#time to ask N to find me rips of them i think :) i loved editing i was just too high and depressed in college to make more work
barkingangelbaby · 1 month
wanna play the sims soooo baaaaad but bg3 takes up so much space I can't update it </3 maybe I'll ask N to help me clean out some stuff bc I simply Do Not Know things about computers lmao
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simpforfandom231 · 2 months
Rapp's Curse PT1
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Pairing: Reneé Rapp x fem!reader
warning: none just reneé being protective and cute over her girlf summary: Y/N is a student and together with Reneé Rapp. When Y/N runs into her ex Kate at campus, Kate gets really rude to Y/N and Reneé well, she just wants to speak her mind to the bitchy girl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The sun had barely begun to rise as Reneé pulled up to the university entrance in her sleek Black edition Range Rover. The campus was quiet, save for a few early risers and the chirping of birds. Y/n, her girlfriend, sat beside her, her eyes still heavy with sleep but a smile gracing her lips.
"Thanks for the ride, babe," Y/n said, her voice soft and warm as she leaned over to give Reneé a quick kiss.
Reneé grinned back, the corners of her eyes crinkling with affection. "Anytime, cutie. Have a great day at school."
Y/n gathered her backpack and glanced at the time on her phone. "I'll see you later. My first class doesn't start until 9, but I have a long day ahead. I won't be done until 6."
Reneé nodded, understanding. "Got it. I'll be finishing up in the studio around 6:05, so I might need a few minutes to wrap things up. Will you be okay waiting for me?"
Y/n chuckled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Of course. I'll just hang out at the entrance until you arrive. It'll give me time to catch up on some reading."
As Y/n stepped out of the car, her best friend Kimberly came into view, already waiting at the drop-off spot on campus. Kimberly waved excitedly, her curly hair bouncing with each movement.
"Hey, Y/n!" Kimberly called out, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Ready for another thrilling day of academia?"
Y/n grinned, returning the wave. "Absolutely. Although, I could do without the early mornings."
Kimberly laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Tell me about it. But hey, at least we get to spend the day together, right?"
Y/n nodded, linking her arm with Kimberly's as they made their way towards the entrance. "Definitely. And who knows, maybe today will be the day we finally uncover the secrets of ancient civilizations."
Kimberly gasped dramatically, her hand flying to her chest. "I can feel it in my bones! Today is the day we become legends in the world of academia."
As Y/n and Kimberly strolled through the campus, the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, drawing them towards the cozy campus coffee shop. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the bustling courtyard, students bustling about with books in hand and laughter in the air.
"So, when are you going to tell Ayla about you and Reneé?" Kimberly asked, her voice tinged with curiosity as she sipped on her steaming cup of latte.
Y/n hesitated for a moment, her brows furrowing slightly as she mulled over the question. "I don't know, Kim. I mean, I've been dating Reneé for six months now, but I'm just... scared, you know? What if Ayla doesn't like Reneé?"
Kimberly reached out and squeezed Y/n's hand reassuringly. "I get it, Y/n but she's your best friend, she loves you. And I'm sure she'll come around to the idea eventually."
Y/n smiled gratefully at Kimberly, feeling a wave of comfort wash over her. "Thanks, Kim. I needed to hear that."
Together, they stepped up to the counter to place their order. Y/n ordered her usual black coffee, while Kimberly opted for a caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream.
As they waited for their drinks, Kimberly leaned in conspiratorially. "You know, I think Ayla might have already guessed something's up. She's been asking a lot of questions lately, like why you're always busy on weekends and why you're suddenly so secretive about your plans."
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "She has? Oh no, what if she already knows and she's just waiting for me to tell her?"
Kimberly shrugged, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Well, there's only one way to find out. You just have to rip off the bandaid and tell her the truth."
Y/n nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "You're right, Kim. I'll tell her soon. And who knows, maybe she'll surprise us both and be totally cool with it."
Their drinks arrived, and they took a moment to savor the warmth of the coffee and the comfort of each other's company. As they made their way to their first class of the day, Y/n couldn't shake the nervous flutter in her stomach at the thought of finally coming out to Ayla.
Y/n and Kimberly made their way to their first class of the day, the anticipation of Y/n's impending conversation with Ayla hung in the air like a thick fog. But before Y/n could even gather the courage to speak, a familiar voice called out from behind them.
"Hey, wait up!" Ayla exclaimed, jogging towards them with a bright smile on her face. Her long brown hair bounced with each step, and her eyes sparkled with excitement.
Kimberly shot Y/n a quick glance, a knowing look in her eyes. "This is it, Y/n. Your chance to tell her."
Y/n took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. "Hey, Ayla, there's actually something I've been meaning to tell you."
Ayla tilted her head, curiosity evident in her expression. "What is it, Y/n?"
Y/n hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "I'm dating Reneé Rapp."
Ayla's eyes widened in surprise, but before Y/n could even begin to worry about her reaction, Ayla's face broke out into a wide grin. "No way! That's amazing, Y/n! I'm so happy for you!"
Y/n's shoulders sagged with relief as she pulled Ayla into a tight hug. "Really? You're not mad or anything?"
Ayla shook her head, returning the hug with equal enthusiasm. "Of course not, silly. I actually kind of figured it out months ago. You've been so busy on the weekends and so secretive about your plans. I just wanted you to tell me on your own terms."
Y/n felt tears pricking at the corners of her eyes as she pulled away from the hug, a grateful smile spreading across her face. "Thank you, Ayla. I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend."
The three of them walked into class together, their laughter echoing through the hallway as they settled into their seats. Ayla turned to Y/n, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, what's it like to be with Reneé?"
Y/n couldn't help but blush as she thought about her girlfriend. "She's amazing, Ayla. She's sweet and loving and cute and... very hot."
Kimberly giggled from beside them, unable to resist making a joke. "Wow, Y/n, you look like you're practically floating on cloud nine."
Y/n laughed, playfully swatting at Kimberly's arm. "Oh, hush, Kim. You're just jealous because you haven't found your own Reneé yet."
Their banter was interrupted by the sound of the professor clearing his throat from the front of the classroom. "I hate to interrupt, ladies, but if my class isn't interesting enough for you to pay attention, perhaps you'd like to take your conversation elsewhere."
The girls exchanged sheepish looks before turning their attention back to the front of the room, stifling their laughter as they settled in for the lecture.
After their first and second classes, Y/n, Ayla, and Kimberly found themselves walking to the noodle restaurant on campus for lunch. The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the bustling courtyard as the trio made their way through the throngs of students.
As they approached the restaurant, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. "Ugh, I really hope she's not here," Y/n muttered under her breath, her brows furrowing with irritation.
Ayla glanced at her curiously. "Who are you talking about, Y/n?"
Y/n nodded towards a figure across the courtyard, her jaw tensing with frustration. "Her. Kate."
Kimberly and Ayla exchanged worried glances before turning their attention back to Y/n. They knew all too well the history between Y/n and Kate – a messy breakup that had left Y/n heartbroken and bitter.
Kimberly placed a comforting hand on Y/n's shoulder. "Just ignore her, Y/n. She's not worth your time or energy."
Taking a deep breath, Y/n nodded, trying to push aside the memories of their tumultuous relationship as they entered the restaurant. The scent of savory noodles filled the air, momentarily distracting Y/n from her thoughts as they approached the counter to place their orders.
As they settled into their seats, Y/n's heart sank as she caught sight of Kate making her way towards their table. "Great, just what I needed," Y/n muttered under her breath, her fists clenching with frustration.
Kate sauntered over with a smug grin on her face, her eyes locking onto Y/n with an intensity that made Y/n's skin crawl. "Well, well, well. Look who it is," Kate said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Y/n forced a tight smile, trying to maintain her composure. "Hi, Kate. What brings you here?"
Kate's grin widened, a cruel glint in her eyes. "Oh, you know, just thought I'd come say hi to my favorite ex-girlfriend."
Ayla and Kimberly exchanged incredulous looks, their jaws tightening with anger at Kate's audacity. Ayla spoke up, her voice sharp with annoyance. "Actually, Kate, we're in the middle of lunch. So if you don't mind..."
Kate's smile faltered for a moment before she regained her composure, a sneer crossing her features. "Fine, I'll leave you losers to your little lunch date. But just remember, Y/n, you'll never find anyone as good as me."
With that parting shot, Kate turned on her heel and stalked away, leaving Y/n seething with anger and frustration. Ayla and Kimberly exchanged sympathetic glances, offering Y/n words of comfort.
Y/n stabbed at her noodles with more force than necessary, her appetite all but gone as she stewed in her frustration. Ayla reached out a hand, laying it gently on Y/n's arm. "Hey, don't let her ruin your day, Y/n. She's not worth it."
Y/n sighed, pushing her plate away with a heavy heart. "I know, Ayla. It's just... seeing her brings back so many bad memories."
Kimberly nodded in agreement, her brows furrowed with sympathy. "She's toxic, Y/n. You're better off without her."
Y/n managed a weak smile, grateful for her friends' support. As she reached for her phone, hoping to distract herself from her thoughts, she felt a familiar buzz in her pocket. Pulling out her phone, she saw a text from Reneé.
💞Queen💞: Hey cutie, just taking a break in the studio. How's your day going?❤️
Y/n's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Reneé's  nickname, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She quickly typed out a response, eager to shift her focus away from Kate and onto the woman who truly mattered.
Cutie🩵🧸: Not the best, ran into someone I'd rather not see. How is the studio? 🥰💋 
Before Y/n could even set her phone down, another message popped up from Reneé.
💞Queen💞: Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, Princess. Studio was good, but not as good as seeing your face. 😇😏❤️
Y/n couldn't help but giggle at Reneé's cheesy flirtation, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at the thought of her girlfriend. She quickly typed out a response, her fingers flying across the screen.
Cutie🩵🧸: Smooth, Rapp. 😉💋  
As Y/n's thumbs hovered over the screen, she hesitated for a moment before deciding to be honest with Reneé.
Cutie🩵🧸: Actually, I ran into Kate. It kind of ruined my mood.😑💋  
Y/n felt a pang of guilt as she hit send, not wanting to burden Reneé with her problems. But before she could even regret her decision, Reneé's reply came through.
💞Queen💞: Oh no, Cutie. Are you okay? Do you want me to come pick you up?❤️
Y/n's heart swelled with gratitude at Reneé's offer, feeling a rush of warmth wash over her. She quickly typed out a response, feeling a sense of relief knowing that she had someone like Reneé to lean on.
Cutie🩵🧸: No, it's okay. I'm with Ayla and Kimberly. But thank you for offering. Just having you to   talk to helps. 🥰💋
As Y/n sat with her friends, a small smile played on her lips as she continued to exchange texts with Reneé. However, her smile widened when she saw Reneé's latest message pop up on her screen.
💞Queen💞: Hey babe, does Kate know about us?❤️
Y/n's fingers flew across the screen as she quickly typed out a response, wanting to reassure Reneé.
Cutie🩵🧸: No, Kate doesn't know. And honestly, it's probably for the best.💋
Almost immediately, another message came through from Reneé, this time with a hint of possessiveness and protectiveness that made Y/n giggle despite herself.
💞Queen💞:If I ever see that Kate, I swear I'll crush her under my Louboutin heels.👠❤️
Y/n couldn't help but laugh at Reneé's dramatic declaration, typing out a playful response.
Cutie🩵🧸: Calm down, Regina George. Nobody's getting crushed.💋
Reneé's reply came through teasingly, her words laced with humor and affection.
💞Queen💞: Oh, come on, babe. You know I can go all Regina George on her. I played her in the movie, remember?💄❤️
Y/n couldn't suppress another giggle as she typed out her response, shaking her head at Reneé's antics.
Cutie🩵🧸: As tempting as that sounds, Kate isn't worth the Mean Girls reference.💋
But Reneé wasn't about to back down, her next message filled with determination and a hint of mischief.
💞Queen💞: If I could, I would do it. Nobody messes with my girl.😠❤️
Y/n's heart fluttered at Reneé's words, feeling a rush of warmth wash over her at the thought of Reneé's unwavering protectiveness. She quickly typed out her reply, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Cutie🩵🧸:You have nothing to prove, Rapp. Besides, I'd rather have you serenading me than behind bars.💋
Reneé's response came through almost immediately, her words filled with love and devotion.
💞Queen💞: Trust me, babe, jail would be worth it if it meant keeping you safe and happy.❤️
Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for her girlfriend, knowing that no matter what, Reneé would always be there to protect her. 
As Y/n continued to exchange messages with Reneé, her smile widening with each playful interaction, she was oblivious to the amused glances shared between Kimberly and Ayla.
Kimberly nudged Ayla with a mischievous grin, nodding towards Y/n who was lost in her phone. "Looks like someone's got a secret admirer."
Ayla chuckled, leaning in closer to get a better look at Y/n's screen. "Or maybe it's just Reneé."
Y/n looked up from her phone, catching the teasing glint in Ayla's eye. "What's so funny, guys?"
Ayla smirked, unable to resist teasing her friend. "Oh, nothing. Just wondering who's got you smiling like that."
Y/n chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Just telling Reneé about running into Kate earlier. She wanted to go all Regina George on her."
Kimberly giggled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I bet that would be entertaining to watch."
Ayla nodded in agreement, a playful glint in her eye. "I saw the movie with Reneé as Regina. I'd love to see Kate get what she deserves."
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, knowing her friends were only teasing. "Reneé won't actually crush anybody, you know. And you two need to behave."
The girls shared a laugh, their banter lightening the mood as they prepared to head to their next classes. As they walked, Ayla couldn't help but voice her thoughts on the situation.
"Kate's just a bitch," Ayla said bluntly, her voice tinged with disdain.
Kimberly nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "Yeah, she's always been trouble."
Curiosity piqued, Kimberly turned to Y/n with a questioning look. "Does Kate know about you and Reneé?"
Y/n shook her head firmly, her lips set in a determined line. "No, and she never will. It's none of her business."
Ayla smirked, a teasing glint in her eye. "Well, I gotta say, Y/n, you definitely upgraded from that rich bitch to a sweet and cute international singer."
Y/n couldn't help but blush at Ayla's comment, feeling a surge of gratitude for her friends' unwavering support. With a smile, she linked arms with Kimberly and Ayla as they made their way to their next classes, knowing that no matter what, she was surrounded by people who truly cared about her.
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dollcherray · 2 months
Yan Ms Bloomie headcanons with teacher reader 💥💥Pls im so desperate for ms bloomie content
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A/N: AYYY! I love Miss Bloomie, she has a very special shrine in my mind, i got 2 requests of yandere bloomie so thought to get to write for Yandere Bloomie first. (Gn reader) edit: i have to study soon so idk how many requests ill be able to write today.
TW: Yandere topics, mentions of biting skin off, gore mentions, but not that descriptive, Remember: Yanderes can put your life and the life of your loved ones in danger, always seek help if you encounter one of these type of people.
type: Fluff/Angst, Hcs, romantic.
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୨୧ Miss Bloomie would probably be a very crazy and chaotic yandere, like, she will show you lots of love by jumping on your back, bringing you gifts who are kind of peculiar... (like Miss Circle) and etc
୨୧ I think her way to show some affection too is by biting you, and its probably very painful since she has very sharp teeth, so whenever she goes to bite you just remember to ask her to stop of else she will chomp off a piece of your skin.
୨୧ Miss Bloomie is chaotic, feral, over protective and controlling, i hc her to protect you by scaring away any potential threat to her relationship with you (that you dont know yet) so she wont take any risks.
୨୧ And she wont hesitate to eliminate any threats or crushs of yours, she will literally rip them to shreads, and like Miss Circle wont even bother in cleaning up the gory mess she made. (you will probably find their unrecognizable shreds later)
୨୧ Okay, little cute headcanon that i have in my mind that has been spooking me since i started writing this, is that Bloomie would give you a bow just like hers for you to either put in your neck like a tie or in your hair so you look very bonita (pretty) ✨
୨୧ Bloomie would probably stalk you, either you knowing or not, even though she makes it very obvious, like, Bloomie please i can literally hear you crawling the walls like a bug.
୨୧ You wouldnt even have the chance to leave her, she would be clinging on you at any free time she gets, if you are taller than her, she will climb your back and play piggy ride.
୨୧ if you (somehow) is smaller than her, she will be clinged on your arm, if Bloomie is feeling more silly than usual in the day, she will carry you like a cat in her arms, and all that while making that ":3" face.
୨୧ “Can i bite your hair off?”
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
{11} - Hotel California - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Based off of This ask and Hotel California by Eagles
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humor
Pairing: Ateez X Reader
Words: 10,076
Warnings: A lot more angst than normal, one line that could be interpreted as suicidal thoughts, talks of past toxic relationships. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I have finished editing it!! I tried not to miss anything, but please excuse any mistakes that still come through. I hope you enjoy, I definitely, didn’t see this chapter taking the turn it did when I was planning for it. Hehehe, a lot happens. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
Main Story - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Mini Masterlist
“What do you mean, ‘she got away’?” Seonghwa is this close to losing it on the younger demon right now as he leans against the wall for support, attempting to maintain his breathing for the time being.
Currently, the eight of them all find themselves spread out around the dining room conversing about the turn of events earlier in the day. Frowns reside on all of their faces, snarls beginning to tug at their lips.
“Exactly what I said,” Yeosang sighs, exasperatedly. “I scoured that entire mall from top to bottom thrice looking for her, but she had long since vacated the premises. I even scouted with the animals in the area, but nothing.”
“I should have torn her apart right where she stood, witnesses be damned,” Hongjoong growls, eyes shifting black along with his brothers for a brief moment.
“Believe me, we all wanted to tear her apart,” the glass held in San’s hand shatters as he tightens his grip, shards raining onto the floor at his feet.
“As much as I agree, and despite the conversation we had with our beloved earlier, I think ripping apart another person whom she believes to be an innocent bystander right in front of her very eyes would not have been favourable for us.” Jongho voices. “She’s already upset at us from the argument. Doing something like that might have made her never trust us again, even if we explained it to her right afterwards.”
“Jongho’s right,” Yunho sighs, leaning forward in his seat to rest his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together. “We’re going to need to tell her the truth.”
“Yeah, let’s just go up to our beloved while she’s still mad at us, and upset from what her friend said before we left, and just dump this information on her.” Wooyoung rolls his eyes. “Like, “hey, Gorgeous. So, an ex of mine, San’s, Hongjoong’s, and Mingi’s is still in love with us and hates your guts. She has control over your best friend’s mind right now, and knows who you are. Oh, and silly me, did I mention she wants to completely eviscerate you?” He scoffs, “yeah, I’m sure that will go over well.”
“Well, maybe don’t phrase it like that,” Mingi huffs, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“How else would you suggest we deal with this, then?” San shoots a pointed look at the taller male before crouching down to clean up the broken glass at his feet.
“I think apologizing to her would be a good start.” Mingi narrows his eyes back at the other male, the two holding each other’s gazes for a moment.
“Mingi’s right,” Hongjoong sighs, running a hand through his hair. “As far as she’s concerned, our behaviour was sudden and uncalled for. If we hadn’t scented Miyeon earlier we would have had no issue letting her go off by herself for an hour with her friend.”
“Speak for yourself,” Seonghwa mumbles, a puff of air escaping him.
“We all have difficulties being away from her for any period of time,” Jongho reminds the eldest. “It’s not just you, Hwa.”
“You’re telling me none of you would have taken issue with that fact?” Seonghwa quirks a brow at all of his brothers standing around him. At the way his brothers remain silent, he huffs. “That’s what I thought.”
“Do you not trust her?” Yeosang rounds on the eldest, fingers biting into the skin of his arms as he holds them crossed over his chest. He’s already wound from not being able to obliterate Miyeon earlier like he so desired, and hearing his brother be a smartass right now isn’t helping.
“Of course, I trust her.” Seonghwa replies, appalled he would even need to be asked that question. “It’s others that I don’t trust around her.”
“Watch how you speak, brother,” Yunho’s tone is dark, a threatening growl on his tongue. “We might think you’re referring to us.”
The two males glare at each other, snarls tugging at their lips as the eldest takes a step towards Yunho in challenge, both of their gazes bleeding black.
“Enough,” Hongjoong shoots a pointed look at either male, “the both of you.”
“This is exactly what Miyeon wants,” Jongho states, looking around the room at each of his brothers. “This is all just some sick, twisted game to her. To have us infighting with one another lowers our defences, so she can sneak right in and claim her prize.”
“To think that this is the ending to the day that we had,” Wooyoung cradles his head in his hands as he leans forward in his seat. “Is it always going to be three steps forward, and one step back?”
“No,” Hongjoong shakes his head. “It won’t always be like this.”
“How can you be so sure?” Mingi voices almost all of their thoughts, all of them turning to look at their Captain with despair in their eyes.
“You were all there,” Hongjoong breathes out. “You felt her emotions just as I did when she opened her mind to us at that table. We all felt that fondness she has for us building beneath the surface.”
“Today proved just how much progress we’ve been making,” Yunho confirms.
“She opened up to us.” San leans against the wall for support as he thinks back to the way you held his hand. Not once, but twice. His skin begins to tingle, the ghost of your touch lingering against his own. “She wanted to know more about us, too.”
“Exactly,” Hongjoong nods. “You all felt her emotions. She can’t fake that.”
A small silence settles over all of them as they let their memories of that discussion at that table with you flood their minds. Their hearts swell, warmth blooming in their chests as nothing but pure fondness and love swims through their veins. Today meant so much to them. More than you’ll ever know.
Just then, a soft mewl draws their attention to a little black kitten who attempts to jump on top of one of the dining room chairs, only to fall right back down to the ground. A whine of complaint leaves his lips, turning his head as his wide, golden eyes scan the room, locking onto the closest male.
“Who…?” Yeosang’s inquiry dies in his throat as he sees the kitten on the ground before him.
In an instant, Kuroo has trotted over to Mingi, rubbing himself against the male’s leg before said man is leaning down to pick him up. As soon as the kitten is in his arms, Mingi begins scratching his chin.
Mingi meets Yeosang’s gaze. “I did. I just thought it best not to overwhelm her since we got back. I didn’t want her to think that any of us were trying to win her affection back with apology gifts. Not that I need to apologize.”
Yeosang nods softly, silently agreeing with the taller male as four others shift slightly in their spots.
“Where is she now?” Seonghwa voices the question on all of their minds.
“In her room,” Yunho supplies, a gentle smile pulling at his features. “Sleeping.”
“She’s had a long day,” Jongho sighs, wanting nothing more than to join you; to pull you in close as he wraps his arms around you, your head resting on his chest as you listen to his heartbeat. A heart which beats only for you.
“Let her rest,” Wooyoung voices softly. “She needs it.”
“There’s a few things we need to do before tomorrow, anyways.” Seonghwa shares a look with all of them, of which they understand immediately.
First things first, they’re going to fortify their wards and barriers to their domain to make sure Miyeon cannot get in. Then, they’re going to start attempting to track her down. Not only do they want to eradicate her, eliminating that threat from you, but they also figure that they should free Reina’s mind from her control. It’s what you would want them to do, anyways.
“Tomorrow, we,” Hongjoong shoots a pointed look at Seonghwa, San, and Jongho, ”will also apologize to her for the way that we acted, and what we said today.”
“It’s been on my mind since it happened,” San admits remorsefully, looking down at his feet.
“Good.” Yeosang comments with a firm nod of his head.
“As it should be.” Yunho adds, shooting a pointed look towards the eldest as he says this.
“Who’s going to tell her about Miyeon?” Wooyoung sighs, looking up at his brothers standing around the room before him.
“I will.” Hongjoong states, somewhat nervously. “Though if things go badly, I’ll need all of you to help me.”
“Of course, Captain,” Jongho smiles reassuringly at their leader, followed immediately by the others.
“Let’s just make sure we don’t fuck up this badly again,” Seonghwa sighs, pushing himself off of the wall he had been leaning against for support.
“Agreed.” A unanimous chorus echoes around the room from all of them.
In the blink of an eye, all eight males are dispersing, going to check on each of their own personal wards that they’ve placed around their domain. Then, once that has been completed, they add more. Just in case.
Like hell are they letting Miyeon anywhere near you again.
The next morning, you wake up to a slight headache. You weren’t able to sleep very well overnight: restless as you tossed and turned through what little bouts of sleep you managed to get. What little light that filters through your curtains has you rubbing at your eyes, irritated by the intrusion.
Letting out a sigh, you toss the covers off of your body, deciding to at least freshen up for the day. Like hell are you changing out of your sweats, though. Once you’ve completed your morning routine, you’re making your way, quite sluggishly, to the closest kitchen for some breakfast.
As soon as you step through the threshold to see a particular demon standing behind the counter, you’re nearly turning around immediately. You don’t want to deal with him right now. Only, that familiar twisting of your stomach in hunger pulls you into the room, and you know that he’d just teleport to the other kitchen by the time you walked there, anyways. Besides, you run the risk of seeing the other three you don’t really want to at the moment, especially if you step into their territory.
The way San’s eyes light up as soon as he sees you, despite the somewhat wary smile that tugs at his lips, is instantaneous.
“Good morning, baby,” he greets, somewhat tentatively.
You walk past him and to the fridge, sparing nothing but a disinterested side glance in his direction as you do.
