#trigger warning: homophobia
multiversemittens · 23 days
Brok: Got called homophobic in the pub earlier lads.
Git: Tell us what happened lad.
Brok: I got called homophobic in the pub.
Spit: Ye but why?
Brok: I was being homophobic.
Git: In the pub?
Brok: Yeah it was in the pub.
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ninadove · 3 months
Really love how people can still reblog my posts from users I’ve blocked, and add to the mille-feuilles of stupidity.
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@staff — something for you to work on in future updates!
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izzysbeans · 2 months
gay eddie (hopefully just a) headcanon: when he was a child he went to his first confession and talked about having a crush on a boy. the priest made him pray so many rosaries that he now only remembers the shame but not what he confessed :)
First of all. That would fucking break me. Damn
Here's a very true funny story: so when i was like 6 i was in sunday school (obvs) and one time they gave us an image of jesus and we were supposed to color him in. It's important for the story to note that the lady supervising us was a god fearing but also god awful woman: racist, homophobic, aggressive and occasionally violent. So my poor little gay artist ass who believed jesus was just a cool guy who loved hanging out with the poor and outcasts in general, decided to color his hair bright purple and his skin a light caramel. And i drew flowers in his beard and rainbows all around him. Well, long story short lady immediatly started yelling i had made "the devine lord look like one of those (*rederected*)" (she used a specifc italian slur i still can't stand to hear to this day) and told me i would grow up a sinner for my impure thoughts. Which is an insane thing to say to a 6 year old so naturally i started crying and then my mom picked me up and they started arguing and i remember hearing the lady yell " JESUS DID NOT HAVE PURPLE HAIR" and my mom yelled back "WELL HE WASNT WHITE EITHER WAS HE?"
I have a complicated relationship with my mother she is a peculiar woman but that day i am incredibly thankful she chose to stick up for me.
I hope this was somewhat funny ahahahah
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I’d just like to take a moment to say thank you for welcoming me back so warmly and already wanting to get so much more content. I’ve been gone a while, I know that, and I appreciate that you’re still here. I haven’t been doing great recently, I was actually doing very well until things started going down.
I am currently being harassed at my workplace by transphobic customers because of what happened with a certain idiot redneck no one has cared about for over fifteen years, and him shooting cans of a specific beer all because the brand wanted to show their support for the trans community. The past few days have been rough with people talking about “my kind” and how sick and evil we are for just trying to exist, among much worse. It pisses me off that it’s affecting me so much after all this time, and it disgusts me that all I can find online is more hate. This fucking asshole has put my life and countless others’ lives at even more risk than they’ve been at before, and as much as I hate to admit it, I’m scared.
I’m scared. I’m scared, but I am not going to go anywhere or hide who I am from anybody, because this is me. I am non-binary and I am worthy of love and positivity. So is everyone else like me, and even those not under the trans umbrella or the LGBT+ acronym. Things are going to be very rough for a while, but I know we’ll get through it because we have to. We always do. Whatever happens to me will just have to happen, but I WILL do everything possible to make sure it doesn’t. No matter what it is, I will always love and care about all of you, and thank you for almost ten years of your continued support on something I found interest in.
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dark-siren · 1 year
Would love to know which of my colleagues is homophobic enough to accuse me, the only out queer person in the office, of trying coerce people into doing a voluntary social media activity for Purple Friday, but. Alas a-fucking-lack.
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alyceinwonderland777 · 5 months
The tweet:
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Definition of "fujoshi":
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In simple terms, "fujoshis" are a bunch of freaks who treat gay men as sex toys.
My responses and the clown's responses 🤡:
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Could y'all please report this shitty account? It's disgusting and spreads homophobic retoric.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
The Babylon Bee School of Comedy
Have you ever wanted to make Elon Musk reply to you with a double cry laughing emoji?
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If you crave that sweet billionaire validation you need only follow this carefully crafted conservative comedy content creation course for that powerhouse of online satire... The Babylon Bee.
Soon you too could be bootlicking billionaire balls with the rest of The BBee writers.
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Are you ready to get your learn on?
Let us Bee-gin.
The number one most important rule that all The BBee writers must internalize to their core...
Conservative comedy abhors effort.
Brainstorming for hours on end to craft the perfect premise and punchline... is for the Libs. Check out this Facebook meme that got 10,000 likes.
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Can you order Starbucks from a bar? Doesn't matter, it's a snowflake drink for a snowflake Lib.
Does this joke not have an actual punchline? Doesn't matter, get lost you stupid Lib!
Is this technically a joke by definition? Doesn't matter, if you believe it is a joke, then it's a joke! Just like modern currency.
