#to turn around and dp this to her now shes dead
malcolmreeds · 10 months
three months of back and forth with etsy and they still havent closed down my deceased mams account! its now been suspended bc theyve been sitting on their hands doing nothing for so long! im distraught! its not what my mam would have wanted for her shop! they didnt even ask for a death certificate! i had to send it to them myself being like uhhhhh you need this right?! if an etsy account gets suspended they can ip ban the household! my livelihood is now in jeopardy! i hate companies!
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call-me-strega · 5 months
Dc x DP Prompt #8: Best Friend’s Brother
Preface: this prompt can be used with different characters but I’m writing it as Dead on Main bc that’s my favorite. Also the colleges I mention are real colleges from the DCU
Danny Fenton was 18 when he moved to Gotham for college.
It was the only place with a half decent engineering program that would take a kid with his record; drop in grades, unexplained absences, missing class, a disciplinary record, etc. Plus there was a decent saturation of both magic and ectoplasm in Gotham’s air. After he got accepted he decided to tell his parents he was Phantom. They reacted surprisingly well all things considered. They were horrified to learn they’d been hunting their son but it quickly turned into acceptance to listen to what he had to tell them. Now they turned their obsession from hunting ghosts to learning more about ghost more humanely. He also managed to get his former rouges to agree to call off any major shenanigans in favor of less destructive outlets. (He got Ember a TikTok and a YouTube channel, he set up a drag racing circuit in the realms for Johnny and Kitty, let Technus enter the internet as long as he stayed within Amity’s grid or help Ember manage her stuff, allowed Desiree grant wishes for Make a Wish Foundation kids so long as she didn’t horribly twist them, etc.)
Now with the town not at constant risk of danger and his parents agreeing to really handle any rouge ghosts, Danny could leave Amity with a clear conscience. His friends were also growing up and heading to their own colleges. Tucker was heading to Ivy University in New England, which rivaled MIT in terms technological prestige, and Sam decided on Vandermeer University in Pittsburg, which had a reputation for being a very liberal, anti-authority campus. Although their trio would be spread out, Danny found comfort in the fact that they’d all moved from the Midwest to the Northeast.
With promises to stay in touch a visit. Danny got set up in GCU’s dorms, ready to move into the next chapter of his life.
Danny Fenton was 20 when Tim Drake (age 19 but nearing 20) officially became one of his best friends.
They had been introduced to each other by their mutual friend Sebastian Ives for a new Warlocks and Warriors campaign. Their friendship extended beyond WnW when they ended up on the same Applied Physics and Mechanics class. It was cemented when they got pair up for a project in class and had to spend lots of time around each other.
Danny didn’t mind that Tim tended to be a bit flaky and Tim didn’t mind that Danny was possibly not 100% human. They didn’t ask each other too many questions about that stuff. They knew the other had something odd about him and that was fine with them. It was nice to have a causal friend they could be normal with, without being questioned about their more peculiar behaviors.
They officially became best friends when the built a Rube Goldberg machine with a working trebuchet within an hour of the three they had to complete it for their Applied Phys-Mech final. Danny introduced Tim to Sam, Tucker and Jazz. Tim introduced him to Steph, Tam, and Cass. They texted and hung out fairly often. They truly did consider each other one their best friends.
Danny Fenton is 22 when he meets Tim’s family.
Tim’s 21st birthday is coming up and he has plans with his family the day of and is going out with his friends, including a couple from out of town, that night. They want to take him out for his first drink and it’s fortunate timing since it’s the weekend so nobody has to worry about classes. Everyone who was going was already informed that Tim would be spending most of the day with his family before Steph and Cass would bring to the club everyone was meeting up at. Which is why it’s purely a coincidence when he runs into them at BatBurger during the lunch rush.
Danny had just picked up the part-time job to earn a little extra cash to pay for his hobbies. Tim new about it but didn’t know the exact location he worked. That’s why they were both presently surprised when they heard each others voices in the drive through. When they pulled up to window Danny saw his friend leaning over a tired looking black-haired man, trying to stick his head out of the drivers window to give Danny a maniacal grin.
He quickly introduced the other passengers of the car as his dad, Bruce, and three of his brothers Dick, Jason, and Duke. He mentioned he had a fourth brother, Damian, who was still at home. Danny couldn’t really see everyone all that well on account of they were inside a car but he happily greeted them as well. They laughed and Danny wished Tim a happy birthday saying he’d see him at his celebration later tonight before handing them their food. He could the rowdy boys ribbing their brother as the car drove away and Danny resumed his work.
That incident seemed to have opened a gate because now Tim felt more comfortable inviting him over when his brothers were still around the house. He occasionally talked about his family more and Danny returned the favor letting snippets of his own family spill a little more. Occasionally, he’d see Tim’s family outside of his interactions with Tim.
He’d run into Damian, and sometimes Bruce or Dick was with him, at the museum or in the park while the younger had been walking his dog and stopped to say hi a couple of times. He chatted with Dick a couple of times when they were both in line to get coffee at a cafe. He saw Duke on a college tour once and waved at him.
The family member he probably saw the most other that Tim (and by extension Cass) was actually Jason. He’d ended up ditching BatBurger to get some more practical experience at an apprenticeship at the auto shop Jason went to to get his motorcycle serviced. The two of them got along pretty well and would often make conversation when Jason was waiting on his bike to be ready or to get his bill.
At first is was small talk about little things like how he and Tim were doing in class or how their days were going but they soon grew to have genuine interests in each other. Jason let Danny talk about space and mechanics and even gave his own thoughts sometimes, once helping Danny realize he was over complicating the circuit board of the device he was building. In return Danny let Jason ramble to him about literature, even taking the initiative to read a book Jason mentioned so he could talk to him about it better. Their conversation tended to be on the briefer side but were always enjoyable to both parties.
Danny actually liked being around Jason a lot but didn’t really bring that fact up a lot around Tim as it didn’t seem necessary. Tim was pretty glad that Danny got along with his family but he preferred to keep them in separate places in his mind. Danny knew and respected that, only really mentioning that he’d seen them recently and that they’d told him to say hi on their behalf (or die in Damian’s case occasionally).
Tim Drake was 22 when he came to a horrific realization.
Well, perhaps horrific was a bit of an exaggeration. Tim wasn’t necessarily horrified by the revelation. In all honesty he didn’t know how to feel. He felt an odd mixture of protectiveness, possessiveness, confusion, and optimism(?).
You see, Tim and Danny had been hanging out in the campus center, studying and goofing off when he got a text from Jason saying he was coming to pick him up for family dinner at the manor since he was closest and Dick was busy picking up Duke and Damian from their after school clubs.
“What’s up?” Danny asked him curiously.
Tim set his phone on the table and started putting his stuff away. “My brother is coming to pick me up for family dinner so I gotta head out soon.”
“Ah well I should probably get going too. Tell Dick I said hi.”
“Actually, it’s Jason. Dick is picking up Duke and Damian,” he said shoving his textbook into his bag.
“Oh? That’s nice of him. Hey do you wanna just head out together?” Danny asked, fidgeting with his hoodie strings.
Tim noticed a slight strain in Danny’s voice at the mention of Jason but didn’t comment. He just nodded his head sure and walked outside with Danny. They got out to the street when Tim realized he’d left his phone in the library. He faced palmed and asked Danny if he could hold his stuff so it wouldn’t slow him down as he ran back to the campus center to get his phone. Danny agreed to and hold his stuff and wait for Jason while Tim went back.
After getting his phone Tim started heading back to where he left Danny when he saw that Jason had arrived that Jason had arrived and was talking to Danny. He was about to call out to them when he noticed several things in quick succession. Danny was fidgeting with his hoodie, something he tended to do when nervous. The tips of Danny’s ears were a light shade of pink (it isn’t cold out yet?). Danny looked deeply absorbed in his conversation with Jason in a way that reminded Tim of how he talked about space. And Jason seemed just as absorbed in the conversation as well.
The gears in Tim’s head went into overdrive and he realized ‘Ah- Danny has a crush on Jason’. His eyes widened as his head whipped around to examine Jason again. He saw a look of genuine fondness in his eyes. Thus Tim was confronted with the aforementioned horrific realization and complicated feelings. Tim didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or both.
‘My dumbass best friend has a crush on my brother. And worse(?), my idiot brother returns those feelings.’
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phoenixcatch7 · 9 months
Dp x dc twin au where Danny and Damian were in fact conjoined/siamese twins, but the most dangerous type - one head, two bodies.
Their early removal from talia being because their shape would not have allowed for natural birth, they were written off but talia begged for the chance to send them off in the lazarus pit.
By some bizarre miracle, before she turned to leave, two small bodies bobbed to the surface - identical in every way, except for the eyes. The previous blue eyes now split in two, one left, one right, and the new eyes, pit created, a bright green.
She took her child, her two children, and together, they survived.
Being removed prematurely, their early years were tough, but soon they blossomed into promising heirs for the league. In sync with every step, the closest of brothers, the league was certain the old fairy tale of twins being telepathic had been granted by the pit that separated them, the remnants of being born as one mind, one brain, one skull.
But then Danny had to flee, and leave his other half behind. Stretched by distance for the first time, the bond grew thin and stretched, and Damian grieved his brother as dead. When he started being sent on public missions, he hid his distinctive heterochromia, choosing the green in memory of the pit that had given him and his brother life.
Danny, hiding his pit aura in the ocean's worth that was Amity park, took to blue, the colour that he and Damian were born with.
Damian moves to Gotham, and continues to mourn his brother as dead, right until one day when he is twelve, when he learns what the death of your other half truly feels like.
Their reunion is a thing of family legend. Violence runs hot in both bloodlines, ghosts are highly emotional and prone to fighting a the drop of a hat for bonding, playing, testing, every reason under the green sun. Their training and play often consisted of friendly spars, competitive spars, furious spars, venting spars. Both have been exposed to unhealthy amounts of ecto since before their birth.
There is a long, long minute of staring, before they rip themselves away and lunge at each other like wolves.
The bat family are horrified by their brutally efficient youngest suddenly barreling towards a clone (?) and trying to claw his throat open with his bare hands while openly sobbing.
It ends with them wrapped around each other crying into the others shoulder as their minds finally meet again and relax from the painful stretch for the first time in years.
But nobody else has any idea what to do.
#Idk I just really like slightly codependent twins#Talia and ras had to put so much work in to prevent them from developing separation anxiety like dogs from the same litter#Also I like Damian thinking Danny is dead until he very abruptly finds out he is now via soul mate agony. Someone did a fic with that idea#It was really good. Let's dial it up to eleven#Danny and Damian having different eye colour and it being the fault of Damian's extra exposure to the pit is awesome too#But I wanted to see if there was a way they could both have the same eyes. Well. Close enough.#Same eyes + twin telepathy + the birth complications people like to give Danny = siamese twins#Also the portal accident happens two years early so there's that#I can't decide whether I want the first meeting to be alive Danny or dead Phantom#Or whether it be a summoning or something#I just need Damian and Danny to lay eyes on each other and immediately go feral#They still don't want to share a room though#dc x dp#dp x dc#dpxdc#dcxdp#danny and damian are twins#twins#twin au#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc prompt#dc x dp prompt#dc x dp crossover#It's not like telepathy it's more if one twin has seen it so has the other#It's not conscious on their part. They don't choose to share things usually. It's been that way since they were born.#That's what they think twins are for the longest time until talia realises and explains#Ras genuinely thinks Danny died because of how devastated Damian was and how he stopped knowing things he shouldn't#1k
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Full Baby Back Guarantee Not Included (dp x dc)
“Look, lady. It was a joke, ok? I don’t actually want your newborn baby,” Danny said as he held up his hands trying to back away from the woman with a bundle of blankets in her arms.
“We made a deal, you can’t back out now,”  The woman said as she narrowed her eyes at him. “Your kind can’t break their words.”
“My kind?” Danny exclaimed incredulously, because what the hell was she on. “Lady, you are delusional.”
Then his eyes caught on the awkward way the woman was holding onto the bundle and he frowned.
“Wait a second.” The halfa’s eyes went big. “Is that even your kid?!” his voice turning into a shriek at the end. “Did you kidnap some random child?”
“It’s my sister’s,” the woman cut him off coldly. ��She and the father are both dead.” That was pretty awful, Danny thought as he winced. But then she turned to look blankly at him.
“Nobody will look for her.”
Dear skies above, he was supposed to be the ghost here, why was he the one getting chills.
“Holy fuck,” the halfa let out softly. 
He had to get that baby away from that psychopath.
“What is it you want again?” Danny asked faintly.
“Make me the new chief operating officer,” the woman answered.
“What?” The halfa choked out.
“They’re giving the position to Shwartz this monday. You need to make sure that doesn’t happen,” she continued evenly as if she wasn’t currently selling a baby in exchange for a fucking promotion.
“Yeah sure, deal,” Danny answered, eager to get away from her as soon as possible. 
“Give me your word,” she insisted.
“I give my word, I swear,” the halfa said. “Gimme the kid and you’ll get your job.”
The woman looked at him for a second before seemingly being satisfied. 
She extended the bundle of blankets towards him and handed him the swaddle baby. As soon as the kid was in his arms, Danny zipped away, fully intent on never seeing the woman again. He sure as hell was not getting her that promotion. Not that he would’ve been able to, what the hell, lady? At least research better before making a deal for your sister's baby!
Though in retrospect, it was a good thing she hadn't.
As Danny flew over a few buildings, he thanked the ancients the woman hadn’t had any ghost restraining tech, and only the summoning ritual. Which was a thing he had not been aware existed but he he would have to circle back to that because, right now, he had a whole ass baby nestled in his arms.
What the hell was his life.
Danny slowed down the flight once he felt he had put enough distance between them and the psycho and landed on a nice patch of green next to a road. He looked around and took notice that they’d gotten out of whatever that city had been, or at least the more populated part. He gave a quick look for people or cameras around before de-transforming. If he was spotted with a baby in his arms, his human look would help his chance of not getting shot.
The halfa started walking away from the road and towards the green vegetation. Still walking, he took a deep breath before looking down at the baby.
“You ok, kid?” Danny asked softly as their small (so so tiny!) face twitched in their sleep. “Oh you’re sleepy, huh?” he murmured gently. “Sleep tight sweetheart, I’ve got you.”
Then he secured the blankets around the baby again, making sure none of the wind was reaching her. It was probably a her? The blankets were pink but he couldn’t know for sure since the psycho had only called her an it. Danny felt his lips curl. And as the night replayed in his mind, he felt the weight of the situation settle down on him.
Ancients what was he going to do?
He couldn’t pull up in Amity with a baby in his arms and no explanation of how he got her. He’d be arrested for kidnapping, which was technically absolutely what he was doing. But then again he couldn't just give that baby back to her aunt.
“What are you doing here?” came a voice from ahead of him.
Danny startled out of his thoughts to find himself facing an older man in a suit with a severe look on his face. The halfa instinctively brought the baby closer to his chest and the movement drew the older man’s eyes towards it.
Danny could see the realization of what it was he was holding settle and the man's face softened. He sighed deeply as his gaze went back up to meet the halfa’s.
“Despite what the media fancy printing, Wayne manor is not actually an orphanage.”
Danny had no idea what he was talking about so he just stayed silent and did his best not to look like someone who kidnapped babies.
The older man took the silence in stride. “If you need some help, there are programs to help young people in your situation,” he continued delicately.
Danny frowned as he tried to figure out what the guy meant by that before his eyes grew wide. “I’m not her dad!” He cried.
“I see,” the man said evenly as he looked back down at the bundle. Danny held her closer in response. “I see,” the guy repeated with a slight change in his voice.
The two held each other’s gaze for a moment before the older man sighed again. 
“Shall we continue this inside? It is getting windy and we wouldn’t want the little one to suffer, would we?” The man offered in a soothing tone.
Danny hesitated but one look at the kid’s face that had grown pink from the cold decided him.
“Ok,” Danny said. “Lead the way.”
And with that the three of them started  across the grassy lawn.
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spacedace · 10 months
dc x dp prompt thing:
Elle popped a handful of skittles in her mouth as she watched the shit show that Billy had just walked into. Everyone was yelling - at him - about Elle and about him knowing she was just a child and shouting about how could you lie about something like this? and on and on. All he had heard was that she’d been attacked and was in the Watchtower. When he’d seen she was a bit bruised and battered but no where near as bad as he’d been afraid of, he had been so relieved he hadn’t even stopped to think about the fact that she was in human form.
“Dude, there’s literally never going to be a funnier time to tell them.” She advised, grinning as she poured more skittles into her hand. “It’s not like it can get any worse.”
And well.
She wasn’t wrong.
With Justice League members shouting around him and gods shouting from within him, the calm, delighted amusement of his friend was the only touch stone Billy had.
A shout of Shazam and flash of lightning later and the yelling cut off all at once.
“Oh god, there’s two of them.”