San’s heart squeezes in his chest, hating the way he knows that he deserves how cold you’re being to him this morning. His hand begins to shake as he balances himself on the counter for support.
“There’s some fresh fruit for you in the fridge,” he tries again, noting how you open said object in the next second.
Sure enough, when you pull open the one side of the fridge, you see the glass bowl of fresh fruit practically glaring at you from the shelf directly at eye level. You let out a sigh through your nose, reaching inside the fridge in the next moment.
San’s breath hitches in his throat as he watches you do so. From the angle he’s standing at, he cannot tell what you’re grabbing. All he does know, is that he hopes beyond anything that it’s the bowl of fruit he spent this morning cutting up for you. He knows how much you enjoy fresh fruit, especially in the morning, and he wanted to use it as a way to apologize. Thus, if you pull back with that peace offering held in your hands, he knows then that things aren’t as bad as they seem.
Only, when you pull your hand back for him to see only a yogurt held in your grip, his expression falls. That blazing hope he had so desperately been holding onto dwindles down to small embers, the all too familiar feeling of fresh tears springing to his eyes.
The sound of the fridge door practically slamming shut echoes like a final condemnation throughout the room. The feeling is only emphasized by the way you sit at the counter on the furthest stool away from him, not even sparing him another glance after grabbing yourself a spoon.
“You don’t know how remorseful I am, baby,” his gentle voice cuts through the tense silence surrounding the two of you. “If I could take it all back in an instant, I would.”
He hears the way you let out another long breath through your nose, your throat bobbing as you swallow in the next second.
San moves closer hesitantly, as if approaching a wounded animal that could lash out at him at any moment. His eyes are sorrowful, expression downcast as he comes to stand right across from you, only the counter separating the both of you. Still, you refuse to even meet his gaze.
“Baby, please,” his voice cracks, choking on his emotions as the first tear spills onto his cheek. “Please, look at me.”
“Stop calling me that.” Your voice is firm as your brow furrows in discontent, and he recoils in shock.
“Do you think you deserve to get to call me that right now?” Finally, you meet his gaze, and the intensity he sees swimming behind your eyes has his breath hitching in his throat.
Even during those first two weeks of you staying with them you never reacted like this whenever he called you ‘baby’. Sure, you might have looked at him in irritation when he let the pet name slip a few times, but it was never this.
“Then, tell me,” he’s begging at this point, but he doesn’t care. “Tell me what I can do to make it better.”
You say nothing for the moment, letting the silence settle around the both of you once more. You can feel his stare locked onto you, noticing how his fingers cling onto the edge of the countertop for dear life. A tear falls onto the top of his hand in the next second, but he makes no move to wipe it away.
In the next moment, Jongho appears in the kitchen beside you. “Darling, are you okay?”
He reaches out for you like he always does when he greets you in the kitchen during the morning. Only, before he can so much as place his hand onto your back, you stiffen.
“Don’t touch me.” 
Your voice is the coldest it’s ever been towards the youngest since arriving here. A fact which makes him recoil from you, as if burned. His expression falls.
Instantly, the two others whom you didn’t want to see yet today are in the room, worry on their features.
“What’s going on?” It’s Hongjoong who poses the question, a slight crease to his brow. Except, he gets completely ignored for the moment as you shut your eyes in clear annoyance. 
You really don’t want to deal with them all today.
“Darling, please-“
“You don’t get to call me that right now.” Your eyes flash open, looking at the stunned demon standing beside you.
“My Love-“
“No.” Your burning gaze is on Hongjoong in an instant. “None of you deserve that privilege of calling me as you please. Not after the stunt you pulled yesterday.”
“We regret our misstep more than you know,” Seonghwa voices, taking a step towards you, but at the harsh way you glare at him, he retreats for the moment.
“What can we do?” Hongjoong’s voice is merely a whisper, his expression reflecting nothing but the pain he feels suffocating his heart at this very moment at the way you’ve closed yourself off from all of them again. “What can we do to prove to you how remorseful we are?”
You inhale a deep sigh, feeling all of their saddened gazes on you for the moment. Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Jongho shed a tear.
Clutching at the spoon firmly in your one hand, you bring your other one up to rub at the bridge of your nose. Closing your eyes for the moment, you lean against the counter using your one elbow. In the second it takes for you to motion to all of them with your spoon, pointing at the space opposite the counter where San still stands, they’ve moved. As soon as you remove your hand from your nose, your lids fall open to see them all facing you, heads downcast as shame washes over them.
“Do you understand why I’m no longer comfortable around any of you four right now?” You question.
Their expressions fall even further, the tears falling freely down both San’s and Jongho’s cheeks as they all remain silent in front of you for the time being. 
“You decided to attempt to control me.” You begin. “Was everything you said to me at that table a lie? Do I truly not get to retain my autonomy with you? Is it all just an illusion? Something you’ll use to paint a pretty picture of delusion with in order for me to stay with you all willingly?”
“No, please, that’s not-“
“I’m not finished.” You immediately cut Seonghwa off, your eyes narrowing at the eldest who stands the furthest away from you at the opposite corner of the counter. “I do not need your permission to spend time with my friends, or my family for that matter. You do not get to dictate who I can and cannot see. You do not get to speak to me however you please.” 
A pointed look is sent to the eldest who stiffens beneath your gaze.
“Trust goes both ways, and it’s clear none of you trust me, let alone respect me. I am fully capable of making my own decisions. Was it not you who told me that you purposely wanted to keep my mind intact?” At this, they’re all inhaling sharply. “How can I trust you if you cannot trust me?”
“We do trust you-“
“I am not finished.” Your piercing gaze shifts to the youngest across from you. “You surprised me the most yesterday, if I’m being honest. I expected something like this from them-“ you motion between Hongjoong and Seonghwa with your spoon before turning your full attention back to Jongho, “but you? You disappointed me yesterday. You all did. Especially considering the day we were all having.” A sigh. “That had been the best day I had had, let alone the best I’ve felt, in months. Then, you all went and did this.”
A brief moment of silence settles around you as you pause to catch your breath. The only sound you can hear right now is the ticking of the clock in the corner, muffled by the sound of both San’s and Jongho’s muted sobs. Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice a single tear trail down the side of Hongjoong’s face.
“Do you want to go back to how things were at the start?” You look at them expectantly, and you see fear flash in all of their eyes.
“No, please-“ San reaches across the counter for you, only to watch as you lean away from his touch. Immediately, he retracts his hands, inhaling a shaky breath as he wipes at his eyes.
“We never want to go back there again.” Seonghwa’s voice is rough with his emotions, tears gathering in the corners of his own eyes and threatening to fall at any moment.
“Good. Neither do I.” You reply. “But that’s exactly how it felt to me when you four pulled that stunt yesterday. The fact that I even had to suggest a vote is unbelievable. You wanted to take that choice away from me. You made me feel helpless, and I hate that more than anything. I do not want to go back there again.” 
Your words from all those weeks ago ring through their ears, causing them to inhale sharply as the vivid memory of the second worst night of your life echoes through their minds.
The first of Seonghwa’s tears begin to fall from his eyes.
“If you wanted a mindless doll to toy with, you would have shattered my mind a long time ago.” There is no waver in your voice when you say this, but they can still hear your emotions ringing through loud and clear. The distrust and uncertainty alone have their hearts feeling as if you are personally suffocating them with your every word. “You do not control me. You do not own me. I am not yours. Do you understand?”
A chorus of ‘yes’ echoes around the room, rough and strained from each of them as they swallow their emotions for the time being, wiping at their tears with the backs of their hands.
“Good,” you nod once, “because if any of you ever pull another stunt like this, you will lose all of my respect.” You take the time to meet each one of their gazes, the regret shining through clear as anything in their eyes. More than all of that though, you can see genuine fear. The fear of losing you. You narrow your eyes at them, “and I will never trust you again.”
Your words are like knives, stabbing into their hearts from every angle.
“If you continue to prove that I cannot trust you, or if any of you speak to me in that kind of tone going forward,” you add, shifting your gaze between all of them as you stand from your spot, your yogurt still sitting untouched on the counter. “I don’t care how it happens, but you will never see me again.”
The sound of your spoon clattering on top of the counter manages to pull them back to the harsh reality before them. Your back is turned to them as they see you already halfway to the door to the kitchen.
The eldest reacts before any of them have a chance to, throwing his pride aside for the moment as he instantly has his arms around you from behind, a sob tearing from his throat.
“Please,” he begs, a tear landing on your shoulder as he clings to you for dear life. “Please, don’t go.” He chokes on another sob. “Don’t leave me.”
In all of their long years of life, none of them have ever seen him act like this. Once or twice, sure, he’s swallowed his pride long enough to beg for something, but not like this. No, never like this. Never have any of them seen the eldest so desperate, so broken as he clings onto you like you’ll disappear the very moment he releases you.
“Seonghwa.” A long sigh escapes you. “Let me go.”
For a moment, he hesitates, reluctantly removing his arms from around your waist as another sob tears from his throat. The way he can quite literally feel you slipping right through his fingers is unlike anything he’s ever felt before, and he hates it.
Seonghwa wants to scream. They all do. How could they have been so stupid? Miyeon be damned. After all of the progress they made with you, it’s like they’re back at square one. The thought alone of losing you, maybe not physically, but like this, has them all on their knees before you in an instant.
You blink down at the four demons, each kneeling on the ground in front of you. Their arms are extended out towards you, palms of their hands facing upwards in a sign of complete surrender. None of them dare look up at you for the moment, too ashamed to meet your gaze as they stare at the floor beneath your feet.
“We are so unbelievably remorseful for the pain that our words and actions have caused you,” Hongjoong’s voice is strained as he squeezes his eyes shut, more tears escaping him and falling to the floor beneath him. “I am ashamed of how I acted, and of what I said. We do trust you. We do respect you. I never want you to believe that we do not.”
“We never want you to feel trapped with us, but our actions have proven otherwise,” San’s words are hoarse from all of the crying he’s done, but he doesn’t care. He’d run his voice raw, tearing his throat apart for you, if that’s what you want. Whatever it takes for you to forgive him, to see how remorseful he is, - how much they all are - he will do. No questions asked. Anything to get you to stop looking at them with such distrust in your eyes. “There is nothing I regret more than making you feel as such."
“You are not an object for us to own, or control as we see fit, and we apologize for making you believe we thought as such.” Seonghwa swallows the dryness in his throat, voice rough with all of his emotions. “I sincerely apologize for acting as such, and speaking to you in such an unforgivable manner. I will never do so again.”
“We will never act like this again. I will never disappoint you again.” Jongho’s voice trembles, biting his lower lip to prevent it from wobbling as he takes a deep breath in. “Please, accept our deepest and sincerest apologies. We- I never want to hurt you again.”
As soon as Jongho’s words are out of his mouth, they’re all extending their hands towards you, clasping them together palms downwards as they press their foreheads onto the ground at your feet. 
Without shame, and without an ounce of hesitation, all four demons bow to you in apology, holding their positions before you without so much as another breath shared between them.
For a moment, all is silent. The only sound that remains still comes from the clock ticking away in the corner of the kitchen. Each second that passes by feels like an eternity the longer you go without saying anything, too. At least, to them.
You take a moment to observe the men on the ground before you. Four Kings of the Realm who have proven to you time and time again that they would do anything and everything for you, including bend the knee without a second thought. Here you have them, some of the most powerful beings to have ever graced this earth, kneeling before you in the deepest, and most formal of bows, asking for your forgiveness.
You sigh. “Get up.”
Hesitantly, they all lift their heads to look up at you, eyes shining with the tears that still fall freely down their cheeks, leaving wet trails in their wake.
Your arms are crossed in front of your chest as you take the time to meet each one of their gazes, looking over all of them in the next moment with a stern expression on your face.
“I accept your apology.” Your voice is firm, unwavering as you see relief instantly spread across all of their faces. “However,” all of their bodies tense, “that does not mean I have forgiven you.”
“What can we do?” Immediately, Seonghwa is pleading with you once more. “What can we do to make this right?”
“How can we make this better?” San repeats his words from earlier, eyes sorrowful as he meets your gaze.
“You’re going to have to prove it to me.” You respond. “Pretty words mean nothing if there is no substance behind them.”
“Anything.” Jongho breathes out. “We’ll do anything.”
“Fine.” You acknowledge his words. “You can all start by explaining to me why you acted in such a way after everything that you said to me yesterday.”
The four demons all share a brief look with one another as they all stand back to their feet after a quick jerk of the chin upwards from you.
Softly, Hongjoong nods to himself, wiping at his lingering tears with the back of his hand. “It was because of Miyeon.”
“Miyeon?” Your brow furrows instantly, the confusion clear in your voice. “Reina’s girlfriend?”
“She’s not actually Reina’s girlfriend,” Seonghwa tells you, clearing the roughness still lingering in his throat in the next second. “She never was.”
“Explain.” Your eyes narrow immediately at the four demons who attempt to begin composing themselves in front of you.
“Miyeon is a demon like us,” Jongho informs you. “Though, not as powerful, obviously.”
“She-“ San’s voice catches in his throat as he meets your gaze, unsure of how to tell you this. “We-“ he pauses, his lips parting with the unspoken words he wants to say. That is, until he’s sighing and looking at his feet, shame washing over him for the nth time that day. “She’s mine, Wooyoung’s, Hongjoong’s, and Mingi’s ex.”
You blink, eyes widening as your brows raise in disbelief. To say that you’re completely caught off guard would be an understatement. “Excuse me?”
“It was over twenty years ago now,” Hongjoong adds with a sigh, running his hand through his hair.
“Hold up,” you raise your hands in front of you in a stopping motion, “I was expecting some type of bullshit excuse, but this? Stop lying to me.”
“We’re not-“
“You all really expect me to believe Reina’s girlfriend is really your ex from twenty years ago?” You cut Seonghwa off in disbelief. “Unlikely.”
“It’s true.” Another voice from the open doorway of the kitchen draws your attention, and you see both Mingi and Yeosang standing there.
“They’re not lying to you, Dearest,” Yeosang meets your gaze, his expression tender as he looks at you. “Though, I wish it weren’t true.”
Your headache pulses, and you find yourself rubbing at your temples with the fingers of your one hand. Heaving a sigh, you turn back around and sit in the same seat you had just been occupying at the counter. It’s probably just a hunger headache, anyways.
“Okay, so Miyeon is your demonic ex-girlfriend from twenty years ago?” You rest your elbows on the counter before you, interlocking your fingers in front of yourself as you lean forward slightly.
“Unfortunately,” Mingi sighs, coming to stand at the side of the counter closest to you.  At the way he notices your untouched yogurt still sitting on top of the counter, he’s quick to open the fridge and pour you a glass of your favourite juice. Of course, he notices the bowl of fresh fruit right away, only causing him to quirk a brow at San as they meet each other’s gazes from across the way.
You nod in thanks, taking a sip as the others move to stand around the island once more. Yeosang, of course, takes the opportunity to pull out the chair beside you, sitting down at the counter in the next moment.
“We promise that we’ll explain everything.” He says, shooting you a comforting smile in the process.
Your lips quirk slightly upwards in return, a semi-relieved smile painting your face. “I’d appreciate that.”
A small silence settles over all of you as they think about where to begin. 
“It was Wooyoung and I that approached her first.” San admits, eyes downcast as he refuses to meet your gaze as shame courses through him one more. “She was interested in us, and we were interested in her.”
“Yes, that’s usually how all relationships start,” you acknowledge. An amused huff escapes you in the next second. “Well, most relationships.”
“It wasn’t long before I joined them,” Mingi comments next. “She just had a way to lure you in, and keep you trapped in her little games without realizing.”
“She was cunning, and knew how to run her mouth to get exactly what she wanted,” Jongho adds, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “She used them to try and get to who she really always wanted.”
“Whom was?” You quirk a brow, looking around at all of them.
“Me.” Yeosang admits, exhaling a breath. “She always tried to get to me through them.”
“Did it work?” You ask, and each male notices how you shift the slightest bit away from him as you do so. A fact which has Yeosang’s heart twinging in his chest unpleasantly as he sees the uncertainty in your eyes.
“Of course not.” He’s quick to reply, watching your shoulders sag slightly in relief. “I never wanted her. I never have, and I never will.”
“Still, she tried to ensnare more of us.” Seonghwa sighs, leaning his one hand against the counter for support.
“The four of them weren’t enough for her anymore,” Jongho tells you. “If she couldn’t have who she truly wanted, she would then take all she could get.”
“Did you ever-“ your inquiry dies in your throat as you watch Jongho shake his head.
“I always saw right through her lies,” he states, rather pointedly. “I tried to warn them, but those four were in too deep at that point.”
You spare a glance between Mingi, San, and Hongjoong. “Did you love her?”
“Not in the way we love you.” San immediately replies, shaking his head.
“That’s not what I’m asking.” You blink, a soft shake to your own head as you place your hands gently on top of one another on the counter before you. “Did you love her?”
A brief moment of hesitation before Mingi is clearing his throat.
“Yes.” Mingi swallows thickly, his one hand resting lightly on the counter.
Instinctively, you reach for him, offering your support in any way you can as you clasp his hand in yours. He looks at you, mild surprise clear in his eyes, but the action not unwelcome to him at all. He shoots you a soft, grateful smile, feeling you squeeze his hand in support.
Each of the four males from earlier watch on with pain filled eyes. Perhaps if they didn’t screw up so monumentally, that could be them right now.
San clears his throat next, drawing your gaze back to him for the moment.
“I did.” His voice is rough, but there’s an undertone of shame hidden behind his words as he averts his gaze.
You nod gently in understanding. “What about Wooyoung?”
“He did.” Seonghwa confirms with tense nod of his own head.
“Speaking of,” you look briefly around the kitchen, “where is he? Shouldn’t he and Yunho be apart of this conversation, too?”
“They’re attempting to track Miyeon right now. Amongst other things.” Yeosang casually leans his arm over the back of your chair, loving how you shift slightly closer to him this time. A fact which has the youngest reeling in jealousy across from him. “But they know what’s going on.”
At the way you furrow your brows at him in confusion, he points to his mind. Your eyes immediately widen in understanding, just knowing that they’re keeping their connection open to their two other brothers for this conversation right now.
Sure enough, you feel two familiar brushes against your void, both a bright yellow and a pure white string humming with vibration. Your headache lessens, and you choose to brush back.
Then, you’re turning to look at Hongjoong.
Out of all of them, Hongjoong seems to look the most nervous. Currently, he leans against the opposite cupboards, arms crossed over his chest as he gazes intently at the counter before him. Then, he’s letting out a sigh, eyes falling shut in the next moment.
“I never loved her.” He admits. “I only used her for sex.”
Subconsciously, your grip tightens around Mingi’s hand as you inhale a sharp breath. Your spine straightens.
“Did you lead her on?” Your gaze is piercing, and even though Hongjoong cannot see you, he can feel it burning through his very soul.
“Of course not,” he shakes his head, eyes opening to meet your own and hoping beyond everything that you can see the sincerity shining there. “She knew it was strictly sex, and that’s all it was ever going to be between us. Until she wanted more. I just wasn’t going to give that to her, but no matter how many times I explained it to her, she kept pushing for more. Which is when I cut her out.”
“I see,” you nod. “Thank you for your honesty.”
“Hongjoong wasn’t the fourth one of us that Jongho meant when he said that, Dearest,” Yeosang explains softly, fingertips brushing against your back lightly in comfort.
“Then, who?” Your brow furrows, looking towards Seonghwa who just shakes his head.
In an instant, that bright yellow string begins humming once more, a familiar tender warmth brushing against your void. 
You let him in.
It was me, Petal. Yunho’s voice echoes through your mind.
I am not proud of that portion of my life, but it is unfair to you to keep it hidden any longer. He begins. As you know, I have a particular skillset which is much heightened over my brothers. Demons can and will seek us out if they wish to be trained by us in our field of expertise.
Your breath hitches and you find yourself gripping onto Mingi’s hand for dear life. You trained her mentally, didn’t you?
A moment of silence. I did. And there is no greater regret that I have than doing such.
What happened between the two of you? You ask, blinking a few times as you stare straight ahead at the fridge across from you. Then, softer, you add, you don’t need to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable. I do not wish to pry.
Your consideration means more to me than you know, Petal. Another familiar brush against your mind, as if he’s caressing you with the palm of his hand. Only, you do not realize how you lean slightly into that phantom touch, but the others do. I want you to know. I need you to know, and understand that I am not proud of what came of it.
You loved her. It’s not a question, but a statement of fact.
More than the others did at the time. Yunho sighs, nothing but honesty reflected in his words. There was a time where I also thought that she loved me, too.
A sense of dread washes over your entire body, as if someone has just doused you in cold water. She led you on.
I wish I could say I saw it coming. Yunho replies, and if he were standing before you, you know he’d be averting his gaze right now. I thought things were going well. Every lesson we had, we would get closer to one another. She had this way of getting you to lower your defences without realizing, worming her way in until her venom took its hold.
There is no cure for love. You reply softly.
No, he chuckles. There is not.
What happened between you? There’s a hint of concern he can hear coming through in your voice, feeling it in the way your emotions begin to seep into his own mind, even from this far away. He smiles faintly.
We shared many moments during her training, he begins, gently guiding you through his past memories. 
One moment, you appear to be looking through Yunho’s own eyes at Miyeon as she stands across from him, a large smile painted on her face. It seems as if she’s just overcome something difficult in her training, her eyes sparkling with that all too familiar triumphant gleam one has when completing a hard task. You can feel the echoes of his past emotions: the way his heart was racing at seeing her smiling at him like that, revelling in her happiness with her, the pride that filled him when she praised him for his incredible teachings.
Then, the scene shifts, and you are privy to a montage of Yunho sitting in front of his easel in what must be his art room. Hours upon hours are spent with him recreating scenes with Miyeon that he has lived: with paint, charcoal, pastels - anything he can use to capture her beauty and put it on canvas for him to admire, even when she is not with him to share in the moment.
The next memory he shows you, is not as bright as the rest, and immediately, your expression falls. You don’t even realize that tears begin to line your eyes as you see a brilliant inferno blazing brightly before you, stacks upon stacks of canvasses melting beneath the heat. Familiar canvasses with the image of a woman you’ve just seen him spending weeks creating and perfecting.
The first tear that escapes you is synonymous with his in this memory, your heart squeezing right along with his at the significance of the burning artwork. You can hear Miyeon’s voice echoing in his mind, laughing at him after confessing to her about his feelings. Feelings of which that now suffocate his heart as he watches the fire reflect in his pain filled orbs.
You really thought I cared about you? You can hear Miyeon’s voice scoff inside your mind. That after showing me some pathetic pieces of artwork you would actually mean something to me?
You can hear how he pleaded with her, voice straining with his emotions as he begged for her to stay.
I have never wanted you, and I will never want you. She spits, her words full of venom and eyes full of malice. All you’re good for are your powers.
Your breath hitches as your free hand comes up to cover your mouth, more tears falling freely down your face.
The scene shifts once more and you see Yunho completely destroying his art room. Papers are strewn across the floor, glass and ceramic shattered around the area with smudges of charcoal lining the walls. Paint splatters almost everything as you watch the male break down sobbing in the middle of his room, pulling harshly at his hair as he falls to his knees, refusing to open the door to any of his brothers that beg to be let in.
I gave her a part of myself that I had kept hidden for so long, waiting for the right person to come along to share it with, and she destroyed it. Yunho’s voice pulls you back to the present moment, hearing the emotions he so desperately tries to hold back. I gave her everything I could have of myself, and she took it and ran before burning it all to the ground.
You don’t even realize Yeosang has stood and pulled you into his embrace until you feel a separate comforting hand place itself onto your back, beginning to rub gently along your spine. You cling onto Yeosang for dear life as Mingi soothingly caresses you from behind, both males cooing at you in attempts to calm you down while the others can do nothing more than watch you falling apart like this right in front of their very eyes.
I couldn’t even look at a canvass for almost four years after that, and even when I did pick up the hobby again after so long, it was never the same. Yunho admits. Until you, Petal. You saved me in more ways than you’ll ever know.
You swallow, blinking away your tears as you attempt to control your breathing for the moment.
I have never felt this strongly about anyone before in my life, not even Miyeon. He admits, and you feel him caress your mind again, as if he is attempting to wipe away your tears. You are My Muse. My Petal. My Queen.
You can hear the fond growl in his voice as he says this, and you swallow the sudden dryness in your throat.
I will do anything for you, and I will start by protecting that which I love most. He breathes out, and you can hear the sincerity in his voice as it echoes throughout your mind.
That which you love most? Your own voice is soft as you peer at him through your mind’s eye.
He smiles fondly. You, Petal.
You cannot help it, the way your heart races in your chest from his sudden admission. Sure, you figured it out before he said it, but that still does not stop the effect his words have on you. Hearing someone say something that you’ve always longed to hear from a lover is always a shocking situation.
You dry your eyes, pulling away from Yeosang for the moment as Mingi steps back to give you some space as well.
Thank you for sharing this with me. You say gently, reaching out to him for the first time with your own mind and practically feeling the way he shivers from your touch. I appreciate it more than you know.
Of course, Petal. He responds just as softly. Thank you for listening.
Slowly, you close your mind to him once more, but not before reaching out to him for a final time. 
