#thoughts with magpie
string-chese · 6 days
crazy that taylor swift was born in 1989, the same year of the release of belgian techno anthem pump up the jam
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many-gay-magpies · 5 months
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I have lots of feelings about this guy
They're the first spirit we've ever freed. The spirit that taught us skykids how to free other spirits and gave us our first hairstyle outside the one we were born with, without even asking for hearts in exchange. They're the first spirit any moth will know, and out of the whole rotating cast of spirits to visit aviary, they're the only one that's there every day. They're the one that greets us when we enter the village, making us feel welcome just like they did when we first started playing the game.
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flambo19 · 4 months
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Scavengers are funny guys
(also i hc baby scavs are balls of fluff)
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magpie-murder · 5 months
Loki + Family
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thor and loki: original sin #5.3 // thor and loki: original sin #5.5 // journey into mystery #626 // loki: agent of asgard #1 // journey into mystery #632 // journey into mystery #633 // loki:agent of asgard #11 // journey into mystery #656
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Some of the birds I saw at WWT London Wetland Centre (just a few I could get good pictures of)!
Part 1
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Carolina Duck (male and female).
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African Yellow-Billed Duck
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Cape Teal
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Australian Wood Duck/ Maned Duck
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Magpie Geese
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slashmagpie · 7 months
This is not the first time it has lived, maw open and hungry and crawling. This is not the first time it has existed, hewn from stone and filled with power. Treasure and temptation. Risk and reward. It has lived, before; consumed, before; ended, before.
It knows this time will be no different.
And yet, and yet, it is different.
Larger. Stronger. Its bones stretch long, stretch down, fill out a cavern over twice the size of the one that had housed it before. Its stomach is larger. Emptier. If it had hungered before, it starves now, starves enough to eat its own. The ravagers, the wardens, the vex and all the rest: the beasts of the dungeon are the teeth that ring its gaping jaw. One by one, it swallows them in an attempt to sate the hunger. It is not enough. It will never be enough.
Players think themselves to be large, but in comparison to the dungeon, they are but flies in a trap. It swallows them too, one by one. It helps a little, but not enough. It is big. It is massive. Its meal must be, too.
A player runs through the dungeon. It recognises him. Conqueror. Champion. The one they’d all lauded as winner, last time, before it had been forced to end. The dungeon does not want to end again. So much is different, this time. Surely this can be too.
The Champion runs. The dungeon, hungry, hateful, slams a door shut in his face. “Tango!” he cries forlornly, turning away from the hazard. 
Nearby, the Dungeon Master’s consciousness, watching through the dungeon’s eyes, cackles. Protests, “That wasn’t me!”
Of course it wasn’t him. The Dungeon Master’s body stands, listless, empty, among the innards and veins that line the dungeon’s outer walls. He’s powerless. The dungeon could eat him, too, if it really wanted to—has, on many an occasion. It would consume him entirely if it could—but the Dungeon Master is too useful. The players won’t come if there’s no Dungeon Master to hand out meaningless prizes. They won’t allow themselves to be eaten if they don’t believe that it’s a game. And so the Dungeon Master lives, and the dungeon allows him to do his work, if only out of necessity. 
The Champion dodges a ravager. The Champion dodges a vex. The dungeon’s heart pounds, tha-thump, tha-thump, overwhelming and fast and loud. The dungeon hungers. The dungeon hates. The dungeon does not want the Champion to escape. The dungeon wants to swallow the Champion whole.
Silent, invisible, the Dungeon Master cheers the Champion on, even as the Champion curses his name for the teeth clamping down around him. It’s funny, the way the Champion blames the Dungeon Master. Human bodies are not meant to contain such hunger. Such hatred. No player could contain within it a cavern’s worth of wires and veins, beasts and teeth and stone and bones. No player could ever covet such a feast. 
The dungeon closes its mouth, gnashes its teeth, swirls its tongue and swallows its prey.
The Champion slips between two molars and escapes between its lips.
