#to glitch violently like video game character
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batmanfruitloops · 1 month
Oh what a coincidence, my sibling has been replaying Arkham Knight too! What are your opinions on the Arkham series? The story? Designs? I quite liked the first two, I wasn't a big fan of the car mechanics in the third but I appreciate a good scarecrow plot
I love the series but I enjoy playing more than the stories. My favorite of the series is Arkham Knight, I love the open world, the story, the environments, and the gameplay. It seems like most people hate the car, including myself but I do get a kick out of how violently I smack into things or how easily I flip myself over, especially while Eddie yells at me. I don't like that a big chunk of the puzzles are reliant on the car. I just enjoy being Batman and talking to myself in character. Also, I think Arkham Knight Scarecrow is hot, so more reason to play.
I do like how much all the games have in terms of content, there's so much to do and look at. Origins is my least favorite, I find it a bit boring and it's a pretty buggy game in my experience but it does offer a lot to do compared to City and Asylum. Also, I collected all the "riddles" in Origins TWO TIMES and it glitched in such a way it thought I still had one riddle left so I didn't get the prize for getting all the riddles. Despite these issues, I would like to 100% it eventually like I have with the other three.
I love the art and designs and all the little attention to detail. I appreciate that you can look at the concept art in each game, as I would love to do stuff like that for my career. Though I think artistically they're all pleasant I'm not a big fan of a lot of the characterizations, I wouldn't say the writing is bad the stories are pretty solid but it's mostly the way characters are written that I have an issue with. Especially, Batman, I feel like he's out of character a lot of the time and seems too pessimistic about things, especially in regards to the villains. He seems to have no hope of helping them and is pretty rude to them. Like calling Waylon ugly or just completely dehumanizing him calling Waylon an animal or referring to him as "it". Or when he brings up Eddie's diagnoses as if he's stuck like that or there's no hope for him to recover when there are most certainly treatments for someone with those mental illnesses/disabilities. It rubs me the wrong way whenever, at least when I perceive it to be that way, any kind of illness or disability (mental or physical) is treated like that makes you evil or it means there's no hope for you because the aforementioned "issues" prevent you from changing. You could argue that they are choosing to be horrible people, but I don't feel like that is what is being communicated. Maybe that's just my own bias.
Also, the conditions of Arkham don't seem to be brought up, in regards to Asylum and City. Like that's why they're not getting better and actively getting worse. It seems like Batman has little compassion for anyone and just wants to send the rogues to jail and the way he treats his allies doesn't seem like "I'm doing this to protect you because I care" rather that they are just in his way. Overall it's just too gloomy for me. Maybe because it's written for a video game and it's trying to avoid ludo narrative dissonance. I don't know, I'm not an expert. Because of this I always joke that I've killed whatever enemy (ies) I've taken out. I make my own fun and joke around a lot while playing to enjoy the world more. I don't want to think about the bleakness of it.
Despite the outlook being relatively grim and bleak, they are some of my favorite video games ever. I don't have to be enveloped in that story and can just enjoy the gameplay and do my own silly little thing being an absolute gremlin of a Batman and making the characters kiss in my mind. It's just a fun place to scream and yell and run around and say "I'm Batman" to myself while flirting or yelling at whatever character (or making them flirt/yell at each other).
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gorgugplushie · 5 months
Nobody asked but i cant stop thinking abt it so
Fabian - canonically doesn't know what mobile games are, much less actual videogames. He sort of sees them as pointless (why do quests and adventures in a videogame when he could just do them in real life?) Of course the bad kids pull him into their gaming sessions, though he spends most of them asking what the controls are again and raising an eyebrow at their shenanigans. Ragh sits him down and makes him play some sport based video games which he does enjoy, he can get really into it if you give him time (he yells so so loud) he also gets into ddr style games bc he likes beating the other bdkds at them. Videogames are a good excuse to hang but he'd rather go out and play football irl.
Kristen - coming from a heavily sheltered and what i assume monitored family, kristen probablyyy isnt all that into videogames. At most i think she'd have some mobile games like idk candy crush on her phone, like fabian she'd get confused and spend her in game time running around and just watching the others play, she goes along w the others shenanigans v easily tho and loves doing silly bits while playing.
Riz - Riz is the type to play window games on their families shared computer for hours on end. Stuff like sudoku, pinballs, or solitaire. He'd love those games like the nancy drew mystery ones, or those games where you find items like I Spy. The only downside is he gets unhealthily fixated and will spend 3 days getting to lvl 100+ on Tetris if you let him, obsessed w 100% games and making funny number go up. Surprisingly good at rhythm games.
Adaine - into open world games, like fallout or outerwilds. Will spend days writing and churning out backstory and lore for her in game character. Veryyy picky and wants every decision to be true to their newest ocs backstory, will spend a solid hour on the character creation screen. She also loves more violent shooting games, although playing online with strangers gives her anxiety and she cannn get gamer rage, she'll get fixated on getting stuff like headshots and Winning and Being a good teammate that she'll start shaking and have to step away from playing for a bit. Single player fighting games w blood where she can turn her brain off and just fight are more cathartic for her. I feel like she ends up doing insane shit in them like saw and hack off limbs and go full dark story mode route and then regret it so so much and lie awake at night not sleeping bc of it and delete the save file. Its her dark secret shell take to the grave.
Fig - plays a large range of games, mainly more colorful and silly goofy ones she can play with the badkids. Shes sort of a little nuisance in games tho, she will troll and grief a lil bc she finds it funny. In singleplayer games she does love being a huge stinker and do silly stuff like pickpocket and get caught or accidentally set a bomb off in the middle of a cutscene or glitch her character to a-pose, she does a bunch of shit and laughs and doesn't take it seriously at all. Like adaine she also gets gamer rage. she gets them both banded from online for a month bc they team up to cast a spell on someone thru the screen. LOVESS shit like guitar hero and skater games sooo much, also into those wwe type games. Cant stomach horror at all but will make the rest of the kids sit down and play horror games w her so they can laugh and scream together.
Gorgug - he tends to like more older games, say in the style of star fox/loz and stuff. His parents gave him and older gaming system when he was younger n he still has it around and collects games for it, its seeing a lot more use than it originally did bc now he has friends to play with. The type of guy to still carry their ds around. I feel like hed also modify and rom hack stuff for his friends. He likes going to the arcade in person and playing there than sitting in front of a computer.
Ayda - yes im including her shes a gamer girl in my heart. I feel like she loves life sims/complex puzzle games, stuff like slime rancher, portal, animal crossing. She has 1000+ hours into a single sims save file. She spends hours and hours building and working on the most elaborate farming system for whatever new sim shes getting invested in. She especially loves organizing in games, she gets a bit antsy playing more survival based games with the bad kids because they leave their systems so unorganized (shes def the type to redo the entire base from top to bottom in dont starve while the rest die off screen). neat and orderly decoration is soo fun for her and the bad kids try not to step on her turf too much. refuses to play multiplayer if it's with anyone else but the badkids, but if anyone would start a gaming channel its her. will do obscenely gay cutesy stuff w fig n game. They build their own little base and junk and pretend to hosts weddings n stuff. Shes also very into speed running and breaking games with glitches to figure out how they work.
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THEME: Cyberpunk
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Yes, I've seen your ask, @efangamez. Here's my (first) list of cyberpunk game recommendations!
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24XX: Dire Pulse, by zebramatt84.
BUILD A BETTER TOMORROW – Only the Company stands between humanity and extinction. Help us reverse environmental collapse with Project Omega! Injured on the job? Unable to work? Our cutting-edge exoskeletal rig (Exo-Rig™) technology gets you contributing again. Sign up today! 
Enter a grim corporate future where humanity augments itself with neural interfaces, industrial exoskeletons and cutting-edge nanite technology. This is an original work loosely inspired by the The Surge series of video games by Focus Home Interactive. 
Standard of the 24XX Micro-game series, Dire Pulse is lightweight, easy to learn, and pay-what-you want. Your missions are dangerous and bloody, but rather than roll up a new character, your character gets regenerated by the Company in Exo-Rigs, which can be customized using the pieces of enemies that you’ll find never stop coming. If you like brutal, dystopian fiction with technology and massive creatures, this might be the game for you.
Balikbayan, by Rae Nedjadi.
It is the far future. Earth has been abandoned for generations. Humanity left for brighter stars, richer planets and shining colonies. To fuel their dreams of a better tomorrow, the humans turned to the Elementals and their magic. This magic is an invaluable source of power and labor. Machines were created to harness and enslave the Elementals . You were one of these Enslaved Elementals. You are machines that echo the legendary magic you once possessed. You and your friends are among the few who have managed to return to Earth. What remains of Earth’s cities is falling apart. The Corp won’t let go of you so easily either. But shining through the cracks is a magic that is ready to be reborn.
BALIKBAYAN is great for veterans ready for a more narrative experience, and perfect for people new to the hobby. Bring your dystopic post-Cyberpunk fantasies to life, revel in supernatural Filipino folklore, and dance along the threads between magic and technology.
If you’re interested in mixing fantasy elements in with your cyberware, you’ll want to check out Balikbayan. It can be played with or without a Game Moderator, and provides excellent advice for running the game either way. If you are newer to roleplaying games, or if your group doesn’t feel comfortable yet with a game that’s primarily narrative, you might want to have a GM for your first time playing this game. BALIKBAYAN uses a system called Belonging Outside Belonging, which does not rely on dice. Instead, it has a series of moves, called Strong, Neutral and Weak Moves. Strong moves require the use of a token and reflect success, Weak moves provide opportunities for failure and generate tokens, and Neutral moves move the story forward, without requiring or generating tokens. If you are interested in breaking free of the chains of your corporate overlords or burning yourselves out in the process, you should check out this game.
