#transmisia mention
"Sure, terfs hate trans men (and afab non-binary people), but they don't want them dead, they want to save them from themselves!"
Yeah, no. The problem is you are listing to what radfems say without paying attention to what they do.
Newsflash assholes, they hate cis women. They hate cis women who are bi, they hate cis women who choose to do sex work, and they hate trans people they misgender as cis women.
They say they want to save women who face domestic abuse but they victim blame bi women because bi women face high DA rates. They say they want to save sex workers but when a sex worker does not agree with them, out come the death threats and sexual harassment. They say they want to save "trans-identified females" from "gender ideology" but when they can't "save" them, they want them dead.
Radfems don't love cis women and they really don't love trans men or non-binary people of any kind.
If you don't thread the radfem needle, they hate you. Them thinking you are a woman does not save you from that because they hate cis women.
These people cuddle up to right-wingers to hurt trans people, other queer people, and sex workers, even though they know it hurts cis women.
If you think they care about "trans-identified females" you have no idea what you are talking about, no one should be taking your words seriously, and you need to shut the fuck up.
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celestiastarshine · 2 months
So I just found out from Essence of Thought that JK Rowling has gotten worse. Which doesn't surprise me, but I find it plenty abhorrent for obvious reasons.
TW: Nazis, eugenics, antisemitism, Holocaust denial, and transmisia are discussed in the video. If these topics trigger you, please protect your peace.
(TERFS and JK Rowling supporters DNI)
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rjalker · 4 months
"women are only worth anything if they have the genitals I think are hot" is, in fact, literally never a progressive statement.
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walks-the-ages · 11 months
I sincerely hope that the maker of that Exclusionist "I hate microlables but I'm framing it in progressive language" "pride flag industrial complex" post is aware that they're directly inspiring fascists.
There's now a book in existence called "the transgender industrial complex" whose description on the archive is literally "detailing the kosher orchestration of the ongoing degeneracy". Or just had the topic of "#Jews"
So yeah, congrats. You're literally on the side of literal fucking Nazis if you try to throw "queer people whose identities you personally don't understand" under the bus for the crime of "having too many pride flags".
Anyways if you want to help out you can search for this book on the web archive and flag it for hate speech.
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tucuteboything · 2 years
Anyways just putting this here not all transmascs are men, and not all transfems are women, likewise enbymisia and exorsexism exist, nor do i intend to be these things with discourse shit
It's just a lot of it boils down to the whole women = pure innocent creature and men = evil disgusting cretin bullshit radfems like to push around, which doesn't really have much wiggle room to talk about gender-diverse experiences when the directed target is hyperspecific.
(A lot of it boiling down to the idea transmasc = man, transfem = women in trans discourse, especially antimasculism and transandromisia discourse and activism. While trying to put a foot in the door just for even binary trans men to be able to talk about their unique experiences doesn't intentionally leave out non-men/multigender/genderqueer/nonbinary transmascs, it sorta just happens when to even have an arguement you have to use hyperspecific language.) I usually try to include discussions on treimisia in these posts, but a lot of it is geared towards transmasc men and not general transmasc due to the whole binarism of this debate.
I'm a nonbinary multitrans (Transmasculine/Transxenine/Transkenoine) dude, however talking with specific language helps prevent clutter and to solidify a specific issue against a specific targeted group, even if it affects others visibility unfortunately. (I honestly doubt these people would even see past AGAB and the whole TMA=AMAB, and TME=AFAB intersexist transmisic bullshit that sprouted up last year or so on Tumblr, considering these transmisics use phrases like "AFAB privilege" while referring to anyone but cisgender women)
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inhumanliquid · 2 years
I still see people upset that MatPat made a joke about a joke (people responded to a form with the helicopter joke and he commented on it sarcastically) even though that was years ago. To those people: Bijuu Mike said something similar without any prompt in a Yandere Simulator video 5 years ago. Where are the pointlessly outraged posts about that?
Edit: I also don't see many people still upset about Sssniperwolf's blatantly misgendering a trans woman, and it was obvious if you saw that part of the video that she fucking meant it.
-A trans person
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Oh my god a certain tumblr user has graduated from "autogynephilia isn't fine it isn't real you're a cis terf's sockpuppet blog" to "a trans woman calling her genitals how she wants and wanting nonstandard bottom surgery isn't fine and her business nobody has any right to stick their faces into its terf sock" to saying "that isn't a thing" on a post saying (presumably negatively) that there is significant overlap between trans activists and fat activists
Also for *grinds teeth* clarity "autogynephilia is real and fine" =/= "autogynephilia is the reason for all transfems being trans"
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Let's talk about the Ocean MLM flags and their creators.
