#this is super late & got super long & i think i ranted a lot but. i am so PUMPED abt this au
rosicheeks · 3 months
i do not know if i ever sent this to you. i have posted it. i hope you like it Princess.
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#uhhhhhm no you HAVE NOT SENT THIS TO ME BEFORE?!?!#I literally am speechless#I’m not super talky right now#but even if I was I feel like I’d still be fucking speechless#like I already said I love your writing 🩷#and it fucking BLOWS ME AWAY when people write about me or use me as an inspiration#like????????? what??????? me???????????!#I’m going to keep this close to my heart and look at it whenever I’m feeling down#I don’t remember if I said that already but it’s true#I need to get a journal or a cute box to put things like this in so I can just grab it and look through them when I’m feeling shitty#one thing I needed to say is the fact that you shared this with me now of all times??? is kinda crazy to me#idk if it’s a coincidence or if the universe/God/whoever/whatever is trying to tell me to go back into music and singing#not going to go into it too much but I’ve been looking at my life a lot lately#and I’m realizing I’m not getting any younger…. I know I’m still young but if I don’t do something soon -#my life is going to completely pass before my eyes and I really really don’t want that#I’m *finally* going to get mental help soon (long story but I have to wait a few weeks)#and once I’m actually mentally stable I can focus on what I want to do with my life#so I’ve been thinking a lot about my performing arts background and then randomly a get an email from a choir director I know#asking if I could please join the choir for their Easter performance cause they could really use my high notes#and she just kept complimenting me and it felt really nice ☺️#then when I went to the first rehearsal I sat next to this girl and we were singing a part and the first sopranos go up to a high A#and I can hit it easily but most of them couldn’t so it felt like I was going this mini solo lol#but she asks me what my range is and I told her that back when I trained I could sing queen of the night which I think goes up to an F6#and she was talking about how impressive that is#and it made me think about if I actually trained and got back into it how good I actually could get#I don’t mean this to be like ‘look at me look at me I’m so good’#it just feels nice to have a little bit of a direction again#who knows if I’ll actually go down the music path again but it does sound damn exciting#I miss it with all my heart - I miss singing and performing and acting… I even miss music theory#anyway rant over and i ran out of space but thank you so much I seriously can’t thank you enough 😭🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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blumineck · 4 months
hi! you're great I love your work! I've got a weirdly specific archery question and thought I'd send it to you in case you'd find it fun to have a crack at
say you're an expert archer originally from Vietnam sometime in the late bronze age. say you're a super duper expert archer because it turns out you're immortal, and so you do your archery across Eurasia through the first millennium BCE and the first millennium CE and into the age where gunpowder weapons are evolving into cannons. that's a long time to be alive and you do lots of hunting and fighting with all kinds of bows and shooting styles, especially war archery on horseback. then you're out of the picture for a while, let's say you're peacefully sleeping for a handful of centuries. (this is about Quynh from The Old Guard who alas was not peacefully sleeping)
all of a sudden you blink and you've gone from the era where firearms were just starting to develop and maybe with this new flintlock thing guns could eventually get good enough to rival a bow and arrows— bam, now you're in the 21st century. what kinds of modern archery tech would you be most excited to try out? what would you think of a compound bow? Olympic style archery? plastic fletching?? how about the modern reproductions of what are now considered historical bows and shooting styles? is there anything about 21st century archery that you'd want to rant about at length? other opinions about these newfangled takes on your trusty old bow and arrows you care to share?
This is a phenomenal question, and thank you for asking it! Here’s my 2 cents:
The thing about modern archery is that for the most part, modern bows are designed to make it easier to be accurate, to the stage that modern target accuracy is probably better than it’s ever been historically.
BUT, if we assume Quynh is capable of feats of archery that match the level of melee combat skill that e.g. Andy has, then she doesn’t NEED it to be easier to be accurate.
My guess is that someone like her would actually find most modern archery developments needlessly slow and awkward. Compound bows and Olympic recurves are NOT designed for instinctive, fast shooting, and would probably feel quite restrictive once she got over how easy they made accuracy.
BUT, I imagine she would be blown away by the range and arrow speed that modern bows can generate, and there are some recurves (and at least one compound bow), that have been designed to make use of the efficiency of modern materials and bow design, while still allowing traditional shooting styles, and those, THOSE are something an ancient immortal archer might fall in love with! (FWIW, my own go-to is a horsebow made with carbon-fibre limbs and a modern limb profile, and for impact energy it can match some traditional bows with a draw weight that’s 50% greater. The Oneida eagle compound could trump that).
So yeah, it might take her a bit, but once she gets her hands on the right equipment, she’d be (even more) TERRIFYING!
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delcakoo · 2 years
sharing a bed with enha₊˚ପ���
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ღ PAIRING ! enhypen x gn!reader
ღ WC ! 2k
ღ GENRE ! fluff n’ crack
a/n: ty for the request ! i put a lot of thought into each member and what i think they’d be like hehe enjoy <3
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besides when he’s trying to be sneaky and play video games under the sheets, sharing a bed with heeseung is very peaceful
not that you can talk much about his late night gaming habit 🧌
he successfully kidnaps you into playing with him at least once a week despite your sad attempts to save your sleep schedule
you’ll both just be lying in bed with heeseungs switch connected to the tv absolutely screaming and firing insults at each other
listen, super smash bros was very serious and intense, romance didn’t matter anymore.
you and kirby were absolute menaces, even though you sadly lost to heeseung and link a couple of times
he just got lucky though 🙄
as for when it’s actually time to go to bed, you guys don’t exactly have a set sleeping position or routine
the most he’ll do is lazily fling an arm over your waist
but usually the two of you just try to find any position that’s most comfortable
if that means hugging each other to death, then so be it
or if it means facing away from each other with limbs all over the place, that’s cool too
if you hadn’t noticed, hee is just very very chill
you’re in for perfect nights 98% of the time with this boy, especially after late night game sessions since you’re both absolutely exhausted
10/10 bed sharing companion <3
mister grump..
when you guys are in bed, he’ll just be like “night.” and then boom he’s out
yeah, jay is not much of a romantic when he’s tired </3
however he might give you a lil peck on the cheek or forehead if he feels like it!
sleeping is just very serious business for your boyfriend
i mean remember that one en’oclock episode where he somehow fell asleep in like five minutes even with all the other members giggling around him?
yeah, he can and will sleep anytime, anywhere with no struggle at all
so sharing a bed with him is amazingly easy :0
no snoring, no shuffling or moving around, nothing
he’s basically just a log next to you
buuut that doesn’t mean you don’t move around yourself
which jay finds extremely annoying, because why can’t you be perfect and fall asleep instantly like him? 🙄
“what are you doing?” he grumbles, eyes closed as he feels you flip onto your other side for the hundredth time
you scowl, “not all of us can fall asleep in ten seconds.”
suddenly, two strong arms yank you into a warm embrace, preventing you from fidgeting around any longer
you huff in fake annoyance, but in reality it feels amazing to be pressed up against his warmth
any night you need to be held, he’s ready with open arms!
or if you want to hold him, go for it, he really doesn’t care as he can fall asleep no matter what
but enjoy dealing with grumpy, confused jay in the morning~
bro needs to hold you !
you’re right there next to him?!? of course he needs to touch you !
you’ll literally get into bed, and like a hungry piranha he just grabs you
for the rest of the night you’re stuck there as his personal teddy bear
not that you mind at all
however if you do find yourself needing to change position he’ll reluctantly release you, as long as there’s some kind of physical contact remaining
even holding hands is enough <3
he’s too cute 🙁
each night you guys talk for a while, jake likes to tell you funny things the members did and what promotions were like
then he listens intently to you ranting about your day, nodding along enthusiastically the whole time and making comments along the way
“that’s so stupid! i should go to your work and tell them off.”
“he seriously said that to you? i’ll fight him!”
yeah, your boyfriend gets all the tea and gossip about your work
then when you’re both finally ready to sleep he lazily mumbles out a “g'night, luv you.”
*forehead kiss* (or at least he aims for your forehead, it’s pitch black after all)
everryyy single night <3
and now you can’t fall asleep until he says that and gives you your kiss :’)
mf acts like you’re such a nuisance being next to him in bed even though he’s secretly relishing in your presence
“wah, you even want to sleep with me now? you’re so obsessed 🙄”
*a minute later*
“i’ve just granted you a once in a lifetime opportunity to sleep next to the park sunghoon and you’re not even going to hold me?”
yeah, you may think with those big arms of his he’d wanna be the big spoon but he really does find it comforting being in your embrace
sunghoon is so glad the darkness hides the cheesy grin he makes every time you wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him right up against you
he’ll simply melt into you, sometimes throwing his much longer leg over both of yours and tangling them together even though he knows it’s a habit of his that you despise
“hoon, your feet are popsicles! get away from me!” you yell, making the boy let out a mischievous snicker as he shuffles even closer
“you love it~”
however on some nights when he wants to be all protective and “manly” as he calls it, he flips you around so your back is against his chest and traps you there for the night, leaving small kisses on the back of your head
“hoon, too tight. i can’t breathe.” you whine, desperately tugging on his muscular arms practically glued to your waist
your boyfriend scoffs, loosening his hold slightly, “wow, you’re so ungrateful. you know how many people wish they could be in your position right now? 😒”
if he’s feeling extra mushy or just seconds from falling into dreamland, he may offer a quick, barely audible “love you”
and when you say it back he gets all flustered, pushing his face deeper into the crook of your neck
you can’t help but giggle at his duality
have lots of fun teasing this man in the morning for being all soft with you~
sunoo would be so happy to share a bed with you!
it’s a literal bonding activity to him even if it’s just the both of you lying there waiting for your body to lose consciousness
but before sleeping you guys will usually take the safe environment as an opportunity to vent to each other or let things out
sunoo usually tells you about any worries or insecurities he feels, or if he needs advice about the members
then you do the same with your school/work
despite him usually being the one laughing and trying to brighten the mood in more serious situations, sunoo is also a very good listener
for physical touch, sunoo prefers to be hugging you in some way, even just putting his arm over you is enough
or he’ll randomly throw a leg over yours to pull you closer
and being very the observant boy he is, he always notices if there happens to be more blankets on his side and will pull them all onto you :)
once you announce you’re ready to sleep, he’ll usually say “goodnight jagi, sleep well~”
and if you’re facing him, he’ll try to peck you on the lips despite the darkness
but if you’re turned away he settles for kissing your neck, making him laugh as you flinch away from the ticklish gesture
oh and, sunoo loves getting blackmail pictures of you asleep in the morning, drool falling down your chin, hair a mess
he thinks you look adorable and makes it his lock screen 😒
when you wake up he’s dead
but still, softest and caring boy as usual <3 won the jackpot with this boy fr
now this one
he would be a bit chaotic to be honest
all day he’s stuck being a mature, confident leader for the members despite being the second youngest
so when he gets the chance to just relax and be alone with you in bed he’s giggling like a kid on christmas eve
you snap an eye open at the sound of your boyfriend’s very much awake voice, “it’s like midnight, what do you want? i was almost asleep.” you complain
he straight up bites your cheek, making you yelp and swat him away
laughing, he suddenly gets on top of you, crushing you under his weight, “i can’t sleep.”
