hasn’t exactly been one of Calicem’s strong suits.”
“There is a vast difference between statesmanship and riots in the streets.” Voshkie shifted in his chair as he talked, and the other men in suits nodded along to every word he said. “The border is still protected, the Hedge Witches haven’t made a single public attack, and our people are safe. Let me do my job, and I’ll let you do yours.”
Being outdoors gave Yorick a much-needed breath of fresh air. The factory, though it was as large as the school, felt stuffy. There was a vast space of rolling fields behind the structure, overgrown with tall stalks of grass. He ran his hands over the blades of foliage during the time that he crossed the meadow. Sable stood a few yards in front of him. “Semblances are a core facet of our beings. They make us who we are.”
She brushed a stray hair out of her face, stepping back. “Your semblance is connected to your aura, like a defense mechanism. It’s an adaptation.”
“It feels more like a self-destruct button to me.”
“That’s not your fault, Yorick. It’s only nature!” Her bare feet crunched under the dirt and sticks scattered on the ground, keeping her head high. She called out to him, “Humans are still animals. We simply happen to be a bit smarter than dogs and birds.”
Yorick wrung his hands apprehensively. He didn’t understand the lesson she was trying to teach, but at least he was away from the factory. “Close your eyes. Focus. Your powers react to your stress and feelings, so dig deep. Think about a time when you felt raw emotion. Use those memories, center in on them. Clear your mind of everything else. You are living in those moments.” He did his best. Squeezing his eyes shut, Yorick balled his fists and thought back on his life. On everything.
His grandmother. His school. Esmerelda. Bernard. Nico. Rettah.
He couldn’t feel anything. “I-I can’t do it. It’s too much!” He opened his eyes and looked across at his mentor, who was slowly inching farther away. “Breathe, Yorick! Block it out!”, Sable shouted. He took a sharp gust of air into his lungs and held it. He was trying so hard, but deep down he knew that he didn’t want to face what would be left if he pushed everything away. He heard Sable’s voice ring out again, “You have to confront it, Yorick.” He let the air leave through his nostrils, shutting his eyes again.
His mom. His dad. Buck.
Sable watched him intensely. His hands were clenched and shaking, a tear rolled down his pale cheek, steam began to rise off his shoulders. “Good.” She remembered the newspaper clippings about Azora Navyn. A bull of a hunter who barreled through Remnant like a wildfire. She was headstrong, almost all the articles that were written about her were reporting the millions in property damage she costed cities when she was on missions. But she got the job done. Her notoriously explosive abilities placed her at the top of job lists, and landed her plenty of celebrity interviews on late-night talk shows.  She even had her own superhero comic book series, The Blue Inferno. If Sable could get Yorick to control that power, she would be unstoppable.
“Now, find a point to anchor that stress to. Hold it in one place. Don’t release it.” Yorick pictured the energy flowing from his chest to every corner of his body, and he could feel the back of his throat get hotter. All was still, he managed to contain it. Sable smiled with mirth, clapping. “That’s great! Let it spread throughout you, but don’t let go of it.”
Yorick came to a realization. His semblance was still a major part of him, but it wasn’t who he was. He never hurt anybody. His power did. He was not his mistakes. Unexpectedly, his stomach gurgled. Lunch before training might have been a bad idea, He thought. He clamped his lips shut, but it couldn’t stop the raucous belch that burst from within. Following the burp, a stream of blue fire leapt out of his mouth like a flamethrower, scorching the portion of the meadow that he was facing. Sable dove out of the line of fire just in time, dropping down with her hands on top of her head. When she rose from the protection of the dry grass and gazed at the long patch of black earth next to her, she purred, “It’s a good start, at least.”
“You want me to WHAT!?” Nico hollered, pausing in his sparring match with Bernard mid-punch. They were training hand-to-hand in the tournament hall that was once again empty after Prom. His opponent swept his leg and knocked Nico’s feet out from under him, and he fell on his bottom with an “oof” sound.
“It’s the perfect opportunity. The exams are done off-campus, all you need to do is distract the professors while we sneak away to investigate Madehold’s office.” Esmerelda leaned over the railing on the bleachers, guarding her friend’s belongings while they fought.  Nico grunted and patted the dust off his pants, and Bernard put his guard back up, elbows close to his chest. “Listen, you know I’m always down for delinquency and teenage mayhem.” Nico swung a high kick, but Bernard caught his foot in the air and stopped it from connecting, “Anarchy is like, my whole thing!” He arched his free hand in a right hook and slugged Bernard in the shoulder, though Bernard didn’t show any sign that he was hurt by it, “But I can’t afford to flunk this test. It’s my last chance at a passing grade!” Bernard turned his wrist and flipped Nico over, sending him falling to the floor a second time.
Esmerelda bit her lip, displeased. “He’s your teammate too, darling.” Both boys twitched at that, and Bernard helped Nico up before he reproached, “So was Yale.”
“Yo. Dude.” Nico took his partner by the forearm and gave him a concerned look, using the worry in his eyes as a warning. The flood lights flickered, making the circular shape from the skylight above quiver. “This is different.” Esmerelda’s palms squeaked against the cold metal railing, jumping over the bar into the arena. She carried herself like an animal on the prowl, and Bernard puffed his chest out when she walked up to him. “This time we know the who, why, and how.”
“So you’ve given up on Yale, then?” He folded his arms as she got closer, pointing her chin up to him as if it were a dagger. Nico attempted to interject, “Don’t talk about her like that”, but it was no use. Esmerelda and Bernard were locked on one another.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?”
“I just,” Esmerelda threw her hands up in exasperation, “Whatever! You don’t want to help, fine. I’ll do it myself.” She turned tail and left in a huff, flipping the collar on her coat up to shield her face from the wind outside as she crossed the quad back to their dorm.
“Bernie?” Nico spotted the other boy leaving in the opposite direction, gathering his things and throwing his bag over his shoulder. He was torn, glancing from Bernard to Esmerelda on their ways out. “Uhhhhh, crap crap crap, uh….” Frantic, he finally made a choice and snatched his jacket.
“Esme, wait up!” He ran after her, pausing to pant once he caught up to her outside. She seemed less than happy about the situation. “What, are you going to scold me as well?” She spoke through gritted teeth, walking so briskly that Nico had to jog to keep up with her.
“No, enough with the tantrum! What is going on with you lately?”
“My partner was abducted by terrorists, and nobody is doing anything about it. That’s what is going on.”
“You think we don’t miss Yorick too?” Nico craned his neck to make eye contact with Esmerelda, but she refused to look at him. He stepped in front of her and started to walk backwards, making himself an unavoidable line of sight. “You think Bernard isn’t worried sick about him? You think I bruised my ribs for FUN?” He did kind of enjoy the fight at the hotel, but that wasn’t the point. “We all want him back. And we’ll find him! But we can’t get anywhere if you’re throwing people to the beowolves left and right.”
“I’m not-”
“You’re our leader! We need an actual plan.”
“I do have a plan!”
“That was not a plan, babe.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “That was a recipe for disaster.” Esmerelda took a minute to consider all the possible ways her idea could go awry.
“Okay….maybe you’re right.”
“I know I am~”
“But I won’t apologize to Bernard. In fact, he should be the one saying sorry.”
