#though i forgot that it was a part 1 and i was very sad at the end XD
mikimeiko · 9 months
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers and Justin K. Thompson, 2023)
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writingmeraki · 8 months
hazy eyes, clear thoughts I
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a roronoa zoro imagine !
synopsis : in which letting your drunken mouth spill your sober thoughts leads you to a very unexpected consequence. ( read: everyone saw it coming except you and **** )
pairing : opla!zoro x gn!reader, idiots to lovers!
genre : disgustingly fluffy fluff, five tablespoons of angst and probable romance.
warnings : cussing, mentions of alcohol and getting wasted, zoro kinda mean, probably terrible humour, shit ton of giggling, also very all over the place but kinda cute? not entirely proofread, also lmk if I forgot to add any other warning !
author's note : well oh well, look we have another totally not self indulgent zoro oneshot/drabble/imagine n e ways I hit a sort of weird point of the series, I'm stuck but i am like 87% done with ch 1?? i hope I'll be able to do it soon enough ^^ tysm for ur patience !! let me know what you think of this! also PART 2?!? ( I need to know if people wanna read this randomness further 😆😅🤣👍🏽)
word count : 4.8k
gif creds !
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 “Oh-kay! I think that’s enough!”
You frowned when Nami took the drink from your hand, whining in protest when she kept it further away which she knew your drunken self would be unable to reach.
“B-but it’s good, it’s making me happy!” You giggled as you pointed at yourself and then pouted, pulling your manipulative tactic, one you did a lot when you wanted something especially one you did when you were shit-face drunk. 
With large doey eyes, you pleaded at her, “You don’t want me to be sad right? I’ll be sad if you don’t give me- that.” You pointed in a direction you thought she placed the beer but of course, it was way off.
“See, you can’t even make out where I’ve placed the beer! I don’t care if it makes you upset and honestly, it was fun to see you make a fool out of yourself, but now it’s just…sad.” She sighed, a tone of sympathy as she finished her sentence,
“I know why you’re drinking and it’s not a good way to distract yourself from your feelings! Drinking worsens the problem!” She scolded you to which you now felt a small anger form within you.
“Well then, how else am I supposed to get rid of this dread and just stupidity huh? Being sober is a constant reminder!” 
“Your feelings aren’t stupid! You like him, I’d say even love! You can’t just assume your feelings are invalid not until you know how the other person feels!” Your best friend felt a rage you’d feel if you saw someone you care about demean their feelings, a sort of anger at them hidden with laces of sympathy.
“He doesn’t fucking care! He only cares about his promises and that’s…that’s his life, his own…way of living so it’s fine!”
“Feelings to him are just…distractions.” You gulped as you recalled the way he replied to Luffy when the Captain was teasing him about falling in love. 
[ a few moments ago ]
“Zoro, don’t you think you should consider finding a partner, don’t you also want to fall in love and experience all the magical things that come with it?” Luffy teased as you all sat around a barrel, deciding to just hang out after a busy day. 
Zoro had a beer in one hand as he took a sip and then rolled his eyes, you’d been seeing his reaction, undoubtedly your heart picking up its pace when you heard the question. 
“I don’t need love, or call it a partner if you will. I already have enough on my plate, all that so-called magical stuff is just a distraction.” He replied, with no hesitation which left no option but for the listeners to believe his words.
Just because he’d spoken his opinion, it didn’t mean it hurt less. You knew it though, from the start that Zoro was a determined individual. Despite having his own goals, he also cared about others like Luffy even though he didn't show it much, less that he said it verbally.
It was what made you like him in the first place. After all, what’s more, better than a man who knows what he wants, is determined to get what he wants, cares for those he considers his friends, and the bonus cherry on top being he was quite easy on the eyes too. 
A whole package indeed. 
And you didn’t even know when your supposed “I admire him as a person to look up to” turned into “Oh, I think I am in love with him.” 
But ah, that’s the beauty of love and all the magical stuff, isn’t it? You never know when you’ll be the one who finally falls into it.
That’s why, after hearing his words, you felt your heart sink just a little. Screw it, you think you felt it weigh a shit ton and sink to the very pit of your stomach. 
Nami, oh Nami, what a friend she was truly, because immediately her eyes darted to you after Zoro’s words and she saw your expression go down just as quickly as Zoro downed his bottle of beer. 
Luffy chuckled, of course, he would, the poor lad was just teasing in the first place anyway to irk Zoro and obviously, he didn’t know about poor old you’s feelings. 
I think I need to go. 
It sucked how you couldn’t refute against him. How you couldn’t yell that love is not just a “distraction”, love is something that makes one feel more…human. Love is a wonderful thing and how if someone were to experience it, it makes you feel….it makes you feel just happy at being in the presence of the one you, love. Just…love is not…it’s not-
“Uh guys,” You piped up after sensing the tense atmosphere, tense to you anyway since you felt like a seashell was clogged up your throat. 
“I’m gonna go…get some fresh air. Yeah uh- I’ll be behind if you need me.” You abruptly got up, smiling tightly at Luffy, purposefully avoiding Nami’s questioning yet pitiful look and harshly blatantly ignoring how Zoro’s attention turned towards you, about to question you too, his face showing the emotions he’d not show before 5 bottles of beer. 
Sighing quietly, you picked up the drink you’d been downing, still having an adequate portion in it and you thought about it, saying fuck it as you grabbed two more from the stack that was in the middle.
“Continue with…your shenanigans,” You turned around and let your emotions finally show on your face, words repeatedly swinging in your head as you tried to filter them out. 
It’s nothing but a distraction.
And now, a few bottles (2) and a whole lot of giggling later, you may have truly begun to take Zoro’s words seriously. 
“I feel sick, perhaps it’s my heart breaking, see it hurts here the most.” You groaned as you looked out into the sea, pointing to your chest, though inaccurate as you held your right side, the sun appearing as a blurry blight light due to your vision becoming hazier as you got more drunk.
Nami sighed at you, realizing you should probably just be made to go to bed, despite it being only a few hours away from actual nightfall.
“Come on, let’s go, you’ve thought enough,” She stood up, having been sitting beside you on a barrel while you’d been sitting on the same.
She pushed her hand outwards towards you, to which you giggled and you were pretty sure your cheeks ached now. 
“Namii~how do you have-” you pointed your finger out, counting the fingers “-ten fingers! On one hand?!” You continued staring at her hand in awe as she rolled her eyes, a small grin on her face, finding your drunken self a tiny bit cute. 
Suddenly you felt your world stumble as she grabbed you and pulled you upwards, you now decided you did not know how to walk and leaned your entire body weight on her. 
Now, Nami wasn’t a weak person but considering how you were more on the taller side than her while also being a bit more buff due to the immense training you did every day to practice your own skills, you did weigh more.
She quickly made you sit back down when she realized she couldn't possibly carry you, she needed help.
"Stay here 'kay? I'll be back." She told you to which you obediently nodded, which made a genuine grin form on her face.
Maybe she did prefer drunk you who'd follow her orders with no protests.
You looked back at the sea, the sun even lower than before, a type of golden shining on the blues that reminded you of a certain someone's earrings and oh, there it was.
Your thoughts slowly getting consumed by the moss head who despite drinking so much to forget was so embedded deep into your memory and probably heart at this point that even the slightest similarity you saw, be it colors or flowers, reminded you of him. 
Ah, that's love and all its magical stuff am I right? 
Sighing, she made her way back to where the rest of them were, the crew picking up on her presence,
"Where's Y/N? Weren't you bringing them?" 
"Well, for one they are SHIT face drunk, I don't think they are even conscious of where they are right now so I'll need to take them to bed but also, I can't carry them alone." 
She rolled her eyes at the stupidity of drowning yourself in your feelings, quite literally but she knew she wouldn't complain to the rest of them or more so she couldn't.
"Well I'm sure, one of us can help-"
"I'll help you carry them." Zoro interrupted your captain who was just about to suggest him. If there was one who could probably carry anything heavy too, it was him of course. 
Nami eyed him curiously, she did know he wasn't ready to do…kind deeds, not unless it helped him in some way. Though, she thinks, you may just be an exception.
He stood up and walked towards where you were, which was at the back, Nami followed suit to which he turned towards her.
"It's alright if you don't come, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to carry them myself." He said it and Nami narrowed her eyes, half out of suspicion and half out of spite after hearing the cocky undertone to his words. 
Proving that was one corner of his lips being turned upwards, forming an annoyingly handsome smirk that if you saw it, you'd probably be more on the brink of absolutely losing it.
"Take care of them and if they are hurt-" Zoro rolled his eyes at the over-exaggeration, and Nami knew that but as your best friend and a platonic soulmate at this point, she felt she had to say something. 
"I don't mean it that way, you know damn well what I mean." She told firmly, to which a slight confusion did flash in Zoro's eyes but he didn't make it obvious as he glared at her, ready to bicker.
"Nami!" Luckily, Luffy's timing seemed impeccable as he called her, to which she turned around, allowing no further talk.
Zoro just brushed off her words and moved to where you were.
Despite, Zoro admitting to never wanting a partner, it didn't mean though, that he didn't feel. 
He cared. He cared enough for Luffy to stick with him. He cared enough to fulfill a promise. 
And he cared for you too as he saw you sleeping soundly, laying your head on the ship, using your hands as a makeshift pillow. 
And yet, he somehow knew it was different. It was different from how he cared for others. 
He gulped as he moved closer, now being able to see your features being highlighted by the afterglow of the sun setting. 
It was as though you were the sun's favorite child at the moment, touching parts of your face softly, careful enough to not awaken you yet enough to rest on it to make it golden. 
The evening breeze couldn't have picked a better time to pass as strands of your hair messily moved, your face scrunching up in disturbance. 
He didn't even perceive how he'd reached you and was actually touching strands of your hair to push them back in place so as to not disturb your sleep. 
He wasn't even a gentle person, but he was using soft fingers with even softer touches to push them back. 
He figured he should in fact take you back to your bed, well shared bed with Nami. 
Deciding there was no need to wake you up, he moved beside you, putting one arm underneath your knees while the other looped just above your waist and below your chest. 
You blinked open your eyes when you felt yourself floating, it seemed like you were floating for a brief second, engulfed by warm clouds and a nice pillow that was-
You looked up and saw the side profile of someone. 
They seemed familiar. 
A glint of gold caught your eye as you put your left arm up and poked the earring, giggling as you saw it move.
"Wow, pretty," You think you'd seen it but your eyes being hazier than before after your mini nap seemed to only make your vision more blurry.
The sudden exhale and whisper down his neck almost made Zoro trip as he didn't really expect you to be up.
He was just near your shared room.
"Where are you taking me? Who are you?" You asked the important questions now, your mushed brain being able to form somewhat coherent thoughts. 
"You- you don't know who I am?" He asked you, confusion in his features and then remembering why you were lost. 
Right, practically wasted. And apparently memory loss due to being wasted.
He pushed the door open, as flimsy as it was, careful to not eventually break it down.
You looked around your surroundings, now even more lost as to where you actually were.
You squealed as he let you down, immediately realizing it was a terrible idea when you almost toppled over, unable to hold your own weight as he pushed his arm around your waist.
You held onto the man's shirt as you tried not to trip and fall.
"Here I'll just- I'll get you to bed." He guided you towards your bed, hand still wrapped around your waist as he looped yours over his neck. 
You plopped down with your eyes shut, your head began spinning when you almost tripped and you groaned in regret.
"Drinking too much was such a bad idea, like all my decisions lately." You put your hand on your forehead as you tried to rub the forming headache away. 
Hearing a walking sound, you peered your eyes open. Half-open anyways as you still couldn't make out well anything.
You could see the supposed stranger who'd help you till your bed was going to turn around and likely go but at that moment, you decided you didn't really want to be…alone.
Grabbing his hand before he moved away, you pulled him back with all your force. It didn't phase his movements much though other than him halting. 
Zoro turned back to you after deciding he should probably leave before he either said something he'd regret or worse, did something he'd regret. 
It wasn't his fault though with how…cute you looked as you plopped down, making him want to ki-
"Stay…please." You whispered to him, still holding onto his wrist as you blinked at him.
A familiar green color sat on top of his head but you figured it was a common color despite being sober you absolutely made fun of it when you could about how uncommon it was but also whined about how unfairly good it looked on him. 
The same him who looked at you in confusion and disbelief,
"You want me to stay, right now? With you?"
“Of course! I feel quite alone right now, maybe the company will make me feel better here.” You let go of his arm, the loss of your colder hand in contrast to his warm skin making him slightly frown. 
You pointed at your chest, surprisingly getting it right this time by pointing toward your left side.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “Does your chest hurt or something?” 
There was a slight concern in his tone, one which made you giggle. 
“Not- not physically silly, it’s- it’s my heart, it feels like it’s been gutted- wait no too- too gruesome, it feels like someone just punched it and it broke.” As you blubbered about your heartbroken state, your words made him more curious and concerned.
He decided he should probably hear you out, after all despite not being a great talker, he’d consider himself a decent listener. 
Grabbing the barrel you used as a chair placed under your makeshift desk, he moved to sit beside your bed. 
“It’s ridiculous. I should have known there was no chance, but it isn’t like you get a choice sometimes on how you should feel about someone, it just…happens.” You spoke softly, as Zoro turned his attention toward you, wondering who was this person who’d caused you to feel so…sad. 
He didn’t realize it but he felt a slow anger build up, one he excused as frustration due to your mumbling but not one out of simply, probably, jealousy.
Yes, he was jealous of….this person because it sure as hell seemed as though you were deeply in love to have been feeling like this. 
“Why do I even like him?” Oh, he definitely did not want to hear you talk about him, he decided.
Screw being a good listener, he was already in a crisis when Luffy put him on the spot asking about whether he’d want a lover or not, and then him trying his best not to divert his gaze towards you, so instead he chose an option ( one he’d regret later on ) and gave a seemingly believable answer. 
Maybe a while ago, he’d have stuck to that answer, and actually no, he was sticking to it, quite well too.
That was until you stumbled onto the crew or more like in true Luffy fashion, were persuaded enough to stay. 
At first, he didn’t care enough. It was more so he didn’t particularly like you too. You were what he was not. Careless, overly enthusiastic at times, and way too optimistic for your own good. You looked to see the good in everyone, believing that there was always some sort of goodness in everyone.
Zoro found that stupid, knowing how reality was always different. Everyone is and will always be selfish for their own greed. He was too, he wanted to fulfill his promise and that was it. 
That was his goal and nothing else really mattered to him.
It’s what he thought would remain the same till he accomplished it but a sudden diversion came in the form of well…you.
He didn’t even realize it but the annoyance he’d get when he heard your lame jokes turned into him looking away from your silly smile to try and hide his own forming grin.
How he’d always automatically be looking for you if they’d stop at an island, choosing to follow you and dismissing Nami’s suspicious glances by saying you’d likely do something stupid that might put everyone in danger if left alone.