he’s a bit of a child yes, but please baby him like he deserves <\3
after you’ve successfully been forced into staying up with the hyper cat, you end up watching anime on his phone, curled up as close to each other as possible
“i love korosensei, they won’t actually kill him right?” (assassination classroom is my favorite anime okay i had to mention it somewhere 🙄)
you scoff, “of course they will, at the end though.” jungwon pouts at your prediction, scooting even closer into your arms as you continue, “first they’re going to make sure we love him a lot before breaking our hearts.”
your boyfriend frowns, “they would never do that! obviously they’re going to convince the world he’s actually a harmless, loving octopus slash teacher and everyone will cheer for him and live happily ever after.”
you chuckle at his defensive tone, “sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself more than me.”
after you’ve watched so many episodes to the point where both your eyes start to burn, jungwon turns on his lamp and declares you take ‘3am selfies’
you decide to not question him anymore
when he opens his camera app, you grunt in jealousy as somehow he still looks amazing despite the time displayed on his phone
meanwhile you’re next to him feeling like a sewer rat 😞
all in all, sharing a bed with won is amazing as long as you’re ready to stay up all night !
sharing a bed with niki will be.. an interesting time!!
after watching weird youtube videos and taking the worst pictures of each other possible all night, you’d have to be the one to declare when it was bedtime
he’ll agree, but that doesn’t exactly mean he’ll sleep right away too
this mf will definitely put his cold ass foot on your thigh out of nowhere, cackling when you scream and try to escape
after that traumatizing experience you’ll be like “okay, goodnight for real now.”
he’ll kiss your nose quickly, “okay okay, goodnight y/n~”
ah, silence, finally.
suddenly the body next to you is moving slightly, and you realise it’s niki trying as hard as he can to hold in his laugh
you open your eyes, groaning, “yah! what could possibly be funny right now?”
he lets it out, laughing maniacally, “i’m sorry! i can just barely make out your face in the dark and it’s just—“ he gets cut off by his own cackle, hiding his face in the pillow
of course he’s laughing at your face 🧌
“seriously? why am i even dating you,” you mutter, flipping over to your other side so your back is to him, “is this better?”
“now i miss your cute face~” he giggles, suddenly hugging you tightly from behind
anyway your boyfriend moves a lot in his sleep, which leads to him slowly nudging you every so often
eventually the pushing continues long enough for you to plop onto the ground
the worst part is neither you or niki even wake up from this
in the morning, pray that he doesn’t wake up first
because if he does and wakes up to find you on the floor, he will tease you for months and definitely take lots of pictures
if you’re lucky enough to wake up first, it ends with you yelling at him in confusion while he apologises through much much laughter
i don’t know what you wanted from this mf <3
if you enjoyed, reblogs n’ feedback are always appreciated and motivating for me !
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
taglist: @duolingofanaccount
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yuusishi · 10 months
i just love your writings so much <3
if possible, can i request malleus or leona headcanons with reader who's a penguin enthuasiast? (am i typing it correctly??)
like, they could talk about the topic for hours.... they go like that "haha btw did u know that adelie penguins poop could be pink colored because of-"
pairings : Leona Kingscholar , Malleus Draconia x gn!reader
genre : fluff
cws/tws : none
a/n : I'm so sorry it took me months to get to this I was like super demotivated for twst writings for a while 😭
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Leona Kingscholar !!
Like with a lot of things in life, it's another thing he doesn't mind, especially when it came from you.
He actually finds it kind of cute how you're so passionate about penguins specifically, like you could've chosen other animals but penguins just caught your interest the most.
Whenever he's napping in the botanical garden he often just hears you walk up to him and start ranting about some new facts you learned, already sensing that he was awake.
(semi-related to the previous one he's def the type to recognize your footsteps)
It does bring up some really funny situations, like how you two could be cuddling and you just suddenly go: "Did you know penguins huddle together for long periods of time to protect themselves from predators or for warmth".
He's gotten used to it at this point and doesn't think it's out of place at all, he even finds it a little suspicious if you haven't told him at least three things about penguins in one day.
Ooo Leona finds it so cute when you two are in biology class and he sees you perk up whenever the little creatures are brought up. Like how you get visibly excited and all :)
He will NOT ❌ tolerate anyone making fun of your funky interest they will answer to HIM if they have a problem with it.
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Malleus Draconia !!
"You're just like me fr"
You two take turns info-dumping to each other about your very niche interests.
This leads to staying up really late into the night just talking about gargoyles and penguins, to the point Lilia himself has to go out and reminds Malleus of the time and the fact there's still class the following morning.
Frequent sleepovers are a thing 100% and it would be snuggling under a blanket or in bed together with documentaries playing in the background.
(usually though it would be nature docus cuz no one makes gargoyle docus >:( )
He confessed to you by finding the most beautiful rock he found because he read up on penguins' courting traditions beforehand and you got the sentiment immediately.
And by most beautiful rock he found, he went around the entirety of the NRC campus and even went back to Briar Valley to search for it. And funnily enough he found the one he used to "propose" to you right by your dorm :)
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nebula-blitzar · 3 months
Just kinda in the mood to post this so like
There’s a lot of rumors and speculations on how Fizz and Oz met and when so I thought I would share my personal theory.
I think when the incident first occurred, Mam freaked the fuck out because he had just signed a contract, had been doing work for him on the side, and made him lots of money. So Mam calls up Oz and asks him for prosthetics for cheap. They were decent quality (especially for the price,) and Oz had written instructions and stuck them to the prosthetics so Mam would see them. Mam, being the lazy ass he is, threw them away and just gave Fizz the prosthetics, with no guidance on how to use them.
Now Fizz was further indebted to Mammon, so he couldn’t really leave. He worked full time for him, and was still paid as much as he needed to get by (decent apartment, food). At some point along this timeline, Mam also had Asmodeus make the Fizz-bots, which lightened the load. But Fizz’s performances became more intense, and further put stress on him.
I do want to note I have a theory that imps with irises (all the time) have chronic anxiety or other problems. Since other imps’ irises only appear when they’re upset in some way, shape, or form. So that would be Barb, Blitzø, and Fizz. Cash didn’t have irises, but Tilla did, and since she was sick and shit, it kinda makes sense.
So with all of this stuff happening to Fizz and around Fizz with no one to help him, he had worsened anxiety. But he kept performing since he felt so indebted to Mammon. Around the four and a quarter year mark, Fizz started to feel some pain where his limbs were attached to his body. So he asked Mammon. Mam, being the asshole he is, said no, obviously, so he just kinda..kept performing through the pain.
Since the pain was persistent enough to get in the way of Fizz’s performances, he kept asking Mammon. Finally, Mam let him go do it so he would shut up about it. So Fizz and Oz finally got to meet in person, and they learned the problem was basically some pretty severe friction burns from not wearing them properly (y’know since Mam threw the instructions away) and so Oz was pissed about Mammon not listening to him (as always) and wanted to call him to give him a piece of his mind.
Fizz stops him, saying it’s a bad idea, and that Fizz will get in more trouble, so he doesn’t call Mam.
Then Fizz leaves, and Oz goes back to work, but not without texting Bee asking if they can meet up (if you don’t hc Bee and Ozzie as friends we can’t be friends/j) sometime soon. Bee is obviously like totes dude and a few days later, they meet up.
Oz asked to hang out to consult Bee on the fact he kinda had a crush on Fizz, Bee is super excited (duh) and is like tell me everything they talk more and come to the conclusion Oz has a genuine crush, and him and Fizz should talk more.
Oz doesn’t want to be awkward and text Fizz just to talk, but lucky for him, a few weeks later, Fizz applies for a job application at Ozzie’s, cause he wants to be able to afford some luxuries, and for that he needs more money, and Mammons not gonna give him a pay raise. Since Fizz actually is a really good fit for the job, he gets it.
Anyway the pair get really close both business wise and friend wise, and Fizz does more shifts at Ozzie’s. Mam isn’t actually that mad since he has the Fizz-Bots to perform, advertise and sell.
At some point near the five year mark, the pair kiss, and while both sides enjoy it, it keeps both of them up late. So the next day after Ozzie’s closes they talk it out and end up accidentally confessing their feeling to each other.
So yeah that’s first meeting, how they got together, and why they got to know each other. I am writing a fanfic about this in more detail, and this is probably not the last time I mention this theory, so stay tuned!
Ps thanks for reading this long ass rant lol
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 11 months
You run into Eddie at Family Video when you're searching for Scary movies for Summerween ✨🎃☀️
Warnings; Fluff, hint of spice.
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It was a late summers night and you were in a desperate mood for some good movies, snacks and to relax after a stress inducing day working on Hawkin's High post with Nancy.
The two of you got on so well but Fred was resisting to a lot of your ideas and him and Nancy butted heads on a lot of topics.
Today was a particularly grueling day and all you wanted was some peace and quiet.
Well, that's until you went into Family Video and walked into Eddie Munson ranting about something.
His brown eyes were full of fire as he gestured to Dustin and Steve and his shaggy hair was even wilder than normal.
He was dressed in a Metallica shirt, leather jacket and jeans.
What exactly they were arguing about you didn't know but you caught words like campaign, stressed out and figured he was having trouble thinking up a campaign.
"The problem is Henderson is that I have to many ideas and I don't know what to do" Dustin catches your eye then grins.
"Hey Munson, take a breath before you pass out handsome" Eddie stills then turns to you, a blush creeps up his cheeks.
"Dude, you could have told me that she was there" The blush combined with his annoyance at Dustin made a thought flit through your mind.
Did Eddie have a crush on you? God, you hoped so. The guy was so hot and the way he played the guitar had you swooning.
You never swooned at anything until you saw Eddie play at The Hideout. You smile. If you played this right then maybe Eddie could be your date for tonight.
Eddie had noticed you before, of course, he did. You were sweet, pretty and popular and yet never acted like a lot of the popular kids did.
You were always nice to Dustin, Lucas and Mike but he knew you had a soft spot for Max. He saw you at her trailer when her mom was working late, helping Max with the chores and her homework.
So yeah, Eddie noticed you but like any member of the Dark Side except for maybe Chrissy and one or two others, he assumed you would be bitchy or despise him.
Or a saccharine sweet princess.
Yeah, you were super hot and he had a bit of a crush on you but he never planned on speaking up about it.
Until now.
He didn't expect to see you wearing a Nightmare on Elm Street shirt and carrying a stack of horror movies with a beam on your face. The sight took his breath away.
"Wow, you got a lot of movies for the night honey" Steve whistles and you shrug.
"Summer watchlist, anything to get me through it and onto the best months of the year" you grin.
"Yeah, been a long hot summer so far" Steve agrees while Dustin frowns as he looks at your movie collection.
"Who do you think would win in a fight, Freddy or Michael Myers" You ponder this but before you can answer Eddie does.
"Dude, Myers duh, he would kick Freddy's ass back and forth, Myers literally can't be killed. Or at least its super fucking hard"
Dustin scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"Eddie, come on dude. Freddy could use all his powers in Myer's dreams and turn the table on Myer's"
Steve raises his hand awkwardly.
"Uh, can't Freddy be killed by fire though? Myers was shot and burned the shit out of and still came back?" Dustin looks at him with betrayal in his eyes and Eddie grins.
"Exactly, Steve. Dustin you butthead just admit you're wrong" Steve looks at you plesdingly so you sidle up to Eddie.
Hopefully you can distract him.
