#should have watched it when it was over already :(
violetarks · 3 days
“baby keep talking, but nobody’s listening!”
anime: jujutsu kaisen
characters: gojo satoru, choso, fushiguro toji
summary: they find you on a date with someone they've never seen before, but they don't need to look for long to see how bored you were. deciding for you that it would be the first and only date you ever went on with that man, they come to your rescue.
warnings: afab! reader, she/her pronouns used, reader is on a date with a man, said date sucks ass (trying to regulate what y/n eats, snarky comments, egotistical, rude to hospitality workers), shoko/itadori/shiu help set you up on a date but they suck at it
↣ gojo satoru
"satoru, you have to get out," you huff at him, crossed arms over your chest. he sat on your cough, flicking through tv channels. "my date is coming here in ten minutes!"
"you mean the stranger that shoko met at the mall and said would 'totally be your type'?" he says, looking over his shoulder to you. you raise a brow. "c'mon, blow him off. we need to finish 'the last of us'!"
"don't you dare watch it while i'm gone, satoru, or god so help me—" your phone rings, interrupting your threat. you answer when you see the number of your date. "hello? oh, yes, this is y/n."
you begin to walk to grab your keys and your bag, satoru following after you when you suddenly stop.
"oh, uh... you want to meet there?" you say, tilting your head, "no, that's fine, i'll leave now. see you—..."
"he's not coming to pick you up?" satoru questions, watching as you take out your car keys.
"he's actually already there. and he's ordered for me." you say with a bit of doubt in your voice. satoru can hear it. "it's fine, i should go now. don't you dare watch that show, i will kill you. see you, satoru."
the whole time you're gone, he can’t do anything. he’s sitting in silence for an hour, not even looking at his phone. he felt angry at himself.
so he followed you, obviously.
he looked up the restaurant you had mentioned to him before and saw the pictures posted online. it looked like such a nice first date place. and that boiled even more jealousy in him. of course he had to follow you.
and luckily he did; you looked miserable.
he takes out his phone as soon as possible.
“you know how many calories are in that meal?” your date said after the waiter left your table, “way better for you than what you wanted.”
you had just told him your favourite dish in the menu. and he told you he ordered you just a salad. while he got two meals because he was ‘bulking’.
when shoko showed you his instagram, you had to admit that he was cute. he was fit too, and you did your fair share of exercise. he had a nice smile and he also posted photos of his dog. but that couldn’t shield you from what was right in front of you.
you found out he was a model for a magazine you’ve never heard of, and while that was impressive, it was his whole personality. you asked about his pet, and he somehow turned it back to his career and how he did a fireman themed calendar last year. you’d think he was surely more than that, but it didn’t seem it. you had barely talked about yourself. it didn’t look like he was interested anyway.
“hm, what did i do today?” he thought out. you cringed at the way he tapped his chin, pretending to think. “i hit the gym at 5am, walked my pet for an hour and a half, took some photos for my resume since i’ve got a new deal coming up, and spent time from then to now just at the studio.”
you were waiting for him to ask about your day. he doesn’t.
“and you know, i’m actually the most valued model at my studio. they always call me for shoots, i’m always first on their list. you’d think i could catch a break every so often,” he chuckles out, rubbing up and down his arms. you hold back from rolling your eyes as you sip your water. “but it’s hard being so… handsome.”
you stare at him and fight the urge to roll your eyes once again.
"what about you?" the moment you've waited for comes a little too late. you're not even interested in speaking about yourself.
"well, i did some grocery shopping this morning—"
"what did you buy?"
"me and my friends are having a movie tomorrow, so i just bought some snacks for us," you explained for some reason, "chocolates, popcorn, chips—"
"junk food?" he scoffs back, "no, no, you don't need all that. you oughta' bring it back and get some fruit. way better for you."
you down the rest of your alcoholic drink you had ordered (the one thing he did let you choose) and look away.
that is when you feel a hand rest on your upper back.
"excuse me, ma'am," you look up and widen your eyes when you see satoru standing before you. he's wearing a white button-up, black slacks, dress shoes and a black waist apron. you freeze up. "the gentleman over there asked me to give you this, already paid for."
you look over to where he was pointing. nanami sits in his own suit as he waves his hand at you, pained smile. satoru places a mojito in front of you. your date stands up.
"the hell? doesn't he see that i'm here?" he scoffs as he stands up. his chair screeches against the floor, which collects everyone's attention in the restaurant. "he's insulting me! what a prick! i'm gonna fuck him up!"
"hey!" you stand up as he begins trudging over. satoru places a hand on your shoulder to stop you, and you see nanami roll his eyes and stand up as well, ready for the fight. "what are you two doing here? and why are you dressed like that?"
"i'm the ultimate undercover agent, of course," he replies. he begins pulling off his apron and dropping it on your seat. he hooks his arm with yours and smiles. "let's get outta' here."
"but my date—"
"he's fine," you watch as nanami dodges one of his punches with and irritated face. "nanami will take care of him."
you let him whisk you out of the restaurant while everyone is watching the two men fight (not really). satoru walks you to his car and starts the engine. you see nanami's car behind his.
"did you seriously bring him along to get me out of that date?" you chuckle as you stare at him. satoru purses his lips and looks away. "thank you, satoru. you didn't have to."
"you're welcome, gorgeous," he responds to you, "i could tell from the phone call that he wasn't all that. wonder what barrel they fished him out of."
you let out a small sigh and look out the window. you were embarrassed; this was the first date you've ever been set up on, and it went horribly. you knew you should've left earlier, not wait until satoru came along. he was your saviour for today, you had to admit.
but what was even worse, you seemingly let than man talk to you like that. you could chalk it up to just being friendly and giving him the best benefit of the doubt, but deep down you know you would never have let that slide with people you know. hell, yaga could speak to you that way and you would still give him an earful.
"don't be sad, y/n, now we can go to yours and watch our show," satoru attempts to cheer you up. he flashes you a smile. "i promise, i won't eat all your food."
"you're a liar, satoru." you laugh back.
"seriously though, that guy was a wreck. why did he keep talking about calories and stuff?" he mumbles out with a disapproving shake of his head, "i had to shut him up somehow. i should've just spilt the drink over him."
"oh god, what about the food? i didn't pay for my meal."
"you mean the salad you didn't want? i cancelled it for ya'."
"why aren't you this nice all the time? you usually bully me." you claim in a joking matter. satoru pouts at you. "i appreciate this, a lot. i guess guys who only ever think about themselves aren't my type."
there's a quietness in the car as he turns on his indicator. you enjoy the little noise coming from the radio, a song that you've heard quite a lot.
"you know, yuuji, nobara and megumi?" he clears his throat.
"yeah?" you respond to him in confusion.
"yeah," he hums with a nod of his head, "i think 'bout them a lot. they're good kids."
"they are," you agree with him. it takes you a few seconds before you look at him again. "satoru, that's not what i meant."
"so am i your type?"
"oh my god."
"answer the question, y/n."
↣ choso
"do you know who this is?" choso shoves his phone into his brother's face.
"uh, that's y/n." yuuji responds in a bit of confusion. the two of them were sitting in a new restaurant with ramen on their tables. choso’s sat nearly untouched for the past ten minutes as he flicked through some pictures you sent to a groupchat with him in it. yuuji was halfway through chewing noodles when choso asked him about the photo you sent a few minutes ago. “why? she looks good.”
“no doubt,” choso mutters in response as he zooms in on the other figure in the picture you took of your reflections in the window, “i mean him.”
“oh, that’s the guy who me, nobara and y/n saw last week at the movies,” yuuji responds, “he asked y/n for her number, so i think they’re out together right now.”
he looks at yuuji in disbelief as the pink-haired boy starts slurping on the soup. it takes him a few seconds to properly react.
“are you serious?” choso says a little loudly. people turn to stare at the pair. “you let him get her number?”
“what? he seemed cool and y/n didn’t seem to mind that i gave it to him.” yuuji holds his hands up in defense as choso angrily glares at the photos on his phone screen. “you said you weren’t gonna’ make a move on her anyway!”
“that doesn’t—” a groan leaves his lips as choso holds his head. he lets in a deep breath. “okay, it’s fine.”
“i’m sorry, choso.”
“no, it’s my fault, i did say i wasn’t going to ask her out,” he tells yuuji, who slowly goes back to eating, “i… i missed out, i guess.”
yuuji frowns as the guy in front of him sadly eats his food.
“you know…” he begins with a small smile. choso looks up to him. “they’re just out for lunch nearby. y/n told me where they were going. we could—”
“yuuji! hurry up!” choso has grabbed his jacket and is rushing to the door before yuuji can reply, “we might miss them!”
yuuji scurries out of restaurant after he gobbles down his ramen. it isn’t too far of a drive, actually. it took about 15 minutes to get there and choso had easily spotted your car in front of a cozy cafe. he parks next to it and almost ducks when be notices you in the chair facing the window, facing the two of them, with your date sitting in the booth — your favourite spot. choso always let you sit in the booth side.
choso clutched onto the steering wheel with gritted teeth. yuuji looked towards you to get a better view.
“huh… she looks annoyed.” yuuji points out.
“this guy…” choso grunts.
inside the cafe, you had taken a few photos of your food and your drink. you’re glad yuuji suggested this place, you loved the service and the food here. the servers were always so nice and helpful and quick, and the food was amazing too.
it was obvious to you that your date didn’t think the same.
“god, everything in here is so…” he begins as he examines the design on his waffles. he cringes a little. “girly.”
“it’s just a bunny design,” you point out as you sadly stir the cat-shaped foam into your hot drink, “it’s cute.”
“it’s embarrassing,” he reiterates. you purse your lips and sip your drink. the delicious taste was enough to make you forget his sour tone. until he speaks up again. “can’t believe your friend told us to go here.”
“i love this cafe,” you state, “everyone here is so nice.”
“the service is slow and they gave me the blueberry waffles instead of the normal ones like i said,” he complains. you set your drink down and hold back from rolling your eyes. “i don’t care how busy you are, you always check five times that the order is correct.”
you don’t even reply to him after that, only trying to enjoy your meal that you paid for. he wasn't helping at all. you thought that because he was so charismatic when talking to yuuji that he was probably a good catch, but you couldn't have been more wrong. maybe he was just putting up a front in order to score you. you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover anymore.
"hey. over here," he begins to snap his fingers and nodding at a server with four full plates of food. the guy looks over frantically, obviously under pressure. "i wanna' ask you something."
"ah, right, give me a second, sir—" the guy was trying to distribute the food with the customers who he was serving.
"i told you, slow service," your date scowls towards you. could you be any more embarrassed right now? the server finishes off his task before coming over to you two. before he can even ask, your date is holding up a nearly empty cup of coffee. "this is the most bitter coffee i have ever had in my whole entire life."
"oh, well, you ordered an americano, sir," the poor server explains, "they tend to be bitter."
"what? no, no, no," the guy in the booth starts shaking his head, "i ordered a flat white."
"you..." the server begins. he was the one who had taken your order too.
"you ordered the americano, actually," you pointed out. the guy raised a brow at you, unamused. "it's okay, you can just order a flat white—"
"god, i did not order an americano." he claims.
but you distinctly remember him saying 'americano' for his drink. and the server repeated the order back to him before it was confirmed annoyedly. you stare down at his nearly empty cup.
"y'know what? just put the flat white on the tab, i will pay for it." you sigh out as you rub your neck.
your date looks more pissed off as the server leaves.
"he was wrong, you don't have to pay for another drink." he mutters out.
"it's nothing, don't worry." you retort and stare back down at your food. you didn't have an appetite anymore and a few minutes pass in silence.
the flat white comes out after such a long time of waiting. your date drinks it quietly, but you notice that he makes a face to show he doesn't like it. you quickly excuse yourself to go and pay at the counter for your food (he insisted on splitting the bill since he didn't like the place) so that you don't have to hear him bicker about it.
"hey," you turn behind you to see choso standing there in a baggy hoodie, a bit nervous, "fancy seeing you here..."
your eyes flicker to outside, where you see yuuji waving at you from choso's car. a smile lands on your face.
"nice to see you, choso," you mutter back as you fish out your wallet. the cashier rings up your total and you press your card to the reader. "how was your lunch with yuuji?"
"good. we cut it short to save you," he bluntly says. you blink as he glares at your date. "i don't like the guy you're with."
"me neither," you sigh out, "i think this is the last time i'll see him. but i gotta' tough it out for the rest of the date."
"you could just leave now." choso adds. he looks at you with furrowed brows.
"ah... i'm not that confident—"
"a takeaway box and takeaway cup, please," choso asks the cashier. she had been sitting there and silently agreeing with you that the guy you were sitting with was a total jerk. "thank you."
he places them in your hands and pushes you gently towards the table.
"who the hell is this guy?" your date scoffs and glares at choso, who does the same back.
"look, i'm not really having a good time on this date," you say as you play with the takeaway boxes. choso hastily takes them from you and fills it with your food in an organised matter. "i think this is the farthest we go. please enjoy the rest of your food, though."
"you serious? ditching me for some jackass?" he accusingly points at choso who wears a shit-eating grin on his face. "this is bullshit!"
"calm down, god..." you groan and rub your temple, "i just don't like you, you're so rude."
"me? you're the one who dragged me to this shithole!"
"shut your mouth before i drop you right now," choso scowls as he pushes the guy back into the booth seat. everyone was watching now, quietly thanking choso for showing up and dealing with him. "grow up, man. you act like a child."
choso grabs your hand and tugs you out of the cafe. you both thank the service with your takeaway in hand. yuuji gets out of the car with a wide smile once you two get closer.
"so, how did it go?" he asks with wide eyes.
you throw your keys at his chest.
"you're driving my car back to my apartment as punishment for setting me up with that asshole," you say with a small frown. you all knew you didn't really blame him, though. "never giving my number out to anyone ever again."
yuuji apologises thoroughly before getting into your car and driving off in the wrong direction. choso opens your door and gives you the food. once he's inside the car himself, he starts it up and begins driving.
you rest a hand over choso's on the middle console.
"thanks, choso," you sigh out, "i should've done that earlier."
"it's fine, y/n, i just wished i came sooner." he replies.
you stare at the side of his face, how irritated he looked just thinking about your date. a smile settles onto your lips and you brush your thumb over his knuckles. he falters and looks back to you for a second before muttering a 'what'.
"i'll take you out for dinner as a thank you," you state, which makes his ears go red, "you're a sweetheart, choso."
"i... uh, yeah, i'll go out with you," he mutters, "thanks..."
the laugh you let out is worth ruining thousands of your dates.
↣ fushiguro toji
"have you ever been to france?" the conceited finance guy in front of you asks, fixing his tie. he wears this smirk on his face that proves that he just knows how rich he was. he wasn't coy at all. you force a smile and shake your head slowly, trying to enjoy your meal at least. "really? that's a shame. i've been plenty of times before, and i've gotta say, the best part is..."
you begin to zone out, sighing to yourself as you move your pasta around on your plate haphazardly. he had chosen such a nice italian restaurant to absolutely ruin your perception of this guy after the first ten minutes of talking to him. you look to your watch, showing it had been only two hours since your date started.
cursing out shiu in your head, you cautiously look out the window to the sky. it wasn't that dark yet, but it felt like your night had been taken away. your mind wanders to yesterday to your conversation with shiu.
you're getting picked up at 5 tomorrow
am or pm?
don't show him how stupid you are, he's a rich guy. maybe he'll bring you to a yacht
why would i want to be on a yacht for our first date? is he nice?
he's rich, y/n. that's all that matters.
sometimes, you wonder how he managed to meet all these people. but then you remember that assholes attract assholes. they move together in flocks.
you stare at your red wine and tap your finger on your cheek.
"what do you think about it?" he questions, getting your attention again. you look up to see his smug face. did he really want to know?
"oh, me?" you asks, sitting up straight. you had no idea what he had been saying for the past 15 minutes.
"well, who else would i be talking to, silly?" he says in this mocking tone.
'yourself, it's who you've been talking to all night', you internally say. you had wasted such a nice outfit too. it was such a shame.
"mmm, well, it's a bit—" you begin, only to get interrupted.
"it's insane, isn't it? how could you lose so much money in only a year?" he barks out a laugh, as obnoxious as he was. the table shakes as he bangs his fist against it, waiters and guests looking towards you two. "it's absolutely preposterous! i would never make such a decision like that."
you chew out an awkward laugh before turning to your wine, sipping it.
unknowingly to you, toji was waiting in the car outside the building, getting a good view of you and your new date. he cursed shiu in a huff; not only did he set you up with someone, but the guy was a total prick. he couldn't have done a worse job, and he was broke. he pulled his seat back, watching him with pointed eyes. that guy's mouth hadn't stopped moving ever since you entered the restaurant.
and you? you looked gorgeous, your dress hugged you just right, so much so that he was jealous. toji knows it should've been him to go and take you somewhere like this.
he snaps when the guy calls the waiter over, complaining about his half-eaten food and causing a scene. you looked so uncomfortable. standing up, you excused yourself to the bathroom. and toji is quick to get out of the car.
"he's such an asshole." toji claims as you exit the ladies room. you freeze, pressing out the creases of your dress before walking closer to him at the end of the hall.
"when did you get here?" you ask, hand on your hip, "and how do you know he's an asshole?"