“Oh, come on!” Nico punched the air in frustration, complaining “Why do I have to babysit you guys!? I’m supposed to be the irresponsible one!”
She laughed quietly, finding some joy in Nico’s protests.
“I’m the Devilishly handsome bad boy! The out-of-control party animal!”
“That’s debatable, darling.”
“I don’t wear a helmet when I ride my bike! I sit in chairs backwards! I eat ice cream even though I’m Lactose intolerant! I leave my shoes untied! I stole chapstick once! I brush my teeth and drink orange juice after I’m done! I’m crazy!”
Esmerelda couldn’t help but smile, knowing that her friend had done his job in cheering her up. “Alright, alright. I’ll talk to him.” As they strolled to their dorm, crossing the shortcut on the grassy quad, she sighed and saw the small puff of fog that was her breath swirl in the cold night air. “....We shouldn’t have brought up Yale like that. I’m sorry.” He smiled at her to show he appreciated the apology. The act of silently forgiving her warmed Esmerelda’s heart.
With Nico and Esmerelda cooling off in their room, Bernard rummaged through his backpack for his scroll. 3 missed calls from his mother. That couldn’t be good. He tapped her icon and waited for the ringing to cease. “Mamá ¿Estás bien?”
Long after all the students went to bed, albeit somewhat earlier than usual because of the new curfew, the headmaster slunk through the empty hallways of the school. She was tired, she had been working late into the night. Madehold snuck over the quad and stood at the base of the menacing clocktower. It loomed over her and the academy like the shadow of a great beast, its grey stones and bricks serving as a grim reminder of their mortality. She pulled a off a key tied with a ribbon around her neck and inserted it into the old wooden door. The sounds that the structure made as she moved through it, the aches and moans of the door’s hinges and the rickety stairs, echoed inside the tower. A low, green glow shone through the cracks and holes between its stone walls, and although nobody noticed it, the hands on the face of the clock slowly stopped ticking.
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djmayday · 5 years
S.p’s Shocking Tale!
(look man, i had too, the pun was waiting for me asdfg)
Words: 4258-ish  hh-
ok, for once, i had genuine fun writing something, its not my best, but its good practice asdfghgfddfgh
also fair warning, its not horribly graphic but like,,, action scene (a single one asdfgh) that mentions some weird/bloody, idk lol, i need to practice more asdf
It was nice day.
S.p was soaring through the spring air, her wings spread out wide and her hair flowing in the breeze as she flew over the city. Today was a good day she thought.
In between the big jobs Timara gives her, S.p helps out her aunt’s package delivery service. Right now she’s got only two to do for today, but it was far out away from where she’s used to.
‘Uuughhhh, this is gonna take forrreverrrr,’ S.p groaned to herself, she looked back down on the label on the smaller box, hoping that maybe it magically moved where she needed to be closer. Nope, instead all she saw was the dark iridescent boxes shine in the sun, the name of the business in light pink/purple cursive and a M.p signature near it.
The label read ‘Madame Pink’s Delivery service.’  S.p couldn’t help but smile a little as she remembered who she was helping. It was short lived though as she realized she wasn’t flying over buildings anymore, just a field. She quickly stopped and did a double take. Then took out a little compasses on a string out of her pocket and got a good look at it.
“No, I’m still going north,” She mumbled, taking another glance around before shoving the compass in her pocket. She quickly took off her necklace that was tucked into her shirt, it had a rather large pearl looking piece on it. Holding it out by that pearl, it glowed purple for a moment, before creating a holograph revealing someone with their back turned.
“Uh, hi auntie,” S.p said, the figure gasped and turned around.  
It was the mysterious Madame Pink. She held her fan so it covered most of her face, except for the eyes.
“Why, my little angel!”  Madame joyfully exclaimed, “Have you already delivered those packages? That was rather fast,”
“Uh, noo,” S.p admitted, looking a little flustered, “I think I’m like, very lost,”
Madame’s eyes widened a little,“Oh my, that's quite the predicament-,”  She closed her third eye for a moment, then continued, “Pray tell, can you describe to me where you are?”
S.p looked around again, “Uhhhhh, not a place with buildings,”  S.p stopped when she heard her aunt giggle,” Hey, what’s funny?!”
“Oh do you not remember?  You’re on the path to the edge of the mountains, it’s the right way my dear,”
S.p blinked, “Oh-” then her face scrunched a little in annoyance, “Oh, the mountains? But that’s like, soooo farr aunite!!”
“Now now child,”  She said as she tapped her forehead, “I know you have ways to get there faster than anyone else I know, you’ll be fine, just be sure to protect the boxes when you do it,”
S.p’s ear drooped a little and she sighed, “Ok…”
“Excellent, now if you excuse me, I have to be on somewhere, as you do as well,”
S.p perked up, “Okie, bye auntie! Love you!” She said with a big grin while holding up a peace sign.
“Take care, my little star, ta-ta~!”  Madame said as she waved, the holograph faded, and so did the glow on the pearl, ending the call. S.p put the necklace back on, tucking the pearl back in her shirt.
‘Alright, a faster way, huh?’ S.p thought as she looked back down at the packages, they both went to the same place, but to different people, ‘Guess that means it’s time to break another record for fastest travel eva!’ She said as her hands glowed a soft yellow, which passed over to the boxes, covering them in a magical coating before fading, making the boxes look normal again. She flew down to the ground, and got into a flight-ready stance.
Focusing all of her thoughts on what she wanted to do next, she started to be filled with energy. Little flicks of lightning shot off of her as she stored more energy, her hair floofing up a little as well. Then…
A huge explosion of energy sent her flying up into the air as a lightning bolt. Her wings straight out, letting her glide through the air. The world rushed past her in a colorful blur of greens, yellows, and the occasional blue. S.p made a mental note to get a gopro with her pay after the trip for when she flies.
‘Or maybe just beg Molly for it…’ S.p thought to herself.
Despite her speed, she could still faintly see the plains below, and there’s no building in sight, not even a road. Just… grass. There wasn’t even any trees.
‘Who even moves out this far?’ S.p thinks.
After a long while of flying, she eventually felt her energy falter, and she begins to slow down, she had to start flapping her wings again to keep from crashing, which isn’t an easy transition.
“Yipe! This never lasts long enough!” She exclaims, she held the gifts closer to her chest, making sure she didn’t drop them. Soon enough she got back into balance, and could glide a bit more, but it wasn’t nearly as fast.
“I gotta ask T how to make that last longer,” She mutters.
Luckily for her, she could see a dirt road below. S.p looked forward and finally saw a humongous mountain that stretched and faded into the clouds. And at the bottom was two dark blobs.
“Finally freakin build...ings,”  S.p slowed down to a halt and squinted. When in focus, one blob as definitely a building, a bit creepy but it had a roof and all. The other though… well… S.p’s eyes couldn’t focus on it for some reason, and everytime she could get a clear glance at it, it was... something else, something just as menacing thing as the last.
“Welp, not that one, I ain’t that dumb,” S.p says as she flies to the other building. Which wasn’t that better than the blob, if she was being honest. The building was worn down, as if it hadn’t been used in years; Nature was reclaiming it with vines everywhere.
