#tw: facism
howhow326 · 1 year
Harlequin AU: villain Maribug
This idea just popped into my head: what if Miraculous was a villain origin story? What if all the times where Marinette got treated like dog doo doo by her friends, society, and the narrative actually mattered?? What if all the times Marinette got needlessly traumatized were actually a prelude to a more dramatic mental break, a la Scarlet Witch??? What if Marinette went ape shit???? Here's my idea:
Marinette's descent into villainy starts the same way every other day of her life starts: Chloe and Sabrina bully her; Lila bullies her and none of her friends stand up for her; Chat Noir borderline sexually harasses her OR he acts like all the times he proclaimed his undying love to her never happened so he can avoid going on a date with her; the usual.
As Marinette goes into her room, she gets ready to cry herself to sleep like she does every night. And then, an idea pops into her head...
"Tiki, red spots on." "Marinette, no! You can't use the miraculous for evil! You know it always ends in disaster!" "Disaster for ME!!! I'm the one that always sufferers the most for mine and every else mistakes! No more... NO MORE!!! TIKI, RED SPOTS ON!!!"
Marinette transforms, but not into Ladybug. Her trauma and her 'selfish' desire to do what's good for her mixes into a new persona: Harlequin. Her outfit is a color flipped version of Ladybug's enhanced outfit from season 4, a black body suit with red spots.
Harlequin jumps out of her house and announces herself, "Bonsoir, citizens of Paris. You used to know me as the weak Ladybug, the failure superhero." Gasps can be heard from the late night citizens, wondering why their darling would call herself that. "But from now on my name is Harlequin, the strongest superhero in Earth! And I'll prove my strength by finding Hawkmoth and arresting him! CREATION CHARM!!!"
Harlequin digs deep with her power over creation, forcing her power to work for her the same way Hawkmoth forces his power to make akumas. She creates a magic compass that points in the direction of the Butterfly miraculous, and as soon as she arrives at the Agreste mansion, she knows exactly who has been making her life hell.
Gabriel is asleep when Harlequin crashes through his window and assults him. " Oh, you BETTER wake up!" Harlequin snatches his miraculous away and beats him into submission.
When Adrien walks in, he feels like he's in a nightmare. "Ladybug, what are you doing!" The boy screams as she continues to beat a corpse. "Happy Valentine's day, Adrien! Your abusive father, Hawkmoth, won't be bothering us anytime soon." As she walks out of the room to retrieve her kwamis, she turns back to face Adrien. "And by the way, it's Harlequin now."
Gabriel Agreste, AKA Hawkmoth, is dead. Suicide by cop, of course. It's not like anyone cares. Nathile is sent to a UN jail for life after her connection to Gabriel is found out. Adrien inherents his father's company and is to be allowed to live in the guardianship of the Gorilla until he becomes 18. Harlequin recreates the miraculous and brings them back home. But it's not a happy ending. It's just the beginning.
The next day, Lila is up to her old tricks. Afterschool, Harlequin drags her into the street in font of a local news station. "Bonjour citizens of Paris, Harlequin speaking! This girl, Lila Rossi, has been bullying an innocent girl in her class room for the last year. Lila has claimed an innocent girl cheated on a test, she claimed an innocent girl pushed her down the stairs, all sorts of lies really! She even claimed to be my best friend, although there's one hole in that story... Tiki, red spots off!" As Marinette reveals her identity to everyone in Paris, Lila's heart sinks. "The whole time I have been saving the people of Paris, the whole time I've been helping my friends, this wench has been bullying me! NO MORE! Tiki, red spots on!" Harlequin swings away into the distance...
The next day, Lila Rossi disappears. The people of Paris don't care, she bullyed their savior after all. Meanwhile, the akuma class' reputation is destroyed, each one becoming a social outcast.
The day after, Harlequin finds out that the Mayor of Paris has been breaking one two many laws. She decides that he, his wife, and Chloe are all going to go to a "nice family prison".
That's what she told the public. Harlequin used the bunny miraculous to send them back in time into the French Revolution. Chloe will never bully Marinette again.
The day Harlequin becomes the new Empress of France is met with cheers. She saved the world from Hawkmoth. She erased all crime in the country. She seperated France from the UN, so that they may be their own superpower again. Longue vie la Harlequin!
"Marinette, you need to stop! Don't you see that this is crazy?" Alya pleeds to her best friend. "Tell me Alya, where were you when I was being bullied by Lila? NEVER TELL ME WHAT I NEED!!!" Alya is sent away to the camps, where everyone who dare disagrees with Harlequin is sent.