The dungeon howls, hunger and hatred and fury echoing through its marrow, and the Dungeon Master flinches, full-body. He doesn’t feel it, consciousness still floating around the Champion as he peruses cards. The dungeon feels it, though, feels it in a way that no player will ever be able to feel, because their bodies are not made of redstone and stone and their hearts are not made of magic and sound and their teeth are not made of monsters and beasts and their hunger is not for blood and souls and the crushing resonance of defeat.
The dungeon writhes, and quiets, and starves, and with every silent, absent beat of its heart, it grows just a little more hateful. 
(Deep in its guts, the Dungeon Master’s empty body shivers.)
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ethosiab · 4 months
avian etho maybe?
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Okay so I mayyy have had quite a bit of fun with this
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velvet-games · 24 days
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I finally finished the piece for @prince-liest's OC, Tzafael! this really reminded me of how fun character design is (and also that I've completely forgotten how to make digital art, but that's besides the point...) <3
credit to @hogbogglerspirits for the umbrella design! I kind of butchered it so please look at the original and throw lots of love at them
LOTS of notes, draft sketches, brainstorming, etc. below the cut. enjoy!
(note: a lot of what I'm talking about is based on posts prince made under their #tzafael tag, so take a look at those if you haven't yet!)
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thanks for joining me below the cut! here's the sketch without the colors as a treat (in case you want to color it yourself or something, idk).
notes about making the digital drawing:
holy shit this took me forever -- I was not kidding about forgetting how to make digital art lmao. I forgot how much less forgiving digital lines are and genuinely lost the spoons to even attempt lineart, hence just a sketch below the colors.
some of you might've seen the original sketch I sent to prince, which the digital version diverges from just a little. it's mostly the halo which I'll explain later, and I finally caved and drew the sixth eye (you can tell I drew and erased it multiple times in the sketch lmao -- still don't know if I prefer it with or without)
here's the original color ref by the lovely @gendermeh! my color scheme ended up looking really different, so some notes about that:
I was looking at references for magpies like this
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and I wanted to basically follow that color scheme while also being somewhat similar to the original -- dark head/shoulders --> dark top of the jacket, bright blue wings --> bright blue bottom of the jacket, greenish tailfeathers --> green pants, hints of purple --> purplish sleeve and pant ends
I also tried (and mostly failed, let's be real) to capture the iridescence of the feathers -- they look like oil spilled on the pavement or iridescent hematite to me! I think the key ended up being adding bright greens/purples and roughly blending them into the blues or vice versa but I didn't really figure that out until I got to the pants lol.
I'm gonna be honest; I don't remember why I went with this shape for the tailcoat. I just remember being unhappy with the sketch and then trying a bunch of different shapes that mostly looked worse lol -- I think I landed on this because a split tail kind of looks like wings?
KEPT the shoes -- absolutely magnifique. I wish I knew how to color gold better.
added lots of jewelry! they like shiny things :)
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alright, time for some more design notes/explanations + draft sketches!
but first, a couple disclaimers:
I want to make it very clear that I LOVE everything about the original design. I made a lot of changes based on personal preference/the way I interpreted the character. I was actually planning on making a digital piece that was more faithful to the original design too, but I was just out of spoons for it cause of life stuff.
you probably shouldn't try to read the notes I made in the sketches I'm about to show you unless I say otherwise. most of it is incoherent brain vomit in illegible artist handwriting and I'll transcribe/explain the stuff I think is important :) (the stuff in quotes are direct transcriptions of my notes)
I know my sketches are very messy lol. I only draw for fun, so I usually don't force myself to make stuff any neater than necessary unless it's supposed to be a formal piece. try to bear with me.
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my first few sketches of them! (I think?) this was before I sent prince a laundry list of questions so I was still trying to get a vibe
"magpie -- beak lips?" -- you'll see this in a few sketches; I considered giving them the lipstick design that velvette has since it looks like a beak. I still kind of think it's cute, but 1) I'm pretty sure velvette is the only character that has them, so I didn't want to make it seem like they were related somehow and 2) I thought it might be distracting with how much other crazy stuff I ended up including in their head/face
also, sidenote since it's relevant to what I said about vel: something I realized was important is how one character's design relates to the designs of the rest of the cast. I wasn't sure how much I should've gone for what looked good in a vacuum, how much should be based on what other characters looked like canonically, or what other characters would look like if I also designed them. it ended up being mostly the second option, but it was honestly still a struggle. should I take away some of the tumblr-sexyman-ness (no shade to tumblr sexymen; I love them) because there are other characters that already have it? should I relate their design to sera's and emily's in the show or should I think about how I would've designed sera and emily? should I follow some of the design philosophy of the original show and just throw stuff on there because it looks cool (the answer is yes btw)? decisions, decisions ...
