#tua s3 episode 7
What Klaus wanted: to reconnect with his dad and maybe play some catch
What Klaus got: run over by cars over and over again while his “dad” timed how long it took him to come back to life
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as someone whose favorite character of The Umbrella Academy has always been Five, this season has really given me almost everything I wanted
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carcazm · 2 years
SPOILERS FOR TUA S3 (up to halfway through episode 6)
Thoughts while I am taking a small break
1. Allison rumoring Luther into "wanting" her kind felt sexual assaulty to me????? I might be the only one that feels that way but yeah
2. NEVER did I think I would actually like Reginald but after watching him talk with Klaus, I was very happy
3. THE DANCE BATTLE THE DANCE BATTLE THE DANCE BATTLE (also the fact that it was DIEGO hallucinating??)
4. All the reactions to Viktor coming out made so much sense (Luther being supportive but doing too much, Five validating him then going on into a lecture, etc)
5. Honestly loving the sloane and Luther things because YAY NO MORE INCEST PLEAAAASE
6. I've never wanted to slap Ben so hard, I am so sorry Justin Min
7. Poor Five wanting to retire :(
7. Diego IS the daddy here
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number5theboy · 1 year
how do you think the writers are gonna plan out 6 episodes of tua s4? sorta pissed we're given such limited time considering how many secrets there are that's yet to be resolved like the jennifer incident
My guess is like seasons 2 and 3 but without the filler stuff that goes nowhere (stuff like, off the top of my head, the fucking cult storyline, 75 % of what Five has been doing since S2 but specifically the paradox psychosis, the entire concept of the Sparrow Academy and so on and so forth).
General format of S2 and S3 was like Episode 1 (re-introduction of characters and where they are now; inciting incident at the end of it) -> Episodes 2-4 (various shenanigans that either do not contribute to the overall plot and are either character development or genuinely pointless OR are fake-outs about the plot that go nowhere) -> Episodes 5-6 (Five catches everyone up on the apocalypse plot and rallies everyone together; disagreements are had) -> Episodes 7-8 (in some different constellations, the characters resolve something and get a partial victory; usually still split up in smaller groups) -> Episode 9 (the overarching threat barrels into the story with the grace of a sledgehammer; the lowest point is reached) -> Episode 10 (apocalypse finale where everyone comes together as a team; plot twist ending that will barely matter by next season)
So based off of that, general guess on how a six episode season would pan out: Episode 1 (re-introduction of characters and where they are now - in this case, specifically Allison dealing with the consequences of her deal with Reginald; inciting incident at the end of it) -> Episodes 2-4 (plot gets fleshed out, someone - maybe Five - rallies the siblings and catches them up on the plot; maybe this time, they'll stay together, but more likely there will be little split up groups again to do little sidequests to defeat Reggie) -> Episode 5 (Reggie gets one over them, lowest point is reached, but they're all together again) -> Episode 6 (final fight; resolution; Reginald gets defeated?)
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uniasus · 2 years
Ug. Why am I pausing the TV, overcome with feels as I rewatch S3 of TUA, when I hadn't the first time through?
Mmm, it think it's cuz all the aww moments now come with a twinge of angst because I know what happens in episode 7.
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intheseautumnhands · 2 years
Writing plans below the jump to babble it out a bit.
Cause I would love to be writing. But I feel like crap tonight. So I am gonna veg out to The Mole and boot up more Sunless Skies for a bit and then maybe start work for the week at some point*.
(*I am sort of tempted to take the week off because I have two doctors appointments upcoming and ugh. But I might have to go in for a 5-hour iron treatment in 2-3 weeks and I would like to have room to take that week off if I’m really jittery leading up to it. So I should really get work done this week after all.)
But, writing stuff upcoming:
- I signed up for No True Pair with three different lists of characters: 8 Blades characters, 8 Hargreeves, 8 OCs. Made a list with what the prompts got me. Out of the 84 possibilities that landed me, there are 32 that landed that I really want to write. (12 Blades, 14 TUA, 6 OCs). Gonna start rewatching TUA S3 this week while I work. Would like to start some of the 7 whose prompts land before the 13th before September starts, I think.
- Rainbowfic: I am 16/25 drabbles into a saturation for the event ending September 5th.. Determined to finish it in time. Would also like to do some Lilith Faire ficlets. First day expires the 25th, last day expires the 31st.
- October-fest prompt lists are gonna be going up soon. May investigate doing some of those this year, I think.
- On the non-fest-y writing side: I’d like to write the fake-dating AU of the Z/B episode. I have the urge to write the Blades daemon fic, despite not having an actual plot to that or anything, just ideas for daemons and Volisport daemon lore. I want to go back to some of the fics I have underway as well, but brain is melty for them lately for some reason.
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danieljradcliffe · 2 years
tua for the tv show ask!
keep in mind I have not started s3!!
favorite male character: No. 5
favorite female character: Allison
least favorite character: Their dad
prettiest character: Grace
funniest character: Klaus
favorite season: s2
favorite episode: s2 finale
favorite romantic ship: vanya/sissy
favorite family ship: the OG 7!!
favorite friend ship: Klaus/Ben
worst ship: Luther/Allison let's all plz forget about that!!!!
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nikkiwriteswords · 3 years
Hi! I would love to hear your thoughts/predictions/hopes for s3, now that we got the episode titles :D
Hey Nora!! Let me go grab my tua theory hat real quick. Spoiler alert, it looks exactly like the umbrella hat on the 3 right here:
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Full disclosure, I've only got like a pinky toe in the tua fandom right now, but I'm still going to see what BS I can spin from these titles.