"been watchin' the whole time from the car," he tells you, watching as you widen your eyes and tilt your head at him, "what? couldn't help myself. shiu said you were on a date with some rich guy, 'n i had to see it."
"yeah, well, remind me to kill shiu. he's got the worst taste in men." you sigh out, crossing your arms as you lean against the wall with him. he peers at you. "you know he asked to try every single wine they had before we ordered? and he complained about the merlot not being darker. not only that, he saw my plate and said 'are you gonna' eat all of that?'. the dickhead!"
"that shit looked good." he commented, shaking his head, "who wouldn't finish that food."
"right? ugh, i hate him so much. and he hasn't even asked me about myself other than my name. he explained to me his 'entrepreneurship' and dropshipping. wanted to clock him in the face." you complained more, only fueling toji's own hate for the man.
he lifts himself off the wall, grabbing your arm and dragging you with him. "go 'n get your things. we're gettin' out of here."
"what? what am i supposed to say to him?" you mumble, stumbling behind him, "where are we going?"
"don't say anything to him. if ya' feel bad, pay for your own food." he explains to you, hand moving to rest on your back, "i'm not lettin' you waste that pretty little dress on someone like that guy."
you stare at the back of his head before falling into step with him, stopping at the table with your date. he does a double take once he sees toji, slowly standing up.
"who's he?" he asks, scanning him up and down.
"none of your business." toji retorts, looking down at him.
you begin to grab your purse when he holds out his hand to you. "where the hell are you going?" your date asks you.
"here. for my food." you say, handing him a fifty. the note flutters onto the table in front of him, which he stares at in awe. tugging on your jacket, you stare back at him with furrowed brows. "good luck in life."
with that, you turn around and begin to walk to the exit. behind you, toji sticks his tongue out at the other man and follows after. his hand finds your back once more and you wait to cross the road, sighing out to him, "thank you, toji. saved me."
"no problem." he replies, opening the door for you.
"how did you get in my car?" you ask, sitting in the driver's seat.
"don't ask." he tosses you the keys, making you wonder even more. he gets into the other side, looking back at you. “we’ll hit up that restaurant downtown. the one you always talk about wanting to go to.”
“but you said you don’t like their cuisine.” you claim, starting the car.
“it’s the only place i know that’s fancy.” he explains, looking out the window.
“sweetheart, i wouldn’t say that’s fancy—”
“do you want to go out or not?”
you laugh, reaching out a hand and holding his. he gives a small smile before looking back at you. “thank you, toji.” you say, stopping at a red light. you glance at him, sincere look in your eyes. “it means a lot that you care.”
“jus’ saving you from being stupid as fuck.” he tells you, making you roll your eyes and snatch your hand back, “could ya’ not tell he was a tool when he didn’t knock at your door? motherfucker waited in his car.”
“my god, you’ve been watching since then? toji!” you jokingly reprimand, looking at him for a split second, "i should've known from the start though... he was on his phone the whole time, in the car ride. on bluetooth speaker too."
"i woulda' jumped out the car." he retorts, shaking his head, "we should jump shiu."
"we really should." you laugh, smiling at him, "maybe for our next date."
toji can't help but roll his eyes. he knows deep down that you were hoping shiu was going to set you up with him instead. he can see it on your face, a smile that is pushing through on your lips. you're secretly happy that it was toji who 'ruined' your 'date'.
"i say that because i know you can't pay for dinner."
"did you think i was paying for this one?"
you scoff back, elbowing him, "you leech."
"you know you love me." he says it teasingly, but he knows better than anyone that you actually do.
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hhughes · 2 days
♯ 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 ◞ 𝑸𝑯⁴³
✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⤫ fem!reader x quinn hughes
✰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⤫ 5 times Quinn wanted to kiss you + 1 time he finally did
✰ 𝐜𝐰 ⤫ none!
✰ 𝐚/𝐧 ⤫ just some quinny content for your dash <3 as always please let me know what you think. . .
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You make your way through the crowd to get to the table at the back of the bar, where a few familiar faces already spotted you.
"Look who's here! Nice of you to finally join us," Brock says as you hop onto a barstool next to Quinn.
"Hey, stranger," Quinn says softly and knocks his shoulder into yours.
"Guys, I saw you like two weeks ago. Sorry, I have a life," you say teasingly.
"Watching friends, eating Chinese food, and going to bed by 10 PM is not having a life." Brock says, and Quinn laughs at your offended expression.
"It does when you work the hours I do, thank you very much. I'm getting a drink. Do you guys want anything?" You ask and make your way to the bar.
When you get back, Elias is sitting in your seat. Noticing there's no more chairs open, Quinn goes to offer you his, but you stop him.
"It's fine, don't worry about it," you say, and Quinn pulls you to stand in between his legs. Your back leaning against his chest. His arms wrap around your waist, and he hooks two thumbs in your front belt loops, keeping you close.
Throughout the night, you can feel Quinn's breathing on your neck or his head on your shoulder while he talks or listens to one of the guys.
When Brock went to the bar to get a refill on your drinks and Elias went to the bathroom, you and Quinn were left alone at the table.
You turn around in his arms, looking up at him.
"Now is your chance to steal your seat back," Quinn jokes.
"I'm pretty comfy right here, actually," you say, and Quinn smiles softly.
In that moment...
he really wanted to kiss you.
You jump in surprise as someone knocks on your door. You weren't expecting anybody...least of all the man you found standing at your door.
"Quinn...what are you doing here?" You ask, opening the door wider to let him in.
"I haven't seen you in a few days, and I know you work late tomorrow, and we're leaving on another roadie...I didn't wanna go another week without seeing you," he says and you smile.
"Wanna watch a movie with me?" You ask and he nods, both of you making your way to the couch.
Halfway through the movie, you're cuddled into Quinns side, both of your eyes on the screen.
Quinn feels your eyes on him and looks down to meet them.
"What?" he asks softly
"You played really well tonight..." you say
"You watched?" Quinn asks surpirsed
"Yeah... I always watch. How do you think I know when to tell you congratulations..." You respond.
"I thought you just looked the score up after the game, to be honest," Quinn says
"I like watching you play," you say and Quinn smiles down at you...
In that moment...
he really wanted to kiss you.
"This is not a good idea," You say shakily as Quinn ties your skates.
"You're gonna be fine... don't be so dramatic. I'll be there the whole time," Quinn says and holds his hand out to lead you onto the ice.
You wobble a bit and grab onto Quinn, looking at him with nothing but fear in your eyes and he bursts out laughing.
"You should see your face right now," Quinn says amused.
"I'm glad you find this amusing," you snap.
"You've lived in Vancouver your whole life. How can you not skate?" he asks
"Contrary to popular belief not all Canadians come out of the womb knowing how to skate. Besides the one time I tried, I fell and broke my wrist and had no intention of ever trying again."
"Just keep your hips straight and push out with one foot and then the other," Quinn says.
You concentrate so much on doing what he says you don't realize he's let your hands go and you're skating on your own.
The moment you do realize, instant panic takes over, and your legs start to go separate ways.
Quinn tries to pull you up, but he's laughing so much, he isn't much help.
"Quinn, help me up." you say, standing in a half split and clinging to Quinn's waist, voice filled with laughter, and Quinn just laughs more.
With him laughing and you clinging to him, neither of you is very stable, and both of you end up on the floor, you on top of Quinn, who was still laughing.
"You did it though, for a second" he says and you scoff
"Can you buy me ice cream now?" you ask pouting
"Yeah, you deserve it." he says and looks up at you. Cheeks flushed because of the cold, a cute little beanie on your head.
he really wanted to kiss you.
You take another deep breath, and another practice swing, before finally pulling back and hitting the ball.
It goes really far, just not in the right direction...
"Quinn! Did you see that?!" you ask excitedly, and Jack has to turn around to hide his laugh, and Luke rubs a hand over his face to hide his smirk.
"I did see...it was...very far," he says, and you swing your stick, making Jack duck and head for the golf cart.
"Man... she's so smart, but she can not play golf to save her life," Jack says, and Quinn swats at him.
"It's her first time asshole. She's doing great," Quinn says and walks towards you.
"Love really does make you blind." Jack says, and him and Luke laugh all the way to the golf cart.
"You know as much fun as this has been, I don't think I'll be doing this again any time soon," you say and Quinn frowns...
"What? Why?" he asks
"The first couple were fun, you know, but then it just gets really boring and really hot. I was really hoping one of you would've told me to stay in the cart by now," you say and Jack's mouth drops open.
"Were you bad on purpose?" Jack asks
"I'm not good by any standard but those last couple was just to fuck with you a little bit. Props for trying to hide your reactions, but you're a horrible actor Jacky, you're gonna have to do better than that when I give you your Christmas present."
Jack and Luke laugh, and Quinn smiles as you hand them the sunscreen and tell them to put some on.
he really wanted to kiss you.
You and Quinn were swaying to the music, smiles on your faces, observing Emma and Brady.
"They look so happy," you say
"They really do. You look beautiful," he says, and you blush.
"Thanks, so do you."
"You ever think about it... getting married?" Quinn suddenly asks. "Just in general...someday."
"If the right person asks... yeah," you say.
"Wanna marry me if we're still 30 and single?" Quinn jokes
"There's no way you'll still be single at 30 Quinn, but if that's the case, then yes. I would be honored." You say, and Quinn smiles as the song comes to an end.
Suddenly, Taryn is there dragging you to the side of the room where the bouquet toss was happening, and you smile apologetically at Quinn.
You stood at the back, trying to stay out of people's way. You weren't really trying to catch it. But three seconds later, you stood with the bouquet in your hands, awkwardly looking around the room until your eyes met Quinn's. He smiled as you thrust the bouquet into Taryn's hands and scurried your way over to him, hiding in his chest.
he really wanted to kiss you.
You and Quinn were snuggled up at the end of the boat... watching Jack wake board with the sunset behind him.
"I love having you here," Quinn says rubbing patterns on your legs softly
"I love being here..." you reply.
"Think you wanna come back next summer?" Quinn asks, and you turn to look at him.
"I don't know... think I need some convincing," you whisper and move your face closer to his.
Quinn gently cups your face and presses his lips to yours. You soak up the moment for a while before it's interrupted by Jack and Luke's yelling, which results in Jack being horribly distracted and falling into the water.
"I've been wanting to do that a long time..." Quinn admits
"So have I," you say and kiss him again.
he finally kissed you.
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leilanihours · 2 days
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pairing: nika x volleyball player/gf! reader
word count: 1382
warnings: pure filth, smut w no plot (MDNI), head + fingering (nika receiving), scissoring
summary: after watching nika play your favorite sport at the beach, you had to get a taste of her (maybe a little more than a taste...).
from lani: so...dk what's happening w my espresso fic but here's this bc this song is so sexy just like nika
NIKA STARED DOWN at you, long fingers desperately pulling at your hair and pushing your face into her dripping cunt.
"holy shit, baby," she moans, "yeah eat my pussy just like that, fuck."
the two of you were currently hidden away in the one of the bedrooms of your private boat - one that was shared with the rest of the team.
you insisted they all came with you to your hometown in southern california, insisting that the weather would be perfect for a small vacation.
you had all taken the day to hang out at the beach, planning to swim, chill, and have fun together.
when some fans invited the group to join them in a game of beach volleyball, you were all down. both teams fought for you, as it was apparent that you were the best out of everyone there.
you insisted that you would simply sit out for the first few games, wanting to scope out the competition. but you got distracted.
well, even more distracted. the whole day, nika was teasing you. she was wearing a particularly revealing bikini that "happened" to be in your favorite color - but she knew it would drive you crazy.
her fleeting touches scattered throughout the day kept your mind running wild. the way her soft golden skin looked in the broad daylight made you want to explore her body like there was no tomorrow.
and as soon as you observed your girlfriend playing your sport, you caved. you had occasionally taught her a few volleyball tricks over your time being together, and her teaching you basketball.
but seeing her actually apply what you taught her made you feel something uncontrollable. the grace of her dives, the force of her spikes, everything.
a few quick excuses and one extremely needy pull to the boat later, you pushed her onto the edge of your shared bed and demanded that you had your way with her.
you moan into her cunt at her words as you eagerly insert two fingers into her. the moan she lets out at this could've made you come right there. 
you were already soaking wet from the sight of nika in a bikini playing your favorite sport, but the sounds falling from her pink lips added to your own pleasure.
you momentarily remove your mouth from her pussy as your fingers continue to pound in and out of her.
"you looked so fucking sexy today, i don't think you understand," you pant.
your other hand that was gripping nika's thigh travels up to her chest, hungrily pulling down her bikini top to grasp at her tits.
"tell me," she moans, eyes closed in immense pleasure.
"tell you what, babe? use your words."
"tell me, shit- how sexy i was."
"what? you want me to talk- mmph- about how badly i wanted to bend you over the bar and fuck you in front of our friends?"
"fuck yes," she groans, "keep talking to me like that."
"why should i? acting like a slut all day in public, wearing this tiny ass bikini just to get my attention. you knew i would like this, didn't you?"
she nods wordlessly, the feeling of your fingers destroying her pussy and pinching her nipple overpowering her ability to talk.
"i knew it," you smirk from between her legs before retracting both of your hands from her body only to push her to the head of the bed.
you take a second to observe her vulnerable position under the sun beaming down from the skylight - chest heaving, nipples hardened, pussy gleaming, cheeks flushed. she looked like a piece of art.
with a lick of your lips, you shed your own bikini, leaving both of you naked on the bed. despite being in broad daylight, on a boat where your friends could see this at any given moment, the only thing you cared about was the girl underneath you.
locking your lips in a searing kiss, you feel nika grind her pussy up against your thigh, desperate for the feeling of your skin on hers. you smirk into the kiss at her neediness, essentially feeling empowered by it.
she whines into the kiss as you continue to allow her to please herself. with one hand next to her head and one pulling her leg to urge her against you, an idea pops into your head.
"i'm gonna try something okay? let me know if you wanna stop," you say softly against her lips, dominant tone disappearing for a split second, and only a split second.
after making sure your girlfriend was comfortable, you sit back on your knees while she stayed laying down, wondering what you would do.
you swing one of your legs over nika's and rest your hands on her bent knee. after a few adjustments, the two of you gasp when your clits brush against each other. it was the first time you had tried this position with nika, but god it felt good.
the contact sent a shock of pleasure throughout both of your bodies, causing a string of moans and curses to fall from each of you.
"oh fuckk," you moan with your head thrown back.
nika's hands grasp at the curve of your waist, squeezing and encouraging you to move faster against her. her mouth is agape as she breathes heavy from the pressure building up in her stomach.
"please, y/n, please," she begs, not exactly knowing what she was asking, just that she needed you.
"you like that? huh? fuck- you like how my pussy's rubbing against yours?" you tease her as you flip your hair to one side of your shoulders and reach down to play with her tits.
"fuck yes," she moans, "feels so fucking good, baby."
"i knew you would like this the second i felt you tryna get off on my thigh," you breathe out, "such a dirty slut for me."
"just for you, y/n- oh shit-" her sentence gets lost in her throat when she feels your clit brush up against the entrance of her cunt.
"mmm, fuck, baby," you groan, "you like it when i ride you like this?"
"yes, oh my god," she manages to get out through her seemingly endless song of moans, "y'look so fucking sexy."
"yeah- oh-" she's cut off once again when you tweak her nipples harshly.
"god you're so fucking wet," you say, hips moving eagerly against nika's cunt, "who made you this wet?"
"shit- you did, baby."
"fuck yeah i did."
"y/n, i'm gonna-"
"hold on babe, i'm almost there, can you wait for me?" you practically whine, your demanding demeanor from earlier falling apart.
"please- i can't-"
"yes you can, i know you can."
after a few more seconds of harshly grinding your aching pussy into nika's, both of you are coming undone, leaking onto each other with satisfied moans.
you continue to slowly rock your hips against hers, wanting to chase the high as you both come down.
"holy shit," she says, out of breath.
"holy shit is right," you smile as you get off of her and lay next to her. both of you are sweating despite the cold air flowing from the boat's vents, "you okay?"
"how is that even a question right now, y/n?" she laughs, "that was the best sex we've ever had and you're asking if i'm okay?"
"just making sure, love," you say as you place a sweet kiss on her temple. her head is now resting on your chest as the both of you cool down from the previously heated moments. there's a beat of silence before nika speaks up.
"were you really about to fuck me out there?"
"hell yes," you say, looking down at her, "i mean, the way your ass looked whenever you dove for the ball or when your tits were pushed together when you bumped- my god."
"you're so horny," she laughs with a light smack to your bare stomach.
"i know you're not complaining, though," you smirk.
"never said i was, baby."
"good," you say, "now i got another reason to love volleyball."
"shut up, y/n," she giggles before you both drift asleep, entangled underneath the comforter and in each other's comforting embrace.
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vivwritesfics · 3 days
Jester Stole His Thorny Crown
Chapter Twelve
He never had a choice in his life. His dreams were nothing more that that. Dreams. But then he met a lounge singer at his brother club and everything changed.
warnings: guns, violence, talks of killing
Series Masterlist
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"She's just my pianist!" Charles insisted again as Jos Verstappen walked around her, observing her. He must have said it at least thirteen times already.
She stood tall, face forward. Strong. Charles was incredibly proud of her, but his worry outweighed the pride.