The simple gesture of reassurance means more to him than you’ll ever know. A smile begins to tug at the corners of his lips as he continues to scout around the area for Miyeon, feeling his love for you grow at the genuine sorrow you felt for him as he shared those memories with you. He always knew you were perfect, and this just proves it even more.
Sitting back properly in your seat, you wipe at your eyes once more. “Please tell me you stopped seeing her after that.”
“After what she did to Yunho, we all wanted nothing to do with her.” Mingi confirms, a growl on his lips as if he’s recalling the same memories you have just been shown.
“If you hurt one of us, you hurt all of us.” Seonghwa adds, a snarl pulling at his features.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Wooyoung or San as furious as they were when that happened,” Jongho admits with a low puff of air escaping him.
“It made us question everything she did in our relationship,” San says. “We couldn’t trust-“ he practically cringes at the hypocrisy of his own words, “we couldn’t trust her.”
“So, you ended it.” You fill in the rest for them.
“Without a second thought.” Hongjoong speaks after so long remaining silent. “None of us wanted anything to do with her after that.”
“Yet, she still persisted.” Jongho sighs, exasperatedly.
“Which is why she hasn’t let go of us, even until today.” Mingi mirrors his brother’s sigh, rubbing at the side of his neck.
“She couldn’t handle the fact that none of us wanted her anymore, and that we wouldn’t fall prey to her little games she loved to play,” Seonghwa says, moving slightly backwards to lean against the wall behind him.
You nod along to his words until you realize one sticks out to you in particular.
“Wait, you said ‘us’,” you look at the eldest at the far end of the counter. “Do you include yourself in this?”
Seonghwa hesitates, chewing on his bottom lip as his eyes glance briefly around at all of his brothers who now stare at him expectantly. Even they seem to not know this particular detail about the eldest.
“I never liked Miyeon,” he begins. “She always drove me up the walls, but there were times-“ he hesitates, averting his gaze to the side as if ashamed, “times where I couldn’t deny the tension between us.”
“Oh my god,” the phrase is escaping you without another thought as your hand comes up to cover your mouth. “She cheated on you with your brother.”
Hongjoong, San, and Mingi all share a chuckle between them.
“What? What’s so funny?” Your brow furrows, looking around at all of them.
“Starlight, she didn’t cheat on us with our brother,” Mingi grins softly, heart warmed by your concern. “It’s the same reason we weren’t mad when Yunho wanted to court her while we were already in a relationship with her.”
“I don’t understand,” you shake your head slightly, lips tugging downward in confusion.
“She approached us about adding the others to the relationship,” San explains. “Which is why when she pulled that stunt with Yunho, it shocked all of us.”
“She knew I was never going to accept,” Jongho says, “but that didn’t stop her from always trying to get to Yeosang.”
“I was never going to accept either, but she thought making it seem like she wanted all of us would open me up to the idea of wanting her.” Yeosang’s voice is low as he lets out a long exhale through his nose.
You grab his hand, intertwining your fingers beneath the counter as you give him a soft squeeze. Almost instantly, he squeezes back.
“Though, we never knew she bedded Hwa until just now,” Mingi shoots his brother a pointed look.
“To be quite honest, it happened shortly before Yunho confessed to her, so I didn’t feel comfortable talking about it until now.” Seonghwa admits, shoulders sagging in regret. “If I could take it back, I would. I was only a pawn in her game. A triumph of victory. Another notch on her bedpost.”
“She used you.” You state the obvious, blinking once as Seonghwa’s gaze lifts to meet yours. “She only slept with you to say that she could, and that was it.”
“Exactly,” Seonghwa nods, his eyes slipping closed as he leans his head back against the wall. “Which just makes me wonder about Yunho.”
A moment of silence passes over the kitchen, the ticking of the clock all that can be heard throughout the space.
“It’s all my fault.” Yeosang breathes, staring down at the counter intently in front of him.
“Don’t say that,” you’re quick to comfort him, dragging your intwined hands onto your lap to place your other one overtop of his.
“It is, though.” Yeosang looks around at all of his brothers. “The day Yunho was going to confess, she came to me. She boasted about sleeping with Seonghwa that previous night to me, trying to make me jealous. Only, I wasn’t having it. She made - makes - me sick. Which is why when she came onto me, I pushed her away. I told her that I had never wanted her, nor would I ever.” 
Your breath hitches in your throat, thinking back to the words she so harshly spit at Yunho the night of his confession.
“She took it out on him.” Yeosang continues, eyes once more downcast. “If I had just given her what she wanted then, none of us would be in this mess now.” He turns to look at you, nothing but pain and fear hidden behind his eyes, shining with a certain type of sorrow you’ve never seen from him before. “You wouldn’t be in danger now.”
“Yeosang,” the hand you had placed on top of your intertwined ones raises to cup the side of his face, noticing how he leans almost immediately into your touch as his eyes flutter shut. “This is not your fault.”
You take a moment to look around at all of them.
“None of this is any of your faults.” You say, and you notice the immediate effect your words have on all of them, a sort of weight lifting from their shoulders. You turn back to Yeosang in front of you. “It was completely within your right to deny her. She does not own you, nor is she entitled to anything you have to offer her. You are your own person who made his own choices, just as she made hers. I am repulsed by how she used you. All of you. I am disgusted by her vile attitude and personality. She does not own you, nor do you owe her anything.”
“It’s been twenty years since we’ve let her go,” San confesses. “Yet she can’t seem to let go of us.”
“I don’t think it’s you she can’t let go of, but the feeling of power you all gave to her.” You state, and you watch as his eyes widen, sharp inhales echoing around the room. “She believes I’ve taken her place now. Probably believes I’ve stolen you right out from under her nose.”
“You could not be more correct.” Hongjoong breathes out, chest swelling at how keen your observation and deduction skills are.
“She wants to hurt you in the ways she believes you hurt her,” you continue. “Which is why I’m assuming she hates my guts.”
“Again, you would be correct,” Mingi nods, swallowing the dryness in his throat.
“To be honest, I knew there was something off with her when we met yesterday,” you mutter, frown tugging at your features as you pull your hand away from Yeosang’s face, much to his discontent. “I should have known she was another demon, especially given the way her eyes flashed.”
“She flashed her eyes to you?” Seonghwa asks, pushing himself almost immediately off of the wall as anger swirls within his chest.
“I’ve been around you guys enough to notice when your eyes start to swirl with that familiar blackness,” you shoot him a look as you see his eyes doing the same now. “Plus, there was the way Reina was acting.”
You inhale sharply, a cold chill running down your spine as panic seizes your entire being. You hand subconsciously squeeze Yeosang’s tighter in worry.
“Reina,” you look around at them frantically. “She’s going to kill my friend.” Then, your eyes widen. “My family.” 
You glance between all of them, the fear clear on your features
“If she is as good at mental manipulation as Yunho implied, she’s been controlling my best friend this whole time.” You lean forward, dropping Yeosang’s hand as you rest your elbows on top of the counter in front of you, cradling your head in your grip. “She has access to all of Reina’s memories. Reina knows almost everything about me. She can find my other friends, my family.” Your whole body begins trembling. “I practically admitted to her yesterday that hurting them hurts me, oh my god.”
“Starlight, shhh, it’s okay,” Mingi shushes you, drawing your gaze to him as he steps up beside your seat and pulls you into his chest. “We’ve already got it covered, you don’t need to worry.”
“Shhh, no ‘but’s!” Mingi chuckles, finally being the one able to cut you off like this for once. 
“What else do you think Yunho and I have been doing while we’ve been gone, Gorgeous?” 
You peek out from Mingi’s chest to see both Wooyoung and Yunho standing just inside the threshold to the kitchen.
“Reina?” You tentatively ask, sitting up further in your seat as you turn your full attention to the males standing by the doorway.
“Safe, and free from Miyeon’s control.” Yunho replies with a soft smile and a nod of his head.
You breathe a sigh of relief. “I knew she would never make those types of comments to me herself.”
“She wouldn’t?” San inquires, no skepticism in his voice.
“Of course not,” you shake your head. “She has enough issues with people questioning her pansexuality, so it just wouldn’t make sense. It’s why it caught me so off guard yesterday.”
“Ah,” Hongjoong replies knowingly, “I see.”
You turn back to the two males standing by the door. “My family? And friends?”
“All safe,” Wooyoung smiles back at you, quite widely. “You don’t have to worry. She won’t be able to get to them, or use them against you any more.”
Softly, you stand from your seat, using your one hand to gently push Mingi away from you for the moment as you approach the two males standing across the way. You say nothing, eyes shining with the sincerity of your emotions as you come to stand before them. You can feel every pair of eyes on you as you do so, though none are as focused as the two in front of you are right now.
Then, slowly, you meet each of their gazes before reaching out to cup Wooyoung’s face in your hands. You stare deeply into his eyes, and you can feel the way he tenses beneath your touch.
“Thank you.” You tilt his head to the side slightly, leaning in to place a gentle kiss onto his cheek.
“Of course, Gorgeous,” Wooyoung’s heart thunders in his chest, a pleased growl threatening to escape from happiness at any second. He can feel the tips of his ears burning, the blush spreading down his neck all the while as he allows the fingers of his one hand to ghost along the skin of his cheek, right where your lips had been only moments before.
Turning to Yunho, you meet his gaze, and you can feel a deeper understanding for one another pass through the air between you. Again, you reach over to cup his face in your hands, your thumbs brushing tenderly over his cheeks as you meet his eyes.
“Thank you,” you breathe, staring deeply into his eyes as you bring your lips to his own cheek, letting them linger there for a moment longer before you’re wrapping your arms around his torso and pulling him into your chest. “For everything today.”
Yunho smiles, his arms wrapping securely around your waist as he pulls you in impossibly closer to his chest. He takes a deep breath, breathing in your scent deeply as everything you surrounds his entire being. “Anything for you, Petal.”
All too soon, you’re pulling away, and Yunho reluctantly lets you go. Only, he allows himself the pleasure of letting his hands linger on your arms, and he nearly hums in content at the way that you don’t seem to mind.
In the next second, you grab each of their hands in your own and lead them back over to the counter. You then return to your seat, noting how all four males surround you on all sides. Yeosang still sits on the stool to your right, followed by Wooyoung and Yunho who stand directly behind you, while Mingi steps back into you on your left.
Lifting your head, you notice the other four males having converged once more across the counter.
“So, that’s why you didn’t want me going off with Reina on my own for an hour yesterday.”
“We scented Miyeon in the mall earlier,” Hongjoong nods, eyes downcast as that all too familiar shame washes over him. “We didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“I understand now,” you comment, pointedly looking between all of them, “but that does not excuse the way you acted.”
“We understand,” both Jongho and San reply simultaneously.
“We are sorry for treating you in such a way,” Seonghwa repeats their apology from earlier, his head downcast as he rests his hands on top of the counter.
You nod, allowing a small silence to settle over the kitchen between all of you as you let their words sink in. That is, until the sound of your stomach growling echos throughout the room.
“Betrayal,” you mutter, glancing upwards in slight annoyance before looking down at your stomach with an irritated look on your face.
“Are you hungry?” It’s Yeosang who asks you the question.
Sheepishly, you nod your head, a small heat rising to your cheeks as you spot the still unopened yogurt on the counter in front of you. Though, you notice Yeosang going to move off of the stool in the next moment, only for your hand to reach out and stop him, resting gently on his knee.
“San?” Said man’s head immediately shoots upwards at hearing his name fall from your lips, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. “Could you please hand me that bowl of fruit in the fridge?”
The man is moving before the words even finish coming out of your mouth, the door to the fridge practically being torn off its hinges as he pulls it open. In the blink of an eye, he has the bowl of fresh fruit in his hands, gently placing it on the counter before you after grabbing you a fork from the drawer.
You smile, and the sense of relief that washes over him is instantaneous. However, it’s your next words that truly have him weak in the knees.
“Thank you, Baby.”
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mattphobiia · 5 months
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the time reads 7:07pm. you are currently at the triplet's house, sitting in nick's room watching him edit while having a conversation with chris, not knowing where matt was, but it's not like you cared. nick was editing his most recent car video. suddenly, i was interrupted by a notification from someone.
"was that my phone or was that y/n's?" nick asked, eyes still glued to his screen as he clicked away at his keyboard.
"hey! what if it was my phone, huh?" chris yelled, crossing his arms.
"like fuck. you barely have a social life!" nick laughed.
you rolled your eyes as you unlock your phone, yes, it was your phone. you announced this to them and they nodded. it was from your close friend, zara.
hey y/n! im hosting a party tonight, and i would love if you could attend. you can also invite the triplets if you want, the more the better! i hope i see you tonight.
you read the message with a smile on your face. you and zara haven't hung out in months due to the lack of time you both had. it would be nice to reconnect with a friend, right?
"hey guys! my friend just messaged me about a party tonight, how we feeling?" you squealed with excitement.
nick and chris both looked at each other.
"you know what, im down! haven't been to a party in awhile. chris?" nick replied.
"duh! obviously i want to go to a party dude." he scoffed as he rushed to his room.
"chris! please tell- oh my god, so stupid." you sighed. "i guess i should tell matt about it."
nick laughed, he knew about our rivalry but he just found it immature and funny. he hurried to save the changes to his video and began ripping apart his room to find an outfit. you got up not wanting to be caught in a mess, and you slowly approached matt's room. you stood in front of his door, giving a simple knock.
"come in, y/n." matt muttered out, you slowly opened his door.
"how did you know it was me?" you asked nervously, feeling your heart race as it filled with anxiety.
"it's obvious, nick and chris just barge in, you're the only one who knocks." he sighed. "so?"
you cleared out your throat. "right, so my friend is hosting a party tonight, dont ask me what time because i don't know yet, but i just wanted to ask if you want to come?"
he stayed silent for a minute, thinking. you leaned against his wall as you waited for an answer.
"fine." he said, smirking as he slowly got up and walked to you.
you kept backing up until you hit his door, your heart pounding out your chest. he now stood directly in front of you, eyeing you down.
"w-what are you doing?" you choked out, breathing heavily as your stomach formed butterflies.
"nothing. sorry." he said, swallowing before pushing you out his room, slamming the door as you heard him sigh.
you fell against the wall, rolling your eyes as you got up and went back into nick's room where your stuff was. as soon as you walked in, you immediately noticed the state of his room.
"woah! what the fuck happened in here?" you yell out, making nick jump.
"i found an outfit! i found an outfit!" he sang, smiling stupidly as he was dancing around.
"oh my god please help me out! i have no idea what to wear."
nick happily skipped over to you and looked through your clothes. he silently grabbed a variety of dresses, comparing them all until he made his decision on a beautiful blue dress i had. he picked out some blue accessories for me that consisted of a matching pair of blue heels and a stunning crystal necklace. you stared in awe, he always made the best outfits, but this was another level of amazing!
"damn nick, thanks!" he handed you the clothes as you admired his selection.
you quickly grabbed your phone and your makeup bag before going into the bathroom to prepare. you quickly unlock your phone to text back zara.
hey zara! we would love to come, we are all getting ready and we will let you know when we arrive. cya soon girl:)
you waited for her reply as you place your phone down on the marble counter, and begin to undress from your clothes into your dress. luckily, you had a matching lingerie set that went well with the dress, so there was no worry to try match it. as the dress was half way on, matt barged in and you froze. you both froze. you looked at him as he stared at your body, his eyes dropping in awe as he snapped out his trance and covered his eyes.
"shit. sorry!" matt yelled out as he turned around and slammed the door.
oh my god. you quickly shuffled into your dress before you leaned against the cold wall, covering your face in embarrassment. you got yourself together and continued to get ready, playing your favourite songs trying to distract yourself. but oh, the way his gaze was fixated on you, the way his eyes examined you, you couldn't help it. although you "hated" him, he was attractive. very. you shook away any thoughts of him before you checked your phone to see if zara responded.
great! party starts at 8:45pm. see you guys soon, love you girl x
you gathered your things before quickly rushing out the bathroom, trying to avoid matt at any costs. you dumped your belongings onto nick's bed before sitting down and sighing.
"you good, y/n?" nick asked, stopping and looking at you.
"no!" you yelled, cupping your face in your hands. "i was getting ready and-" but suddenly, matt walked in, smirking at you.
"and?" nick interrupted, looking at you confused.
"nevermind, tell you later" you sighed.
"y/n, do you know what time we are leaving?" matt asked, examining your body and your face.
you froze, the incident from earlier replayed in your mind. snap out of it y/n!
"u-uhm... starts at 8:45 but we'll leave around 9pm or something." you stuttered out, looking like a fool. what the fuck is wrong with you? why were you stuttering over him?
"okay weirdo. by the way, nice outfit. blues my favourite color." he smirked, turning around and shutting the door behind him.
you turned back and stared at nick. did he know this? seriously? before you could bring it up, nick burst out into hysterical laughter screaming out apologies as you chased him around his room. as we slammed into the door, matt and chris opened it and we both fell forwards, nick bumping into the wall and of course i had to fall on top of matt. are you kidding me? matt. i quickly climbed off him before dropping on the floor as me and nick laughed.
"dude! what are you guys doing?" chris yelled, jumping back in fright.
"like i said, weirdos." matt replied, rolling his eyes as he got up.
you and nick helped each other up, still giggling as you all made your way to the car. you sat in the back next to nick, chris and matt both at the front. you grabbed your phone and quickly texted zara to let her know you were on the way.
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9:04pm. you finally arrived. zara was waiting outside her house for us. you immediately screamed out with excitement, quickly climbing over nick and running up to her, squeezing her into a tight hug as you both jumped and squealed.
the triplets followed behind you. you broke off the hug, as you introduced them to zara. nick and chris gave her a slight hug, while matt seemed uninterested, and just gave her a fist bump. how boring. you made our way to her house. from the outside, it wasn't exactly small, but the inside was massive! lights flashed everywhere, as music was being blasted and people were dancing and drinking. you went to hold onto nick for comfort, as you hated large crowds, but accidentally grabbed matt's arm instead. however, he didn't seem to care, and he held you close as you all entered inside. zara held onto your hand as she dragged you through her house, your hold on matt's arm broke off, but you felt him staring right through you.
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you and zara stuck to the beverage stand, drinking shot after shot, dancing around, while nick shortly joined us, chris wondering off to some guys to play games, while matt stuck to the corner, keeping watch of you. as the alcohol started to kick in, you stumbled back and fell onto a handsome man. blonde hair, emerald green eyes. he helped you up before steadying you up.
"are you alright, love?" he asked, smiling.
"y-" matt had approached him and dragged me away, leaving zara and nick shocked, but they continued to dance away.
"matt! what the fuck?" you yelled, the music booming throughout the room. he stayed silent.
he dragged you out to a dark corner, the music and people muffled out. he pinned you against the wall, your arms crossed up above your head, and his face close to yours.
"w- fuck. what's your problem today?" you sighed, feeling your heart race.
"i don't like him." matt replied bluntly, his eyes hooked on your lips.
"well, uhm. i don't like-"
"dont even finish that sentence." he said, his grip on your arms tightened, feeling his cold rings dig into your skin.
"m-matt." you whispered out, wincing in pain. "are you jealous?"
he licked his lips. his blue eyes once filled with awe now filled with lust. "so what if i was? i never thought i'd say this, but you've been tempting me the moment i saw you."
you tried to hide your smile. "w-" he immediately kissed you. you tried to pull back, but with no luck, you folded, melting into his passionate kiss. his tongue was now in your mouth, exploring freely as he slowly began to swirl your tongues together, making you whimper. he opened his eyes and stared into yours, breaking off the kiss before dragging you into the nearest bathroom. he threw you against the wall before shutting the door, resuming the make out. his hands roamed your body, appreciating your curves, until his hands began to slide up your dress, making you shiver. you already knew you were soaked down there, and so did matt.
"as much as i loved this outfit, i think it's time to take it off, hm?" he said, smirking as his finger held onto the elastic of your thong, letting it snap back against you, making you moan.
you nodded. his hands slid your dress off, along with your matching lingerie set. he admired the beautiful shade of blue before slowly unclipping your bra and sliding down your panties. he threw aside your clothes before placing you on the cold counter, making you shudder. he held onto your necklace before he unclipped it and shoved it in his jean pocket. his lips were now glued onto your neck, giving you many dark hickeys.
"you're mine. and everyone else needs to know. you wont be bothered, pretty girl." he gasped for air, looking up at you before making more marks. you could feel his smirk against your skin, as he sucked and kissed on your neck.
"matt, please..." you whined out. you were throbbing. you needed his touch. you needed him.
"please what?" he mimicked, his smile so innocent yet so lustful.
"touch me! f-fuck. please just touch me!" you moaned out pathetically, you didn't care how desperate you sounded, you need him.
"alright baby, no need to get so worked up." he cooed, before moving down to spread your legs apart, pulling you closer.
he looked up at you, smirking before he dived into your pussy. he began to suck on your clit, making you jolt up in shock and whine. you grabbed onto his hair, trying to pull him closer to you. you felt him smile, as his tongue flicked up and down. your moans grew louder and louder, as you felt your stomach tighten, begging for your release. he suddenly thrusted his index and middle finger inside your pussy, now starting to finger you. you were so overstimulated you couldn't even form the words to tell matt you were gonna come. you began to shake more and more until he abruptly stopped. your eyes widened as you began to whine.
"don't worry sweet girl, you can come around my dick." he said, as he began to rub your thigh teasingly, making your legs shake.
he began to unbuckle his belt, throwing it aside along with his jeans and boxers. you stared in shock at his size. that was supposed to go inside me?
"w-will that even fit?! you're huge..." you said, voice barely above a whisper.
he cupped your cheek in his hand. "don't worry, i'll make it fit." he replied sweetly.
you pussy began to throb for more, this was too much. he could tell and he lined up the tip, teasing it up and down making you moan and quiver. he slowly began to insert himself, inch by inch. you winced in pain, it slowly turned into pleasure before you gripped onto the counter for support. once he finally had it all in, he looked at you, before you gave the nod of approval. he started off slowly, not wanting to hurt you as you moaned out loudly.
"m-matt! please fas-"
he didn't have to be told twice. he immediately fastened his pace, leaning down to kiss you, groaning as he watched your breasts bounce up and down. he gripped onto your hips, rings digging into you as he pounded harder, that familiar feeling in your stomach building up again. you never thought this night would lead up to you and matt having sex, but here you are. his dick began to twitch as he slammed into you, he froze as he began releasing his come inside you. you shortly joined him, orgasming all over him. you both stayed there for a minute, appreciating this moment before he slowly pulled out, both of you moaning because of the sensitivity.
"didn't think you would have sex with me, huh?" he panted out, before beginning to laugh.
you shook your head, as you slowly got up from the counter, your legs shaking like crazy. he threw your clothes over to you, as he began to dress himself. your body could not stop shaking, and you nearly fell into the wall before matt had caught you.
"fuck, can't walk?" he smirked.
"matthew! what am i supposed to do?" you huffed out, as he began to clean and help you get dressed.
"i'll figure it out, okay?" he replied, planting a small gentle kiss on your cheek as he admired your beautiful body. he held you by your waist as you both walked out the bathroom. you stumbled around like an idiot while matt held you closely.
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"there they are!" chris yelled out, pointing towards you both as zara and nick turned around. "where have you guys been?!"
"that's not your business." matt replied as he rolled his eyes.
"mattitude much! y/n, you good? you look exhausted." chris asked you, somehow not noticing the dark hickeys you had displayed on your neck.
you nodded. "yeah i am, the party was great zara, but i might get going now, i just wanna sleep."
"no worries! it was so nice to see you." she smiled, pulling you into a hug. you had to use every bone in your body to try not to collapse onto her as your legs were shaking.
"honestly same here, i'm sure we are all tired." nick said. you all said your goodbyes and walked over to matt's car.
"chris, you can sit at the back." matt said, as he assisted you into the car, clicking the seatbelt for you.
"what?! that's so unfair, i thought you hated y/n, now you're treating her like a princess!" chris complained.
"suck it up you big baby! now you get to sit next to the best person in this car." nick chimed in.
"more like stupidest." chris mumbled as he rolled his eyes, resting his head against the window.
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a/n: hi this is my first post probably😭, i dont usually write much but when i do its not great and its kinda repetitive😔. i was thinking of writing on here but its kinda scary ngl... let me know if i should write more or do an introduction! any tips would help bc idk how to use tumblr like at all but yes enjoyy!!!
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abiiors · 1 year
Wired Autocomplete
Matty Healy Drabble (fem! reader)
A/N: Definitely did not procrastinate by watching a shit tonne of these interviews in the name of “research”
There’s the use of Y/n a lot of times. Sorry, it’s based on the wired interview. I can’t really find a way around using it.
This is based on an ask! (My requests are open)
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‘Does Matty Healy…write his songs?’ That’s how the interview starts. 
‘Yes he does,’ you both say in response at the same time. 
‘He leaves his moleskins lying around all the time,’ you add on. Then you give him a theatrical side-eye, ‘drives me crazy, really.’
‘What?! You love peeking at my unfinished lyrics!’
You laugh and pick up your board again. 
‘Does Y/N Y/LN…have a boyfriend?’
You both look at each other and then look straight into the camera. It’s freaky how you share one braincell sometimes because what comes out of both of your mouths is a single, deadpanned ‘No’
‘We’re best friends really,’ he continues, in all his mock seriousness.
‘Roommates even,’ you add. 