“Where are you’re parents?” Superman asked with the bone deep horror of a father looking at two unsupervised teenagers caught doing something extremely dangerous.
Elle blinked at him. Shared a look with Billy. Shrugged.
“I never had any.”
“I did, but they’ve been dead for awhile now.”
Green Lantern pinched the bridge of his nose. Flash looked like he was sucking on a lemon. Superman turned and for some reason gave Batman a warning look.
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rboooks · 1 year
If you take requests can you do a dc x dp with dead tired ship?
I love requests~! I really hope I got dead tired, ship, right. I need to find out the ship names. It's Tim/Danny, right? If not, let me know, and I'll fix you another one.
Tim really wasn't looking forward to meeting the new heir to Vladco. Usually, his parents didn't want anything to do with new money, as they thought that new money was too close to no money, but Vlad Masters was different.
The difference? He bought out almost all of Drake Industries' shares, and now Tim honestly thinks he owns more of the family company than his parents. Jack and Janet hoped to make good connections with the man and slowly but surely trick him into selling the shares back to the Drakes.
Tim thought if he was smart enough to get the people that bought shares of his family company generations ago, not just once but at least eight times, then Vlad Masters wouldn't be as easy to trick as they thought.
Then again, his parents aren't the best businessmen around. If they were, they wouldn't be flying through the family wealth, leading them to bankruptcy.
Tim would know.
One day, he looked at their books when he was bored a few months after discovering Batman's identity. He tried to tell his mom about it, but she told him that he didn't understand the business well enough to tell.
So he signed himself into college-level business courses online to learn it. She didn't appreciate his initiative.
"Remember, Tim, Daniel Masters is who you must befriend," Janet says for the third time as they climb out of their car. " Friendships are the ladders to climbing up in the world."
"Yes, Mom." He tries to smile at her, but all Tim wants to do is go back to the roofs of Gotham and watch the Bats.
Jason is supposed to start his solo patrols tonight, which is a big deal, and he's missing it. His parents weren't supposed to be back for another month. However, their latest job was canceled due to locals complaining.
His dad grumbled about people getting in the way of history, but Tim thinks it has more to do with his parents wanting to dig up an old cemetery......apparently the locals like their grandparent's resting place to be left alone.
Tim also thinks it's not lovely to dig there just because the locals are poor, so he may have hacked into the country's files and flooded the internet with the disrespectful attempt that his parents were trying to make. It received the right amount of backlash to stop the whole operation.
He then sent the community an anonymous donation so they could fix it up, get the gravestones washed, and the stories of the buried people turned into a book. It's the least he could do.
Tim's parents didn't realize the loss of funds only because he carefully hid his tracks with shell companies.
They are greeted at the door by Vlad Masters. He gives his father a handshake, compliments his mother's dress, and even offers Tim a gentle hello. Masters is known for being a bit of a humble hermit, soft-spoken but with sharp, intelligent eyes.
Everything he expects new money to be, down to his mannerism and even the way he stands. Tim would have been able to clock him miles away without even knowing his name.
"This is my son, Daniel," Masters says, patting the head of a frowning boy Tim's age. He stands just a bit away from Masters as if he does not want to be near him. Tim notes the way he shies away from Master's hand.
"It's Danny." The boy hisses. Mom's face tightens at his manners. She never liked children being heard instead of seen. Danny takes a small breath before smiling at the Drakes with a friendlier composure.
The hostility was only toward his father?
"Please call me Danny. It's my real name, not a nickname," He says, offering his hand for a shake. Tim fights a wince. As the son of a wealthy family and not the head, Danny is not supposed to initiate a greeting with Tim's dad.
He just told the Drakes he needs to be aware of high society rules, making him easy pickings. His parents jump onto that weakness like a lion on a trap gazelle.
"Daniel. It's lovely to meet you. " Mom's articulation is just a shade away from being mocking. Danny's smile falls off his face closing down into a near-emotionless mask. "How old are you, deary?"
"I'm old enough to still hear correctly, unlike you. That's not my name. It's Danny." He says much to mom's surprise. Tim guesses she's not used to people challenging her so directly. He learned that, too, while he was running Gotham.
The elites always made passive-aggressive backhanded comments to insult each other. The poor told you to fuck off to your face.
"You do not speak that way to my wife, Daniel-" His Dad starts, but Danny holds up his hand.
"You either call me Danny or don't talk to me." He says. "I don't need to waste my breath repeating myself."
Wow. Tim thinks, watching the red growing on Dad's face. He's cool.
"Are you going to let him talk to me like that?" Dad demands, turning to an amuse-looking Masters. The other man raises a brow, his gentle smile still on his face, but somehow it looks more....dismissive now. As if he was looking at a child demanding the impossible.
"Why ever do you mean?" Masters asks, "Your tone implies you were insulted, but that would mean you are upset with a child asking to be spoken to with respect. Surely, a man of your standing knows children deserve respect?"
"They need to respect their elders." Mom cuts in her voice like ice.
"He is my son, so I am his elder. Not you." Master counters, "But not to worry, I will remedy this issue. Danny will no longer be speaking to you disrespectfully, as I will not allow him to be near you."
His parents had a few seconds of looking smug until Masters waved his hand back towards the driveway. "Have a lovely night, Mr. and Mrs. Drake."
"Excuse me?" Mom cries, and Tim can't believe his eyes. The rest of the wealthy guests have caught on to the issue and have gathered near the windows and doorway to watch.
"That's Fruitloop for You can leave now." Danny chirps starting to look more like his father by the amusement on his face. "Except for him. He's cool."
He points to Tim, who flushes at the attention. He had been staring at Danny, taking in every detail of his expression and body language, fascinated by the fact he did not once seem intimidated. He didn't even look bored.
He seemed comfortable in his slightly slouched posture and confident in his skin and abilities. But his earlier behavior implied that just as he is confident in himself, he also doesn't think very highly of himself.
Tim's never seen anyone like that. It's strange. New. Exciting.
Heck, it was exhilarating.
Tim wanted to break Danny Masters' head open and figure everything about him out. It felt like a new case just begging him to uncover.
"I am?" He asks in a slight daze, and the other boy offers him a dazzling smile.
"Yeah, you respect the dead. The spirits adore you."
"Oh, this is the young boy who protected that cemetery in Guatemala?" Masters asks with genuine warmth this time. "A fine job, Timithoy."
"It's Tim." He hears himself say, and Masters nods.
"A fine job Tim."
Danny offers him a wink, and Tim thinks his stomach just fell out of his body. What is this-?
"Timothy, we are leaving!" His mother screeches, tugging on his arm and yanking him away. The rest of the guests laugh as the Drakes are driven away. Tim knows he will never be allowed near Danny after this, so he turns his head around to give the boy one last look.
He meets the glowing green eyes of the Masters, who wave their fingers at him.
Tim starts following Danny around after that.
(Danny and Vlad know he's there and think it's cute. That's how ghost courts, so they don't see it as a problem. What is problem is getting along long enough for them to figure out a way back to their home dimension. Danny allowed Vlad to overshadow people just so they could have the means to eat, but he's getting really sick of Gotham. At least the soft clicking sound of a camera lures him to sleep at night.
Tim approaches Robin before his hero can go to Ethiopia. He doesn't understand what he is experiencing as his first crush and concludes that the Masters are aliens planning on luring small children by making them fall under a spell through their glowing eyes. Jason takes this very seriously and agrees to wait on his mission overseas. He realizes early on what's actually happening but, by that point, thinks Tim is hilarious and just edges him on.
He, too, thinks the Masters are aliens, but he's not about to tell Bruce.)
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letoasai · 9 months
dp x dc Chronos Part 4
Part 1 - Previous - Master List
Danny woke up confused, stiff, aching. He didn’t know where he was, but he got the distinct feeling of déjà vu. Honestly, he was used to waking up dead tired. Heh, dead tired. For the last year or two it had even been his normal. 
The bone deep pain however was something he only had every now and then. He had gotten hurt often while trying to protect Amity Park but being seriously injured seemed to be left for special occasions. 
Memories came back sluggishly, and he didn’t exactly delight in them. His father breaking his ribs like he was a twig... Relishing in the pain he supposedly didn't feel...
His mother trying to pin him down like a butterfly on a board was an image he’d like to have erased from his mind forever.  Her weapon trained him him was almost underwhelming. When did he become used to it?
Unfortunately, he needed those horror driven moments. His parents' reaction to him had never been a sure thing before. Only speculation at best. He’d hoped their love for him would override their hatred of ghosts. It was what kept him under their roof. That hope that they’d still love him. 
He’d grown up with borderline mad scientists for parents and he’d always put that notion aside. It was its own box in his head. The Fentons and their questionable science. They’d been mom and dad first. Always, mom and dad first. He’d hoped to be Danny first to them. 
He wasn’t. Now he knew though, and he could free himself from that house and their neglect and dangerous excentrics. When things were safe he’d contact his sister, but he didn’t have parents anymore. Not living, human ones. 
He did have Clockwork though. Clockwork who had been at the right place at the right ‘time’ to save him one more time. He had Frostbite too, who would fret over Danny’s injuries while in the same room, and rage later, away from Danny’s senses. 
There was something overwhelmingly kind about that. Frostbite put Danny first and didn’t make him feel badly about his attachments. He worried more while Danny needed him. His anger could wait for later. 
His human parents hadn’t been much, but at least he had ghost guardians. 
It took a moment, but alarm slowly settled in when he didn’t know where he was. He couldn’t move well, a blanket tucked in tight around him. It was the slowly quickening BEEP BEEP BEEP that spiked his adrenaline but when his eyes cracked open, he wasn’t met with a white ceiling and a very obvious ghost shield. 
The room looked more like a barely used guest ro-.... That déjà vu again. 
Danny looked around, the door had been left cracked open, on his other side… Oh… The curtains were open. Even in his human form, his obsession could easily take root. Space. Was the bed closer to the window than it had been before? Did it matter? He had such a good view. Looking out into the vastness of space could hardly be considered comparable to looking up at it from Earth. It was beautiful and distracting… 
Danny reached up on reflex alone and grabbed the oxygen mask someone had put on him at some point. With a flicker of power he turned it intangible and pulled it off of his face before dropping it on the floor. 
He…ached. It was a literal, bone deep kind of ache and it occurred to him all at once that it was just because he was an idiot. He’d just… transformed. Just like that. Like that was a good idea. Like he wanted to impress Wonder Woman and instead came off as immature doofus with a death wish. 
Death wish… Funny… 
Danny inhaled slowly, feeling the air fill his lungs that were tender around bruised ribs. Bruised but maybe not broken anymore. Healing left him exhausted but the open curtains and the expanse of space before him would help with that. 
“Highness. Danny. You’re awake.” Diana was pushing the door open, looking fairly relieved. He wondered if he’d have even been able to tell if she didn’t have the same stress markers that Jazz had. The small tics and twitches of a woman who was normally so poised and put together. Someone unflappable who in some cases had really seen it all. 
There was the squint to her eyes, the way her shoulders lowered when she walked in and saw him awake. The octave of her voice betraying how tightly wound with worry she’d been. 
Maybe it wouldn’t be so weird to introduce Diana to Jazz some day. He’d probably regret it instantly. They’d likely get along a little too well. 
Wonder Woman came in, dragging the seat closer again and the bed was definitely closer to the window than it had been before. 
“You gave us quite the scare. How are you feeling?” 
“Like i got hit by the GAV.” Danny muttered, inhaling carefully again. “I’m…sorry. That was stupid. I knew better.” 
“I’m quite certain you did, but the concussion you’ve recently sustained probably did not help that.” Diana said, and he was weirdly having a hard time deciphering if she was just politely giving him an out for acting like an idiot or if she really thought a concussion would alter his decision making. 
“I have a concussion?” he asked slowly. 
“You do. Among a myriad of other injuries all in various states of healing.” She gave him a firm nod. “I apologize for bringing medical personnel in here without your permission but you were losing quite a bit of blood and we had very little knowledge to work with. Chronos did say one of your forms healed faster than the other. I understand that better now.” 
Danny winced. “Sorry about that.” He did have a headache but he attributed that to passing out from pain. That and the fact that it was easier in his living form to focus on Diana and not just the space beyond the window. “As long as there’s no experiments or intentions of ripping me apart molecule by molecule, then it’s okay.” 
Judging by the way Diana’s expression darkened, that wasn’t the thing to say. “Is that something you’ve had to worry about in the past? Chronos did say you were removed from your home. Is there anything more you can tell me?” 
“Eh…” Danny made a face. He wanted to sit up properly in bed but he knew that was going to set off a chain reaction of pain and he wasn’t interested in that yet. “Clockwork really didn’t say anything? Figures.” 
“There was one thing he said.” Diana said, after a short pause between them. “He said that you would ask for help if you wanted to.” 
Danny snorted. “Brillant, CW, thanks.” He reached up and rubbed his face tiredly, he could still just barely feel the marks on his cheeks from the mask. “Yeah, it’s a worry. It’s a worry for everyone like me. I’m not a person after all. The US Government says so.” 
“Excuse me?” 
Danny blinked slowly and hopefully hid the way his body tensed. He wasn’t a fool, he knew that tone. Sam had that tone. Val definitely had that tone. It promised hell for someone. “Uh, yeah? The Anti-Ecto Acts? The Ghost Investigation Ward? Did we cross wires somewhere?” Danny paused. “I don’t remember. Did we talk about the fact that i’m dead? You know, Ghost King?” 
Diana’s lips tightened unhappily, and she was sitting more rigidly then he remembered during her last visit. “Yes, Chronos called you the Ghost King. I recall you as well mentioning ghost guardians. It was also impossible to miss your lack of pulse when you arrived, and your sudden pulse returning when you switched forms. Is this normal for ghosts?” 
Danny appreciated the way she kept her voice calm and curious despite the bits of anger he could taste in the air. She wasn’t trying to make this an interrogation but the need to know details would eat at anyone. 
“No. There’s only two others like me. To my knowledge.” he amended. “I’m something else. Half dead and half alive. It’s… yeah, that’s probably why i’m here. I can be in the Infinine Realm no problem, but my living human half needs, you know, a living realm from time to time.” 
He plucked at the blanket around him, not sure where this own nervous energy was coming from. “I’m meant to be a balance. Something like that anyway. I can’t go home so Clockwork…was trying to be helpful by finding me a new one.” 
“Which you have.” Diana said gently, hesitating for only a moment before laying her hand on top of his. “You still have your home with me. That has not changed. If you are in danger however, you are in the right place.” 
“Am i?” Danny asked, trying to make his expression as blank as possible. “You’re the Justice League. You follows laws and…stuff. The law says i don’t feel pain. Says i’m not a sentient being. Says it’s completely legal for me and others from the Infinite Realm to be hunted. That we are free game to be caught, tortured, experimented on and exterminated. Legally, you should be turning me in.” 
“Hah?” It wasn’t a happy sound. “I understand a few of your fears, but Justice will come first. You are talking about the genocide of an entire species. An entire realm.” 
“They did try to nuke us once…” 
Diana’s free hand tightened into a fist. “The Anti-Ecto Acts, yes? We will be looking into them. I’ve little doubt that it is already on the immediate docket. You are obviously an intelligent being. I have witnessed myself the pain you are in. Not only are you a king, and a child, you are my family. I would never turn you in.” 
Danny averted his gaze and looked at the wall, hoping it hid the way his bottom lip trembled. His own mother was happily planning to hand him over. She believed her own biased research. 
He’d known Diana less than a day. Less than a couple hours? “I…” His voice was clogged. 
“You focus on healing.” Diana whispered, squeezing his hand. “Resting. Let me have a turn with this mess.” 
He hiccuped, but he didn’t dissolve into tears. That meant he was holding himself together right? “Y..yeah. Sure.” 
“Are you in pain now?” She asked. “We weren’t sure of your exact biology for all you appear perfectly human. Only mild pain killers were given to you while you were out. Small doses in case there was an adverse reaction.” 
“I dunno.” Danny said quietly. He tried twice to clear his throat. “Maybe. Yeah. I’m so used to it, i don’t know anymore.” He laid there for a moment, too afraid to even move and find out what would tug and pull. “I am, you know, perfectly alive right now so i think i would like a little more pain killers. It was never an option before.”
“I’ll call for a nurse.” Diana said with a nod, hitting a button on the side of his bed that he hadn’t noticed before. 
Danny heaved a sigh, overwhelmed with the direction his day had taken. “Probably better that way. Frostbite says i can’t just hide in my ghost form and expect my human form to heal naturally. He says that should be for emergencies.” The problem with that train of thinking was that it was always an emergency. He couldn’t have just bled all over his bedroom in Amity Park. His parents were oblivious unless it would be a headache for him. He wasn’t going to explain to them that he was bleeding because they’d shot at his ghost form two hours prior. 
“He’s my doctor. He’s chief of the Yetis.” 
