#to ASK if buck is okay.
trashendence · 2 years
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I'm still wrapping my head around it, but there's something about how this whole storyline and Eddie's evolving (?) philosophy about the universe is in conversation with the scene at the equestrian center about choice and the randomness of the universe. Something about Buck's utter determination (for self destruction, alas), no matter what the universe throws at him. That the universe screams, but it doesn't control our fate? That we still have to make our own choices, that we are responsible for who we are. Even if and when terrible things happen to us that we can't control, what matters is how we respond to that trauma.
I just really love the overarching narrative and how this theme about agency vs. the universe - choice vs. fate - are all being told through Eddie, at the moment. How the universe may be screaming at Buck, but you are 100% right: Eddie would believe that the choice is up to Buck. That Buck has to decide what (and who) he wants. But it is funny how this stance is leaving them in this emotional stalemate. Eddie, waiting. Buck, running away, deeper into self-destruction.
Anyway, sorry for rambling in your ask box, but I have feelings and would love to hear more of your thoughts on Buck and Eddie and the Universe.
oh i love this ask! eddie and faith, eddie and fate, buddie and the universe? sign me up every. single. time.
i think you’re definitely on to something with eddie’s evolving philosophy about the universe and charlie’s role in all of it (it’s actually why i think ‘suspicion’ should get all the credit). arguably, charlie and his mum represent a turning point for eddie; a single parent turned rotten, someone eddie trusts on instinct because he sees himself in her, and someone who betrays him and her own son in the end. it’s okay not to believe in a higher power if you can believe in people, but what happens when people are not inherently good? what is the point then?
if there are too many variables to keep track of, where does that leave eddie? eddie, who thought he could prepare for everything in his life and, most importantly, in his death. the binary code he can’t predict but can welcome when it comes. and the one time - the one time - he tries to put an end to a situation he didn’t see coming, he gets shot. the one time he reaches out to those he cared about, they’re dead. he starts wondering what’s the point of everything if it all ends in fire, what’s the point of his abuela collecting debt to say goodbye to his abuelo, what’s the point of mitchell dying when they could have found another way, what’s the point. and the point, i think he’s always instinctively known but is slowly realizing just now, is love.
“our job was always to save the person in front of us. and what happens next? well, we aren’t supposed to know. it got me thinking…about the day you got shot. i almost forgot that wasn’t even our call and it made me wonder if you ever wished we hadn’t saved him,” is what buck tells eddie before letting him know the second chance eddie blindly gave charlie - out of love and nothing else - worked. they didn’t know if it would, and it did. both buck and eddie agree there is nothing to regret, even if it’s random, even if it turns out a mess.
i think eddie accepted then and there that they will never know for certain whether it is all a coincidence or if there’s a bigger picture, but there is one conclusion: you can either listen to the universe and call it love, or scream with your own voice and call it love anyway. just like with ‘suspicion’, it’s about not being defined by what you attract - be it shitty people, natural disasters, unexpected losses -, nor by the cards you’ve been dealt. it’s about eddie being a great dad and still pulling into his orbit the exact opposite, which makes him feel used and stupid but also tells us one more time about his heart and what it desires. it’s about buck being stopped multiple times on the way to his donation and still running to make it work, because that’s what he thinks he desires. and everything is drenched in love; for a son, for an old friend, for the chance to give happiness to someone else. trial and error.
that’s why eddie wouldn’t actually stop buck from doing it; he knows randomness is not the enemy because choice is what matters. but i think buck is not there yet. he frantically looks for a sign, opens his arms to possibilities because in the great numbers reside higher chances, thinks his future is written unless what he needs to change it finds him first. there is very little agency in his ‘yes’, there is so much pain in his running and hoping for the best. eddie ultimately will show him that buck found love actively, organically, effortlessly and yes, also a bit randomly.
it’s truly a great love story story of love.
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spacedace · 6 months
I love me some eldritch, incomprehensible ghost speak in fics, but in my heart ghost speak sounds like a theremin being played.