CBR+PNK (AUGMENTED), by Emanuel Melo (old version)
CBR+PNK (Cyber plus Punk) is a tabletop RPG for one-shot sessions in the cyberpunk genre. You play as a team of RUNNERS — mercs, criminals, activists living on the edge and running in the shadows of a gritty, ultra-violent world.
The game uses a minimalist version of the acclaimed Forged In The Dark system to produce cinematic action. No playbooks: characters are differentiated by their combination of approaches, skills and gear. Because it's more action oriented, there is no Downtime and Stress is relieved by a special action during the Run. There’s also some additional mechanics, called Cyberware and Glitches, which can add enhancements and complications to your play. 
CBR+PNK has a number of supplements available if you like customization, from nemeses, to heists, to extra rules. Both the player brochure and the GM handout are jam-packed with information, dice and rules. The old edition is no longer available, but the newest version, CBR+PNK: AUGMENTED, is available for pre-order thanks to a successful Kickstarter! 
FSG#4: Gay Crime, Sapphics Against Capital, by Evey Lockhart.
The everyday cruelty of petty market lords is a terrible enough thing to combat, but of course the rich assholes have magic too. Clues to the myriad death cults of capital lie nearly naked all around. It's safe to assume most folx with MBAs regularly sacrifice the poor not just as a source for wealth, but for immortality and other preternatural boons.
These are the queer women standing in the rich cultists' way. The time for direct political action is now. 
This is a deconstructed zine for use with the Troika! Tabletop Roleplaying Game featuring: 5 Backgrounds and a Modern Fantasy Microsetting, complete with an introductory assassination! Troika is a game system that allows for chaotic storytelling, both in narrative and in combat. It facilitates easy character creation and regeneration, should your character meet with a grisly end. 
The micro setting and assassination provided make this a great option for a one-shot. The playbooks are incredibly tongue-in-cheek, but may be a big draw for any queer-friendly table. If you like the idea of bringing revenge upon rich cultists, and if you’re interested in queer stories of resistance, this playset (and one of Evey’s other supplements, Cyber Explosions) might be worth checking out!
CY_BORG, by Free League Publishing 
The world is ending. Again and again and again and again and again….
A Nano-infested doomsday RPG about cybernetic misfits and punks raging against a relentless corporate hell. CY_BORG is a complete rules-light, rage-heavy tabletop roleplaying game based on and compatible with MÖRK BORG. Easy to play, easy to hack. It’s got quick and dirty character creation, an introduction to Cy (a megacity with neon cathedrals and a toxic industrial hell), and a d66 table full of headlines and plot hooks to get your characters invested from the get-go. 
CY_BORG is as modifiable as the tech it references; there is a plethora of rules and add-ons and supplements outside of the core rules - and even the core rulebook has optional rules that you can choose to add on or take away, depending on the kind of game you’re looking to run. The setting itself is gritty and unforgiving and dirty; with foes and villains attempting to thwart every step you take to bring down the rich and powerful. If you liked MÖRK BORG’s ruleset but want to bring it into the squirming, writhing future, then you should check out CY_BORG.
Repo Man, by Ziva McPherson.
In a poisoned world where illness and injury are the norm and corporate greed has reached a peak never seen before, a savior has emerged: CureCo. Led by the greatest medical minds in a century, CureCo has lifted us out of tragedy and answered our prayers with their artificial organs and miraculous cures.  But of course, everything comes with a price…and if you can’t pay it, CureCo sends the Repo Man to take back what’s theirs.
This is where your story begins. Your debts are due, and one way or another, CureCo intends to collect. Tonight. The Repo Man is on your trail, and you need to escape at all costs.
Repo Man is a cyberpunk horror zine game for 2 or more players inspired by Repo! The Genetic Opera. To play it, you will need 1 d6 per person and a copy of this game. Character creation is reliant on description: you’ll want to describe what you look like, a special skill or secret, and a thing they hold that is a reason for being hunted by CureCo, such as a replacement organ or a prosthetic. 
If you are looking for a game that combines the feeling of a clock running out with the creeping dread of something always catching up with you, Repo Man might be your cup of tea. Be warned however: in this cyberpunk hellscape, body horror and violence are all too common. You’ll want a robust set of Safety Tools at your side with this game, as with any good game table.
Boy Problems, by boyproblems.
It is many years into the future. A wealthy and powerful person (or persons) has claimed a rare and much sought-after prize: the “vault” of 200 unreleased songs from renowned Canadian pop artist, Carly Rae Jepsen. Hired by an anonymous sponsor, your team of highly trained individuals will raid a well-defended location to retrieve said item. From planning to set-up to execution, you will see this heist through to its completion, whether that be a success or failure. There will many twists and turns along the way, and don’t always trust the specialists by your side.
Boy Problems is a game whose mechanics are inspired by Lasers & Feelings, by John Harper. It’s been highly reviewed by a number of publications, so you might have heard of it already! There are roll tables for the GM to help you set up the plot in a few minutes, including some twists and turns that cause the players to alter their plans on the fly. The Quickstart has some great pieces of advice for folks who might be running a game for the first time. 
The creator has a Quickstart that is free. There’s also a paid option that gives you a larger, more fleshed-out game, and a Side-B supplement with new mechanics, new art, and three new heists! If you want an up-beat game that prioritizes problem-solving over combat, whether you want a one-shot or a multi-session storyline, and if you want a game with easy-to-learn rules and evocative playbooks, Boy Problems just might be for you.
Neon Black, by NotWriting.
Free an AI from their corporate prison. Hack a CEO's credit account. Rescue your friend's digital consciousness from a vending machine.Capitalism sucks. The rich are villains. Community rules.
Neon Black is a role-playing game about a community of poor people fighting back against tyrannical corporations and the indifference of the rich, as well as surviving in a dystopian city state. It’s like real life, but in this world you can kill the CEO’s, rob banks to pay rent, and help your friends do the same. You'll help your community, go on dangerous heists, explore artificial realities, and encounter friendly and nefarious machines. We play to find out if the community can survive amidst warring corporations, an unforgiving climate, and the negligence of the extravagantly wealthy.
This is a rulebook full of advice, albeit not yet accompanied with art. It’s built on the structure of Blades in the Dark, complete with Clocks, Playbooks, Scores and Downtime. It also comes with a chapter on Drugs, Hardware and Software, all must-haves for a Cyberpunk game. At its root, however, Neon Black is about community: your characters will face hard choices and be forced to make sacrifices for the good of the people they care about. Right now the game is still in beta, but it shows an immense amount of promise - and it’s perfectly playable in the stage it’s in right now! It also comes with some well-designed Playkits, available for free in the game description. I recommend that you check this game out!
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darthpastry · 6 months
This isn't really much of a question but I'm not really sure how else to phrase this. Give me all your Glitchtrap and Mimic head canon and AU ideas. I don't care how dumb or trivial you think they are. I wanna hear them. I just really love hearing people pour their hearts out about stuff they're really passionate about. Especially if it's something super niche like this.
Oh my gosh I accidently deleted the reply to this... but I have so many and this time I can do better formatting lol
Not entirely Glitchtrap, but kind of a mix of the Mimic program as well as Glitchtrap that has resulted in something just as violent as Glitchtrap, but not really malicious. Not saying it has any sense of morality, but more along the lines of "huh, weird, that fleshbag I just attacked isn't moving anymore. Oh well." It has a bit more of a childlike nature at times, like with the costumes.
Glitchtrap doesn't care much for having all the different characters that Mimic has come up with, as opposed to just having one alter ego, but enjoys the sadistic side of using a person or character someone cares about to lure them to their death. Finds it funny and all.
Speaking of the characters, the Mimic loves coming up with all sorts of characters and making costumes to "play pretend" with others before killing them. It doesn't have a lot to do after it got sealed away, so it spends hours drawing and making costumes.
Also, Mimic is not Burntrap. From my understanding, Burntrap and the Blob only exist within the "true ending" of SB that was effectively retconned via the comics in Ruin. The again, perhaps "the Blob and Burntrap aren't canon" is on the same level as the "Golden Freddy isn't real" video on Game Theory.
Where do I even start with Glitchtrap? To anyone affected by the Glitchtrap virus, it can visually appear. Not entirely a hallucination, but not visible to anyone else, of course.
It can also create objects out of nowhere that only it and those infected with it can interact it. Mostly because these objects aren't actually real, and it just convinces the subconscious of the victims that it's real to the point of them being able to interact with the objects. These objects always look purple and glitchy. Kind of like a glitched game texture.
It can also pull objects out of the digital world and bring them into the real world. Such as, if Help Wanted was left open on a VR headset, it could reach into the headset and pull out a basketball, making it real. It could then take the basketball and toss it to Vanessa, who could toss it to anyone else. More likely take over Vanessa's body and then use the basketball to brutally murder someone, but you know.
Glitchtrap will also move around either with an absurd gymnastics routine or by teleporting. The teleporting is it disappearing and then reappearing wherever it wants in a cloud of the same purple glitches that appear on the objects it creates out of nowhere.
It understands morality a bit better than the Mimic, but just sort of understands the fact that morality exists, and people find murder unacceptable. But it also doesn't understand why they see it this way and will continue to make jokes about murder and torture to Vanessa and Gregory.
For how Gregory got Glitchtrapped, my headcanon was that Glitchtrap forced Vanessa to adopt him, since she was a beta tester, she would've been able to steal a copy of the game. Glitchtrap can also mess with computer systems, of course, so it was able to prevent her from getting in trouble.