Adrien is at a crossroads. If he chooses to love Harlequin, then his life will be full of joy and madness. Harlequin forgives him for all the wrong he did to her, and accepts him with open arms. Togather, they become the rulers of France... but their relationship is one of imbalance. Just as the Ladybug miraculous is so much more powerful that the Cat, Marinette is so much more powerful than Adrien. Everyday, Adrien thinks Marinette looks more and more like his father. He never says it out loud tho... He dosen't want to be punished again.
If Adrien rejects Harlequin, Kill Bill by Sza plays. Then Harlequin actually kills him.
As Marinette lays in her bed, she still cries herself to sleep. She has everything she could ever want... and she still has nothing...
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thingstrumperssay · 2 years
Trump supporters decided to do a Nazi salute at his rally last night.
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They’re not fascists though.
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alivemaybe · 1 year
Ok it's not that I WANT to keep talking about politics but like... listen. LISTEN
I'm seeing people from my country actually commit acts of TERRORISM and in the same breath complain about their rights being infringed upon when the law intervenes. The people who claim that it's their right to protest in 2023 are the same people who told lgbtq+ people who raised concerns about their safety and well being in 2018 to shut the fuck up and bow down to the majority.
I shouldn't be surprised, becuase that's what neofacists do, but holy shit. I'm seeing this happening real time. And I haven't been able to sit down and process it because there's something new EVERYDAY
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sysmemes · 7 months
I do not want to put Jewish trauma on display to prove a fucking syscourse point. I don’t want to explain how being part of a people targeted by actual facist hate groups feels. How it feels to know there is a group who wants you and your people exterminated, who nearly succeeded, and who still keep trying, and who are getting bolder and bolder and bolder. What it does to you and what it does to your community. How it affects daily life. Especially not now. I shouldn’t have to, just to get some children on the internet to stop calling everything “nazis” or “facists” or “hate groups”. So I won’t.
But you need to fucking listen to me.
It is so clear to me that facists and hate groups aren’t real to you. They get to be a fun little hypothetical for you. You don’t have to grapple with the fucking weight of what it means to be an actual target. You have the freedom to pick these terms up and play with them like toys to prove a point on the internet and never have to worry about being fucking murdered or having your community torn apart by a real facist hate group. I almost envy you, but I never want to be the type of person to treat this horror like a fucking game or a gotcha.
Words have meanings. A group of people on the internet telling you that you aren’t ✨ UwU Valid ✨ doesn’t make them a “literal facist hate group”. Grow up.
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anti--transid · 9 months
Radqueers when you tell them not to encourage racefaking, ableism, and literal fucking nazis and facism
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dailyhistoryposts · 2 years
On This Day In History
October 28th, 1922: Benito Mussolini, leading the National Fascist Party of Italy, marches on Rome and seizes power.
Thought Mussolini was eventually killed, his ideology and his family continued to have significant power in Italy. His brother, two of his graddaughters, and his great-grandson have all been far-right Italian political figures. Giorgia Meloni, the current Prime Minister of Italy, is a neo-fascist.
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small-angry-turtle · 1 year
Myšlienky o slovenskom dejepise
Možno vás to neprekvapí, ale vedeli ste, že Slovensko bolo na strane porazených v oboch svetových vojnách? Divné, však? Vždy to bolo divné. Nikdy sa nám nič nestalo.
Štylizujeme sa ako chúďatká a obete, ako by sme boli Afro Američania alebo národy zo strednej Ázie s paralelným jazykom, kultúrou, históriou a historickými osobnosťami. Naše dejiny sú do veľkej miery formované "cudzími menami".
Maďari tu vládli tisíc rokov, s rozličnou úspešnosťou. Nemci sem pravidelne chodil a osídľovali dediny zničené chorobami. Poliaci, Češi a iné národy tu chodili tam a naspäť. Od obchodu po vojnu.
Vedeli ste, že do 11. storočia tu bol obchod s otrokmi z Ázie a pravdepodobne Severnej Afriky? Odmietam uveriť, že žiadny človek od nás sa s nimi nevyspal.
A čo Rómovia? A čo Židia?
Vedeli ste, že rómske osady, ako ich poznáme, vznikli počas Slovenského štátu? Vedeli ste, že žlté hviezdy neboli prvé židovské označenie?
Obe tieto skupiny do 20. storočia takmer neexistujú. Jediné historické spisy, ktoré o nich máme sú tie o konfliktoch a zákonníky.