It’s all in good fun, however. Your relationship is not exactly private, has never been very private. You both love to show each other off whenever you get the chance. Still, some people really do live under the rock…
‘Has Matty Healy…acted?’
His eyes go wide as he quickly says no. A bit too quick… Meanwhile, you make wild gestures at the camera, stage whisper “Waterloo Road” until he puts a hand over your mouth and both of you end up giggling like idiots. 
There are a few more questions after that about his music. Then there are a few more about your career and your life outside of the spotlight. It’s instantly noticeable to you how seriously he answers questions about his music. That’s definitely one of his most endearing qualities. Soon, that section is over and he picks up the next board. 
‘Up first,’ he announces and you do a small drumroll with your finger. ‘Is Matty Healy…gay?’
‘Aren’t we all,’ he replies. The crew laugh at that but of course, you knew that’s how he was going to answer that question. 
‘Is Y/N Y/L/N,’ you rip off the tape with a flourish, ‘...a singer?’
‘You should hear her in the shower, mate,’ he says with all seriousness, ‘the voice of an angel.’ The hint of teasing in his voice makes you whack him on the back of his head with the board. He laughs a bit, pretends to be seriously hurt but then he picks up his board again. 
‘Is Matty Healy…married…’ he trails off once the tape is off. 
Your eyes widen momentarily and his go to your hand, specifically to your ring finger. There’s a blind moment of panic when you think you’ve left the damning evidence on. 
‘No,’ he tries not to swallow audibly, ‘Matty Healy is not married.’
It’s not a lie…not exactly. 
But he’s about to be. 
The blinding diamond ring safely tucked in your purse is proof of that. 
He quickly moves on to the next question (Is Matty Healy an Aries? Yes he is, he even makes a face while he confirms that). The rising blush up his neck has not escaped your attention, however. 
You both know no amount of editing will stop the fans from reading into that look you just shared. 
Two weeks later, you get a notification from Youtube while you’re laying in bed.
“Matty Healy and Y/N Y/L/N Answer the Web’s Most Searched Questions / WIRED”
The comments are almost instantaneous. There are fans who think he’s hilarious. Then there are the people who think you two are adorable together and you make sure to like some of those comments from a personal account. 
That’s when you see it—
“Did anyone else notice the look at 9:56 👀”
It only has 3 replies right now. Not much traction but all 3 of them agree that there definitely was a look.
‘Look at this, love,’ you turn to him and make him take off his headphones. He lets out a proper chuckle once he sees the comment. 
‘Looks like the cats out of the bag, huh?’
It is and it isn’t. Who knows, maybe the comment will gain traction. It’s only been 9 minutes since the video came out. In the meantime, he grabs your hand and kisses it right above the ring. 
‘I don’t wanna take it off anymore,’ you say to him after a moment’s silence. 
He smiles at you—a genuine, dazzling smile—which ends in him giving you a lingering sweet kiss on your lips. 
‘So time to make it official?’ he whispers against your lips.
‘Nah,’ you laugh, ‘let the theories go wild for a bit!’
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helloalycia · 10 months
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unrequited // alicia clark
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summary: after reuniting with Alicia after presuming her dead, you can’t help but think back to the last thing you said to her: that you’re in love with her.
warning/s: mentions of injury, blood and obvs the usual that comes with writing anything ftwd. also sad gay angst.
author's note: a lil one shot set in s7 that i wrote a while ago and finally got 'round to editing! it's set about the time after Morgan finds Alicia after the nuclear explosion (is that what it was? i can't even remember lol). It's been so long since i watched it so i can't even remember who the predominant characters in this part are, so apologies if it's incorrect! hope you enjoy anyway haha.
also another shameless plug but i've almost finished fully publishing my original fiction book titled 'Evie' on Wattpad so do check that out if you're into gay mermaids, pining and angst 👀
masterlist / wattpad
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"It's called being efficient," I said with a hint of pride at my handiwork, but Sarah disagreed.
"It's called wasting time."
"Well, next time you happen to tear your favourite shirt, don't go asking for my help," I said to her lightheartedly, continuing to sew up a hole in my socks.
"We'll see," she mumbled, before leaving me be at the kitchen counter.
I chewed on my lip as I finished threading the needle through the hole, pulling the fabric together and tying it off. It was arguably pointless to some, but with everything going on outside the submarine that we were all seeking refuge in, I couldn't exactly go and pick up some new socks when my current ones ripped. So, why not put an old skill to practice?
After pulling my newly-repaired socks and shoes on my feet, I was about to head to my room when I heard a knocking coming from down the hall. Pausing, I listened again and realised someone was at the entry hole at the top of the ladder.
"Someone open up! It's me, Morgan!" a voice called from above when I approached the ladder.
"Oh, shit," I mumbled to myself, before calling out to him, "I'm coming, Morgan, one sec!"
"Great, thank you!" he said gratefully.
"Guys, Morgan's back!" I shouted down the hall, whilst rushing to climb the ladder.
Morgan had gone out two days ago with Grace and the baby, Mo, to seek help from Strand at his tower because Mo was sick and nobody knew what to do. Luciana, Daniel, Charlie, Sarah and I were left behind to hold down the fort, but we hadn't heard anything from him since. Naturally, we worried, but couldn't risk leaving when we promised to stay put until he returned. That, and it wasn't safe to leave without enough gas masks for us all.
But he was finally back! And as I unlatched the door above me, I prayed that everybody was okay, especially Mo.
"Morgan," I called with relief when I saw his face looking down at me. "C'mon, you were gone for so long, we were worried!"
He smiled a little, but it didn't reach his eyes, and that's when I realised things couldn't have gone well.
Knowing I had a million questions but he needed to come inside first, I jumped off the ladder and waited at the bottom to help. The others had joined me in the hallway, the lot of us anticipating what Morgan had to share.
He climbed down the ladder first and I began to help him, growing concerned when I noticed the dried blood and dirt in his clothes.
"Where's Grace? The baby?" Sarah pressed when she noticed the lack of the others. "Mo-Mo, what happened?"
"Strand took them," he said with regret, accepting my help off the ladder. His eyes followed up it, and I realised a stranger was following down after him – some girl.
"What?!" Sarah snapped, eyes widened, and everybody collectively gasped at the news.
"I managed to find an old friend, however," he continued, as I was about to lend a hand to the stranger.
Only, when she accepted my hand and jumped off the last few rungs of the ladder, my breath caught in my throat. It was Alicia, the girl who I'd presumed long gone, or even dead.
"Y/N," she exhaled, just as surprised as I was, before immediately pulling me in for a hug.
I hugged her loosely at first, oblivious to the excited comments from the others at the sight of their dear friend, and then I closed my eyes and tightened my hold, afraid to let go.
"You're here," she said with disbelief, before pulling away to meet my eyes. Hers were tired and dull, but momentarily bright as they met mine. "I mean, Morgan said you were but I didn't– I–"
When she didn't know what to say, I found my words. "I didn't know if you were alive. I was so worried, Alicia, I thought–" And then the shock faded, replaced by a nauseating guilt. "I wanted to look for you, but–"
"It wasn't safe," she finished for me, not the slightest bit offended. "I know, Y/N, I know."
I frowned, eyes flickering between hers, my heart thumping louder than ever at the mere sight of her. She was alive. She was back. She was okay.
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After everybody became reacquainted with Alicia, and Morgan shared the news about Mo and Grace – Strand had taken them in, offering to 'help', but had tried to kill Morgan in the process – I went to the kitchen to get some food for them both. They'd also shared everything they'd been through after Strand stole Grace and Mo, including almost dying because of his men, getting caught up with some infected and declaring war on Strand, so it made sense as to why they both looked like they'd been through hell and back.
"Here," I said once I'd plated and warmed up some canned soup for them both, before adding for Alicia's sake, "this is all we have."
"It's perfect, thanks," she said with a nod, before digging in immediately.
Morgan nodded gratefully before doing the same. I cleaned up the mess I'd made as they were eating, before dismissing myself so I could sort out a sleeping space for Alicia. It didn't take long to find her an unoccupied bunk, and with Luciana's help, we put out some fresh sheets and found some clean clothes for Alicia. I could barely believe she was here still, having reluctantly accepted that I may never see her again, not so soon anyway.
Once I returned to the kitchen, Morgan was no longer there, but Alicia was still sat there finishing her soup.
"Hey, Luci and I have sorted out a space for you to get some sleep," I said, unsure why I suddenly felt awkward around her. "We've left some clean clothes on the bed for you, as well."
Alicia looked up, nodding, before taking the last slurp of her soup and wiping her mouth. She stood up from her stool, pausing and clutching the counter tightly for a moment.
"Hey," I started with concern, recognising she looked dizzy, and stepped forward to help, but she raised her hand to stop me.
"I'm fine," she said with a clipped tone, eyes closed as she took a deep breath.
"You don't look well," I commented, eyes scanning her face. Dark circles plagued her eyes and she was still clammy, something I thought was temporary because of the rush of the day, but clearly I was mistaken.
"Is it that obvious?" she snapped quietly, before exhaling sharply and opening her eyes, though avoiding mine.
"Sorry, I just–" I wasn't sure why she was suddenly moody, but I wanted to help somehow. "Do you need medicine? We don't have much, but I'm sure–"
"No, it won't work," she cut me off, before pushing her weight off the counter and onto her feet.
Shaking her head, she sat back down on the stool for support. "It doesn't matter. Just give me a minute."
I nodded, though I couldn't help but worry. This wasn't the same girl I'd last seen before she was taken from us by Teddy, the homicidal maniac who believed he was a god. No, this Alicia was worn out, exhausted and sick. Something was wrong and I hated that I didn't know why. But not as much as I hated that she'd been left with him and his crazed cultist followers all alone.
"I can get you some water," I offered, wanting to do something, but she shook her head.
"I'm fine."
"Right... well, d'you wanna take your shoes off? I'm sure you've been on your feet all day, it might help."
"No, thanks."
The longer she had her head in her hand, clutching at her forehead with her eyes closed, the more I didn't know what to do.
"Can I take your gloves off you? Maybe get some air to your hands?" I asked, noticing she hadn't removed them when she was eating. "Anything, Alicia, I–"
"I said I'm fine," she repeated firmly, before wincing at the way it came out.
I pursed my lips, nodding awkwardly. A quiet followed soon after and I wasn't sure how to fill it. The last time we had spoke, before Teddy had taken her... it hadn't been ideal. I was certain I'd ruined everything between us when I told her the truth about how I felt – that I was in love with her – and accepted that I might have lost her forever when she never told me what she thought because of the Teddy incident that occurred afterwards. But now she was back and things were awkward and the giant elephant in the room wasn't helping.
"I'm really glad you're okay," she suddenly spoke, voice soft but weighted with gratitude. "That you got out with the others." 
"I'm sorry I couldn't get to you," I said, taking a seat on the stool beside her. "It all happened so quickly, with Teddy taking you. We were running out of time and we didn't know where to go and–"
"I'm glad you didn't go after me," she interrupted, looking up at me. "It wouldn't have been safe. They would have killed you if you tried anything, and if you didn't find me, the explosion would have. You were right to get out when you could."
Just because she said it didn't make me feel any better. Leaving Alicia behind was the hardest thing I'd ever had to do and I was certain I'd live with my regrets forever, even now that she was back with me.
"What happened, Alicia?" I asked. "Where were you?"
She exhaled tiredly, like the answer wasn't so easy. And when she began to tell me what, I realised it wasn't. She spoke of the moment Teddy took her, revealing his plans to blow everything up and keep his followers safe in a bunker that she was locked in with no escape. She told me about how she tried to escape, how they wouldn't let her, about Will, someone who tried to help her and was now dead because of Strand. And the the biggest surprise of all was when she revealed that she'd been bitten when she tried to escape, an infected leaving its mark on her arm, and how she had to saw off her own forearm to survive.
None of it seemed to phase her as she shared it, but I found myself tearing up at all of it. Naturally, my eyes fell to her arm when she told me, but they were both covered by forearm-length gloves.
"The fever won't leave," she explained, and it was beginning to make sense why she looked the way she did, pale and sweaty and exhausted. "The infection is killing me, Y/N."
"No," I muttered, refusing to believe it, because how was that fair? How could she have to go through all of that because some psychopath stole her away and tried to enforce his sick fantasies on her?
Alicia tugged off her glove, revealing a metal cast with a bone in it and a sharp knife at the end, all attached as a sleeve on her actual arm. I was speechless when I saw it, eyes unable to take in what I was seeing.
"Yeah, that's kind of how Morgan reacted, too," she said once she noticed my expression, sounding neither offended or annoyed.
"Alicia, I'm so sorry all of that happened to you," I said, finding my words as she replaced her glove.
The thought of her having to undergo all of that trauma by herself hurt, but she was the strongest person I knew. If she could do all of that, she could beat a little fever.
"Don't be sorry," she said. "It was better me than any of you."
I frowned, resisting the urge to hold her hand. "You don't know that that's what's making you sick. It could be something else."
"I do," she said patiently. "The infection was slowed down, but not gone entirely."
"But you could've got to it in time," I said hopefully.
"Y/N, I've tried everything," she lashed out, before swallowing hard and lowering her voice. "It won't go away. I'm dying."
I clenched my jaw, frustrated at the situation and refusing to give up just because she said so. "No. I don't think you are."
She was bitter, avoiding my eyes and clearly peeved at my optimism. I stood up suddenly, earning her attention.
"You're not dying," I told her with certainty. "Not after everything. Not if I can help it."
"Uh-huh," she played along as if to avoid an argument, but I didn't let it bait me.
It was just a fever. We could break it. I truly believed we could.
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The next day, a few of the others had gone out on a supply run, leaving Luciana, Daniel and I to stay back and keep an eye on Alicia, even if she didn't know it. Her fever wasn't letting up, even with the medication we gave her, and she was currently napping in her bunk per our instructions after she almost passed out at lunch.
It was my turn to watch her, so I was sat on a stool by the bottom bunk where she was currently fast asleep. A book was in my hand, an attempt to distract me and give her a little space, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't stealing glances at her every now and then. Eventually, her eyes began to flutter and her movement made me put my book down.
"Hey," I said gently, not wanting to startle her.
She blinked tiredly, eyes distant and confused. "Are the others back yet?"
"Not yet. How d'you sleep?"
She breathed out slowly, lifting both hands to rub her eyes, only to realise her mistake when one of them was missing. She'd removed her metal cast before going to sleep, along with her gloves. With a quiet sigh, she nodded to the opposite side of the room.
"Can you pass me my arm, please?" she asked, sitting up and swinging her legs over the edge of the bunk.
"You don't have to wear that in here if you don't want to," I reminded her, noticing she didn't answer my previous question. "It's just us."
"I do," she said dismissively, before nodding to her amputated arm. "It's ugly. The arm makes me feel normal. Like I once was."
As I got up to grab it, along with her gloves, I said, "You may think that, but I think it's just a part of you, and no part of you could ever be ugly, Alicia."
She froze at my words, jaw tensing slightly, and I realised I'd said too much. My intention was never to make her feel uncomfortable – quite the opposite actually – but judging from her reaction, I had.
"But my opinion doesn't mean anything," I added, hoping to ease the situation, "so here." I handed her the arm and gloves before deciding to leave, knowing it would be for the best.
As I was, she finally spoke up from behind me, stopping me in my tracks. "I can't give you what you want."
Turning around slowly, I met her unreadable gaze. "I didn't ask for anything."
She licked her lips, looking down at her hand. "What you said, the last time we saw each other... I can't..."
"I didn't ask for anything," I repeated, interrupting her. "And I already know. Your silence at the time said it all."
It wasn't easy to forget the look of disbelief she gave me once I'd said the words – I love you, Alicia – and the silence that followed after my declaration. She never told me what she thought or felt, but it was obvious enough.
I swallowed thickly, hoping my sadness wasn't showing. "You were my friend long before anything else, so I was only hoping to treat you as such. If that's too weird for you, then I'll step back."
When she didn't reply, nor look up at me, my insides shrivelled a little.
"For the record," I added defensively, "I didn't want anything from you. I've only ever been honest with you."
Again, she didn't answer, and I took that as an answer in itself and turned to leave. I knew she didn't feel the same as I – her silence spoke volumes – but it still made my heart crumble a little, hearing her finally admit it or imply it or whatever the hell that was just then.
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Since Alicia and I's awkward encounter, I knew it was probably best to keep my distance and only converse when we needed to. Personally, I could live with only being her friend, but she didn't want that and I wasn't going to force myself on her. She was fair to want that, even if she'd gone about it in the wrong way. So, I stayed away.
Instead, I focused my energy on helping Luciana help Daniel, who was forgetting things slowly with time. He believed his daughter, Ofelia, was still alive and out there, so it was a struggle keeping him in the sub where it was safe. That, and creating a plan to get Grace and Mo back whilst simultaneously stopping Strand was keeping everyone busy.
It was a few days later when Alicia had left, following a lead on where this 'PADRE' person or place could be – according to Morgan, anyway. It wasn't like she'd said anything to me before she left. I didn't even know she'd gone until Morgan let everyone know afterwards.
She wasn't well, her fever only getting worse over the past few days, and the last thing she should have been doing was going outside all alone, chasing a lead that might not even exist. But it wasn't my business, I suppose, and she wouldn't have listened to my protests anyway.
As much as I pretended I didn't care, I did. And my concern only worsened when Alicia finally returned to us, though not by choice. It was Morgan who had brought her back after searching for her because she was gone too long. He'd found her unconscious and could barely carry her back to the submarine without needing extra hands. My heart had fallen into my gut when I saw her out of it, dark eyes closed and highly contrasting her pale skin.
Immediately jumping into action, I helped Morgan take her to her bunk, taking off her socks, shoes and jacket. She would have cursed me out or dropped some passive aggressive comment, but I also removed her gloves and arm, needing to get some fresh air to her skin. She was burning up, hair glued to her forehead, and my heart was shrinking the longer I watched her.
"You're gonna be okay," I whispered to her, even though she couldn't hear a thing. "You've got to be."
My fingers pushed her damp curls behind her ear, the sweat beading on her skin. She was too hot, but the cold cloth I was dabbing seemed to cool her down a little.
If things hadn't gotten so messed up between us – if I hadn't confessed my damn feelings to her – then maybe she would have trusted me enough to come with her to find whatever PADRE was. I couldn't have cared less about it, but at least I could have been there to make sure she was taking care of herself. We were so close at one point, as thick as thieves, and now she wanted nothing to do with me. I hated it.
But more importantly, I hated myself for being selfish for one moment, because it had cost me my friendship with her.
I stayed with her for a while, replacing the cold towel and dabbing her skin to bring down her temperature. My worry wouldn't let me leave her side, not whilst she was like this. But as soon as I saw her green eyes flicker open with confusion, I knew she'd want me gone.
"Morgan?" I called, standing up and putting the towel to the side. "She's awake!"
He was in the room in no time, just as concerned as I, and sighed with relief when he saw her fully waking up. I moved past him, giving him no chance to ask what was what, and left to go somewhere else.
I went to my bunk in another room, grateful nobody was there to see my disheartened self. At least she was okay. Morgan would make sure of it.
Busying myself with folding some washed clothes, trying to distract myself from the impending doom that seemed to be following us wherever we went, I almost didn't hear the knock on my open door.
"Yes?" I spun around, then paused, surprised to see Alicia standing there.
"Hey," she said quietly, voice hoarse.
"Hey," I murmured, still surprised that she was talking to me. "I'm glad you're up, but maybe you should rest."
She didn't look the best still, especially as she leaned against the door for support. But if she heard me say anything, she didn't let on. Her eyes were focused on the floor, distracted, and then she finally looked up, startled gaze meeting mine.
"You have to forgive me," she said suddenly, desperately. "For lying to you. For pushing you away. For making you feel worse."
My brows furrowed. "What?"
She began to frown, eyes watering. "I might be dying. And I know it's selfish, especially after everything, but I miss you, Y/N. And I've loved you this whole time, but you deserve better."
My eyes widened at her confession. This was the last thing I expected to hear, especially with the silent treatment and distance we'd shared these past few days.
"Say something, please," she pleaded.
I swallowed hard, looking around as if the answer would be right there. "I... I don't know what to say."
She tensed her jaw with uncertainty, waiting.
I took a moment, finding the right words to say. Calmly, I said, "If this is all true–"
"It is," she cut me off instantly, and I stared at her, unmoving.
"Why are you telling me now?" I asked. "What's changed?"
She sighed, ashamed. "The closer I get to dying, the worse I feel and the more scared I become."
"Alicia, you're not dying," I said sternly, sick of hearing it, but she only winced slightly in response and I knew she didn't believe me.
"I am," she said with finality, making me frown. "And I thought that pushing you away would be what was fair. It still is, for you." Inhaling sharply, she avoided my eyes. "I'll be gone and it's not fair to tell you how I feel when that'll happen, but I can't help it. If I'm only here for so long, I... I want it to be with you." Her eyes crept back to mine, glistening with unshed tears. "I don't want to go knowing that I didn't have to be alone in the end. That I pushed you away."
My heart was full as I watched her, her own heart on her sleeve, expression full of embarrassment, shame and guilt. It made sense what she was saying, but I only wished she hadn't thought like that.
"Firstly," I started, approaching her, "you're not dying, so quit saying that. Secondly, I'm gonna help you. This isn't it, okay?" I followed her eyes, refusing to let her break contact. "But no more stupid walkabouts without help. Thirdly, the fact that you thought pushing me away would be fair to me is insane. In case you didn't hear me the last time, I'm in love with you. Have been for a long. Why the hell would you think I'd just get over you like that? That I wouldn't forgive you?"
"But I was horrible," she reminded me. "I disregarded your feelings."
I looked down, holding out my hand. She placed hers in mine reluctantly, and I squeezed it gently to show her I meant what I was saying.
"You're not now," I told her. "And I would have had you in my life as a friend, an enemy, even a stranger, rather than not at all. You could literally tell me you hate me and I'd still be here. Guess that's what love does, right?"
When I looked up, her eyes were on mine, a tear having slipped out. Her lips were trembling and it broke my heart.
"Come here," I said, tugging her close, and she fell right into me, hugging me tight.
I fought back my own tears as I wrapped my arms around her, grateful to have her back. It was just my luck that she loved me, too.
After a moment, I tried to pull apart, but she stopped me, immediately pressing her lips to mine in a sloppy, desperate, teary kiss. I closed my eyes, kissing her back whilst letting her lean on me for support. When we pulled apart, I cupped her face and wiped her tears away with my thumbs, not wanting her to be so upset anymore. I leaned in, pressing a brief kiss to her lips, the butterflies in my stomach almost lifting me off the ground. Any other instance and I would have been too caught up in the fact that she liked me, too, but her well-being was my biggest concern right now.
"I'm sorry," she said, barely a whisper.
"You don't need to apologise," I told her, before letting go of her face and taking her hand. "You do need to rest though. C'mon."
I half expected her to protest, but she let me take her back to her bunk. I didn't leave her side as she lay back down, a relieved sigh escaping her lips. Stroking my fingers in her hair, I was glad to see her eyes closing contently, appreciating the momentary peace.
"I promise I'm gonna fix this," I said with conviction. "You're going to get better."
"But if I don't–"
"No buts," I stopped her. "You will."
She opened her eyes slowly, an almost childlike wonder in them, both desperate and hopeful. Those were the same eyes I'd fallen in love with over the years, the same eyes I'd once avoided because I was too scared to admit how I felt. Never did I believe I'd end up here.
She nodded at my words and I'd almost forgotten I'd spoken because of how distracted I got. I pressed a tender kiss to her forehead and continued to stroke her hair, watching her eyes close yet again.
I wasn't going to lose her, not now that I had her back.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 8 months
Choice - Chapter 7
Summary: You come to a realization as to why Luke is there.
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
Alright you guys are going to laugh, but it looks as though this will actually be a 9-parter story. It's what happens when you go through and edit each time.
I hope you all had a tremendously lovely weekend, things have started to get cold here because Fall is coming in with a vengeance.
Be safe.
Love oo
Warning: Angst, discussions of force use, misunderstanding, anger, heart ache, I think that's it. If I miss anything please let me know.
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Luke forced himself to smirk to hide the pain he was feeling, truly what had he been expecting. For you to run into his open arms? He knew you better than that, you’d never cave in so easily, not to him. Not to anyone.
He glanced from the Mandalorian to you, to his former student snuggled into your neck, to the rundown apartment that somehow had been made to feel cozy and homely after you entered. 
He chuckled to himself, he was stupid for thinking otherwise, he clearly wasn’t needed here, that was obvious. Yet, no matter how much his head screamed at him to leave, he couldn’t really walk away again. Not again. Never again. 
Regardless of how he felt for you, of how much he wanted to fix what he’d broken there was still the matter regarding your force sensitiveness.
“Any chance you’ll have any visitors coming to find the person responsible for their loss?” 
He focused his attention on the battle you three had just encountered, above everything else that was the most important thing to deal with. At least for now.
“How …” you began your question, only to have Din answer you.
“It was the will of the force.” He huffed not really believing the words that just escaped his lips, he rolled his eyes as he continued explaining, “Apparently, the Jedi saw something about us during his mediation, and ran right over here.” His sarcasm dripped and hung in the air as his annoyance with the man grew.