The way Jos was looking at her, the grin he wore as he let his eyes travel up and down her body, it had him feeling sick. If he wasn't being restrained, on his knees, with a gun pointed at his head, he would have been over there, knocking Jos out and carrying her away from all of this.
"Why have you brought your pianist to Italy, Leclerc?" Jos asked as he grasped her chin, forcing her to look at him. His thumb touched her lip as she pulled her face away, not saying anything. As much as she wanted to punch him, zip ties held her hands behind her back.
Charles's chest was heaving as he watched. "She's got nothing to do with this!" He shouted, voice full of desperation. "Just let her go!"
Jos nodded to his son. "I want to see her perform later," he said as he walked away from her, leaving Max to take his place. "But, for now, Charles and I need to have a chat."
Now, Max wasn't a bad guy. He hated this, felt physically sick whenever he had to pull out his gun. But it was what his father wanted, and Max didn't dare challenge him.
He looked at Charles as he walked over to her. The desperation in Charles's eyes, it had him gently laying his hand on her shoulder and pulling her away.
But still, she struggled against him. "Get off of me!" She screamed as she struggled against his hold, throwing her shoulders about and trying to kick him. "Get the fuck away from me!"
"Chérie, stop!" Charles shouted. He met Max's eye just briefly and looked back at her. "Just go with him, please." he said it so quietly that it had her stopping, listening to him. She sucked in a shaking breath, staring at him. And, when she went to take a step forward, Max grabbed her.
Max released a breath of her own as he pulled her away. "I'm sorry," he whispered, pulling her into the hall.
But she didn't respond.
Jos walked towards Charles. "A pretty little thing," he said as the gun was pulled away from his head and he was forced to his feet. "I can see why you drag her around."
Charles bit back his response. The gun was against the back of his head, forcing him to walk forward. Charles obeyed. With his hands still stuck behind his back, he followed Jos through the house, towards his office.
He didn't even know the Verstappen's had a house in Italy.
Someone grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to sit in front of the desk. The gun was back at his head as he sat and stared at Jos.
"You know what I want, Leclerc," said Jos as he sat back in his seat. He pulled a revolver from his desk draw and laid it down onto the table. "Monaco."
Charles's jaw was set. "I don't have control of Monaco," he answered as Max walked into the room. He couldn't stop himself from looking over at him, but she wasn't there. Panic started rising up within him. Fuck, where was she?
"No, but you will."
Jos pulled a box of cartridges from the drawer and began loading them into the revolver. "I'm seeing to it that you have control of Monaco, Charles. You really should be thanking me for that."
Even as he spoke, Charles could hardly hear anything over his erratic heartbeat. "Lorenzo," he gasped, panicked eyes moving towards Max. "You can't hurt him! He doesn't even want this life! Don't fucking touch him!"
The gun behind his head was cocked.
"How do you think your pianist would look with her lips wrapped around the barrel of my gun?"
Charles fell quiet at that. He stared at the revolver in Jos's hands. She should never have to see it, especially not have to see it threatening her. She was too good for that, for any of this. But he'd dragged her into it, like the cunt he was.
"No matter," Jos said and put the revolver back in his desk drawer. "We can discuss it over dinner."
With that, Charles was hauled to his feet. He was dragged out of the room and shoved into another that was nothing more than a closet. the door was immediately locked and Charles was left in darkness.
He didn't know how long he was in that closet. Nothing could be heard as he tried to feel his way around the dark room, trying to find any way out. But, with his hands stuck behind his back, it was impossible.
His shoulders ached as he pulled on his bindings. But they wouldn't give, keeping him trapped. His head hit the door as he gave up. Why had he brought her to Italy? If he'd just left her home, left her alone, she never would have been in this mess.
It must have been hours later, hours of him with with his head against the door, it was opened and he was pulled out. The piano was playing as he was marched through the halls.
Fuck, he felt physically sick.
She was there as he was marched into the dining room, playing a piano that had been pushed into the room for the occasion. She wasn't wearing the clothes she was in when they'd arrived in Italy, not wearing that skirt she'd been in on the plane.
The red dress was designed to piss him off. It was so damn short, revealing her entire thigh when she was sat down. The straps were pushed off her shoulders, and she was too afraid to push them back up.
Charles couldn't look away from her as tears rolled down her cheeks. But she made no noise as her fingers hit the keys, playing a tune he recognised to be classical.
"Sit," said Jos as he pulled out a chair. Charles was forced into the seat and his hands were freed, but the gun was back against his head.
Jos patted Charles's shoulders. He grabbed the revolver from the table and walked over to the piano. "She looks beautiful, doesn't she?" He asked as he rubbed her shoulders, revolver pressed against her temple.
Her fingers hit the wrong keys and she released a fearful whimper. But Jos let go of her, instead turning his attention to Charles. "Do you want to see her with the barrel of my gun in her mouth, Charles?"
In seconds, Charles was on his feet, desperately trying to get to her.
And then, Jos pulled the trigger.
He tutted as he looked down at her. "Lucky girl," he said as he grabbed her chin and forced her to turn her head, forcing her to look at Charles.
The fear in his eyes, it was something she'd never forget. "Seems like he cares about you, pretty thing," he said and squeezed her cheeks. But then he let go of her and stepped back. "Go on, go to him."
She stood from the piano bench and ran towards Charles. He stepped towards her and pulled her into his arms. "I've got you," he said, wrapped his arms around her, pulling her head against his chest. She shook against him and Charles had no idea how he was so still.
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I'm gonna get you out of this," he whispered, never taking his eyes off of Jos.
When one of the piano keys was hit, she jumped and Charles just squeezed him tighter. "Come on, pretty thing," Jos called. "Back to your piano."
But still, she couldn't let Charles go. "Hey," he whispered, hand under her chin to tip her face towards him. "It's gonna be okay. Just do what he says." And I'll get you out of this. But that bit went unsaid.
She nodded, and Charles fixed the straps of her dress. As she sat back at the piano and began playing, Charles sat down, and Jos sat opposite him. "So," he said, placing the revolver down. "Shall we begin?"
If you enjoyed this, please feel free to buy me a coffee
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool
Series Taglist (OPEN): @ninifee1802
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chaldeanu · 1 day
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think twice ノ sunday
ৎ୭ ₊ ˙ ⊹ . 3.9k ノ fem reader — reader is sunday’s subordinate . i won’t say maid specifically (not this time lol) but you know the deal with my penacony fics hehe ノ nipple play . tit play . lots of touching and sucking ノ petnames — little bird . dove . darling . doll ノ a pinch of mind break . obedience and corrections . calling him “sir” ノ fucking against the wall . cumming inside . making a mess ノ sunday acting weird . lots of references to harmony and birds and cages and sins ノ proofread mostly done but i gave up — forgive any repeats or mistakes ♡
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“now,” he trails off with a subtle voice. his gloved hand finds its place on your chest, squeezing your tit featherly yet enough to make you wince. “i remember we were talking about what would happen if you failed me again... and what if you successfully completed your task, yes?”
“yes, sir…” to say these two words is difficult, oddly enough, whilst your answer gets stuck in your throat and you fear that you’ll misspell even the simplest sentence. “and that i should always think twice.”
“exactly. think twice.”
you watch his palm slowly rise and fall to the rhythm of your uneven breaths. his digits gradually wrap around your clothed skin in a delicate but demanding gesture, a vine of obsession.
there is no way back — once sunday asks you to do something for him, there’s no refusal possible.
only compliance.
the young leader of the oak family glances over his shoulder as you feel another person behind you, but he silently orders them to leave before they can notice anything going on between you two. however, that short, tense situation was enough to harden your nipples from the cold sweat. something he immediately felt under his fingers.
“your body betrays your feelings right now. are you nervous or excited? tell me, which one is it? and, kindly, please don’t lie to me.” his whisper travels to your ears so clearly that you wonder how anyone can remain unbothered by his sultry voice — you certainly cannot.
he reaches out and strokes your face lightly while tilting it up just enough to make you look into his eyes. then he descends lower and grips onto your chin to keep you in place; you involuntarily let out a moan of shame and delight. his smirk grows wider, for he takes great pleasure in playing with your tit while hearing all these cute sounds and seeing your confused expressions. when his other hand also finds its way onto your clothed breast and both of them circle the nipples so gently, your knees tremble.
trying to pull away from the sensation that is almost painful, but you regretfully fail since he presses your back against a wall with no further escape. sunday leans forward to bring himself closer, as if he wanted to catch each of your shaky exhales and have them only for himself.
to gather a moment to breathe is a miracle; time counts with the pounding of your heart. but the break lasts shortly before he’s on you again, this time to pinch your nipples in a torturous fashion. you find yourself melting under his touch, face growing hotter and hotter with every second of this silent assault.
“already a mess when you’re still fully clothed. it makes me wonder how you would act if i used my tongue instead… would it feel good for you? oh, my poor little angel… i hope you aren’t imagining it, not right now… correct?” he teases, only to pull down the frills of your deep collar with one quick motion.
how pitiful it is that you will probably ruin such a pretty set, he thinks with a gentle smirk, evaluating the sight of your revealed cleavage, squeezed deliciously by the laced hem from both sides.
he kneads at your soft breasts without hurry and occasionally pulls at them playfully while pinching your hard buds in between, and your mind blurs out from the sensations. his beautiful face comes closer to yours with his shimmering gaze fixed on your own, the glow resembling honey gold and drowning you in an ocean of warmth.
the luxurious perfume reaches your nose when he leans to kiss you. everything inside screams that maybe you really should refuse him and withdraw. lips on lips, like velvet caressing the skin, lulling you to believe that it’s only wise to stay obedient under his grip, all while his breath fans over your features until you close your eyes out of anticipation.
that’s expected, and he chuckles knowingly at your blind expression — he stops being shy. he takes hold of your wrist and moves your own hand to press it to your mouth just when you are about to moan too loudly, covering needy whimpers as he descends to nuzzle his face against your tit.
teeth biting on the inside of your cheek, driven crazy but faithful, like he wanted, because you don’t want to disappoint him. sunday kisses around your sensitive peak while purposely avoiding its centre, just to tease you even further and see how frustrated you can get from his games. his free palm continues to squeeze it roughly to your dismay, or perhaps it’s entirely because of that.
the same pair of lips that had been sucking on your boob is now moving up to your jawline so softly that it sends shivers through your entire body while they brush past your skin and reach your ear, his breathing not much steadier than yours.
“i believe that you must be suffering a lot here, am i correct? look at your poor body shaking already.” the harmonious voice fills up your mind; the whisper flows right into your consciousness.
to emphasise his point, his hand reaches for your leg, slowly crawling up until it rests upon your inner thigh. but just as he moves his glove further inside to make contact with your covered heat, his thumb just barely grazes your sensitive clit over the thin fabric and makes you mewl in desperation immediately.
tease until you are nothing but a trembling mess — it’s his favourite, how he always takes his time playing with you in more ways than one. you bite back the wail before it gets louder by reflex and hide your face in the crook of his neck, letting his palm run along your outer folds through your underwear.
stimulating, yes, but not giving enough.
“how pitiful it is that you try so desperately to conceal yourself. do you want me to see what i have done to you or not, angel?”
a ragged whisper is all you spew out while your vision turns cloudy; liquid diamonds gather between your lashes as his thumb presses against your throbbing bundle of nerves and circles it in agonisingly slow motions.
at the same moment, he brings his lips down to your other exposed tit to suck your hard nipple leisurely with such delicate gestures. that is, until he bites the pebbled skin roughly and your voice responds. you try to shift yourself to slip away from his attention, but he merely giggles together with the flicks done back and forth over your clit, drawing another high-pitched moan out of your chest.
how close you are to falling apart — sunday knows each reaction from memory. his hot touch travels lower to where the lace of your undergarments is sticking to your skin, your panties soaked through completely from his persistent work, and he slides one digit in between your puffy folds with no difficulty.
the silk feels divine, a godly presence bestowed upon your body, as it presses up against your bundle of nerves until you’re unable to articulate any of the desires that tighten around your heart.
“poor little bird, can’t endure it without sliding down a wall. dove, you would fall completely if it wasn’t for the support i offer. just what shall we do about you? your sweet whines… they’re driving me insane, darling.” you feel how he breathes against your sensitive chest, goosebumps appearing even though he’s so warm.
as he says these words, his gloves carefully unwrap your clothes, uncovering more of your bare thighs. a shaky exhale leaves your lips at the special attention he gives to the entrance of your cunt, brushing his fingers delicately in circular motions while whispering tender things into your ears.
it feels so good. it’s useless to deny the cravings — the delirious flame he feeds so tenderly to let it burn more. he knows exactly what he’s doing with his experienced hands, pressing deeper inside so easily thanks to your dripping essence, right before withdrawing them just as abruptly. you mewl at his cruel treatment, and your hips instinctively chase after his fingertips.
this little rebellion takes your entire courage to finally muster up enough strength to grab his shoulders, to steady yourself, and to force him to slow down.
he lets you do as you wish for a moment, taking pleasure in your impatience whilst he rubs himself between your folds to soak the fabric with your juices until it sticks to your dewy flesh, causing you to grind against him needily again. and yet again, he stops.
“why should i spoil you that much?” he asks; meanwhile, his digits slide away from your swollen nub. “or, should i rather say — why must you continue to look so innocent? i love how you try to hide your true face. no one can see the gloss of your skin, soiled under my kisses, or how your body responds to my words. i could watch you all night, just like this, if i only could…” he smirks mischievously at your incessant tantrum, a smug glint flashing across his eyes as they return to your own.
you gasp and whimper pathetically in reply since you’re unable to form coherent words anymore, much less make proper retorts. he watches your features twist with shame, gently cradling your face while leaning closer to breathe onto your skin with an exhale filled with yearning, his lips barely grazing the arch of your brow.
and then suddenly, the tension disappears, and sunday pushes you forward with no effort. with his forceful arms, he forces your legs wider and swiftly slams his own hips between them, embracing your waist and burying his nose into your soft neck. he immediately sinks his teeth into it with no hesitation, leaving you squealing from shock and pleasure alike, his grip so harsh that he will surely leave marks that will remind you of his demands later.
“dove, please, open my pants. quickly, now…”
you comply without question, knowing he’ll reward you handsomely for this, and shakily take ahold of his belt, which is cold under your touch and somehow gives you a pleasant thrill that only increases with each second. the buckle is decorated with a gilded pattern of polished metal, and your hands tremble slightly as they move to unfasten it.
the moment you’re busy undoing the clasp, he grip the fist around your wrists to prevent you from finishing the job — he does it himself, quite impatient, and holds you close enough for his pink cockhead to press against your clit hidden behind the dewy lace.
sunday grins triumphantly with a certain amount of arrogance; he takes pleasure in watching you tremble beneath his own frame, savouring your strangled gasps and whimpers, but that is not enough for him to release his hold on your cottony limbs.
you let him move your panties to the side to rub his tip with slippery strings of arousal, clinging to his arms like a trembling leaf to a branch whilst he’s busy doing so. your chest heaves erratically as your nipples brush against the fabric of his suit, worsening their fatigued state.
soon he cannot stop himself from teasing you further, so he presses his palm over your sensitive clit and spreads your slick all over your pussy before inserting his two digits back into your heat. with a single thrust, he drives his fingertips straight against your most sensitive spot, a jolt of ecstasy coursing through you along with it, nearly disrobing you of the last shreds of your sanity.
“no, sir… please, i want you— your cock, please…” you beg.
but sunday does not listen. he only smiles softly while observing your squirming figure underneath his pristine form before murmuring, his tone as gentle as a lullaby.
“don’t worry, angel, i will fill you with everything that you desire… so just wait a little longer. for now, i want to ensure that you’re ready.” he explains, stroking your walls with ease.
despite your protests, you can’t help but whimper. your mind turns into a mush, lost in the sensations, and all you can focus on is how your entire body aches for him — aching for something that you're not yet sure about — but all he does is just pump inside until he can’t find any resistance within. you hear yourself babbling out an apology at some point, but that makes you look pathetic.
when he notices it, his expression immediately changes into a frown.
“darling,” he coos, saccharine sweet, as if speaking to a frightened kitten. “you aren’t feeling guilty, no? for showing me how much you enjoy this? such silly thoughts do not fit you at all. especially when you should know by now that i’m more than glad to accept.”
he looks directly into your eyes after finishing the sentence, his golden pupils locking you in place. they burn brighter and more fiercely than any fire. what lies beyond his gaze — perhaps it is passion itself, raw and untamed yet neither violent nor destructive. it merely wants to consume your entire existence so thoroughly that you may never come to realise how completely it devours you until there’s nothing left.
maybe the only reason he won’t go all out is because you willingly give yourself to him repeatedly, the very proof being the liquid of your love leaking from the crevices of his palm.
before you can respond, sunday leans his upper half over to take you by surprise with a swift kiss, successfully muffling your cry when he grabs the underside of your thighs and sets you over his aching cock. your cunt’s already welcoming him with wet melodies, spilling all over his shaft.
although his fingers have made your body loose enough for the entire length to slip into your needy pussy in a single motion, it’s no easy task. it surprises you at first, as he pushes right through the ring of your hole with relative ease and slides all the way back in one continuous thrust until his pelvis presses flush against yours, but that soon dissipates when you clench desperately around him.
you sob, feeling him cover you entirely, every inch of his skin connecting with yours while his salivating tongue enters your mouth to steal the rosy kiss, a promise unbroken that once again you let yourself be claimed by sin. he tastes as delicious as he looks and as he smells — something like expensive incense mixed with a faint trace of sweetness — which makes you unable to resist sucking on his lips harder than before, which causes a chuckle to rise from his throat.
after breaking apart to allow air between you two, sunday leans towards the crook of your neck, his beloved harbour where he can hide from the world, and nibbles gently over the pulse point, like a snake inflicting its venom.
you shudder, losing balance for a moment and slipping by an inch or two from his grasp because he lets his hand cup your chin instead of supporting the underside of your thighs. you have to react, wrapping your calves around his hips like a rope that will bind you two together. and he tilts your face so that you may gaze upon him, directly into his eyes.
