#to stuff like ''you have to trust Tyler'' and ''don't ask questions''
OC questionnaire
Thanks to @elsie-writes here, @mysticstarlightduck here, @riverkaplan here, and @somethingclevermahogony here!
My previous questionnaires:
Robbie, Gwen, Maddie, Noelle, Jedi, and Kelsey here.
Carmen, George, Akash, Sam, Lexi, and Ash here.
Gabriel, Carla, Parker, Rose, Alex, and Ewan here.
Liam, Hye-Jin, Wendy, Wade, Issa, and CJ here.
Below the cut I will do: Teo, Niri, Jazlyn, Anathi!
#1- Teo
Do you believe in the paranormal?
“Sis, my boyfriend literally can heal a broken arm in seconds. You would not believe the shit I've seen Parker do just because Wade can heal him. Oh yeah, and Parker literally is an airbender. How can I not? If a vampire walked into the school I wouldn't blink.”
What oddly-specific T-shirt would you wear?
“This shirt that says ‘born to shit, forced to wipe,’ I want it so much you don't understand.”
Do you usually cry at sad moments or happy moments or both?
“Definitely sad moments. I mean, I would not put it past me to cry when happy, but I can't make it through sad movies, man. Not at all.”
#2- Niri
Where is your favorite place in the world?
“I have an easy answer to this. Carla and George have a quiet room in their house. I can go there if I feel too overwhelmed or if I want to be alone for a bit. The room also has good lighting. I like it if someone joins me, though usually just a few people at the same time. Otherwise my reason for going into the room is ruined. [He smiles slightly.] I like everyone in the Aequales. Although there is a lot of people.”
What food do you hate the most?
“I dislike pasta. Pasta is not bad. It tastes good. But the texture really bothers me. I cannot eat spaghetti.”
Do you like watching sunsets or sunrises?
“Yes. I 100-percent love sunsets and sunrises. I am an artist. Maybe that's the reason. I feel inspired. New day, too.”
#3- Jazlyn
If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
“I would wear a tank top and shorts, easily. Why? Well, I think it would be fun, definitely make me stick out among the modest Utahns I'm forced to interact with. But also they show off how good of shape I'm in. And girl, I'm in good shape. It's hard to find pants for me, since I'm mostly legs. So why not show them off? I'd probably wear cute sandals, the necklace Ewan gave me, and my gorgeous hoop earrings.”
Who's the person you trust more than anyone else in the world?
“Obviously, Ewan. He is the kindest person I know. He would never do anything wrong.”
What's your dream job?
“I would actually find sales fun. I plan to get a marketing degree when I go to college next year. It seems fun to convince people what to buy.”
More Jazlyn: OC interview
#4- Anathi
Who in this world do you trust most, and why?
“... I guess Tyler. Kinda by default. He actually listens to me. Always kept promises, too. I relied on him for many reasons.”
What was your favorite place in the world when you were young
“The park. Where I could hang out with other kids. Before my powers kicked in.”
What is your favorite memory?
“When Tyler and I first met, we talked for hours. I would like to experience that feeling again.”
I haven't written for Anathi yet so this was probably only okay. Shorter responses are intentional tho
Your questions:
Tagging @writernopal @aziz-reads @mk-writes-stuff @romances-not-tragedies @little-peril-stories
@evilgabe29 @maggiekwest @chauceryfairytales @pluppsauthor @willtheweaver
@winterandwords @melpomene-grey @i-can-even-burn-salad @mysticstarlightduck @talesofsorrowandofruin
How do you make decisions? Long deliberation, or impulse? Logic or emotions?
What is the best thing that could happen within five minutes after waking up? Does it signal that the entire day will be good?
Is there anything that you find difficult that you feel should be easy?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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kmze · 2 months
Thoughts on 4x01 - 4x12 again I wrote a novel. This is probably my least favorite rewatch half since S1 and it's because the stuff I liked I really liked and the stuff I didn't like I really didn't like. It kind of ebbed and flowed for me, I didn't like the first two episodes (they felt weird I don't know how to describe it) but then I liked Connor and the hunters mythology. I liked the Klefan team-up and the hybrid sire bond breaking with Tyler (I liked his plot the most of anyone) and obviously I liked that the show remembered Steroline existed and all the friendship and sober sponsor goodness. But I didn't like when the hunters mark turned to the cure and Silas because I honestly lost the plot on the convolution of that. I loathe LOATHE the sire bond stuff and DE in general and while 4x09 was a highlight the next three brought it back to not enjoying myself as much (I blame the lack of Caroline).
“I made a choice that I will regret for the rest of my life” see even Stefan knows that was a stupid ass decision!
Not to defend Matt but can the Salvatore brothers leave him alone like damn it’s not his fault. Especially Stefan like projecting much? Damon wanting to kill Matt so badly is tiring like what is even the point?
God the DRAMA over Elena deciding to transition or not became downright annoying.
Bonnie you need to listen to Grams and stop saving these damn people!
RIP the Council you were useful for one day and then you got blown up.
I don’t really see how the animal diet wouldn’t cause more duress since you have to kill an animal, as opposed to just drinking from a blood bag? IDK Stefan you need to maybe reassess your vampire training manual because this doesn’t seem to be a diet anyone chooses unless they have drinking problem. Plus the dramatics over Elena feeding and possibly killing someone come on man, there’s like six people watching her I think you can all manage if you do it in shifts.
Damn I forgot how hot Conner is *bites fist* and I love that he shots first questions later! Someone who gets shit done and actually shook the table around here!
Tyler is the only one around here actually willing to put himself in danger to cause the least amount of casualties. A motherfucking G!
I’m sorry but Elena told April to remember it was a beautiful service but like it wasn’t! Tyler got shot! I would have included that information.
Why did Damon start kinda breaking the fourth wall suddenly?
Between Stefan starting it off by listing people Damon killed and Elena mourning HERSELF this is the most in sync’ Stelena has been since S2 LMFAO!
These past few episodes have been so overly emotional and dramatic it’s a bit much for me. I think it’s because the show is making us “feel” Elena’s transition like we’re doing it along with her, but please show I don’t ever want to be forced to relate to Elena.
Klaus getting so excited to try and breakup a high school couple is both sad and hilarious. Like he is glowing at the thought!
Man Rebekah is RUTHLESS!
The motorcycle scene is so bad!
I know I get more of a buzz from this than most but the Steroline scene is really just a nice scene. There is so much self righteousness and postering going around in these episodes and finally someone is like “I need help will you help me” “of course” and it is so nice! Stefan gives her these heart eyes when she says she's good at it because of him that just make me melt. I don't even think it's about the boost to his ego, I think he just really needed to hear that he did something right. This is also such a huge moment in relation to Stefan because it's the first time he ASKED for help with his blood addiction. With Lexi, Damon even Elena they told him they'd help him and they all did a bit but Caroline was the first person he sought out help from. And he trusted her when she said he could come to her whenever he wanted and she wouldn't let him lose control. Because Caroline is a genius at self-control. I always liked how we got the line "you don't have to pretend with me" from Stefan to Caroline in 2x13 and now you see how Stefan starts to learn he doesn't have to pretend with Caroline either.
Even the voiceover recap is dramatic!!
Stefan’s “we’re not in a fight this is our resting phase get over yourself” comment was hilarious.
How does Caroline not know how hard it is Elena hmm not like she woke up all alone having no idea what was happening to her since NO ONE told her about the supernatural world before that! The only possible information she had was visions of Damon abusing her, raping her and feeding on her! Not like she didn't have to work her ass off to prove to EVERYONE she could do it (only Stefan had some faith in). Then after that she was tortured by her own father despite being "too good at it". Yep no idea how hard it is.
Klaus sitting at the bar with a glass of wine smirking at Rebekah’s failures should not be as funny as it is but I am DYING!
Klaus’ smile when Stefan figured out his motive, what a sap! At least he's using new methods to get his (boy)friend back now. Instead of ruining his life he's like "wanna manipulate people and be shady" the best way to Stefan's heart.
While I do enjoy the Bonnie/Shane storyline (mostly) I am immensely tired at how often Bonnie loses her powers. This never seemed to happened to the witches on TO... and of course we all know why (racism).
Everything about Damon in this episode disgusts me. When he basically described S1!Caroline as the perfect "feeding victim" I wanted to reach through the screen and stake him. Can't even enjoy Bamon crumbs during this time period.
Stefan manipulated Rebekah into giving up all the information after one conversation… I just cannot. If Rebekah wasn’t mostly indestructible there’s no way she’d have lived this long, she will give all her secrets away to the first person who shows her a modicum of warmth.
Elena is so out of the loop and I love it (because I am a HATER)
I'm glad Bonnie got to just vibe with Shane instead of being forced to help this hostage situation, good for her.
The Hunter plot is good, I do like how they have their own symbols and the tattoo only other hunters can see. It gets a bit too complicated when Silas and the cure get introduced but it was good while it was just about the hunters.
