gaybananabread · 8 months
TickleTober Day 4 - Weak Spot
DON’T EVEN START I know this is kinda cringe. I’ve been watching SWAT again recently and it’s got a decent vice grip on my brain. This number just screamed Hondo at me, and who better to get his ass than his loving partner? There is a total LACK of anything tk-related for this show, so Imma fix that. It was so painfully fun writing this, I don’t even know anymore. Sorta angsty at the start because I need help- Don’t make fun of me/j, and Enjoy!
Lee: Hondo
Ler: Nichelle
Summary: Hondo is talking about his day, feeling a bit down after some heavy stuff went down. Nichelle tries to cheer him up, exploiting her favorite of her man’s few weaknesses.
Warnings: SWAT spoilers ig, death. This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!
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“This is 20 David, all suspects are down. We’re Code 4.”
Hondo’s thoughts that day had been swirling, running back the calls he had made over and over again. They had stopped the drug deal, sure, but what about the casualties? That woman… yeah, she was aiming a gun at them, but still. She was so young…he’ll never fully get over it when things end like that with women, especially younger ones. She could have only been, what, 19? Damn…
Nichelle walked in on his brooding, her smile softening the moment she saw the look on his face. She made her way over to him, knocking on the table before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “Hey Hondo. You wanna talk about it?” She didn’t even ask if he was okay, she could tell the answer was no.
“How d’you do that, woman?” He chuckled, though the sound was more tired than amused. Hondo leaned back into her, allowing himself that bit of comfort for the moment. Nichelle had been working on getting him to open up. He was still holding back, but small comforts like asking for hugs or cuddles were coming along.
She pecked his cheek, moving her hands up to his shoulders. "One of my special talents." Her fingers worked into his shoulder muscles, finding many knots and sore spots. "Baby, you've got knots on top 'a knots. You gonna tell me what happened, or do I have to convince you?"
Hondo sighed, almost melting into the touch. He really didn't want to just dump what happened onto Nichelle. She had always had the biggest heart, it's one of the many reasons why he loves her. What if he upset her by sharing? "It's…it's pretty heavy, baby. I dunno if it's something you're gonna want to hear."
She walked around the chair, her hands never leaving his shoulders. Soon enough, they were eye-level, Nichelle's lips pursed in concern and thought. "Daniel, whatever it is, I can handle it. If it's bothering you this much, it'll probably help to talk it out. I promise, you're never gonna scare me off by being honest about this stuff."
Yeah…yeah. She was right. He needed to talk about it, and Nichelle is probably the only one he'd be able to open up to with stuff like that. Taking a deep breath, he recounted the day's op. His calls, the drugs, the suspects, how things ended with the young woman. 
Nichelle silently listened the entire time. She kept her reactions in check, trying to only convey support and sympathy. Still, when she heard about the young woman, she bit her cheek a bit harder than she liked. She knew Hondo's job was a hard one, and that meant doing whatever it took to protect innocent people. Such a young age to get wrapped in that stuff, though. The girl would've shot someone if they hadn't done what they did, but that doesn't make it any easier to handle.
Once he finished, and her thoughts were collected, she spoke with the softest and most sympathetic tone she could manage.
"Oh baby…you know that wasn't your fault. You can't control what people do, how they act, what they get mixed up in and when. I know this is a tough pill to swallow, but you have to accept that there's nothing else you could do. She made her choice before you even called for the shot. It sounds like she wasn't planning on ever leaving there. I'm here, for whatever you need."
Okay, that almost got him. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and letting himself fully melt into Nichelle’s affection. He loved that woman, before they split, before they got back together. He just hadn’t realized it yet. She slowly climbed onto the chair with him, sitting in his lap and pressing small kisses to his cheeks and neck. Her main goal was to be there for him, just like he always was for her. 
What she wasn’t expecting was the small, poorly-repressed giggle one of the neck kisses caused. She repeated the action, getting similar results. A memory popped up in her mind, one from snuggling in bed after a night together. She had been rubbing his sides, but had accidentally tickled him. Things got giggly after that. Hondo paid her back in full, with interest, but it had been worth it to hear him laugh like that. Something he could really use right then. 
“Hey, Sargent Harrelson. I think I’ve got a way to cheer you up, if you’ll let me try it.” Nichelle pulled her face away from his neck, now cupping his cheek and smirking at him. He quirked an eyebrow, his features slowly taking on the signature “huh?” look. He rolled his shoulder, trying to find the hidden meaning behind her words. “You only call me Sargent Harrelson when you’re up to something.”
