#u cant take away my emotional support headcanons
gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
hiii!! can u do chuuya x reader who likes painting? fem reader or gn i dont mind! 🫶🏾
!Chuuya With An S/O Who Likes To Paint!
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Scenario:- hcs of chuuya with an s/o who loves painting!
Pairing:- chuuya x gn!reader
Genre:- fluff
A/N:-HI ANON AND THANK YOU FOE THE REQUEST!ik its late but I hope you like it!pls feel free to lmk your thoughts on it!
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I feel like chuuya definitely appreciates the arts,so if you liked painting he’d totally be supportive!
As a hobby or even if you wanted to do it professionally,he wants you to follow your dream and be happy
I feel like he’d be the perfect reference for like poses and things,if that makes sense????? Like his figure and stature just seem perfect in that way for me!
Wouldn’t mind bein your reference tbh.he loves your art anyway and him bein able to be that much of an integral part in it would probably make him smile internally!
Yall go on lil days out to buy supplies and even he takes a look around the place and falls in just as much love with it as you do(was it because the place elicited so much joy from you that it brightened the entire city???? Maybe~)
If there are lil tools and stuff he wants to know the use of he’ll just ask you straight away.
Eventually you get him to agree to try it!
So that day you pick out an extra canvas or water colour pad and some paints,brushed and the whole shebang for him and you go home with everything gathered in your arms!
I feel like chuuya is definitely a doodler so he starts with that,just doodling on maybe a watercolour pad and painting it in.
Baby steps ofc.
Vent painting sessions!
Like when the both of you cant sleep or are feeling particularly stressed,you’ll go over to your supplies and paint out your feelings!
This is one of the only times he manages to outdo you!
We all know chuuya’s expressive,and he kinda basically wears his heart on his sleeve,in a sense; so naturally, he was great at expressing his emotions.
The colours on his canvas blended perfectly and the aggressive strokes just added to the effect!
He’d effectively depicted his feelings before you, and the result was just as beautiful as he was~
Wine and painting
Like on calmer nights yall just grab ur paints and he pours out glasses of wine for you both(IF YOU ARENT AT THE LEGAL DRINKIN AGE IN YOUR COUNTRY, YOU GET A MOCKTAIL OR NON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE)
Its a great way to unwind and let loose tbh,maybe you’ll even have some music playing in the background to suit your mood.
Your shared apartment has paintings EVERYWHERE
Like all over the walls,in the toilet , and honestly anywhere it could be displayed tbh!
You make sure to hang his ones up aswell ,and in places where they’ll be completely visible too!
Okay no but like,imagine him in a loose white shirt and his hair in a messy bun???his sleeves rolled up and paint just all over his arms and some on his clothes and face???? And he doesnt even knoe because he’s so concentrated on what he’s doing????
Painting and personalising plain clothes and tee shirts for eachother!
Oh and havin your own specific clothes for painting sometimes? Like these clothes have random paint splotches on em and stuff!
OH IMAGINE like chuuya gets late to come home or hes on long mission and since you miss him a little you wear his shirt and start painting (if you’re bigger than him,then you wear it as like an overshirt or tie it around your waist{honestly anything to make it feel like hes there})
And then he walks in the door and you go up to hug and welcome him
He notices its his shirt and smirks before leaning into kiss you saying, “Missed me that much huh?”
Ooh little paint fights would be ADORABLE like you put a dot of paint on his cheek and he then puts one on you and it goes back and worth until you’re both just a laughing mess on the floor.
Honestly chuuya with a reader who paints has now blessed my mind so thank you anon!
Tagging: @kajiyashikiazeru
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All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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fxndowstuffwhynot · 4 years
Autistic Neil Josten headcanon
Neil's special interests would probably be exy and languages right??
Even when he had money to buy new clothes he refused cause the worn out fabric from his old clothes didn't give him sensory overload
Pretty sure he always wear the same palmetto hoodie and sweatpants
Oh yeah math is also one of his special interests oops I forgot that
Aaron and Nicky would tease him for it
He really likes the smell of cigarettes, it's one of his sensory seeking things
Pulling his hand through Andrew's hair is also one
His routine with morning runs and midnight practices will not change and people respect that even if Andrew is tired from driving them at night.
Neil founds comfort from the fact that a lot of other autistic people are also demisexual
He doesn't find making eye contact with people uncomfortable. He usually does it too much and doesn't realize it. Other students from psu just find it hot
I'm 100% sure that Neil sews his pencils and has an oral fixation.
Matt gets him chewable stim toys for Christmas
Loves it when Andrew lays straight on top of him not just because he feels safe but also for the weight pressure
The strong smell of hair dye always made him be on the edge of a meltdown
Neil is definitely oblivious to people flirting with him (it's practically canon right. No? Is it just a fandom thing I don't remember)
In the future he would vocal stim with the cats and play with they fur and they would sleep on top of him when Andrew would be away
The key that Andrew gave him would be his comfort item thing
He would publically tell autism speaks to suck his dick
He uses sarcasm all the time but sometimes has a hard time from telling if other people are serious or not
Allison would paint his nails with glitter stuff and use it as a visual stim
He has scripts for social stuff in his head mainly from pretending to be other people on the run but also cause he doesn't get how to do regular social things
He only has a filter on what he is saying when he needs to lie but otherwise he just straight up says what he thinks (Neil's roast on riko and other times when the foxes asked if he ever thinks lol)
His posture is all fucked up from sleeping in weird places during the run
Has eyes for details and can tell the twins apart really easily even from just the second meeting
On his sensory issues he would just keep his head down and hood up but then Andrew got them matching sunglasses and now he wears them all the time.
Also sometimes he wears headphones for noise. He pretends to have music on and not hear when Aaron calls for him just to piss him off.
Maybe I will add to this but idk that's it for now. I'm not a native english speaker so don't come for me.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s son (Part 1)
Tony Stark x son!reader
a/n: me and noah are abt to blow ur minds lmfaooo -> takes place around the same timeline as the daughter!reader ones aka y/n was born in 2000
prompt: i had to
part 2
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the world was raving over this billionaire playboy’s newest title: father
and boy, did the headlines get interesting
among your favorite magazine covers, your all-time favorite was
Tony Stark: World’s Most Eligible DILF
^accompanied with a picture of your dad holding you
(tony stark’s superpower is being a dilf, it’s just a fact ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
“look at us, kid. that’s me and you! wow! you make me look magnificent”
you were so...boring to him
like tony watching you was wonderful, he absolutely adored having a kid to take care of...but babies don’t do much of anything
rhodey came to see you every chance he got
“rhodey! what’s going on?”
“i’m not here for you, i’m here for the baby”
rhodey was a fuckin awesome uncle
one of the only level-headed people you could call family
back to dad:
“hey, little guy, what’s up? any baby-things you wanna do today? anything on your mind?”
he really wanted you to speak to him
your first word was “duck”
he’s pretty sure you meant “fuck”
“love this kid!”
who wouldn’t?
“let’s play ‘superman’” he runs flies you around the house
he talks abt single dad things to get women to swoon over him
tony always has baby food stains and spit up all over himself
he has a separate garage for those tiny drivable cars that kids can vroom in, you know what im talking about
“god, you’re gonna be so cool when you grow up”
tony stark is a rough-and-tough dad
loves to get wild when it’s playtime
“y/n, catch!” *ball hits you in the face* “alright, not an athlete, that’s okay”
“i’m good!”
tinkering in the workshop with dear ol’ dad
“alright, sport, what’s your million-dollar idea?”
“a car that’s powered by water”
“i knew i shouldnt have let you watch that 70s show”
you actually did become a handful growing up
if tony didn’t want to Dad(tm) for a few hours, he’d make happy take you to chuck e. cheese
“buy the kid as many tokens as he wants, it doesn’t matter”
tony would either take a long, much needed nap or work until he crashed
one time he heard you blasting black sabbath in your room and opened the door to see you playing air guitar and he shut the door and cried
so proud
you wanted to go to school but you were a budding genius so he wanted to teach you himself
this would be around the time that tony went missing
which was traumatic for you and it didn’t seem like anybody cared
pepper was your godmother so she had to take care of you while he was away, but she was super busy and emotional about the whole thing
happy and pepper honestly acted like divorced parents shuttling their child back and forth
“it’s your day, happy! pick him up, i have to go to work!”
but eventually, tony found his way back to you and you cried really hard and there were snot bubbles and he tried to lighten the mood with jokes and he was like
“hey, i brought you some sand from my vacation!”
sir,,,, please
this mf started making a suit of armor and you didn’t think a thing of it
“can i help? can i help? can i help?”
lab assistant y/n reporting for duty
“sure, junior. grab me that screwdriver”
“flat or philips?”
“lets try flat, i gotta wedge this thing apart the old fashioned way”
you were learning so much
and he was really supportive of any idea you pitched
“we can give that a try, no problem!”
you hacked into the avengers initiative files bc you were curious about what agent coulson had to say
“dad, you would be such a cool superhero!”
“are you saying i’m not a superhero already? hellooo, single dad?”
“you’re not single! you have pepper!”
“dammit, you’re right i cant use that line anymore”
you started to DREAM of becoming an avenger
you thought you’d be able to get an in if your dad committed to it
“my dad’s an avenger” -you to everyone when youre trying to threaten them
“so, mr. fury, when can i become an avenger?”