Like, it's one of those instruments that can sound so much *like* a human voice, and sound nothing like one all in the same song. It can make kind of chipping noises, it can make some truly horrifying sounds. It can be beautiful, it can be creepy, it's peak ghost speak to me
(Also just love the idea of people playing the theremin at ghosts to join the ghost speak convo being like the meme of when people meow to their cats, but like are saying "taxes" or "ketchup" in response to "hi" lol)
Anyway please juat imagine Danny & the other ghosts sounding like this while they talk/fight:
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sunglassesmish · 6 days
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i just love them 🥺
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butraura · 3 months
It’s the way that when Buck told Eddie that he and Natalia broke up, Eddie said, “welcome back to the world of the living, Buck; you were missed.” It’s the way that at the graveyard, Eddie said, “to be honest, you haven’t been the same since [the lightning strike] happened… but how could you be?” It’s the way that, to Eddie, Buck died for 3 minutes and 17 seconds, but he never came back to life. It’s the way that when Buck said he broke up with Natalia because all she wanted to talk about was death, Eddie saw the light in Buck that he hadn’t seen since before he was struck. It’s the way he missed the Buck he was before he died, but didn’t push him. The way he said, “you don’t have to be anything for anybody,” when Buck said he felt that he had to try to be the “same old” guy he was before the lightning. The way that even though Eddie did miss the old Buck, and he did want to be there for him, he gave him the space he needed to heal, even if it meant healing with Natalia. It’s the way that, when Buck told him that he broke up with Natalia, he raised an eyebrow and immediately welcomed him back. In that moment, Buck was alive again and Eddie had him back. It's the way he loved Buck back to life. It’s the way Eddie loves him to his core.
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mythtakens · 1 year
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"We tried." "Not hard enough."
9-1-1 (2018-)
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lynxgriffin · 4 months
Can we see any more Spiritfarer doodles?
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I know I finished the game awhile ago, but here's just a couple small doodles of some of the spirits I liked!
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emiliagrant · 6 days
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Buck and Tommy ♡ flirty, kinky and in love
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jakes3resin · 2 months
Hmmm thinking thoughts about Modern Clegan Break Up Fight AU
Just the pair getting into a fight because Bucky wants to go public about their relationship, but Buck doesn't understand why. Their close friends know, and they know. Who else needs to know? Buck asks this, and Bucky says he wants everyone to know. He wants to do all the cheesy romance shit like meeting the parents and siblings and stuff. Bucky wants to go to parties or events with Buck as his date. He wants to go out on public dates where people see them and know. Buck says he likes their private dates, and he likes how they don't have to be a side show for the people they go to school with (university not high school).
They go back and forth until finally Bucky bursts out that he wants everyone to know because he doesn't want to be the one left behind anymore. Bucky's the good time guy, or so everyone who's ever hooked up with him or gone out with him has said. He's scared that Buck will eventually agree with them (like Buck ever would but Bucky is scared). So now he wants to prove to Gale that he's serious about this, serious about them.
But, Buck's scared in his own way. His dad's still in the picture, and he would rather die than let his shitty excuse for a father anywhere near Bucky. Because his dad is the type to show up and try to teach the boy dating his son a lesson. Except he doesn't say that to Bucky. He says John I don't want to go public with this.
Poor Bucky takes that the exact wrong way. Usually he can read Buck like the back of his hand, but right now he's too emotional and stuck in his own head. He can't see past the facade right now. They start to really argue, building off of each other's energy until finally Bucky says that he can't be with someone who feels like they have to hide being in love with him.
Bucky storms out saying they're over. Heads back to his apartment where he tries to calm down and breathe. He goes and drinks some water to calm down. Except he accidently slices his hand open dropping his water glass. He gets blood all over his bathroom trying to fix it. That's how Curt finds him.
Curt is Bucky's roommate. He wasn't even supposed to be there that weekend. He was actually supposed to be in a different state for a concert the next night, but he forgot his wallet and turned back around after only being on the road for an hour. He finds Bucky bleeding and crying his eyes out, telling himself that that's what he gets for trying to be more than a good time. Curt goes into lockdown mode cause that's bullshit. He cleans Bucky up, and when Bucky looks at him with bright teary eyes and says he and Buck broke up, it's heartbreaking. Bucky sniffles and says he doesn't know what to do because he can't face anyone after this. Curt stuffs Bucky into his car and books it. Bucky forgets his cellphone in the apartment in the rush to get out of there. He realizes it a few hours later when it's too late to turn back.
Buck, meanwhile, has had his panic attack and calmed down. He knows that neither of them were in a good place for that argument, and he gives Bucky some space (a few hours) before he shows up to try and talk to him again. Only Bucky isn't at his apartment, and when Buck can't find him at any of the parties or bars on campus or with their mutual friends, he starts to get scared. Bucky's phone goes straight to voicemail over and over again. Buck goes back and breaks in (uses the spare key Bucky gave him) only to stumble upon an apartment trashed and covered with blood. He freaks out and calls everyone he can think of. Everyone joins the search, and it turns into a whole thing.