Matt and Jeremey getting April a vervain bracelet THANK YOU!
Farewell Connor you should have been Too-Hot-to-Die!
The cracks in Forwood are starting :( because Tyler is right, Chris was his friend and more importantly Tyler wants to keep everyone safe and values everyone's life not just those he believes are important. But Caroline doesn't believe that, she'll try to save everyone and she'll at least feel bad but she will always save her friends first. There's also the fact that she's already started picking Stefan's side over Tyler's which will come to a head soon...
Caroline’s grin at tricking Klaus LMFAO
They would make Elena be haunted by her first kill after telling me how SHE JUST CARES TOO MUCH and her compassion is her greatest weakness the last five episodes. I hate it here.
Jeremy being so eager to stake Damon LMFAO!! I mean can you blame him? You know how many problems would have been fixed if they killed his ass.
They make it the Stelena break-up all about Elena's feelings for Damon which... is not the full problem here. If anything the problem is Elena's feelings for Damon mean her and Stefan aren't in sync like they were in S2. Because when SE works it's when Stefan can be the ideal boyfriend who respects Elena's choices and always protects her (at the expense of others if needed) and Elena can uplift that. She'll even remind people of it, like Elijah in 2x19 or when she would remind Damon, like when she invited Stefan into the boarding house first and embarrassed Damon on the condition he follow her rules (and Stefan smiles smugly). I mentioned it in my 2x12-22 recap thoughts how Elena wants to have a relationship with both brothers, but it only works if Elena isn't in love with Damon. Because then the roles don't work anymore, and Stefan has more self respect than Damon and quite frankly has zero interest being a side piece. Because we KNOW Damon will be in love with Elena no matter what like he was in love with Katherine for 145 years (until he transferred that over to Elena) but Stefan can move on (and does fight me).
When Caroline is talking to Stefan about her disgust at Delena and goes “and you’re you” the way Candice says it and her body language is PERFECTION! You see that small part that feels a tingle for Stefan pop out for a second after she buried it when they became friends in S2 (it stays there until S5 IMO).
Klaus is such a dick lol, he knows exactly what’s going on (that Elena is sired to Damon) and he just gives Caroline another riddle.
Everything with Damon and Elena this episode (most episodes lbr) makes me ill so I'm just going to ignore it :)
The Klaus and Caroline scenes at Miss Mystic Falls are kinda cute, I liked when he was teasing her with the application lol. The hummingbird analogy was kind of like "what TF is he talking about" though. Also why didn't we get Caroline saying if she'd take the cure or not, feels like they purposely wanted to keep that lingering.
I do like how much shadiness is going on this season, like not really knowing Hayley's motives and now we know she's working with Shane. Stefan and Klaus' team-up and how that brought a lot of hostility to the trio and also makes Caroline a more primetime player.
Another precious moment! When Caroline is going on her pro-Stelena rant and she’s like “her and Damon” *shakes in disgust like her whole body icks over the idea* (samsies). Then Stefan does this d’aw look and shy smile trying not to laugh because Caroline is Caroline and just BEING HER makes him forget how crappy his life is.
Now one of my favorite eras begins aka "Stefan and Caroline figure everything out by the fireplace (and fall in love)" era.
Stefan is being more sanctimonious than usual and if it were any other character than Damon I’d be like "let's not throw stones from glass houses..." But since he’s Damon and he still doesn’t do the right thing after all this, I'll allow it.
The show tried to push the side bond as feelings but like that’s not why the sire bond is bad. It’s the lack of consent because you are forced to act based on what you’re told by one person and it prohibits free will. THAT'S THE PROBLEM! No one thinks Elena didn't have feelings for Damon before she turned we fucking know this.
The scene with Caroline, Elena and Bonnie drinking and partying in the Salvatore living room is very cute and funny and I love it and it sucks that every other interaction between them this episodes fills me with hate. The part where Caroline says "It's not your fault, Elena. Damon took advantage of you!" you really hear the fear in her voice.
Elena is a bit too intrigued watching the hybrids bow to Tyler...
I thought Stefan was going to say "because he's my brother" when Caroline asked how he could trust Damon and how utterly annoyed it was going to make me, his excuse was a least a little better than that. He was wrong of course, because Stefan never learns when it comes to Damon.
The first scene of this episode is… why? They just established the lack of consent with the sire bond and Damon and Elena are laying on top of a bed together.
Caroline looks ETHERAL (and yes the very petty part of me loves that she gets to look stunning while Elena looks dull and miserable even her hair doesn't pop like it used to *evil grin*)
The way Tyler says "you told HIM" AJSHBCFJSFHJ god I love this scene, and the way Stefan moves in front of Caroline to protect her from HER BOYFRIEND, god I love it. I love when two characters just straight-up do not like each other based on personalities and not plot contrivance. Because Tyler and Stefan have never gotten along and they would never speak to each other if they could help it but they have to, because they both care about Caroline. That's how you do a triangle. Love how Tyler threw in Stefan's face that he already got one of the hybrids killed so he doesn't owe him anything. Sterowood you deserved more.
The Klefaroline stuff is also so great, the little art critic remarks and Klaus saying "you've been dodgy and Caroline's been lovely which I've come to recognize as a tool of distraction" (took him long enough lol). I do really enjoy the Klefan conversation about loneliness (which was what Caroline said about the snowflake) and memorializing their dead. Then the remorse that Stefan and Caroline feel at leading Klaus to slaughter and then cutting to... Klaus brutally murdering 12 hybrids to a Christmas carol. This show!
Watching Tyler find all the dead hybrids... damn I just feel so awful for Tyler. He was just trying to help them and never really wanted to be the alpha and now he has to feel immense guilt over them trusting him.
I’m sorry Becks but getting mad at Stefan for his dirty tricks girl... maybe stop letting yourself get manipulated ALL THE TIME!
I do appreciate Damon shooting Klaus for Carol.
Man Shane can resist compulsion too why are these idiots still not learning that! Morons all of them.
The prospect of Rebekah ramming the cure down Klaus throat does give me a perverse amount of joy! Really would have loved to see him deal with that predicament MWAHAHAHAAAA!
Stefan is such a drama queen this episode. Look the sire bond is gross and the way Damon is using it to his advantage is gross but like... Stefan is mad at Elena having feelings for Damon because of the sire bond but HE KNEW SHE DID BEFORE HE LET HER DROWN! And again maybe you shouldn't have been so comfortable with your brother being in love with your girlfriend Stefan because it "proved their was a part of him that was human" or whatever bullshit he used to say.
I do love how sassy Stefan got once he detached from Elena, he’s so much more fun this way!
Even Matt is questioning Elena’s choices about Damon oh how the mighty have fallen!
Sorry not sorry but I’m ready for the Original family to leave for their spin-off. I don’t care enough to even understand their issues now it’s so zzzzzzz, Klaus is the only one who mildly entertains me and that’s only when he’s around Stefan, Caroline or Tyler.
I know he's just trying to aggravate Damon but Klaus saying "Stefan would never dream of hurting Elena" um sir we all know that is not true. You were on the phone with him when he threatened to turn her into a vampire and drive her off a bridge! So much so that you actually stood down!
For someone who wants to be human so bad Rebekah is obsessed with Ripper Stefan and I don't get it! Do you know what Ripper Stefan does to humans? He eats them! And not in the sexy way! I'm also forever over these vampires say they want to be human so badly when they clearly love their vampire powers.
Elena like “wanna commit genocide real quick” girl...
CTFU at Stefan looking so guilty when Klaus opens the door like he’s been caught cheating!
Two episodes in a row with no Caroline WTF I don’t deserve this!
I know Bonnie’s Dad literally appeared out of nowhere but he’s not wrong in basically everything he’s been saying. She can’t really protect the town like she says when she’s working in vampires' interest. And thank god someone put vervain in the water supply!
It’s kind of sad to watch Bonnie’s parents finally give a shit about her and started telling her to stop putting herself in danger for Elena. Because they are completely right with everything they’re saying and Bonnie just won’t listen now.
The Stebekah 80s “date” does a good job of showing the duality of Stefan. I think he’s being completely genuine in having fun with Rebekah and that it reminded him of his time with Lexi who always made him happy. But he’s also doing this to distract her while Elena and Jeremy try to kill her brother. And I like that he doesn’t have Matt dagger her because she was honest with him and he didn’t want to betray her after she did. But then he manipulates her into being back on his side to get the cure and to not be mad Jeremy and Elena killed Kol. Oh when he’s good he's good.
There’s so many mentions of burning Elena’s house down lol. They couldn’t wait to torch this sucker.
The Klonnie scene where Klaus is like "witch" and she gives him a death glare... they could have been a fire hateship man!
Bonnie’s face was like oooooo watching the triangle drama lol (samsies).