She lands in front of two big metal doors, both rusted to hell and back. With a nervous gulp, S.p knocks on one of the doors with a nice loud thunk. The doors partially opened when she did.  S.p stood there for a few moments wondering if she should pull a ‘person in a horror movie’ move and go in.
S.p thought for a second,  ‘Auntie would kill me if I came back full handed-’ She sighs, ’- and I can't just waste that stupid long trip,’ she thinks as she pushes the doors open and steps inside. On the inside, it looked ransacked and barren; Boxes were emptied, barrels pushed over, etc.
Making sure not to stand far away from the door, S.p calls out, "Uhh, hello?"
No answer.
"Helloooo?" S.p calls out again, walking deeper into the warehouse. Something wasn't right, it seemed a lot smaller on the inside.
She stood in what she thought was the middle of the warehouse, when she heard a crash behind her, making her jump and her wings spread out instinctively.
It was the doors.
They slammed shut.
Breathing heavily, she looked all around her, trying to find what or who shut the doors.
Nothing. This place was empty.
Cause the next thing S.p heard was a gun cock.
"Freeze!" Yelled the stranger.
S.p froze, and slowly turned around to see the person. It was a young man in a basketball tank top, with blond hair that faded to dark brown, he also had raccoon ears that were also blond. He had two different colored eyes. To S.p his left eye was red, and his right eye green. He also had bandages wrapped all around his arms down to his hands boxing style.
There was a moment of silence between the two, both of them were scared, you could see it on their faces, but neither were backing out.
“Who the heck are you??” S.p finally said, slightly cringing at how loud she was. To be fair, she couldn’t quite hear herself over her thudding heartbeat.
The boy looked confused and lowered his gun slightly, “Who the heck are you?”
“Um, I asked first?”
The man sighed and his ears went back in annoyance, “...Toby,” He raised the gun again, “Now it’s your turn,”
“M-my name’s S.p!” She exclaimed, forcing back as much stuttering as she could.
Toby put his gun down and into his holster, “The hell are you doing out here?”
“I could ask the same to you, but I’m just a delivery person!” S.p exclaimed, sounding more enthusiastic than she felt.
“Well, I’m here on a search for a friend that went missing,” Toby said, looking around as he talked,  “You didn’t happen to see to douche-y lookin’ dude around, have you?” Toby asked sarcastically.
S.p shrugged, “Just you so far,”
“Fuck you,”
“Hey! That wasn’t an insult!” S.p said, finally calming down a bit, she thought for a moment, “Hey, maybe we can help each other,”
Toby’s ears perk up and he tilts his head, “How so?”
“Well, we’re both looking for someone, and I have a feeling that they’re both in the same place,”
Toby hesitates, “I- well… Fine, it’d be better than searchin’ this hell hole alone, I guess,”
S.p grinned, “Cool cool! Let’s get movin’ then-” There was a small crash, making both of them flinch horribly. Toby got his gun back out, which was still cocked. S.p listened very carefully for what made the noise
There was nothing but silence.
Toby ears twitched and moved, also trying to find any sign of something weird.
Soon enough they heard another quiet bang.
“That way,” Toby whispered, as he walked in the direction of the noise, S.p following close behind, clutching the boxes close so they wouldn’t make a lot of noise.
The two found themselves at the back wall of that room, carefully approaching a door that was slightly open. Toby hesitated, but reached out for the door handle.
A crunch made him stop.
S.p had stepped on something, slightly panic-y she lifted up her foot to see what it was, it was just bag. The both of them sighed in relief. S.p quickly picked up the bag and put the boxes in it, ‘It’ll be quieter, and safer for the boxes!’ she thought to herself.
Toby rolled his eyes, before opening the door slightly and looked inside, “No one’s in there,” He whispered, before motioning for S.p to follow as he went in.
Both of them couldn’t help it but stand still for a moment, surveying the room.
It was a long hallway at a slight angle going down. It was looked as if someone had looted it; Bookshelves looked like they were thrown, paper, bags, and all sorts of stuff scattered on the floor, and there was a random stove flipped over and scratches all around it, yet nothing seemed missing. The chaos of the hallway went until it was too dark to see tdown the hallway.
Once they got a good look, they continued onward.
“It’s like someone was looking for something,” S.p whispered.
Toby’s ear twitched, “They still might be,” he said as he pushed a button that was on top of his gun, it turned on a flashlight that was built into it, it gave off pretty decent light.
But it revealed that there were smears of bright color on the walls, that and a ton of scratches. S.p gulped and wishfully assumed it was paint.
The farther they walked the more narrow the hallway got, and the more empty it was too, except for the constant scratches and color. It couldn’t even be called a hallway anymore.
“What… is this?” Toby said, “Why would a warehouse have this?”
“It’s a hide-away tunnel,” S.p said as she got nervous, she recognized this sorta thing from her mom, and things involving her didn’t always end well. The familiar concrete walls made her breath catch in her throat.
“How do you know?”
“I-... just do,” S.p said, doing a little fake shrug.
Not really satisfied with the answer, Toby looked back forward. S.p could feel the tension in the air, neither of them really trusted each other, but Toby seemed a lot worse.
So why not break the ice a little?
“What’s your friend like? Apart from being a douche,” S.p asks.
Toby thought for a moment, his ear twitching, “He… was very full of himself, although I’ve always thought of that as a better than when he lacked self esteem,”
“Call that ‘growth’ where I’m at,” S.p said light heartly.
Toby had a sliver of a smile on his face, that is until he stepped into a pile of something, with a unsatisfying ‘glorp!’, “Ugh! Gross!” He cursed as he quickly stepped out of it, “The fuck is this??”
S.p looked at the pile, it wasn’t shit, it was the same rainbow stuff they had seen on the walls, “It kinda looks like, puke almost…” She mumbles to herself.
He grunts before pointing ahead at more puddles/piles, “Lookat this, there’s tons of it! What sick freak pukes rainbow till their lungs go out??”
“W-whatever lives there, probably,” S.p whispered in horror. The two of them reached the end of the tunnel, it led to a large, empty room. They stood at the entrance in awe, it was massive!
Slowly, Toby put himself in a battle ready stance and walked into the room, S.p reluctantly following behind. Their steps echoed off the walls, if there even was any, the room was pitch black, except for Toby’s light, which basically only revealed more puddles of colors on the floor.
Breathing began to get harder for S.p, her heart was racing so hard that if you listened close enough, you could hear it clear as day.
They heard a slither behind them, Toby pointed his gun in that direction, but saw nothing.
“What are you doing here?” A voice called out, it sounded cold and unwelcoming, it’s voice boomed and echoed off the walls.
Another slither went behind them, they stood back to back to each other this time.Toby was aiming his gun at basically everything and S.p was scared stiff.
“Have you come to take my prey?” It called out again, in a more mocking tone. Now the slither sounded like it was rounding them.
“Show yourself!” Toby yells out. His, light caught the end of something.
A tail?
Not just any tail, a snake tail.
S,p was already shaking horribly, but even Toby started to buckle under the stress. They felt a presence loom over them in the dark.
With shaking hands, Toby followed the tail up, and soon met a menacing face, glaring down the two.
S.p couldn’t help but gasp and hide behind Toby, making the figure laugh.
“My my~ What are two children doing here?”  They asked, leaning down to get a better look at them. Their face was half human, half reptile, with scales decorating their face. Their eyes looked just wrong enough to send chills down Toby’s spine.