A small glimmer of hope had bloomed when you first saw him, you hadn’t noticed at first, but it was there. You’d hoped he’d shown up for you, but at Din’s statement you realized how clearly wrong, you wore. That’s when you noticed the hope that had began, evaporated just as quickly.
It was the will of the force, why did you even think he was here for you? That wasn’t Luke, he didn’t care about relationships, about how you were feeling or about what you wanted. There was no doubt in your heart he was going to leave you once again? He probably wouldn’t have even shown up before you if it hadn’t to do with the force. He really was just going to show up after all these years drop a hello and leave. Your eyes focused on the floor, as his boots entered your peripheral, he wasn’t even going to ask how you’re doing, was he?
The hope that had been there, was replaced with irritation which now was slowly morphing towards annoyance. 
You looked Luke in the eyes, determination settling into your stature, “No. When I knock something down, it never gets back up. You should know.” You wished you could have made that statement true about your feelings for Luke. What you really wanted now more than anything, was to leave this room, to walk away from the man who had ripped out your heart. 
“I believe we need to talk about your incident back there” Luke motioned with his head over his shoulder.
“You force pushed someone clear across the compound. You don’t think that raises heads or suspicions?”
So that’s why he came, it all became clear. “Oh, I see.” You nodded with your head as you bit your lip, “That’s why it was the will of the force.” You narrowed your eyes at his calm demeanour, the annoyance was gone, it had shifted into anger. Of course, that’s all he cared about. His training school, finding more force sensitive ones, training them to join the Jedi ranks, rebuilding what had been lost. You shook your head, cursing yourself for thinking different, for allowing yourself a moment to hope. 
You cleared your throat, “I’m gonna hit the ‘fresher. Excuse me.” You moved with purpose, your goal was simple: to get as far away as possible. And right now that meant hiding in the refresher.
Din gently grabbed your arm as you rushed past him, he didn’t want to keep you, but he wanted to make sure you were looked after. Especially, since the way Luke hadn’t even asked you how you were feeling bothered him, it was like he was here to find the answers to his own curiosity. 
“There’s some fresh clothes on the bed for you. Also there’s bacta gel for anything the kid couldn’t fix.”
You leaned into his side, holding Grogu tighter in your arms, as you quickly rested your head on his pauldron, “Thanks.” It was all you could say as you continued your trek to the one bedroom that had its own refresher. 
Din turned his attention to Luke, now that it was just the two of them without the kid, without you, there was a few things he needed to clarify. Even if you didn’t ask for it, he was going to protect you, whether that be your emotional state or your physical state.
“Is this common for you?” He shifted off the wall, moving closer to the Jedi, “Having people run away from you the first chance they get?” 
Luke wanted to respond to say he was wrong, but he clearly wasn’t; especially since you didn’t even bother discussing the force power you wielded. His heart ached as he realized how deeply he’d hurt you, and showing up before you simply opened those wounds again. 
Din was annoyed by the fact the man showed up unannounced, and even more so about whatever happened between you and Luke. He clearly hurt you a lot more than you wanted to talk about or admit. Maybe in a few days once you worked it out yourself, maybe like always when you were ready to talk, you’d find Din, pass him a cup of tea and discuss what was really going on with you.
Luke let out a chuckle at his own spectacular failure, “It does look like that, doesn’t it.” He fixed his cloak, placing the hood back on his head, you weren’t ready to see him, that was much was clear. He’d give you time and space, and then he’d try again, hopefully with a different result, “They didn’t run away, they simply walked away for specific reasons.” He head towards the door, wanting to give you the one thing he could, the absence you long desired from him.
“What’s the reason?” Din wanted to know what happened, what was going on between you two.
Luke stopped in his tracks turning his head over his shoulder, if you hadn’t told Djarin about your past, it certainly wasn’t Luke’s place to fill him.
“You should ask your partner for that answer. Just tell …” Luke realized at that moment, he never actually explained why he was there. His nerves had gotten the better of him and rather than being the kind and compassionate person you needed, he turned into a giant idiot as Han liked to remind him. 
He needed to apologize to you, properly, but today was not the day, you weren’t in a position to listen to what he had to say and he didn’t blame you, that was his own doing. 
He let out a sigh, as he gave a final nod to the Mandalorian who seemed to be able to do the things he couldn’t.
“Just tell your partner, I’ll be back, and then we can talk about everything I didn’t get a chance to say. I apologize if what I said came out the wrong way.”
Din didn’t say anything as he watched the door close behind the Jedi as he walked away. 
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moon-thething · 1 year
Alright hey its me the same anon from last time—I'm sorry, I just really like your writing 🥲 but anyway, I was thinking—Kevin x Reader headcanons, but enemies to lovers edition. Your choice though.
Hello again anon :) I really don't know how to write enemies to lovers trope so these headcanons kind of turned out as bullies to friends to lovers but I still hope you enjoy these!
P.s. you can also become a named anon if you'd like to request more than once
Romantic or platonic?: Platonic/romantic
Readers gender: gender neautral
Type: Fluff?
Warnings: not proof read, not announced change of povs
Hope you enjoy :)
The first time you two had met in high school
The reason he started to hate you in the first place because you were the popular kid
And from every TV show and or movie the popular kid was always snobby and didn't have a care in the world. So he started to believe you were exactly like that
And the reason you hated him was simply because every time you tried to talk to him he'd scoff and roll his eyes
Who wouldn't get anoyed at that?
And so, you two were known in highschool because of your rivalry
Kevin would purposefully drop small notes into your backpack and or hide your stuff to quote 'get you back' end quote
While you would as well put pathetic fake love notes into his backpack as well as steal his pencils and pens
The sound of chalk on the board and the teachers bored tone echoed around the room as Kevin was getting more and more tired by the second
Finally getting sick of the teachers talking he lifted his hand up, when the teacher turned around she opened her mouth to speak
"Yes Kevin?" She asked, tilting her head as she waited for a response
"May I use the restroom?" He asked, lowering his hand. The teacher let out an anoyed sigh
"Yes, you may." At that Kevin stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom
The teacher continued on with the lecture as Y/n looked back at Kevin's empty seat, they let out a quiet chuckle as they ripped a peace of paper and wrote a quick note on it
'Meet me at the rooftop, at lunch time ;)'
And they put it into Kevin's backpack, being careful and quiet so the teacher wouldn't notice
When it was lunch time Kevin rushed to the rooftop and waited for the mysterious person to show up. But of course, they never did
Kevin quickly realized and groaned at his stupidity as now he had lost his whole lunch break
It didn't go too extreme since you both didn't want to get expelled
So all throughout highschool you were butting heads and talking smack about each other. Wether it be face to face or talking to your friends
When highschool ended you were both relieved to never see each other's faces again. While you had moved and started to actually enjoy life, Kevin was stuck working at a candy shop
As more years passed both of you now seemed to realize the mistakes you two made with your rivalry
While Kevin was more ashamed of himself for putting the expectations of you being a snobby rich kid he had only now realized how nice you actually were
When he looked back he had memories of seeing you afar, either helping a nerd tht was beaten us by treating his wound's wefore sending them to the nurses office, or feeding a stray dog/cat
And he couldn't help but beat himself up for putting those thoughts up first before actually talking to you. But deep inside him he still felt a little hated towards you for doing those little pranks on him even though he started doing them first
While you just looked back and still felt a burning haterid towards the raven haired boy. Never actually finding out the reason as to why he hated you, but always seeing him from afar treating other people better than he had treated you
But you had still felt ashamed for writing those fake notes and putting them in his backpack, even though every time you wrote the note it seemed more and more meaning full. As well as stealing his pens and pencils
And, if you were being completely honest, the reason you went up to him wasnt just to make small talk. Ever since you had seen him enter the classroom you were in it was like an angel has entered
So when you tried to talk to him you could just imagine how heartbroken they were, having their crush hate them
And one fateful day, you had returned to your home town to visit your family and old friends
Walking down the street you saw a familiar candy shop and the memories of you going there when you were younger just flooded in
And so, to fulfill your inner child, you walked in
And when you saw Kevin at the counter you could feel the butterflies in your stomach
While Kevin was just feeling panicked
"Well, funny seeing you here." Y/n said as they approached Kevin. He could feel heat rising to his cheeks as he cleared his throat
"I thought you moved away." He mumbled, leaning against the counter as he looked at the floor in shame, lol of the bad high school memories coming back to him
"I know this night be a bit awkward to you, but I'm not here to pull any pranks." Y/n joked, making Kevin let out a huff of laughter, "But.. I've been wondering. Why did you exactly hate me?" Kevin swallowed the lump in his throat as he let out an awkward laugh
"haha, well.. you're gonna absolutely have me for this, but..." Kevin started, Y/n put their hands on the table as they listened closely, "Since I watched too many teen movies.. I kind of made the connection that all popular kids were assholes." He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly
Y/n started to laugh as Kevin felt more embarrassed by the second
And from that point on, you two became some sort of friends
You come to the candy shop every day. Internally screaming every time you accidentally made even the slightest contact with him while Kevin was just oblivious
But as time passed Kevin seemed to start noticing his feelings towards you. But he was of course too blind to see your feeling's towards him
And on one perfect day, both of you decided to confess to one another. And I repeat: both
Y/n walked towards the candy shop, gripping the end of their shirt anxiously as they came closer and closer towards the shop. They
They opened the door as Kevin's head shot up. He also seemed a little on edge but at the moment Y/n didn't pay any mind to that
"Hey Kevin. How're you doing?" Y/n asked awkwardly as they leaned against the counter
"GoOd." Kevin's voice cracked, making him cry internally
The two stayed in an uncomfortable silence before they both wanted to break the silence.. at the same time
"I need to tell you something." They both said in usion
"Sorry, you can go first." Y/n apologized as they looked at Kevin
"Nononono, you go first." Kevin insisted
"Why don't we both say it at the same time?" Y/n asked
"Sure, why not. But we sould at least go somewhere private." Kevin said, pointing towards the huge window's of the shop as people passed by. Y/n nodded slightly as they followed Kevin
"Okay, on the count of three."
"I really like you!" They both yelled. They looked at each other with wide eyes before they both bursted out in laughter
"God, we're so pathetic!" Y/n laughed as they clutched their stomach
When their laughter finally died down the two could only stare at each other with warm smiles. Kevin then boldly wrapped his hand around their waist ad pulled them towards him
"May I kiss you?" He asked with an unsure tone of voice, Y/n let out a giggle and slightly leaned in
"Yes, you may." The two connected their lips as they shared a long and tender kiss
God, the relief the two of you felt when you confesed to each other. You might as well have been in heaven at that moment
And now as Kevin and you both looked back at the past memories in highschool and the awkward confession you wo shared, you couldn't help but laugh at your guyses stupidity
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allfandomxreader · 2 years
Back to You | 3
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eight months ago, you swore you would never step foot in Hawkins again. When Robin begs for you to come home for spring break, you find yourself agreeing despite better judgment. You’ve missed everyone, you could endure one more week in Hawkins if that means you can see your friends again.
Words: 8.5k sorry
Part: 3/9
Warnings: Language, alluded depression and anxiety, I think that’s it?? 
A/N: ahhh I just love this series so much and I have been DYING to write episode 4 so I will start on it asap. This part is loosely edited sorry but I’d love to know your thoughts and opinions on it so far :)) 
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You slam the door to your childhood bedroom cringing at the loud bang it sends throughout the home out of habit. Your mother’s shifts changed from morning to night in the early years of middle school. She griped for months about needing her rest during the day. You grew accustomed to tiptoeing and whispering around the house in an effort to make your presence unknown. You learned how to make your own meals and set the table for one at a young age.
Sure, in high school it made things easier. You never had to sneak out or people in. She never bothered to ask about where you were going or whom you were going with. Curfews didn’t exist in your household and because of that, fellow classmates said they envied you. You didn’t tell them how she never came to science fairs or spelling bees, and that you stopped asking her to come to any event because you already knew her answer. Maybe that’s why you were adamant about supporting the kids. You’d be the first to volunteer to drive them to or from. You always sat front row in the audience at whatever it was they were doing. You knew how it felt to look into a crowd of faces and nobody was there to cheer you on.
You always wished it had been different. You couldn’t help but wonder how life would’ve been if she were present. Steve understood this, his own lack of parental guidance started around the same time. You often wondered if loneliness was the foundation of your friendship. You would find yourself on his doorstep when the silence of your house grew too loud at night. He’d spend weeks at a time sleeping on your bedroom floor when his parents went on vacation and he wasn’t invited. The two of you always had each other.
Six weeks into the first semester of college your mom took another job. An almost constant 9-5, no weekends, no holidays. You felt like you had been ripped in two at the news. She missed the most crucial years of your life and as soon as they were over, she could finally be the mother you needed. It’s been hard trying not to hold it against her.
Your body deflates with a sigh of relief at the emptiness of the house. You rush towards the living room, throwing your backpack strap over your shoulder with haste. Picture frames clatter to the floor, glass shattering onto the hardwood.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You grumble. You’re already running late. Everyone decided to meet at the corner of Shirly Street at ten o’clock sharp to check on Eddie. You didn’t mean to oversleep, and you definitely didn’t mean to knock down pieces of your mom’s beloved memory wall. It was only for show of course, at least to you. Documentation that she was there when it mattered, even then, it never felt like enough.
Delicately, you pick up the photos, careful not to cut yourself on glass. Staring back at you were two children with toothy grins. You were ten at the time, Steve had just turned eleven. His arm was thrown around you and you held a fish in the air, proudness written across your features. It was the only thing you caught that whole vacation all those summers ago. Steve argued for years that it was technically his fish; he was the one who baited your hook after all. You’re certain he’d still argue that point if it were brought up today.
Your mother always adored Steve. He had her wrapped around his finger ever since he walked you home from the bus stop after the first day of kindergarten. Even after what he did eight months ago, she still believed he could do no wrong. In her letters, she’d update you on his life despite your pleading for her to stop. You reminded her that you didn’t care, deep down, you think both of you knew that was a lie. It was always small things of course; she was only ever informed through their conversations while she rented a movie or when running into him at the supermarket. On the rare occasion when she called, she’d ask if he wrote before hanging up the phone. The answer was always no.
You shouldn’t have been surprised to see Steve hanging proudly on the wall, there was almost as much of him as there was of you. You hadn’t realized until now just how inseparable the two of you truly were. It only made sense that he was present in so many moments frozen in time, he was a big part of your life, maybe the biggest. Even so, you wish your mother would take them all down.
You place the first picture back in its rightful spot, kicking the glass toward the wall and out of the way. It’s crooked but you decide to straighten it later, you don’t want to keep the others waiting longer than they had to. You quickly grab the second frame, lazily hanging it back on its nail.
Your breath hitches as you step away. It was the last picture the two of you took together, one you thought your mom never got developed. Steve stood behind you with his arms awkwardly wrapped around your waist, careful not to crush the corsage on your wrist. It was the nicest either of you had been dressed up.
You didn’t want to go to prom. The first time Steve asked you to be his date you laughed. You didn’t understand the appeal of it all. The thought of spending an evening in a gym that’s too hot in a dress too tight was not by any means your ideal night. The second time prom was mentioned he promised it wouldn’t be lame, that he’d try to make it the best night of your life. The third time, he told you that he just wanted to be normal, to go to a shitty high school dance and see his girlfriend in a fancy dress. You finally relented.  
Back then, Steve was true to his word. He had bought your favorite flowers, requested your favorite song, and spun you around on the dance floor until you were dizzy. He didn’t take his eyes off you the whole evening. He had a way of making you feel like the only girl in the world. It wasn’t the first time the two of you had danced together, no, that happened the year prior. To this day, that was the best night of your life.
Max stood on the pavement before you, rocking back and forth on her heels. It wasn’t often that you saw her nervous, quite frankly, you thought she wasn’t capable of that emotion. And yet, there she was, biting her lip and twiddling with her fingers.
“Do we really have to do this?” She groaned.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, but I promised your mom I’d get at least one picture of you.” You lifted the polaroid to your eye, centering the lens onto her. “Can you at least look like you’re not in pain?” She rolled her eyes and forced a smile, squinting when the flash went off. You hoped it’d be good enough for Susan, you knew Max wouldn’t let you take another. “Now was that so hard?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’ll see you later.”
“Oh, wait, before I forget.” You dug into your jean pocket and pulled out your lucky tube of strawberry-flavored lip gloss. “I brought this for you.” Her eyes grew wide as she took it. She complimented it the night before while you practiced her makeup for the dance. You had told her that it was your secret weapon, that every time you wore it you ended up kissing a cute boy.
“Think it’ll work?” She asked, applying a thin layer.
“Only one way to find out.” You laughed. She tried to pass it back to you, but you only shook your head. “Keep it, it’s yours.” With one last smile, you jerked your head toward the school. “Knock ‘em dead.” She grinned before she spun around and jogged away. “I’ll pick you up at 9:30!” You called after her. She flashed a thumbs-up behind her, not bothering to turn around before she reached the school doors.
“They grow up fast, don’t they?” You heard Steve’s voice and the rumble of his car beside you. Your body froze. You thought you had a few more days before you had to see him again. You weren’t planning on seeing him here, the middle school parking lot was the last place you expected him to be that night. “Guess we’re both on babysitting duty tonight, huh?” It hadn’t occurred to you that Dustin would ask Steve to drive him. You would’ve been lying to yourself if you said that hadn’t stung.
“She’s nervous” was all you could say, “just trying to make it a little better.” You willed yourself to face him. He stared at you through his open window, smiling when he caught your eye. You thought he looked as handsome as ever in that maroon sweater you always loved, and you kicked yourself for it. Without a word, you watched him pull into the empty spot next to your car and hop out.
“Hi,” he said once he stood in front of you. He was so close you could smell his cologne. “Long time no see.”
“Yeah, I guess it has been a while.”
“Thought you might’ve been avoiding me.” He forced a chuckle, but his eyes pled for you to reassure him otherwise.
“I’m not avoiding you, Steve.” You were. You were still scorned by his actions from Halloween, but by then that night had become an afterthought. You knew it was a stupid grudge to hold onto, especially since everything that happened with the Mindflayer the month before. Even in the midst of that, you saw how he looked at Nancy every time she came into his view. His yearning for her was evident through the way he talked and the way he moved. It was painful to be around almost twenty-four-seven for a week straight. On the nights he called, he only spoke of her, spilling his heart out to you while you listened with tears in your eyes.
The pain that came with loving Steve Harrington almost consumed you. You needed space, you needed time to grieve a relationship that never happened, to move on. So, you kept him at arm’s length. You ignored his calls here and there and made up excuses to not hang out. You weren’t sure what hurt more, being there to pick up the broken pieces of his heart or not being there at all.
“I’ve missed you.” He admitted sheepishly.
“Missed you too.” There was a beat of awkward silence that hung in the air. “I should probably get going.” You said finally. You noticed the frown that tugged on his lips before he spoke.
“Well no, wait, what are you doing right now? We could go grab dinner or watch a movie back at my place before they need to be picked up.” He offered.
“No, that’s okay. I was just gonna wait here and read until it let out, I have a feeling she’ll want to leave early. Wouldn’t want to make her wait in the cold.” Another lie.
“I’ll wait with you then. Who says the babysitters can’t have some fun of their own?” Before you could protest, he offered his hand out to you. “May I have this dance?”
“We can’t even hear the music out here.” You laughed. He ran to his car quickly, turning up the radio until you could hear the vocals bleed out from the windows. “Problem solved.” He said walking back to you, his hand still outstretched. With an eye roll, you placed your hand into his and he pulled you close. You swayed in the parking lot in silence. You had missed his sporadic ideas, the comfortableness in the quiet, but above all, you truly missed him.
“Look, I know I haven’t been the bestest of friends to you lately,” he began. You could hear his heartbeat quicken under the fabric of his shirt. “I don’t know what happened, it’s like ever since Nancy I completely pushed you onto the sidelines and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I just got so wrapped up in trying to be the best I could be and…” He trailed off and shook his head as if to rid the words on his tongue. “I feel like I don’t even know you anymore and that’s completely my fault. I just hope you’ll forgive me someday.”
“It’s okay, Steve.” Was all you managed to say, your words muffled by his shoulder. As much as all of that hurt, you just wanted your friend back.
“It’s really, really not, and I know that.” He chuckled but there was no humor behind his laugh. “Could we just start over? Pretend that I haven’t been a complete loser of a best friend for the past year?” You pulled away from his embrace to look at him fully. His eyes searched your face trying to read your features. Even after the things you’ve been through together, he never looked quite as scared as he did at that moment.
“I don’t ever want to start over with you, Steve. We can pick up right where we left off.” You said with a smile. The look of relief washed over him, his muscles relaxed in your arms.
“You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.” He whispered and pulled you into him tighter. Your breath was knocked out of your lungs when you realized how close the two of you were standing. His eyes darted from your own to your lips. He slowly leaned in. His eyelids fluttered closed.
“What are you doing?” You snapped, shoving his body away from you.
“Oh, come on,” Steve groaned, “don’t act like you haven’t thought about it.” You scoffed, shaking your head. Your blood boiled as you looked at him.
“I have thought about it every day for the past year and a half, Steve. I have wanted nothing more than for us to finally be together but not like this. I’m not ruining fifteen years of friendship just because you’re lonely.” You spat. “I know you’re hurting right now after Nancy and I’m sorry, but you do not get to use me to fill that void. I will do a lot of things for you, but I won’t do this. I’m not going to be second best to her anymore, and I’m certainly not going to be her rebound.”
“You think you’re second best?” His voice was softer than before. He stepped forward, running his hands through his hair in frustration. “I think I have been in love with you since we were eight years old.” You stopped breathing. You swore your heart was going to beat out of your chest. “It took me so long to finally realize it and by the time I did, you were flirting with Thomas Morrison or Craig Tolliver. I never thought we’d get the timing right but we’re here now and I don’t want to waste another second not being with you.”
“You love me?” You said breathlessly.
“God, I am so in love with you it’s almost unbearable.” He laughed, taking steps to reach you. “And I know I’m not the greatest person and I haven’t always done right by you, but I promise, cross my heart and hope to die, you have never been second best.” When he said it, no matter how hard you looked for a sign of dishonestly, you only found sincerity behind his eyes. “Can I kiss you now?” And you could only nod.
Loud bangs on the front door pull you out of the past and back into the present. You shake your head to rid the memory as you move towards the sound. Dustin, Robin, Max, and Steve all stand on your porch. You look at them in confusion before checking your watch. You still had five minutes before the designated meeting time.
“Change of plans, we’re raiding your fridge,” Dustin says with a grin. You step aside to let the group in, Max following Dustin toward the kitchen.
“Dingus here thought it’d look suspicious if someone saw us all buying groceries,” Robin explains with an eye roll but continues down the same path after them.
“It would!” Dustin shouts already tearing through your mother’s cabinets. “Anything off limits?” he asks, peaking his head out from behind oak to look at you.
“Uh, no, help yourself.” You say. You’ll tell your mom you’re stocking up for your apartment, she won’t bat an eye. You turn to Steve who still lingers in the doorway. He looked at ease taking in the familiarity of your home, almost nothing had changed since the last time he had been inside. He looks like he belongs here.
“Sorry,” he says, finally looking your way. “He wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“It’s fine.” You sigh, pursing your lips together. Steve’s head tilts in confusion looking you up and down.
“Is that my sweater?” He asks staring at the maroon fabric that hangs off your limbs.
“No,” it is. It was the one you wore each night you found yourself sleeping beside him. You finally stole a few months into dating. At first, it was a keepsake, a reminder of the night when your love story finally began. You’ve had it for so long now it lost his scent and the memory of him went with it. You had forgotten it never belonged to you in the first place. “I do have my own wardrobe these days.”
He doesn’t get the opportunity to respond before the others join you back in the room, each of them holding a bag full of food. “Okay, now we’re ready to roll.” Dustin states and leads the rest of you outside and to Steve’s car.
Dustin gives no warning as he kicks the door to Eddie’s hideaway open. You flinch at the sound, too paranoid that someone lurking in the woods will see you out there. Even though Reefer Rick’s abode resides in the middle of nowhere, the main road is still too close for comfort.
“Delivery service.” Dustin says trudging through the doorway. You spot the broken bottle clutched in Eddie’s hand. His fingers are wound so tight around the glass that his knuckles are white. He relaxes at the sight of the five of you, his breathing already starting to slow as he makes his way to Dustin, snatching the bag of food out of his grasp and taking a seat inside the boat.
“So, we got, uh, some good news and some bad news. How do you prefer it?” Dustin’s voice is cautious as he begins.
“Bad news first, always.” Eddie says between mouthfuls of Honeycombs.
“Alright, bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they’re definitely looking for you. Also, they’re uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy.” Dustin continues.
“Like, 100% kind of convinced.” Max chimes.
“And the good news?” Eddie asks, looking between the two youngest.
“Your name hasn’t gone public yet. But if we found out about you it’s only a matter of time before others do too and once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you.”
“Hunt the freak right?” Eddie asks, staring off into the distance.
“Exactly.” Robin finishes.
“Shit.” Eddie mumbles. Your heart breaks for him. You wish more than anything that this could all be over, that you could put your days of saving the world behind you. As much as you hate it, you don’t care that you’re up against an unknown creature again, at this point you should be used to it. You’ve made peace with the fact that your life is forever tainted by the Upsidedown, it’s taken everything from you already you don’t have much else to lose. Eddie doesn’t deserve this though, and neither did Chrissy. You wish that they both could’ve been left out, blissfully unaware of what grows in Hawkins beneath them.