“i would like to apologise for the short notice… however, you are taking me in so wonderfully that i do not have it in me to stop. it almost feels as though your body is melting under me. am i not correct in assuming that much, my dove?”
a timid nod from you makes him grin from ear to ear.
“well then, if that is so, i must repay your generosity in full. i could not bear to disappoint you, after all.”
“that’s not it! i didn’t mean—” you stammer out, but it takes a great deal of effort just to talk through the haze in your mind. you feel like you’ve been injected with some kind of poison. his words. sentimental orders. every time his length prods against your fluttering walls, your heart seems to swell in your chest as though you were an overflowing river bursting out of the banks, threatening to spill over.
he chuckles once more before bending down and planting a firm kiss at the junction where your shoulder meets your neck.
“of course, i know what you meant to say. that’s why i don’t plan to stop even if you ask me to, though that isn’t necessarily required since you’re doing so beautifully without using your words…”
he moves his mouth back to your ear so that you can feel the breath tickle against the erogenous flesh; he whispers anything, everything, meaningless compliments to fill the void of the grand ceiling above, his voice reverberating through your bones and resonating in your system like the strums of a harp.
slow but steady strokes push his balls forward against your folds. his cock brushes against the roof of your soaked walls, hitting upon spots that send waves of ecstasy surging up your spine and shooting straight into your brain, but the sensation lasts for a mere second, and he is already withdrawing to repeat the motions again, giving you no time to adjust and instead merely causing more warmth to flood your groin while you struggle to comprehend what’s happening.
his pace gradually hastens, and the muscles of his arms clench in a manner similar to your own thighs squeezing around his hips as they threaten to cramp under the immense pressure building within them. your nipples slide across the slick material of his suit and continue to graze against his chest. you can feel his heartbeat drumming out an irregular rhythm beneath your breasts, but it matches perfectly with yours, nonetheless.
the air in your lungs vanishes suddenly, and your hands tighten their grip on the silk of his shirt in an attempt to steady yourself. a particularly sharp shove against your sweet spot causes a yelp to burst out of your throat without warning, bringing forth tears that flow freely down your cheeks. bucking your hips against his and slamming your legs together, squeezing him with all your might, both physically and emotionally — like the cage he wouldn’t mind being trapped in.
it’s so overwhelming. it’s too much. his scent, his sweet praises, and his talented touch roaming your heated skin. your knees quake as you try to remain upright and avoid collapsing altogether.
but sunday does not falter or relent in the slightest. his palms firmly grab onto your ass, helping you rock against his erection. the wet squelches and slaps echo around the room, growing louder and more frequent, and your nails dig into his shoulders.
“wonderful. your tightness feels just wonderful, my dove. i hope that you will continue to cling to me as such in the future, too,” he sighs, pressing his lips to your jawline before moving along and nuzzling at your collarbone, licking up a trail from your neck to your chin with his tongue. you respond to his affections eagerly, tossing your head from side to side whilst lust engulfs your brain, allowing your mouth to fall agape so he can swallow your moans of pleasure greedily and suck your saliva from your mouth.
he snaps against you, practically rutting you into submission until your juices ooze everywhere around his cock and create a slippery mess on your thighs that drips drop by drop on the floor, syrupy strings of what is called ‘making love’.
he’s obviously getting off just as much as you do from this profane connection, judging by the way his breaths grow ragged, struggling to maintain equilibrium amidst laboured gasps, and his pupils are blown out completely until all you can see are ultramarine circles ringed with bright yellow light.
“and… my adorable doll, you deserve nothing less than the best. i swear that i’ll spoil you… oh, i promise to spoil you rotten,” he utters between his groans, noting the sheen of sweat coating your skin.
with your arms wrapped around his shoulders and his length ramming your honeyed spot repeatedly, it isn’t long before you cannot stop yourself from crying out loudly, releasing all your pent-up feelings. your walls clench spastically around his shaft until they reach a new height of sensitivity; it overwhelms everything else, and your climax hits, a lightning running along your nerves, knocking the air from your lungs in a strangled gasp.
“that’s it, love. you look beautiful, so please let yourself go, angel… aah—!” he grunts as soon as his hips lock against yours, his cock twitching rapidly inside you while pumping cum deep within your womb, the white essence mingling together with a squirting fluid that drenches his lower abdomen.
the shared orgasms happen at once.
the highest form of harmony for your bodies to sync so perfectly; you can’t help but tremble in absolute delight, savouring the closeness of having your lover pour all of himself into you as he did. feeling the way he fills you up and douses your insides while simultaneously drawing out the delirious experience until his countenance blurs before your eyes.
with little steps and fatigue pressing you down, finally coming to your fucked-out senses. before you can gather the thoughts, he pulls out with a shattered gasp, putting your panties back where they should remain, trapping the mixed slick of his cum and your juices between your battered folds and the silk fabric.
too much. he always gives you too much of his love — and too little space to breathe in this carnal abyss, it seems.
yet, there is no better place to drown in the heat of passion, for you cannot imagine anything greater than sunday smothering you in all your most exquisite desires, risking his reputation just for a moment of entrapment that doesn't feel suffocating around his throat. you're cradled in his embrace and sighing shallowly, feeling the hot stickiness dripping from your thighs, spreading beneath you like a sinful halo on the ornate floor.
“do you still remember your lesson from today?”
“that i should always think twice before taking action…”
“exactly. yet, it appears that you did not apply that wisdom when opening your legs for me, sweet little bird,” he notes, embracing your body like you are a piece of art and kissing your damp forehead tenderly.
“i apologise, sir… i—”
“no, that’s quite alright. i want to be your first choice. always.”
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tiredfox64 · 1 day
I see your peeping tom Lin Kuei and raise you to panty thief Lin Kuei. And maybe whoever else you think might be a party thief in MK.
Petty Pervy Thieves
Yip notes: Bro get out of my head I know. Never an original experience we all clicked the buttons while we waited for Mario Kart to start
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Afab reader
Warnings: NSFW, I had to take my cross earring off my gosh, dirty thoughts (like a lot), panty licking, panty sniffing, lots of cum
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My, my, my, how low they have become. Becoming little thieves who prey on your belongings. How dishonorable. How lewd. How perverted of them to steal your panties.
They do feel shame. Well, at least Kuai Liang and Bi-Han do. Tomas is the nastiest of them all. Why should he feel shame in what he is doing? It’s not on him that you put a spell on him. A spell that caused him to take your panties after “certain activities”.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet. Let’s watch this sinful act play out. Keep your eyes open for their tricks and behaviors.
Kuai Liang is the most ashamed of himself. He hates himself for giving in to temptations. It’s his fault. He let his feelings fester for too long, making his love for you grow lustful. He couldn’t risk confessing anything to you now. There would be risks of him being too forward or letting his lust take over. He had to deal with this frustration somehow. What was the first thing he decided to do? He decided to take your clothes.
Starting off slow didn’t work out in his mind. He would have gone for your bras but then he found a better solution. The drawer that held your bras also held your panties. Yes, yes, that’s much more perfect.
Kuai Liang has gained a love for your panties that would show your ass more. Not thongs but enough to be a little cheeky, if you’re catching my drift. If he were to see you wear them in front of him he’d probably go up in flames trying to hold himself back. Oh heavens, he needs another fixing.
When you leave your room that’s when he takes the chance to grab a pair of your panties. He’s quick but careful. Kuai Liang never takes the pair from the top, he goes for the middle so that you never suspect anything. Once he gets the one that has the softest material and the nicest design he leaves. He quickly goes back to his room to hide your panties under his pillow. He must wait for nightfall when no one will bother him.
When no footsteps echo the halls and the only thing present is the moon, that’s when Kuai Liang begins. He takes your panties out from under his pillow. His fingers feel the soft material. He’s so pent up that he doesn’t take a moment to wonder if this is right. There is no right or wrong anymore. He has committed his crime many times. This moment won’t be different.
His hand goes to push his pants down. His already hard cock comes out, ready to get this little fiasco started. While his right hand grips his cock and starts pumping it, his other hand holds onto your panties. His mind races with thoughts of you. He images sliding your panties off of you before showing you his love for you. He knows he can treat you right and will give you the best treatment in bed. He wouldn’t stop until you finished whether it be on his tongue, his fingers, or his cock. In the morning as you get ready you would put on those same pair of panties he was holding onto right now. He would wake up and see your gorgeous figure being lit by the morning light. Once he sees your wonderful ass in those cute panties, he will want to recreate the night prior all over again.
Kuai Liang was breathing heavily as his hand began to stroke faster. There is a wet sound now from all the precum that went dripping down. His teeth bite down on your panties as he grows closer to his orgasm. He groans and his eyes are shut tight. His chest is rising up and down quickly before—whoops.
His head goes back, pushing against his pillow. Strings of cum start splattering onto his exposed stomach. His groans are muffled by your panties that are still in his mouth. Oh my, what a mess you have made of yourself, Kuai Liang.
His hair is a bit wild, not being held in a bun anymore. There is sweat on his forehead from how intense that all was. His stomach is sticky from the large amount of cum that came spewing out of him. That post nut clarity hit him hard once he realized what he had done. How many times will he do this before finally confessing to you? What kind of man is he?
He quickly takes the panties out of his mouth before shoving them under his pillow. He cleans himself up with the tissues he has on his bedside table. When he finishes he lays back in his bed and pretends that what he did didn’t happen. He is an honorable and respectful man. He is not a pervert who thinks about you in bed. He can keep telling himself that. But the truth is clear. Especially after the fact that he knows he will do this again. Over and over and over and over…
Bi-Han doesn’t know the word shame. He knows the word when it comes to others but not when it comes to himself. Usually.
There’s a little bit of shame that lingers inside of him once he realizes that you have this effect on him. You cause him to be frustrated and lustful. How could he let a woman do this to him? You have him committing such sinful acts that he soon learned to accept that he fancies you in more ways than one.
He started stealing from you when he got suspicious of his brother. He occasionally saw Kuai Liang leave your room while you were away. He decided to check your room since he suspected Kuai Liang was taking things from you. He always left with his fist balled up tightly like he was hiding something which was true. When he went into your room he started looking around, deciding to open your drawers. That’s when he found your panties. You have tempted another man.
Unlike his brother, he liked the simpler yet fancier-looking panties. The ones that were soft colors and had lace. He might have also liked the thongs but he didn’t want to accept that he liked something so immodest. He was careful when taking your panties. He didn’t take it from the top but from the middle or the back of the drawer. Once he succeeded, he would tuck them away somewhere in his uniform.
The balls on this man to go around with your panties in his pockets. He was training all your fellow clansmen while having something of yours. No concerns about it falling out in front of others or having you find out. His only concern was holding it together until nighttime. This would be another nighttime where he will pleasure himself with your panties.
The moon shines bright and the light slips into Bi-Han’s room. The moment he stepped in he was stripping himself of all his clothes. No one will disturb him. All is quiet and he can focus his mind on you.
He holds up your pair of white panties, the lace decorating the outside nicely. It would be something you would wear on your wedding day. Something you will wear when Bi-Han makes you his bride. He could imagine it already. A night where he makes you his by consummating the marriage. A night where he will fill you to the brim and make you pregnant with his heir. Oh dear, that did something to him down below.
His cock is standing straight up, precum already coming out. Might as well start now. He places your panties on his cock. The precum is already staining the soft material inside and causing it to soak through. The sight excites him. He pumps his cock with the panties wrapped around. He images this feeling would be the same if he rubbed himself against your clothed pussy. He would tease you until you were begging him to fuck you already. You would beg your grandmaster to do unspeakable things to you. Whatever you want he will do it for you. Slap, choke, spank, pull, bite, degrade, praise, impregnate, it doesn’t matter he will do it to you. He will make you a mess and ruin those panties. Each pair of your panties will be stained with your wetness every time you pass him.
There is a wet, squishy sound coming from below. His precum stained your panties where his tip was. It was soaked. The noise grows more noticeable the faster he goes. When he gets close he stops himself to allow it to go on for longer. Each time he stops more cum spills out. Not the whole thing, not yet.
Bi-Han bites down on his lip to prevent himself from getting loud. No one should know about this. He lets a few grunts and groans slip out by accident. His breath comes out in cold bursts, being visible in the moonlight. He can’t hold himself back anymore. If he strokes one more time he will explode. He is too desperate to hold back anymore. He fucks his hand continuously as he comes. Your panties absorb some of his cum while the rest drips down his shaft, staining the rest of the cloth.
Bi-Han’s head rests lightly on his pillows, a satisfied sigh passing his lips. He pulls the soiled panties off of his semi-hard cock. Instead of feeling shame, he feels a little irked. He knows he has to wash them before placing them back. This happens all the time though. There is no reason he should not be used to this. He takes, he cums, he washes, he dries, then he replaces before taking another pair. There is a rhythm.
He'll wash them in the morning. For now, he needs to rest after that amazing orgasm. He throws them off the side of his bed before falling asleep.
If you knew what Tomas did you might never look at him the same way. You see him as such a sweet, respectful, and skillful man. He couldn’t possibly be any worse than his brothers. But you forget that he is a man with needs. And he needs you badly.
He has good hearing. He needed it when he was a hunter. That means he hears things that others don’t. That’s how this mess started. He heard you. He heard you pleasuring yourself behind closed doors. All those moans, heavy breaths, and whimpers flowed into his ears. You left Tomas stunned. He stood by your door, holding his breath as if you would hear him. He wanted to move and not be a creep. But he couldn’t deny that you sounded so pretty. Especially when you began to cum. You grew a little louder and your voice went up a pitch. That’s when Tomas felt his cock twitch inside of his pants.
He only moved away from your door when he heard you get up. You had to go train which allowed Tomas to take a peek inside your room. The first thing he spotted was your panties that lay on your bed. He walked up to them, carefully moving them around a little. When he looked inside he saw how you stained them. A wet, sticky mess.
Tomas didn’t know what came over him. Something must have possessed him to do this but he didn’t think he would like it. He leaned down and let his tongue drag over the wet spot. The taste of you hit him and it was like a drug. He was hooked, he was hooked good. It was the start of a messy habit of his that he never felt shame for. He’d only feel shame if he was caught by you.
You masturbate before your training session to allow yourself to blow off steam and clear your mind. Tomas has found this pattern of yours and made it part of his pattern now. He waits for you to finish so you can leave, allowing him to strike.
He never even waits for nighttime. He does it all in your room, right on your bed! It doesn’t matter what pair of panties you had on before, if it had your stain on them he would take them.
He strips himself before getting on your bed. He loves smelling your scent on your pillows and rubbing his throbbing cock onto your sheets. The real fun is with your panties. The scent that stains your panties is different than your usual scent. It sets off a primal desire in his head. That’s why his nose is shoved right into them, taking it all in. Oh the poor thing, he’s so needy.
His tongue comes out to get a lick of the sticky mess you left behind. How he wishes he could eat you out in that moment. He’s only getting a hint of your taste. He wants the whole thing. He wants to shove his tongue inside you and pleasure you. His nose would be bumping into your clit which would make the experience better for you. Once you cum he will be driven mad with your taste. He would not move away. He will stay on his knees, licking and slobbering like a desperate dog. His cock would probably be begging for his attention and dripping precum on the floor but he won’t care. The needier he is the better it will feel when he begins to fuck you. It will be better for you too! You’ll be ready for him since you already came and are wet down there. So you’ll be a little overstimulated, it’s okay! It will make the moment more memorable for you.
Tomas is already whining and he hasn’t even touched his cock. It is standing up and begging for his touch but he is too occupied with licking your panties. Finally, he brings both his hands down and wraps them around his cock. He thrusts his hip up, fucking his hands while he images it’s you. He squeezes his hands to make it tighter and warmer, almost like he is fucking your pussy. Of course it would be much better if it really was your pussy. This will have to do for now.
His heart is beating fast and he begins to sweat. His saliva drenches your panties as he continues to suck at that wet spot you made before. The only sounds present in your room are his whines and the wet sound coming from his cock. His hands have some precum staining them. Oh gosh, he can’t hold himself back. This is all too much for him. Fuck, he needs to cum.
His whines and whimpers grow loud as cum spills onto his hands and stomach. That creamy, white liquid stains his pale skin. His eyes roll back a little as he keeps jerking his hips up. Even when he finished cumming he still moved his hips a little. He lets out sharp breaths before dropping your panties from his mouth. It doesn’t end there for your poor pair of panties. He takes them and begins to wipe his cum on them. Your panties are soaked with your own juices, his saliva, and now his cum. He manages to wipe all of the cum off his body with your panties before placing them back where he found them.
