#this time around he has a proper name with surname and everything lol
No I can’t sleep.
Who and how much do I need to pay to pirate ‘Sunbae don’t put that lipstick on’ for me?
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kavkasia · 4 years
hey jade I know you said you're busy but 👉👈 could you tell us more about your georgia of? i love the vibes I get from him and I'm not very well versed in the history of the caucasus so I'd love to hear more about him 👀
You know the way to my heart... ❤️
I’m going to ramble, so if you want me to expand on anything don’t be afraid to send an ask about it! I’m just trying to compact my notes and not write one giant paper LOL.
Human Name: Giorgi (Ilias Dze / Ilyich) Davitashvili
Giorgi — His first name actually started as a joke (Georgia... Giorgi... very clever) but it also works well. The patron saint of Georgia is Saint George: a military saint which has been popular in Georgia for centuries (parts of Georgia post-Christianization are believed to have combined the cult of Saint George with the cult of the pre-Christian moon god Armazi). Giorgi is also the most common male name in Georgia and the name of many Georgian kings.
Ilias Dze / Ilyich — He doesn’t actually use his patronymic anymore, but during the USSR he did have one because Obligatory Russification Time™. It’s after Prince Ilia Chavchavadze, a major contributor to the revival of the Georgian national movement in the late nineteenth century and widely considered to be the “Father of the Nation”.
Davitashvili — A Georgian surname roughly meaning “David’s child”. It’s a reference to the Bagratoni King David IV of Georgia (also known as David the Builder) who is famous for keeping the Seljuk Turks out of Georgia at the Battle of Didgori. It was under his reign that Georgia began to experience its Golden Age and much of the Caucasus region fell into Georgian hands.
He is around 2500 years old (physically he is in his mid-late 40s).
He considers himself to be an ancient nation like Armenia and Iran. Not that he’s wrong! It’s just not often acknowledged by others who aren’t familiar with him.
[steals bits of this from my RP blog because I got tired from linking wikis in an upcoming section oops]
• hospitable • sociable • stubborn • prideful • short-tempered • charismatic • confident • passionate • brave • spontaneous • lazy • sincere • boisterous •
Ok, listen. He is a bit of an asshole I’m not going to lie LMAO.
He is the type of guy that argues a point even when he knows jack shit about it (he knows more than a professional!!).
He has an opinion on everything.
He is super prideful to the point where he genuinely believes his culture is superior and his language/food/people/etc. are the best.
He has a bit of a temper (the kind that just jumps out with some build up) and he is sensitive to feeling slighted.
He is a flirt but it is not cool at all. He is an attractive guy (I have a reason lol) but he uses the worst pick up lines.
At the same time:
He is very devoted and loves genuine relationships. If you gain his favour he will do almost anything for you (there is also the reverse of this though).
He is so hospitable he is famous for it.
He treats his guests with the utmost respect.
He can be very chivalrous towards women (but it can come from a sexist place oops).
He is very friendly once you break through his initial serious shell.
He loves jokes and anecdotal humour.
He loves rugby, wrestling, football, singing, dancing, wine, this movie, and eating absurd amounts of (hopefully Pasanauri) khinkali.
He hates rules, not having enough money for cigarettes, if you put on a seat belt when he’s driving, criticism, refusal, and being called “Gruzia.”
He also plays the panduri.
Before I start, I have to say Giorgi is not a collective personification of Georgia. Giorgi is actually the personification of the Kartlians! He just has the title of Georgia and so represents the nation on the international level (and also the domestic level depending on the situation).
Start (~5th century BC)
I pinpoint his “birth” to be around when several Anatolian tribes settled in Eastern Georgia and merged with the local tribes. He had a couple caretakers who were like siblings or sibling-parents.
Kingdom of Iberia (Kingdom of Kartli) (302 BC–580 AD)
In this period he gets baptized, starts loving God and Jesus (becoming the second nation in the world to adopt Christianity) and says no to paganism (but lowkey-highkey pagan practices were kept up for a long time).
Also, Iberia is the Greco-Roman name that is used for the area. When you see Iberia, know that it’s Kartli.
Principality of Iberia (588–888)
He is just trying to live his life but the Byzantine Empire and Sassanid Iran are ruining everything by fighting over the area. He also continues to love God and Jesus.
Kingdom of the Iberians (888–1008)
Lots of politics. Honestly, I hate it here.
Kingdom of Georgia (1008–1490)
The Battle of Didgori happens during this period and it was the best moment of his life. He has several amazing rulers including King Tamar. Lots of wars against the Byzantine Empire, various Turkic states and more. Eventually, the kingdom breaks up.
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Kingdom of Kartli (1478–1762)
Here he gets fucked over by Safavid Iran multiple times and also works as a weird slave soldier too so life is great.
Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti (1762–1801)
He has a short marriage to Kakheti that ends after he gets completely fucked over by Russia and then forcibly annexed into the Russian Empire.
Georgia Governorate (apart of the Russian Empire) (1801–1917)
There were actually several governorates in this period but for the sake of simplicity I’m going to list it as that one.
I have a small write up about the time here.
Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic (1918)
The Caucasus splits off from Russia. Giorgi represents Georgia and the TDFR (Armenia and Azerbaijan are also there as co-representatives of the TDFR). The Entente will later say they need to stick together but they forget one crucial detail:
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Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918–1921)
Georgia splits off from the TDFR. Time to create a republic with a socialist government! Amazing! Too bad he’s the wrong kind of socialist according to the Bolsheviks and gets brutally stomped by the Red Army in 1921! 
All his neighbours want to fight in this period as well. The Entente also won’t commit to helping Georgia until it’s too late because they were suspicious of him after he had been forced to ask the German Empire for protection in 1918.
Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic (1921–1991)
Listen, the USSR was terrible, but at least Georgia was actually one of the nicer Soviet republics because he won the geographic lottery. He even got stereotyped as being the rich republic.
We just aren’t allowed to talk about Russification or the purges or the discrimination or the fact they would only print Georgia’s most iconic piece of literature in Russian.
(Oh, it’s also my headcanon that until 1936 he shared the title of USSR with the other republics.)
Georgia (1991–present)
1990s sucked. 2000s sucked. 2010s sucked. 2020 sucks.
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Best friend. Best girl. His Suliko. He loves her.
(I also have way too many dumb AUs for them 😭)
Other best friend. They call each other by their proper names because fuck Russian names. Also, this video is them (Giorgi is the wrestler).
They were married at one point in time. He is closest to her out of all the other Kartvelian regions (it’s the Eastern Georgian solidarity).
He is like a brother but they only really acknowledge that when they’re in a good mood or when one wants something from the other. It’s a love-hate relationship that has gone on for centuries.
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They are... okay. They go from tolerating to disliking each other pretty quickly. He hates when he hangs out with her and Turkey and they only speak Turkish to each other so he ends up being a third wheel that didn’t want to be here in the first place but his economic situation means he has to show up.
They had major issues but things are fine now, I guess.
Okay, Giorgi actually still has some issues, but Iran just wants to come over for a vacation sometimes.
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BUT YEAH UM... that’s Giorgi. This is all mostly surface level stuff so again, if you want me to expand on anything just ask. Thank you for the ask and ily. ❤️
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
Trigger Warning for Christianity references/allegories
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“My friends are dead because of my teachings! The way of love - it wasn’t the way for Gabrielle. I was too proud to see that. What good is this gift if I can’t at least protect the ones I love? Why did you even give this to me? What am I supposed to do? You show me! What am I supposed to do?”
Eli was born to Malachi and Sarita, but never had a chance to know his mother, who passed away shortly after he was born. It had been natural causes; she had fallen ill partway through her pregnancy with Eli, and held onto strength long enough to bring him into the world, to get to know him and help Malachi come to terms with what would be happening before she passed.
To his credit, Malachi tried his hardest to be a good father. He put aside any and all habits that might hinder his ability to provide the best life he could for his son; no more drinking, no more journeys that might prove risky. His world revolved around three things and three things only: his child, working to provide for them, and keeping his wife’s memory alive.
Still, growing up with only himself and his father - who was often scarce, trying to make sure they had money enough to survive - left Eli a very lonely young boy with a tendency to find distractions wherever he could. Usually that meant wandering the village, always getting on well with the other village children, but never connecting enough with them to become proper friends. 
He often found himself wanting to help others in need, becoming frustrated when he couldn’t due to his own poverty-stricken status and his small, thin frame. This frustration came to a head when he was thirteen: Malachi’s best friend, a man named Rakesh who suffered from chronic convulsions, was visiting one day when he fell into a particularly bad fit. Malachi left Eli there with him while he ran to find the village healer. 
While trying to comfort the man, Eli had reached out. When he touched the other’s forehead, he was gripped with a white hot surge, and when it passed, Rakesh had stopped convulsing. He was perfectly fine when Malachi and the doctor returned, and Rakesh never convulsed again. But no matter how hard he tried to replicate it, tried to explain it, Eli could never figure out just how he did what he did - or what exactly he had done in the first place.
After years of wishing he had the power to help, thinking he might have it, and then deciding it had all been a fluke and a coincidence because he couldn’t replicate it, Eli gave up on the dreams of helping others with some god-given power at the age of 16. His father was ailing and he needed to help earn money to survive; it wasn’t something he nor his father was proud of, but he had become adept at magic tricks and illusions, and began making a name for himself as a street magician who did shows for others’ amusement.
Even as an adult, this was the job he took. It didn’t pay well, sometimes, and he took to traveling from town to town to make ends meet, always sending money back to his father; it was the only way he knew how to help, as Malachi was aging and finding it harder and harder to work. 
It’s while traveling in India and putting on his performances that Eli meets Xena and Gabrielle - two women who eventually, through a remarkable chain of circumstances, come to help him realise that he does have powers - he is a Devi, a divine healer who has contact with God. He just hasn’t learnt how to use those powers to the full extent yet. Taken aback, Eli decides to take his leave for a while and mull everything over, trying to come to terms with a fact that he had thought was a dream this entire time.
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full name: eli. in his canon verse, nobody really has surnames; in modern verses/ones where he does have a surname however, his entire name is elisha cyril theodorou - which makes it apparent why he prefers just to go by eli.
aka: eli, the devi
age: it varies verse to verse but in general his age is in the late twenties range!
gender & pronouns: gender doesn’t particularly matter to him, though at the same time he definitely connects to masculine energy - so he/him or they/them are both fine.
orientation: panromantic asexual! which basically means (for him, it varies from asexual to asexual) that he can fall in love with any gender, but doesn’t really have a sex drive. he just likes pleasing his partners in whatever form that takes, but if it does go sexual, he WILL be awkward as hell and people are just gonna have to deal with that.
species: human more or less, though it is up for debate (and differing in other verses)
occupation: street magician, healer
residence: verse-dependent; he travels a lot, and canonically they ran across him in india - i would imagine he often travels up and down from greece to india on a semi regular basis.
hair: long and oftentimes braided or tied back with some sort of fabric or ribbons; thick and black.
eyes: an expressive, stormy blue-grey.
complexion: lightly tanned from his frequent travels in the outdoors.
build: he was very small and skinny as a child, oftentimes looking sickly, but grew to be quite tall in his later teen years - he’s leaner now, with more muscle on him, but still fairly thin.
scars: most scars he has from his travels; various accidents, such as the time he was bucked off a horse, or the time that he lost his footing climbing a ridge and tumbled down a sheer cliffside. a few scars he has from fights, but he generally prefers to flee rather than fight if given the choice - at first out of fear, but then out of a desire for peace.
tattoos: he has none, though has occasionally had others create temporary art on his body with henna. he enjoys how it looks.
piercings: a variety of ear piercings, with golden hoops being his favourite jewelry to place there.
etc: when he’s truly joyful, he smiles with his whole face - a grin with the teeth showing, dimples in his cheeks, eyebrows raised, eyes dancing. he feels emotions intensely -  whether they be grief or joy or fear - and no matter how hard he tries to hide them, his face is so often an open book, easil and expressing his feelings for all to see.
face claim(s): timothy omundson for most of his verse faceclaims, though i’m still looking for a childhood faceclaim!
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zodiac: pisces
alignment: somewhere between lawful and neutral good
hogwarts: hufflepuff
positive traits: compassionate, gentle, generous, perceptive
negative traits: anxious, can be a pushover sometimes, insecure, perfectionist.
mental: he has anxiety, but other than that, not much else that could be diagnosed.
physical: N/A
phobias: atychiphobia (fear of failure), thanataphobia (fear of death/dying), thalassophobia (fear of deep water).
eyesight: excellent.
drug use: verse-dependent; in most verses, eli tends to stay away from drugs.
alcohol use: again, verse-dependent, but it isn’t frequent - he’s a social drinker, or will have perhaps a glass of wine occasionally.
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birth place: unknown
ethnicity: greek mostly, i think; mediterranean at any rate.
parents: malachi and sarita
siblings: none, but he considers anyone he grows close to as family, whether that be siblings, children, or otherwise.
pets: he travels too much to provide a home for pets, but has oftentimes helped feed and take care of stray animals - cats, dogs, or otherwise - that ended up following him on his journeys. he loves animals.
education: he didn’t receive a formal education, instead learning trades and skills as he grew from those around him. he was fortunate enough to get book-learning, something many people in his village didn’t receive growing up, thanks to his travels later on in his teen years.
notable skills: magic tricks and illusions he has mastered the art of, which proves to be his greatest skill - it is his main source of income before he turns to the nomadic life. he also has a love for wood carving, often making little figurines that he will sell for money on the side. other skills he has are just those expected of someone in his world - how to farm and hunt if needed to feed himself, how to take care of others as best he can, etc.
languages: this is tricky because of the way the xena: warrior princess canon is set up lol. let’s just say he knows english and depending on verse, can also speak some hebrew, greek, and hindu.
