#toxic state
scoop16 · 1 year
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Warthog ‘S/T 5th EP’
fkg love this!
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grain-my-beloved · 3 months
I think the thing I really love about Desert Duo is the warmth between them.
The way they banter and poke and prod at each other but always with an undercurrent of fondness. Scar teases about Grian's secret soulmate, Grian huffs that his heart is for someone special, Scar whispers with Pearl about ideas to mess with their soulmates, Grian mutters about leaving the desert all season. They both stay. They both giggle together and quickly drop any faux hurt.
The way they play each other. Scar coaxes Grian into doing work for him, Grian snatches a life away from Scar, Scar practically robs Grian blind through 'fair trade', Scar stabs Grian in the back in Thirdlife, Grian stabs Scar in the back in Limited Life. It's all in good fun. They sigh and roll their eyes and smile.
The way they gravitate towards each other. Easily partnering in Thirdlife, dancing around an alliance in both Last Life and Limited Life, being paired by the universe in Double Life, trying to reach for each other only to be torn apart by the universe in Secret Life. They meld easily together, like whispered plans and a presence beside each other is the most natural thing in the world.
The way they understand each other. "You and me, we know monopolies" Scar says, and Grian smiles. "Why DON'T you come along with me?" Grian giggles, and Scar can breathe for the first time all session.
Can you guys HEAR me I'm so NORMAL-
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vristrogen · 16 days
something about people calling vrisrezi "toxic yuri" always puts me off. i understand the lack of words to really put their dynamic but like you know theyre in a relationship thats largely good for them right. they arent dating because "it sucks but it would be worse without each other" they genuinely really love each other a lot
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spicyicymeloncat · 7 months
I hate llorumi as much as everyone else, but like can we stop saying that Harumi has a canonical family dynamic with either Garmadon or Lloyd.
There’s no family dynamic there. Not in canon.
Llorumi is bad bc of the attempted murder. And the manipulation. And the kidnapping. And the resurrecting Garmadon, robbing him of his humanity and destroying the world.
I don’t even think Harumi and Garmadon have really a family dynamic. It’s definitely not a normal one.
I think I’m just tired of people saying that Harumi and Lloyd are ‘siblings :D’ after listing why they have a toxic relationship. Like all those dynamics are still toxic either way, them being siblings does not fix any of that. It’s still just as frightening and awful. And same goes for Harumi and Garmadon. Like Harumi can have other family who aren’t the people she obsessed over to the point of destroying the city.
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disastergenius · 14 days
by far the worst take i've seen so far post-ep19 of Junior Year is that having a week-by-week live play would have allowed fans to essentially influence the direction of the story in the way they want it to go and that would have resulted in the cast being more sympathetic to the Ratgrinders (ie getting them a redemption arc)
why do you feel the need to try and control this story? YOU ARE NOT THE ONE TELLING IT. if you want to tell a story please go write your own, or go write fanfiction to cope or whatever but you don't get to say that the players are telling the story wrong when it's their story they are telling
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celebrate-lesbianism · 2 months
Officially so fed up with mainstream lesbian books that I am writing my own ✌🏻
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luxrayz64 · 4 months
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do u ever in your mind have a vision so beautiful you mourn that it doesnt exist and then remember that u can draw. anyway heres the glass coffin scene if they were pikmin
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solargeist · 1 month
they made him study a lot, train, not sleep, and didn’t give him any glasses . It was immediately hell on ice
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catominor · 6 months
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girldewar · 5 months
can you please explain/describe the relationship dynamic between the deweys?
well you see, in the year of our lord 2021, brandon duhaime was called up to play on the minnesota wild. his nickname was dewey. he was ridiculous and scored stupid ugly goals (the ugliest dean evason had ever seen) and lost every fight he got into. then, also in 2021 (but later), connor dewar was called up to play on the minnesota wild. his nickname was dewey. wait wait. that can't be right. do they have to fight to the death or something - ah, no, i see. they've become dewey 1 (brandon) and dewey 2 (connor), thus inextricably linking their identities and careers together for the rest of their lives. surely this will have no consequences.
naturally the team leaned into this, especially since they're both gritty gross little fourth-liners who sometimes score silly goals but mostly fight (and lose). we got deweys merch! we got deweys not weird, wilds! we got brandon getting pranked with a car full of packing peanuts and telling connor to just 'get in the car, dew.' which we were all very normal about. oh btw they carpooled everywhere. and they lived in the same building for a while. did the bestie-ship exist naturally? or did it spring from the way they were constantly paired together, on the same line, with the same name, with the same hockey identity? were they really friends or were the wild somehow queerbaiting us, inexplicably?
in the end it doesn't really matter. they've only gotten worse & weirder about each other as the years go on. they're the deweys. connor's 'big dew' now, which the wild have tried to play off as not innuendo but who's gonna believe that. they adopted a third (mason shaw) and maybe a fourth (matt boldy, a rescue who was surrendered from a home that was no longer viable (fialaboldy soulbond)). they play every game together. they're always walking into the arena together. they play the same hockey as ever. wouldn't you be okay with just being one half of an eternal pair if the guy you were stuck with just happened to be your best friend? i think i would be.