You turn to Eddie with a little smile on your face and mischief in your eyes.
"Are you coming to join me Munson for movie night?" he stops arguing at once and his eyes shine with excitement.
"Yeah, I don't bite...unless you're into that sort of thing?"
You wink and Eddie gapes, then collects himself smirking.
"Of course if you'd rather sit here and argue about Freddy vs Michael" you trail off and walk out the door, Eddie takes a second to be cool, before running out after you.
This movie night just got a lot more interesting...
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moeyynorris · 7 months
I Feel My Shadow Dissolving
Let’s Make Trouble in the Dream World - Part 3
Max Verstappen x F!Reader, Charles Leclerc x F!Reader
Warnings: Emotions related to a break-up/end of relationship, cheating (kind of?), fluff (kissing).
A/N: This chapter is a bit longer, sorry. I hope you like it!
Master List
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You sat at the cramped make-up desk in your dressing room, eager to get the caked-on make-up off your face. Sure, it still looked great, but it felt like a concrete mask. Yuck.
Just as you reached for a make-up wipe, you heard a knock on the door. You shrugged in your seat, anticipating Max and his empty congratulations. After your show, and the feelings that plagued you as you sang your heart out, you realized that he was no longer the man for you. The three time F1 champion of the world was no longer the man you loved.
With a deep sigh, you checked your phone, spotting a text from Max. You swiped to reveal the message just as another knock sounded.
“Coming! Just a sec!” you blurted. Then, you narrowed your eyes on the screen.
I will see you at the hotel. I know Craig was going to give you a ride. I want to get enough sleep for the race tomorrow. Be safe.
Your brow furrowed at the tone of the message. It wasn’t unlike Max lately to have you find your way back, so you weren’t super surprised. But, if Max wasn’t the one knocking on your door, then who…
The door slowly creaked open and a light voice called out as you turned. “Y/N?” It was Charles. Honestly, he was the last person you expected to come see you after the show, but it was definitely not unwelcome.
“Oh, hey Charles. Uh, Thanks for coming to the show. How did you like it?” You stood from your seat and face the Ferrari driver. He smiled and chuckled ever so lightly.
God, if you thought he looked good under the stage lights, he looked even better in the dimmed fluorescent glow of your dressing room. The jeans he was sporting fit every hint of a curve perfectly, and his very fitted shirt was short of obscene. His hair was tousled in the most delicious way, and the best part was that you knew he didn’t mean for it to fall that way.
In this moment, he was a Greek statue. He was perfection.
Charles licked his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest. “The show was spectacular. I have to admit I had never really listened to your music. I didn’t think it was my style, and I just didn’t know you were so talented.” He took a step forward as he continued. “The fact that I got to hear it live first made it so much more… special.” He smiled at you, obviously realizing he was ranting. “I loved it, Y/N. I really did.”
You nodded and smiled, touched by the honestly in his words.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I hope the others weren’t too rowdy for you,” you chuckled. He shook his head.
“Oh, no. I actually got a few payback pictures if I ever need them.” You both laughed as you leaned against the counter.
Charles let out a humorous sigh, then peered around the room. He furrowed his brow.
“Where is Max? Surely he would want to be here to congratulate you on a performance like that?” Your gut sank at his words. And before you could hide your reaction, the expression was already painted across your face. You sighed deeply and shrugged.
“He wanted to get sleep for the race tomorrow.” You nibbled on your bottom lip, a nervous habit you had never been able to kick.
“Well, it is an afternoon race, but I guess he is someone who needs a lot of sleep?” You could tell he was trying to make you feel better. It’s not like the fact that Max wasn’t there really bothered you. If anything, it solidified the weird feelings you had towards him over the last few… weeks? You sucked in a breath thinking about how long it had actually been.
It didn’t fucking matter. What mattered was where you were at that moment.
You offered Charles a smile and huffed a laugh.
“He hasn’t been here the last, geez, I don’t even know how many times now. He’s usually at the show, but after, it’s hit or miss.” You shrugged again. “I mean, there will be a million more shows.” Desperate to change the subject, you nodded towards the door and grinned.
“So, was that your first concert?” Charles’ cheeks reddened a little.
“My first one like that! The music I usually like is a little, well, calmer than that. Not that there was anything wrong with—“
“I know what you mean. I’ve heard a few of the songs you’ve shared on posts. It’s mellow, not anything like this. That’s why I’m even more thrilled that you liked this show.” You played air guitar for a second and chuckled.
Charles shrugged his shoulders and met your gaze. “Well, the fact that it was you made it even better.” Your stomach nearly flipped at his words.
“I just mean that it was special to see someone I know and care about on that stage.” His cheeks reddened as he peered off to his left. “Honestly, Y/N, you’re an important person in my life. Sure, you’re the partner of a fellow driver, but—“
“That’s debatable.” You didn’t realize you had said the words aloud until Charles reacted. His eyes widened as they locked on you. His whole body tensed for moment, is what almost seemed like a mixture of anger and… maybe relief?
“What are you saying?” Charles’ voice was soft, soothing. You sighed as you plopped back down on your stool.
“Max and I haven’t been right for a while. I mean, the intention is there, but the actual feelings behind it aren’t anymore. It really hit me on that stage tonight, when I was singing. Those words were written about him when I first wrote them, but now, they aren’t. It’s almost like they are meant for someone else now.” You stiffened at your lack of a filter. “I don’t even know why the fuck I’m telling you this.”
Charles sat on the make-up stand in front of you and sighed. He was closer than you expected, his legs almost brushing yours. You peered up at him as he reach out for your arm.
“I’m sorry you’re going through this, Y/N. But, sometimes our gut tries to tell our brain what is really best for us. And, now, I think that is what yours is trying to do.” His hand gently grazed down your arm, making its way to your hand. He curled his fingers around your palm as he rubbed circles on the back if your hand with his thumb.
“Well, I guess you’re right. I’ve been feeling it for a while, but pushing it off, not wanting to believe it.” You crossed your legs and nibbled nervously on your bottom lip.
Charles nodded ever so slightly as he listened, still holding your hand in his. He squeezed it gently, as if trying to soothe you. But, the weird part was that you didn’t really need to be soothed. You weren’t upset by the love lost between you and Max. He had his busy life, you and yours, and there wasn’t much in between. Sure, when you first started seeing each other, there was something there. Max was sweet and romantic for the first year or so. But, then everything just crumbled. You couldn’t remember a specific instance when it started. But, tonight was the affirmation that there was nothing between you anymore.
Charles tugged on your hand gently, waking you from your thoughts. You sighed and looked up at him, unable to hold back a smile as his eyes met yours.
“Y/N, you mentioned that your song seemed like it was meant for someone else now.” You heart nearly punched out of your chest. “Is there someone in particular?”
You slowly nodded, trying to calm your heart rate. “Yeah, Charles. You.”
Charles leaned back slightly, as if he wasn’t expecting the words that left your mouth. You knew better, by how he was holding your hand. No, he knew what you were going to say. What surprised him was the fact that you actually said it. Honestly, you were just as surprised.
You gasped lightly as Charles quickly stood, pulling you up with him. You rose to your feet, and found yourself pressed lightly against Charles’ chest. He was warm, the scent of cologne filling your senses.
Charles quickly took a step back and sucked in a shallow breath, still staring at you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to react like that—“
You cut him off with a kiss. You had no idea what had compelled you to do it, but it just happened.
Your heart pounded again as Charles kissed you back, his arm snaking around the small of your back as he pulled you against him. His warm lips encased yours gently, yet passionately, while his free hand found the back of your neck. You melted into his touch, taking in the comfort and passion heating in your chest.
Charles’ fingers snaked through your hair, coaxing a breathy whimper from the back of your throat. His lips curled into a smirk against yours, making your stomach flip.
There was something natural about bring held by Charles. It felt like something you had experienced for years, like it was something you were meant to do. Sure, that could just be your brain getting all sappy, but you couldn’t dismiss your feelings now. After all, they got you here in the first place.
Charles’ phone pinged loudly in his pocket. He slowly pulled his lips from yours, smiling as he gazed down at you.
“That would be Carlos. He is driving me back.” You froze for a moment, furrowing your brow.
“He’s been waiting for you all this time?” Charles chuckled.
“I told him I was going to find the restroom, and say goodbye if I can find you.” Charles winked, or at least attempted to. “For all he knows, I’ve been in the bathroom.”
You huffed a chuckle. “I don’t think he would believe that.” Charles laughed with you, just shaking his head.
“What he doesn’t know right now won’t hurt, right?” You nodded in agreement, then leaned back in one more time for a quick kiss.
“You should go meet up with him. I’ll see you tomorrow at the race.” The grin on your face wasn’t leaving anytime soon. “Craig is going to drive me back.”
Charles nodded, matching your grin. “You have my phone number right?” You nodded. “Please let me know that you are back safe. It’s late.” Your stomach swirled at his words.
“I will.”
After one more nod from the Ferrari driver, you watched him walk out of your dressing room. A few moments after he left, you plopped yourself down on your stool, wondering what the hell came next. You turned and looked at yourself in the mirror. Whatever your next move was, it was going to happen after your got all of that make-up off.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Reader that can emit sounds from their memory(like as an aura)
Walk into a room? Why do I hear boss music
Comedic timing? Fuck yeah.
Bored? Jumpscare noise.
Zhongli talking? Jeopardy theme.
Someone is annoying? Earrape.
Think about it!
Hello! I’m the 12th Harbinger, aka as CHIL- bitch shut the fuck up, WHATS UP ITS YA BOY AQUARIUSSS- /ref
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lmao imagine you walking into a room like this in teyvat, with like that audio I SAVE BY GIVING IT CPR- TIGHT AS VIRGIN BOY DONT GET NERVOUS-
(also ill stop apologizing for the late replies to these, bc as we all know by now that im slow and u will get answered eventually i promise tumblr most likely didnt delete u guys asks im just hoarding them LMAO)
I’ve been super busy running in circles so sorry about ghosting! I still very much enjoy and love u guys and love seeing you guys enjoy my stuff :’) 
Still cant believe that, but thank you!
(tbh unless the person is super observant I dont think most ppl would get that it’s YOU causing this chaos lmao)
Like I can see Zhongli eventually getting it lol, other ppl I could see after the first few weeks of interacting with you (esp bc you mix it up, honestly it was only bc u kept playing the jeopardy theme over and over when Zhongli ranted on too long that he got it was you 💀):
Heizou (he’s the best detective on all of Inazuma’s islands, ofc he got it! no he will not acknowledge that he totally thought you were hiding a very musical tanuki somewhere on your person at all times lol)
Alhaitham and Cyno (haitham took like, two hours of walking around town with you and knew, bc he’s a little know-it-all lazy bastard like that, and Cyno is actually just really aware, despite what most ppl think, he’s the General Mahamatra and not just a regular Mahamatra for a reason after all)
Tighnari (i stg he can like, smell when bullshittery is happening in his vicinity …or... hear?)