“how old are you?”
“i’ll be 13 real soon”
“ask your dad”
honestly tony liked the idea of a father/son superhero team
but in practice?
“hey, y/n, sorry if i don’t tell you this enough, but i love you”
“love you too, dad”
the avengers seemed to enjoy your company
you still radiated stark energy, so that really hurt your likable-ness
“c-can i get your autograph?” -you to captain america
“not you too!” -tony
“shhh, dad, i’m talking to a celebrity”
tony is majorly offended
soon the avengers were your family, which was odd to get used to
lots happens in your life, that was for sure
every time you turned on the news it was something about an avenger
“dad...cnn says steve is a fugitive”
“sucks to be him” *eats toast*
tony makes u breakfast special :)
“want a pop tart?”
“sure...yeah, nat’s a fugitive too, it seems”
“she’ll be fine”
avengers tower was pretty cool, you and thor played ping pong together when you were there
“thor, if you use mjölnir as a paddle again you’re gonna kill me with a ping pong ball!”
you hung out at the malibu house a whole lot
theres a framed picture of the “Tony Stark: DILF” magazine cover on your wall
your friends were other rich kids
“y/n, you know all your friends are douchebags, right?”
“i am well aware”
you threw parties at said malibu house when tony and pepper were gone
“sir, there’s a disturbance at your home”
“which one, JARVIS?”
“shit, y/n’s there! what’s wrong?”
“see for yourself” *pulls up cameras*
“are you kidding me, JARVIS? you think i care if y/n’s trashing the house? you had me thinking he was being attacked or held hostage or something, jesus”
you programmed “the panic protocol” into JARVIS’s system without tony knowing, which can sense when tony has anxiety/panic attacks and figure out how to calm him
JARVIS sends you a notification if you aren’t in immediately vicinity, then he troubleshoots to find the best solution for tony until you can help
either music, counting, breathing reminders, water reminders, etc
“dad, everything alright?”
“im good, son! real good!”
eventually you found a good excuse for getting a suit
“dad, i think terrorist attacks warrant a need for armor...for my protection!”
“fine, we’ll develop a suit for you”
“no need! i already engineered one while you were busy, it’s downstairs”
“impressive. you’re grounded”
“nooo! unground me please!”
“fine, ungrounded”
youre one foot in the door becoming an avenger
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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grimoireofwritings · 3 years
Hiii again!! I cant get enough with ur writing. Please if u dont mind making one., again? UMM where Langris is very jealous to the black bull bcoz his s/o (fem) (a member of black bull) and shes very close with them. Or just along the lines? Thank you agaaain!!
Hello again my dear!! No need to apologize, you can send in as much as your heart desires. I am deeply sorry this is sooooo shamefully late. Chronic health difficulties have gotten a bit complicated lately and I'm trying to be more consistent with this blog. Hopefully the scenario was worth the wait!
Also I headcanon William is the squad's therapist on many occasions, you can't change my mind 💀
Scenario: Langris Vaude's fem s/o is in the black bulls.. and he's jealous!!
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No matter how much he pushed the aching itch at the front of his mind away, or brushed aside the little intrusive thoughts he experienced day by day, sometimes even going so far as to manifest them in little growls of frustration and the tightening of his jaw... Langris Vaude was failing horribly... Miserably, even, to set aside his personal emotions regarding the whereabouts of his partner.
She... With those gorgeous (e/c) sparkling hues that always lit up at the sight of something she loved.. and the way the sunlight often glimmered so flawlessly against the soft sheen of her hair - was far too beyond his reach for his comfort. Not only that, it completely wracked at his nerves on a daily basis.. that he... That person.. got to see her and her beauty far more than Langris ever did.
His brother. And the black bulls in general. So unworthy of her presence, her stunning grace. Not only that, he knew about his damn brother. And even he had to admit that he'd be a blind fool not to recognize such a gorgeous woman in his proximity. Considering that shameless flirting habit, it made him grit his teeth knowing that Finral was inevitably wooing her on a daily basis. Beyond his control.
"Does he even realize how lucky he is to be graced with her mere presence?? So undeserving.."
This had been Langris' current obsession for about a month now, and it haunted him, even going as far as losing sleep against his own will. It was getting to the point that he was grinding his teeth and mumbling to himself, much to the dismay and terror of his subordinates as he passed them by in the HQ's long hallways... Probably fearing for their lives being so close to his dangerous aura, permeating off of him like a toxin.
But after one last all-nighter of complete mental torture, he was done in, he had finally caved. It took a lot, and I mean a shit load of stress to force Langris into swallowing his pride. Something he was about to do that morning.
He knew Captain Vangeance was up, even at this ungodly hour. The man seemed to enjoy getting up at the crack of dawn to get a head start on his work load, for the sake of having spare time in the evenings to tend to his private garden. Yet here was he, concerningly deep and dark bags under his eyes, as he paced and debated with himself outside the Captain's door to his office, feeling held back by his own dignity on the line to actually knock.
Eventually though, his choice was made for him, as his mumbling was interrupted by the door opening up. There was his Captain, the same trademark amiable smile on his face as he appeared before him, seemingly in a bit of a preoccupied hurry. He halted completely though upon spotting his Vice Captain, raising a brow, before his expression immediately faltered into a look of concern at the sight of Langris appearing so unhinged. Was something going on that he had failed to notice?
"Langris, good morning. You look troubled. Is there something I can help you with?" He tilted his head expectantly, a friendly and welcoming look in his eyes behind that mask of his. Langris bit his lip.. somehow the open offer made him feel even more on edge than he'd expected. Geez.. why did his Captain have to be such an insufferable softie??
Giving a few reluctant grumbles, the shorter spacial mage gave a slow nod. "Yeah... I came for some.. advice" he said, begrudgingly managing to spit out the last word distastefully. And to his slight surprise, Vangeance didn't hesitate to give a nod and he opened up the door to his office, offering the space for the two of them. "Of course. Step inside."
There was a bit of an awkward quietness as they did just that, Langris being sure to avoid eye contact - as he instead focused on the sensation of a crisp breeze passing by through the opened windows and the faint scent of the flowers William cared for in his office. It brought "life" to the space, the Captain had said.. it had made Langris scoff.
He watched Vangeance approach his desk, but instead of circling around to take a seat, he settled for leaning back against the wooden mahogany top, letting it support his weight. "Alright. What's on your mind?" He asked. It honestly sometimes amazed Langris how the Captain managed to speak in a way that was both gentle and calming, yet straightforward and confident.
"I... Have.... A girlfriend..." He started after an agonizingly long pause. Each word seemed so painfully difficult to force out through gritted teeth. But after another few passing moments, the image popped into his tormented mind again. Finral... That ridiculous, stupid, idiotic grin on his face as he flirted in the most unbecoming, disrespectful way to his precious y/n. And that was it - his resolve broke. And his insecurities became less important than his need to vent.
"She's with the black bulls. She's a magic knight under Yami and... Sometimes I just get so pissed off that my damn good for nothing brother gets to spend far more time with her than I ever can. I'm so busy and swamped with work here that I hardly even have time to make plans.. and take her on dates. I want to treat her with the respect and care she deserves, but.. I can't. And that makes me afraid."
He was gritting his teeth, utterly humiliated as tears began to prick his eyes. Why? He figured it was probably because he hadn't actually talked about his feelings with someone in ages. Perhaps he'd repressed more than he realized.
"Afraid she'll abandon you for something or someone else..?" William prompted gently. And Langris nodded. "Yeah.. I mean, my brother. We all know he was the one out of my family that our peers preferred. I was better, I was praised, I was rewarded on a materialistic level for talent. But I was never.. liked. In the way he was. With that whole soft hearted sensitive guy display. She's around him, all day, every day.. and I just... I..."
He finally cracked a bit more and planted his face in his hands, unable to finish. Completely destraught. And he was forced in that moment to face his own inner ugliness - the insecurities and jealousy he felt so much shame for harboring at all.
William gave him a brief moment, both to ensure he had finished saying all he needed to express, and to truly consider those words. He hummed. "I see. It seems this is something that's been deeply disturbing you and impacting your health, even. A very painful and helpless situation, by the sound of it. It pains me to see you so destraught, Langris."
For a moment, as Vangeance removed his mask and placed it neatly beside him, Langris mistook a look of sympathy and empathy in those eyes for something as disgusting as pity. And he snapped, making an impulsive remark in his state of frightened vulnerability.
"Whatever. As if you have any experience with women to begin with, what with that face-"
He halted abruptly before he could finish. No, that was unacceptably harsh. "I apologize." He mumbled, a moment later. William Vangeance sighed deeply, brushing off the remark. It clearly stung but he was far more concerned about his underling than himself at that moment. "You're forgiven, Langris."
The Vice Captain began to shuffle and twitch nervously, this was going so much worse than he even thought possible. But that changed with William's next words.
"Langris. I think you ought to have a little more faith in your partner's judgement, and her decision making. Despite all the time she spends with the black bulls, and your brother, she still chose you, above them. She developed those special feelings for you, and at the end of the day, you are her person.. the person she loves. Trust that judgement of hers, and that she hand selected you for a reason. Women are smart like that, they hardly waste their time with someone they aren't interested in. I am positive she cherishes you, and thinks of you, every day."