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hypnoticpo1s0n · 10 months
It's pathetic.
I really love making these toxic motivation stuff 😭. Disclaimer- rude af.
It's pathetic how you keep wanting to glow up without doing anything.
It's pathetic how you complain about having bad grades and doing bad in school when you don't do anything.
It's pathetic how you still complain about not being able to tap into the void state. That's like the easiest shit ever.
It's pathetic how you can't even manifest your dream life.
Manifesting is like the easiest shit ever, and you can't even do that?
All you need to do is monitor your thoughts. You can't even do that? Pathetic.
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scleracentipede · 1 year
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time for scarebat brainrot coz I reread fear state this week
[🏳️‍⚧️like my art? consider donating to my gofundme so I can get top surgery before my health gets too bad and I can’t: link]
(Image description in alt text)
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oliviaswrldd · 5 months
𝐓𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐚𝐰 - 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✰
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Hi guys, in this post i want to talk about Law of Attraction and compare a little bit to Law of Assumption.
I want to point out that there's a lot of irony and yes, maybe i'm making fun of law of attraction. But sorry it's ridiculous.
I worked hard on this post and i tried my best to explain how law of attraction is simply limited so reblogs will be appreciated to reach with this post to more people!
I'm so glad that first i discovered Law of Assumptiom because when i dived with curiosity into law of attraction it left me so, so confused.
So one of the "rules" in law of attraction is that you attract what you feel.
If you feel bad, unhappy - this is what you attract to your life. Your feelings are main determinant what surrounds you and creates your life and circumstances. - that's what law of attraction is basically saying.
And don't get me wrong here. In law of assumptiom we are talking about feeling either but it's totally different meaning.
We are saying about feeling it as a person who have their desire, who KNOWS that have it despite what they see in 3D.
Feeling = Knowing
But in law of attraction they are talking about feeling as emotion.
Feeling = Emotion
You need to feel happy to attract all the good things.
While in law of assumption you can feel unhappy, sad, cry whole day in bed, but still manifest whatever you want just by knowing that you have it. Periodt.
This is funny, because law of attraction community is so sooo limited. I was in couple groups on amino and facebook and they all said the same things. For example:
You can manifest money but you need to take an action. Go to work.
Wow, i didn't know this is how manifestation works. Go to work and you'll manifest money. 😂
Of course in law of attraction you can manifest ONLY certain things. When you'd say that you want to manifest different eye color, they would say how this is impossible and you just CAN'T do that. 🧍
People there would tell you how you can attract good things into your life but you need to be in good mental state, always have high vibrations and think positively, otherwise you'll attract all the bad situations in your life. Interesting...
Other common thing in law of attraction are SUBLIMINALS. Well, in law of assumptiom we also use subliminals and i still feel like situation with subliminals are very similiar in both - because people relying so much on these... (i made post about subliminals related so ya can check)
But let's talk how subliminals are used in law of attraction. People have to listen to subliminals to raise their vibrations (not only for this but mostly!) Because if you are not surrounded by good vibrations you CAN'T manifest! 🤪
Listen to this subliminal 6738289 hours everyday for 99 years and you'll see the results!
This is the most common thing i see in law of attraction. You need to do xxx in order to manifest xxx. If you won't listen to this, your (certain) wishes won't come into fruition. :(( ah, i'm sad.
While in law of assumption we are listening to subliminals to just remind that we have our desire. Not to get. I will listen to this subliminal and then i will manifest xyz. How you can get something when you already have it? You want it. You got it. Easy as it sounds.
Unfortunately in law of assumption community, still many people paying other bloggers tons of money for subliminals (i won't mention one *cough*) to enter the void state, to have better self-concept (it's not even needed to manifest lol), to manifest xyz, to shift... Bro, you don't have to do that. I don't even want to imagine how does it look like in law of attraction community...
Just like with the subliminals, situation with affirmations is almost identical.
You need to affirm 588738 times, robotically.
Of course in law of assumption we also use affirmations but depending on what our ASSUMPTIONS are. If someone like to affirm, then they are doing it. If they rather listen to subliminals they're doing it. It depends what each of us rather, what is more comfortable for us.