There was something…hilarious about Diana just nodding and mentally filing that information away for later. She didn’t raise a brow or question the existence of yeti’s or anything. She just took him at his word. “Then i imagine he knows what he’s talking about. I wasn’t sure since you were brought to us in your white haired form.”
“Probably because i was brought from the Infinite Realm. I’m obviously liminal and that changes a few things but Frostbite still doesn’t like me to depend on that alone. He treats me like i’m normal.” 
Diana smiled weakly, but the upturn of her lips did express her amusement. “I’m starting to think i will have a new question to ask every time you open your mouth, Highness.” 
“Danny.” He corrected with a small smile of his own. 
“Danny.” Diana agreed. “Your usage of the word liminal?” 
“Oh, uh. Basically death adjacent?” Danny shrugged. “A lot of people in Amity Park are liminal because of their proximity to the portal my parents made. My sister and three of my friends are very liminal. My parents are liminal too though they’ve never noticed. It’s spread through the town.” 
“Portal.” Diana sighed a little. 
Ah, yeah. She was probably right. It was a lot of information when it was only passed on in bits. “Yeah…” Danny muttered. “Maybe you should get a notebook. Write this down…” 
He paused when a nurse came in after knocking. Her smile was friendly but she was clearly there to do a job and not loiter when Wonder Woman was right there. She did greet them both and told Danny how relieved she was that he’d woken up while setting up his IV that would double as both pain control and hydration. 
She didn’t even notice Danny taking the glowing green post-it off her back. He instead just held it in his fist until the nurse finally excused herself. 
It’s a good view. Frostbite will come to you. 
“Cool.” Danny muttered dryly, suddenly exhausted before deciding to eat that note too.
“Yes?” Diana just raised a brow at the action. It was kind of funny how that was the thing that threw her off. She’d been observing the nurse the entire time with a keen eye and had only moved herself to pull out her cell phone.
“Clockwork often communicates via vague ass post-its. I’m taking that one to mean i need to heal as much as i can by my obsession with space before Frostbite shows up to scold me for stupidly hurting myself like that.” Danny heaved a sigh. Frostbite’s disappointed looks could be weaponized. 
“And eating it?” She asked and if Danny wasn’t mistaken, she’d be laughing if she wasn’t so composed.  
“Ectoplasm. The reason the post-it glowed. It’s good for the dead. No sense in wasting it.” Danny offered a one sided shrug, and relaxed back against his pillows. He sagged, rubbing his face tired and glancing out the window. 
He’d love to get some paper and chart out what stars he could see. 
“I guess you have questions? If you really think you can help with the Anti-Ecto Acts and all…” 
Diana had her phone on her lap, ready to take notes. “I think the most pressing question i have…” She leaned a little closer. “How did you sustain your injuries? Who hurt you?” 
Danny frowned, his entire body almost closing in on himself. He should have expected that, but somehow hadn’t. “My parents…”
Tagging started to get difficult but a bunch of people recommended a master list that i'll update. It's linked at the top ^__^
Also i never planned past part 3 so we're in uncharted territory now.
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petite-phthora · 1 year
Da da da... he’s dead
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 6]
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Part 1
In-chat nicknames:
OGnerd = Jason
Miss Harleen Quinzel had been having a relaxing evening on the couch with Bud and Lou when she gets a message on her phone. Seeing it’s from Red Hood, who barely texts… well anyone, she quickly opens it.
All he sent her is an image. There’s no text accompanying it and Red Hood already went offline. Harley looks at the selfie Red Hood sent her.
It doesn’t seem like anything special until she sees the body on the floor next to him in the picture.
She freezes.
A big grin stretches across her face and she starts laughing. Not a giggle or a cackle, just a full-blown belly laughter full of happiness and relief and with tears gathering in her eyes.
From another room, her girlfriend’s voice sounds.
“Harls? Are you alright?”
An announcement had just been made of the Joker having escaped Arkham once again. And just when Tim thought tonight couldn’t have gotten any worse, Jason sent a message in the groupchat.
28 days without the Joker breaking out of Arkham
OGnerd: Due to personal reasons I won’t be patrolling Crime Alley tonight
OGnerd: Don’t follow me.
And, Jason being Jason, immediately turned his phone off after sending the messages.
So of course, Tim immediately went to follow him. After updating the groupchat name…
Fortunately for Tim, and unfortunately for Jason, Jason has not been informed of Tim’s stalker tendencies yet. Jason knows he’s nosy, but is unaware of the actual following people around and spying on them aspect.
It was child’s play for Tim to follow the tracker in Jason’s helmet to see him visit… a flower shop?
Tim’s first thought is that he might be following a lead of some kind seeing as he’s in his Red Hood outfit and all. But that thought evaporates the moment Jason walks out of the flower shop with a bouquet of… are those sweet peas?
Slightly bewildered, Tim continues to stalk follow Jason from a safe distance as he steps onto his motorcycle and leaves the flower shop.
He follows him to an apartment complex, where he sees Jason proceed to knock on someone’s window, flowers in hand, rather than just breaking in.
Tim watches as someone opens the window and after a while gets led outside by Jason and eventually down onto the ground and to the motorcycle.
Perplexed at how gentle Jason seems to be with the random dude, Tim barely remembers to move after them when they leave again on the motorcycle.
Tim could hear the yelled question from outside.
That sentence leaves Tim with so many questions.
Not only has Jason’s friend— date? — interacted with the Joker. But he has also punched him, and all that without even knowing that it was, in fact, the Joker.
Watching as the guy put his head on the table in embarrassment, even making Jason concerned for the guy, Tim can only think that damn, Jason really knows how to pick them, huh.
Tim decides to leave them alone. It seems likely that Jason and his mystery boo had something to do with the Joker still not having made an appearance, but he’ll interrogate Jason about it later. He’d rather not be found out and killed for stalking Jason on his date, thank you very much.
While he’s moving further away from them, his coms crack to life with B’s voice.
“Everyone. Meeting at the clock tower in 10. Don’t be late.”
Tim swallows as he changes course to head to the clock tower.
Now, how to keep everyone off Jason’s back so he doesn’t commit familicide?...
Once everyone minus Jason was at the clock tower, they got the debrief.
The Joker had escaped Arkham two days ago, and no one has heard anything from him since. Not only that, but they didn’t even know he was gone until a day later.
It was an all-hands-on-deck situation, even Dick came from Bludhaven to help out on the search.
After the debrief is done and they’re about to start the search, B suddenly speaks up again.
“Where’s Red Hood?”
His response is silence as no one speaks up, just awkwardly glancing around. Dick almost started whistling but got elbowed in the gut by Damian. Steph, does, start whistling quietly.
B wasn’t deterred, however. With a sigh, he talks into the coms.
“Already on it. I’m currently trying to trace the tracker in his helmet and remotely turn on the cam and audio footage.”
There’s a pause in her speech.
“It looks like there’s some strange interference. The cam footage is being corrupted, and so the is audio.”
B’s expression stays stoic as always.
“The tracker?”
“Glitching. It almost looks like it’s teleporting around the map. It won’t give me one specific location and even disappears entirely every few seconds.”
B lets out a grunt before Babs continues.
“Though it looks like the places the tracker appears are all quite close to each other, so I might be able to interpolate the coordinates of the teleporting tracker and determine a general area for his location.”
“You know,” Tim speaks up foolishly, “in my personal opinion, I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. We should probably just leave him alone for the night“
Tim sweats as he can feel B’s gaze on him as he replies to Oracle. “Keep us updated”
They had split up and searched for two hours so far, stopping some minor crime on the way, but they hadn’t been able to find any clue as to where the Joker might be.
Oracle has managed to find the moment of his escape on the cameras, but after a while the files start to glitch and the rest of them are completely missing. Someone wiped the files.
They decided to regroup at the clock tower to discuss some more strategies.
“Oracle, report on Red Hood’s location.”
“I tried to get the general location of the tracker and I traced it all the way back to a restaurant, but I’m almost certain it just started moving. I’m currently tracing its path to try and extrapolate the new location.”
“Good. Keep us updated.”
Tim tries to speak up when Oracle starts talking again.
“Oracle here. I think the tracker is moving towards… the Gotham Observatory?”
“What the hell is Jason doing at the observatory?” Duke wonders.
Going on a date with a mysterious twink who’s definitely not a native Gothamite and seems to randomly punch clowns?
At first, Tim couldn’t believe Jason going on a date with someone seemingly so oblivious/naïve.
But when he puts it like that… yeah, ‘mysterious twink that punches the Joker without knowing it’ sounds like it would be Jason’s type…
“No real names.” Is B’s response, evoking some eye-rolls.
“Nightwing, go check on Red Hood at the observatory. Observation only, but step in if necessary. Report back”
B probably sent Nightwing cause he’s the least likely to get maimed by a pissed-off Red Hood.
Before Dick is able to take off, Tim nervously speaks up “You know guys, I think we should just leave him be for tonight and focus on finding the Joker”
The silence on the roof and across the coms speaks volumes.
B is the first one to speak up.
“Why are you covering for him?”
“I’m not covering for him!” is Tim’s immediate response.
He is, but if he revealed anything he has found out, Jason would murder him when (not if) he finds out.
B raises an eyebrow at him.
“Ohhh, Timbo’s been keeping secrets~— Ow!” Steph is heard saying, before being elbowed by Cass.
The others stay silent as they watch the exchange.
Damnit, why did Alfred have to teach B that eyebrow raise?
Tim caves.
“Alright, I am covering for him. But I can’t tell you what for. He’ll kill me”
Damian scoffs “Todd probably bribed Drake to keep his mouth shut. Don’t worry, I can make him talk”
Damian tries to step forward, katana raised, but gets held back by the scruff of his Robin costume by Dick.
“Richard, let me go!—”
“Nope, Little D. Let’s not commit fratricide today”
B doesn’t pay them any mind.
“Red Robin, if you have information on Red Hood and the Joker—“
“It has nothing to do with the Joker, I swear!” Tim tries. “Jason is just… having a relaxation day! He’s taking a uh, small break.”
Well, it probably has something to do with the Joker, but Tim has plausible deniability.
“So we shouldn’t bother him today, uh, at all. He really needs this, uh, self-care day. I mean have you seen the amount of grey hairs he’s been getting from the stress lately?”
The sound of Damian’s struggling against Dick’s hold is the only thing he hears.
B is just silently glaring at him.
“He’s on a date!” Tim bursts out.
The only sounds that break the silence are the small ‘oompf’ from Damian as he is dropped by Dick and Dick’s excited squeak of “Little Wing is on a date?!”
Uh oh.
Somewhere far away, in another realm, a manic cackle echoes across an expanse of green.
Taglist (for now, I’ll probably stop if I cant keep up):
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing
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numinous-scribe · 10 months
Dp x Dc prompt
This is an old thought that I had shared with @stealingyourbones awhile back, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately so consider this:
Steph technically didn't fake her death. At least not all the way. She did code on Doc Thompson's table, but in a twist of events the good doc got her hands on vial of green goop with revitalizing properties that, up until this point she's been testing out on small wounds. Desperate to not lose another kid to Bruce's crusade, and with nothing else working, the Doc takes the vial and injects it into Stephanie.
Girl Wonder is revived, with a few ghostly perks in tow.
Now to expand on this: At this point, it would be likely that she isn't aware of the Lazarus Pits; Bruce withholding information? It's more likely than you think, and two can play that game, ergo why she resorts to testing it on her own rather than handing it over and letting him deal with the glowing mystery goop. But then that begs the question of how did the good Doc get her hands on this stuff? Was it a gift from a rather odd ghostly stranger? Was it something she slipped off of a kooky scientist couple after overhearing a discussion about its properties? Maybe it was part of a medical trial run presented to her through DalvCo— Dealer's choice.
And then there's Steph, freshly revived, healing faster than anyone she's ever personally tended to. And she's glowing. Phasing through objects. Parts of her are turning invisible. She's even levitating in her sleep! (Talk about a heart attack walking in on that one.)
Doc Thompson was already going to convince Stephanie to go underground once she was stabilized, as part of her plan to drive a point home to Bruce, but now it's become a must with all of these new, supernatural powers coming to the forefront. And for once, Stephanie doesn't put up an argument. As much as she wants to stick around and get back into the swing of things, those few minutes where she was actually dead have put a new perspective on life for her. And now she's got powers coming in? Yeah, she needs to get that shit figured out before jumping back into the scene.
Steph's not familiar with a lot of her extended family, has barely ever stepped foot out of Gotham over the course of her life. But she sorta remembers her cousin, Star, from this middle of nowhere city out in Illinois. It's not much of a plan, but it'll be a place to stay off the radar for awhile and practice getting her new powers under her control.
Now imagine her surprise when she finds she has a lot more in common with some of the residents than she could have ever expected....
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faeriekit · 1 year
Works archived on Faeriekit’s AO3 page:
Tumblr media
Links included! 🖱
DCU/DCU Crossovers:
Blister Pack: Completed.
Danny Phantom x Young Justice(ish) prompt fill from @stealingyourbones​ and @mikami1992​ on tumblr: What if the Kryptonian cloning process required a little more refinement than simply adding human DNA? (Conner-centric.) Archived.
Quiet Respite: No set update schedule.
Teen romance Cass Cain x Peter Parker, loosely inspired by the Dark Matter premise. Batgirl!Cass finds a spider-thief loose in Gotham. Peter is introduced to a friend’s quiet sister. Neither are not all that they seem.
Dig Three Graves in Apartment 31c: Completed
Danny Phantom x Batman prompt fill. Danny, in the role of Willis Todd. Angst/Not a lot of Comfort. Originally posted on tumblr. Archived
Catching Stars and Comets: No set update schedule
Prompt fill, but like...my own prompt. “Reverse Robins AU but instead of making Damien oldest and going down the line so on and so forth, it’s a bunch of assembled weird vigilante-crime men and their accidentally adopted autistic eight year old rich boy, Bruce, who calls himself ‘batkid’ for reasons beyond their mutual understanding of expected kid behavior.” (Batkid!AU) Originally posted on tumblr. Archived.
The Haunting of Drake Manor: No set update schedule.
Batman x Danny Phantom prompt fill. "Tim, as a kid, wishes for a new mom. Desiree didn't know her wishes could turn against HER, of all people. However, Tim's wish had turned her into something resembling a human form and now she felt obligated to take care of the little guy." Angst, Found Family (sorta), and shenanigans. Posting primarily on tumblr.
The Health and Wellbeing of Hybrid Entities: No set update schedule.
Danny Phantom x DCU Crossover. “Adrift in an unknown space, his transportation lost, his body a wreck, and only half-conscious, Danny has to find himself somewhere safe to recover.Now, if only he can convince the locals to leave him alone while he does... [A mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and whatever prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]”
The Foster Mother: Completed
Danny Phantom x DCU Crossover. “Tim wasn't waiting for anyone to call on him at Wayne Manor. His parents were dead. The investors already knew he had nothing to offer them. The gawkers and gossips had already wrung every sordid detail about his parent's deaths out of him; but there was someone waiting for him in the sitting room downstairs. Someone had already come all this way, just to ask for Timothy Drake. Tim wasn't all that excited to find out who the caller would be. (Or: Jazz Fenton packs a bag, and goes to find a child she used to know.)“
Dead Man Walking: Completed.
Danny Phantom x Batman crossover. Talons!AU. “None of this was Danny's problem— and he's determined to keep it that way, no matter what the cops, the weird dude in full-on themed body armor, or the secret society of rich people hiding in the sewers of Gotham had to say. If he wasn't getting paid for over time and he wasn't not on the clock, then what was he supposed to do about it?? Or: Talons, Talons, everywhere, and nary a living Mortician around to clean them up.” Archived.
Patchwork Memories: Completed.
Danny Phantom x Batman prompt fill. (I'm paraphrasing the original post here) A younger Danny is a clone of Jason Todd, and is deeply interested in finding family that has yet to reject or experiment on him, and tries to Bond. Dick is mourning a brother he never spent time getting to know, and doesn't need the constant reminder. Originally posted to tumblr. Archived.
The Firstborn Son: Completed
Danny Phantom x Batman. “Danny Phantom, a somewhat established ruler of the Ghost Zone, has unwittingly acquired a baby. And. Well. He can't exactly keep it in Pariah's Keep. It would be convenient to have the baby's other parent take care of it...assuming that the man is entirely innocent of the plan to sell their offspring for immortality. There has to be a way to prove that the man is safer than the home the baby comes from. But the man has his own ward. Hm. Danny can exploit this. What's an assessment without a little test?”
Lazy Sunday: Completed
Danny Phantom x Batman. “Jason Todd does not have a boyfriend. He has a dom, because vulnerability is for chumps and Jason's playing it to win. It doesn't matter that Foley likes picking soft clothes for him, or eating breakfast together, or sharing chores— look, he's only here to get hypnotized straight out of his trauma-induced cycle of self-punishment, okay?? The blow jobs are just necessary to hit that end goal! That's all!” E rated Tucker/Jason Domestic Hypnokink smut. Archived.