1. MEET THE FAMILY. The description on imdb is "The siblings get to know some more of the 43 children in an alternate timeline." So, I think this is pretty self-explanatory. Netflix likes to start things off with a bang, so s3 of TUA will probably be no different: we'll probably get a vague flashforward/flash-sideways to a "what if" scenario that will make sense by the last few episodes, and the rest of the episode will be sowing seeds for the s3 plot. The big question is, what family are we meeting? I think this episode will revolve around themes of family (no-brainer) and redefining the relationships between our Umbrella siblings in light of the season 2 finale, as well as their new Sparrow 'replacements'. To that end, initial Sparrow sibling parallels will be presented and subsequently complicated in this first episode. I also predict we'll see varying reactions to this alternate Reginald, as the Umbrella siblings are thrust into an outsider perspective that follows on from season 2.
2. WORLD'S BIGGEST BALL OF TWINE. This is going to be a multi-layered metaphor. I can feel it. It will no doubt refer to the plot that's about to unfold (is it an outside threat to both parties - the Umbrellas and Sparrows - from, say, the Commission, or is it more to do with the two rival Academies?), but I wonder if it also refers to the Wizard of Oz type scenario the Umbrella siblings find themselves in: they aren’t in Kansas anymore. (But you know what is in Kansas? The world's current biggest ball of twine.) Also kind of want to see Klaus knitting again in this ep - perhaps as a way to subtly re-address his ongoing addiction issues, especially now Ben is gone.
3. POCKET FULL OF LIGHTNING. This probably has to do with powers. Sparrow powers, Umbrella powers. There'll be a lot of new flexes in this season, so who this refers to is anyone's guess.
4. KUGELBLITZ. Here's where it starts to get interesting, because this title carries forward the subject of lightning from the last one. According to a very quick internet search, kugelblitz literally means "ball lightning" in German, and refers to both a) a glorified WW2 tank designed to take out aircraft (a certified Big Boi), and b) a theoretical black hole made from light/radiation rather than matter. So this is absolutely going to be a new, unseen power - probably from the Sparrows. Hopefully from Christopher because a cube executing a move named after a sphere just makes me chuckle. Ah, fun with shapes... But in addition, this power is probably going to pack a huge, debilitating punch to whatever narrative is underway at this point in the plot. I'll bet money that whoever wields this power is the tank character in their party or they are after this at least.
5. KINDEST CUT. This throws me back to the barber shop meta, I'm not gunna lie. Someone's going to get hurt, either physically or emotionally, and it's going to be the lesser of two evils. If it's a follow through on the barber metaphor, then Reggie will be the one to orchestrate it. Or, in a surprise twist, will he be the one gTetting hurt or being silenced? (Remember that cutthroat allegory that chases the siblings through the first season, particularly Allison and Klaus. It was about becoming voiceless.) 6.MARIGOLD. Big shout out to this post for spreading the word on the marigold symbolism. I'm pretty sure this will be Reginald backstory, which ties in with the creation of the Umbrella Academy. Also, because I'm a sucker for flower symbolism and reading into things, consider that marigolds:
a) fall into two families, the calendula which means "little clock" and the tagetes, which is named after the Etruscan prophet Tages. The Etruscans believed heavily in predestination - some events are set in stone, and cannot be changed. (Consider the way the apocalypse seems to always come for one set of siblings...) b) are named as such colloquially because they were offered in place of money to the Virgin Mary. (More divine imagery, and reference to a pure mother figure...) They are Mary’s gold. So maybe it’s a reference to Reginald’s wife, which would fit with the flashback scene we see in 1x10.  c) are a flower of duality. They have strong connections with the sun and resurrection, yet the marigold is thought to be a flower of grief because it blooms in autumn. Again, think about that flashback in the first season. At the end of the world and a wife dying, there was the promise of rebirth. d) It's also a very common flower. Remember, there's actually 43 siblings out there. We've only met 14.
Also Netflix loves to do this thing around the halfway point (usually episode 5/6) in a season they're producing. They'll switch up the narrative with a twist or turn that provides a new perspective. 7.AUF WEIDERSEHEN. Once again, a German connection. And, obviously, a goodbye. Considering the last season focused on Kennedy, are we going to get some earlier Cold War time-travel shenanigans? Or maybe WW2? I think Blackman has said something about the Berlin Wall, which is interesting. A country divided... Umbrellas and Sparrows allegory? But as an aside, I'm also kinda lowkey hoping it's a nod to Auf Weidersehen, Pet. If you don't know the show, here's the wiki summary for the first season:
Auf Wiedersehen, Pet is a British comedy-drama television programme about seven British construction workers who leave the United Kingdom to search for employment overseas. They find work on a German building site in Düsseldorf but despite promises of hostel accommodation, are forced to live in a small hut that reminds them of a World War II POW camp. The rest of the series is driven by the interactions and growing friendships between the various characters.
In episode seven, three of the “Magnificent Seven” visit an intercontinental hotel. Just saying. If s3 was to go this route, my money would be on Luther, Diego and Five getting up to shenanigans in this one. I miss 125 shenanigans.😢
8.WEDDING AT THE END OF THE WORLD. Honestly, I’m holding out hope that one of our fave siblings gets married. I feel like that’s a trap though... Actually I feel like it might actually be a trap. As in, this is when the rising action really kicks it up a notch. But also remember the title of 1x01: We Only See Each Other At Weddings and Funerals. Maybe the siblings get split up, possibly in episode 3/4, and they’re trying to reunite through episodes 5-7. Also thinking about hotels and apocalypses...  There’s something very fatalistic about these titles so far. I have a feeling that the B-plot or the subtext is going to reveal a lot more about Reginald’s history and the destruction of his world.
