#twin flame unification
1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 1 year
teamwork makes the dream work!
I noticed 8:08 angel number this morning:
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geotheraider · 5 months
Zutara Week 2023 - Day 4: Jewel
Note: This prompt response takes place in a museum and is mostly written on a plaque for the exhibit.
Behold! The Jewel of Agni. 
Once thought lost to time and civilizations, the pure ruby Jewel of Agni is symbolic of Fire Nation strength and perseverance. This particular crimson gemstone’s origins lay within the belly of the very volcano that once formed Caldera city. Belched out in a great inferno, this jewel would eventually rest just south of the mainland.
Its many natural facets are intricate. Some have claimed to see the visage of Agni himself within the reflections, if inspected closely. Flames periodically dance within the gem, and reach their apex of activity during the summer solstice, and cease entirely on the winter solstice. Each major facet holds deeper meaning.
The Cloven Facet, located at the top left and is identified by the fracture running through the cut, signifies the fractured history of the Fire Nation, and how once we were once separated into warring tribes prior to unification.
The Sun Facet, located at the very top of the gem is near perfectly circular, and signifies our connection to the ultimate power above.
The Twin Facet, located along the right side of the gemstone is identified by the twinned crystal structure dominating this portion of the jewel. It portrays the nature of Fire Nation histories to wish for a partnership with one nation more than all others, acting as a twin during times of triumph.
The Flame Facet, located front and center is self explanatory. Shaped like a striking fireball, it shows the strength we all have within ourselves.
The Dragon Facet, pictured in the painting below, was lost in 35AG, to damage caused by an earthquake. It signified the glorious companionship our nation formerly had with the dragons. Hopefully one day in the future, we will once again rejoin their kind in union.
This sizable gemstone will be on display here, in the Grand Azulon Museum, until the end of summer, whence it will make its first journey outside the nation in over a century. You can see it at its future exhibit in Ba Sing Se’s Kuei Institute for gemology for the six months it will be on loan.
“As far as explanations go”, Zuko thinks aloud, “That’s roughly all correct.” 
A gemstone is preserved back in the royal palace, hidden beneath a floorboard in Fire Lord Zuko’s private quarters. It was gifted to him upon completion of his training with the Sun Warriors as an act of good faith, along with a golden egg shaped jewel that the young man could swear almost felt alive. He had commissioned a pendant be made that would allow the real Jewel of Agni to be placed within.
The museum exhibit certainly got one thing wrong. The Jewel was not fiery, nor was it even a ruby. The pure sapphire blue gemstone resides within the pendant Zuko plans to gift his future wife as part of their engagement in three weeks.The museum can keep the false gem; he and Katara will know the true history.
If you like my writing, check out my other works over on AO3!
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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Twin Energy Activations:
Sex is a huge part of the awakening process. Understanding how all works is important. Distortions, opening the heart, the purpose in stimulating these centers and how nothing is as the human perceives. We will be talking about this, twin flames/Divine Soul Union Partnerships and doing activations for higher consciousness relationships too. Every particle of the body is stimulated to wake up so that distortions can clear cellular memory and purity can return within. Co-mingling DNA creates additional distortions to have to clear. InJoying sex is a part of coming to love yourself fully again, then letting go of the "need" for sex, for the relationship will evolve organically to be a connection so much deeper than anything physical can create.
The connection of two energy fields that emanate from the Divine Heart, the unification of these fields, the amplification of inner desire has nothing to do with human lack/need. The driving force in higher consciousness relationships is much deeper and intimate stimulation is through energy, feelings, shared sacred touch and the unification of the soul. This is what many seek, the profound holy grail, yet the ability to achieve this within one's self first must occur, so that anything that evolves externally does so from purity and sanctity of Divine Essence Love. Sex is a way to open the heart/mind/body and stimulate those distortions, freedom and feelings of connectedness that one seeks. Sex is a conduit and very important part of the process for awhile. Sex evolves, as does everything, as consciousness evolves too. The purity of merging fields of higher consciousness is much deeper and profound than human sexual desires, yet to open up fully, one must learn to love themselves fully, and this means clearing out any distortions around sex.
Understanding HOW sex is a part of the process, takes the focus off of sex and the need for it to fill a human lack/feeling/need and makes it a very important part of the process to opening one up to FEEL FULLY AGAIN. Most do not understand that when they seek a sexual exchange that they are seeking a FEELING ....
The feeling of merging fields of higher consciousness can stimulate the same feeling, yet it is much more powerful than anything the human need can create. The power of merging fields is beyond anything the mind can comprehend.
Twin Souls and Divine (Re)Union Partnerships are more than what human mindsets can grasp. Where there is any lack, then the human will seek these, instead of allowing them to occur naturally and organically, honoring the union when it is meant to occur. Twins are here to assist each other with higher consciousness together in order to fulfill purposes and roles. These are not to fill holes or voids within each other. These are to come together through purity of the heart and to work together from higher consciousness too.
The energy of a twin energy soul can emerge within any physical body structure, and it can come through many along the way. It can trigger anything unresolved within the partner, obsessions, lack of love, physical/emotional unhealed inner pain. It can ignite the ETERNAL FLAME OF FIRE that begins the journey of awakening that one is not aware of yet. This can occur over an entire lifetime here, to ignite occasionally all along the way to bring one further into consciousness again.
Many do not understand that twins are here to open their hearts, yet do not have to be present for cellular cleansing to continue to occur. The "next time" one needs to be activated, they will "appear" in physical form, to activate the next phase of one's awakening, and if staying would "interfere" in the "faster" process of that soul emerging from within, they will go again.... to RETURN when purity within the self has been achieved....
Twin Souls and Divine Essence Partners have purposes together that transcend the mentalities of the limited human fixed perceptions mind........ The last few years those who are meant to come together with their Divine Twin Soul Partners activated again and we move further into that now.....
Divine Twin Soul Partnerships do not fulfill each other, they merge to enhance and amplify what has already been achieved within. They UNITE as two whole LIGHT beings here to anchor, hold and share more light. The LOVE of twins is not limited and cares nothing of physical form. It does not see human imperfections... it sees the perfection of all. It loves without lack or need.... It is pure and increases with each merging of fields.
We have transcended the old limited partnerships. WE move further into HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS PURITY RELATIONSHIPS where souls reunite as Divine Pure Love again. ♥
Keep expanding loves, keep opening your heart, keep cleansing cellular memory and embracing the magnificence that you are. Stay open and honor you/your process as divinity again. Re-connect from inside and notice your own distortions that you need to release/clear. I love you! ♥
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magpiejay1234 · 6 months
So Episode 79.
Enlightenment Paladin is here. My favourite. Well okay, there is its upgraded form, we'll talk about it later.
So ya boy is a combination of Timebreaker Magician, and Tuning Magician, though since Timebreaker Magician is supposed to be Timegazer's young form, it looks more close to Timegazer.
As of Exceed the Pendulum, we now know this card is some sort of manifestation of Ray's power, though it is yet unclear how, beyond Tuning Magician being a manifestation of her power. This is why Yuya does not go Berserk, and Enlightenment Paladin is shown in a light background, as opposed to Rune-Eyes' dark cloudy background from Mieru duel.
This card's twin blades are a reference to Jack's Crimson Blader, and the blades' combined form references Dark Paladin, though this is more obvious in Nirvana High Paladin. The twin blades are a common symbol of Buddhist monk warriors, and their unification to a naginata is more of a reference.
This card's first effect is a reference to Magician cards from DM, particularly Dark Magician of Chaos, and Magician of Faith. Its second effect is a reference to Armory Arm's equip effect, which, like Odd-Eyes Dragon's effect, is based off Flame Wingman.
Okay enough of that.
The brief talk Yuya has with Tuning Magician happens a similar background to Yusei's connection to his cards, though in this case, it is a more conventional case of talking with a Duel Spirit. The implication is that due to synchronization with Yugo, Yuya got Z-ARC's ability to communicate with Duel Spirits, at least, a very early incarnation of that.
Shinji loses since he comporises his belief in less powerful cards, causing Yuya to use their LP difference for his gain.