Lines that made me laugh:
Klaus: For future reference, one voicemail is just as effective as nine (this was an ongoing theme with Klefan and it was hilarious)
Stefan: *snaps Damon’s neck* You’re welcome (LMFAO all in the delivery sassy Stefan never leave me!)
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lunarsilkscreen · 5 months
Interpretation doesn't care about your Intent
"Something something Facts and Feelings" - Ben Shapiro
Here's the fact; interpretation doesn't care about what you mean. The facts might be "Well I said this this and this, and meant this." Or in the case of some comedians and rap artists.: "It's KFABE" or "I'm playing g a character! They shouldn't take me seriously."
Except when a core part of your audience *believes* in that character or what you're saying.
My goto example: Tyler Durden's *MASSIVE* fan base, despite him being the villain of the movie "Fight Club". The same thing with the Joker, but in the Batman, it's a little bit different, where in fight club you're supposed to take issue with Tyler Durden's childish behavior (No matter how on point his early rhetoric is) Joker , especially his more recent iterations; is a character who doesn't believe he has another choice. Or he's really just an anti-hero doing "what needs to be done" the same as Batman. (Who is in fact a criminal, doing what he believes needs to be done.)
When people believe that facade you've created, when they're rooting for the literal interpretation of what you're saying sarcastically, or maybe they interpret the wrong parts as sarcasm: it's your job as an "entertainer" or in some cases "Journalists" to ask:
What *fake-news* are you unintentionally causing?
Because the facts are; rational people believe the "fringe" and "extremist" interpretation that you Believe nobody in their right mind would.
Just like how some people see Trump as a popular-culutural referencing shit poster just having verbal *coup de tats* and others believed he was leading a literal *coup* on January 6th.
And the entire time, people were being snobs about it, "he's literally a facisist Hitler loving psychopath" there were more level-headed people saying; "No, there's people who believe what he is saying as if that facade was a real thing".
People took his "shit talking" as "fact". As if the character wasn't just a character anymore, but something more. And still more level headed people *admitted* that *that* interpretation was the one they believed more than anything.
A good politician doesn't correct his image when the results are in their favor, but God damn did the media eat it right up and completely drop the ball on that.
And that's where it falls flat with these "I love talking about my feelings for facts" groups; they don't see the massive groups of people who believe the *character* over the *facts*. After all, if they did anything about it; it might hurt their bottom line.
Who cares if the substantiation of the currency you earn goes with it.
Because when you point this out, when you get a little bit critical, they instead take a heavy handed and defensive approach. They too seem to be stuck in a "scarcity mindset" where any false move, any negative view from critical sources, could end their career in a single day.
And the question is; in this new day and age where you could several hundred thousand views for starting a Tik Tok, is that really career ending? Or are you letting the old ways of doing make you afraid of being a good journalist?
Now I get the whole "don't buy stuff from my sponsors" approach as a sort of reverse-psychological advertising, and tongue and cheek jokes..I do.
But at a certain level, at a certain level of audience trust, the question is; how much of your audience believes in the "I wanna be a gangster" shtick and how much believes that's "just an act"?
Do the facts, care, about your feelings?
So when we're being critical of each other; how much is it play-ground b.s., and how much of it isn't? I've heard that phrase a lot "it's just locker room talk" or "it's just schoolyard roughhousing" like you actually understand that's your own intent.
What about the bystanders who are telling you: "This is starting to look like a war."
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dino-boyo-agere · 1 year
If you want to know why (possibly) that anti-Tyler Posey person was mad, it's seems like a very long, complicated reason, but I'll try my best to unbiasedly explain the series of events that created this sort of mentality. You don't have to post this if you don't want to (since it's going to be incredibly long). Just figured, since you were curious, I'd let you in on what I've gathered about this topic.
Firstly, fandom as a whole is like a tight-knit bubble filled with people you agree with liking you and laughing at your jokes, so when two of your tightly knit chain start blowing up passionately about an opinion, you all do, and just as passionately, because these people have essentially become your friends and hating something together feels like strengthening a bond between strangers, and before you know it, being kind of irked by something quickly spirals into fierce, disproportionate rage. I've come across many people who, when asked why they hate Tyler Posey so much, honestly struggle to come up with a real reason outside of they hate Scott McCall and everyone they know in fandom says he "queerbaits" (but they can't provide an example because that's just what they've been told through the grapevine). So there's a chance this person you were talking to was just feeling residual hate through the echo chamber (because it kinda just feels good to hate something with other people).
Secondly, those who do have actual, thought out reasons, outside of just agreeing with people they trust, usually reference an event known as BWT. Back when Teen Wolf first began, sterek fans actually liked and supported Tyler Posey, helping with fundraisers and events and stuff. Then, in an interview, Tyler Posey said that the concept of Sterek was "Bizarre, weird, and twisted". Sterek fans who had been supporting him up till then now felt betrayed and felt like they were being shamed for liking what they liked. Many thought the way he said the ship was BWT was meant in a homophobic way, so later when he revealed in another interview that he also dated guys, these people seemed to think that this was a damage control stunt to prove he wasn't homophobic rather than a genuine coming out (whether or not this is true, either way, these two events together were just very badly timed). So when people question the validity of his sexuality ☝️ this is why.
And lastly, (I don't recall if this was OnlyFans related or if it was just general social media) there was a time when Posey asked his fans for donations to help (I think) his sister (?) get into an expensive medical school (?). Forgive me, I'm fuzzy on the details of this one. Anyway, his fans found this distasteful that he was using his star power to ask his average-joe fans to pay for what they considered a luxury (since the institute she wanted to attend asked for much more than just your typical room and board) instead of using his own Teen Wolf money to pay for it. There might have been more to this story, but I don't remember it. OnlyFans specific complaints I've heard are usually bait-centric, as in the idea that "he's using the promise of pleasure (doing porn) to sell something else (his music) with no intention of keeping that promise", which ended up circling back around to the idea of him "queerbaiting to not sound homophobic". This, in turn, accidentally cemented this type of personality in the eyes of fans, creating this reputation as someone who "baits" and takes advantage of fans' trust (whether or not this is really true).
Hope that made things a little clearer.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this all out for me.
It really does help me understand the situation a bit better.
So, basically, what it all comes down to: People can be toxic and the internet loves to make it worse. (as usual lmao)
I never really understood how exactly people can hate someone, with no reason whatsoever and without even really knowing them at all. I get 'not liking' someone just like that, there are MANY people I just don't like.. But I don't hate them. Why would I, if they never did anything harmful? I don't even have the energy to be angry at a stranger for no reason whatsoever.
But I do understand the whole 'wantong to belong somewhere' side of this issue.. I just hope those people will find a less toxic environment/ interest to indulge in some day.
Lots of love goes out to everyone reading this 💞
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bonnixd · 1 year
The monster is back
Summary: You plan to kidnapp Tyler from prison, but it will not be easy as it is a maximum security prison. But something happened that changed your plans.
You stand thoughtfully on the balcony. How can you free Tyler from prison? However, it will be very difficult. Then you break into a maximum security prison. And breaking in is one thing, but you also have to get out with Tyler. "What are you thinking about?" Ajax asked, standing next to you. "Shouldn't you be with Enid?" you asked grumbling. "Why do you always answer my questions with a counter-question and how do you know about Enid?". "I have my own way of getting information," you reply calmly. "Aha...you can’t trust other people, don't you?" demands Ajax hesitantly. "What makes you think that?" you asked in surprise. "Well, you're always alone. In class you hardly ever talk to Xavier and all that.' You look at Ajax. "Yes it's true. I don't trust anyone but I won't tell you why". Ajax just nodded. "All right. I'll go to Enid then. See you later," he said and left. You look up at the sky for a while and think.
It is now 5:30 p.m. You're sitting in the weathervane still thinking about how to get Tyler out of jail. Suddenly 3 police cars drive past the weathervane, you thought nothing of it at first. "Can I get you something else?" asked the waitress. "Did something happen here because of the police". "Didn't you hear that?" she asked in astonishment. You shake your head. “Tyler Galpin has been missing since last night".". "Like disappeared?!" you asked in a slightly louder voice. "He was no longer found in his cell and his handcuffs were on the floor. However, the police did not reveal why he was tied up or why he was arrested." She said uncertainly. “Thanks, I don't need anything else right now..." you said, she nodded and left. How did Tyler escape, for you there are only 2 logical theories. Either it was his father, the old sheriff or there is another unknown person who helped. You're caught out when Wednesday walks in. "Quadruple on ice," she said dryly. She took the espresso and sat right across from you. You look at each other until she starts talking. "You watched me yesterday", she said emotionlessly. she said emotionlessly. "You play very good. But let's talk later, I still have to go somewhere." you said and stand up. "You are going to Tyler?" she asked menacingly. You stopped and looked over your shoulder. "No, he's in jail, isn't he?" you asked calmly. "We both know he's not there anymore and someone freed him," she said a little louder. "I'm hearing about that for the first time." You said and walked out of the cafe very quickly so that you didn't have to hear her answer.