Yes, he purposely leaves them dirty. By the time you return, it will be dried up and you will have to wash them anyway. In his mind, this is a way to mark you are his. Your juices mix together, yes, how romantic. He makes his escape. No one even knew he was in your room and no one ever will.
So if you ever wondered where some of your favorite pair of panties went or why there are stains on them, now you know. Three perverts were taking your panties and ruining them with their—
Wh-what you mean you knew they were doing that?
What? What do you mean you left your panties out for Tomas?
You were buying the panties that Kuai Liang and Bi-Han liked so they could keep using them?!
And you’ve been masturbating to the idea of them doing all of this?!
Why are you telling me this now?!
Ah! I could have been done ages ago! Nasty pervert, you’re making me look bad!
Ugh, have fun with your cum-soiled panties.
Yap notes: I would show you my cowriter cause she was the reason I was distracted but I’m not gonna show my cat under this mess. Got distracted a lot cause of family plus I started to laugh cause Bi-Han has such a bitchy face. I am now in the dark typing this. This is where I belong. I want to make blinkies or something. Adiós!
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invisible-lint · 3 days
Everything Could Be Okay: Chapter 4
Rhys x Tamlin's sister!reader
Summary: You tell Feyre about the bond and come up with an idea
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.1k
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
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You're surprised your pacing hasn't worn a hole in the floor. You had finished your bath and dressed. Eaten the food that had been brought in for you, and even braided your hair. But you couldn't convince yourself to leave the relative safety of this room. Because you knew yourself and you knew that you wouldn't be delicate about it. No, the moment you see Feyre, you're going to just blurt it all out. And you're not sure how she’ll react. You love her as if she were actually your sister. Some days, you feel as if you may love her more than your brother. You're not sure you could stand it if she hated you.  So here you are, pacing like a coward. You suppose you should just do it. A wound doesn’t hurt any less if you know it’s coming. 
You wipe your hands on the pants of the night court attire, trying not to squirm. It was the first time you had ever worn pants and you weren't sure how you felt about the way the material gathered between your legs. It'd have to do for now, there weren't any dresses in the wardrobe. 
You finally force yourself to leave the bedroom, heading for the library. You linger outside for a moment before taking a breath and walking in over to where Feyre sits. You pull the chair out and sit across from her, but the moment she looks up from the paper and sets the quill down, your nerves get the best of you, and you stand back up, starting to pace again. Feyre watches you, curious.
“What is it?”
“Rhys. Rhysand is my mate.” You pick at the cuff of the shirt.
“Oh. Does that mean you're going to stay here?”
“No. I'll still go back to Spring with you when it's time.” You look at her, trying to gauge her reaction, but her face is blank, expressionless. 
“Because I don't want you to have to deal with the fallout by yourself. And because I don't want to leave you there alone.”
“I wouldn't be alone. I have Tamlin.” 
“Feyre…” You barely manage to hold back a sigh. 
“Do you want to marry him?” You reach for her hand, trying to offer comfort, but she pulls her hand away, anger dancing across her features. 
“Why do you keep asking me that?” 
“Because I don't think you do.” 
“I think you should stay here.”
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from flinching, uncertain why the words hurt so much. “Why do you think that?” 
“Because you're miserable there. That's why you think I don't want to marry Tamlin. Because you're worried about me ending up like you. But I won't. Because I love him and he loves me.” You do flinch that time. Were you truly so miserable that everyone knew it? You had thought you had done a good job hiding it around Feyre at the very least, and the realization makes guilt sink in your stomach like lead. 
“Is that enough for you? Is the life he will allow you enough? Planning parties and birthing heirs?” 
“Do you think your life here will be anything different?” Her words sting. Rhys was nothing like Tamlin. 
“That’s not the point, Feyre.” You press your palms against your legs, breathing deep, to try to keep your temper at bay. 
“No? What is the point then?” Feyre crosses her arms, her gaze hard. 
“You're already miserable in Spring, but you're not trapped. At least not yet. That doesn't have to be your life.” You sit down across from her, trying to soften your gaze, eyes pleading.
“You're not trapped if you want to be there. I just… I just need the mating bond to snap and then everything will be better.” 
You nod, chewing your lip, reaching for her hand again. She uncrosses her arms, letting you take it this time. An olive branch, you suppose. 
“You think you're mates?”
She nods. “I do.” 
You force a smile. “Well, now I understand why you got so defensive when I suggested you didn't want to marry him. I'm sorry, Feyre.”
She smiles back. “So am I. I could have told you. So… Rhys is your mate? How do you feel about that?”
You blow out a breath, slumping in the chair. “I… Need some time to wrap my head around it.” 
She nods. “Because of your family?”
You manage to hold back a grimace. Of course Tamlin told her about that. You're sure he left out the part that made him look bad. The reason why Rhys and the previous High Lord had killed your family. 
“Not really. I spent more time in close proximity to our family than Tamlin did. Aside from our mother… They were not good males. They deserved what happened to them.” You notice the way Feyre's eyes widen in surprise. She looks like she has more questions she wants to ask, but you keep talking. “No, I'm not quite ready to move on yet. I need a little more time.” She pulls her hand away, guilt shadowing her face. You can see it as she retreats into herself. You stand from your chair, walking around the table to kneel in front of her, taking both of her hands in yours. 
“I will never, ever, blame you Feyre. You never have and never will be to blame for what I lost. I wish you could have come into our lives another way, because you have become like a sister to me and I am so glad that I have gotten to know you.” 
You're both tearing up, but Feyre is smiling, and you do too. 
“You've become like a sister to me too. Can I ask you something?” 
You nod. “Of course, anything.” 
“Would Andras want you to be miserable? Or would he want you to move on?” 
You stare at her not saying anything, but your silence must answer for you, because she nods, squeezing your hands.
“That's why you should stay. So you can move on, because I don't think you can in Spring.” 
“I’ll find a way. But I want to come up with something that keeps Tamlin from wrecking too much furniture.” 
Feyre rolls her eyes, shaking her head, but the smile is still on her face. You stand, letting go of her hands. “I'll let you get back to your letter practice. I found a music room with a piano in it and Rhys said he would get me new music to learn! It's been so long since I've had new music!” 
The guilt that had been gripping Feyre's chest tight ever since she had become your friend, your sister, loosens itself at the way your eyes light up with excitement. 
“I'll have to find you later so I can listen.” 
You smile, squeezing her shoulder as you leave, finding your way back to the music room, just in time to see Rhys laying a packet of music on the piano bench. He turns to look at you when you enter, smiling at the smile on your face. 
“I take it your conversation with Feyre went well then?” 
“It did. We both lost our tempers, said some unkind things, but we also said things that the other needed to hear. She thinks I should stay.” 
He raises an eyebrow. “And what do you think?” 
“I think she's right. I'll never be able to move on as long as I'm still in Spring. There are too many memories there, too many reminders. And I know it's what Andras would want. I know that if the bond had snapped while he was alive, he would have been cautious. Probably would have insisted on being here with me, but he would have encouraged me to explore it. He would not want me to be miserable.” 
Rhys nods, walking over to take your hand, brushing his thumb across the back of it. “We take this at your pace. Whatever you want.” 
“I'd like for us to be friends first. I want to get to know you. The real you. Rhys, not Rhysand.” 
“I think that could be arranged.” He smiles, violet eyes twinkling with stars. 
“And I'd like some dresses. I don't like wearing pants.” 
He laughs. “That also could be arranged.” 
You look over the male in front of you, your mate, eyes lighting up as the start of an idea forms in your head. 
“Tell me everything about Feyre's bargain, bargain tattoos and bargain magic.”
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It's nearly the final day when you burst into the library, Rhys following close behind. Feyre jumps, quill scratching across the parchment, startled by your sudden entrance.
“I came up with an idea so that I can stay here. When Rhys takes you back, he’ll tell Tamlin that I made a bargain with him to release you from your bargain. You have to return to the Night Court two more times to make up for the remainder of the three months missed, but once those weeks are over, as long as I remain in the night court, you don't have to return. You and I will also make a bargain, but we'll get into that when Rhys leaves.” You glance at him over your shoulder, giving him a pointed look. He raises his hands in mock surrender, turning to leave, tugging on the bond as he does. You shake your head, grinning. 
“I think overall it's a good idea. Why are we making a bargain?”
“Because I want to know that you're okay. I know you want to be in Spring. And I understand why now. But if anything ever changes, I want you to tell me and we’ll get you. I don't care if it's a week from now or 100 years from now. You'll always be there because you choose to be.”
“And you won't be upset if I do?” 
“Of course not. I hope the way I pushed hasn't made you feel like I would be. I really did think I was helping.” 
“I know you did. What will our bargain be?”
“Rhys said it can be something simple, as long as it remains unfulfilled, or is open ended, the tattoo and the bond that comes with the bargain will remain.” Feyre nods, waiting for you to tell her your idea. “We promise to write to each other once a week for the rest of our lives.”
“You made Rhys leave for that?” She raises an eyebrow.
You grin. “Yeah, I did.” 
She laughs. “I accept your bargain.” 
You feel the tattoo appear on the inside of your forearm, near your elbow and roll up your sleeve to take a look. You smile and the cluster of flowers that appeared on your skin.
“Little lillies?” Feyre asks.
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “Alstroemeria. Flowers have symbolic meanings and this one  means friendship, love, strength, and devotion. It's for people who help each other through the trials and tribulations of life.”
“For sisters.” Feyre stands, pulling you into a hug.
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You pace in the study, waiting for Rhys to return from taking Feyre back to Spring. It shouldn't be taking this long, should it? You had sent Feyre back with a letter for Tamlin, explaining that you had felt responsible for Feyre's bargain with Rhys, so you had made the bargain to take her place. She would give it to him after Rhys left. 
You tug on the bond, trying to make yourself relax, managing to do so when you find it firmly in place. You would know if something was wrong. He was probably just antagonizing your brother. 
Rhys winnows back in, crossing over to you, placing his hands on your shoulders to stop your pacing. “If you keep going you might wear a hole in the rug, and I'm rather fond of this one.” 
“How did it go?” You drop your shields enough to let him in so he can show you, grimacing at what you see. 
“Don't fret, Darling. It could have been worse.” 
“It absolutely could have. I'm just not a fan of the way he pulled Feyre away from you. If he's not careful, he's going to hurt her.” You frown, brow furrowed. 
“If he does, we’ll know.” He taps the spot where your tattoo is. You nod, trying to force yourself not to worry. Part of you still wishes you had gone back with her. 
“So what now? You bring me to your Court?”
He nods. “I do, but not the Court of Nightmares. I bring you to my true court, to my home. I bring you to Velaris.”
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A/N: And there it is! It took a completely different path than I was expecting. Unless I get super inspired and write the next chapter between now and Monday, the next chapter will not be posted until the 17th at the earliest. I will keep my requests open, because I'll probably still write, I just won't be editing and posting!
Divider by @tsunami-of-tears
Taglist: @lilah-asteria @readingislife2006 @acourtofimagines @mistymoocow @irelanrose
@darker-december @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @loving-and-dreaming @bravo-delta-eccho
@sidthedollface2 @oucereeng @jesskidding3 @panther-girl-124 @jiarkives
@thecraziestcrayon @nebarious @nyctophiliiiiaaa
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mishietishie · 3 days
Sukuna dating headcanons
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Tw: slight angst? Ooc Sukuna probs, HeianEra!Sukuna, for the first part, fluff ofc <3, Shibuya mention
A/N: I'll write Choso headcanons after this silly willy <3
You used to be his concubine in the Heian Era.
In the beginning, Sukuna never really paid mind to you. You were just one of the many others in his harem.
But then, one night, he came back from slaughtering villages, his body covered in blood (which wasn't his, obviously).
While Uraume was running a bath for him, he was walking towards his chambers until you bumped into him.
Sukuna got annoyed at your recklessness and wanted to end your measly life then and there. But then he could see a glimmer of worry in your eyes at the sight of his bloodied state. You were brave enough to stand up and touch his bicep, asking if he was okay and if you should call Uraume.
He quickly dismissed you after that, but ever since, he felt a weird feeling in his stomach when he thought about or saw you.
Soon enough, he started to spend more time with you, spoiling your more than his other concubines. He made you sleep with him, sit on his lap while he was sitting on his throne, listening to some measly sorcerers who tried offering him all kinds of things so he would spare their lives.
Sukuna genuinely enjoyed your presence, not seeing you as just a concubine anymore. He liked hearing you talk about your day when he was gone.
Sometimes, he brought you the heads of people he killed as gifts, but he soon stopped after you made it clear you didn't want heads in your room. (Oh well, more food for him!)
One night, when he was lying with you in his bed, watching over your sleeping form, he promised himself that he would make you his Queen one day and that he'd conquer all with you by his side.
But that dream didn't become a reality as he was sealed away the day he wanted to declare you as his queen.
Or so he thought.
When he killed Jogo in Shibuya, he suddenly felt the presence of your soul nearby. Turning around, he sees Uraume kneeling behind him together with someone else. It was you. His concubine, his supposed to be Queen. You looked exactly the same as he remembered, and he could swear he felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of you.
(Anyways, time for the actual headcanons)
He likes holding you close at all times. Sleeping? He's big spooning you with his face buried in your hair, smelling your fragrance. Sitting? You're sitting on his lap, no discussion. Taking a walk? He'd secretly love to carry you bridal style, but since you're a human being with some decency, you don't allow him to. Which means Sukuna has to settle for wrapping an arm around your waist
If you cook for him, he'd first complain saying how he already has a chef, but he'll eat it nonetheless
Makes fun of you and calls you names from time to time, but you know he doesn't mean anything bad behind it. It's just his love language! (Also, if someone else makes fun of you, then you can bet you'll find their head on your porch <3)
Sukuna Ryomen isn't only the King of Curses but also the King of Jealousy. If you have any guy friends, you bet Sukuna's gonna get all up in your business whenever they're involved. You're his, so why should you spend time with other men while you have him?!
If you have plushies, he'll throw them away or destroy them because he finds it stupid that you're cuddling with them and not with him.
When he found out how to use a smartphone, you kept getting spam notifications of texts and missed calls from him <3
For someone as big as he is, his footsteps are very silent. He uses that to his advantage when he's sneaking up behind you to give you a good scare. But he also likes "spying" on you at home when you're doing simple domestic tasks like cooking or cleaning. He likes seeing you sway your hips while dusting the ceiling or the way you hum and even softly sing while stirring in the pot of soup. Sometimes, you catch him staring, though, and when you do, he will never head the end of it.
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kneazle · 1 day
Clandestine meetings were something Tommy was very familiar with back when he was in the closet. He just never thought he would be having one again–though this time it had nothing to do with a relationship he was trying to hide or sex.
Tommy spotted the person he was meeting the second he walked into the diner, a place out of the way that was known to truckers traveling in and out of LA. He gave the older woman at the counter a brief smile as he walked to the back corner booth. He slid across from the other occupant who slid a cup of coffee across the table. No words were exchanged as he put his normal two creams two sugars in–her gaze on him the whole time.
"What changed your mind?" She asked, not beating around the bush and he was glad for it. This wasn't exactly how Tommy wanted to spend his day off, but it was needed.
"It's become worse," Tommy told her, the anger seeping into his tone.
"I'm curious," She took a drink from her own coffee, "Two weeks ago you called me asking for my help to get Gerrard out of the 118, changed your mind three days later because Buck begged you not to do anything, and now you changed your mind again?"
He shook his head, leaning forward making her eyes narrow in interest, "I dont just want him out of the 118 anymore– I want him fired."
"What happened?"
"Evan happened."
Taylor moved her coffee aside and leaned in herself, arms crossed on the table as worry crossed her face, "Tommy?"
"I knew it was a possibility that Gerrard would risk one of their lives at some point– he has a history of leaving people to die, I should know–" Tommy began, Taylor sucked in a breath at his words, "But a foolish part of me hoped he learned his lesson in that at least."
"But he didn't."
Tommy shook his head, "They had a call at an apartment fire, and Evan was trapped. Gerrard wanted to leave him saying they wouldn't be able to get to him, luckily he wasn't the one in charge of the scene or–" He stopped and pushed back the emotion trying to rise to the surface, or he'd be dead was left unsaid, "I can't sit back and do nothing, if Evan is upset when he finds out then so be it, it's worth it to keep him and everyone I care about at the 118 safe."
"It's going to take a lot more to get him fired then just getting him removed."
"I know, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I know you still care about him Taylor, are you in?"
"Yes," She answered, no hesitation, "And I already have an idea of where we can start–"
It took two months to gather everything they needed to get him removed, a lot of it involving both of their connections, and people Tommy helped save who he kept in contact with and were willing to be their eyes when it was safe to at calls the 118 went out on. Video evidence against Gerrard grew, but they had one more plan to go through as a backup in case the videos of his behavior weren't enough. It wasn't something he was looking forward to and it would be the part to upset Evan, but Gerrard was dangerous and Tommy would protect Evan and the 118 even if it resulted in their first fight.
All they had to do was wait for the right moment.