9. SIX BELLS. This makes me think of church bells, which is some nice continuity with the wedding of the last title. But church bells are rung for all sorts of reasons - as a call to worship, or in celebration or mourning, or to tell the time. (Thinking back to those marigolds suddenly.) But why six? Now I’m thinking of bell ringing (change ringing), and the way different bells have different cord lengths to control the time of their chimes. It’s a highly mathematical process. Will this episode be Five’s time to shine? Will he coordinate his siblings through a large attack? 10. OBLIVION. Does anything even need to be said about this one? Hotel Oblivion baby ✌✌ Any further theorising would require more knowledge of the coming plot tbh.
Edit: I wrote most of this at 2am, so I’ve just tidied it up a little. Thank you for the ask, Nora! This was fun to think about. 
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apocalypse-gang · 3 years
TUA S3 Titles & What They Could Mean
Spoilers for All S3 Info (Offical and Unofficial) Under Cut
Note: These theories are all my own. This is pure speculation, and I do not claim them to be correct or the only "right” theories in any shape or form. I love to see other theories, and I am fully prepared and excited to be proven wrong when S3 comes out. Thank you and enjoy!
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Episode 1: Meet the Family
Well that’s pretty clear, and we’ve all known about this one for a while. The Umbrella Academy meets the Sparrow Academy. The Hargreeves meet the Hargreeves, their replacements/new family members (kinda, and then Ben, their old-new sibling).
Episode 2: World’s Biggest Ball of Twine
Whether or not the Hargreeves visit the real world’s biggest ball of twine in  Branson, Missouri, I’m more doubtful. I am imagine it’s more likely something going to be mentioned throughout the episode. Maybe one of the members of Team Zero was born here, either in the town or at this attraction??? Maybe the Sparrows are seen/see themselves as an attraction or novelty? Or one of the Team Zero members of this timeline uses their powers as an attraction? I have no clue.
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The ball of twine in question.
Episode 3: Pocket Full of Lightning
Someone has a lot of lightning. My initial thought is thinking maybe Five or Vanya? Since Five’s powers have sorta electrical stuff, and Vanya’s power can effect the weather?
But it is much more likely a Sparrow. Whether or not it means actuallightning powers or just having an abudance of power, we’ll see!
Episode 4: Kugelblitz
Kugelblitz, German for “Lightning ball”. I found two things referred to as “Kugelblitz” on wikipedia. One was “a German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun developed during World War II”. I am mostly ruling it out mostly because I could only see it being mentioned. and I don’t know why they would mention it. The second is
“a kugelblitz is a black hole formed from radiation as opposed to matter. Such a black hole would nonetheless have properties identical to one of equivalent mass and angular momentum formed in a more conventional way, in accordance with the no-hair theorem.”
And, while I don’t know how Team Zero could cause such a thing, I have no doubt that they could cause that.Maybe it is an metaphoical black hole they are getting into. Also, it’s interesting how it relates to the previous episodes title. Is lightning going to be something important this season? Does lightning = power, and this may be Klaus powerful moment? Or Five’s, since his time portal was confused for a possible wormhole/black hole(?) in the first episode of the series?
Maybe it’s just someting heavily mentioned in the episode, I can’t wait to find out.
Episode 5: Kindest Cut
I strongly believe it’s comes from the phrase “[The] unkindest cut [of all]”, which according to Dictionary.com, means “The most painful of insults, affronts, or offenses, often so painful because it comes from a trusted friend.”  It comes from William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, and it’s how Antony describes the wound Brutus gave to Caesar.
So intially I assumed it had to do with Diego because cut, but now I’m not sure. Part of me thinks it may have to do with Five or Reginald? Maybe one of them is doing something they view as kind to Team Zero but hurting them in the process? I definitely see it is as betrayal done out of apparent kindess, though it would be pretty late for the Hotel Oblivion. I’m excited and scared.
Episode 6: Marigold
Okay this was the most fn discovery. Blackman mentioned in the Geeked Weeked interview that superfans would know about this since the beginning... Well I searched up “Umbrella Academy” and “Marigold”, I found an interview on AWN.com. It’s called “Different Day, Different Doomsday in ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 2″, and it was with TUA VFX supervisor Everett Burrell. One quote of his stood out to me,
In another sequence, Ben dissipates because of his interaction with Vanya.  “Hargreeves opens a jar and a marigold flies out into space; that’s how the marigold gets into the kids’ bodies,” Burrell says. “When Ben dissipates, Steve wanted the same marigold effect that is almost like fireflies breaking off and crumbling.”
He spefically called those fireflies things “marigold”. 
These things...
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are marigolds. I think we’re finally getting answers to what they are, and how they related to the Hargreeves, their origins, and their powers.
And it fits. It’s something superfans have been thinking about, it’s something we’ve all been wondering, and we could figure out and understand.
I am trying my best not to freak out.
Episode 7: Auf Wiedersehen
I feel like we all the same idea of what this is about.  Auf Wiedersehen is german for ‘goodbye’, and Klaus, who’s name is german and speaks german (and is all but confirmed to be born in germany), has “Goodbye” tattooed on one of his palms.