“You know, it’s rude to enter my home without permission,” They continued, getting closer. Now their eyes were in the light, which reflected off their pupils in dozens of colors. You could see color dripping from their mouth onto their chin.
“In fact,” Their tail shuffled, revealing that the part of the tail that was still hidden in the dark was holding two people who were tied up, “I was in the middle of something~”
Toby looked at one of the people and gasped, “Jake!” He looked back up at the creature while it laughed, “Give. Him. Back.” He growled.
“Or what? You’ll kill me?” They said as their laugh became maniacal.
Suddenly they slammed the people hard into the two, sending all four of them flying. Toby’s gun went flying too, leaving them all in the dark.
As quickly as she landed, S.p got up panting, “T-Toby?!?!” She called out breathlessly.
Slithers and echos of laughs from all around made her head spin. In a panic, she focused her energy into her right hand, and shot a lightning bolt into the dark. It lit up the room for a moment, and it was enough to see Toby’s gun.
Instinctively, she started to dash for it. Just as she grabbed it she was pulled back by her feet, making her chin collide and drag on the floor. Then she was held up in the air, the creature’s tail wrapping itself around her and letting the blood drip onto her face, she couldn’t even shoot the gun if she wanted to. They laughed as she struggled.
She couldn’t breathe.
She was panicking.
Then, animal instinct took over.
Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out.
That’s all her brain told her.
She sank her teeth as best she could into their tail. And refused to let go, even after they had basically dropped her.
Then she held onto their tail with all her might and released all that energy and electricity with a powerful scream. You could see their shadows on the walls from the light it emitted. The creature screamed in pain and convulsed, which knocked S.p off and onto the floor. Practically knocked out from the drain
The creature twitched and convulsed still, struggling to catch its breath. When they heard the footsteps of the others, they growled and skittered away.
In the corner of S.p’s eye, she could’ve sworn she had saw natural light, but at this point the world was spinning, so she couldn’t really be sure.
Toby came running up to her first yelling, “Fuckin’ hell, dude! Are you alright?!” S.p only whimpered in response, before passing out completely, “Shit!” Toby exclaimed, “Hey, Jake, other dude! Help me out here!”
Running up came two dudes; Jake, a young man who looked about Toby’s age, he always wore his signature red hat, even in dark times like this. The other without a name was a rather old fella, in a now ruined cleaning suit, he had a badge on him that said ‘Finoe’ on it, so that must be his name
Jake quickly got to work, helping Toby carry her on their shoulders, they struggled, though, carrying someone knocked out is harder than you think.
The other dude ‘Finoe’ was clearly in shock; shaking knees and wide eyes, but he spoke up in a whisper, “Do you… know her?”
Jake looked over at Toby and tilted his head, Toby sighs, “Not really,”
“Then who the heck is she?” Jake asks.
“A delivery person, and your hero,” Toby stated blankly, “In fact I saw the bag right about there,” He says as he points his flashlight-gun at the ground, showing the two boxes in perfect condition.
Finoe quickly ran over to it and scooped the boxes up carefully, “This… This is what that thing was after,”
“Well what is it?”
“It’s... A form of magic dust, that thing made order some for it,”
Jake blinked, “Oooooh, that’s the stuff that powers your gun, right B?” Toby simply nodded, then Jake continued, “But why would it need it so bad it made you order it?”
Finoe visibly shivered, “It has drug like properties when consumed, it’s why you can only order one at a time, I had to use two names,” He sighs, “I’ve never wanted anything to do with this damn powder in my life-”
“Well,” Jake interrupted, “Like I said, we use that stuff for our own things, it’s our job, we could take it off your hands!”
Finoe thought for a moment, “When we leave, I’ll give it to ya,”
And with that, they off up the tunnel, to safety.
S.p woke up to soft sunlight and back pain, as soon as she tried to get up, someone pushed on her forehead gently and kept her down.
“You’re hurt, stay down,” S.p quickly realized who it was, it was Toby! A wave of relief washed over her, and she calmed down a little, that is until Jake popped up right by her.
“Hey, you’re not dead!” Jake exclaimed, making S.p flinch, “Hey so ummmm, the dude over there - His names’ Finoe- he’s cools, said that he knew someone who’d come pick us up and help us, so he had to borrow your necklace thingy, sowwy,”
“Normally I’d say if someone said that, it’s a scam, but he’s proven himself, I guess,” Toby added on. S.p couldn’t help but giggle at that, Toby seems so much different when he’s not serious. S.p eyes trailed to the floor though, and saw that Toby’s leg was wrapped up too, she also noticed he had a raccoon tail that was blond with dark brown rings, dang, how’d she miss that?
She went to speak but her throat was practically killing her, she had to hold it as she spoke, and the only thing she could really get out was a simple, “Wha-?”
Jake shook his head, “Yea no, I don’t think you’ll be talkin’ for a while, you screamed SUPER loud when you were shockin’ the fuck outta that snake beast thing-”  he got super close to her face, “By the way- that was epic, how the hell did ya do that??”
“She’s just got the witch’s blessin’,” Finoe said, walking over to the group, “Anyone in that family is bound to have some strange power,” He holds out S.p’s necklace, “Here, I had to borrow it to make a call,” S.p nods and puts the necklace back on, tucking it into her shirt once again.
Then there was awkward silence between the four of them.
“So, Finoe, what exactly is this place?” Toby finally asked, breaking the silence.
“Hm? Oh! This was my lil personal research area, that place next door was what I was observin’,” Finoe said happily, “Also, there’s no need for formalities, call me Fin,”
“Wait, the area next door? That...blob?” Jake asks and tilts his head.
“Exactly! It’s an anomaly, and Ms. Timara asked me to observe, at a safe distance of course,”
“Heh, overshare much? How do you know we’re not some enemy to her?” Jake snarks, Toby hits him on the back of the head.
“Well,” Fin points at the badge that Toby was wearing, “All fetchers wear that sorta badge, and I know it’s not the most fashionable, so no one’s wearing it willingly,” Toby looked away sheepishly. Fin then pointed to S.p, “And this lovely lady is quiet well known considering she’s paired with Timara’s A-rank, Molly-”
“WHAT?!” Both the boys yelled out, it made Fin jump and S.p covered her ears at the sudden noise.
“So that’s why she could do that, holy shit!?” Jake jumps up and really gets in S.p’s face, she’s visibly uncomfortable, “That’s sick as fuck!” Toby tugs on his shirt, forcing him back a few steps.
Holding her throat again, S.p speaks up, “I’m just…..C-ra...rank” she croaks. Her ears drooped a little at the sound of her voice.
Jake had sparkles in his eyes at this point, “Um and?? You’re being trained by The T and her almost top class, like yo! That’s epic!”
“It’s definitely quite a high place to be at your rank,” Toby adds on, Jake nods furiously.
Fin playfully nods as well, “Yes ind-” He’s interrupted by the fwoom of smoke, and the overwhelming smell of lavender. The four of them turned to where the smoke is coming from. Out from the shadows of smoke came the one, the only,
Madame Pink. With her fan in hand over mouth, she gracefully glided from the smoke.