Anger Management: Completed
Danny Phantom x Batman. “Jazzmine Fenton is her parents' daughter. She is going to rehabilitate this lingering specter and make him safe to human society, even if it kills him. (Again.) Jason is, like any red-blooded American man facing down a gorgeous redhead, entirely into that. He never wants another therapist in his afterlife ever again.” Somehow both Dead Dove/E Rated and also a family reconciliation fic. Originally posted to tumblr for Halloween. Archived. Check the warnings before reading.
DPxDC tumblr fills: No continuation
Shared Custody (Tucker/Sam/Danny ghost pregnancy. Weirder than it sounds, actually)
Auto-Parentification (and other half-assed wish fulfillment scenarios) [Villain!Tim/Danny tangle with time, Robin!Tim, and appropriate childhood milestones]
A Bed, a Breakfast, and a Pending Paternity Test  (Jazz&Danny are half alien, and Dick gets a clone scare)
Danny Phantom:
Monster in the Closet: No set collaboration schedule.
Danny finds Dani alone and injured...in perhaps the most conspicuous setting possible. Reasonably, he loses his shit. The school staff struggles to provide what care they can to an increasingly hostile, increasingly inhuman teenage student.
A Visitation: Completed (?)
Gray Ghost, Demon!AU. Valerie grapples with hiding her demon hunting from her boyfriend...but her dual-natured boyfriend always knows where she’s gone. Explicit. Check the warnings before reading.
Faer’s 2024 Phic Phight Fills (Danny Phantom One Shots) can be found here.
Percy Jackson:
Trade of Trickery: MIA
Sometimes change is wrought by divine intervention. Sometimes change is wrought by Sally Jackson, winner of Mom Of The Year for over a decade, new devotee to Hermes, and apartment complex manager. She is singlehandedly going to right the world for the sake of her son, or die trying.
Perseus Jackson, God of the Shrimps: Completed.
Simultaneously a crack!fic, a discord meme, a Creole!Percy fic, and a Texan!Annabeth fic. Really.
Kids on Pegasi: Completed. Awaiting further beta-testing.
TTRPG adaptation of the Kids on Brooms/Kids on Bikes system by Renegade Games, modified for Percy-Jackson-themed play. Screen-reader accessible version is provided. Links to free materials from both systems provided. Not a fic.
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yetanothergreyjedi · 1 year
Ghosts of Our Past: pt 11
DP x DC crossover
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne sibling AU
Masterpost Prev Next
It's Wednesday my dudes, here you go
Constantine: Ya better not be asking because the pajama party managed to both find one and piss it off.
Batman: That is not the situation.
Constantine: Can you leave it alone? If yes: do that!
Batman: I am simply asking for information.
"Coffee buddy!" Danny called as Tim (or did he prefer Drake? He'd heard him called both so maybe it was just whatever?) walked into the cave shortly after Alfred. Who was liminal but in a weird way... Danny was guessing he was just your standard immortal. Anyway! Tim looked like he hadn’t slept in the time between now and when Danny had last seen him.
"Coffee buddy!" Tim shouted, as dramatically as he did, then in more of a whisper, "You have to help me! Alfred has cut me off!"
Danny glanced at Alfred, who had definitely heard him. Nope! Not worth the risk! "I can guess why. I might be half dead, but at least I don't look it,"
Everyone tensed at the joke, the opposite of what Danny had been going for. Scratch that, everyone but Jason tensed. Jason let out a snort. "They don't think those jokes are funny,"
Danny pouted almost as much as Tim.
Jazz chose boots instead of heels. Armored HAZMAT instead of a blazer. Hair pulled tightly back instead of free and unthreatening. If her roommate was still awake, she'd probably mistake her for an intruder, but she was not, and Jazz was gone before that could change. Gotham was over a days drive away— but only if she insisted on obeying physics.
Danny had waited until later in the night to tell Damian "We should talk." And had Damian stiffened but agreed. Because of the lateness someone suggested that Damian guide his brother back to the hotel. While, again, Damian agreed, the tension did not lift. They moved silently until he couldn’t stand it anymore.
"I'm sorry." Danny "I should've come back for you, I was a coward, probably still am, but—"
"No— you’re not— Stop apologizing! I should be apologizing!"
The air was a swirl of bitter flavors, Danny gave a nervous laugh before starting. "It's fine— I mean, it's really not, but we were little kids and like, super brainwashed. So it's not purely your fault... I mean I don't blame you for it... anymore..."
"Just like that?" Damian's voice was small. Doubt was sour like inedible berries, honey sweet hope did little to balance it.
Danny sighed, "Dami, I've spent the last seven years trying to sort this out in my head. It's not 'just' like anything."
He turned around, his back to Damian as he climbed. "Like this, it freaks me out, and at first I thought you'd been hunting me, but you weren't and intentions matter."
Like all the ghosts who'd been teaching him how to ghost by lightly punting him, or his parents before the ectouranium incident. Damian had waited a moment before following him, putting enough distance between them that Danny didn't feel like his heart was going to leave his chest. Even if Danny wasn't actually that worried about being stabbed, he would be fine, he wouldn't even bleed if he didn't want to. Trauma was dumb like that though, and he appreciated Damian's patience.
His younger brother pulled himself up after him. "But I did. I meant to."
Guilt was another flavor Danny couldn't describe with human terms, but this specific guilt satisfied something entirely in-human inside him, a part that still hadn't let this death go. "And you did. But would you do it again?"
"Then we're cool about that."
"And about you remaining hidden." Damian adds. "I would not have responded the same if you had returned to Nanda Parbat..."
"But you got out," Danny marveled. "I hadn't let myself hope, Dami... I'm so proud of you,"
Damian sniffled, and Danny pulled the younger boy into his arms.
Back in the cave, Bruce moved to the comms control panel, and silently hit mute. They didn't need anyone else listening in on this.
The league communicator buzzed.
Constantine: And you're sure it's a Doorway Spirit, not just a Barrier Spirit?
Batman: He said Doorway.
Constantine: Who said it?! Bats if someone is fucking around with one, ya lead with that!
Cleaning tears out of domino masks wasn't hard, but it did make one feel foolish. Danny seemed way too amused but the fact.
"They're designed to keep outside contaminants out. The usual amount of tears is minimal." Damian pointed out.
"It still seems dumb." Danny finished wiping his on the hem of his shirt. At least they both had hoods, otherwise they'd have to find a more secure location with fuzzy lenses.
"It is certainly an oversight." Damian agreed.
"Makes sense tho?"
"What does?"
"If you're having a crisis in the mask you probably should go home. And if you can't see, then it's gonna be hard to keep working."
"Sometimes we are still needed. It is something to improve."
Danny paused, mask still in hand. He looked Damian in the eye. "Even with all of you? It gets that bad?"
"There are times, it's not— Danny..." Damian took a step back.
"Is everything... oh, it's my eyes again isn't it." Danny flushed, and his eyes returned to blue. "That's just something that happens with me, it's not a sign I'm about to go all murdery or something."
Damian nodded slowly, Danny certainly seemed in control of himself, and earlier with Todd he'd focused on defense. That did not seem like someone under the influence of pit rage.
"I've got it on the list of 'things I need to explain at some point,'"
"You have a list."
"Yeah, I have a list, my life is weird. You should probably have a list too."
"I do not."
"I'm sorry?! Do you think I missed the Bat cave dinosaur?!"
Batman: Constantine. What do you know?
Constantine: for certain? Almost nothing. These guys are rare, and powerful.
"Why is there a magazine butt plate catch?" Jason asked, completely serious. Tim was too sleep deprived to not giggle.
"Replacement." Jason chided, almost sounding fond... Tim must be getting slap happy. Jason held up the offending piece of metal. "Where did this come from?"
"Probably from when Danny took apart the gun,"
Tim was already pulling up the mask footage. They watched the two minute explanation, then, gun bits on the pavement.
"He didn't even look at it..." Tim realized, considering that the part on the table wasn't that easy to remove. He was also 90% sure you needed tools to take a gun apart that completely.
"You know what, that tracks." Jacen said, like he was aware of something Tim was not.
Batman: Do you want to have this conversation in person?
Constantine: *Read 1:46 AM*
"So... Do you play Doomed?"
"Tt, Of course,"
"Oh, so you're good at it." Danny inferred, hopping down onto the fire escape.
Damian followed, noting how the metal had been silent for Danny, but made a soft clank when Damian stepped. The more Danny relaxed the more effort Damian had to put into tracking his movements. "Of course,"
Danny made a mock-offended gasp, "You're just saying of course to be annoying!"
Damian hadn't been, he had been distracted by the almost unnatural stealth. However he did not say this. He gave a sly smile. "Of course,"
"Well then, I don't suppose you'd want to come in and meet my friends?"
The game had been a trap. Damian was not going to admit defeat so easily... and well, he did want to meet the people his brother chose to occupy his time with. "Of course."
Danny beamed as he led Damian to the hallway window. He pulled it open in a too-smooth way and Damian knew that opening windows from the outside did not work like that. It did not, however, even surprise him at this point.
"They're going to love you," Danny said, right before pain exploded in the back of Damian's head. Then, the world went black.
I've made an executive decision that nights in Gotham are longer than nights in nearby locations. Most people won't notice or will think it's their imagination, Amity kids noticed immediately but shrugged and decided that technically meant they got to sleep in.
I don't think it's actually gonna come up in fic, but like nearly every plot point in Gotham happens at night, and I'm implementing a "magic" system, so Gotham gets quirks.
1. I was gonna have bats find out that Dami did the stab here, but then I realized how much potential there was in Danny just casually mentioning it.
2. Danny figures, he told them what he was, so he's done putting a ridiculous amount of effort into being human.
3. Cliffhanger
4. Why does Ao3 add in automatic spacing in the chapter text but not the notes section? It's weirding me out
Tag list:
@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @mur-ururu @luer-mirin @insufferablecatenthusiast @skulld3mort-1fan @alonedustspeck @voidbornposts @meira-3919 @marshmello @aethernorwood @mimilikey @undead-essence @cloudminder @markus209 @everything163 @latheevening226 @roman4517 @moobloomrights @battybatbat @lumosfeather18581 @werv @ahyesanerd @pyramaniac @lexdamo @princessbelix @bun-fish @deeannthepan @edgyboi10000 @thatrandomsarahchick @busterkeel @aconitewolfsbane @spoopyspoony @bright-shade @spidey29phangirl @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @keimiwolf @u-a-wizard-jamie @gay-puff @bicerise @itshype @blackfoxsposts @icanneverdecide @lolottes @chubbypotato @jovialherringtacoghost @saltyladynightmare
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pink-valkyrie-writes · 10 months
…Symmetra with a mommy kink? There isn’t enough of her out there :(
Feel free to ignore!
Back from the dead and with a new pc! definitely an upgrade lol
Yes pls <3 I love symmetra and she's super underrated for some reason :( she's so beautiful and one of my favorite dps LOL <3
"Good For Me"
-Symmerta x afab! reader
-warnings: smut, mommy kink, fingering, public sex (kinda), praise, names (my love, pet, slut) squirting (sorry not sorry) degradation, bottom!reader, and top!symmetra,
Tumblr media
You and Satya have always kept your relationship on the down low, not wanting to risk being caught by higher authorities. Your girlfriend has always been a rule follower and so have you! But you follow her rules more than anyones.
Satya held your hand as the two of you roamed the small garden at the Vishkar base. These were precious she cherished with you. The moon was fully out tonight and the stars shined so brightly above the both of you. It was almost perfect. She turned to look at you, a soft smile on her face.
“My love… I know Im not one for public displays of affection but…” she kissed your cheek, “You look beautiful under the moonlight,” Satya whispered close to your ear. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself and look back at her, returning the gesture. The two of you kept walking till you spotted a tree under the moonlight you both could sit under.
As the both of you sat down, you leaned into the right side of her body, being careful of her robotic arm. You felt her body relax against yours, “So tell me how your day was,” you asked. The two of you both went on and talked about how hectic your schedules and how far along some of the vishkar projects have come.
While your girlfriend was talking, you moved you head to soft kisses along her neck. Satya paused for a second the then, “What are you trying to do, y/n?” she asked. You smiled to yourself and simply said , “nothing” before going back to kiss her some more. She smiled, letting you kiss and lick her neck.
Letting out breathy moans, her hand moved to cradle your face. You moved your hand up and down her thigh, feeling her warm skin under your touch. "My love, are you sure you want to do this here? Once you get going, I won't stop." she stated and you nodded, acknowledging her statement. Under this tree is where the first time you two hung out, confessed, and even had your first kiss. This isn't the first time you two have fooled around here either, from where the tree was no security cameras were around to catch you two but thought of it is exciting.
You've been missing her all day, you don't want to stop now. "I'll be super careful, tya" you mumbled into her skin. She grabbed you by the wrist, stopping your motions, "If we are doing this, you know what to call me.." she said, turning to look at you. You blushed, "Yes... mommy," you whispered. "Good pet. Now, slip off your pants and spread for me." With that, you immediately jump to action on her command. While she watched you undress, Satya smiled, you listened so well.
Satya placed her hand on your thigh, feeling the goose bumps as the cold wind hit your legs, "Such a dirty slut for wanting this in public, don't you agree?" she asked as you nodded, "I-I'm a dirty slut mommy...only for you.." you said, barely above a whisper. She chuckled and her hand went lower, "Look at you, so wet for mommy,," she leaned in and whispered int your ear. Her fingertips were now rubbing the wet spot that showed through your panties. You took an inhale as she fingers came in contact with you, her robotic fingers brushing back loose hair behind your ear. You smiled and you watched her remove your panties for you. Satya leaned in to kiss your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath in when you felt her fingers touch your bare cunt.
"So beautiful for me...yet so filthy for me.." She whispered, dipping her fingers into your wetness, "Do you really get turned on by acting little a brat in public? Tsk..I thought I thought I taught you better," She tsked, fingers curling up towards your g-spot. You buck your hips towards her hands at the feeling, "Mommy...you make me feel so good.." you whispered, just above a breath.
Satya leaned in close to your ear, her fingers speeding up, "I shouldn't even let you cum huh? You've been teasing mommy and I don't think good girls do that.." she tease, smiling when you groan and lean your head back against the tree.
It felt like hell. Usually, listening to Satya would result in my finishing earlier and her praising me for it. But since you pissed her off, You knew she was going to be relentless.
She whispered little praises mixed with degrading comments as well.
"Such a good slut.."
"You know to take so many fingers, I trained you well.."
"Keep it down or someone might wonder why they hear a desperate moaning coming from the court yard.."
The way she spoke with elegance to say such nasty things was also a huge turn on. Your chest heaved up and down, trying to control yourself. Though Satya loved you dearly, you knew she also didn't play fair. "Ah..I feel you clenching around me, close?" she asked in a condescending tone. She played a dirty game, and she knew that.
"Mommy, please let me cum! Please I need it..!" you whispered between breathes. Your face was flushed, thighs shaking, chest heaving, and walls clenching around her fingers. As she moved her fingers faster, she used her metal arm to cover your mouth.
"Fine..You can finish...You're welcome..." she whispered in your ear, her arming burning as she fingered your as fast as she could, her thumb rubbing your clit to help you finish.
Though muffled, she heard you spew a few 'thank you's'. Your eyes were screwed shut, focusing on your release. As her fingers moved, she felt you coat her hands in your squirt. "There you go.." her voice guided you, pulling out her fingers to rub your clit faster. She watched as you gush from her fingers.
Soon she stopped to let you breath and catch your breath. Satya removed her hand, hearing your heavy breathing. She kissed your cheek, stroking your hair, "You did so well for me, my love.." she whispered, continuing to kiss your face.
After helping you come down from your high, she helped you redress and stand up, "This tree has seen so much from us.." you joked, smiling at Satya
She let out a small giggle, "Indeed...Niran is at a party across town tonight...We can continue in my room..." she suggested, a sinister smile on her face as she took your hand to walk back to her dorm.
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pocketramblr · 7 months
for the five ask game: how about an au where Izuku has a possession quirk? like Danny Phantom ghost style possession
I have consulted my DP expert friends on this so hopefully I get the idea right
1- Izuku's brand of possession means merging his body with the target's, so on the outside its them, and the inside is him- though the eyes go green. When this manifests, he possesses Katsuki. Katsuki is not a fan of this lack of control and makes it known he considers this villainous.
2- Izuku gets grabbed by sludgy and almost choked out, but activates his quirk and takes over sludgy instead. (This makes his body vanish.) Izuku panics and tries to figure out what to do, but then All Might shows up and he lets go of the possession as he's hit. He's a bit shaken, but fine and All Might checks him over after bottling sludgy. He picks up Izuku's notebook and skims through it.
