#this was definitely not inspired by transformers
Another Worm oneshot (Wormshot?) from me, this one was definitely a lot more spontaneous though I had a lot of help (seriously thanks y'all).
Marquis has always been a really interesting character for me, given his status of 'horrid parent and person despite loving his kids,' a really interesting mirror to Carol who is a character I fucking adore (we stan Carol in this house).
Unfortunately, as far as the 'shitty no, good parents who get a pass, because they love their kids' in this fandom, goes, I think only Purity has gotten the Woobie treatment harder than Marquis. I think this is because we see people look at Carol's mess with Amy and reflexively decide that Marquis is a lot better despite his, uh, general horridness and massive insecurity.
So I decided to contrast/mirror things, especially because a Victoria Lavere AU is something for a long while I've wanted to play with, and see how Marquis would handle himself in Carol's position, taking inspiration from Carol casually joking about how awkward it was to be teaching her like, 14 yo daughter with superpowers how to break someone's arm, and thought to myself, 'if this is what Carol is teaching, what the fuck would Marquis be teaching his 14 yo daughter with superpowers?'
And thus, this fic was born. I absolutely plan on writing more shots in this AU from Amy, Victoria, and Crystal's perspectives, and have a full-length fic I've drafted that I'll get to at some point when my backlog clears up. Hope y'all enjoyed this!
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suspensefulpen · 1 month
TW: Multiple Whumpers, Reluctant Bad Caretaker and Carewhumper, Sadistic Whumper, Restraints, Captivity, Implied Conditioning and Torture
Caretaker frowned deeply as they watched Whumper get dressed in front of a mirror. “I cannot believe I agreed to do this with you.” 
Whumper adjusted his white button up shirt. He grabbed his suit jacket and pulled it on. “Agreed to do what Darling?” He briefly leaned close to the mirror, examining the lower half of his face. 
Caretaker shook their head furiously and sighed before marching over. “We need to call this off! Right now!” 
He paused, turning to them with a matching expression. Caretaker cautiously took a step back as their expression softened. It only made him step closer and closer, forcing them to keep backing away. “Do I need to remind you that I can have exactly what ‘happened’ to Whumpee, happen to you in real life?” Caretaker had their back completely against the wall as Whumper leaned down. “We don’t need both of the most amazing people on Earth to go missing, now do we?” They rapidly shook their head. “Then I suggest you start acting like it. And if you so much as look like you’re going to ruin my plans, I will see to it that you go missing. Understand?” 
“Ye.. Yes.” 
A devilish smirk appeared on Whumper’s face. “Then I suggest you go get dressed Darling.” 
Carewhumper pushed open the heavy door to Whumpee’s cell with a plate of food in her hand. She saw them curled up in the corner. She smiled, they were finally getting used to their new room. At first, they wouldn’t move from the center of it. Even when she brought food. 
“Hungry?” She asked as she stepped into the unfinished gray room. Whumpee didn’t budge. Even as she placed the food next to them. “It’s your favorite.” 
They still didn’t respond. Only hugging themself tighter, keeping their back turned. Carewhumper thought for a moment before smiling. “You get to go back to your old room.” She couldn’t help but smirk when Whumpee finally turned to face her. Their eyes still watery from their last punishment, she instantly knew what the word held behind their gag was. “Yep. You get to go back upstairs later. So be good and eat, alright?” 
They nodded, a tear falling as she pulled the gag down from their mouth and uncuffed them. Before Carewhumper could react, Whumpee reached to tightly hug her. Unsure of what to do, she slowly wrapped her arms around them. This felt strange to her despite it not being the first time it’s happened. 
Maybe it was the fact that they were about to do something that would absolutely shatter millions of people around the world. Something that would end in tragedy if the truth was found out by anyone. 
“Whumpee, how about I make you a deal?” 
“As you all know, Whumpee had gone missing, completely disappeared off the face of Earth just a couple of months ago. And just a week ago, we learned the tragedy of Whumpee’s death.” 
Caretaker tightly shut their eyes as the lie lay on the large crowd gathered in front of them. They couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Whumper stood on their right, feeding the crowd with his grand scheme and false tears as if he himself had been the one to find Whumpee’s body. As if this would actually hurt him if he truly was. 
They took a chance in opening their eyes to see the complete hurt in everyone’s faces. Caretaker looked over at Carewhumper and found her staring blankly into space as if something was on her mind. 