Učíme sa príliš dlho o praveku a staroveku a ledva sa dostaneme k 20. storočiu. Ak máme šťastie, tak sa dostaneme po Nežnú revolúciu. To je 30 rokov stratených dát.
Prečo bez rozmýšľania preberáme rétoriku tých, ktorí vládli? Prečo ešte moja učiteľka okolo 2010 učila, že Napoleon bol trpaslík? Prečo sa hovorí, že inkvizícia prenasledovala ženy, keď to boli hlavne rómky a Židovky a Židia? Prečo sa učí, že Bastilla bola dobitá prvá ako symbol útlaku? Prečo sa donekonečna učíme o Hitlerovi ale nie o Stalinovi alebo Jimovi Crowovi? Prečo sa učíme o slovanskej vzájomnosti? Prečo sa neustále učíme, že Amerika je zasľúbená zem? Prečo sme celé hodiny strávili učením sa o Židoch ale aj tak sme nevedeli vôbec nič? Prečo sa neučíme, že toto územie bola rušná križovatka dejín a národov?
Vyhoďme to a začnime odznova. Majme viac hodín dejepisu. Potom sa čudujeme, že tu máme fašistov.
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thegayfromrulid · 6 months
I'm really sorry for my silence lately. It's really hard to open social media and scroll right now. While I know many people aren't intending to spread fear and hatred, most want to be participating in activism, the rise of anti-Semitic posts on every form of social media has been overwhelming. Even amidst posts of people being very reasonable and educational, anti-Semitism is seeping through the cracks on these same tags, throwing all Jewish people under the same umbrella.
It's very hard to come online and see not only posts about how my family could be killed any day now, but also those ignorant posts that seep through saying I also deserve death as an Ashkenazi person. These sentiments are not exclusive to my online world. People are screaming to kill Jewish people on my own university campus. I do not feel safe online nor offline right now, and I am not a supporter of the war crimes and genocides occurring.
My family fled Nazis in Europe not that long ago. We want no part of genocide. We do not believe in genocide. Yet we are being harassed constantly right now as a loud minority of ignorant people throw all Jewish people under the same umbrella.
So, I apologize for being quiet. I apologize that I'm forgetting to post my updates. I am drowning in an ignorance that throws someone else's opinions and morals on me. I am trying so hard to keep on living and keep on going to my classes and go out to get food and necessities. But every day it gets harder the more people scream and tell me innocent blood is on my hands.
Please let me speak for myself, if you have a complaint. I lost a very dear friend in Palestine. I may lose dear family right now. We are not a monolith. I weep for the injustice. I weep out of fear for my loved ones. Please do not call me a murderer. Please do not call me a racist. I am a Jewish person who can think and reason for myself.
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jaurenoodles · 7 months
fighting the overwhelming sadness, anger and sheer terror that comes with being trans in the uk with a cig <3
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bigbonedcart · 1 year
tw / n#z|, facism, klaus from atun-shei
fuck Klaus I hate that bitch
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hopalongfairywren · 11 months
Interesting how you pivot straight towards the 'protecting native species' and 'thats how its always been' talking points like that isn't eco-fascism 1.0.1
You people will just say anything at this point won't you.
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lotusofhope · 1 year
I swear to god if a cis person ever brings up trans in sports again I'm just gonna deck them in a video game
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
i don't know who the fuck this zionist is, and yes i do have better things to do with my time, but i will say this-
white supremacists and fascists will COME for ALL of us -the LGBTQIA+ community is not fucking free from their terrorism (i can't believe some of these privileged white gay men think otherwise, but their whiteness, again, is something they believe will shield them from violence -and in many cases it does, but in terms of being queer and trans -the fascists and white supremacists will throw you under the bus in a car they're personally driving so stfu).
also while we are here, white gay men hold some of the WORSE misogyny (comparable to white cishet men) and that needs to be called out continuously. i also don't know what he was trying to do here, but it seems very rick mercer-esque and in this way -since clearly he meant it to be 'witty and direct' when he's just a bigot. is just fucking awful.
let's also not talk about the IOF soldiers who revealed (and joked about) shooting and killing 2 Arab men while they were engaging in an intimate act. the propaganda video the IOF re-posted that mocked queer and trans people. also the fact that he completely disregards the queer and trans people in Palestine and globally. whoever this guy is -he seriously needs to shut the hell up alongside Amy and Noah what's their names.