Lowkey, kind of terrifying at first. Are we saying goodbye to Klaus? Is Klaus saying goodbye to Dave for good? But... we’ve speculated the worst for episodes titles before and they didn’t come to pass.
There’s been some unofficial set spoilers that give me one idea. They’ve apparently built the Berlin Wall, that was still up when the Hargreeves were born. Though that may be happening in an earlier episode, I’ll still speulate that it might happen in this episode? Maybe we see Klaus’ (and at some point perhaps the rest of team zero’s) birth. Maybe the “Auf Wiedersehen” is his mother saying goodbye?
But maybe they just time travel to the Berlin Wall? Maybe this episode has nothing to do with that? Hell, the title may not have anything to do with Klaus, maybe he said goodbye to the Sparrows? Or goodbye to the Mothers of Agony?
I’m trying to not be worried about our characters.
Episode 8: Wedding at the End of the World
Immediately made me think of “We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals”. I have no idea if it willl be a Team Zero or Sparrows or some other characters we’ll get to know this season? None of the Hargreeves seem like they’d want to get married at the moment, for many many different reasons. The goofball in me says Five married Dolores in the apocalypse.
Is the world possibly ending again? Or is it like,Team Zero’s world is emotionally ending. Is it an wanted wedding, or a happy marriage?
I wanna believe the wedding is Klaus and Dave so bad but I doubt it’ll be that
Episode 9: Six Bells
My immediate thought was wedding bells cuz of the last episode. There is a village in Wales called Six Bells, so maybe another Team Zero birth location? But it is more likely six literal bells? LIke they’re important to Reginald? Maybe Team Zero are like metaphorical six bells, but what would that mean?
I’m grasping at straws for this one.
Episode 10: Oblivion
Well, this is ominous. We know it has to do with Hotel Oblivion, but what exactly? Are the siblings escaping the Hotel and the wreck they caused, or are they going further into literal oblivion, a state of being unaware what is happening. Makes me think we won’t be getting a break for the Hargreeves at the end. And goes knows what they’ll have to face off next.
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evesbeve · 4 years
I’m trying to stay optimistic because I literally loved everything about S2... besides the shit they pulled with Ben and Klaus (literally my comfort characters).
Ben (and his dynamic with Klaus) is what has been keeping me going for almost two years now. I knew S2 Ben wasn’t going to be the way I imagined him, considering we only had 10 lines to base him on, but turns out that wasn’t the case? He was exactly the way I imagined him?
Which is WHY I am so angry about episode 7. Because Ben went ahead and fucked up, MAJORLY fucked up, by possessing Klaus without his consent, and it was written off as comedy relief. WHY?
Ben felt something for the first time in almost two decades. He got caught up in the moment, and desperately tried to cling onto it. It would have been such a good plot point to have Klaus call him out on how what he did wasn’t okay.
Like... I’m not saying that they shouldn’t have included the possession thing. The point TUA has been trying to make since S1 is that all the family members have flaws and fuck up, but they could have!! addressed it! To have Ben apologise and understand that whay he did wasn’t okay!
And about Klaus, what was that about not telling the others that Ben was there? If it was S1, I would have totally understood, considering he was high, the others didn’t trust him, and he had no way of proving Ben was there anyway.
But in S2, he can manifest Ben just fine whenever he wants? So why didn’t he do that, I don’t understand.
I also would have loved to see more of his powers in general, I guess. Like, they just suddenly hit us with this “oh btw he doesn’t get harassed by ghosts anymore” which like... I get it, it’s been three years since he arrived in Dallas, and he’s been sober for all of them. But I feel like if they had shown us a flashback, the point would have gotten across a bit better.
(I also really missed the flashbacks in general. They added something nice to the story, and made us understand the characters better, but I understand why they didn’t include them, so I’m not too salty about that.)
It just. It felt as if Ben and Klaus’ friendship was there purely for comedy relief, and nothing else. You can have humor AND address issues. So I guess I’m just really disappointed about that.
(That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy anything about them! There were a lot of scenes that I absolutely adored, but this is REALLY bugging me, you know?)
Anyway, other than that, I loved everyone’s development. I guess it’s just a bit hard to think of things positively right now, considering how much Ben and Klaus’ friendship means to me. I’m really hoping that in S3 we’ll get at least some of this addressed, but we’ll see.
I still love tua and everything! It’s just... I’ve learned to be critical of the media I consume and not blindly accept whatever I’m given. It’s totally okay to be upset about things that happen in our fandoms. However you’re feeling, you’re valid <3
Anyway. It’s time for fix-its.
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TUA S3 Episode Titles
Basic ideas of what each episode title could entail, but FYI I suck at these since every single one I made for the last season were wrong lmao so one thing we’ve gotta take into consideration is how the titles affected the episodes in the previous seasons.
[1] Meet The Family:
Pretty self-explanatory in that it will introduce both the Umbrella Academy and the audience to the Sparrow Academy, while also vice-versa in introducing the Sparrows in their own way to the Umbrella Academy with a sense of irony using such a casual term. Also adds an ironic twist to the phrase Klaus used in S2 ‘Family barbeques are about to get real weird’ (Klaus back at it again with his underestimated clairvoyance maaaaaaammmm).
[2] World’s Biggest Ball of Twine:
I know a lot of people want a family road trip—me too lads me too—but I honestly think this’ll be referencing the timeline after all the Hargreeves’ shenanigans. I can only assume that this may be said at some point by Five while explaining why they can’t just use the briefcase again, assuming they still have it, to just go back immediately to fix things. Their actions causes too much chaos and they need time to figure things out, potentially hide out (although I’d love to have them stay at the Academy in order to make things easier and cause friction with the Sparrows) while Five tries to figure things and the others try to find a sense of stability amongst the destruction they’ve caused. They fucked up, plain and simple, and now poor Five needs time to fix it.