Maybe it was also starting to dawn on her just how insane this idea had become. It wasn’t supposed to go this far. It wasn’t supposed to go this far at all. This wasn’t part of the deal. Whumper never mentioned this. He was clearly letting all of this go straight to his head with no regard as to how badly this was going to affect everyone. 
“In honor of Whumpee, we closed their favorite park to construct their memorial.” 
Caretaker, along with Carewhumper and the crowd in front of them turned around to see a large statue of Whumpee become unveiled in the center of the park. Caretaker looked over at Carewhumper. Pure shock was now on her face instead. Caretaker’s gaze went towards Whumper who didn’t even try hiding his smirk. 
It was now very clear what his true intentions were all along. 
Whumpee stifled a sob as they watched the statue become unveiled. Despite no one being around to punish them for it, they felt the need to do so. 
As they sat on the bed that they once slept in comfortably every night, they realized that the world now believed that they were truly gone.
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astralzeraphias · 8 months
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maybe i came too early, maybe i came too late
i’m waiting in the shadows of the scaffolds of the old cafés where you told me to wait
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clawsou · 6 months
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Shapely Drifts pose time!!
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Ok, Hear Me Out
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A Hazbin Hotel/Beauty & the Beast AU with Adam as . . . well, Prince Adam/The Beast.
Angel Dust can be Lumiere.
Husk can be Cogsworth.
Either Alastor or Rosie can be Mrs. Potts.
If Alastor is Mrs. Potts, then Niffty can be his Chip (because she’s smol & fierce & they have a cute dynamic, NOT BECAUSE NIFFTY’S A CHILD!!!).
If Rosie is Mrs. Potts, you can take any of the cannibal kids & make them her Chip.
Babette/Plumette/Fifi/whoever the feather duster is can be scrapped since, let’s be honest, Lumiere & Cogsworth are the OTP.
Either Alastor or Sera can be The Enchantress.
Either Lucifer or Lute can be Belle.
If Lucifer is Belle, then Lilith can be Gaston (with Emily as a LeFou who originally worships her, then slowly realizes she’s kind of the worst & defects to help the lovers).
If Lute is Belle, then Sir Pentious can be Gaston with his Egg Bois as an army of LeFous (ok, this one isn’t properly thought out because Pentious & Lute have nothing going on, so feel free to swap Pentious with someone else).
If Lucifer is Belle, then Charlie can fulfill the same role as Maurice by getting lost in Hell & being taken prisoner by Sinner!Adam for trespassing, leading to Lucifer trading himself for her freedom.
If Lute is Belle, then Vaggie can fulfill the same role as Maurice by getting lost in Hell & being taken prisoner by Sinner!Adam for trespassing, leading to Lute trading her freedom for Vaggie’s.
Ooh, and Velvette can be the wardrobe since she’s the fashion icon of Hell!
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i think one of my favorite things about rottmnt is how exaggerated it is
like the animators just have SO much fun with taking the characters and making them look as ridiculous as physically possible
so here's a (very) small compilation of some of my favorite weird ass turtle faces >>>>
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anyways please feel free to submit more photos if you have them this isn't even CLOSE to all of them <3
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Prince is slowly learning about the inhabitants of Earth. He is starting off very uninformed of their surroundings.
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imaginal-ai · 16 days
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"SUPER...even without the S"
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Me seeing these bad bitches as a kid
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“You can do that? You can dress like that AND be cool? Woagh”
Me now: wait. is this why I’m goth?
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sphnyspinspin · 2 years
So…Are we all going to ignore the fact that these two…
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janamensch · 1 year
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vaugarde · 8 months
havent gotten to dbz yet but truly the more i find out about dragon ball the more silly the "sonic maliciously ripped off dbz, everything parallels PERFECTLY" thing becomes to me
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suspensefulpen · 3 months
Should've Been
TW: Blood
“Whumpee!” Caretaker panicked as they searched the ruins of the battlefield. They’d been searching for…how long now? Shit! I lost track of time! Whumpee could be dead right now! 
“Whumpee!” They called, picking through the rubble. They spotted a pale hand sticking out from underneath a pile of metal and rushed over to see who the hand belonged to. “I found him! I found Whumpee!” 
The rest of the team instantly rushed over to help, freeing Whumpee’s body from the debris. Caretaker gasped when they noticed all of the blood staining Whumpee’s clothing. They checked for a pulse and realized there was even more blood pooled underneath Whumpee. The heartbeat was weak. But it was still beating. 