If you put too much thought into a joke, it might grow in complexity. That could be confusing! The death knell of any conservative joke are the words, "Hmm, that's a thinker."
This brings us to rule number two...
Let's take this Ben Garrison comic as an example.
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Spell everything out! Label everything! Don't leave anything to the imagination! If your audience has to figure something out or draw their own conclusions, what fun is that?
Conservatives want to hear things that are familiar. They want their beliefs parroted back at them. You must regurgitate those beliefs and then just make it *sound* like a joke. Don't break new ground or introduce new ideas. Don't get all caught up in interesting wordplay or clever puns or subverting expectations.
All expectations should be fully verted.
That is definitely a word because I saw someone use it on Facebook. End of research.
Here is a helpful tip. If you can't imagine the joke coming out of the mouth of late night comedy genius GUTFELD!, then you need to dial it back a bit. Do not surpass GUTFELD! levels of humor. GUTFELD! is your touchstone.
Oh, GUTFELD! I laughed so hard I FELD it in my GUT.
See, I went too far with my fancy pun. That is not the GUTFELD! way.
But what happens if inspiration is fleeting and you can't pay attention to your comedy writing task because you don't believe ADHD is real and thus you are unmedicated?
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Don't you worry. If you do happen to get writer's block or are distracted by a funny Pepe meme or a shiny object, just call your racist uncle and say the magic word... "Bidenflation."
As the ensuing unhinged rant darts from subject to subject without any kind of connecting theme, just start writing down every right wing buzzword you hear. Then just insert those buzzwords Mad Libs-style into a derivative joke format.
Let's practice!
Ex. 1: Why did the PRONOUNS cross the BORDER? To get to the DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR!
Ex. 2: How many GENDERS does it take to GROOM a lightbulb? Two! One to hold the BUTT PLUG and one to GO WOKE, GO BROKE.
Great start! I'm sure with a polishing pass those will make more sense. Or not. The bar is pretty much "will it get clicks?" so we're not too worried about coherence.
Heh... Mad Libs.
Get it? Cuz Libs are always mad? About the normalized bigotry and whatnot.
Jokes are always better when you need to explain them.
Oh! That's another rule. Write that down. Wisdom like this is why I am teaching this course, of course. Hah, that's like that horse show song. I got jokes coming out the wazoo. Wazoo is my butt, right? Siri, is wazoo a butt? Oof, I'm kinda spacing on what the next lesson is.
I really wish Matt Walsh hadn't flushed my Adderall down the crapper.
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Can I get a second opinion? Top Gun was so good. What does Tom Cruise think about ADHD? He always has good takes on stuff like this. Did I leave my oven on? Shazam, what song goes doodoo doo doo doooooo? Can you vacuum a yard? Has anyone tried that? That sounds more like a marijuana thought than an ADHD tangent. I should double check the THC content of that cotton candy vape juice.
I'm flyin' off the rails over here.
Matt, are you super duper sure it's not real?
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Okay, fine. I'm an "energetic boy."
I hope whichever fish absorbs my meds is extra focused on whatever fish shit he needs to get done.
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Sometimes it is best to learn through observation. Let's eavesdrop on an actual The BBee writer's room to see how the sausage is made...
"So what did your racist uncle have to say?"
"Well, first he texted me a cameraphone picture of Trump as an astronaut that he wants me to print out cuz he doesn't know what a crypto wallet is... but then he said all the woke schools are turning kids into a bunch of gay commies."
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Classic! The BBee writers strike again. I mean, they aren't striking. There is no commie clamoring for a union at The Babylon Bee. That's for damn sure. FOCUS!
Do you get the joke though? With the kids and the gay and the communism?
Because all of those woke schools totally cover complex economic theories in 4th grade and all it takes to turn gay is a little persuasion from a teacher with green hair. Libs of TikTok wouldn't lie about that. End of research.
Look at this public school teacher!
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I mean, you knooow she has a litter box in her classroom. I can just sense it. End of research.
Sure... it is just a context-free picture of a person with green hair in front of a flag and you cannot actually judge the quality of their teaching ability from this. But yoouuu knoooooow she is skipping right over grammar lessons and giving detailed instructions on how to turn gay.
Step 1: Look at a bunch of butts. Step 2: Touch a bunch of butts. Step 3: Gay sex a bunch of butts.
(Replace butts with cooches for lesbians.)
Grooming accomplished.
And you definitely shouldn't look up that green-hair'd, nose ring'd educator and research her any further. Extensive research is for the Libs, bro. Because you definitely don't want to discover she is a passionate high school English teacher who makes fun content on TikTok in the hopes that people will buy things off her wishlist so her students will have a better learning experience. I mean, caring about her students? That's so gay.