Venti (unsurpringly, he’s totally in love with this power of yours, i mean he definitely loves you cares about you a lot he says, but you’re starting to think he’s just lying to butter you up into pranking Diluc, Barbara, Jean, and really the entirety of Mondstadt more often  including Zhongli just so he can laugh until he’s on the ground again, also he definitely once asked you to make a dragon sound that’s the equivalent of shouting FUCK at Dvalin when he was flying overhead one day)
Hm hm hmmmm
Who elseee, i need a characcctterrr lisstttt…
Albedo (duh, he’s albedo, you think he has an entirely too thick folder dedicated to your recent obsessions, you rant a lot about it while playing and also he can access your browsing history 👀, and he somehow doesn't know that about you?? You’re like, literally one of his long-term, there-for-life, has-bought-a-house-for-free-in-his-head-you- arent-even-on-rent-anymore, hyperfixations or special interests. Autistic!Albedo is autistic, Because I Am Your God, And I Say It Is So.)
Dehya (always knows when its you walking around near her bc you like to listen to your old world’s songs too often when you arent pranking bitches, she actually rlly likes it and your music tastes…)
SO not all in the same way or at the same time, or even the same length of time did they realize you literally change background music or some shit so I’ll let you just- you know okay- like you get it- you get it.
Xiao, Kazuha, Kaeya, Diluc, Ayato, Yae Miko, Keqing, Qiqi, Klee, Sara, Kuki, Nahida, Ningguang, Rosaria, Scaramouche/Babygirl, Dainsleif, Kokomi, Xinyan, Yun Jin, Yelan. 
Jfc got the whole damn pride flag up here
Anyway everybody else outta luck, at least takes em a month or longer to get it lol
Sorry abt the end there i didnt feel like writing out all those bitches bc the few I did before were already longer than I thought they’d be…
Also, I am posting these spam of drafts (and that old follower 100+ event possession headcanons in prep for the next 2 weeks bc I will be really busy, again :/
Got spring break shenanigans this week, then I’ll be running around like a cat with zoomies bc im getting ready to install/actually submit my artworks for the gallery exhibition! 
…wish me luck or prayers or anything good from any god you believe in, I need the strength. 
With love, safe travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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tmntxthings · 2 years
So I may be having some trouble at school and I was wondering if Gn! Reader could try and get some help in math from Donnie? (Or all if this is a HC situation.)
either way, just reader begging Dee or the others for some help and being super duper grateful when their grade goes up?
Mathematically Inclined
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author’s note: I personally hate math, I’m an English major, I went as far away from math as possible, would’ve been nice to have Donnie help me out in statistics last semester T-T
warnings: cursing, fluff :D
It was the end of the world. You had t-minus two days until your big exam. And it was comprehensive of every single chapter you had to learn that semester. And you had went through a lot of chapters, twelve, but who’s counting right?
You had your notes and you had previous chapter exams and even homework to go over. But it wasn’t clicking, and you were starting to feel DOOMED. Holding back a dramatic sob and thinking of how tragic your transcript would look with a big fat ‘F’ for college algebra. You decided you needed help. Normally, you’d just suffer in silence, you weren’t the type to rely on others. In fact, you were very proud to have gotten this far on your own. If this had been any other subject you’d have it in the bag. But it was math.
“Donnie please I need your help,” you said into your phone. “With what exactly?” Donnie asked, currently he was working on multiple things. He hadn’t left his lab in days, he hadn’t even answered your first call! “I’ve got this really big test and it’s make or break time. If I fail this I’m getting an F.” If Donnie couldn’t teach you then you just didn’t know what else to do. Studying on your own wasn’t going well. It was too late to schedule for tutoring. You waited with bated breath for Donnie’s answer, “when’s the exam?” it wasn’t an answer but at least it wasn’t a straight up rejection!
“Two days!” You whimpered, “please Dee, please please please help me!” You were resorting to begging for pete’s sake! You heard a long sigh, “alright but you have to come here, bring some energy drinks.” And the nerd hung up in your face.
You couldn’t believe it. He said yes?! You were scrambling to get all of your things in your backpack. Thankfully you had the drinks already in your fridge, your roommate liked to stay up late gaming when they didn’t have school work to do. “Borrowing a couple of these I’ll get you more!” You called over your shoulder as you raced out of the door. Heading for the lair but specifically to Donnie.
You had an energy drink in your hand, giving it to Donnie as soon as you passed through the lab doors. And boy did he need it! His eyes looked so strained like he hadn’t slept for days! “Dee what’s up?” You asked, concerned for your friends health. “Just been busy, can’t afford to sleep right now, I’m so close to finishing its maddening.” The purple turtle sighed as he looked over your notes.
“What seems to be your issue? I mean everything you have written down is correct,” it was your turn to sigh. “Yeah well that’s just it, I’m never the one doing the problems I’ve been using the internet for homework…” you grumbled, more than embarrassed to admit your faults. “So, you’ve been cheating?” Donnie raised an eyebrow. “I mean is it really?! Everything so far has been online, I’m just using the resources I have available. And now the last test is in person?! It seriously blows!!” You huffed at the end of your rant, only to see that Donnie was smirking.
“So you don’t know how to do any of this yourself and you want me to teach you a semesters worth of work in less than two days?” The way he put it, it sounded impossible! You slouched over, elbows on your knees, hands to your face. “So it’s hopeless?” You mumbled. The last bit of hope you had finally draining. “I didn’t say that, just wanted to clarify,” you peeked out of your hands to see Donnie had a small smile on his face. You wondered if he thought this was funny. You swallowed your irritation, latching onto the last spark of hope.
“Alright let’s do this.” You said, determination written on your face. You cracked open your own drink and took a long swig then with a pencil in hand you waited for instructions. “Start with this, x raised to the 5th…”
The whole first day was pretty rough. It was nonstop problems. Going from the basics of chapter one and building your way back up. By the end of the day you had a solid piece of foundation and at least knew how to start tackling the problems from chapter one to five. “How about a break, we could both use a nap, we’ll pick up where we left off,” Donnie was yawning and he stood stretching out his legs and arms. You leaned back in your swivel chair, “sounds good to me,” you said tiredly as your eyes instantly closed. You’d fall asleep right there in one of his lab chairs.
“C’mon you goof, you’ll hurt yourself sleeping there.” You blinked drowsily, not wanting to move but forcing yourself to get up, following his lead as he led you to a couch in the back of his lab. “Wake me up in an hour,” you mumbled sleepily as you curled up on one end of the couch. Donnie shook his head, throwing a purple blanket over you and going to the other end. He scrolled through his phone for about five minutes before setting a timer and falling asleep too.
The snooze button was hit a couple of times as the both of you grumbled at the rude awakening an hour later. “5 more minutes!” You pleaded and Donnie who was more tired than you readily agreed. 15 minutes later your eyes were widening as you sat up from your spot on the couch. “Shit shit shit! Donnie we gotta go back to studying!” You said and he was jumping up from his position, “mhm yeah I’m awake!” he yawned as he grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around himself, walking back over to where your notes were on his table.
“Alright… where were we.. oh yeah!~” Genius Donnie was back into the swing of things before you were fully seated. The rest of the studying became a blur. Truly you didn’t even know if you would be able to remember it all but you got through all the material with Donnie’s help, all 12 fucking chapters. “Anddd that’s about it!” Donnie said tapping the white board he had brought over to write the equations out with you. He had learned quickly you were a visual learner. “With four hours to spare,” you practically weeped as you looked down at your phone. “3 hour nap and then I’ll head there,” your words were slurred from sleep deprivation. Honestly you didn’t know how Donnie could function without sleeping for days on end.
“Back to the couch!” He said half dragging you there as your feet stumbled multiple times. Both of you collapsed onto the couch. “Thanks Donnie, really I appreciate it,” you murmured, snuggling into his side and falling asleep faster than he could reply. If he wasn’t so tired himself he’d be pushing you away, he couldn’t even find himself to be embarrassed, “geez,” was all he could say, closing his eyes as he felt his cheeks rise in heat. Thank god you were already passed out, he didn’t know what he would do if you had seen him blushing! He tried to ignore the feeling of your cheek pressed against his plastron, or how your hair was so soft. He was speaking a mantra in his head just wishing to fall asleep along with you, it took a couple of minutes but he finally did.
You woke up with a start. Something felt wrong and you gasped, waking up Donnie who had his head resting on top of yours. “Wha- what’s wrong?!” He said rubbing his eyes to clear the blurriness. “What time is it?!” You said scrambling for your phone but it wasn’t on the couch. Donnie raised his wrist tech, “you’ve got 30 minutes,” he breathed out and you were running to your things. “Oh my god, I’ve gotta go, thanks again Donnie, see ya later, wish me luck!” And you were out of his lab door, like a whirlwind. “Good luck,” he said even though you were already gone, and he smiled, hoping you’d get a decent grade so you could be happy and get some sleep.
Three hours later you burst into the lab, “HEY-“ Donnie had started to yell thinking it was one of his dumb dumb brothers but stopped once he saw it was you. “Oh Y/n? How’d it go?” He placed down the tech parts he was working on. Removing his gloves and wiping his brow, turning to face you. You had tears in your eyes! “Y/n?” He said softly, and you ran forward lunging for him. “Oomph-“ he was more than surprised thinking you’d be mad if you were crying but he felt you squeeze his torso. “I knew what I was doing!! I’m pretty certain I made a bangin’ grade! Definitely a C+ if not a B!!” You squealed happily as he felt the happy tears pour down your face.
He sighed with relief, thankful that was the reason for the tears. “That’s great to hear Y/n,” he was happy for you. “Thank you so much Donnie, you’re the best!! You’re my hero!” You said your face tilting upwards to look at him with shiny eyes. He gulped, not knowing what to say and feeling overwhelmed and more than a little sheepish at the compliments. “Ah- well- you’re welcome,” he managed to get out. “Do you wanna celebrate with me?? I’ll get anything! Your favorites!” You beamed up at him, still holding him tightly. He couldn’t stop himself, he couldn’t hold it back any longer. His face flushed a dark green and he nodded. More than happy to get his favorite pizza to celebrate your success. “Yeah sure,” he said trying to seem unfazed even though his face felt hot.
You giggled, a slight blush coloring the top of your ears. “I’m on it then!” Your hands slowly letting him go as you turned your back to order the pizza. Donatello’s hands hadn’t moved from his sides but he was clenching them into fists now, resisting the urge to pull you back to him. Oh Galileo was he screwed! He blew out a breath, doing it anyway, pulling your back to meet his plastron as he rested his chin on your head. Trying to act like this was totally normal, he hummed looking down at where you were at with the online order. “Get some cheese sticks too,” he mumbled and you were turning red as you relaxed into his hold, “s-sure!”
Maybe math wasn’t so bad after all… you thought to yourself, especially if you got to study with such a cute genius! You clicked order and closed your phone, moving your head to look upwards as he lifted his chin off of your head to be able to peer down at you. “I think I like math now..” you said a little dumbfounded. Donnie couldn’t help it, he burst into laughter, holding you tightly to him, you were just too cute. “I don’t know, I think I like something else,” Donnie smirked after his laughing subsided, he noticed your burning ears and bit down on his lower lip, thinking you were absolutely adorable.
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fleshbarbie · 2 years
that’s a shitty thing to do - eddie munson x bimbo!reader
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( contains : bimbo!reader, fluffy!eddie, eddie comforting reader, reader being in a toxic relationship but it’s only talked about, tiny bit of angst ?? )
authors note - hi, this is my first attempt at writing bimbo!reader, it was honestly done within 5 minutes so it’s kinda rushed & i’m not that in love with it? but i’d love to write more in the future. this was definitely inspired by all the other amazing creators on here that have written bimbo!reader in the past && i’ve honestly been watching a lot of superstore lately and one of the characters very heavily influenced this bimbo!reader (if you know, you know).