It also talks very enthusiastically; random capitalized letters and an exclamation point at the end of at least every other sentence. Lots of dramatic, exaggerated motions while talking and almost never staying still.
Glitchtrap also likes using planners and calendars. Not necessarily to fully plan things out, but just because it likes hoarding both demented and childish ones. For example, the blood eagle calendar mentioned in the Special Delivery emails, but also made Vanessa get a daily planner with sparkles, rainbows, and unicorns.
Once MXES, who Gregory and Vanessa created after the 3-star ending, comes around, MXES and Glitchtrap end up have a sort of Lego Batman and Joker relationship. I say sort of, but it's exactly like that. Glitchtrap being mildly upset about being its plans being messed with, but also excited about having a worthy opponent that isn't some child (Gregory). In a "HEY! How's my FAVORITE nemesis doing?" sort of way. Meanwhile MXES very rarely talks and usually just does what it was made to do and disappears again, occasionally with a judgmental look at Glitchtrap's antics.
Glitchtrap also thinks of Vanessa as a friend, knowing but not understanding or caring that that's definitely not what friendship looks like. It sees the whole Vanny moniker as a fun nickname and will casually chat with her about anything and everything. It's also genuinely confused why she's not happy about the whole situation but doesn't particularly care.
It's also influenced by William, but not really. Maybe something of a caricature on how William saw himself, but certainly not the same. William would never be so intentionally goofy or enjoy dancing and gymnastics that much.
Glitchtrap also loves music and has questionable taste. While in the game it listened to the unused showtime file a highly questionable number of times and has given Vanessa a ton of terrible music recommendations. But at the same time enjoys watching ballets, one of the few times it'll sit still. Same with cartoons, it adores cartoon violence and absolutely takes it as suggestions.
It also is incredibly cheerful, no matter what it's doing, and will act like the most horrific things are complete normal and maybe pretend to be annoyed by people disagreeing.
I don't have a ton of AUs, but the one I'm working on, the timeline sort of got stuck in the blender and made a very weird but also fun smoothie. If that metaphor makes any sense. But the main changes are that no canon characters have died, and the timeline is far more compressed. As in, Help Wanted and SB both take place in the 90s and that technology can exist at that point in time just because sort of compressed. Cassidy also ends up playing a major role, she's the one who created the Princess Quest games in the AU. I'm also a firm believer in the "BB's Balloon World was Gregory's PQ" theory, so in the AU she ends up making that game as well. With some help from the Afton kids and Charlie, since they're her friends and already involved in the situation. Another major difference is also that William never got springlocked, adopted Vanessa to try and raise the perfect assistant and serial killer after abandoning his own kids, and then invented Glitchtrap when she turned on him. Then Henry ends up building the Pizzaplex because he was thinking of expanding anyway and it can also be used as a way to try and get Vanessa closer to the PQ games.
I also think it would be epic if MXES and Glitchtrap just got into a street fight, but that's neither here nor there.
I think that's everything I have, thank you so much for the ask, this was a lot of fun to answer!
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lawfulgoodness · 11 months
Experimental campaign idea
I’ve been trying to figure out how to explain my next campaign setting/idea in a brief, sensible way.  It’s really silly, but also really ambitious, and we’re about to have the second session, which means I really need to get a firmer grasp on all the moving parts.  To that end, here are the 3 main things I’m doing with it:
Self-insert PCs - All Player Characters are self-insert, so everybody’s just literally themselves.
Reality is a simulation - The players are “pulled out” of our world, and “plugged into” another one.  They are thrown back and forth with little explanation, hopefully motivating them to investigate why.
A Multiverse of RPGs -  Initially the world they are thrown into will be Shadowrun, since it already has an understanding of “jacking into the matrix.”  However, the goal is for them to try and find a way to escape from the world of Shadowrun, only to find themselves trapped in the world of Earthdawn instead.  The levels of reality are nested, so escaping one simulation leads them to discover what they thought was “reality” is in fact another simulation.
It’s basically “Sliders” meets “eXistenZ”
If you’re interested in the currently planned nesting realities, click the “Read More”:
World 0x0800:  Fake Shadowrun, but a very glitchy VR video game, simulating the world of Shadowrun.  It is so glitchy, that the players are able to exploit it in a way that creates a rift in the underlying simulation of all worlds, allowing them to begin traveling between worlds.  
World 0x0700: Real The world of Shadowrun.  The players were hired to pull a series of jobs in a popular video game, but after the first few jobs, the world of Shadowrun started to demonstrate weird glitches just like the video game.  Players try to escape to get back to their “real lives.”
World 0x0600: Spawn point.  No system/setting.  This is the world players initially find themselves in when the campaign starts.  It is clear that 0x0800 isn’t real, it is also implied that 0x0700 may not be real.  All but one player is currently assuming that 0x0600 is probably “real.”
World 0x0500: Earthdawn  After finally realizing 0x0600 is not real, the players escape and find themselves in Earthdawn.  In the world of Earthdawn, the players are welcomed as rescued heroes that had been trapped by the Horrors of Barsaive.  They are finally awake, and all of their previous adventures are considered nightmares, but not real.  Other nightmares and astral adventures will occur from here, throwing the adventurers into 0x0610 (d&d), 0x0620 (pathfinder), and 0x0630 (Golden Sky).  Once the players find out 0x0500 isn’t real either, they escape to...
World 0x0400: Trail of Cthulhu  Players find themselves to be mental patients in a late-30s mental asylum, locked up for their insane ramblings about the future, and for being suspects in the murder of a local business magnate.  Lovecraftian Whodunit to follow, giving them the ability to travel to other worlds, such as 0x510 (Solomon Kane) and 0x520 (Castle Falkenstein), which forces them to collect powerful magical items in order to escape to...
World 0x0300: GURPS Cyberpunk - Players find themselves to be unwitting contestants on a reality game show, where their simulated adventures are a form of public entertainment.  In addition to worlds 0x4000 - 0x8000, the players will now be throw into additional fictional settings for one-shot adventures to entertain the masses.  These adventures include 0x410 (Star Wars), 0x420 (TMNT), 0x430 (BtVS), and other popular franchises.  If they are able to escape this world, they find themselves in...
World 0x0200: Android RPG by Fantasy Flight Games.  They are recently activated androids, designed to replace a series of violent malfunctioning androids.  They have to hunt down their counterparts and stop them.  If they succeed in escaping the world the enter....
World 0x0100: A Tron-like world, probably using d20 mechanics of Horizon:Virtual, unless I can find something better.  Players find out they are each distinct AI/ML processes being groomed for placement in the “real world” to infiltrate & replace humanity.  All of their adventures up to this point is to help them simulate being actual humans, but able to understand why humans must be replaced.
“Ascend” as AI/ML constructs in synthetic bodies and step out into the real world for the first time.
Destroy the Master Control Program that’s been pulling the strings behind the entire campaign, but trapping themselves in the simulated environment in the process
Return to what they originally thought was the real world (Planet Earth in the 2020s)
Something else that I haven’t thought of that the players do instead.  Obviously, this is going to be the one that actually happens and I can’t wait to find out what it is.
Root 0x0000 // The game’s actual reality.  
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grianthedecayingbird · 3 months
i think it’d be funny 2 send u more reqs but idk if im being annoying
but hEYY if im not. you cn read me like a book im not even gonna say anytbing 😭
ur not dw! u can send as many as u want!
anyways *clears throat*
Inanimate Insanity Wiki
in: A to Z, Transcripts, Season 3 transcripts
You Can't Do This Forever/Transcript
< You Can't Do This Forever
Duration 28:15
Current Time 0:05Advanced SettingsFullscreenPlayRewind 10 SecondsUp Next
Cabby: You know what? You're right. All of you. What we need is justice.
Springy: Is that so?
Balloon: C-Cabby!
Cabby: No, Balloon. After all the pain he’s put us through in this competition, he didn’t even have a reward for us at the end. It was all a scam for us to play his games. And without the unvitationals here, it would’ve gone on forever!
Springy glitches and coughs while the unvitationals cheer.
Cabby: I’ll stand aside, right now, and let you bring him to his… execution.
Walkie Talkie Laughs.
Walkie Talkie: Sweeeeet! Good talk!
Dr. Fizz: Whoa, whoa! You didn’t say anything about murdering the guy!
Groscer: Yeah! How do you think that’s going to make us look?!
Balloon: -What is all of this?
Cabby: -There was no way this whole group agreed to hurt MePhone! Dr. Fizz would’ve fought back due to his oath to do no harm! And Groscer needs to keep up a pristine image. Zoetrope’s a nice bonus.
Unvitationals shout and argue
Cabby: I don’t know what to think about MePhone now…but… I’m not letting him die.
Balloon nods before turning to the unvitationals
Balloon: -Everyone PLEASE! For once, after everything you’ve been through, you can have your voices be heard. Really THINK about what you want.
Tyler: Wow. Well I kinda wanna melt him!
Unvitationals: Ooooo!
Unvitationals: Melt! Melt! Melt! Melt!
Groscer: No way! There’s other ways to deal with him than DEATH.
Springy: Majority-rules, per the rules. To the lava with yee!
Cabby: Sure. But what’s justice, without proper education?
That is what you want? Justice?
Springy: -I...suppose?
It’d be great to show my prized toy first-hand…
…that nothing goes more hand-in-hand than corporation and morality!
Springy: -Aw, now is that the violent language you want to influence this little-one with?
They’re no lifeless husk like the others, they’re so very special.
I’ve been programming them with all of your greatest hits!
Soon, you'll be one of many!
Bot: No!
Balloon: SOOO the open-forum discussion starts immediately, haha!
Everyone grab a folder from Cabby and take a seat, heh!