Hospitals get called, and then the cops get called, who since they're college town cops are suitably useless. Buck spends the next three days thinking Bucky hurt himself or was hurt bad enough he can't make it to one of their friends or a hospital.
Bucky is having a lovely time by the way. He managed to get a ticket to the concert, maybe Curt had an extra, and it's a great band. He's still heartbroken, but sometimes you just have to scream along to some artist you only learned about yesterday cause it's better than crying. He and Curt end up so hungover the next day that they don't get on the road back to their university until it's super late. They don't tell anyone they got back in town and pass out not knowing everyone in their life thinks Bucky is missing.
Bucky shows up to classes the next day, and he doesn't understand why Brady loses his shit when he sees Bucky walking around campus like their entire friend group hasn't been losing their shit all weekend. Brady drags him away even though Bucky's whining about missing his morning class.
Big reunion scene back at Bucky's apartment where Buck breaks down in tears because he's just so fucking relieved Bucky is okay. They work through their shit, and Bucky has to promise never to go on anymore impromptu road trips.
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poughkeepsies · 2 months
hear me out kitchen scene is literally going to be eddie going over to buck's to let him know him and marisol broke up and hes going to be like lmao guess we're both single now still want to go go karting 🤪🥰🥳!! and bucks going to be like... about that...
@chronicowboy and I were literally discussing this exact scenario a week ago (minus eddisol break up lmao) but legitimately. legitimately I think there is a very very high chance of this happening. specifically a callback to the go karting and eddie trying to make time for buck only for buck to be like oh. I actually have plans. with tommy. and coming out to eddie
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tenebrous-academic · 13 days
Ooooh what are your thoughts on what it's like for Tommy at Harbor, and what his coworkers are like?
Anon. I had such a good answer written. It was literally perfect. And then I accidentally closed the ask and it deleted itself 🙃 I don’t know if this answer will be as good, but I’ll do my best.
I LOVE this question first of all. A lot of my favourite fics have had Buck going to the Harbour while Tommy is working and he meets his coworkers who are thrilled to meet the man Tommy can’t stop talking about. And they tease Tommy endlessly about the way he can’t stop smiling at his phone whenever Buck texts him. It’s such a welcoming and supportive workspace. But it took work for Tommy to open himself up to that.
When he was under Captain Gerrard he was utterly repressed and hiding so much of himself. He would laugh at the jokes or stay silent to keep the target off his back. It was a toxic environment we saw him only begin to break free of when he saw that there were other ways of living, of being true to himself. Even when Bobby came it wasn’t our Bobby. It wasn’t even Season One Bobby. It was a Captain who was still traumatized and was only focused on keeping his team safe, healthy, and cohesive. But it wasn’t a family, not yet.
By the time Tommy gets to the Harbour I think he had more confidence in himself and a desire to find his own place. He saw how Chimney and Hen were beginning to find their way under Bobby and he wanted something like that for himself, but it couldn’t be with the 118. Not when the memory of who he pretended to be hung over him like a spectre. And not when the itch to be in the air again just wouldn’t go away. So he heads out - not running away, but not not running away. And when he does enter the Harbour for the first time, I think he sees the possibilities that are open to him for the first time in his life. So when a coworker asks if he has a girlfriend, he takes a risk and says “No, I just broke up with my ex-boyfriend actually and I’m taking my time.” Or “No, but I am seeing a pretty great guy right now and we’re seeing where it’s going.” That’s it. No negative reaction, no sneers or pulling away. Just easy acceptance. Tommy is safe to be himself here and he can finally breathe.
I also think that it’s likely that a lot of the pilots are ex-army, and it creates an atmosphere of a fraternity more than a family. They’re brothers and sisters in arms and, more importantly, they’re bad-ass pilots! They razz on each other and joke, but it’s all with an undercurrent of respect and friendship running through it.
It’s not a family the way the 118 grew to be. It’s a collection of people crazy enough to go up into the air and fly into fires. Their friends and partners, but not family. And that’s okay, because Tommy didn’t go there looking for a family. He went there looking for belonging and acceptance, and he found it. And, now, he can start building that family with Buck.
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Prompt response
So glad you're having fun! 😄 Hmm, what about that quote from Oliver about kissing a male actor as a prompt? "When your eyes are closed, it's the same."
Their first date is painfully awkward.
Their second date is, although he didn't think it possible, worse. 