But in law of attraction... Well
Repeat that affirmation for whole week and watch how your life changes!
I'm sure at least one of you, guys heard that sentence. 🧍
You need to do something in order to get. You affirm to get something. Certain amount of time.
You rely on this affirmation and repeat it as you'll forget your identity.
Why i called law of attraction toxic.
Because it is. You are giving away your power to external things. You are doing certain things to get. You need to always think positively and have abundance mindset. You can manifest only certain things. Where is the point here? Not without reason, this law is called law of attraction. But it's totally useless and highly limited law which won't get you anywhere.
I am aware that some people won't agree with me, but that's okay. Or maybe there is a someone who is into law of attraction but after reading my post will finally wake up? I hope.
Sorry for any grammar mistakes. Eng is not my native language but i tried my best to write this the most clear i can. :)
Have a nice day/night 🖤
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workersolidarity · 2 months
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🇺🇲 🚨
📹 Six 55-gallon drums filled with toxic chemicals, and encased in concrete coffins, some broken, were found buried under Bethpage Community Park in cancer-plagued Bethpage, a town on Long Island in New York State, which was deposited by U.S. military contractor Northrop Grumman.
Previously, the town of Bethpage had to contend with a 6-square mile toxic plume of hazardous waste resulting from Northrop Grumman's dumping of chemicals underground in the area.
At least one of the 55-gallon drums was found punctured, and some contained flammable chemicals.
The drums were found buried just 4-feet underground, underneath the Park's baseball field which was previously abandoned more than 20 years ago due to concerns over soil contamination.
According to a report in New York Post, a layer of clay was found under the drums, where authorities believe chemicals could have seeped into the ground.
Oyster Bay Supervisor, Joseph Saladino, called on authorities with New York's Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to clean up the park by collecting all the contaminated soil and removing it from Long Island. The community's tax payers previously paid $20 million to clean up the site to allow local residents to use the Park's skating rink.
Saladino also filed a lawsuit against Northrup Grumman 10 years ago to reimburse the community's costs for the cleanup, while a new lawsuit was filed in December to order the further cleanup and removal of the toxic soil.
Local residents have been complaining of higher cancer rates in their community for years, arguing that surrounding communities have far lower rates to their own, while the DEC claimed the discovery posed "no immediate threat to public health."
Still, local residents say they're fed-up, continueing to call for the immediate removal of toxic substances, along with demands for a full soil excavation in the park.
“I’ve had it. I’ve had it. I’ve been working on this for over 20 years as a New York state Assembly member and now as the supervisor of the fourth-largest town in America and I’m not going to sit by idly,” Saladino is quoted as saying.
Northrop Grumman, for its part, said it continues to work with the DEC to address the situation.
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simplysparrow14 · 7 months
People calling Ashton manipulative and selfish and Callowmoore toxic meanwhile Laudna is actively making deals with Delilah while also telling Imogen to be prepared to to kill her and out the rest of her days without her WHAT
Like Ashton and Fearne having a healthy talk and staring their feelings towards who should get the shard is toxic and manipulative and unhealthy
And yet Laudna is siding with her murderer and Imogen is going making herself sick with worry trying to save an already dead rotting women
Ashton seeing how uncomfortable Fearne is with the shards power and taking on the power so that she doesn’t experience the pain that she probably couldn’t take
But Imogen taking Laudna down into the torture room where she was turned into sun tree vex is perfectly fine
Got it. Love it.
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tubbytarchia · 1 month
i do think its interesting how you can write pages and pages about toxic scarian/ranchers/ethubs/whatever (first ships that came to me) but u make ONE fh toxic yaoi joke and u get hate anons. interesting (this isnt like. hating on other toxic interpretations i just think its genuinely interesting. maybe its because they actually call themselves husbands and are the "most canon" out of all ships. thats my guess anyway)
Lmao yeah. Traffic is full of toxic relationships, and the fandom discusses as much too. What makes FH the exception...?
If I had to guess, it's because it involves a character of a CC who's gay. I've seen FH defenders call those who don't view it as entirely healthy "homophobic" so. That's proof enough of their reason lol. I've joked about it before but, yeah, Scott (THE CHARACTER) cannot be flawed because he's canonically gay!! Him and all his relationships are perfect because he's canonically gay!! God forbid a ship that is tied to a gay CC in any way has any nuance that isn't just butterflies and rainbows. God forbid
I hate having this discussion because. man. Its fucking minecraft dude. Why are these block man shippers calling other block man shippers homophobic. Genuinely baffling
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