Cabby: -[Sigh] You doing okay there, Silver?
Silver: -Peachy. I only fell victim to my own ego and obliterated our chances of saving the game. How about you?
Cabby: -Been better. If I don’t want to be complicit in murder, I have to protect the guy who has no interest in concluding the season.
Balloon: Hey! We all change.
Silver: -That’s very poetic, Balloon, but in reality--
Balloon: -No! You get what I mean, right? After everything you’ve been through?
We ALL can.
[Mephone Flashback]: Today we'll figure out the perfect winner!
[Mephone Flashback]: Without losing anyone...
Cabby: -He said he intended to end it today. That felt real.
Balloon’s right. We can talk to MePhone when this is all said and done.
But for now, we need to protect his life. And do a better job convincing them than we did with the jury.
Balloon: -Heh, WAY better, haha.
Silver: -May the gift of language be with all of us.
Balloon: We will have an open discussion in which every member of the Unvitational Committee can speak their peace on MePhone.
This will be followed by a vote for...[sigh]
"Melt" or "No melt"
A melt vote entails: “MePhone burning violently in the volcano, but with his eyes on, so he can watch his own scary, horrifying, and stupid end.”
[Ahem] Let's get started...
Groscer: My program was respected in the art world for centuries, until MePhone came along and made a mockery of it on live television!
Cabby: That’s understandable.
Zoetrope: After MePhone’s black-and-white cookie destroyed my animation machine, I had to shop around your mediocre pilots for cash… I WAS DISGRACED!
Tyler: He burned down my island and gave me no royalties for my starring role in a fake home makeover show special!
Springy: I came all this way to have my contract ignored after I gave so many helpful ideas to save the show!
Balloon: You wanted to replace us with toy replicas!
Springy: And it’d save you so much anxiety, little thing. Isn’t that worth it?
Balloon: -[Sigh] ...yeah....
Cabby: NO!
Dr. Fizz: MePhone turned this “safe-place” of his into a minefield of trouble! And now I’m hearing there was a MURDER?
Blueberry: -It was awesome.
Zoetrope: Someone made a scathing video essay called “What RUINED Zoetrope?” It has a million views and counting!
[Barking sounds]
Cabby: -Quite the rich accent...
Groscer: Now everyone is submitting machine-made episodes!... Including Zoetrope!
Zoetrope: Including me!
Camera 2: He wouldn’t let us invade his privacy!
Silver:-[Sarcastically] I'm so sorry.
Cabby: I have my notes. Now let’s change some minds!
Silver Spoon: But did you know that the Green Goddess only lives today because MePhone has recovered her life, as well as the lives of all his contestants?
-Tyler: Oh dear, I’m SO SORRY I didn’t know!
Walkie Talkie: Hey! Bias-alert! So you’re going to just worship the guy cause he has powers?
Balloon: -Aw, someone’s not so scary once she’s got the attention she needs!
I understand how it feels to be alone in the world.
But as drawn as I was to playing like a villain when I first started...
I figured out I’m not gonna patch up my own holes by pointing out everyone else’s!
Cause believe me, [mimicks himself] I don’t sound great with a hole popped in me. Haha!
Cabby: -Okay, so that just leaves...
Groscer: He thinks he can cheat through life!
Zoetrope: He’ll kick anyone else to the curb!
Camera 1: He’s fame-obsessed!
Walkie Talkie: Disloyal!
Springy: Dismissive!
Tyler: Careless!
Dr. Fizz: Reckless!
Cabby: Let's take a quick recess!
Balloon: -[Whispering] Do you think we’re in a good enough spot to vote?
Silver Spoon: I think we still have Groscer and Zoetrope against melting.
However, Dr. Fizz didn’t seem too keen after the “fake murder” debate. So uptight.
Balloon: But we might’ve convinced Tyler and Sprinkles.
Boaty… still eludes me.
Cabby: Ugh, I was hoping I’d magically be able to come up with convincing points, but I… guess I’m still me. [Chuckle]
Silver Spoon: You’ve done well guiding the discussion. You should be proud. Best we can do now is hope.
Cabby: Wait. One more thing, while I have this platform.
Cabby: Springy. I know you’re feeling hurt, but--
Springy: [Mocking] But, oh no, deep down, MePhone’s a great guy and I’ve just been seeing it aaaall wrong because I’m alone!
because I’m a little lost toy, because I'm wearing some mask!
Well- NEWS FLASH [glitches]
I wish this was a mask! You think you can sucker ME into an emotional moment?!
Cabby: No, Springy. I can’t. Because you’re soulless.
You care for no one but yourself.
Bot worked so hard to find themself, after they were trapped to live someone else’s life.
And now you’re looking to do the same to this poor thing?
You could never help this show. All you ever do is destroy.
Springy: -I don't--[glitches]
[Laughing, desperate] You--you thought I was helpful!
I made you SMILE!
Balloon: Cabby!
Cabby: Sorry? You want a sorry?
Might as well, that’s all anyone ever wants from me! I’ve said sorry for having files that help keep things straight.
For trying at anything! And for being me.
But despite everything thrown my way, when I felt like everyone hated me, I still tried to listen to others and connect with them!
[Sniffles] I tried...
Test Tube: Cabby, I didn’t realize…
Cabby: So maybe I don’t need to apologize for everything I am.
Maybe, Springy, you were terrorizing my friend, so I saved them from you. And I won’t be apologizing for that.
Silver Spoon: OKAY. Let’s vote!
Walkie Talkie, Camera 1, and Camera 2: MELT! MELT! MELT! MELT! MELT–!
[MePhone vibrates in protest]
Groscer: Get excited, everyone! I am about to tally-up all ten Unvitational Committee Members’ votes.
And--with five votes "melt"...
and five votes..."not melt"...
we are tied!
Everyone: -Gasp.
Walkie Talkie: I guess that means we stick to the original plan, then! Yay!
Silver Spoon: OR! Maybe since we swayed so many, that should be enough for you melt-weirdos.
Camera 1: Weirdos?! I knew you didn’t care for our movement!
Boaty: [HORN]
Groscer: Oh, I am so sorry. How unprofessional of me...
There’s still one vote left.
This will determine the fate… of MePhone4.
The final vote is...
NOT MELT. MePhone is saved from execution!
[A few members of the Uninvitationals, and the Contestants cheer]
Groscer: -Hm...B-P?
Balloon: -Ballpoint?
Tyler: Well he was invited to the committee.
The Floor: Then there we have it! MePhone is saved!
[Cheering continues]
[Somber music]
Walkie Talkie: NO.
Walkie Talkie: MePhone has taken everything from us, and we’re just going to keep celebrating him?!
Walkie Talkie: Hah, they’ve done the hard work for us already. We never needed them for the rest.
Spring-toys, let’s bring him up!
The Floor: MePhone, no! Come back with him!
Springy! You know we can’t do this without him
Cabby: We need to hurry!
Silver Spoon: Hm, Sorry, handsome.
Cabby: Think you can stop them if you go full Inner-Flame?
Balloon: WHAT? It’d go haywire again!
Silver: -Well. Gold does look good on me. Got any thorns?
[Deflating sounds]
[Scary, triumphant music]
Springy: WALKIE!
Walkie Talkie: Oh, hey! You want the honors?
Springy: He deserves pain, but not like this.
He gives so much life to the show in a way that we… can’t.
[Glitching] And I feel this want to… help! Don’t you too?
Walkie Talkie: OF COURSE! That’s why I’m going to keep this season ALIVE.
I was built to. I thought you understood! You were thrown away when you were at the height of achieving your purpose!
Springy: My old one. But that’s business, baby. Let’s hop to the next thing!
Walkie Talkie: I DON’T QUIT! I don’t bow down.
Walkie Talkie: I still have MY purpose!
Walkie Talkie: H--wh--oh no--how are you in control of it?!
Walkie Talkie: SPRING TOYS! Stick to your purpose!
Walkie Talkie: NOT another step! Or he GETS IT!
Walkie Talkie: Uh--I mean it!
Springy: Aw, what’s wrong, Walkie? He just wants to play.
Walkie Talkie: You don’t need to do this!
MePhone: AHHH!
I know who sent her here!
Walkie Talkie: You SURE?
Walkie Talkie: I was programmed just for you, MePhone!
Walkie Talkie: You're my voice on the other side! That’s all this show is, isn’t it?
Whether it’s the ones you’ve built, or the ones you can recover. WE’RE ALL FOR YOU, MEPHONE FOUR-!
[Powers down]
MePhone: -For...me?
Silver: -Heh, can't bluff a bluffer!
[Calming music]
Spring-Bot: My...purpose.
Spring-bot: MY. PURPOSE.
MePhone: -Ahh! AUGH!
[Triumphant music]
Springy: You're finally free!
[Zip] [Thud]
[Unnerving music]
MePhone: No...powerless again.
We've lived this before!
Why? Why does everyone keep risking their lives for me?
All I do is screw up!
?: Haha!
?: Sure. You've made your mistakes.
MePhone4S: But we all realize sooner or later, with all that you've been gifted...
...there's no happy ending without you.
[Coding, rattling]
MePhone: NOT. AGAIN.
MePhone: -Augh...
Balloon and Cabby: MEPHONE!
Cabby: -Are you still powered down?
MePhone: No. It’s just I... put in a few days of work…
...over the course of a few seconds!
Y'know, computer stuff!
MePhone: [Sigh] Okay!
-What?! Since when could you?
MePhone: Computer-stuff. Since I have a gift, I might as well use it.
Spingy: I'm...back! I'm back to-- [glitches] NORMAL!
[Sigh] Springtastic...
You’re right. They can be whoever they want.
We're square.