“hey, hey, what’s wrong?”
eddie had returned to his trailer after a very long d&d session, one he would say turned out to be rather successful but when he was in charge of everything, were they ever not successful? he had planned to change into something a little comfier than the jeans he forced himself into everyday, to keep the metalhead appearance alive, and just relax in bed until the sun set and the moon rose.
that was until he swung open his bedroom door and found you, his best friend (who he was absolutely head over heels for), crying on his bed with his pillow tightly held in your grip. his concern and curiosity both greatly spiked in that moment .. what had made you cry? did he have to threaten someone? was it a serious thing or was it like that time you came crying to him because you’d been thinking too much about animal testing again?
either way, as your best friend he was eager to find out so he could clear any dark thoughts you might have running through that mind of yours.
noticing eddie enter the room, you instantly sat up and sniffled, opening your arms for the tatted boy to pull you into a hug which he did without a moments hesitation. he sat down beside you on his bed, the mattress dipping slightly with his weight as he pulled you into his side so your head was resting on his chest. he stroked his hand up and down your arm, the other one moving some hair away from your face so he could see your pretty features.
“you gonna tell me what’s got you all worked up? or am i gonna have to try and read your mind again?” he attempted to lighten the damp atmosphere with a soft joke, one that obviously worked as your lips quirked up a tad but you still looked upset.
“you know eric, right?” 
of course he knew eric, your good for nothing boyfriend that he had never liked since first meeting him.
it wasn’t even just a jealousy thing, it was so painfully obvious that eric did not care about you in the slightest, well only if you were offering him sex of course. eddie could count on both hands and feet the amount of times you had come to him, crying about how eric stood you up, or how he never listened, or how he always seemed to be distracted when you were together, the list went on and on honestly.
“yeah pretty girl, i know eric. what he do now huh?” he practically cooed, waiting to hear what he had done now to upset his favourite girl.
“okay so, i thought i’d be a fun girlfriend yeah? and i’d make him a nice dinner, because he’s been training so hard since the championships are upcoming and i spent hours in the kitchen, made him that big meatball dish he always talks sooo much about.” you had sat up now, your hands moving animatedly as you ranted to him and he couldn’t help the adoring smile that took over his face at your mannerisms.
“anyway, when he came in he was all like, what’re you doing here, and i was like oh i made you a nice meal, and he was like but you knew i was meeting up with the guys tonight, and i said how am i meant to know that when you’ve barely said two words to me for the past two weeks, you know?” eddie nodded, his brows furrowing slightly as he tried to keep up with your story. “and then he just got super mad at me for like, nothing? he started yelling at me and telling me i don’t pay enough attention to things, and then he just flipped the table out of nowhere and all my hard work just ended up splattered on the floor.”
you finished the story with a pout and a sniffle, to which eddie responded with a light squeeze hoping it provided at least a little bit of comfort whilst he tried to piece the events together in his head.
“are you serious? he actually did that?” he asked, growing increasingly annoyed at the thought of you being treated that way.
“i mean yeah, but it was only a small table it’s not a big deal.” you shrugged, wiping under your eyes and smudging your mascara in the process.
“no, no.” he breathed a laugh, quickly catching onto how you thought he was admiring the boy’s strength, “i meant, he ruined all your hard work like that? that’s a shitty thing to do sweetheart.”
“oh.” you muttered, “yeah, it was shitty and it really hurt my feelings. he didn’t even mention anything about boy’s night tonight i swear!”
he hummed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as he admired the innocent look shining bright in your eyes, you really were precious. “i believe you. and even if you did know, doesn’t mean he had any right to react like that, you don’t deserve to be treated like that.”
you smiled at boy sat beside you, leaping to pull him into a hug. “i know eddie. thank you for always listening to me, i know it must get tiring sometimes. i love you.”
his heart both melted and ached at the three words he heard from you on almost a daily basis, because yes you did love him ... just not the way he loved you and it pained him everyday seeing you in this dead end relationship you hadn’t broken out of yet.
despite it all, he smiled and pulled back from the hug to press a brief kiss to your forehead. “i love you too.”
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 2 - Kalitta Air
I’m really thrilled by how much you all enjoyed my Lufthansa rant. Here’s something...a little different. Just to rub in that I don’t inherently hate liveries just for having a mostly white fuselage, I wanted to talk about an example of that being done a lot better. I will also be doing so in a length which will probably be a bit more typical of this blog. I hope you all enjoy it regardless!
Kalitta Air (formerly Connie Kalitta Services and American International Airways; callsign “Connie”) is a cargo airline headquartered in Ypsilanti, Michigan. You see their planes around a lot if you randomly click on flightradar24 flights, especially over North America, but they don’t carry passengers, so to my knowledge they’re not a household name. At least, the friends I surveyed had never heard of them. 
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(image: kalitta air)
But their low profile conceals some pretty stylish planes. So, let’s discuss!
Like I said, I don’t blanket dislike mostly-white liveries just because most of them are super boring and Lufthansa’s in particular is terrible! So I wanted to follow it up immediately with an example of a mostly white livery which I really like - Kalitta Air’s sleek and iconic paint job, which the airline adopted (as far as I can tell from digging around) in the late 1980s. 
It truly feels like Connie Kalitta’s main gig as a racecar driver transferred to the look of the planes with his name written on the side. (...what is it with racecar drivers and starting airlines? I mean, two nickels, but...)
The majority of Kalitta Air’s fleet are Boeing 747s, which does add to the look, in my opinion. Their fleet even contains the last 747-400 ever built! The iconography feels like it transitions well into the hump, and the entire thing looks balanced. 
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(image: kalitta air)
I’ll be honest, something is definitely lost on the remainder of the airline’s fleet, made up of Boeing 777s, in a pretty major way, but it doesn’t cancel out just how much I love the look of the 747s. Still, because the airline has kept this livery for so long, we can look back to the past to experience it on all sorts of shapes. 
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I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I still prefer the 747. That’s pretty incredible - I’m of the opinion that nearly all liveries look their best on a TriStar, so that opinion is a testament to just how incredibly good this livery looks on the Queen. It’s an acceptable-to-good livery on any plane, don’t get me wrong, but the core 747 fleet wears it transcendently well. (I am ignoring the 777s.)
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If you’ve seen a Kalitta Air plane for more than a few seconds it’s likely the pictured N700CK, which got to flip a few assorted vehicles with her jet blasts in the 2007 Mythbusters episode “Supersized Myths”. Their 747s have been used in other media, but this is the main example. I think they couldn’t have picked a more striking plane to use. 
Just look at the thing! The combination of red and gold makes it feel flashy and fast, a feeling which is added to by the swooping hockey-stick cheatlines which add a lot of interest to the fuselage with very little paint. It makes the plane feel streamlined and almost reminds me of the sort of paint jobs used on early high-speed trains. 
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(image: Science Museum Group Collection) 
The font itself even feels fast, while being massive and quite legible even despite the shape of the A, and framed nicely on each side by the little wings. It does look a little like if a racecar was a cargo plane, and I love it. It’s not exactly maximalist, but every detail from the letters’ even heights to the ratio of gold to red feels perfect. 
If you’re going to do a mostly white paint job (and there are plenty of reasons that airlines generally prefer to), this is how you do it. 
Final Grade: A
N.B.          For the sake of my own mental health, I am not going to touch on the atrocious revision of two years ago in this post. At the least, it looks like they’re not repainting old airframes and they have a small-ish fleet so they’re not bulk-buying new ones or anything, which means this livery will probably be around for the remainder of the service life of many fairly new freighters. Because of that, I do not consider the classic hockey stick Kalitta livery to be retired, and will not be tagging it as such. That said, since it’s not their current livery for new planes, I also am not classifying it as a 2020s livery.
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yanderefan-kimi · 11 months
What makes a good yandere character for you? What are some of your favorite yanderes? And what are some that you like the least?
Aaa my first ask! Thank you so much!! Yes, as you can tell from my username, I do like yandere characters quite a bit! And I'm super excited to finally start ranting about them lollll Alright, this might get pretty long so I'll put my answers under the cut!
What makes a good yandere character for you?
This is a very subjective question, but first I'll explain what makes a character yandere.
"Yandere" comes from the Japanese verb 病んでいる which means to be sick. This can refer to any sort of illness, but with yandere characters, it's referring to ailments of the soul so to say. Basically a "yandere" character is anyone who becomes sick with love. Which is really vague, I know - but that's how it is.
A character can kill for love and still not be considered yandere. A different character can respect their target's (the person they are affectionate toward - their "darling") free-will and autonomy and still be considered yandere. It's vague and open to interpretation. What one person considers yandere, another might find them just being possessive.
Just getting a few common misconceptions out of the way first:
-Yandere characters can be abusive to their targets, but just because a character is abusive, that doesn't mean that they're yandere
-A character doesn't have to go around killing people to be considered yandere
Okay, with that out of the way, time to talk about my favorite kinds of yandere characters!
I like characters who are subtly manipulative, the characters that mess with their target's perceptions of reality to mold them into someone who can accept their isolation. I like to describe the buildup as "walking into a spider's web, and only after you think to turn around do you realize that it's too late." These characters can appear to be very doting (溺愛) to their targets and lull them into a false sense of security, and usually only show their true selves to people they see as their love rivals. These characters can also be commonly described as haraguro (腹黒) or scheming.
But I can go for any sort of yandere character! I'm not so good with gore tho so I try to avoid that, but any other type has their own appeals. There was this huge chart about the different types of yandere characters and their "symptoms" I found before, maybe I'll dig it up and explain it in detail in another post eventually. But for now I will move on to the next question!
What are some of your favorite yanderes?
I can explain a bit more about the kind of yandere characters I love by using some of my favs as examples! Please note that I read a lot of shoujo, especially because the yandere trope is gaining some good popularity in that demographic, so these are all male yanderes. Though, I do love me a good female yandere character too!
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My absolute favorite yandere character is Haruma from 恋と心臓 (Love and Heart) Seriously, no one does it as well as him. I don't want to spoil anything since it's more fun to experience the craziness yourself and the series is available in English!
But to give a brief summary: Yoh (the main character), having lived a life where she didn't have anyone she could rely on, is incredibly independent. But then her childhood friend (who she doesn't remember), Haruma, moves in with her and suddenly she finds herself in the position of damsel in distress again and again, with Haruma being the only one to save her.
It's a great blend of psychological horror, romcom, and drama with a huge dose of unhealthy relationships and a happy ending! I recommend it to everyone who is comfy with the subject matter.
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Kuroyuki from Nightshade deserves special mention for being the reason I started liking yandere characters in the first place.
I never really got the appeal before him, but when I played Nightshade, I liked him from the start. I tend to love comic relief characters (who are secretly quite sad/serious) so he caught my eye right away and then when the cray-cray hit, I was like,
Oh no, that's hot.
And it was over for me after that lol. Yandere love interests in otome games have a reputation for caging, and Kuroyuki has a subtle approach to this. He spins this (not entirely false) tale that everyone is trying to kill Enju (the main character) except for him, and that he's the only one who could protect her. I won't go into his backstory, but an unhealthy amount of delusions feed into his obsession as well.