And her ghost ferret-like familiar came from the smoke as well, looking alert until it finally saw S.p. Then it rushed over and tackled her like a puppy would, licking her face in excitement. S.p giggled and pet the lil ferret, soon it decided to just wrap itself around her like a scarf, back legs on one shoulder, front on the other.
“Hi, aunt,” S.p manages to say, putting a grin on her face.
Madame looked over at S.p and gasped, looking dreadfully worried, she quickly rushed closer to S.p, kneeling to get a better look at her, “Goodness dear! I knew you weren’t in best of shape but...” She quickly shook her head and sighed, “It can be fixed,”  She gets back up and turns to Fin, “Thank you for letting me know of this Fin,”
Fin nods, “Thank ya’ kindly dear, although you must thank these boys though, they were the ones that got her out,”
Madame looked over at them with a harsh but not mean stare, “Is this true?” They both nod, Jake keeps glancing back at the ferret, which is eyeing him down. You can’t see her mouth, but you can tell that Madame is smiling,” Well then, it would be rude to not heal you all as well,” She walks towards the exits, and motions for them to follow, “Come along now~”
Like little kids, Jake, Toby, and S.p followed close behind like little ducks, talking about how cool Madame is and talking more about themselves, (Well, S.p tried to anyways…) and Fin walked at a decent pace behind them.
In a fwoof of smoke, Madame sends everyone to her home to be healed.
This was the start of a pretty weird B-team, but no one was complaining, so we’ll just have to see what adventures they get into next.
The end!
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gaillaffxiv · 6 years
People Types ~ Dallia Akita
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Types of people — The Olympians
Aphrodite: laughter-loving, sweet smiles, dressed in silk and satin, flower in their hair, thrives on attention, sees the world as a runway, unapologetically sexual, the sea washing their ankles, in love with love, stirrer of passion, cunning concealed by painted lips, secret daggers, doves, revolution in their kiss, delighting in the waves, flirtatious winks, strolling along the beach, staring wistfully from a balcony, this is how to be a heartbreaker, your girlfriend thinks they’re attractive, wants to be adored, gets turned on by danger    
Apollo: glitz and glamour, art galleries, turning the volume up, being made of gold, neatly-organized music sheets, notebooks filled with poetry, bathing in the sunlight, the powerful urge to create, collecting vinyl records, beautiful cover of Wonderwall, playing multiple instruments, tasting like sunshine, healing touch, speaking in prophecies, smile mingled with wrath, shunning lies, sporting shades, hanging out at music festivals with their friends, sleeps naked, arrow to the heart, paint brushes, probably has a Tinder account
Ares: armed for battle, wants to raise a dog with their significant other, soft spot for children, gives piggyback rides, scarred body, blood on their hands and face, willing to fight the world for the ones they love, fights against injustice, warm hugs, well-worn combat boots, boxing gloves, bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles, fist raised in protest, ignites revolutions, fear is a prison, more sensitive than what their tough shell may have you think, exhausted, damaged goods, force to be reckoned with, red roses, curses under their breath
Artemis: keen senses of a hunter, freckles like constellations on their skin, piercing eyes, disheveled braid, moonlight peeking through the shadows, the calm of the forest at night, lying on the grass and staring at the stars, mother doe and her fawn, protecting their kin, the moon shimmering on a still lake, quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree, running with wolves, bonding while circled around a campfire, not being much of a people person, arrow hitting its target, popping egos, patience on 3%, touches heaven and returns howling
Athena: discerning gaze, unreadable face, the patience of a life-long teacher, quiet museums, owl perched on their finger, armor that intimidates, eye for architecture, plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses, studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid, big fan of logic, loves brain teasers, go-getter, balls of wool displayed on shelves, ancient buildings, sweaters in neutrals and cool colors, hair done up, can kill you with their brain, heads to the library often to research, sharpened pencils, abs that can cut steel, stoic statues, pottery classes  
Demeter: soil-covered hands, smile that can bloom flowers, skin loved by the sun, being the mom friend, can lift you and all of your friends, flowers kept in the pockets of overalls, takes pride in their beautiful garden, speaks to their plants, leaves rustling in the wind, stalks of wheat, picking fruit, greenhouses, heart as strong as a mountain, values simplicity, daisies dotted across a collarbone, curls crowned with flowers, folded pile of sweaters in warm hues, pulling out fresh-baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air
Dionysus: drunk shitposter, on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second, seductive smirks, untamed curls, rich fabrics on dark skin, sleek-furred panthers, theater masks, stage productions, receiving a standing ovation, rose caught between their teeth, being the baby of the bunch, wild parties that last from sundown to sunup, creeping vines, inspiring loyalty, grand opera houses, masquerade balls, rolls of film, shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor, pouring champagne into flutes, lives for the applause  
Hephaestus: the calloused hands of someone who knows labor, sweaty brow, flame burning in their eyes, inventive mind, broad shoulders, steampunk goggles, nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes, ashes, striking a match, blueprints for future projects, fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades, wrestles with bitterness, work boots have seen better years, wrinkled plaid shirts, iron melted by blazing fire, huge jackets, crafting masterpieces, greased-stained overalls, fascination with robotics, pain is fuel, stack of weaponry, even their muscles have muscles  
Hera: resting bitch face, dressed to the nines, cows grazing on a pasture, cool rain, loving and hating fiercely, hand clutching a string of pearls, large chandelier with glittering crystals, plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims, romance to realism, pictures of the sky while flying on a plane, files that under fuck it, downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix, like their selfie or you’re grounded, knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man, dark eyes that penetrate your soul, marble and gold
Hermes: devil-may-care smile, ink-stained hands, always up-to-date on the latest technology, will steal your french fries, does it for the vine, shitposter, puts googly eyes on everything, meme hoarder, long drives on the highway, ma and pop diners, spontaneous road trips, folded maps, fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop, shooting hoops on the basketball court, chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations, goes jogging in the morning, mixes red bull with coffee, menace on april fool’s, hoodies and sneakers    
Poseidon: storm with skin, colorful coral reefs, waves crashing against the shore, the sea casting its spell, stroking the soft fur of a cat, their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop, tousled locks, clothes smeared with paint, owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more, leather jackets, fondness for diy projects, handwriting that flows across the page, nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin, velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams, mood as ever-changing as the sea, the roar of a motorcycle, compass with a spinning arrow  
Zeus: thunder in their heart, running on coffee, flash of lightning, natural charisma, eloquence, badass in a nice suit, aficionado of history, force of nature, lenny face, pretends that they don’t have feelings but they do, nightmare-filled nights, proud arm around their lover’s waist, high-rise buildings, planes soaring through a cloudless sky, technician on the piano, maintains order, strong handshake, juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with apparent ease, most likely to be voted class president out of their peers, expensive watch, like a boss
Tagged by: @medicuscaelius-ffxiv
Tagging: uhhhhh if u were already tagged then ignore lmao @xiou @infiniteleftdoesffxiv @keeper-of-the-lilacs
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myceliumprotected · 6 years
Bold applies to all verses. Italics for specific verses.
TAGGED BY  • @lifedeathpeacewar TAGGING  • uhhhhh you!!