When that time came, Tommy who was on the same scene as the 118, discreetly sent a text to Taylor. No one noticed Taylor Kelly standing with the crowd of on-lookers disguised and hiding her hair in a hat. Tommy clocked her and made sure most of his back was to the video she was recording, that way no one could see or hear what he was saying except Gerrard who stopped in front of him with a sneer. Tommy fixed himself and his body to look as if he was afraid to anyone watching the video, and he began speaking the practiced words. Gerrard’s face changed from disgust to anger.
Gasps came from every direction as the older man's fist came in contact with Tommy's face. Right there for three stations to witness along with multiple civilians.
"Tommy!" He heard Evan shout as the 118 rushed over, Eddie psychically putting himself between Gerrard and Tommy as Evan grabbed for Tommy to gently turn his head checking his soon-to-be bruised face. He was surprised the old man had such a right hook still. Hen stepped in, her eyes worried but Tommy gave her and Evan both a reassuring smile despite the slight jolt at the action.
"That was uncalled for Gerrard!–" Tommy heard Chimney start in on him, but couldn't see him as Evan and Hen were in front of him, and Eddie stood in protective mode making sure he didn't come at Tommy again.
Tommy felt a swirling of love for all of them in his chest and knew this was the right choice even more.
"I'm alright I promise," Tommy told them, his hand squeezing Evan's before pulling away reminding himself that they were still at work–and made a deal when they first started dating to keep it professional.
Tommy's captain and the other stations captain had come over and pulled Gerrard away, their faces furious.
He accepted the ice pack Hen handed him, and moved over to where the crowd was gathered.
"Tommy what–" Evan followed after him confused, the sound of the others boots trailed after.
"You get all that?" Tommy asked Taylor when he was close enough.
"What the hell is going o–" Evan cut off with a noise of surprise, eyes wide as Taylor grinned and took off her hat and glasses.
"Got it all," She waved her phone in the air briefly before smiling at the others with a nod.
"Uh–" Hen gestured at the two with her hands, "What is going on here?"
Tommy sighed and motioned for them to move more to the side, "Taylor and I have been working to get Gerrard fired."
"You were...working with Buck's ex?" Chimney looked back and forth between the three of them.
Tommy shrugged, "I did what had to be done."
"I feel like my head is going to explode," Evan mumbled to himself, rubbing his eyes as if he was seeing things, "You weren't meeting up with co-workers..you were planning with Taylor?"
He nodded, now reaching for Evan's hand and giving it a squeeze.
"Hold on–" Eddie chimed in, "So that punch–"
"Was supposed to happen."
"You purposely got yourself punched?!– I mean I'm glad it looks as if the guy is done for but are you kidding me Tommy?"
All of them backed away at Evan's tone.
"Uh- I love you?"
"Thomas Kinard–"
"Uh oh he brought out the full name," Chimney mumbled as they all backed away more.
Except all Evan did was cup Tommy's good side and pull him in for a kiss.
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jyoongim · 1 day
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🎻 ℜ𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔐𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 ℜ𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔬🎻
Chapter One
The bitter cold of winter has finally given way to the refreshing warmth of spring. As the spring season rolls in, life and flowers are back in bloom. But that is not the only thing in bloom, no no no.
Many youth from prestigious families are in bloom as well. The refreshing air of spring has given way to the start of the biggest social event in the South.
The Marriage Market.
A time where once youthful elites, now must enter society and find a suitable match, whether that be for love or business, to secure high status.
Will this season’s market be successful? Will there be scandal? Will there be a love match made and a wedding this season?
Well, I guess that is something we should wait to see isn’t it my dear readers?
The gentle rocking of the carriage was luring you to sleep as you watched the scenery go by. The greenery and the smell of honeysuckles always had a special place in your heart. You always loved the country, preferring the quiet hum of the bayou over the hustle and bustle of the city, but you guessed you didn’t mind the jazz and festivities that lied in the city.
“Dearest?” The sound of your mother’s concerning tone made you turn your head, not knowing if she was referring to you or at one of your sisters. She was staring at you with a quirked brow.
Yep. Definitely you.
”did you hear me?”
you gave another look out the window, shaking your head “what did you say?” Your mother sucked her teeth “I asked if you were excited. Its your first season.” A soft smile appeared on your lips “hmm I don’t know yet. Maybe it’ll finally set in once I debut. I am excited to see my friends”
Your mother smiled “I heard Charlotte was debuting as well, oh I can’t wait to see how that girl has grown”
Your sisters were chatting  among themselves quietly. 
Your mother continued “We have much to prepare for dearest. This season I am hoping to have a wedding to plan by the end. Your brother wrote to me that he has found several prospects for you to look into” You rolled your eyes “Oh because he has such great taste in the marriage world. Mama please.” You laughed.
The carriage stopped and your mother stepped out. The servants bowed in greeting and began to gathering y’all things to bring into the estate.
Your sisters ran ahead inside to their rooms and you and your mother walked inside, your mother calling for your brother.
”Ah! Mother! Sister!” A voice called excitedly and your brother appeared smiling. He embraced your  mother, giving her a kiss on the cheek and you as well.
You figured they had business to discuss and left them be as you went to the balcony.
Many families were returning and you catch sight of Charlie. You waved once you caught her attention, sitting down watching the people.
Antony, Angel, hollered up at you when he jumped out of his car, making you laugh when his mother hit his shoulder to get inside the house.
You hoped to have a chance to speak with them while the events were happening.
The season.
You were the first daughter of the prestigious Biche family. One of the most influential and wealthy families to live in the South.
Your family made money by investing in sugarcane fields and horses.
You knew you were the potential prize to many of the men of the ton
”Why don’t you rest up dear? You have a busy day ahead of you” your mother chirped from the drawing room, unpacking a few knick knacks.
You nodded and headed upstairs to your room.
The servants already had your nightgown out and you changed and got into bed.
You read a little until the sky turned dark and laid there, staring up at the ceiling.
Tomorrow started the beginning of the season. You didn’t know what to expect, but you felt a little excited.
Will you meet the perfect gentleman? Would you be able to find a match? You hoped to marry for love, you didn’t need status or any material things. Just a nice man who loved you for you.
You remembered how your father was with your mother and you hoped to find those same qualities in a man.
After all…marriage was about love right? That’s what your mother always said.
@yourdoorisunlocked @certifiedcrybabyyy @aliyaharnold01 @alastor-simp @alastorsgirl48 @dickmastersworld @memoire-du-ciel @alastoralltruist @hazelfoureyes @kahlan170 @nkirukaj @voxsmalewife @theangeliclibrarian @purplecatsandhearts @amurtan @zombiesnips-blog @alastwhore666 @alastwhore666 @rulesareshadesofgrey @alastorsaries @alastors666creampie @thewinchestah @okay-babe @yunimimii @southern-bayou-beau @karolinda007-blog @justtnat @preciousbabypeter @vexendoe @evedenn @cxrsedwxrlds @cutiebimbo @orangethecarrotcoloredpaperred @sirens-and-moonflowers @alastorthirsty @siiv3r @theangeliclibrarian @nightshadelm @blubugg13 @smoky000 @boney-horse @sweet-radio @charlottemorningstarsdarling @im-so-tired52 @nyxenyo @cinnamon-galaxies @wisteria-seal @kaylopolis @prosciuttosblog @callmeoncette
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missmugiwara · 3 days
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Summary: fem!reader x Levi Ackerman // Never in a million years would you defy your captain over a gift. From him. Quite the story how you got in the first place.
Warning: 18+, fluff, slightly suggestive, you are soooo down bad but so is he
Note: I love him!
✦ Word count is 2.5k ✦
A hand at your chest, balling into a fist only to grab at something that wasn't there. Only air.
Your eyes stared at your reflection in the window before blinking, readjusting to focus on the contents on the other side of the glass - the inside of the shop. The sun shone at the right angle, causing jewelry to twinkle in the light. Gently, you smiled while admiring the different pieces.
Even so, there was one thing that dazzled you over the others. The one thing that captivated you more than any other sparkly, expensive ring or watch or bauble: a necklace. A silver necklace with a silver pendant - the pendant being a simple feather, wisps carved into it and encrusted with a million little diamonds that imitated the millions of stars in a night sky.
You had wanted that necklace more than anything.
Every time your squad came back from an expedition, the route always passed the jewelry shop last. And every time, you would peek in the window to check and see if that little treasure was still there. Maybe someday you'd get it. These days, jewelry was hard to come by. It didn't help that you felt so selfish for staring all the time and for wanting to purchase such a small vanity. And of course, every time, your friends would mercilessly tease you about this. They would tell you to just buy the damn thing already! You deserved something nice for your hard work. Didn't you know? But when you laughed along with their cooing, it was the same excuse every time.
"Oh, goodness, no! My family needs me! Every cent I earn goes back to my little brothers!"
How many more times would you pass by that stupid shop and dream of that necklace? Surely, you could afford it after all these months of saving.
It was so obvious.
Upon arriving back from an expedition, while carting the injured and parading through town as the people looked upon the scouts, Levi could see. He could clearly see when you drove your horse off to the side. He could see you sneak and take a moment to quietly look into that shop's window. And he could see a friend trotting afterward as you exchanged whispers and maybe even a joke or two. Trying to hide this playful behavior when you should have a modicum of decorum on the way back to base was ignored.
At the sound of your giggling, Levi blinked from his perch atop his horse. His expression was stoic, his gaze unbreakable as he stared into your caped back. There you were with your friends, holding back laughter about that silly necklace again.
He squinted his eyes in annoyance. Tch. You should have just bought it already! Everyone kept saying it.
Levi let out a sigh. He knew better than to think that. Because he knew you.
You were there since the very beginning - one of the first people to ever be assigned to his squad. Being close only revealed your strength and devotedness - a pure and unwavering devotedness to him. A most important member of his squad. Yet important was not enough to describe what you could have possibly meant.
Feeling his relentless gaze burn into your back, you looked up to meet those steel eyes of Levi's. In turn, your mouth dropped open in surprise. By the look in your eyes, it was apparent that you were flustered. For a second more, your gazes stayed locked until you adoringly smiled at the captain.
Levi's eyebrow twitched when you gave a small wave with your hand. Your surrounding friends gasped and looked up to where you were waving, and Levi scowled further. They burst into giggles, whispering whatever teases as your attention was pulled back toward them.
That smile on your face was something he could never get over. It was amazing how you could find such joy in a world where the scouts met danger on a daily, if not hourly, basis.
You deserved joy.
With scrunched-up eyebrows and a steady focus in his gray eyes, Levi looked forward. He knew what to do next.
Later that day, Captain Levi Ackerman walked into that very same jewelry shop. The family that owned the establishment was shocked. Patrons gasped. Levi walked around as if it were the most normal thing in the world, ignoring the gazes of people around him. Stupid that they thought this was so unusual. He was as unbothered as always.
"C - Captain Levi!? W - welcome, sir!"
The Captain Levi?
Buying jewelry? Would it be a ring? Was it for a secret lover? A woman in his life? The unreadable captain was a romantic? Amongst all the stares, low whispers, and comments Levi could give less of a shit what people thought. So after a moment of walking toward the front desk, with the owner quaking in his boots for whatever reason, Levi spoke curtly.
"That feather necklace in the window. I'll take it."
"Excellent choice, sir! P - please accept this discount for all your hard work!"
It was also later that same day when your beloved squad captain found you in the dining area. A group of scouts were gathered around you, eating and laughing as you regaled them with a funny story from working on your family's farm as a youth.
As usual, Levi's appearance shut everyone up immediately, earning him stares of slight panic. Everyone probably had the same thought: they were being way too rowdy if the captain of all people walked over. However, you had the inkling that this was about something else. A heat blossomed across your cheeks when Levi stopped right in front of you.
"We need to talk. Now."
Of course, Levi didn't scare you in the slightest - but if he needed to talk so urgently, it did make you worry a bit. Instantly, you hopped up and gave an energetic yes, sir! And you followed him, giving one last pout at anyone who dared to snicker at the prospect of you and the captain being alone.
Was it really that obvious? Did everyone know about your feelings?
With a turn of Levi's head toward the crowd behind him, eyes glaring daggers, that was when everyone really shut up.
What really caught you off guard was when you and Levi were finally alone. You, seated in front of his desk, and he opposite of you in a much more lavish chair. Silence and a sort of heated tension filled the air, albeit you could not quite place a finger on what it was that made it feel this way.
Gently, Levi placed a small box onto the desk with a small clatter. You looked at the box, then at Levi. He was expressionless, and his eyes twinkled under the lamplight. As usual, he looked amazingly handsome. A heat dusted over your cheeks. What did he expect you to do? Soon enough, you opened your mouth to ask what in the world this was, but the captain spoke first.
"Open it."
His face did not change nor did his tone urge you to hurriedly act. He let you take your time as you furrowed your brows in confusion. With parted lips, you blinked at him in question again. You really had no idea what was going on.
So you did as you were told.
Carefully, you separated the lid from the box. And your eyes widened once you registered what was inside.
The necklace.
You held your breath. Levi stolidly watched on.
"Captain - " you gawked, holding the necklace delicately in your fingers.
"We're alone."
"Levi." you breathed, "What… why? This can't be for me."
"It is."
"You did not."
"I did."
A losing battle. So your gaze snapped down to the necklace, a calm and gentle smile spreading across your lips. It was breathtaking. And Levi was breathtaking. He bought this just for you? This was the last thing in the world you would have ever expected, but - you knew him. Cold, impassive Captain Levi to the soldiers. Sweet, resolute Levi to you.
"Thank you, Levi. I love it."
When you looked up, he adorned a small smirk. He leaned back in his chair, crossing a leg over his knee.
"Now you have to help me put it on!" you clapped your hands as Levi scoffed, smirk still at his lips.
Excitedly, you spun around and situated your hair out of place when he stood up to walk over. The necklace was clasped daintily around your neck, Levi's fingers pausing at your skin for a slight second as if to savor the feeling. The feeling of happiness - one such feeling he did not have the opportunity to experience often enough. He could see your shoulders rise when your breath caught in your chest at the contact. After a pause, his index finger reached out on command, and he froze to think about what he should or shouldn't do.
Thoughts you similarly shared. A closeness, a bond was there. Something was definitely there, and even your fellow scouts could see it. But what did you want to risk? Was it okay to take the risk despite knowing your profession all too well?
Levi's finger curled inward, and he ran a knuckle lightly down your spine. An adoring touch, one you did not experience regularly except for the rare opportunities Levi chose to reveal his inner softness. Foolishly, you hoped he did not feel your heart thundering throughout your body when he touched you so sweetly.
You decided to ignore the butterflies in your stomach as best as you could. With a grin, you turned to meet his calm eyes.
"And how does it look?"
When Levi opened his mouth to answer, you grinned and interrupted.
"Ah, wait! Don't tell me. I already know it looks amazing."
Levi could only tilt his head to the side, eyebrows folded inward as he gave a tiny, closed-mouth smile. The small, energetic bursts and the ability to still be so genuine and pure in this world - that was amazing too. Where did you find the strength?
As you thanked him one more time, Levi brushed it off - refusing to let you thank him and simply stating it was nothing. When you headed for the door, Levi watched your backside. There was one more thing he needed you to know.
"I better not catch you wearing that on the field, soldier. Would be a shame if it got dirty or you lost it."
With your hand on the door handle, you froze at his words. A small hum escaped your lips, and you turned around with a smirk.
"Of course not… captain."
For whatever reason, you two stood there in silence and stared at each other. Neither one of you could bare to look away. Like a magnetic pull linked you two together. The shadows on your faces danced under the low light. That arousing, heavy feeling was in the air again, and your heart raced. Levi got this gift out of the kindness of his heart. Because he cared. A simple word of thanks didn't feel right. Not after all the years of being by his side.
Without thought, your body moved.
Levi's eyes widened when your arms flew around his neck. He stumbled once but regained footing when you buried your face in his shoulder, hugging him tightly. These moments of intimacy weren't often. In fact, you weren't sure if he was fine with a hug. If he wasn't, you'd apologize profusely. Levi stood stunned in place, really taking in the feeling of your body pressed tightly to his. After a moment more of reflection, his eyelids shut slowly when he exhaled. He dipped his chin into your shoulder, lightly placing his hands on your back to return the hug. His perfectly cut hair shading out his eyes when he moved. A few seconds passed as you held each other, and when you pulled away - Levi simply studied your face with that same taciturn expression he always bore.
As you both stood there just gazing into each other's eyes, your hands gripping his biceps and his at your waist, your eyes glittered. He looked so damn good. He always did over the years. So your brain decided to make you move without thought again.
Swiftly, you pecked him on the cheek.
His eyebrows raised slightly into his forehead, and his lips parted but Levi did not say a word. With a small heat rising to your cheeks, you calmly walked off to the door. All you wanted to do was scream and kick your feet because you had just done that, a small but innocent kiss, but you felt being tact was best. At least for now. At the door, you paused, turning to look at him with such desire.
You smiled, "Good night, Levi."
The door closed, leaving the stoic captain to brush his fingertips against the skin where your mouth landed.
The very next day was another expedition. No surprise there. Your hands tightly held the reins to your horse whilst the hundreds of others walked uniformly down the streets. A small neigh caught your attention, and you looked to the right. With this formation, you were always within eyesight of Levi - never to leave his side unless otherwise stated. You were so close - you could have easily reached out to touch his thigh so reassuringly, but you had a duty to be respectable first and foremost.