She laughed softly, gently tracing her fingers along his jawline. “I just told you, babe. I’m gonna cheer you up, if you promise to let me.” Her eyes were mostly innocent, though he detected a bit of mischief in her tone. He had already disregarded the small neck kisses, more focused on her than his own sensitivity. Hondo had finished a very rough day on SWAT. He could use some help cheering up, whatever her undoubtedly devious plan to do so may be.
“Al’ight, fine. I promise I’ll let you try this plan a’ yours to cheer me up.” He chuckled, turning his head to kiss her palm. Nichelle just smirked, adjusting her position on his lap so she had better access to his spots. She sat eye-level with him, resting her hands on his sides. It took him a second to realize her plan, but when he did, he immediately protested. 
“Hey, Nichelle, hold up-” She cut him off, pressing a finger to his lips. The look she got was priceless, though she’d have to marvel in her brilliancy later. “At-tat-ta. You promised, remember? And, last I checked, the honorable Hondo never goes back on his word.” She drummed her fingers against his ribs, smirking as he figured her out. He needed to de-stress, and laughter is one of the best ways to do so. She hosts a stand-up comedy night for some of the older people at the Community Center every now and then. This is pretty much the same, only she isn’t telling any jokes.
At that point, Hondo was already squirming a bit, trying to keep his reactions in check. “I- that- ugh… Hate it when you’re right sometimes, you know that?” In all honesty, he wouldn’t mind it all that much if she went through with it. It felt good to laugh, though his pride would take a small hit. 
Nichelle just laughed, leaning in closer to peck his cheek. “Oh, trust me. I know.” Then, not hearing a “no” or “don’t”, she began to spider her hands along his sides. Hondo held his breath, not wanting to crumble so quickly at the goofy affection. It was a nice change, the somber mood from before fading to a warm comfort he never wanted to leave. 
That just wouldn’t do. Going for the kill, Nichelle darted her fingers down to his hips, kneading the small amount of squishy, protective skin along the bones. No matter how often he worked out, he could never loose the soft areas Nichelle loves to run her fingers across. 
His reaction was instant. Hondo snorted, his suppressed reactions powering through as he began to laugh. “B-BAhAbyhyhy! Why thehe hihiHIhIHIPs?!” It was quite the sight, seeing such a stoic and intimidating man laugh like that. Nichelle was loving every second of it, enjoying the rare display of her fiance’s softer side. He needed to show it more often.
“One, they’re my favorite and you know it. Two, you need to laugh. Is this not getting to you?” She smirked, knowing good and well just how much it was getting to him. Hondo tried not to writhe under her nails, his fitting white t-shirt and flannel not doing much to protect him from her nails. He almost regretted getting her that spa day…
He grabbed her wrists, though he didn’t push them away. He kinda couldn’t; Hondo had promised to let her “cheer him up,” no matter what it was. Still, his hands needed somewhere to go, and his woman’s wrists were as good a place as any. 
Said woman tried not to coo at his reactions, knowing it would only make his inevitable revenge all the more evil. He might have been a good guy, but when it came to getting her, he showed no mercy. Still didn’t stop her from teasing him, though. “I gotta say, I love your weak spots. Especially this one.” 
Hondo was…well, he wasn’t hating it. The thoughts of that day’s raid were almost forgotten, distant thoughts in the back of his head. He never truly forgot anyone the trigger got pulled on, be it by his hand or his orders. Still, he didn’t deserve to beat himself down over the decisions of bad people. They were given many chances to put their weapons down. The fact that they didn’t…they knew the choice they were making. In Nichelle’s opinion, he never deserved to be haunted by their choices. She reminded him of it every day, though not always with tickles. 
She toyed with the soft skin of his hips and waistline, skittering her nails and drilling into the sensitive spots. Hondo’s laughter jumped all over the place, the deep sounds rumbling in his chest before tumbling out into the room. He was loving the affection part of it, but the tickles on his hips were starting to get to him. “NIHIHIhichelle! IHI- Ihi’m smihihilin’ agahain! Youhuhu cahan stohOHOP!”
Nichelle didn’t stop, though she did switch spots. She had messed with his weak spot enough for one night. Her nails traveled down, gently scritching the tops of his thighs. His loud laughter melted down to low, airy giggles. Hondo’s thighs were just ticklish enough to get a reaction out of him, making them the perfect final destination. His knee’s bounced, trying and failing to dilute the ticklish buzzing to his nervous system. He could handle a bit more; she was set on getting him to nap after this.