Laughter-loving. Sweet smiles. Dressed in silk and satin. Flowers in their hair. Sees the world as a runway. Unapologetically sexual. The sea washing their ankles. In love with love. Stirrer of passion. Cunning concealed by painted lips. Secret daggers.Doves.Revolution in their kiss. Delighting in the waves. Flirtatious winks. Strolling along the beach. Staring wistfully from a balcony. This is how to be a heartbreaker. Wants to be adored. Gets turned on by danger.
Glitz and glamour. Art galleries. Turning the volume up. Being made of gold. Neatly-organised music sheets. Notebooks filled with poetry. Bathing in the sunlight. The powerful urge to create. Collecting vinyl records. Beautiful cover of Wonderwall. Playing multiple instruments. Tasting like sunshine. Healing touch. Speaking in prophecies. Smile mingled with wrath. Shunning lies. Sporting shades. Hanging out at music festivals with their friends. Sleeps naked. Arrow to the heart. Paint brushes. Probably has a Tinder account.
Armed for battle. Wants to raise a dog with their significant other. Soft spot for children.Gives piggyback rides. Scarred body. Blood on their hands and face. Willing to fight the world for the ones they love. Fights against injustice. Warm hugs. Well-worn combat boots. Boxing gloves. Bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles. Fist raised in protest.Ignites revolutions. Fear is a prison. More sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think. Exhausted. Damaged goods. Force to be reckoned with. Red roses. Curses under their breath.
Keen sense of a hunter. Freckles like constellations on their skin. Piercing eyes. Dishevelled braid. Moonlight peeking through the shadows. The calm of the forest at night. Lying on the grass and staring at the stars. Mother doe and her fawn. Protecting their kin. The moon shimmering on a still lake. Quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree. Running with wolves. Bonding while circled around a campfire. Not being much of a people person. Arrow hitting a target. Popping egos. Patience on 3%. Touches heaven and returns howling.
Discerning gaze. Unreadable face. Quiet museums. Owl perched on their finger. Armour that intimidates. Eye for architecture. Plays the Sims for the sole purpose of building houses.Studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid. Big fan of logic. Loves brain teasers. Ancient buildings. Sweaters in neutrals and cool colours. Hair done up.Can kill you with their brain. Heads to the library often to research. Sharpened pencils. Abs that can cut steel. Stoic statues. Pottery classes.
Soil-covered hands. Smile that can bloom flowers. Skin loved by the sun. Being the mom-friend. Can lift you and your friends. Flowers kept in the pockets of overalls. Takes pride in their beautiful garden. Speaks to their plants. Leaves rustling in the wind.Stalks of wheat.Picking fruit. Greenhouses. Heart as strong as a mountain. Values simplicity. Daisies dotted across a collarbone. Curls crowned with flowers. Folded pile of sweaters in warm hues. Pulling fresh-baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
Drunk shitposter. On their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second.Seductive smirks. Untamed curls. Rich fabrics on dark skin. Sleek-furred panthers. Theatre masks. Stage productions. Receiving a standing ovation. Rose caught between their teeth.Being the baby of the bunch. Wild parties that last from sundown to sunup. Creeping vines.Inspiring loyalty. Grand opera houses. Masquerade balls.Rolls of film. Shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor. Pouring champagne into flutes. Lives for the applause.
The calloused hands of someone who knows labour. Sweaty brow. Flames burning in their eyes. Inventive mind. Broad shoulders. Steampunk goggles. Nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes. Ashes. Striking a match. Blueprints for future projects. Fixing up a busted car and giving it cool upgrades. Wrestles with bitterness. Work boots have seen better years.Wrinkled plaid flannel shirts. Iron melted in blazing fire. Huge jackets. Crafting masterpieces. Grease-stained overalls. Fascination with robotics. Pain is fuel. Stack of weaponry. Even their muscles have muscles.
Resting bitch face. Dressed to the nines. Cows grazing on a pasture. Cool rain. Loving and hating fiercely. Hand clutching a string of pearls. Large chandelier with glittering crystals.Plays the Sims for the sole purpose of killing off their Sims. Romance to realism. Pictures of the sky while flying on a plane. Files that under ‘fuck it’. Downs glasses of wine / bottles of beer as they relax with a scented bubble bath and Netflix. Like their selfie or you’re grounded. Knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man. Dark eyes that penetrate your soul. Marble and gold.
Devil-may-care smile. Always up-to-date on the latest technology. Will steal your fries. Does it for the vine. Shitposter. Puts googly eyes on everything. Meme hoarder. Long drives on the highway. Ma and pop diners. Spontaneous road trips. Folded maps. Fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop. Shooting hoops on the basketball court.Chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations. Goes jogging in the morning. Mixes Red Bull with coffee. Menace on April Fool’s. Hoodies and sneakers.
Storm with skin. Colourful coral reefs. Waves crashing against the shore. Stroking the soft fur of a cat. Their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop.Tousled locks. Clothes smeared with paint. Owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more. Leather jackets. Fondness for DIY projects. Handwriting that flows across the page.Nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin. Velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams. Mood as ever-changing as the sea. The roar of a motorcycle.Compass with a spinning arrow.
Thunder in their heart. Running on coffee. Flash of lighting. Natural charisma. Eloquence.Badass in a nice suit. Aficionado of history. Force of nature. Lenny face.Nightmare-filled nights. Proud arm around their lover’s waist. High-rise buildings. Planes soaring through a cloudless sky. Technician on the piano. Maintains order. Strong handshake. Juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease. Expensive watch.
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arlingtonpark · 6 years
SNK Chapter 101 Review
I think I finally get how best to describe the events of this whole attack: this was Marley’s Pearl Harbor.
The historical event needs no introduction:
“December 7th, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” –President Franklin Roosevelt, 12/8/1941
Following escalating tensions between Japan and the United States, the former country launched what was effectively a surprise attack on the headquarters of the Pacific branch of the US Navy, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Over 2,000 people were killed, 8 battleships were sunk or damaged, 3 cruisers and 3 destroyers were damaged, and over 180 aircraft were destroyed.
In this chapter, we see something similar. A surprise attack and seemingly major losses to the aggresse. Marley’s leader, Willy Tybur, is dead and so is most of the country’s military leadership. It’s possible that Reiner is dead, which means the Armored Titan is effectively out of commission and the War Hammer Titan may be as well. Marley only has the Jaw, Cart and Beast Titans ready and willing to fight, and that’s not counting Zeke’s likely duplicity.
Following the Pearl Harbor attack, Japan spread out across the Pacific, conquering many key islands, including the resource rich Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), Southeast Asia, and bringing large swathes of ocean under their control. By the time the US was back on its feet, Japan had done all they could to prepare for the war.
And yet, they lost that war.
You may be surprised to learn that Isoroku Yamamoto, the mastermind behind the attack, was personally opposed to war with the United States because he knew that if Japan got in to a war with the US, they would lose. The US, in Yamamoto’s calculation, simply had more manpower and more resources then Japan did. Thus, the American military machine could outlast the Japanese one. Always buy American.
Paradis cannot win a war with Marley.
They just can’t. It’s impossible. Paradis is just an island and that necessarily means limited resources. Add to that the fact that they’ve been mired in a technological dark age until all of 4-5 years ago, and the only logical conclusion is that war with Marley means, in the end, that Paradis, along with everyone on it, will be wiped off the face of the Earth.
Paradis is but a small island with limited resources.