It was funny what this could make anyone feel. He didn’t ever feel like this, he didn’t even want to admit he was close to feeling but how long could a person remain in denial?
He was in love with you. 
He couldn’t simply excuse his heart racing at your presence as simply annoyance, he couldn’t excuse finding pretty flowers and them reminding him of you as well….yeah you get the point. 
That revelation honestly made him spiral into a sort of existential crisis. 
So he decided it was best to do one thing.
Ignore it. Ignore everything and simply wait until it all fades away. 
But silly him, he didn’t know one thing about love and he assumed it was something that fades away, yet there it was, in his gaze as it softened and in his heart as it sunk slowly like an anchor. 
Clogging his throat as if he couldn’t simply breathe when you admitted to being in love with someone, someone who wasn’t him.
Ah love and its magical stuff, yet why does he feel like it's more of a curse right now? 
He opened his mouth, and closed it again, resembling a fish and it felt like he wanted to say everything yet nothing.
They probably don’t deserve you. 
The thought resonated in his head, but really who was he to say so because did someone like you even deserve him?
Turning to face him completely, ducking your hand under your head, you blinked at him slowly, a grin forming on your face as you saw the stranger’s hair.
“You…you remind me of him, your hair, it’s that ugly color.” You softly giggled to which Zoro was left in yet a contradiction of emotions, whether or not he should feel offended or light over the sound of your soft giggles. 
“Come closer, I’ll tell you a secret.” He blinked at you, trying not to show any emotions and wondering if you’d ever even talk to him like this sober.
Deciding to follow what you said, something he’d never do if you were sober, he leaned in, putting one arm as support to hold him due to the slightly uncomfortable position. 
“I- don’t laugh at me first of all, it’s ridiculous, Nami says I’m being too much of a coward not saying it upfront.” You looked at him to which he nodded, in your mind you presumed it was reassurance and agreeing to not find you ridiculous.
Somehow, despite you not knowing who was in front of you, your heart was picking up in pace and you felt a slight nervousness, actually, you almost felt like throwing up.
As if you were just about to actually…
“I think, actually no, I am definitely in love with Zoro.”
…confess to Zoro. 
Good thing, Zoro had quick reflexes because he felt his arm slip and if it weren’t for those quick reflexes, he’d have fallen face-first into the ground. He sat up straighter as if what he heard had physically burned him. 
“It sounds ridiculous, falling in love with someone like him but he’s actually a very loveable person, at least once he begins to get more…more comfortable around you. He talks less, shows emotions or any reactions even less, always carrying around a bitch face- Nami says so- but-but he also cares through his actions like-like that one time he found Luffy’s straw hat when he thought he lost- he spent hours helping him look for it and trying to keep Luffy from crying and then, then this other time he stayed up all night when I got hurt and wasn’t able to sleep. And-and there’s sooo many other times he’s done, the small things, he cares for that.”
“You know. I think that was when I knew I loved him.  When he didn’t need to stay up, yet he did to make sure I didn’t die or something.” You finished with a soft giggle as memories of that day flashed in front of your closed eyes. 
Suddenly he felt way warmer than the room was. 
“I know, I know you’ll…you’ll call me stupid for loving someone who’s already in fact rejected me, not-not to my face of course but indirectly I suppose.”
Wait, what?
Rejected you?
How could he do that when- when he didn’t-
“I hate this! I hate the way I feel, it- it’s making me feel pathetic.” Your words slurred as you whined, using your makeshift pillow to groan into.
“Who said love is magical? It’s pathetic! It makes you stupid enough to have stupid hopes that only make you fly high until suddenly the actual reality crashes you down hard.” You spoke somberly, your words slowly fading out as you gave into the alcohol-induced sleep.
“Love is…pathetic. But- but I love him. So much. I love…you.” The last word came out as a hush as you exhaled, shutting your eyes and letting go of the pillow as you finally got knocked out. 
It pained him to see you call yourself pathetic…all while being the reason you felt that way. 
Zoro was conflicted. The contradiction of emotions making him all do,
He was frozen. He couldn't say a word, couldn't raise his hand to rub your back to perhaps comfort you. 
His mind was in more chaos, your words replaying like a loop. 
And finally, he came to a conclusion.
I need a drink. Fuck, maybe even three. 
Perhaps if you were awake, it’d be a different reaction. Perhaps if you weren’t drunk, you’d have not said it. 
The idea of you then getting over him, probably because you’d think he rejected you indirectly due to his words. This left a more bitter aftertaste in his mouth and mind than the beer he just downed.
He left your side, deciding he needed a breather to process what he’d just been told. He made sure you’d be in a comfortable position, placing your arms to your sides and even draped a sad excuse of a blanket, one that you brought yourself of an old woman when you had stopped at an island and one you loved, sad excuse because it was very thin but apparently you couldn’t sleep without it. 
He had turned back to you, one more time, about to say something but he just sighed and turned around, walking away to where he was now. 
Now, almost halfway through the crate of beers, he still couldn’t get rid of the confusion. 
Did- did you mean it?
It was conflicting because for one you said it under the influence, maybe you’d even meant someone else and just said his name by mistake. He hated that, so he chose to focus on you saying it solely for him. 
“Why-just why are you trying to die of alcohol poisoning? What is up with you idiots drinking like maniacs today?” A voice said in both disgust and concern as she walked up beside him, facing the sea, and then looking at him, the concern being evident as she saw the conflict of emotions on his face.
She knew he wasn’t one to speak up, it was rather his body language and eyes that spoke what he felt. 
He just sighed, taking a smaller sip of the drink, placing both arms on the side of the ship, and observing the waves.
Nami truly wondered what could have happened until she realized. 
“Did something happen with Y/N?” She cooly asked, observing his expression and surely enough a change of emotion was seen with the way he suddenly stiffened up.
“Nothing remarkable–”
“Oh cut the crap Zoro, you look like someone stole your fucking swords and threw them into the sea.” 
Now he turned towards her, a slight look of horror while he narrowed his eyes at her,
“That’s oddly specific.”
“Won’t deny anything. But, don’t change the topic.”
“They told’ you something?” She figured she should just straight up ask it, put it out in the blue, out of the bad.
Zoro contemplated whether he should spill it, feeling like maybe it would be invading your privacy but even if he didn’t want to admit it, he needed some sort of advice. 
“They- uh told me they lo- well see-” He shifted his attention back to the sea, finding it hard to say it to her face without giving away much. 
Technically you confessed but also you didn’t? You ranted about being in love with Zoro and how you wished you didn’t, you did that thinking you were spilling it to a stranger but it was the man himself so is that a confession? 
“So they finally did it?” He turned towards her raising his eyebrows in question, “They confessed?” 
Now he was surprised but how accurate she was, “ They are too coward- no offense- to do it while sober so ‘figured from the way you look like” She pointed towards his face with her finger “They either kissed you, which doesn’t seem evident from your face not being smothered with lipgloss, they confessed.” 
He gulped from his active imagination flashing a picture of you kissing him and how-
“But why are you so freaked out then? Shouldn’t you be happy your silly little crush is mutual?”
“It wasn’t a confession. More like a rant, they thought I was someone else and they basically spewed it all, and wait what do you mean mutual- I don’t uh-”
“Oh don't give that bullshit now. I know- in fact, even a blind person could see how in love you are with them.” 
Zoro didn’t know whether to get offended or embarrassed if it were really that obvious. He exhaled heavily, clearly not satisfied with the situation still. 
“What if they don’t even remember? What if they begin to ignore me because they think I don’t like them?” 
“Well you did say you weren’t looking for a partner or so on, did you forget that idiot?” Nami shook her head as she rolled her eyes at him.
“I-well- It wasn’t intentional! I panicked!”
“And now this is your consequence. Though there’s a simple solution to this crisis which isn’t a crisis actually, it’s pretty straightforward.”
Now he was curious, a way to solve this whole catastrophe? 
“Since you think they’ll forget by morning, how about you confront them then?”
“In the morning, you clear out your feelings before you dumbasses end up avoiding each other to purposefully brush this aside and I swear! I swear if it gets awkward because you both won’t look past your egos, I’ll force you into the damn cabin and lock you there to talk.”
Nam smiled sweetly, yet a threat underlined beneath her final words and Zoro thought of the only thing he should do now.
“Fine then.”
“I’ll talk. I’ll…confess to everything.”
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri.do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2023
feedback is always appreciated 💗
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blublublujk · 2 months
nobody knows (2)
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-> part 1
word count: 3k
genre: established relationship (hard dom x slutty sub)
pairing: hoseok x reader and jungkook x reader
a few minutes pass as you entertain yourself on some random game on your phone before he messages again. daddy: if you even think of actually going out with a friend i’ll chop their dick off.  me: who said it would be a man?  daddy: have fun then baby don't stay out too late! 
warnings: [please read if you are sensitive] hard dom hoseok!!, needy sub reader!!, hoseok is actually sweeter this time, cheating ig?, reader gets her period, explicit sexual content: idk how i forgot this last time but DADDY KINK, thumb sucking, blowjob, throat-fucking, pictures during sex, shy awkward virgin jungkook, sexting, cum on panties, suggestive language
a.n: i'd let this hoseok ruin my fucking life. this is so fun. can you tell he's my bias >.< tbh im making up all plot on spot i wanted to explore the actual relationship first before we see anything else of jk x reader. hoseok can be sweet... he needs to fuck the reader already!!! anyways thanks for being very patient with me. see you on the next one ^.^
—> m.list
—> find me on ao3 & twt
“baby.” hoseok’s lips are warm against your cheek, hot breath hitting the soft skin. “i’m off to work.”
your voice is groggy, hair a mess, but it doesn’t stop you from flinging out of bed in a pout. “already? you said we could do breakfast.”
“yeah, well plans changed. i really needa finish this song i’m working on. i’ll be back before dinner. no promises though.” hoseok doesn’t hesitate to say the words, he doesn’t look back as he fixes his collar and brushes fingers through his bed hair. an apology would be nice, but it never comes. 
this is the third time this week hoseok misses breakfast, much less makes it to dinner. somehow always managing to create more work for himself and keep busy while you rot away in the dormitory. it wasn’t fair to you, though you can’t really say you didn’t sign up for this. you knew exactly what this lifestyle came with, fame and money only meant hoseok would never truly be yours as you are his and you had to simply respect that. as sad and lonely as you can be at times. 
“but daddy—” 
“not now angel, you’ll be good for me right?” and just like that you succumb to his strong, firm demeanor. he digs his thumb into the fat of your cheeks, flicking your bottom lip. hoseok licks his own, watching your mouth take his thumb. immediately he feels your warm tongue, sucking him in like a vice, mouth so pliant and fuckable. 
he takes that as a ‘yes daddy’ the way you look up at him while you suck on his thumb like the sweet girl you are. eyes heavy and lustful. 
well, if he isn’t gonna do breakfast with you as he promised, you’ll get yours right now. two can play the same game, but only one wins in the end. something tells you that you fall victim to the game anyways, it was never yours to win. 
your hands find his waistband as you look up to him with hopeful eyes. he’ll probably be late if he plays this game, but it’s too much fun to resist. plus, which man on earth is known for rejecting a blowjob. certainly not this one. 
hoseok tugs his pants down, allowing you to pull down his boxers as his cock springs to life. he takes his thumb out of your mouth and caresses your cheek carelessly, smearing your own spit all over it. the things he would do for that face, so pretty and willing. and all fucking his.
you get to work and on your knees immediately. grabbing his cock in your hands, you lick and suck the tip while hoseok throws his head back, feeling you slurp him down. he fails to resist the temptation to fuck your throat so with no warning he holds a tight grip of your hair and forces your head down. mouth hot and tight around him, wetting his cock so nicely. 
eyes springing tears already, but alas he’s not gentle. he fucks your throat and you feel him grow larger in your mouth, drooling spit all over yourself. “fuck baby, you’re perfect.”
you moan airily, struggling to breathe as he thrusts harder, throat stretching for him and him only. just like you were made for it. 
he groans, feeling that warm wet grip swallowing around him. “just like that, such a slut for it. don’t think you deserve my cum.”
you shake your head profusely, sad-eyes looking up at him while sharp eyes mirror your own. his lips tug at the end and he’s smirking watching you desperately beg for it. 
he releases his grip, spit instantly drips from your mouth, covering yourself with your own juices. it’s a mess, but you both love it for different reasons. his dick stands tall and proud, swollen and wet around the tip. 
he starts to fuck his own fist, thanks to you, he doesn’t even got to spit on it anymore. his dick is wet plenty. he watches your lustful eyes crave for it, practically foaming at the mouth for it. though you are still gasping for air, you wish he would just fuck it out of you again. you want him so so so bad. 
your hands try to reach up at him, but he slaps them away, he isn’t rough and it doesn’t really hurt, but the warning is enough for you to drop them back down. your hands start to rub against your bare thighs, iching to release your own arousal. 
“baby’s horny?” it’s like he’s teasing you, almost laughing in your face, his cock is so close to your face you can still taste it. 
you instantly nod though with hopes that he’ll help you out. 
“yeah? you need daddy’s cock inside you?” hoseok taps his cock against your cheek, pre-cum smearing onto it. it’s cruel the way he toys with his food, but what can he do when you react so beautifully to it. you’re just too easy. 
“yes. plu-please.” you whine. 
“yes what.” he barks.
“yes d-daddy. i want it so bad.” 
you hear him hum pleased, as he continues to jack himself off, he’s getting close and you know it, because his eyes start to hood and he’s breathing heavier. all the more of a reason you wish he would just shove it in you, your pussy is dripping wet for it. if only he were to see himself, he would never stop fucking you!
“stand up.” he orders.
fucking finally.
with wobbly legs you stand and he rough pulls down your shorts. a hand still heavy on his cock, gripping the fuck out of it. 
“let me see inside those pretty panties.” 
hoseok wastes no time to nut his seed all over the inside of it, covering your bare cunt with his juices and dripping all over the fabric. you both look down as his cum decorates the inside of your panties so beautifully, both panting at the sight. “stay there.” 
the taller tugs his pants back up and grabs his phone. he pulls you in for a sudden quick kiss before he takes a picture of the mess he made. “such a perfect sub.” 
with another kiss, he puts his phone away and grabs your wrists, tugging your hands off your panties. your panties sit back so prettily and wet against your pussy now. they are sticky and it feels pretty gross against your skin, but you start to forget about it when you feel hoseok’s tongue down your throat. 
he finally pulls away with one final kiss, pulling your shorts back on. “go back to bed baby.”
“but ‘m not tired.” you mumble, still horny as ever. cunt begging for cock. anything. 