He smiled, and even approached his subordinate with a warmth in his expression. "I think.. perhaps it would reassure you to reach out to her, a bit more. She understands you have a lot of responsibility, but with women, I've definitely perceived that they appreciate even the smallest gestures immensely. Send her hand written notes, flowers, or even sweets. Whatever you know she likes the most, and would appreciate as a gesture of affection. It will remind her that you're thinking of her, and likewise, I'm positive she will respond to you in a way that provides you some peace of mind. Rekindle that romance, and maybe even.. consider opening up to her about your feelings, like you have right now."
Langris interrupted, shaking his head stubbornly. "No. Then she'll know how weak I am" he stated. Vangeance chuckled, his smile softening. "Hmm.. I disagree. I can garuntee you that she will perceive such vulnerability as trust. She'll see that you trust her integrity to confide in her. That will strengthen your relationship with her more than anything else. I promise.. just try it once, and tell me how it works out."
Langris puffed a sigh through his cheeks. "Fine... Fine. Fine." He repeated the word, each time a bit more in defeat. "Listen.. I'll try it, but only because I'm desperate. And because I want to, not because you told me to."
With that, William held back a grin of amusement, and he nodded in satisfaction. "Of course. Hopefully, that will help you out. But besides that.. I think I'm going to give you some time off. Go see her, and spend some quality time by her side. I think it would do you some good."
Langris raised a brow, seemingly a bit confused. "But Captain, all my work-" he was interrupted by a hand, that was held upwards with a sense of finality. "No buts. Besides... Your quality of work is suffering anyway due to your current state of health. I'd rather you go take care of yourself first, then return to finish up your tasks properly. Until then, I'll take care of things. You have my word that everything will be fine."
Langris took a few long moments to ponder this, and his Captain's gesture. He started to realize more and more, working alongside Vangeance, why his squad was so fiercely loyal to him, and that their team was so successful to begin with.
"Alright. I'll accept your offer. Vangeance..."
He glanced up at his Captain sheepishly as he followed the scarred man towards the exit of his office.
"Thank you. Very much."
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cowabungacafe · 4 years
hi! could i request a tmnt matchup please? i'm rather short (1,60cm), chubby, and i look like a mix of 90's grunge and early 2000 emo. i'm anti-authority, and i am a leader, not a follower. if i don't think that a rule makes sense, or is useful, i'm not going to follow it. however, i'm mostly pretty obedient, and i don't cause much trouble. some people see me as a big brother type of person, because i protect and support when needed, and i have a 'caretaker' type persona. i can succeed at everything i *want* to succeed at, the rest doesn't interest me. i present myself as incredibly confident, hella sassy, sarcastic and like i don't have a care in the world, even though i'm really sensitive, introverted, kinda timid and insecure. i cry a lot over small things, and beat myself up relentlessly when i make mistakes. in general, i don't think highly of myself at all, but l would never outright admit that, or speak up. i just really hate having to trust someone with my emotions. i love making people around me laugh, it makes me really happy. i can be a bit petty, and teasing, but only in a joking manner. i actually get flustered really easily, and i never initiate anything, even though i adore physical affection of any kind. what most people are surprised by is my fair and unbiased way of judging. i stand up for anyone who is treated unfairly, even if i have to stand my own against authority (which makes me incredibly nervous). then again, i'm unable to protect myself, and i just quietly take everything that is said to me. i get scared really easily, and i'm afraid of being hit or yelled at. hope this was okay♡
My oh my! I have to admit this was pretty hard. And i thought about this for one whole day and then it hit me who im gonna match u up with. Thank you for requesting, i hope you got who you wanted.
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The above gif is the vibe you gave me and also i love this gif
I match you with
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Why i matched you with your result
You are leaderly and hardly wanna be a follower and an anti-authority, which resonates with raphs rebel vibes. If there's a rule that you think is wrong, you dont follow it no matter what. Just like raph, if raph thinks there some rules that literaly have no meaning he wont follow it and none can make him.
You show as if you are tough and dgaf about the world but deep down you're just a soft plushie baby who needs to be hugged tightly, same as raph, raph shows as if he doesn't care about this world and often talks about leaving his bros and starting his life separately, but the truth is quite opposite. He is very insecure and he thinks he doesn't deserve his bros.He cares and loves his brothers and the world deeeeply and can't think of a live without them. He says those stuff to maintain the "hardcore" persona. He too carries the sarcastic and sassy af vibe.
You will help someone and anyone in need no matter what the circumstances, even if its one man vs the world. Raph too will fight the demons if he have to to save someone he thinks is in need.
Just like you, raph too shows as if he doesn't get shy but thats not true, he is just a soft cinnamon roll in "badboy" skin. So any type of physical touch makes this red bandana mutant a full on tomato. Yes he is that flustered.
Raph is the most sarcastic of the brothers(i just checked that from the tmnt wiki)and will always go around throwing petty snarky comments on his smart-brain brothers(leo and donnie especially lol) so here too you resonate with him.
Raph is a pretty good brother i like to think even more reasonable than leo (as he argued with leo why mikey doesnt get a vote on the secrecy of purple ooze). Maybe thats why mikey is seen around raph more bcus raph too gives those protective big brother who may come off as harsh but will listen to your problems with open ears. (Maybe thts why he became the eldest brother in rottmnt). Here too you match with him.
Raph is reluctant on telling someone about his emotions as he thinks it will hamper his hardcore mode, until you came( read along the random hcs )
Although considered the hothead of the group, raphs sense of judgement isnt that far behind fron leos.
After mikey, raph is probably the second jokester, maybe not on the same level of mikey but pretty snarky and petty jokes lol.
Sometimes he breaks down when he realises that how the decision he took was wrong and how much it has affected not only him but his near and dear ones too. Like in the 2016, the stealing of the purple ooze from the police hqs made their existence known and April and Casey were taken into custody.
Random headcanons of both of you when together
Your first meeting is prolly when he was out on a patrol and saw u trying save an old lady who was getting mugged. He was watching from the rooftop the whole time, of how you advanced and told the robber to leave her alone with apparently no weapon in hand, until he came down when he felt like its showtimee!!
When you find some fault in Leo's plan/strategy you point them out right away and raph cant help but admire you and mouth the word "thats my girl", finally he has someone to back his ass up.
Your leadership qualities are excellent and even sensei confirmed that and raphs chest grew 4 inches wider with a permanent grin on his face and sending snarky looks towards leo, who is just rolling their eyes away.
Though he is usually the tough guy, but with you its a whole different thing. He shows a diff side to you, the side not many has witnessed. He is usually soft and goofy around you, if you're tired he will bring some food over at your place or just take you out for a lil dinner on the rooftops. He will spoil you with things you like.
He knows that you're pretty sensitive and flinch and gets scared of scolding or yelling(he knew it from the first time he had a fight with you and he raised his voice then suddenly he saw your eyes filling up with tears. From then on, he is always careful around you)
Everytime you cry whether be it a sad movie or someone which made you cry, he will cuddle with you and cradle you while brushing your hair and humming some lullaby which sensei used to sing to him.
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redwylde · 4 years
EVERY. MATSU. For the ask thing~
I Am Going To Beat You To Death
Favourite Thing About Them
He's so genuinely kind and caring, a bad boy with all the attributes of punk but not a bland ass edgy caricature.
Least Favourite Thing About Them
He doesn't go ape shitt enough. Why won't they let him KILL. (S2 stumped whatever I would've originally put here, I'm so happy)
Favourite Line
This absolute goldmine of a line here.
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but also 💙 S 💚 U 💙 I 💚 R 💙 I 💚 K 💙 U 💚
I don't have one, but do you ever think about how Kara leaned in to kiss Iyami (Iyayo) and Iyami was just going to let it happen, I do.
Ugly Flower ass bitch.
Random Headcanon
Every so often Kara likes to doodle when he feels like it. He has a sketchbook full of doodles and studies of his brothers, who he draws when they're all just lounging around the house. As such they're all in sitting or lying positions and he's able to capture their personalities in each doodle. There's a handful of pages that are just studies of Oso, reclining on the couch reading a comic, sleeping at the kotatsu or any number of things.
Unpopular Opinion
Kara exists outside of Ichi and all of his development/angst potential does not revolve around his relationship with Ichi.
Song I Associate Them With
Yours If You Want it by Rascal Flatts
Favourite Picture Of Them
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Honestly, I love waaaaaaayyy too many pictures of Kara to even think about picking one but this shot from NeetPro is a high contender. I ALWAYS love seeing Kara wearing his Perfect Fashion and this picture does a great job of capturing his whole personality at once.
Cool man but with gentle eyes. He smiles, stands non-threateningly and just looks so serene. I cry.
Favourite Thing About Them
He is actually a very kind and nurturing soul trapped in an anxious body and people need to appreciate this side of him more. He doesn't take Totty to the bathroom or offer his brothers his shoulder to cry on for any reason other than he genuinely wants to be of help. We all know he's strong enough to yeet them if he wanted to.