And okay, maybe he was asking for it…he doesn't actually know what he was thinking, deciding that the best way to counteract the disaster of a first date was to invite a man he'd just met to be his plus one to Maddie's wedding. (He resolutely ignores the little voice in his head–the one that sounds suspiciously like Eddie–telling him he wasn't thinking). The 118 are…a lot. He loves them with all his heart, they are his chosen family, and he wouldn't trade them for anything…but yeah, the entire crew in full party mode would be overwhelming for an established relationship coming up on its ten-year anniversary, let alone a brand new situation with the added weight of it being his first same-sex experience. 
His parents were there for fuck's sake. He and Tommy hadn't even discussed parameters, boundaries, exclusivity, and Buck was introducing him to his parents. And granted, introducing Tommy to Bobby and Athena had felt…more…despite the strides he and his parents have made in repairing their relationship, but still.
Add into all that the absolutely impossible, ridiculous, downright Hollywood movie-style disaster that had been the bachelor party and subsequent search for the missing groom and Buck is honestly surprised that Tommy hadn't run screaming for the hills. He hadn't, though. He hadn't.
And now here they are. Three months in. Going stronger than Buck would have ever dreamed after that first embarrassing dinner date. They see each other at least a few times a week, as their schedules allow. There's a second toothbrush in the holder in Buck's bathroom. Buck's preferred brand of oat milk can be found in Tommy's fridge. Neither of them have cleared out space in drawers or closets yet, but Buck found an LAFD t-shirt with Kinard across the back in his laundry the other day, and he's pretty sure he'll find his favorite hoodie somewhere at Tommy's apartment next time he goes over. 
He's always loved this part of dating someone–the slow slide into sharing space, the little bits of each other that start mixing and melding until it's just them. He's never done it right in the past–not with Abby, not with Taylor, nor any of the other, shorter relationships he's had, he can acknowledge that now…but he's always loved it. He feels like he might be getting it right with Tommy, now. 
Evan Buckley has a boyfriend. A boyfriend that he is pretty damn sure he's falling in love with, even if they aren't quite at the point of saying it, yet. 
It's never been this easy, before. This comfortable. He thinks part of it must be that this is the first time he's dating someone that actually gets his job. Tommy understands the crazy schedules, the stress, the danger he sometimes has to put himself in, understands the drive that Buck has to help people, because that's his life too. Abby was probably the one who came the closest to being able to understand, but even she hadn't been able to fully comprehend that part of Buck's life. 
But he thinks the greater part of what makes this the most comfortable romantic relationship he's ever had is just that it's with Tommy. Tommy, who is patient and gentle when Buck needs it, and firm and demanding when he needs that, and has no problem being the one to hold and comfort him when he needs that, and accepts all that right back from Buck when he needs it. Equal. Buck doesn't think he's ever had a romantic relationship that feels so equal. Even in matters that Tommy definitely has the experience advantage in, where Buck defers to his lead, he always feels like they're going at his pace and comfort level. 
Buck's had partners who enjoyed his body before, of course. Tommy is certainly no exception on that front. He doesn't think he's ever had a partner who so clearly treasures everything that comes with his body, though. Tommy's just as interested in Buck's latest research binge and what he and Chris are doing for Chris's science project as he is in what Buck can do with his tongue besides talk. 
It's…refreshing. A little bit heady, if he's being honest. 
He’s just sliding the pan of chicken parmesan he's been assembling for dinner under the broiler for the mozzarella to get brown and bubbly when his front door opens, and the man who's been occupying his thoughts enters, work bag slung over his shoulder. Buck looks up in time to catch the tail end of the pleased, smitten grin curling his boyfriend's lips as he slides his keys back into his pocket. That’s a new thing, the freshly cut key to Buck's place on Tommy's keyring only a few weeks old. Buck has one to Tommy's apartment on his.
It's more practical than anything else right now. Their lives being what they are, there's been more than one occasion where they had plans to meet up only to find the other's shift had run over, and they were left awkwardly hanging out in the lobby of the building. They're not at a point where they're thinking of moving in together or anything…those drawers and closets haven't been cleaned out to make room for a new occupant to start leaving more than a few scraps of themselves behind. But it's not…an insignificant step. 
“Hey babe,” Tommy says, coming up behind him to wind his arms around Buck's waist as he rinses his hands at the sink. He kisses the back of Buck's neck and Buck sighs happily as he leans his weight back against his boyfriend's solid frame. “That smells amazing.”
“Bobby finally gave up his secrets to the perfect marinara,” Buck replies, turning in Tommy's arms so he can kiss him properly. 