“don’t pout angel. it won’t get you anywhere. i’ll be back later. behave.” and with that, hoseok leaves to work (or so he says), leaving you wet and lonely. 
to no surprise, hoseok in fact does not make it to dinner. to your surprise, he’s kind enough to leave you a sweet text message instead though. 
daddy: [attached image] miss that perfect pussy. you’re so beautiful you know that?
me: you missed dinner
daddy: that’s no way to talk to me angel  i said no promises
me: yeah well, i’ll just have dinner with a friend instead ig
daddy: who? 
me: wouldn’t you love to know.
daddy: you know i’ll find out anyways?  like you could hide anything from me
me: you’re an ass
daddy: you are what you eat
you don’t bother to reply nor entertain his not so funny jokes, but your phone buzzes again to absolutely no surprise. however the following message makes your heart fall straight out of your ass. 
daddy: i’m sorry angel.  i promise to be home for dinner tomorrow. is that better? 
the pit of your stomach burns, really it’s the bare fucking minimum, but you can’t help the way it flips into butterflies. a smile forming on your face. 
me: yes daddy
daddy: good girl the very best
a few minutes pass as you entertain yourself on some random game on your phone before he messages again.
daddy: if you even think of actually going out with a friend i’ll chop their dick off. 
me: who said it would be a man? 
daddy: have fun then baby don't stay out too late! 
hoseok’s messages make you giggle so hard. sometimes you forget this is the person you are with, the one you share every little moment with, and the one that would absolutely kill you despite your entire past with him for thinking about someone else. someone younger, bit buffer, close to them. the person they’ve always known all their life. and here you are contemplating doing it all over again. it’s scary how thrilling it all feels. a pawn in your own game and you don’t even know it. 
luckily for you and unfortunately for hoseok, there’s no dinner and especially no friend, but there is jungkook. he’s home again, earlier than everyone, as expected. 
the younger follows the same routine he has as soon as he gets home. he immediately hops into a quick shower and doesn’t come out to eat till way later. busying himself with who knows what. 
jungkook is a bit awkward, more nervous, and careful around you since the whole movie situation, the one where your tits were out by the end of it while he was driving holes into them with his eyes. 
it makes you a bit frustrated. at this point, you're begging for attention and he hardly budges, but you also understand his fear. 
“that was good noona, thanks.” jungkook picks up his plate, rushing to wash it off and lock himself back in his room. 
you hardly ever make dinner like that, but you figured it would be a great way to pass time and an excuse to get off your ass and do something that doesn’t involve rotting away in bed, lonely and horny. and all very much alone. this way, you don’t have to be alone. this way, jungkook fills the empty spot and he doesn’t even know it. 
jungkook is quick in the kitchen and you hate it. you obviously weren’t gonna let this happen, not under these circumstances, and not in this way. not after everything. “jungkookie, can you do me a favor?” 
“s-sure.” his hands are wet from the sink as he places the plate down, eyes hesitant to look up. 
“it’s just, i just got my period and my stomach hurts. a lot.” a hand caresses your tummy lightly, putting pressure where it hurts. thankful that your period arrived after this eventful/uneventful morning. 
“oh… im sorry. can i help?” he asks to be nice, not denying you a damn thing. 
“can you massage it?” you plead without shame.
“me-e?” he stutters, pointing at himself, flushing pink.
“mhm, who else silly!” 
jungkook awkwardly laughs. “yeah okay. lay down noona, i’ll try to make things better.” 
with that your back goes on the couch while you look up at him with sweet eyes. “thank you jungkookie, it feels much better when someone else is doing it.” 
“yeah, of course.” he lamely replies. 
very carefully, you slide your shirt up, revealing much more skin than intended (not really though). the mounds of your breasts sit so pretty like this and it leaves nothing to his imagination. your underboob peaks through and jungkook holds back a sharp gasp.
he refocuses on his mission, hands shaking as he brings them closer. “m gonna touch you now noona.”
though it wasn’t his intention, his suggestive usage of wording nearly makes you moan. you bite your lip to prevent it. 
“please.” you whisper calmly, desperately. 
jungkook nods and cold hands touch your tummy. they are a bit stiff at first because he doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but he starts getting a hang of it when he hears you lightly hum pleasantly. 
he explores your skin, with every noise you make filtering his ear he finds what you enjoy and don’t. he rubs feather-like circles against your soft skin, thumbing over curves and your plushy stomach. you feel so warm in his hands and that makes him feel so good, too good. and the fact that he’s never ever done this before. jungkook thinks it's possible he can cum in his pants, just by doing this alone! he’s really, really lame. 
“feels so good, jungkookie.”
“yeah…” he strains, hands heavier on your stomach, but they warm up feeling so nicely against your skin. 
“can you- lower, can you go lower?” 
his hands are barely above, around your belly button, avoiding anything further down, not sure if it is for his own sake or yours. he’s scared and it’s obvious by the lack of movement. 
jungkook avoids your eyes as his hands freeze, hands weighing down on where he was last massaging. “wan— want me lower?”
“yes.” surely he knows what you mean. “please.” 
“oh- okay.” the younger says nothing more. 
jungkook resumes his movements, his hands going much further down your stomach, just right above your waistband. he thumbs your underwear, trying very hard to hold his breath whenever his fingertips come in contact with the thin yellow fabric whilst still rubbing patterns into your lower belly. he’s hoping you don’t hear how heavy and much faster his breathing has gotten. he’s struggling for air, face beet red. not sure if it’s out of embarrassment or his own humiliation driving him nuts. 
he’s not sure what he’s doing anymore. or what has gotten into him. it’s like his dream is set right before his eyes and yet he knows he really shouldn’t be here and doing this. much less with someone like you, but for whatever reason he can’t stop. 
“f-feels better?” jungkook asks, light-airy voice. 
“much, much better.” you reply truthfully, your stomach buzzing warmly. your eyes take in every movement on his face. from his eyes to his nose, to the way his cheeks puff as he breathes. he’s beautiful. much more when you have him this close, and nothing is stopping you from what you do next. 
jungkook’s breath hitches when he feels your soft lips on his cheek. eyes nearly bulging out his sockets because he doesn’t believe his reality. this just can’t be. no one has ever shown this much interest in him. especially not someone as untouchable as you.
it lasts no longer than ten seconds, but jungkook turns into jelly within that time. you aren’t sure why you do it, but it’s the only reasonable way you could possibly come up with to show your appreciation for all he’s done. for being sweet and patient. he’s too generous for his own good. 
“thank you jungkookie, you’re so sweet.” he doesn’t even realize you’ve already pulled away and his hands are no longer feeling your heated flesh until he’s watching you walk away, hiding behind the door to your room. hoseok’s room. yours and hoseok’s room. he shouldn’t be feeling like this, but he can’t help the way his stomach twists in knots. 
jungkook is left completely speechless, confused. 
he shamefully walks back to his own room with no other word, skipping his night routine completely. fuck skincare, he can go a night without it. he’ll manage. 
that night, hoseok arrives fairly early. well at least, earlier than usual. you’re still awake when you feel his hand on your hip, feeling his lips pecking the tip of your ear. 
“you’re home?” 
“yeah, got off a bit earlier than expected. did you eat?” he asks quietly, thoughtful enough to not disturb others. hoseok’s lips still softly kissing behind your ear, practically making you melt into the bed. if you could purr, you are more than sure you’d start purring right about now. hoseok has always been very hands-on, it’s what you adore about him. always making it known how much he wants and needs you. 
“i did. have you?” you ask to be polite, though you most likely already know the answer. hoseok may be busy, but he never skips his meals. his discipline is insane. he’s busy, but not ever enough to starve himself. he cares about his mental and physical being just as much as everything else. and he plans on keeping it that way for as long as he lives. 
“yeah. they brought take-out from that one place in downtown you like.” 
that calls for your slightest attention, shifting your face from your pillow to face him, even in the dark your eyes find his. “zuki’s?”
“mhm.” hoseok steals a kiss like this, sharing a breath as he continues. “that very one.”
“lucky.” you pout, sadly with cramps still lingering around your pelvic area. 
“yeah… i brought you some.” he says so nonchalantly. 
the older laughs when he feels you shove yourself, full force onto him, hugging him with all your might. “really?!”
“yes, left it in the fridge for tomorrow.” hoseok pauses, fingers tangled in your blow dried hair and breathes in your sweet fresh scent. “unless you wanna eat a late night meal then be my guest.” 
“well, i just got my period so...” you contemplate that damn meal, almost sorta justifying your not-so-healthy options.
“then let’s go. i’ll sit with you while you eat.” your boyfriend decides for you instead, tugging you up very gently without another word. 
there’s was nothing more to say or decide, hoseok watched as you ate the meal very pleasantly, humming here and there, devouring it all in minutes. you were a very happy, happy girl. and hoseok was a happy man watching you eat so easily. he’d do it all over again if it meant he could see that perfect smile all the time. 
and like that, you forget all about today and what made you upset. you are so stupid to think he could ever not love you and care for you. who else than him. even if you have heavily committed your mistakes, so has he, but he loves you, and nothing else matters. 
but then again, in another room, jungkook is tearing himself up for it. even though, he’s not really at fault. is he? it sure feels like it is anyways. 
at least, it felt that way after beating his cock raw and swollen. flashbacks from earlier crowding his virgin-mind. he’s so so fucked, it’s laughable. pathetic really.
jungkook tries so hard to ignore it and at first he succeeds, but then he hears a bubble of laughter coming from the room beside him and he knows he’s been beaten once again. 
“i love you.” 
“i love you too baby.” 
that’s the last thing jungkook hears before he falls into a deep sleep, eventually succumbing to his exhaustion and overthinking mess. the crowding anxious thoughts die for the first time that night.
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elmhat · 6 months
Dreblr Survey Results!
First of all, thanks to everyone who took part in this survey. There were 152 responses in total! This post just covers the statistical side of things; there will be more posts later for the long response questions.
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Most popular characters
Dream (95.4% of voters)
Technoblade (84.9% of voters)
DreamXD (46.1% of voters)
Yeah, of course Dream was going to win this one, it's literally dreblr. But Techno landslided second place. No one else is even close. You've got to love that Lil Nas X got as many votes as Aimsey, Boomer, Eryn, Lazar and Vikkstar combined, and he wasn't even one of the options.
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Most unpopular characters
Tommy (45.9% of voters)
Quackity (34.1% of voters)
Jack (28.1% of voters)
Quackity. My poor Quackity. This is so sad (<- unbiased). These results weren't quite as unanimous though, and a few characters avoided any hatred! I find it interesting that Techno got zero votes after doing so well in the last question. People just really like Techno.
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Most popular arcs
Prison (72.7% of voters)
Doomsday & Disc War Finale (66.0% of voters)
Post-Prison (48.7% of voters)
Not really surprising that the prison arc won, since we apparently all thrive on suffering. But it's always nice to see the MCC prison roleplay making an appearance.
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Most popular ships
Drunz (60.4% of voters)
Dreamnoblade (58.3% of voters)
DNF (54.9% of voters)
Let it be known that dreamnoblade was winning up until the last second. Alas, you were not powerful enough. And neither were awesamdreamers? I thought y'all ran this town? There were a lot of other suggestions for ships: some DNN, some fundywastaken, some Dream/XD, some awesamdreamity. My personal favourites are "c!DreamxRest&Relaxation" and "Dream/a good night's sleep," you guys were onto something.
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Most popular duos
Dream & Technoblade (94.7% of voters)
Dream & Punz (63.2% of voters)
Dream & Sapnap (45.4% of voters)
I really can't adequately express how insane it is to me that Dream & Techno got that much of the vote. Like. Look at it. Only 8 people in this whole survey didn't put them as a favourite duo. That's absurd. And again, Dream & Sam missing top 3 by one vote.
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Most popular factions
Syndicate (76.5% of voters)
Greater Dream SMP (51.0% of voters)
Eggpire (32.9% of voters)
Again. Look at the difference between first and second! If this isn't proof that Technoblade never dies, I don't know what is. Shoutout to the people who put the Antarctic Empire, 2b2t, and "Dream and all the traitors he pulled out of nowhere."
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Most popular places
Arctic Commune (64.9% of voters)
Pandora's Vault (63.6% of voters)
Community House (58.3% of voters)
Listen, you don't have to tell me, I already know I forgot to put Church Prime. I'm very aware of my stupidity. But these results—do you even know how strong you have to be to overpower Pandora's Vault? In dreblr? Damn. That was also a last-minute thing, Pandora's Vault was winning.
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Fandom behaviors
I'll admit, I didn't give the best options for this question, so thanks to everyone who wrote their own response. Apparently we're all big readers, so that's nice for us! We're also more likely to be a writer than an artist, but far fewer of us are writing meta. All in all, this looks like a pretty good spread!
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Joining the fandom
The most popular time to start watching the dsmp was between New L'Manberg and the Disc War Finale, but honestly, it's split into fairly even quarters between the main "seasons" the server was active. To those who joined after the finale streams, hi! I hope you're enjoying your stay!
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Thoughts on the finale streams
I'm actually a little blown away that no one rated the finale streams a 1. Not a single person. There's nothing more I can say other than this response is overwhelmingly positive.
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Is the fandom dying?
It looks like the answer is no! 82.9% of us are still moderately interested in the dsmp or more, and for almost a third of us, it's consuming every part of our brain. I don't know about you, but for me, this is actually something I really needed to see.
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That's all for this post, but there will be more results soon for the questions with longer responses. I'd strongly recommend sticking around for that, some of them are hilarious. Well done for making it through the stats!
As an aside, well done to the 35 people brave enough to put their name to what they said in this survey. Because some of what they said was *ahem* very interesting.
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collapsedglasshouses · 9 months
Consequences || Noah Sebastian x Reader [Part 3]
Part 1 - Part 2
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Summary: After not hearing from Noah for weeks, Y/N finds herself at a wedding with the boys.
Warnings: swearing, a tiny bit of angst, tension, mentions of previous sexual events, MDNI, alcohol consumption, let me know if I forgot something :)
A/N: Hello my beautiful people. I wrote this chapter last night. All at once. My head was completely empty after that. Please don't hate me for the cliffhanger ._. Please let me know how you liked this chapter! Enjoy c:
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It’s been two weeks since the eventful night that ended with you under Noah’s bed. To your surprise Nick didn’t catch you, not even when you nearly sneezed because of the dust under Noah’s bed. But to your disappointment you didn’t talk with Noah about this whole thing. In all honesty you didn’t even talk at all. The day after the event, you got called by your landlord that your apartment was ready to be lived in again.
That's way you were now, two weeks later, on a thursday, sitting in front of your computer and answering work emails while listening to your upstairs neighbors screaming at each other repeatedly.
When you looked at the clock, it told you it was already time for bed since tomorrow was going to be an important day. One of your childhood friends was getting married this weekend and invited you as well as the boys, since she knew almost everyone out of the group personally except Jolly. But since he almost became everyone's 'service human' she invited him as well.
When you shut down your PC and stretched your back, you couldn't help but think about Noah. You hadn't heard from him in a while. While your brother told you they were working on planing another tour, even going to Europe, you felt kind of sad that he didn't tell you that himself, since you fucking crawled under his bed to escape being caught by your brother.
You almost started to feel something like regret when you stepped into your shower, your mind still infested with the thoughts of Noah's and your 'adventure'. Even though you knew better, you couldn't help feeling like he just used you. It wasn't like Noah had no options, he was the fucking lead singer of a popular metalcore band and looked like the reallife version of Eren Yeager.