I didn't talk about Battlewasps, since they basically Blackwings, but for WIND Insects. I like their aesthetic, and their bow-arrow theming, to match Yuya's name. Shinji didn't summon his Level 12 monster here, we will wait for a while to Crow to Summon Onimaru.
Tops are relieved that Yuya won, though his use of a mocked card will cause more issue than they realize.
Next episode, Prince Zuko will reunite with Aang, and teach him how to Firebend. I mean, Sora will reunite Yuya.
Though seriously, at this Sora is just Zuko now.
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hypnoticdior · 2 years
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fire-lady-ilah · 3 years
More good dad! Ozai AU? Even if you didn’t ask for it, you’re getting it and I’m picking up right where I left off. This is my reminder that, while Ozai is a good and non-abusive dad and husband in this, he is still very much an imperialist and a cruel person in general.
Parts [1] and [2] if you’d like. This is part 3. Here’s part [4]
The siblings venture into the capital, although they make it known that no one should inform their parents that they are nearby. The moment they step off the ship, Captain Jee sends a letter to the Fire Lady. He was loyal to the Prince and Princess above all, but he did not feel like being executed or exiled that day when Lady Ursa inevitably finds out.
In a large house just outside Caldera City, Lord Ukano lives with his wife, Michi, his daughter and heir, Mai, and his newborn son Tom-Tom. The Dragon Emperor and the Blue Spirit sneak into the bedroom of the heiress and steal her away.
In that I mean, Mai leaps at the opportunity to escape her home with her best friends, who she’s seen wearing the same theatre masks dozens of times, and follows willingly. It takes an hour longer than the siblings had expected, if only because Mai has far more knives than they had truly expected and they get caught up in the palace kitchens stealing Azula’s favourite mochi and some bags of fire flakes.
Then they are caught by Fire Lady Ursa, who is gathering a late night cup of cocoa after a nice night with her husband, not that her children need to know that part. Her children, who are wearing her theatre masks that had very recently gone missing from her collection, stare at her innocently. Her daughter carries two entire boxes she knows are full of mochi. Her son carries the fire flake bag they use for festivals. Her one day daughter-in-law is making a cup of cocoa and the Fire Lady calmly requests one for herself from the girl.
That night, the fire Prince and Princess sleep in their own rooms, with Lady Mai in one of the many available. In the morning, they take breakfast with the Fire Lord and Lady, discussing trivial matters of politics and domestic affairs.
Mai leaves on the request of the Fire Lord, bringing everything they took from her home and the palace (along with what Ursa and Ozai insisted they take) to the ship with the help of some soldiers.
Azula and Zuko sit with their parents. Ursa gives them each two potent bottles of poison. Ozai’s voice has a worry that only his family knows how to detect through the facade of boredom as he inquires how their firebending and blades practice has been, as to the state of their weaponry. They try to soothe their parents worries with assurances: their practice has been going well in both bending and blades, Azula has achieved perfection in lightningbending and Zuko has achieved lightning, their blades are sharp and well maintained, they weren’t harmed when the temple blew up—
It slips through Zuko’s lips. He was never the actor like his mother and sister. For their part, his parents do not react overly beyond a flickering of the flame and a long sip of tea.
“Your mission has changed.”
Ozai is smart. Everything he does is to serve his goals the best they can. In canon, the premier of those goals is to gain more power for himself. In this world, that goal is to secure the ideal outcome for his family. (Of course, his second goal is as much power as possible. But it is only considered after his first goal).
Allying themselves with the Avatar, at least in appearances, will secure the best outcome for his children. And he has no doubt that his brother (so weak after the death of his son. And yet, Ozai cannot find it within him to scorn him overly. He knows that were he to be left childless, he would break. It is merely that Ozai would break in an explosion, whereas Iroh’s flame fizzled into embers.) would eagerly help his children betray him. Even if it was just in appearances.
His children are loyal and dutiful. They protest, but only out of a desire to maintain that loyalty. He wishes the Avatar had remained hidden, at least until they were both adults. They are prodigal, yes, but they are just siblings.
“You have our permission to reveal your mother’s ancestry. Use it wisely.”
The children know their lineage for at least five generations on each side. That, of course, is in addition to their knowledge of every Fire Lord that has reigned since the unification of the Fire Nation. They are well aware that their Grandmother Rina (who feeds them chocolate and tells them stories whenever she visits) ‘s father was Avatar Roku. Just as they knew of the friendship between Fire Lord Sozin and Avatar Roku.
It is necessary for the people of their nation to hear pretty lies. It is not their responsibility to worry about the nuance and complexity of life. It is one of their responsibilities as Angi’s heirs in the mortal world. To worry of such things is a burden they should not have to bear. It is necessary for the people to believe the Avatar hated the Fire Lord.
The siblings don’t know everything, of course. They are just children after all. But they understand the nuance, the conflicting beliefs. They were told the truth (and carefully kept from necessary propaganda before then) when they were old enough to look critically at the situation. It was their duty to bring the Fire Nation’s good to the other nations, to liberate their populations, the siblings decided.
The Avatar is just a child, but he seemed able to connect with his past lives. And he had pointedly not hurt them, at least as Avatar Roku.
If nothing else, they have the Dragon Emperor and Blue Spirit on their side.
“Zhao has asked for permission to launch an invasion on the Northern Water Tribe. He is a fool, but he claims he has knowledge that will ensure his victory. Tomorrow, I will send him a letter approving his asinine idea. You will stop him— kill him, if you must— and use that act of perceived treason to ally yourselves with the Avatar.”
Ozai wants power, but he is no fool. The invasion is risky at best. He cannot find it within himself to care for the tens of thousands that would doubtlessly die in it, the Northern Water Tribe had the advantage in multiple ways. It would serve its purpose to get his children at the Avatar’s side.
The tone lightens after his orders and Ozai steps back from his role as Father Lord into just being a father. He teases his son on his interactions with his betrothed. He teases his daughter and asks if she would be visiting the circus soon, taking note of how she had learned to prevent a blush but not the squeak in her voice. They are not infallible, they are children.
As they see their children for the last time in the foreseeable future, the Fire Lord and Lady both think as to how much they will miss them. Ursa blinks back tears as she hugs them both, smiling as they react identically, burying their faces into her chest to hide them and breathing in the scent of fire lily perfume.
Ozai is not usually physically affectionate with his children. He had never received it from his father and was much more competent in other ways. That being said, no one commented on the kiss he pressed to the top of Zuko’s head (still shorter than him by quite a bit. Sometimes he acted so adult, but he was so clearly still a child) before repeating the action with Azula.
“I am so proud of you. Both of you.”
I’m just now realizing Blue Spirit is supposed to be after the whole Roku thing. Oh well.
For appearances’ sake, the siblings and Mai continue to chase the Avatar. Zhao attacks the Avatar while he trains under the Deserter. Princess Azula ensures the forest doesn’t burn while Prince Zuko uses all the bottled up anger at both Zhao himself and Azulon (really, what is with grown men trying to kill 11/12 year olds?) to yell at Zhao for acting so recklessly.
And if, perhaps, he manages to endear himself to others by knocking Zhao’s feet out from under him, all the better.
The Avatar and his friends escape and the siblings celebrate another success as Zhao nurses his bruised ass and ego.
(“Hey, did the Deserter look like that dude in Master Piandao’s painting in his main hall to you?”
“Admiral Jeong Jeong and Master Piandao were married, Zuko. Obviously that was him.”)
Zhao attempts to order their crew away from them, citing his rank as admiral as above prince and princess.
Azula’s sharp tongue reminds Admiral Zhao that Zuko is not only a prince, but the Crown Prince, and thus he is equal in rank to Zhao. As was their uncle a general, retired or not.
Behind the royalty of the ship stands Captain Jee, his eyes locked with Zhao’s. His eyes promise mutiny even if he were to somehow take them. His eyes swear loyalty to the Crown Prince, to his sister, above all else.
Zhao turns to leave.
“Of course, that is not to say we will not join your invasion.” Zuko sounds like his father sometimes, and never more than when his voice holds a hint of smug satisfaction. “Merely, do not presume to think you can order us in any way. We out rank you, and our crew is the best our Nation has to offer.”