I don't think this showed up really well in most of the drawings, but they actually have a black line down their nose! let's take a look at sera:
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since they're siblings, I wanted to include some similar facial markings. the nose line ended up being the only thing I kept though -- I was going to include freckles, but I have a compulsive need to give every character giant bottom lashes so there ended up being no room T.T I like that the magpie's hints of purple kind of match hers tho!
the wingification of the hair begins! I was still unsure of it at this point, but it was an idea I had since I was kind of struggling with how straight the feathers were in the original.
"maybe the ones on their head count as wings (so only one main pair)" -- I originally just had the 2 pairs of wings on their head, so I was thinking of just giving them 1 pair on their back so there would be still be 6 total. also this middle drawing of them is meant to be their exorcist outfit (I wanted it to be a cross between what the other exorcists wear and sera's outfit)
at this stage, I was thinking of giving them more magpie-like characteristics, so I looked at some references and tried to emulate them in a more human design. this ended up being really awkward so I scrapped it, but I still like the idea that their exorcist mask looks like a bird (kind of like a plague doctor's)
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peekaboo! I love the idea of them using the wing hair to cover their eyes lol. (ended up using that idea for my own seraph OC since that's their biblically accurate purpose: to cover their eyes/faces in reverence/humility -- doesn't really fit with tzafael tho lol, so they show their face most of the time)
an eyeball in the bowtie -- pretty self-explanatory. the eyeball motif is important.
the one in the middle is just me practicing drawing the original design, and the one on the right is another exorcist outfit I think. I wanted to include the diamond motif/points that sera has on her dress (the diamonds on the bottom turn into eyeballs, which is why the final design also has eyeballs on tzafael's sleeves/pants)
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lots of notes on the side based on what prince said in response to my ask
"localized omniscience (power of sight) -- cool + ironic that their sight was supposed to serve God but made them see Heaven for what it really is instead"
another exorcist outfit, this time including the feathers
I was also experimenting with the halo; I was trying to make it look sort of like sera's crown, but that didn't feel right ...
some practice with eyes -- my style is pretty flexible with eye shapes, so I try to make them suit the character. I drew lute's eye and also an actual magpie's as references -- lute's because of the exorcist background and also because they looked appropriately sharp, magpie's for obvious reasons. once again, my compulsive need for giant bottom lashes strikes
there was honestly a lot to balance with the eyes -- I wanted them to look condescending/bored (lowered top lid) but also amused (raised bottom lid) and like a magpie (round) but also harsh/mischievous (sharp, maybe slit pupils like a snake) and similar to sera's (but not too decorated -- also does it make sense for them to look like sera's if emily's don't even look like sera's?)
considered having wings on the shoulders -- the magpie pattern is super cool, so it would've been nice to have that somewhere more explicitly in the design. I still think that might fit in an outfit they would wear in heaven (maybe for formal occasions)
the introduction of the sweatervest! honestly I kind of love this for the way it captures more of the preppy, spoiled old-money upper-class vibe some heaven residents have, but it was scrapped since I couldn't imagine them wearing that while trying to scare the denizens of hell. maybe something they wear casually though.
"yes nictating membrane (on every eye!)" -- AHH I'm so sad I didn't end up putting this to use. I just feel like the whole effect is based on actually seeing them blink, and I don't animate lol.
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ugh, the nefarious laughter one ... don't worry I tried harder on a sketch later on lol.
"like the diamonds on Sera + Em" + "diamonds turn into eyes?" -- I draw the diamonds on the sweatervest turning into eyes later.
tried an actual bow instead of a bowtie -- very cute but didn't fit the vibe.
a skirt! I think they would wear a skirt sometimes.
