#thrawn apologist
pencil-urchin · 5 months
Dude, Thrawn can claim to fight for the "greater good" as much as he wants. The fact remains that he still sides with the Empire of his own free will and is explicitly apathetic at best about their atrocities. Not to mention the Grysks are not even remotely as dangerous as he claims they are.
You're free to interpret it that way, but I don't, plain and simple.
I'm not going to be argumentative about this because while I have a degree in and experience with parsing out language to infer meaning behind the surface and secondary reading of a text, I don't owe anyone my expertise, energy, or time, let alone some unidentified nobody who disagrees with me on something that can be read equivocally and thus has no definitive answer. I could absolutely explicate each chapter of the series and defend my points, but that's not why I engage with the media--I engage with it to enjoy it.
And not to disparage the genre (because my tenure as a librarian combined with my own love of reading and academic study of literature has repeatedly demonstrated that it has as much if not more emotional and psychological impact as any other genre) this disagreement is about something that is fictional. Quite simply, it has no real purpose other than to persuade one viewpoint to abandon its position and come to the opposing side at best, and to sow division at worst.
I will say, however that (and I cannot stress this enough) even if your reading were empirically true, even if Zahn came out and declared you 1000% correct, I am still allowed to like characters you have problems with and interpret them however I want.
Thanks for stopping by.
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my-heart-is-at-csilla · 7 months
I said this before but I will say it again. I will always love and support Thrawn even if he would hijack the Death Star and blow up half the Galaxy with it but that's just me.
I guess I have said that enough that most of the above post was completed using predictive text.
But seriously, people need to stop being so damn self righteous and attacking Timothy Zahn cause of Thrawn's background. Don't they realize that mostly everyone is complex? They are shaped by their upbringing, environment, life experiences, friends and loved ones. There is no black and white, it's a complex world of colors out there, and everyone is different. Maybe those who are being self righteous have lived in a 2 dimensional black and white world but at the end, is that truly living?
Thrawn is a highly complex character, one who serves the greater good, who might make choices that we might not like but at the end, no one is perfect. One can love a character without completely agreeing with all of their choices but yet understanding the whys and hows of why they made that certain decision is also apart of knowing that character fully, appreciating the beautiful complexity of his or hers being.
Those self righteous twats who are attacking Timothy Zahn and all of us who loves Thrawn needs to remember a certain quote-
"He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone"
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roobgumball95 · 1 year
reminder thrawn kills people dead
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jedi-enthusiast · 9 months
I said I would get on my "let villains just be evil" soapbox again in the Jedi Appreciation server, so here we are.
For some context: this was brought up on a discussion of how Kallus should've just stayed a villain instead of getting the shitty half-assed "redemption arc" that he did in Rebels and also how I would have done Rebels differently.
I am just...so utterly sick of people (both fans + some of the people creating new SW media) just not letting villains be villains and/or trying to soften them up or give them a sad backstory or whatever.
I like Anakin/Darth Vader as a villain...fans try to justify his actions and say that he was right + Filoni is now under the delusional impression that Anakin was the "best Jedi."
I like Thrawn as a villain...I've also seen people justify his actions and say that he was "right" to steal important cultural artifacts from the cultures he's taking over/destroying because "they'd be destroyed anyway," like that makes it ok.
(I'm also terrified that Filoni is gonna try to give him some sort of sob story or redemption arc in the Ahsoka show, since that's pretty on par for what he's been doing lately)
I like Maul as a villain...and apparently people also try to justify his actions, especially in Rebels, for some reason. I don't even know how, but apparently they do.
I like Dooku as a villain and Filoni tried to justify his actions and make him seem "reasonable" in TotJ, like Dooku didn't become a fucking fascist dictator.
I haven't seen enough of the Sequels to properly gauge whether or not I'd like Kylo Ren as a villain, but plenty of people did! ...and then the directors gave him a half-assed redemption arc and called it quits.
Like please, for the love of god, can people just let villains be evil and terrible people? Can we all just enjoy their characters as they are instead of trying to turn them into something they're not?
Because, at this point, the only villain that's safe to like is Palpatine--but I'm almost certain that people have tried to justify his actions too.
It's exhausting to have to explain-
"Yes, I like Anakin/Darth Vader because I think he's badass, no I don't think the Jedi were evil or in the wrong or that they caused his Fall."
"Yes, I like Thrawn because I think he's creepy and a formidable opponent to face, no I don't think he was benevolent for stealing cultural artifacts from cultures he destroyed."