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sub4bondage86 · 4 years
(Stories found on Slaveboys - amupfurit)
I sit here writing this wearing white Adidas trackie bottoms, white McKenzie T-Shirt, Air Max Cap and Lacoste trainers, smoking, with a chastity cage on and a large black butt plug lodged firmly up my ass.. Ned-Slave Well, where do I start? I’m Dan, 20 years old from Glasgow in Scotland, kinda tall at 6ft, got dark hair and eyes and a great body, if I do say so myself! I was considered a bit of a scally, or Ned as they’re called in Scotland, always walking about with trackies, Lacoste trainers and a fag in my mouth. I got on well with my pals, all lads, proper lads, we got wrecked every weekend and ended up doing shit that really wasn’t cool; vandalism, happy slapping, etc. Sex talk didn’t really come up in day to day conversation with the lads, sometimes our pack leader, Jamie, would tell us of the bitches he had taken over the week and the others would all act impressed and cheer him on whereas I just smiled and lit up a fag or kept myself distracted to not look like the pussy I was... I’ve been into kink for a while now, looking on various websites to get my kicks out of other ‘slaves’ being used and abused, thinking to myself how great it would be to be put in bondage, even for just a little while. From my mid-teens I found myself looking less and less at girl porn, and more at guy porn, but I had fooled around with girls in the past and have had my fair share of pussy mostly just to keep the guys impressed and to stop the torrent of abuse the other guys who seemed to never get any action got. I had convinced myself I wasn’t ‘gay’ but I knew that I needed to be dominated by another man. I had looked and tried to get hard at Femdom stuff, but it just wasn’t for me, I couldn’t see me being used by a woman and from what I had seen most of them seemed pretty desperate, but I guess I didn’t look too hard cause I knew deep down that only a man could make me feel the way I needed to feel! It was my secret taboo and no one could find out, regularly deleting all my history and cookies, making sure there was no way my older brother Cameron could see, even if he did manage to log on as me. Cameron was not only my older brother, but my guardian as our parents had left some time ago, and despite being in and out of homes, Cameron took me in as soon as he could and we set up home together, 2 brothers having a great lads time in Glasgow. The house really was the party central in town, with mine’s and Cammie’s pals coming round most weekends for a good ol’ booze up. One weekend, a good few months ago Cameron was away at his girlfriend’s house, so I took this as prime time to have a major wank session while browsing the internet, trying to find a master or someone kinky to go on cam with. I’d told all my pals I was away with Cammie for the weekend, so had from Friday morning til Monday night to myself and man, was I looking forward to it! I finished work at the builders at 3 and went straight back to the house, sat down at the computer with a bottle of beer and a pack of fags to see me through the night. I found a website and quickly made a profile to see what it had on it. Wow. It was awesome. I didn’t realise there were as many guys out there into the same stuff. Some of it was pretty wierd for me though, guys pissing on each other and stuff like that I could never find a turn on. I read some of the forum messages, and man was there some horny stuff. I quickly had a look to see who was online and messaged a guy quite local to me in Glasgow... “Awryte man, nice pics, wud luv 2 get sum action wi u!” I clicked Send, and for some reason I was nervous. It was the fucking internet! He didn’t know anything about me apart from what was on my bare profile, age and location! Why the hell was I nervous. I got a reply quickly. “Boy, you will call me Sir from now on, I am not ‘man’ or ‘m8’, I am Master and you will treat me accordingly. Now boy, do you have a way for us to chat like MSN? If so, I want you to send me your user name immediately.” I got an instant boner when I read that, this hot sounding 25 year old with great pictures was telling me to send my MSN username to him. I lit up a fag and had a quick look around the site before another message popped up “Boy, I don’t take time wasters lying down, either message me your MSN now or never contact me again”. I kinda laughed but thought what the hell and sent him my e-mail address and waited. Just after I put out my first smoke I was messaged on MSN by ‘Master T’: “So boy, why haven’t I seen you on here before?” I explained to him I was new to this and was having a look around to see what I was interested in and maybe have a wank over cam. I explained that I was straight but was curious to find out more about this lifestyle and so far I was pretty turned on. “Very good, a newbie boi for me to break in! U look good boi...” I shat myself, how the hell did he know what I looked like? I started looking around me to see if there was someone looking or any hidden cameras like on the TV shows. I messages him back “LOL man, how the hell u know if I look good? “BOI, U will address me as Sir or master, and Mr Ford, I know everything” By now I was freaked out, he knew apparently what I looked like, but hell.. He knew my surname! I lost the horn and was shaking a little, wondering how this pervert had found out my sir name without me telling it to him. “Sir how do you know my surname? Please tell me or I’ll block you and that’s it!” There was no reply for a good 5 minutes, I was sweating and was swithering on blocking him and hoping it was a really good bluff! He replied and I just about jumped out my seat... Not only did he know who I was, but he had access to all the lads and my pals! “Facebook boi!” Shit what an idiot I had been, I had given him my real e-mail address which I used for everything, Insta, Twitter, facebook! Everything! I didn’t reply, I was shitting myself, what if this guy was going to out me in one go to all my pals? What if he was going to harass me or contact my brother!
“Well boi, get on cam, I want to see my new boi live! Don’t worry, if you please your new master, no one will ever find out. Trust me boy, Im not an old perv, I’ll show you my cam too.” Somehow, this eased my nerves a little. This guy probably didn’t want to be found out either and what the hell, if he did try anything I would just get the police involved. I clicked the send camera button and within a few seconds he sent his and my, oh my, he was stunning. He was muscled, with blonde hair and great blue eyes, he had a cool tribal tattoo similar to mine on his arm and both his nipples were shining with the little silver rings hanging through them. I got hard again and told him he was amazing looking. He looked like an Abercrombie model, only with a wild streak! “Good boi, now, tell ur master what you are into!” I told him I had been looking around the site and loved the look of cages and collars, even the handcuffs and masks looked horny. I explained I wasn't into getting fucked and I wouldn’t suck another dude’s dick for anything. I lit up another fag and told him a bit more about me and asked him what he liked and what he has done in the past. “Boi, I love getting wee ned fuckers like you all chained up and doing things to them beyond their wildest imaginations. Do you have any gear boi?” I asked what gear was, to me it was dope, but how wrong I was... He asked if I had any toys, anal toys! Any handcuffs or tape? I explained I really was new to this and only had handcuffs on once before, and that was after being in a fight on Argyle Street! I was still hard as a rock, sitting here like a faggot looking at this hot guy talking to me about dildos and things called butt plugs. He told me he had to go for an hour, but to research about kink and hopefully open my mind to the things he was going to do to me. I was wanking slightly and he said not wank or touch my cock before he came back. I said OK and started doing my homework for this amazing guy! I started looking around the site some more, reading the forums and trying to find out more about this new found fetish of mine. I read about loads of positions, different gear that guys use and looked at more photos of guys chained up with their cracks’ stuffed with dildos and these plug things. I googled most of the gear and found some sites that sold stuff and man, I didn’t realise there was so much and so many sites that sold them, it was amazing. I found it hard not to touch my dick which was tenting up through my trackie bottoms but just kept lighting up fag after fag to keep my mind (and hands) off my cock. Messenger popped up again, “Well boi Dan, how’s the research coming along?” “Hi Sir, Done loadsa lookin aboot n its aw fuckin horny stuff. Here, u got ne of it?” Master T replied instantly, “More than you could ever realise boi, and you are going to get to try it all out! Now get back on cam!” I quickly turned the camera on as I lit up another fag, shit, I only had 5 left, I wasn’t going to be able to make it through the night chatting to this stud with 5 fags! “Boi, smoke that cig quick, inhale each and every drag well, stand up, then strip. In that order. Go!” I puffed as quick as I could pulled the smokey goodness into my lungs, stubbed it out, stood up and stripped quicker than I ever had before. Fuck, what the hell was I doing? Stripping to another bro on a webcam, it seemed so fucking wierd but man I was as horny as hell and with my dick pointing straight up, I quickly realised he knew I was horny too. I typed to him, still standing, leaning over the keyboard, “ Like wot u see man” then quickly changed man to Sir! before hitting enter. “Yes boi, but it will be better to see you in real life. When are you free for me to train you up real good?” I asked him how he meant by train and he referred me to some of the pictures on the site and on another site while explaining that soon, very soon, I would be his trained cock slave. Reading what he said and looking at the pictures only made me hornier and my twitching cock gave it away. “We’ll need to get that greedy cock locked away too boi, can’t have my boys wanking without Sir’s direct permission...” I laughed out loud thinking it was a joke and Master T clearly saw this on cam. “That was NOT a joke boi, I have a CB-6000 waiting for you and you WILL be locked up until I say otherwise. Kneel down.” In my complete ignorance I asked what a CB-6000 thing was and kneeled on the floor in-front of the computer. I was still horny as hell even although this guy had managed to find out everything about me in not such a long period of time and have me do what he wants without him actually forcing me to. He replied saying I must not have done my homework well enough and not to worry cause I would be having it on very soon! He asked once again when I was free to come over. I quickly said, stupidly, that I was free all weekend.
“Excellent boi, I will be training you!” I started rubbing my dick again, hoping he wouldn’t see. Man I was horny, but I was nervous as hell about talking about this training. Over the past few hours I had learned so much and truly realised how much it got me horny. “Leave your dick alone boi, you will be punished! What’s your phone number?” I read his comment and instantly let go of my dick, this guy really did have power over me, and he didn’t even need to remind me that he could out me instantly if he wanted, but it didn’t bother me. I wanted, for some stupid fucking reason to let this guy tell me what to do and make me do it. “Eh sir, I dunno if I wanna give oot ma number the now” “OK boi, thats fine, who do you want me to tell that ur a little bitch to a man first?” I got nervous again and changed my mind, its only a number, I could change it if things got wierd and I wanted to call it off. I sent him my mobile number and started staring at my phone, excited and nervous about him calling or texting me. “Good boi! Now, I am going to phone you, you are going to pick up and we are going to discuss what time you are to meet me and what I want you do to beforehand.” “Awrite sir, no bother!” The phone rang and despite me knowing it was coming I just about jumped up with the fright, my heart was racing as I went to pick it up “Private Number”. “Good boi” His voice was gruff but soothing at the same time. “Now, while on cam, stand up and turn around, bend over and spread your crack for me to see whats now mine!” I didn’t say a word but did exactly as he wanted. He told me again I was a good boi, this pleased me more than I expected and was still hard as a rock. He told me what to do before meeting him and we talked about where I was in relation to him in Glasgow. Turned out he was only 5 minutes by car away from the centre so I could meet him in town and go back to his with him. “Boi, I want you to go to a sex shop and buy the following items, a large butt plug, lubricant, and a vibrating cock ring” “Yes Sir” I replied, thinking where the nearest sex shop was. He hung up and told me on messenger to turn off my cam and get going, and that he would text me further details. I lit up another fag as the first text came through: put your trackies back on, make sure u r as neddy as possible and get going. I finished my fag and replied Yes Sir, just leaving the house. I went on google after I got dressed and found a gay sex shop not too far from me and the city centre and found out how to go there. I was nervous, yet horny as hell. I left the house, wearing my tracksuit, a white cap, reebok classics, with only my fags, lighter, phone, keys and wallet on me... I walked round to the city centre, took ten minutes and started having second thoughts, man this guy could fuck me or make me suck his dick, eugh! I was into the domination, but wasn’t so keen on getting my arse violated. I made my way to the sex shop, looking all around me to make sure there was no cunt I new about before entering the shop. I was blushing and just about jumped out my skin when the shop helper offered me some help. “Eh, erm, aye man, just gettin some stuff for me n ma burd tae use! She’s into this kinky stuff like!” He sniggered, and clearly new my ‘burd’ was a man. I was red as a post box and started getting hard, I hoped he wouldn’t notice, but my bulge was clear through my CKs and white trackie bottoms. I pointed out a plug, and a cock ring with a vibrating egg attached and got some lube. He packed it all and I paid in cash to be discreet as possible. I walked out the shed as coy as possible with my cap pulled down and face down so not to be seen. I looked at the bag, SHIT! There was a muscled man’s silhouette on the bag! I had to walk with this bag, trying to keep with to side streets to try and avoid people. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, a text... “Now boi I assume you have made your purchases, I wont be meeting you in town so head to Central Station and get the train to Bridgeton, but first, stop in the toilet and remove your pants and dispose of them. If they are on when you get here, you will be punished. Text me back when they’re off.”
Holy fuck! This guy was serious and I didn’t seem to have a chance to meet him before going to his, plus I had to walk along one of the busiest streets to get the train. I was going to get on at another stop closer to me, but realised there was no bogs and nowhere to take off my knickers. I started walking briskly towards the station with my head hung low and lit up a fag. Shit, last one! I nipped into a wee shop on the way and got some, fuck there was some wee neds in the shop doing the same thing. I waited behind them in the queue while they bought their cigs and then got mine, not before one of them pointed at my bag and started laughing and telling his mates what it was. I was so embarrassed, even the shop keeper was sniggering as he handed me over my 40 fags and change. I left the shop and headed to the station, lighting up yet another fag en route to calm my nerves. When I got to the station I saw the train was leaving in 6 minutes, so quickly went to the toilets, locked myself in a cubicle and took my pants off. I thought about putting them in my bag for later, but realised I might be caught by Master T and though otherwise. I walked out the toilet and dumped my underwear in a bin before jumping on the train just before it pulled away. My phone buzzed again, this time a picture message. It was him, Master T, completely naked with handcuffs in his hand, the message read, Im just leaving for the station, you better get on a train soon. I replied instantly, just on the train Sir, be there in 5 mins. I started getting hard again, the train was busy and I had to stand, fuck! I was aware of people staring at me, my bag and now, my raging hard-on poking up through my nylon trackies. Nervous as I was, thinking of this meeting with a guy I barely knew for my first male-male experience was turning me on so much! The train announcer came over the tannoy: Next Stop, Bridgeton. My stop. My stomach was churning, my head was spinning and I was bright red with embarrassment but I knew I couldn’t turn back now, he would probably be waiting for me at the train as I got off. The next two minutes seemed to take an age to go by, then finally, the train stopped and I was at Bridgeton. For those of you who don’t know, Bridgeton isn’t the nicest part of Glasgow, its full of other neds like me, but harder, with teeth missing and shit like that, I wasn’t too comfortable with getting off with this hard on and bag in hand, but I did as I needed and stepped out into the cold air. I looked around and fortunately there was no one around, including Master T. I text him saying that I had arrived and asked what he was wearing to help me identify him. I never got a text back for a couple of minutes, I started worrying that he wasn’t going to come and I would have to make my embarrassing journey back to my house, underwear-less and horny. Then, a blue Audi RS4 pulled up beside me and I saw him for the first time in the flesh, he rolled the window down and shouted, get in the back boi, now!
I opened the door and climbed in, sitting opposite him in the back of the car. It smelled of smoke, leather and male musk, “Hi boi, glad to see you didn’t ditch on me like the other fuckwits I have had try it with me.” I laughed nevously, “Yeah man, eh, Sir! Nice motor!” He reminded me that I was to call him Sir, or Master T all times and I would be punished if I didn’t. I was still horny as hell, but worried about my fate. This guy could kill me for all he wanted and there would be little anyone could find out, I had deleted all my history. My mind was racing but deep down I knew he was all right. The guy was stunning, even better in real life. I kept staring at his face as he told me the journey was short, but he wanted to examine me before we went to his place so we were going to a deserted industrial area for him to check me out. He threw back a pair of handcuffs, proper police ones with the black plastic mould in the middle so they couldn’t be moved. “Put them on, tight!” I did as he said and was now trapped in his car with my hands cuffed between the seatbelt strap. I couldn’t get out if I wanted, not that I did. This was the horniest thing I had ever done. We drove in silence for 10 minutes, I wanted to ask him so many questions but he had told me not to speak without permission. Finally we pulled up outside a warehouse and he leaned back to undo my cuffs after pulled my trackies down over my knees. “Good lad, you followed my orders, my, my your a big boy!” I laughed again, trying to hide my embarrassment. He ordered me out the car, and told me to recuff behind me back, with my trackies lying at my ankles. I hobbled out and stood there in all my glory half naked. He revved the engine and moved the car off, I panicked and started hobbling towards the moving car, falling flat on my face, with no hands to stop my fall. I picked myself up, glad to see the car had stopped and saw him laughing at my trip. Master T climbed out the car with a cigarette behind his ear. “Thanks for the toys and smokes boi, all mine now!”. I spoke up, “Can a have a smoke please Sir?” “ I told you not to speak without permission boi! But as you are new to this and you asked so politely, you may” He pulled out my smokes and put one in his mouth and one in mine before lighting them both. I didn’t have free hands, so had to dangle my cig in my mouth while he walked around me checking me out, occasionally slapping my ass and feeling my abs. I was quite uncomfortable with him touching me, but my dick was more than happy. After he had thoroughly checked my body out he stepped back and nodded, taking a deep drag of his fag. “You’ll do boi!”. I felt so degraded and used, and I had a niggling feeling this was only the start. I finished dragging on my fag and spat it out. He commanded me back to the back of the car and opened the boot, “Get it, now!”. I stammered, “eh, whit?!!” Smack! He had hit slapped me hard on the side of my face. I was stunned, I must have started weeping. “Fucking pussy, get in the boot”. I whimpered, “Yes Sir” and tried to throw my self into the boot, which luckily for me had a blanket to land on. He grabbed my legs and tucked them in, “It’s only going to be a 5 minute drive boi, stop greeting and get a grip, you’re about to have the best weekend of your life, and so am I!” I felt comforted by his words and pulled myself together as the boot lid shut, the engine started and I lay there as the car was pulling away. I was scared, but excited. I had the biggest boner I had ever had and I was looking forward to jerking off when I got the chance, with my hands cuffed still behind my back it wasn’t possible and with it being so dark and confined I couldn’t manoeuvre them to my front to have a fondle. For the duration of the journey I just kept quiet lying in the boot, not quite sure what to think. I was awestruck by his attitude, demeanour and sheer manliness. After what seemed like a good hour (probably only 15 minutes), the car stopped and I breathed a sigh of relief. We were here, wherever here was. The boot was flung open and Master T lifted me out the boot. He quickly slung a blindfold over my face before I got a chance to take in my surroundings, which seemed like a generic housing estate. He grabbed my cock and started walking me to what I assumed was his house. I was strangely at ease for a man to be holding my cock, nay; I was aroused even more by it. I heard a door open and I carefully stepped up into the room.