YoooOOOuuuUUU knnnooooooOOOw she is a bad teacher because she has green hair and a flag. End. Of. Research.
So... you have your gay communist headline that is perfect to get all of those sweet conservative clicks. But you still have a full webpage to fill out with more words and stuff.
Now I want to see if you learned anything from my perfectly focused and informative teachings. I want you to write some jokes about kids becoming gay communists.
Ready? GO!
Joke #1 Little Billy has wealthy parents so all the students will share his cookie at snack time.
Joke #2 At the beginning of the day, students pick a new gender out of a hat but all the kids fight over Attack Helicopter.
Joke #3 At lunch, the students have to stand in a peanut butter and jelly bread line.
Joke #4 The teacher makes the kids take turns combing each others' hair for a grooming session.
Wait a sec... are those... THINKERS?
No no no no no! You made my brain all confused and thinky!
You need to calm down, you overachieving silly billy. You forgot the first rule... NO EFFORT.
Just make the same joke over and over again with slightly different wording. EASY!
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Remember the classic final rule of comedy...
Jokes always get funnier the more you repeat them.
Anyway, that's probably enough... joke.
Now let's close this article out!
Maybe we can drop the pretense this is comedic satire and just do some hardcore pandering. Gotta own the Libs, amirite?
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Gender theory and drag queens and guns, oh my! That is pure pander-monium.
Just shove those factless tactless Tucker talking points straight down their gullet. They'll forget this was supposed to be funny and shake their fist in the air with exaltation. And it's definitely a great idea to put the thought of gunning down drag queens in their heads. That won't backfire in any way!
Congratulations! You are now ready to "write" for The Babylon Bee.
Please purchase this official Trump NFT certificate for $99 that acknowledges that you have completed this course and have a very poor understanding of what satire actually is.
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End of research.
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veeswims · 5 months
Hello to anyone who sees this. I’ve very recently been reminded of how awful some families and communities can be, so I have a reminder for you all.
You are all valid.
What I witnessed specifically was homophobia, ableism, and transphobia.
Lgbtq community, you are valid.
I don’t know how many letters are part of lgbtq, but please know that any I didn’t put on there is because I’m not fully informed and don’t want to accidentally put anything wrong in. Thus I went for the version I hear and see the most. Even if your letter isn’t there, you are still very valid!!!
As someone who’s lgbtq and autistic, I am sending this message out into the universe in hopes of inspiring others. Feel free to reach out, and reminder,
No matter what anyone says you are still valid. You are valuable and worth it, and you are not bad for existing the way you do.
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redbayly · 1 month
Kya Headcanons
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So, I've been thinking a lot about Kya (Katara and Sokka's mother), lately, and started brainstorming a ton of headcanons for her that I want to share because she does not get nearly enough love. Some of them I've had floating around in my head for a while, but others I came up with only recently or just today. Also, I included some of my Southern Water Tribe headcanons. So, take a gander and tell me what you think of my ideas for Kya's story.
Personal Info:
She was a member of the Polar Leopard Clan, one of seven sacred clans that are believed to be directly descended from the Southern Water Tribe’s founder.
Kya was always an adventurous soul. From a young age, she was interested in exploring and even traveled to parts of the South Pole that were considered especially dangerous. She always hoped to one day travel the world.
She wanted to be a waterbender more than anything. Since she was little, she would try to waterbend and practiced the moves for it that the elders remembered. Even when everyone told her she wasn’t a waterbender, she kept trying. And even after she came to terms with the fact that she wasn’t one, she still practiced the few moves she knew in case any waterbenders were born and because she found she just enjoyed it.
Her favorite food was seal-jerky. She would always eat it aggressively and people who saw her eat it would say she looked like a ravenous wolf as she tore into the salty meat strips.
She had a beautiful singing voice and taught Katara and Sokka traditional Water Tribe songs.
Despite her vast knowledge of Water Tribe songs and stories, she was terrible at poetry. When she and Hakoda were courting each other, he would come up with beautiful poems and truly creative ways of flirting while Kya fumbled with her words and got all tongue-tied and awkward.
Kya was the worst at hunting in her family because she always had trouble keeping quiet and sitting still for long periods of time. She was easily bored and would start talking or fidgeting and would alert prey from all the noise she made.
Kya loved doing creative projects like carving, weaving, beadwork, basket-making, etc. She was especially skilled and could spend hours focusing only on whatever thing she was working on and would forget to eat or do her chores because she was so into it. It’s from Kya that Sokka inherited his love for art and handicrafts.