Trigger warning: Discussions of discourse, transmisia, racism, overall bigotry. This is probably the closest you will get to a discourse post from me (Though tbh, is it really discourse if I'm trying to spread the truth?) Most content is from an Insta post I made a while back. I am moving it to here as well for archival purposes as well as corrections. Heads up, this post will be SUPER hecking long (And I have no idea how to cut the posts down I'm sorry) (EDIT: I finally figured it out lmfao)
Well I've been seeing stuff about the gay pride flags again. A lot of it being misinformation. I think it's time to debunk them one by one. Let's start off with myth number one: "It rips off the lesbian flag." There's millions of ways I can debunk this, but let's start with the simple ones. Fact: One MLM flag (Which I have referred to as the "Listerine" flag) actually came before the Sunset lesbian flag. (Sidenote: I lost the original and edited files when my previous computer broke but I did have the original screenshots saved on my private discord server which I use for screenshot storage, so I went ahead and saved them, and re-added the circles that I used to point out the dates).
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(I would also like folks to keep this screenshot in mind, as it'll be important for debunking the next myth). Fact: The flags are actually *completely* different hue shifts. When I did a hue shift of both the MLM flags *and* Lesbian flags (both Sunset and Lipstick), I got different results.
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(I forgot to make a diagram with the hue-shifted MLM flags, but I do remember what it was supposed to look like so I went ahead and made one instantly)
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See the difference? All it takes is one hue shift to prove a myth wrong. Also, this is where things get really interesting. Outside of the original Lipstick Lesbian flag excluding trans lesbians and butches (Note: I consider the Lipstick Lesbian flag and Pink lesbian flag different flags), I think people forget the Lipstick Lesbian flag itself also has accusations of plagiarism. **Queer History 101 is now in session**.
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This flag shown above is known as the Cougar flag. This flag was created around 2008 by a gay man named Fausto Fernos. He created the flag to bring light to sexism and ageism in the community (especially women's communities). It was inspired by the Bear Brotherhood flag. The Lipstick flag was created in 2010. And you can very much see the similarities between the Lipstick Lesbian flag and Cougar Flag. This is because the creator of the Lipstick flag stole the design of the Cougar flag and didn't give credit. I do not know if it was intentional, but knowing the Lipstick flag's creator's yikes history, I'm willing to make the bet. So basically, the Lipstick Lesbian flag itself is the one that is a stolen design, and not the MLM flags.
**This has been Queer History 101 with Shadow** Myth 2: The creator of the gay man flag is a transmed. Fact: A transmed actually reposted the flag and claimed it as their own, which caused folks to believe they were the creator.
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Take a good look at the date. Now look at the date of the original post shown below (and just before anyone else does it, r/uselessredcircle. I'm too exhausted to screenshot the date so I'm just posting the screenshot again)
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The creator of the flag has also expressed discomfort about transmeds using it (or, rather, reposting it for that matter lol) as well. Myth 3: The flag is bad because it has no meanings. Fact: While it's true the first flag didn't have meanings originally, that doesn't automatically mean the flag is bad. There are millions of pride flags out there that don't have meanings. Suppose we should stop using those flags now?
Myth 4: The creators are racist. This one is also incredibly false. Fact: Another user made a very poorly worded comment and was mistaken to be the creator. The creator of the second ocean flag has already made a statement on this one (Here). Additionally, as of late I've seen another rumor going around that the creators created a flag that was antiblack *and* fetishistic. That is also false. Nobody knows who created that flag. Last myth: The creators support Bi/Pan Lesbians. (SIDENOTE: Before anyone comes at me, I am a bi lesbian myself. I am simply pointing this out. And do take a look at my Mspec Lesbian exclusionism analysis for info on why excluding mspec lesbians is bad). (EDIT: I no longer identify with the bi lesbian label, however my point still stands). Fact: While one of the creators did make some bi lesbian flags (as a request by the way), idk if that means support. The other creator, however, has already stated that he is staying away from the discourse surrounding them. Not partaking in discourse is NOT a stance on something.