MePhone: -AUGHHHHH!! I can’t do this forever! I can’t! AUGHHHHH!
Balloon: MePhone! MePhone. It’s okay, you don’t have to. It’s not like it’s too late to turn things around.
Cabby: We’re here for you.
Silver Spoon: That is… so long as you’re not going to ditch us for a shiny new season.
-What? We were all thinking it!
MePhone: -That season four file was mine. I got scared, and instead of fixing all my garbage I looked into a replacement for the replacement.
But that’s exactly what Cobs would do to us.
Thanks for trusting I’d figure it out.
This is our home. At least till the job is done.
Balloon: Soooo, there IS a prize, then?
mePhone: -Heh...
I'll work on it! I promise.
MePhone: …And, I wanted to apologize to you all.
This unanimous voting thing
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purefandomonium · 10 months
Headcanons for "And Again" Glitchy Red
This is yet another iteration of G. Red because I have no self control, apparently. This version, like the other one I posted a while ago, is not in any way related to Connection Red, but it's also totally different from Limits. G. Red here is much, much more sinister. This is the And Again version.
Basic Facts
This version of Red is not a nice person. He's selfish, arrogant, bitter, spiteful and just plain cruel. Even when he figures out that most of his victims are just young adults or even kids, he doesn’t care. They’re all his tormentors and they all deserve to suffer. There’s no reasoning with him about it.
He first gains some level of self-awareness in the early years of the game's release, as players typically played it correctly. The general glitches of the game likely played a roll, but all in all, he could only really question why everything seemed so familiar when it was supposed to be new.
This went on long enough that he caught on. It took the game-breaking glitches to really warp his newly-formed mind and break him. Easy come, easy go. Real tough luck there.
This version of Red is violent™️. He is bitter and angry, and he has a lot of pent up rage at his predicament.
Really enjoys causing pain. Stems from how much suffering he was put through and how much he wants to return the favor. It really doesn't matter to him that all his victims have nothing to do with his creation.
He's also not a program or AI, and as such cannot be transferred into different devices/interact with technology other than the Game Boy. There is no code that makes him up, hence how he can exist in the cartridge without completely overwriting the game. He’s solely some sort of supernatural entity. Basically just a Game Boy boogieman.
Was “born” out of bitter spite at being a puppet. Theoretically, any video game character could become sentient and somewhat-sapient in the same way Red did. Although the biggest part behind it is that something just happened. Aside from a glitch in the matrix, there's really no other reason for Red to have become self-aware. Likewise, there's no reason why it couldn't have been Blue, or one of the gym leaders, or a random NPC... It was nothing more than a fluke.
He doesn’t initially understand that he’s trapped in a game. It takes multiple escape attempts over the years for him to slowly realize it. It makes little difference to him, however, as it's still his personal hell. If anything, it's more of an insult to him that he's just some stupid fictional character.
Connection Red was just like, "Ah, fuck it. This is my life now," and is just bitter and depressed until he meets Leanne. And Again Red kicks it up to 11 but without the depressed resignation to his fate and instead refusing to accept living in agony. Basically, he's what would happen if C Red had taken more of a direct approach to escaping. Not that he didn't do some fucked up shit to players himself.
He looks like a kid. Albeit, a pale, texture-less "human" with the details all wrong and with the voice of a bit-crushed demon.
Seriously, just imagine someone who "looked" human but lacked all the appropriate details. No pores or wrinkles, no details in the irises, no veins or muscles showing beneath the skin, and hair just a single mass instead of numerous fibers... Kinda fucked up right? Cryptid Red for the win I guess.
Is unnaturally strong for no other reason than just because. He shouldn't even exist, so he can do whatever the hell he wants. Are you gonna tell him he can't?
More In-Depth Facts
He has no idea about dreams or how people exist outside of his “world.” He thinks the dream realm he meets people in is, to some extent, somewhere outside of the game. He's not wrong in that assessment, but he's nowhere close to the truth.
Due to this misunderstanding, when he attacks someone in their dreams, he doesn’t realize he’s not technically harming them. He is causing real-life damage--and pain. The pain is unreal--but not to the extent he thinks he is. Think scars and cuts instead of open gashes and torn limbs. His satisfaction at his handy work would likely plummet if he knew this.
Has zero concept of the human body due to living in a world where blood and proper death do not exist. He doesn't understand how fragile real humans are. He's used to Pokemon merely fainting from attacks and tanking them when they're at full strength, and since humans are never directly involved in battles he just assumes it's the same for them. On top of that he doesn't know his own strength. He thinks he'd really have to try hard to hurt someone. It doesn't take him long to realize how easy it is for him to do so.
Aside from the glitches, he can’t feel pain/be harmed. Destroying the game would be the only viable solution, but that’s assuming he’d ever let someone get to it. This version of Red doesn’t want to die after everything he’s been through. He wants to stay “alive” so he can be free. If he has to slaughter people along the way, so be it.
Doesn’t really have much in the way of emotions. He can be angry, enraged, he was once depressed, and he gets excited at the prospect of escaping his torment. But he doesn’t have the capacity for empathy—either because he isn’t human and is a cruel, sadistic individual or because he’s so used to everyone but himself being a bunch of dolls that he genuinely doesn’t process that other people can even have emotions. Use your own judgment.
It doesn't help that he sees anyone outside of the game as his captor, even when they haven't directly done anything to him.
Aside from the whole empathy thing, he doesn't really know true sadness either. Despite being trapped, he is technically immortal. He's more frustrated than depressed at his predicament. He got over that a long time ago. In his mind, he has all the time in the world to figure out how to free himself. He's not wrong.
Who knows if escaping will bring him happiness? He has no idea what the real world is like, and it's highly unlikely anyone would be willing to take a sentient glitch character with murderous intent under their wing to help him... Best to let him believe whatever he wants there.
Fear? Please. His only fear was the glitches when they first appeared, but he's gotten too used to them now. They don't scare him anymore.
Is disturbingly fascinated by how easy it is to break people. Literally. He just can't get over how damn fragile we are.
Can exist for a very short while outside of the game while still being bound to it—like, a few hours at best—but otherwise dreams are the only way he can directly interact with the real world.
When he is out and about for those few hours, his form is uncanny--shrouded in unnatural shadows and weird glitch effects--his height is inconsistent, and his face keeps changing subtly. It's either unintentional or he's constantly warping it to make it more human.
When he's reached his limit and is about to be pulled back into the game, he becomes a broken, fizzled mess of static and shapes that emits an ungodly high-pitched whine as he desperately tries to fight being forced back to his hell.
Can't fully comprehend the real world either, just interact with it. Even in his short moments of "freedom" he still doesn't get the luxury of knowing what it's like. No sense of smell, touch, nothing. Dreams are the only way he can really "feel" anything. No wonder he's always so pissed off.
His voice is always bit-crushed, full of static, and deep enough that it would freak out an exorcist.
If he ever was to break free of the game, destroying it likely wouldn’t matter anymore. Hell, he'd probably be the one to smash it to bits.
Would need a body to be able to properly exist in reality. Is prone to try to possess people once he learns he can do that. If outright possession doesn't work, he'll try switching places. Transferring Pokemon is a thing, why not two souls? He’ll happily stick some poor sap into the game if it means he can get out.
He's really willing to steal souls and even eat people if he has to. He can't do the latter, thankfully. At least, not outside of dreams. But he would.
When he does start to get a grasp on the inner workings of reality, he starts going all out. He continues to torment players by brainwashing them into keeping the game so he can constantly haunt their dreams. Eventually, the scars, injuries and psychological trauma add up and they end up hospitalized or worse...
He gets stronger and stronger by feeding on people's fear and energy. Is basically a Game Boy boogieman/vampire.
Thinks stealing lifeforce is the way to go when everything else has failed.
When he realizes he can exist outside of the game for a bit, he finds out his dream torture isn't really doing any damage. Well, this is certainly no mere dream now.
I have half a mind to turn this into serial killer Red. He just... keeps mauling people because he thinks eventually he'll find the one who trapped him and that killing them will set him free or something. Idk, if I weren't so bad at mysteries I'd write it.
It’s a really bad idea to get involved with this Glitchy Red due to all of the above. Set your sympathy aside, he really will kill or maim anyone who pisses him off, gets in his way, or is otherwise an opportunity at escape. He has zero morals and is only focused on his own goals. If being nice to someone happens to benefit said goals, then he’ll do everything he can to trick you until he gets what he needs.