“So, before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence.”
“That’s all, Dustin? That’s all?” Eddie snaps.
“Yeah, no, that’s pretty much it.” Even you roll your eyes at that.
“Listen, Eddie,” Robin sighs, “I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we’ve actually been through this kind of thing before. I mean, they have a–a few times,” Robin rambles. Eddie’s eyes lock with yours, softening as she speaks. “And—and I have once. Mine was more human-flesh-based and theirs was more smoke-related, but bottom line is, collectively, I really feel like we got this.” Robin smiles.
“Yeah see, we rely on this girl with superpowers, but, uh, those went bye-bye so, uh,” Steve trails off.
“So, we’re technically in, in more of the—" Robin moves her hands looking for the right word to finish her thoughts.
“The brainstorming phase.” Max nods.
“Brainstorming.” Everyone agrees.
“There’s, there’s nothing to worry about.” Dustin tries his best to be reassuring but he’s never been a good liar. Eddie looks at you then, you stand a little straighter under his gaze.
“You’ve been quiet.” Eddie points out, everyone’s attention lands on you.
“It’s nothing.” You shrug.
“Look, I know I’m new to this whole thing, but I’d like to know the full picture, at least most of it, the good and bad.” Eddie pleads.
“It’s just this is so different. Yes, we’ve been through this kind of thing before but not like this. We’ve dealt with possession and weird slimy dogs, and–and Russian labs. This feels so much bigger. And we’ve always had El, she has saved us every single time, how do we do this without her?” You look at your friends, each of their faces crumbling at your words. They know you’re right. “And whatever it is, it wants to be known, it’s not hiding anymore. It’s not taking people and killing them in the Upsidedown, it’s out in the open. It’s not contained in one spot like the lab or the mall so how do we know where it’ll be? And let’s say we do kill it, even though the entire town isn’t looking at Eddie a few people are. How do we convince them without telling the truth? They won’t believe anything we say about what we know.”  
Before anyone could answer sirens blare in the distance. Everyone scrambles at the sound. “Tarp,” Robin exclaims, “Tarp, tarp!” You hear the rustling of Eddie disguising himself as the rest of you run toward the window. Your heart races watching the cars. You can see it now, they’ll turn into the driveway, and one group will search the house while the other searches the boat house. They’ll find Eddie, place him in cuffs and take him to the station. They’ll take the five of you there too, questioning you for hours until inevitably, you’re behind bars as accomplices.
They all keep driving, not giving this place a single thought. Even though you���re relieved, you know it’s not a good sign.
“Let’s go,” Steve says, keys already in hand. Eddie’s head pokes out from under the tarp at the commotion.
“You’re safe for now, don’t leave until we get back!” You say, running after them and into Steve’s car once again. Steve drive’s through the backroads quickly, an eerie silence settles in the air.
“What do you think it is?” Dustin asks quietly from the other end of the backseat. He bounces his knee while staring out the window.
“Someone else is dead.” You say. You don’t have the energy to sugarcoat it.
“How do you know?” Max whispers, though deep down you think she knows it too.
“Because the last time I saw that many first responders was Starcourt,” Max gulps beside you, still haunted by the memory. Maybe you should’ve sugarcoated it. “And the time before that was when Pastor John had his stroke two years ago. This is too much of a coincidence to need that many people. Someone else was murdered.”
“I hope you’re not right about this.” Steve glances at you from the rearview mirror.
“Yeah, yeah me too.” Was all you could say before looking back out the window.
“Holy shit is that…” Steve mumbles pulling the car to a halt. All of you pile out of the car, taking in the scene. Nancy Wheeler stands in the midst of it all surrounded by police. Her face brightens at the sight of everyone. She offers a small wave, forcing a smile.
You lean on Steve’s car, all of you in silence watching her movements from a distance. You see Chief Powell flip his notebook shut. A lump forms in your throat as you take in the beige uniform, the one you’ve grown used to seeing Hopper in over the years. The constant reminder of the people you have lost is growing more unbearable by the second. With a final nod, Powell releases her from his questioning. She walks with her head down, clenching her fists together as she makes her way toward you.
“What are you guys doing here?” She says standing before the group. She looks each of you over waiting for someone’s answer.
“What are you doing here?” Steve responds. You watch as Nancy gulps, looking at the pavement before speaking.
“Fred was killed.” She whispers, unable to look anyone in the eye. “He was right there, and then he was just gone.” She shakes her head, trying to understand how it happened. You know she’s already blaming herself. Nobody knows how to fill in the silence.
“Shit,” Dustin mumbles. “I’m assuming that’s not a coincidence.”
“What do you mean?” Nancy looks up then.
“We should probably go somewhere a little more private to explain.” Dustin nods to the police, already making his way back into Steve’s BMW.
“I have to get my car, it’s back at the trailer park,” Nancy trails off, glancing at the five of you. “And it looks like you guys are out of room… I’ll walk back and then I can meet you anywhere.”
“I’ll walk with you,” you blurt. “I need some air anyway.”
“Whoa, another person just died out here and you just want to skip through the woods right now?” Steve asks looking between the two of you.
“Not like we really have another option.” You shrug. “We’ve fought off literal monsters, I think we can handle a two-minute walk, Steve.”
“I just don’t like the idea of you out there all alone.” Steve sighs, shoving his hands into his jeans.
“Since when do you care about sending me places alone?” You snap, unable to stop the words before they came. Steve’s face falls, heat rising to his cheeks out of anger.
“That’s not fair.” He bites back.
“Isn’t it?” You cock your head to the side, waiting for him to argue.
“You know what, forget I said anything.” He throws his hands into the air. “If you end up dead, that’s on you.” He seethes, yanking the door to the car open and throwing himself inside. You wince hearing the slam echo through the trees. Robin shoots you a glare before getting in herself. Steve starts the engine, his tires screeching as he peels off down the road.
Awkwardness settles over you and Nancy as you begin the short journey. You didn’t mean for an argument to happen, especially not in front of everyone. You really are trying to keep things civil between the two of you for Robin’s sake, Dustin’s too. You can’t help it, you’re already on edge, and being around Steve only made it worse.
“Sorry you had to see that.” You say. You don’t know why you felt the need to apologize, maybe it was out of embarrassment, or maybe you just want someone to be on your side.
“Don’t be, I totally get it.” The two of you are quiet again, only the sounds of your shoes scuffing the concrete fill the air. “I heard about what happened.” She says softly, as if asking permission to continue. Surprisingly, you’re relieved at the news. Even after all these months, you’re still not ready to tell the world what happened from your point of view. You’d rather them assume, to hear through the grapevine and write their own conclusions than relive your heartache. “It was fucked up. You’re allowed to still be angry.”
“Thank you, I needed that.” You say with a smile. Her words are nice to hear, you just wanted someone to justify your feelings, to be given the space where you don’t have to pretend that being around him isn’t sucking the life out of you.
“You know, I always thought the two of you would get married straight after graduation. Even when we were together, I never understood why he wasn’t with you.” She admits with a shrug. “When the word got out, I couldn’t believe it,” she shakes her head, “Still can’t. I don’t know how you’ve held it together so well.”
“Believe me, I am far from holding it together.” You admit.
“Oh, of course, I’m just saying if it were me,” she sucks in a breath, “I would’ve egged his house, or keyed his car, put Nair in his shampoo, something.” this makes you laugh. “You’ve always been good at that though, never showing weakness I mean.”
“I definitely thought about it, but it wouldn’t have made me feel any better.” The two of you are venturing into new territory, you’ve never talked about anything beyond surface level, and you’ve certainly never talked about Steve. “How are you and Jonathon?” You ask, desperate to think about something else other than your past.
“We’re good.” Her pitch changes but she says nothing else.
“Real convincing.”
“Honestly?” She sighs, “I don’t know how we are. He was supposed to visit over break but bailed at the last second and wouldn’t give me a real reason why.” Nancy folds her arms around herself as she talks.
“What the fuck?”
“I know, that’s weird right?” You nod in agreement. “And he’s been so distant lately and I don’t know if it’s because he’s nervous about his acceptance letter or if it’s the distance or if he’s found some other girl out there or what.”
“Have you talked to him about this?”
“I’ve tried but he always brushes it off, he’ll give one of his typical Jonathon excuses then hang up the phone. Now he won’t even answer.”
“That’s bullshit, I’m sorry.” You try to think of something better to say, to help comfort her in the same way she did you. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think he’s found someone else. There’s nobody better for him than Nancy Wheeler and he’s known that from the moment you got together. And if he has, fuck that and fuck him.” She chuckles giving a slight nod. “I’m sure he’s just scared. Everything has changed so quickly, and it’ll change even more once you both graduate. But right now, he’s supposed to be here and he’s not and I know how much that sucks. You don’t have to pretend to not be upset, not around me at least.” For the first time since you’ve started walking, you look at each other.
“I wish we could’ve been better friends,” she admits. “I feel like we’ve never had a chance to really talk.”
“Never too late to start.” Each of you smile, yet again bonding over pain.
“There they are.” She nods to the group of four, all of them sitting at a lone picnic table. Dustin waves at the sight of the two of you emerging down the path.
You slide into the edge seat next to Dustin, Nancy sits across from you as they fill her in on what you know. You can feel the tension in the air that falls over the six of you. Nobody can look you in the eye. Maybe you shouldn’t have snapped.
“So, you’re saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy, it’s from the upside down?” Nancy asks, trying to process the new information.
“If the shoe fits.” Steve mumbles.
“Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell. Or curse?” Dustin explains. “Now, whether or not he’s doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens, we don’t know.”
“It’s like Y/N said earlier, this is something different. Something new.” Max says.
“Doesn’t make sense.” Nancy shakes her head.
“It’s only a theory.” Dustin tries.
“No, Fred and Chrissy don’t make sense. I mean, why them?” Nancy questions.
“Maybe they were just in the wrong place. They were both at the game.” Dustin shrugs.
“And near the trailer park.” Max adds.
“We’re at the trailer park.” Everyone looks at the surroundings at Steve’s words. “Uh, should we maybe not be here?”
“There is something about this place. Fred started acting weird the second we got here.” Nancy says. You can tell she’s reliving their final moments in her head, slowly piecing things together.
“Acting weird as in...?” Robin trails off.
“Scared, on edge, upset.” Nancy lists.
“Max said Chrissy was upset too.” Dustin says.
“Yeah, but not here. She was crying in the bathroom at school.”
“Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right? So, maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecman—" Robin begins.
“Vecna.” Dustin corrects.
“I don’t know about you guys but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I’d mention it to someone.” Steve looks around the group at his confession.
“Maybe they did. I saw Chrissy leaving Ms. Kelley’s office. If you saw a monster, you –you wouldn’t go to the police. They’d never believe you.” Max explains, “But you might go to your—”
“Your shrink.” Robin finishes. Max nods in her direction.
“Let’s talk to Ms. Kelley and see what she knows.” Max says, throwing her legs over the bench to stand.
“That’s completely violating patient privacy,” you say following her lead. “She’s not going to tell you anything.”
“Better than nothing, which is what we have right now.” she shrugs.
Everyone marches toward the cars in silence lost in thought. Nancy breaks from the group first, heading to her own vehicle.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Nance!” Steve calls after her. “Where are you going?”
“There’s just something I want to check on first,” she waves her hand in dismissal.
“Something that you maybe want to share with the rest of us?” Dustin shouts from beside you.
“I don’t wanna waste anyone’s time. It’s a real shot in the dark.” She shrugs. “And I really don’t want to squeeze into your backseat. It makes more sense this way. You guys go, I’ll tell you if I find anything.”
“Yeah, no, it’s too dangerous. You need… You need someone too…” Steve trails off, you scoff at the scene. “Here. You go, I’ll stick with Nance, alright?” Steve says, tossing his keys to Robin. “You guys take the car, check out the shrink.”
“I don’t think you want me driving your car.” Robin says.
“I don’t have a license.”
“Why don’t you have a license?” Steve snaps, growing more irritated by the second.
“I’m poor.” She shrugs.
“Give me the keys.” You demand taking the keys just wanting the conversation to be over with. “I’ll try not to crash your car.” You flash him a snarky grin.
“Okay, no. Enough of this.” Robin snatches the keys from your grasp and takes a flashlight from Dustin’s backpack. “I’m going with Nancy,” Robin says, shoving the keys back into Steve’s hand. “You both are exhausting. You two need to figure your shit out, especially after what happened back there. I get it, you hate each other, whatever, get over it. We have bigger problems right now and we’re never going to solve anything if you two can’t get along for even two seconds.” She spins on her heel and heads straight toward Nancy’s car before you can even get a word in.
“Sorry.” Nancy whispers before following Robin’s lead.
“Be careful!” Steve calls after them.
“You just gonna stand there and gawk, Harrington?” Dustin giggles.
“Oh, shut up. Get in the car.” Steve groans, “Wipe your feet.” He demands as Dustin climbs into the front and rubs his feet on the floor mat. “On the outside, not the inside!” He starts the car with rage. “Always the babysitter, always the goddamn babysitter.”
Nobody utters a word as Steve drives. You busy yourself looking out the window watching the trees pass. It’s a weird feeling being sat behind Steve. Once upon a time, nobody dared to take your spot beside him. It was almost second nature sliding in through the passenger door and everyone else taking the back. Once, Dustin got into the front just to see how you’d react, it really didn’t faze you, you honestly didn’t care where you sat. He stood outside the car for five minutes straight demanding that you take back your seat because “it messes up the system!”. Now, you understand what he meant. Granted, so much more has been messed up since then.
“Be right back,” Max says, hopping out of the car before it even comes to a complete stop. She lingers in the doorway waiting for Ms. Kelley to answer, anxiously tapping her foot. When the door opens, Ms. Kelly seems surprised to see her standing there, you don’t really blame her for that. You try to make out what she’s saying but come up empty-handed, too far away to read her lips. Max throws a glance over her shoulder before stepping inside and shutting the door behind her.
“Okay, she’s in.” Steve says.
“I’m missing collar bones, not eyes.” Dustin comments. You smirk at this. You’re happy he’s found a way to joke about it after all these years, you know how insecure it made him growing up. “So, we gonna talk about it?” Dustin’s eyes are trained on Steve’s.
“Uh, sorry, talk about what?” Steve asks, tearing his head away from the counselor’s house.
“Your temporary insanity earlier today when you basically threw yourself at Nance.” You’re glad you’re not the only one who noticed, even so, a knot festers in your stomach.
“Okay, first of all, that’s not what happened.”
“Pretty sure it’s what happened. It was pretty public. There were like a lot of witnesses.” Dustin’s nose scrunches, fake embarrassment spreading through his features. “He threw himself at Nancy, right? You saw it too?” Dustin asks, turning around to look at you.
“Oh, I saw.” You want to throw up. You’ve spent years trying to force yourself into believing Steve had no feelings left for her. You’re starting to think you were wrong this entire time.
“Are you implying I still have a thing for Nance?” Steve snaps, looking at Dustin.
“No, I’m not implying. I’m stating. And, as it relates to your steadfast refusal to date Robin, it’s pretty much the only logical explanation.” Dustin says, looking back out through the windshield. You bite the inside of your cheek in an effort not to laugh.
“That’s not the only one.” Steve grumbles. “And as for Nance, I was just trying to protect a friend.” He explains but’s clear Dustin doesn’t buy it. “A friend, Henderson. Okay?”
“I don’t wanna find her in the morning with her eyes sucked out of the front of her skull by this Vecna creep.” Steve defends. Even if his words hold truth, you can tell he’s coming up with it on the spot.
“You’re like bright red in the face right now.” Dustin teases.
“No, I’m not. I don’t wanna talk about it.” Steve says rolling his eyes. “Why does everyone think I haven’t moved on from her.” Steve mumbles shaking his head.
“Uh, maybe because she was your first love? Everyone knows you never really move on from that.” Dustin says. Steve glances at you through the rearview, holding your gaze with soft eyes.
“That’s not true,” he says quietly, forcing himself to look away. “I’m done talking about this. Not another word or I’ll punch you so hard in your face that your teeth will fall back out.”
“Steven James!” His name tumbles out from your mouth faster than you could stop it. It was like second nature, as if you fell back into the role of the girl you were eight months ago. He knew he’d said too much.
“Whoa. Too far.” Dustin warns. They stare at each other for a beat.
“Not cool. Sorry.” Steve apologizes.
“Not cool. It’s okay.” They bump fists to solidify their peace. “So, uh, Y/N, how’s your boyfriend?” Dustin says in a poor attempt to change the subject.
“Oh, we broke up.” You admit quietly. It had been a brief relationship, it started towards the end of September. You weren’t looking to date at the time, still tending to your wounds from Steve. You fell hard and fast despite being convinced you’d never fall in love with another man. That’s the thing about love, it has a way of sneaking up on you without you realizing it and disappearing just as fast as it came.
Even though the months you had spent together were limited, you had never felt more alive. It was so painfully normal, how you wish every relationship could be, how you wish your relationship with Steve could have been. You didn’t have to worry about saving the world, you only cared about whose turn it was to pay for dinner and which apartment you were spending the night at.
“What? Since when?” Dustin asks, turning around in his seat to look at you fully.
“New Year’s Eve.” You force a chuckle, shaking your head. You haven’t thought about him much since. You think you liked who you were while you were together more than you liked him. It was easy being with him, there was no shared trauma or a history of friendship. He was new, exciting, and you loved every second of it. You almost forgot Steve existed entirely for those four short months. “He had the worst possible timing for that one. Must be a trend.” You look back out the window, ignoring the look Steve sends your way through the mirror.
“If you’re trying to make this even more awkward Henderson, you’re succeeding. Stop talking.” Steve huffs looking back toward the house. “Here she comes, here she comes, here she comes.” He says sitting up straighter in his seat, watching as Max bolts from the backside of Ms. Kelley’s home.
“What’d she say?” Dustin asks the second she throws the door open.
“Nothing, just drive.” She demands breathlessly sliding next to you.
“Nothing?” Steve questions.
“Steve, drive!” She shouts.
“Okay.” Steve’s wheels screech for the second time today, speeding down the road and out of the neighborhood. “Where am I going?” He asks, eyes trained on the road.
“The school.” She answers.
“The high school?” You ask, watching her dig in her jacket pocket.
“Yeah, she didn’t tell me shit.” She rolls her eyes.
“Told you.” You mumble.
“So, let’s find out for ourselves.” She says, holding up a keyring labeled ‘office’. With a single glance at the keys, Steve makes a sharp left turn, rerouting towards Hawkins high.
“What happens when we get to the school and there are cops everywhere?” Steve asks no one in particular.
“Why on earth would there be cops at the school, Steve?” Dustin laughs.
“No, that’s actually a valid question.” Steve gestures to you with a thankful motion, glaring at Dustin from your agreement. “As far as we know, the cops don’t know Reefer Rick is Eddie’s dealer, that’s why they haven’t found his hiding place yet. He has no other family besides his uncle, and he can’t go back home for obvious reasons. Where else would a kid still in high school have to go?”
“But why would he go back there at all?” Max asks.
“Maybe they think he’d go back for his drugs.” Steve shrugs.
“That’s ridiculous. Where would he even keep them, his locker? Eddie’s not that stupid.” Dustin says. Your lips turn into the faintest of smiles, it’s touching to see how quick he is to defend a friend despite not being in their presence. He’s always been that way to the people he loves. He told you once that he learned it from you.
“Yeah, not anymore.” Steve grumbles.
“Our senior year, someone tipped off the police that he was dealing at the school. They came and raided his entire locker and everything. They found all sorts of stuff in there. It was a pretty big deal.” You explain to the younger two. “They let him off with a warning but held him for back another year.”
“So stupid,” Steve scoffs. “why would anyone choose to deal drugs.” He shakes his head thinking out loud.
“People who don’t have the luxury of mommy and daddy paying for everything.” You snap. You’re not defending the way Eddie earns his income, but you understand. You know how it feels to be desperate enough to do anything just to afford to scrape by all too well.
It’s dark by the time you pull into the school parking lot. You scope the surroundings, there’s no sign of anyone around. You peek through the trees to get a glimpse of movement to make sure police aren’t hiding in the shadows.
“Safe to say there are no cops.” Sarcasm drips from Dustin’s lips.
“Unbelievable,” Steve says looking around the abandoned schoolyard. “I mean what do they even do? We found Eddie in less than twenty-four hours. We do their jobs better than they do.”
“Is that a surprise to you, Harrington?” You laugh, leading the way to the entrance. “Since when has anyone on the force besides Hop done their job? Even he didn’t do much before all of this shit happened.”
“Who knows how to pick a lock?” Dustin asks once in front of the door, leaning down towards the handle.
“Why would any of us know how to pick a lock?” Steve rolls his eyes.
“I know how.” Max admits. Both of their heads turn to her in disbelief.
“Or,” you trail off, reaching for the knob and opening the door with ease. “After you.” You say to Dustin, gesturing for him to enter.
You and Steve reach for the flashlights stuffed in Dustin’s backpack, hands brushing for only a moment. You snatch your hand away as if you’ve been burned. Steve hangs his head, pulling the flashlights out himself. You don’t look at him as he hands one to you. You start walking, sweeping the light over the floors and walls. You’ve always hated this place, you hate it even more in the dark.  
“Dustin, do you copy?” Robin’s voice pierces through the silence. Dustin reaches for his walkie and brings it to his lips as everyone rounds a corner.
“Yeah, I copy.”
“So, Nancy’s a genius. Vecna’s first victims date back all the way to 1959. Her shot in the dark was a bull’s eye.” Even through the static you can hear her excitement.
“Okay, that’s totally bonkers but I can’t really talk right now.” The walkie beeps.
“Wait, what are you doing?” She asks.
“Breaking and entering a school to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files.”
“Can you repeat that?”
“Just get your ass over here, stat. We’ll explain everything.” He orders, jabbing the antenna back into its rightful place.  
Max shoves the key into the locked office. With one final look over her shoulder, she pushes the door open, and everyone trails in behind her. She makes a beeline for the file cabinet in the corner of the room, you’re hot on her heels.
“It’s like a mini Watergate or something.” Dustin whispers looking around the room. Max pulls open the drawer filled with manila folders. “Hawkinsgate.” He murmurs somewhere behind you. You pay no attention to his words as you hold the light for Max. She combs through files passing over Chrissy Cunningham’s name. Your heart stops when you spot your own.
“Wait a second, didn’t those guys get caught?” Steve whispers.
“Holy shit.” Max mumbles. Her hands stop moving. You look closer, her fingers hover over a file labeled with Fred’s name.
“You found it?” Dustin walks closer, abandoning his conversation altogether.
“Yeah, and not just Chrissy’s file.” She says pulling out Fred’s. “Fred was seeing Ms. Kelley too.” The four of you look at one another, trying to piece together a puzzle that doesn’t yet fit. Max turns, taking a seat in Ms. Kelley’s chair, flipping open Chrissy’s file. You peer over her shoulder, skimming through the notes. “Can I see Fred’s file?” Max says after a few minutes have passed.
“Yeah,” Steve whispers, passing her the folder, leaning down to get a closer look. Max looks up from reading and stares at nothing in particular on the table before her.
“Max, what is it?” Dustin asks, attempting to follow her gaze. “Max!” He tries again. “Max!”
You come out from behind her, turning the chair so she can face you fully. “Max, hey, look at me.” You plead. She doesn’t blink. She’s staring right through you as if you aren’t even there. “Max?” You call out to her. Frantically, you look between the boys, both of them just as worried as you.
“Max, come on.” Dustin urges.
“Max?” Steve shakes her shoulder in an attempt to wake her. Tears sting the back of your eyes, threatening to spill at any moment.
Without warning she jerks, coming to. Her eyes are wild as she looks between the three of you. She throws her arms around your neck, choking back a sob. Instinctively, you hold her tight, rocking her back in forth to calm her down.
“Hey, shh, it’s okay I got you.” You coo. Dustin and Steve share a collective sigh of relief at the sight. “You’re okay, you’re safe.” Though when you say it, it feels like a lie. You aren’t sure what just happened, what you witnessed, what Max saw, but you know whatever it was, it’s not good.
And even though you hate this town after everything it has done, after everything it’s taken from you, you’re happy to be here in this moment for Max’s sake. You know she wouldn’t cling to Dustin or Steve. She’d wear her confidence like a mask, her walls would become so high and she wouldn’t show a moment of weakness. She knows she doesn’t need to be brave, not around you. So, you’ll sit here, hold her, and let the mask fall as she weeps in your arms for as long as she needs.
Forever tags: @superfrankie111 // @rueinn // @lemonadeorange73 // @simplechicwithacrazedheart // @youshutthefuckupville // @captainpeggy40 // @alexdamereysmith // @llatpdnmm // @dummiesshort // @quaksonhehe
Steve Tags: @empathetic-vibrations // @loulouloueh // @soulmatecashton
Back to You Tags: @p-rspective // @gloryekaterina // @boomitsallie1​ // @sundarksposts // @themyththelegendthenerd​ // @gengen64​
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putawayurhalo · 2 years
Out For Blood | Chapter 13: Leap Year
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Munson!Reader ; Eddie Munson x Fem!Henderson!O.C.