The very faint tint of a blush could be seen on his dark cheeks, making the moment all the sweeter. Hondo had always kept his emotions to himself, putting everything else before himself. Ever since him and Nichelle had gotten back together, though, he’d been trying to take care of himself. Not stopping her, letting that happen, was just one step of many he’d taken to help himself even a fraction as much as he’d helped others. 
“Oho- okahahay! Noho mohohore!” Nichelle stopped tickling him, switching to gentle rubs along the lengths of his thighs. And, just to be nice, she leaned in and kissed her man. He was still laughing softly, smiling into the kiss. His hands wrapped around her midsection, pulling her against him. Hondo, once he regained his breath, whispered softly into her ear. “Don’t think I’m letting that slide…but thanks, baby.”
She chuckled, though couldn’t help but feel her cheeks heat up at his words. She knew that was no empty threat; sometime over the next few days, he was gonna get her. But right then, Nichelle didn’t need to worry. Her man was sleepy, cuddly and ready for a nice nap after a long day. She hummed out a question, placing another small kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Bedroom?”
He chuckled, feeling the smile he’d had since she started turn to a smirk. “Bedroom. C’mon, beautiful.” Hondo hooked his hands under her thighs, not bothering to reposition her before standing up and carrying her towards the bedroom. Some snuggles with the woman he loves were always the perfect way to end a long day, however mischievous she may be. 
He laid her down, quickly joining her as he pulled his shirt off. Hondo’s strong arms wrapped around her, pulling his love against his chest before the warm wave of tiredness washed over him. His eyes drifted shut, the last thing he saw before dozing off Nichelle’s warm and loving smile. He was so lucky…
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sinisterexaggerator · 9 months
Our of our duros boys and pirate king....
Who is ticklish
😈 Eheheheh.
You would think it’d be Shriv, but I headcanon he has a lot of siblings who used to pick on him. He is now impervious to tickles. You can try your damndest, but he’ll just stand there and stare at you with his arms crossed until you finally give up. “Cute, but that won’t work on me.”
Hondo’s skin being resistant to blaster fire as a Weequay makes me think overall he may not be as sensitive to touch. I like to imagine there are parts of him that are softer though, like his belly, the undersides of his hands and feet, and inner thighs. 👀 Still, I don’t see him being that ticklish.
Cad Bane’s the winner here. He’s ticklish where leg meets hip just to the side of his groin, his lower belly, armpits, just below his ribs near his oil sacks, and the bottom of his feet. He wears a ton of gear so no one’s ever able to get close. The only one who might know his secret is Hondo. He tried to once and got kicked square in the face.
I also like to imagine someone’s warm breath in his wittle ear canal can send shivers down his spine. 👉👈
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clonewarslover55 · 2 years
47, 53, 98 for the character development prompt
Ohh this game is so much fun!
Find the game here!
47. Are they ticklish?
Yes! Rose is but only Walon knows that. Every time he tickles her he gets a blade to the throat. She hates it, but Vau finds it funny.
53.What’s their favorite color of Skittles?
Rose hates skittles so much. Give her a skittle and she won't even feed it to Mird she thinks they're so repulsive.
Walon likes the red ones, he'll eat skittles unlike his picky wife
98. List 10 reasons why you love spending time with this character.
Ohhohohohoh ;)
I came up with the idea of Rose in eigth grade, and developed her character over many years before even writing Memories or posting it! She is my first ever OC and I love her so much. I love using her character because she's just always on my mind!
I can use her in a lot of different situations!! I have like a million AU's just for her character alone
Her husband is Walon Vau! My favorite character ever, so she gives me more reason to write sooo much for him
Same thing with Mird as well! I get to do some fun stories with her and Mird
I just enjoy how I made her personality and I think she's neat :)
Mom vibes times ten! She would be the best parent to any of the clone boys, especially Delta Squad
I get to go into Mandalorian things before the clone wars with her! I plan to do some more flashbacks of her past and her some Mando ritual things soon! (like coming of age)
Rose is so fucking badass
I get to explore some fun bounty hunter things with her!! And I can connect her with other famous characters,(Jango, Aurra Sing) not all bounty hunters either! like Hondo Ohnaka(Read the story of how Rose and Vau met for him lol)
I get to write shameless smut for Walon Vau
I can just do so much with Rose!!
