#tqg jolene
tqgincorrectquotes · 1 year
Beth: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don’t murder Benny right now.
Jolene: There is no chess in prison.
Beth: Thank you.
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sleepingowls-world · 2 years
The Queen's Gambit, by Walter Tevis 
I finally finished reading The Queen's Gambit and I'm very impressed.
I picked up the book because I liked the show. It's realism and apart from the detailed descriptions of chess openings, the series more or less follows the book.
The one major difference is that, in the book, Beth decides to seek Jolene's help during her biggest downward spiral and not the other way around. Jolene helps Beth with her drinking problem through exercise. She's teaching physical education at the university and is in the process of applying for a job at a big law firm in Atlanta. She is someone who knows what she wants and works hard to get it. In the series, Jolene is engaged to a white lawyer man, but there's no such thing in the book.
Another difference is Beth's losing game to Borgov in Paris. Unlike the series, she's doesn't drink and wake up hungover the next day with a woman in her bed. She sleeps well and plays chess well. And despite doing everything right, she still loses the game. I personally quite like that. Sometimes your best is just not good enough.
Beth is afraid of Borgov in the book, right until the very end. In one of his very first appearances, he's compared to gorilla, which is very different from the handsome man he was in the series.
Beth's feelings towards Jolene (and other women) are also clearer in the book. Beth thinks Jolene is beautiful and wants to tell her she loves her. Beth has sex with men, but never describes it as good or fulfilling. Townes was Beth's love interest in the series, but there's nobody like that in the book. She doesn't long for a romantic relationship with anyone, chess is her one and only passion.
The overarching theme of the book is addiction, and I think its portrayed very well. Considering it was written in the 80s by a man, Beth's portrayal as a woman struggling with addiction and excelling in a man-dominated field is excellent.
Definitely worth a read!
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ilreleonewikia13 · 2 years
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TQG Characters + zodiac signs traits ↴ (most of these are my suppositions, I used for reference the birthdates that I use in my fanfiction, I hope they match with canon)
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nrgburst · 2 years
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Full Tilt (16000~ words) by NRGburst Chapters: 2/2 of Playing the Rush Fandom: The Queen's Gambit (TV), The Queen's Gambit - Walter Tevis Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Beth Harmon/Benny Watts Characters: Benny Watts, Beth Harmon, Jolene (The Queen's Gambit) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Rating May Change, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Mutual Pining, Poker Lingo, Actual Chess game Summary:
adj: a player’s state of impaired judgment due to emotional agitation
TQG x Rounders: Benny gambles his way to Moscow AU Part 2
Cover art by mniiv
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Guess who just watched the final episode of The Queen’s Gambit and did not stop sobbing through the entire thing. This bitch.
Found Family TM just really gets me.
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the8lackdog · 3 years
when joelene said “I’m not your guardian angel. I’m not here to save you, I can barely save me. I’m here because you need me to be here. It’s what family does. It’s what we are.”
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nauticfoxes · 4 years
after beth starts getting money from chess tournaments, the first thing she thinks about is sending a letter to jolene. is she still mad at her? would she write back? would she even read it? open it? so she never gets the courage to do it. but she keeps track of jolene, always. knows her 18th birthday and when she would have moved out of the orphanage, looks at phone book after phone book searching for jolene, reads the local newspapers for anything related to college admission, and gets jolene’s address. beth keeps it with her, always, and when she gets lonely, that empty, stubborn feeling in her, she writes letters she never sends. it’s all so stupid, how she writes and writes and can’t never say anything meaningful. anything that would bridge the gap of the years apart.
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abrokefangirl · 4 years
I think part of the reason The Queen’s Gambit is so good is because it’s genuinely fun to watch. I think a lot of tv shows nowadays rely on ‘gritty’ torture and heavily sexualised and violent content to be considered edgy and ‘good’. But Queens Gambit wasn’t like that- it didn’t have a female character who just had terrible things DONE to her; her obstacles came from her OWN behaviour and it was so refreshing to see a female character have agency and basically I’m going to rewatch this until I die
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converselove64 · 4 years
All y’all who didn’t realize Townes was gay the SECOND Roger walked in
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And then at the end when he was like “I was a little...confused. You really are something. But what I really wanted was for us to be friends.”
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BUT you could read that Beth was bi from her interaction with Cleo and Jolene
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Do you need me to write it on a billboard???
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crestfallercanyon · 2 years
Just finished The Queen’s Gambit
I am… in love with the whole fucking thing
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ceaseless-palaver · 2 years
Beth is cool and all but Jolene is the person whose approval I’d constantly seek in our friendship
I don’t want to talk much about Jolene in the books but in the show?? Never have I so wanted to meet a character and ask if they like me
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tqgincorrectquotes · 1 year
Jolene [watching the news]: Some idiot tried to fight a squid at the aquarium.
Beth [covered in ink]: Yeah, well maybe the squid was being a dick.
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mockscreens · 3 years
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please like/reblog if you save!
more tqg lockscreens here!
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ilreleonewikia13 · 3 years
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COWBOY LIKE ME : Act 1 ⇏Opening ◉The Slave Defence ◉ The Réti Opening ◉ The Alekhine Defence
That day the weather was colder than she had expected; usually, she wouldn't have minded, she was used to more rigid temperatures than this, but at that moment she regretted not wearing a heavier coat over her new Givenchy dress.
The red-haired girl tried to not think about that while she was getting out from the taxi that had brought her from her house in Southland - a respectable residential area in the South-West part of the city - to the proximity of Phoenix Park , in the centre of Lexington, in front of a row of newly built skyscrapers. That had been her route every Thursday afternoon for the previous six months.
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kuweii · 4 years
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The strongest person is the person who isn't scared to be alone. Tranquility now.
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fraysweeping · 3 years
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okay but please hear me out. Beth & Jolene from ‘The Queen’s Gambit’ by Walter Tevis are literally a fem-version of Theo & Boris from Donna Tartt’s ‘The Goldfinch’. or vice versa, considering the fact that ‘The Queen's Gambit’ was written much earlier. that’s it. that’s the post. change my mind.
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