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Early Life & Family:
Kya’s mother was in her forties when she had her, leading many people to speculate that Kya was actually the child of her older sister and that her parents were trying to cover up an out-of-wedlock pregnancy. The rumors weren’t true, but her mother was embarrassed about having a child later in life and claimed her pregnancy was actually a tumor right up until Kya was born.
Her relationship with her mother was very strained and cold. Kya sometimes wondered if her mother even loved her at all. She was never physically abusive, but she was also never kind or nurturing and seemed indifferent to her children and often gave the impression that she regretted having them. Her mother was a capable hunter and the main provider of food for the family. Her mother died on a hunting trip while fighting single-handedly against an arctic wolf-bear; she managed to take the creature down and, with her dying breath, asked the warriors to serve the animal’s meat at her funeral dinner and give the pelt to her family. Kya’s mother had a brother and a sister who were both waterbenders that were taken by the Fire Nation.
Kya’s father was an angakkuq (something like a shaman or medicine man in real-world Inuit culture) who was the main spiritual leader for their clan. He was kind to his children, but was often distracted by his vocation and wasn’t really in the right headspace to properly raise them. It’s not entirely certain that he’s dead. When Sokka and Katara were still very young, he wandered out onto the tundra one night, claiming to hear the spirits calling to him, and never came back. There were tales from the hunters, though, that they’d seen him walking the tundra when the winds picked up, chanting prayers to the tribe’s guardian spirits to watch over them.
Kya was the youngest of six children. She had four older sisters and a brother.
Iara (eldest sister) – She basically raised her younger siblings and became a mother figure to them. She sacrificed much of her own happiness to look after her family, even turning down a marriage proposal from the man she loved because she felt responsible for looking after everyone and wasn't sure she could manage raising her siblings and starting her own family. Kya adored Iara and later felt guilty for how much her sister had given up for her sake. Iara ended up dying from heart failure shortly before Kya gave birth to Katara.
Nuvua (second sister) – A sociable people-pleaser. Nuvua always tried to make friends with everyone and soothe ruffled feathers within her clan and with other members of the Water Tribe. She did try to help Iara with their siblings, but ultimately left her behind when she married young and had a family of her own. She ended up becoming elected the clan mother (a type of matriarchal figure in charge of managing the village) of the Polar Leopard Clan over the wife of the clan chief. She and Kya were never especially close, but she was still devastated when Kya was murdered.
Asiri (third sister) – A wild troublemaker. She was always pulling pranks and laughing at other people. She could be a bit of a bully, at times, and often picked on Kya, leading to a difficult relationship between them as they grew up. Asiri later ran off with a young man from a clan that was enemies with theirs, claiming it was true love and that they were defying a stupid feud. It turned out the guy was just using her to humiliate her clan; after he got her pregnant, he abandoned her and started mocking her publicly, claiming that all women in her clan had no sense of decency. Asiri returned home in shame and was nearly thrown out by the clan chief, but Kya spoke up for her and convinced the clan to stand by her. Asiri ended up struggling with depression for a number of years afterwards and developed serious trust issues. She ended up spending most of her time as part of her clan’s hunting party, as she was the best hunter of all her siblings. After Kya’s death, Asiri cut off contact even more and rarely spoke. When the men left to fight in the war, Asiri became the primary hunter for the Polar Leopard Clan and has had to also train the kids in her village to hunt.
Atka (fourth sister) – A quiet, spiritually-minded woman. She followed in her father’s footsteps and became an angakkuq. She fell in love with a young woman and had a “half-moon marriage” (a euphemism for same-sex couples). She and her wife adopted Asiri’s child, a boy, because Asiri had no interest in keeping him after what his father put her through.
Nuka (brother) – A wide-eyed dreamer. He was always goofing off as a kid and never took anything too seriously. Despite being older than Kya, he followed her around a lot and joined in her hijinks and adventures. He was still a very casual guy when he grew up and got a reputation for being a shameless flirt. He became more serious and responsible, though, after Iara died and later when Kya was killed. He didn’t smile or laugh much after that and began to really train as a warrior. He became a trusted member of Hakoda’s war council when Hakoda was elected chief for the whole tribe; a lot of other warriors dismissively refer to him as “Chief Hakoda’s idiot brother-in-law,” but he is a very capable guy when push comes to shove. He’s one of the men who greet Sokka when he shows up at Chameleon Bay in “The Guru.”
Kya carved a set of rings from whale ivory, one for herself and each of her siblings. Despite whatever ups and downs they faced as a family, none of them have ever taken those rings off.
In addition to her actual brother, Kya had “clan-brothers” (male friends close to her age from her clan who were not necessarily related to her but who were considered family). Her clan-brothers really did not like Hakoda and sabotaged many of his efforts to court Kya. In one incident, they grabbed Hakoda and Bato (who was only involved because of his friendship with Hakoda), tied them in a fishing net, and tossed them onto a ship headed for a month-long fishing trip. Kya later chewed her clan-brothers out for their stupid, overprotective bullshit.