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bubblemintkitten · 4 years
Luca/Tan - Home. 7 of X
Word count: 1351
Time didn’t really fly by, but after a few months at the rehabilitation clinic he was ready to move back home. Luca had learned a bunch, some of it was practical stuff he would need to make his days easier and some of it was theoretical stuff which would lessen the chances of him accidentally injuring himself by doing something wrong.
Tan had kept him updated on things he had set up back home. Like the ramp outside, which would make it a whole lot easier for Luca to get inside. Or the rails in the bathroom. And how he had pretty much rearranged all the furniture to make it easier to get around with a wheelchair.
Tan had even planned out where a standing frame would fit, so that Luca could get a little while bearing his weight through his lower limb bones every now and then. That would lessen the risk of his bones turning brittle, as he no longer was able to walk around on his own. It would also be good for his circulation and would preserve his range of motion. Plus it would mean that areas that would be under constant pressure when he was seated would get a rest.
 *             *             *
 “I bet Duke will be glad to have you back home…” Tan grinned on their way home, “He was really odd at first when you were in the hospital… But he seemed to understand it the day I brought him by the clinic for a visit.”
Luca nodded in the passenger seat, “Going to be nice seeing that furball every day…”
Tan nodded, “It’s going to be good to have you around again.”
Luca nodded, “Yeah. I’ve been longing for this day…”
Tan grinned, “Me too.”
“And it’s going to be interesting to see if I can cope with this here at home…” Luca looked down at his lap, his right hand was nervously rubbing at his lower thigh, “I mean, at the clinic I kinda always had training wheels on… If I messed up or had something I didn’t figure out I always had someone in the same situation to ask, or a professional…”
“Hey, you’re going to do great!” Tan slowed a bit and looked over, “We’re going to ace this thing together.”
Luca smirked, “Promise you won’t think I’m mad at you when I’m really mad at myself?”
Tan chuckled, “I promise to have patience with you. I’m not going to give you too many free passes though…”
“Yeah, thanks…”
“-And I will try to figure out if it’s me you’re mad at or if it’s just a shitty day for you before I snap back…”
“What more can a guy ask for…” Luca grinned.
Tan nodded, “I don’t think I asked you earlier when I picked you up, but… How do you feel today?”
“Pretty good.” Luca shrugged.
“Like, a no pain day? Or?”
“Tingling.” Luca hitched up one shoulder, “Not really pain or anything, but I feel something that’s not really there… It doesn’t bother me too much.”
“That’s good I guess.”
“Yeah, compared to what it can be, this is pretty much bliss.” Luca chuckled a bit.
“Had any spasms lately?”
“Just small ones…” Luca shrugged, “Haven’t had bad ones the last week or so…”
Tan nodded.
“But, that can change any time…” Luca shrugged.
Tan nodded, “When is it usually worst?”
“Varies…” Luca shook his head, “Sometimes it’s worst when I’m sitting, other times when I’m laying down.”
Tan nodded as he made one of the last turns before they would see their home.
 *             *             *
 “Alright, they should be here any second now…” Chris grinned, “Make sure you get into your positions.”
The rest of the team and a few other friends hid behind the couch, inside the kitchen, everywhere it was possible for a grown person to hide away.
Chris was hiding in the kitchen, holding Duke so he wouldn’t jump Luca before he had even had the chance to enter the house.
 *             *             *
 “Do you need help up the ramp?”
“Nah, I’ve got this…”
“Okay, then I’ll just get the door.” Tan grinned and checked his phone on the way up the stairs.
Luca nodded as he pushed himself up the ramp, “You build this thing?”
“Hondo helped me…” Tan nodded.
“It’s a good ramp. Not too steep…” Luca grinned, “And good platform on top, I can swirl around up here without worrying about accidentally going down the stairs.”
Tan nodded and unlocked the door.
He let Luca pass by him, then he stepped in as well.
“I guess Duke must be sleeping…” Luca shrugged.
But as if on cue Duke exited the kitchen, not only wagging his tail, but his whole body.
“Oh, hey Duke-boy!!!” Luca grinned as the golden retriever halted in front of him, still too excited to keep all four legs on the ground as once.
“Come up…” Luca grinned as he patted his lap and the golden climbed up, still wagging every part of itself.
“You think that’s a good idea?”
“Yeah.” Luca nodded, hugging the dog, “It’s a perfectly good idea.”
Tan chuckled and snapped a photo of Luca and Duke, before he switched the lights on. Which was the signal to the rest of the party.