“Welcome to my humble abode boi” Master said “Now, kneel down and open your mouth.” I did as he said as he closed the door, and I heard multiple locks turning. I opened my mouth and felt something hard, like a small tennis ball being shoved in my gob and something being strapped behind my neck. After some fiddling, Master stepped away and I tried to push the ball out my mouth with my tongue with no avail, it must have been one of the ball gags I had seen on the site, man, I grew even more horny! Then I felt something cold round my neck, “Boi, you will wear this for the duration of the weekend, and even longer if I feel it needs to be worn in public.” I heard a lock and realised I had been collared. I was now owned. “Kneel down boi”. I knelt there with a metal collar round my neck, a rubber ball gag planted firmly in my mouth, a leather blindfold on and my hands cuffed behind my back. I was as hard as a rock, but nervous to find out what was going to happen next. “Now boi, I am going to get you ready for a weekend of servitude, and fun before I release you back to your home comforts” Master T was laying out his plan, “ I don’t expect to be questioned and I don’t ever want to hear No as your first answer to any question I may ask you, of course when your gagged like that I don’t suppose you will be the conversation starter anyway.” He laughed. Master T whipped off my blindfold, the light hurt my eyes a little, but I was delighted to see him in his masculine form towering over me like a god! “Follow me boi” I went to stand up to follow him up the staircase in front, but Master T barked back “I did not give you permission to stand up slut, crawl!” I quickly jumped back down onto all 4s and struggled to ascend the stairs behind him with my hands cuffed. I must have looked some sight! Master T opened the door to the bathroom and pointed for me to go in, he instructed me to get in the bath, face up and to close my eyes. Once again, the leather blindfold was applied. Shit this was horny! Shit, is he going to drown me? I panicked and jumped up, only to be pushed back down by Master. “ Fuck sake boi, stay still, I’m not gonna kill ya! Relax, and trust me”. His manly, calm demeanour eased me a little and I sunk back into the bath. I felt his touch on my arms and the right cuff was removed. It was then clipped to the bar on the left side of the bath. “Be right back boi”. I was now cuffed to the bath unable to see or speak, and my boner was still raging. I must be sick. "Don't dare touch your cock!" I heard Master leave the room and listened some extensive fumbling around in the room next door, what the fuck was he doing in there?! I didn't touch my cock incase I got too excited and shot my load, which given my predicament wouldn't have been a good move. Finally, Master came back, I could smell cigarette smoke, damn I needed a fag! I heard metal knocking together, just lightly, and then my right arm was cuffed to the right side of the bath. Totally unable to move now! “Right boi, slave prep stage 1 begins” Master laughed, then blew some smoke in my direction. Aghh, this was torture; the smoke, the suspense, my raging boner not being touched! I felt something cold being squirted on my pubic area; I didn’t have a lot of pubes to begin with as I trimmed them down, but I knew what was coming… I was 100% right in my thoughts, he was shaving my pubes and dick, slowly and carefully, making sure there wasn’t a stray hair in sight. Laughing and coughing occasionally, he paused, presumably to take a drag from his fag and to admire his handy work. What a god!
With my pubes now as bald as the day I was born, I felt more and more horny. Damn, this guy was good! He leaned over and whispered, “we’re not done yet boi”! He lifted my blindfold and once again I could see his face, beautiful – God this guy is turning me into a right faggot. He took out both my diamond earrings, and my gold chain and bracelet; “Slaves don’t need these embellishments” apparently, “you’ll get them back when I release you”. “What do you think boi?” I strained to look down and I was truly bald, he really did take his time and make a good job. I mumbled “Amazing Sir!” and nodded. I was drooling by this stage and pretty thirsty, I was having a great time but wanted out of the cold bath soon to get a drink, a fag and a comfy seat. “Now boi, I’m gonna flip you over and do the back side”. Shit, why would he want my arse shaved?! I didn’t wanted fucked, well… I wanted to know get fucked, but it was taking it to a new level. I didn’t have a choice, so no point in protesting. He uncuffed my right arm at the bath side, and attached it to the left bar, then uncuffed the left cuff and attached it to the right side; this guy’s a pro, not letting my free at any point, whilst flipping me onto me knees face down. Once again, the shaving crème was applied and the razor was dragged across my bare arse and arse crack, slowly and carefully as before. I didn’t have much hair but he wanted to be sure, clearly! “We’re done boi, you look like a good wee slave” Master T chortled, “Best get you washed down and cleaned up before we move on to stage 2!” With that, he uncuffed my right arm and attached the cuffs together, then did the same with the left, double security! He turned me round just before I fell on my face and proceeded to take out my ball gag. Finally! My jaw was aching! “Well boi, how do you feel?” “Good Sir, cheers! I am so fuckin horny right now! I’m dying for a fag as well, Jeez Master, that was amazi…” He cut my verbal diarrhoea of whith a swift slap on the face “Shut up boi, your mumbling away like you’ve just discovered speech, but I am glad your having fun. Now, you thirsty?” “Aye Sir, im parched with drooling so much, please can I have a drink n a fag?” “Very well boi, I’ll get you a drink and we can have a smoke when we’re downstairs” He put my blindfold on, and there was silence, then I heard a zipper open “Open your mouth boi, I’ve got you a drink” He then started pissing straight in my mouth, I was black affronted, I didn’t know what to do. Pissing? In my mouth? I started to choke. “Swallow boy, you’ll be supping the rest out the tub if you don’t. I swallowed, trying not to gag, taking as much in my throat as possible without having to taste it. He laughed as I coughed a little, but shit, he was pissing like a stallion. He finally finished by showering me down with his piss. He rubbed it into my bald pubic area and grunted “That’s you washed down, and watered, lets get you cleaned up!”
I was totally turned off by this, my cock finally subsided and I was speechless. How could someone piss on me? Master T totally freaked me out, but he didn’t seem to think anything of it! Are people into this? What the fuck?! “What’s the matter lad, not like golden showers?” He laughed “Stay still til I clean you up”. He started the shower, shit it was cold! It soon warmed up and Master T rubbed me down. I still had my T-Shirt on, my favourite McKenzie one, it was now pissed on and soaked. Fuck. Master T turned off the shower and helped me stand up. “Now boi, I am going to un-cuff you, I don’t want any funny business or you’ll be drinking your meals from now on!” “Yes Sir” I mumbled, shivering with the cold air. I now resented even coming, how disgusting was that?! “Out the tub, come on slut, easy does it” Sir guided me over the tub. “Stand still whilst I dry you off”. I heard the sound of metal on metal again and I felt my right leg, then left leg be cuffed with a sharp click. “Not sure I could trust you to not run away before I take off your handcuffs, so these leg irons wlll reduce you to a hobble.” He uncuffed both sets of handcuffs holding my arms together and whipped off my T-Shirt “Fuckin nice body boi, felt good earlier but it looks great all covered in Goosebumps” He said as he rubbed the towel over them. I was proud of my body, with doing manual labour I had developed strong core muscles and good pair of strong arms; still, nothing like his amazing god-like physique. Following my rough towelling off, he clicked a pair of metal cuffs back on, damn they felt sexy. My libido returned a little, hey that experience wasn't that bad. “Right boi, stage 2 is coming soon, lets get that blindfold off you and go down stairs” He said as he pointed to the floor, obviously I was to crawl again. I crawled behind Master T down the stairs and into his living room. It was really nice, but had a definite man’s touch; big telly, awesome sound system and all the gadgets you could think of. He must be quite well moneyed I thought. “Right ya cheeky little cunt, sit on the floor at my feet til I catch up on Sky Sports News, I don’t wanna hear a sound out u, so here” He handed me an ashtray and a pack of fags, “Smoke away all u like but don’t fucking dare touch your dick” I sat in front of him with my back to the chair, he put his muscular legs over my shoulders pinning my in place. After watching the match highlights and us both having a good share of smokes, he said to me that it was now time for stage 2, and I was going to enjoy what was coming next. I was already boned watching the footie highlights with him, but after saying that I was rock solid. “Stay there, be right back cunt boi”
Master T came back a couple of minutes later as I finished off another smoke, wearing nothing but a pair of army camo fand boots, damn his body was amazing, I must have dropped my jaw as I saw him. “Haha boi, like what you see?” He said getting even closer. His nipple rings glistened in the light, highlighting his perfect torso, I was so aroused. “Crawl over here bitch” he beckoned as he sat down on the sofa across the room, “Lick my fucking boots clean” I don’t know what came over me but I went for them like a hungry dog, slurping and licking them all over, left then right foot then back again. “Nice work boi, I see you like my boots. C’mon upstairs”. He jogged up the stairs in front of me crawling, trying to keep pace, I tripped over on the stairs planting my face on the carpet “Ah ya fucker” I yelped. Slap. He leaned down, “I said, don’t say a fucking word earlier and I meant it, speak when spoken to, hurry up”. His verbal abuse just got me hornier, my dick was just about hitting off the stairs as I crawled to the top. I crawled after him into a room next to the bathroom where I had been shaved bald earlier, this was definitely not a bedroom, it was like a medieval torture room. Metal chains, a sling, numerous whips and paddles, wow. There were evil looking metal stocks and things I had no idea what they did, this was too horny. What kind of weirdo was I turning into, getting off on all this stuff I had only glimpsed at online?! “Right boi, stage 2 begins. Over here” He bellowed in a deep, sexy voice, pointing at the stocks. I crawled over to him standing at the stocks and looked into his eyes, for even a hint of what was coming next. “Stay” he said as he walked over, took a key out and locked the door. They key was returned to his pocked and he came back to me. “I’m going to unlock you and get you dressed in my favourite gear, seen as you have been so compliant.” I took this as a compliment and smiled, favourite gear? I wonder…
Master T reached down and unlocked my handcuffs and leg irons with care and speed, he reminded me not to say a word and do as I was “fucking told, or else”. I was completely at ease now, despite still being in a compromised situation, but I trusted him. His demeanour and attitude was so manly and powerful, yet it seemed he cared for me. He went over to a closet in the corner and rummaged around for what was presumably his favourite gear. After some time, apparently ensuring he got the right image, he shouted for me to close my eyes before being presented with my outfit. I closed my eyes and waited with baited breath for my outfit. “Right boi, open your eyes” Master whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw some horny stuff… Firstly there was a leather upper body cross harness with a shiny metal cock ring, like I had seen online that afternoon, then a pair of leather shorts, then a chain with a clip on each end and finally a rubber gas mask. Jeez, if I wasn’t hard already, I was rock solid now. ”Lets get you dressed, slut” Sir said. Firstly my arms were lifted up, and the harness slid over and tightened. Then, Master grabbed my cock and slid the cock ring over to the base and popped my balls through. Master told me to lie on my back, then lifted my legs to slid on the shorts, “Boi, these aren’t any normal shorts, these are chastity shorts, just to make sure you don’t get off when I’m not looking”. He tightened them and added some padlocks. Total lockdown! “Right now boi, lets get you restrained for some training”… Master T led me behind the metal stocks and opened them up “You know what to do”. I put my wrists and neck in the recessions in the metal, the ‘lid’ was brought down and a big metal padlock was added. My legs were then restrained with cold metal shackles. Now it was complete and total lockdown, I wasn’t going anywhere. After stepping back to admire his work, Master T came back over to me and smiled “Want a fag?” He kneeled down on one knee in front of me and lit up a cigarette, blowing the smoke on my face, gawd did I want a smoke! He smoked most of it, teasing my by holding the filter near my mouth but not close enough for me to get a toke. Finally I got a good hit and exhaled. Nice. “It’s getting late boy, I had better get on before its time to lock you up for the night! Hows ur ass like a good ramming?” Master T enquired “Fuck off, you’re not fucking touching my ass” I stupidly blurted out. “Firstly, If I want to fuck you, I will. Secondly, don’t dare speak unless spoken to. Thirdly, you were doing so well, I guess I’ll need to punish you for refusing to accept whats coming to you”. Master T said calmly. “I am now going to have to whip your ass, which unfortunately means pulling down these chastity shorts, luckly there is no moving for you!” He unlocked the padlocks and pulled the shorts down with a sharp tug, my naked, bald ass free in the air. “Count em out slut, or we’ll see how long you last in that cage over there without a fag and only my piss for liquid!” WHACK! It took me a second to get what he meant to count them out “One, Master” WHACK “Two, Master” WHACK “Three Master”. This went on up to 15, by this point my ass was in agony and likely bright red. I was sobbing slightly, “Shut up pussy, that’s nothing” He said. What did he mean that was nothing, it was fucking torture and I couldn’t move to caress my butt.
“Right boi, that is enough for now” Master T said, “Now, lets have some fun, eh?!” Fun sounded good, anything to let me forget about the throbbing pain coming from my ass. Master T then moved to in front of me, ripped off a piece of silver duct tap & whapped it on my gob before I had a chance to protest. He repeated the strips of tape a few times over my mouth and down below my chin until he was confident I was going to be silenced. He then placed the S10 gas mask on my face and tightened the elastic straps behind my head. What a strange, horny sensation! The sound of my own breath through the mask was exciting me, my cock was rock hard swaying between my spread legs. Despite kneeling down on the floor with my legs locked down and my arms and head locked in a stockade, I was very comfortable and felt quite at home here. “Slut, now you are gagged and locked up, I want one nod for yes and 2 shakes for no, got it?” Nod. “Good boi, now, have you ever had anything up your hole?” I presumed he meant my ass-hole. Shake, shake. “Hehe, nice, did you expect to come here and get anything up your hole?” Shake shake. “Well boi, I am not going to fuck your tight little scally hole with my monster cock, I’ll rip you in half… We had better leave my cock out of there for now, agree?” Nod!! “Thought you might ‘say’ that”, haha! Well, the good news is I wont fuck you with my dick, infact tonight, I won’t even make you suck my dick, but you will be sleeping with a butt plug in, do you know what that is?” Nod. I knew exactly what they were, and I didn’t like the look of them. “Eager, I see boi!” Master T laughed as he walked towards his toy chest. After some rummaging around he came back with a handful of black rubber plugs in different sizes and shapes, some even had things hanging off them. Wow, what the hell was I doing here?! “Right boi, new game, I have the a 14cm plug in one hand and a 16.5cm plug in the other hand. I am going to shuffle then behind my back and the one you pick goes up your ass until breakfast tomorrow, ok?” Slow Nod. I saw they both had a wide girth but the larger one was less tapered at the base. “I’m going with your thumbs up to whichever hand you want” Nod. He then shuffled the plugs behind his back and asked the question, “Left, or Right?” I put up my left thumb. “Well boi… you’ve picked…
(Sadly it wasn't finished......if anyone wants to.....)