Their ship joins, at least in appearance, Zhao’s fleet. That being said, they obey no orders from the Admiral and only allow his “inspections” of the ship and their crew once. For all intents and purposes, they are just there to observe.
And observe they do. The siblings watch the way Zhao treats his subordinates and twin righteous flames burns in their chests. The truth of being raised by a loving father means that Zuko and Azula are both rather sheltered in comparison to their canon selves. They are raised on ideals of honour and the divine responsibility of a monarch, rather than on the truths of war and practicality of rule. It only results in a hotter fire and more questions as to if Sozin’s way was truly the one to follow.
They still have absolute faith in their father. After all, he is the one that raised them, that taught them of honour and the ideals of a monarch. He is the one that sheltered them. He is the one that suggested they befriend the Avatar to keep them safe.
On the ship, only three people know the entire plan. The first two are the siblings, of course. The third is Captain Jee. He is the one that will keep their ship away from the invasion itself so there is no risk of their crew being harmed in the doomed attack. He is the one that will direct the ship to the colonies once the siblings are with the Avatar. Captain Jee has no qualms about technically commuting treason.
Mai knows some of the plan. In that, Mai knows exactly what Zuko and Azula tell her and then what she observes. She sees the way they stick together, now more than ever. Sees the way that Azula trains her non-lethal lightning (because even she, a nonbender, knows it’s far harder to bend lightning that doesn’t kill than that that does). She hears the way they drop the title of Fire Lord when speaking of their royal great grandfather. She catches whispers about Fire Lord Roku. About the Avatar.
Mai, in a way, knows more than the siblings themselves. She knows that they are genuinely sympathetic toward the Avatar in a way that they don’t yet realize. She begins to keep all her knives on her person, along with an easily grab-able bag for travelling in her room. There was no way she’d be letting her best friends turn traitor without her. This is the most exciting thing she’s done in years.
Iroh knows less than he believes. Oh, he gets the dropped title just as well as Mai, but he does not know the intricacies of Zuko and Azula the way Mai does. He sees Azula’s practice and writes it off as her ever-present search for perfection. He catches the tail end of a conversation between siblings and does not stop to consider who exactly “great grandfather” may be referring to. It would be unthinkable for his brother to tell the children of their heritage.
Despite this, Iroh also knows more than most. He knows from conversation exactly what Zhao intends to do in the Northern Water Tribe and it turns his blood to boil.
They reach the Northern Water Tribe. The siblings sneak off the ship in an emergency boat. Mai enters at the last moment and neither send her away.
Iroh has already left the ship, though he is currently in one last meeting with Zhao in an attempt to convince him not to continue with his plan. He will not check back with his niece and nephew, believing them to be safe on the ship.
In the Northern Water Tribe, the three Fire Nation teens remain tucked into the shadows. They, unfortunately, have no idea where the Avatar is and wander through the city. However, they reach the Avatar’s friends before Zhao does.
(“Is he... alive?”
“He’s just meditating.”)
It goes far better than they could have expected. The siblings’ act of releasing Sokka and Katara from Zhao’s bindings results in a part of water tribe siblings being quite willing to hear them out. Princess Yue gives them an odd look but remains quiet.
Zhao shows up. Iroh shows up. Azula and Zuko denounce him (though they cannot bring themselves to denounce their father, even though they know they should). Zhao declares them all traitors, a koi fish in a bag in his hand.
A bolt of lightning hits Zhao straight in the back. Both he and the koi fish fall into the pool of water. He does not emerge.
Azula’s face is carefully blank, even as she watches the water. She cannot stop to consider whether it is her or the water that just killed the admiral, or if he was even dead at all. She could not even see his body in its depths. She used non-lethal strength.
Despite Princess Yue’s backing, the Northern Water Tribe wants to take the siblings prisoner (hostage, everyone knows). After all, everyone knows of the devotion they show to the Fire Lord and vice versa. If nothing else, they would be excellent bargaining pieces in a more formal treaty.
They had not factored this into their plan. Admittedly, they had not factored the Northern Water Tribe into their plan at all.
The three Fire Nation teens are thrown into a prison cell. A rather comfortable prison cell, but still a prison cell. Iroh is taken somewhere else.
Within five hours, they sit on the back of a flying bison, Sokka handing them food he had smuggled out of the meal as Katara was smuggling them out of prison.
(“We tried to get your Uncle too,” the Avatar says in a remorseful tone, “but we couldn’t find him.”
“Uncle will be fine.” Azula declares, her mind set only on the future as she tries not to think about the way Zhao sunk beneath the still surface of the pond.
Zuko nods in agreement and clutches her hand in a comforting way.)
The Gaang now consists of six people:
Aang, a twelve year old Avatar with a mastery in air and a decent proficiency in water. He looks at the Fire Nation teens and sees his friend Kuzon, sees a time from before the war when an Air Nomad could wander freely through the Fire Nation. He attempts to use Fire Nation slang with them but it’s a century old and results in only laughter.
Katara, a master waterbender and healer (a concept that intrigues Azula to no end, although she tries to keep her questions polite). She tends to have a short temper when it comes to matters of the Fire Nation, but even she can be coaxed into trying a few sweets that Zuko has stored in his bag.
Sokka, a hunter and warrior who may or may not be engaged to the NWT princess (Zuko says he is, Azula says he isn’t). Azula laments that her jokes are even worse than Zuko’s, to which Mai agrees. It is that comment that leads Sokka and Zuko to start bonding, having nothing better to do on the bison’s back than exchange bad jokes.
Crown Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, who Sokka would insist is walking Fire Nation propaganda as he goes on at least one rant about Fire Nation culture and technology a day. Who surprisingly helps Katara with the cooking because it was one of the things Fire Lady Ursa carried over from before she was Fire Lady and taught to her children.
Princess Azula of the Fire Nation, who has a sharp tongue and a sharper pair of twin daggers that she seems to enjoy threatening her brother with for any inconvenience, even though they both just laugh at it. (Katara and Sokka have to be assured by them both that they truly love each other and that threatening each other with weapons carried over from the theatre scrolls they used to act out as children).
Lady Mai talks the least, seemingly content just to talk to Zuko and Azula. Aang makes it his mission to get her to warm up to him and spends a good portion of his time trying to talk to her. He succeeds when he brings up air ball, of all things. Mai’s parents had discouraged her from sport, believing it to be unfitting of a young lady just as they had discouraged her interest in knives until Zuko and Azula had ganged up on them. Partially for that reason, Mai enjoyed sports quite a bit, a shock to even Zuko (though Azula knew). After that, she talks mainly to Zuko, Azula, and Aang.
Captain Jee guides his ship to the Fire Nation colonies, unable to confirm that his Prince and Princess were okay. He hadn’t expected the worry he feels now, but he knows he will be awaiting a letter at Yu Dao if they are safe.
Prince Iroh is startled to discover that, while meeting with Master Pakku, the Avatar, his friends, his nephew and niece, and Mai had all disappeared.
As had his ship.
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mmmmalo · 3 years
I was reading homestuck and remembered stuff I heard in a podcast I think. Was it ever implied that the Dave that became Davesprite and the doomed timeline Rose had any relationship? I truly don't remember but regardless I'd love to see your thoughts on it all.
In the commentary for the VIZ volumes, Hussie wrote something to the effect of “Gee, Rose and Dave didn’t know they were siblings at this juncture and 4 months is a LONG TIME. I wonder if anything happened between them?? (Something totally happened between them)” -- that bit of annotative dickery is what the podcast was responding to, probably. I have yet to notice anything implying the liaison in the main text.
Having said that, there is a different moment of similar interest in Cascade, so let’s ramble in that direction.
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1. The bomb that generates the Green Sun is an ectobiology machine that combines universes A and B. Instead of a central baby-making beam, the bomb has a detonator and two beds. For lack of a more precise phrasing, I gather that the kids’ death beds have formally replaced the baby-making beam, in line with Homestuck’s tendency of linking sex and death. (Why did the sex-crazed tricksters go directly to their death beds? Same principle.)