You went to the forest so you can think better. But then you stop abruptly. Tyler is standing in front of you about 50m away. you stare at each other His look intimidates you a bit, he has a psycho look. You slowly approach him while he doesn't move. You keep walking until you are only 1m away from him. "Who freed you, Tyler?" you asked menacingly. Tyler continued to stare at you menacingly finally he said "my father he still thinks I'm innocent" he grinned broadly. "And how did he manage that?" you asked interested. Tyler gave a short laugh. "That's none of your shit business," he finally said. You put your right hand in your pocket "and what are you going to do now?". Tyler grinned even more "first I'll kill you, then I'll take my revenge on Wednesday, enid and all nevermore" he laughed. "Some students from Nevermore are my targets too, but I'll stop you anyway," you said calmly. Tyler grabbed you by the shoulders saying "You can't stop me" and was about to transform into the Hyde. You took the chance and rammed a syringe you had in your pocket into his right arm. Tyler's eyes closed quickly and he fell unconscious. You look at his still body, "hm, I thought it was harder" you said. You take his arm and drag him away...
So i hope you like it. I know my grammar and stuff like that is very bad because English is not my main language either, but I hope you like it. And I look forward to your criticism. Have a nice day
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fictionz · 1 day
New Fiction 2024 - May
"Sophonias" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
"The kingdom of Juda is threatened with severe judgment." My brother in Yahweh, when is a prophet not talking about a severe judgment? That's all they did back then!
"Aggeus" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
"The people are reproved for neglecting to build the temple." See, it never ends! These prophets are driving me mad.
"The Traveller's Warning" by Beckett Jones (2023)
There's an end of the world, you just won't be there for it.
"The Pencilsword #10" by Toby Morris (2015)
Their secrets sit on a pedestal.
The Brief Return of Dr. Slump - "Nitro-chan's Birthday" by Takao Koyama, Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru, Akira Toriyama (1994)
Just... not into what happens later in these stories.
"they said she did it to herself" by Meg Johnson (2024)
You'll drive yourself mad with the question.
Dr. Slump - Volumes 1-7 by (1980-1982)
I have been absolutely blown away by Toriyama's work in this first breakout hit, but also his impact on the world of pop culture and entertainment in general. I knew Dragonball was a big deal, and maybe Dragon Quest, but I just didn't realize how great his early comedic work could be. Anyone who grew up on cynical cartoon comedies like The Simpsons and Animaniacs, in which the adults are all idiots and comedy fodder, this is just your game.
Star Trek 25th Anniversary dev. Konami (1991)
A very strong showing from Konami in this handheld. Their clever use of shapes for different game modes is impressive.
The Fall Guy dir. David Leitch (2024)
Sorry to be such a guy about it, but it's the rare romcom that works for me because it's also an action movie.
Tarot dir. Spenser Cohen & Anna Halberg (2024)
It'll find ya.
Mars Express dir. Jérémie Périn (2024)
I mean, you can tame the bear, but it's still a bear.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes dir. Wes Ball (2024)
Just something... too similar to before. And I don't need to know humans are gonna make it.
Abigail dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin & Tyler Gillett (2024)
You can trust a vampire ballerina.
I Saw The TV Glow dir. Jane Schoenbrun (2024)
It hit me as a TV watcher of the 90s, but it looks like it hits even harder when you throw gender puzzlement into the mix.
Castle in the Sky dir. Hayao Miyazaki (1986)
I'm shocked I never watched this. It's a genuinely gorgeous story and we're well into Miyazaki's ecology disaster themes by this point.
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga dir. George Miller (2024)
I've had some things to say. I don't know if I'll get as obsessed over it as I did with Fury Road, but I've seen it plenty and I'm gonna keep going back for more.
The Dead Don't Hurt dir. Viggo Mortensen (2024)
A quiet, smaller Western, but it clicked with me. Perhaps the notion of find the end of the world.
In a Violent Nature dir. Chris Nash (2024)
So weird! And it seems to want to appease the body count viewers, but then it goes off into a much more contemplative direction. Asking, what are we doing here?
Dr. Slump - "Arale is Born!!" (1997)
Nope. I could not with the spiky-haired 90s redesigns for everyone. Early 80s Toriyama designs had more charm to them.
Tales of the Empire (2024)
Some deeper pulls for this anthology series, but since I've caught up on everything I was glad to see what these people were up to.
Dr. Slump - Season 1 (1981-1982)
That's the stuff. Cute as hell and with that sense of humor I've never shaken off. Pink poops make my day.
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 5 (2024)
The season is kind of a roller coaster as some episodes bow to the budget, but the sendoff was good.
0 notes
camcorderrevival · 2 years
The shift between Fight Club and Project Mayhem is actually so important actually.
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queerminalminds · 3 years
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10th, 11th and 12th doctor x male reader
10, 11 and 12 | jealous part 3
y/n = your name
y/n's pov
i gave the doctors a wide grin, pretending to be innocent and act like i haven't done anything.
"so, y/n, care to tell us how you know rose tyler?" peter asked and all 3 doctors had one eyebrow up and it looked very intimidating.
"well, you see, we met in primary school and we have been best friends ever since." i explained and they nodded.
"what are the odds, i mean.." matt said.
"enough about rose, y/n, i don't need to know the details but i really wish you would've shared this with me beforehand so i could've helped you." peter said sadly and i grabbed his hand, i rubbed my thumb across the outside of his hand and was silent.
"it's not you, it's me, i trust you completely, 100%, it's just im not that good with my emotions. never have been, im also not good at explaining my emotions so i never talk about them." i say.
"hey it's okay y/n, we all have some rough patches." david said and smiled.
"has anyone ever told you that all 3 of you have the best smiles literally ever. like please smile more often, all of you." i begged and they all blushed furiously and i chuckled.
"ok im writing this down, how to get the doctor to blush, compliment him a lot, noted." i smirked.
"hey no no no y/n... don't do this please it's so embarrassing." peter practically begged.
"oh y/n im very flattered, but there's no need..." matt said quietly.
"what about you hotshot?" i directed my gaze towards david who just had a big smirk plastered onto his face.
"oh god my smirks then were never a good sign." peter sighed.
"oh nothing, just taking in your personality. it's what i like after all." david shrugged and walked to the fridge and got some water bottles.
"ew water is gross." i say.
"water is water y/n, it's good for you." matt says.
"i prefer something with alcohol in it. gives me a boost." i stand up and walk over to the fridge and grab another kind of beer.
"y/n it's like 11 in the morning, you don't need more beer." peter says sternly and i look at him.
"eh then i'll be drunk all day, no biggie."  i shrug. we sit there in the gaming room talking about more adventures and my backstory and such. time flew by, that's how time works it goes by way too fast.
"shit!" i yell and the doctors look at me.
"what's wrong y/n?" david asks.
"i said i was going to facetime rose today! going to my room now bye!" i say as i grab my phone and run out of the room, down the hall to my bedroom and i slam the door shut once im in.
i call rose on facetime and she picks up almost immediately.
"so, how was 3 of them?" she asked.
"nothing happened rose, we just talked and had drinks." i explained and rolled my eyes.
"they like you right, like 'like' like you?" rose asks.
"god sake rose i don't know. matt doesn't seem like the type of guy, he flirts a little but not much. and david seems like he's pansexual so i have no idea on him. peter is too hard to read to find out." i tell her and she nods, following along.
"hey wanna come over to my place and have a few drinks? mum doesn’t mind.” she asks.
"definitely, hold on let me grab my stuff and move the tardis." i say as i grab my phone and my set of the tardis keys.
"you know how to control the tardis?" she questions.
"of course i do! im not an amateur." i reply as i open the door to my room and walk out, shutting the door behind me. i walk up to the stairs to the main room of the tardis and met up with someone on the way.
"y/n, where are you going?" david asks and i curse.
"just to rose's flat, i'll be back in a jiffy! jiffy? never saying that again..." i say as i jog up the rest of the stairs to the tardis. i put in the coordinates to rose's flat and the tardis starts to wheeze and shake furiously, like per usual.
"okay rose im here, see you in a minute." i say quickly and hang up. i grab my hoodie and go for the door.
"y/n where are you!-" i hear peter start to say but the tardis door already shuts by the time he got closer to the door. i smile at the sight of the flats, i run up the stairs to rose's and ring the bell.
"hey y/n! how are you? i haven't seen you in a while!" jackie asks as she opens the door.
"oh you know been traveling..." i say, not knowing if rose told her that i was traveling with the doctor or not.
"well come in! it's a bit chilly out there!" she exclaims as she opens the door more for me to come in.
"rose is in her room!" she says whilst i make my way to rose's room. i knock on the door and enter.