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nylarac · 2 years
ai somnium files sequel spoilers under the cut
i fully expected to like this game more than the first one after seeing that mizuki was the protagonist bc she was by far my favorite character in the first game and i did still enjoy the sequel but it wasn't as good imo
u would think there would be less horny jokes w mizuki as a protagonist but there were not lol if anything there were probably more bc of tama who definitely made the game difficult to enjoy a lot of the time for me i hate her design so much lmao
also the continued age gaps are. uncomfortable i ended up liking lien a lot later on and basically just tried to ignore the gross age gap from the beginning
also amame and gen like..... i would've been fine with it if it wasn't for the age gap/them talking about having a father daughter relationship and his age being unknown just makes it extra 😬😬
i liked that kagami returned but the second game made me like him less tbh 😭 made him into a bit of a creep
in a semi similar vein mizuki being violent as a child was cute and charming but her being violent as a cop is. definitely not charming
i am still v confused by shoma and amame being siblings?? shoma being like "what you didn't know?" and amame being like "you knew?" zero sense
and amame not being mentioned at all in komeji's end like he only ever talked about shoma i get they no longer lived together but she's still his daughter idk it just felt super out of nowhere and i fully thought it was going to be revealed to be a seam or something where like it's actually a glitch in the simulation
i wish they showed shoma grappling with not aging (or aging really slowly ig) it felt like missed potential esp considering his crush on mizuki
the acting out how the murders happened felt really. idk gimmicky and forced or something imo idk how to describe it but i was not a fan
the first game there were so many moments that had me being like WHAT!!! to the tv and there weren't as many for this game for me
i wish they showed date acting like a dad to mizuki and iris 😭😭 the mizuki end of the first game was my favorite (was disappointed w the true end bc mizuki felt super pushed off to the side) and it would've been good to see him acting like a dad to both of them
i don't really understand why they decided to have this game contain no spoilers for the first game like it's an interesting choice but like. who is it for i don't see too many ppl jumping straight into a sequel without playing the first game and i feel like it weakened the story/character relationships established in the first game
it felt like there were also more loose ends/unexplained things that left me feeling kind of dissatisfied like the dahlia boat thing and bibi's motorcycle/pipe being identical to mizuki's
HOWEVER the somniums were v v fun and creative i especially liked the pokemon go and gameshow one
i also really liked bibi it was funny bc the thing that made me think she was mizuki was literally just that little chin jutting forward animation she does
the zero escape minigame thing was also v unexpected and fun lol at first i didn't realize it was the exact same dialogue and thought they were exaggerating how much they say what the hell but they really did say it that much hdgdg
ultimately i still enjoyed the game but yeah i definitely have some complaints lol
ALSO I REALLY WANT TO SEE MARCO i hope they show him in the dlc my roommate found a little video of him dancing in ball form but it doesn't look like his human form exists 🤔
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Alright yeah more sketchbook drawings of the g*v robots plus some accompanying info on them (IDs in alt)
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As said before, Gamecube Man's eponymous entertainment system is detachable and can hit people to deal blunt force damage, but after getting upgraded it can also spring open to bite people. The gameboy gun is more of an auxiliary weapon which is weaker against opponents, but can destroy certain walls.
The gamecube can also, of course, be used to play video games--and not just ones from Nintendo, but almost every studio...
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...Except for Sega. He was made at the height of the two companies' rivalry, after all!
Lawn-mowing Man has two different methods of doing his job. Usually he uses the blades on his feet, but he can also lay on his stomach and use his belt blade in a pinch. The latter method, while a bit degrading, doubles as a slide function of sorts.
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^^ He can also do this. With all these exciting mowing options he often forgets that he can also shoot projectile blades, which is unfortunate because these close-range methods often lead to his systems getting blocked up with grass residue.
Basement Man doesn't really have a proper weapon like other robot masters do; he just has malware where weapon energy would normally go. Instead he picks up random tools to fight with, which works fine for him since they're just as effective.
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However, the glitches in Basement's programming can have serious side effects, including his eyes not looking right and oil leaking from his face... not to mention violent or erratic behaviour, although the latter defect becomes a moot point once they all get reprogrammed to be evil anyway.
Gamecube Man built Rocky based on a character from something he played or watched once. She's unofficially designated as GVN-004, but only responds to her actual name.
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Within the context of your typical mega man game narrative things would not be looking up for these guys tbh! Aside from Basement being bound for the scrap heap from the get-go, nintendo and the white house respectively would probably elect not to take Gamcube and Lawn-mowing back afterwards for fear of bad publicity. And that's assuming anyone even bothers to rebuild them after they go haywire and subsequently inevitably get taken down...
It's okay though, because they stick together and look after each other. Of course this also means having to do their own repairs... sometimes they mess up and cause a malfunction, but it's usually nothing they can't fix.
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....I have a couple more doodles of these guys but I've hit image limit, maybe I'll add more in a reblog at some point, who knows? Anyway, yeah.
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squiddy-cakes · 8 months
Oct. 4, 2023 - Dream I had (very weird):
I was living in a different dorm. It was one of those portables, like a shipping crate with a door. It was split into three rooms. I had the one on the right, there was a guy in the middle and a girl on the left. There was also a backdoor, and when you went outside we were on a shoreline. I think it was the ocean. It had a dock that went from the sand into the water (not very big, similar to docks they build at lakes).
I exited the dorm and saw a random guy on the dock. He said to watch him. He had a personality like Critikal and was wearing a long dark trenchcoat (he MAY have had a fedora? But he wasn't a gross "m'lady" neckbeard type guy). He behaved like he was in a video game, with his voice sounding like it was coming through a headset microphone, and his movements were like a GTAV character. He was showing me a glitch he knew- briefly I saw things through his perspective, but really I just saw the world turn as he looked around, like he was using a joystick as the main character to change views. He was in the water but using the dock to hold him in place. If you run towards land (while in the water) and while looking at the shore, someone will spawn in the ocean. He had to do it a couple times for it to work. He was talking as he did it, like a play by play that youtubers do. When it worked, he looked at the man. A middle-aged asian man in a suit appeared in the water. He was partially glitched, as it seemed like he was walking in the water. He glared at the guy, they must've been enemies of some kind. Then the guy continued talking as he bounced around, glitching back and forth, and went into the distance (towards the ocean's horizon).
I went back inside and saw my roomates were packing up. It was the last day of school and we were all leaving. I mentioned the strange guy, and my roomate (the dude) said he knew who that was. Apparently he was an artist and was building a project over the course of the whole year, and as part of his "full immersion" he was actually living with our female roomate. I had no idea about it, and was shocked.
Our female roomate appeared and she heard the conversation, and joined us. She explained what he'd been doing, and it was like horror stories. Remember that youtuber who was a "comedian", but all they really did was get so drunk they lost all morals, and then forced each other to eat hair/shit etc? And the emotional toll was so taxing, one guy had to completey leave his "character" behind and has never used it again? Apparently he was doing these things in her dorm, TO her. Her voice was shaking and she was full of nervousness and anger. She seemed like she could snap- or break- at any moment. Couldn't tell which. Along with this, he also created claymations. They were extremely violent, disturbing, unnerving and gory. As she explained, I got flashes of these creations- it was scary. He made /many/ of them, and was even considered a popular artist. The claymations were only small projects, like stepping stones, leading up to his final one. His comedic disgustingness (torture) was his way of "method acting". The strange youtuber glitchyness I witnessed was apparently his grand finale he'd been working towards this whole time.
The girl finished by saying something along the lines of, "He needs to learn how to interact with other people", with an angry quiver in her voice. She showed us her room as she packed it- sure enough, there were remnants of another person having lived there. The guy roommate said he experienced some of these tortures during the year too. I lied to the girl, and said I experienced them too, thinking she'd feel better knowing we were all part of it. But she saw through my lie and thought I was mocking her- I felt really bad.
Here is when I woke up, but not into real life. I woke up in another dream. I'd been sleeping on a ground floor room. In the dream, I knew I was in my brother's room, but this was a house I'd never seen before. The room was dark, but the ceiling fan was on and I was in his bed. It was also carpeted. When I woke up from the dream, I knew I had to record it. I got up groggily and flipped the lightswitch- there were two, one for the fan and one for the light. The switches weren't working, so I had to reach up and click the light on. I'd been laying on a bed tucked in the left corner. It had a nightstand covered in my brother's stuff, which I was concious of not to touch. The door was on the same wall the head of the bed was on; it was on the right side of the room. Even further right, pushed up against the wall, was a small side table, and a dresser. The right wall had a window (curtains drawn). I walked over to the side table, which had my sketchbook on it. I went back to my bed to begin recording. I remember being scared of what I'd seen.
I tried to record some of the claymations I'd seen. I remember one, it was just a static art piece of a blue brick wall with red writing. There was a pile of trash (bottom right) made of green clay. The writing said something to the air of, "Don't you just stop caring," or, "Do you ever care anymore" (I know it started with the word "Don't" and looked like it was written in blood, due to the red). On the sidewalk below there was a green bicycle. I was watching a video of the picture; it cut suddenly and the bicycle had been moved to be sticking out of the wall, like it'd been thrown at it. That was the whole art piece. I tried my best to record this in my notebook. As I tried to remember his art, a strange visualization happened, where his claymation sets started to appear around me as I remembered them. It's like in a movie when they show the inner thoughts of the character so the audience can see it. I was examining disturbing, creepy claymations with a pen and paper.
I remember I was trying to do all of this without waking my parents/letting them know I was awake. Not sure why. It was that feeling of not telling them you're awake bc they'll make you start doing chores. I knew my dad was up because I could he him clearing his throat and watching TV. Out the door I could see a hall (which presumably led to the living room on the right, because I could see the light of the TV flickering), and a set of stairs leading up to a second floor. The floor had hardwood flooring, but the stairs were carpeted. I finally heard mom walking down the steps. But in the dream, she fell down; she rolled and skidded down like a pillow- she wasn't harmed in any way. It was like a cartoon. Her back/butt hit the railing, and she turned around looking like "Ow," with a bit of a painful winced expression, but mostly she looked very groggy and tired. Her hair was turned up like she'd been sleeping on it. It was implied that her grogginess is why she fell in the first place. She caught sight of me standing up, and knew I was awake. With the feeling of "Ack, she caught me," I finally woke up into the real world.
I'm unsure if this is related, but when I woke up (5:30am) I thought I heard a woman wincing. I couldn't tell if it was pain or pleasure. It was very short winces, but it was every 30 sec - minute or so. Then I heard what sounded like sneezes. This was deeper, like a man's voice. It wasn't as often as the winces, but it did happen 2-3 times. I was confused and actually scared by these noises, since I didn't know what they were. I thought maybe someone was getting hurt. I looked out my peephole and didn't see anyone, but it sounded close. I looked out my window and saw that, actually, it was a group of workers unloading supplies off a truck into the dining hall. The winces were the whines of the machine going up and down, and the "sneezes" were actually the crashes of the machine clanging around. I remember laughing at this, but still felt a bit startled as I went back to bed. Maybe these noises contributed to my strange dream?