Japan is but a small island with limited resources.
That’s actually what Japan’s ultimate goal was, the reason why they went to war in the first place. Japan is lacking in many key resources, they don’t even have much in the way of farmland. Japan being a modern, major power is predicated on access to resources they do not have, resources they need to import.
This is why Japan is a loyal ally to the US today: the US Navy patrols and guarantee’s the safety of the high seas, which in turn facilitates the global trade Japan relies on to fuel its economy.
Japan’s goal in fighting World War II was to create a “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.” This sphere was basically a colonial empire, but less so than the European ones. Countries such as Thailand and Burma (now Myanmar) would, along with Japan, would remain independent, but would become part of a sort of bizarro European Union. Japan would lead the Co-Prosperity Sphere and all the other nations would defer to them. The economic relationship between Japan and the other countries would also be colonial in nature, with resources being extracted from the colonies member nations and funneled to Japan proper.
The Pearl Harbor attack was supposed to buy time. By crippling the American fleet, the hope was to quickly spread out and conquer strategic locations, both to obtain resources and to serve as outposts/fortifications that would deter the US from prosecuting a war. In essence, they would turn the whole of the western half of the Pacific in to a fortress.
Where Japan miscalculated was in underestimating American resolve and overestimating their own ability to implement this “fortress pacific” plan of theirs.
This brings us back to Paradis. Japan fought because it recognized its shortcomings and accepted war as a path to addressing those shortcomings. To that end, they formulated a plan with the Pearl Harbor attack being but one step in that plan. In other words, they had a bigger picture in mind.
So what’s the bigger picture here? What’s the plan?
And no, “protecting Paradis from the world” doesn’t count as a plan. That is an idea, not a plan that can be executed.
So, you want to attack a military target in a country you are not at war with yet? Okay, then what? Easy: spread out, conquer islands, and dig in for war. Make them see how costly war will be so they give up without a fight.
So, you want to attack the leadership of your enemy in a public venue crowded with innocent civilians and neutral foreign dignitaries? Okay, then what? Uhhhhh
Because of Eren’s attack, Paradis has the intiative, but because of an obvious lack of resources and because this attack was obviously not coordinated with the Paradisian government itself, this will be an opportunity squandered.
Marley will regroup, and they, with the world’s blessing, will destroy Paradis Island.
So, Eren was acting solo this whole time, wasn’t he? If that’s the case we can sidestep the question of whether this is an act of preemptive war or preventive war altogether.
It’s murder, plain and simple.
Eren is not acting as an agent of Paradis. Thus, his actions are not covered by the excuse that “it’s war.” He’s acting in the capacity of a private citizen. Human life is sacred. It can only be extinguished in some very specific circumstances. This is not one of them.
Even if he were an agent of Paradis here, that still does not excuse what he did to that apartment building. The taking of hostages, the arbitrary destruction of human life and civilian property, these are war crimes in our world.
What is the point of all this?
“He’s doing this for the freedom of himself and his people.”
He’s not fighting for freedom. I see that get thrown around a lot, but it’s not true. Eren is fighting for #freedom, the similar, though subtly different, perversion of actual freedom.
Freedom means to be able to do as one pleases without hindrance. Note, though, that there are some problems with this.
“Do as one pleases without hindrance.” Like murder, rape, and assault. Stealing your food because it would benefit me, siphoning off gas from your car so I can sell it, etc. You get what I’m saying here?
Freedom != moral and a lack of freedom != immoral. I cannot kill you, that is a hindrance on my freedom, but it is not an unjustified hindrance.
In fact, in some ways, freedom is contradictory. Guaranteeing my freedom from harm necessarily means curtailing your freedom to cause harm.
The point I’m trying to make here is that “freedom” is not an end in itself. That Eren thinks that it is reveals his world view for what it truly is: shallow, vapid, thoughtless, stupid, and childish.
This is what separates adults from children. Adults act for reasons. Adults fight for freedom because they want to use that freedom, or because that freedom is a right they are entitled to. Children act based on emotions. Children fight for freedom because “F!@k yeah, freedom!”
It’s #freedom, not actual freedom. One is an emotion, the other is a means to an end.
Freedom does not justify itself, rights justify themselves.
Rights like the right to self-determination, the right to freedom from harm, the right to life, these are what (maybe) justify Eren’s mission, not some stupid appeal to the vague notion of freedom. The fact that he himself does not realize this is an indictment of his own immature way of thinking.
I suppose there’s nothing more to talk about here.
The War Hammer Titan has a very unorthodox design, but it’s grown on me since I first saw it. You could say it’s pretty slick.
The new designs for the Survey Corps, however, haven’t (yet). That shot of Mikasa standing by Eren, the one where we get the first full body view of the new uniform, looks like something out of a 90s dystopian sci-fi movie. And that shot of the Corps running past Magath and his men on the roof looks like something out of a video game that also has a sci-fi dystopian setting.
Why? It’s completely out of nowhere. They look like they just arrived fresh out of Mad Max, and it makes no sense.
Unless Zackley actually is in charge…
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aglaecan · 6 years
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tagged by: @mindsmade (ty dear!) tagging: i’ve been tagged in this meme like 20 times now (or like 4?) by different people for different muses so i have no idea who hasn’t done it?!? i’ll try to tag a couple of people each time i do it….  uhhhhh this time…. @cllgood @crimeblogger @charyka
APHRODITE:  laughter-loving, sweet smiles, dressed in silk and satin, flower in their hair, sees the world as a runway, unapologetically sexual, the sea washing their ankles, in love with love, stirrer of passion, cunning concealed by painted lips, secret daggers, doves, revolution in their kiss, delighting in the waves, flirtatious winks, strolling along the beach, staring wistfully from a balcony, this is how to be a heartbreaker, wants to be adored, gets turned on by danger.
APOLLO:  glitz and glamour, art galleries, turning the volume up, being made of gold, neatly-organized music sheets, notebooks filled with poetry, bathing in the sunlight, the powerful urge to create, collecting vinyl records, beautiful cover of Wonderwall, playing multiple instruments, tasting like sunshine, healing touch, speaking in prophecies, smile mingled with wrath, shunning lies, sporting shades, hanging out at music festivals with their friends, sleeps naked, arrow to the heart, paint brushes, probably has a Tinder account
ARES: armed for battle, wants to raise a dog with their significant other, soft spot for children, gives piggyback rides, scarred body, blood on their hands and face, willing to fight the world for the ones they love, fights against injustice, warm hugs, well-worn combat boots,boxing gloves, bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles, fist raised in protest, ignites revolutions, fear is a prison, more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think, exhausted, damaged goods, force to be reckoned with, red roses, curses under their breath.