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2. Adding to the above, just before the bomb detonates we get the above rapid cut: Dave’s eye > PM putting a ring on her finger > Rose’s eye, mirrored from Dave’s. The red-blue halves of the yin-yang bomb becoming one is accompanied by the suggestion of Dave and Rose becoming one (in some sense or other) with a crude 👉👌 kind of gesture. Compare with the image of trickster!Roxy aggressively trying to put her ring on Dirk’s finger while demanding babies.
(Aside: Given the abundance of overt references (a bunny named Liv Tyler, a stolen suicide mission), this may be a good time to note that Michael Bay’s Armageddon has a similar, ah, climax. Just before the bomb detonates (x) we get a zoom into Liv Tyler’s eye; then a memory of a young Tyler running into Bruce Willis’s arms (from Willis’s POV, despite our being in Tyler’s eye); then a vision of Tyler in her wedding gown; and finally, the rapid intercutting of Willis and Tyler’s ever-closer faces, facing eachother. Boom. The fleeting images of psychic and physical union make a curious refrain to the film’s incestuous undertones, even as Willis formally accepts separation from his daughter with his fiery death.)
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3. Its perhaps relevant that a panel from the double-suicide mission is reused when a Rose and a Dave are outright discussing incest over the story’s latest reproduction of Death’s tea table from Problem Sleuth (the earliest instance being the tea set in Mom’s ectobiology lab, which was accessible through Jaspers’ grave).
(Aside: Oh man, Davepeta would be so thrilled by that yarn ball, huh. I wonder if it’s pertinent that the detached moon and chain resemble the ball and loose strand...)
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So: what to make of all this? Aside from the idea that we’re operating in a story in which the pursuit of death is eroticized.
Davepeta seems to distill the sex/death equivocation into a two-pronged metaphor for achieving self understanding (“how about we help each other GET ourselves”), but even though I can visually see how Dave and Rose’s union in flames might resemble the cherubic process of maturation via union with one’s opposite (which Caliborn euphemizes as check mating), I don’t have much a sense of what way Dave and Rose might be consider opposites aside from their being contrarily gendered twin. Maybe it’s a question of how they regard each other that determines what each is “integrating”? But I couldn’t tell you what
I tried going through their pre-Cascade conversations again to see if I could assemble something cogent, but there’s too many things I’m not getting: e.g. I have no clue what rhetorical function blackness is serving in this instance (we made some nice progress regarding its function in a Jade log awhile back), and I have a terrible suspicion that Doc Scratch’s scattered pages are all interact with eachother, meaning you have contextualize everything in relation to the surrounding pages. And to be perfectly honest, I do not have a fourth reread in me at the moment. 
...I think one thing I would be very curious about is how literally the gesture at integration is taken. The bomb integrated the universes of Alternia and Earth, and the product of that union (I’m kind of collapsing the Scratch and the creation of the Green Sun into one event) is an Earth with notable Alternian features. So it’d be interesting if Rose and Dave post-godtiering bore traces of eachother’s personalities? But I don’t think that’s the direction the story took with regard to personality modification, so I’m left wondering what impact, if any, the gesture at unification had...
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onionrinqz · 3 years
COV!Fl4k aka "THE H4RBINGER": im guessing, based on name and look, is both the first & last thing the cults enemies see. both as scout to map out any area, tame beasts, general recon and taking out any potential problems, usual Fl4k stuff etc .but to also signify that a location is being potentially catching the gaze of the Cult. They are the harbinger, a caller to show that a planet will be graced by divinity soon.
COV!Amara aka "Second Sister": probably holds a place of minor divinity in the Cult. not to the level of the Twins, oh no that'd be heresy but more like a demigod to their gods. powerful, blessed by siren magics and the personal guard & enforcer to the Calypsos. Amara is loyal to the cause but i imagine while Troy enjoys having her around and seeing her toss ppl like.fruit Tyreen is always wary that too make sure she doesn't get *too* popular. keeps Amara out of the spotlight when she can.
COV!Zane aka "Baron Flynt" : following in his family's footsteps Zane was most likely a bandit warlord b4 the cult. The Twins realizing the loyalty the bandits of Pandora have to the Flynt bloodline extended an offer of unification & absorption while allowing Zane to keep his title of Baron for loyalty. Zane, not being a moron & having a sense of self preservation, took the offer and is not the de facto bandit "ambassador" able to get multiple groups working together, and more "peaceful" solution to be absorbed by the cov. most likely also administers cruel sadistic punishments to those that break the rules or when the Twins need someone interrogated (he is a Flynt after all)  and in general deals with the internal "laws" & "politics" of the cult as well as serves the Twins as a bandit culture advisor. 
COV!Moze aka the "Saint of Iron" : A lifetime of military service to Valdof as left our gunner disillusioned and embittered with corporate games. seeing the COV as a chance to stick it back to the same companies that controlled and ruined her life. Moze joins. Only to see utter incompetence.
 So she does what she does. kills her way through the ranks. finds the closest "general" and whoops his ass in front of the Twins during a Let's Slay all the while insulting and pointing out every failure of her army right to her face. So Tyreen sicks the Cult on her only to see Moze slaughter them effortlessly afterwards asking to join. deciding to take a chance & intrigued with the ex Vladof they agree. 
after that Moze does what Moze does. climbs through the ranks, ensuring victory after victory through better tactics and fire power. technical and weapon knowledge help the cov weapons work better for longer.  gaining victories where there should be failures, winning battles far before they started through strategy, and helping with "negotiations" due to knowledge of both guerrilla & siege tactics. 
it comes to a head where Moze is hero worshiped by the cult. A Saint that blesses any battle she joins, performs miracles of clawing total victory from the maw of defeat. but to the cults enemies she's an avenging Valkyrie surrounded by a mantle of fire and artillery utterly annihilating those who dare attack those the cult "protects'' and to both Iron Bear being that as a divine weapon, a flaming sword of blinding holiness and strength that effortlessly cuts through the heretics and ensure all will be blessed by the Twins. 
At this point Tyreen recognizes what she has and promotes Moze to supreme general of the COV effectivity increasing the Cults performance by 200%. She also is always present during dealings with corporations her vast knowledge of both their military, politics & tech being irreplaceable. Moze isn't a moron and is loyal only to Iron Bear & Tyreen, not the Cult nor Troy. 
it comes to a point where Moze is almost Tyreen's right hand woman, her humor, grit, intelligence usefulness endearing her to the God-Queen. tho Troy secretly worries that Moze may be shaping up to be his replacement when Tyreen no.longer needs his technical and strategy know-how...
holy shit this submission SLAPS thank you oh my god,,,,, im also sorry i didnt post this earlier???? i dont get submission notifs so thats my bad
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toodreamsoul-blog · 3 years
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My heart, is always the strongest part of me.
It doesn't break when it should, and even the deception of family can make you question so many truths.... But, in reality, families always have an hidden agenda, oh this is the way, this is our legacy, and people feel they are chained to it. Before you even consider the fact of living a way of such. Miracles happen, Just because they are blood means, that blood is not that bleeds of love and and the love you receive back. You belong here, we judge you because you are not like us... It's the same scenario over and over again... Then comes spiritual warfare, many are gifted and people think something is wrong with them, but reality is....
The thing that is wrong is the people, and things they do not understand and dare fathom. The last thing someone who truly wants to hurt you, is to gain that trust, pretend to do good deeds, and all along play a facade, where did they come from? how did they meet you? what chaos happened. To go on these truths horrible things happen especially when you fall in love and it is returned. Christ Consciousness, 5th dimension... The birth of twin flames, the reality is one goes through the same exact thing, but on the other hand the other is baring the grief.
But when united, the flames light up into a level no one has seen and many who used the other while in a state of control, realizes, they have no controller, unconditional love has always and will always be the key. That has been the answer not sacrificing and using taboo and gifts to hurt the ones the apparent old ways of the family have taught you....they have been threatened by the unification of truth and it comes out by opening a different perception a different sense.... You heal.... If love was truly fake it would disappear. A mother does not put her children in the arms of a someone they were groomed to trust to let them brainwash them into a life not of their own.... HOME and family is that of those who expose the truth and want your happiness no matter what. It's so easy to lie and manipulate especially when those who first say they knew of no such person, then everyone knew..... they did... that's not love.... My family we realized three aunts had to be exiled because of greed and darkness they thought I myself would be a victim... because the my flame had his wars too.....I know nothing, or anything but love and family..... some family....know they are guilty.....