It was only yesterday night, but scanning his face made you wonder if he had thoughts of the little gifts exchanged - a necklace and a kiss. It was just a small one! You couldn't fathom going overboard, so the cheek was subtle and friendly enough. This was silly though. Of course Levi probably didn't have time to think about that now. Just like yesterday, your hand darted to the space right underneath the neck - only to be greeted by the necklace this time. From underneath your cape, you grabbed the feather pendant between your thumb and forefinger.
You twitched and turned to meet Levi's eyes.
"What did I say about wearing that?"
Embarrassment was written all over your face. So you spent a while studying him, Levi looking more and more pissed with every second you kept him waiting. Before long, a small smirk appeared at your lips.
"Sorry, captain. I just can't do that. You see… someone really special gave me this. It means everything to me."
Levi's eyes widened.
With a call of Erwin's voice in the background, the horses sprang forth in a run out onto the field beyond the walls. A cheeky, closed-mouth grin, and you tucked the necklace back under your shirt. Within a second, your expression changed to a more serious one, and your eyes darted ahead in focus. No time to think about this bold, little remark any longer - no matter how much you wanted to see Levi's face. Hopefully, he wasn't mad. Because most of all, how dare you so openly defy his command.
Levi smirked.
He'd deal with you later.
Privately, of course.
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thesamoanqueen · 2 days
A/N: my lovely @harmshake asked me what the "beast mode" that journalists attribute to Roman is for me. I have a clear idea, because he has already talked about it, but I wanted to try something in a sort of headcanon/imagine, a type of fanfiction I hadn't tried yet here. [warnings: 18+ smut, jealousy, protective prompt}
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Between the two of you, the one with the more visceral attitude was you and it was not surprising considering every woman is forced to fight for everything on a daily basis. Roman, not the Tribal Chief the crowds was used to, was a man it was simple to feel at ease, great listener, good manners and hypercritical mind on a personal level. He was a mama's boy, not because he was spoiled - even if it was true -, but in his ability to understand, give and care, qualities every man should have and which unfortunately were lacking in most boys. However there were moments, scenarios, in which he too gave in to the less soft side of himself and when he finally snapped, it was like facing a beast that had forgotten had been tamed.
Your relationship was his top priority, his jealousy didn’t come from insecurity or doubts and for this reason perhaps it would have been more appropriate refer to it as territoriality, rather than jealousy. Seeing you admired, at work as much as in private life, filled him with satisfaction and pride, for him there was no pedestal too high for you. When admiration became something more though, that part of him less inclined or not at all to tolerate woke up in full force, pushing him to mark and protect what was his without worrying about anything else.
The overly insistent glances put him on alert, the whispered proposals in an effort to lure you away from him made his mouth twitch, but it was the attempts to invade your personal space that drove him crazy. He knew you were capable of taking care of yourself, he never stood by though and watched when some mr. nobody put a bad idea into practice and it didn't matter if there was too many drinks or an agreement between sides where it was necessary stay cordial to justify it. It was then that his hands found you, sliding along your back or pulling you by his side in an intimate touch to show he was the only one chosen for such a privilege. You would have recognized him just by the touch, even blindfolded, but it wasn't necessary because with his hands, all his presence came: solid body pressed close to reassure, shield you and intimidate anyone who thought could get over him and his voice, so soft, caring in your ears as he made sure you were okay and threatening to anyone unfortunate enough to deserve direct confrontation.
- "Back off" – the target almost never understood what was happening, staring in silence.
- "You heard me. Take a step back, two and three, all the way until you get back from wherever you came from. Or maybe you want a lil help, hm boy?"
The few who had tried to resist intimidation, even assert themselves, had regretted it the moment next, ending up in a match they could never have won and which they quit at the first serious grab as you said your prayers to bring Roman back to his senses.
As with jealousy, his patience reached the bottom even when you found yourself, as he said, in potential dangerous situations. Organizing and planning was part of your job duties, it wasn't often that something was beyond your control, but unexpected events happened on trips and was when plans changed that Roman didn't like it, especially if he wasn't physically there with you to deal with whatever what’s going on. A delayed flight at an inconvenient time, an impromptu hotel in an unsafe city triggered a chain reaction you most often tried to avoid, managing it without warning him or giving too many details. But Roman seemed to have a sense, reading between lines and then calls and messages began, to know where you were and what or why was happening, ending with an epochal argument on the phone when you finally confessed - even if in the end it was resolved all for the best -.
- "This isn't up for discussion! Im going to come between you and anything bad in your damn life! You should have told me!"
It wasn’t a mania, but real concern and the only reason why you put up with his outbursts. The idea in his mind of not being there when you could have needed him made his blood boil, see things more dramatic than expected. You had gotten into real problems years before, a few bad moments that had taught you a lot and for which he had jumped on the first available flight or in a car, forgetting to rest even after too many hours of work, consuming miles to even reach the other coast of the country. The beast that thundered, opening his mouth, going head-to-head against everything and everyone, turning everything and everyone upside down, had made you feel small then, but it had come to your rescue.
Comments didn't affect him, he had heard too many boos during his career to be impressed, but he channeled disappointment into his training and it was when he gave everything. For Roman it wasn't about preparing, it was about trying, testing his endurance, pushing himself for when the moment came. His returns had always been epochal events, changing the direction of the entire industry. His impact was unique because regardless of whatever people's opinions were out there, Roman had always left his mark for better or worse and he did it knowing he could. You supported him, assisted him as you could, but there was a part of you always worried it could have been too much and things could fall apart.
He had never really fallen though and if it had happened, his mindset had put Roman back on his feet immediately, proving to you over the years that nothing could really bring your man down even fighting the worst challenges. When the goal became clear in his mind, when he focused, there was nothing and no one that could push him down another path or make him change his mind. He was ready to crush any obstacle, overcome limits that he himself had previously drawn, see what others could not. Roman tenacity went beyond physical strength, it was mental, psychological, a terrifying confidence that brought out the part of him that made him so special. He didn't believe he could do anything, he knew he was capable of it and in one way or another Roman always found a way to do it, shaping himself and everything around him to realize his vision. Another species of man on another level of greatness.
- "Is perfect, take a break" – you tried to convince him and he nodded, but you saw it in his eyes even before you heard it.
- "One more time."
Sweaty body, heavy breathing, a man working hard to satisfy you.
You had your love adventures, but comparison with those who had been there before and Roman wasn't even a comparison. You had never felt so much love and lust in someone's arms, never had you felt so precious and fragile at the same time, like a flower pressed between the pages of a book, while he crushed you between the sheets. Sloppy kisses on your lips and delicate ones on your forehead, hands moving a lock of hair from your face and then sinking into the flesh of your thighs, turning you upside down as he pleased.
- "I'mma fuck my name in your head sweetheart, don't run, you ain't going nowhere" – promises that sounded like threats and made you tremble, a wave of pleasure washing over as you felt him go deeper – "you're stuck with me, quit it."
You whimpered, clinging to him like your life depended on it, shaking your head, begging, but Roman knew you better than you knew yourself and his grin always came right on time. When you felt like you were at your limit, he would increase the pace, pounding until he took air out of your lungs to kiss you and fill them with himself. Your body melted in his big hands, tears and sweet moods, climaxes following one another to the rhythm of your heartbeats and his brown eyes adoring and consuming you. Moans then became silent, pleasure intense to the point you couldn't feel anything else, you curled up giving in, abandoning yourself to his imperative desire to claim you. Only then did Roman slow down, bending you over, going beyond that sweet spot that he had tortured for the whole night, chasing his own pleasure this time and the perversion in his mind that made him go feral to fill you with his seed. Then he buried his face in your neck, between your breasts or behind your shoulder blades, hips pressed against your skin, nutting right into your soul and everything around you both fell silent to let the beast finally rest.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @alyyaanna @expert-texpert @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @claymorexpunisher @keybladeofsteel @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @joannasteez @reignsx @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @333creolelady @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @mzv11 @romanreignseater @dreamsinfocus @vebner37 @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @mahi-wayy @jxtina-86 @harmshake @southerngirl41 @smile1318 @headoftheetable @sortudademais @bookuce
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strawb3rrystar · 18 hours
Cork screws and bottle caps.
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Pairing: Tom Riddle x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Aphrodisiac, Virgin! Reader, Mad corruption kink, Oral (f!receiving), Fingering, Nipple play, Reader doesn't give verbal consent- but consent is given, Tom is obsessed with the reader, P in V sex, Overstimulation, Creampie, VERY DARK THEMES - I'm sorry I went a little insane while writing this
Word count: 2,056
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Tom had recently picked up a new fascination with potion making. And you were the naive witch who agreed to be his test subject. He wasn't stupid however, he already knew what the potion would do to you. But you didn't have to know that fact.
Your feet hung off the edge of his bed, his dorm nestled in the Slytherin tower, his favorite place in the whole castle. Maybe he was a hypocrite for it, but he liked the way people's skin crawled when they walked near it. You cupped the bottle in your hands, swirling the liquid a little.
"Remember to drink all of it."
You look up at the brunette standing before you, giving him a soft nod of your head. You bring the bottle to your lips and close your eyes when the strongly sweet liquid starts filling your mouth. Tom watched you down the potion, a grin spreading across his face as his plan is set into fruition. Once you were finished he took the empty bottle from your hands, setting it on his desk. He then picked up some parchment and a quill, prepared to write down your reactions.
"It should take a few minutes for it to work."
Tom informs you, scribbling something down. It wasn't anything important, he wasn't here to write a paper on you. He admired you sitting on his bed. Your uniform skirt came just below your knees, frilly socks adorning your ankles. That was one thing you always liked about Hogwarts, the option to choose the bottoms to your uniform. Most girls chose the pants option, but you always admired the frill of a skirt.
Tom liked that about you, it's why he specifically asked you over every other girl. Your naivete, your innocence, the fact that you were so trusting of him. There was a rumor that you had never even kissed someone yet. A complete virgin, and he wanted to be your first. After a few minutes of waiting, your body started to feel hot. And tingly too, as if your senses were heightened.
"What was that potion..? Is it supposed to make me feel all hot?"
Tom smiled at your soft voice, a clear panic set in your eyes. You nervously fiddle with your fingers, waiting for a response. He placed his hand on top of your head, then moved it down to cup your cheek.
"It was an aphrodisiac, love."
He said it so calmly and sweetly, as if it was the most normal thing and you were stupid for questioning him. He loved the confused glimmer in your eye. You had no idea what you had just gotten yourself into.
"It makes you.. aroused."
He was going to use more innocent terms for you, but decided it would be better if he was blunt. Your eyes widen, heat pooling in your lower abdomen.
"Why.. why would you give me that?"
Your questioning voice was adorable. The way you tried to act tough, but the slight quiver in your voice gave you away. Tom brings his the end of his quill under your chin, holding back a grin.
"I told you. It's for research."
He discards the parchment and writing utensil, leaning closer to you. You lean away from him, your breathing turning into distress. Tom doesn't back away, so within seconds your back is pressed against his mattress. A smile spreads across his lip, his hand touching your thigh. He caresses it for a few seconds before pushing your skirt up your legs. You instinctively clamp your legs shut, a look of distain crosses his face.
"I thought you wanted this?"
You struggle to find the words to reject him. You didn't want your first time to be like this. But you couldn't stop the aching that came from between your legs. You needed him and you knew it. He shifts to fit in between your thighs, kisses the inside of one.
"It's okay, love. I'll take care of you. Make you feel good."
Tom didn't wait before pulling your underwear off, tossing it to the ground. He stared in awe at the sight of your dripping cunt. He imagined having you like this a million times. Pounding you into the mattress, making you cum so many times that you pass out. But to actually see you bare in front of him, it was like a dream come true. He moves his hands under your thighs and lifts them up a bit. Bringing his face closer to your heat, you held your breath in anticipation. His tongue gives a teat swipe up your folds, pulling a gasp out of you.
Tom's heart jumped at the sound, he wanted to see what other sounds he could drive out of you. So, he buries his face in between your thighs, immediately licking up your clit. A whimper escapes your lips and you cover your mouth with your hand. Tom's lips wrap around your bundle of nerves and suckles. You moan so sweetly, bucking your hips up into him. He works hard, sucking on it a little harsher, twirling his tongue around it. He moves his tongue to your precious hole, swirling around it as well. Tom prodded at your entrance, listening to your moans and whines. Then he pulls away from your cunt, looking down at you.
"You're so needy for me, love."
He brings his fingers and picks up some of your arousal with the pads of them. He rubs his fingers on you clit, making you thighs twitch. Tom does this for a second before bringing his digits to your entrance. He starts pushing his middle finger into you, making you gasp and you eyes widen.
"Have you not touched yourself before, baby?"
You shake your head no, biting on your lip to hold back your moans. He slightly chuckles, his other hand unbuttoning your uniform. His finger continues to push into you and soon it's buried to his palm. Tom wiggles it, causing you to squirm. He pulls your button-up off your chest and pulls down your bra. You whine when his hand roughly grabs one of your breasts. He shushes you, thrusting his finger in and out of you now.
Tom brushes his tongue over your nipple then skillfully takes it into his mouth. His finger continued to slowly thrust into for a few minutes before adding a second one. The feeling of the stretch caused you to dig your fingers into the green duvet that covered his bed. Your pussy made an embarrassing squelching sound, revealing how wet you were. Once you adjusted to his second finger he thrusted them faster into you.
Your moans were so sweet, so perfect, just for him. Tom wanted to capture them in a bottle and carry it around in his robe pocket. He never wanted to see you talking to one of those useless Gryffindor boys in the Great Hall. He wanted to be the only one you looked at that way. The more Tom thought about it, the more frustrated he got. He abruptly pulls his fingers out of you, licking them clean.
"You taste so delicious, my love."
He made quick works of his clothes and the rest of yours. Admiring your body for a second, he lightly trails his hands over your abdomen down to your hips. He places him self in between your thighs, his cock painfully hard and leaking. This is what you did to him. Turned him from a high level wizard to a low level slut. Tom wanted to take his frustrations out on you. To break you until you'd forgotten every spell you learned. You wouldn't need magic if you were with him. He'd give you a good life, an easy life, away from the dangers of the wizarding world. He would provide a better life than any Gryffindor or Hufflepuff ever could.
Tom bumps the head of his cock into your clit a few times, watching you squirm. Then, he guided it into you, effectively making you hiss in pain. The stretch was worse than his fingers, it felt like being split in two. Your eyes clamped shut for a second as tears began to slip from your glassy eyes, reaching out for him. He complied, lacing his fingers with yours and pressing your arms into the mattress. Tom didn't want to wait for you to adjust however, he was growing impatient within seconds. Maybe this could be punishment for all the times you ignored him before. But, he made the rash decision to push into you fully, bottoming out. In response you let out a cry, nearing a scream. Your body slightly thrashed, trying to get away from him.
"Stop that. You wanted this, remember?"
His voice was demanding now and it felt like a total tonal shift that would make your head spin. Tom grabs your cheeks in his hand and squeezes, making your lips pudge out. You clench around him and he groans. It was enough to make him start moving, and his pace wasn't slow either. It was rough and unforgiving. You weep from the pain, your legs shaking. Yet you couldn't vocalize the words to ask him to stop. Would he even if you asked? You hoped so. You really hoped so.
It took minutes of his deep thrusts for the pleasure to come to your body and the pain melt away. It came in a rush, a sudden flip of a switch in your body that had your head rolling back. Noticing you weren't crying from pain anymore, Tom picks up the pace with his thrusts, his hips smacking into yours. As your moans pick up again, he buries his face in your neck, softly kissing it. Soon you felt a twisting, fuzzy feeling in your stomach.
"Tom.. I feel weird.."
He grins at that and you could feel it against your skin. He pulls away from your neck, looking down at you. His free hand presses against your stomach, feeling where his cock reached inside of you, while his other still held yours.
"It's okay. Just let it happen, love."
Tom continues his fast paced thrust, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. Your body trembles as you cum, clenching hard around him. He fucks you through your high, but doesn't show any signs of stopping. You whine when his lips pull away from yours, your body feeling like a sauna. Sweat clung to your skin as your cunt pathetically wept around him. Tom drunk in your fucked out expression, feeling himself get closer.
He speeds up even more to bring himself to release. But that in turn overstimulates you, bringing your body close to having a second orgasm. Tom brings both his hands to grab your hips, making sure your body is firmly against the bed. That left your hands free and you opted to grab onto the duvet again.
"I'm going to cum inside you- Because you're mine from now on."
Tom says in between groans. And he meant it too. The both of you moan for each other, his names falling out of your lips like a spell. Your eyes roll back, focusing on his rough, fast, deep thrusts. The bed beneath you squeaked and you hoped that no one else could hear you. Like the rush of running water you came again, clenching around his cock like a vice. You cunt sucked and pulled him in. He felt drawn to it, like he couldn't live without it, or your adorable expressions. Studying the sight of your trembling body, he came right after you. Filling you up with his cum.
After you both calm down from your intense high, he pulls out of your swollen, messy cunt. Laying down beside you, he pulls you into his arms. He made a mental note to clean you, and his bed up after resting a little while. Tom kisses the side of your head, praising you for what a good job you did taking him. You never expected today would be the day that you had your first kiss, lost your virginity, and got a boyfriend. But you did, and honestly, you probably couldn't be more satisfied with your day as the potion wore off.