Additional notes: -Not using a flag/label is NOT a stance on something, and saying otherwise makes you look like a gatekeeper. /nbh
-That being said, using a specific flag does NOT make anyone a bad person. Yes, even if someone chooses to reclaim the pink flag! (Speaking of, I highly encourage reclaiming it, since it's very pretty!) -Flag discourse overall is just stupid. Go do something more productive if you can. /nf /nbh Additional info/sources (Warning: Sources may contain reclaimed slurs). Fausto's statement regarding the cougar flag being stolen. Gayflagblog's FAQ (Archived version) A twitter thread with more info. (Archived version) Spreadsheet of the allegations against the creators (Note: This one is formatted a little weird, so proceed with caution). A carrd featuring other MLM flags. The site I used for the hue-shifts.
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soong-type-notinuse · 2 years
throwback to episode 15 in which i talk about just one incident where trans lives aren't valued.
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transmorolians · 2 years
Playing games with people who are actually nice is...different.
Five years ago I was playing TF2 with cis friends, got sexually harassed by a stranger, wasn't even defended, complained about it after we finished playing to a chorus of, "He was just trying to get a rise out of you! Don't take it personally!"
Today I played TF2 with a proudly-transgender acquaintance, encountered a racist transmisic, watched the proud acquaintence laugh and mock the bigot for being a bigot, and was comforted in party chat during the match. "Sorry about that bigot. He was an asshole. You okay? Also, what's your pronouns, by the way, since I forgot to ask earlier?"
Being surrounded by people who care enough is...something. A good yet strange something. Not used to it.
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Just screaming into the void but it‘s really sad that when I see feminist statements or women-empowerment in the notes of any given post…
I feel the need to check to make sure it isn’t by a TERF or bæddel or androphobe or womansupremacist I haven’t found and blocked yet
And – I might be a bit overboard here, I’m aware – I also try to stir clear of and block TIRFs & general radfems because enforcing a different gender binary and good-bad-absolutism isn’t it… that really isn’t it.
I’m sincerely thankful for the bloggers who are being “called out” as ‘transandrophobia truthers’ (a few immediately come to mind) because these are the people that really made me understand the problematics of radical feminism. As well as the intersection of exorsexism and androphobia which is applicable for AMAB non-binary people. And that it doesn’t matter if it’s a TIRF or a TERF, a transmisogynist or a transandrophobe or an exorsexist – the black-white good-evil praise-hate dichotomy is the problem. Upholding the binary (in gender as in biological sex) is a problem if done forcefully and/or in regards to others outside a self-description.
Beyond that I, due to my own identity, have to oppose transphobia, enbyphobia, exorsexism and transmedicalism
And, actually, it’s nobody’s business what I was assigned at birth, whether and how far I am pursuing medical transition, and it’s nobody’s business whether I’m “generally afflicted” or “generally exempted” in regards to transmisogyny <3
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Every time I say something bad about radical feminism, I get called a rape apologist or worse.
Most of the time it's for the crime of being genderqueer and hating gender essentialism (AKA radfem bread and butter). Once or twice it was because I talked about swerfs.
Hell, one time I expressed my disdain for radfems using the word degenerate, a horrendously ableism word that literally means disabled, a word that was popularized by far right-wingers who hate queer people, and radfems called me a rape apologist for telling them to stop using a nazi dog whistle.
I don't know if they are just saying nasty shit to try to get an emotional reaction out of me or if they really think that being a disabled queer who tells people not to use nazi dog whistles makes me a rape apologist.
Either way, it's not going to do much of anything to help victims, that's for sure.
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ankewehner · 2 years
I've seen some really scary anti-trans/anti-queer propaganda, so, facts:
Regarding gender and sexual orientation, the side wanting to indoctrinate children with their ideology is the one going "if you have a penis, you are a man, if you have a vagina, you're a woman, end of", or "gender doesn't exist, only sex matters". (I'm reading "ideology" with negative connotations of being narrow-minded and ignoring evidence, not in the wider sense of a system of ideas, the way "gender ideology" is used by the "queers are evil" faction.)
The side that acts like nazis is not the one wanting actual information to be spread, and accepting people who are different from the "norm". It's the side that wants to suppress scientific findings and any other information that contradicts their doctrine, paints their opposition as evil, and calls for their death.
I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but fuck it, I need to say it somewhere.
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rjalker · 2 years
parody conversation:
"What are your pronouns?"
"I don't tell people my pronouns."
"Oh, you don't use pronouns?"
"No, I use pronouns, I just don't tell people what they are. Anyone who looks at me can know what pronouns I use without having to ask."
"But you're trans. You're nonbinary."