"hey rose!" i exclaim as she looks up at me with a big smile.
"hey y/n! i've missed you so much!" rose says as she brings me in for a hug.
"so, where's the drinks?" i ask, getting straight to the point.
"here." she states and hands me a bottle of tequila.
"ah yes! tequila is my favorite. how did you know?" i ask.
"just guessed."
*time skip to a couple hours later*
peter's pov
y/n has been gone for quite a while. i decided to not chase after him once i saw him leave. but now david, matt and i are all worried.
"where did he say he was going david?" i stare at my past body.
"uh, rose's flat, i think." david replies.
"should we go see if he's okay?" i ask in worry, i know it's rose but still, you never know what could be out there.
"i shouldn't go... it would be too weird." david says and i nod, david's form was the last to see rose.
"matt do you wanna come with?" i ask him.
"um.. you go ahead. you're closest to him after all." he answers and i nod and grab a jacket and head out of the tardis.
i step out of the tardis and take in my surroundings. i haven't been here in forever. it brings back so many memories. i see all of the flats and head up to rose's one. i get to the door and i bring up my fist to knock but i hesitate. is it really worth it to come face to face with rose and jackie again? they won't even recognize me... i shook out my thoughts and knocked on the door, i waited patiently for someone to answer.
"h-hey! who a-are you!" y/n hiccups as he answers the door, a bottle of tequila in hand.
"y/n, it's me peter. how much have you drank?" i ask and start heading inside but y/n closes the door so it's in my way.
"i-i don't know a p-peter! go away!" y/n screams as he runs away, deeper into the flat. leaving the door open, i go ahead and head inside, closing the door behind me.
i walk towards rose's room, assuming that's where they will be. i run into someone on my way there though.
"why, why is there another strange man in my house!?" jackie asks to no one in particular.
"mum? what's wrong?" rose comes out of her room, concerned for her mum and she looks at me.
"so, you're the new doctor now huh?" she asks and eyes me from head to toe.
"where is y/n? is he okay? i came to take him back to the tardis." i ask.
"he's a bit drunk, but it's all good fun. im guessing you're the reason he ran back in my room screaming pedophile." she laughs and walks back to her room.
a couple seconds later, y/n comes out of the room walking a bit wobbly. 
"d-doctor!" he exclaims and comes running into my arms and hugs me. i stand there shocked but eventually wrap my arms around his frame.
"hey, let's go back to the tardis. alright?" i ask quietly.
"y-yes! tardis!" he whisper yells.
i guide him to the door to the flat and wave back at rose, deciding i'll visit her on my own some other time. we head back to the tardis. we enter and david and matt are sitting at the controls.
"is something wrong?" i ask them.
"doctor... we um-" matt starts to say but looks at david for help.
"w-we have to go... the anomaly is too great for both of us to stay here, we have already caused a lot of damage being here for this long." david explains and i nod following along. i look down at y/n who practically passed out in my arms.
"can you guys wait till he's sober? he'll be upset if he doesn't get to say goodbye." i ask and matt and david look at each other sadly.
"im sorry doctor, but we have to go now." david says and i frown. i shake y/n awake and his head jerks up.
"w-what's up?!" he yells, not quite sober yet.
"matt and david have to go y/n, go say bye to them." i say and push him a little towards them. they both bring y/n into a tight embrace and give him a kiss on the lips. then they push y/n back to me.
"goodbye doctor." they said in unison as they slowly start to disappear. a couple tears went down my face as i saw my 2 past selves disappearing.
"h-hey! what's wrong doctor? w-why are you s-sad?" y/n asks and puts his cold hands on my cheeks.
"nothings wrong y/n, just lost some people today." i gave him a reassuring smile.
"let's go to bed okay?" i tell him and he nods and we go back to his room.
i put him into some fresh pajamas and tuck him into bed. i kneel down and look at him. he looks beautiful when he sleeps. i kiss his forehead and stand up and start to leave the room but something grabs my arm and i look back.
"don't leave please." y/n cries.
i walk back to the bed and i go over to the other side of the bed and get in next to y/n. he immediately snuggles against me and i smile.
"i love you y/n."
a/n: and that's the end of the jealous mini-series, hope you enjoyed!
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arwavastaniii · 3 years
Tessa | The Vampire Diaries x Shadowhunters | Chapter 2
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Pairings - Damon x main oc, Stefan x  main oc, Klaus x  main oc, Elijah x  main oc, Jace x main oc, Alec x main oc, multiple oc x  main oc
After Elena tried to give herself to Klaus in exchange for the safety of her friends and family, she had received a huge lecture on how irresponsible it was of her. Stefan was stuck in the tomb with Katherine and that vampire that was supposed to be dead was apparently very much alive.
Tessa had decided to sleep in and stay away from all the supernatural drama for one day. ONE DAY. And her best friend tried to kill herself, her other best friend got stuck with her psycho friend and now her favorite vampire best friend was whining about how annoying his life had become to her.
"What Elena did was stupid," Tessa said, "But it wasn't wrong. I would have done the same thing."
"You would have sacrificed yourself?" Damon questioned furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at her with a bit of hurt.
"If it means keeping the people I care about safe, then yes. I don't think I could live with myself if anything happened to you. Any of you."
Damon sped in front of her, their faces barely touching as he looked into her eyes. Lust and desire flashed in his eyes as he slightly leaned in. It was as if a button was clicked in his brain and he back away, speeding away leaving a very confused Tessa behind.
"You should really lock your door." Damon joked as he came into the room with a smile on his face, Elena had a pour on her face while Tessa tried to get her to eat something.
"Come on, pouty. At least give me 2 points for ingenuity."
"Do you think this is funny?"
"Yes, Elena I find hilarity in the lengths that I have to go to repeatedly save your life.
"What did Stefan say about this?"
"He had a good laugh."
"And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?" Damon lifted Tessa's feet up and rest them on his lap. He then proceeded to take her sandwich out of her hands and takes a giant bite.
"Sharing is caring."
"Not when it comes to my food," she complained and he responds by kissing her cheek.
"Yeah, and that I didn't tell him about Elijah."
"Why not?" Tessa asked him and he pursed his lips.
"Well, A he can't do anything about it, and B what I just said."
"Wow, such a profound argument."
"Where is Bonnie?" Damon asked as Jeremy came into the room.
"I thought she was meeting you," Jeremy answered.
"No, she's on moonstone duty and I'm on Elena patrol."
"And who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?" Elena widened her eyes realizing what the night was.
"Vampire Barbie asked me if she could handle it and I said why not figured if she screwed up, he'd bite her, and then I'll be rid of two of my problems."
"Don't be a dick." Tessa scolded him as she smacked his head.  
"Hold on a second. Tonight's the full moon." Elena asked them.
"Yep, but you're too absorbed with all your suicidal tendencies to notice." Damon took a call, "Hey, change of plans." Damon hung up and looked at Jeremy and Tessa.
"You babysit tonight." He orders them and Tessa raised her brow at him.
"Hey, you know, you should get out. Enjoy the sun. Oh, wait you can't." Elena chucked a pillow at Damon and missed. Jeremy and Tessa laughed leading to her shoving him to the floor and glaring at Tessa.
Elena had warmed up to being trapped in the house. Even watching a movie in her room with Tessa and eating a giant bowl of popcorn. Knowing they needed some more food, they head downstairs to see what they had in the kitchen.
They walked down the stairs to see Jenna taking boxes out of the closest.
"What are you doing?" Tessa asks her.
"Oh, perfect timing." She thrusts a box in Elena's arms and then another in Tessa's.
"What is this stuff?' Elena asked.
"Your mom's files from the historical society. I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood. And by roped, I mean very excited to participate." She slammed the closet door and both their jaws dropped to see the suit-wearing original in Elena's house, staring right back at them with a small smirk.
"Hey, I'm Elijah." Tessa had never felt my heart beat faster than it was then. Jenna had let in a vampire who had tried to kidnap Elena, but apparently not to give her to Klaus which was extremely confusing, and now there was nothing they could do to get him out.
"Elijah's in town doing research on Mystic Falls," Jenna informs them like it was no big deal. If only she knew what Elijah was.
"It's a pleasure." Elijah holds out his hand for Elena and Tessa to shake. Elena hesitantly shook his and when Tessa went go to shake it he bent down and placed a kiss on it making her shiver in fear.
"So, you know, you're welcome to stay here and rummage through this stuff. Or Elena, Tessa, and I could help you load it into your car."
"Yeah, or I can get someone to pick it up tomorrow."
"Also a good plan."
"Thank you so much for inviting me into your home, Jenna." Elijah went to follow Jenna to the front door but stopped. "Oh, Tessa and Elena I hope to see you two again sometime soon."
Once the door was shut, the two girls raced upstairs to alert Jeremy and banged on his door when they realized it was locked.
Right when they heard it quick, Elijah came next to them and signaled them to be quiet.