It wasn't like you hadn't any options too, having your families genes, but something about Noah just made you feel different.
When you stepped out of the shower, you wrapped a towel around your body before swiping over the fogged up mirror and looking at yourself. Work drained you the last couple of days and you really looked forward to tomorrow since you would be away for almost three days.
So when you packed your bag and finally lay down on your bed, you tried to think about the break you had from your life here for the next couple of days.
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Your alarm woke you up at 8 AM. While your plane wouldn't take off until 6 PM, you knew the boys and yourself well enough to give you some extra time to arrive to the airport.
You stood up, put on some music, that being your Bring Me The Horizon playlist today, and began to get ready. First you did your chores and cleaned everything that needed to be cleaned before you would leave for the next days.
Than you made your way to the bathroom at around 11 AM, brushing your teeth, putting on some light make up and than packing the last bit of the things you needed for the wedding.
You almost danced into the kitchen to finally make yourself breakfast, still wearing nothing but a very tiny crop top and mickey mouse panties.
"Time stood still the way it did before" You sang while opening your fridge to grab a milk to pour inside your filled cereal bowl. "It's like I'm sleepwalk-... AAH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"
Out of fear you let your bowl drop to the floor, it making a loud shattering noise while the whole content spread across the kitchen tiles. The intruders, outing themselves as Nick, Folio, Noah and Jolly, laughed violently.
You cursed them out while starting to clean your kitchen and at the same time trying to cover yourself up. "What is wrong with you, guys? I could have been naked! You know I have something called a bell which you can ring to make yourselves known instead of breaking into my stupid apartment, you little fuckers?!"
"That would have been a sight." Jolly joked while standing up with the other boys to help you clean up the mess. "I'll kill you, Karlsson. They'll have to find another guitarist and buy a new guitar because I'll smash yours at your fucking beautiful head." You cursed while wiping up the milk with a rag. You heard Noah laugh behind you, who made it his task to prepare you a new cereal bowl.
"Here you go." He handed you your breakfast. "Sit down and eat, we'll clean the rest."
While you still wanted to set them on fire, you bit back you anger and thanked them for their help before sitting down to eat.
"We wanted to come here early since normally you're always the one being early." Folio explained while sitting down next to you. You took the last spoon. "It's fine but if you do that ever again, I'll take the key from my brother, break it into four pieces and show it up your asses."
"Arousing.", Jolly joked again, causing you to throw the paper work, laying on the kitchen counter, at him.
"Oh, we didn't tell you." Nick started his sentence. "Davis is waiting outside in the car. He offered to drop us of at the airport."
You sighed while cleaning up your bowl, before making your way to your bedroom, getting dressed in something comfortable, grabbing your bag and your dress for the wedding, before heading out of your apartment, not even looking back at the boys. They quickly followed you.
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At 5:45 PM you found yourself getting onto the plane and soon realised you were seated next to Noah, meaning you would spent the next five and a half hours sweating out of nervousness.
The first thirty minutes you didn't say a word. Just looked straight ahead and thought about not thinking about Noah which resulted in (oh wonder) thinking about Noah.
The next thirty minutes you tried to listen to music while reading a book, but after you read a spicy scene while listening to The Death of Peace of Mind, you gave that up too.
The next ten minutes you shifted uncomfortably from left to right, causing Noah to finally break the silence. "Are you okay?" His tone gave away that he was in fact slightly annoyed by your actions.
"Why shouldn't I be okay?", you asked finally sitting comfortable and looking him in the eyes. "Because you ignored me for the past hour?" - "Do you have something to say to me?" He stayed silent. "That's what I thought."
You looked straight ahead again, trying to ignore the confused gaze Noah shot you. When he didn't look away for the next five minutes, you glared at him again. "What, Noah?" - "Why are you like this?" He tried to stay as quiet as possible. "Like what?" - "Almost... bitchy?" Your mouth fell open, startled by his words. "What did you just say?" You almost hissed at him. "You heard me." - "Maybe you should think about your own actions before calling me bitchy, Mr. Davis." -
"Oh, don't 'Davis' me, Ruffilo." He shot back and now fully turned to you. You really didn't know how you managed to keep it quiet until now. "Oh, I'm going to continue to 'Davis' you until you realise not messaging someone for weeks who gave you head and than hid under your bed, isn't really 'Noah-worthy', don't you think?" You whisper-shouted at him and were glad that so many people were talking on the plane that the others surely didn't hear your argument.
With that sentence of yours his attitude was slapped out of his body and he began to back down a bit. You knew Noah had a big ego but it was definitely not as big as yours.
It went quiet between you for another thirty minutes, before Noah sighed. "You know, I'm really sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to hurt you. I never would want that."
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms before your chest. "But you did." You heard him take a deep breath before he placed a hand on your thigh, instantly giving you goose bumps.
"Please let us talk about this when we come back home. I don't wanna fight with you." He requested honestly, causing you to shortly look at him before gnashing your teeth in consideration. "I don't wanna fight with you either."
He squeezed your thigh for a short moment before smiling at you lightly.
The next hour you spent avoiding the big topic hanging between you and decided catch up since you didn't hear from each other personally for almost two weeks. You didn't even know when it happened but the next thing you knew was when someone pushed your hair out of your face.
"Y/N, you need to wake up." Noah whispers into your ear, causing your neck hair to stand up. "We'll land in a couple of minutes."
When you opened your eyes, you noticed you had leaned against Noah's shoulder in your sleep. You quickly sat up and stretched your back before shooting Noah a shy smile. Out of the corner of your eye you saw that Jolly had noticed what had happened and now was smirking to himself.
When you arrived at the location, which was a mansion-like hotel only booked for the wedding party over the weekend, you were quickly assigned two rooms for the five of you. Since you were all tired and drained from the flight, you decided Nick and Folio would share a room and the rest of you would get the other.
You quickly changed and fell onto your single bed when you got to your room and slept in to the sound of Noah and Jolly chatting before sleep.
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You woke up before the boys and decided to get ready before their alarms would go off. So when you came out of the bathroom, showered and only dressed with your towel, you didn't think to hear a 'Good Morning' from Noah, considering it was about twenty minutes before 6 AM.
"Morning." You mumble, slightly overwhelmed by the sight of him. He didn't wear a shirt, fully displaying his tattoos. His arms were crossed behind his head and he shamelessly checked you out.
So while you gathered your clothes, you couldn't help but look at him a couple of times, before returning to the bathroom. Right before you were about to close the door, Noah slipped into the bathroom as well.
"What are you doing?" You whisper-shouted at him, before putting your clothes on the bathroom counter. He also put down his clothes and his towel next to yours.
"If you don't mind I would shower while you put on your make up." He said and before you could answer, he turns away from you to strip out of your clothes, making your eyes widen. "What if Jolly wakes up? What the fuck do you tell him than?" - "He won't wake up" After that sentence he climbed into the shower while you stared at him through the shower glass.
"Sometimes I hate you, Noah Sebastian." - "No, you don't."
You were halfway through your make up when Noah came out of the shower. You swallowed hard while trying your utter best not to stare at him but when he wrapped his towel low around his waist, you couldn't help but shoot him a glance. The way the water drops found their way down his torso sent a wave of heat down your core.
"Do you have something to say?" He asked teasingly. "No, you?" When he said nothing you took a deep breath before applying mascara while he put on some underwear. Right when you placed the mascara back into your make up bag, you felt his hands on your hips, making you sigh.
You closed your eyes when you felt his breath on your neck. "You already look so beautiful, I can't wait to see you in your dress." I can't wait for you to take it off of me. You thought but quickly regained control, clearing your throat and opening your eyes to see Noah already looking at you through the mirror. "You look really good yourself."
"I'm not even wearing clothes." - "As if you don't know how gorgeous you look right now." That was the moment. The first time you saw Noah's cheeks turn into a slight pink color before a small smile crept onto his face. In all those years, this was truly the first time you left him speechless.
He squeezed your hips one last time before mumbling a small 'Thank you.' Than he left the bathroom right in time for Jolly's alarm to go off.
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About an hour later the three of you were almost ready when there was a knock on the door.
"We are late." Your brother announced when Noah opened the door for him and Folio but stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing there while braiding a strand of Jolly's hair. "I don't even ask"
"What? Have you seen him? Have you seen his hair?" You defend your actions while you secure his small braided strand with an elastic. After Jolly thanked you, you turned to fully face you brother.
"Wow, you look amazing, Y/N." Nick states while admiring your dress. The motto of the wedding being 'Black/White/Red' gave you the idea do base your outfit off of the iconic Morticia Addams. You wore a long black dress that flattered your curves with slightly too long bat sleeves. Your fingernails matched with your lipstick, both being the same shade of dark red.
"More than amazing." Noah added shooting you an honest smile that made your stomach twist with joy.
You all hurried to make it in time for the ceremony, not having time to catch up with old school friends, since you were already late.
Even though you weren't that close with the bride and groom, only remembering her from school, you had tears in your eyes by the time they exchanged their vows. This didn't go unnoticed by Noah, who slowly but surely grabbed your hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze.
No matter how delusional that sounded, for a brief moment you thought if there was any future where you would be standing up there with Noah. You quickly shook the thought out of your head by how imaginary the thought sounded but you knew one thing, even if you weren't the wedding couple, Noah would be standing up there with you. There was no way that a universe existed were Noah wasn't in your live. As confusing this whole thing had gotten, there was this one thing you were sure of and from which you would never let yourself be dissuaded.
So you looked at the man you had known for so many years and gave him a smile while squeezing his hand in reassurance.
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Around six hours and 30 half-hearted conversations later, you found yourself sitting next to Jolly at your assigned table. "If another person asks me how i've been since school ended, imma drown myself in sparkling wine." You complained to your friend who chuckled at your statement. "I feel with you." You both let your gaze wonder over the party room. A lot of people were pretty wasted, including the bride who was currently dancing to Gangnam Style with her maid of honor. When you looked to her right, you almost choked on your drink. "Fuck, Jolly. You know who this is?" You slightly point your finger at a guy standing at the bar, talking to the groom. "Uhm... no. I don't know anyone except you guys." "That is Michael fucking Baldrow." "Who?" "She slept with that guy when she was... let me think... 18?" Noah answered for you, scaring you a bit before sitting down next to you, looking absolutely done.
"Naaah, was he the one who picked your cherry?" Jolly teased bumping his arm against yours. You almost immediately looked to Noah and with that your fate was decided. You couldn't stop Jolly from putting 1 and 1 together. "NO FUCKING WAY."
You tensed up, shooting a glare at Jolly. "Shut the fuck up." - "Noah and you... No fucking way. This story is getting better everyday." - "I told you to shut up." - "Noah fucking took your virginity?! I can't even breath."
You grabbed Jolly's arm and looked him dead serious in the eye. "If you don't calm down I assure you, this will be your last breath."
Jolly hold his laughter while apologizing to you. You took a deep breath before looking at Noah, who smirked at you. "What, Noah?" - "It's been ten years, I think it is okay if we finally let someone know."
"Nick doesn't know, does he?" Jolly than asks while searching for your brother in the crowd. You all found him standing at the bar, talking to one of his old friends. "No, he doesn't and I think I like it that way." You took a sip from your glass.
"He also doesn't know about the last weeks, does he?" Jolly than asks while smirking, causing Noah and you to ultimately choke on your drinks.
"What did you say?" - "I talked about the fact that you two were definitely fucking on his birthday party." He said that with such a lack of emotion that you weren't sure if he was joking.
You and Noah's eyes met and for a couple of seconds you both seemed to try to process what your friend just set, when he added: "No need for excuses, I also heard that Noah showered while you got ready this morning."
You shot Noah the 'I told you so' glance but before you could defend yourselves, 'Sweet Child of Mine' by Guns 'N' Roses started playing and Jolly forced the two of you on the dance floor, leaving no room to protest.
On the way to the dance floor he managed to catch Folio and Nick and you found yourselves in a circle, dumbly fidgeting around, but with every second passing you forgot about the fact that you couldn't dance and just let go of your worries.
You were here with your bestest of friends. That was everything that mattered to you in this moment.
And than. Than Noah came close to you and whispered in your ear.
"Meet me at our room in five."
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ccraccz · 7 months
Hiya! I saw your Heartsteel requests were open so I wanted to ask for headcanons of the Heartsteel boys with Fem!Reader who’s very sleepy. I mean like, constant naps during the day or sometimes they doze off and become forgetful. And maybe they’re a night owl so they’re constantly up gaming all night!
Night owl attraction
Characters: aphelios, ezreal, sett, kayn, k'sante, yone x Fem Reader
(Implide sauce)
Context: you're a night owl, sleeping here, napping there, but at night, when the sun is down, you live laugh love.
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He's with you on this
Aphelios does most of his work at night time and usually takes naps throughout the day.
That was before becoming part of the band, where everyone is usually awake in the day time
So his sleep schedule is kinda (very) messed up.
But knowing you're also a night owl makes his life all the much more easier!
You will always be his excuse.
Naps on his bed? He's ready in the dark, arms wide open, in bed.
You forgot something at your place but are too tired to get it?
He's gone out to get it, don't fall asleep yet though
He'll join you soon!
At night time is were everything goes party rockin
You have your own little space.for gaming in his room you're that important!
He makes his music, has you listen to it and add some input, you play your games, and do you work
Easy as that!
Though, sometimes, he just wants to sleep with you when you have so much energy at night time
Especially on days the band has to go to events
He really wants to stay up with you but he really can't 😕
So most of the time you get your mobile games and play while he's laying on your chest
Or he'll get you tired in another way 😏
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He would totally nap with you
But be quite sad that you're always napping when he has the most energy
He really loves to go on dates throughout the day and you always napping always makes him hold off on that
Poor beby
You both are total opposites
During the day he's energetic, you're sleepy
During the night time, your energetic, he's sleepy
Ince he tried sleeping through out the day and staying up at night
He'll never do that again
It gave him a giant headache since he wasn't used to doing that
So he learned that he should tell you the plans beforehand and write them down on a calendar beside the sink in your bathroom because he knows you'll forget
And he'll remind you every 1 hour
He doesn't mind that you nap and are forgetful because of that, but he's slightly peeved by it
He loves you too much to tell you that though
Though if he's incredibly tired at night and all he wants is to hug and sleep with you in his arms
He'll definitely do everything he can to get you tired
Even if it's slightly messy.
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He would totally try to encourage you to wake up early and start your day
He doesn't understand why you're so active at night??
Like??? Huh???
He'd definitely ask you why you sleep so much during the day
Poor beby wants to know how to accommodate you and your likes and dislikes
If you want to wake up but just have trouble, so you just don't
Every day, he'll encourage you to get up with kisses and hugs and breakfast and more!
It'll be difficult at first but he understands, and he'll carry your around if you fall asleep anywhere.