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rolandaranjo · 3 years
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The Twin Flame journey, the unification of the divine feminine and masculine, has been the most challenging piece of my spiritual path. #taylorswift #twinflames #lover #evermore (at San Jose desert area) https://www.instagram.com/p/COZRbpBHvJo/?igshid=16g67ckvwv8bh
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1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 1 year
Angel Souls | Twin Souls | Mirror Souls
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pyrewriter · 4 years
Forced Out
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Few were so fool hardy as to wander into even an abandoned Eliksni den let alone an entire compound. If proximity alarms were tripped inside then there were a few possibilities. One: brave fools just wandered in thinking themselves lucky or were forced in here by heavy fighting outside. Two: an animal wandered in seeking shelter from a storm or just to sleep and knew no better. Three: Risen. The wind carried in no scent of rain from a storm nor the waft of churned earth or rumble from any sort of fighting. Instead there was only the smell of ozone entailed that the worst of the three was true and the guild was woefully unprepared. 
"All, be silent, prepare" Ogethres ordered as quietly as his booming voice would allow in the echo chamber of the Ceremony Hall. The hall fell to an almost dead quiet, the only sound was that of breathing and the crackle of torches that seemed to reverberate off the walls around us in the silence. No one dared to make a sound, voices ,faint as they were, carried in with the wind and they were getting close. 
"My Arkon, if Risen enter, we distract" I clicked using my hand to muffle the sound. He did not respond aloud but I could a surprised huff in his breathing, "Throw at entrance" I explained then turning to my brother "Brykis, with me?" I asked. A nod from both of us was enough to elicit an accepting sigh from Ogethres. I felt him grab me by the armor with both his sub and main arms, looking over I saw he did the same with my brother. The voices of the Risen became louder and clearer as they moved deeper into our compound, lack of resistance always made them cocky. Hardly any time had passed since I voiced my idea when the Risen's lights could be seen bouncing off the walls just outside the entrance to the hall.  
At the time I did not understand everything that was said but their conversing was casual in tone, I will do my best to transcribe what was said that day.  "Are we really sure that ghost is still alive? I mean it's the Fallen we're talking about here". 
"I feel inclined to agree with our resident Sunbreaker Titan, since their apparent unification they've become much more ravenous for technology. If they've somehow gotten their hands on a ghost there's no telling what they could have done to it by now".
"Oh relax ,the both of you, there's five of us and I'm a top notch Hunter and Gunslinger so three shots is all I need. Besides so far the reports of this place being a major stronghold have only been half right, it's just big and I ain't had nothing to kill". 
"I suppose you are correct, we have yet to encounter even a lowly Dreg despite the size of this so-called stronghold. Perhaps they have already fled?".
"Nah, Fallen wouldn't leave so much tech and recourse behind, you Warlocks sure talk smart but didn't you see that hanger. They might be out right now but I doubt even the Fallen wouldn't be so wasteful as to leave all this behind. Knowledge shouldn't be coming from the oaf who used fist of havoc on the dear outside". 
They were far too lax for infiltrating an Eliksni compound if they were so casually revealing their numbers and capabilities for all to hear. As their voices grew closer I could feel a shift from Ogethres which meant his arms were spring loaded and ready to throw the brothers he had just ascended mere minutes ago. Light came pouring in from the entrance of the Ceremony Hall in the same moment that I felt another shift and found myself hurtling toward it with Brykis not far behind. There was a scream of surprise mixed with fear as the first Risen saw a pair of flying Eliksni Vandals coming straight for them. 
I slammed into the first dazing it before I drew my dagger and plunged it into it's upper shoulder dragging it toward the neck. The iridescent sheen from the liquid that splattered the wall and myself told this was one of those machines that houses a human conscience. Looking up from my work I saw Brykis grappling with another for a moment before using his sub arms to draw his twin daggers and sinking each into the abdomen of his opponent. The survivors stared at us then turned their gaze deeper into the chamber behind us as a little machine every Risen possessed materialized above the fresh body I made. 
"Why you!" one the three survivors shouted, reaching into the air, there was a flash and in their hand was a weapon ,a pistol made of fire, but it was nothing we hadn't already seen. Brykis used the soon to be corpse he was still holding to shield himself from a shot that instantly dissolved and another of the little machines appeared in its place. In the same moment I had pulled my dagger out and lunged forward before the Risen fired again. Reaching out I grasped the burning weapon ,it was only warm to the touch, moving it aside as it fired twice more before vanishing.
The Risen grappled with me as it tried to draw one the knives from it's belt or arms to defend itself.My newfound Vandal strength was greater however, pounding their head against the stone wall until their helmet was concave was sufficient to make a little machine appear. Before I could turn my attention to the next Risen the one I had just finished bashing appeared in front of me with a flash of light already brandishing their weapon. Luckily they were swiftly put down by a well placed wire rifle bolt from somewhere behind me before they could use it. A second shot rang out and another Risen ,most likely the one who resurrected the one I had killed, fell with a smoldering hole in its face plate. 
Turning my attention ahead of me I didn't see anything but there were only four little machines and bodies around us. Two wore robes adorned with ornate pasterns and ornaments but, the one I had slammed into initially wore heavy armor with large pauldrons and smelled of ozone. The second I had beaten with a wall sported an elegant flowing cape with a more medium type of armor. In the moment of calm I could hear Ogethres barking orders for everyone to leave through the second exit that led to the hangar. We were abandoning the compound but among the rumble of the guild evacuation and our Arkon's voice I heard Pyrrhaks saying something about taking what we could. 
Unfortunately the moment of calm was cut short as I saw the last Risen come barreling around the corner before a bright flash flooded my vision. I felt something burning and blunt impact my chest ,breaking a few bones in the process and puncturing a lung, my feet were knocked from beneath me. Before I knew what happened I was face down on the floor in a daze with the taste of liquid ether and copper filling my mouth in a matter of seconds. Looking up I saw Brykis coming toward me but he was knocked off his feet by the force coming from a nearby robe wearing Risen. Tumbling over the edge into the sea of evacuees Brykis was lost below while the Risen had resurrected each other which brought them back to full strength.
I could hear the pop of Risen projectile weapon fire and feel the air around me charge from the bolts of Eliksni weapons. The sound of Eliksni crying out in pain as they were struck by the crude but effective arms of those chosen by the Great Machine. Everything in that moment fueled a fire in my chest that replaced the pain of my punctured lung and broken bones. Slamming my fist down I activated my ether life support system housed in my armor, ether flowed directly into my veins, healing my wounds and invigorating me. Bringing down both fists with a roar of fury I bounced from face down on the floor to standing with a burning glow coming from my eyes, the sight stopped the room dead.
I spat and spread my arms in unmistakable open challenge ,still the room was silent, then one of the larger two Risen ran at me and was engulfed in flame with a loud clang. Breaking into a charge of my own we rammed one another and locked hands, they were strong and under normal circumstances I would not dare to take the brunt of a Risen's power. But I had ether, it ran through my veins, into every fiber of muscle, it gave me strength enough to match my resolve and my opponent. If either of us falters for even a single second the unfortunate loser would have their hands crushed and bent the wrong way before most likely being killed. 
Neither of us were able to overpower the other during the deadlock we created but at the same time we blocked any line of sight to Ceremony Hall ultimately making it my victory. The Risen reared its head back so far it’s back looked as though it threatened to break, I knew what they were doing and matched the move. Gritting my teeth to brace both the Risen and myself rammed our helms together, rattling our skulls and creating a sound that echoed off the walls like thunder. Our heads stayed pressed together for a moment before we broke away to take a step back, staring we let our enhanced states fade. Again I raised my arms and was met with the same stance by the Risen.