Least Favourite Thing About Them
Favourite Line
"Shit. I wasn't able to stop their Ferris Wheel Tyranny" - Tabimatsu Event
SUIRIKU!! And 💚 W 💛 A 💚 K 💛 A 💚 B 💛 A 💚
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Random Headcanon
Choro raises succulents and it makes him feel happy because he's able to put his energy into nurturing something and watching it grow. It makes him feel better about himself because he gets to see something beautiful thrive because of his love and care! It's a positive and therapeutic feeling and it always makes him feel better when he's sad or anxious.
Unpopular Opinion
It's almost 2020 and we still have to say that Choro is not more perverted or cursed than any of the other brothers. They have all had poorly aging jokes at least once in the show by now. It's a shock humour comedy and we KNOW that they fluctuate almost every episode. We rely entirely on translated subtitles that are never going to be 100% accurate.
Song I Associate Them With
Verge by Owl City and Aloe Blacc
Favourite Picture Of Them
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This is basic I know but I swear this is not for a thirsty reason lmao
Choro is ALWAYS always drawn very moe and cute (partly due to Asano-san's influence as head illustrator) so his appearances in official art are (usually) very childlike in nature imo. So when the staff released this series of images it hit me like a truck because he looks really mature here?? It's a really good look for him, Mature Choro is not a thing we get a lot of (Kara occupies the Sexy box and Oso gets all the mature atmosphere just because he's the eldest) so this picture really sticks with me, I just love how grown up he looks.
Favourite Thing About Them
He's a very perceptive and very mindful boy. I can't explain why but I love how good he is at reading the room and people's emotions. A lot of the time it means he can speak up for others if they're too afraid to be honest or cant understand their feelings.
Least Favourite Thing About Them
Nothing that comes to mind! (S2 fixed this as well lmao)
Favourite Line
Parka!! Or 110!!
No OTP for Ichimacchan.
YanaIchi. Sorry guys.
Random Headcanon
Ichi is on the aroace spectrum and is romance repulsed. His relationship goal in life is just to remain as close to his brothers as he is now. So long as he has his brothers and his 12 million cats, he's good.
Unpopular Opinion
Ichi is not just Edgy McFurry and I wish people would focus more on the rest of his personality, which is actually a very kind but insecure boy. Also the next time I see someone describe him as a tsundere I'm gonna start swinging.
Song I Associate Them With
Demon Kitty Rag bg Katzenjammer
Favourite Picture Of Them
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(Is this technically my favourite picture of Choro HFJFHDJFJJF I LAUGHED AT THIS FOR MONTHS ON END WHEN THIS EPISODE AIRED)
Favourite Thing About Them
A very smart and supportive boy!
Least Favourite Thing About Them
He vores people and gets away with it, when will he recieve the jail time he deserves.
Favourite Line
This. Just this, I scream every fucking time.
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KINNIKU!!! KINNIKKUUUUUUUUU!!!! 💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛
Can you believe it's not JyushiHomu?
Don't think I have one?
Random Headcanon
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned in canon but I love the idea that Jyushi really likes fish and marine life! Crabs, cephalopods and the nautilus are his favourites!
Unpopular Opinion
He IS actually smart and extremely conniving, he is not all volume, do not trust this man lmao
Song I Associate Them With
Brotherswing by Caravan Palace
Favourite Picture Of Them
I don't actually have a lot of pictures of Jyushi but I will never not love this picture of him carrying Choro-chan to safety.
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Favourite Thing About Them
He loves and will die for his family. He has a really loving heart.
Least Favourite Thing About Them
I know WHY he does it but sometimes he sets his brothers up to fail completely and I'm like WHY, NO ONE WAS EVEN FIGHTING WITH YOU LITTLE SHIT lmao
Favourite Line
"It's actually really fun being sextuplets"
110 and, at times, Cyber!
Y'all gonna hate me after these. AtsuTodo.
Random Headcanon
Totty is an extroverted introvert (I think that's the term) and that's why he prefers to do some things on his own, like exercising and going on trips, but doesn't mind socialising wih a select group of people i.e his brothers, his friends.
Unpopular Opinion
He's not at all cute.
Song I Associate Them With
I don't actually have one for him yet, sorry about that!
Favourite Picture Of Them
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anti-mistajules · 6 years
For the aromantic asks, would you pick which ones you want, or if you could do all of them? I’ve never heard about it before but I’m really curious and would like to know more from your point of view
Well bc you’ve never heard of it before here’s a little definition I got from here (if u wanna read more about it):
An aromantic is a person who experiences little or no romantic attraction to others. Where romantic people have an emotional need to be with another person in a romantic relationship, aromantics are often satisfied with friendships and other non-romantic relationships.
What arospec label(s) do you identify with?
I’m just plain ol Aromantic
Sexual orientation?
Are you romance-repulsed?
To a degree? I don’t usually mind seeing romance in media, I just get a little uncomfortable with seeing PDA and when people view me in a romantic way I feel like physically sick.
Do you relate to voidpunk?
Do I relate to what now?
What kinds of attraction (romantic, sexual, aesthetic, sensual, platonic, etc) do you experience?
Sexual, aesthetic, and platonic definitely! Im not too big on sensual attraction and I don’t feel romantic attraction at all.
How do you like to show people you (platonically) love them?
I’m a huge ‘acts of service’ and ‘gift’ person! I do whatever I can to make things easier for my friends and try to give them gifts they love and deserve! I also like to spend time with them when I can and talk about whatever! Basically if I can talk to you on the phone or in person past 12am, I love you friend!!
Do you want to remain single all your life or do you want to have some sort of life partner?
I wanna remain single, I really need my alone time I couldn’t imagine living with someone for an extended period of time.
If you want one, what is your dream partner?
Which is your favorite of the 3 aromantic flags?
Uhhh fuck im not too flag savvy??? I like this one:
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Your opinion on soulmates?
allonormative as fuck and perpetuates the idea that you need another person in your life to ‘complete’ you which is complete garbage!
Your opinion on shipping?
Shipping is fun but I don’t get too into it.
Do you ship characters in romantic/sexual relationships, or do you only ship characters in familial and platonic relationships?
Honestly all of the above but mostly platonic and sexual.
Are you out to anyone in real life?
My close friends and my immediate family. Or at least I tried to come out to them but they were just like “you won’t get married?? Ya right lol ur stupid” and I didn’t use the word ‘aromantic’ so I guess technically im not out to them?? Its not something I hide, but when explaining it to others I don’t use the word bc I don’t wanna explain or want people to think im one of those “tumblrinas’ who ‘make up orientations’ bc there’s a lot of negativity to unpack there so I just don’t bother
How did you come out?
Once I found out what aromanticism was I immediately related to it so I told my best friend first and we had a conversation about it and then Id just be like “hey I don’t get why people date people…I don’t wanna do that” to everyone else.
Do you know any aromantic people in real life?
Nope! I would love to meet some!!
How do you feel about your aromanticism?
Honestly its so freeing…I feel very validated knowing there’s a whole community of people who feel the same way I do about romance. Im pretty proud to be aro with my friends and online but irl to my family and acquaintances Im not as open with it.
What is the worst part of being aromantic?
The lack of representation and the constant erasure. I highkey hate being grouped with asexuals so much bc not every person who is aro is ace and vice versa! They’re separate orientations but they are NEVER treated like it and its so annoying. (THIS IS NOT ACE HATE!! I SUPPORT ACES WITH ALL MY ARO HEART!!! LOVE YALL!!)
Also the constant fear that you cant be friends with the opposite sex bc they’ll always want to be romantically involved and that your allo friends will leave you for their S/O lol
What is the best part of being aromantic?
Not being in a relationship lol people complain so much about their relationship troubles and im like ‘damn COULDN’T be me’
How did you find out about aromanticism?
I found out through either Tumblr or google I cant remember which??? Or maybe I saw it on Tumblr and googled it? Either way Tumblr was a factor
When did you know you were aromantic?
I tried dating my best friend and ended it in like 3 days bc I felt so fucking weird about the whole thing like very uncomfortable??? Like I felt like I couldn’t talk to him about certain stuff anymore and just being called someone’s “girlfriend” makes my skin crawl. I always had some weirdness around romance but I thought it was just bc I haven’t “found the right person yet” but if anyone was the “right person” it was my best friend and I couldn’t do it. So I did some research and found out about aromanticism, related so hard, and have been very happy with the label ever since.
Do you have any aromantic headcanons?
What would be your dream representation of an aromantic/aro-spec character?
An aromantic character who is allosexual (preferably bi) who loves their friends and family and would do anything for them! Doesn’t go “EW!!! GROSS!!” At romance but is just like “nah ill pass, loving my friends is all I need!” and isn’t super oblivious to romantic gestures or infantilized/made into a joke for not being interested in romance. Also if they call out allonomativity that’d be tight
Who is your aromantic icon/idol?
What is your favorite song that relates to aromanticism, or is simply not about romantic love?
Analysis Paralysis by Awake at Last (At least I don’t get a romance vibe off of it??) and Sonic Youth by Crush 40 for all you Sonic fans out there. (And honestly most sonic songs are aromantic BANGERS)
What is your favorite movie that is not focused on romance?
What is your favorite tv show that is not focused on romance?