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"FUCK ASS BOB" -- asghdk the wingification of the hair continues. unfortunately, I'm realizing at this point that the silhouette of the hair is starting to look a lot like alastor's. I gave a very half-hearted attempt at mitigating this, but it goes back to the thing of how much I am obligated to the original show's designs and what looks cool to me -- I think the wing hair fits them and I didn't want to change it because of alastor, plus my alastor design actually has completely different hair anyway. I did add a third pair to the back to look like a ponytail though.
introduction of the scarf! I was actually going to include this in the final design but uh,,, I forgor. are you starting to see a pattern.
the reason for the scarf is that the "tzafael going to places they know they'll draw attention/can incite chaos" reminded me of that scene in avengers where loki walks into a fancy building looking pretentious af and just casually stabs a guy's eye out. not really the same thing but I felt like the vibe matched. hence, loki's funny little scarf fit.
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uaoughdfjh it was SO FUN to draw the wing hair, and it was at this point that I realized they had to stay even though I wasn't sure if it was too different from the original.
gossiping with rosie cause that's the first person I thought of -- tzafael also summoned a pearl necklace to clutch because of the sheer drama of it all (your ex-husband did what??)
also started drawing the rings on their hands. magpie like shiny.
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lots of notes cause I was trying to compile the things I still needed to think about/incorporate into the final (I thought this was gonna be the last draft ... haha)
trying to include more bird/eye motifs
"fish ... purse?" -- ha! I forgot I was gonna give them a fish purse. I think I drew that in a later sketch, but not them wearing it.
"picked up Hellish traits bc of extended stay -- existential crisis?" -- I asked prince about the sharp teeth, and their answer implied that they became sharp as they stayed in hell longer, which got me thinking ... I feel like that's actually a great body horror concept. lucifer falling and looking like a normal angel at first, eventually waking up to more and more devilish features and feeling more and more like he's lost his home and his past self ... spooky.
another exorcist outfit -- I actually really like the eyes on the ribs! I never made a final draft for the exorcist uniform, but it would probably look close to what I drew here.
the one on the bottom was meant to be similar to the feathered shoulder pad idea, but this time with the whole magpie (with giant eyes). tried putting the "freckles" (really just dots in this case) over their brows, but that ended up looking kinda weird.
the eye is pretty close to the final design
the one on the right was supposed to be the full final design, but I was totally off lol -- the long trench coat really doesn't give off the right vibe at all
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playing around more with the loki vibes of the scarf, also added an eyeball to the chest
I never got happy with the design of the back of the coat -- I think it should probably just be blank at this point. but the sketch here is meant to look like wings/tailfeathers.
yet another exorcist outfit, this time with more magpie motifs. I actually like this one a lot, but I probably should've added the eyes on the ribs from the last sketch. I think I also considered giving them actual tailfeathers at this point.
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thanks for sticking with me! I promise we're almost done. have a trans dinosaur I saw while I was travelling as a treat <3
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this is after I finished the sketch for the final piece and realized I didn't like the halo design. I drew lute's, sera's, em's, and adam's as refs. (honestly I love the show's idea that each person/people of each rank have a different kind of halo -- I wonder if they can switch them out?)
my main inspiration ended up being the exorcist halo, but I made it look more like an eyeball -- since it always points toward heaven, we can say it's always "looking" at heaven.
(also sera's feather lashes! they're so cute)
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tzafael shooing away my fox demon OC
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these are actually sketches for my own seraph OC (raguel), but I wanted to include it since it has even more wing/feather hair variations. I also think the idea of the eyelashes being feather-like could've been cool for tzafael.
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some more OG design doodles
tzafael and raguel together because self-indulgence is the name of the game babey (also wanted to draw tzafael freaked out with their wings flared)
(raguel's blind btw, hence asking for eyes -- tzafael has so many!)
you can probably read the dialogue here so give it a shot. I believe in you.