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Jameson Rivera (Gang 1)
Basic Character Questions
First name: Jameson.
 Surname: Rivera.
 Nicknames: Jamie, Heroine, GlooDick, basically anything else sexual themed.
Date of birth: 26 February 1994.
 Age: 26.
 Physical / Appearance
Height: 197cm.
 Weight: 61kg.
 Build: Very skinny, tall build. He could be considered unhealthily thin by some, and ideal to others.
 Hair colour: Ginger with blond streaks
 Hair style: Big fluffy at front?
 Eye colour: Forest Green.
 Eye shape: Protruding/prominent.
 Distinguishing facial features: Beginning of gauntness. Acne/scars. Flared skin under nose. Pupil dilation/distant look. Sores in mouth corners. Perpetual runny nose. Some gold teeth. Set of rounded scars on right cheek.
 Which facial feature is most prominent: His acne.
 Which bodily feature is most prominent: His weight.
 Other distinguishing features: Self-harm scars on his hips and legs. Skin-picking injuries. Unhealthy pallor. Needle tracks on arms.  
 Skin: Unhealthy pallor. Self-harm scars. Acne/scars. Flared skin under nose. Skin-picking injuries. Needle tracks. Cigar burns on inner arms. Rounded scars on right cheek. Old scalding burn spread across torso. Thin.
 Hands: Very soft. Long fingers. Old burns on palms.
 Make up: Light eyeliner and eye shadow. Light blush to cheeks. Foundation. Red lipstick often.
 Piercings: Triple forward helix. Rook. Daith. Tragus. Orbital. Standard lobe. All black.
 Scars: Acne scars. Self-harm scars on hips and legs. Skin-picking injuries. Needle tracks on arms. Cigar burns on arm. Rounded scars on right cheek.
 Birthmarks: Brown mark on right shoulder blade.
 Tattoos: Heroine on his lower back, with red X’s and a bag of heroin under it.
 Physical handicaps: Coeliac Disease. Mild muscular wastage. Brittle bones.
 Type of clothes: Black-banded white fedora with feather (eventually given by Elijah). Light pink crop top sweater. Short white skirt. Black fishnet leggings. White leather thigh high platform boots. Black leather garters. White tennis shoes when not working, or bunny slippers. Simple nightdresses to bed. He is cold often, and wears giant woolen jumpers often. Retro pink suit for formal wear, white crop top with handmarks over chest, rainbow bow-tie, simple black dress pants and black boots loaned by Elijah.
 How do they wear their clothes: He will start the day looking proper, but will put no effort into keeping it that way.
 What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc): White leather thigh high platform boots on work. White tennis shoes while in public. Bunny slippers/bare feet when at home. His shoes are noticeably old, but they are relatively reliant. Blisters on feet. Feet perpetually sore.
 Race / Ethnicity: Caucasian Australian.
 Mannerisms: Australian accent. Dark sense of humour. Perverse. Nasally voice. No volume awareness at times. Emotional quickly. Joker despite deep unhappiness. Easy to lose track of thoughts. Swears frequently.
Are they in good health: He is a heroin abuser and has autoimmune disorders and deficiencies.
 Do they have any disabilities: Chronic HIV disease (untreated). Coeliac disease. Severe anaemia. Bad lungs. Muscles and bone wastage.
What words or phrases do they overuse: Sexual words and phrases like, “We getting spun as fuck.” He also overuses vines.
                                                                             Do they have a catchphrase: “Let me be the heroine of your story.”
 Are they more optimistic or pessimistic: He is extremely pessimistic at his root.
 Are they introverted or extroverted: Rather extroverted.
 Do they ever put on airs: He’s self-sufficient and would rather others not see him in a place of vulnerability.
 What bad habits do they have: Does doing heroin count lol? Or self-harm? Smoking. Drinking to excess at times. Swearing excessively. Extremely distasteful humour at times. Picking his scabs. Stimming? Over-obsession.
 What makes them laugh out loud: Extremely dark to extremely childish. And meme culture.
 How do they display affection: Many times he cannot voice it, and while trying to he forgets to physically show it. At other times he is big and boisterous with both his words and actions and it can get overbearing.
 Mental handicaps: Mild Asperger’s. PTSD. Heroin addiction. Suicidality. Mild drug-induced psychosis (when using).
How do they want to be seen by others: His conditioning makes him crave being desirable, being sexy. He truly wants to be someone people want to be around.
 How do they see themselves: He sees himself as some used toy that will just be thrown out when he stops delivering results in some way, and if he cannot be liked in some way (either as a fuck or a funny face), he isn’t meant to be with anyone. Be useful, or don’t bother.
 How are they seen by others: To his clients he is perfection in every sense of the word. To those he works for he is moot. To others, he is the drug addict prostitute who is sometimes funny. To those that matter, he is more.
 Strongest character trait: His funny outlook and his truly giving soul.
 Weakest character trait: His desperation for approval and use to others that can remove from his individuality and growth.
 How competitive are they: He has only ever known being in competition with others, however that may be, and so he will compete to his dying breath to be better than those around him who have always been made out to be more than he ever will be.
 Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider: He is extremely rash and will make decisions fast without deliberating them.
 How do they react to praise: He grins really big and flaps his hands in what he calls ‘happy hands’. He usually squeals too and jumps around. He does not know how to handle it in a mature manner.
                                                           How do they react to criticism: He silently takes it, and he usually disassociates for a while afterwards beyond what can be helped.
 What is their greatest fears: His mother. His pimp. Heavy rings. Anything hot. Unfamiliar/unwanted touch.
What are their biggest secrets: His HIV diagnosis. His past.
 What is their philosophy of life: You live and you die, try and make someone happy in between.
 When was the last time they cried: One of his clients had whacked him across the face while working, and to feel it from someone else made him start sobbing. He had been put back onto the street without pay. This was two days ago.
 What haunts them: His childhood.
 What are their political views: He is extremely left leaning.
 What will they stand up for: Human rights. He especially stands for gender equality, and eradication of homophobia, and mental health stigma, as these directly pertain to him.
 Who do they quote: Generally pop culture and memes/vines.
 Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy: He loves nature and being outside, he considers wooded areas and open fields as his happy place.
 What is their sinful little habit: Heroin/drinking/smoking.
 What sense do they most rely on: Touch and sight.
 How do they treat people better than them: He grovels and submits generally.
 How do they treat people worse than them: He feels no one is worse than him.
 What quality do they most value in a friend: Patience and wit.
 What do they consider an overrated virtue: Ambition.
 If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be: His constant need for usefulness.
 What is their obsession: The internet and plants.
 What are their pet peeves: Virtue signalling.
 What are their idiosyncrasies: Always having to be busy. Night owl. Always alert. His sinful habits having a schedule that he has to abide by.
 Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of: Very small. His mother and him. He does not know anyone else, except for the many men she fucked and forgot about.
 What is their perception of family: Maybe if he had been dealt better cards he would have a higher opinion of it. As it is, it’s entirely overrated and he cannot understand why anyone would give a single fuck about it.
 Describe their best friend: She’s from a gardening club member who always has sweets for him every week and laughs at all of his jokes. She’s so easy to be around and happy-go-lucky that that cant help but be rubbed off on him while around her. She is always the highlight of his Tuesdays, and he is always extremely saddened to leave her. He feels he owes her nothing but all he already is.
 Ideal best friend: Everything his best friend is.
 Describe their other friends: He doesn’t really consider his fellow workers as friends, and if they were they would be surface level and wholly supportive of the profession they are in.
 Describe their acquaintances: Generally he cannot relate to others and empathise, and this makes it extremely difficult to even become acquaintances.
 Who are their natural allies: His fellow workers.
 Who are their surprising allies: Some of his clients.
 Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child: He had a childlike innocence while a baby, but he grew up very fast living in the kind of household he was. He acted out often and was extremely bitter and angry from a young age. He didn’t understand what his own brain was, and acted out in physical aggression often as a result of everything.
 Did they grow up rich or poor: They had some money, but his mother basically never spent it on anything but herself.
 Did they grow up nurtured or neglected: He was extremely neglected and abused as a child.
 What is the most offensive thing they ever said: He left his mother a note when he left in the night saying simply, ‘fuck you’.
 What is their greatest achievement: He helped another child at school who was going through similar things as him and gave him someone who would listen.
 What was their first kiss like: The boy who he had been helping had begun getting attractions to him and vice versa, and they had been walking down the street at night on their way to the boys house after sharing a joint in the park when the boy had stopped him, before thrusting him against the wall beside them and passionately kissing him. It had frightened him at first, but it felt so right and so beautiful that he couldn’t stop. This truly showed Jameson what he was afraid of at the time: he was gay.
 What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved: He took it too far with the boy, then being boyfriends, while they were making love the first time, doing some of the things he had learnt from his mother and the many men she had let into the house. He had hurt him, and he had begged for Jameson to stop and he had immediately. Jameson had burst into tears and the other boy was already crying. They hugged it out and the boy had reassured him it was okay, but he never truly forgave himself for it.
 What are their ambitions: Ambitions are for the privileged.
 What advice would they give their younger self: Do not ever believe you deserve the bad things that have happened to you.
 What smells remind them of their childhood: Wood stoves and the dust of the school broom cupboards.
 What was their childhood ambition: To be working in medicine in some way.
 What is their best childhood memory: His first kiss.
 What is their worst childhood memory: There are too many to count, but he would say when his mother locked him in a cupboard when she finally found out his sexuality, shoving only gluten-containing food in and not allowing him access to a bathroom. His coeliac made him incredibly sick from the food and what he did as a result began to fill the space. She was spun during this, and forgot he was in there for at least two days, in which he used the rest of his phone battery to message his boyfriend to get him out. Their relationship was entirely forbidden by his boyfriends parents as well, and the both of them never went back home.
 Did they have an imaginary childhood friend: He had many to try and escape his reality.
 When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment: When his favourite show ended; a needed distraction from the abstract dystopia his day-to-day was.
 What past act are they most ashamed of: When he went too far and hurt his boyfriend.
 What past act are they most proud of: His decision to not go home, despite not seeing much reprieve of the horrors life can present.
 Has anyone ever saved their life: His boyfriend saved him from dying in that cupboard, and he jumped in front of the bullet that ended him.
 Strongest childhood memory: He remembers distinctly the moment one of his mother’s men had been stabbed by her. He had hidden in his room at the sound of struggle, and then had heard his name being called. He had cautiously made his way to her, seeing her out of breath and very obviously tweaking. She had shockingly hugged him, and she had looked down at him and said the following words, “Mummy loves her little boy. Please, don’t ever make mummy mad enough. She just can’t help herself…”
He then remembers being sent to stay at his boyfriends place when a bunch of policemen came to the house, and he later found out his mother had been arguing with the man over her many charged felonies, and about whether he should be taken from her care. Jameson didn’t know the man had cared, and then he was gone. He remembers never sleeping with his back to the door after that, and reading up on in secret ways to defend against a knife attack.
Do they believe in love at first sight: With his mental state, he subscribes more to the notion of latch at first sight.
 Are they in a relationship: He was right before the beginning of the book, with his first from school. His name was Sedik Mahlunga.
 What is their sexuality: Entirely and unapologetically gay!
 How do they behave in a relationship: Each meaningful relationship he has is under critical lens, as he doesn’t trust others to not hurt him. It takes an extremely long time for him to not be cold and hostile to others, and as of yet he really has only had two good relationships with people. He is extremely giving and compassionate with those he deems as good, loving within an inch of his life.
 When did you character last have sex: He has sex every single day on the job.
 What sort of sex do they have: He does not have any identity of his own on this front; he does whatever the other person wants, and that’s it. This can range from gentle to incredibly violent to labile to kinky.
 Has your character ever been in love: He was and still is entirely in love with Sedik, and it kills him that that had to be taken so quickly.
 Have they ever had their heart broken: When Sedik was murdered.
How do they respond to a threat: He is numb to some threats now, but he always badly disassociates afterwards.
 Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue: He has been conditioned to physically defend himself when the need arises, and sometimes when it doesn’t. This is something he is trying to unlearn.
 What is your character’s kryptonite: Mention of his mother’s/pimp’s name. While typically doesn’t fully break down, his adrenaline propels him for the rest of the day.
 If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be: From their childhood home, his phone, and the brothel, his boyfriend.
 How do they perceive strangers: Fuck or threat.
 What do they love to hate: Many religious groups for their discriminatory teachings.
 What are their phobias: His mother. His pimp. Heavy rings. Anything hot. Unfamiliar/unwanted touch.
 What is their choice of weapon: He uses whatever is available to him at the time. His own fists are only good to defend, and sometimes not even that much, and he must make do.
 What living person do they most despise: His mother.
 Have they ever been bullied or teased: He wasn’t very well liked by those he hurt in school, but he was never really bullied and he was considered a popular boy.
 Where do they go when they’re angry: A wooded area off to the side of a park that’s close to his brothel. He feels calm here, and free.
 Who are their enemies and why: The other workers as they are always in constant competition with one another to be the most valuable.
 Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job: Sex worker.
 What do they think about their current job: He enjoys it to a degree, but he also doesn’t know anything else, and he doesn’t know how much he could enjoy other work.
 What are their hobbies: He enjoys writing and listening to Broadway plays in his spare time and outdoor activities such as gardening and nature walks. He has not had much time to fully broaden his horizons with all the hobbies one could acquire by his age.
 Educational background: He completed Grade 12 and did poorly.
 Intelligence level: He doesn’t lack intelligence, but he hasn’t been given the proper tools to let this show.
 Do they have a natural talent for something: He’s incredibly good at remembering things and can recite whole movies on the spot with added music and sound effects.
 What is their socioeconomic status: He is living in near squalor.
What is their favourite animal: Porcupines.
 Which animal do they dislike the most: Horses.
 What place would they most like to visit: South Africa so he can see his boyfriends home firsthand.
 What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen: His boyfriend when he broke him from the cupboard.
 What is their favourite song: Soldier, Poet, King.
 Music, art, reading preferred: Broadway-style and Singer-Songwriter/cartoony/comedy and young adult fiction.
 What is their favourite colour: Yellow, and rainbow~
 What is their password: GayRights69.
 Favourite food: Anything sweet! He especially likes chocolates, gluten-free muffins and ice cream.
 What is their favourite work of art: David statue.
 Who is their favourite artist: Vivziepop.