Despite how distracted Kya’s father could be, he was attentive enough to take her ice-dodging when she was fourteen. She earned the mark of the brave.
She always took her father’s lessons about spirits and religious traditions seriously. Even little things like always facing northward while eating blubber, never lingering in doorways, never whistling at night, always thanking the souls of the animals when she ate meat, never wasting any part of an animal, etc.
She nearly drowned once while saving another kid who had fallen out of a canoe while fishing. Then she nearly died of hypothermia from the freezing water.
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Adult Life, Marriage, & Children
She had several romantic relationships before she married Hakoda:
She had a childhood sweetheart who became her best friend/honorary brother when they were older.
She was courted by a very handsome older boy when she was a teenager, but she caught him cheating on her and dumped him. She and the other girl also beat the living hell out of him.
She had a long-term relationship that led to an engagement. However, a couple months before the wedding, she and her fiancé both realized they really weren’t right for each other and broke up amicably.
There was a guy who was interested in her romantically whom she turned down because he gave her red flag vibes and he refused to accept ‘no’ for an answer. He kept following her around and trying to pressure her into a relationship, but she always rejected him When she and Hakoda announced their marriage, the guy tried to challenge Hakoda to a fight for Kya’s hand. Hakoda bluntly told him that Kya’s not a trophy and that, if he had a problem with the marriage, he would just have to deal with it. Hakoda then told Kya what had happened and watched in satisfaction as she stormed over to the creep and verbally eviscerated him.
Kya proposed to Hakoda. She gave him a hunting knife she hand-carved herself as a betrothal gift. Her clan wasn’t happy about the marriage because Kya chose to marry into Hakoda’s clan (the Wolf Clan) instead of him marrying into hers.
Kanna gave Kya her necklace as a legacy gift. In the Southern Water Tribe, when you marry into another clan, your in-laws have to give you a “legacy” gift to pass on to one of your children that is not strictly a practical item (no combs, knives, needles, etc.). Legacy gifts are usually things like jewelry, decorations, or ceremonial attire of some sort. When a woman marries into a clan, her legacy would pass to her daughter or her daughter-in-law; when a man marries in, then his legacy goes to his son or son-in-law.
While Kya was delighted to pass Kanna’s necklace to Katara, she did miss the familiarity of wearing it. So, Hakoda put his carving skills to the test and made a new one just for her; it wasn’t particularly good and his hand slipped a lot while making it, but Kya still loved it and wore it proudly.
Kya addressed Kanna as ‘Mom’ after getting married to Hakoda. She’d never felt comfortable using that term for her own mother or for her older sister. People who didn’t know the family would sometimes assume that Kanna was Kya’s mother rather than Hakoda’s.
Kya thought she wouldn’t be able to have children. She had several miscarriages and then no indication of pregnancy for a number of years before she had Sokka. In memory of her unborn children, she carved small figures of bone to commemorate them and pray for their safe return to the cycle of death and rebirth. When she was killed, Hakoda buried those little carvings with her.
She referred to Sokka as her ‘miracle’ when she delivered him safely and latercalled Katara her ‘blessing.’
When both Sokka and Katara were young they came down with terrible fevers from a sickness that was tearing through the South Pole. Kya stayed awake for days tending to them and praying to the spirits to save them.
When Katara was discovered to be a waterbender, Kya was overjoyed and convinced Hakoda to launch a search for a waterbending master. When no one could be found in the South Pole, she tried to talk her husband into them all going on a family adventure to the Northern Water Tribe to find Katara a teacher.
She was deeply compassionate towards people who were treated unjustly. During a gathering of the clans, the Whale-walrus Clan chief was brought before the council of elders for trying to beat his daughter, Tuktu, to death for “profaning herself with another girl.” Despite the man being publicly censured for his inexcusable actions, he threw his daughter out of the clan. Kya was the first to step up and offer Tuktu a place in their home. After this, little Katara, who had witnessed everything, asked her family if they would hate her if she grew up to like girls instead of boys, to which her mother responded that it didn’t matter if she like girls or boys or both or neither, her family would always love her. Tuktu later moved in with a girl in another clan, with whom she is still happily living by the time the show’s events roll around.
Kya was going to be named the clan mother for the Wolf Clan once Kanna stepped down, but she was killed before the official installation took place.
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cronenfag · 6 months
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ninadove · 1 year
A Feligami artist I really liked just spewed some queerphobic nonsense in their Insta stories and I’m like
My brother in Christ you do understand that liking this ship and being a bigoted jerk don’t exactly work together, don’t you?