If you don't want to fix it, like ezreal, sett would be a bit peeved but wouldn't do much about it
He lives you for who you are, but it's kinda difficult, literally being an early riser and a night owl couple
He totally understands after you ex0lain it to him but I think he'd feel left out when you're alway in bed and hes.always doing something else
Same thing your way, at night time he's always asleep, alone without you, and you're always gaming or working
He'd try his best and would definitely carry you around when you fall asleep somewhere though!!
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He'd be a total menace
Waking you up everytime you fall asleep because 'if he can't be asleep l, then you can't either!'
His words
You better have a good reason as to why you're still awake at 3 in the morning-
Oh, work? Understandable, get in bed as soon as possible though, tomorrow you have a date to go to and he wants you awake and alive during it!
Rhaast would totally try to control and wake you up in the most inhumane ways
Like throwing you into a full bathtub
But kayn is still a sweetheart so he won't let him do that.
Sometimes, all he wants to do is lay on your tits and fall asleep
But most of the time, you're working or playing games, and it's so annoying to him
So he tries to keep you awake at all times and have you sleep with him, which usually works!
Other times, he lets you sleep here and there because he knows you're trying your best, but it's just so difficult
And, uncommonly, he'll sleep with you during the day and night if you know what I mean 😏😏😏
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He's a bit like Sett
Not an early riser but doesn't send his day in bed like you
When he first notices, he asks you about it thinking something is wrong
If you want to work on it, he'll definitely help out
Waking up early, early jogs, cold showers
All along with morning kisses and hugs
He'd, at first, would feel so guilty about waking you, but it's for a good cause
If not, he'd be kinda annoyed by it, but would understand that you've been dealing with this for a while, so you're definitely used to it, and change is quite difficult
At night time, when you're most active, he tries to give as much affection and love before he goes to sleep
Most of the tikenthat means you taking action in bed but whateves
He loves you so much but wishes he'd be able to interact with you more throughout the day without disturbing your precious sleep
And sleeping without you just isn't the same as the naps you both take after lunch
It's just so lonely and wonky he doesn't like it at all
Give k'sante more love, I beg!!!
(Like alune, there's literally no gifs for yone and that makes me sad)
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He'd definitely be more disturbed by it but would understand.
He'd have a calendar every corner lmao
I front of the bathroom mirror so you see it behind your reflection, on the fridge, in your closet, anywhere!
He loves you so much but it's hard to live someone whose always napping
He'd wake you up in the most gentle ways
Kisses.on the forehead, cheek, pouty lips
Fixing your hair, gliding his fingertips over your face as he admires you
Calling out your name in gentle whispers and chuckling when you whine because you don't want to wake up
He thinks you're so cute and gets used to waking you up every now and then.
He's a total insomniac, though, so he's sometimes awake with you, working on songs when he doesn't take his meds.
And he usually only falls asleep with you in his arms so it's a but more difficult to sleep when you're awake.
So someday, when he doesn't want to work, he ask you to have fun with him instead 🤭
Augh YOUR BRAIN IS SO BIG I LOVED THIS REQUEST SO SWEET!!! Thank you so so much for requesting!!! 💙💙💙💙 BTW it was kinda difficult to show that this was a fem reader because I want to include as many body types as I can, so I didn't describe the body ad much as I would have if I had a specific body type so, IM SORRY BOUT THAT 💙💙💙.
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jupitersdescendant · 1 month
hey everybody and welcome back! todays reading is a bit shorter than usual but i hope no less satisfying and helpful.
today’s topic: what are your dreams trying to tell you?
here’s how it works: close your eyes and meditate on the question for a little. if you feel ready, open your eyes and choose the pile you feel the most drawn to. it’s possible, that you’ll be attracted to more than one pile. please remember that this is a general reading so only take what resonates. this is for entertainment purposes only. lastly, tarot is only a guide, nothing is set in stone and at the end of the day you have the power over your own life.
side note: can’t believe i forgot to write down the cards but i did.. please forgive me lol
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Pile 1
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hi pile 1!
i’m seeing fire as a reoccurring theme in your dreams as well as the colours red and orange. fire is a powerful element and an especially destructive one at that. in your dreams you are most of the time afraid of it. though the fire in your dreams isn’t there to scare you away but to beckon. to show you how to embrace that side of yourself since i’m pretty sure that you carry a fiery energy in yourself and often feel things very deeply, maybe even overwhelmingly so but aren’t really comfortable with that energy. your dreams encourage you to accept this side of you and to go out there and be fearless. be generous, helfpul and supportive to those you care about and to yourself of course. don’t forget to be mindful of who you give your energy to. it looks like you carry some type of burden around and throw yourself into work to take your mind off of things but also to make yourself feel better and somehow more worthy at the same time.. though fear of failure could plague you as well, don’t we all love that. please don’t overwork yourself and try to be more proud of how far you’ve already come. work isn’t everything and it’s definitely not the self care you should be practicing instead. you’re doubting yourself a lot as it seems and often feel unworthy or not good enough but you’re totally missing all the great parts that you also carry within you. i’m seeing that you’re very passionate and strong and that you care a lot about the things you love. try to surround yourself with people that make you feel free and that encourage you to just be your own beautiful and proud self.
let me know if it resonates! have a great day/night 🖤
Pile 2
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welcome pile 2!
for starters, your dreams often make you feel uncomfortable and restless. you may have a lot of bad dreams or even reoccurring nightmares. with the lovers being the first card that dropped out and upright at that, it set the whole vibe of the reading. it does seem like there’s some kind of love interest in your life that you often see in your dreams as well. you experience a lot of self doubt in this situation and feel powerless. you want this relationship to move forward but you hesitate. it looks like you are very very scared of what might go wrong when you move forward with this person. i can basically see all the worst case scenarios in your head over piling in your head and this also shows very clearly in your dreams, hence the nightmares. dear, standing still is never the option and definitely not the solution. i think you want to enter a committed relationship with this person. you need to act. i think the seeds for what you desire are already planted and growing but they need your care if you really want them to flourish and grow into something beautiful. the only thing holding you back is you. i think this delay takes real damage to your energy, especially your feminine one and this makes you even more insecure. self-doubt really has you in a tight grip. i understand that you’re scared (been there done that) but when you want what or better who you want you can’t just ignore that, with time you’ll only get more and more sad and frustrated with yourself. you gotta make a move towards your person of interest, even if you have do it blindly and scared. the only way is through. and sure, maybe you’ll find out that they don’t feel the same way and it won’t be easy to accept that but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t great and loveable. it means that they aren’t right for you and why would you want what isn’t meant for you anyway? but maybe, if you put yourself out there, you’ll be blessed with something really beautiful that will probably make you way happier than the way things are right now. either way, you can do this and don’t forget that you’re loved and never alone. <3
let me know if it resonates! have a great day/night 🖤
Pile 3
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hi there pile 3!
so you’re dreams are basically trying to tell you to make a decision. it seems like you can choose between multiple things that will all have different outcomes of course. this scares you. the context of the decision will differ for everyone but you’ll know what i’m talking about. its time for you to pack your thing (literally for some of you) and go on a new journey but you’re blocking yourself with indecision. you focus too much on the negative and everything that could possibly go wrong with your choice. because of that you fail to see all the things that could go right and with that the abundance that’s waiting on the other side. don’t forget that you’re ready to start something new or else you wouldn’t have the opportunity. animals way be really present in your dreams and maybe also in your waking life, specifically birds, reptiles and insects. your intuition may be blocked because of self doubt but try to go within and listen to what your heart tells you. it’s funny because you’re dreams are literally telling you to wake up and to charge into the unknown. i have to think about a book i recently read about self confidence and it’s importance when it comes to decision making: a part of that confidence really depends on you trusting the world to meet you where you want to go, even if that means stepping into unknown territory. i know making decisions can be very scary especially when it might change your whole life but you have to believe in all that you can gain. you’ll feel so much more freedom when you’re finally moving forward with purpose and will. trust that success, independence and security are all waiting on the other side of fear. you can do this.
let me know if it resonates! have a great day/night! 🖤
Pile 4
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hello pile 4!
it looks like you aren’t that secure in yourself, your energy and your skills and abilities, at least at the moment. you feel out of touch with yourself. you’ve bern feeling this way for quite some time. you could currently be easily triggered and irritated by the smallest things and may not be really sure why. maybe you’re not even that aware of whats going on on the inside and that’s why it all comes out in your dreams. actually, it seems like a lot of you are in a relationship or at least some type of situationship and i think your frustration and disconnect stands in direct relation to this. i think the biggest problem here is that you probably aren’t honest with yourself and also not to your partner/person which leads to both of you feeling discontent as well as stagnant. it looks like you care for each other deeply but things may be really rocky at the moment. because of this there’s this theme of being scared of change, maybe resisting it and behaving in negative patterns. you’re scared to loose this person. some of you may be physically separated from them at the moment. your dreams are urging you to open yourself up and to communicate clearly. i can’t really tell where this situation is headed since it will differ for everyone but if you’re truly honest with yourself you know whats wrong and where you want this situation to go. it takes courage to communicate things that are difficult to say though it’s only fair to you and the other person. let your feelings out, only this way will you gain clarity and justice. i’m actually seeing a really positive outcome for you filled with new beginnings and opportunities and good news.
let me know if it resonates! have a great day/night! 🖤
🔮thanks a lot for reading! 🔮
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danieyells · 8 days
If you could, could you post Alan’s lines? I like him but he’s so stone cold at low affinity it’s hard to sus out his personality
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SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG ANON AND @otomelover23 so many things got in the way. . .mostly myself lol. . . .
Honestly that stone coldness is a big part of his personality. He's not great at expressing himself and he's very to the point. But as his affinity goes up, he's more. . .concerned for you. And he wants you around more, trusting himself to have you around more.
I posted all of them again this time! A lot of his have similar energy because of his stiffness, so I feel like being able to see them all helps to idk see the gradual change i think.
"Get your things. We're going."
"...What do you want?"
"Don't get involved with me."
"I'm going out. You guys get back to work."
"Get back. It's dangerous."
"Slack off once, and you'll find out how hard it is to get back in the game."
You've got mail:
"Some letters here for you."
Affinity 1:
"Oh, you're awake."
Affinity 2:
"I don't eat in the cafeteria. Portions aren't big enough. That's the only reason."
don't feel awkward in there or like people find you too intimidating to be near or anything? aren't worried about seeing Dante? if you say so.
Affinity 3:
"My wallet? Yeah, it's pretty beat up. Can't bring myself to chuck it though. Got some good memories with it."
reminds me of my brother, who kept our dad's old wallet. It's basically in tatters, held together by rubber bands, but sometimes what you have is what you have. . . .
Affinity 4:
"I'm going to the Pit. You should go back to your house, {PC}."
he doesn't want you to see him punch a man into oblivion.
Affinity 5:
"That sounds like a bike engine, but it's not one I know. ...Be right back."
INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT much like Tohma he's probably pretty security conscious. Maybe he's more security conscious because Tohma isn't around. Or maybe he's not used to how Bonnie sounds yet.
Affinity 6:
"Was that class really revision...? I didn't think I missed that many..."
my boy is not book smart, he is fist smart and maybe street smart. please study with him. he needs flash cards. pretty sure the only reason he's passed any grade is because he goes on plenty of missions.
Affinity 7:
"Lunch? Huh. I forgot to eat. Guess I'll just grill some meat and have it with rice and miso soup. That's my go-to."
y'know what i'm glad someone here eats proper meals. even if you forget at least you're eating eventually!!!
Affinity 8:
"One of the Vagastrom guys asked me to add him on WickChat... Do you know how to do that?"
Affinity 9:
"I don't want to get anyone mixed up in my life."
He looks sad when he says this. . .he's really worried about how being close to him will affect others huh.
Affinity 10:
"Better sleep. Got an early day tomorrow."
Affinity 11:
"497... 498... 499... 500... Phew..."
don't mind pc they're just gonna watch you do 500 sit-ups/push-ups/pull-ups/whatever. . .no no they don't mind the sweat at all please continue--
Affinity 12:
"Bandana seems to disappear right around this time every day lately... What's he doing?"
this chat's between 11am and 4pm. . .pretty sure Sho would be busy with the food truck around that point. . .does Alan not know Sho runs a business lmao. . .I mean I guess Alan doesn't go into the more populous parts of Darkwick much.
Affinity 13:
"The first-years've each got their own strengths. Both can do stuff I can't."
Affinity 14:
"Bandana's got potential. He's quick, and he's strong. Rest comes down to motivation."
I think Sho's motivated, just motivated to do his own thing. Although I'm sure he'll develop more interest in the world and actions of the Institute and anomalies eventually. . .maybe. Or maybe Hyde's interest will keep him away lol.
Affinity 15:
"I'm heading out. Mission. Make sure you go to class. ...I'll let you know when I'm back."
alright mom i'll go to class gosh. does this feel like a headpat or forehead kiss line to anyone else? he just doesn't want you to worry about him. He knows he's doing something dangerous. But he promises he'll come home. He won't be reckless because you're waiting. Maybe I'm reading too much into it lol.
Affinity 16:
"Where am I...? Guess I should tell them I'm gonna be late. WickChat was this picture, wasn't it...?"
poor boy is so lost lmao please help him get where he needs to go. . .how does this man go on hikes in the mountains and shit. . . .
Affinity 17:
"You're still awake? Don't stay up too late."
Affinity 18:
"Oh, didn't see you there. I'm heading out for a run, but... Could you wait here for me?"
He wants to spend time with you, so please be waiting when he comes back. . . .
Affinity 19:
"I pat people on the head a lot? Didn't notice. I'm doing it again? ...Sorry."
IT'S HARD NOT TO WHEN PEOPLE ARE SO MUCH SHORTER THAN YOU also that wasn't a complaint please give them lots of pats :'3
Affinity 20:
"I'm taking some of the Vagastrom guys to the mountains today. ...You want to come too?"
Affinity 21:
"This one's all fixed up. I'm gonna take a shower. Wait there."
there like in the shower or--(he uses そこ which refers to someplace near the listener, so he just means 'where you're sitting' but still.)
Affinity 22:
"{PC}. Got time after this? A friend of mine gave me some fresh boar meat."
He wants to cook for you! He cooks in a very wilderness style, but still! He wants to share his bounty! He's showing you he can be a good provider. No, he didn't hunt it himself but good community connections are also important!
Affinity 23:
"You're you, not someone else. You're doing a good job. Hold your head high."
he doesn't want you to fall into a cycle of self-loathing or of trying to be anyone but yourself. Maybe what others do feels more impressive to you, but you aren't them and you can't compare yourself to them. Even if you're 'weak' in one way or another, you have your own worth in other ways. So be proud of yourself, instead of trying to get the pride of somebody else. I think he really cares about your mental wellbeing and he doesn't want you to lose yourself. Because he's lost himself--and he doesn't want that for you. Don't wallow in self-pity, don't agonize over the past. Be proud of how far you've come and walk your own path.
Affinity 24:
"Can't sleep? ...I'll take you for a drive. Quick run should help you reset."