Warnings:  Strong language, season 4 vol. 1 (NONE FOR VOL. 2 YET) spoilers, angst, slight fluff, MAJOR MENTIONS OF DEATH, Vecna is a warning on his own. Not heavily edited because I never pick up on the typos until after I post things so hahaha
Word Count: 2.1k
Author’s Note: Second chapter of the day because the other one was too short in my opinion... this one is too but like together they make up a normal chapter so yee. WAS GONNA POST THIS LATER BUT DECIDED Y’ALL CAN HAVE IT NOW ENJOY
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“Please, help me.” The little girl asked her again. (Y/N) frantically looked around the area before picking up the mini version of herself.
“Come on.” She whispered to her as she started running with her in her arms.
“I wouldn’t trust her if I was you.” (Y/N) halted and turned to look where the voice was coming from.
“Roxy?” She asked.
“That’s my name, don't wear it out.” Roxy rolled her eyes, “Welcome back to the dark side (Y/N/N).” She sarcastically spoke before looking at the kid, “Listen kid, don’t trust her to save you from this hell hole. She couldn’t save me so what makes you think she can save you?”
“Roxy, I didn’t even know what was going on…” 
“Bullshit, (Y/N)! You were too busy cuddling it up with Steve Harrington to realize I had bruises on my wrist and my neck the week leading up to the night I ‘died’... which by the way I died before then, I was missing for days and no one realized, not my parents, not Jennifer, and not you.” Roxanne shouted at her. 
“Roxy, if I had known I would have helped you, you know that!” (Y/N) shouted, Roxanne crossed her arms and chewed on the inside of her cheek as she looked at the girl and the smaller one in her arms before she looked over her shoulder and her eyes widened.
“Look (Y/N)... you don’t have much time.” Roxanne began, “Take a deep breath, this isn’t over yet. You need to run like a bat of hell and don’t stop for anything, don’t look back, just keep running.” Roxanne grabbed her shoulders, “GO!” 
(Y/N) began running, jumping over small objects on the ground, “(Y/N) you don’t actually believe any of us care about you.” She heard Jenny’s voice, but she shook her head and continued running.
“None of us actually like you, (Y/N), we just pity the poor girl whose parents never loved her enough to stick around.” Robin’s voice spoke, but she kept going.
“It should have been you who died at the mall that night, not Billy, not Roxanne.” Max’s voice, (Y/N) felt tears fall down her cheeks but she kept going, avoiding roots and tree branches as she kept going.
“You were never a good sister, (Y/N), nothing but a selfish little brat.” Eddie’s voice… younger (Y/N) dropped her teddy bear and gasped but older (Y/N) kept running.
“(Y/N), my bear.” The younger version spoke.
“We can’t stop now, we have to keep going.” She told her but as she heard the small sobs come out of her she turned around to grab the bear only to find someone else had already grabbed it.
“(Y/N), come home.” Her mother held the bear in her hands. (Y/N) looked at her mother, the image of her in her head was different from the one in front of her. The version of her mother she liked to remember was the happy one, the one who took care of her and Eddie and watched Saturday morning cartoons with them, tucked her in every night, kissed her forehead and turning on her favorite nightlight… but the one in front of her, this one’s hair was disheveled, she reeked of alcohol, the smile she’d usually wore was replaced by a frown.
“No.” She replied, reaching for the bear.
“You’re not getting this back.” Her mother snarled at her. 
“It’s not yours.” She stood her ground, something she wished she had done that day Wayne picked her and Eddie up. She reached for it again but her mother held it above her head, ripping the head of the bear and laughing. 
“No!” The younger version of herself screamed, (Y/N) turned to look at her seeing the pained look on her face, she knew that feeling all too well. 
She turned back around and looked at her ‘mother’, “I’m glad I fucking left that day. I’m glad I told Uncle Wayne what was going on because your selfish actions would have killed three of us instead of just yourself.” All of her pent up anger was being let out, years of resentment finally released, she no longer blamed herself for what her mother did.
“You ungrateful bit-”
“(Y/N)!” The younger version of her screamed, she quickly turned around and didn’t see her, only to be met with a tall figure.
“It’s time, (Y/N), time for you to join me.” Vecna spoke but she turned back around and started running only to find herself in the red room Max described, suddenly her younger self was standing in front of the door with rose stained glass.
(Y/N) looked around at the pillars where Fred and Chrissy’s bodies were… she noticed a third but couldn’t quite see who it was as Vecna grabbed her shoulder and turned her around, “How do you like them, (Y/N)? Would you like to join them?”
“Fuck no, you Freddy Krueger wannabe.” She spat at him, but Vecna grabbed her and lifted her up.
“All of your misery could be gone just like that (Y/N).” Vecna spoke, and truth was (Y/N) was feeling drained from the running, she looked over at her younger self before back at Vecna. She breathed heavily and closed her eyes as she thought of happy times… only for them to be clouded by visions of horrible things happening to those who she loved.
“Ooh baby, do you know what that’s worth?” She heard the voice of Belinda Carlisle mixed with a male one. She opened her eyes and smirked at Vecna as she turned and looked across the way, seeing Steve holding her close to him, Max holding the walkman, Jenny and Robin holding her down with Steve to keep her from floating up.
“They can’t help you.” Vecna spoke to her.
“Ooh Heaven is a place on Earth.” 
“You really underestimate me don’t you?” She asked him, but he didn't respond, “See unfortunately for you, I have some enemies to live to spite so I’m just gonna.” She headbutted Vecna and he dropped her, she ran towards her younger self.
“Come on.” She spoke but the younger girl shook her head.
“No… you go, I’m not afraid anymore.” She said in time with the song before dropping her teddy bear and grabbing a broken pillar off the ground, “HEY STINKY HEAD! EAT SHIT!”
(Y/N) laughed slightly before running towards the opening that showed her friends. ‘I’m not giving Vecna that satisfaction’  she thought to herself as she continued running as pillars and rocks began to fall around her. She dodged most of them but she tripped as she dodged one, her ankle throbbed, “Shit.” She muttered before looking behind and seeing Vecna approaching her. 
She slowly stood up, hopping a little bit “You’re not taking this away from me.” She spoke as she continued running.
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“WHY ISN’T IT WORKING?” Steve yelled as he held (Y/N) close to him afraid that if the minute he lets go she’ll be in the air, bones snapping out of place.
“I don’t know Steve! We’ve played the song on repeat.” Max shouted back at him with tears in her own eyes. 
“Which song?” He asked.
“Rainbow Connection. Why?” Jenny asked back.
“It’s not that one! Switch it to track five!” Steve shouted, “Hurry!”
“I’m trying!” Max shouted back.
“What’s track five?” Robin asked.
“Heaven Is a Place on Earth?” Max replied questioningly. 
“Come on, this has to work…” Steve mumbled as he pressed his face against (Y/N)’s singing along to the song as he held her tighter.
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“Steve, can we go in the pool now?” Mike asked him with sass. The group had gone over to his house for the evening for some group bonding and by group bonding it meant the kids used Steve as a glorified babysitter and forced him to pay for their pizza. 
“Sure, sure, whatever, just don’t drown.” Steve replied looking out his front window.
“Oh my God, Steve, she’ll get here when she gets here. Stop looking out the window like a puppy waiting for its owner, it’s disgusting.” Max nudged him and rolled her eyes before following Lucas outside. 
She did show up eventually, but the sun had gone down and the kids were now playing out front. Max was teaching Lucas how to skate, Mike and Will sat next to each and laughed every time Lucas fell off the board. Steve recognized Eddie’s van as it pulled up, he watched as (Y/N) got out of the van, three pizza boxes in hand.
“Where’s Jenny?” Will asked her as he noticed her walking toward them.
“She got called into work.” She shrugged, “One cheese and one pepperoni for you guys.” She smiled as she handed two of the boxes to the kids. 
“What’s in the third one?” Mike asked her, an eyebrow raised.
“None of your business, Wheeler.” She smiles before ruffling up his hair slightly and then making her way towards Steve.
“Hey.” She smiled at him.
“Hey.” He smiled back before taking the pizza box from her and opening the front door, “Come on, let’s get away from the kids.” She nodded and went inside. She waited for Steve to close the door before following him into the kitchen. “So why did Eddie drop you off?”
“Jenny was called into work by Robin, I guess what’s his face didn’t show up again and it’s a weekend in the summer so you know… the typical Scoops crowd.” She told Steve as he got her drink out of his fridge. “I had to beg Eddie to drive me though, owe him big time since I made him stop at the pizza place.” 
“I could have gotten it…” Steve handed her the drink.
“And leave the kids unsupervised at your house? You want your parents to kill you?” (Y/N) asked him with a giggle. Steve smiled at the sound as he grabbed the pizza box off the counter and led her to the living room. He gestured to the couch for them to sit, the two sat in silence for about a minute before (Y/N) began talking about this song she heard on the radio as she was getting ready, Steve only caught the title of the song before he was lost in thought as he watched her animatedly talk about the lyrics. 
“Steve… Steve, hello are you listening to me?” (Y/N) sat across from him on his couch, a can of soda in her left hand and a slice of pizza in the other that she waved in front of Steve’s face trying to get his attention.
“Yeah… yeah, sorry I got distracted by the kids outside.” Steve joked, he heard bits and pieces of what lyrics she was telling him.
“Haha, funny.” She sarcastically said with a smile before taking a bite of her slice of pizza.
“I wish I had one of those cool radios where I could have recorded the song… I wish you could hear it right now.” She looked out the window at the kids who were all sitting in a circle with the pizza boxes in front of them, the group laughing at something.
Steve reached out and touched her thigh, “Well now I’ll just have to listen to the radio and hope they play this ‘Hell is a Place on Mars’ song.” Steve joked.
“Steve,” (Y/N) gasped, “It’s called ‘Heaven is a Place on Earth’ if you’re going to try and listen to my new favorite song at least get the title correct.” She rolled her eyes and giggled.
“A song better than The Rainbow Connection, I never thought I’d see the day.” Steve fake gasped and put his hand over his chest.
“Oh God, Steve please don’t.” (Y/N) groaned.
“I’ve heard them calling my name. Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?” Steve purposely sang off-key, (Y/N) groaned grabbing a throw pillow and covered her face. “The voice might be one and the same.”
“Steve stop, please I’ll do anything, just stop.” She pleaded.
“Anything?” Steve raised an eyebrow at her.
She removed the pillow from her face and glared at him, “No, gross, Steve!”
“I’m joking!” He said as she threw the pillow at him with a giggle. “Oh that’s it, you’re getting it now.”
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(Y/N) gasped for air as she felt herself in Steve’s arms. She looked around and saw the rest of the group as she breathed heavily.
Steve held her closer to him, “I’ve got you, I’ve got you… he can’t take you away from me.” He whispered to her as he rubbed her back with one hand and held her head to his chest with the other.
“I’m happy to be here.” She whispered back as she held him tighter, crying into his shoulder.
Taglist crossed out means it wouldn’t let me tag you we’ll blame tumblr for that one: @preciousbabypeter​​ @honeymunson​​ @willgrahampills​​ @secretsicanthideanymore​​ @tanyaherondale​​ @lettyshush​​ @kayt-marie​​ @live-the-fangirl-life​​ @burn1ngw00d​​ @alainabooks143​​ @kamala-khann​​ @dessmxsworld​​ @xstormiii​​ @guichu​​ @fromthediariesofaoncer
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dyk3medown · 2 years
hey lovely! I have a robin request haha 😄
I'm thinking maybe reader is a cheerleader and kind of popular but she's not the mean type and is more of a nice go everyone type? and reader has been pulled into the upside down stuff and robin confesses to liking reader when they're alone due to being stressed about reader possibly getting hurt?
I'm sorry for how frantic and messy this request is I for some reason can't word things well at the moment 😅.
<3 thanks love!!
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robin buckley x reader
summary: robin ends up in the upside down with the cheerleader she's been pining over for years
warnings: fem!reader, some allusions to period-typical homophobia, there’s a small injury, gals being gay
a/n: i may have been a bit too confident in my abilities when I was asking for request considering nowadays my writing experience is almost exclusively academic papers but here we go anyway! i really hope you enjoy this <3
edit: i just realized this is my first ever real fic so go me!! let’s go lesbians!!
Robin Buckley was obsessed with Y/N L/N. From the moment you walked through the gym’s double doors to come practice the big routine with the band, she couldn’t take her eyes off you. In all honesty, she was kind of in love.
It would’ve been a lot easier for her to deal with her feelings if you had done what she assumed you would do, which was ignore her. To her dismay, Robin quickly discovered that you intended to do nothing of the sort.
Unlike most of the other cheerleaders, you actually interacted with the band at joint practices, occasionally wandering over to the bleachers and striking up conversations when you had a break. You took the time to learn everyone’s names and seemed genuinely interested in what people had to say, even when it involved musical terminology that you were clueless about.
It seemed like something out of some cheesy movie. The band kid falling for the cheerleader? Aisle 7-b of Family Video had at least three films with the exact same plot.
As much as Robin might have wished it so, in real life, cliches like that just didn’t happen, especially if the lead roles were both girls. Looking back, maybe it wasn’t too unrealistic, considering the horror movie you had found yourselves trapped in.
Following a blurred and panic-filled series of events, you had managed to land yourself in what Robin called “The Upside Down.”
Almost immediately, you were swarmed by what looked like demonic bats, and one of them had managed to attach itself to your leg, leaving a wound that was steadily oozing blood.
After Robin ripped the creature off of you, the two of you managed to fight off the initial swarm before running and finding cover. Robin tried her best to give you an abridged version of everything that had happened behind the scenes in Hawkins the past few years, and, all things considered, you were taking it quite well.
Robin, on the other hand, was almost hysterical.
The two of you huddled under a large fallen tree, using a torn strip of Robin’s shirt to wrap your wound. Her hands shook as she applied the makeshift bandage, and you hissed in pain as she tied it off.
Robin winced at the sound, apologizing frantically. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry, you never should’ve been dragged into this-” “Robin,” you started. “-It’s all my fault I c-” “Robin.” “Shit, I’m so so sorry-“ “Robin!” You reached forward and gently cupped her cheek in one hand, making her look at you.
“None of this is your fault,” you assured her, looking directly into her eyes.
She tried to speak again, but you cut her off. “Listen to me. Whatever messed up shit is happening right now, none of it is on you. Robin, you saved my life.”
You suddenly realized how close you had gotten. Your faces were only inches apart, close enough for you to count the freckles that dotted across her nose. You let your hand drop from her face, suddenly very nervous.
You normally had no problem with confidence, nervousness being a rather foreign feeling, but there was something about the girl in front of you that gave you butterflies in your stomach.
“I can’t let anything happen to you,” Robin said quietly. “You’re too important and good, and god (Y/N), I’ve liked you for so long and I know you’ll never feel the same way and I can’t believe i’m telling you this now but if we don’t make it out I just wanted you to know-”
You surged forward and pressed your lips to hers, effectively putting an end to her rambling. She remained frozen for a few seconds as if in shock before melting into it, eagerly kissing you back. You teased her bottom lip with the tip of your tongue, and she gasped, the prettiest sound you’d ever heard. You wanted more of those noises; you wanted to hear all of them, to make her whine and moan and fucking scream.
Your parents would kill you if they could see you right now, and you couldn’t imagine what your friends would think, but all that mattered in the moment was Robin.
Robin, who made sarcastic comments at practice that always managed to crack you up. Robin, who never shut up in the most endearing way. Robin, whose lips were so soft against yours.
You broke apart after a few more moments, panting, a giddy smile painting both your faces.
“I like you too, if that wasn’t obvious.” “Yeah?” Robin beamed at you. “Yeah.”
Robin snorted as the absurdity of the situation set in. “You know I always imagined our first kiss would be somewhere nicer.”
You giggled lightly. “Not exactly first date material, right?”
“I’d really like to take you out. On a date, I mean.” Robin laughed nervously. “I mean only if you want to, I understand if you don’t want to be seen with me in public or anything.”
A roar rang out in the distance, and you both jumped.
“Let’s get out of here first, and I’d love nothing more.”
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jungwnies · 2 years
idk if you've seen those tiktoks with couples where the dudes s/o will go on their knees in front of them to make it seem like they're about to give head but they just end up "grabbing something" but i'd love to see something like that tbh with TXT
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summary: making them think they're about to receive head, but you're actually just grabbing something from the floor >:) - you can find the tiktok here -
contains: suggestive content, this is NOT a smut, just VERY suggestive. warning: may contain spelling errors, sorry LOL a/n: hi ily all <3 *starts under the cut*
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─  ੈ❀˳ choi yeonjun
you'd see the tiktok casually whilst scrolling on your fyp, and the first think you think is, i'm gonna do this to yeonjun.
you walk out of the bedroom and see yeonjun sitting on the couch watching tv comfortably
you look at your wrist to make sure you had a hair tie slipped around before walking out the room fully
with caution you set up your phone to record, you give a thumbs up to the camera before letting out your last laughs
yeonjun still completely blindsided to what's about to happen to him
you make your way over to couch, yeonjun puts his arms out waiting for a hug
poor baby didn't get one because you were too focused on the prank you were about to pull :'(
luckily, yeonjun was man spreading so you go in-between his legs
he was expecting you to just plop down into his lap but is taken aback when you start to get on your knees looking down while also tying your hair at the same time
"oh, so this what we're doing." yeonjun definitely says to you with a smug look on his face ready to receive the head of his life
you hold in your laughter with intent to keep a straight face, you bend down and try to grab something random under the couch
yeonjun leans back, head up, he was already wearing gray sweats so he knew you wouldn't have trouble taking them off if you needed to
ew, an old candy wrapper, you stick your hand a little deeper into the couch quickly and grab something else
so this is where the tv remote went you thought to yourself beginning to pull yourself up
you get back up and hold the candy wrapper in his face, "i forgot to throw this out."
you stand up and walk away to the near by trash can
leaving yeonjun with a boner and pouty because he thought he was about to get sucked off, rip.
you hear footsteps trail behind you and you turn around to see a slightly agitated yeonjun who still had a pout on his face
his aura and energy definitely screamed, "i'm about to fuck the shit out of you right now."
his arms snake around your waist and he turns you to face him "you think that's funny, huh."
you bust out laughing and he removes himself off your waist and crosses his arms confused
"it's a prank baby, for tiktok."
yeonjun sighs, boner gone, "where's the camera."
you point to the camera hiding behind the small plant that was placed on the skinny table along the wall.
you walk over to your phone to end the recording and place it down
"edit the last part out, i was about to fuck you right here."
you turn around and face yeonjun,
lord he is one fine specimen of man
"then do it."
best believe, he did.
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─  ੈ❀˳ choi soobin
the tiktok randomly appears on your fyp, and soobin was home all day since he didn’t have schedules so you decided it would be funny to prank him
soobin usually isn’t the type of guy to ask, “can u give me head,”
so you had no idea how he would react you to pretending to get ready to suck him dry
you take your hair out of the bun you had it in originally and loop the hair tie around your wrist
you set your phone up from afar against a vase and make sure it’s hidden
you wave at the camera and finally make your way towards your sweet boyfriend :’)
you look around and see the remote placed on the floor by soobin, perfect.
soobin sees you walking towards him, “hi baby.” 
you plop down next to him and lean against him 
his arm wraps around your shoulders as your seated against him and in about 2 minutes you make your move 
you give him a sweet little peck on the lips and make your way down into his crotch area
he doesn’t think anything of it at first until you pushes his legs apart by accident as you reached down
soobin’s eyes widen and a bright pink flushes his face
“y/n, what are you doing.” 
you look up at him and begin to tie your hair
“baby, baby stop, what are you doing,” soobin says panics stopping you by putting his hands on your shoulders
you grab the remote from the floor and show it to him, 
“i wanted to change the channel but you put the remote on the floor, what did you think i was gonna do?"
soobin lets out a long sigh of relief, his cheeks now bright red embarrassed that he thought you were gonna give him head
“you know,,, i thought,,,” he facepalms himself and lets out another sigh, with a noticeable hint of embarrassment from his tone.
you try to contain your laughter but you couldn’t keep it in and laugh, 
“i know, i’m sorry it was because is saw this tiktok of a girl doing it to her boyfriend.” 
you grab your phone from it's hidden position and walk over to soobin sitting in the spot you were originally in
"let's watch."
his arm once again goes around you and he looks at your phone, his head leaning against your shoulder :')
you click the play button, and the room is shortly filled with laughter.
"i was so embarrassed, i wasn't expecting that." soobin says while laughing
you place a kiss on his lips, "maybe you should expect it." ;)
soobin blushes again, "you drive me nuts"
"and vice versa" you reply placing another kiss on his lips
this time, soobin deepens the kiss and his arm starts to lower down to your waist
"you know i love you, right?" soobin says while your lips are still slighting touching each other.
"oh i know bin, i know." you tell him going back in for another kiss.
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─  ੈ❀˳ choi beomgyu
beomgyu was sitting on the couch alone watching tv, and he looked like he was about to pass out
today was one of the only days he's off, so you wanted to leave him alone
until you came across a tiktok
you watched the tiktok and decided you wanted to pull this prank on beomgyu
you thought it would be funny to do it because it's not something he'd expect
you don't usually give him head out of no where and it's usually something that just happens during seggsy time
you walk to the kitchen just as you would any normal day and pretend to be looking in the cabinets
you're actually just trying to get a good camera view
after setting up your camera you press the red button in the middle and grab a random item from the pantry and walk over to gyu
"hi baby, how are you?" you ask sitting besides him leaning into him
gyu looks at you and plants a sweet kiss on your lips :')
"i'm okay, just bored."
you knew him saying that was basically a sign to conduct your plan
you get on the floor and gyu looks at you with widened eyes
"y/n, what're you doing???" he sounds panicked
you get in-between his legs and lean down tying your hair up at the same time
gyu gets a little more panicked but starts laughing at the same time, "y/n this isn't something you usually do, get up."
you reach for the remote on the floor and look up at him, "i was just trying to get the remote, your foot pushed it under the couch." you wave the remote at him and sit back down besides him
gyu has a light pink blush on his face and he looks at you, "did you have to go in-between my legs though, love?"
you laugh, "it was for a tiktok, but i see me getting on my knees caused a little damage,,,"
gyu and you both look down and you laugh as he hurries to grab the throw pillow besides him to cover his bulge
"i didn't know you could get bricked up that fast baby." you tell him leaving a kiss on his forehead standing up to grab your phone
when you grab your phone you notice it was laying flat down on the counter, and your jaw drops
"the camera didn't even film anything because it fell over," you tell gyu and he starts laughing
literally hysterical
"that's what you get" he tells you while trying to catch his breath because of the laughter
you walk over to him and you watch the video together, the camera fell down 30 seconds in
gyu and you are now both laughing, "ow, ow, my stomach."
still laughing but now holding your stomach
"i love you, but that's hilarious" gyu says still dying from laughter since you basically caught nothing but the audio and the cabinet above your recording phone on camera :')
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─  ੈ❀˳ kang taehyun
taehyun was eating cup ramyeon in the kitchen while you sat down on the couch watching tiktok's on your phone
you came across the tiktok and you decided it would be funny to do on taehyun
he doesn't usually go on tiktok as much as you unless hes making a tiktok for MOA
but he doesn't scroll and watch them because they're not too fun for him
you see your boyfriend stand up from his seat in the kitchen and begin to wash his dishes meaning he might come over to you
perfect, you thought to yourself
"tyun baby can you come over here when you're done"
you set your phone besides you on the coffee table making sure it was filming properly
he walks over and sits next to you, he gives you a smile and squeezes your hand before turning on the tv and putting the remote on the ground besides his foot
after a few passing minutes of playful banter and short conversations you get on the ground
taehyun looks down thinking nothing of it until you CRAWL INBETWEEN HIS LEGS
taehyun snickers and laughs at you, "y/n what're you doing?"
you contain your laughter and sit on your knees tying your hair and look up at him
you grab the remote and stand up "i just needed the remote."
you tell him while sitting back down
"i saw your phone recording when i walked over here." tyun laughs reaching over you to grab your phone.
he clicks the button to end the recording and looks at you now slightly pouting,
"no fun tyun," you sigh and roll your eyes jokingly
taehyun looks at you now with a smirk plastered on his face before pinning you down on the couch,
"is there something you really want angel?" taehyun asks causing your blood to rush to your cheeks
tyun looks satisfied with teasing you, he plants a kiss on your lips, "better try next time"
you roll your eyes jokingly before pulling his collar and planting another kiss on his lips, "i love you but you're so annoying."