The game is fun and intense, and I highly recommend it if you would like to cry. Check out my Why you should play Nightshade PowerPoint here:
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If you're looking for other good otome games with fun yandere characters, I also recommend: Amnesia: Memories, Taisho x Alice, and Mystic Messenger.
After Kuroyuki, I started reading a lot of Japanese webnovels with yandere characters (I literally have a page in my browser with just the yandere tag on shousetsuka ni narou that I browse thru regularly) I could probably do a whole post just about yandere characters in webnovels, but for a quick recommendation, I suggest checking out Kotoko-sensei's (琴子) works or, for something a bit more bizarre, check out Inaida-sensei's (稲井田そう) works. (I once went thru a phase where I was obsessed with all of Inaida-sensei's works around 2~3 years ago.)
Anyways, on to the final question!
What are some yanderes that you like the least?
Well, I tend to dislike the yandere characters that are not well thought out. It's easy enough to put a knife in a character's hand or make them shove someone in a cage, but it's not interesting unless they have a compelling reason why. What leads them to decide they have no other choice but to kill a rival (or their target) or take away their target's freedom?
This is why I tend to dislike side characters who are yandere (especially in harem series) because they're usually not given a whole lot of depth or character building - like a main character would have.
I think a lot of the appeal from yandere characters comes from their depth, complexity, and how they can be hypocritical by nature. I love them but I hate them because they care about other people. I don't want to scare them but I need to protect them. I don't care if they hate me as long as they stay by my side.
If I were to name a yandere character I dislike, though, I would have to say Yuno Gasai (from Future Diary) who is a rather famous case. I don't think she's a bad character - in fact, she's a really great character and a good example of what happens if obsession is left to fester in a high-stakes, dangerous environment. But her character has been boiled down to crazy anime girl who kills a bunch of people for her crush by the internet, which has completely changed the way many people view the word and perceive the trope of "yandere." I just find it irritating and as the self-proclaimed saleswoman of yandere, it makes my job a lot harder.
Can yandere be considered problematic? Sure, absolutely. But does it have to involve murder, rape, gore, or other triggering content? Absolutely not.
(This goes for this whole post, but please note that I am talking about fictional characters, and this in no way reflects real life people)
All in all, I'm very passionate about yandere characters and yandere content. I just find them so compelling, and especially love exploring relationships involving a yandere character - because it usually involves having to come to some sort of compromise. I could probably rant on and on and on about it but this answer is already so long lol
Thank you so much for the ask again! And anyone can feel free to send asks if they would like me to clarify on any of this! I do love ranting about these sorts of things
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astroyongie · 3 months
i honestly feel like i was born in the wrong era. either im too old for something or someone or im past the point of being able to achieve something. then when looking at how all these kpop groups are so young yet successful and talented just makes me question why i didnt do something like that.
we didnt have kpop in my school time but why couldnt i have just picked something and stuck with it? on top of it i believe im never going to fit anyones ideal type so whats the point in existing cause no one gonna truly get to know me.
unless i can somehow pass away before im 50 then i dont have to continue to think about all this shit and how i shouldve done better or i shouldve picked such and such a career and i shouldve tried to put myself out there more but in my age theres really nothing out there to seek when its all handed to younger generations.
and i would want to have my own success based on my own effort but have fallen short in so many ways its impossible to not find something i could do about it bc im too far behind and it does get to a point where you think that it is too late bc in order to gain any talent you have to have done it from a young age.
i dont want to rely on someone else to do it for me but i couldnt do it myself due to personal situations. yet i feel like thats an excuse cause once again all these young idols seem to be ro have something about them that makes their life a success. like yes the end inudstry is far from perfect but thats what people have been seeking themselves so it cant all be that bad all the time for them if these groups including older age groups have went out got success and even they get all the benefits of the super rich lifestyle but at the same time money doesnt bring true happiness and it seems a very shallow way they live sometimes, they have a supply and demand contract with their audiences and rely so much on social media which although i use it im not attached to it and i cant relate to obsessing over latest dance trend. i also want to stop the woe is me narrative but its really fucking hard to not feel so ashamed, behind or negative about things.
the most advice people gove is bog standard like if ur bored, go out more but its hard not to feel left out, if ur loney go find someone, if u dont have an income go get a job its literally never that simple. even in education you still have to pay for it as an adult meaning you have to already have a job but even then theres still means of you getting misjudged for your age and classmates have already done that to me before it wasnt that fun. its like saying to someone depressed to go take medicine to take away the feeling.
idk what im doing anymore besides waiting to randomly pass away so i can be done with this shite. sorry for ranting so much but idk who else to speak too bc no one else never seems to understand my frustrations with the way things have panned out.
Comparing yourself to others people archievement is the worst thing you can do. because we are all different, we all go through different shits (just like you rightfully said) and not all of us have the same opportunities presented. beating yourself up for that is a cruel thing to do wishing yourself.
It does also seem like you struggle a lot with self worth, self love and that is probably because never once someone complimented you for the things that you have achieve (to this point were you believe you havent achieved anything).
Love, hatred that you carry is a motivator, and you need to accept one thing. as long as you are breathing nothing is to late to archive, as long as you are here you should be kinder to yourself. because why are you comparing yourself to idols? I often say this here but when was it the last time you appreciated life? when was the last time you went out, stared at the ocean, at the night sky, breathed into a forest, when was the last time you felt a sense of peace? seek that out. dwelling on what we could have been is cruel hun, and not helping you in any kind <3
its okay to rant, dont worry, I hope I dont sound to harsh either, its just that I pains me seeing you guys going through so much suffering when I promise you all, darkness cannot live without light. just find your way back to it, often you dont need a big reason. sometimes the most tiny thing can be a source of happiness, seek yours !
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poetrylesbian · 7 months
not to be a bummer but i need to rant about this to someone and what better someone than this blog
i am very sad lately and it is mostly because my grandpa is not well and i don't know how long he has left. a year ago i was living with him and he was pretty good, occasionally forgetful sometimes but ultimately himself. but i haven't seen him in a month or two and now ive found out he's had a lot of problems and was actually keeping it from everyone.
backstory is that this is my paternal grandfather and even though my parents got divorced 20 years ago he's always stayed close with my mum, and ever since dad moved overseas my mum has insisted on being very present in his life even more because she's lowkey pissed that dad went and moved overseas when he had sick elderly parents. which was driven home 5 years ago when my granny died. so basically my parents do not get on and barely interact now that their kids are adults but my dad's entire family still gets on with and cares about my mum and vice versa.
so yeah. a month ago my mum visited my grandpa to pick up something of mine from him place bc i was in melbourne and she was worried because he seemed to be thinner and less himself. usually he always invites her in for coffee but he didn't. it was weird.
she texted my dad (even though she hates to lol) and dad asked my grandpa and basically we found out he'd spent some time in hospital and told NOBODY, not even his son who still lives in brisbane, and gotten a pacemaker put in.
basically fast forward to now and he has been in hospital since sunday. my mum was having trouble finding out what happened bc she's obvs not the next of kin and my uncle, who is, is not a great communicator (just like most of the men in this fucking family lol) and was not super clear.
basically, he's had a few falls. the most recent one I think he fell over and hit his head. and it must have been very bad, because he is not well at all. mum and my brother and i went and visited him two days ago and it was like he had dementia. he kept thinking he was back in england. at this point we didn't know why he'd gone to hospital in the first place so we asked him and he said he got a taxi to the airport and took a plane. he asked us about our flight because he thought we had flown to england to visit him. he was worried about losing his permanent residency in australia. he also kept forgetting my granny, his wife, had died five years ago. it was horrible. he said he'd called my dad and he hadn't picked up, then he said he'd called her and she hadn't picked up. at one point when i went to find my brother who had just arrived, apparently my mum asked him if he remembered what had happened to granny and he got upset and said he didn't, and cried. i dont think any of us have ever seen him cry. my mum explained what happened and he thanked her for telling him, because his oldest son (my dad, mum's ex, we don't think he remembered his name) wouldn't have told him that. then ten minutes later he'd forgotten and mentioned granny visiting again.
he also had to ask my brother all about his apprenticeship (poor tom came straight from his job at the quarry and was covered head to toe in dust from fixing a rock crusher) even though of course he should know all about it
he's also very very weak and not eating. when he left he kept trying to stand up to see is off but he couldn't get out of his chair and we had to ask him to stop trying in case he fell again.
but he did have his sense of humour. he was making jokes. there were moments of lucidity. but mostly he was confused and it just made me feel so helpless.
i know things like this are normal when people get older. he's 82. i get it. but it's not something that happened gradually - last time i saw him was only couple of months ago and this is so bad, so suddenly. it's not dementia.
and i feel awful. he's been living alone for the last five years, after spending 7 years caring for my granny 24/7. i am certain he was depressed but he'd never tell anyone. i can't stop thinking about all the times i told him id visit on the weekend and i fucking forgot because im so fucking forgetful. i cant stop thinking about how in 2019 he and my uncle and aunt were planning to rent a house with a granny flat or whatever for him and then covid happened and they basically used that as an excuse not to. and they left him alone, even when he'd had falls, even when he had to wear one of those emergency things around his neck that could detect when he fell and he had to fucking email my uncle every day after he showered to tell him he was alright.
anyway that's my rant.
i stayed in his house for 2 months last year and it was nice but i wanted to be closer to uni and my friends so i moved out when i should have just stayed and payed him rent and helped him and kept him company. and i should have visited way more often after i moved out in december and not fucking let my stupid stress get in the way of making him a priority.
oh also now my mum is telling me i need to beg my dad to visit earlier (he's supposed to be here dec 27) but i don't know! i tried to tell him how bad it was. but i don't know if he really got it.
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Do you have some bramcraft or steinbramcraft headcanons?
First of all, I am genuinely so sorry that I am answering to this only now! I found your ask late in my ask box, I was extremely busy with school, I was lacking headcanons, had no time to post anything on any platform, etc. I am genuinely super sorry.
Secondly, I'm so glad that you're asking anon!! I do have quite a bunch of headcanons for both ships (more for Bramcraft than for Steinbramcraft but okay) but I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in them!
This post is only about Bramcraft but I will probably make one about Steinbramcraft too.
I hope you enjoy those headcanons and thank you so so much for your question!