There's still a small part of him that always marvels a little at the novelty of having to tip his head up slightly to kiss his partner. That thrills a little at the feeling of being held, enveloped in his partner's arms. He'd made light of it the couple times he's talked to people about the differences in dating Tommy–dating a man–as compared to any of the women he's been with. 
“When your eyes are closed, it's the same,” he'd told Maddie with a wink, drawing a peal of laughter from his sister. 
And that's true. In all the ways that matter, right down at the heart of it, it's all the same. 
Tommy's hands slide up under his t-shirt, stroking the skin over his ribs and the small of his back. He presses Buck back against the counter just a little, nipping playfully at his lower lip before pulling back and smiling at him.
“Well, if it's Bobby's secret sauce, I can't wait to try it. Need me to do anything?” 
“Mm, set the table? And I got a bottle of that red you liked at Bobby and Athena's last week–it needs to breathe for a few minutes.”
“I can't believe I'm dating someone who lets wine breathe,” Tommy chuckles. 
It's something Taylor might have said, back when they were together…but Taylor never would have sounded so fucking pleased about it. Like every little quirk of Buck’s was just part of his charm, something endearing. Like it was a privilege to find it out. 
They sit down to eat–Tommy makes an appreciative noise when he takes a sip of the properly-aired wine, so hah–and the conversation flows. Calls Tommy went on today, Buck's plans to take Jee to the children's museum while Tommy hits the basketball courts with Eddie this weekend, the trip up the coast they're planning for next month…if only the Buck of three months ago could see them now. 
Later, they sprawl out on his bed together, sweaty and sticky in the best way. Tommy's hand cards idly through his hair, tugging on his curls with a contented hum, and Buck stares up at the shadowed ceiling, his body loose and satisfied, his mind quiet and calm. 
He relaxes against his boyfriend, comfortable in his own skin in a way he doesn't think he's ever been in his life. 
He hadn't been lying when he told Maddie it was all the same when he closed his eyes. In all the ways that matter, it is. 
But it's also so, so different. Not because he's dating a man. Because he's dating this man. 
He can't wait to see how different this thing between them will end up being. 
This is fun and these two are adorable...hit up my askbox if you have a prompt, yo.
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queerdiazs · 8 months
tease tidbit tuesday <3
i was tagged by @callmenewbie, @wildlife4life, @try-set-me-on-fire, @disasterbuckdiaz, @rogerzsteven, @hippolotamus, @giddyupbuck, @ladydorian05, @daffi-990, @jesuisici33, @loserdiaz, and @wikiangela mwah 🫶🏼
have a long tease from hoa eddie, where eddie's grossly in love with buck's big tits and honestly i can't blame him
Eddie sighs, turns around, and nearly runs right into Buck’s big, naked, hairy chest.  “Eddie—” “Where’s your shirt?”  Buck blinks. “I was mowing the yard and I got hot,” he replies, shrugging sheepishly.  He wants to bitch at Buck for mowing the yard, for taking his shirt off and getting grass all over himself, for inadvertently causing a scene because his big fat bleeding heart always seems to get him in trouble, but it’s Buck, sweet and stubborn and soft Buck, and he’s standing in front of Eddie, bare-chested and sweaty and a little breathless with blue eyes so large and wide and childlike, expecting Eddie to be upset when he’s not, not in the slightest, and all Eddie can do is smile and undo the snaps on his button down when he realizes Buck’s shivering, cold and clammy now that the sun has set. He has another shirt beneath, anyway.  “Grass is worse than sand, Buck,” he says, handing his shirt over. “Put this on. You’ll want to shower as soon as you can, so just stay the night again. I’ve got a load of your clothes in the dyer.”  Buck does as he’s told, pulling on the button down. It’s a size too small, dragging across his broad shoulders and barreled chest; the buttons stretch open over his torso, giving Eddie a peak of the curly hair between his tits, and his nipples are hard, tiny nubs beneath the fabric that draw Eddie’s attention, and he licks his lips. He’s seen Buck shirtless a hundred times before, sure, but he never realized how huge Buck’s tits really were until now, so big beneath his shirt they stick out like actual boobs.  He wonders how heavy they’d feel in his hands, if Buck would make pretty sounds when he squeezed the fat or pinched his nipples till they’re red and swollen.  Huh. That’s new. 