I woke from a stupor covered in oil and blood, my ether reserves were drained, Sekos-4 was carrying me. I recognized the sounds around me from when the Vandal growth process, I was in the medical bay of the Ketch, Ogethres, Pyrrhaks, and Brykis were chattering in concern. Coughing I tapped the shell of Sekos to let him know I was awake, "Escape?" I asked before groaning in pain. Suddenly we stopped and I felt the hands of my family reach out as they leaned over me in relief. After some time in the med bay and a lot of ether Ogethres and Pyrrhaks filled the gaps in my memory while Brykis was just overjoyed that I was alive let alone conscious.                     
"Matched Risen blow for blow, snapped neck, ravaged others after, little care for self" Ogethres had stayed to watch the duels while the others evacuated. He was proud and amazed at the savagery and brutality that I displayed in defiance of the Risen to protect the guild. Brykis had apparently been injured by his fall and trampled slightly but was quickly picked up and brought aboard the Ketch. 
I sighed with a mournful clicking, "Failed to save all, how many?".
"Only handful, more if not for you, well done" Ogethres told me, I had to restrain myself from letting out a scorned howl. "I go to guide, guild moving inland, rest now, will need best scouts" I nodded silently in acknowledgement. 
A day or so later Pyrrhaks founds managed to find time to see me with Brykis in-tow "Saved heritage, all here, will live on, for the lost". It was good to hear that we didn't lose any more of ourselves to those Risen but from what I was told of my actions I made them pay more than a few times. "Will be released soon, miss you in field, join next ether resupply?" Pyrrhaks asked. 
"Miss being in field, miss family" I clicked, a smile crossing my face, "Need out, taking up ether and space here". We lost members of our guild and the compound but we lived and so long as there are Eliksni with bonds strong enough there is a place to be called home.
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maswartz · 4 years
Power Rangers Samurai Spirits
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Long ago a group of six samurai defeated the Horrotics, an army of monsters that bathed in the blood of humanity. However they lost their lives in the process. A fortune teller prophesied that in many generations the Horrotics would return and the spirits of the six fallen samurai would return. This would be symbolized by a special mark appearing on the body of the chosen descendant on their sixteenth birthday. Many generations later the signs of the Horrotics return have begun to appear. The modern descendants of the red samurai have two children, a boy named Akira and a girl named Kimiko. On his sixteenth birthday the mark failed to appear on the Akira’s body. In disbelief he continued to train himself even harder hoping to make the mark appear. Two years later on his sister’s sixteenth birthday the mark appeared on her body. Enraged he accused her of stealing his birthright and ran away. His anger drew the attention of a demonic swordsman aligned with neither the Horrotics nor humanity… Before they had time to search for the Akira the marks began to glow and revealed the location of a temple the modern samurai must travel to. There they are met by monks who reveal that the Horrotics have indeed returned and they must become the Power Rangers Samurai Spirits in order to fight them off and defend humanity. Spirit of Fire! Red Samurai Ranger!- Kimiko- The youngest of the samurai she is the leader by birthright. Early on her concerns about her missing brother fill her thoughts until a demonic swordsman attacks her. After the battle he reveals himself to be her brother possessed by the demon. After many battles she manages to free her brother from the spirit. She is sometimes overwhelmed by the responsibilities of being a leader and wishes she could let another Ranger lead but in time grows into the role- Armed with the Burning Blade Spirit of Water! Blue Samurai Ranger!- Neil- At first he refused to acknowledge Kimiko as leader due to her age and lack of training. He even attempted to take control of the team for himself. However after she was servery injured protecting him from a monster he saw the error of his way and considers her the true leader, even scolding the others for questioning her- Armed with the Waterfall Bow and Rapids Arrows Spirit of Earth! Yellow Samurai Ranger!- Brittany- For years her family considered the prophecy nothing more than myth and legend however they did continue to pass the emblem down. When the mark appeared on her she began training in secret however she is still the least experienced of the samurai- Armed with the Quake Shuriken Spirit of Forest! Green Samurai Ranger!- Hector- An aspiring actor he was forced to miss a crucial audition to respond to the summon and as a result has little patience for their mission. He tends to take out this anger on the Horrortics- Armed with the Arbor Spear Spirit of Sky! Pink Samurai Ranger!- Erika- A doctor who loathes violence and actually refused to fight the Horrotics at first until her inaction placed a group of people in danger. This lead her to act albeit reluctantly- Armed with the Cloud Fan Each Samurai was given an emblem belonging to the ancient warriors. By infusing the emblem with Samurai Symbols they become the Samurai Zords Samurai Spirit Megazord- Formed when the Samurai Zords unite. Red Lion Samurai Zord- Attacks with flame and fire. Forms the torso and head Blue Dragon Samurai Zord- Attacks with steam and mist. Forms the left leg and helmet Yellow Ape Samurai Zord- Attacks with rocks and fissures. Forms the left arm Green Bear Samurai Zord- Attacks with claws and leaf storms. Forms the right leg Pink Turtle Samurai Zord- Attacks with gusts and tornadoes. Forms the right arm The monks soon present three disks said to contain the power of ancient beasts tamed by the great warriors. By repairing and infusing the disks the monks believe the Rangers can call upon their aid. Samurai Beetle Megazord- By combining with the Samurai Beetle Zord the Megazord gains powerful blasting cannons Samurai Swordfish Megazord- By combining with the Samurai Swordfish Zord the Megazord gains a slashing double sword Samurai Tiger Megazord- By combining with the Samurai Tiger Zord the Megazord gains piercing drills Samurai Eagle Zord- The three Zords can combine to form the Samurai Eagle Zord. A massive bird that can attack on its own or with the aid of the Rangers Grand Samurai Megazord- When the Eagle Zord combines with the Megazord they become the Grand Samurai Megazord gaining the power of flight and increased power. Samurai Artifact of Unification- An ancient relic said to give one samurai the power of many. When repaired in the present it allows any of the original five Rangers to assume Super Spirit Mode and receive a massive boost in power Spirit of Light! Gold Samurai Ranger!- Stephen- The son of a pair of tech CEOs he grew up surrounded by the latest in technology. At some point over the centuries his family’s emblem was broken but he used the pieces to build his own zord. The effort caused him to miss the original summons until he was able to finally join up with the others- Armed with the Shining Slasher
Samurai LobStar Megazord- Stephen managed to rebuild his family’s emblem as a new zord creating the LobStar zord capable of forming its own megazord with four battle modes based on the cardinal directions Burning East is the default mode armed with claws Blowing West is armed with a battle fan Quaking South is armed with twin swords Freezing North combines with the Samurai Squid Zord to gain a lance Shining Lantern Zord- Stephen built this zord on his own as a personal challenge. It amplifies his light in battle and can shoot a barrage of discs. It forms its own megazord, the Shining Spirit Megazord Supreme Samurai Megazord- The Grand Samurai Megazord combines with the LobStar Megazord forming the Supreme Samurai Megazord. It gains stronger armor and a powerful cannon. Spirit of Flame! Crimson Samurai Ranger!- Akira-  Kimiko’s brother, after he runs off following the discovery of the mark on Kimiko he is possessed by Akushi (”demonic swordsman”). After his sister helps free him he runs off in shame over his actions. In the process he finds the pieces of the bull disk and repairs it as a way to atone. As he repairs it the spirit of his ancestor speaks to him revealing that he had been skipped over because he had grown arrogant and over confident in his strength loosing sight of his purpose as a protector. But now that he has learned from his mistakes he is ready to become a Ranger. With newfound humility he returns to the team and is welcomed with open arms. However Akushi manages to return and continues to plague the siblings until a final battle sees the two defeating the demonic swordsman once and for all- Armed with the Burning Blade Samurai Bull Megazord- An ancient disc forged by the original Red Samurai. Akira manages to repair and infuse it with power summoning the Samurai Bull Zord. It charges through enemies and blasts them with an array of cannons. When in Megazord mode Akira pilots it into battle. Armed with a powerful blaster. Samurai Spirit Ultrazord- All the Samurai Zords unite to form a mighty ultrazord riding upon a grand chariot. When all seven Rangers channel their Samurai Spirits a devastating blast is unleashed Megalodon Sword- Ancient even in the time of the original warriors this relic appears during a battle and goes on a rampage before the Rangers stop it. It recognizes their strength and nobility and becomes a mighty sword for the Ultrazord as well as a power up for any of the Rangers to use. Morphers- Samurai Morphers- Special hand held devices that contain ink cartridges holding special ink made by the monks of the temple allowing the rangers to use Samurai Symbols. Morphing Call- Summon the Samurai Spirit Morphing- The ranger draws their Samurai Symbol and spins it and the symbol flies to their feet and circles them like a pen stroke forming the suit and finally the helmet Power Rangers Hybrid Spirits- Some of Vinsect’s robots remain intact and force a Horrortic to give them a new fuel supply. They become even stronger than before forcing both teams to face the threat. Hybrid Responders Forever Red Retold Powerverse
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Farthest North
Chapter 19 - Brainwashed
Word count: 1345
         "You're insane!"