 What is their favourite day of the week: Tuesday.
What is in their fridge: He shares a fridge with seven other workers, and the only things that are his are the gluten-free items and some of the vodka. Most of the food is provided, but he has to go out of his way with his condition to get safe options.
 What is on their bedside table: He didn’t take much from his house, and all he keeps on it is his phone, a picture of him and his boyfriend, condoms, cigarettes, bags of heroin, and the ring he had bought to propose with with his first month’s pay. Most of his pay goes directly to his pimp, and it took him that long not buying anything else and finding one of the cheapest available.
 What is in their car: He has never learned to drive.
 What is in their bin: General rubbish and condom wrappers.
 What is in their purse or wallet: Money, condoms, library card, cigarettes, his dealer’s card, illegal prescription pain killers, pictures of him and Sedik, and his gardener membership card.
 What is in their pockets: Condom/wrappers, at least one emergency sweet for when his energy dips, wrappers, loose tips, and his phone.
 What is their most treasured possession: His pictures of him and Sedik.
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel: Sedik, but his cynical side says it’s the drugs.
 Do they believe in the afterlife: If there is, which he doubts, he believes he’s going straight to Hell.
 What are their religious views: He rejects religion for himself personally, and doesn’t mind some religions on there own, but the people and how they advocate for them ruins the entire thing for him.
 What do they think heaven is: A lie people tell themselves to justify their sometimes abhorrent behaviour to others.
 What do they think hell is: The world we were all set to endure.
 Are they superstitious: Not particularly.
 What would they like to be reincarnated as: A prophylactic.
 How would they like to die: In a timely fashion.
 What is your character’s spirit animal: He doesn’t believe in such things.
 What is their zodiac sign: Pisces.
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person: Keep them from being who they are.
 What is their view of ‘freedom’: To live unapologetically and love without restraint.
 When did they last lie: When he told his last client that he was feeling up to providing his service a day ago.
 What’s their view of lying: His whole life has been a lie he’s struggled to keep, and he’s never known that truth is best, so he’s comfortable and content in this way.
 When did they last make a promise: A day ago, when he promised his client that they were in for a night beyond what they could ever comprehend.
 Did they keep or break their last promise: More or less kept.
 Daily life
What are their eating habits: Right now he eats whatever he can that is keeping with his allergies. He relies heavily on sugary foods. He doesn’t enjoy fatty foods generally and eats greens when he has access to them, but sugar is definitely an issue with him.
 Do they have any allergies: He has Coeliac Disease.
 Describe their home: He lives in a brothel with seven other girls. This is defined as a relatively moderately sized shed in their pimp’s backyard, with seven tiny rooms and a small common area where they all congregate when not working, this including an extremely small kitchen. Any other ‘luxuries’, they have to pay their pimp in ‘favours’ to receive, and they are held in his house, such as watching TV and taking showers. He tries to spend as much time as he can out of the brothel, but he cannot go very much further than the yard most times when not working, and he would rather not be in the yard by himself where his pimp could punish him.
 Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder: He doesn’t own a lot of stuff.
 What do they do first thing on a weekday morning: He has a morning smoke and brews some tea.
 What do they do on a Sunday afternoon: He likes to take walks once he’s off work, and drinks a hot chocolate once he’s back. He usually rests after this; he never has any energy, and his job, habits, and illnesses take the last of it he has.
 What do they do on a Friday night: He gets totally wasted, abusing heroin and drinking until he physically can’t anymore, almost always ending in him passing out in a puddle of his own sick face down on the floor.
 What is the soft drink of choice: Creaming Soda.
 What is their alcoholic drink of choice: Vodka mainly.
What is their character archetype: Jester/Lover.
 Who is their hero: Sedik.
 What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween: Angel Dust.
 Are they comfortable with technology: He is perfectly comfortable and even excels generally.
 If they could save one person, who would it be: Sedik, no questions asked. Thus far, there is no one in this world he cares about more than him.
 If they could call one person for help, who would it be: Sedik.
 What is their favourite proverb: It is what it is.
 What is their greatest extravagance: His sinful habits undoubtedly, most of his waning money is spent on these things.
 What is their greatest regret: Not doing anything as Sedik took the bullet for him. He was sick from the drugs and what had occurred before, and was barely aware of what was going on, but remembers extremely clearly the sound of the gun, and then Sedik crumpling in front of him.
 What is their perception of redemption: When they give no reason for you to doubt their words.
 What would they do if they won the lottery: He would leave the country and start over somewhere else, somewhere his mother and his pimp can’t find him.
 What is their favourite fairytale: He never learnt any fairy tales as a kid, and doesn’t bother with them as an adult.
 Do they believe in happy endings: He desperately wants to believe, and there is some semblance of faith still in him believes it truly can be.
 What is their idea of perfect happiness: Being free.
 What would they ask a fortune teller: If Sedik is at peace.
 If your character could travel through time, where would they go: He would travel to where ‘flower power’ was just coming into the public eye, and aid in the protests and rallies going on at the time.
 What sport do they excel at: He doesn’t really do much in the way of sports, but he does take walks.
 What sport do they suck at: Most honestly, he’s not a well person.
 If they could have a superpower, what would they choose: The power of invisibility.
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mymindsmadness · 5 years
Dear Drarry, the final installment
I was going to save this for Fanfic!Friday, but it’s the conclusion, so I thought it needed its own day. Yes, the Dear Drarry series is coming to an end! 
I’ve so enjoyed writing these, but I think it’s time for them to come to an end. As this is the final in the series, I played around with the idea of multiple POV’s. So in this we’ll see both sides of the conversation between Harry and Draco. 
In this one:
Draco knew that after the war, everything had to change. Starting with the life debt he owed Potter… maybe he’d just write instead. He never expected to keep writing...
Warnings: EWE
EDIT: Shout out to Anon that pointed out it was Vincent that burned in the fire, not Greg! Idk where my head was lol
Dear Mrs. Malfoy || Dear Mum and Dad || Dear Ronald Weasley ||
November 28th 2001
Dear Potter,
I wanted to formally thank you for returning my wand now that I have paid my debt to the wizarding world. Mother would also like to extend her gratitude. 
As I’m sure you’re aware, even before you chose to testify at my trial, you were owed a life debt on behalf of my family for what you did the Room of Requirement.
Debts aside, I’ve come to realize that I’ve never really thanked you for choosing to not let me be consumed in the fire as Vincent was.
So… thank you. I’m sure you doubt the sincerity of my gratitude due in no small part to our history, but please believe me when I say I am begrudgingly truly thankful.
Now, if we could perhaps come to terms on a way to settle our life debt, I would be happy to leave you to your life as ‘the most promising auror in wizarding history’. It seems the Prophet has not bored of featuring you. I suppose congratulations are in order to both you and Weaslet Ginevra.  
I’ll be awaiting your owl,
Draco Malfoy
 December 3rd, 2001
 Dear Malfoy,
How do you manage to sound like a ponce in a letter?
You don’t need to thank me for saving your life, Malfoy. And you don’t need to pay me back either. It’s not something I did to get one-up on you. I would have saved anyone. I’m sorry I couldn’t save Crabbe.
And don’t even mention the Prophet. They’re just as untrustworthy as ever. Ginny and I broke up over a year ago; we just kept it quiet. She’s been dating some bloke from an American quidditch team I’ve never heard of. They just got engaged. Naturally, the Prophet saw the ring and jumped to conclusions.
I saw that you and err… Astonia was it? I saw your wedding announcement in Quibbler. I didn’t know you and Luna were friends.
Seriously, don’t worry about any life debts.
Harry Potter
 December 16th, 2001
Dear Potter,
Did you seriously write ‘err’? You know you don’t have to write everything you think, don’t you?
Astoria and I were engaged to be wed, yes. That arrangement was set up long before I was even born. Seeing as I am venturing away from the pureblood traditions and beliefs that got me imprisoned in the first place, I called off the wedding. Normally, I would entertain my mother’s wishes, but Astoria and I didn’t quite see eye to eye – or rather we saw a certain aspect very simil
As I share her interest in men, I didn’t think it fair to enter into a marriage with her. Although I do not hide who I am, I would prefer you didn’t sell that information to any papers.
Lovegood and I are on speaking terms. I find her presence to be calming, if not entertaining.
As for the life debt, it’s not as simple as dissolving it. There are magics that bind. Traditionally, I would have to offer you my first born as a potential match for one of your children. Seeing as I don’t have any children and doubt that you would care for my first born, we must come to an agreement that suits both parties.
Draco Malfoy
 December 18th, 2001
Dear Malfoy,
Me? Me sell information? I think you have me confused with a pointy git we went to Hogwarts with. No, I would never sell information to the papers. Perhaps I’ll have badges made though. Bright green ones that read ‘Malfoy’s Bent’. It seems only fair.
I don’t want your first born. I doubt I’ll even have a first born of my own. Looks like we have something in common after all – Ron would be mortified. Ginny and I split because I was finally able to admit to myself that I fancy blokes. I suppose it should have been obvious when I followed you aro
If you have to settle this ridiculous life debt why not just give me a book or something, yeah? It just has to be something doesn’t it?
Forget that last. I just asked Hermione and she looked at me like I kicked a house elf. She said it must be something important, but I don’t really need anything. And I don’t want to take anything that’s important away from you.
Look, I know we’re not exactly friends, but a bunch of us are going to the pub before the holidays to celebrate. It’s on the 22nd. You should come. We could talk about all this life debt business over a pint and you can make Ron turn that shade of red that makes his hair look orange.
 December 27th, 2001
 Dear Potter,
I only now just recovered from the hangover that concoction you made gave me. Did you know that it was impervious to hangover potions? I didn’t even think that was possible. I suppose it was worth it to watch Weasley sweet-talk a coat rack for the better part of an hour.
It occurred to me Christmas morning that we never did get around to talking about the life debt. Mother asked about it last night at dinner and was sorely disappointed with me for not repaying you yet. I know you’ve had very little interaction with my mother, but she is not someone that you want to be cross with you.
Draco Malfoy
 December 28th, 2001
On assignment. Not sure how your owl got through the wards. I’ll write you as soon as I’m back.
You called me Harry that night. You could, you know? Call me Harry.
 January 6th 2002
Dear Granger,
I’m sorry to be writing you. I know despite the evening we spent at the Leaky Caldron we are not exactly on speaking terms. First, I want to apologize for the way I acted in school. I have a vague memory of apologizing the night of the 22nd, but as I can hardly remember it, I don’t think that should count. Perhaps you would allow me to buy you lunch one day this week to apologize properly? I prefer it be in muggle London so I will actually be served.  
However, the reason I write you is because I haven’t heard from Potter in quite some time. I do not know him well enough (nor do I feel comfortable) to seek him out at the ministry. Last I heard he was on an assignment. If he wanted to stop talking to me, he could have just stated as much.
Draco Malfoy
 January 7th, 2002
Dear Malfoy,
I think lunch would be lovely. We’re far too old to carry on this ridiculous feud. I remember you starting to apologize, but then you started rambling about the colour green. Perhaps we had all been too liberal with Harry’s ‘special drink’. Still, it would be nice to get a proper one. Maturity or not, you said some pretty awful things. 
As for your question, no I haven’t heard from Harry. Or Ron for that matter. They’re on the same assignment and were due back yesterday. Though, it’s not unusual for their assignments to run long. If I hear anything before you do, I’ll write you myself.
Try not to worry. Harry is a very competent auror.
Hermione Granger-Weasley
Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
 January 7th, 2002
Dear Granger,
I’m not worried.
Why would I worry about Pott
It’s not as if I care if someth
How is Wednesday for lunch?
Draco Malfoy
 January 11th, 2002
Dear Draco,
It’s okay that I called you Draco isn’t it? It feels silly to still be using each other’s surnames. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to write you sooner. We got caught in a magical vortex and had to walk out of the jungle with a muggle guide. But that’s confidential, so pretend I never said anything.
Hermione told me you had lunch yesterday. Well, I think that’s what she told me. I hardly stayed at the DMLE long enough to get debriefed. I’m exhausted and a mess but I wanted to write you as soon as I got home.
Hermione also said something about you asking after me? If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were worried. I like it.
I kept notes while I was out there. Little things I saw and wanted to remember to tell you. Ron thought I was losing my mind. Forest fever he called it, but I don’t think that’s right.
I think I’ve just gotten used to writing you. I look forward to it now. Don’t let it feed that abnormally large ego of yours.
Since I wrote enough down to send you another letter and you insist that we talk about this life debt, why don’t we have dinner tomorrow? I can even cook if you don’t feel like going out.
 January 11th, 2002
Dear Harry,
I’m glad to see you’re recovering from your delusions well. Terrible thing that is, losing one’s mind. And you had so little to spare from the start. I’m glad to hear you’re okay though. I know you have a history of personal injury.
Be careful, Potter. Wanting to share things with me? Wanting to cook me dinner? One would think you were a Hufflepuff in search of a date.
 January 11th, 2002
Okay, it’s a date. Seven work for you?
And if we’re going to date, and I was kind of hoping we could, you should call me Harry.
 January 11th, 2002
Bleeding Gryffind..
Seven is fine. I’ll bring wine.
See you then… Harry.
 March 12th, 2004
This really needs to stop. My mother is insistent that we settle our life debt. We’ve talked about this for years – years, Harry.
And before you ask, no. It can’t be a book or a broom or anything else you’ve found lying around and tried to pawn the life debt off on. It has to be something meaningful to me – to the Malfoy name. Something that holds the essence of life and is equal to the gift you’ve given me by saving mine.
I know you’re on assignment, but I also know that you’re able to receive and respond to owls – Hermione told me. When you get home we’re going to settle this once and for all! I’m very cross with you. I might even throw away those tattered trainers you insist on keeping.  
I want this settled Harry! Start thinking about things!
 January 11th, 2002
I’ll have you know that I’ve actually given it a great deal of thought. Something that is important to you. Something that holds the ‘Malfoy essence’ which I still think sounds incredibly dirty as I’ve already held the Malfoy essence on several dozen occasions.
It seems you can repay me with your first born after all. Or rather, your life. I’ll take that last name too, while I’m at it.
Should have just waited a few more days and I could have asked you properly. There’s a ring in my bedside table, you spoiled git.
P.S. Don’t touch my trainers or I’m revoking my proposal
 January 11th, 2002
Did you just… 
You didn’t just…
You absolute Neanderthal! How on earth am I going to tell people (my mother!) that you proposed via letter!?
  ... However...I suppose it does meet the requirements… and the ring isn’t terribly gaudy. It will serve the debt.
Now hurry home so I can say yes properly.
I love you, you ridiculous Gryffindor.
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paperclipninja · 5 years
Younger post-ep ramble 6x08
When episodes of TV shows are touted as 'epic' or 'game changing' I tend to proceed with caution, because chances of it living up to the hype are generally pretty slim. When it comes to Younger though, I should know better than to doubt such claims and 'Debu-taunt' (another pun-tastic title btw) really has changed the game and delivered some of the most poignant and meaningful character interactions of the series. This week's episode got back to the core of what this show is about: the female friendships in all their complexity. We saw lovely moments that deepened Diana and Liza's romantic relationships too of course, but these ultimately amplified the supportive and supporting role the men play in the women's lives. I've gotta say, I found this week's ramble hard to write because where do you start with an episode you've been anticipating for so long? The beginning, let's start at the beginning...