"you want to be a hero?"
"i- yes- more than anything- can I with a quirk like mine, through?"
All Might signs the notebook as Izuku explains what his quirk can do, and says that he could be- a quirk doesn't define you, what you do with it does.
3- Izuku is happier than he's ever been, and trains to get into UA. Inko lets him practice his quirk on her if he cleans up while in her body, so she doesn't have to be there to do the chores, and it's good for practicing fine motor skills and looking at the world when shorter. Izuku also trains a bit himself, and is stronger by February, though nowhere near the American All Star plan.
4- meanwhile, Mirio turned down OfA. So did the rest of the big three. None of the first or second or third years seem right, and Toshi is invited to watch the entrance exam. Maybe a freshman next year will be it, and he can teach the next year if there is. He sees a familiar face in the test, as Izuku struggles to jump between people (can he take their points?? Will he even get any of his own??). He does a better job possessing people to pull them out of danger- and then Zero Pointer comes out. People flee. There's a girl, stuck. Izuku possesses Iida as he passes and runs to get to her. Then he lets go so the two can dig her out faster, apologizing as they do, them pushing them down out of the way and jumping back in Iida's body as they narrowly avoid the robot stepping on them. Toshinori thinks it's a grand rescue, and approves of the points he gets- and the fact that both the other children approached UA to make sure he would. But he'll be a hero on his own, he clearly doesn't need OfA. Maybe no one does now, with AfO dead.
5- Izuku has an extremely normal first month of school. Training, lessons, getting ready for the SF, which is so exciting, because All Might is apparently going to be there to give awards! Izuku works hard to get through the obstacle course, and is third place. His team works well together, the cavalry battle. But then Ojiro drops out, and warns him about Shinsou's similar quirk (Izuku wants to test so badly how they interact, but he reminds himself to try to beat him first) and then they're up, the first match in the last round. Midnight counts them off, three- two- one-
A warp gate opens in the middle of the field.
"Is that your quirk?" Shinsou asks.
Izuku shakes his head as two figures step through- and more gates open around the stadium.
"I got tired of waiting, Kurogiri." Shigaraki complains. "If All Might is supposed to give out awards, he's probably here now, right? Well if you aren't, I'd get here soon, Symbol of Peace. League of Villains, Nomu, attack!"
Izuku moves first, possessing Shigaraki as the Nomu advances on Midnight and Cementoss. "Nomu, stop!" He orders, and is surprised when it works.
"Oh, so that's your quirk." Shinsou says with new appreciation. "Hey, tell it to attack... Kurogiri, was it?"
"Can you hold him while I jump in others to stop them?" Izuku asks, and Shinsou nods.
In the stands, heroes and villains and nomu are already fighting. But the strongest nomu, built for All Might, sits quietly in the middle of the arena, next to it's brainwashed master and the broken warper, and that will make a difference for how the fight turns out.
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Mistaken Identities (dp x dc)
Danny had been doing his thing, looking around, making sure he didn't alter anything in the past, minding his own business. Officially, this was supposed to be a trip to gather more blood blossom samples for Team Phantom to study, but he had ended up being a little sidetracked. Apparently though, puritan times made for beautiful forests, sue him if he was enjoying a moment of peace in his otherwise crazy life. So here he was, relaxing for the first time in way too long when this guy just barged into the clearing. Danny straightened up with a yelp which had the guy stopping in his tracks before he turned to look at Danny.
"Be not afraid, child. I mean you no harm," the man said.
Danny squinted as he looked up at the half-shadowed face of the man that seemed vaguely familiar.
"Uh-" Danny managed as he realized he was supposed to answer. "Oh yeah, no problem, man."
The man tilted his head which directed Danny's attention to his weird buckle-hat. Sobering up as he recognized the clothes from his previous jaunt in the past where Sam had almost gotten burnt at the stake, he mentally congratulated himself for turning back into a human before his nap. He really didn't want to end up trapped in blood blossoms by witch-finders again.
"Are you lost?" The man said, as he edged closer. "Do you require aid?"
The halfa jumped to his feet. "Nope!" Danny said before letting out a nervous laugh. "No aid, I'm all good. Thanks though."
The man opened his mouth to say something before another voice, higher pitched stopped him. "You are back!" A woman wearing a simple dress, with a few birds fluttering around her like a Disney princess approached them.
"Annie," answered the man.
"Come," she said before leading him away with only a glance towards the teenager. The man let himself be dragged away, but not before a last few words. "If you are ever in need of assistance, please do not hesitate."
Danny waved his hand. "Yep. For sure, dude. Thanks!"
Then before the man had turned away completely, the woman grabbed his hat playfully which revealed his face completely to the weak moonlight, and coincidentally to Danny's view. The couple disappeared between the thick foliage as Danny sat, struck dumb with what he had just witnessed.
"Oh my god," he whispered to himself. "That was Bruce fucking Wayne."
Danny had seen enough rag magazines and newspapers with his face printed on the cover to recognize the billionaire for sure. What the hell was he doing in Puritan times? Then, it hit Danny like a brick. Natural portals. They weren't common, or stable and they'd been known to spirit away people randomly. Clearly, they also had some pretty severe side-effects including amnesia considering the old-timey speech pattern Mr. Wayne was using.
There was only one thing for it, Danny clearly had to bring Mr. Wayne back to the present. Not only because it was the right thing to do, but also because a missing billionaire was bound to attract a good amount of attention and if anyone connected this to the ghost zone... Well if the GIW was bad now, Danny didn't want to know what other kind of unsavoury people would pop up if ghosts were better-known. Just imagining the Justice League getting involved was giving Danny the shivers. No, the best thing to do was get Mr. Wayne back to his time and hope he wouldn't remember much of what had happened and wouldn't dig into it further.
Just as he was nodding to himself, he heard a scream coming from not too far away. He transformed before flying towards the noise, only to find the woman he'd seen before with Mr. Wayne being captured by a bunch of men wearing the same kinds of hat.
"She's a witch! Burn her!" He heard someone yell. "Hang her dead!" Someone else said.
This was giving Danny some major flashback to Sam's very own witch burning and without wasting a second, he phased the woman right out of their grips and flew them away from the angry mob.
As soon as he landed and let go of the woman, she turned to him and gripped his arm instead. "You have to help him!"
"Help who?" Danny asked, wincing.
"Mordecai!" she said, her grip tight.
"Is that the man who was with you earlier?" the teenager asked.
The woman nodded before pointing southeast. "He is in the caves, fighting the dragon!"
Danny didn't waste anytime before flying in the direction she had pointed to. Going intangible helped with speed, and he phased through the ground, going straight for the aforementioned cave. He just phased through when he caught sight of Mr. Wayne. As he got closer, he could feel some sort of energy radiating from the man. Just then, the energy started building up and Mr. Wayne started to go transparent. Panicking, Danny did the first thing he could think of and absorbed the mounting energy to himself. It felt like a shot of adrenaline except way, way stronger and for a moment everything blanked out, before the world came into focus again. When he looked around, he couldn't find a trace of Mr. Wayne, but from the energy left over he could tell exactly when he had landed. The Golden Age of Piracy.
"Goddamit!" Danny yelled as he once again felt Bruce Wayne slip through his grasp as he stole away the potent energy from the billionaire's body before it could follow wherever he was going next. First it had been pirates, then the Wild West and lastly it was 20th century Gotham, clearly the natural portal had been all kinds of fucked up for Mr. Wayne to have been dragged from time period to time period. It was a miracle he was even still alive, the poor man! Danny let out a harsh sigh as he parsed out through the information the energy had left him with. This time he'd gotten the information for the two next time-jumps, which meant, Danny could get ahead of this for once and finally catch Mr. Wayne before he could jump again.
With a steadying intake of breath, Danny took out the Infiniv-map and set his destination before he let himself follow through. As he got through he could hear a bunch of different voices, all talking over each other.
"-distortions mean what I think it-"
"-not fair!"
"-time is breaking-"
"-only leave his body once he's dead."
Danny paid no mind as he locked eyes on Mr. Wayne who was lying in Wonder Woman's arms, in a black bodysuit, looking worse for the wear. The same energy as before was emanating from him, though this time it was even stronger. Danny approached carefully, invisible before he put a hand onto Mr. Wayne's chest and concentrated on drawing all the energy into himself. It wasn't like the other times, the flow was faster and he was having trouble staying focused as more and more flew into him. His brows scrunched in concentration, and unbeknownst to him, the invisibility dropped.
All the heroes in the room turned to look at the suddenly appearing white-haired teen who had a hand on Batman's chest. As they stared in confusion, the teen started to glow. It grew brighter and brighter before everyone had to shield their eyes as there was a pulse of bright light that died down almost immediately after. Wonder Woman had to blink the spots out of her vision as she felt the weight in her arms start to shift and let out a groan. "Bruce!"
She set him down and helped him put his head between his knees, as she gently stroked his back. Superman settled on his other side while Red Robin just sat in front of him, still half-believing Bruce was really back.
"What happened?" Bruce mumbled. "The omega radiation, I thought-"
"I'd like to know that too," Green Lantern said before he turned towards the glowy kid who was still blinking his eyes as if to chase away afterimages.
"His energy signature is the same as Darkseid," Raven said, her own eyes having not left the teenager since he had appeared.
"You don't mean..." started Superman as all the heroes turned to look at the kid slowly. The latter finally looked up as if sensing he was the focus of many eyes and cringed as he met the combined stares of the Justice League.
"Yes," Raven answered. "This is Darkseid's son."
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castrian-amore · 7 months
Stellata Notte(C’è finalmente la libertà)
Dead Ass(Danny Fenton x Dick Grayson), DC x DP Fanfic, Incomplete, Space AU, ao3 link at the end
Fic for @nikki-pondtheauthor
Chapter 1: A Starry Night knows not the bending of will
Stellata Notte(C’è Finalmente la libertà)
Starry Night(There is finally freedom)
Danny had been staring at the stars for as long as he could remember. It had been in the quiet moments of himself and the stars where his event unfolded before him to get him to where he was today. It was where he also watched the world collapse around him in a fiery ball. He watched from the rooftop of his house as the satellite stations would shoot off rockets off their long since dying planet. He never knew what the greenery of Earth had been like before it. He also knew his parents were far too stubborn to leave and it wasn’t as if they had the money to leave anyway.
Danny had never not had the familiar feeling of a mask over his nose as he breathed in filtered air and coughed up a constant dust in his lungs anyways as there wasn’t enough clean air to go around and even the filters here were failing. It was said Earth would be unlivable soon anyways. The only reason they survived in their small town as long as they did was because it held one of the major space sports on the planet and it was here they welcomed species from all walks of life in their area turned desert. Apparently Amity park had once been surrounded by lush forests and a lake. It was very obviously not that anymore.
Danny and his family were smart. They ran a ship repair business and were smart about it. Jazz had saved up to get off world years ago, and Danny had pushed her to take herself and escape. She hadn’t been here for the accident that made him quit his high paying work at the docks. She hadn’t been here to see how he turned out now. Sitting with black hair and white at his roots as the hair grew in white now and had been for some years. His hair pulled out from his face and yet the fringe of his bangs constantly fell in front of his eyes.
He had a quiver to his hands and yet he could still pick pockets from others like there was no other business and besides he was a cripple wasn't he? Apparently the procedure he needed wasn’t that expensive off planet, but here? Here on Earth where supplies wore thin and the off planet travelers lessened every day?
Here it was impossible and so Danny had felt trapped since he became whatever the fuck he had been. He had watched his parents begin to wither and they would die soon and he knew it. Danny’s lungs were far too fucked up and if he couldn’t escape then he too would die, wouldn’t he? He felt as if there was so escape.
Was there an escape? Here he was sitting on the roof of the building with music playing on his small shitty speaker he made out of mixed matched parts here and there. He hummed along to it as he tapped his foot to the music laying on his back. He wore a dusty black cloak with the clear filters over his nose and mouth and the oxygen filter sitting clipped to his falling apart belt and his black trousers that were bound around his ankles with tight fabric as he had his shoes set off to the side. Feet on the gravel roof of the building as he pointed out the familiar constellations he was far too used to.
Nothing was going to change was it?
The same sky under the same crumbling moon. The main water supplies of the planet were drying up and leaving them with less and less. The planet was just about on its last leg and Danny was trying to decide how he was going to take it all. If he was going to die here, or try to get off the planet.
He wanted to shoot for the stars after all. No one had survived being inside of a warp core while it was turned on after all. Now Danny was met with constellations of far off systems dancing across his cheeks, and his skin permanently pale with even thinner and paler lines of lightning dancing across both his arms. He had been mutated and lord knows what would happen if people found out of not only his condition but how he had gotten like this. The unexplainable powers of who he was. The ability to manipulate gravity at his fingertips and control the energy that ran through him.
Danny was trying to stay positive but everyone had their limits, yeah? Danny felt as if he was reaching his. He sighs and stood up gently at the music and began to dance a smile coming across his face as he moved with precise movements and steps. Of course he did after all, what did he have to do when he wasn’t working on space ships with his parents. There wasn’t exactly access to the intergalactic media on the planet. The far reaches of the Intergalactic Protection Committee long since forgotten about Earth. More focused on their home planet of Krypton. More focused on their supposed Justice League than anything else.
Danny could give it to them for trying across their galaxies of planets and new inventions at every turn but yet here they were on Earth, on their dying planet. He sighs and smiles gently as he knew if anyone saw him he could get in trouble, especially with his hood down. He knew with every step the gravity around him shifted and moved as he took one step and then two as he floated above them and just danced.
Who would believe anyone in this day and age filled with the piracy and fear around every corner and the threats to peace by those all over the system. No one could be ree, really? Danny knew he would be wanted if anyone could find out what he could do. But would he? Would he really be free? Was this freedom? Was this dancing amongst the quiet stars and under the guise of the moon what they could call freedom on what remained of their planet?
Quiet hums and songs filling the silence of the city and the ever moving rockets of ships propelling upwards into the night sky providing a beautiful backdrop for anyone watching but maybe that was all in Danny’s head right?
Who could be watching him? Why would they be watching him? He was a nobody. He was a human all alone on a dying planet lightyears away from anything sustainable, maybe Mars would be close enough he could escape but he didn’t have a way to connect with the Martians and their intimate language of the mind, thankfully too many martians tended not to leave their planet. They apparently had tried to save the remains of Earth thousands of years ago but upon figuring they were not quite welcoming towards their people yet they were forced to ait and by the time everything came around it seemed impossible for them to do anything about it. To fix it.
The inclement weather and storms. The cities completely sank. The deep freezes, then the heat began to hit as the ozone of the Earth began to crumble and the sun's rays only got worse, because of course they did. Danny had seen the brightly lit photos of Earth eons ago. Pictures hung up on his wall in excitement that there were places like that. Places he didn’t have to wear a mask either. Places where he could run barefoot across actual grass and not just the eerie synthetic things they had in the gymnasium. There was such little color here what was there to do? The most color they saw was the night sky and setting and rising of the sun and that was Danny’s favorite part of the die despite his sleeping habits saying otherwise.
Arms raising above his head as he finally opened his eyes, finding himself almost 10 feet into the air and glowing as he breathed heavily. A deep blush found his cheeks as he calmed his breathing so he could lower himself down onto the ground. An accident as he landed and was quickly reminded why he used his powers so often, almost falling as he felt his knees wobble beneath him. Another response of him being inside the core. The radiation should have killed him. The power of a collapsing star in one second filling his body.
It mutated him and left him with too many injuries to count and yet he pushed through. Danny gave a sigh and grabbed for his cane, more like a crutch as he used it to stand on shaking legs, taking a long last look at the stars for the night.
No one expects the cripple to have powers.
No one expects him to be good at anything.
Everybody doubted him, looked down upon him, but he was just like everyone else. He was human and a living person. Not that that was what they saw when they looked at him. They saw a boy. A young man too injured to work. They didn’t see who he could be with the right treatment. They didn’t see the way he was able to move when he was alone. When he pulled on his powers of gravity manipulation to aid him in walking, but it would draw too many eyes if he did that too often wouldn’t it?
Too many days he spent wondering if maybe he’d be worth more to his parents if he did that. He gave a sigh and went for his room. Turning the speaker off as the hatch shut behind him and he slowly reached to turn off the filter on his hip and removed the mask over his nose. A harsh coughing came from his lips and he tried to ignore the blood on his lips as he wiped it away.
Was this all that Danny was left with?
Blood on his lips and breaking bones.
There had to be more to this life. There would be more to this life than just hiding behind a mask and a filter. He would see the stars. Even if it meant on his deathbed. He gave a sigh as he headed to bed knowing full well the pain he would have to endure tomorrow in the beating sun. Apparently there would be a new shipment of filters coming in and well, his parents would be working so that led him to go out to try and secure some, and they would almost definitely be over priced as all hell and he just prayed they would be able to afford them. But apparently they had stopped making the filters a while ago which cut their normal intake in half after a few years.