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twisting-echo · 7 months
Grayluftw Callout Post!!
This document contains screenshots of the DM history of the disturbing, homophobic, and gaslighting behavior of @graylunation
This also has a lot of talk/discourse centered around Helluva Boss characters.
This document may have triggering content, so please read at your own discretion.
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mangledscrimp · 2 months
This is also a general lore tldr miracle mask spoils & Azran Legacy stuff
fyi, this part may have triggering topics like homophobia, suicide, and gory descriptions(near the end)…blehh
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Randall had quite the smile when she was interested on things, a bit creepy if you’ll ask angela, but they still love her even with such a smirk, definitely from her father.
The woman in question!
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This is Maria or Rosa..Ascot..RANDALL’S MAMA!!
Haha..I really can’t decide on which name to choose so I’d love to hear feedback regarding names for her. also as seen in the image, both her and Randall have one large canine tooth.
She’s rich, she’s old, and loves to control. Speaking of controlling, that’s definitely how I’d describe her parenting. With Randall, she’s always talking about Randall’s looks regarding her facial hair. She hates it since it reminds her of Izan. Making her shave on a regular basis. Whenever he,Izan, comes up in conversation, she’ll try to ignore it and get frustrated. Calling him a deadbeat father or a failure to the ascot name.
A few years after Izan’s disappearance, Randall turned 17. In her teens, RM (Randy Mom), pressured her about liking people of the same gender and told her it was distasteful and shameful to the ascot name. She also had planned arranged marriages for when Randall turned 18. Not good at all!! This led to Randall getting stressed out and depressed.
Her actions led Randall to an emotional outburst with Hershel, slapping her when she tried to comfort her about what she saw on her body, and running away into the labyrinth with the mask in hand. With its crack, she broke it with too much pressure and now only has the upper half in her possession. This eventually leads to her fall in a pit of cicadas shells…(There is more to this haha..and a whole interaction…BUT WE MUST CONTINUE!! )
a time skip of 17 years-
Randall is living in the labyrinth with her cicada family!! She takes food from villages nearby the labyrinth in her cloak made of vines. Tho this backfired on fateful night.
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(I’ll make a better version of this some day HAHHA)
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(Any pronouns, also haha please don’t say anything weird…she does not..swing that way..or has romantic feelings in general)
This is diabolical Yuri au descole!! She’s ruthless with her methods of getting information out of others.
She had been interested in finding Randall after reading a copy of Izan’s journal
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(this doodle is kinda dookie but whateva)
After finding out Randall’s location, he tracks her down in one of the villages she’s taking crops from. In the process, a chase erupts through the forest as Randall tries to make it back to the labyrinth. She trips on a branch and Descole takes the opportunity to trap her with her net gun.
(Part gets gory here)
After Randall’s refusal to talk and trying to squirm away like a snake, Descole thinks Randall should look the part. Reaching into her belt pockets for her cautery tool, making Randall feel a burning sensation on her tongue, splitting and separating it, just like a snake.
how it looks ⬇️
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Let’s take a break from that with a shitpost doodle comic of Descole and Raymond..haha…
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Part 3 coming soon!!!
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iwoll · 3 months
The Rhetoric of @LibsOfTikTok: Unveiling the Tactics of Online Influence
Just like any other modern 19-year-old, I often find myself doom-scrolling Twitter. It's a bizarre mix of tweets that goes something like this: a cute cat with a funny caption, then a complaint about the current political climate, a tragic story of the murder of yet another transgender individual, then a meme about something I'm sure is very relatable, anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda, then another cute cat, a horribly transphobic headline, and then—of course—another cute cat. However, in this vast sea of tweets and retweets, there's one account that stands out to me: @LibsOfTikTok.
Chaya Raichik, the mastermind behind this account, wields a potent arsenal of tactics to captivate her 2.9 million followers. She employs specific names of people and institutions, a sarcastic—almost hate-mongering—tone, and fear as tools to persuade her audience to attack LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies.
In the social media sphere, where a tweet can reach millions of people in seconds, the power of influence is undeniable. However, in the wise words of Spider-Man, with this great power comes great responsibility, a responsibility that @LibsOfTikTok often seems to disregard. Raichik's tweets are not merely expressions of personal opinions but calculated attempts to stoke fear, anger, and prejudice among her followers.