[3] Pocket Full Of Lightning:
I went about looking for anything this could be referring to in terms of song lyrics or reference and couldn’t find anything yet, but something that did come to mind was that of the nursey rhyme containing the words ‘pocket full of posies’. While not the same, the nursey rhyme uses a pocket full of posies, or herbs, to ward off disease and death so my first thought was that they used this to show that flowers could be seen as innocent, but a pocket full of lightning could be something that is quick and sudden and hurts someone? I’m not sure to be honest. But the symbolism of having something in your pockets comes from having something readily available, or easy to use. Meanwhile, lightning symbolizes the destruction of ignorance or marking people to remind them of what they barely survived. So many, much like the supper in Season 2, this episode may go into the actual power Reginald still holds—even if he isn’t their original father—over the Umbrella Academy and maybe the Sparrows as well?
This one is meant to be looked up and according to google means “a black hole formed from radiation as opposed to matter” and “a concentration of heat, light or radiation so intense that its energy forms an event horizon and becomes self-trapped”. So basically—something super dangerous and wild. But it does also mean “ball lightning” in German which could mean something more considering that there is another title in German and is an anti-aircraft tank made by Germany for WWII and was an operation by the Germans in 1943 against anti-Partisan in Yukoslavia. This title has so many means connected to German that I have to think may connect to Klaus or even allude to Five, due to the idea of black holes and time travel, also being German and potentially Klaus’ twin but it’s nothing concrete.
[5] Kindest Cut:
This seems to be a parody of the Julius Caesar phrase “This was the unkindest cut of all” upon his betrayal and murder at the hands of his fellow politicians, so I can only assume that this title may allude to another betrayal but one that was either seen coming or a murder that was asked. Maybe a mercy kill? I’m not sure to be honest. But I think that perhaps at this point one of the Sparrows, perhaps Sloane who due to the character profiles released seems to be the most likely to try and break away from the Sparrows, but it could also be Five joining the Sparrows to save his siblings being the kindest betrayal? Not sure.
[6] Marigold:
Due to the fact that the golden orbs of light we saw Reginald release in S1 and that Vanya both gave and took from Harlan, this episode may go more into detail of Reginald’s connections and potential experiments with the children’s powers. There are so many questions to be answered, especially about his link to the children and how his alien-ness may tie into things. Perhaps through flashbacks or experiments he does with the Sparrows and Umbrellas themselves? Due to the fact that the original Reginald seemed aware of what the children themselves were capable of power-wise with that of Klaus’ potential, having a vague awareness of time-travel in terms of how it affects people in connection to knowing Five wasn’t ready to do it yet and even how dangerous Vanya was and why he chose to lock her powers away. Reginald definitely knew more in the original timeline and I feel like now he is going to go more in-depth with the Umbrellas this season as adults rather than the rudimentary “superhero” training we saw them go through that suited the collective rather than showing individual training aside from Vanya with her glasses and Klaus’ exposure training with the mausoleum. I hope this episode will actually address the supposed “potential” Klaus had and why Reginald saw him as his “greatest disappointment” compared to Five who was MIA and Vanya who he seemingly gave up on, especially since the next episode definitely seems to be a Klaus-centric one that could finally address his power-arc started in S1 that was basically abandoned last season in favor of giving Ben more screen time.
[7] Auf Wirdersehen:
Translated from German to mean “Goodbye” in the sense of not a forever goodbye but rather a momentary one (“until we see each other again” —potential symbolism connected to the pilot “We Only See Each Other At Weddings and Funerals”?? The next episode is called “Wedding At The End of The World”??), it is ironic that this was also the name of a show from 1983 about seven people struggling through adversity and growing closer together which may also hint at the relationships within the Umbrella family/Team Zero getting better throughout the season. Anyways, this title definitely suggests to have a large connection to Klaus specifically due to his identity as being from Germany mainly due to speaking German throughout the first season, establishing that Reginald most likely bought Klaus from a German woman in 1989 like how he bought Vanya from a Russian woman the same way in the pilot. Now, I doubt that this would be a literal goodbye due to the fact that neither any of the showrunners/cast or even Robert Sheehan himself have come close to suggesting that Klaus may leave this season and due to the popularity of Klaus within the fandom, that wouldn’t be a smart move unless Sheehan expressly wanted to leave and said as much. They simply wouldn’t kill Klaus off around half-way through the season. But I doubt this sort of title would warrant being connected to anyone but Klaus. But I definitely could see this being a sort of rebirth for Klaus through an act of sacrifice and the introduction of his immortally into the main plot. I see this as hinting at Klaus sacrificing himself like Ben did in order to save his siblings but not staying dead like in S1 when he seemingly died saving Luther at the club, and coming back to life with a new resolve and completing his arc with him accepting Dave and Ben’s deaths and letting him finally find his potential that Reginald hinting at in S1. However, I think that would happen over time and rather he may die and either the others don’t know and only find out after he comes back or he dies and stays “dead” for this episode and we explore Klaus like Vanya was explored in S1 and S2 before he is revived for the next episode like how we saw him vanish with the briefcase in one episode in S1 and appear back on the bus visibly changed in the middle of the next episode.