Luca gaped as he tried to process all the people popping out of seemingly nowhere. “You guys… Wow…”
Duke climbed down as  the people who just had jumped out came closer in order to hug Luca and welcome him back home more appropriately.
“Guys, this is such a surprise…”
“We’ve all missed you.” One of their elderly neighbors smiled.
“Yeah, and we all wanted to celebrate that you finally made it back home.” Hondo said, slapping his hands together.
Luca nodded. His eyes were stinging and he knew that he shouldn’t trust his voice if he wanted to avoid crying at the moment.
After a hug or two, he manned up to choke out “Thanks.”
 *             *             *
 Hondo had brought gumbo, Annie and Deacon provided various types of food and snacks, Chris had made sure there was cakes (which her aunt had baked), and Street had gotten hold of booze for those who hadn’t brought any of their own.
No one went too wild, and the atmosphere was awesome.
The last people left around 2 a.m.
 *             *             *
 Luca was still awake when Tan came back from the walk with Duke. He had spent the time Tan used to walk Duke to get ready for bed, and to get up in it.
He felt the bed dip under Tan’s weight, and pulled a satisfied breath.
“Thank you…” he smiled.
Tan smiled back, “Did you have fun?”
Luca nodded, “I did. -And I think I needed it as well…”
Tan nodded and settled in on his side, facing towards Luca.
Luca was on his side, facing Tan as well.
“Hey, it’s been literal months…” Luca chuckled, “Why don’t you come a bit closer? Let’s just be close for once…”
Tan nodded and moved closer, wrapping Luca in a long awaited embrace.
He looked up when Luca chuckled and twisted a little, “What? You’re not ticklish…”
“-I am now…” Luca laughed as he buried his face in Tan’s chest, “My midriff is super sensitive. It’s like it’s making up for everything I can’t feel further down…”
Tan chuckled, “Well, that’s a new one…”
Luca nodded with a tired sigh, “Yeah.”
They laid like that in silence for a few minutes, before Tan started running his hand up and down Luca’s back.
“That feels really good…”
“It’s not tickling you?”
“Dude, you would’ve heard me laughing if it did…” Luca answered, pulling Tan a smidge closer with the arm he had wrapped around his waist.
“Just making sure.”
“I’ve missed this…” Luca admitted, barely suppressing a yawn.
Tan nodded, “So have I…”
Luca smiled and his breathing evened out, until Tan almost thought the blond had already fallen asleep.
“I love you….”
Tan smiled and placed a kiss on Luca’s forehead, “I love you too…”
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outpunched-blog1 · 6 years
Tickling headcanons? Who's ticklish and where?
Let’s go get some HCs! I don’t plan for these ones to be too long, so punch me if I need a readmore! 
Doc Louis: Not too ticklish, but dragging a finger or something that’s just barely touching his skin on the back of his hands or nose or mustache could get him.Little Mac: Somewhat ticklish, mostly with his sides. In school, his friends would do that if he was acting too serious and couldn’t lighten-up.
Glass Joe: An average amount of ticklish in all of the most ticklish places. His sides and the back of his neck, mostly. He’ll usually try to flee!Von Kaiser: Surprisingly, quite ticklish. Only around his knees, sides and feet, though. If he isn’t too shocked, he will swing at whoever’s trying to tickle him.Disco Kid: Very ticklish! If he’s out with buddies and lifts his arms, they’ll go right in for the kill because they know he’ll squirm. He likes laughing, though, but will still playfully whack whoever tickled him after he’s free.King Hippo: No one’s really been close enough to try, but he has started laughing as a result of something gently brushing his skin. 
Piston Hondo: He’s managed to school himself to not be... as ticklish as he used to be. The friends he had through school would always try to grab his thigh once they found out it was a prime target. He keeps himself guarded!Bear Hugger: He’s pretty ticklish! Sometimes, his own beard tickles his nose and he laughs. His arms and back are what get to him. Great Tiger: He hates that he’s so easy to tickle. The ribs are the worst for him, especially since they’re a bit hard to guard!Don Flamenco: Don’s ticklish all around his neck and underarms, and very ticklish, at that. After a few incessant seconds of being tickled, he’s laughed himself into a silent wheeze.