Imagine falling asleep in his car and he has to figure out. . .does he wake you up, does he carry you somewhere. . .he could bring you back to your place but he doesn't know how to get there so. . .you wake up in his room, in his bed. . .does he have the understanding that "you probably shouldn't sleep in the same bed as somebody without them okaying it first" and he sets up his tent and sleeps in it or uses his sleeping bag or sleeps somewhere else in the dorm or maybe in his car. . .frankly even if he doesn't he'd be afraid of hurting you in his sleep. There's no way he'd sleep in the same bed as you. Maybe lie awake in there with you or something. But he'd be too scared of what harm he could cause to fall asleep.
Affinity 25(max):
"I'm lucky I've got you, {PC}. As long as you're with me, I feel like I won't lose sight of who I am."
HE SMILES WHEN HE SAYS THIS. 99% of his lines have his usual expression, but this one he really smiles and that's how you know how much he appreciates you. I feel like he kind of gave up on himself--he's a big, dangerous brute, he's not someone worth getting close to, it's dangerous to even want to. . .but you make him feel like maybe he has a chance again. You make him look in the mirror and see someone he hasn't seen in a long time, and he realizes that person is himself and he would have never seen the version of him who isn't dirtied with blood again without you.
"Don't get lax just 'cause it's warm out. Stay focused."
"... Good camping weather."
"Oh, it's you. Must've dozed off. Better get back to work."
"The cherry blossom illuminations? ...That kind of thing's not for me."
"It's getting hot out. Make sure you stay hydrated."
"Looks like we've got another mission order. There's more anomalies out there in summer."
"The Pit's getting noisy. Those guys better not be pulling stupid shit again..."
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you again... I was just going for a jog. Didn't think you'd be round this corner."
Alan turning a corner and slamming straight into you and being shocked aw--
"Good season for a workout. Want to join me?"
"...Maybe I'll go check out the fall leaves."
"The days are getting shorter. You should get home before it gets dark."
"...Long nights make me think about stuff I'd rather forget."
he killed dante in the autumn or winter. noted.
"Cold out in the mornings lately. Guess I'll warm up with a coffee."
"The first-years ditched... What do they mean, "too cold"?"
"As long as you got some muscle, you can handle the cold."
i handle the cold well because i'm fat, myself. my brother, who's plenty muscular, gets cold much easier than i do U:
"It's freezing... Guess I'll break out the kerosene heater. Gotta make sure you ventilate if you use it indoors, but it works real fast. Can't do without it in winter."
His birthday:
"Whose birthday? ...Mine? Oh... Forgot all about it. ...Thanks."
Your birthday:
"Today's your birthday, yeah? ... Get your stuff. I'll take you for a drive."
New Years:
"You helped us out a lot last year. Hope you'll stick around."
Valentine's Day:
"This chocolate's for me? Do everything proper, don't you? Thanks. I appreciate it."
HE SMILED AGAIN. I wonder if he's ever been given valentine's chocolate before. Even if he thinks it's just out of obligation, I think he must be really happy. . . .
White Day:
"White Day's when you repay people for what they got you on Valentine's Day, right? Sorry if these aren't your thing... Didn't really know what you like..."
. . .my first thought was that i read that sometimes lingerie is given as a white day return present. . .and i just imagined that Alan asked what he was supposed to do if he liked the person he got a valentine's day gift from on valentine's and Leo saw an opportunity for chaos and said to get them some sexy white underwear and Alan just. . .believed him. And it's a very embarrassing moment for everyone involved. pc absolutely wears them when alan asks them out for things tho. waiting for the day alan finds out they're wearing it.
April Fool's Day:
"I'm actually a dog. Woof. ...Sorry, that was a lie. Forget I said anything."
he's a little confused but he's got the spirit.
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"Saw an anomaly I'd never seen before just now. Ran away when I tried to stop it. That's when I realized it was a human."
i would not be surprised if his upbringing was sheltered and he just did not know about halloween to begin with haha
"...You should spend Christmas with family."
Well everyone's stuck at Darkwick so that's not likely to happen. Also don't tell that to Sho. . .but we can be family now! And spend Christmas together!
"...You okay?"
"...You seem busy. Let me know if you need anything."
"...You came back. You look all right. We're gonna need you for the next mission."
SO YOU SEE HE'S A LOT KINDER AND SWEETER WHEN HIS AFFINITY GETS UP THERE. . .BUT HE'S STILL COLD. BECAUSE HE'S AFRAID. . .but you make him feel more comfortable. You help him feel less like a destructive monster and more like a person. Where he pushed you away before, he keeps you closer now. Still a little at arm's distance but much closer than before. I HOPE THIS HELPED YOU SEE MORE OF HIS PERSONALITY, ANON o/
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kanmom51 · 8 months
Jikook - what we see is what we get
When we get to see it.
Not seeing it doesn't mean it's not there though.
Was sitting today BTS songs just playing in the background while I'm working on my post. All this shit just happening around us, around JK and JM (yes, JM is part of it, he's also affected by it all), and The truth untold comes up.
This version:
One of, if not their best performance imo. The emotion just pouring out of them.
This song. It kills me every single time. Brings me to tears every single time. JM turned away from JK singing "and I still want you" in every performance. Well, other than their last 3 in Seoul, changed by them, performed by them, ending facing each other JM singing "but I still want you". Defiant.
All about the need to wear that mask to hide your true self for fear you might not be loved for who you truly are, that you might be seen as ugly, a monster. And the two of them, changing the staging, turning to each other, looking into each other's eyes, while changing the "and" to "but I still want you"... do people understand this? The enormity of this moment?
And then this song comes up, this performance:
This was on day 2, while on day 3 we had this:
Omg, my YT logarithm is trying to kill me today.
And got me thinking about this moment we got on day 3 as well.
This love, people, this chemistry, us not seeing it as often for the lack of BTS ot7 content doesn't mean is gone. It's very much still there. We just aren't as lucky to be able to see them in that one frame as often or even at all. But when we do, there is no denying it. Even if it's for the shortest of moments.
We saw it in 2020 (have people forgot memories 2020 for god sake?)
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We saw it in 2021
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So much more, so little image allowance... But you can find it all in my masterlist.
We saw it throughout 2022 in their Seoul and LV PTD concerts.
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And in JITB even if briefly,
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And in Busan and Run BTS episodes.
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And we even got a little touch of it in 2023, when there was no way of keeping them out of the frame, like in Jhope's enlistment BTB, D-Day in Seoul and even when not being in one frame, in those lives we got to enjoy when the one joined the other in their comments and even without the other even making that kind of appearance.
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Letter, goddamnit.
Oh and then we had JM literally flying across the world to be with JK for his Solo debut (if only GMA concert wasn't cancelled, damn it), and them dipping off for their 4 day private trip in CT.
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It's sad how short people's memories are. Really. I am reading all sorts of fanfictions being put forward as "this is what happened with Jikook over the years", stating facts that are not facts, creating non existent drama, because people love the drama.
This is a loving couple in a long term relationship. You know, that boring kind. The stable, loving, filled with respect and no drama. The one where one supports their partner when they are struggling. One where just being with each other is fulfilling (cough JK coming to JM's room in LA just to be with him in the same room for hours cough).
Funny how people are talking about them breaking up 2020-21 during the pandemic when JK literally had a slip of the tongue spilling the beans they live together, they are one household, in Run BTS episode 142 they were each gifted a knife. JK all proud and piping up "we got 2"...
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JM just sitting there all quiet, smirk on his face.
Stories about breakups. Stories about sexually experimenting but no actual emotional commitment. All while ignoring the constants. Those things that are just there, all the time, whenever we do get to see them:
That electrical chemistry between those two.
The way they look at each other constant over the years.
The way they talk to each other constant over the years.
The way they touch each other constant over the years.
The way they talk about each other.
The way their interactions are so different from the others or their own with the others.
The way the others are around them, their reaction to Jikook.
All still there!!!
I wrote this post yesterday before JK's Radiohead appearance and his TikTok post-delete.
I guess now would be a good time to repeat what the wise @ourwinterspring (yes, I'm mentioning you again, lol) once said (well a couple of days ago, that is):
Rumors are created by haters
accepted by fools
and spread by idiots
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starlightiing · 14 days
I saw you were sad about your writing before you deleted that post. Wanna tell us about some WIPs you have? 🥺 ❤️ 💙 💜
Thanks anon I appreciate you. I kinda want to throw all my WIPs in the trash actually ahaha but uh lemme gather my documents and see what I have...
1. Car Crash fic. Pierre gets in a horrific car accident while they're in Texas a week before the GP. He and Esteban had a nasty break up and quite literally only speak for work purposes. Pierre, however, forgot to update his emergency contact and Esteban got the call at 2am. Tired and annoyed, he brings himself to the hospital with his proof of identity, expecting to hear that Pierre was stupid and broke an arm or something. It's much worse.
2. Android AU - Pierre is a very high tech android, the first and only of his kind. He's incredibly hyper realistic, so much so that he managed to fool a doctor. However, when he's debuted to the investors, they're afraid of how realistic he is. They tell the devs to turn him off and put him away for now, but Pierre was built with self preservation and he knows that means death. He runs away from them and seeks refuge with one of the mechanics that works for the company that created him - Esteban Ocon. Chaos ensues. Esteban steals this multi million dollar android and runs away with him to save his life.
3. Jurassic World AU - Pierre works at the hatchery with baby dinos. He's a "veterinarian" in a sense, and he plays with/mothers the baby dinos and makes sure they are socialized and enriched and such before they're put in their enclosures. Esteban works park security and special operations. When the park goes down, a series of events leads them both to miss the evacuation boat and thanks to Esteban losing his heart monitor in the scuffle, his security team sees him "flatline" and they think he's dead, so no one is coming for them, either. Survival AU for the boys.
1. Young Forever AU - this one is a bit odd, but it's a sort of "if you fall asleep you die" scenario, only its "if the music stops you die" - based on the line "the best of the drums keeps us alive" from the song Young Forever by The Ready Set - tying it into the beat of the drum being the beat of their hearts. If they're without music, they're without a beat, and therefore their heart stops. It sounds dumb. I promise it won't be. I'm still working out the kinks. It's going to be the strangest thing I ever write I think.
2. Soulmate AU - Don't want to go too far into this one, but Lando is a star that is humanized when he makes it to Earth. Yes, it sounds similar to the movie Stardust, no, it's actually not. Oscar has Lando's stardust inside of him, and so he literally lights up from his veins up to his heart when Lando touches him, because it's the stardust inside of him reacting to its host. Oscar has to help Lando figure out how to be human, they fall in love, there's issues, ect ect. Their bond is moldable. It's cute.
3. Flatliners AU - this one has a lot of pairings but the main focus is landoscar. Lando, Oscar, Pierre, Esteban, Alex, George, Charles, and Logan are med students in their residencies at the same hospital. Lando is focusing in neurology and has taken a special interest in "life after death" and what the brain does when the heart stops. He approaches his friends with a very casual, "I want you to stop my heart" to mixed reviews. Oscar's focus is cardiology and also he has the most sense out of them all so he highly protests such a stupid idea. Majority rules, though, unfortunately for him.
Lestappen / Galex / Landoscar / Pierresteban:
1. Angel AU - first part has been posted. Post apocalyptic world. Some humans started being born with genetic mutations: wings. Wings are worth a lot of money on the black market because the feathers have dust on them that are used for making hallucinogenic drugs. Humans are viciously hunting angels down to make a buck. A lot of underground bunkers from the apocalypse are commandeered by GOOD humans who set them up as sanctuaries to hide angels in. Alex Albon runs a sanctuary (he's also a doctor). Charles is his right hand man, and alongside Lewis, they lead raids and missions to find angels, save them, and take out hunters. Lots of subplots in this one, but it's a lot of fun. And a lot of pain.
1. Soulmate AU that I have not decided on yet.
1. Soulmate au with soulmarks. Featuring Pierre being rejected by his soulmate which causes the biggest downward depressive spiral when his soul make disappears and another doesn't manifest in its place. Lots of angst here. Yuki saves the day.
1.Inception AU - this can also fall under Pierresteban and Landoscar. It is literally just the dumb boys in the universe of Inception, invading dreams and doing very illegal things while dressed up in very fancy expensive clothes. Also they have guns.
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OFMD Fix-it Part 2
Ayyy here’s part 2! Thank you so much for the incredible response to part 1! I read the tags and comments often y’all are too nice ;v; Enjoy all 69 pages! tw for blood and injury
Part one
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Wee john: Fuck yeah! Roach: We took over Blackbeard’s ship!! Frenchie: Oh no! You dastardly pirates are too scary for me! I surrender!!
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Stede: All good everyone! Crew: IS IT?? Stede: [gasp] Did you guys take back the ship?? Ed: You’re shitting me Stede: Excellent job, everyone!
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Ed: Hey! Stede: Oh, sorry! I look forward to hearing about it! Ed: Please don’t crack your face again Buttons: Were yee crying? Both: WHAT?! No! Ed: I physically cant cry Stede: Why so you keep asking that? Crew: Captain! Stede: WAIT I’m not discouraging this energy, but please be careful of-
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Ivan: What do you want us to do with Izzy, captain? Frenchie: OH FUCK THE KNIFE! Swede: PULL IT OUT! Roach and jim: NO!! [schluck] Pete: FUCK PUT IT BACK IN!! Roach and jim: NO!! Ed: Why disturb him? Sleeping so peacefully. I’ll deal with him later [schluck]
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Pete: Where’s lucius? Stede: Yes, we’re missing lucius. Ed! Is the boy below deck? Pete: Did something happen? Frenchie: Oh yeah almost forgot! [knocking on the deck] Stede: What’s this, frenchie? Ed: Lucius is dea-
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Lucius: OH THANK GOD! I was going mad in that wa-
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Pete: Where have you been? Stede: Lucius! Good to see you, my boy! wee john: Cap’n... Lucius: I was hiding in a secret wall I’d found. Frenchie thought I was a ghost for about a week. Luckily the ship was a barnacled mess Frenchie: Still not convinced if I’m bein’ honest. Couldnt believe you’d survived, Stede: Survived? Pete: Why would you be a ghost, babe? Lucius: Because Blackbeard threw me overboard
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Ed: A momentary laspe of judgement  Olu: Oh shit
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Stede: [knocks] Ed? [door unlocks]
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Ed: Ship’s yours again. I can be gone- Stede: you’re leaving? Ed: I nearly killed lucius. Aren’t you upset? Stede: Absolutely livid, but you didnt succeed, thankfully! The atmosphere is tense, things are a little unclear, but they’re open to speaking. I’ve forgiven them for planning to kill me! Blows over quite fast, I’m sure- Ed: I’m a terrible person, stede. You don’t even-
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Ed: Crew needed me. Wanted to help me. And I chose Blackbeard. All ‘cuz Izzy opened his FUCKING mouth ‘n backed me into a corner! Lucius would see right through it. I didn’t know what else to d- [flinch] Stede: It’s ok
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Stede: Blackbeard is how you’ve been surviving. I understand that now. The only reason you were put in that position was because of my poor decisions. I promise I’ll be here no matter what to help us all get through this. Ed: Pull up the chair, I want my knife back Stede: Oh good finally...