[8] Wedding At The End of The World:
This one seems to also be very symbolic due to the fact that I doubt any couple within the show are close to be wed, but rather it being a symbolic coming-together of the Sparrow and Umbrella Academy in order to stop the coming Apocalypse (honestly, I don’t mind another apocalypse as long as it isn’t Vanya again). A “wedding” doesn’t have to be the marriage between two people, and according to Collins Dictionary can also be “the combination or blending of two separate elements” or a “joining together” which I think is the two Academies coming together. They are becoming one, or simply ‘Team Zero’.
[9] Six Bells:
This title I believe connects to that of Hotel Oblivion and the idea of a bell hop bell when someone enters a hotel and are checked in, but the fact that it is only “Six” bells makes me think of either two possibilities; one is that Five only at this point has joined the Sparrows and so is not included with the Umbrellas being forced into Hotel Oblivion, or that Klaus who I and many theorize will die two episodes prior to this will finally wake up revived only to find that his other siblings have been locked away leading to the irony of him, who was always seen as the “useless” one being forced to team up with the Sparrows against Reginald to save his siblings. As well as this, we also can point to that of a funeral in which a bell is rung 6 times potentially hinting at a death or connecting to death in terms of Klaus being presumed dead by his siblings? Death is often signaled by the ringing of a bell and something to note is also the ringing of a bell happening at both a wedding and a funeral (tying back into the pilot title?) so I think this may tie into both Klaus’ “death” and the “marriage” of Team Zero. I doubt they would go through with hyping and building the characters of the Sparrow Academy only to kill them before the finale, and we’ve seen from the S2 finale that killing the Umbrella Academy both makes no sense and would make the idea of including Hotel Oblivion in the finale useless due to the fact that they would be dead and so why would they be sent there. So I definitely think only six of the Umbrellas will be sent there and the one left behind will either be Five or Klaus.
[10] Oblivion:
The finale title is self-explanatory in tying into Hotel Oblivion, and I don’t really have much to theorize on it based solely on the fact that there is such a high probability that my previous theories could be wrong. All we know for certain is that Hotel Oblivion will definitely be making some sort of appearance this season, whether through threat of the actual team being taken there as seen by the set pictures leaked showing cars with the emblem of the Hotel. However, the word “oblivion” also has several meanings and could have a double meaning along with connecting to that of the hotel. Oblivion came mean “destruction”/”extinction” or “unaware” or “forgotten” and I think depending on what happens in terms of potential hints of other episode titles could definitely vary. If “Kugelblitz” ends up referring to a black-hole causing the new apocalypse then it could definitely connect to the destruction meaning, but if the likes of Klaus is revealed to be alive with his siblings in this episode after being assumed dead then it would definitely add to the meaning of his siblings being “unaware” or that Klaus has to save them or face being potentially “forgotten” and alone like the ghosts.
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rappaccini · 3 years
i know they just dropped, but i’d love to hear your thoughts on the s3 episode titles
spoilers below. not just title spoilers.
so first off, nothing's final yet-- remember how s2 dropped their title names a year in advance and they swapped a few out at the last second right before s2 aired? that could still happen, so don't get too attached.
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1. meet the family.
the title we knew about for months. obviously involves the hargs and the sparrows meeting and getting acquainted, and the audience doing the same.
pretty self-explanatory. not much to say.
2. world's biggest ball of twine
could be literally anything. maybe a quote a character says. maybe referring to their predicament— I could see them referring to the time travel mess as such, esp since this early in they should still be processing how much things changed.
one thing i'm also of is how they might adapt the season for covid (meaning more scenes outside), and the world's biggest ball of twine being a physical place (its a roadside attraction on a us highway) has me wondering... is there gonna be a road trip? is that why so much of the cast has been missing from the downtown leaker reports? is it because they're not filming in the city at all?
3. pocket full of lightning
could be anything. in all likelihood it has to do with powers.
4. kugelblitz
so, one type of kugelblitz is a plane used by the germans in ww2.
the other is an astrophysics term, translating to 'ball lightning', that refers to a concentration of radiation so strong it rips a black hole into the universe.
so... time travel bullshit is happening. i'm wondering if that 'pocket full of lightning' might cause it.
my guess is this would have to do with vanya's power, five's, lila's-if-she-mimics-someone, or maybe one of the sparrows (i include ben, given that his power is a portal to another dimension). probably some commission mess.
5. kindest cut
so... the "unkindest cut" is a phrase made famous by shakespeare, in context being used to refer to brutus's murder of caesar, a former friend. it being unkind is because caesar is being murdered by a friend in a power struggle.
so. this is a play on that.
it being 'kind' could mean something as simple as cutting off someone bad or toxic (ex, the family turning away from reginald, or maybe lila telling five to go fuck himself for... you know, butchering her family), but it could also mean two people who've hated each other for a long time finally just getting it over with-- so uh, whips out coup theory and dusts it off.
6. marigold
honestly it wouldn't surprise me if this is one of the titles tua names after songs they use in their episodes-- that's a thing to look out for too, by the way: are there any songs with titles matching up to the ep titles.
otherwise, it could be anything. a literal flower, a name of a character we don't know about yet... anything.
i've heard people refer to the reginut as 'a marigold' but idk where that came from (if it's twitter, then let's maybe not jump to believe it yet). that being said the Big Revelation about how the family happened is probably happening this season, so it's on the table.