"What?" Jeremy all but snapped at his sister before glancing at Tessa with a smile.
"Aunt Jenna was asking if you could help her with the boxes."
"Okay," the younger Gilbert said before he walked off.
"That was a smart choice," Elijah said before he asked to speak to us alone.
"Oh, forgive the intrusion. I mean your family no harm," Elijah started.
"That is why you tricked your way in her house?" Tessa said crossing her arms and glaring at the original.
He just shook his head amused at her bravery.
"Why'd you kill those vampires when they tried to take me?" Elena asked. Elijah opened his mouth to answer only to be cut off by a furious Tessa.
"You mean when you tried to give yourself over to them because you are a stupid suicidal doppelganger?" She said making Elena glare at her.
"I didn't want you to be taken. Klaus is the most feared and hated of the originals. Those that fear him are desperate for his approval. Word gets out the doppelganger exists, there will be vampires eager to take you to him and I can't have that."
"Isn't that exactly what you're trying to do?" Elena asked.
"Let's say my goal is not to break the curse."
"Then what is your goal?"
"Klaus' obsessions have made him paranoid. He's a recluse. He trusts only those in his circle," Elijah explained.
"Like you?" Tessa asked.
"Not anymore."
"You don't know where he is, do you?" Elena asked.
Tessa was already tired of their conversation. Her head was spinning, and her body was begging for a change. They were sitting in that room for ten minutes and she was tired. Her focus went from Elijah to the tiles on the floor and the frames on the table.
This always happened. And it annoyed Tessa more than anything. She couldn't stay in one place. Do one thing without being distracted; without this need to move away, do something else.
Overwhelmed, she got up and walked without a word, making the doppelganger and original stop and look at her worried.
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nubianamy · 3 years
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35k, PG, Finn/Sam, pre-slash, pre-canon, camp, series, drama
from chapter 3
Every time Finn and Sam were around the campfire after that, Finn encouraged him to sing. Sometimes it was with Aggie’s borrowed guitar, and sometimes it was just him, without any accompaniment. Sam had a strong, melodic voice, and it didn’t really need the guitar, but Finn noticed he was louder and more confident when he was strumming along, and that was great to witness.
One evening, after most of the guys had gone back to their cabins and Finn and Sam were there tending the dying fire, Sam turned to him curiously. “How come you never sing by yourself? I mean, I would play anything you wanted to sing.”
“I don’t sing,” Finn shook his head perhaps a little too quickly, “that’s kind of the rule me and Puck have. Like, he’s the front man for the band, and I get to do the harmonies and stuff when we mess around.”
Sam seemed to accept that at face value, which suited Finn just fine, even if it involved throwing Puck under the bus with the implication that Puck had decided on the rule. When really, it was because whenever Finn had taken lead vocals, he’d managed to almost put the beater through the kick drum, he got so tense.
“The thing is, I can barely hear you when I’m singing,” Sam said, poking the fire with a long stick. “I’m kind of loud in my own ears, if you know what I mean. But what I can hear sounds really good.”
He smiled over his shoulder at Finn, not teasing, not waiting for Finn to say something, just because that was how Sam was. Being next to him, watching him smile like that, gave Finn courage. He took a deep breath. “I, uh… I used to sing all the time, when I was a kid. My mom had all these cassette tapes, and we’d play and sing in the kitchen and in the car. And she dated this guy, Darren. He always said I should be a singer when I grew up.”
“Sounds like he was really supportive.” Sam turned so he was facing Finn, digging the stick into the ground so he could lean against it, “What about your mom? Did she... not like it?” He quickly added, “I just... you don’t sing anymore, so I assume someone convinced you not to, or something.”
“Nobody,” Finn said, shrugging. “I mean, nobody in particular. You know how guys are. It just stopped being cool to do stuff like that. Like playing video games or reading comics. Me and Puck, we still do those things together, but… we don’t tell anybody? That would kind of be the death of our popularity, and Quinn, she thinks that’s really important.”
Sam nodded slowly, and in the darkness and the firelight it was hard to read much of his expression, “I guess people don’t do a lot of things they want to do. But, everyone here likes the singing. And I definitely do, and I like comic books and video games, so you already know I’m super lame.” He reached forward to nudge Finn’s knee with his fingers as Finn chuckled. “If you ever wanted to try with me, that’d be cool.”
“Try singing? I mean, we’ve done that lots.” Finn gave him a nervous smile. “Maybe if nobody else was around, I would. If it was just us.”
Sam looked down at the log they were sitting on for a long moment before he looked back and smiled, “I mean, Sean’s always sneaking over to the cheerleading camp, right? You come and get me when you’re ready, and I’m happy to listen.”
It didn’t happen that night, or the night after that, but Finn thought about Sam’s suggestion a lot, maybe more than he should have. It was running through his mind pretty much all the time when he wasn’t focusing on something else. Which, unfortunately, seemed to be during a lot of the practices.
“Hudson! Are you planning on running at any point this morning!” Coach Tyler yelled, and Finn picked up the pace as he quickly as he could until he was next to Sean again.
“Look, dude,” Sean looked around and gave Finn a pointed look, “You need to focus.”
“I’m trying—”
“No, your mind’s somewhere else,” Sean reached over and tapped the side of his head with the back of his hand. “Listen, I get it. You’re not finding this challenging. But the QB boat has sailed, and you need to be giving this your all, okay? Now... What can I do to get your mind off whatever it’s on, and back on these plays? Because we’ve got our second game coming up, and if Lucas loses to Sam’s team? He’s gonna be fucking insufferable.”
“Seriously, it’s nothing. It’s just something between me and Sam.” Finn shook his head, “We haven’t had time to really work it out—”
“Great. Me and Aggie are gonna go smoke weed in another cabin tonight. So, you and Sam can pick a room and hash this all out, before I lose my patience with you, dweeb.”
Finn watched as Sean moved away and was about to move himself when there was a hand on his shoulder, stopping him dead. He winced, expecting to see Coach Tyler, but instead Lucas was looking at him with a very neutral expression. “You’re interested in being QB?”
“Kind of?” Finn tried to settle under Lucas’s gaze. He’d been friendly enough to him, but then he’d turn around and be terrible to Aggie. Finn didn’t trust him. “I mean, yeah, I’m interested, but… that’s your position, right? Yours and Sam’s?”
“It’s like saying the circus belongs to the ringmaster and the accordion-playing monkey,” Lucas rolled his eyes, and looked Finn up and down, “I’m not going to be playing next year, and I kind of like the idea of passing this on to someone. I mean, you’ve got shitty taste in friends, but...” He shrugged. “I’ll find you when I’m ready, Hudson.”
Finn watched him walk away, feeling much the same as he had when Darren told him he should be a singer. Seriously, if I had your voice, my group would still exist. Keep it up. He felt a shiver. It didn’t matter in that moment if Sam wanted to be QB or not. He pictured himself on the field, in the center of the team, calling the plays, catching the hike, passing the ball for the touchdown. It actually felt possible.
Maybe that was why, when Sam asked him at dinner, “So are we singing tonight by the fire?” Finn shook his head.
“Aggie and Sean are busy,” he said. “We can be alone in the cabin.”
“Oh.” Sam seemed to hesitate, causing the line of people waiting for food behind him to stop for a moment, before he quickly took a step forward again. “Yeah. Okay. Uh, your room or mine?”
“Whatever. Except our room has that chair with no arms. It might be easier for you to play guitar sitting there, instead of on the bed?”
“Isn’t that chair really uncomfortable?” Sam said, walking straight past the salad bar without stopping. “I mean, I’m fine with either. The chair sounds great. Just, if you want the bed instead, I can make that work.”
It turned out the evening was drizzly, anyway, so Finn didn’t feel so bad keeping Sam all to himself. Back in their cabin, however, Sam seemed restless, moving from one thing to another. Finn tried to give him space.
“You know, I think I’m going to go for a run,” Sam told him finally.
Finn raised an eyebrow as Sam stripped off his t-shirt. “In the rain?”
“Just a short one. It’ll make it easier for me to focus.” He backed toward the door in his undershirt. “I won’t be long.”
“You’re gonna get wet.” Finn said, but before he could try his argument for why Sam should sit down before he lost his nerve, Sam had vanished out of the door, his glasses abandoned on the side table. Finn stood by the door, watching Sam’s legs carry him around the lake trail until he was out of sight. Then he went through the bathroom into his and Sean’s room, dug his phone out of his jacket pocket, and dialed Puck’s number.
It went to voicemail once, but the second time Finn called, it clicked to life. “You have the worst timing, Hudson. I’m in the middle of something.” Puck sounded annoyed, but there was the sound of music playing softly in the background so he couldn’t be too busy, “Or, I mean, I’m about to be getting into something.”
“Dude, you could have let it go to—uh.” He laughed sheepishly. “Sorry. I’ll be quick. What’s a song you and I sing together that’s really good? I mean, really, really good. One that shows off a little.”
