abrokefangirl · 2 years
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abrokefangirl · 3 years
the thing that happened to me today is that thing that all writers dread
my computer is deceased, like, she's gone, she's moved onto the afterlife and taken. everything. so. i'm dealing with that. mourning the loss and starting from scratch is now on the agenda
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abrokefangirl · 3 years
omg i was so happy to see that u finally updated agwlt. are the updates gonna be regularly now?
Thanks! I’m not committing to a schedule but I do have several updates in the work that will be out sooner rather than later
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abrokefangirl · 4 years
not be like “ugh the Youths” but i think kids nowadays have gotten Too Comfortable on the internet.
like i see these tweets on twitter like “hey im 14 and i just got kicked out pls rt so i can find somewhere to stay im in x state/city” and like HOLY SHIT i cannot emphasize enough how incredibly dangerous this is. you’re broadcasting to EVERYONE that you are young, vulnerable, and desperate AND information on how to find you!!!! like i know you meant for that to be just for your friends on twitter but that’s a public tweet!!! ANYONE could see it!!! like I saw it and i have no idea who you are you are not in my circle and yet!!! so like WHO ELSE has seen it!!!
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abrokefangirl · 4 years
ive never been as invested in a show i don’t watch as i am right now
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abrokefangirl · 4 years
I don’t even watch this show but I know for a fact this is true
this is the series finale of tumblr. after spn ends therell be nothing binding us together and we'll just evaporate
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abrokefangirl · 4 years
I think part of the reason The Queen’s Gambit is so good is because it’s genuinely fun to watch. I think a lot of tv shows nowadays rely on ‘gritty’ torture and heavily sexualised and violent content to be considered edgy and ‘good’. But Queens Gambit wasn’t like that- it didn’t have a female character who just had terrible things DONE to her; her obstacles came from her OWN behaviour and it was so refreshing to see a female character have agency and basically I’m going to rewatch this until I die
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abrokefangirl · 4 years
hi! I'm loving gwlt and I really adore Mila's relationships with the boys and how hers and Lily's developed. i was curious if you've envisioned anyone in particular as Mila? (i just enjoy putting faces to characters)
My sister is the same as you, she always like to find a celebrity she thinks looks like a character and picture it
For me when I write, I don’t necessarily see faces, I just kind of see (and this is going to sound really lame) but like an aura of their personality. So rather than writing about what she looks like, I right about what she ‘feels’ like to me
That being said the few descriptors I have given Mila are red hair (on the darker side), and she is around 5”9
Other than that you can picture her however you like! And thank you! That last chapter with lily is one of my favourites
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abrokefangirl · 4 years
I just found your fic and need more!! Do you know when you’re going to post year 6? Love this sorry so much!
I’ve got a lot of assignments due next week that I’ll be working on, so it is going to be a little while under the next chapter.
Also year 6 is going to be multiple chapters, I’m going into a lot of detail about Milas part so it’s sort of like a story within a story
I’m really glad you like it! ❤️
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abrokefangirl · 4 years
Hello, Juat finished you latest chapter, what dose mila look like? And is now going to be back to the present ? And weird questuon, how tall is mila, if lily was 5ft
I think the only description I have given Mila in the story is that she had red hair. I would say it is a few shades darker than Lily’s.
I also envision her to be on the taller side; maybe 5″9. 
We are not going back to the present just yet, the story will continue into sixth year in the Marauder’s era, except it won’t be a one-shot chapter anymore, it will multiple chapters.
Thanks for reading!
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abrokefangirl · 5 years
Look at all those chickens
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abrokefangirl · 5 years
Literally how I talk
The worst part is the ‘but’ isn’t you continuing to talk, it can actually be how you end the sentence
Today I heard the phrase “yeah nah that’s heaps dog but” and was sharply reminded that broad Australian English isn’t so much an accent as a dialect
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abrokefangirl · 5 years
a teaser for my fic “The Girl Who Lived Twice”
I’m currently writing the Marauder’s Era chapters and Years 1-5 all have a chapter dedicated to each year, before the story continues in sixth year
Here’s a hint about what’s been happening
Year One: the year James cockblocked Sirius
Year Two: the year everyone found out about Remus
Year Three: the year Mila was sad
Year Four: the year Siruis became a flirt
Year Five: the year Lily and Mila became friends
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abrokefangirl · 5 years
Commenting fanfiction is the easiest thing in the world once you start doing it. 
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abrokefangirl · 5 years
I wish you would write a fic where...
Send me an anymous (or not) summary of the fic you wish I would write. (maybe I will write a tidbit)
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abrokefangirl · 5 years
Love love love your story! Read it all in one day! Do you have any updating schedule?
Thank you!! I don’t have an updating an schedule
At the moment I work and study full time, but once November hits I will be in my summer holidays (im Australian) and will have a lot more time to write and post regularly
I know that seems far away but trust me, time flies. Plus you will get a sneaky chapter or two before then
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abrokefangirl · 5 years
For your story girl who lived twice, I Believe that mila is aegend and that just like draco his father had that conection with her. My thoughts are that sirius and her and remus, when she wakes up fight, and when she wakes, shes sort of confused and is almost in pain because she niw has two lives in her head. She can also maybe hallucinates
That’s not a bad guess at all! What is aegend? What that a typo
Other than that, you did pretty well
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