TWs: Losing someone (temporary), slight mentions of injuries
Bram and Lovecraft met during the medival era by coincidence at night on the shore
Bram had been strolling along the shore after a hunting trip with his vampires and Lovecraft had swam up to the surface for the first time since years for some reason and they spotted each other
Bram got quite spooked when he saw a slightly off looking and very tall person suddenly breaking through the surface of the sea
They eventually started a conversation since Lovecraft asked him what year it was right after they started at each other for quite some time as well as after Lovecraft stretched a bit and also since Bram couldn't resist asking Lovecraft who or what he was
One conversation turned into multiple conversations and eventually they've developed feelings for each other (Bram was a lot more aware of them since he had been a human once and due to this was more familiar with human feelings and behaviors) but it took them literal years until they got together since both are utterly dense and can't handle emotions that well/don't understand them very good
They often spend time together by just sleeping (literally sleeping) together at the most random places
Bram was tall but Lovecraft was still a lot taller than the vampire
Usually they would meet up during the night on the shore but when the weather was bad, Lovecraft would come to Bram's castle where the latter lived with his vampires because Bram didn't really like being outside for long while it was cold and rainy
Lovecraft on the other hand, didn't particularly mind the weather but he wanted his partner to be comfortable
At first Bram called Lovecraft, Lovecraft but after a while he started calling him Howard
Bram is one of the very few persons who actually know Lovecraft's first name and who's allowed to call him by his very first name
Bram has a very thick Irish accent which gets thicker when he's ranting, angry, stressed or very emotional and Lovecraft thinks it's adorable
Bram would always be super careful when they kissed or when they were making-out (which happened kinda rarely) because of his sharp fangs and his long and sharp claws, not wanting to hurt the other
Lovecraft on the other hand was always careful when he hugged or just generally touched Bram because even if Bram was the immortal and feared King of the undead, his body still felt nearly as fragile as the one of a human for Lovecraft and since he was aware of his own immense strength, Lovecraft would always be super careful with Bram
They would spend whole nights talking about deep and heavy topics with each other while Bram sipped blood out of a fancy glass while on other nights they just went to bed and slept for hours
Bram being super sarcastic sometimes and Lovecraft not understanding, causing Bram to laugh it is a thing
When Lovecraft went to the vampire castle the first time without telling Bram about it, the vampires tried to attack him, thinking he was an intruder but Bram who noticed the fuss in the courtyard went outside and stopped them, telling them that this man was a close friend and that had to treat him like a noble guest
He even forbid to even just touch Lovecraft in any way
Since then the vampires treat Lovecraft with a similar respect like how they treat their king
Lovecraft is kind of possessive of what's his (to this counts his home, his "territory" underwater but also Bram) and would kill when someone dared to try to take it away from him so when Bram got kind of badly injured by vampire hunters once he nearly went to burn the whole town down
Them dancing together in the big empty ballroom of the vampire castle but while Bram is leading and dancing incredibly elegantly, seemingly floating across the floor, Lovecraft is clumsily following and often trips because he is still not completely used to his human body, is a thing too
Bram thinks is adorable and amusing
He always tries to hold in his laughter then but often he can't hold back an amused and soft smile
Sometimes they lie together in the sand on the shore or sit on the rooftop of the castle house and watch the night sky
They only exchange some sentences then once a while. Mostly they are just lying or sitting there, enjoying each other's presence
Sometimes they just sat there next to each other but sometimes they would hold hands or Bram would lie his head against Lovecraft's shoulder as he was getting more and more tired
Bram never forced Lovecraft to attend to any formal vampire events and they kept their relationship a secret. Even from Bram's closest relatives
Bram himself would often sneak out of the ballroom during festivities, even though he was the king of the undead and should be attending at whatever celebration was going on, and went down to the shore where Lovecraft was already waiting for him
Large celebrations always tired him endlessly and he preferred to spend the night with his close friend anyways
Bram can't swim at all (like the most people who lived during the medival era) so when Lovecraft once dragged him with him into the water just for the sake of it, he did get scared for a second and screamed out of reflex before his head went underwater despite being immortal, so when they resurfaced again and when he felt that Lovecraft was steadily holding him over the surface, keeping him from drowning he proceeded to yell at Lovecraft after getting the water out of his eyes
Lovecraft didn't even tried to stay serious and burst out laughing
They sometimes sit together in Bram's chamber and read while the fire in the fireplace in crackling and creates an incredibly calm and domestic atmosphere
Bram and Lovecraft both were a bit more energetic and Bram felt more emotions before the invasion happened during which he got sliced in half and got taken away like a trophy
Lovecraft had been sleeping underwater while it happened and after he woke up, swam up to the surface and realized what happened, he did destroy what was left of the town in his sheer rage and pain but it was too late
He did search for Bram for years and when he found him centuries later, he was in the hands of Fukuichi
At first he wanted to save him but soon enough he realized that Fukuichi would most likely use Bram against Lovecraft since Bram was under complete control of him and it be would horrible and most likely hurt Bram even more so Lovecraft couldn't do anything
Despite this, he decided to stay close to Bram and always kept close to wherever Bram and Fukuichi went, waiting for a moment where he could get Bram out of Fukuichis hands
Bram often finds himself thinking or dreaming about Lovecraft
Sometimes he dreams about long, messy black hair, the smell of the sea but which surprisingly it lacked the unpleasant strong smell of fish and the smell of old books like which Lovecraft always smelled for some reason, tired black eyes and cold yet not unpleasantly cold hands as well as about the shore and his castle
Sometimes he thinks about how Lovecraft's hair felt and how his cold lips felt against his but he always quickly snaps himself out of it
On some days he can't even escape him in his sleep.
Bram usually tried to sleep everything off. He can't really do anything besides sleeping or lying awake thinking in that coffin anyways but sometimes Lovecraft also appears in his dreams
Lovecraft has some memories of Bram's real smile or of him smiling sheepishly. He saw it some times when Bram was truly happy or a bit embarrassed.
Seeing Bram smiling was a rare thing because just like Lovecraft, he wasn't smiling very often so it was always a special thing but it also always looked weirdly adorable in Lovecraft's opinion.
When Bram smiled widely, his fangs would poke out and Lovecraft loved seeing him smile. Now he cherishes those memories greatly. They are one of the very few things he has left of the other.
Bram would sometimes play the piano for Lovecraft back in the castle
Bram was the one who thought Lovecraft how to write properly
Bram loved roaming through Lovecraft's long and messy hair with his own hands
Lovecraft loved listening to Bram and loved watching him
He'd be lying if he didn't admire Bram and fell for him even more when he saw him commanding/ruling over his kins, standing on top of the staircase with his long black coat, his long soft white hair and piercing red eyes which seemingly could notice everything
Lovecraft once took care of Bram while he was recovering from an attack of vampire hunters and was even more protective of him during that time
The recommend books to each other
Lovecraft is boiling with rage which is aimed towards Fukuichi and he's wanting the moment where he can free Bram and face Fukuichi to arrive oh so bad
Lovecraft gifted Bram small or a bit bigger treasures which he found underwater and Bram cherished them greatly as well as kept each of them in a box which he protected greatly
To those treasures also counted extremely old books, jewels and other things he found underwater as well and he also gifted him an antique and elegant ring once.
It was the only thing which Bram didn't put in his box. He always kept it on his finger.
Many vampires admired the old ring greatly and wondered from where Bram got such a rare treasure but he never told them.
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reileinaxiu · 2 years
How I became Anti Jiang Cheng/Wanyin and Anti Jiang in General
Fair warning/s:
Dramatic story sharing. MDZS meta that blur with some fanon pet peeves. Jiang family bashing (yup includes YZY, JWY, JFM, and even JYL). Lengthy story/experience sharing. Some cursing/foul language, okay a lot of cursing that I censored might have missed just in case. Some ranting I guess. And maybe some leaps in logic. Chaotic writing.
So long story short:
I've read a fic with the JC bashing tag, enjoyed it and browsed and read more content about it and I was thoroughly anti JC by the end of it all.
An example is
"All will be well when the day is done" by abCEE. If you haven't read it I recommend it if the Lan clan still hasn't been ruined in your eyes.
Long story not so short:
Okay as you all might know or not know, I was introduced to the MXTX fandom through a fanfic crossover and entered through the donghua.
When I watched the donghua I was sort of indifferent to the Jiang family as a whole. I thought YZY was just this super stern drill sergeant type of woman. Maybe unfair to WWX because of her own bias towards his heritage. JFM was this timid person in front of his wife who doesn't want to get into conflicts. JWY was this broken grieving person after the Lotus Pier Massacre. And JYL was this mother/sister role model that had an unfortunate end.
I did not like them(probably never will at this point), I did not hate them (I should have hated them more), thought they were developmental to WWX as a character (still true but for a completely different reasons). But that was it, they were characters that had fulfilled a role.
Oh what a foolish uninformed lamb 🐑 I was back then.🥲 The donghua did not even begin to skim the surface of it all. Or maybe it did in an artistic license type of view and it was the kind people on the internet who analyzed the story and the original work that just pointed out to me what was obvious now. 🤔
Thank yous especially to: @flautistsandpeonies ,
@jiaoji2 , @withthewindinherfootsteps , @ladypfenix, @ninjakk and many more that I might have missed or yet to discover. Your mxtx content are entertaining and enlightening.
And thank yous to your works on AO3: Hauntcats, Karmiya, FlautistsandPeonies, Vrischika, miixz, glitteringmoonlight, justdoityoufucker and many many more great writers out there.
I definitely 😁 recommend their works.
Their works and posts have opened my eyes. 👀 And many others who I might have missed.
This was how knowing more both ruined and saved my love for MDZS.
It started when I began delving for fanfic on ao3, after finishing the donghua. Naturally, I began with the fics with the most Kudos, so I set my filters with the most words or the most Kudos along with the WangXian tags (Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian).
Lo and behold one of the top fics at that time was a Jiang Wanyin centric time travel fic that I shall not name but bury deep within my reading history/bookmarks. I do not want to horrify you guys too much who are anti JC like me but the short synopsis was JWY travels back in time and fully supported WWX 🤢 throughout the Sunshot Campaign doing all the the things JGY pointed out in the Guanyin Temple incident getting a happy ever after of everyone lives(even JGY 😰) and noone dies(except mostly the Wen Sect not the Dafans) and JWY marries WQ 🤮.
Yes. I can't believe myself to have thought that was actually good. I got ulcers just thinking about it 🤢. What's worse 😱 is that I've read through several similar fics with JWY as a good brother, anger misunderstood trope and thought nothing of it at the time.
One of the worse of the worst were my ignorance when reading fics with side JWY/LXC tag.☣️🤮 If I knew I would have never touched any of these fics. But I absorbed the MDZS content through various media sources so my understanding was obscured at best and completely reconceptualized at worst. I hope my realization wasn't too late that I ended up reading about a homophobe in a same-sex relationship.
My poor ignorant self,😔 I forgive you for ever thinking any of those were acceptable homage to the masterpiece that is MDZS. Alas those fics in my read history will be part of a dark past that I might visit some day again only to treat it as the radioactive ☢️ toxic waste it truly should be handled as.
Don't get me wrong. It doesn't make any of those God awful plot devices better but at least those fics were still very entertaining and I appreciate all the work and effort the author had put in to writing them despite their uh...😦 misconstrued outlook on the actual canon personalities of the characters. Some of those fics were really long and well-written at least. So I find it a shame their great writing skills have gone in this direction.
Maybe 🤔 if I read those as extremely, extremely OOC then I guess they could be slightly acceptable. But till today there are plenty similar fic being written out there, and published everyday. I must sometimes cope by completely erasing JWY or any OOC Jiang from my mind whilst reading these types of mistagged fics. OOC JC tag should really be common so I can filter them out of my searches. I will always be grateful for ao3's sort and filter system.
Another, when exploring the fandom at first was that I was intrigued, amused and even confused 🤔 by all the controversy. On youtube, there were content creators fawning over JWY. So hey, I thought he seemed like a decently popular character.
Then someone pointed some things out to me and I was like " OMG 😱 What sort of deranged sick scum is this person and why the f*** out of all the villains that got their karma he still lives with a position of power".