“How about...” Puck trailed off, and there was a noise in the background that sounded almost like a groan.
Let's talk about sex, baby Let's talk about you and me Let's talk about all the good things And the bad things that may be
“Not that,” Finn protested. “Dude, I’m not trying to get in anybody’s pants. What the hell. I’m talking good singing.”
“Why’re you singing to someone if you don’t want to get in their pants?” Puck scoffed. “Can I offer...”
Come out Virginia, don't let 'em wait You Catholic girls start much too late Aw but sooner or later it comes down to faith Oh I might as well be the one
Finn flung himself onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling. “No, no, Billy Joel is your range, not mine. Something higher.”
“So much for being quick about it. Sounds like the rumors about you aren’t exactly accurate.” He could hear a scuffling noise, and shushing and snorts of muffled laughter.
“Dude, who’s there with you?” Finn said suspiciously.
“Oh, this big, handsome, burly right guard. Yeah, we’re going at it pretty hot and heavy right now.” Puck sounded almost bored. “And, oh, yeah, there’s Mr. Ryerson coming through the door.”
“You really know how to make everything gross,” Finn said, grinning. “Okay, well, if you can’t think of anything, I’m going to have to default to Journey.”
“Do that Steve Perry single, the one from Straight Talk.” Puck hummed the chorus, and Finn sat up. “Can I hang up on you now, or do you have more stupid questions?”
“No, I think I’m good. Have fun… whatever you’re doing.”
“Looks like I might be doing some singing, actually.” Puck sounded amused. He added, to whoever was there, “You’re serious? Right now?”
Finn laughed. “I’m out of here. Whoever she is, good luck.”
He had to look up the lyrics to the song on his phone, not because he hadn’t sung it eight thousand times, but because he was sure he had been singing some of them wrong for years. Somehow it seemed important to get the lyrics right when he was singing for somebody else. Not that he was singing to Sam, or anything like that.
Actually, now that he was reading the lyrics, Finn decided he might want to have second thoughts about singing this particular song. It wasn’t because it was a love song, but it was kind of sad, and not exactly upbeat. But it was too late to call Puck back, and he wasn’t going to pick something else now.
There was the sound of footsteps on the stairs outside, and Finn sat up on the bed quickly, his phone almost bouncing on the mattress as it slipped from his hand. He had begun to swing his legs off, but the door opened with a very loud noise, and Sam stepped in, shaking out his hair.
“Paul wanted us to know that the hose for the sprinkler system is working again,” he said dryly, barely looking as he pulled at his undershirt that was soaked to his skin. “It came off and sprayed me, but he, very heroically...” he trailed off, his eyes finally falling on Finn who was resting back on his hands, his legs splayed wide. “Uh... are you... waiting for someone?”
“Me? No.” Finn straightened up, trying to figure out what to do with his hands. He rose to his feet, tripping over his shoes a little. “Who would I be… um. Can I get you, like, a towel or something?”
“I should get to the bathroom,” Sam gestured but his shoes squelched as he took a step, and Finn quickly shook his head.
“No way, you need to lose the shirt at least, man, before you get sick. You can borrow one of mine until you go next door.” He grabbed one of his big, comfy McKinley High athletics shirts from his drawer and held it out. “Just—sit there and take off your shoes. I’ll get you that towel.”
He ducked into the bathroom. The towels on the rack both smelled like feet, so he rummaged in the shelf above the sink until he found a clean one. It was a worn towel from Six Flags, the one with the picture of the roller coaster on it.
Finn brought it back into his room where Sam was sitting on the floor in a puddle, his soaking-wet undershirt in a pile next to one of his shoes. He was struggling to get the other one off. When Finn snickered, he shot him an exasperated look.
“It’s really hard to untie wet shoelaces,” he protested.
“Hey, I’m not saying anything,” Finn held up his hands with a grin.
He exchanged Sam’s wet undershirt for the dry towel, then took the shirt into the bathroom to drip dry. He couldn’t help but pause in the doorway, though, and glance back at Sam, who was contorting himself trying to get a better angle on the lace, until his foot was nearly over his head, as he got more and more frustrated.
“Here.” Finn knelt on the floor next to him, gesturing for Sam to put his foot back on the floor. “You’re just making it hard for yourself. Let me.”
Sam looked very unsure about this, but he let Finn tug at the heel of his shoe until it finally slid off his foot with a sloppy sound. It made them both snicker. When Finn presented him with the shoe, like it was a priceless gift, Sam laughed harder.
“Thanks.” Sam rolled his eyes. “For the towel, too. It’s been a pretty crappy evening so far. Maybe... I should just turn in.”
“You think it’s going to get any better if Aggie gets home and sees you’re asleep?” Finn joked lightly, “I bet he’d put your hand in warm water just on principle. Come on, why don’t we just... hang out. I’ve got this dumb book I’m supposed to read for my classes next year, I’m sure you could do some sketching or something, right?”
That made Sam brighten a little. “Yeah, that sounds pretty good.”
It didn’t take long for the two of them to get comfortable, but the separate beds felt like way too far away to Finn’s mind. He pulled the blanket off the bed, and made himself a little half-nest on the ground, his back to the drawers. Sam spread out on the mattress, not physically, but between the sketchpad, a small pile of comic books, and the guitar resting against the headboard, there wasn’t a lot of space there.
The book was very boring, but listening to the sound of Sam’s pencil skritching away on the paper was strangely relaxing.
It wasn’t until the third time that he lifted his hand to his nose, and Sam hummed in a mildly negative way, that he turned to look. Sam finished with a line, and then looked back towards Finn and froze. Finn offered a small smile, “You doing all right?”
“Yeah, I was just...” Sam glanced at the sketchbook on his lap and then back to Finn. “Art, you know?”
“Are you drawing me?” Finn couldn’t help but ask, his chest feeling strangely warm. Sam looked mildly horrified, but after a beat he slowly nodded. “Can I see?” Finn continued, and that got a sharp negative. Finn tilted his head. “Why not?”
“Because... it’s embarrassing.” Sam shrugged, “And private. And you were supposed to sing, and you didn’t, so I’m holding my art ransom.”
“Oh, yeah?” Finn felt his smile broaden. “Does that mean you would show me if I sang something?”
Sam glanced back at the sketchbook and then back to him, “It’s honestly not that good. I mean, I really want to hear you sing, but I don’t want you to be disappointed if you’re expecting the Mona Lisa or something.”
“Dude,” Finn said softly. “There is literally no way I would be disappointed by you, Sam. Ever.”
Read the rest of chapter 3 | Read the whole story on AO3
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falaihullo · 2 years
Here-embry by loveb0kut0 on Wattpad
For it being my first week it wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be. At the end of the week, Bella and
I were invited by our friend group to go to Lapush Beach. Bella didn't want to go at first but after talking to Edward and getting on better terms with him she agreed to go as well as inviting him. Bella seems to have developed a crush on him almost immediately.
As I'm sitting in Tyler's van next to Jessica, Embry and Jacob come up to us. I immediately stand up to hug Embry while Jake hugs Bella. I keep his arm to me as Bella tells Jake that Edward didn't come. Jake tells her that he and his family don't come on the rez. Bella and I being the nosy people we are question why. Embry looking down at me smiles and chuckles at my nosiness causing me to fake glare as jake tells us that it's really just a scary story.
Jake and Bella go for a walk on a beach talking about the legends, with me and Embry trial behind no longer holding his arm to me. I'm not too far behind so I can hear most of the story causing me to remember a name to lookup. Embry stops walking causing me to stop too. He sits on the big rock he stopped in front of and looks at me. I decide to sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder. He's known about my crush for a long time but hasn't said anything to Jake.
"I know it upsets you." He states to me. I sit there in silence not knowing what to say next. "You need to forget about your crush." He continues. Again I sit in silence and then state, "I know." sadly.
"Anyways..." He says uncomfortably from my answer and the silence. "You remember those bracelets we made for each other when we were like 6?" He questions. Looking at him confused I reply, "Yes?". He smiles and looks at his hands, "Well I found mine in a box with an old picture of Jake, Bella, Quil, you, and me.". causing me to laugh and smile. "Do you know where yours is?" he asks me.
"I think I put in a box in my closet," I replied. I move my head off his shoulder and look at him. He smiles and gets up to head back.
      when I and Embry get back to Bella's truck I hug him and tell him I'll see him in a couple of weeks. I feel sadness at the fact I didn't get to be close to Jake at all today because he was too stuck up Bella's ass. The amount of time I have to wait for him to finally actually talk to me gets on my nerves. Sitting in the truck waiting for Bella to finish talking to Jake so we can go.