Alaska accused with a pointed finger, staring at her reflection. 
         "How many times could you have escaped? Look at yourself," she scratched her exposed arms after folding up the sleeves. No blood hit the metal sink, but her father made her swear not to use self harm as a means to escape her inner battles. She may not have had the best father, but he would care from time to time... "He suspects nodhing, yet here you are, enjoying yourself? It is despicable. You're attacking friends! He vants dhis!"
What looked like a rash on her arm grew as she rubbed her skin, not raw, but close. She stopped herself before she broke her promise to her father, instead holding tightly to the edges of the metal sink.
         "Stay strong..." she told herself, "Dhe oders vill come, dhey vill... dhey vill, trust me! Dhey vill come."
         "Mein schatz*?" Third called from the outer hallway of the Nazi bunker, "My dear you've been holed up in zhat rest room for half hour by now... I am vorried."
Worried? A heartless man was worried? Highly unlikely, but the World War 2 super power was... His little girl wasn't even speaking to him, though he had passed by multiple times just to see how she was doing. A hand went to a bandaged arm, multiple burned swastikas forever embedded on his skin. He added one more that morning, for not thinking of placing his ring back in Germany's pocket, or at least on his dresser top, as if his son had forgotten it. But no, it was in his own pocket. He couldn't afford for her start breaking down now, they were so close! He couldn't afford another disappointment.
         "Alaska, please," he rested a hand on the door, "come out..."
With a heavy sigh, Third Reich hugged the woman before she could protest once the door was opened. He looked to the metal sink, seeing dents where her grip became too tight. Once he let go, the genocidal man placed a gentle hand on her cheek, Alaska's skin burning, as hot as the Auschwitz fires.
         "Your North star is glowing my dear," he frowned, "Vhat does zhat mean?"
Alaska was silent as her breath came out like smoke, a dark comparison to the condensation of winter puffs.
         "It means Juneau is burning."
     America ordered for troops to carry as much water as they could. Canada ensured them safe passage of his borders so they didn't have to take the long way to Alaska's capital. Juneau was going up in flames, and while no calls had come, America was going to help. He only knew of it because the fires had started to spread into Canada's land. But as quickly as the fire came, it was gone. The Navy and Airforce came back saying it was taken care of long before they had arrived. America seemed to have forgotten that Alaska had her own military now, and fully capable citizens. 
         "This kid's insane!" Australia declared, a coughing fit coming soon after, "Crickey, not even I can handle a few fires. My people are going nuts!"
         "She's gone through this before Aussie," Canada told him, "she knows what to expect, you had no clue this was coming."
The Country nodded, sighing. 
         "South America isn't going to let me live this down, I can tell 'ya that!"
Australia being both a Country and a Continent, had the ability to travel to another hidden world. He was the odd one out, of course, since most hate conversing with their younger separations of their land. They found them intolerable.
         "Why not ask South Pole for help?" America walked through the door, his military uniform still on.
         "First:" he let out another coughing fit, smoke coming up in plumes, just like Alaska, "It's Antarctica, he doesn't like that nickname. Second: He's melting, dude, I can't do that to him."
     The two Countries talked with their younger brother, until China called the eldest about Alaska's whereabouts. They found her. So with a regretful 'goodbye', America left, Canada close behind as Australia gave them his best wishes in finding the grown State, and bringing down the Nazi menace once and for all. A nurse came in with a fresh jug of ice cold water, and despite his current state, Australia couldn't help but flirt just a little. He might be burning, and in pain, but that didn't stop him from having joy in his life. The nurse left with a giggle, leaving him alone... so he called U.K.
         "What have you found?"
     The father sighed, looking between the Countries who had shown. Ukraine wasn't too excited about this entire fiasco about to go down, neither was Belarus, but they were determined to save their older sister. Russia and Germany were determined to get in the Nazi bunker found deep within what used to be East Germany, the boy, now man, who embodied it's unification was furious that his twin sister was used like that. Who would expect a Nazi bunker where USSR used to reign? It enraged him, and brought faint memories of her murder after the fall of the Berlin Wall. 
         "A Nazi bunker, very well hidden, several feet under ground," U.K. finally answered, "Bloody sneaky, Third is," he admitted, "but America says he'll have it opened within th-"
A loud creak interrupted the conversation, though short, and everyone peered from their hiding places to see what was going on. 
         "Covards," Third huffed, "How long vill you hide like Jews hide zhier money bags?"
         "Why I oughta-!"
America held back Israel, who made a drastic change into his war gear. Germany had to hold him back too, reminding the Country that Third Reich failed.
         "Give us back Alaska!" America ordered, the circle of Countries closing in to surround him, but the dead man just laughed.
         "Or vhat? You'll nuke me? Vait, nein, zhat's zhe short vun."
         "Dhey're all short Dhird."
The surrounding Countries looked to the still open door, eyes going wide, jaws dropping, several gasps resounding as they saw the grown State reveal her war clad self. She wore no hat, the fire that enveloped her North Star would have burned it, her military blouse held a cape of pure mountain goat fur on one side, while the other was short sleeved, blisters plainly shown yet they didn't seem to bother her as they oozed a slick, clear substance. White pants came down to her ankles, light dress shoes as black as fresh ashes. This was what she looked like after declaring war. This was what the others knew to fear... her sharpened teeth gleamed in the sunlight, a sudden unbearable heat to those who watched, even as shivers ran down their backs when this she-devil looked their way.
         "Al-vays stuck in dhe shadows of dhe great vuns." she chuckled lowly.
         "Alaska, please," America dared come closer, "He's brainwashed you. He'll invade just as he did everyone else he made a treaty with!"
         "A variable I have contemplated," she nodded soberly, expression now blank.
         "Facts don't lie," Germany stood next to his friend, joined by Russia and Japan, "My fazher cannot be trusted."
         "Ah, but neizher can you!" Third Reich cheered, "Russia, your fazher abused her. You vould have done zhe same! America, you abandoned her! Left her to fend for herself, abused her resources! Canada you're nozhing but a selfish dummkopf**, vanting nozhing but more land and resources. But vait, vhat am I missing? Oh, ya***, of course! Alaska is prime military support for every single vun of you!"
Everyone flinched... 
They all realized it. Alaska was perfect for any military. Land, resources, anyone with military power there had power over the U.S., Canada, even Russia. They were all selfish, everyone knew it, but not this time.
         "And vhat have you done Dhird?" Russia huffed, "Besides kidnap her and manipulate her to do your bidding?"
     The Nazi menace smiled wider.
         "I gave her an escape."
* Mein Schatz - My treasure (German)
** Dummkopf - imbecile, or idiot (German)
*** Ya - yes (German)
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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, July 4th-5th, 2020 ~ Another Frequency Shift of The Heart
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, July 4th-5th, 2020 ~ Another Frequency Shift of The Heart
By L’Aura Pleiadian
Here we go another monumental frequency shift of the HEART OPENING. On July 5th, 2020 at 1:44 am ADT, we have the Full Moon in Capricorn with a Lunar Eclipse. Coupled with some great fixed stars, this is a profound SHIFT in consciousness/opportunity.
Of course each being has unique opportunities based on their Blueprint/DNA and levels of awareness they are functioning through. That is; what filters are in place through awareness.
As of NOW with Mercury Retrograde also, stay aware of communicating slowly and clearly. Mercury goes direct on July 12th, 2020.