“Is he gonna be okay?” Someone asked. Caretaker didn’t bother looking up. 
“If we get him back fast enough…” They looked up at Leader, pleading with him with teary eyes. They were surprised to be met with a look equally as terrified as their own. They could hear Leader’s thoughts. He was blaming himself for this already. After a long beat of silence, Leader’s gaze turned stone again. 
“We need to get back to the base. Whumpee is our top priority.” 
“But what about Whumper?” Teammate Two asked. 
“Forget Whumper.” 
The team flinched at the bite in his voice but none of them dared to say a word. Caretaker watched as he picked up Whumpee’s motionless body. The same hand they spotted fell awkwardly as he was held close to Leader’s chest. 
When they arrived back at the base, it was slowly becoming clearer that Leader was blaming himself. He stopped speaking and began to distance himself. Once Whumpee was all patched up and resting on a comfortable bed, Caretaker stepped up to him. 
“Leader, this isn’t your fault–” 
“This is my fault!” He snapped. “I should’ve been there! Had I been there, Whumpee wouldn’t be unconscious right now! Whumpee wouldn’t have nearly bled to death!” 
“You don’t know that.” Caretaker continued to speak calmly. “Let’s say you were there and you both got hit. We barely had the resources to help Whumpee before we got back. Imagine if both of you had gotten that badly hurt. And we lost both of you.” 
He stared for a moment, his mind elsewhere. “It still should’ve been me.”
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
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@crossingxheart no no you got him absolutely right
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thetorturedarchives · 7 months
just found out there are people who hate channel awesome and think that the nostalgia critic videos are 'substitutes' for watching movies and don't fall under fair use. don't let them see subway surfers tiktok they'll have an anuerysm
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hardygalwrites · 1 year
Originally posted to FFN on the 9th of January, 2017
Simply archiving a writing challenge I did back in 2016 up to 2017 and featuring my favourite writing pieces from each week of the challenge here on Tumblr :]
← Week 21 (BB) – Week 23 (BB) →
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Cartoon: Transformers Prime / Robots in Disguise 2015
Characters: Smokescreen, Knock Out, and Bumblebee, with appearances from numerous other characters (even ones not featured in the cartoons)
Synopsis: An Autobot Elite Guard rookie, a Decepticon medic turned Autobot, and an Autobot scout turned warrior turned street cop - three very different bots with a wide range of stories to tell. And we are going to spend the next year exploring said stories through daily-written drabbles, be they angsty, humorous, gut-punching, or just plain odd! Who doesn’t love a challenge? (2016 to 2017)
Short Stuff
Bumblebee tapped his comm. "I'm almost to the building, Blue. See anyone from up there?"
::Nnnnnope,:: Bluestreak replied. ::The place looks kinda deserted- Oh! I see you!::
"What?" Bumblebee spun around and began searching the surrounding slopes for the Autobot sniper. "Slag! But if you can see me-!"
::Relax, there's no one up here but me, and there's no one down there but you. Your position is not compromised, don't worry.:: Bluestreak paused, then chuckled. ::Aw, you look even smaller than usual from up here.::
Bumblebee groaned. "Oh, c'mon Blue, please don't start that again."
::Sorry, 'Bee. Small frames invite teasing.::
Ain't That a B**ch?
"Hey, team. I can't hear you, but I'm pretty sure you can hear me, so let's cut to the chase... There is no extraction plan. And I'm sorry, but... I just don't think Shockwave is about to let me get out of here easily.
"I sent out the transmission. I still don't know if it'll help us, which... might make this whole thing seem a bit pointless. It's okay, though. It's not the first time I've sacrificed myself because someone said 'hopefully it'll help'. It's not ideal, but when the odds are stacked against us, that's all we can really do..."
Not Dead Yet
Bumblebee was dazed and injured when he finally reached the scrapyard gateway. He barely registered the arrival of his frantic teammates, not until Strongarm and Drift picked him up off the ground.
Strongarm's frantic voice reached his audio receptors. "Bumblebee, what happened?"
"...as much as I would love to tear you into so many little pieces, we both know that your life is not the worst thing you have to lose. But your team..."
"I have to... warn..." Bumblebee rasped, snapped out of the memory. "He's back... He's coming back...!"
With that, Bumblebee's system failed him and he fell into stasis.
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