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Ed: So a big cat, a carriage accident, and a dropped piano? All at once? Fuckin’ hell, mate, you let ‘em have it. Though, I’d go as far to say the cat was too much. Stede: Whaaat? How could you say that about Ned? He did great. Ed: Just BITTER I wasnt there to see it
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Stede: I’m sorry you had to do this again. I know you’re still angry...Ed: Wasn’t about being angry... not at first at least. Just felt.... sad. Really fucking sad, Stede. Didn’t know what to do without you here. None of us did. Felt... Like I just wanted to lay down and die Stede: I...I didnt think my absence would be felt this deeply
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Ed: Oh shut- You’re not serious Stede: No, I’m serious. Mary and the kids were much happier when we were planning my departure fuckery. I genuinely can’t think of a time where someone missed my presence
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Ed: Well fuck everyone else. Was the crew pissed when you said why you left? Stede: Very much so Ed: Then they missed you, cheers [mumble] I sure as fuck missed you Stede: You did? Sorry, Impulse. Ed: Lean up a bit Stede: I hop I can earn your trust back one day
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Ed: Well, knowing about that Chauncey fuck makes me less pissed at you. Least you didn’t ditch me ‘cuz you didn’t want me around anymore. Stede: Oh no, I’ve liked you since the day we met. Ed: You did look hot bleedin’ out on the deck of that spanish ship. Stede: I’m choosing not to unpack that at this moment. Ed: All done up you go! [loud closed-mouthed scream] [ed repressing laughter] You good? Guts still in? Stede: [strained]I think so Ed: Lean on me til it passes
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Thanks, did you sew me up the first time? Ed: Nah, that was fang Stede: That fang, beautiful work Ed: Go lay down. I gotta clean up your blood Stede: Again, sorry
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Ed: If you apologize one more time for being stabbed, I’ll stab you again Stede: But it led to so much character development last ti- I’ll leave you to it then
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Stede: Ah, is this my-? What’s it doing under th-
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Stede: Forget I- Ed: No, that’s- I mean, it is yours... It doesnt even smell like y- JUST PUT IT ON
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S: May I ask you-? E: shoot S: Why did you let me board the ship? E: I was tired of izzy nagging to blast you with the cannons. Kept talkin’ in my ear about you ‘n it just made me angrier and angrier. Got me so amped up to just fucking kill you the moment I saw you again. Thought I'd just be furious, but I felt... giddy?  /hated/ that my chest was pounding, that just made me angrier
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E: Then you show up with your tits out looking handsome as shit. S: hmmm [olu: One last thing, captain Stede: What is it, olu- RIP] E: I thought of it too. Leaving. Thought I’d get ahead before I disappointed you. Wasn’t itching for adventure, I knew I was in too deep with you S: I always thought I was disappointing /you/. I’m not the most exciting person E: Me?
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E: Stede, you’re the boldest bugger i’ve ever met. Ever since i’ve known about you, you’ve made the most batshit ballsy moves. You took those English hostage, you swindled iz to get them back. you told blackbeard to go suck eggs in hell You stood up to the weird twins, to the English navy, to those richies at that party, to izzy, to jack, to ME. You’re the coolest, kindest person I know, Stede. I’m nuts about you. S: … guess I've never seen myself from that perspective E: If anyone else told me that story, i’d have them tied to the anchor for such a bullshit lie, but it’s you, so i believe it. Its as ridiculous as you are.
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E: do you think I’ve ever gotten this upset over some quick drunk fuck parting ways? Only you.
S: Why only me, though?
E: You’re the only person that makes me feel… safe? Like I don’t have to be blackbeard 24/7. Most of my old mates were just dickheads who showed up when they wanted something the buggered off
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Dont’ gotta worry about you stabbin’ me in my sleep cause i pissed you off.  You don’t laugh when I talk about a fine fabric or a pretty looking teacup. I’ve told you things I thought I’d take to my grave because anyone else would throw it back in my face... But not you. I like your fire hazard, secret passage ship, your crew, when you talk about clothes ‘n book ‘n flowers. You don’t act like anyone else but you... And I envy that
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Ed: Because it’s you
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Stede: No one’s ever thought that about me... I’m sorry. Hah, I feel a bit dizzy. Ed: Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Lay down if you need [stede crying] Stede?
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Stede: You’re the first person who doesnt think I’m a burden. My father, Mary, peers- My whole life- That I was selfish for being born [crying] Ed: Again, Stede, Feck ‘em
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Stede: Meeting you was the best day of my life. I was so relieved when you- on the beach- Yuo looked so happy, and I destroyed that Ed: shhh
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ed: It’ll be ok
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Ed: Look at me. You came back
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Ed:[calm] I’m sorry, Will you excuse me for one moment? Stede: Feel free! Ed: Thank-you [Izzy still yelling] [door slam] rapid steps]
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[clattering above] [Izzy screaming] [crew cheering] foot falls approaching]
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Ed: Now, where were we? Stede: ....Actually I do wanna know Ed: Let’s say, Bit too tied up to bother us again
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[stede huffs a laugh] Ed: You look exhausted, you should rest. Pincushion gets the mattress Stede: oh no, I couldn’t. where are you sleeping? Ed: Perfectly comfortable desk right here. [pained moan] Stede: Right... Ed: Night, Stede
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ed: I’ll steal a couch soon. ‘M too old to sleep on desks now Stede: I have no qualms [ed sighs]
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Ed: Hey, stede Stede: Mm Ed: Can we.... Can we just forget about the beach and start over?
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Stede: I don’t think I can this time, Ed. Ed: Slightly concerned you can forget me almost killing you but not a kiss Stede: I’ve decided to be done with running away from my problems and pretending they never happened. But beyond that, My whole world shifted with that kiss. I can’t ever forget that. The memory alone kept me rowing to get to you again
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Stede: We’ve hurt eachother, but I’m more than willing to put in the work to mend it... Which is something I never did with mary. Ed: I wont stab you in the earhole by the way. Got mine out of he way. Stede: Only fair! We’re even now. Ed: But mine was funny [swat] [giggle]
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Ed: Last thing, then you can sleep off the stab wound Stede: Oh good... Ed: If Blackbeard was gone for good, would you stay? Lotta folks want the novelty y’ know. ‘S been gnashing at the back of my skull. Stede: I met Ed first not Blackbeard
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Stede: ‘M staying forever now. Best friends at first sight. From my point of view at least
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Ed:...Olivia... How ya doin’, Iz? Iz: Are you fucking joking? Just tell me what’s going on
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Ed: Stede won. Crew took the ship back. I’m staying.  Oh and lucius is alive, as you saw. Kid said the ship was so mucked up, he was able to hang on to sneak onto the ship. Thought you handled that way back when? Iz: that fookin- Ed: So i’m giving you a choice.
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Iz: Just cut my foot off at this point anything but this. Ed: why can’t you ever just relax, izzy? It doesnt have to go this way, yet you stomp your feet Every. Single. Time. How many years have we known eachother; do you even like my company? Iz: How could you even say that to me? I’ve given my life to you time and time again. And You’re going to let some tart waltz back in and uproot everything we built.  Ed: Built what? We’re fucking pirates, mate!
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Powertrip’s over. This is it. It was a good ride. Fang: Lucius! You’re missing this shit!! Ed: You may love waiting to end up like... another leather clad, middle aged sad sack dying alone in a puddle of his own piss, but you’re not dragging me there with you. So make a choice Iz: You’d really let me walk? Ed: Truthfully, i’d prefer you play nice and enjoy yourself for once. but I’ll give you three options.
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Ed: Old way is gone. Either one, accept that and keep it pushin’. Two, I would just let you fuck off, but you’ve proven to be a liability out of my sight, so i’ll have fang cut your talk box, so you never speak stede’s name ever again THEN you can fuck off. And three, more of a clause to one,
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Ed: If you go rogue, I’ll make you beg for hell. Threaten anyone on this ship again, You’ll never feel the warmth of the sun ever again
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Ed: I’ll let you down if you behave
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Iz: [despair sigh] just leave me up here a while longer. ‘S quiet for once. Ed: well alright, take some time to process. let fang know when you gotta piss Lucius: Bad morning? Iz: Yeah, keep staring, twat Lucius: That sounded threatening, right fang? Fang: He’s not above pissin’ on you, kid
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Ed: [muffled] breakfast? [smack] Didn’t remember blackbeard snuck into your bed? Stede: No, I remember. Had to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating again. Also, once again, you’ve processed this very quickly
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Ed: Were yee seein’ phantoms? Stede: No more guilt phantoms thank goodness. Was getting sick of those buggers. Ed: Love a good phantom. You seem less tightly wound. Glad you’re phantom free
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Stede: Took awhile to realize, but This is where I belong. Ed: No fucking shit
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Ed: Speaking of, Y’ know, I’ve thought on it, and I’ve decided I’m tired of being angry and sad and lonely. Fucking sick of it. Already stabbed you, no sense in wasting time acting mad when I know what I want S: And what is that? E: Wanna be liked and kissed and happy.
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Stede: Perfectly reasonable things to- Ed: I also want to be co-captains with the gentleman pirate. [choke] I’m lying in your bed with you, stede. Who do you think’ll be kissing me? The swede? Stede: I didn’t want to PRESUME. Is this a new job role for co-captains? Ed: Is now! ‘S why I promoted you. But you’re still on thin fucking ice. Stede: Poor jim. Promoted in less than a day. Ed: Don’t actually tell jim. They’re super pissed at me Stede: oH Ed: Now, onto couch theft, I’m thinkin’-
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Stede: You’ve got some- Ed: I get it? Stede: Not quite, just- Oh- fuck it
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Ed: Dastardly man. Diabolical. Definitely not gentlemenly
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Ed: Fuckin’ missed you!
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louroth · 11 months
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Hello everyone :> 
It's been a month! it's incredible how much my life has changed- while I'm still adjusting I'm just...still walking on clouds. it feels unreal. the patreon took off and I can almost make a living wage on it which is frankly fucking insane, and the discord is so vibrant it scared me for a moment (not anymore- shooting the shit with the people there is the favorite part of my day, even if I sometimes just leave a trail of emotes lskjdhajksdhkjasd.) I couldn't have asked for a better community. YES I am crying about it. Thank you, so, so much. I am cradling your face in my hands. crying.
But as always, enough of my bleeding heart. Let's get to it!
The first two weeks after posting the update, I took a sort of quasi vacation and only wrote a handful of story-words each day, and spent some time fooling around in the discord + brushed off my smut archive to refine for Patreon. There are already 4 stories up, and a new one coming tomorrow- though I haven't decided yet whether it will be possessive/jealous L sfw short or one very nasty short where you come across a particularly insistent species of vines while trekking the forest. hehe. we'll see. >:3
But, even though I had to rest not to combust after work, I am very pleased to say that the next chapter is coming along great, with the skeleton finished for its entirety, and about 45% and some change already written (it's very hard to gauge because I jump around a lot when I write.) This is the final chapter before the forest, filled with action and the heart wrenching drama of offering tenderness to a certain someone, and deciding for your hunter when enough is truly enough. I have teared up writing certain scenes and I genuinely cannot wait for you to experience this next part yourselves. 
It is so funny reading things I wrote for this chapter six months ago, or longer, because I knew exactly what emotions I wanted to bake in and couldn't really nail it, but now it is coming together beautifully! Sure, it will still be wonky first draft writing, but the core is there and that is all that matters for now. I'm saying soon™ for the update for now, because I am allowing myself to adapt to writing full time- I didn't quit my job to become my own nightmare boss, and I truly want to enjoy this process. I think, in the long run, it will result in a better story. Patience is my mantra. All in due time- I cannot force quality creative work. But by everything wretched and sinful, I cannot wait to share this next part with you!!! I'm frothing at the mouth!!!
In other news, y'all. I need to get organized. I get heartburn thinking about all the different variations of files and notes and notebooks and scraps of paper and variables and branches of plot and just generally, the things to keep track of is getting to the point of a dragon hoard of scary 'oh no I forgot about that part'. I'm gritting my teeth through it until this chapter is out, but after it, I am going to spend some time to
 1) get my shit together in gorgeous, beautiful spreadsheets
2) get serious about finding beta- and proofreaders. (me @ u: 🥺)
But that's it, my friends! I scrapped an entire progress report because I started sounded corporate and listing points which was just... sad. I really hope I evolve into writing these in a more fun way, which would make them more fun for you to read too! But for now, I think this will do. I hope you have a beautiful day/night, and if you would like to see more in depth dev-logs of my writing life, or random sneak peeks, I post those weekly on patreon!
Or join our discord, which. It's just the nicest place, I can't even come up with words that do it justice. It's my favorite daily newspaper.
Until next time! x
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 days
can you do a hc about nash and alisa ans what happened between them?
what happened to alisa and nash head canons
of course! this one is going to be on the shorter side bc we don't really know much about either of them as characters. a little recap of what we do know for those reading this who forgot: alisa and nash broke up bc nash wanted to distance himself from his grandfather but alisa didn't want to bc she was too loyal to him. basically, they just wanted different things. hope you enjoy!
near the end of their relationship, nash started to resent alisa for choosing tobias over him. he was under the impression, for a while at least, that alisa didn't love him anymore bc he wasn't good enough for her. he was still in love with her, but, being with her reminded him of his insecurities and his grand father.
alisa honestly didn't really like working for tobias. she would've left him with nash, but she didn't know who she was if she wasn't one of tobias hawthorne's lawyers. she had been by his side (even before she was a lawyer) for so long she didn't know what she'd do without him.
alisa also felt guilty just thinking about leaving tobias behind bc he had been so helpful over the years. i mentioned in my sad alisa hcs post that she lost her mom at a young age and her father was always working. tobias was like a second father for her in a way. he was there for her when her own parents couldn't/didn't want to be.
their break up was sort of mutual. it was very friendly (so no screaming or anything). they sort of just realized at some point that things between them wouldn't work out
nash was the one who officially put an end to things though. one night, before bed, he just said 'hey, i think we should end things'. they talked it out, and that night they slept in different beds for the first time since they got together.
it was harder for alisa to come to terms with their break up. nash had already been thinking about it for a while whilst alisa was in denial.
they had been distancing themselves from one another for months before that. they were avoiding each other in hallways, purposefully making plans when they should be spending time with the other, etc.
i think that they broke up a few months (maybe even a year) before emily died. i don't think that nash would be the type of person to immediately move on from one person and get engaged to another (libby) in a year (this means they broke up 1 1/2 / 2 years before avery inherited)
officially putting an end to things didn't only hurt nash bc it was the end but also bc he thought she was his only chance at happiness/marriage. he was under the impression no one else would want him. he sort of mentioned this in tbh, but i think that for months after the break up, he hid all of these insecurities and feelings from his brothers (successfully) in order to take care of them bc its 'his responsibility as an older brother'.
alisa's father got really mad at her for breaking things off. he was sort of excited to become nash's father in law and becoming part of the hawthorne family (he was loyal to tobias and would never hurt him but he had always been a bit jealous). he blamed her for it and didn't speak to her for 2 months which made things even worse for her.
alisa started doing really bad at her job, the only reasons tobias didn't fire her is because 1. he felt sorry for her, 2. he had grown quite close to her over the years, and 3. he knew she would slowly heal and start working properly again.
tobias found out that the reason nash broke up with alisa is bc he didn't want anything to do with him anymore. they had already been on 'bad' terms for a while but this really ruined their relationship. they still loved each other of course (even though nash didn't want to, he was still family), but those years before his death were quite tough on them.
bc nash is famous, their relationship was quite public, meaning that, when they broke up, everyone was talking about it. there were whispers everywhere, rumors about the reason behind their break up, articles being written about them, etc. this made everything worse for them bc they constantly had to make public statements and had to avoid going outside. their break up was also very unexpected. nash and alisa were sort of like the tom and zendaya of tig.
the break up is actually what got nash into bartending. he was at a bar, drinking his feelings away, and chatting with the other bartenders and realized that this could be a thing he'd enjoy.
nash would disappear from the house even more to avoid alisa and his grandfather. this really hurt his younger brothers and it affected their relationship with him. they eventually fixed it, but it was rough for a while.