POKEMON !! Im gonna be honest with y’all I think the reason Im aro is bc I watched nothing but Pokemon until I was like 10 (I didn’t stop I just also watched other things) and it is the least romance oriented show ever like….while y’all where out watching Disney princesses ‘fall in love’ or whatever I was crying over Pikachu’s Goodbye so don’t talk to me about heartbreak. Also Ash and Pikachu’s friendship (and of course his friendship with all his traveling partners) really fucking resonated with me and I think thats why I hold my friends above all else.
What popular romantic pairing do you see as only platonic?
Do you experience squishes?
I think I’ve had maybe one or two but they went away quick once I realized that I just like this person bc I think we’d be good friends and I get excited at the thought of making longterm friends.
Do you own any aromantic pride merch or outfits? What are they? If not, what would you like to own?
I do not but id love to own a flag or two
Do you have any advice for anyone who may be questioning if they are aromantic or on the aromantic spectrum?
Just own it. I’m actually actively trying to take my own advice bc like I said I don’t use the word irl but like,,,if you think you’re aro or somewhere on the spectrum, find a label that speaks to you and just own it. Being Aromantic isn’t cringey, its a valid orientation just like any other and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. Ive spent too much time pretending to be alloromantic just to fit in, I’ve embarrassed myself too many times by pretending to be allo, Ive gone too far into my life pretending to be something im not just because its easier for others to understand. Ive gone through too much to discover my orientation to have some fucking losers on the internet tell me that its ‘not a real orientation’. Im aromantic. I feel comfortable in that label and no one can take that away from me.
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lunariaans · 6 years
Reasons why I love the forbidden ship: (1)both characters are two faves of mine (2)matching color schemes (love that blue n gold combo) (3) the good girl falls in love with bad guy trope (4)that height difference gets me WEAK (5)both have a Tragic Backstory™ with Silk n her abandonment issue n Python with his broken,unhappy childhood which leads to him drinking/afraid of emotional connection (6)this ship is just oozing with so much angst n thats my kind of shit ahssjdhrkdnfk
every time i think surface level about forbidden ship my monkey brain automatically goes to the blue color scheme LMAO. when im coloring…. there’s so much blue sometimes jsdflkdj im pretty sure one day ill hate the color (HER HAIR FIRST. CLOSET TO GREEN IN THE SPECTRUM. THEN HIS UGLY ASS HAIR, TOP PART THE SAME HUE/RANGE AS HERS BUT JUST MOVED FROM CLOSER TO GREEN TO CLOSER TO TRUE BLUE I THINK ABOUT THIS IN MY SLEEP). the height difference is also good. if u go off that one post of all the characters lined up then he is like six feet tall and she like five feet two inches so the top of her head probably just barely reaches or hits his chin. amazing.
i also really like that….pure innocent/vulgar probably shouldn’t hang around him trope….just my honest onion but….i think its a good trope sdlfkj. just The fact that she seems so nice and formal and he seems like he says the word fuck regularly is just. so appealing. the girl thats like. the fe equivalent of a nun? hanging out with a shithead like that??? love that concept just so much. BUT ALSO THEIR BOTH CANON GOSSIPS SO THEY LIKE. HAVE THAT IN COMMON. IMAGINE THE SUPPORTS THEY COULDVE HAD.
and the possible abandonment issues/python’s own shit….they both have problems that stem from childhood so like. that’s something they COULD have in common but dumbass python would probably be. really tough to get to open up about that kind of stuff (UNLESS HE’’S DRUNK BUT. ITS LIKE THATS THE PROBLEM…tbh im actually surprised he doesnt become an alcoholic in his forsyth dies ending like gray did jdkljsjklfsdjkldsfjkl) silque would probably open up to him easily because he just seems like someone that u could tell whatever too and he wouldnt…really care but like in a good way? he’d just have. a hard time revealing any of that baggage to her tho i think, its just not as easy for him which its like. maybe she doesnt want a serious relationship because of her abandoment issues but why woudlnt python?? is he scared he’ll scare someone off or??? become like his father with the drinking??? there’s so many things that couldve happened in his childhood that would deter him from thinking true love is a real thing (HIS LUKAS SUPPORTS!!! WHAT TF WHY DOESNT HE BELIEVE IN LOVE???? WHY DOES HE THINK ITS NOT FOR HIM!?!??! like obviously we dont need clive levels of infatuation from him but…NOTHING? he obviously has SOME interest in girls from those same supports bUT. I DIGRESS.)
silque SEEMS like she’d be super understanding and what not but i think she’d also be just a little frustrated if it takes a real long time to actually KNOW anything about him, especially if she’s laying herself bare like that to him. she acts real mature in game and had to grow up real fast because of everything but she’s literally only 19 years old so i think that. she still has some childish things to her, and probably even wishes that she could actually HAVE a childhood, and i think that “childish” (and im using quotes because its literally not childish to want friends but) side comes out in the faye support because of her persistance to be her friend, the want to gossip, etc. but its especially frustrating for her if like she ever actually developed feelings for him because i HIGHLY DOUBT she ever had an opportunity to have any little crushes while at the priory (THE ONLY GUYS WE SEE THERE ARE OLD ONES LIKE NOMAH AND KIDS LIKE BOEY WHO IS LIKE. 16. she’d mother him before anything elseLMAO).
AS FOR THE ANSGT THO….THERE IS THE POTENTIAL THERE….to me, python seems flighty, like he would rather not be tied down to any one thing or person so. long term relationships are out the window for him. and silque, i think her devotion to mila would come first before anything and anyone else (MARRIED TO G O D) tho i guess. after the war, with both the gods sealed away that maybe she would consider it? but considering her canon ending, its like. everyone else comes before herself. she’s extremely selfless in that aspect. python is the opposite, very selfish in his motives (self preservation, doing the bare minimum, etc). both of their canon endings seem like something they have to do for themselves tho so its like. if they did end up together, who leaves what they were doing? 
and because of silque growing up in a religious setting (which when im thinking of the lore for that i associate things with catholicism) it’d probably be kinda. awkward for her to do anything intimate because that’s just so far out of her element, and depending on WHAT exactly is in mila’s teachings, could even be against things she was taught (WHICH. THERE IS SOME SORT OF NEED FOR MODESTY IN CLERICS as they have the headdresses and the ones in mila’s temple have like. a full on wimple almost. im just gonna headcanon that genny is too young and is more like those nuns/clerics in training who havent taken vows yet so they dont have the full on nun gear yet. none of this applies to priestesses becuase they’re an entire different class tree tho and this is all headcanons anyways so it doesnt actually matter ajsdjjsdfkjsdjfjk LOL) and python. in the words of a japanese fic i read once “PYTHON IS NOT A VIRGIN” so its like. he is experienced in these things, has obvious interest in girls, he is lookin to B O N E and she aint jlkfsdsdkfkljdsfSDKJFKJDS
ANYWAYS THO they wouldn’t. work out in the end and that makes me sad. feelings would get hurt, but……a part of me does like to think of how it would be if they DID work out….. they’d keep it lowkey because forsyth would get too hyped and people like clair would be all up in their business about it….if they ever got married, theyd probably do it in secret and only tell people AFTER…..which they would only have to tell forsyth and everyone else would figure it out immediately…. THO EVEN IF HE SOMEHOW KEPT IT SECRET CLAIR WOULD BE ABLE TO FIGURE IT OUT JUST BY LOOKING AT THEM……but they wouldnt have kids i for real cant imagine that one LMFAOOO
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oakmd · 7 years
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Congratulations ! You received 1,000+ followers !
Continue? ▶YES ▷NO
 Well, I can’t really express anything but amazement at such an accomplishment, and to be honest I’m pretty blown away that so many of you have stuck with me since the beginning of this blog, and that so many of you enjoy Professor Oak enough to stay. I’ll forever stand by the fact that this blog was the best 'joke’ I ever made, and probably one of the most fulfilling things I’ve actively kept at. 
As much as I hope this blog has helped you find comfort and laughter, RPing Professor Oak has definitely changed me for the better, as well. It has given me an outlet to heal parts of myself and provide help to others, and also pushed me to practice positivity even when I know I get so low sometimes that I don’t even want to try. Another bonus is that I have met wonderful people here, most of you just strictly friends on the dash, but I’ve also gained relationships with people that have extended into discord and I’m sure it has made all the difference this past year and a half. 
As usual, I’m not really a fan of long-winded gushes of emotion, so I’ll keep it short, but I would really like to have it be known that my love for Professor Oak has grown tremendously, in ways I would have never reached without taking the time to thoughtfully craft his backstory and work to develop him further. I know he’s a very nostalgic character that so many of us know and respect that I’m always very careful of how I choose to build on the image without ruining what’s already there.  Out of all my many muses here, this one has seemingly ( and surprisingly ) all at once snuck its way as my primary blog; the blog I always look forward to logging into the most, where I enjoy following your activity whether it be IC or OOC, and just generally enjoy being in the presence of people so passionate about a fandom associated with my childhood. I love this little corner of a community that has welcomed me and engaged with me and unknowingly kept me going, and to look back at my experience and see that I’ve had no trouble at all makes me feel really lucky.
There will never be a way to fully and accurately express my thanks, but I will say it anyway: thank you so much, and I hope that no matter where you go, and no matter what you do, you are trying to be your best, and that you’re happy. Professor Oak will always be there to congratulate you when you reach your dreams.
IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER ( because my mind is so scattered - ) special shout outs to special people: 
@timecapscle - wasn’t it you that said i’d one day get 1,000 followers? : ) you’ve literally supported me since the beginning and i just wanna say that i appreciate your enthusiasm for professor oak as much as i appreciate your enthusiasm for bill. its wonderful to see someone represent an otherwise under represented character and you do it well. i care for you so much, and wish nothing but good things for your future even if you want to do bad things in the name of science
@diligentseeker / @evolutionexpert  - someone i consider a cherished friend, despite how sporadic our interaction seems, i appreciate all our random long talks on discord, and i’ll never forget our very first conversation. it meant a lot to me, and i want to thank you. i dont meet a lot of ppl that i feel ‘get’ me on some unspoken level, so when it happens, its a nice surprise. anyway i won’t ramble because i take it you’re not one for praise, but im glad people like you exist. with that being said please stop making professor elm stress me out.
@undinaes - the moment you’ve been waiting for. SIKE! just kidding; its no surprise that you’re always filling my dash with testimonials from people that see you for what you are. you’re a beam of sunshine with all the qualities to match; warm, bright, and a natural source of energy that brings people together. your passion for writing is astounding and even when ppl dont deserve your kindness, you’re unbiased in giving it out. truly a mom through and through. but most importantly, ur my girlie and im glad we met :v
@ofpalletown - in my mind, you are practically ash, and ill be here to support you even during all your moments of Extra™ ... but aside from that you’re very loyal to your friends and full of something sunny that i can’t describe. ur gonna be okay, kid. so pls stop stressing out ur dear prof oak 
@03redd - i probably mentioned not long ago that your blog is really good, but ill say it again in case you weren’t listening. i love your blog? its very fun to follow, and i think you’re one of my favorite reds. even with me not being game verse, its so easy to just immerse myself in whatever nonsense you have red drag professor oak into. i dig your creative energy. 
@normaliium - and ofc i cant leave out my cousin. the one to be admired, the ever-successful, brilliant human being that loves me even when i take off ten years of your life each night. my life would lack such substance without you, and i will never forget all you’ve done to help me when i would otherwise be left to myself. you make me really proud to know you, you really do, and everyone i ever talk to you about can attest to that. #YOLO
@bossgiovanni - you haven’t been active in forever, but you remain one of my friends and that’s all that matters. from skype to discord, im glad we could stick together even with our blatant differences in opinion. you are always so nice to me and say the kindest things, and i just wanna say thanks. hope youve been doing well! you are capable of so much, and i believe in you, so don’t forget that. 
@agentmansley - can i jsut say thank you for staying true to your muse and throwing even the purest of characters into your mess? i have loved your blog long before i made professor oak, and you’re seriously one of the funnest people i’ve rp’d with here. everything i’ve written with you is refreshing and new, and never fails to make me laugh. thank you for your love for kent, and also for writing with me. i know you’ve been MIA for a while, but you’re definitely a memorable person. 
@tcssaiga - i dont have a lot of cross-fandom interactions so when they happen im usually pleased. you’ve got great characterization, and have perfect dialogue. i never watched a whole lot of inuyasha but i’ve atched enough to know that you’re pretty close to canon. thanks for the interactions even if you’re mean to prof oak on archer ; (
@askgarymfoak - MY LITTLE ACORN!!!! the dedication you have for gary honestly gives me so much life, and i love rping with you on discord and just yelling about sam / gary hcs. its always a highlight of my day and i can tell you’ve thought about gary and his life long and hard, and its so cool to see someone interested in all that makes him the Headache we all recognize and love. please never stop sharing with me the personal hcs you have for the boy, i always want to hear them. 
@futureheld - we don’t even rp with each other on this muse BUT youre one of my longest tumblr rp friends that i still talk to and you’re really important to me. we have history, we go back!!!! okay? #FRIENDSHIP n all that. but tbh id follow you on any muse because your writing is just great? id write any weird crossover with you because you have a talent for making it work seamlessly anyway. thanks 4 the memories, loser. 
@seviiserver - CELIO!!! we dont talk as much as we used to, or rather, we talk in bursts every now and then but i consider you one of my good friends! not only are u really talented in all things artistic, but i love your writing and it’s always enjoyable to read, even if its not one of our threads together. you made me have so much adoration for celio and like all the other ppl ive met who bring life to underrated / under-rp’d muses, i enjoy seeing everything you pour into him... AND ALSO I LOVE OUR OAK / ROWAN INTERACTIONS? i love them so much it hurts okay. even if its just silliness in discord it brightens my day. anyway perhaps one day we will cross paths in this sleepless city and i will finally teach u how to ride a bike.
@rottenrhythms - i know i dont have much to say or comment with whenever you message me on discord, but i admire how much detail you put into your characters and meta. im always impressed with all the work and thought you put into your world-building; i wish i had that much drive. also, you’ve made a lot of improvement with yourself from the time i first started talking to you on skype. be proud of your progress, and keep working at it, it’s worth it in the long run!
@lack--two NATE youre definitely a very sweet person, and perhaps a little more devious ooc than i’d imagined you would be ( at least to me, why must you poke me for reactions? ; ( u wound me ) but you’re a soothing presence to be around and im glad you were finally able to make discord work. bonus points for letting me yell about yugioh all the time. never stop being wonderful. im here for you whenever you might need a listening ear, okay? 
@loyalpika / @palletbloomer - #PRIKA!!! ever since i first followed you i remembered being blown away by your extensive headcanons on pikachu and i genuinely enjoy every blog you make! we dont talk OOC but from all your ooc posts you seem like a very caring older sister and thats nice to see; with you running around all the time, i hope you do get some rest every now and then! i hope our camaraderie never falters, take care friend! 
@thepkmnnurse - i cant forget all the love and support both you and your muse have for professor oak, and im happy you try to spread positivity on the dash whenever you can! we don’t talk much OOC but from what i can tell you’re just as kind and nurturing as nurse joy herself. i hope you’ve been taking it easy wherever you are, and i hope your days are bright!
@rebelracket - will there ever be a day that i dont enjoy seeing your delinquent muse causing havoc on the dash? your creativity is wonderful to witness and i enjoy clarissa so much, thank you for interacting with a pure ol’ muse like mine. i hope we can continue to keep writing together, im excited at where we might end up. p.s. your art is delightful.
@porttownprince - you’re a gentle presence on my dash but im glad that youre here and that you’ve stuck around despite all the bad things that followed you. i hope you can overcome all the trauma you’ve been through. thank you for being kind with me!
@nikkouki - i know i dont say much but i enjoy your random check ins with me on discord, and i think youre a sweet young girl. you’re gonna go far in life, just make sure you keep going! continue being a precious kiddo and don’t forget to study your japanese ; (
@viciousvainglory & @midoriyamight - i cant think of one without the other so accept this double-tag lol. you’ve both supported this blog since the beginning and i wont forget how welcome you made me feel! no matter what blogs you’re on im glad we can still be friends! you deserve the big toblerone! 
@fateandfury - my long time writing parter without knowing we were long time writing partners! the work you put into professor juniper is something to behold! we haven’t seemed to interact much despite rping professor muses, but that doesn’t mean i don’t appreciate your take on such a muse!
OTHER BLOGS TO BE ADMIRED ( also in no particular oder) : @sterlingsilverchampion @starmarkcd @pxgtails @satanstories @champofpallet @golden-oak @spriggaens @nurturen @florenselite @craniumaniac @ask-guzma @tenderpoison @gocatchem @faemoria @hikaup@writtenbykaichu @executiveariana @honoxtokage @simikami @bigcalavera @rotorotom @thehopcful @and-they-succeeded @metalprincess13 @keep-those-memories-away @hisvanity @attitxde @asmayflies @sesshcmaru @theagentlooker @ambcrly @kantocowboy @dauphindekalos @beareroftheblueorb @blastingxff @aquaelegance @bugeyesboutique @make-it-trouble  @thunderstonereject  @theagentlooker @soultattered @scvedbylove  @diluviumx @inevitabilis-sors @pokedouche @fightiniumz @firespun
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okreadyscenarios · 7 years
Analysis: Astro as Boyfriends...
To the anon that requested this: I sincerely apologize about how ridiculously long this is;;; it’s like rly long i’m so sry but once you get me started on Astro as BFs, I could go on for hours, okay? like they’d be the best boyfriends EVER don’t fight me on this <3 T~T
literally the softest boyfriend in the world
always wants to make sure you’re happy and comfortable
if you’re not though
he becomes like this unstoppable pillar of emotional and physical reassurance and support <3
he’ll always snuggle you until you feel better
or until you’re ready to talk about whatever’s bothering you
loves to bear-hug you from behind
and just totally wrap you up in his arms
SUCH a good listener
incredibly patient!!
loves showing off for you but gets embarrassed about it easily
buys you little presents all the time
just lil things
like “i saw this and thought of you” type of gifts
bc you’re always lowkey on his mind
lowkey what am i saying?? ur highkey on his mind
let’s talk about skinship =u=
*cough cough* ABS *cough*
srsly though, he has a rly nice body;;
loves to give you sweet, slow kisses
but also loves making out with you
probably sighs/hums a lot while you kiss
plays w/ your hair a lot (esp. when you’re making out...)
likes to kiss your temples, neck, wrists
also loves doing that thing where he puts your hand up against his hand for size comparison
and just keeps your hand there
bc whoa it’s so much bigger than yours!! (it’s not that much bigger)
(he just likes to feel like your protector, you know?)