"Yes, I like Maul because he's absolutely batshit insane, no I don't think his actions against Obi-Wan were justified or that he was right to try and manipulate/kidnap Ezra to be his apprentice."
"Yes, I like Dooku because he's a snarky asshole and also pretty badass, no I don't think that he was actually right or that the Separatists were right either."
etc. etc.
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zeb-z · 1 year
I dunno, and I haven't read the Ascendency novels to be clear, so I can’t speak of who he was before his exile - but maybe Thrawn accepting Grand Admiral for that shitshow on Batonn sealed his fate. Maybe he wasn't the one to pull the trigger, maybe he was appalled by the needless death - he still took the promotion, even if he didn't want it. The moment he took the rank plate was the moment the blood on his hands became insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The moment where all his intentions begin to be buried by his actions.
Everyone is all about how Thrawn isn't that bad of a guy - and honestly I do agree that his character is misunderstood more often than not - but he still did terrible things with the Empire. Turned a blind eye and condoned much more with silence.
Because the fall of Nightswan and Batonn may not have been his fault - but he accepted the stain when he took his promotion.
For all you try to keep things fair, it doesn't matter if you're working in a system that is instituted to be cruel. And while Thrawn had never claimed to be a good man, and had only joined ultimately for the protection of his own people, there's something to be said of this deterioration of morality. How he doesn't understand politics, but is still shaped by the dangerous and vindictive workings of Imperial political scene, forgoing honesty for station.
Pirates and smugglers turn to insurgents and rebels. Capture turns to execute. He kills to prove a point.
He develops for the worse. For all he shapes the Imperial Navy, it shapes him all the same. I dunno. Complex character and all o that. He’s no scum of the earth true evil, but he’s no shining star either.
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lurkingleighbee · 1 year
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where is the lie though?
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aroayr-shuk · 1 year
Don't feel sorry. I'm a Thurfian apologist and a Thrawn apologist at the same time, so it's fun.
The thing is, Thurfian is the character that is mostly always right, he does it for the Ascendancy and see Thrawn for the actual menace that he his, but he has a hard time proving because Thrawn is a prodigy that always get away with everything (until he doesn't).
I bet he gained white hair early thanks to our dear Grand Admiral.
I actually ask myself if I shouldn't write for him from time to time, but the fandom for the Ascandancy trilogy is really niche.
You absolutely should write for him, the fandom is niche, but those who are here are like parasites and we need to feed. Plus I've been looking for good Thurfian fics.
One of the things that fascinates me about the Thrawn trilogies is that he always has a mirror. During the Empire Era it's Pryce and to a certain extent Krennic, even Tarkin from a certain point of view. In the Acendancy Era it was supposed to be Thrass, but his time was cut short (😔). Thalias tried to fill the role, but his mirror shouldn't agree with him. Thurfian is a prodigy of his own right. He does not have the strategic skills of Thrawn when it comes to the battlefield, but when it comes to matters of the court there is no one that you would be in better hands with. Whether you like it or not.
I believe is that Thurfian is just as much of a menace as Thrawn. Thrawn cannot possibly see the devastation that his actions take on the Acendancy from within, but Thurfian cannot see the affects of his inaction from without.
And yes, Thurfian isn't that old, he just has permanent stress lines.
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jedidryad · 2 years
Posting! My Decisions, My Reasons: a Mara Jade memoir
Today is the day. Here are the first 3 chapters (prologue + 2 chapters) of part one of my Mara Jade memoir.
The plan is to post weekly if not more often.
Hope you enjoy this introductory peek in to Mara’s state of mind and her life right after Palpatine’s death.
Part One: Darkness Kicks Back
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garden-bug · 8 months
I am not a Thrawn apologist but I would apologise to Eli Vanto on Thrawn’s behalf.
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ok I'm in a bit of a mood so feel free to throw some or all of this in the trash, but Thrawn and the 50 character questions number 1, 3, 8, 13, 17, 35, and/or 49
1. Canon I outright reject
Honestly most of his characterization in Star Wars: Rebels. I'm not sure how he's portrayed in Ahsoka, but he just does not translate well to a Saturday morning cartoon villain.