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you know what? the fish purse deserves some doodles
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putting them in Situations! I was reading over prince's posts again and I realized there were some funny things I could draw them doing/saying
again you can probably read the words here
angel dust also loves fish (but is apparently bad at taking care of them, hence the suffocating blobfish), so tzafael shows him their aquarium (complete with live fish and flora ofc)
I thought alastor was 8 ft but apparently he's 7.3 ft? so tzafael is enjoying the .2 ft they have on him
trying and failing again to come up with a design for the back of the jacket lol
THE crowley quote
apparently the halo still sends signals from the exorcists -- thought their reaction to the battle at the hotel would be funny
the nefarious laughter (take 2) that I promised -- based on a doodle of alastor viv did that I found
them being sad and curling up in a pile of shiny things like a dragon
OKAY I'M DONE. huge, huge thank you to prince for sharing their OC! this was a lot of fun and clearly inspired me a lot haha. please check out their writing; it's literally so good that I can't read anything else these days. I am chewing on their thoughts constantly.
this was an absolute monster of a post, so if you're still reading, I am both impressed and bewildered at your patience. I hope you enjoyed! (I certainly did!)
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frippp · 1 year
Here have a grainy photo of a magpie mid flight:
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plusultraetc · 2 months
I saw a post about this a hot minute ago and I'm so mad I can't find it BUT. While I LOVE Present Mic as a popular radio personality, there isn't really that much concrete evidence to support that idea. (Which, to be fair, there isn't a lot of concrete evidence about the careers/public perception of a lot of pros outside of All Might, Endeavor, sorta Hawks, etc., so you can pry that headcanon out of my grasp with a crowbar and so on.) That being said, I think a really fun angle to explore re: Present Mic as a radio host-pro hero-UA teacher (that I may or may not have the bare bones of a fic about👀) is the idea that Mic debuted as a very successful hero and entertainer, and experienced pretty steady growth in both aspects of his career for a few years before he took a teaching position at UA.
Hero rankings are based on incidents resolved, and can be damaged by taking any amount of time off (such as when the Wild Wild Pussycats took, what? A couple of months off from hero-ing? and their ranking plummeted by several hundred places). Teaching is time consuming; it's the kind of job that often necessitates 'bringing work home' with you in the form of grading, lesson planning, etc. Obviously it would cut into Mic's focus on his hero work and his radio show, and obviously that would affect not only his actual ranking but how much attention his career/persona garnered. After all, there is an influx of new heroes every single year when hero courses across the country graduate. It takes work to stay relevant in this universe.
So now I'm thinking of like. Present Mic but with the level of fame/popularity of a celebrity who was big a handful of years ago, but you don't hear so much about anymore. Like, yeah, they're still active, and still have a (often very dedicated) fanbase, but they've kind of been shuffled out of the spotlight a little bit. This also makes his lackluster reception at the entrance exam so much funnier imo, because those students would have been like 8-9 when he stopped just doing hero/radio stuff and started teaching, but they're teenagers now and Present Mic is sooo not in anymore.
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fictionadventurer · 8 months
You've gotta give Doctor Who credit for having multiple episodes that understand that the point of Omelas isn't to stay in Omelas, or leave Omelas, but to save the child.
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string-chese · 6 months
goth girl season is over, its time for mariah carey
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
it's still very funny to me that roderick burgess kept begging dream to make him immortal while all it took for hob gadling to gain immortality was for death to look at him and go "hm yeah he'd make a good friend/bf for my angsty little brother. time to wingman"
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theoryofwhatnow · 27 days
animal symbolism for like minds but the best i can come up with is
alex - fox (deceiving, red haired, sly and rogue)
nigel - magpie, and/or some other kind of corvid (unassuming, eery, dark colored and widely considered to be a symbol of bad luck or an omen)
guys please help me out here, i need to think of something better.
something like this
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but also (y’know? because nigel was fated to die for alex- or so he believed)
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creativesplat · 9 months
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pumpkin-magpie · 5 months
I feel like warrior cats ( + fan works and other cat-centric media ) should show zoomies a lot more. Like The deputy and senior warriors setting up patrols when a young warrior dashed right past them, and they joke about whether they could have an advantage with hunting in that state. Or LeafPool noticing that JayFeather looks a bit fidgety and tells him to go outside. He huffs before complying and a few seconds later she hears him zooming around the woods outside the medicine den.
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