(even tho he knows you can protect yourself)
i have a lot of feelings about JJs hands okay?? T.T i’m sry
has this super low, husky voice when he’s sleepy or just woke up
likes hugging you from behind and burying his face in your hair first thing in the morning
loves nuzzling into your neck
alrighty back to fluff <3
things he likes to call you:
baby, jagi, mine, beautiful, dearest
i feel like JinJin can be super romantic
like he’s the type to write you legit love letters and poetry~
and buy you chocolates and candy on special occasions
as cheesy as it is
he means it sincerely~
he loves the sound of your voice
and the way you smile when you kiss him
and the way you smell really makes him<3<3<3
he loves when your hair is messy
or when you’re wearing pajamas
or a slouchy hoodie and sweatpants
or when you’re all dressed up for some fancy occasion
you can’t look bad??
you look good in everything??
he loves your body
even if you may not love it yourself sometimes
he loves how you look in the morning, though you claim you’re a mess
he thinks you’re beautiful <3
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yeah okay we all know that he’s the goofy sunshine bf
as silly as he acts, MJ also has many moments of genuine seriousness
you’re one of the few people who sees that side of him
the side that’s not always a happy virus
the side that has bad days
the side that feels down sometimes
you’re what helps give him strength to put on a happy face, even when he doesn’t feel like smiling
i’m getting way too far into my personal headcanons about MJ, sry;;;
what i’m trying to say is that you’re one of the few ppl he feels comfortable enough with to expose his insecurities and fears
and that’s like a really important thing for him <3
matching couple outfits for dayyys
enjoys taking random blurry photos of you and captioning them “LOML”, “look at this thing of beauty”, “cant believe how #blessed i am”
he’s a really great battery charger!!
like just talking with him for a few minutes leaves you ready to march into the day with your head held high
like you two really help each other stay positive about life in general
you know you can rely on each other~
he can always make you laugh and smile
for real, it’s impossible to not smile around this guy <3
loves giving you little pecks when you least expect it
loves giving you eskimo kisses
and just peppering tiny kisses across your face
has a tendency to puff out his cheeks or make his ducky face (you know the one) when he wants a kiss from you
he usually gets one <3
when he doesn’t though, he starts whining
he’ll tug on your sleeve
run his hands down your arms
and try to get you to kiss him
by then it usually works
if not, he just mopes the rest of the day
and snapchats you pouty selfies
you finally agree to give him a kiss when he gets back, and once he comes through the door he just TACKLES YOU <3
likes biting your lips, your ears, your shoulders...
OKAY flufffff timeeee
he LOVES <3 making you smile
like whenever you smile or laugh because of something he said or did??
his heart just ??? explodes from joy
he can’t believe you’re his
oftentimes feels like the luckiest guy in the world~~
he likes to just pet your hair and your face
it calms him
he also enjoys laying his head in your lap
and you try to make it a romantic thing
like you start playing with his hair
and gazing into his eyes
but he keeps staring up at you and pulling these ridiculous faces;;
which causes you both to burst into giggles
things he likes to call you:
honey, sweetie, sugar, cutie, pumpkin (+ adding “-pie” to any of the above)
he loves the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh
loves the sound of your laugh
like he wishes he could just bottle it up
thinks that you’re legitimately the best thing to ever happen to him <3
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the most considerate bf
loves doing things for you
anything from sweeping the floor to giving you a shoulder rub
always picks up right away when you call him
even if he’s like in the middle of something
he just picks up
he doesn’t consider it an interruption or anything bc you’re like a part of him <3
your presence in his life helps motivate him to work harder
like that provider instinct kicks in when it comes to you <3
wants nothing more than to make you proud
treats you like royalty~
loves leaving you little i love you notes in your lunchbag, on your coffee cup, on the bathroom mirror, in your shoes...
definitely the type to love buying you jewelry
like it doesn’t have to be expensive
it just has to be meaningful
and when he sees you wearing something he bought you his heart just soars <3
like “yes!! look at that!!”
"its my pretty thing wearing the pretty thing I got them!!”
now for skinship~
is more shy about it in public
his limit is like holding hands
but that’s only when you’re in public
in private, he’s a l l  o v e r  y o u
loves to trace lazy patterns into your skin
your wrists, your stomach, your back, your lips
likes to kiss your hands
loves when you lay your head in his lap
is all about taking naps together
will often cuddle you for hours
when you play with his hair?? he just<3<3<3
((can we take a second to think about post-makeout!Eunwoo, pls??))
disheveled hair, slightly swollen lips, gazing at you with bedroom eyes...
((are you okay? bc i’m not okay ;u;)) i’m so sry;;
moving on!!
just loves studying your face and admiring you
he could stare at you forever~
surprisingly, he likes to initiate kisses (if you two are alone)
very playful kisser
enjoys teasing you, but can never do it for long
you’re just too irresistible to him <3
loves to whisper sweet nothings in your ear~
your smile enchants him <3
your eyes bewitch him <33
*this boy literally thinks you’re the most magical person on the planet*
things he likes to call you:
jagiya, doll, bunny, angel, darling
absolutely MELTS when you do aegyo
he just becomes putty in your hands
he loves it when you get shy
or when you’re vulnerable around him
he loves being able to comfort you
and making you feel happy
you have no idea how much you mean to him
nothing makes him feel better than seeing you smile
even after a long day
even if he’s feeling down
just being with you
he knows everything is gonna be okay <3
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most honest boyfriend ever
like Bin holds nothing back
sometimes he probably should just keep his mouth shut;;
“jagi, you should really take a shower”
“have you brushed your teeth yet?”
“i ate your slice of cake”
but most of the time it’s cute stuff...
“you have the most incredible sense of humor”
“I just noticed how adorable your ears are”
“the most beautiful thing I've ever encountered is your mind”
so you usually forgive him...
he’s like the physical embodiment of Daily Odd Compliment
like you sometimes wonder what runs through this boy’s head??
(spoiler: he’s usually thinking about kissing you)
will text you like six thousand times a day <3
loves eating with you
loves feeding you <3
LOVES it when you feed him <333
likes putting whipped cream on your nose/cheeks/lips, then kissing it off
wants to make sure you’re eating well
and that you’re happy~
really likes kissing you
like REALLY likes it
is probs kissing you 25/8, 366
little pecks, deeper kisses, to full on makeout sessions
this boy loves them all
and will do any combination of them at any given time
is also shy about skinship in public though
but only if it’s around ppl he knows
if it’s just you two around total strangers then he’s cool with being clingy
loves it when your legs tangle together while cuddling
holds you really close even when you’re not kissing (though you usually are)
loves running his hands up your sides
loves kissing your belly
loves it when you tug his hair while making out
will sometimes mumble your name/”mmm, baby~” when you’re kissing...
((stop that, Nessa. this blog is PG-13, good lord;; >///<))
loves playing with your hands
enjoys it when you make breakfast
or when you two make breakfast together
you prob made matching aprons that you wear
with something super cheesy on them
like his says “kiss the cook”
and yours says “i’m the cook”
or smth just as cringey;;
which of course gives him more excuses to kiss you...
loves how your voice sounds first thing in the morning
loves it when he can hear your smile over the phone
things he likes to call you:
sunshine, buttercup, snicker doodle, sweet pea, kitten
king of cheesy pet names over here;;
finds it adorable when you wear oversized sweaters
really admires your intelligence and perseverance <3
like you’re so strong!! you’ve overcome so much!!
how u so strong but so soft??
you lowkey confuse him
but the mystery just draws him in more
this boy really, seriously loves you <3
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dating Rocky would be an experience
like i feel like he doesn’t fall in love often
but when he does he falls very hard
it’s such an intense, passionate thing~
you borrow his clothes all the time
but he doesn’t mind
(in fact he kinda likes it <3)
likes going on nature walks with you
more the possessive/protective type
but not in like an unhealthy way
he wouldn’t go crazy
just like in a “you gave your heart to me and I’m gonna protect it no matter what” kind of way
so he likes to put an arm around your waist/shoulders when you’re in public together
bc he wants everyone to know that you belong together <3
working out with him
or him working out and using your kisses as motivation
whatever floats your boat~
he wants you to be healthy, though
he doesn’t care about how much you weigh
that’s not important
as long as you’re healthy, then he’s happy
he wants to make sure you’re taking care of yourself <3
okay so he either gives you light, sweet kisses
or it’s full deep makeout
there is usually no in-between
go big or go home
tends to growl(?) into your mouth when he’s rly into it
like just a low rumble in the back of his throat
loves grabbing your neck when you kiss
and running his hands up your back
and playing with the hem of your shirt
gets a little rougher with kisses sometimes
is always careful not to be too forceful, though
(bc your comfort is his #1 priority!!)
loves when you lay your head on his shoulder
or vice versa
he just enjoys when you lean on each other
emotionally and physically
loves giving you massages
REALLY loves kissing your neck...