Also as like other Full Moon energy, with the Sun Opposite Moon, we have the increase in potential emotional responses, again based on conditioning and what memories are held in the subconscious mind.  Add to this, the Lunar Eclipse then we have a POTENT mix, ultimately for your benefit, to stir up and release any hidden discrepancies of what you say you desire and what really is going on, under the surface.
With the Lunar Eclipse Opposite Mercury, Mercury Square Mars and Mercury Retrograde, there may be the tendency for rushed thinking and rushed communications. So remember SLOW DOWN, enter your heart. Speak through your heart!
The Lunar Eclipse is also Trine Uranus and with Mercury Sextile Uranus, we have the opportunity to enter THE HEART and  profound Transformation with greater EASE. Also with a more expanded self awareness (again based on YOUR Blueprint) that is heightened in the sense of the senses. That is, beyond the limited self, into the Higher Self Awareness through the Heart.
Remember if you have struggles through this, it is for your benefit, to relax more deeply into your Heart, to then enter greater and greater SELF LOVE, experiences in moment to moment awareness.
This is all connected to your ASCENSION. That is BEING your eternal DIVINE Self through form. MASTERY of Form. Completed your Earth schooling. Being the Divine Cosmic God Self, that you already are, through the process of the HEART Unification, in the here and now.
In love we ACTIVATE YOU. In joy we celebrate NOW. Blessing all of YOU, through Love.
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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2020.
All of Creation Is watching Earth  and witnessing its Ascension Process. They are ready, ready for this Planet to be Declared a Light Only Zone. All of Humanity are called upon now to Step Up in fulfillment of their Divine Soul Contract.
  The dark has been cleared, fully defeated and New Earth, Nova Terra, is ready to begin. This requires each Being to fully clear the remaining density within their bodies, to awaken to full remembrance of their Galactic Truth, their Soul Essence, their Divine Blueprint.
  This is not a Drill, in Real Time, Present Moment of Now Mother of All Creation is on the Planet and she is Our Divine Director, Our Eternal Mother. She hired you for this role  and She is here to guide you.
  Mother has the entire Galactic Federation of Light and all the Angels with Her in all moments. She also has Her guide/ambassador Robin Williams and  Master St. Germain by Her side. There is no session like this available on the planet, or in all of Creation.
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Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Etheric Surgery With Mother God Below, Including TWO sessions with a recommended donation of $88.88
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  Love Always,
  Mother & Father of all Creation & The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
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iraklismytridis · 4 years
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Angelic Collective Protective Military Division and Ascended Dragons 2/26/2020
Greetings friends of the light, of the way. We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. We offer you the space of our frequency, of our light in this now moment. For the great destruction of the cities of the false matrix has begun in earnest in allowance for the grand rebirth of the new. We wish to offer words of comfort. You are the change makers, the way showers. You did not come to have a typical 3D life. You have already experienced this, most likely many thousands of times. For Earth was the grand space of learning the cosmic playground of energies and it was glorious until the fall. And it will be glorious once again. Do not be downtrodden. Do not be disheartened. Do not be dismayed for all is proceeding according to the perfect plan of Creator and you have many numerous hands behind the scenes protecting you, holding a sword for you.
Victory to the light! Victory to love, to the Creator of all things made perfect in the new. New beginnings are to be embraced, emboldened by the joy of hope. Be in hope humanity, for the clouds are lifting, the sun is shining brighter than ever before and you have more help being readily made available to you than ever before. Truly you are most supported. Ground hope. Ground truth. Ground peace. Be the peaceful one in the eye of the storm that the other windswept ones can look to for an example of holding the light. You are making a tremendous difference in your workspaces, in your home environments. Your vibrations are reverberating all across the globe and the multiverse. For that is what you do. You are light. Your vibrations travel at the speed of light. You are all that you see. We welcome the moment when you fully embrace the all that you are into the all that you are becoming. Find the peace in this sentiment and know that it is most true.
Every instrument of heaven is being made available to ensure the success of this mission. All hands on deck. All is operating at full throttle. And so when you feel shaken or throttled by these energies retreat deep within your heart space for rest. For the energies are only going to intensify, this is to be certain. And so your vibration, which is key, your vibration makes a tremendous effect. Protect it with inner peace, inner joys rediscovered, inner hopes rekindled. Smile. You are lighting up the night sky with a multitude of stars, your reverberations of hope and tenacity are felt by all.
We offer our combined force of insurmountable protection to our lighted ones, our Christed light bearers of the way. Be not afraid. Be emboldened by the you that you are becoming, by the you the you already are. We wish for you to feel the truth of this statement. You are that which you seek. You are the change that you crave. Be the change. Be the light. Be the voice to the voiceless. Spread your wings and fly. We are the Angelic Collective Protective Military Division. Peace. We love you.
Greetings, humans reading these words. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. I Elthor, and I Alisheryia, are speaking. We represent the whole tonight, the balance of the the divine masculine and divine feminine energies that are to be fully made equal, lovingly balanced in this realm. But know that we are simply an example of many twins. Other ascended dragons have their mates. Others are also examples of our union. But tonight we represent this divine union, unification of yin and yang, of polarities becoming balanced in this realm. You all have energies of the divine masculine and divine feminine within you and it is time that they become balanced. It is time for you to do this work and to ask for further assistance should you require it, so that when you are faced with meeting your twin it will be like meeting yourself. You must be the one you have been waiting or. It is not trite, human. It is deprogramming. No more victimhood (Elthor is roaring). The time for you to become your own savior of rising up. Be the hands of the Christ which is what this moment is calling for. It will be your healing.
I Alisheryia, am speaking. My divine consort, Elthor, is very passionate. He is the divine fire. I am the divine water. And so we balance. You seek balance in your lives, but when it flows from inner balance, all else will flow, like a mighty river whose course is steady, unstoppable. Water finds a way. Fire finds away. Both are either healing or destructive. You have had lifetimes of healing and of destruction. We all come together now to heal Gaia’s damaged areas. Many hands and feet make this possible. Galactic technology will make this possible. Human vision and innovation will also make this possible. But you all must work together. And you shall.
I Alisheryia, and I Elthor, are speaking. You are in the moment of your own making. In every moment you choose the experience, you choose the outcome. No more victimhood. Humanity is awakening faster now. The energies are in great support of this. The ascended dragons have been working clearing, blazing, fighting the darkness with light.
I Alisheryia and I Elthor breathe and ignite your crown with the Christed flame. We are igniting your crown into further expansion to deprogram victimhood, apathy and self loathing. We see the restructuring occurring all around of the false ideologies that have constrained and confused. They are lifted. Humanity is rubbing its eyes. Little human what do you see? Do you see the light surrounding? Or do you see shadows? The shadows are of your mind. Change your mind. Choose to see the light. We are continuing our upgrade. (I feel continued heat on my head and am seeing glowing shapes and images, triangles with lines and a language of symbols I do not recognize.) You are seeing the ancient dragon languages of days long past, galaxygirl. We are turning on dormant DNA and reprogramming lies into truth. (I am feeling orange golden fire all around me in a circle. I am surrounded by codes). Invite these codes into your heart space, into Gaia’s crystal heart, into the hearts of your ancestral lineages that have been so wounded, so enmeshed in the pain of the experiment. (I see streams of fire sending out from all sides around me, like spokes in a wheel. I am seeing many faces along these fire streams. I am hearing screaming, seeing burning homes, death. I am feeling pain of past ancestors, perhaps). Now I, Alisheryia invite you to pour the royal blue, cool waters of the divine feminine to these lines of fire that have been touching your ancestry. See it flow like a calm cooling river, quenching the fire, quenching the thirst. Feel the steam and see the happy faces of your ancestors turn toward you in gratitude. (I feel tremendous peace and joy. I see thousands of happy faces). You have done a mighty deed. Now together we send the divine fire and the divine water into the heat of Gaia to balance, to heal, to calm, to soothe. We send healing we send grace, we send light.
Be healed by these words the upcodings, the destructions of the false and be ignited and restored, refreshed in the new of the new beginnings that surround and nourish. Claim them as your reality and then they so shall be.
Be at peace in the coming turbulence. Be the balanced human with the glowing embers of balanced fire and water within. Be ignited. We leave now. Peace.
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