7. auf wiedersehen
german for 'until we meet again'
given that we know at this point that the berlin wall fall has something to do with s3, and that they're roughly around the 6/7 mark in terms of their filming timeline, they're probably neck deep in this one right now.
so, this is probably the berlin wall episode. idk how the wall falls, who does it, if there's a fight or an accident or whatever. maybe it's as simple as a flashback to when one of the kids was born, or they're visiting their birth mom, and the fall is being used to tell the audience where/when they are (the kids were born on oct 1, the wall fell on nov 9, so they were just over a month old).
(esp since if ‘marigold’ does refer to the reginut, it follows that after learning how this happened, we’d meet someone’s mom.)
or maybe the umbrellas and sparrows have a knock-down drag-out fight on the berlin wall and it's a ~metaphor for how divided the family is.~
either way the title's a farewell. so they're saying goodbye to someone permanently here. maybe it's as simple as 'they time travel to meet someone's birth mom and leave her behind,' maybe someone important dies, maybe someone leaves the show (could be sloane, given her 'wants to leave the family for good' intro). we'll see.
+this plus kugelblitz = german's the language theme for this season, the way swedish was the last time around. maybe it's happy coincidence, maybe the kugelblitz has to do directly with whatever's going down at the berlin wall.
8. wedding at the end of the world
it being season three, and tua loving to repeat themselves means it's time for allison to get her third husband (+allison having a diamond ring in a scene she was spotted in by leakers could be literally nothing. could be ray's. could also be someone else's). hopefully it's luther.
ok on a serious note, literally anyone could be getting married. could be someone we've never met. hell it could even be diego and lila. they could even be crashing a wedding.
i'm also wondering if 'the end of the world' is just like... a physical location. maybe a dive bar with a fun name, or, if the road trip idea is true, a roadside attraction.
regardless, looks like the apocalypse is back again. hopefully it isn't vanya's fault yet again. if it is, at least let her choose to do it this time.
9. six bells
could mean anything, again. could be a song or location, could be a term for something in-universe we don't know about.
off one quick google search, six bells is a welsh mining town that suffered a serious disaster in 1960. maybe the disaster plays into the plot, maybe it's just the town. maybe it has nothing to do with anything.
additionally, six bells is a naval term for being three hours into a four-hour long watch. so the title could have something to do with the telling of time, or someone keeping watch.
hell maybe it has to do with wedding bells.
but there's too little info at this point.
10. oblivion
so, hotel oblivion is a location in s3. we've known it for months. this title refers to it. i'm guessing hotel o is a big location in episode 10.
could also have to do with a grim state of mind, that third apocalypse, and a possible death.
i'm also wondering if the comics plot's mass breakout from hotel o hits in episode ten.
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theghostinthemoon · 4 years
Look. I know, I know I’ve already made thousands of posts about this, but TUA is a show that’s very dear to me and some things about this season upset me.
Most of the criticism I’ve seen about TUA S2 is about the lack of development for Klaus and Ben and their roles as comic relief. Which was blatant and absolutely real. And has been fairly discussed. But because they are fan favourites I think we tend to overlook the other siblings.
Nearly all characters were reduced to a comedic version of themselves. Especially Luther and Diego. Who both had some pretty interesting moments but also most of them were straight up comedy. Not that comedy is bad, it was hilarious this season, but when it is the only thing happening on the show you start to wonder if the characters actually have any personality and relevance to the story.
Luther grew as a person and apologised to Vanya, that’s true (but was it 100% honest, though? Cause I’m still not sure). But apart from that, what did he do all season? Moped about Allison? Bantered with Diego? Followed Five around like a puppy? I did like that him and Diego did something other than fight this season, but I feel like it wasn’t 100% earned because we didn’t really see what prompted them to change (although, let’s be honest, that’s just how siblings are more often than not, so I don’t see it as a big issue).
Diego at least, unlike Luther, had the Lila/Commission plots. I really wished they had been better developed, because they had potential to. But instead they decided to rely more on the comedy (and saving JFK for some reason) at the expense of a more solid story. Would have loved to see Diego explore The Comission a bit longer (since it was actually plot relevant) and his relationship with Lila, and what that means to him as a character (because I feel like we’ve all forgotten about Eudora and how her death affected him).
Five is still just Five, nothing new. I’m neither happy nor sad about his character development but to be fair he’s had a rough couple of weeks since time travelling back and got no more time than that, so I get it.
Allison for me had the best arc and development. She had a good love story with Raymond (despite... basically forgetting she had a daughter until ep. 7) and she fought by herself for what she believed in. But in the end, she had to give up all she’d conquered and created and, like Vanya, once again lost the people she loved.
Vanya had a very, very good plot! But she also had her memories wiped out for most of the season, so she didn’t even get to properly interact with her siblings and their past. The growth she could have had throughout the events she only got to have in the last two episodes. She also ends up losing the family she built for herself. Fortunately, though, it seems that her siblings are finally taking her seriously and caring about her after last season’s events. Which, once again, I would have loved to see more deeply represented in the show. Because all we had were two or three small conversations while she still had no memories, the car scene in the last episode (which was beautiful, I admit) and Ben’s sacrifice in what was one of his only two emotional scenes in 10 episodes.
Again. I loved the comedy in this show and this season. But I think the characters and their development suffered a bit because of it. Time we lost that could have been used to build their relationships with themselves and with each other more. Even them standing up for themselves against their father was an absolute mess, but I’m hoping S3 will work through that.
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feralnumberfive · 3 years
🔮👖☕️ for the tua ask :D
Thank you for the ask! I'm sorry for getting to this so late though
🔮 What are your predictions for the show?