and your collarbone
leaves trails of kisses along your neck/cheeks/jawline
okay i think i need some fluff now;;
things he likes to call you:
babe, gorgeous, pet, jagiya, Y/N~ but not just your name, like the way he says your name oh boy;;
loves the way you move <3
like it doesn’t matter if you’re clumsy or uncoordinated
he feels like he’s watching poetry in motion
he really admires your ambition
you inspire him a lot~
he loves to teach you dances (esp. ones he choreographed)
likes to admire your profile~
and just different angles of your face
and thinks your body is a-maz-ing!!
he reminds you everyday that you’re beautiful
and that he wouldn’t want to be with anyone else~
likes to touch his forehead to yours and just gaze at you
he gets lost in your eyes easily
you’re just the best person in his life~
he legitimately thinks you might be his soulmate <3
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cutest!! bf!! ever!!
tickle fights
pillow fights
pillow forts for that matter
and snuggling on rainy days
or during thunder storms
expect random texts at like 3am
they could either be about dolphins
or like the state of the economy
the boy has a broad range of topics on his mind;;
“no, YOU hang up first... <3”
so. many. selcas together;;
does little things for you
like buying you muffins on his way home
bc you said you liked muffins at one point
has a surprisingly good memory for things like that
like he knows what kind of breakfast cereal you prefer and which brand of fragrance you wear and how well you like your toast done~
he just remembers these things
bc he cares about you and wants to make you happy <3
what about skinship?
likes leaning down and kissing your head bc he’s a giraffe
likes kissing your fingertips
loves it when you pull him by his shirt to kiss him
loves just holding you in his arms
and tickling you
both with his fingers and with kisses
~butterfly kisses~
loves blowing raspberries on your tummy, arms, and neck
gets shy about making out~
he’s so scared he’ll mess up
that someone will chip a tooth
or get their tongue or lips bitten (not in the good way;;)
he warms up to it with practice, though
sometimes giggles during makeout sessions
but somehow it doesn’t kill the mood
it just like reinforces your love for him
you two laugh a lot together
it’s actually a rly beautiful thing <3
back to fluff (but wait that was fluff)
loves doing silly little acts of love for you
like recording an “i love you but it’s really time to wake up now” song and setting it as your alarm in the morning
or sometimes you wake up and find like
two poptarts on a plate beside you
with a note saying “breakfast in bed!! hope you enjoy~ xox Sanha”
like smh this boy;;
things he likes to call you:
((okay but side note, he uses the most random pet names))
((he comes up with these on the daily))
cheesecake, sprinkle-nugget, bunny-fluff, twinkle-fuzz, sugar-dumpling
((the list goes on...))
says dumb little things to you like
“guess who’s my favorite”
“you are~ you’re my favorite, Y/N...”
then proceeds to giggle to himself for the next ten minutes
would be so lost without you
loves to tell you how nice you look
but gets flustered whenever you compliment him~
he just thinks you’re the cutest person on the planet <3
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Requests are Open!
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mmmelanie-blog1 · 6 years
greetings loved ones ! i love snoop dogg deal with it ! im benzo im literal trash thanks for checking in lmao im so excited for this u have no fkn idea boo ( feel free 2 msg me or like this post if ur too lazy n i will contact u once i get back home ) i love twd and alanna masterson a lot ( ok twd is becoming a lil bad but ima still watch it tho ) so this is a huge deal for me to play her n also my first time so dont ride my dick like this if theres something wrong with her or smth pls bare w me ! under the read more u will find a bit more about my babe MELANIE MILLER and about the connections and stuff keep in mind that im still trying to figure her out and all that stuff so have fun !
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mel has lived all of her life in hermosa beach, she was born and raised there and loves it and would never ever leave it here she’s shocked and upset her parents decided to move out of there which takes us to her current living status: she lived with her parents until she turned 21, she rented an apartment and has been living on her own ever since. her father was the local owner of THE BAR ( ya the bar its called THE BAR dont make a big deal outta it have u not seen gone girl? jeez ) and when they moved out of hermosa to travel around the world with all the bar’s funding they left mel in charge of it and its been a crazy ride for her bc she literally knew nothing about how to manage a bar but now she does and shes an ace !
SHES THE YOUNGER DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL, she has three brothers ( canon masterson boys bc i love them ALL esp jordan ) who eventually come visit her n she loves them with all her damn heart ! her family means the most to her and shes always happy to have them around like u have no idea how much ! she also has a little niece ( i didnt wanted mel to have a child but I CANT CUT OFF ALL THE CUTE MARLOWE PICS SO ) who means absolutely everything to her ! she loves kids bc she considers herself a child at heart mmmm
her label is the BENEVOLENT meaning she’s really caring and soft and sweet. picture jess day from new girl minus all the glitter and girly things. mel is kind of a tomboy who wouldnt mind to wear dresses on special occasions ! lmao she’s super funny but will always bring the dad jokes to the table but lbr who doesnt love a dad joke lmao shes rly weird but in that sweet nice way you know ?
she was born in a very religious family and she always did what her parents wanted to so now that she’s all on her own she’s like free and ready to be wild but she’s like am i really ready for this ? am i as wild as everyone else seem to be ? she’s very responsible she was RAISED that way and she can’t help it ofc sometimes she’s like you know what i dont care im going to do it.... will i regret it? probably but i dont care !
mel is ALL AGAINST conflict shes the one to talk her way through things and be as civil as possible unless you wanna get wild she will probably walk the heck away from u and be like “not gonna have it, my dude !” you know? she loves attention but she never shows, shes kinda insecure about her looks in general and she pulls it off in a funny way like im gonna drag myself before u do so dont bother.... she is very sensitive but its going to take you a little bit harder than “u look bad” to make her feel bad you know.... she will probably cry later when no ones around but shes not going to let you know !
shes so aesthetic she loves art, painting, music, museums, the stars, the moon and everything else ... she believes 100% in alien and supports the theory that THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE she lowkey scully and mulders child lmaooo
she got a major in psychology so listening to people and comforting them is the thing she loves the most ! she lives for the present, dont talk to her about her past or ask her about the future that kinda annoys her although shes soft hearted and all she likes being straight up with almost everyone ! if you wanna die lie to her um she aint gonna kill u u idiot but she gonna cut u right tf off without hesitation !
shes an emotional wreck, she literally has no luck at all with love shes a fucking mess she falls for the wrong person EVERY FREAKING TIME ( i can relate ) she covers her emotions ( when talking about love and relationships ) with indifference and humor most of the time she be like “i dont rly need someone to constantly be there for me men aint shit” but she be crying in her sleep for someone to cuddle her every night lmao thats the way she is man u gotta love her
SO BASICALLY i love new girl a lot and i love it specially bc it gives u so many ideas for connections and stuff lmao if u want some inspo check a new girl blog and we will get a connection from it lol but yeah my most wanted connections as of right now are:
friends to lovers: they are RIDES OR DIES basically, it doesnt have to be like uh they known each other forever nah its alright if they just met like a year ago anyway they p much together all the time and one of them ( either ur muse or mel idc ) start to feel things for the other and its annoying bc they dont wanna ruin this thing at all .... plot twist ? if u like to watch ur characters suffer, like ME ! maybe this thing is a ONE SIDED THING like one has feelings and the other is like lmao yikes ! so everything slowly becomes awkward ! i dont rly know i dont mind how this actually turns out tbh as long as we have it !
bestfriends: ALMOST SIBLINGS they have known each other for literally YEARS they went to school, high school and maybe college together ! p much melanie is the mother and ur muse is the reckless teenager whos always asking for help but they love each other a lot ! think about cece/jess from new girl :)
roomies ( 0 / 3 ): they all different from one another its a miracle they all get along this well ! they are a huge fucking mess but they are there for each other all the time ! they all live in a loft or a house idk we could figure that out laters ! ( tba )
exes: well okay as explained before, mel is a huge mess when it comes to love ! this could go two ways, they ended on bad terms but try to be as civil maybe ? melanie is a caring loving bitch but when shes in a relationship her insecurities take over most of the times and thats why it messes everything up and MAYBE thats one of the reasons why they broke up ? idk man we can work something out.... OR THEY ENDED ON REALLY NICE GOOD TERMS and still care for each other and its like they are there for each other but its kinda awkward bc do we still love each other like that or are we like family now ? you know ? I DONT MIND MELANIE HAVING LIKE TWO EXES SO LMAO
sugar daddy: is she into that daddy kink ? whO KNOWS ! but lately shes been drooling over u and its kinda nice but shes afraid bc this will probably end up really bad but shes still willing to take one for the team !
big little lies ( 0 / 5 ): MY FAVORITE SHOW so im thinking a group of FIVE to SIX powerful women ( who havent killed anyone yet so chill ) who are there for each other and have wine nights and sit by the fire to talk about their days and stuff like that so yeah that would be so cute ! ( tba )
conspiracy theories buddy: they dont just talk about conspiracy theories but they do lmao also “did u heard about the haunted house up in the hills? wanna go?” they vibe Hard its 4 am n they texting about aliens the universe and sutff like that ! ( tba )
ok thats p much all i can think of ! if there any other connection u wanna have dont hesitate to let me know ! i love sharing ideas and crying over headcanons so its fine by me ! also im running late to work so if u wanna plot hmu and like this thing and ill make sure to reply to all ur msgs once i get back home !
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