Aran Ryan: Dangerous to tickle him, but still easy to do. Touch nearly any place on him suddenly and he’ll jump, and fight as he may, if he’s caught he’ll go down after a few seconds. Soda Popinski: Not ticklish. Maybe at some point he was, but he’s since ‘grown past it’. You might be able to catch him off guard, but his reaction is temporary.Bald Bull: Quite ticklish, on the sides and stomach. Interestingly, while being tickled, he isn’t so aggressive. He’ll just try to shoo the person away.Super Macho Man: It’s just his underarm that’s ticklish, but it’s harder to get him into hysterics. He’ll sink like a ship if he manages to be tickled for long enough.Mr. Sandman: Only a little ticklish, and only if something’s just barely dragging across his skin. He’ll chuckle and shoo whoever away, but won’t burst-out laughing.
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tanadidreamer · 6 years
Mando Pups
Dagorlad quietly sat on the floor in front of the baby who was seated in his brother’s lap while their uncle, Myles and Uncle Jax discussed something about Death Watch.
Fenn stared right back at him curiously with big, blue eyes which incited Dag to start making faces at him, resulting in Fenn giggling. “What’s so funny, Fenn?” Myles asks as his attention was drawn away from the meeting to look at the boys with a teasing smile. “Is Dag’ika being silly?”.
“Kitty!” Fenn declared as he reached out for Dagorlad.
“Would you mind, Myles?” Talan asks as he adjusted Fenn a bit.
“Nah. If Minnie trusts Hondo ta hold him, Ah don’t see the harm in lettin’ yer brother hold ‘im.”  Myles responds with a wave of dismissal and smirked at Dagorlad. “As for you, let ‘im loose if ya want, just keep an eye on him. He’s overly curious like his mama.”.
Dagorlad gave a slight nod as Talan helped Fenn stand and allowed him to toddle over to Dagorlad. “Whoa, careful!” Dag says as he caught the little runt when he tripped. “C’mere, runt.”.
“Not a runt!” Fenn whines as Dagorlad set him on his lap then smooshed the older boy’s face with both hands, looking him in the eyes. “Kitty’s a runt!”.
“I’m bigger then you are, runt.”.
“An’ you look like a kitty! Runt!” Fenn argued as he kept smooshing Dag’s face with a determined look.
Myles gave a slight nod. “He ain’t wrong at that one, runt.” Myles pointed out as he watched them with bright green eyes, winking at Dagorlad as he returned to the discussion and Talan moved to join the three men. “Careful not to hurt each other.”.
“Yea’, yea’.” Dagorlad muttered as he held Fenn, letting out a playful growl which seemed to startle the little runt before he giggled. “You’re lucky tha’ you’re cute.”.
“‘Cause ya’re annoyin’.” Dagorlad remarks as he raised his hand and smirked at his ba’vod’ika. “Y’know, Fenn, it’s been ‘while since we played Tickle Monster.”.
“No! No tickle monster!” Fenn cried as he tried to slip away, only for Dagorlad to tuck him againt himself and start tickling Fenn’s tummy which resulted in more giggles from Fenn as he started trying to wrestle with Dag’s hand. “Boo! Tal! Help!”.
“Busy, kiddo.” Myles singsonged as the other adults all started chuckling at the sight. “’Sides, it builds character.”.
Myles let out a slight yelp as Uncle Jax leaned close to him. “Your father’s still ticklish so he’s quite right.” The man remarks as Myles glared at him.
“Hmm....nah. Looks like you got it, Fenn.” Talan answered as he smirked at the two of them. “Have fun.”.
“Kitty....” Fenn whined as he wrestled with Dagorlad’s hand.
“Yea’, Fen’ika?”.
“You a meanie.” Fenn pouted which caused the older boy to chuckle.
“No ‘m not, ‘m jus’ your ori’ba’vod.” Dagorlad says with a teasing grin as Fenn managed to actually hold his hand back. “’M jus’ trainin’ ya a bit. To not be so annoyin’.”.
“Not annoyin’! You are!”.
“Uh-huh.” Dagorlad mumbled as he grinned at the brat then blew a raspberry against his neck, resulting in a whole new fit of giggles.
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Gargoyle + 7. favourite books/stories; The Jeweled Spider + 17. weaknesses; Freyja + 3. favourite memories; Hel + 8. people they admire; The Hemlock + 10. favourite colours; The Blushing Rogue + 11. habits; The Scales + 13. childhood memories; The Plague Doctor + 16. strengths; The Torch + 19. things they would do for someone they care about; Cole + 20. fears; Theodosia + 23. weird dreams they’ve had; and the rest of your OCs + 25!