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turtlemagnum · 1 year
KOTOR and KOTOR2 main cast and their relations to video games
this is a mostly jokey, headcanon-y "what if" in regards to if video games existed as they do irl in the star wars universe. try not to think about it too hard, and this is also presupposing neutral/light side for the core cast because that's how i played the games and i don't have the constitution to actively choose bad things in video games
revan: in terms of raw skill, they're virtually unmatched. doesn't matter if it's a fighting game, a puzzle game, nor a grand strategy game, there's an extremely solid chance they'll kick your ass. they also get extremely competitive, impeccable shit-talking game that'll throw off all but the most stoic; but they also get angry in a very funny way on the rare times they do lose. one of the few mortals that can comprehend 5d chess with multiverse time travel. is a tier whore, mains one of the high tier anime swordfighters in smash (i think lucina?)
carth: you know those boomer dads that absolutely wrecked shit up in arcades back in the 70s and 80s, but anything past the NES or SNES they just... don't get? that's carth, if you put him in front of a pacman or galaga cabinet, he'd wreck shit up, but if you showed him a smash brother or a mario he'd just squint
bastilla: i feel like if she were a gamer at all, she'd probably be into platformers and life simulation games, maybe the occasional 2D JRPG if she's feeling especially spicy. would probably play the shit out of stardew valley or kirby, ya feel me? when playing smash, she'd specifically choose one of the prettyboy anime fighters. not because they're high tier, she's probably never heard of a tier list in her life, she just likes how they look
mission vao: extremely good at video games, especially for her age. probably the only one on the ebon hawk who even comes close to rivaling revan in terms of raw skill aside from the droids, but droids playing video games is cheating tbh. probably pretty omnivorous in terms of game taste, but probably leaning towards anything violent/fast paced, e.g. shooters like DOOM or smash bros. is the reason why the crew regularly plays mario party, and since she's mildly luckier than revan and has almost as much skill, she fairly regularly wrecks revan's ass. is also probably around the right age to get wayyy into minecraft tbh. game and watch main
juhani: gamer god reflexes, absolute jack shit for gamesense. if a game requires mashing, precise movements and the like, she's likely golden; but she's terrible at reading her opponent/things that require extensive forethought. overall, pretty good at fighting games and the like, though frankly i feel like she wouldn't be a huge gamer
jolee: while old, this man is a gamer god. he's like, skyrim grandma type guy, can play games normally for the most part despite being ancient. also probably tends towards single player open world games and extremely dense RPGs, this man will play morrowind and planescape: torment until he's dead and rotting. despite being great at RPGs and singleplayer shit, it's mostly because he knows how to minmax all the technical shit/knows the exploits and glitches and all that, in terms of raw gameplay (and thus, in multiplayer games), he leaves something to be desired. if you manage to talk him into playing smash, he specifically chooses mii gunner with the sans outfit just to annoy revan specifically, figures it doesn't matter if he chooses a bad character if he's gonna lose, so he might as well get a laugh out of it
canderous: this man will relentlessly bully you for playing video games, but if you coaxed him well enough you could probably get him to play something violent, like DOOM or GTA. once you've got him in, he'll most likely relent, but now you have to deal with this boomer son of a bitch yelling at kids in GTA online and blaring rip and tear while everyone else is trying to sleep
HK-47 and T3M4: both are roughly about as good as one another at games, which is to say that they're both goddamn AIs who can consistently perform frame perfect tricks and make every game into a live TAS. you have better odds against them in, say, chess, or perhaps even 5D chess with multiverse time travel. of course, they're not programmed to be good at video games, so any game they play they'd start off bad, but they learn startlingly quickly and playing against them is generally unfair enough to be extremely unfun. both also shittalk relentlessly, though T3 is a lot more vulgar, it's just that most of the crew can't speak binary. HK tries to be a bit more "refined" in his insults, while T3 is peak 13 year old on xbox live, except more eloquent and creative since he's still got an adult tier of intellect. one last remark is that HK isn't as good at thinking in the longterm as T3, so T3 kicks his shit in at grand strategy games like civ and the like
zaalbar: is it bigoted for me to assume this man has never touched a video game in his life? i don't think so, i feel like chewbacca would wreck han's ass at video games, so i don't think it's because he's a wookie. i think zaalbar is basically just a boomer
the exile: honestly about as good as revan at games, it's just that they're not as much of a tryhard. despite this, they have inhuman amounts of luck. so, essentially, they're the Fearesome Monarcke of mario party in terms of how often they win, but everyone still has a good time since they're a good sport about it. the exception is that whenever atton gets into his Gamer Rage, the exile knows exactly how to press his buttons and thinks it's funny. they generally have the most fun playing multiplayer games, especially co-op, so naturally they tend towards a lot of nintendo stuff (though, occasionally they get the urge to pubstomp in TF2 or some other shooter.... may the force have mercy on the poor souls who face them, for they have none to spare...) zelda main in smash
brianna: until meeting the exile, this girl has never touched a video game in her life. though, once she's acclimated, she's surprisingly good. especially likes fighting games/games where you can punch, for what i hope are obvious reasons. also loves to play multiplayer games with the exile, and while she can get a bit heated she definitely tends towards more zen levels of play. would main captain falcon in smash
kreia: refuses to play the exile's party games on principal, though if she thinks she can get away with it she'll absolutely fuck with atton's controller with the force. if she does play games, i think she'd lean towards singleplayer RPGs with good writing, especially if it permits amoral characters, so she'd probably love fallout: new vegas. also? hardcore PC gamer, if her computer skill is anything to go by
visas: also hadn't touched a game before meeting the exile, though due to her blindness, she's incapable of playing games without some manner of accessibility aid. but even if she wasn't blind, i feel like she'd be kinda bad at video games, though she'd absolutely enjoy spending quality time with the others (even if she wouldn't like to admit it). while not video games necessarily, i feel like the exile would probably get something like one of those chess boards where the pieces are designed to all be differentiated from texture alone, and she'd really appreciate the gesture
atton: peak toxic gamer boy, shit-talks relentlessly, gets really into it. would honestly be a bit too much for some people (read: kreia), but most of the crew think it's funny, albeit to varying degrees. in terms of gameplay skill, he'd probably be about average? but with anything to do with probability, he's a savant at crunching the numbers (playing pazaak). would honestly consider cheating in online multiplayer games, the rascal. man mains pikachu in smash, he tries to write himself off as a tier whore but he secretly just thinks the little guy's cute
bao dur: this man is a god gamer at puzzle and fighting games specifically. in tetris, he'll stack em up like you wouldn't believe, could honestly be a speedrunner. in something like tekken, not only would he be absurdly good in terms of raw gameplay, this man can read your inputs like a goddamn book. gets really competitive with brianna, probably has that thing where you absentmindedly play tetris in your head. also, war games are absolutely too much for him, i feel like he'd react to the battlefront games in the same way that ww2 veterans allegedly react to CoD
mical: this man plays the sims, cheesy old PC point and click adventure games, and nothing else. he's a master at the oregon trail, but if you were to put him into anything with more reactive gameplay he'd crumble to dust. still plays mario party with the exile and everyone else, and while he has fun, it's because he's with good friends, in terms of gameplay he'd look like he was throwing to an outside observer
G0-T0: you'd imagine he'd be like the other droids, but no. he's that nerd boy who's all like, "heh, this is simple, all i have to do are these elementary calculations" only to fall flat on his face, every time. bro can't even play chess. the only person who will lose to mical
hanharr: i have the least experience with him out of any KOTOR companion, due to my aforementioned lack of desire to intentionally be evil in video games. but, i feel like this man wouldn't touch a video game with a twenty yard pole, both out of a lack of desire and a lack of ability. again, trying not to be bigoted against wookies, i just feel like the two we see in the KOTOR games would specifically, as individuals, be bad at video games
mira: shooters, stealth games, and any combination of the two. would love the stealth parts of the MGS games, would play the shit out of the thief games, boomer shooters like half life etc. slightly better than atton at the exile's goddamn party games, which she relentlessly taunts him with. mains snake in smash, plays incredibly lame and spammy
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crazywriter1 · 2 years
Let's talk about Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach Part One
Before any of you say it, I know it isn't Halloween anymore. I have recently shown interest into the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise and I have to say, I love it. Although I've never played the games, I have seen the playthroughs, and the game theories. I know most of the context now and I realize why everyone likes it so much.
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I'm not a big fan of horror, I don't think I ever was. I have enjoyed reading thriller and mystery books, but horror has never interested me. One thing that interested me in the beginning was the mysterious lore behind it all. I know watching the theories and playthroughs in 2022 almost takes away the mysterious aspect of it, since some of the big details have been discovered. But one thing I absolutely love about FNAF is that you're always left with more questions after you complete each game. In FNAF four we saw the bite of '83, and even thought that was a shocker, you're still left with questions like: Who are we playing? Who got bit? And what's in the locked box?
In a way, FNAF is like the Gravity Falls of video games. (Matpat's words not mine) In every game, you're left with mystery, and questions. Even in Security Breach.
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I know Security Breach is not the best FNAF game, you're not left with a lot of horror. And we have enough context to know who Vanny is. Not to mention the endless bugs and glitches players have come across. In a way, we can see that the game was rushed in terms of production, even though it was pushed back several times. In terms of a story, I don't think it's the best.