It left the lines long and the desperation longer. The air filled with an intensity as the people crowded around the merchant who sold them for their small almost forgotten town. He pulled his hood father over his head ignoring the stares he got from everyone as he leaned heavily on his crutch. He knew in actuality he needed to give up on his back ever coming back and taking up on the white all over but it didn’t seem like a feasible option and right now it looked kind of cool.
Danny joined the line with a frown taught on his face. He tried to be kind to everyone but there was something he noticed out of the corner of his eye. A new ship. A small group of 3 men gathered off to the side with respirators that were far too fancy for this world or the remnants of it. Danny almost pulled his cloak made out of tattered fabric tighter around his shoulders.
He adjusted his satchel set around his chest to make sure he wouldn’t drop it or any of the credit he had. It only took a few hours before he made it to the front of the line. Still more people behind him as he stood and looked up at the man. If he could he’d need 6, that would get him and his family through to the next two weeks until the next shipment arrived and maybe now they would let him run tests on better filters and better respirators than what they were using.
“How many?” The clerk chimed hand on her hip and free hand adjusting her shiny new reusable filter respirator. A respirator the people were desperate for. Desperate to climb the ranks enough to get off the fucking planet of big one of those, and one one lucky enough and with cash could do both.
Danny tried not to think about the fact that he was stuck here, more than likely.
“6,”he whispers out, couching off to the side.
“Alrighty, that’ll be 80creds.” Danny almost choked on his words then and there.
“Last time they were only 50!” Danny exclaims. Danny was putting every spare penny into a jar to get out of there and he was desperate.
“Now they’re 80. Do you want them or not?”She offered bluntly as Danny forked over the money, shoving his new filters in his bag and closing the top. He had enough to get a drink at the bar. Never been more glad to have a couple creds left over in a heartbeat.
He huffed pulling off his hood as he walked into the bar, the air hissing behind him as the next door opened. Danny reached up to pop the small respirator off his lips as he flicked the button on his processor to turn it off, hooking the mask to the side of it. He looked for his usual spot in the back corner of the bar,finding it occupied.
The 3 fuckers from earlier sitting there. One of them unsuccessfully tried to flirt. The one in blue with beautiful eyes and spikey hair looked up at him. A charismatic smile but Danny ignored them, picking a free spot at the bar until he felt the painfully familiar weight of his ex. The man reeked of alcohol.
“Fuck off,”He breathed brushing off the others arm in a heartbeat.
“Awww come on Danny babe,”the man’s words were slurring together.
“We could be like we were. Die together at least!”
“I’m not dying anywhere near you Dash,”Danny rolls his eyes.
“Come on! I’m the only one who’ll take you after your little whoopsie!” The man leans on the counter extremely intoxicated; he moves to brush a strand of hair out of Danny’s face and the man smacks his hand away.
“Oh? Is that so? Well I haven’t stooped so low that will sleep with a piece of shit like you ever again,”Danny hisses out. “Go away.” The man presses further trying to get closer to Danny and he shoves him away a second time but the drunken idiot keeps coming back.
“Woah, hey there you seem to very much so not be getting the hints bud,”the man who had taken his normal spot had stood up and placed himself in between Dash and him. The man crossed his arms and eyes narrowed at him.
“You don’t need to worry about yourself, we’re old friends. Right Danno,”Dash smirks and Danny wanted to puke in his mouth.
“As if Dash, fuck off.,”Danny rolls his eyes. “I just want a fucking drink.”
“And I just want off this planet but that ain’t happening sweets,”Dash smirks.
Danny shoves him away again. “Sheriff or not you’re still a piece of shit.”
Dash stumbles to regain himself and his composure, eyeing the group of them up for the moment. Danny turned to the figure.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know,”he sighs softly, looking up at the man. Danny’s soft green eyes finding the stranger’s gentle blue.
“Didn’t I? You seem to be the only one interested in us,”the man sits next to him, his smile unwavering. “New in town.”
“Exactly why I’m the only one interested,”he laughs softly. “Dalv Corp controls who goes in and out of the planet's atmosphere and we’re one of the few temporary ports still open.”
“Why is that anyways? Do you guys even ship anything off world anymore?”The man laughs as the bartender puts a drink down in front of him.
“Not really, it brings the question then of why are you here then?” Danny smirks as he orders his drink watching the man. The stranger.
“We had someone shoot out something on our ship and my dear old little brother can’t seem to fix it so we can’t leave.”
“Stuck here like the rest of us,”he chuckles softly.
“For now, we’re trying to take it to the Fentons? Apparently they're desperate enough to take any ship that comes to them, and their pretty good mechanics over all, ever heard of them?” The stranger gives a smile seemingly trying to gauge the opinion of the Fentons off of him.
“They’re also backlogged as hell. They’re the only ship mechanics until you reach the New England ports. Are you willing to wait that long?”he hummed.
“Fuck…”the man breathed out and Danny laughs softly. “Luckily for you, I’m their son. Where’s your ship? I can take a look at it to see if it’s anything I can do.”
“They have a son?” The man smirks a little bit. “Well either way it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Dick.” The man holds out his hand for them to shake.
“Danny,”He smiles and takes it, giving him a firm handshake. “How’d you get shot?” He smirks as Dick leads his friends to move over close to them.
“Pirates,”Dick clarified. “Guess they were trying to board us and thought we’d be an easy target.”
“Mhm,”Danny didn’t believe that for a second. “Next question is why the fuck were all the way out here? Closest habitat planet is Mars and that’s a tad away but people go there for their ports and most of the Martians have moved off planet. They have mining colonies so why’d you crash here and not there?”
“Didn’t think our systems could handle it,”One of his friends Spoke up as he ran a hand through his hair a white streak placed in the front as he looked the Man up and down. Damn that man was built as fuck. What the fuck did he do?
“How about I just see what the damage is and if I can fix it. The issue is that you guys picked the most deserted fucking planet. Earth is nearly abandoned and transportation off the planet and getting around the planet are almost Impossible. Let alone getting supplies. The planets have been drained of anything of use and all supplies are rationed and limited. Getting parts is tricky as fuck,”Danny ran a hand through his hair with a heavy sigh.
“So can you even do anything if you figure out the problem,”the last of the 3 of them commented, his slightly longer hair pulled out of his face and Dick shot him a glare. He put his hands up in defense.”I’m asking the truth!”
“Ignore him, we appreciate anything you can do.” Dick gives a smile.
“Anyways before I walk off with two more stranger’s how about names?”Danny moves to stand up grabbing his crutch as he pulls his mask off of his belt undoing the temporarily wrapped cording.
“Big guy is Jason. The Smallest is Tim. They’re my siblings.”
“Nice to meet you,”Jason replied, giving a huff.
“Same to you two. I’m Danny Fenton, one of the only mechanics at this port. You guys got lucky, I know my shit.”
“Of the Fentons we heard about?”Tim clarified.
“One and only,”he vouched. “They’re backlogged for a bit but I tend to be free. They don’t like me working on ships anymore.”
“Can I ask what happened?”Dick asks as they enter the chamber hearing the hiss of the air lock before the next door to the outside opens. Of course they’re met with sand whipping up into their eyes and Danny reaches into his bag and pulls out a pair of goggles.
“Accident happened. Fucked up my legs,”he laughs softly. He motions towards the crutch he was heavily leaning on as they started forwards. The 3 of them pushed buttons by their ears on apparent ear pieces and he watched goggles form for them. Rich ass fuckers. If they were used to that they were not going to like how Danny was more than likely going to have to fix their ship.
One learned how to figure shit out with what you have and sometimes all you have is a couple old filters, and broken phasers you steal the batteries and plasma containers out of in order to cause the spark that starts your parents' hover car. What works right? It definitely shouldn’t be working. Not by any means, but fixing shit with reusable materials was a must on their planet.
“I just get in the way of most jobs even with my parents. I'm unable to work super fast,”he chuckles softly.
“Accident?”Jason asks with a frown.
“Mhm, accident,”he repeats, wanting to keep it as vague as he could. Strangers did not need to know the detailed aspects of his accident or the electricity running down his spine or the feelings of immense pain and heartbreak and death coming through him all at once as his molecules were rewritten at any point in time during the process. His cells changed at their very foundation during the event.
They did not need to know how much radiation he was unable to bear through those moments, almost expecting himself to unravel like a string of fine thread off a spool you let a cat play with. The less they know the better it would be and the safer they had to be over all because what was Danny supposed to do with a whole bunch of rich people just trying to get off planet.
“My next question is don’t most rich folk have ways they can get someone out to repair the ship if needed? Something like that at least?”
“Normally yeah but well.” Dick chuckled nervously
“We took it out for a joyride and are trying to not get caught,”Jason finished.
“Yeah okay that makes sense for how you look,”Danny chuckles as he lets them take the lead and lead him to the familiar landscapes of the shipyard where their ship was sitting docked. Fuck it was so beautiful with the wings on the edges and her shine in the dim lit sun as the dust storm continued to move over them. Danny pulled his hood further over his head. No matter what he was about to be stuck inside that ship for these people for a little while so maybe he could do something about that.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”Tim frowned a bit as Danny chuckled.
“You guys are rich. It’s not that hard to tell. You have retractable glasses, fancy oxygen masks and filters? You don’t have the same tubes that connect down to our filters like you do. We don’t have access to that kind of technology here and no one of anyone worth anything would come back to the cesspool of this planet. We’re here to hide smugglers and criminals and that’s it. This planet isn’t even deemed habitable enough to be a prison planet for the Federation.”
Dick looks around them. “I guess you’re right,”he chuckles and hits something as the hanger doors to the shit open and the stairs unfurl out and they walk aboard.
It was beautiful and sleek really and Danny felt as if he was too dirty to be here in the chaos of this ship. First off, this was a lot more spacious than he thought. It was for sure a running ship in how she was built and how her body type was. That was what he had noticed from the outside. He had noticed it was big enough to house multiple small separate cabins and this ship being as big as it was meant that they would have to get her fixed soon or they would take up and find pieces of her hull missing and tubes taken off and probably to be fond selling at the market by morning.
“I’ll tell you one thing for certain during this,”he sighs as they step inside. ‘Ya’ll need to fucking get off this planet and soon.”
“Why?” Tim frowned softly as he crossed his arms.
“Your ship is too much eye candy. It’ll attract the fucking scavengers who won’t hesitate to steal shit off your ship and I don’t mean break in or anything. I mean you will wake up with pieces of your hull missing and it could put the structural integrity of the ship at a major disadvantage for leaving the Earth’s atmosphere.”
“People do that?” Dick frowns and eyebrows furrowed.
'That's literally how I met our dad,’Jason smirks as he leaned against the wall. “I was trying to remove and take his left engine turbine.”
“The fucking turbine?!?” Danny exclaimed
“I was ambitious, what could I say,”Jason smirked as Danny let his head fall into his hands for the moment.
“Show me the damaged area here but I’ll probably have to work from the outside once the storm settles a bit too,”Danny pushes them as Dick motions for him to follow him. It was in the storage bay that they were able to enter the engine room and Danny was welcomed with the familiar tug and pull of his heart. The thing that always called to him from inside of any ship. Anything that held that much power and radiation called him like a beautiful song that he needed to listen to not matter what. As if he had no choice but to listen to her quiet thrumming and peaceful sounds as they entered the room. Danny fought the beautiful lights dancing around each other like it was trying to enthrall him.
The warp corp. She was beautiful and hollow and yet so filling as he stared momentarily into her depths like she was the most beautiful girl in the world. A quiet calling filled his soul, before he forced his eyes to look away and follow Dick once more.
Dick led him into the ship further past all of the chaos of the pipes and Danny’s eyes followed along, connecting the dots of what each one of them did and where they went. Danny was impressed a ship of this size was capable of just how much power seemed to be involved in it all. He took a deep breath and redirected his focus to what was in front of him. He then saw the issue. They entered another air locked door and Danny could see the very obvious issue. He could fix it but it would not be easy and it would more than likely take all night to manage as they worked without sleep because he would definitely need help gathering things and repairing this.
“I… can fix this, but i will need to make a list and we will need to collect a few things and one of those things I am not so sure we can find,”He rubs the back of his neck staring at the mass of disconnected wires and tubing and the anxiety filling his soul that there was always the chance he couldn’t fix it. One small thing and this ship could lose it’s warp capabilities entirely. The materials required to fix these kinds of ships that had multi-warp capabilities were insane. He had never actually had to work on one himself after all. They only ever got single-warp engines.
“You can?”Tim piped up from behind them curiously. “How?!”
“Carefully,”Danny sighs, looking at it as he walks closer to inspect it dodging the loose wiring as he pushes himself in between a few things to look at the further issues in detail. “You said you got it here but it was rough right? She handled into the port but then immediately seemed to lose all main power function and immediately resorted to battery backups?”
“Yeah, but, how did you know,”Dick frowns a little watching him.
“I know ships, what can I say,”Danny hums as he wriggles his way out of it and back in front of them his hood long since having fallen off and Danny rana hair through his messy hair. The white at his roots almost glowing in the dim blue lights of their section of the engine bay. “The main power cord is destroyed. And the impact of her landing severed the sliver of a connection you guys seemed to have. It’s a good design and I’m more familiar with single warp engines because well, I never got to go to school for this shit but--”
“You never went to school for this?” Tim verified looking at Dick seemingly giving him a wide eyed stare and the two having a quiet conversion between them as Danny continued.
“But I grew up around ships of all kinds. Never left the planet but I’ve seen and pulled some risky shit on many a ship to get them out of town. You guys are going to have to stop somewhere after you get out of here,’he laughs nervously.
“Yeah I’m sure we’ll be fine,”Jason laughs softly.
“I can get you guys off the planet and your ship will maybe be able to withstand one major warp jump to the nearest quadrant with a decent mechanic but I just don't think we have the materials available on the planet to withstand a multi-warp engine like this.” Danny motions around them. “I can redirect power and fix cords and connect dots here and there, but at the end of the day. This planet doesn’t have shit. So any and all things that I’ll be using will be bullshitted.”
“How did you know this engine was a multi-warp one?”Dick asks with a small smile finding his lips.
“I-uh,”Danny blushes. “Look, I can’t get off this planet but my sister sends me pictures and videos of all the ships she’s worked on with the Federation and all. I get blueprints, and she takes pictures of manuels because even if I can’t leave I love to learn and our intergalactic connectivity is super sketchy at best with our systems at my house. I only ever get to talk to her maybe once every 6 months you know?”
“But wait, okay, how did you recognize this engine as Multi-warp? You didn’t see her name or seemingly recognize the type of ship this is… so how did you know after only seeing about ¼ of her engine bay?” The man was pushing him to answer and so Danny took a deep breath.
“The material alone gave me my biggest clue,”he begins slowly placing a hand on a couple groupings of tubes carrying cooling gel within them. “Most modern and even old single-warp engines have the same material but this? This is military grade advantium. The same material the warp corp container has to be made out of to withstand the pressures and radiation within it. However, it’s not every tube.” He points to a small section of more cords.``Those are your standard krisvan lined cordings. Which means one of those things, this is just a military grade vessel that needs to be able to withstand a lot or it’s meant for something more.”
Danny walks over to the main door they entered this section too. “These doors though? Reinforced. You only need to do that as much as they are if there’s a lot at stake and multi-warp engines? Those are high risk, high stake engines where if you have one section explode and it’s not sectioned off properly it could destroy the entire engine in one go. It’s one of the highest death factors in multi-warp engines. Improper reinforcements.”
“And every cording and tube that goes in and out of the warp bay was also advatium. Your coolant housing was also showing signs of stress though, so I’m guessing this ship is used often enough you keep having to check the housing systems to make sure she never overheats. How many jumps can she normally do within 24 hours?”
Danny hums a little looking back at the boys. They all looked at him with wide eyes and Tim looked at Dick with almost Puppy Dog eyes.
‘No” Dick exclaimed looking at Tim who’s puppy dog eyes worsened. “No, Tim.”
“No,”he hisses out and then turns to look at Danny giving a gentle smile. “Sorry, if we get you the things you need, how long will this take?”
“If I don’t stop? I could probably get it done in 12 hours,”Danny shrugs. “Take it you actually get everything I need.” Danny hisses as he realized. “If you can’t get everything I need then you’re fucked and better call that fucking speed dialed mechanic you probably have.”
“I’m normally the speed dialed mechanic,”Tim raised his hand. “I also designed this ship.”
Danny stopped and paused looking over at them all. “Look, I know i’m just some rando you just met on dying planet but ya’ll are fucking Waynes?!?!?1”
“I see you’ve heard of our father?” Dick mumbles almost nervously.
“Yeah, and no shit you fuckers need to get out of here. If the people of this place found out y'all are wayne you’ll actually be dead and this ship will be dissected.”