The episode opens with Liza and Charles living out some kind of domestic morning fantasy (minus the grapefruit for me thanks) and seeing the townhouse kitchen area in the daylight was something new, it's so much bigger than I realised! The entire scene is so aesthetically pleasing, particularly the Charles-in-a-vest-and-shirt situation as well as coordination of tie and Liza's dress, but of course it serves the far greater purpose of letting us know that Liza has fully integrated into the lives of Nicole and Bianca, right down to helping with homework and offering to drop a forgotten report off at school. It has been quite a few seasons since we saw or heard from the Brooks children and I fully appreciate catching a glimpse of Charles in dad-mode on the phone to Bianca, it's easy to forget that these characters have these other dimensions to their lives (speaking of which, is there some kind of alert out for Caitlin at this point? The lack of texts or calls or mentions is curious...Caitlin, if you're reading this, we're not mad, just let us know you're ok). Charles' gratitude to Liza for going to the school naturally makes my sappy heart swell, the 'I don't deserve you' only made better by his tardiness not being enough to stop him going back for a second kiss goodbye.
Pesky climate change forces Liza to discover she does not have a coat at Charles', but fortunately for her there is an entire closet full of coats, which naturally she does not question and is definitely not some kind of set up for a run in with the ex. Except it is of course and even as a viewer I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me watching Pauline ask Liza if the unexpectedness of their run in is why she is wearing her coat (seriously, I'm overwhelmed with second hand embarrassment typing this). Also, what was Pauline doing there? Just hanging out at the school for reasons or was she lurking in case Charles turned up with the report so she could catch a peek of him in a three-piece? While this remains a mystery (though who could blame her lbh), Pauline's desire to 'bury the hatchet' with Liza was def suspicious, but a nice distraction from the cringe-worthy, 'Bianca mentioned that she had two mommies' comment Mrs. Clipper makes before it's decided that Liza should be added to the pick-up list as she will 'be around for the long haul'. I am so grateful to see Liza showing that she is committed to and wants the life she has chosen with Charles in this episode. Regardless of what happens down the track, it's nice to see this character backing her own choices and decisions for now.
Any seasoned television watcher's alarm bells no doubt went off when Pauline cited the divorce negotiations as 'more or less behind us' (and again when Charles mentioned that 'it seems the worst is over' at the coffee station) because we all know that in the land of TV this 100% means it's only a matter of time before they will not be.
Keeping in the theme of wonderful character interactions, I may never get used to Charles and Liza just hanging out in the office (particularly Charles hovering around as an editor instead of the boss, but I am here for it until the end of time) and his adoring gaze as Liza recalls the awkward horror of her interaction with Pauline is topped off with a shared Harry Potter appreciation moment and honestly, these two and their nerd love, I cannot. The way the conversation about Liza moving in unfolded was so natural and yes, the answer is ALWAYS YES Liza when Charles Brooks suggests starting each day waking up together (insert swoon here). It turns out Liza doesn't overthink it, cue guilt pie and Pinot Noir with Maggie.  
These two are friendship goals times a thousand and Maggie's unwavering support upon hearing Liza talk about how she knows it's fast but it feels right epitomises the way these two only want one another's happiness (even if Maggie's expression as Liza goes to call Charles and tell him she will be moving in indicates she is going to very much miss her roommate). I loved hearing about and imagining them drinking wine and binging The Great British Bake Off and just how well they know and value one another, ugh, I could not gush more about all of it and this whole exchange felt like such a treat. I was envisioning Kelsey moving in once Liza moved out and I'm still holding out hope for this to happen when Liza does eventually make the move (remaining optimistic on this one even though I do pine for Liza/Maggie loft moments).
The sneak peek for this week showed us yet another golden interaction and that was, of course, Diana telling Charles about her engagement to Enzo. The main takeaways are a) Diana referring to herself as Charles' work wife and Charles's amused smile; b) Diana asking Charles for his blessing and him not really knowing why but giving it and; c) the longest hug in the world as Diana coaxes Charles into announcing her engagement to the office. I love that the interactions between these two always have a slightly awkward undertone but there is genuine care and warmth too. Diana telling Charles that he has always been able to read her like a book (lol) and the two sitting there with their hands together was just such a testament to their fabulously wacky relationship.
What better way to ensure that any DRAH-MAH unfolds in an overwhelmingly public forum than the morning meeting reveal that there is a Publishers Weekly Debutante Ball (for first time authors)  thrown every year! Turns out this is the event of the season, despite it being the first time Liza has heard about it (to be fair she has probs been distracted by the faux millennial facade previous years so didn't clock that this was a legit thing). I am digging Kelsey heading up and holding her own in these meetings, she is definitely stepping up to her new role it seems and I am keen to see how it continues to develop.  And those little looks across the conference room table between Charles and Liza, I see you.
Zane's gears still seem stuck on obnoxious since last ep, first throwing in Jake Devereux as a suggested author for the deb (a clear jab at Kelsey) and then putting his foot in it after hearing Diana's news by suggesting that DeLuca is 'better than Trout'. First of all, who in their right mind would say that out loud, let alone assume an established woman in her 40's (or any woman for that matter) is going to take a new husband's surname? Though Diana DeLuca is pretty great, I could definitely see her using it as an alias during future hi-jinx (preferably with Liza now that they can be actual proper friends, but I'm getting ahead of myself).
Right from the get go Her Majesty D. Trout is taking none of Zane's rubbish, asking him to use his words when he finally offers up PTB as a deb option and her zero tolerance for insolence continues when she corrects his question of who she's engaged to with, 'to whom'. At this stage of my love for this character, I'm really just wondering what sized portrait of Diana I should put in my shrine to her. This all comes out after Charles is prompted to announce Diana's big news (I'm kind of loving that Charles is a bit hopeless at remembering these sorts of details, last week when he'd failed to mention Bob and Julia would be on their table, then this week with the announcement...soon enough we'll be regaling ourselves with a collection of these, and we'll laugh and shake our heads as we mutter 'classic Chaz' under our breath) and it is of course Liza's reaction that is next level and so freaking OTT and I love it with every fibre of my being. Seriously, her yell-cheering and clapping is me in any excitement-inducing situation. My love for her love of Diana starts here and embarks on one hell of a ride from here onward during this ep.
While this episode certainly had a more serious tone than some others (I think this was definitely emphasised by the music choices too, there was a distinct lack of the usual pop/vocal and much more instrumental), Liza following Diana into her office semi-screeching, 'I'm so excited, why aren't you more excited?' met by Diana's 'Liza, please deactivate yourself', was hilarious. Diana asked Liza to be maid of honour in a way only Diana could and I tell you what, I damn delighted in that one hug a year. Everything about this scene was SO good, which of course meant that there was a dagger waiting right around the corner to plunge into our rib-cages and shatter our hearts into a million pieces (I wish I was being dramatic but where is the lie?)
That dagger's name is Pauline and it's during lunch that Liza discovers her real motivation for being all chummy and that is wanting Liza to help with her new book. Always a smart cookie, Liza agrees, in exchange for Pauline attending the Debutante Ball as Millennial's deb (I have to admit I did chuckle with the 'do you need to borrow a dress?' line). Despite dodgy af being Pauline's general modus operandi, I actually do think she was being sincere in her initial offer to move forward and let the whole 'you're-now-with-my-husband-and-my-kids-love-you-maybe-more-than-me-because-I-abandoned-them-for-a-year-at-a-pivotal-point-in-their-development' thing slide for the sake of maintaining some sort of relationship with her soon-to-be ex-husband and their children. If only she knew that the reason Liza understood her better than any of her current editors was because they were basically the same age and had similar life experiences...
...well THANK GOD for Mrs. Clipper, the true villain of the episode if you ask me, who quite frankly can't seem to get her paws on that copy of Liza's drivers license fast enough after Pauline tells her that men in her circle are always leaving their wives for assistants in their twenties. I might be off on an island on my own here, but you know what, I actually felt sorry for Pauline in this moment. In her mind Charles has also been deceived and by extension, her children, so I completely understand her initial reaction and feeling that she needs to tell Charles immediately and rescue him from this betrayal.
That all goes down at the Debutante Ball because it must of course, but first we catch Kelsey, Lauren and Zane reminiscing about their own proms at this prom for grown ups, with Lauren here for it and we unsurprisingly discover Zane was prom king (I heart Lauren's 'that tracks' comment). You always know whatever's about to go down is extra EXTRA when you see a couple of characters blissfully happy and unaware everything is about to implode, such as Charles and Liza celebrating their moving-in milestone, before Liza is whisked away backstage. When Charles is confronted by frantic Pauline and she discovers he knew about the lie too, I could imagine that up until that point she thought this would be something that would bond them in outrage, but it ended up being just another blow. While Pauline clearly has impulse issues and a pretty prominent vindictive streak, I do think it's one thing to wrap her head around her husband falling in love with a younger woman (though I do not understand on what planet Pauline thought she could piss off for a year on her own terms with zero communication and then just return to her life and there would be no upheaval) but the discovery that it was someone she could consider a peer would cut deeper.
As Pauline latched on to Liza's arm, it was like watching a live animal being led into the lion enclosure at dinner time.  I'm breaking out in a stress sweat just thinking about this scene, even though you could see it coming it was utterly shocking to watch unfold. The announcer emphasising that theirs was the only partnership in which the mentor was younger ensured the dagger was perfectly lined up before Pauline once again applied some revisionist history to her abandonment of the family, making a point of coming across as the blameless victim whose husband was 'lost' to the assistant standing beside her. As Pauline keeps talking Charles is clearly wary and concerned about where this is going and Kelsey quickly clues in just as Pauline drops that Liza is in fact 42 years old and the entire room gasps and murmurs and revels in the audacious reveal.
Enter Diana and that dagger is twisted well and truly into my fragile heart as she immediately assumes that 'this woman is deranged' and jumps to the defence of Liza, despite Charles and Liza trying to stop her. The fact that Diana tells Charles that she will not let this woman 'slander us', that she sees them as one united team, and holds Liza in such high esteem that she would put her own fear of making a scene aside to protect Liza's integrity, only made Liza's confirmation that 'it's true' even more heart-shattering. Miriam Shor deserves every damn award created for her acting in this entire episode, but the last 10 minutes in particular are nothing short of phenomenal. When Diana realises that Charles and Kelsey knew and that she had just made a spectacle of herself in front of a room full of the most important people in publishing, her need to escape is understandable and a panic attack is not an unreasonable physical response to such a huge revelation in such a public forum (I mean I was basically having one watching it all tbh).
Enzo's relief upon hearing that it was a panic attack is palpable and the interaction between him and Diana in the hospital may well be my favourite between these two yet. We see Diana as we've never seen her in this series; vulnerable, emotional, no necklace and no makeup. Always one to deliver a stellar line, her response to Enzo's 'how are you?',  'I'm fine, I've just lost trust in humanity as a whole, but other than that I'm fine', was on point and Enzo's response that 'she looks good' when Diana shares Liza's true age was A+ (for line and delivery). It is Diana's embarrassment at being that 'village idiot' when everybody else knew (I really wanted to somehow jump into my screen in that moment and tell her that Lauren and Zane didn't know either, it's not just you!) that took my heart pieces and trampled on them some more. I think it's because she is always so composed and controlled, but seeing Diana holding onto Enzo and saying that she just wants him, demonstrates how much he steadies her and allows her to be herself.
Just outside the room, Charles and Liza face a step back as Pauline has phoned to say she wants to re-visit the custody agreement (which I really struggle to see the relevance of or how Liza saying she was younger is anywhere near as bad as up and leaving your two small children for a year but sure, I'll play along for the sake of drama), which means that they cannot move in together as planned, Liza's lie has now impacted the man she loves as well as Diana and Charles feels responsible for Pauline exposing Liza the way she did. Liza reassuring Charles that he was just protecting her and the way he pulled her in to comfort her made any remnants of my shattered heart swell. It was such a tender moment between them and there was something about the parallel of Enzo comforting Diana in the room at the same time, whether intentional or not, that really stressed the uncertainty and distress both women were experiencing.
Josh phoning Liza to give her a hard time about being an upper East side lady was actually a really nice way to see this friendship developing (I would definitely expect my friends to do that) because had the timing not been so atrocious, I assume it would've been an otherwise pleasant conversation in which he would be happy for her (that's what I'm going with anyway). Obviously this call was to show that Liza's lie has once again stonewalled her and stopped her being able to move forward in her life and that she feels she's messed up everything at work and for Charles with his kids. Since learning that there were a number of deleted scenes, including the one in which Diana got her engagement ring, I must say that I feel like the phone call could probably have been omitted in lieu of progressing Diana's story for this episode and the choice to include it definitely feels like an extremely contrived attempt to stoke the triangle.
The fallout from the age reveal will no doubt play out over the coming episodes, however Lauren and Zane are still trying to wrap their heads around it the next morning (and again Zane, why on EARTH do you think you would've been someone who should know this information? I think I can count on one hand the number of conversations I've seen Liza and Zane have. Actually, no I can't because it's so few I can't even remember one) but I will say that I paused on the article Lauren is reading and Jackie Dunn has given a statement in it and this show, I swear, it outdoes itself even when no-one might notice. I appreciated Kelsey's itchy scalp to emphasise the stress of the situation and Lauren addressing Liza as 'Ma'am' was pretty darn funny (though I am a bit surprised at Lauren's reaction. I thought she'd be more intrigued and want to know all the details of how she did it etc.) But it is the final 3 minutes of this week's episode that absolutely blew me away and left me quite literally crying on the train as I watched.
There have been moments that have made me tear up and certainly times when character interactions have held such meaning on this show that the feelings are many, but there really never has been a scene like the one between Diana and Liza at the end of this week's episode of Younger. Diana's minimal make up and jewellery emphasised the rawness and realness of the entire exchange. Diana saying that she wouldn't have hired Liza if she'd known and Liza being able to say, 'exactly', made the point of why she told the initial lie so simply. In that moment Diana can understand Liza's need to lie about her age, but it is Diana's search for why, beyond that initial deceit, did Liza fetch her coffee and lunch and her urine samples...and hold her hand on the red carpet and convince her to go after Enzo...that she needs to know if everything else was real or was it part of the ploy to uphold the lie. Seeing Diana with her heart on her sleeve, needing to know if her perception of their relationship was a farce, was one of the most powerful moments, if not THE most powerful moment of this series. 
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The resolution, that ‘honesty is the best policy’ and that Liza is no longer her maid of honour but her ‘old maid of honour’ could not have been more perfect. And in case I wasn’t already a blubbering mess, Diana’s emotional, ‘I just want to say...’ which Liza instinctively answered with, ‘I love you too’ did me in completely and honestly, the whole thing is so sublime, what an absolute gift.  No words I write can do justice to the incredible performances of Miriam Shor and Sutton Foster so I really can only suggest you go and watch the final scene again for yourself.
This episode of Younger really was something else. After five and a half seasons, Liza is finally free from her lie, she can FINALLY live her life without wondering if or when or how it is going to catch up with her. It feels like a big sigh of relief. For me this episode also showed how much more compelling it is for the drama to sit in the space of these women navigating friendships and work dynamics and how much the focus on the triangle detracts from what this show is actually about. It's not that often you get to watch an episode of a show you love and think, 'that episode is going to go down as one of the best in the series', but 'Debu-taunt' will without a doubt hold it's place as one of the best.   