For one thing, Vanny could have been presented more openly. Rather than, a mysterious rabbit coming out now and then, I think it would have been cool if the character, Gregory could confront her directly. It would have been neat if we could see them face to face. Or see Venessa/Vanny physically tamper with the animatronics. It would have given a clearer picture on who is the bad guy really was. It would have also been more tragic if we saw the animatronics interact with each other before they were violent.
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I also have a problem with Burntrap, who we know is William Afton. I know the famous phrase, "I always come back". But I simply don't understand why he could still be in the game. William Afton was presented as a compelling, yet reckless villain, who killed innocent kids. And it was his recklessness that put him in the spring-bonnie suit that caused the spring locks to contract and turn him into SpringTrap. It looked like the story of William Afton was done after the Pizza Simulator, so how can he still be there? I don't understand that one detail of the game.
I have more to say about the game, but I don't want this to turn into a Ted Talk, so if you would like to hear more about my opinion, there will be a part two.
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rarekerlon · 2 years
Audio overload 64
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Implications of this finding are discussed and suggestions made for ongoing research.Īffective overload Cognitive load Emotion Frightening Memory Mental pollution Sex Violence Visual stimuli. The group which was exposed to the emotive visual stimuli remembered significantly fewer words than the group which watched the emotively neutral nature documentary. The different formats contained either visually affective content (sexually suggestive, violent or frightening material) or neutral content (a nature documentary). users of the application as one of the causes for CPU Overload issues.
Information License Free Size 50.6 MB Developer’s website Downloads 13664 App requirements Intel 64 macOS 10.12.0 or later Try our new feature and write a detailed review about Audio Overload. relax song 86-9 see also audio help nature conflict with modern lifestyle 64.
Creates a sample stream from a MIDI sound file. Pro Tools also offers support for 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit float audio at sample. Fixed issue where quote characters in track names would crash Audio Overload. for alarm calls 45 information overload 64 personal time 60-1 Real Cam. Extremely bright, it is used in theaters, stages, exhibitions and in any situation it is necessary. After the Powerpoint they were exposed to two forms of visual stimuli for 27 min. Public method Static member, BASSMIDIStreamCreateFile(String, Int64, Int64, BASSFlag, Int32). Classic lighthouse in version 12 LED PAR 64 10W (quad). Like foobar2000, it has the feature of WAV conversion of all supported formats. The player does not support plugins and the only customization is the muting of channels. It was originally written for Macintosh, but later ported to Windows and Linux. Audio is spoken at about half that speed150 words per minuteand scripted audio can be even slower. People read text on the page at a rate of about 300 words per minute. The vocabulary was presented in comfortable rooms with padded chairs and the participants were provided with snacks so that they would be comfortable and relaxed. Audio Overload is a video game music player that supports 33 video game music formats. The argument is that text and audio together will overload the learner’s sight and sound channels, and that, if they are identical, one medium or the other is redundant. In order to investigate the effects of affective stimuli on cognitive function as manifest in the ability to remember foreign language vocabulary, two groups of student volunteers (N = 64) aged from 17 to 25 years were shown a Powerpoint presentation of 21 target language words with a picture, audio, and written form for every word. But most other companies have a procedure so it can be dealt with accordingly, not pushed out "hoping for the best" and leaving the end users to be frustrated.ĭeleting threads won't make the problem go away.There has been considerable interest in cognitive load in recent years, but the effect of affective load and its relationship to mental functioning has not received as much attention. I get it - during alpha or beta of any phase, issues will come up. Keyscape allows up to 64 notes to be played simultaneously. Something has got to give and it's calling for competence this means you, PGI. CPU-intensive FX units which might result in CPU overload, also causing audio glitches.
And now this new audio bug in regards to repeating sounds/Betty, ultimately leading to failing erratic audio for the end user. Download the latest version of Audio Overload for Mac - Game Music Player. It's been acknowledged, perhaps but ignored. Modizer is a multiformat modules & chiptunes player which allows you to listen to computers and consoles music (C64, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Amiga, PC. The audio issue has been present for months.
As such, it is my FEEDBACK that you begin to open applications and/or hand select people to do closed testing BEFORE a patch is released.
This leads everyone to believe you DON'T do any internal testing or closed testing. Update Everything Adjust the Audio preferences The Audio Interface Reduce the CPU Load Minimize Hard Disk Overload Upgrade and service your computer. Since my last thread was promptly deleted, I'll re-state.ĭo you at PGI actually do any testing for these patches you throw out to the masses? I cannot for the life of me understand how issues that are 100% reproducible and in each and every game. Audio Overload + Garageband + iTunes + Bluetooth Free Ringtones for your mobile from your favourite oldskool computer games Audio Overload now requires OSX 10.3, please change the info page to reflect this in order to avoid crushing the hopes and dreams of more 10.2 users. Digital audio material is often mastered at such hot levels that frequent clipping in the digital domain occurs.
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clevernameideaidk · 2 years
I’ve been nostalgic for the Jacksepticeye egos recently, so I’m coming up with my own Anti lore since there hasn’t been any for them.
(Disclaimer: not claiming this as canon. Just wanted to make my own stuff for characters I like. It’s sad there isn’t any content for them on his channel, but it’s Jack’s choice and I respect it. Anyways story time!)
One of the most infamous computer viruses out there is called the Anti.program. Infecting devices seemingly at random, the effects aren’t noticeable at first. It starts with small things: internet lag or the screen glitching somewhat. However over time, it gets worse. Important files get deleted, games glitch and spawn multiple enemies, or even reset saved progress. Eventually it gets horrific, to the likes of paranormal activity. Emails are spammed with violent messages, personal information leaked, and calls sent to and from the device with an ominous voice. The virus wreaks havoc on the poor soul who’s unfortunate enough to get it, until they are forced to destroy their computers.
While this is sets it apart enough, that’s not what makes the Anti.program special. It seemingly has a mind of its own, able to observe and react. If IT is called, it will simply hide in another device, traveling online like buildings on a street. If VPNs are used… they are eventually found destroyed.
The Anti.program, a digital demon, was a force to be reckoned with, taking pleasure in terrifying its victims. However, it started to grow unsatisfied. While the virus could do many things, there was no one to interact with people physically. Once all infected devices were destroyed, it’d have to move to a different target. This frustration gave the virus an idea, to try to get a physical body. Brains were essentially fleshy computers, albeit more advanced. It want impossible for it to learn how to hack one. And so, he went to test his theory on one of his favorite victims.
(Finally getting to the good stuff- that was a lot of exposition)
This leads up to the events of Say Goodbye, where Anti possess Jack, slitting his throat in an attempt to kill him. Obvious this fails since Jack lives to keep making videos, but Anti is still left in the physical world. His appearance is heavily glitched since he is not meant to be part of it, but he’s still able to exist in it for awhile before returning.
If you read through all of this- uh thank you! Its very long so I’d understand if you wouldn’t want to finish. Let me know what you think! Also I have to congratulate you for sticking with this fandom for so long despite 0 content.
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Movie Review & Thoughts: Free Guy
So, when I saw the trailer for this back in 2019, I wasn’t sure what to make of it but I knew I wanted to see it because Ryan Reynolds was in it and it looked to be—at the very least—funny.
Spoiler Free mini review:
It is funny. There are a few times where I almost feel like there was a 
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(gif of Steve Buscemi saying “How do you do, fellow kids?”)
moment here and there but over all it was funny.
I wouldn’t take a kid under the age of fourteen to this, though.
The plot was fairly straight forwards for this sort of sci-fi story, but the execution is what makes it different and I’ll give it a solid B+ in that regard.
IT’s nearly an A- but there were a few things in it that held me back from that. Those will be in the spoiler sections.
As a gamer, I feel the movie did an ok-ish job. I like that they chose to go with a Not!Fort-Nite-or-Grand-Theft-Auto! game since it’s tricky to get a straight adaptation to work. 
The gamer things they threw in were.... I won’t say nice because it’s not nice to do them or have them done but it was a detail that I was surprised to see.
I was surprised by the lack of fort-nite dances (or maybe they used ones I didn’t know)
So, it was fun. It was even somewhat heartfelt-at times. 
If you like comedies and video games, this will be up your alley.
Spoilers ahead.
There were three jokes that I think were shoved in there so horribly awkwardly that it screamed “I’m a hollywood writer who barely has a visual lock on reality putting a “joke” into a movie.”
Luckily two of them aren’t focused on for very long and the third is just brushed past. It’s just, normal Hollywood slack-tivism and it stood out like a sore thumb.
So, here’s the biggest reason I gave Free Guy a B+ 
There’s this line towards the end of the movie where the one of the three human protagonists says something to the effect of “Who knew people would want to just play a game where they watch NPCs live their lives.”
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(gif of Alice from Alice in Wonderland facepalming)
“The players of Animal Crossing and The Sims have entered the chat.”
I get it, the central game this movie was centered on was the unholy offspring of Fort-Nite and Grand Theft Auto, but two of the human protagonists say things as if there aren’t games where you don’t have conflict. 
To its credit, Free Guy doesn’t try to get on any anti-violent video game soap boxes....much...because that’s not the story. 
It’s just annoying that Miles and Millie seemed to be unaware of the fact games like The Sims (which their game Life Itself seemed to be a sort of clone of) or Animal Crossing exist where you do, at times, just watch NPCs live their lives (though you have an avatar to interact with them).They’re, supposedly, part of the games industry. This should have been stuff they knew.
The antagonist Anton not knowing would—mostly—fit his character except he should have known better too since The Sims is a moneymaker of a game and that guy was all about making money and the IP.
So. What this rant amounts to is, the writers made a valiant effort to capture a sliver of gaming culture in its current generation in the streaming age, but there are times that the illusion glitches and we still see that they’re on the outside trying to relate.
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