3. Obscure headcanon
Not really obscure so much as crack, but you can't tell me that man isn't an art major. Yeah, yeah, warrior training, Chiss ascendancy all that, but in his heart that man would be much happier in academia getting to passive aggressive fights in journal articles.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
He really isn't as objective as people often try to argue he is (ie. Empire apologists). He has a sever blind spot which is his own cultural biases of domination and control. As much as he studies other cultures to understand the minds of its people and commanders, he does not or will not allow the introspection needed to question his own beliefs. He may conflict with the Chiss, but he does not outright reject their understanding of the galaxy.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
Trusting Arihnda Pryce farther than he could throw her.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
I can't think of an exact quote, but most anything having to do with Sherlock Holmes.
He's just Sherlock Holmes with a different hat, fight me about it in the comments.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
Sipping a glass some something brown as he examines a painting selected by an enemy to be placed in their home, with absolutely no disturbances.
49. Favorite toy as a child
I can't imagine he'd play with traditional toys. Honestly I see him picking up and playing with any kind of puzzle box he could get his hands on. Whatever the Star Wars equivalent of a rubix cube was his first obsession.
50 Random Character Asks
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admiral-arelami · 8 months
Thrawn's a Villain Haiku (Sarcastic)
Calling all Thrawn fans:
I haven't read the books yet
But I know he's bad.
It's problematic
To like an Imperial
You must be a Fascist.
Unpopular take:
Thrawn is an evil villain
And so are his fans.
Thrawn apologists
are the worst kind of people.
They get on my nerves.
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 8 months
Hey, if you're rude, I'll block. There's literally no reason to be rude. I said "Correct me if I'm wrong"
The fact that some people can't tell the difference between a warlord and a war criminal and others be saying "who cares?" And agreeing with them is total shit.
You were cool, honestly, you probably won't see his because I blocked you, but you were cool. Just really rude.
Yeah, I'm a Thrawn apologist, but I do know his flaws and shits. I'm not stupid.
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milfjinart · 10 months
feel like I have to make a disclaimer right off the bat: I fully realize thrawn is a fascist or at least carries out the space fascist agenda (idk I haven’t read all the thrawn books yet) and I am in no way a thrawn apologist. I think he’s a shite person
he is sooo interesting and complex as a villain or morally gray antagonist or what have you. I want to study him like a bug. picking him up with my teeth and shaking him vigorously etc.
and those things do not contradict each other!! :)
I feel ridiculous for making a disclaimer about hyperfixating on a fictional character, especially bc y’all know maul is my favorite villain and he’s obviously heinous and I’ve never been one to hop on the maul apologia train! but whatever I just know someone would get weird with it and make assumptions about me otherwise. so. let the record stand I can despise fascists and simultaneously think a fascist character is interesting 👍
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roguemonsterfucker · 8 months
I thought the harassment over the Thrawn thing had ended, but I was wrong so now I feel forced to defend myself. All people involved have either been anonymous or blocked me, so I can't explain myself directly to them but I believe this stemmed from a misunderstanding.
I will own up to being rude in my responses, but I hope y'all will understand that I felt very attacked from the very first message directed at me.
Get ready for an image heavy post.
It all stated with me seeing this post in the Thrawn tags:
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I saw a few other Thrawn fans making their own posts, indirectly responding to this criticism, so I went ahead and made two separate posts of my own.
Below is the first one, which responded to the OP's take on Thrawn's loyalty to his people, the Chiss. I hope you can see clearly from this post that I am myself a defender of Thrawn in many ways and very much a fan of his.
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The second post is where the trouble started. I see now that my wording, taken without the context of the original Anti Thrawn post, looks like an attack on Thrawn fans. That was not my intent, though I see now how it looks that way. I was simply explaining my own view of calling myself a "Thrawn Apologist."
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Now he's where the trouble really started. Someone very active in the Thrawn tags and who has followed my Thrawn blog for at least a week or so reblogged that with an addition that I took as very aggressive and patronizing. I felt very attacked by the response's wording and it didn't help that the person called me "hon," which I have always found a very upsetting thing to be called. I know it is sometimes meant in a kind way, but the combonation of the aggressive tone of the message and the patronizing "hon" put me on the defensive.
That said, I personally don't think my respond was rude or anything initially. I simply asked what they meant by their message, because I wasn't really sure what they were taking issue with, and in the tags put as kind of a message as possible to ask them not to call me hon in the future.
I should add that my pinned post says this: "I'm nonbinary. Please don't call me a guy or a girl or any other gendered term."
And I have had to previously ask people not to call me "girlie" and other gendered terms because I am a trans person and those terms trigger dysphoria for me.
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Now here is where I did become rude and I freely admit I was very short with this person. I hope you can understand why from the above explanation that I was on the defensive and already a little upset.