"I love you, so much, darling."
"I love you too, Tom."
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Star's notes -> This is my first fic to ever reach 2k words. Anyways, as per the vote, here is the Tom Riddle aphrodisiac fic!
(Requests are open!)
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sweet1delusi0ns · 3 days
I need more sub naruto boys x dom fem reader pls maybe one where the reader is punishing/rewarding them for theyre behavior
Naruto boys being rewarded ──☆*:・゚
Pt.1! pt.2 will have the rest of the characters, stay tuned!
Fem!dom!reader + smut
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲
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reward:letting him play with himself
Hes relatively behaved he’s just a little bratty. He mostly gets in trouble for touching himself without you knowing so when you allow him to touch himself right in front of you it’s he loves it. Although it takes a while to earn up enough good boy points to actually get a reward~
He has been doing your chores all day while also trying to hint at what he really wants is special time with you. He’s currently cleaning the dishes while trying to look as sexy as possible which is not that easy- “naruto what are you doing? You look silly~” “I am NOT silly I am attractive!” You laugh “if your trying to get a reaction it’s not gunna work~” he drops the dishes at your teasing tone, he turned around to start pleading “oh come on I’ve been the best I could be all day dont I deserve a little something?” You raise an eye brow “hmm maybe you do deserve a little reward~” his face dropped “REALLY?!” “Yup, or maybe…you should give yourself the reward” you grab his hand to place it on his own clothed dick, He got hint immediately. “I can?!” “Yes~” he wasted no time pushing his hand into his pants, softly grazing his tip. He came extremely fast which he normally isn’t allowed to do but it’s his reward so he did what he wanted!- “Aw you came so fast baby?” “i-it’s my reward!” You tsk at his breathy response “I guess it is, well since it’s your reward it’s your responsibility to clean up~” your hand pressed over his cum stained pants. “Y-yes ma’am…thank you…” “of course~ although if you get any of that on the floor you will be punished!” Which made him arch into the air “I won’t…”
Reward: using a vibrater to cum
He secretly loves vibraters, he rarely gets to use them though so when you offered to let him cum with a vibrater instead he was ecstatic. He also loves when you hold it for him since sometimes he gets a little lazy-
“Wait what? Wh-why are you pulling away!” You put your hand on his cheek to calm him “this isn’t a punishment, this is a reward! I figured you would like to cum in a different way~” you pull out a small wand which has been used before so he is very familiar, once his eyes landed on the toy his legs softly started to shake “yes p…lease” you turn it on to the softest setting and press it against his length causing his hips to buckle into it “OH ahh yes~ I-I want more!” You turn it up while resting your hand on his hip stopping him from moving “like that?” “YES!” You drag the toy up and down making him cry out “M-MISS IM CLOSE~” you drag the toy all the way up to his tip making him cum all over his stomach “Thank you thank you thank you!!!”
Reward: pegging
He’s shy to admit that he loves being pegged but he does, he loves feeling you inside him so you normally use it as a reward. Once he makes you cum you always want to return the favor which he will gladly exept
“Did I…do good?” “Yes~ so good in fact…I think you deserve a little something.” He lifts his head up to see what you were talking about just to see you reaching for the special drawn. “R-really? Ah~” you grab the strap from the drawn than you turn back to him “get into a position tachi~” he does as you ask and rolls over onto his side, hooking his leg over his arm gently spreading him open while he softly moaned. You grab onto his leg to position yourself with his cute hole. You plunge into him causing him to squeal loudly. “That feel good? Mh” you start to pump into him gently which made him shake, he can’t hold it very long sadly so not even 2 minutes in he’s already warning you “I-I’m c-c-close mh-mh-mhh~” you speed up as you watch him twitch, he soon came all over the bed which made you press inside his ass deep as possible, which overstimulated him the perfect amount. “F-fuck yes!! Ngh~ so good…” you pull out slowly “watch your language~”
Reward: hand job
He only gets hand jobs when your to lazy to do anything more but he still finds it rewarding, you could be watching a show or reading a book and when you start giving into his neediness he feels rewarded even if your not really paying attention~
Your just trying to read a book and for once his attention isn’t on a book either. Instead it on your thigh, he’s currently trying to rut against you but you keep on pushing him off “stop kakashi!” He groans “Cmon… i need You!” You roll your eyes at his neediness “fine. Just don’t be that distracting I’m still trying to read” you reach down to his pants button with your free hand unbuckling it with ease before pull out his cock which is already dripping. “Yes…finally…” you start pumping while he shamelessly humps into your hand. “Hm~ faster?…” you agree since you didn’t want to stop reading to scold him. “Yeah sure whatever” you pick up the pace cause him to throw his head back, he reaches up to his nipples softly toying with them which you didn’t mind either “hurry up, I’d like to read with two hand-” “y-yes mistress in close..” he pintches his nipples causing an orgasm to flow over him. “OH! Y/N AH~ HM~” “oh god all over my hand? Really?”
Reward: thigh humping
If he has been behaving his fav reward is dry humping your thighs. He does every little thing you ask hoping by the end of the day he can feel your soft thighs on his dick
“You’ve been really obedient today pup? What did you do.” He shakes his head aggressively “nothing!!! I was just…hoping for something in return…” his eyes flicker to his pants trying to hint to you “oh, is this what you want?” You push your thigh between his legs which instantly causing him to hump onto it “ah! Y-yea~” he wraps his arms around your shoulder for more support while he’s thrusts grow needier “t-thank y-you…hm~ can I cum too?” you giggle “sure~” five minutes of whimpers and moans later he is finally close. “I-I’m close…fuck..” you push into his dick causing more friction “AHH NGHH YES~” he releases into his pants which quickly dripped down his inner thigh. You pull your thigh away before kissing his cheek and walking away to grab a towel and a new pair of pants for your messy boy
Reward: nipple play
He could cum just for you softly rubbing his nipples in circles, he loves when he’s just relaxing at home and all of a sudden feel your hand slip under his shirt and rub his nipples, it makes him whimper and whine and he loves it.
He just woke up from a nap, just as you walk into the room. “Hey Shika~ what are you doing?” “I just woke up…” he reaches both hands up to tuck them behind his head. You walk over to him then clime over him. He closes his eyes when he feels you over him since he assumed you guys were gunna cuddle, but instead he felt something soft and warm pressing against his nipples which made his eyes shoot open. “W-wow…I wasn’t ah~” you use your other hand to pull up his shift fully so you have access to all of his chest “shh~” you reach down so your lips are just over his nipple and gave it a small lick. “Ngh…y/n…” you fully engulf his bud with hot, wet sensations causing him to arch his back. “Please ngh…” he reaches his hand up to play with the opposite nipple so there is equal stimulation“I-I’ll cum if you don’t NGHH~” “go on~” you start sucking on the bud making him scream right before cumming completely untouched.
Reward: make outs
He likes the simple things, not every reward with him must be sexual he honestly just likes having you in his mouth while pulling on his hair~ making out isn’t even intended as a reward but he views it as one
You were in a kissy kind of mood and decided to use him as an outlet *wink* you found him on the couch reading and you wasted no time climbing on top of him which made him jump. “Don’t worry it’s just me baby” his eyes flicker up from his book with a startled look “oh..you scared me heh” you pull in for a very soft kiss, even though it was just a little peck he still moaned softly at the touch of your lips. What he didn’t expect was for you to pull in again, this time you did not pull away. He moaned into your lips knowing what’s going ti happen. “Hmm hm~” you bite his lip commanding him to open his mouth, he submitted and opened his mouth to let you inside his hot mouth. Your tongue swirls around causing him to softly gag, you reach around to grab a hand full of hair to stabilize him, he is slowly loosing his breath he moans to signal you to pull away. You pulled out of his mouth and open your eyes to see his droopy eyes, mouth slightly open with his tongue stick out. You both gasp for air and you could feel his pants tighten underneath you but instead of tending to his hardness you go right back into his mouth. He cries out into your mouth the whole time~
Pt.2 coming soon!!! Once pt.2 is posted I’ll start to write one abt punishments 😋
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~900
Summary: Wanda comes home to you
A/N: Pure fluff. 
Warnings: none
You groan under your breath as you stare at the television screen that’s illuminating the darkened room. You take a deep breath before finishing your rep and dropping the dumbbells at your feet. You focus your attention on the TV show that you’d chosen to work out to tonight. It’s after 8, and it’s completely dark except for the TV because you hated to witness yourself working out. You didn’t like the idea of the shadows revealing what you were doing to anyone on the other side of the blinds, and you really just didn’t like to see what your body looked like. 
You sit down for another 30 seconds before you have to start your last rep. You sigh heavily before trying to focus on how your tired muscles throb. 
For the same reason that you are in the dark, you try to only work out when you’re alone. You are already embarrassed by how loudly your joints crack, and you can’t imagine how you’d feel if Wanda watched you sweat and groan in exhaustion. 
You glance at the clock in the kitchen and realize that you should have more than enough time to finish your work out before your girlfriend returns home. You smile at the thought and stand back up to grab the weights once again.
Wanda’s lived with you for a few months now, and it was exactly what you were hoping it would be. She was still absent a lot because of her work, but if you were lucky, you’d see her in the morning and then wake up with her beside you. You now had more motivation to cook dinner, and even if Wanda didn’t get around to hers until hours later, you knew that she appreciated the gesture. You also appreciated having someone other than yourself to take care of regularly. 
You grit your teeth as you finish your last few reps before practically throwing the weights under the couch with a victorious groan. You resist the urge to sit down, and you hold your hands on top of your head as you catch your breath. You’re glancing back to the screen when you hear the distinct sound of a key turning in the lock down the hall. You startle, feeling as if you’ve been caught doing something you’re not supposed to, and you don’t manage to move before the door swings open.
Wanda is grateful to be home early for the first time this week. She’s had a hell of a day and can’t wait to cuddle up next to you watching TV or just catching up on your day. She wasn’t even thinking about dinner when she walked through the front door and into the dark apartment. It took her a few seconds to realize that it wasn’t actually dark, and the television cast a bluish glow around the room where you were standing with your hands almost held above your head. You looked surprised, but Wanda only focused on this long enough for her to close and lock the door behind her before she noticed something more important. 
“Hey Wands.”
Despite feeling a little out of sorts, you smile as you greet your girlfriend who you hadn’t expected back nearly this early. You watch as she takes in your appearance and you have to resist the urge to fold your arms over your chest or stomach to hide. Even though Wanda’s gaze is far from critical, you regret your choice of clothing. 
Wanda doesn’t respond because she’s too busy staring at your flat stomach and toned arms. She closes the distance between you and reaches out for you with a small smile. 
“Hey detka.” 
She figures that you were working out from your attire, but the feeling of your heated skin confirms this. She watches as you flinch slightly before pulling away with a breathy laugh. Wanda lets her gaze drop to your skimpy shorts before she meets your amused expression once your words register. 
“Shit Wands, your hands are freezing! Is it that cold out there?” 
Wanda eventually shrugs before she tries again and drops her hands to your hips that are barely covered by your shorts. She smiles as she backs you up until your legs hit the couch, and you gasp as you drop down onto the cushions. You raise your hands just in time to catch Wanda as she slides into your lap. You smile before she meets your lips in a quick kiss.
The sound of the TV fades into the background as you focus on your girlfriend. You suppress a shudder as her cold sleeves brush against your skin as she wraps her arms around your neck. You tug on her coat, and Wanda takes the hint to move away just enough to drop it behind her before shooting you a knowing look. 
“I hope you ate more than gummy bears for dinner.” 
She can’t see it, but your expression tells her that you’re likely blushing as you bite your lip before glancing toward the kitchen. You’d had something of more substance yes, but you’d started and ended your meal with gummy bears. You shoot her a smile as you lean in to kiss her before she can respond to your dubious claim. 
“Of course, Wands. I had at least two vegetables today.”
Wanda doesn’t break the kiss, but she rolls her eyes before pulling you closer with a sigh. She would argue about your eating habits later. For now she was just glad to be home with you at the end of a trying day. She couldn’t think of anywhere she’d rather be. 
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azzibuckets · 1 day
jealous [azzi fudd]
azzi fudd x fem!reader
summary: aubrey gives you a hard time by making azzi jealous
word count: 1k
You ducked your head in embarrasment as Azzi’s eyes unashamedly wandered over your body. She wasn’t touching you, but your skin felt hot where her eyes lingered, like she was undressing you by just looking at you.
“You like it?” you asked, already knowing the answer but wanting the words to come explicitly from Azzi’s lips.
Azzi came up from behind you, her palms sliding sensually over your hips and coming dangerously close to the heat now throbbing between your thighs. “Baby,” she chuckled, her breath warm on your ear, “like doesn’t even come close.”
You felt her lips graze your neck, the soft curls of her hair brushing your skin. It took everything in you not to undress right then and there, with Azzi looking at you like a tiger ready to pounce. You studied yourself in the mirror. You looked good. You were wearing a tight, low-cut dress that showed just enough cleavage. The dress hugged you in all the right places, highlighting your curves and the soft slope of your hips and breasts. You lips were stained a scarlet red, your fingers decorated with heavy gold jewelry that glittered in the light.
Azzi’s lips moved to your neck, where her she folded your skin in her mouth, teasing the soft spot between her teeth. “We might just have to stay at home,” she husked.
“No, Azzi, we promised the girls we’d be there,” you laughed lightly, turning around and gently detaching your bodies. Azzi pouted at the loss of contact, her ebony eyes shining.
Azzi couldn’t take her eyes or hands off of you the entire way to the bar. There was always some point of contact between the two of you - her hand on the small of your black, gliding down to your butt until you had to smack her away, her pinkie intertwined with yours, or her arm laid protectively around your shoulders.
The two of you only separated when you went to go dance with Aubrey and KK. Azzi stayed behind at the bar, slowly sipping her drink as she carefully watched you. You were grinding sensually to the rythmic beat of the music, your hips glancing against Aubrey’s as she hovered behind you.
“Grip that any tighter and you’re gonna cut yourself.” Looking down, Azzi saw the tips of her fingers go white. Letting go of the glass, she flexed her hand. Caroline plopped down in the stool next to her, a wry smile on her face.
“She’s awfully close to Aubrey,” Azzi said stiffly, not tearing her eyes from you.
“You’re worried about Aubrey?” Caroline laughed as she stole a sip from Azzi’s drink. “You know she has a girlfriend?”
“Yeah, I know,” Azzi grumbled, finally forcing herself to look away. “I just don’t like seeing anyone that close with her.”
“Trust me,” Caroline said. “You don’t have anything to worry about.”
But her words flew past Azzi’s head once Aubrey placed her hands on your hips, slowly guiding your movements as she whispered something into your ear. Azzi shot up, immediately pushing past the throng of people to find you. Caroline chuckled as she watched the scene unfolding, knowing Aubrey’s tendency to get a kick out of making Azzi jealous (which, in Aubrey’s defense, was much easier than it should be).
You felt a hand wrap around your wrist and gently tug. Looking up, you saw Azzi staring you down with a clenched jaw. “Hey Az,” you slurred, reaching up to graze your fingers against the hollow of her throat. “What’s up?”
“Come on,” she said assertively, trying to ignore the sparks from where your touch dragged over her neck. “We gotta go.”
“Aw, Azzi,” Aubrey grinned, moving closer to you. “But the party just started.”
Azzi glared at her friend, knowing what she was up to. She shifted her body between the two of you, separating your distance as Aubrey’s grin widened. “Aubrey,” she warned. “You’re really testing it.”
Aubrey threw her hands up in surrender, backing up a couple of steps. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said innocently.
Sending one final death glare to Aubrey, Azzi tightened her grip on your wrist and led you across the bar to the bathroom. As soon as she locked the door, she pushed you against the wall. Your eyes widened in surprise her hands aggressively smoothed over her hips. “You wanna let me in on your little secret?” she breathed, her eyebrows furrowed and lip curled.
Your bottom lip jutted out. “Azzi,” you whined. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Sure as hell you didn’t.” Azzi nipped harshly at your earlobe, eliciting a groan from your lips. The angle of your bodies gave you a perfect view of the curve of her cleavage peeking out from the opening of her crop top. You swallowed hard and tried to drag your eyes away, but there was nowhere safe to look. Every part of Azzi’s body, from the lines of her abs to the sharp edge of her jaw, sent fire running through your veins.
Azzi, noticing your eyes flicking down, smirked knowingly. “You wanna grind on other girls and let them whisper sweet nothings into your ear then look at me like you wanna fuck me?” she mocked.
“I wasn’t grinding on her,” you moaned. You tried to meet Azzi’s lips with your own but she dodged your kiss.
Azzi slotted her leg between yours, knocking your knee and allowing it to make contact with your core. You groaned at the contact, trying to rock your hips against her thigh but failing to gain enough friction to feel anything.
Azzi bit her lip, wondering how someone could look so sexy like this. Your hair was a mess, unfurling from the bobby pins you had put in to keep it up and falling into your face. Your cheeks were rosy and flushed, with a light sheen of sweat covering your neck from dancing earlier. She wanted to take you right then and there, but she was becoming acutely aware of the fact that you two were still in the unhygienic bathroom of a college bar.
So instead, she detached yourself from the warmth of your body. She looked at you with dilated pupils, her eyes hooded. “Home?” she suggested.
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