"i love you more."
lord knows he would've gone down on you right then and there, but he just wanted to mess with you :')
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─  ੈ❀˳ huening kai
you would be watching tiktok's in across the room while hyuka was sitting on the couch playing games
you came across the tiktok and didn't really think much of it and kept scrolling, until you decided you wanted some attention
since your boyfriend had been on the since 12pm and it's now 4pm
"don't you ever get sick of playing that game baby?"
hyuka shakes his head and keeps his gaze attentive to the game he was playing on the tv
you roll your eyes and set up your camera knowing hyuka wouldn't notice and walk over to the empty spot besides him on the couch
you lean your head against his shoulder and he places a quick peck on your forehead while keeping his eyes on the screen
"i'm almost done with this level and then i'll do whatever you want to do, okay?
you give him a, "mhm"
a few seconds later he throws his hands up with a COMPLETED sign on the tv, "finally"
this was your chance to do your little prank you had planned
and hyuka was about to wrap his arms around you and smother you with hugs and kisses :')
you go down onto the ground on your knees in front of him >:( give the poor baby his cuddles first!!!
a blush becomes apparent on his cheeks as you tied your hair
you place one of your hands onto his knee while bending down to grab the remote
hyuka sat there in shock wondering, what the hell is about to happen
you get back up and straighten your back and put the remote besides him, "let's watch something?"
hyuka looks at you, "y/n what was that?"
you look him confused, "what do you mean?"
hyuka has a slight pout, and then shakes his head, "never mind"
he turns on netflix and you begin to bust out laughing
"it was for a tiktok, look"
you grab your phone and show him the tiktok
hyuka laughs, "i thought you were about to go down on me, i was a little shocked"
you get on his lap, "well what if i do go down on you, and you have netflix in the background too?" you laugh and place a kiss on his lips
hyukahs hands go onto your waist and he deepens the kiss,
"we can do that too"
he threw u down onto the couch, and well, that's a story for another time.
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thank you guys for reading, i had a lot of fun writing this one! © 2022 junthusiast request are open
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yn-dreamlife · 2 years
Lily Flower
Pairing: female!reader x Bakugo Katsuki 
Semi Paring: fem!reader x Bakugo Katsuki x Assume (OC) 
Description: You agreed to try something different in bed, and it doesn’t go as planned 
Warnings: slight angst ig, fluff at end, anxiety, upset submissive, panic, Dom/sub, you watch Katsuki and Atsume, safe word being used, not edited 
A/N: please always partake in aftercare and please please if you ever try something new in bed fully think it over and sinus with all parties involved!! Also let me know if I missed any warnings 
| Main Masterlist | MHA Masterlist |
This was fine, you had tried to reassure yourself, you had agreed to this and thought it would be fun, hot even. But now, at this very moment? Watching as Katsuki slept with someone else with you in the same room, forced to watch, you were changing your mind rapidly. You hated this, hated having anyone else touch him, hated watching her kiss his skin and moan from his touch.
And it hurt, it hurt to watch as he touched her, how carefree he looked while doing so. Doubts filled your mind; did he really want this as a form of kink play or had he just wanted the chance to sleep with her? And why did he treat her so differently than he treated you, he didn’t spank her except for twice, he loved to punish you. Was that what this was? A punishment, had you been bad?
You began to think over every instance where you could have been, even in times where it wasn’t during a scene. Insecurity crept into you, it made violent chills run through your body, and not the chills that you get when Katsuki gives you that look or when he whispers into your ear. These were chills caused by pain.
Lily flower….
God what made it worse is he called her everything he called you, ‘princess’, ‘baby’, ‘angel’, his ‘good girl’; it was fucking ripping at you. But you couldn’t stop it, couldn’t call the word. Yes Katsuki said at any time if needed it could be over, yes even the girl herself reassured you it would be fine; but obviously they were lying right?
They’d both be upset, Katsuki would be angry with you and punish you, and she… well who knows what she would do. Your nails itched to dig into your own skin, a self destructive habit of yours. You itched to crawl away and hide in some hole, but the ropes that bound you would allow for nether.
Your lip wobbled as tears fully formed in your eyes, he hadn’t even fucked her- how were you supposed to handle that. The girl noticed first, subtly asking without words if you wanted to keep going. You had hesitated then, your eyes so clear showing you were unsure; but you nodded, you couldnt disappoint them. In this scene they were both dominant over you, yes she was submissive to Katsuki but it was in the agreement you’d be submissive to both of them still.
Lily flower!
She didn’t look reassured but you didn’t notice because you looked away to Katsuki, he was eating her out and seemingly enjoying himself. You didn't realize how rapidly you were breathing, you couldn't think straight at this point.
Atsume, the girl whose legs katsukis head was currently between subtly caught his attention, he looked at her with a questioning look without stopping, her head flicked to you slightly, telling Katsuki to look at you.
At first he was excited, he hadn’t looked over at you, to worried he’d cave seeing you tied up and untie you and fuck you sensless. He didn’t know that he wouldn't find you in the state you said you would be in, “no Katsuki it’s fine, I’ll get all needy and worked up, wishing it was me instead. I promise everything will be fine,” that’s what you had told him.
He lifted his head, turning to look at you and his breath caught and his heart fucking stopped when he saw you; you looked like a wreck. He could see how hard you were breathing, the way your body shook, he watched your lip wobble and your eyes couldn’t focus.
He pulled away from Atsume immediately, “Teddy bear?” And that was it, that name. You hadnt been looking at him or Atsume, eyes now trained on the arm of the chair; and since you werent looking it broke you, you thought he had called Atsume that nickname, and while yes it hurt to hear any name that one fucking wrecked you.
Lily flower!
Lily flower!
A silent sob shook through your body, firmly pushing your lips together so as to not be heard and ruin the scene; you still hadn’t looked at him. He stood up quickly, thankful they hadn’t stripped much past the point of him being shirtless.
He moved over to you, and as he approached you finally noticed, quickly trying to pull yourself together before he cleared the short distance and got to you. All you could think of was ‘don't disappoint, don't disappoint.’ Katsukis stomach clenched when he saw immediately your head bowed, eyes trailed downwards; all at once every movement from you stopped, no shaking, no sobbing, no heavy breathing- it actually almost looked like you weren’t breathing.
He had only just gotten in front of you when suddenly it all flooded out, “I'm sorry, I promise I'll be good, I won't be bad anymore I promise. I-I’ll be a good girl promise, I-I’m sorry Dadd- I-I mean sir.”  Katsukis heart broke a little, you were in such a fragile state. You were too nervous to even use the title he allowed only you to use, ever.
“Teddy bear,” he began to undo the ropes that were tying you while Atsume moved to the back to help, “you-” he couldn't finish before you frantically spoke to stop them.
“N-no I can keep going, I-I can, I can keep watching. I-I can take it, sir. Please,” you’re poor head was in too much of a chaotic state to realize that the scene had ended the second he saw you.
Lily flower!
Lily flower!
Lily flower!
“Teddy bear,” he spoke softly but you kept babbling reassurances they both knew weren’t true.
You whimpered, “I can be good, I-I can take the punishment for you sir, wanna be good please- I just-”
“Lily flower,” and that was it those two words stopped your ramblings dead. He had spoken the words your mind had been begging for you to say, and yet you were not comprehending it fully. Your confused eyes looked at Katsuki, knowing he had spoken the safeword and yet you still couldn't fathom why. “Lily flower teddy bear, okay? We’re all done, no more okay?”
They could both tell you didn’t understand fully, “we only want this if you enjoy it, honey,” Atsume said softly from behind you while her hands gently massaged the muscles of your shoulders and the spots the ropes had been. “Remember? Me and Daddy said you're in charge, we stop whenever you want.”
You stared at them both as best you could, your eyes still so confused and the pain radiating from you in waves. Katsuki wanted to fucking shoot himself for causing this. He couldn't think of anything to say as he untied you the rest of the way, letting Atsume whisper to you gently so he could gather himself and not accidentally take out his anger towards himself out on anyone else.
Finally once all the ropes were undone he gently took your hands massaging your wrists, “can I… can I hold you baby?” And all at once the tears started again as you fell from the chair into his lap desperately clinging to him.
He shushed you soothingly as he picked you up and carried you into your guys’ shared bedroom, having agreed to use the spare. Atsume moving to the kitchen to make food and get a cup of water. He got into your bed, still with you in his arms and began to rock you gently as he rubbed your back soothingly.
“I didn’t mean to be bad daddy,” you whispered softly after a moment still in your submissive headspace and riddled with guilt.
“Oh baby, you were so good, why do you think you were bad, hm?” He asked, trying to keep his own pain from his voice.
“I-I didn’t t-take daddys punishment fully,” you said softly. He remembers somewhere in your ramblings of apologies you had mentioned you wouldn’t be bad and that you could take it, he now realizes why you had said those things.
“Oh angel, daddy was never punishing you, you’re my good girl, you always make daddy so happy and do so good for me.”
You looked up with wide doe eyes, “I do?”
“Mhm,” he hummed softly cupping your cheek, “always take good care of me. This wasn’t a punishment baby, it was supposed to be fun for everyone, not just daddy and Atsume.”
“I didn’t… I didn’t want to make you angry by stopping it,” Katsuki once again had the unbridled urge to take his hand and explode his own face with it, but refrained.
“Baby, I would never ever be mad at you for using our safeword. Ever.”
Atsume came back in, now with a fresh plate piled with food and two glasses of water.
“I figured we could all share food and you guys could share a glass, but I can get another one if we need.” She smiled softly at you as she set everything down, cupping your cheek, “how are you feeling baby?”
“What on earth for bubba?”
“F-for messing up the secen for you two,” you said softly, playing with your fingers as you tried to avoid eye contact.
“Sweetheart, neither of us would enjoy it unless you did. You are our cute little submissive, we gotta make sure you feel good and safe.”
You looked up at her with a shy smile on your face, they both could tell it would take a lot for you to come down and they were happy to be there to help you safely do so. As you all sat and ate food it was comfortably silent, eventually Atsume got up to run a bath for you.
“Ooo extra bubbles,” you called after her happily.
“You got it angel!”
Katsuki gave you another sip of water before carefully turning up your face, “Teddy bear, can we talk about what happened?”
You hesitated before nodding, “O-okay daddy.”
“You’re not in trouble baby, Daddy just needs to know where it went wrong incase I need to reassure and fix anything.”
“Well,” you played with his fingers, intently staring at them to avoid eye contact, “I didn’t like Daddy touching Sume, or calling her my nicknames. And… and then I noticed how Daddy wasn’t punishing her like he does me, and I thought maybe Daddy just… just wanted to be able to touch a prettier girl.”
Katsuki felt his jaw clench, he knew you guys should have taken longer to talk and think it over, and he should have made the decision to start small; he blamed himself the whole situation was happening.
“Teddy bear, I never…” he paused, unsure of how to continue, as he looked down at you he saw his whole world, everything he’d ever need and more. Finally knowing how to continue he tilted your face up, “Daddy never ever wants you to feel like this again. He needs you to know you can always use your safeword and I will never punish you or let anything bad happen to you because you did.
“I didn’t punish Atsume because, well princess, I don't think anyone else could handle my punishments besides you. And there isn’t another girl on this earth I want to touch more than you, you’re the only one for me. This whole scene was only happening because I thought you’d enjoy it baby, not because I wanted to play with Atsume.
“You’re my perfect little submissive, and I need you to know that. And this wasn’t a punishment for you and I am so sorry that that’s how this felt. I will always tell you when you’re being punished, always, I meant it when I said it when we first started our dom sub dynamic and I still mean it now.”
You stared up at him with teary eyes, before quickly wrapping your arms around his neck and clinging to him. “I love you so much, and it’s not your fault what happened” you whispered.
He stared at you for a moment, feeling his anxieties slip away at your absolution before finally in a barely audible voice whispering,“and I love you.”
It was a moment or so later when Atsume broke the silence, “the bath is ready whenever you two are.”
You looked at her, “you aren’t staying?”
Her heart melted at the sad look you gave her, “I don’t think so baby, I think I’ve caused enough issues,” and it was then you saw the guilt written all over her. The way she couldn’t look at you for more than a few seconds, the way she had been doing everything to make you feel better that she could think of, how she didn’t stay in the room with you for longer than needed.
You pouted up at her, eyebrows furrowing, “Oh no, now you’ve done it sume,” Katsuki said with a chuckle.
“Wha-” but she stopped as you crawled out of Katsukis lap with a determined look and marched up to her. She didn’t know what to expect but she was not expecting to have you wrap your arms around her and bury your head into her.
“It’s not your fault what happened,” you whispered, “and you deserve aftercare too.” Her eyes watered and she looked to Katsuki, seeing him have a soft smile on his face after hearing what you had said, giving a small reassuring nod to Atsume that he would be fine if she stayed.
And while yes it did take a while for you to come down and for the feeling and dynamic of the gorup to be fully assured and reestablished, you were happy you were with two people whom you trusted. And while yes the scene didn’t go as planned, it could have gone a lot worse had you not been with said people.
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dyns33 · 2 years
The Devil’s Lawyer - Bonus part
 Matt Murderdock x Nice Lawyer Reader : Happily Ever After edition ! (part 19 here)
Yes, you are not dreaming, Murderdock and his darling are here again. 
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           Y/N had thought that there would be a lot of changes that she wouldn't see after the disappearance the former leaders of the Hand, but that overall things would seem to be the same, since Matt would remain Matt, blind lawyer, New York Kingpin, human disaster.
In reality, a lot of things changed, very quickly.
First of all ,they got a cat.
Y/N hadn't thought that Matt was very serious about having a pet, then about the cat, which he had found in a dark alley.
After all, he didn't want children, he didn't want to share her with anyone, he couldn't stand the smells, the noises, the intruders on his territory, so it seemed impossible that he wanted a cat.
But it turned out that Matt loved cats. In any case, he adored this cat, which he called 'Cat', and which he installed in their apartment as if everything were perfectly normal.
Cat was a little black thing, short hair, one ear almost ripped off, but quite cute. He had obviously spent a lot of time alone outside, away from humans, and so he was suspicious.
Yet he let Matt take him in his arms and do whatever he wanted with him, without moving or meowing. Maybe he felt Matt was like him, a predator with a sad past, that they had been through the same thing and they could trust each other.
On the other hand, Cat took longer to open to Y/N. For the first few weeks, he was running away from her, when he wasn't growling at her, ready to but her if she tried to touch him.
Crouched under the sofa, he would watch Murdock come home and do his ritual, kissing her, cuddling her and taking her into the shower. Maybe it was because of this, or because she almost always smelled like Matt, that the animal ended up accepting her too, coming to rub himself on her legs or sleeping between them in the bed.
Y/N had thought Matt would be furious, but he seemed moved, hearing the cat purring against her.
           "You tamed two big beasts, congratulations."
           "You know, people often say the next step after a pet is the ki..."
           "No. Never. No."
Since Matt accepted the Cat, Y/N wasn't really sure what he had against kids anymore.
Especially since he was treating Gwen more and more like she was his daughter. He even spoke of the Spider as 'our daughter'.
           "...Our what ?" she had asked the first time, to check that she had heard correctly.
           "Our daughter. She was very reckless last night, going to face the Rhino on her own. I can't always be there to help her, and she still won't let me train her. You need to talk to her."
           "...Talk to her ?"
           "Yes, darling. She listens to you, you will find the right words to make her reasonable. Tell her I can be a good teacher, tell her about the boxing sessions."
           "I hope you're not going to give her the exact same boxing sessions that you gave me. I remember how some ended."
           "Hilarious. Talk to her, she's not answering to my messages."
It turned out that the messages threatened Gwen. Because Matt had started sending smileys to her, like the ones he sent to Y/N, and Spider Woman found that very weird and scary.
Imagining Murderdock typing his little smileys with a tight smile on his face, the mere sight of it sent shivers down her spine. And that he considers her as his daughter didn't help at all.
That being said, she really listened to Y/N like she was her mother. After all, she had no mother. A lot of people were missing their mother is this fucking town.
She accepted a few workouts, nothing weird !
For his part, Matt agreed to stop saying that she was his 'daughter', henceforth calling her his 'apprentice'.
           "You also have to... stop with the nickname."
           "The nickmane ?"
           "She told me you called her Gwennie. Poor thing shivered when she said that."
           "I don't see the problem. She also gave me a nickname. Murderdock. I like Murderdock. And I think Gwennie suits her very well."
           "You know, if you really want a girl..."
           "Very well. I'm just saying that we can talk about it, I don't want to have children either, at least not now. We are good like that, and our careers take up a lot of our time. But later..."
           "Darling. I'm won't be a good father, okay ? I don't want to talk about it anymore."
Y/N thought Matt wouldn't be such an awful dad, but no doubt that simple word brought back good and bad memories to him. So she didn't insist.
Despite all her attempts, it was impossible to convince Nelson and Page to let Matt work with them. They had absolutely no faith in the Devil. No one could blame them for that. Especially Karen.
Between Matt and Foggy, things were... bearable.
There was less tension and they were almost friendly.
Franklin was still a bit scared, vividly remembering the years at Law school, then Matt's late-night visits, the court fights, the stories about his crimes in the newspapers, which didn't know  it was Murdock doing.
If it got any better, it was only because Matt had started defending really innocent clients, while sending real bad guys to prison. Everyone had been surprised by this sudden change on the part of the lawyer.
Wilson Fisk the first. He was now sure he would never see the light of day again, spending the rest of his life behind bars.
Even if he was working for the right side from time to time, Matt Murdock remained the Devil, that meant precise and ruthless. It was impossible to win against him.
The only change was that he no longer paid judges or threatened them. He was winning legally.
There were still times when justice was not enough. The police didn't have evidence, the assholes managed to escape before being arrested.
So, like Spider Woman, Matt and his ninjas handled it differently.
Y/N didn't know much about these nocturnal activities, as she didn't know what exactly he was doing as Kingpin.
Very late, he would come home, covered in blood and sweat, taking a long shower, patting Cat's head, before falling on the bed, sticking to her and not letting go until the next day.
Gently, she kissed him every time, telling him that he had done a great job, before going back to sleep.
He mumbled that he was much better than stupid Nice Matt, with the 'no killing' rule.
Like the other Matt, he was also trying to be a little more "normal".
Before, Matt often played at being normal, for his job and to avoid suspicion, but now he was really trying to be normal.
So he asked Y/N to show him things that normal people did. Normal couples specifically.
There were several romantic dates at the restaurant. Walks in the park. Evenings in front of the television, watching a movie while eating popcorn, cuddling under a blanket.
It was a bit awkward.
Each time, he had his adorable little pout on the face, which showed that he found all this ridiculous, a real waste of time. Especially the outdoor activities, he obviously didn't like it, with all these people, who disturbed his senses, in addition to saying and doing stupid things.
He groaned and fidgeted, but he said nothing. Because he wanted to do all this, for her, to make her happy.
Y/N thought it was enough that he tried.
There were times when he looked quite like a normal boyfriend, without actually doing it on purpose. During these moments, Y/N tried to remain calm, to not make him panic.
She knew how Matt could be when he realized he was dealing with emotions. It frightened him, he felt weak and vulnerable, and he often ran away.
So she took a deep breath and she enjoyed it when he held her hand on the street, when he started to touch her face out of nowhere, in the middle of a conversation, or when he whispered that he loved her before falling asleep.
Yeah, sometimes Matt managed to be pretty normal, very sweet and awfully cute.
Despite all this, he remained the Kingpin, and the new leader of the Hand, with Elektra.
Really, Y/N didn't want to know about it, she never ask any questions, but she did hear soem things sometimes, when he was on the phone with his sister, or talking in front of her with Otomo-san.
As he had ordered, Elektra never came to visit her, although she sometimes made comments that seemed to make Matthew blush. For his part, Otomo-san was always so distant but respectful. He seemed to like Y/N a little more now.
It was also he who gave an idea to his Master, after one of their discussions.
           "Maybe it would be good if we got married."
           "Matt… Not when I'm drinking, please. I almost splashed your cell phone."
           "Hmm. I consider that we are already married, the Hand too, but Otomo pointed out to me that technically, from a legal point of view, that is not the case."
           "And ?"
           "And, dear foolish but clever fellow lawyer, during a trial, you couldn't testify against me if we were married. Besides, think about the taxes."
           "Oh Matt, you are so romantic." she said sarcastically. "Is this a simple remark or an official proposal ?"
           "I can get on my knees if you want, but I don't really see what that will change. Apart from the ring, the visit to the town hall, and to the Church if necessary, then your name of course, Mrs. Murdock, everything will be as before."
           "...Shit, it's like with the cat, you're really serious."
Matt was really serious.
The ceremony was simple, quick, but beautiful. In a small committee.
Foggy cried as he took her in his arms, but she couldn't tell if he was happy or if he was totally traumatized by the events. Certainly a bit of both.
But the marriage did not please everyone.
Well, for the most part, New York City didn't care. Most people who knew who Matt really was didn't comment, too scared to even think of hurting Y/N to get to him.
But one person in particular was not pleased with the news.
Cindy Moon. Silk.
Matt's "girlfriend". With whom he had a "relation". She was not really aware that this relation was above all professional, to take advantage of her money and her influence, with her group of spies.
Even in prison, she remained very dangerous. And she wouldn't hesitate to take it out on Y/N, out of simple revenge, after feeling betrayed and humiliated.
           "It's always the same thing." Y/N sighed when Matt told her that she was probably in danger, asking her to stay at his place for some time, just in case. "You're the asshole in the story, but no, she's going after the lover. I didn't even know she existed when we started to see each other, I found out after months, and only because Gwen told me !"
           "You're not going to do this again. I said I was sorry."
           "No, you never said that."
           "Ah. I'm sorry, darling. I'll take care of it." he said, kissing her hand.
           "Do I want to know what that means ?"
           "Probably not."
When he returned late that night, Matt was slightly injured, and Y/N quickly got up to help him, taking care of him.
He said nothing, but it was obvious that he had killed Cindy Moon, and that his men were taking care of the rest of the SILK organization.
That didn't mean that they were finally going to have a completely calm and normal life, that would certainly never happen, but in their apartment, married with a cat, when Matt didn't come home with his black blindfold over half his face, they looked almost like an ordinary couple, and they were certainly as happy as they could be.
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graciegoeskrazy · 2 years
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Teen!Daughter!Reader
Word count: 726
Warnings: dead mom, bad grammar
A/N: Idk how a feel about the ending so don't be surprised if I edit the whole entire thing. Also, did you know TFATWS takes place only 7 MONTHS AFTER ENDGAME?!?! that cant be right. anyways, I saw The Adam Project awhile ago so this is inspired by the scene where Adam’s mother is about to go on a date only after a year since his dad died. I hope you enjoy! PLEASE DO NOT REPOST!
Divider: @firefly-graphics​
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Your dad didn’t notice you walking into the kitchen. “Good morning.” You said, finally grabbing his attention. “Hey sweetie. How’d you sleep?”
“Fine, I guess. When did you get back?”
“Uh, not until 11-ish. What do you want for Breakfast?”
“Uh, cereal?”
“Coming right up.”
You could tell he was acting differently. He was nervous, but tried to play it cool, but it just made him seem more nervous. He tried not to admit it, but he went on a date last night. It doesn’t seem like it should be a big deal, but it was his first time since your mother had died. It had barely been a year and a half since she passed and your dad was already on his way to find someone new.
“Don’t answer the door, call me if you need anything, no…housepartys or anything.” Your dad said while walking around the apartment locking everything up to make sure you were safe. “I’ll try not to.” You said. Your dad looked at you and smiled at your joke while pulling you into one last hug. “Where are you going anyway?” You asked. “Izzy.” Your dad said continuing to pace around, making sure everything was safe for you. “With Yori? What's he doing up at 9:00 at night?”
“No, with uh….the girl from the bar?”
Oh shit. “You’re going on a date?!” He quickly turned around to object. “No. No. No. Not a date just as friends, y/n.” You raised your eyebrow and he realized what was happening. “Oh shit, I'm going on a date.” You scoffed and went to turn on the TV to begin your quiet night of having the place to yourself. “Doll, I'm so sorry. Let's talk about this.”
“Dad, it’s fine. It's not a big deal. Go have fun.”
“It is a big deal.”
“It's one date dad.”
He looked at you, took a breath, and smiled. “Gosh you're so wonderful.” He laid a kiss to your head and started to head out. “This conversation isn't over. I love you.
“Love you more.”
He smiled and shut the door.
Truth be told, It made you really sad. You knew that you both needed to move on sooner or later, but your mom and dad were the definition of perfect. They met when they were 2 and spent a literal century together. (Even though a good amount of that century was spent in ice.) They were inseparable, and fell in love and had you. It wasn't the most appropriate of circumstances being that there was HYDRA and all, but they both loved you so much. Your mother died unexpectedly during a mission. You and your father both missed her so much.
He handed you the bowl of cereal. “So…uh. What did you do last night?” He said. You just wanted to rip the bandage off. “Just ask me, Dad.” you said dropping the spoon. “I'd rather we’d just talk without making it awkward.” He sighed and put his chin on his hands over the counter. “How do you feel about it?” You shrugged and got back to picking at your food. “I don’t know. It makes me kinda sad I guess. But it was one date I don't really mind.” He took a pause before speaking. “Y/N, if they make you uncomfortable, I won't date them.” Here we go.
“But it's not about the person. I’ve barely met her dad.” You didn’t want to have this conversation, but it was important. You wanted to make it as light as possible. A fight with your father is not what you needed today. “Look at me.” He grabbed your hand. “I don’t want you to think that whoever I might be with one day, will be your mother. No one will ever replace her Y/N.” You took your hand away and looked back down. “But you’re replacing her.” He walked over to you and pulled you into a hug which you gladly accepted. “She’s Irreplaceable. Other people can only make us feel better, but no one can fill her spot. She was something special. The most special person in the world. And you,” He pulled away and wiped your face. “You are exactly like her. And no one can replace you either.” You smiled, “I love you.” You said. “I love you most.”
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