I answered this before, but I have tons of predictions for TUA so here's another! This mainly goes for S3 since it's coming up, but I predict that the show is going to get messy. By messy I mean the storyline is going to get crazy, and probably not in a good way. They're adding a whole other family, aka 7 new characters, along with more new characters in S3. Looking at it right now and comparing it to the past two seasons where they didn't just follow the Umbrellas as a family but also followed each of siblings and their lives, it seems like S3 might be a lot to handle. I don't think that S3 will give us a look into each of the Sparrows' lives though so maybe it won't be so bad. It just feels like S3 will pack a lot that might be a bit hard to digest and focus on. I just hope though that the Sparrows won't share the full spotlight with the Umbrellas in S3 or that the storyline will be split between the two families
👖 What's your favorite outfit of season 2?
Honestly I really love Luther's outfit in episodes 8, 9, and 10. I actually like every outfit he had in S2 because it was nice to look at something besides his giant overcoat, but his outfit in the last few episodes was my favorite :] (can you imagine if I said Five's was my favorite)
☕ What's your favorite Five moment?
I answered this previously, but I definitely have more than one! Okay this isn't a specific moment, but I love it whenever he's concerned about his family. Whenever he asks about his family and whether they will be safe based on his actions or when he talks about them because he loves them and just wants to keep them safe and protect them it makes me go 🥺
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garlickk · 4 years
top 5 tv shows ♡
oh god, i rarely watch movies & series so i apologize for the basic taste
1. the good place
i just found out about this earlier this year but i absolutely loved every second of it!! the show is really fun to follow and the characters are so lovable i love them all sm🥺 im a bit sad that it ended but it was a good decision not to drag it out for too long. also manny jacinto's jawline
2. tua
need i say more about tua lol im too attached to it now. imo s2 is a big improvement from s1 we got to see some character development which is always nice, and that cliffhanger!!! omg im so excited for s3 even though we can only get it in like 2022 or something skdnhsj
3. euphoria
idk why but i only start watching any popular shows after they've aired for like a year skdndj but euphoria was truly an experience. the acting, the music, the aesthetic, they're immaculate✨ also the cast are so fucking hot tf i think there's something about the way they filmed it that makes everyone 10x hotter, hell even i thought jacob elordi looked decent in the show😳
4. b99
i really love comedy shows that has 20min episodes bc i could never pay my attention to something for over 40 mins. i really love the first 5 seasons when nbc hasn't taken over yet bc except for the last wedding episode in s6, i somehow lost interest in s6&7 overall like idk how to explain it it just feels really different and not in a good way
5. la casa de papel
idk spanish but it somehow makes everything more interesting to me lol its actually part of the reason why i started watching lcdp. the first 2 seasons were really fun but they should've stopped after s2 imo the 2nd heist just feels very weird and unnecessary to me idk the entirety of s3 is boring and in s4 they killed of nairobi which im still pissed about so yeah even though i love it i probably won't watch the 5th season when it comes out🤷‍♀️
honorable mention: elite - this show is trashy af but i love it lmao
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For the druck ask thing - answer every odd number :)
Oh wow…. Thank you for playing with me! With all these questions, I’ll keep it short!
1. favourite season?
Season 3
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3. favourite female character?
Amira Thalia Mahmood
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5. favorite dynamic?
Oh, there’s a lot of good dynamic. I think I will have to say the dynamic between Matteo and David, the dynamic between Hanna and Matteo and the dynamic between Amira and Kiki. Don’t make me choose! 
7. favourite minor character?
If we talk about the really minor characters, it’s a tie between Sara and Leonie are interesting as characters, and Laura is gorgeous, but I think I’ll have to say Essam. :D If I’m allowed to pick one of the bigger minor characters, I’d say Sam M’Pele. I wish we got to see more sides of her, though.
9. favourite kiss?
I’ll have to say Matteo’s and David’s kiss in the pool. 
11. favourite reunion?
I wish I could say Hanna and Jonas, but, that reunion felt off being in Amira’s season. Matteo’s and David’s reunion in the pool was hard to watch at first, but it was also very well acted.
13. favourite girl moment
This was where the girls became a gang: 
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15. favourite moment with boy&girl squad?
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17 favourite fight?
I don’t have any. I avoid conflicts at all times, duh. :)
19 favourite aesthetic shot?
Ugh, I’m not good at choosing stuff like this. But I liked the scene with David and Matteo Matteo’s room in the summer, when Matteo was supposed to be studying. Maybe that was more about the vibe than anything else. 
21 favourite fandom moment?
I think perhaps the Abi ball, when the fandom was really buzzing.
23 the funniest scene?
I cringed the most when David basically asked if it was another month on another bus, but I did also laugh the most.
25 cutest scene?
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27 best acted scene
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29 most heartbreaking scene?
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31 most shocking moment?
To me, it was when Amira’s season ended after 7 episodes.
33 something you would have loved to see?
There are several things. But most of all, I’d love to see Amira get some more resolve in her story. 
35 3 songs you associate with druck?
Heaven, Take me to church, Ich geh heute nicht mer tanzen, 
37 why did you fell in love with druck?
First, I fell in the down to earth vibe, that reminded me of Skam. Then I saw Michi’s acting and the dynamic with the other characters in s1, and I fell even more. Then, during s2, I saw that the acting improved with several of the actors and I got drawn in. In s3 I fell in love with EVERYTHING, and in s4…  AMIRA! Tua’s acting was brilliant. Loved her.
39 your favourite memory from watching druck?
I don’t know how to choose one favourite memory. Sorry. Druck has given me many good memories.
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