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mr-payjay · 3 months
feel free to complain to me about the ii finale <3 i'm all ears
thank you ellie :)
fair warning for ii neg, especially on the latest episode.
prefacing this with saying: I LOVE INANIMATE INSANITY!!!!!! inanimate insanity is my favourite show in the world and every episode leaves me full of joy and excitement. i adore criticizing it not out of hatred but out of genuine love. i enjoy every single episode i watch.
however, i find that iii19 has been the worst episode so far. it has gotten me the least hyped out of any episode in the series, which is saying a lot because i bounce off the walls at every episode no matter how much i end up criticizing it later. there are. so many problems i have with it. im gonna try and organize them the best i can, though i'll probably(?) edit this post later to insert anything i missed or forgot to say.
starting off positively: oj!!!! personally i am so glad he didn't talk in this episode. i was terrified of the idea of him having a new va. the spin was adorable, i loved his signature thumbs ups, and every time i saw him i squealed with delight. him voting for balloon also made me really happy! despite the grudge he's had against him for so long, he still sticks with him on this part. even after laughing at his death the episode before that
in general all the seasonwunners voted for balloon!! which makes me happy!!! paintbrush, nickel, balloon, and oj have all been there for the very beginning of season 1, three of them being there for every season. i love the inherent connection the contestants from season 1 have with each other. they've been together since inanimate insanity began and they're there for the end of season 3 too. very sweet.
onto more negative stuff! I CANNOT FUCKING BELIEVE WHAT THEY DID WITH SILVER SPOON AND CANDLEEE they set up something crazy in the last episode and then did NOTHING with it!!! they had silver spoon beat candle unconscious the second she said something that wasn't coddling him like the manchild he is and she STILL voted for him. where even was she for half of the episode?? they just left her lifeless corpse on the ground in iii18 and then she eventually got up in this episode and just. went back to the competition??? dogshit writing
okay now i wanna talk about cabby. I Don't Like Cabby Anymore. so from the very beginning i have loved cabby. she was extremely similar to me in fact! i have really bad memory issues and i tend to keep files on people and on things that i might forget about, as well as just to organize my thoughts and ideas. i loved her confidence, obsession with knowledge, and analytical personality at the start. i was pretty upset when the characters (mostly test tube lmao) started relentlessly bullying her, and i HATE the whole thing in spring on the breakfast where they try to demonize her files. it was kind of annoying when they tried to remedy it really quickly after that because it was clearly because of the backlash, but i was glad they at least tried to fix it. however, over the course of the series, she just felt like she was... becoming sadder? pitiful, honestly? she went from an awesome smart character who loved taking notes on people's behaviour and using that information to get better at the game into some kind of Sad Little Bullied Victim. she doesn't even feel like a character anymore to me, just a mouthpiece for the creators to write dramatic "cathartic" speeches through to prove they're Definitely Not Ableist. also what was the deal with her parents lmao they never brought that up again
aaaand this episode was generally written really badly. super fucking corny for one. they literally had a little dance party at the end like people make jokes about for stereotypical Kids' Shows. but my issue is more with like... the weird super fast character development? and the way they wrapped everything up as quickly as possible? something that bothered me was the tonal whiplash between zuwie voicing springy super hysterically and dramatically and then springy being fully redeemed within like the next 5 minutes and dying for mephone. Why did they even die for mephone. like as a character why would he of all people die for mephone. thats so fucking stupid. the rest of the voice acting felt completely different from springy's as well so it just made the effect worse. everyone's lines were really corny and felt so manufactured, like they would pull characters to mephone's side (losing my mind over all the contestants rooting for mephone like cmon man that guy sucks i just know oj at least would want him dead) with a short Cathartic Speech and everything would be fixed and lovely and peachy keen. its just painful to watch. everything feels really weirdly disjointed and badly put together, the flow is awful, the "danger" doesn't feel like there's any suspense to it at all, and every character gets fully redeemed for no good reason. even walkie talkie chats casually with mephone at the end as if they're good friends after they were HYSTERICALLY INSISTING ON MURDERING HIM? AND MAKING HIM WATCH HIS OWN DEATH?? idk if this will get explained in s2 but we still don't know who walkie talkie is, what their motive is, WHY they got redeemed, etc. we know nothing about them. and even if it will be explained later, i think it's shitty writing that NOTHING was explained in this season.
some extra stuff
- the "you can do this" thing at the end was fucking stupid man that was so corny (btw corny isn't always bad but jesus christ... this episode was just awful with it)
- could not feel any emotion towards the Emotional Parts but laughter and secondhand embarrassment
- speaking of, why isn't oj back at the hotel. doesn't he have to manage it. wasn't paper having a ton of trouble managing it. why are all of them still on that fuckass island. did the library take like 5 minutes to build what the fuck
- ALSO!!! Why did they build a library in the middle of a deserted island
- i liked the short nickloon scene because im a nicklooner
- glad yinyang and candle got to talk
- test tube saying nearly nothing at all the entire episode except for sitting on the ground in a really stupid pose and apologizing to cabby made me laugh
- weirded out by tt and fan not talking to each other at all? not as a ship thing but like they're best friends aren't they
- really fucking annoyed by the fantube family picture at the end i hate fantube family leave that grown ass adult (bot) alone
- glad they didn't canonize any ships i was so scared about silvercandle and fantube
- 4s scene and s1 flashback was cool i love s1 so i got excited
- aaaaand i think my misogyny thread is relevant again. i should update it sometime because ii has only gotten worse about it lmao
- didn't like them making clover stupid for some reason like "is he talking about me?" come on
- oj not talking in these last two episodes is so glaringly unusual because he's never been able to shut his fucking mouth for even a minute
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 5.5 - 6 - 7 - 8
notes: i feel that this chapter is very underwhelming bc i wrote it at work 🫡 so sorry
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liked by siegenthaler34, nicohischier, and 32,542 others
y/ndevils00 hi people! thank you for tuning into tonight’s (brief) postgame recap! this is a very sad night for my favorite boys, as we lost 6-1 to the winnipeg jets.
we had a meager three penalties tonight!
starting off with erik, who has banned me from making any more name puns (boring!). erik got a penalty for tripping, bringing him up to an astounding 47 penalty minutes this season!
next, i’d like to bring your attention to jack’s picture. nothing special, i just like it.
and then, of course, we have my boyfriend again; chewing on his glove like a rabid little chihuahua <3
the next penalty was from siegs at the very end of the 1st period for high sticking! i had dawson do my dirty work for me and give him a very stern talking to during intermission!
next up, we have hershey bar looking very displeased, and i can’t say i blame him!
we got a little over halfway through 3rd period before we got the final penalty from the newest swiss, timo for holding! he took a lesson from my very rude boyfriend and hid behind the stanchion. i very much did not like that.
however, our lone goal came with SECONDS left in the game, scored by the captain himself! who still looked very disappointed to say the least.
and lastly, bff number 1 says i should apologize to bff number 2 for dissing him last night 😒 so we have a picture of marinara and i’m supposed to tell him that i’m proud of him (i’m not sure what for though? he didn’t do anything 🤷‍♀️)
tagged ehaula, jackhughes, siegenthaler34, nicohischier, tmeier96 and john.marino97
ehaula i know i asked you to stop but now it feels weird without the name puns
y/ndevils00 so….
ehaula so you can do the puns
y/ndevils00 OH THANK GOD! do you realize how hard it was to withhold from them?! it was torture!
ehaula it’s been one post
user18 i’ve become so used to the “haula” puns that i forgot who erik was for a second
siegenthaler34 i made my y/n post debut!
y/ndevils00 it could’ve been for a better reason…
nicohischier you weren’t even there but you still got 2 horrible photos of me
y/ndevils00 i have spies everywhere
nicohischier what does that even mean?
y/ndevils00 guess you’ll never know
jackhughes why?
y/ndevils00 why what? why do i praise you when you don’t appreciate it? i don’t know, you would think i would’ve learned by now
jackhughes no. why the 2nd picture? why do you like it? why call me a chihuahua?
y/ndevils00 i like it. your eyes are so pretty and blue. because you’re small and scrappy and chew on everything.
jackhughes i’m 5’11
y/ndevils00 sure you are honey
dougieham if you went just based off y/n’s posts and comments, i don’t think anyone would ever guess that her and marino are genuinely best friends
y/ndevils00 it’s called tough love <3
john.marino97 she’s evil
trevorzegras i’m forever grateful that i’m a duck so i’ll never be subjected to the torture you put these guys through
y/ndevils00 there’s always next trade szn 😈
trevorzegras the ducks would never trade me
y/ndevils00 i have friends in high places… watch your back zegras
tmeier96 hughesy told me to sit there before i went into the box. he didn’t tell me why but i guess now i know
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes do you not love me? do you not want to see me happy? this is why luke is my favorite
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 luke is your WHAT?
lhughes_06 @/y/ndevils00 i feel so special! thank you y/n/n!
john.marino97 i have multiple questions. starting with: why is DAWSON bff number 1? and i didn’t get a penalty so you could be proud of me for that???
y/ndevils00 i like him better. and that’s very true, however you didn’t get a goal or an assist either so….
dawson1417 translation: y/n holds you to a higher standard because she knows how well you play. she knows you can do better but she’s proud of you regardless.
john.marino97 @/dawson1417 well why doesn’t she say it like that? that’s kinda sweet!
y/ndevils00 emotions are for the weak
john.marino97 @/jackhughes i think your girlfriend is broken
jackhughes she just likes to seem tough on the internet. watch this 👀
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 i love you so much sweet girl ❤️ i can’t wait to get home
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes i love you too, now come home!
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 aww you miss me?
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes sure, but also you lost your game which means you lost the bet and you have to give LSH her bath <3
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st7arlights-side · 2 months
Theorizing Pt 1: repression
UP AHEAD: so much rambling about Orange. written very late at night and not the most coherent, sorry. (also, all uses of Thomas are referring to c!Thomas)
okay everyone talks about the dark sides being their opposites, opposing colors, colors on opposite ends of the wheel, but wanna know another term for it? complementary colors. I think the idea of "totally opposing, entirely contrasting, nothing alike" is not really accurate to the lore that we have been given? It's clear that it's important that all sides are accepted, and that there is no "solely good" or "solely bad" trait. Everything has complexities and different aspects to it, and the sides are no different.
I've never been particularly fond of the idea of wrath/anger/cruelty being orange because it seems like a scapegoat? I am more in favor of it representing regret (as most appearances of it are present in scenes or conversations with regret present) [forgot where i saw the theory first :sob:] and passion (impulsive acts based in emotions, a contrast to Logan's character while simultaneously rounding him out and forcing him and thomas to accept the parts that aren't all logical) [theory from @/dillydallydove] as these have more dimension and seem to fill out the gaps in the sides a bit more, especially considering the general theme going with remus, janus, and virgil. These are aspects that Thomas represses, and he knows them by names that aren't really accurate to their full purposes. He knows Janus as deceit, while he is more accurately described as self-preservation. He knows Remus as intrusive thoughts, when he is more accurately described as his repressed creativity. He knows Virgil as Anxiety (which is fairly accurate, though it still minimizes his functions) though he might be more accurately described as caution? fear? an aspect of self preservation? Regardless, perhaps orange could be known as wrath or anger because that's what he manifests as, but that doesn't mean that this is accurate to who he is as an aspect of Thomas. Remus is intrusive thoughts because that is the only way he can get recognized, the only way he breaks through the suppression. Janus is known as deceit because he has to manipulate the other sides to get them to prioritize Thomas's self-interest (as well as his personal responsibility to protect Thomas from what he can't handle at the moment; deceiving himself, sure, but at it's core, preserving his presently fragile mental state).
What emotion, what passion, does thomas repress the most? he's clearly open to expressing love and joy and, more recently, stress and anxiety, even some hints of sadness showing. but what has he been repressing the most? his anger! his frustration! his (and his sides') sense of inadequacy!! Orange is being seen in these contexts because that is what he isn't allowing himself (and the sides) to express as themselves.
Sanders Sides' whole thing is accepting the different parts of yourself, with underlying themes of c!thomas's upbringing causing him to repress, deny, or otherwise have an unhealthy relationship with "bad" aspects of himself (which, boy do i have some ideas for possible explorations of OCD in this, especially with the prevalence of intrusive thoughts- and the ways Thomas and the other sides change their language around Remus to prevent him from "getting ideas"-). Orange could be treated as a character foil to Logan, or Orange could be like Janus, but instead of protecting c!T from things he can't handle, Orange is the result of that suppression. Like how remus formed from thomas (patton) forbidding Roman from having "bad" ideas, orange could be formed from thomas (logan) pushing down "bad" feelings, feelings of passion that don't directly help other people.
Of course, this brings me to how Janus (a "gatekeeper" of sorts for Thomas) would interact with orange. this is reaching more into prediction territory. I suspect that Janus wants orange to emerge, as prolonged repression is harming Thomas (which i'm pretty sure he alluded to at least once, though i'm blanking on when). (also, an aside, is it not concerning that during the christmas special, Janus, c!T's self-preservation, was increasingly inebriated?? ooh and the occasional gags about Logan drinking wine too-) Notice how Janus has been watching Logan? this plus the general willingness to exclude Logan (further pushing his frustration and feelings of inadequacy) makes me suspect that he (as per usual) knows more than the rest.
I... don't really have a conclusion. I think Orange isn't an embodiment of aggression, moreso a result of repression? I guess? And I'm concerned about... yeah everyone involved, but especially Logan and Janus.
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