 5 of Gargoyle’s Favorite Stories
She fully knows it’s cringe but...Ratatouille is her favorite movie. She relates to Remy, being a chef people don’t take seriously because of their appearances/species
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman
Emma by Jane Austen
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
5 of The Jeweled Spider’s Weaknesses
A crippling fear of failure
The need to drop everything to help someone
Fun fact, one of Spider-Man’s weaknesses is water, so I imagine that’s something that Spideys experience across the board
She’s ticklish
Shitty sleep schedule 
5 of Freyja’s Favorite Memories
The first time she led her Valkyries to victory
When she first got her magical cats
The founding of New Asgard (it was a sign of hope for her)
The victory against Thanos
Learning Loki defected and mended his ways
5 People Hel Admires
Her father, Loki
Her uncle, Thor
Her grandmother, Frigga
5 of The Hemolck’s Favorite Colors
Pink (it reminds her of Griddys)
5 Habits of The Blushing Rogue
Impulse buys
Being too trusting
Crying at romance movies
Singing as she works
Mother henning her loved ones
5 of The Scales’ Childhood Memories
The first mission he and his siblings went on
His first press event
The first time Reginald pushed him off of the roof for training
When he pierced his own ear
Any time he and his siblings snuck out to Griddys
5 Strengths of The Plague Doctor
Scientific prowess
High intellect
Ability to keep a cool head
5 Things The Torch Would do for a Loved One
Let them crash on the couch
Listen to them vent
Drive them somewhere
Help them move
Die for them, tbh
5 of Cole’s Fears
Being forgotten
Being judged on how he died
Being blamed for how he died
Being mocked
5 Weird Dreams Theodosia Has Had
She was her dad during one of his speeches when he ran for president
She was the long lost Schuyler Sister
At least one romantic dream with Philip Hamilton
Her dad and Alexander in a boxing match
She and Alexander in a boxing match
5 Random Facts About Velma (BMC)
She had a really bad weeb phase
Worked tech during the play
Good friends with Micheal
Ships Micheal and Jeremy secretly
Had a crush on Christine once
5 Random Facts About Pearl
Hooked up with Helene once
In a modern AU, she’d be a huge Lady Gaga fan
Has a lot of regrets about the path she’s taken
Has been found in a gutter at least once
Was there when Pierre fought that bear (it’s a thing in the original War and Peace, look it up)
5 Random Facts About Hadestown Universe!Athena
Good friends with Persephone, she tries to give her advice but she doesn’t listen
In a Percy Jackson AU, she actually does care about Annabeth but doesn’t know how to show it
Arachne and her were an item and what happened was a lover’s quarrel gone wrong
Doesn’t normally drink
She can absolutely summon owls to do her bidding
5 Random Facts About Hadestown Universe!Icharus
Does not give a fuck about his own safety and constantly does stupid reckless shit
Craves attention
Disaster pan
If we’re going on “we’re gonna sing it again” logic, he still has a burning sensation on his back each time but doesn’t know why
In love with Apollo because I say so fuck you
5 Random Facts About Aola 
Really good at gambling
Secret fear of womp rats
She wants to break into Jabba’s Palace and lead a rebellion of the slave girls
Can’t hold her liquor at all
She’s highkey Hondo’s unofficial daughter at this point
5 Random Facts About Frayda
Another disaster pan
Super ambitious
Chihuahua energy (tiny but will try to fight you like she’s huge)
Whenever I’d use her in a campaign, I’d always do “roll to seduce,” so there’s that
She eats a surprising amount
5 Random Facts About Tarlyn 
Constantly riffing on his friends
Self-deprecating humor abounds!
Tries really, really hard to keep from complaining/fighting about legit anything because of the reputation drow elves have
Golden eyes
“Ohh look at this pretty rock I’m gonna keep it”
5 Random Facts About Denise
She was created the same way Figment was, by her father’s imagination
Her pronouns are she/they
They like to let Figment ride around on their shoulders like a parrot
Has the same energy as the “I have a lot of feelings” girl from Mean Girls
Braids her friends’ hair regardless of gender
5 Random Facts About Carmilla
Secretly wants to learn D&D but doesn’t want to be looked down on
Super conservative, religious single dad
Loves rock music
Has a huge crush on Robin
Friends with Steve
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gaybananabread · 7 months
🎃TickleTober 2023🎃
This was a MONSTER to format, but it's done. Hopefully this is easier to navigate than the chaotic mess of last year!
(Prompt list)
Day 1 - lee!Steven, ler!Amethyst
Fandom= Steven Universe Future
Summary: Steven hasn’t been doing the best mentally, especially on the bad days. Amethyst has the perfect way to help, but being herself, adds a playful edge to it.