ARTEMIS:  keen sense of a hunter, freckles like constellations on their skin, piercing eyes, disheveled braid, moonlight peeking through the shadows, the calm of the forest at night, lying on the grass and staring at the stars, mother doe and her fawn, protecting their kin, the moon shimmering on a still lake, quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree, running with wolves, bonding while circled around a campfire, not being much of a people person, arrow hitting a target, popping egos, patience on 3%, touches heaven and returns howling
ATHENA: discerning gaze, unreadable face, quiet museums, owl perched on their finger, armour that intimidates, eye for architecture, plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses, studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid, big fan of logic, loves brain teasers, ancient buildings, sweaters in neutrals and cool colors, hair done up, can kill you with their brain, heads to the library often to research, sharpened pencils, abs that can cut steel, stoic statues, pottery classes
DEMETER: soil-covered hands, smile that can bloom flowers, skin loved by the sun, being the mom-friend, can lift you and your friends, flowers kept in the pockets of overalls, takes pride in their beautiful garden, speaks to their plants, leaves rustling in the wind, stalks of wheat, picking fruit, greenhouses, heart as strong as a mountain, values simplicity, daisies dotted across a collarbone, curls crowned with flowers, folded pile of sweaters in warm hues, pulling out fresh-baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air
DIONYSUS: drunk shitposter, on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second, seductive smirks, untamed curls, rich fabrics on dark skin, sleek-furred panthers, theater masks, stage productions, receiving a standing ovation, rose caught between their teeth, being the baby of the bunch, wild parties that last from sundown to sunup, creeping vines, inspiring loyalty, grand opera houses, masquerade balls, rolls of film, shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor, pouring champagne into flutes, lives for the applause
HEPHAESTUS: the calloused hands of someone who knows labour, sweaty brow, flame burning in their eyes, inventive mind, broad shoulders, steampunk goggles, nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes, ashes, striking a match, blueprints for future projects, fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades, wrestles with bitterness, work boots have seen better years, wrinkled plaid shirts, iron melted in blazing fire, huge jackets, crafting masterpieces, greased-stained overalls, fascination with robotics, pain is fuel, stack of weaponry, even their muscles have muscles
HERA: resting bitch face, dressed to the nines, cows grazing on a pasture, cool rain, loving and hating fiercely, hand clutching a string of pearls, large chandelier with glittering crystals, plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims, romance to realism, pictures of the sky while flying on a plane, files that under fuck it, downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix, like their selfie or you’re grounded, knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man, dark eyes that penetrate your soul, marble and gold
HERMES:  devil-may-care smile, always up-to-date on the latest technology, will steal your french fries, does it for the vine, shitposter, puts googly eyes on everything, meme hoarder,long drives on the highway, ma and pop diners, spontaneous road trips, folded maps, fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop, shooting hoops on the basketball court, chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations, goes jogging in the morning, mixes redbull with coffee, menace on april fool’s, hoodies and sneakers  
POSEIDON: storm with skin, colourful coral reefs, waves crashing against the shore, stroking the soft fur of a cat, their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop, tousled locks, clothes smeared with paint, owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more,leather jackets, fondness for diy projects, handwriting that flows across the page, nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin, velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams, mood as ever-changing as the sea, the roar of a motorcycle, compass with a spinning arrow
ZEUS: thunder in their heart, running on coffee, flash of lightning, natural charisma, eloquence, badass in a nice suit, aficionado of history, force of nature, lenny face, nightmare-filled nights, proud arm around their lover’s waist, high-rise buildings, planes soaring through a cloudless sky, technician on the piano, maintains order, strong handshake, juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease, expensive watch
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princessnightwing · 7 years
All the asks!!!
Oh my. This was a lot. XD Some are repeats from other asks just so you know.•bubble bath: do you have any routines before bedtime? like skin care, etc. what are they?Hoo boy. You're asking someone who cares almost the LEAST about themselves. XD It's generally just wipe my face with a wet washcloth and brush my teeth. That's about it. And acne cream (Woohoo).•champagne: what topic could you talk about for hours?Batfamily...•crushed velvet: have you ever used your charm to get something you want?Nope. If I have, it was totally unintentional. I have no charm. XD•diamonds: how do you feel about excessively spending money?I hate it. I feel super guilty after.•faux fur: describe your wardrobe.Tank tops, t-shirts, shorts and jeans. All pretty normal stuff. I have some nice dresses that I wear on occasion.•glitter: describe someone special to you.Oh dear. I have too many special people, and I'd feel bad if I didn't include a few of them. So I'll describe my dog.He's a dork who thinks he's human (I kid you not, he likes to sit at tables and play on trampolines.) He loves snuggles, to give kisses and be as close to you as he possibly can. He also loves to dance. He's a strange, sweet dog with a bad habit of burping in people's faces.•gold: describe what you would call the most perfect meal.Olive Garden's salad, soup and breadsticks. And then a big slice of apple crisp with ice cream. TwT•jazz: name a song that resonates with you and your emotions. explain the reason why.Oh boy. I hate looking into my personal emotional stuff. I don't touch those things with a ten foot pole. But I guess "Lion" by Hollywood Undead? I tend to resonate with strong, powerful things because I like that feeling. Not in a "I'll crush you and destroy you" sort of way, but a protective and strong way. Does that make sense?It mentions some stuff about things one has gone through, and stuff like that.And I want people to see me as something strong and know that I'm ferocious to those who hurt those important to me.I guess? I don't really like to share thoughts about something like this, so that's why this is kinda vague. Sorry. :(•lace: what is something in your life completely different from last year?Uhhhhh... not much. *shrug* I lost weight? I guess?•lingerie: do you consider yourself a promiscuous person?PSSSH NO•lipstick: do you enjoy talking to strangers?Not really. I'm pretty nervous around people I don't know if I'm invited to a gathering or party or something. Unless I'm with a friend, then I step up.•pearls: what's something about your personality that surprises others?I'm pretty mild, super apologetic and sweet around people who I don't know. But when I get to know people or they hear from others they know that I'm aggressive and highly opinionated around my friends, it surprises them. X3 (I'm still super apologetic and sweet... I hope.)•penthouse: what would you consider your dream home? describe it.I have two moods, sometimes it's a small log cabin on a hill in the woods or a nice cottage down by the beach. ❤•perfume: if you could make your own signature fragrance, what would it smell like?Huh, I dunno. I don't wear perfume because it aggravates my asthma. But something citrus would probably be my choice.•robe: how do you prepare for an evening alone with a loved one/date?Well... I've never been on a date. So I have no clue. But I guess shower, dress nicely and actually put on eyeshadow instead of just mascara? I'm not entirely sure. ^^; I'm not very good at girl things.•roses: If it had to be winter, autumn, spring or summer for the rest of your life, which would you choose?Hoooooooo boy that's hard... Spring maybe? Because it's not too hot, but there are some nice warm days. Plus I love all the foliage starting to grow. :O But I don't like the allergies. X3 So hm. I'm stumped... Let's go with summer. TANK TOPS WOO!!!•satin: what is your most favorite article of clothing?My summer butterfly dress. ❤•sheet mask: what's your favorite lazy activity?Lounging in bed and watching shows. And sleeping.•silk: do you have more inner or outer beauty?I have no clue. ^^; Inner maybe?•silver: do you have any obscure hobbies? what are they?I don't think I do. >:d I collect Japanese soda bottles, does that count?•sparkling water: what are your top three songs for the summer?Ocean by Boy Kiss GirlMermaid by TrainKnee Deep by Zac Brown Band•wine: what kind of drunk are you (happy/affectionate, angry, sad, fun/wild)? if you don't drink, what kind do you think you WOULD be?I've never been drunk (and don't ever plan on it personally), so I'm not sure. Maybe a very affectionate one? Or sometimes angry?Thank you for asking!! :D
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