“It’s a prototype too,”Tim chuckles nervously.
“What’s she supposed to be capable of?”Danny asks, his eyebrows furrowing for the moment staring at them.
“Multi- warp capabilities and extreme stealth missions?”
“Stealth? What’s that entailed?” Danny moves to take off his satchel. He pulls off his cloak and begins to roll up his sleeves.
“Mirror capabilities of the surrounding surfaces so it blends in with surroundings signifying invisibility almost, then it also has under the radar capabilities. Being able to fly without being detected by radar.” Tim chuckles nervously as Danny looks over at the wires and then back at him.
“You can’t call for help can you?’He asks almost somberly.
Dick shook his head with a heavy sigh. “No we can’t. We were running a test mission on the under-the-radar mechanism when we reappeared; we were in fact attacked by pirates. Or something we aren’t sure but we managed to get the systems back online long enough for us to land, but now they won’t turn off.”
“And with the systems unable to turn off we’re unable to send out communications that far into space for someone to find us. Part of the reason the system works so well is because it blocks any and all radio signals normally used by the radars. That unfortunately includes transmission signals.”
“True silence in stealth,”Danny breathes out.
“Exactly, but here we are and I know vaguely how to fix this since I designed it but--”
“You know we don't have the time or resources to be able to do that,”Danny finishes Tim’s statement off as he begins to write a list handing it off to Jason. “Get these things. We’re really running against the clock then. What was the last known location you had pinged?”
“Just outside the JuLi solar system. We jumped here in a panic.”
“So on the outer rims of the galaxy at least but that’ll take days even if they make it to this solar system,”Danny hums a bit. “Tim, can I see your tools, or what you have at least?”
“Yeah let me go grab them,”Tim smiles as he walks off leaving the room with just Dick and Danny.
“Thanks,”Dick begins slowly. “We’re gonna pay you, you know. We’ll even double it if you need to be quiet about this whole situation.”
“Bold of you to assume I’m gonna try and rat you guys out,’he laughs. “This is the most exciting thing to happen to me since my accident.”
“Damn,”Dick smirks and laughs at himself. He moves down to lean against a pillar of metal. “Must be boring here.”
“I make do,”Danny shrugs. “I have a bit of music and I have the bar.”
“That doesn’t sound like a lot,”Dick admits. “You’ve really never left the planet?”
“Never,”Danny admits back to him looking down at his hands which he admittedly wrung around nervously. “Always wanted to though.”
“Why haven’t you?”Dick asks genuinely and Danny looks up at him and gives a sigh.
“My parents are engineers right? They spend their entire life barely able to feed us yet working their asses off constantly and never tell us anything. My sister gets a full ride into the federation academy and they send a ship here just to pick her up,”he laughs softly. “They shut my school down a year after that happened, and now there is no school. None public at least. It’s either you have the money to afford to get them off the planet or you’re probably not here in the first place.” Danny motions around him for the moment. “Playing with things like this is how I learned it all, and I had saved up so much ready to buy a ticket to Mars. Ready to work in their ports just so I could try to get amongst the crew somewhere on some ship so I could travel.”
“Then your accident?”Dick asks with a solemn smile and Danny laughs.
“Then my accident, and even after they took all my money for the care and continued to drain my parents dry they couldn’t fix my legs,”Danny gave a shrug for a moment.
“I forget places like this.. exist,”Dick leans his head back against the column.”Places so out of touch with the rest of the known universe.”
“Places dying because of Man’s need to take,”Danny clarified. “This planet has been mostly abandoned for years. Those of us still here are surviving.”
“But that’s not living,”Dick seemed almost frustrated. “How old are you?”
Danny gave a small smile to him. “25.”
“27,”Dick breathes out. “So close in age and yet I was given everything.”
“And what? Are you able to go back in time and make my life better?”Danny uses his crutch to poke him. “We just met my guy. Lighten up. It is what it is.” Danny gives a shrug as Tim comes back with a bag and Danny takes it being careful as he maneuvers it down to the ground and as he lowers himself. He couldn’t ignore the quiet longing looks Dick seemed to give him, like he wanted to help Danny but just couldn’t figure out how.
Dick pulls Tim aside as Danny watches them talk for the moment and Danny sighs softly scooching over to where the damaged areas were.
“Tim, can you clear the coolant lines and anything that could I don’t know, kill me,”Danny chuckled as he mumbled under his breath a quiet “again”.
“Yeah of course,”Tim moves to the wall, opening a small panel and seemingly disconnecting a few wires with a slow hum before walking back over. Danny sighs but looks at the damage and takes a deep breath as he dives into it. Working on removing the damaged wires and cording so he could cleanly replace anything. Jason brings him bits and pieces and Dick keeps reminding him about drinking water and Tim seemed quite entranced as he repaired the ship with nothing but determination and scraps.
Danny was convinced the three of them were something he had never seen before in how they held themselves. He knew Humanity was spread far and wide and there were several humanoid races like the kryptonians but with all they talked about and maintained in how they held themselves he had to wonder if they were human or just trying to remain looking humanoid as to not freak out Danny and his very human-body, mhm totally human body. Not fucked up at all. Maybe they were kryptonians or something? He didn’t know but did try to distract himself with the work in front of him as he stared at the blueprints he’d been given just to make sure it was all correct.
“So Tim, you designed this thing but you can’t fix it?”Danny asks as he stops for a moment as he turns around to look at him.
“I can create the concepts and I am an engineer and I can make small ships but I’m used to being handed everything I need if that makes sense? Normally I’m provided with the tools to make things successful so here when I’m put into a position to think outside the box…”
“You’re struggling to keep up?” Danny gives a small smile.
“Yeah, I am admittedly. Even the normal thing I could sub out for in case of a shortage or I’m working with limited resources I can’t find here so that leaves me to struggle to get what I actually need done. I needed help or I needed someone to help me secure safe alternatives and since we’re trying not to draw attention to ourselves bringing Barb along didn’t seem like the best option..”
“Barb?”Danny asks, snickering under his breath.
“Barbara is our AI that works and lives aboard this ship and well most of our ships. It’s an AI worked on by our friend Gordon and we’ve kinda gotten so used to her we bring her along with us everywhere. Now we can’t use her. It’s one of the biggest issues of this ship because we use a lot of AI’s in several different forms while aboard a smaller long haul vessel.”
“Wait wait wait, are you telling me this ship is not only secret spy ship with a multi-warp core AND has long haul capabilities? I’m sorry Tim? Do you need a husband? I have a hand! It could use a ring!”Danny exclaimed laughing as Tim goes bright red in the face.
“No no no no no!”Tim begins quickly. “I mean yes! She is a beast of a ship, hence my concern of getting her fixed here and not getting reported because not just any mechanic can work on a ship of her caliber!” Tim begins quietly.” But I -ah- I have a boyfriend.”
Jason walks into a room with a smirk and a cup in his hand. “Dick’s free,”He grins like a mad man and Dick turns bright red as well.
“Jason,”Dick threatened. “Don’t make me rat you out to your girlfriend!”
“I mean I’m open to open relationships too if that’s your speed Jason! I’m sure your girlfriend wouldn't mind me dating you and Dick right!”Danny teases as it was Jason’s turn to go red and Dick bounced off of Danny’s chaotic beginnings.
“I mean I’m okay if you’re fine with sharing Little Wing,”He smirks.
“You two are already insufferable,”Tim groans, getting up and walking past them. “How’s the dust storm?”
“Better I can see and move around just about fine now,”Jason and Tim were changing the topic.
“Can you believe these two? Just dusting us off like that,”Danny sighs softly.
“I know right? They’re just changing the topic so coarsely.”
“Oh god he also does puns,”Jason whispers out.
“See! I’m not that bad! Not like I’m going to drive you to in-sand-ity.” Danny smirks laughing as Tim grabs Jason's hand leading them out of the room.
“We’ll be back with more of the stuff you need,”Tim exclaims back at the two of them as Dick and Danny share quiet moments staring at each other before laughing softly.
“How much are tickets out of this place?”Dick asks as he stares at Danny from his spot, also sitting down. He had been keeping Danny company working on something on his tablet it seemed, filling out paperwork or something at the very least.
“Hmmm, passenger ships are hard to come by here, maybe once every 6 months?”Danny started. “So either you land very hard to get a spot on one of those or you charter a personal vessel. Kind of depends which way you want to take?”Danny shrugs.
“Say, chartering a personal vessel?”
“For a super shitty one it’s probably going to run you about maybe 856 credits. Tickets for the spots on the larger passenger ships run about 543.”
“And how much do you get paid?”
“Well I don’t get paid much at all,”he laughs. “But my parents and I try our best to split everything, but even when you cover the cost of bringing in shipments of things to fix ships, filters, food, that kind of stuff I don’t get much at the end of the day, and well my personal little amount is long gone.”
“Sorry for all my questions, I'm just trying to figure out how much is the average pay around here,”He laughs softly and moves to rub the back of his neck. “Hey have you eaten today? We have some snacks on board or I could make you something?”
“Nah don’t worry about me?”He laughs softly, moving to start again but finds Dick reaching out to stop him.
“Nuh uh, if you’re anything like Tim he forgets to eat especially when he’s working on something,”Dick gave Danny a gentle smile. “Come on?” He stands up and moves to help Danny up, handing him his crutch as he stands and they make their way to the kitchen which was bigger than anything he was used to. He was used to the living area and kitchen all squished into the same place at his parents house. Most of the house had been converted to bays long ago to work on the ships that came in and out of their home. The living space became a second thought for their work. Eyes always focused on the problem at hand. He wondered if he could get a call to Jazz soon.
He missed her.
Danny’s attention was brought back to reality as Dick offered the man a seat at their little table stepping off to go look at the food options.
“What are you craving? I have a bunch of sweet things, all of us tend to have a sweet tooth, but I also have veggies and some fresh produce to snack on from a variety of planets but admittedly mostly Krypton.” Danny took a second to try and realize he was saying coherent English.
“I have no idea what any of that is…”he whispers out sheepishly. Danny felt a small blush to his cheek.
“Right… dying planet,”dick begins slowly. “Have you ever had anything fresh? Any sweet treats or anything?”
Danny shook his head. “Ah, no? I think I may have had a few sweet things growing up but most of what we have here is freeze dried or pre portioned rations and especially now, it’s mostly the rations, and that’s only if you can afford them. Their prices go up every day.” Danny gives a small laugh. He doubted these Rich fuckers would know of the struggles of not having enough to eat.
“You’ve never… had anything sweet? Or fresh?”
“Uhhh, i Don’t think so. To be honest, fresh is kind of a bad omen word around here because we haven’t had anything fresh in so long it usually means things won’t last and doom is to follow. Everything here is regulated, Mr. Wayne.”
It may have been a small jab at the fact that they came from money and wouldn’t know the troubles of the outlying planets of the galaxy and the fact that he has read once that dying planets are often abandoned at some point and the remaining inhabitants are left to die. Danny read up on the fact and had accepted that he was likely within the final one or two generations of the planet left before the transports finally stopped coming and there would be no saviors for them.
Earth would be forgotten and the history along with it. Most of it at least. It would be taught how the Humans destroyed it and once they got into space the world fell beneath them even more and left the remaining inhabitants there to die and wither away with the very little water left and no food capable of growing. The rations are only being provided to them through a relief program by DALV corp to assist dying planets, yet DALV corp never made a move to actually get the remaining members off of the planets did they? Creatures of any nature could make their homes everywhere in space but yet trying to fix what the humans had done, and trying to help those living there?
Danny had been foolish when he was younger to hope that anything like that would happen, there was no saving earth, and there was no getting off the rock for people as injured as he was. Dick seemed to look down sheepishly in embarrassment rubbing his neck anxiously.
“I--I honestly have nothing to say to that you know?”Dick laughed nervously for the moment as he grabbed the two dishes and set one in front of himself and one in front of the other with a small smile as he grabbed two spoons and handed one to danny.
“What’s this?” Danny asks, looking at the weird white scooped substance in front of him. He poked it with a utensil a few times thinking for a moment as he frowned. He poked it with his finger and pulled his hand away in shock and surprise.
“This is called Ice cream,”Dick smirked. “I picked a plain flavor so it shouldn’t throw you off too much.”
“This is cold,”Danny whispers in surprise looking at Dick a mesmerizing look going across his face as he puts his finger into the ice cream eyes even wider when he pulls it out. “It’s cold!”
“Do you guys really not… have that many well regulated temperature spots? Fridges?” Dick was asking honestly. Another thing probably standard on most ships but to him? To him this was everything. Danny had never had this before. Dick handed him a napkin as Danny put some of it on his spoon and hesitated.
‘I mean we have lots and lots of fans and my folks and I are lucky we can go stand in the coolant storage rooms because those have to be kept cool and since we have one of the only working ones around we hold most of the emergency coolant not kept on ships,”Danny explains before taking a bite of the food and eyes going wide as he felt it melt in his mouth staring at Dick. It was creamy and soft and sweet and delicious and Danny had never tasted anything like this before. It was so good and in a way Danny didn’t have any other way to explain it than being on cloud nine.
“How is it?”Dick smirks softly at Danny as the man begins to shovel it into his mouth. “Good right, though you might want to slow down or--.” Dick suggested to the man before a sharp pain filled his mind and his eyes squeezed shut and hands immediately going up to his head and yet all he heard from Dick was a bright laugh and for a moment Danny thought Dick was poisoning him with some neurotoxin or something like that so that’s why his brain was hurting so bad.
“Or that’ll happen,”He chuckles. “Take your thumb and push it up against the roof of your mouth it’ll help it go away.” Danny sends him a glare knowing the man would know this would happen and not warn him! He knew they just met but damn! Though he obliged the man and did as he was told it in fact seemed to ruin whatever was causing that.
“What was that!”Danny exclaimed looking at him.
“That was called a brain freeze my new friend,”Dick smirks. “I don’t know the science of why it happens but it does happen when you eat or drink really cold things too fast, and don’t give me that look! I tried to warn you!”
“Not soon enough!” he teased back at the man.
“When does the sun set here?”Dick asked next, seemingly changing the tone of the conversation.
“Damn I’ve already been here most of the day… It’s technically winter but all of our seasons are pretty much the same now anyways. Apparently the seasons used to change dramatically but now the only thing that changes is when the sun goes down…”
Dick laughs softly. “So most of the day?”
“It means the suns going to set here in about a few hours or so,”Danny replies with a smile.
“Is the view of the stars here any good?”
“I mean I’ve never seen any bad view of our stars here if that’s what you’re asking,”Danny laughs.
“You have some constellations sewn onto your bag,”Dick pointed out softly and Danny blushed, realizing he was right. Danny had done that so long ago he had totally forgotten about that. He had done it bored one night on the roof because he wanted to make sure the bag was his own and he could have fun with it while he could. Not like he had great mobility otherwise, right?
“Ready to head back down?”Danny smiles as he finishes his ice cream and Dick nods deciding to just take it with before he heads back down the stairs to engine bay working on it and keeping up nice quiet conversations with Dick who tried to keep up with all his talks of engines and spaceships and the different apparently older models that came through here a lot.
Tim and Jason stopping by to offer more parts and Tim sliding next to Danny to help him work for a bit as well for another few hours. It was nice and they all made quiet banter and eventually they got on the topic of partners and Danny laughed at their family.
Once again making him miss Jazz. It was nice to see them treat each other as family.
“What about you danny?”Jason smiles gently at the man. “Born and raised here, do you have any siblings?”
“I do actually,”Danny gives a sheepish smile. “I have my parents and my sister.”
“Oooo, A sister,”Jason nudged Dick playfully and the man rolled his eyes.
“She’s off planet though,”he laughs softly. “Got a scholarship through the federation and hasn’t looked back. Can’t blame her for getting out of this shit hole.”
“Do you still speak to her?”Dick asks with a small hum.
“Getting long distance messages like that are hard. Especially face times,”He admitted. “Most of our satellites are shot so it’s uncommon we get to talk or send anything else out. “
“When’s the last time you two spoke?”Tim spoke softer this time as Danny looked down at his hands which he was wringing in mild anxiety of it all.
“About 5 months ago I think?”He admits quietly. “I’m glad she got out of here though, but I do miss her. I didn’t even tell her about my accident so she has no idea why I haven’t left. I’ve been avoiding it for years.”
“Why haven’t you told her?”Tim pressed a little.
“Because she’d offer to pay my way off world to get treatment but where would that leave her? The fare is expensive and let alone getting me all the way to a medical treatment center? I don’t know the galaxies that well. I don’t know the stars except when I’m here staring at them.”
“She cares about you then if you know she’d be willing to do that,”Dick smiles. “I know because It’s something I’d do in a heartbeat for my siblings too.”
“And you parents?”Jason spoke up again.