"Yes, and people can magically tell that just by looking at me. They know I'm nonbinary and start using it/its pronouns for me automatically."
"But assuming someone's gender just because of the way they look is transmisic. You aren't even wearing any pride pins, so how does someone know you're nonbinary or use it/its pronouns just by looking at you? Do you list your pronouns in the feed?"
"No, I don't tell people my pronouns on the feed. They can tell what my pronouns are automatically because I'm a robot, and all robots are nonbinary because you can only have a gender if you have genitals, and robots don't have genitals, so it's impossible for us to have genders."
"But that means humans and other people can't be nonbinary, because they do have genitals. And that means other trans people can't exist either, if their gender is the same as what genitals they have. That's just equating sex with gender, and equating pronouns with gender, like everyone who's nonbinary uses the same pronouns. That's just assuming your gender always matches what you were assigned at birth."
"But that's transmisic."
"So, let me get this straight. You're nonbinary, but you don't tell anyone that, and you use it/its pronouns, but you don't tell anyone that, and no one ever asks you what your pronouns are, and you never ask anyone else what their pronouns are, but everyone just magically knows what your pronouns are because you're a robot who was assigned mechanical at construction, because the only way to be nonbinary is to be a sexless robot? Okay, that's terrible. Do other people at least list their pronouns in the feed? Is that why you don't ask? Because they already told you through the feed?"
"No, they list their sex, and based on that, I know what their gender is, and what their are."
"So you're all just being transmisic and assuming everyone is cis and assuming their pronouns and gender match their assigned sex at birth?"
"How is that good representation for nonbinary and any other trans people?"
"Oh, it's not. But people are so desperate for representation that they'll see a nonbinary character just existing without anything actually representative of real trans people as the best thing ever to exist even when the author puts in zero effort and does zero research and is just writing her own transmisic ideas into the story."
"That's a shame, it'd be so easy to fix. All you'd have to do is have people ask for and tell other people their pronouns, and stop equating sex with gender. It'd be so easy."
"Yes, it would be, wouldn't it. In fact I did the math, and adding in alterations to remove the transmisic would take less than a single percentage of the total number of words that already exist in this series."
"Well, I guess we can hope the author puts in the effort of unlearning her transmisia before she publishes the next book, assuming there will be another one..."
"You can always cross your fingers."
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anendoandfriendo · 1 year
While we're fucking angry at tue world today can we just say: goddamn, we decided to just go for the jugular didn't we?
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The mother's argument about genital inspections was literally over "BUT WHAT IF A TRANS WOMAN HASN'T FULLY TRANSITIONED YET???" and we hate to be Those Perisex People(TM) but we legitimately don't know if she even knows about intersex people and like, we really just need to prevent her from falling. Like. Further down the fascist hole. Before we can make things more elaborate and not be Those Perisex People(TM).
And like if she doesn't remember what in God's name we are talking about we can defo. mention "remember that one morning we complained about Two? And then it somehow devolved into transmisia and somehow ended up on USian republicans being fascists? All because we stated we hated psychiatry the way it is now? Yeah, THAT conversation." and maybe she'll remember.
Like wdk maybe weight classes are ALSO bullshit but we know more about transmisia than weightmisia/fatmisia because we're a bunch of people in a trenchcoat but that trenchcoat is skinny. So transmisia is so much more interwoven into our lives and is something we can speak to.
But we need her to fucking listen to us first before that. We need her to either admit she just hates masculinity and is letting her trauma inform it; she hates trans people; or that she didn't fucking realize how Bad all of this is and do the work to know better.
Obviously the first two will be giving us a bit to think about as to weather this is even a tenable relationship.
Especially after she helped with our room and cleaning it and stuff, we worry this might come across as a tad manipulative but we also woke up as someone with zero fucks for the most part.
- ⚔️🟠
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queer-as-art · 2 years
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I haven’t gone past S1 in my last few rewatches of Gilmore Girls, since S1 is my happy place. I thought I’d brave the rest again, this time around. It’s... very not good. The amount of casual homomisia and transmisia is horrifying, not to mention the classism? What sort of message (trying to avoid obvious spoilers here) is S5 E8 (also THE ENTIRE REST OF THE SERIES) sending? That a rich influential bad-boy boyfriend is better for Rory than a sweet, reliable, working-class person who undoubtedly loves her? (I’m Team Dean, obvs, so please be gentle if you aren’t, because I could really really use some fandom kindness right about now.)
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