gonna no pressure tag @honestlydarkprincess, @eddiediaztho, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @eowon, @watchyourbuck, @exhuastedpigeon, @thewolvesof1998, @shitouttabuck, @housewifebuck, and whoever else mwah mwah
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neverevan · 1 month
Something so beautiful about the fact that tommy didn't meet confident buck, he met insecure buck with abandonment issues and not only did he reassure him (even though they were practically strangers and what does he care), he found him *adorable* 🥹 and now he just continues to show him hey, you matter 🥹
agavxvhavs yeah, here's the thing I keep coming back to.
when Tommy went to see Buck in 7x04, it was implied that he was coming from Eddie, right? and that he told Tommy — if not in great detail — that Buck has this specific thing for being rejected and abandoned, so what does he do?
he tells Buck that there was no intention to exclude him, then later he recognises the same fear in Buck when Eddie shows up at the restaurant, so he sort of just steps back and allows him to figure himself out (could've been a little clearer about it there though, even if the intention was good)
but even after that, Buck calls: he shows up, Buck invites him to the wedding: he double checks if that's what Buck wants before saying yes, then he shows up at the bachelor party even though he's on call, then rushes in, straight from work to get to the wedding because he promised to be there and he cannot go back on his word (and though it was also the wedding of an old friend, it was still largely about Buck and the promise of the date)
it's just... he is very delicate with Buck, but not in a patronising way. he just lets Buck settle into himself, I just don't think he thought through the part after getting settled because, well... Buck can be a cocky little bitch.
and Buck was never shy about showing his affections to his partners or his friends even, he's a hugger and a kisser — and he might have a difficult relationship with sex, when he's in a relationship, he sure as hell confident about that part.
all in all, I just think that the first time he gets the opportunity, Buck will ride Tommy within an inch of his life and render his brain into mush. 🥰
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I love Eddie very much, but seriously, bro really needs help and something tells me that Frank can't handle the amount of shit that Eddie carries.
I think Eddie said that Buck likes to fix broken things? Great, here's one.
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tariah23 · 1 month
Man, I still remember participating in one of the many jjba zines that I took part in and how my piece was placed as the first page (for the second time) and how one of my mutuals/artists that I’ve always admired, hit me with the “oh… you’re on the front page again… 😅…” like man, that kind of killed me lmfao. I never got over it like man, what was that about.
#it’s not like i put the books together myself or anything all my ass did was submit my work#like this was from a really popular and well known artist as well like#their art has always been so gorgeous to me too I was like ‘I’m literally a nobody is this person really being shady or…’#rambling#I guess it’s nice being in a zine with ppl I don’t know or care to get to know at least now 😭… just submitting my art and running#referring to the jjk zine 😭 I need t start working on it uhh#zines make me feel so anxious man#it really did make me feel bad and almost guilty? I was like this is kind of awkward…#another zine I was in which was run by a mutual… well… I never even got my zine in the mail#and I even sent them $20 for some merch that they were making since I wanted to support and never got that either…#they deleted their blog but I see that they remade and draw a lot of DM and have a lot of popular posts here so it’s kind of awkward seeing#their art shared on the dash sometimes skeks#we’re still mutuals on Twitter but I don’t rly want to ask about my zine again or the $20 bucks#it’s okay like I owe other ppl stuff too I’m a late bird man but still loskekk#they were the mod for the zine too#I might hit them up again I guess I still love their art and they were always fun to talk to#there was another zine that I participated in where we had to purchase our own copy bro#i remember being so annoyed by that but went ahead and bought it anyway#I was invited to this zine so it made me even more annoyed#I#Guess it didn’t make its money back#or something like that but I remember being broke at the time and was pissed that I had to pay for my own book#I didn’t buy any of the merch because why when it was supposed to be free#if you’re participating in a zine the book and merch should be free
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911-on-abc · 2 months
for ur honesty hour, what’s a storyline in 911 that you felt very personally/that you are thankful they touched on
Hi anon 👋
This is a hard hitting question because there are a lot. I keep thinking ooh what about this one and then my brain is like hey remember this?
I really appreciate Eddie’s storyline with his parents, specifically his father. I’ve really enjoyed seeing Eddie break down all of what he was forced to be and rebuild himself back up. It’s such a gift to watch Ramon put in the same effort. I’m not a dude, but I think it’s really powerful to see a character like Eddie confront the toxic masculinity and the machismo culture he was raised in.
Buck Begins is also an episode that I feel very personally. Me and Buck have a lot of similarities that I won’t get into. I like to remind myself that even if I feel aimless rn, Buck was in his late twenties when he found his people and where he fit. That means a lot to me.
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