“Engineers, that's for sure. The amount of times I’ll open our rations cabinet and find a can of oil or something in a radioactive container is not for the faint of heart. Don’t even get me started on the whole ‘our house is the garage’ thing they’ve got going on.”Danny laughs with a bright smile. “They let me work for them sometimes, and I try to help out when I can.”
“What’s your dream then?”Jason moves to lean against the wall.
“Right now? To leave here one day and see the stars and planets even if only for a few hours. If I get to be up there for a bit and explore for a day I think I can die happy,”Danny lets a wistful smile rest upon his face as he turns back to his work, missing a shared look from across the brother’s faces. Each of them fell into their own conversations and sibling rivalries for another bit before Dick tapped his shoulder another few hours later for them to take a break. The man handed him water, letting him finish it before Dick brought him to the top of the ship outside. Dick helped him for a moment as they sat atop the ship, the sun having set. Both of them having turned on their filters glad the sandstorm had left and while everything was covered in dust the stars were incredibly visible tonight and Danny could appreciate that as Dick smiles.
“So… stars? What are some of your local earth tales about them?”He grinned.
“Are you sure this is a conversation you wanna bring up?”Danny teases threateningly with a smile. “I could literally talk about this for hours and I’m pretty sure you want your ship fixed at some point. “
“Hmmm, okay fair then tell me about your favorite one?”He smiles gently.
“This one is really old, okay? You can’t blame me for any of the historical mistranslations that may have happened during the centuries or whatever.”Danny mildly threatened and the other put his hands up in defense.
“I cross my heart. I promise. I won’t judge,”he smiles.
“So a long time ago there were two brothers, only half siblings but brother’s nonetheless. One was named Civilization the other was named Pollution.”Danny began as he leaned back. “It’s that grouping of stars there.”
“Okay,”Dick smiles and looks over towards Danny.
“Civilization and Pollution were both created by man. Alas there were other Siblings created by the Earth, Drought and Famine. It said that when Man made Civilization and Pollution the two would always coincide with one another. A promise to each other to stay by each other's sides. They embarked on many journeys of exploration across space together and especially amongst men on earth they explored and went deep into the Earth itself to draw out all she had within her. Earth did not like that and told them to stop. She kept telling them to cease on their journey or she would seek retribution, and they did not listen so she sent her children after them. So Drought killed Civilization and in anger Pollution killed the remaining two siblings. Pollution begged and begged for Earth to bring back his sibling, even turning to man who was falling apart at the seams without Civilization there to keep them together. Earth shook her head and gave a sigh and sent off the rest of man into the stars claiming that was how Civilization would be reborn and if he wanted to follow she could allow him to follow him into the stars. So he did, and thus the constellations were born into the sky, the brothers there once again dancing while the broken rotting bodies of Drought and Famine brought bloodshed back to the land.”
“Wow that’s..”
“A lot right,”Danny laughs. “And that’s just one of many tales we have here.” Danny looked over at Dick who slowly sat up and Danny hadn’t realized how close Dick had gotten to him. Dick looked down on him with a gentle smile.
“Yeah no it’s a lot, that’s for sure. I think you deserve to see the stars Danny.”Dick comments almost as if it was an afterthought.
“Well, maybe one day right?”He smirks.
“I think it might be sooner than you think,”Dick smirks mischievously. Danny chuckling and rolling his eyes at the other.
“I wish, man, I wish.” Then something seemed to dawn on the other and Dick’s eyes widened for a moment before he stopped.
”Do they keep you informed enough out here about what’s going on outside of the planet?” Dick began slowly. “I know what Tim said earlier and I’m not going to contradict anything he said because what we told you earlier was the truth. This is a spy ship. This was a test mission, but it wasn’t pirates who attacked us.”
“Who attacked you then?”Danny’s eyebrows furrowed. He moved to sit up to look Dick seriously in the eyes.
“There’s a race that's pushed a war with the galactic federation for years. They’ve been getting under our skin and trying to break down the Federation from the inside and mostly the Kryptonians have been dealing with it fine but when the Federation hired Wayne enterprises to assist in weapons and ship designs? They seemingly took offense to that. It’s contract work. Nothing against either side, we think the entire situation is dumb.” Dick sounded frustrated almost.
“Okay, so what’s your point? There’s a new war brewing? You guys get caught in the crossfire?”Danny was almost hesitant to ask. Dick shifts his sitting position almost nervously as he looks over at Danny.
“Yes… and no.”Dick stopped for a moment thinking of how he wanted to phrase his next comment. Something he was afraid of saying out loud in fear it would be true and Danny had been forced to read a lot of interesting texts over the years about the stories of old and how they used to run their missions. Dots connecting in Danny’s mind.
“You think you were targeted…”Danny whispers out. “It’s-it’s just like I was reading about in this archived novel I read when I was younger! Somebody tries to take out the main family’s heirs, cause devastation and get the big family to pull out on the contract work!”
‘Yeah , that's pretty much the entire situation we’ve theorized right now," he laughs. “What we think at least. We’re sure things will calm down once the finality of the paperwork is complete but we just have to be more careful.”
“So wait… if your so-called ship isn’t pinging things right? That’s going to show up as a red flag within this port too, you know that right? I know Pings are an old school concept but they still use them here. The second they send out that report back to the nearest station of federation ships it can be hacked. I used to hack them all the time. Listening to those radios is like a piece of cake.”
Then it seemed to dawn on both of them.
Eyes finding each other for a moment as they stare in panic. There was a high chance that the ship was just waiting on the signal to the nearest station. That cut their real time in half, no wait... Danny thought he might be able to do it in 12 hours but that would mean the end of the day and the signal would have already been sent out a few hours before he had finished it. He looked at the clock on the wall. He had been working for 9 hours… That meant final pings for the evening on all the ships would be going out soon if not now and reported to the nearest federation station, and their ship wouldn’t ping.
“You guys still use the Ping system?!?!”Dick started.
“Shut up you guys have a bigger issue to deal with! And again DYING PLANET DICK.”Danny exclaimed before he paused and looked around them. “Fuck Tim and I have to get this ship moving now.” He whispers before they hurry back into the ship. Dick grabbing Danny by the waist and lifting him down with ease, not that Danny noticed it that much, not at all. Danny uses his powers just slightly to help him get into the engine bay faster as Dick was trying to explain the current situation.
“You use the PING SYSTEM?!?!?!”
“Shut up and help me finish this!”Danny yelled at Tim sternly and that seemed to shut him up as the nervousness rose. Jason going back up to keep an eye on the surrounding area and Dick going who knew where. It was on the ship for sure, probably prepping system vitals and checking everything else for take off.
“Tim, you guys need to get to a mechanic as soon as you get out of here okay?”Danny whispers to him as they finish the shoddy patch job. “I’m serious.”
“You don’t have to explain it to me..”Tim bites at the dried skin of his lips for the moment.
“I’m going to get off so you can leave. Get out of here, Jump. Get to safety all of you,”Danny whispers as they head up to the main deck and Danny moves to open the airlock to the outside.
“I think Dick might want to say goodbye, he gets attached,”Tim teases him softly.Danny rolls his eyes slipping on his mask hearing the very quiet hiss of it connecting and breathing in the only slightly ruined filter. Danny had his bag slung over his shoulder standing by the airlock.
Dick came down the hallway Tim had just gone into.
“You guys will only be able to make one jump, so make it count,”Danny started firmly.
“We will, we will! We’ll also be back, you know that right? We don’t have any coins on us and I know you said technology is iffy here and we have services to pay for,”he smiles gently.
“I would appreciate it,”he laughs. “Honestly, just get out of here. I’m not worried about it. I’ll get out of here eventually.” Danny gave a shrug and Dick gently grabbed his hand giving him a small squeeze.
“I promise I’ll be back.”
“Uh huh, that’s what they all say,”Danny gives a sad smile and starts his walk out the door giving a wave to them as he leaves leaning on his crutch starting to feel the pain coursing through his body now at the long working hours he pulled today and part of him didn’t even care he wasn’t getting paid immediately, or that he quietly wanted to make a jab at his sister for not coming back to see him. Part of him was just trying desperately to not be heartbroken or sad at the coming events he knew was going to happen. He stared at the ground intently as he walked away.
Maybe he had wanted to be their friend. Wanted to see them more and hang out with them. Maybe he wanted to actually stare at the stars and tell Dick more stories of Earth and what it was like living in its hellish expanse.
Maybe he wanted someone to explore space with. Someone to watch his back and maybe a group of friends he could finally come clean with about what he was made up of and what he could do in actuality. Maybe he could tell them the idea of why their ship was only going to last one more jump. He didn’t need to tell them he infused extra radiation energy into the pipes that would be picked up along the way. The excess radioactive energy that he could control and assign and tell how to function and when to function.
The radiation he put there so that their warp core wouldn’t explode from being overexerted.The radiation he put there in fear of their ship being unable to jump without the extra fuel to the engine. But who was he anyway? Who was he at the end of the day? He felt like a no one. He would be abandoned yet again, he always was.
He stopped in his tracks as he felt hot bright lights on him and heard yelling.
“HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!” He looked up to see the local authority. The sheriff standing front and center. Dash. A dark smirk across his face and Danny knew in that moment he was fucked. If he wasn’t arrested Dash would make his life a living hell. Then he heard yelling from behind him. The Wayne ship had started up, but yelling with his hand out, was Dick.
“RUN!” He yelled. Danny stared at Dash and then back at Dick.
“Don’t do it Fenton!” He yelled. Danny could feel his leg already screaming at him but he didn’t care. He turned around and booked it. What he hadn’t expected was for them to actually shoot. A phaser blast coming to his right and causing him to scream as he hurried as quickly as he could with his crutch. Then he dropped his bag moving to go back but finding it was too dangerous as they were still shooting at him. Eyes wide with fear looking back at Dash, quietly pleading as he ran. Dick motioned him to go faster and he did.
He ran.
Faster. Faster. Forgetting his crutch and running with all he had. Deep labored breaths became worse as he felt a stinging at his side ignoring the pain and the tears welling in his eyes.
Why were they doing this? What did he do? Why was he being targeted? He--
Why? It was then he realized the ship was moving and going higher off the ground and Dick’s hand reached for him desperately and he heard a bang as his fingers grazed Dick’s hand, the man latching on. He saw another pair of hand grab Dick dragging them both into the ship, the airlock closing behind him desperately before they all fell back breathing heavily. Danny felt a searing pain at his side and he could feel the dust in his lungs as they all tried to breath and just calm down and slowly.
Danny stopped. He stared. Eyes focusing on Dick for a moment, then Jason’s. Then his hand.
He saw blood pouring from his side from nasty burns, his clothing torn and singed and he stared in a daze at his hand. Ears ringing. People were mouthing things to him that he couldn’t even register. Words. What words? He needed to concentrate right? Was that how this worked? Why did this all feel familiar? Why did this feel like dying all over again?
Wasn’t dying just once enough?
“Danny!”He hadn’t even realized he had collapsed Dick panicked, staring at him. “Hey, look at me. It’s going to be okay! It’s going to be fine!”
“What happened,”He breathed out tears streaking down his cheeks.
“Don’t worry about it, We’ll get you fixed up. Danny, hey look at me talk to me,”Dick wipes his tears away with his thumbs his hands a grounding pressure since he had pulled off danny’s mask throwing it somewhere out of the way. He gives Danny a wide reassuring smile.
“Danny, look at me? You have to stay with me, you want to know why? We’re in space,”He whispers and when he points to one of the windows the last thing Danny saw before he passed out was the stars.
The stars were welcoming him home.
And at least Danny got his finally wish right?
Fanfic located here on Archive of our Own
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i-suc-at-art · 1 month
Day 6: immortal
Ik this isn’t exactly danny phantom but it’s my dp oc so id like to think it counts.. This also is something i’ve had in the google doc vault for like ages lol it takes place during beyond batman, i was eventually going to have danny join the story but this is only the first part so don’t come for me that danny isn’t in this.. I still think it’s good writing so take pitty on my and read it pretty please 🥺🥺
“We have a ghost problem in Gotham” Terry says
“I don’t think so.. I’ve seen everything, Zombies, vampires, only one ghost though..”
“A real ghost?” Terry asks while sitting on the desk, Bruce was repairing the Suit sitting down in a chair.
“She was a half ghost but yes. She was once the ward of Vlad masters, she came to Gotham when she was 17, the two of them weren’t on good terms.”
“Woah, rich kid huh?”
“Didn’t act like it, but she was dangerous, vindictive too. She didn’t love that i wasn’t willing to go the extra mile in stopping bad guys” Bruce continues working on the suit not looking up
“Freaky.. Wait, wouldn’t she be like 40 by now?”
Bruce looks up at Terry and sighs. He stands walking over to the bat computer “Computer bring up file on Clover Morte.”
“Clover Morte, previous identities unknown, alias: Reaper, Age:17, metahuman powers: increased strength, intangibility, invisibility, increased sight, flight, overshadowing, ghostly fire, immortality, other powers unknown.”
“Do you know where she is? or how to find her?”
“I have a few ideas, you worry about the bad guys, i’ll worry about finding the ghost who haunts Gotham.”
“Right.” Terry puts on his suit and heads out in the batmobile.
Bruce steps into the middle of the small graveyard in Park Row, his cane hitting an inground plaque he side steps to not stand on the grave.
“My eyes must be deceiving me! Is that the one and only Bruce Wayne? The living ghost?” A voice asks from the shadows
“I could say the same about you Reaper.” Bruce turns to where he heard the voice
“Ain’t nobody called me that, not in a long time..” Clover says landing silently in front of Bruce
“You still look good for 37..” He smirks down at the young ghost, her body still looking 17
“You look good too, for a dead guy.” A burst of fire lights from her hand as she passes Bruce patting him on the shoulder with her non burning hand “So, whatcha need? There’s no way you’d see me just to visit.”
“You ever talked to your Dad before he passed?” Bruce follows her and Clover slows her pace so they can walk side by side
“Vlad? Oh no he’s alive and well, he’s also a halfa, naturally created halfas age slower than humans, but they age.” She pauses and opens up a decently sized mausoleum to have a dry place for the two to talk.
“Ah.. That’s good to know that Mr. Masters is alive, still, that bastard’s probably going to live longer than Mcginnis.”
“You’re the one who's going to outlive us all Bruce..” She steps further in motioning for him to follow “So that’s your new ward? Or maybe the new Batman that I've been hearing whispers about?” Clover pulls up a chair for Bruce to sit, clearly she had made this some sort of home. A cot bed in the corner, a couple empty takeout containers sit in a trash bag, looking around Bruce is seriously considering offering Clover a room
“Perceptive as ever. You know you should really talk to Vlad before it’s too late.”
“I mean we’ve talked, he knows I'm alive.. well half alive, but still. He understands that my place is here. Though I haven’t seen him in about 3 or 4 years now, I'm really thinking about it..” She pauses and looks at Bruce, his eyes darting around inspecting the room
“I don’t need a room Bruce. This is my haunt, take me away from it and I won’t hesitate to bring your spirit here myself.” She glares at him and he can’t tell if she’s being serious or not.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He sighs, eyes focusing back on the ghost girl. She lights a couple of small torches on the walls with the fire from her hand. A bright green ring glows around her waist; it splits and starts to change her body, her hair falling from its fiery ponytail, to equally fiery red hair that reaches her shoulders, her bangs black and eyes a bright green. She now looks to be 17 or 18 but her face looks just as aged as someone in their late twenties. Her eyes suckin in, mouth positioned in a frown, she looks troubled. Bruce can tell she isn’t hiding it either.
“Ok, spit it out.. you didn’t just come here to pass along fatherly advice, and exchange pleasantries.”
“Mcginnis says we have a ghost problem. But i’m not so sure. It seems to..” Bruce pauses searching for the right words “high school to be a real ghost.”
“What do you want me to do? Play high school?” She crosses her arms and leans against one of the walls
“That might be a good idea.. Mcginnis does need someone out there who I trust helping him learn the ropes.”
Clover sighs “My guy.. I was joking, I'm not going back to school. Last time it was kinda a hellhole.”
“I’m sure it gets lonely here..” Bruce says
“One; that was out of pocket, two; Jason visits quite often ok?” she pauses “I know what you're doing.. I quite enjoy my simple life I've carved for myself so why don’t you stop trying to carve your dick into it.” She glares her green eyes turning a bright blue for a moment
“It would be good to get to know your peers.” He continues to push her buttons
“Oh yeah, like I'll be able to connect with a bunch of teens who were just sperm when I started my haunt.” She rolls her eyes
“It would be nice to have an inside man. Dont adult actors play teens all the time?” He questions.
She sighs, “If you stop nagging I’ll give you one week. When we get this figured out and I'm back in this graveyard. If you make me stay any longer I swear I will make good on my threat.”
Bruce just nods then sticks out his hand for a handshake, clover grasps it tightly “Death.. I can’t believe that worked..” She balls up her fist and hits it to her forehead.
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