Day 2 - lee!Bakugou, ler!Best Jeanist
Fandom= My Hero Academia
Summary: Jeanist thought that Bakugou's suit needed some special touches. The blonde obviously protests, leading to some rather giggly measurements.
Day 3 - lee!Hawks, ler!Dabi
Fandom= My Hero Academia
Summary: Dabi and Hawks wake up after a night together, cozy in their bed. Dabi wants peaceful cuddles, but Hawks won't stop being a shit. Lucky for him, Dabi knows just how to get the pesky bird to settle down.
Day 4 - lee!Hondo, ler!Nichelle
Fandom= SWAT
Summary: Hondo is talking about his day, feeling a bit down after some heavy stuff went down. Nichelle tries to cheer him up, exploiting her favorite of her man’s few weaknesses.
Day 7 - lee!Gwen, ler!Miles
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Miles and Gwen step away for a peaceful moment to themselves. At least, that's what he thought before Gwen pokes fun and teases him. Lucky for him, he finds the perfect way to retaliate. 
Day 10 - lee!Gwen, ler!Spot
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Gwen gets caught up by The Spot, trying to get back some stolen parts. Spot, not wanting to be caught, retaliates. He doesn’t want to hurt the young hero, though, so he finds a laughable alternative.
Day 12 - lee!Dipper, ler!Stan
Fandom= Gravity Falls
Summary: Dipper is stressing out over the summer spooky season. Stan decides he needs a visit from a special kind of monster.
Day 13 - lee!Amity, lers!Emira, Edric
Fandom= The Owl House
Summary: Amity tries once again to get her siblings back for their tickly attacks. The twins catch on, quickly putting a stop to her tickly plan with one of their own.
Day 16 - lee!Red Son, ler!Mk
Fandom= Lego Monkie Kid
Summary: Red and MK are in the hero's apartment, lazing around and hanging out. Being himself, Mk finds a way to make the evening a bit more interesting.
Day 17 - lee!Pavitr, ler!Hobie
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Pavitr thinks it's a good idea to try and hide his candy stash from his friends, refusing to share. Hobie shows him just how persuasive he can be when it comes to the sweet treats.
Day 21 - lee!Fizzarolli, ler!Asmodeus
Fandom= Helluva Boss
Summary: After a shitty day, Fizz is more than ready for some love from his partner. Ozzie is happy to help, though he does it in his own silly way. After all, what's love without some laughter?
Day 22 - lee!Pavitr, ler!Gayatri
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Pavitr was waiting for his girlfriend on the rooftop. It was a chillier day than normal in Mumbai, and Pavitr could do with some warming up. Gayatri helped out, but her warming affections have a tickly twist.
Day 24 - lee!Aang, ler!Katara
Fandom= Avatar: The Last Airbender
Summary: Aang is feeling extra cheeky and decides that teasing Katara is a good idea. Little does he know that she's got a few tickly tricks up her sleeve. 
Day 25 - lee!Todoroki, lers!Bakugou, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya
Fandom= My Hero Academia
Summary: On a class field trip, the boys of 1A get to talking about their multi-quirked peer. After discovering that they all rarely hear his laugh, the goobers make it their mission to get him to crack a smile. Ticklish methods are utilized.
Day 27 - lee!Bakugou, ler!Shouji
Fandom= My Hero Academia
Summary: Bakugou is talking big game to his peers, as usual. Only this time, Shouji gets sick of it. He decides to put the explosion-quirked user in his place.
Day 28 - lee!Todoroki, ler!Kirishima
Fandom= My Hero Academia
Summary: A stressed-out Todoroki passes Kirishima, the boy’s mama-bear instincts kicking in. An innocent massage to help him relax leads to a rather tickly situation.
Day 29 - lee!Hobie, brief Gwen, ler!Miles, Gwen, Pavitr
Fandom= Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: There’s one golden rule in Hobie’s house boat; don’t wake him up. His friends always break that rule. Deciding to be brats, the spider kids tickle Hobie awake once again. After he recovers, he takes a little revenge.
Day 30 - lees!Mabel, Dipper, lers!Stan, Ford
Fandom= Gravity Falls
Summary: The Pines family are having an "intense" game of Hide-and-Seek to determine who gets to decorate the Mystery Shack for Halloween. There's an interesting set of rules, with a ticklish twist for whoever gets caught.
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