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janknabobfdi · 1 year
Had a weird dream last night that I was in an anti intellectual fascist regime
I was in an anti intellectual fascist regime where the citizens had to give mandatory public speeches and if we sounded "too smart" we would get mob killed by the audience
The audience was HUGE like, I think it was like a mass public gathering, The speechgivers were all high up on a platform and the audience were on the ground but that didn't stop them from somehow mobbing the speechgivers
I remember Lisa Simpson talking about how some dialects made you sound smarter or dumber (she mentioned an "ADHD dialect"?) then she was mobbed
I was also with Gin Ibushi and I was so scared for his life, I wanted to protect him at ALL costs because I thought he would get killed for his autism or something?
Then I met the leader somewhere on a train station and apparently his tragic backstory was that he missed his elementary school with his friends
Before they started high school and college or something
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One of the biggest things that annoys me on a personal level (and not a capitalism consumerism level) about the MCU is that if you're brunt out from the films or you've sat back and realised "Wow... they're really just shitting all over these stories and covering it up with millions in green dotted suits and abuse of SFX crews aren't they?" you're automatically counted in the same basket as 'Marvel Bros'
You know the people I'm talking about; they've never picked up a comic in their life but women have to list like 17 arcs they verify by Wikipedia, the people who sit there and scream about how comic accurate representation is Marvel/Disney vying for woke points -those are the Marvel bros.
And it annoys me that I can't say "I won't be watching the new she-hulk show because it looks atrocious." And be given the time to say that the CGI makes me uncomfortable because it's un-canny Valley esque and that the premise of the show might be based on a actual comic line but it just feels a bit too late to be picking up a "fourth wall break" character after all the multiverse references/use of the multiverse they've thrown in.
Not to mention that it does feel pandering to the people who liked the Deadpool films and that comedic aspect of fourth wall breaking but now with... MCU "he's behind me isn't he"/"on your left" humour. This is purely subjective on Mt part and I recognise that She-Hulk has always been a fourth wall break character and I do love her in the comics but MCU writers don't know what comedy is.
You can't say you don't want to watch it because it looks atrocious because Marvel fans are in three camps.
A: Marvel Bros.
These guys think everything is for woke points and if it doesn't appeal to them sexually or in a power fantasy way its woke and stupid.
So you can't provide actual reasons to rhem because they'll just go "Well why did we even NEED a FEMALE hulk!? Fucking woke bullshit!" and any actual reasons you have will fly so fast over their heads the Guardian of the Galaxy writers will get in another Drax joke.
B: We know but we're ostriches.
This group are the people on the verge of burn out, who have turned liking MCU films into a part of their core personality and so NEED to watch the next one even if they know all the issues surrounding it, even if they're disappointed or hell even anxious about what's next and how the drop off in quality is going to look next phase with more production that should be feasible.
But they're a MCU fan so they put their head in the sand and they know what you're saying but they can't acknowledge it because then a part of their personality is gone then.
And C.
C: Marvel suckers.
These are the ones that as soon as you mention not liking the films they're screaming about you being a marvel bro. Don't like the look of she-hulk? Mysonginst.
Black Panther was an alright film but didn't really capture you the same way say the Avengers did? Racist.
Thought that Endgames solution and explanation of timeliness made NO fucking sense and can even point out glaring potholes in Dr Strange's logic and his decision and how it then contradicts with future films? You just don't UNDERSTAND, you weren't paying attention. If you give Marvel more knew and watch their spin offs and mini series and not Canon amendments we all take as Canon to fill the void in our hearts, you'll actually understand its not a plot hole its a different timeline even though timeline branches as explained in the movie don't work this way.
And it just... MCU films are nothing more than CGI hotmesses designed to suck any joy and love that was put into the original project and it makes me so mad you can't criticise them online without being a massively "anti-progressive" fan.
On that note I hope people finally fucking stop saying "you just hate the left" when people criticise the MCU for attempting to make the Hydra Steve Rogers arc into a film. Wherein the character all these men and boys have been told is a role model will be shown as a literal nazi worldwide at a time where anti-semitism and facism is rising. Its disgraceful enough that Marvel defiled the character made by two Jewish men and made him a nazi for story purposes but to do that and try and get the storyline green lit for a film at a time where fascism is on the rise is disgraceful.
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I recently reblogged a post about Sinti and Roma people and their treatment in Europe. I stated my solidarity with them in the tags. shortly after I received an anon ask that was incredibly hateful towards Sinti and Roma. obviously I'm not gonna reblog the ask but I wanted to make one thing clear:
Sinti and Roma People deserve better treatment. You don't deserve the treatment you receive right now. I stand in full support and solidarity with you.
Also if that anon follows me, I hope you die a painful death. Facists have no place on my blog or anywhere.
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