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Mairimashita! Iruma-kun 5 - 6 | Stars Align 4 | Shinchou Yuusha 5 | No Guns Life 5
Iruma-kun 5
“Seriously, stop!” – The phrase in purple is yamerotte!, where the -tte is for emphasis. “Seriously, stop!” makes it funnier because it’s in the language I’m more fluent in though.
The demon language seems to bar some resemblance to katakana, according to the kora-! sign. Update: Maybe? Biri in demon looks a lot like the symbols for kora…
Oh, so that’s why Sabnock wears those tags…Update: Yeah, I forgot to tell you – Asmodeus’s first name is Alice, not the other way around. I read a few spoilers and apparently his mother shows up later, which is how I could tell. Therefore, the muscular demon’s name is Sabro, not Sabnock (that’s his surname).
I see the sword that Sabro generated has his symbol on it as well.
Is the big creature – the Guardian or whatever – the momma bird?...Yeah! Such a cute reunion!
Sabro is built like a guy in his 20s who works out…we’re meant to buy that he’s the same age or similar to Iruma?(!!!)...Ehhhhhhhhh, this is a demon comedy, I can buy it.
Oh my goshhhhhh…for some reason, Clara’s voice is only starting to annoy me now. (Probably because I don’t always have the volume on.)
Come to think of it, what (legally, or by whatever other demon standard) is Iruma’s surname? It’s Suzuki by human standards, but did Sullivan put him into Babylis just under the name “Iruma”?
Wait, but Eggie-sensei didn’t wipe Sabro’s name out!!!
Huh…come to think of it, this is basically the Amazing Race, complete with penalties! LOL!
Rank Owl, huh? *cue Hedwig’s Theme* I thought my Snape jokes would be the end of the Harry Potter comparisons, but there we go. (The owl even has a tie! Cuteeeeeeee!) Also, Eggie-sensei calls the last-placers kisama, so you can tell he really doesn’t like them (then again, that might just be because Iruma is one of them).
I think the “birdy bird day” is a pun on toriaezu (for the moment) from what I heard…Update: Nope, that’s not right.
(Demon Prophecy Scroll) – Yup, that’s Iruma, alright.
Apparently those hand gestures of Sullivan’s are meant to suggest the number 6…as in 666.
Ooh…ponytail demon boy. Me likey.
I think some of the girl demons are wearing their badges on their sleeves (literally), which is why they need one. According to Iruma’s uniform, the boys wear theirs on their collar.
Next time, the spotlight is on Amelie, so I’m excited! (SPOILERS: Honestly, I’ve read enough spoilers that I can’t wait to see Iruma and Azz-Azz in dresses, or evil!Iruma, or Kuromu the Akudol!)
Stars Align 4
There’s an OP for this show???
Oh, the green racquet from the OP is Toma’s…
I didn’t think a guy with the name Tsubasa would be aggressive. Maybe that’s because Tsubasa means “wing(s)”, which are fluffy and not really a name for an aggressive dude like him.
Dammit, Mitsue, you’re not doing anything!
There appears to be a sign hanging from one of the levels about the girls’ soft tennis team getting to nationals. It’s like it’s deliberately there to mock Maki and co. Update: Yeah, I thought I’d seen it before somewhere. Turns out it’s behind the prez when she dances in the ED.
I never really figured this out despite my years of learning Japanese, but do senseis call each other “sensei”? According to the audio of this show, the answer is “yes”.
Tacky = Takichi. It’s because Sakurai’s (the art teacher’s) first name is Takayuki.
Why am I so sure something bad’s about to-oh crap. Something bad did happen.
Ohnonono, please don’t repeat the thing Itsuki did to that bully…
Geez, that cat is a bit of torture now that you’ve snapped my heart into two again. I know watching Hoshiai no Sora is bad for me since I always worry about whether that abusive father is around the corner, that’s why.
Shinchou Yuusha 5
Oh, so does the feather in the OP represent Rista…? (Or would a better representation of her be her buzzer?)
Are Mash and Elulu allowed in the gods’ world…?
It’s DanMachi’s Hestia, kinda sorta…”Hestiaca” doesn’t fool me!
Aww…you ruined a perfect anime with boob grabs…
Mash does an absolutely perfect impression of Seiya (aka Ume)!
Hmmm…so what magic does Elulu have an affinity with…? I bet that’ll be a bit of foreshadowing for later…
No Guns Life 5
Mochi kinchaku. Basically a squidgy bag of soup juice and mochi.
LOL, I like the egg joke. It was nicely foreshadowed and everything.
Well, they don’t call her Scarlet for nothin’.
“…how good I am with scissors.” – Says an old man to a guy with a gun for a head, neither of which have proper head hair to prove that statement with.
Seriously, why is there unnecessary focus on Olivier’s boobs…? Can we not, male gaze?
“You’re a gun.” – Yup, someone had to say it! Juzo is a gun – he has a gun for his head, plus he’s hella muscular!
Who’s the one saying “You men have some nice bodies”? I can’t seem to figure it out without turning on the sound (which I can’t – I hav someone in earshot who I’ll disturb if I do).
So Juzo’s barrel spins when he’s nervous…?
These waves look funky.
Dude. I don’t like this angle on Olivier’s butt.
Cronen, eh? (Refers to David Cronenberg…(?) Although I’ve never watched it, I think The Fly is a masterpiece because I’m so viscerally disgusted by it.)
Iruma-kun 6
I never realised exactly how much I liked this show until I had a really bad day and then couldn’t watch it…
Smartphone = hellphone (sumaho).
Considering the frailty of cherry blossoms and Iruma’s status as a human, that’s…a highly appropriate flower! (Also, after reading a This Week in Anime where it said Iruma was living his best life at Babyls, now I think “aww” when I watch this show.)
Notably, the demon language seems to map to katakana, which is one method as to how Iruma manages to keep his status as human for so long (Iruma’s first name looks similar to the kanji for “human”).
Lookit Ameri go! Woot!
I guess demons think of humans like we think of fairies, mermaids…or demons (LOL).
I get the feeling two strokes in the upper right = tenten (since I think that’s where “ge” is), but I haven’t busted the demon language outside of that.
I just realised the teacher (Suzy) is part of the ED…in the very last shot.
Oh, right. The side character’s name is Eiko = A-ko. It’s like calling your side character Jane Doe (or calling your side character “Mob”, in a case that is in anime), but specifically for girls.
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ghostwise · 6 years
25 Interview Questions
@luciferesque tagged me in this meme, which I distinctly remember from my LiveJournal days lol. What a delight! Thank you! <3
Wrote this out for my Warden, Hamal! Also tagging @bearshounen and @queerloveandspaceships for this one!
What is your full name and its origins? What about any nicknames?
Hamal Haleir Mahariel. My mother chose my given name. My father left me the surname.
No nicknames. Do not go asking around, either. If you hear anything, disregard it. Any nicknames used in reference to me—if there are any—are for a special few only.
Have you any claims to fame?
None. But I have been insulted by many people with such claims! One called me mouthy. Another, insolent. Fame makes people temperamental. Bastards!
 How would you introduce yourself? If you are famous in your world, how would you introduce yourself to someone who had never heard of you?
Hamal Mahariel, of Clan Sabrae. I would introduce myself the same, regardless of what others may have heard.
Well, I will not be further coy with you. Some call me ‘Hero’, but all that I did, I did with others—and still, I am reviled by half the peasantry, not to mention the nobles! The Wardens achieved much in the span of defeating the Blight, but all the popular bits of the story are generally attributed to Alistair, while all the controversial parts of the story get pinned on me. Most of them are fabrications, but that’s how these things go.
 Which of your culture's achievements do you hold in highest regard?
Var’myathan. The work being done with the land that was returned to us has been difficult… the Queen gave us all the territories most corrupted by the Blight. The ruins of Ostagar. The West Hills, too. Nonetheless, I am honored when I see how my people have banded together to create a new home.
We’ll make the best of it. We will gain allies. We will thrive. The shemlen can throw a fit if they like. And when they ask for the land back—for they will, fickleness is in their nature—we will tell them to go fuck themselves!
Won’t that be something! Can’t wait.
 As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Oh… nothing in particular. I suppose it was expected that I would become a hunter. But I was wild in my youth, and I was restless as I grew, and my path felt unclear. I simply wished to be happy. Then the Blight came. Whatever I wanted or could have been had I stayed with my clan became inconsequential.
 What was your most prized possession as a child? Do you still have it?
A single carved pearl, belonging to my mother. She hailed from one of the coastal Dalish clans, and dove for oysters when the waters were warm. When she found the pearl she kept it for years, knowing that the shemlen view them as valuable. But she simply thought it was beautiful. My father carved the pearl into the shape it holds now. That is the story Ashalle told me.
I left it behind when I left for Ostagar. I do not know what happened to the pearl.
 What would you change about yourself, if you could?
I could do with being a bit taller, I suppose.
 What are you obsessed with?
Have you met my husband? Have you ever seen anyone more clever and impressive? Are his eyes not like bitter black tea, dark in the slanting light, then golden brown and flickering when illuminated? I’m not the first to love him, I won’t be the last—but he chose me. I think of him constantly!
 What is your greatest achievement so far, or the high point of your career?
… I would not call it a career, so much as a series of progressively horrible events, panicked contingency plans, and a shit-ton of luck holding everything together. I guess my greatest achievement is being extremely fucking fortunate. Thank the Creators!
 When/where were you happiest?
It took a long time to find happiness; during the Blight, it was stolen in little moments here and there, but always tempered by the darkspawn threat, and the worry of how we would survive, if we would survive…
But then there came a day after the Blight, during the rebuilding.
I had been working feverishly for months, exhausting myself. There was so much to be done to make Var’myathan livable. Then Ashalle pulled me aside, and stopped me. She told me to leave the rebuilding of land to the Keepers, for it was their role. I had done my part, and needed to do nothing more.
Zevran and I left that week. That is when I was happiest; we were without rush, without worry, for once. Not that we have not had our troubles since… but at that time we were simply in love and free.
 And the lowest point in your life thus far?
When we lost the Landsmeet, I thought we would be killed. I was horrified. I do not understand shemlen politics at the best of times; they seem to involve a lot of underhanded dealings. But that day, with all the humans, angry and loud and armed! It was dreadful.
 What was the best decision you ever made?
Every decision I ever made in regards to Zevran was good.
 If you have any body modifications, which was most painful, or which do you regret the most? If you haven't got any, do you have any planned, or would you ever consider getting any?
I do not regret the ways I have adorned my body. They are my culture, alive, on my skin. But the most painful were the vallaslin.
On my first attempt I’d barely had a few lines etched onto my face when the ritual was halted. The pain was too great. I wept all that night, embarrassed and disappointed. I’d failed to get my vallaslin, when all my friends already had theirs.
The next year was my chance to prove myself. I held on as long as I could and asked for the tattoos to spread down my neck, over my shoulders and arms.
Our ancestors once took centuries to come of age. Everything comes in its time.
 What is the most idiotic thing you have ever done while intoxicated?
I think I got banned from the Shaperate in Orzammar because a book about nug pedigrees made me angry. … I think.
 What is your favourite joke?
Nothing comes to mind. But I do like a good dirty joke.
 What is the coolest/most impressive thing you own?
A set of custom ironbark armor that Varathorn created for me.
 When did you last cry, and why?
It was at Keeva’s wedding, and I think I cried more at hers than at mine! I’ve always cried easily though. I cry when I am happy, or sad, or angry; or when I become acutely aware of how the moments and years pass us by.
 What's the best piece of advice you've ever had?
There is no chaos in the world, only complexity.
I never converted, but the Qun has many pieces of advice that have helped me.
 Similarly, what's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you?
Zevran helped me with Tamlen’s funeral. Without being asked, without being prompted, he prepared almost everything, and pulled me through it. It was not simply ‘nice’; it was compassionate and necessary. I could not have given Tamlen a proper resting place without him.
 Have you any vices?
Coffee. I encountered it while traveling during the Blight and get headaches without it…
 Do you regret anything?
I regret ignoring my gut feeling that told me to stay and search for Tamlen after he disappeared. But I was sick, and rapidly getting worse, and Duncan told me he was certainly dead. I regret believing that man. I regret everything Tamlen had to go through, because I abandoned him, in the most thorough and complete way possible.
 What is the best invention ever?
This is going to sound boring and practical, but we are re-inventing old agricultural practices to rebuild the Blight-ridden lands for farming. Piecing them together from the ancient texts, and our own combined knowledge and resources across clans. The floating gardens in Var’myathan are already a sight to behold!
 How would you describe your relationship with your family?
I am very close with Ashalle. She must have had an endless supply of patience to raise me as she did. I never met my parents, but I heard about them often growing up, which was a blessing, though it made me wistful at the time.
 Who is your biggest inspiration?
Zevran of course. He always inspires me to do better, for myself, for us, for others. Who else should I be inspired by?
What are you going to do when you've finished this interview?
I was thinking of cooking some pumpkin in milk for dessert tonight… it’s been a good day.
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yuhengbeidou · 4 years
slave au in which jiang xi goes to a slave auction personally for once 1:11 PM and sees a pair of battered, bloodied blond twins in shackles 1:12 PM gege: I don't like it also gege: DEEPER!!!
I am in shambles please...jiang xi.......buy them 1:12 PM he wasn't going to buy them, actually he did not like this idea of slavery at all, he stopped gyy from using butterfly boned beauty for parts after all, but he was drawn by the sound of a whip and sees a pair of battered, bloodied blond twins in shackles
1:16 PM when the leather whip hit these men, they didn't cry out at all. if anything, their eyes were cold as steel, taking the whip with white knuckles silently a line of red split one of their's backs in two, and then another crisscrossed, new wounds on old scars they were dirty, their hair matted and caked with blood and dirt, and the only thing they had to cover their body was a dirty rag wrapped around their bottoms, just the bare minimum covering jiang xi thought that it was really unfortunate to be a slave, and he was about to turn away when he heard another sound. one of them had turned their back on the whip, covering the other with their body, and the whipmaster raised his whip higher, striking their face this time jiang xi decided then that he couldn't let this go on. he didn't say anything, just quietly paid the slave trader the sum it would take to buy 20 slaves, and walked away. his disciples would come and retrieve them later but before he could leave, one of them caught his eyes and held his gaze, and jiang xi felt something funny rolling in his stomach at that fierce glare from eyes so green they were like poison the bloody gash on that face kept on bleeding, the wounds on his back oozing, and he crouched protectively over what must be his brother who had already passed out from the punishment
JIANG XI HE'S...STUNNED...BY IT!!! yess yes yes forever going to remember gege;s eyes
1 1:22 PM the way home was quiet. jiang xi sat in his horse drawn carriage, going over the accounts from the day, taking a moment to pause at the large sum he paid for the slaves. he thought belatedly... how were they going to get back to gyy? and poked his head out the window. they weren't shackled anymore, but they were still led by their bound hands by a rope, trailing behind some horses, and the one who passed out earlier was barely able to keep up with the horses 1:23 PM so maybe jiang xi calls over one of his disciples and commanded him to put the slaves on a horse, "to get home faster, they are too slow" 1:25 PM . :(((((((((9 once at gyy he demands for them to be washed and dressed in the simplest but, still representative, gyy robes and given something to do in the kitchen or around the sect grounds it doesn't matter
but what if the twins are so beaten and everything + the probably long journey, didi falls sick...so sick even the elders are afraid he won't make it 1:27 PM yessssss didi falls extremely sick... they are both really dehydrated and malnourished, been beaten too many times, infections had set in... 1:28 PM
so jiang xi goes personally? to take care of him? and he's met once again with those cold, frosty green eyes and he tells gege to go take care of himself so he won't be bothersome and gege doesn't MOVE
1 1:28 PM
gfdhjskls; 1:30 PM it's true, as slaves they are probably completely illiterate and can only understand basic commands 1:30 PM
1 1:30 PM
wah I can only hear gege going 不行不行:((( at everything
1 1:31 PM
like "won't do won't do".... "go eat!" "Won't do!" "Go sleep!" "won't do!!!" 1:31 PM it's the most useful word for him really... 1:31 PM
not until didi is awake
1 1:31 PM every time he says it, he looks as if he's expecting to be struck down, but nothing happens, and he goes from feral to wary to confusd he hovers over his brother. he can't understand much of what these people are saying, but he knows enough to tell that his brother's skin is too hot and feverish, his brother's eyes are scrunched shut as if he was in pain even in sleep, that the wounds on his brother's back are not healing and are angry and red, and every time they tried to feed his brother something, he threw it all up so when this man... who looked to be their very, very young master came over with a medicine bowl and fresh rags with a bowl of hot water, gege can only helplessly watch... but he will not leave didi's side 1:33 PM gege shaking, hunched over didi's body, refusing to let go of his hand! his tiny very thin fingers holding to didi's one so hard jiang xi thinks he might broke his brother's fingers but really, he's aware the kid can barely stand himself...he's kinda moved....