At this point, I didn't realize that what this person's actual issue was was in fact that they felt I was attacking "Thrawn Apologists" because they apparently didn't see the initial Anti Thrawn post that I was responding to.
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I didn't understand why anyone would argue over the semantics of "warlord" versus "war criminal" and I was becoming a bit distressed because I knew I had seen someone call Thrawn a warlord somewhere. I hadn't just pulled that word out of my rear end. And after doing further research, I found that I hadn't in fact made it up. It's Legends (not canon) now, but "Warlord" was in fact a title given by the Emperor to some of his military commanders, so whether Thrawn meets the definition of our world's warlord or not is a moot point.
Regardless, this is were the hateful messages began. The below message came from someone that clearly follows the person that took issue with my use of "warlord."
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This person blocked me before I could respond and explain that the reason I didn't like being called "hon" was gender dysphoria.
I did start to think at this point that maybe this was over more than just me calling Thrawn a warlord so I made a post, to which the original person arguing with me responded.
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But apparently that wasn't enough for them to seek out context or ask or give me the benefit of the doubt. And still at this point, I didn't realize that this person and others were under the impression that I was insulting Thrawn Apologists.
For the below screenshot, I have no idea why my main's username is listed as the account because it's definitely on my thrawn sideblog. Regardless, I recieved a reply that I responded to via screenshoting because I didn't want to reply with my main in the comments. Keep in mind, I still had no idea that people were upset that I was insulting Thrawn Apologists, though I was starting to get the sense that it was more than just semantics of whether he was a warlord or not.
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And it was after this message that the person I was arguing with apparently decided I was making fun of them and they blocked me and made their own rant post about me, which is when I realized the issue wasn't whether Thrawn was a warlord or not, it was that they felt I was insulting Thrawn Apologists. But of course, they blocked me at that point so I couldn't defend myself.
Firstly, I think it's clear that they never saw my additional posts explaining that "warlord" was a title within the star wars universe. And secondly... I'm very confused as to why they call me an "idol." I made it clear in many of my posts on that blog that I never intended for people to follow it. It was a place for me to collect Thrawn posts for myself.
Also, they seem to think I was making fun of them with my response above, which wasn't my intent though I do see how they would feel that way. As I said, I was already on the defensive because of the aggressive wording of their very first message to me and it was only made worse by followers of theirs calling me a bitch.
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I understand that I was rude in many of my responses. I own up to that. But I don't think that justifies some of the hateful messages I have been sent because this person reblogged my post without understanding that it was not intended to insult fans of Thrawn.
I have been sent many hateful messages to my thrawn blog now because of this. I thought it was over after this person posted their final rant about me but it has continued.
So... I just wanted to post this so that I could get it off my chest.
I know I was rude and I apologize. But I hope it's clear that my intent was misunderstood. Perhaps that is my own fault. But I still don't feel it justifies messages like this:
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I never intended to attack apologists. It was a response to a hateful message in the Thrawn tags calling apologists annoying. I was laughing at the idea of being called an apologist myself, not at the idea of apologists existing.
I am sorry to those hurt by my words. I wish I could explain myself and apologize directly but I will respect the block and not go around it.
Thanks to anyone who made it reading this far. If you saw my previous posts from last night, you'll know yesterday was rough in many ways. And the weeks ahead will be rougher. I'm in really bad shape (unrelated to the above, though I can't say it helped =/) and I have appreciated all the kind messages I've received.
I won't be around tumblr much. I really should avoid it completely while I heal. My queue posts 5 times a day, so if you don't see any posts outside of those then I'm not back yet.
I'm sorry I didn't pick someone to take over the confessions blog. I can't deal with that right now. But rest assured that the queue is full for quite a while and when I'm able, I'll try to figure out how to keep that blog alive somehow.
Thank you all.
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get to know me meme, tagged by @armchairaloof 💕
Last song: relax by frankie goes to hollywood
Last show: attack on titan and the last of us
Currently watching: spy x family...and a never-ending stream of tiktoks from @ablogofbipanic‘s cursed FYP
Currently reading: a darker shade of magic (again), the jasmine throne, the atlas six, and thrawn: treason
Currently obsessed with: the 80s and finding the perfect black pen
tagging if you want, no pressure etc etc @ablogofbipanic, @headcanonheadcase, @vulpes-fennec, @velidewrites & @separatist-apologist (and anyone else!)
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aroayr-shuk · 1 year
I promise I'm not a Thurfian apologist. It's just that he's an interesting, dynamic character and I desperately want Thrawn to be accepted by his people.
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