A prime example is the situation that occurred between Raichik and ItGetsBetter. ItGetsBetter is a non-profit organization that helps uplift LGBTQ+ youth around the world. The “50 States, 50 Grants, 5,000 Voices” initiative gives $10,000 to elected schools, the grantees, to improve the lives local queer students (itgetsbetter.org). This initiative gained wide media coverage after Columbia’s Rock Bridge High School’s GSA (gender and sexuality alliance) received this money for a project titled “Coming Out of the Closet in Style Clothing Closet” which would allow students to change into gender-affirming clothing in school to better express themselves (Muñoz, 2022). When Chaya Raichik found out about this initiative, she took to her Twitter account and posted the following:
“This org [ItGetsBetter] is giving grants to teachers so they can get more LGBTQ+ books and make “gender affirming closets” in schools. The closets usually offer “trans” and “nonbinary” kids clothing, tucking tape, and chest binders to use in school and typically is kept secret from parents. These are the people teaching your kids” [@LibsOfTikTok]
This tweet employs loaded language to create a negative image of the situation. Phrases like "typically kept secret from parents" suggest a nefarious intent, insinuating that schools, teachers, and organizations are hiding something from parents. The use of scare quotes around "trans" and "nonbinary" implies skepticism or disdain for these identities, furthering the negative tone.
Raichik does not only target children and schools, she also targets fully grown adults. Mark Bryan is a 61-year-old grandfather of four and has been happily married to his wife for over 10 years. Bryan works in robotics engineering and coaches a local soccer team along with having an Instagram with over half a million followers. According to Interview Magazine, he “loves cycling, fast cars, and beautiful women” (Katz, 2021). The only main difference between him, and let’s say, your grandfather, is that Mark Bryan wears skirts and heels to work nearly every day. Bryan makes it very clear in all his Instagram posts that he is a cisgender, heterosexual man, and his audience has no reason to doubt him. His posts are in no way lewd, sexual, or suggestive; however, Chaya Raichik seems to disagree.
“This man [Mark Bryan] is being celebrated for flaunting his f*tish [sic] for wearing women’s clothing to work. Would you hire someone like this?” [@LibsOfTikTok]
The tweet uses a rhetorical question to prompt a response from the audience, implying that Bryan's choice of clothing is a fetish. This choice of words aims to cast Bryan's actions in a negative light, appealing to societal prejudices and stereotypes. By suggesting that simply wearing clothes that do not align with traditional gender norms is a fetish, Raichik perpetuates the harmful idea that clothing determines gender and gender determines sex. This stereotype not only affects transgender individuals but also impacts gender non-conforming cisgender people. The tweet is designed to provoke a negative emotional response, painting Bryan's behavior as derogatory and judgmental. It seeks to discredit him without offering any substantial evidence, relying instead on societal biases against those who challenge gender norms.
It is understandable why one might be confused when it comes to gender expansive people, fear comes from a place of ignorance. But that is why the Trans Youth Equality Foundation exists! The Trans Youth Equality Foundation (TYEF) is a non-profit organization that provides essential education, advocacy, and support for transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming youth and their families. Their website hosts a wealth of information on crucial topics such as chest binding, tucking, gender-affirming surgery, queer sexual education, protesting, transitioning to college, and coming out (transyouthequality.org). These resources are invaluable for individuals navigating their gender identities, offering answers to often uncomfortable and uncommon questions. It is vital to recognize that queer children deserve the same level of knowledge, comfort, and support as cisgender/heterosexual children, especially when they feel unable to confide in their parents. However, this message of support seems to have fallen on deaf ears, as Chaya Raichik tweeted a troubling accusation against TYEF.
“BREAKING: LGBTQ youth advocacy organization @TYEFofficial offers to secretly send 13-year-old a chest binder behind her parents’ backs. We posed as a teen girl and they encouraged her to choose another family, get a job to pay for s*x [sic] change surgery, and bashed her Trump supporter parents as “brainwashed.” This is grooming 101. Cut out the parents, isolate the child, and coax the kid into turning against their parents. How many kids has this organization already harmed?!” [@LibsOfTikTok]
Here, Raichik falsely accuses TYEF of encouraging a 13-year-old to get a job to pay for "s*x change surgery." This claim is entirely baseless, as no such discussion of surgery occurred in this so-called interview. Raichik's narrative of "grooming" and "cutting out the parents" is not only unfounded but also dangerous. It demonizes organizations like TYEF that work tirelessly to support LGBTQ+ youth and creates a harmful narrative of victimhood and conspiracy. This misleading rhetoric from Raichik encourages her followers to distrust reputable organizations like TYEF, despite their critical work in providing safe and affirming spaces for young individuals. Following the publication of her tweet, Susan Maasch, the director of TYEF, became the target of doxxes, bomb threats, and death threats. These threats not only put Maasch's safety at risk but also undermined the vital work that TYEF does in supporting vulnerable youth.