1 1:36 PM he tries to treat gege's wounds too but gege just shakes his head and point at didi and keeps saying "he, he, no me, he" and jiang xi just "is he dumb?"...but it's a full out war between the two of them, a kid and a youth...and gege wins because he doesn't let jiang xi touch him until didi's fever starts going down
aND HOLY FUCK HNA THEY ARE XUE MENG'S AGE JIANG XI IS SO YOUNG HE'D BE WHAT, 20+???" 1:38 PM ................. UMM YEAH SO FUCKING YOUNG WTF 22-23 at most... omg baby jiang xi
1 1:38 PM when didi's condition has stabilized for the time being, gege finally lets jiang xi clean the wounds on his face and the long gash on his face. jiang xi mutters quietly something like, "why are you so stubborn, aren't you afraid this will scar? you should have let me treat it from the start" but gege just doesn't understand... he flinches back from jiang xi when jiang xi reaches out for his face
1 but when it's clear that jiang xi wasn't going to hurt him, gege shrinks back but let him touch 1:41 PM
MY FUCKING AGE UMMM he falls asleep curled around his little brother, his wounds bandaged, and he holds onto his brother's hands, so exhausted. jiang xi looks at them a moment before drawing a blanket over them both and blows out the candle
1 1:42 PM
damn...wait I NEED TO PROCESS THIS.... 1:43 PM he asks someone to teach them mandarin but....well gege at least knows that jiang xi is good...good enough to give them a room,,,a whole room for themselves, and to magically make didi better...so gege refuses to listen to anyone but jiang xi,,,when what didi sees gege doing, didi does
jiang xi is exasperated he's trying to lead an entire sec on his own, he still has to study, but somehow he has two children he needs to take care of...and he does
1 1:45 PM HE STILL HAS TO STUDY lol this is from personal experience i assume
1 1:53 PM
I HATE HER I HATE 1:54 PM the gyy elders told jiang xi that he can't treat slaves like disciples, they were bought and sold, they're not really people, and jiang xi grows so livid like he would later do at the tianyin pavilion. "you think they don't bleed when you hit them? you think they don't hunger? why would you think they deserve anything less than your own children?"
well I'm 22 and still studying you were studying not so long ago jiang xi is one of us he goes through the uni struggles
JIANG XI!!! jiang xi teaches mhxs...medicine 1:56 PM fuuuuuuuu ok let me look up the blind dates extras 1:56 PM i will look it up and cry
gfhdjkdl 1:56 PM Pollia japonica, known in Chinese as 杜若 “du ruo”. 1:57 PM Pollia japonica, known in Chinese as 杜若 “du ruo”
so, xing'er...du ruo...possibilities
1 1:58 PM du is a surname?? 2:02 PM and when they return for the first time in 10 years to gyy
1 2:03 PM YES DU IS A SURNAME! my old roommate's cn name was du sha and it had that du in it too ghjkdks so,,,,really it could work wow
and then they come back and jiang xi goes "shit THEY WERE CUTE WHAT DID HAPPEN AT KUNLUN!?!?!"
1 2:04 PM RIGHT since he's a foster son he wouldn't take jiang xi's surname... fuycking hell jiang xi adopted a kid for his surname du so he could name him ruo huh
1 2:05 PM it's yak milk. they drank a lot of yak milk at ktp 2:05 PM grew up big and strong... they are at least half a head taller than him now
1 2:05 PM
maybe he's jiang something...hmmm or maybe he has another name,, maybe jiang xi named him because he was probably an orphan or smt and didn't have a proper name....who knows? NOT US...ugh meatbun
1 2:06 PM
mhxs......teaming up on jiang xi
1 2:07 PM
... :(( 2:07 PM jiang xi can't fool them... they know him, even if he thinks he's good at hiding. they remember waking up in the middle of the night suffering from childhood fevers and finding jiang xi doing something in their room, like brewing medicine, etc. and changing the cold compresses on their heads jiang xi made sure they were "asleep" before coming in, but they were slave children who had to learn survival skills far too young and of course they heard him so now when jiang xi acts all angry toward them, they just smile privately between themselves 2:10 PM ...
I want...them...yifu..kink
1 2:11 PM
1 2:13 PM
the last sin pleaase as if we won't come up with something to top the eyeless kid one day
1 2:13 PM
I can feel the fandom shuddering in fear and they don't even know WHY
something beautiful~
1 2:16 PM jiang xi walks in on them in a gyy hot spring and they are doing something definitely not brotherly
1 they kept their distance from him since they got back, probably out of respect for him since he's been so testy, but this time when they see him from far away, they make eye contact and smile at him and jiang xi runs of course 2:17 PM
this is your child this au is yours raise it well just like xing'er was <3
1 2:19 PM the way i keep straying further from the light 2:19 PM
jiang xi "holy fuck are they fucking crazy?!!?"
1 2:19 PM i started out writing RANWAN OK
1 2:19 PM I satrted out with yifu fuckery~
I'm coming back full circle idk
1 2:20 PM ranwan is so tame compared to half the shit this DM box has seen
1 2:20 PM
jiang xi wants to have a TALK with them okay?? but then he opens his mouth and nothing comes out oh, didi has a ready retort for that... "yifu, you have to open wider if you think--" and gege immediately slaps him because he still has SOME shame
1 2:21 PM that poor child with his mother as didi i just can't
1 2:21 PM when...when you...put it like that....."didi his mother"...it really...poor child oh god
1 wait I...have more...hcs this is really funny
please shuandmeijiagn dp!!!! they's...drop hitns
and all that they'd drive jiang xi crazy! be gentle, all filial piety, the perfect sons, then they make a 180 degrees turn and they look at him like they want to EAT HIM
and now we jumped to cockwarming
1 2:29 PM slowly unthawing that frozen dick well, can you blame shuangmei if jiang xi never felt like a "yifu" to them? they see him as their benefactor who rescued them and saved their lives literally, but he never took care of their day to day need, he kept his distance, he sent them away for training elsewhere... and when they came back, he still looked exactly the same as he did when they were kids now they even look a little older than him probably 2:34 PM mmmhm what if, he takes them to a medicine lesson? because no matter what, it would bring shame to gyy if they didn't know shit...and maybe didi is careless (or is he) and touches something slightly poisonous or something? and jiang xi's right there, so fast, to take care of him
and then gege cuts himself and jiang xi's going crazy like can't you be serious for once??,,,and then they are serious for once but jiang xi feels bad...as if he commanded them,,,as if he threatened them </3
1 2:37 PM
he goes to ...say sorry or something later in the day and finds gege kissing didi's fingers where some wounds from the poison still have to heal and he's so tender while doing so "why did you do that hanxue?" "can you blame me, for wanting his affection once again? when that was the only good thing that ever happened to me gege??"
didi goes into a narrative flashback we love this. "when i was young... when he first brought us back, i woke up several times, you know. i saw you there next to me, and you probably passed out. he was there too, and i don't htink he noticed i was awake. he seemed so tired, and i was confused... i didn't nkow what was going on "but then i think he heard me moving, so i closed my eyes again. and it is a little blurry, but i think i remember how gentle his fingers felt on my head, just stroking my hair back... gege, the way mother used to stroke our hair, do you remember?" wow i'm tearing up a little
slave babies "it was only for a moment, but i just knew things would be ok from then on... this person wouldn't let us come to harm anymore. gege, you kept taking whippings for me, how much longer could you have gone on for?" 2:49 PM "i was so grateful... that you wouldn't be hurt anymore, that he would protect us, protect you... even now i still see the old scars on your back... gege, what's a little poisoning now if i can get him to look at me like that again?" 2:50 PM jiang xi listens to all of this and feels like he's dangerously close to a heart attack. his face feels flushed, his chest feels tight, he needs to sit down... he drops his pipe, it clatters, and twin eyes turn on him 2:59 PM
the pin him down like a needle pinning a butterfly and he feels as if he's struggling for his last breath but he's simply just not moving, standing there in the doorway like a dumbass
1 3:01 PM
the twins go "yifu" at him....and jiang xi starts shaking because...he never had ulterior intentions, he simply wanted them to be free of that hell, to grow up to their full potential
1 3:02 PM when gege says it, his voice is low, tinged with warmth that doesn't normally exist... it's such a change, the low octave dropping straight to jiang xi's crotch
1 3:03 PM
but there he is, with them chasing after his affection, with them seeing through him as if he were a shard of spotless glass and jiang xi's just....looking at them...partially because he has no idea what to say? mostly because he simply wants them to make the first move and depending on it...he'll react
1 3:03 PM
1 3:03 PM maybe gege takes on didi's fingers into his mouth and start sucking at the places that haven't quite healed yet, looking at jiang xi the whole time and didi tilts his head back, eyes half lidded, hair long and loose hitting the mattress and didi says, "yifu... i don't think gege is doing a great job at getting the poison out... it hurts" and jiang xi swallows hard and has to hold onto the wall to steady himself. 3:05 PM Start a new message Jiang xi is.... Going through a LOT POOR MAN he hears those words and. His heart hurts.. "that's nonsense!",,, but he doesn't go away but neither does he approaches them and gege takes that as an invitation to test the waters as in... Just how far can he go before jiang xi curses them and leaves He takes three fingers wholly in his mouth, closes his eyes and sucks on them the way he sucks didi's cock.. Meanwhile didi is stroking gege's hair while looking straight at jiang xi Gege starts kissing his hand, wrist, up his arm, over a suddenly exposed jade shoulder, he licks and sucks on didi's neck, sitting in his lap and slowly undressing him and didi keeps looking at jiang xi who's still there
1 3:25 PM
When he moans for the first time at a particularly hard bite, his eyes finally close for a moment and the image of him, head thrown back, eyes closed, eyelashes quivering, that sound so frail yet full of meaning... Jiang xi is so hard
3:26 PM oh gege he is so bold, that feral child was still in there even after all those years, just waiting for the right moment to be let out from that polite distant veneer that he adopted from jiang xi didi moans again, holding with both hands on gege's hair, and calls for jiang xi, "yifu, can you feel my forehead? i think i have a fever... ahh, gege..." jiang xi doesn't know when he started moving forward, but he does, stepping onto his pipe even and crushing it under his foot he is entranced, he comes to where they are and touches each of them, one hand on each shoulder, just slowly trying to stabilize himself again didi is undressed down to his waist, and jiang xi's fingers slowly trail down his arm, swallowing hard and still uncertain didi tilts his head toward jiang xi like a sunflower and presses his face into jiang xi's hand, nuzzling it, kissing his wrist, "yifu, please..." and jiang xi has a lot of self-restraint, he does, but this is impossible 3:3 His hands tremble as strokes didi's cheek and then he leans forward and he kisses didi's forehead... There's a muffled snort from gege against didi's neck, and a soft sigh of surprise from didi "it is.... Burning a little" jiang xi mutters against didi's forehead the his lips move, down over the arch of one soft and pale eyebrow, over the hollow of a temple, following the line of a sharp cheekbone... His nose bumps didi's and they look at eacj other... Green eyes and apricot shaped brown.. And didi tilts his head up and kisses jiang xj
1 3:36 PM It's chaste and soft yet it leaves jiang xi breathless worse than anything eleven and when didi pulls away, jiang xi barely has time to breathe before gege tilts this head "I am burning too" he says before he kisses jiang xi too
1 He's a little more powerful than didi but still mindful of jiang xi and meanwhile, didi who was used as a honey trap leaches onto jiang xi's neck
"let me show yifu what gege just did to me"
1 3:38 PM yifu has no choice but to let his disobedient foster sons do what they want to him... they pull him between them, one unfastening the silk sash at his waist, the other brushing his hair to one side, exposing a long line of neck and starts mouthing the column, the shoulders, lips soft and firm at once, a little teeth nipping until jiang xi starts to breathe more heavily 3:41 PM "yifu, is this good?" didi asks, and that was very polite of him because down there, gege already got the sash untied, started to unfold jiang xi's robes and finding a hard bulge between his legs... gege rubs on it with his cheek, pushing aside jiang xi's knees to kneel in between "yifu has been so good to us," gege says, watching jiang xi shudder. "we have been so ungrateful to you."
1 3:43 PM "ungrateful how?" jiang xi manages to say, concentrating on every word. didi takes a deep inhale behind him, the tip of didi's nose against the back of his neck, tickling him. "we never showed you the care and respect you deserve," didi says, and it is a surprise to hear that voice from right behind him. "gege... won't you show yifu what you had in mind?"
Gege goes straight to work!!! He kisses jiang xi's thighs, bites them, muzzled in the dip o his hipbone, so close to where Jiang xi is hard and leaking, yet taking his sweet time to get to it,,, jiang xi squirms a little and didi kisses his cheeks, glues his own one to jiang xi's and looks down at gege "ge, don't be like that, show yifu how good you are alright??" and gege finally, finally lick jiang xi's cock from root to the tip and then takes it in his mouth and jiang xi's moaning, eyes closed and head thrown on didi's shoulder Fire 1 3:49 PM Didi would play with the dark hair down jiang xi's navel, his fingers bumping against gege's lips from time to time "is he good yifu? Is gege treating you well? Do you need anything else? After all, I'm here too and all yours" Fire 1 3:50 PM oh didi he is really irresistible... jiang xi can't say much, he's too busy having his brain sucked out through his cock, he has no idea where gege learned this kind of cultivation technique because he certainly did not teach it to them... he throws his head back onto didi's shoulder and didi takes that as invitation to slip jiang xi's robe off his shoulder and starts pinching both of his nipples making a lewd comment like... oh yifu, how pink and tight they are, how exquisite, like the buds of... hmm, plum blossoms 
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