When gets in the truck I don't talk to her much besides telling her I'm not that hungry so she only has to make food for her and charlie. As I walk into my room I realize I left my phone here all day and I should check it when I usually check it I would have maybe 2 texts from Yaya. I smile as I think of the last time we were on the phone; she wasn't busy for the day so I called her and talked to her about almost everything. Yaya I guess had the day off so she wanted me to call her when I could. Although I had a mountain of work for psychology I still called her so she could vent to me. After talking to her for a couple of hours I had to hang up to do the rest of my school work. Finishing up the work I remember to look up the cold ones but I only get a few sites I would trust but there is a book about them I could get. More than likely Bella is looking them up as well so I will probably get her help to lookup more stuff. Deciding to just go to sleep for the night I put my laptop on the side of my bed I don't sleep on. As I try to go to sleep I hear a chime from my laptop, knowing that it's from Renee I just go to sleep.
on Sunday we don't do much except have lunch with Charlie. During lunch, our friends wanted us to come to see them but wanted to sit and talk to charlie. Bella on the other hand wanted to just get out of the restaurant so she went out to talk to them.
"so, how do you like being back so far?" Charlie questioned anxiously while looking at me with worried eyes, almost as if he thought we were going to leave him again.
"I like it. I have more friends here than in Arizona and the weather is amazing almost all the time." I replied truthfully. Chomping down on my burger I think about the last time a had one, which was when after a big volleyball game. I Miss playing but right now I think I need to get used to the school.
"you sure?" Charlie questioned looking anxious. I smiled at him and chuckled.
"Of course. I prefer the rain over constant heat and sun. Besides, it's good I don't have to check my shoes every time I go to put them on. " I replied with a grin. Charlie doesn't talk about feelings and things like that a lot but when we do it's nice and not uncomfortable.
"Any guys got your attention?" He asks causing me to smile and laugh.
"No, I'm busy working on school." I lied. Hiding my face behind my burger as I ate. Bella comes back and finishes her salad as I and charlie finish our burgers.
When we got home for the game Bella had to do her school work. Leaving jake bored so he joins in on watching to game with his dad and charlie, while I choose to sit near the corner and watch from a distance. The game finally ended so the Blacks left; leaving me to clean up the mess from charlie and Billy. Charlie had fallen asleep on the couch almost immediately after the game so it left the house pretty quiet. After finishing up cleaning I go into Bella's room to talk to her about the legends and the cold ones.
"Do you think the legends are real?" I question as I sit on her bed.
Bella turns in her chair looking at me with a slightly confused face, "Honestly, I don't know. The description of them that i found seems like it would be impossible but..." Bella trails off looking away. Then continues, "The Cullens seem to be extremely perfect and the first time we saw Edward he had almost red eyes then after missing a day he came back with golden eyes. He and his siblings have to the palest skin I've ever seen in my life.".
"Couldn't it contacts though?" I look at her confused.
"Jennie when have you ever seen someone wear red contacts then gold for the rest of the time?" Bella questions with a serious look. This left me quiet for a couple of minutes then I get up to go to my room. As I'm walking out of her room I tell her, "I don't know Bella" and continue to my room. Looking at my phone as I change I see I have 1 missed call from Renee forcing me to call her.
"Hey, Jennifer" I hear Renee say as she picks up her phone.
"Hey sorry didn't have my phone on me today," I replied lazily.
"How do you like it?" She asked causing me to sigh.
"I love it honestly. It's nice having Dad around." I say happily although i know she wants me to see her boyfriend as a father figure that just won't happen. "I should get going. It's 8 pm and I need to get up early for school."
"oh okay, goodnight sleep well. I love you." Renee said sadly.
"Love you too" I respond and hang up the phone. It's not that I hate her it's just she tries to get along with me but were too different. She likes the heat and hates most sports; I like the rain and love almost every sport you could think of. It's easier for Bella to get along with her because she never had to try hard with her. Bella was already like her so much.
Laying in my bed with an old pair of sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt I got from some thrift store in Arizona; I think about how I and Jake aren't close at all and how I and my own mom aren't alike at all. I feel like since moving here I have lost some people I used to be close with but maybe I can make friends that I can be close with. Looking at the ceiling I think of the Cullens, could they actually be "cold ones"? it would make sense why their eyes are golden and skin pale as snow. I have to figure this out; I start to drift into a deep sleep thinking about it. A/N thank you to anyone that has read this so far❤️if you want more keep voting 🗳
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hoezier · 7 years
I don't get it. Why do KCers think that Klaus only shows his soft side around Caroline? Like he did that with Cami too? He does that with Hope too? that's just bullshit.
sigh. I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to go into this, because I know it might get me into trouble with any side of ships. You’re right. The lack of acknowledgment of canonic events doesn’t make them not true and certainly does not mean it never happened. In canon, Klaus showed care and affection both romantically and otherwise. Romantically towards: 
Caroline: wrote her letters, drew her, was cheesy as fuck sometimes. Smitten fool. Laughed his heart out. Let his guard down. Also did some pretty questionable things, to say the least. What’s witht the stabbing and biting and the almost letting her die, driving Tyler away wanting to kill her friends that sort of thing. 
Camille: painted pictures for her. Grand declaration. Said I love you. She died in his arms. Twice (ouch). He opened up to her. He loved her. Like no seriously, whether we want to acknowledge that or not is besides the point. He loved her. He also compelled her. Frequently. Tried to control her. Among other problematic stuff. 
Aurora: This a bit strange, because he did not show her tenderness in current time. So his love for her could be negligible in this particular comparison since he loved her very early on in his life, so this might not be the same case as the above two. 
Hayley (although that’s not as clear to be romantic, it largely depends on your reading of their situation but there definitely was tenderness): he trusted her with his daughter, even though we know this is not something that comes easily to Klaus. He shared very tender moments with her, pure joy sometimes. He teases her relentlessly because he enjoys her company etc etc. They really have formed a bond. But also, he almost let the witches kill her. He separated her from her daughter for several months. He almost killed her husband. Among other things.
Platonically, Klaus showed tenderness and dependence on: 
Rebekah: Honestly, Rebekah will always be the most important woman in Klaus’ life. The way I see it, their bond will forever surpass everything else. He’s done a lot of problematic shit towards her like I’m not even gonna bother because it’ll take forever to list it. But we also know that Klaus loves her. He fluctuates between subtly expressing that emotion and then doing things like that cheek kiss in 1x22, 1x15 and the forehead one in 2x16, holding hands and hugging in 3x22, 3x09, saying things like “take me instead” and “I love my sister” etc etc. 
Hope: Like need I explain?? 
Elijah: This is a lot more subtle than any previous case mentioned above. Mainly because they’re both men and because they are brothers and there is a streak of rivalry between them. But Klaus is as heavily dependent on Elijah as he is on Rebekah. Elijah keeps him centered. He needs him. He says he needs him and he fucking means it. Some displays of affection are more evident than others but his care for him is very clear in scenes like their hug in 3x22, the flashback in 2x05, when he saves him from their mother in 206/2x07, and his complete and utter freak out at Aurora shooting him in 3x13 and Marcel biting him in 3x22. Needless to say, he did a ton of problematic shit here as well. 
Freya: still new, so more on the affectionate side than the problematic side. They had a rocky start but now he genuinely cares for her. There is a lot of undertones of affections in their interactions. Sometimes it’s clearer than other times but they are such a delight to watch (3x02 when he drives off her one night stand, their 3x04 banter, 3x13, the cheek kisses etc etc)
Marcel: Very very complicated. Like I can’t even go into this without going on a tangent. So lets not. 
Kol: He does love Kol, but it’s rarely ever clearly expressed, it’s why Kol feels left out. 
Finn: I think the only time we get a sense Klaus cared for Finn is right before he dies. 
Now you might look at this list and think wtf they’re butchering Klaus’ character but it’s actually not that long. Overall, they’re 9 people w/o Aurora or Finn. 11 with both. He had other instances where he care for Stefan but that kind of fell out of practice. He lowkey cared about Lucien but that had a lot more to do with the fact that he was the first person he turned rather than he actually cared. He doesn’t care about a lot of people. The value of people around him is merely contingent on whether he personally cares for them or not. He could not care less about a random person, doesn’t see a value in a person’s life unless he cares about them. That’s why he comes across as ruthless and cruel. Like if you annoy him a little bit he’ll probably just kill you without second thought. And sometimes he does it for entertainment. But Klaus is not ruthless with everyone except for with Caroline. I think that’s misguided. The way I see it, Klaus has a pattern in his relationships. He develops deep affections towards some people and that care would occasionally shine through to differing extents. But that doesn’t stop him from wanting to control them. This is largely rooted in his belief that he’s unworthy of love, but that’s a conversation for another day. The point is, yes, Klaus shows a ton of romance and affection towards Caroline, but he does so with other people as well. It’s not true that he’s only like this around Caroline, I don’t think. It just shines through differently. 
I’m not sure if my point is coming off clearly enough, so talk to me some more if that wasn’t quite what you were asking about. 
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