Raichik seems to have no issue undermining the hard work of a non-profit organization, but it did not stop after TYEF. The #pridebelongsinpreschools initiative emerged in June of 2021 from a small organization—approximately 200 followers in total—called Resilience Together (also known as Rise to Resilience). This organization shared infographics expressing their belief that pronouns and gender identities should be supported by teachers and administration. Somehow, New York native, Chaya Raichik, discovered this initiative and tweeted:
“SCOOP: This resource called “Pride Belongs in Preschool” was part of a teacher training in Providence Schools in RI. It encourages teachers to discuss gender neutral pronouns, gender norms, and explore gender identity with toddlers. They’re after your kids.” [@LibsOfTikTok]
For context, the Resilience Together infographic states the following:
“Children begin to be able to stereotypical gender groups between 18 and 24 months. Children can often categorize their own gender by age 3. Children may begin to “perform” their gender based on adult expectations, despite their authentic gender identity. Educators and school staff are responsible to support children’s health development. Healthy development is supported by children seeing their identities represented.” [@resiliencetogether]
As mentioned previously, this organization has a small following, so the likelihood of an entire school district adopting this "training" is minuscule. Therefore, not only is Raichik's tweet factually incorrect, but it is also misguided in its reasoning. If this information is indeed backed by science and social psychology, then what is the issue with implementing these practices in a classroom setting?
The final line, “They’re after your kids,” is a prime example of exploiting parental fears. Raichik insinuates that the teacher training program encourages discussing gender identity with toddlers, framing it as a threat to children. By preying on the fears of parents who may not fully understand or be comfortable with these discussions, she aims to incite panic and resistance to progressive educational initiatives.
Finally, and most outrageously, Raichik targeted Boston’s Childrens’ Hospital. Why, you may ask? Because, on their website, there was a picture of a young child under the “gender affirming cares” tab. So Raichik took to Twitter, stating:
“If a hospital has the words “gender affirming care” with a picture of a 3-year-old, that’s a sign to run the other way as fast as possible. Why would a doctor need to “affirm” a 3-year-old’s gender? Boston’s Children’s Hospital chemically castrates and mutilates children.” [@LibsOfTikTok]
Raichik uses extreme language, accusing doctors of "chemically castrating and mutilating children," which aims to evoke horror and disgust. Raichik suggests that if a hospital promotes "gender-affirming care" using an image of a 3-year-old, it is a reason to avoid the hospital entirely. She questions why a doctor would need to affirm a 3-year-old's gender and accuses Boston's Children's Hospital of performing hysterectomies on minors. This inflammatory rhetoric not only misrepresents the hospital's practices but also contributes to a climate of fear and misunderstanding around gender-affirming care.
These baseless accusations led to harassment campaigns, including bomb threats. In February 2024, NBC News reported that at least 33 instances of bomb threats were made against organizations that Raichik had previously targeted in her posts. Alarmingly, in at least 3 instances, these bomb threats resulted in criminal charges against at least 9 individuals (Brochstein, 2024). This demonstrates the dangerous real-world consequences of spreading false information and using social media platforms to target organizations and individuals.
In conclusion, the rhetoric of @LibsOfTikTok is not just about expressing opinions; it's a strategic campaign to manipulate and radicalize followers against the LGBTQ+ community and its allies. Raichik's use of targeted tweets, misinformation, character assassination, and fearmongering is a dangerous cocktail that can and do have real-world consequences, as stated previously. It fosters a climate of intolerance, division, and hostility, undermining efforts for inclusivity and acceptance. As responsible consumers of social media, it is crucial to approach such content with critical thinking and awareness of the rhetorical tactics at play. By understanding the strategies used by influencers like @LibsOfTikTok, we can better navigate the online landscape and work towards a more well-rounded, informed, and empathetic society. It is not just about exposing the tactics of online influence; it's about actively resisting and countering the harmful narratives that seek to divide us.
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ylsterman · 7 months
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The risk of suicide among young LGBT adolescents is between two and three times higher than among young heterosexual adolescents.
According to the National Suicide Prevention Line, 45% of young LGBT teens have considered suicide at some point in their lives. In addition, 20% of young LGBT teens have attempted suicide at least once.
I didn't know whether to make it more explicit or not, more than anything out of respect and/or I'm not a fan of gore (although I don't know if I would count as gore). And of course, censorship in social networks. There is the most explicit version, but I gave it up to publish it, I think the message is still understood.
**"Uncensored" version**
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sirfrogsworth · 4 months
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At first I thought this fella was just your classic clueless bigot.
But as I read more of his replies I started to wonder if he had a fetish and this was an elaborate ruse to get people to send him pictures of animals having sex.
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