Then I realized again after reading more mdzs meta, "Almost everyone in the Cultivation World except WangXian, the juniors(of every sect), WN, WQ, LQY and maybe NHS at some point are all corrupt assholes that deserve some sort of karma still lives with positions of power" 😱😱😱
So yeah. One of my problems when identifying good not OOC fanfics was because tags like the good sibling jc, yunmengbros reconciliation, etc.😖 was normalized by a lot of writers that other writers started referencing OOC fanfics as the true personality of those characters. That's why a newbie like me entering the fandom just binge read anything that was popular at the time and thought that it actually somehow corresponds to the original work. I am sometimes tempted to unsubscribe from certain MXTX content creators because they are JC stans. But I am conflicted cause they make really good WangXian content as well 😰.
For example:
Like when writers completely disregarding WWX's most important character traits to fit him into an OOC template @withthewindinherfootsteps discusses this very soundly and points out WWX's core philosophy. Writers have gone to create completely new characters and stamped them with the same name. They have lots of reblogs and discussion with this particular post
Maybe it's because I haven't read the entirety of the original work yet (I've only watched the donghua, the cql, followed the manhua, and skipping to favorite scene in thenovel translations) but further evidence pointed out by readers of the original work had thoroughly converted me. I do not commend any of the Jiang Family's treatment of WWX.
Feel free to skip to the rabbits if you prefer not to read some of these heavy criticisms about the Jiang Family and some cursing. Oh and maybe a bit of conspiracy theory meta.
Let's begin with this literal raging b*tch, YZY.
YZY was a child abuser, a hypocrite, and liar.
"What do you mean what do we do?! Can't you see yet? They came here prepared. Today's fight couldn't have been avoided. Soon afterward there'll be herds of those Wen-dog arriving. Leave first!"
"Shut your mouth! It's all because of you little...!"
-Exiled Rebel Scans Chapter Poisons (3)
These lines had been itching at me from the very beginning so... This was the Lotus Pier Massacre. A lot of others (particularly those who stan her) might think it was a sad heroic sacrificing moment as a mother that made a lot of people misconstrue YZY's true nature. She was neither self-sacrificing nor a mother.
She knew. She logically knew that the Wens were prepared and the fight couldn't have been avoided yet she still had the absolute gall to blame WWX of all the people present just because she can and just because she saw him beneath her. After punishing WWX herself as an act of 🤬 subservience to the Wen Clan she couldn't admit it that she herself was the one that escalated the entire situation to the Wen's advantage when WLJ taunted her about the supervisory office. She made everyone including the children to fight in that bloodbath just so her pride as a lady of a great sect remain unquestioned only saving her child and asking the disciple she abused mentally, emotionally and physically to give his life for JWY's sake. And look where it got her. If you ask me now, I'd say she totally deserved that humiliating death and WN should have left her and JFM's body to rot compared to my tragic first impressions.
JFM is as much as an abuser as YZY was. He was an abuser through neglect, and some form of exploitation. A lot of context clues lead to YZY regularly punishing WWX excessively. It's never really mentioned that JFM stopped any of these especially since it is most likely those punishments were handed indiscriminately without just cause other than YZY's hate for WWX.
Shown in the Lotus Pod Extra where it's only WWX who gets punished despite every other disciple doing the same thing. Punished with a whip a that!😨 And that was just an Everyday probably casual occurence in the summer.
The exploitation I have less evidence on that but from what I can understand (or don't) is that a disciple of a sect is more or less an employee and that they at least have some sort of regular stipend besides the facilities, housing and education given to them, otherwise why bother to become a cultivator of a sect when your financially challenged. I'm sure there's at least a few disciples who would send money back to their families because a cultivator's job has some monetary benefits that attracted them to Cultivation sects.
(Ps. Someone argue the flaws in my logic or support it with further evidence that you can find, I'd be grateful)
This isn't the case for WWX though. From the novel it was said that WWX explored the markets in Yunmeng and took whatever he pleased because the locals knew to send the bill to Lotus Pier and maybe he got an allowance that only equates to pocket money. It could be seen that he was well taken care of at least financially.
But from my point view its an indirect form of exploitation. This could be seen as WWX not having his own money to spend for himself making him monetarily dependant on the Jiangs generosity (which was barely existent). It made WWX all the more differentiated from the other disciples who were compensated for their rendered services. Especially since he was made the head disciple at such a young age he should have gotten a comparatively larger paycheck(ancient china payrolls) maybe even equal to the senior disciples because he takes on a teaching job.
When WWX was in the Burial Mounds with the Wens I don't think he had his own assets to claim and fall back on when JWY removed him from the sect. He was one of the key figures to victory in the Sunshot Campaign don't tell me he wasn't properly compensated for his contributions? If someone out there thinks that he gave his spoils of war to the Sect, then f*** the Jiang Clan, I call fraud and exploitation.
That's right folks! Lotus Pier was equivalent to a Japanese Black Company! Modern laws, on child labor and treatment addendums aside, at least in regards to WWX that is. Not only was WWX put to work in abhor conditions (abused; verbally and physically) he was also barely compensated, if not at all, for his services. YZY didn't make it any better siting unreasonable excuses of immeasurable debt that WWX took to heart. JWY also follows her mother's footsteps even when she died he also imposed this debt on WWX even when WWX already went above and beyond what stipulates on what a head disciple or even regular disciples owe to their sect. I could really care less how JFM didn't want to upset his wife or some other excuse, he is Sect Leader! He couldn't have not known what was going on. This has got to be some form of exploitation. 😡
I should write a separate post for all the things messed up about JWY. But to sum it up he expected WWX to abandon his moral code to pander to his sect leader position and Sect's reputation and leave to the Cultivation World's bloodlusts what was essentially a village full of civilians, children or weakened cultivators. He blamed WWX for JYL's death when he clearly witnessed what actually happened, it wasn't WWX who landed the killing blow(WWX even killed that stupid attacker the moment that happened, JWY saw that as well). He went on torturing to death anyone who slightly resembled WWX or was suspected of practicing unorthodox cultivation (keywords on slightly resembled and suspected never proven or justified) for years! Also hellbent on torturing and killing WWX in his second life by using his fears and guilt and that d*mn whip he inherited from his b**** of a mother. And he is an overall bitter and unpleasant character to be in the presence of. I could keep going on and on because there's a whole lot more and there is not enough words to describe how much of a terrible person he was by the end of the book.
Lastly, there is JYL. 🤨She wasn't very significant as the person WWX made her out to be. She wasn't a bad person but she also didn't make any strides to be better or do good. She always tried to make compromises but it was usually for the sake of others especially JWY and at the cost of WWX because she viewed him as being capable of carrying any burdens with a smile and not as a person that struggles or gets hurt by superficial or personal remarks. A peacemaker, timid like her father, avoiding conflicts instead of actually solving them. She claimed WWX a brother during the Phoenix Mountain Hunt and demanded an apology in the name of her sect but that all crumbled like a sandcastle on the beach and forgotten as dust in the wind when JZX confessed publicly and she secluded herself in her happy little married domestic life.😤 Either she was just an oblivious fool just like her husband and would have caused WWX's death by asking him to stand down when he was clearly being attacked or she really believed everything would go well if everyone calmed down or something. Or she was just incredibly gullible to the point of trusting her marital sect that repeatedly put down WWX. She is like LXC in this regard, and I have a lot of negatives and barely-there positives about him as well.
What frustrates me in fanfics with her in it is that she acts like both her marital sect or natal sect could never be in the wrong and that it should be WWX who should adjust is behavior when they were literally trying to kill him.
Is it appropriate to rant about other fics that pissed me off on tumblr? I won't cause it feels rude on some level.
Also I hate the line she said about WWX being born with a smiling face. That's like putting unrealistic expectations on WWX's head. Just because he can bare a lot of things with a smile doesn't mean he cannot get hurt? Newsflash putting up a smiling front is just one way WWX protected himself emotionally from all the rumors and vitriol from YZY. I know I'm being overly harsh but I can't help but feel infuriated. WWX is a strong person for putting up with the Jiang's bull****, horse****, dog**** whatever **** I can think of under the sun and still manages to be an inherently good person but that doesn't really justify everything that was done to him.
@righteousinadversity sums it up pretty well WWX's sufferings in life and a good chunk of that list is because of the Jiangs or could be traced back to the Jiangs.
If these realizations weren't enough to get me to go anti Jiang Family, I'd be wondering where my common sense went. I became extra wary of those fics tags with something like Good parent YZY & JFM🤬, Good sibling JC 🤮, Yunmengbros feels🙄, and a surprisingly eye watering amount of word vomit. 🤢
This doesn't mean I condemn all the fics out there that don't adhere to canon personalities even the ones I've already read. If the ficwriter was reasonable enough in writing a life altering event or tagging that the characters are going to act OOC. Then sure I might read a modern AU where JC is a reasonably less asshole of an adopted brother. Or an AU where the JWY and JYL try to makeup for their parents wrongs etc. I could probably stomach it with minimum nausea. Still doesn't mean I have to like it, I am just a poor deprived soul that seeks to consume as much mdzs media in my free time.😔
Although Post-canon fics where WWX or LWJ get along with JWY, 😑 yeah I'm drawing the lines where lines need to be drawn. I might make the time to delete a lot of bookmarks from my archives.
The only thing that saved my love for MDZS was WangXian and that speaks for itself because there's a lots of scummy characters (scummy as irl people, they were perfectly fine characters that drove the plot) and WangXian happens to overturn all those flaws because they are the exact opposite to such toxic relationships and toxic people. Plus just because I bash the Jiang Family so much doesn't mean I should stan WWX for the novelty of getting behind the hero or protecting a victim.
It's because WWX is genuinely a good person that I will stan him with all my squishy beating heart🫀!
He sees injustice and seeks to correct it. He had literal life costing wrongs done to him and he does not seek further resentment . He knows not to forgive and not to forget but also knows when to let go. And LWJ learned a lot from WWX and he became his moral compass. God 🤩 they are just so good together, good for each other, and good for everyone.🥲
May they forever ♾️❤️ be a happy couple.🥰
The rest of the trashy cultivators of the Cultivation World can get eaten by the Xuanwu for all I care. 🙄#turtlefood
I might get started about how I came to dislike the Lans in general or wished fiery deaths for most of Cultivation World. But that's for another time.
Is it hypocritic of me to continue reading these awful OOC Jiang fics? Maybe a little. 😐
Does it take me away from potentially great reads?
On my sane days I'd avoid them like WWX avoids dogs. If I'm feeling curious or just really hoping to find something fresh to read, I'd suck it up and pretend the poorly characterized Jiangs are florid mouthpieces used by the author that I can probably forget and ignore.😖
I think I have the same problem with Postcanon fics where WWX gets along with his in-laws. I read them ignorant of how the original work actually ended. Now I despair at how awful my reading history looks and I became very critical of the type of fanfics I presently enjoy.
Taking a page out of @FlautistandPeonies
Jiang family stans don't shit my post. I have literally tagged this anti-everything I can think of the first few lines were literally in big font titled "How I became anti JC"
Fellow mdzs meta readers come at me with gentle criticisms or discussions or comments (emphasis on gentle please 🥺, I'm a sensitive soul that easily loses confidence)
I got the courage to post this after reading a fic with YZY being her petty bitchy self. It was gloriously infuriating that I console myself with the WangXian ending. I might recommend that fic after it's gotten more chapters out (I don't want anyone getting conniptions from the cliffhanger) along with other anti Jiang Family fics.
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